I appreciate the phrasing here, because even as people with different epistemic models on the situation I can agree with you that staking everything on that is a gamble I'll be happy to avoid making, if possible.Hazou dislikes staking everything on Pain supporting Uplift, but we can't let Akatsuki revive full-power Pain either. Thoughts?
It's really a shame that "the Pure Lands" is the politically correct term now, because "Naraka" is so much easier on the wordcount.
I would rather we just ask Asuma to get us a meeting with a high-level technique hacker of his choice, because (a) I'm not sure what our orders are in terms of Minato notes secrecy, and Reo may not be authorized to know about their contents, (b) Reo hasn't actually been learning this for very long and we're going to get more useful information talking to one of Leaf's leading experts, and (c) we have the Hokage's ear, why the hell shouldn't we make use of it to get a meeting with the best of the best?Reo was learning TH. Ask Reo about any unknown jargon in MS9 and MS10 notes, see if he has anything to say. Maintain opsec.
May as well just ask Asuma directly if those are TH terms or not then tbhI would rather we just ask Asuma to get us a meeting with a high-level technique hacker of his choice, because (a) I'm not sure what our orders are in terms of Minato notes secrecy, and Reo may not be authorized to know about their contents, (b) Reo hasn't actually been learning this for very long and we're going to get more useful information talking to one of Leaf's leading experts, and (c) we have the Hokage's ear, why the hell shouldn't we make use of it to get a meeting with the best of the best?
I don't think I really understand what the Tenketsu research is, could you elaborate?We haven't told Noburi to do that tenketsu research yet, have we? If not, @Shrooms please add a line about asking Noburi to do that and getting an estimated time to completion from him.
I'm glad it works for you, I tried to keep it neutral if for nothing else than to not bias the pitch to Kagome. I suspect he's going to think bringing Pain back is crazy talk but you never knowI appreciate the phrasing here, because even as people with different epistemic models on the situation I can agree with you that staking everything on that is a gamble I'll be happy to avoid making, if possible.
I do not believe we have ever seen jounin aura cause Physical Stress, it's all been Mental so I do not believe so. However if they can cause Physical Stress, absolutely.
Hazou's intuition usually relies on being able to reroll a -6, for this update (and until we generate some FP) I think we should switch to SSA w/ no prep explicitly.
- Continue the Minato sealchain. Follow Hazou's Intuition.
- Research 5SB. Follow Hazou's Intuition
I'm back and forth on it myself. I also want Hazou's RB ASAP if for nothing else than to make the other Goketsu harder to assassinate (if indeed they are getting assassinated)Also I would prefer to finish DEs if we're using SSA. But I'm beginning to sound like a broken record in that regard and I won't keep saying it.
Current versionokay edits are taking too long and we are running out of time so i'm posting my own kagome plan
hopefully running this by Mari/Kei assuages people's concerns about OPSEC. I personally am not concerned but I think reasonable precautions are nonetheless fine.
[X] Action Plan: Sealing is a Pathway to Many Abilities Yadda Yadda
Wordcount: 296
- Optimize with Mari/Kei
- Ami's right. It's time to get to work.
- Rift sealing:
- Talk to Kagome.
- We finished MS6, he finished MS7, should we start researching rifts?
- Has his Rift Sealing Ideas timeline changed since learning MS7?
- Minato seal displays resemble Naruto's jinchuuriki seal. Investigate if promising. Cross-reference Hazou's sketches of Naruto's seal.
- Ami/Kei believe Akatsuki is researching the Rift. We'll need to handle them.
- Does Kagome think they can open it without Naruto tenketsu/Minato notes? How long will it take?
- Ami suggests reviving Pain ourselves, or perma-killing/otherwise removing his eyes from the equation.
- Hazou dislikes staking everything on Pain supporting Uplift, but we can't let Akatsuki revive full-power Pain either. Thoughts?
- Concern: Akatsuki ambushes us upon exiting/steals the Rift.
- Possibilities:
- Kill Sasori, their only route to using the Rift.
- Akatsuki'd likely come after Kagome/Hazou.
- Create second Rift back and exit somewhere else.
- Move Rift somewhere they'd have trouble accessing/finding it. Leaf? 7th Path? Random cave?
- Enter Rift, collect data to target Naraka, close Rift permanently, open our own.
