[x] Training Plan: Noburi
Medical Knowledge 19 -> 20

Noburi can't be "the next Tsunade" without higher skills... Let's go!

I'd rather not spend any of Noburi's Xp right now. We are two weeks or so out till he will have finished the Akimichi training exercises and we will want to dump as much as we can towards FOOM if it works out

[X] Training Hazou: FOOM Step
[X] Training Noburi: none
Darn right, they are. Thinking there's such a thing as not needing more trade. :p

You're god damn right. What we should actually do is talk about summoning scrolls.
  • Capybara (border with Toads)
  • Leopard (border with us, living summoner)
  • Otter (Leaf is searching)
  • Rat (Who knows, sell information)
  • Bear (Asshole summoner from Honey)
  • Feline (Ask Nekkar, burn more cats)
  • Crow (Asshole summoner that needs to move his ass to Arachnid land)
  • Shark (Sharky, Ren's newest best friend)
  • Kraken (Either in Cloud or somewhere)
  • Squirrel (We have a location)
  • Bouncies (Literally south of Arachnid)
  • Boar (On an island close to us)
  • Hornet (Border us, nice guys, die for BelovedMum)
  • Hare (Border us, Kicked Hazou's ass)
  • Hyena (Border us, Nobody likes them)

That's 15 Scrolls we can do something in the next two weeks about. Can you imagine what we could do with Rat, Squirrel and Bouncy tools? Forget the Human Path, time for glorious interdimensional Trading Empire!

This helps the trading network (Human and 7th Path) and helps us find allies against the Dragons.

A vote for Scroll Hunt is a vote for trade and peace!

(And maybe Sharkbro can sell us one or two)
You're god damn right. What we should actually do is talk about summoning scrolls.
  • Capybara (border with Toads)
  • Leopard (border with us, living summoner)
  • Otter (Leaf is searching)
  • Rat (Who knows, sell information)
  • Bear (Asshole summoner from Honey)
  • Feline (Ask Nekkar, burn more cats)
  • Crow (Asshole summoner that needs to move his ass to Arachnid land)
  • Shark (Sharky, Ren's newest best friend)
  • Kraken (Either in Cloud or somewhere)
  • Squirrel (We have a location)
  • Bouncies (Literally south of Arachnid)
  • Boar (On an island close to us)
  • Hornet (Border us, nice guys, die for BelovedMum)
  • Hare (Border us, Kicked Hazou's ass)
  • Hyena (Border us, Nobody likes them)

That's 15 Scrolls we can do something in the next two weeks about. Can you imagine what we could do with Rat, Squirrel and Bouncy tools? Forget the Human Path, time for glorious interdimensional Trading Empire!

This helps the trading network (Human and 7th Path) and helps us find allies against the Dragons.

A vote for Scroll Hunt is a vote for trade and peace!

(And maybe Sharkbro can sell us one or two)
I definitely think we should try and set up some trade deals with the Kurosawa (get iron nerve socials out of it) plus get their help on great seal. Then head up to neck and find the squirrel scroll
[X] Training Hazou: FOOM Step
[x] Training Plan: Noburi

Is that all Noburi can afford?
EDIT: hmm it is true that Noburi will be finishing ACE soon. I don't mind the move up an AB though
e likes to stick its grubby little fingers in everything made of math,
Especially when you get exponents, because a^b is defined as exp(b*ln(a)) so you get your e
I tried to prove the "we get to 1-1/e" thing but then I remembered I'm not a maths genius and I haven't touched these things since high school 7 years ago (oh god high school was seven years ago and I don't have a job instead I'm flunking maths online)
I'm actually very confused about this:

The Hokage gets each individual mission report, debrief the ninja involved, decides which Jonin are available for missions that need them, etc. If not him, then someone needs to know which ninja are available for missions.

I understand the summaries can be wrong, and that's what eventually tipped off Shikamaru, but it seems a bit unimaginable that Asuma (and others) didn't see a report that said "12 total Jonin and special Jonin deaths" and then when figuring out who to assign a mission to either knew offhand (from the specific mission briefings) that those ninja were dead or kept naming names (more than 12!) only to find that, individually, each was dead.

Something like:

Asuma: This mission needs a special Jonin, who is available?
Clerk: Anko is available.
Asuma: Nah, I don't think she's a good fit for this mission, who else?
Clerk: No one else is available.
Asuma: Really? What about [name]?
Clerk: Dead.
Asuma: [Other names]?
Clerk: All dead.
Asuma: Wait, that's more than 12! What's going on?

This would have especially been the case earlier when it was more like 6 reported dead rather than 12 and Asuma would know who was currently on specific missions.

In a large nation I can understand the numbers being hidden, with easily fungible soldiers I can understand that, but Jonin (and special Jonin) are a very small core of known and named people and massive military assets whose deaths are immediately commented on and known.

There were 40 of them, total, now there's 10, but based on the reports people were thinking there were actually 28 still around. That's an 18 person discrepancy of some of your celebrity figures and major military assets. I don't understand how that would be missed or not identified much earlier as an error in the report.

Also, in terms of negotiations at AMITY, we should expect Rock to know when they've killed Jonin, they'd have a better picture of the war and our military ability than we did (though they wouldn't know how successful the collapse was) ....which then makes me wonder if Shikamaru also checked that the *positive* mission outcomes were also reported correctly. I'll assume he did because he's thorough, but having inflated good news of mission successes is easier to do and harder to suss out.

yeah im not surprised genin/chuunin numbers are off but presumably Asuma knows every Jonin personally and should know where they are. I guess the dead ones were on long-running deployments, so between 'X is active at Rock, hunting their teams' and 'X has not been heard from in a week' there's not much immediate difference, but then the clans would not know either
2 scenes. hopefully this is sufficient to encourage Mari to prevent Ami from learning Shadow Clone, by persuading Asuma or whatever. suggestions welcome.

EDIT: to further clarify let me repost what I said to FS:

"I don't want Ami to get shadow clone for as long as possible. But if Hazou actively plots against Ami himself she will figure it out immediately. Thus we need to plant the idea in Mari's head without Hazou's direct instruction to maintain innocence and not tip Ami off, since ideally Hazou wouldn't know either. I'm hoping the plan indicates to Mari that he is a risk vector for plots, though she already knows that probably, and that she will realize Ami FOOMing is not good."

can also be word count optimized

[X] Action Plan: We Need to Talk About Ami
Word Count: 281
  • Ask Mari to help Hazou pick an AMITY outfit. (Subtext: OPSEC discussion)
    • Somehow, Ami repatriated herself.
    • (Joking) There's finally a Leaf ninja whose social skills can potentially contend with Mari.
    • Hazou wants to like Ami, but she threatened Mari recently.
      • Hazou's not immune to Ami's charms. He wants to be a genuine friend, but feigning loneliness is a common S&I trick. Even knowing that, Hazou wants to try.
        • What does Mari need to catch any plots against them? Ami's social skills far outclass Hazou's for now.
        • If Asuma allows Ami to learn Shadow Clone, maybe her skills will always outclass Hazou's, since Ami's somewhat aware of FOOM. For now, she thinks the secret is a legacy technique of Jiraiya's. (Hold her hand or something if mentioning Jiraiya makes Mari sad.)
          • Regardless, even if she figured it out she'd never catch up to Mari. Mari's always been Goketsu's ace, and not just for her jounin skills.
    • Try to get genuine fashion advice in the meantime!
  • Arrange dinner with Ami, Kei, and people Ami likes
    • Celebrate her repatriation and successes with AMITY. How can Hazou help?
    • Should he attend? It's an opportunity to spread word about the DRAGONWAR.
      • Some of Akatsuki hate him, but Sasori's help with the Great Seal could be crucial.
      • Does Ami know the status/location of the other members?
    • Hazou wants to retry recruiting the Kurosawa for the Great Seal, maybe open relations with trade. Any advice?
  • Misc
    • Make arrangements to adopt the 4 new estate chuunin and celebrate as was done for Atomu and co.
    • Have Mari use silk wealth to barter for more slots.
    • Pay wergild and apologize to Hagoromo. Follow all protocol in good faith.
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If Asuma allows her to learn Shadow Clone too, maybe they always will, since she is vaguely aware of you-know-what. For now, she thinks the secret is something Jiraiya left as a legacy. (Hold her hand or something if mentioning Jiraiya makes Mari sad.)
Is there a reason to call FOOM "you-know-what" in private to Mari? Otherwise I would be straightforward with her.
Premise: It will soon become clear that the SC users of the Goketsu are rapidly becoming stronger than those without. Furthermore, Ami may leverage her position in Leaf in order to acquire the Shadow Clone technique. As a social spec jonin, it is probable that she has higher than average Resolve, which would allow her to begin using FOOM almost immediately. Shikamaru also suspects what we are doing, and I find it likely that is Ami got FOOM information out of Akane, it is possible Ino has as well.