- Create impenetrable 5SB airtight foil box around Rift, fortified with defenses like Jiraiya's Fire Absorber seals, and stall them out. Call in aid via 7th Path once we exit.
- Do we need additional diagnostic seals to verify:
- How to ward against Path drain?
- Whether summoning/reverse summoning is possible/safe?
- If it's possible to move the rift to a different location?
- If it's possible to open a new portal to the Pure Lands and close the current one?
- Offscreen
- Sealing:
- Continue Minato sealchain. SSA, no prep.
- Research Directional Explosives. SSA, no prep.
- Ask Asuma about any unknown jargon in MS9 and MS10 notes, see if he has anything to say.
- Ask Noburi to look into Tenketsu opening.
Now that you mention it, I do think we (unfortunately?) need to have another meeting about Necromancy pretty much ASAP.
I anticipate Hazō and Kagome may want to have an extended conversation with a technique hacker, and this may not be worth Asuma's time when he can delegate it. Nor do we know whether or not there exists a more skilled hacker whom he would be willing to trust with this. So I say, leave it up to him.May as well just ask Asuma directly if those are TH terms or not then tbh
IIRC Kagome said that in order to open the rift, we'll need someone to dilate Naruto's tenketsu, which Tsunade could probably figure out, but if Noburi can do it instead and we don't need her help, it's simpler.I don't think I really understand what the Tenketsu research is, could you elaborate?
ok i just changed it to asking asuma for the moment to save word count, if he wants to pass us on that's fineI anticipate Hazō and Kagome may want to have an extended conversation with a technique hacker, and this may not be worth Asuma's time when he can delegate it. Nor do we know whether or not there exists a more skilled hacker whom he would be willing to trust with this. So I say, leave it up to him.
hmm okay i just added a line about it although i dont really get itIIRC Kagome said that in order to open the rift, we'll need someone to dilate Naruto's tenketsu, which Tsunade could probably figure out, but if Noburi can do it instead and we don't need her help, it's simpler.
counter point #StealTheBijuu2024Implicitly, we're going to have to involve Naruto in the actual opening proces
Think we've still got a ways to go before we finish the Bijuu seal....
QMs are shaking and overwrought. Their one true weakness, meetings.Now that you mention it, I do think we (unfortunately?) need to have another meeting about Necromancy pretty much ASAP.
QMs are shaking and overwrought. Their one true weakness, meetings.
EDIT: At least it's not meetings about meetings. Yet.
QMs this is a warning.
Image broken, please repost?
Yes, because threatening the QMs always gets good results. In the immortal words of Jiraiya: say that again. I dare you.
Yes, because threatening the QMs always gets good results. In the immortal words of Jiraiya: say that again. I dare you.
No it's going to be a meeting about murder! Much more exciting
From discussion in discord, this phrasing would burden Kagome with the knowledge that Ami has specific treasonous plans (and that Hazou isn't acting on them, even if he's not sold on the idea himself). I would suggest a rephrasing along those lines:
- Ami suggests reviving Pain ourselves, or perma-killing/otherwise removing his eyes from the equation.
- Hazou dislikes staking everything on Pain supporting Uplift, but we can't let Akatsuki revive full-power Pain either. Thoughts?
I would suggest not explicitly mentioning Kei or Ami at all in the section with Kagome, personally.From discussion in discord, this phrasing would burden Kagome with the knowledge that Ami has specific treasonous plans (and that Hazou isn't acting on them, even if he's not sold on the idea himself). I would suggest a rephrasing along those lines:
- If we let Akatsuki continue, they will resurrect Pein. Could we perma-kill him, or remove his eyes from the equation?
- Purely hypothetically, if we revived Pein ourselves, we could maybe convince him to support Uplift. Thoughts?
In addition to the lines I suggested altering, this is the only other mention of Kei and Ami in the plan:I would suggest not explicitly mentioning Kei or Ami at all in the section with Kagome, personally.
It could be easily rephrased as something like this:Ami/Kei believe Akatsuki is researching the Rift. We'll need to handle them.
- Continue Minato sealchain. SSA, no prep.
- Research Directional Explosives. SSA, no prep.
- Ask Asuma about any unknown jargon in MS9 and MS10 notes, see if he has anything to say.
- Ask Noburi to look into Tenketsu opening.