What I'm trying to say is that FOOM is not as secret as we intended it to be, and any of these parties can use this information to negotiate with Asuma for greater access to the jutsu.

I say we beat them to the punch.

[X] Action Plan: "Blackmail" The Hokage
Word Count: 189
  • Sanity check + optimization with Mari.
  • Meet with Asuma in a secure, anti-byakuugan location.
  • Use Clear Communication no Jutsu
    • The news that Leaf has lost so many brave ninja is horrible.
    • We hope AMITY will prevent the need for another World War.
    • We should use this period of potential peace to rapidly replenish our senior forces.
    • To that end, the Goketsu have a combination of jutsu, bloodlines, and seals that allow a ninja to rapidly accelerate their growth.
    • This process requires Shadow Clones.
    • Yes, reverse engineering the process is possible, but it will likely result in heavily diminished returns and injury.
    • We want to work with Asuma to replenish Leaf's jonin, ANBU, and S-rank forces.
    • We are not willing to share this process outside of the Goketsu at this time.
    • We are willing to work alongside Asuma to decide which ninja to extend offers of clan membership to, since we will need his permission to teach them shadow clone.
    • We are willing to adopt 24 ninja at this time, should they be willing.
    • We are trying to balance the need to maintain clan secrets with our desire to help Leaf.
Is there a reason to call FOOM "you-know-what" in private to Mari? Otherwise I would be straightforward with her.
Is it actually called FOOM in-universe? I'm not actually sure it has a name at all so it may make Hazou look weird if he calls it that :V

Still, I don't mind either way, if you feel strongly about changing it
2 scenes. hopefully this is sufficient to encourage Mari to prevent Ami from learning Shadow Clone, by persuading Asuma or whatever. suggestions welcome

can also be word count optimized

[X] Action Plan: We Need to Talk About Ami
Word Count: 299
  • Ask Mari to help Hazou pick an AMITY outfit. (Subtext: OPSEC discussion)
    • Somehow, Ami repatriated herself.
    • (Joking) There's finally a Leaf ninja whose social skills can potentially contend with Mari.
    • Hazou wants to like Ami, but he hasn't forgotten that she threatened Mari recently.
      • He is not immune to Ami's charms. He wants to be a genuine friend, but feigning loneliness is also a common S&I trick.
      • Even knowing that, Hazou wants to continue trying to be a real friend for her.
        • He's depending on Mari to catch any plots against them, since Ami's social skills far outclass his for now.
        • If Asuma allows her to learn Shadow Clone too, maybe they always will, since she is vaguely aware of you-know-what. For now, she thinks the secret is something Jiraiya left as a legacy. (Hold her hand or something if mentioning Jiraiya makes Mari sad.)
          • Regardless, even if she did she'd never catch up to Mari. Mari's always been Goketsu's ace, and not just for her jounin skills.
    • Try to get some genuine fashion advice in the meantime!
  • Arrange a dinner with Ami, Kei, and other people Ami likes
    • Celebrate her successes with AMITY, discuss how Hazou can help it succeed.
    • Should he actually attend? It's a good chance to spread word about the DRAGONWAR, but he's no Diplomat.
      • Also, some of Akatsuki love him, some hate him. Might sow unnecessary discord by being there.
        • Still, it would be nice having Sasori's help with the Great Seal...
      • For that matter, out of curiosity has Ami heard anything about Hidan recently?
  • Misc
    • Make arrangements to adopt the 4 new estate chuunin and celebrate as was done for Atomu and co.
    • Have Mari use new silk wealth to barter for more slots to adopt the others soon, too.

Is it possible to arrange a dinner with Aunt Ren? She did help bring about Ninja NATO after all.
Is it actually called FOOM in-universe? I'm not actually sure it has a name at all so it may make Hazou look weird if he calls it that :V

Still, I don't mind either way, if you feel strongly about changing it
I don't know what it's called IU. I'd like it changed to prevent QM confusion. You could try "Goketsu SC Training" or "Resolve Boosting SC Training" if either of those sound good
Hazou wants to like Ami, but he hasn't forgotten that she threatened Mari recently.
  • He is not immune to Ami's charms. He wants to be a genuine friend, but feigning loneliness is also a common S&I trick.
  • Even knowing that, Hazou wants to continue trying to be a real friend for her.

Don't be an total fucking idiot, that's all.

You want to be a "genuine" friend to somone who attacked your girlfriend, is stupid about "your" sister and attacked a friend that tried to protected her while she is in general self absorbed?

Walk away and ignore her. Or please have Hazou break up with Akane and Ino, they don't deserve this treatment.

I know this is hitting a wall at this point, but that's all. Just let Ami go, it's not relevant anymore.
Don't be an total fucking idiot, that's all.

You want to be a "genuine" friend to somone who attacked your girlfriend, is stupid about "your" sister and attacked a friend that tried to protected her while she is in general self absorbed?

Walk away and ignore her. Or please have Hazou break up with Akane and Ino, they don't deserve this treatment.

I know this is hitting a wall at this point, but that's all. Just let Ami go, it's not relevant anymore.
If you can't make your point kindly you may as well say nothing to me tbh
If you can't make your point kindly you may as well say nothing to me tbh

1) No, because you're not a child. And posted dumb shit like this:

*PUTS ON NINJAS ARE TOOLS HAT*: It's actually an excellent idea if he doesn't want the mission to get fucked up by a defective meatsack, because we are informing him ahead of time of likely failure and offering to substitute with an inferior but fully functional cog

Considering that the "Border Patrol mission" became something more complex, I don't care about your point.

2) Your plan doesn't accomplish anything but trying to be overly polite to Ami.

Try harder.
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Hazou wants to like Ami, but he hasn't forgotten that she threatened Mari recently.
  • He is not immune to Ami's charms. He wants to be a genuine friend, but feigning loneliness is also a common S&I trick.
  • Even knowing that, Hazou wants to continue trying to be a real friend for her.
Definitely feel like this isn't the ideal framing of how to discuss this with Mari. It could definitely lead to her deciding that Hazō is to soft to have an accurate understanding of what's going on and that she might need to take in independent action to deal with Ami if she perceives her to be a threat. (Note that if we want this ignore me). Ideally if we phrase things more as being aware of the potential threat and that we want Mari to work with us to contain it we won't be waking up to a pair of corpses one day
1) No, because you're not a child. And Posted dumb shit like this:

Considering that the "Border Patrol mission" became something more complex, I don't care about your point.

2) Your plan doesn't accomplish anything but trying to be overly polite to Ami.

Try harder.

Even if you have a point, no one will listen to you if you're rude and impolite about it. You may claim that @Shrooms is an adult, and thus doesn't deserve to be spoken to with kindness, but I would point out that everyone in this community deserves to be treated with kindness, respect, and courtesy.