- Location
- Yes.
tl;dr we trick the enemy into thinking we've left while erasing all signs of our presence inside the cottage. There is no further thinking since I don't know what to do next.
[X] The Noburi Maneuver
Word Count: ???
Word Count: ???
- Keiko wakes everyone up and brief them on what's going on. She will be summoning Snowflake and Panashe.
- Marimakes several Water Clones (and a SC to join Snowflake, if appropriate). She uses her Jonin-level Alertness to help determine the enemy's location/quantity and if the cottage itself is trapped.
- Time permitting, Mari looks at the note to see if the "attack" is a trick.
- Noburi tops off Keiko, and Mari/Yuno if time permits. As possible, he senses enemies with VD.
- Yuno detonates some Misterators in the cottage.
- Panashe does Alertness-based stuff with Mari. When a rough estimate is made, she makes a hidden tunnel (outside but in a predetermined area) leading somewhere nearby.
- Water Clonesleave the cottage and:
- Throw up explosives to alert everyone in the village that Something Fucky is happening here. Our use of explosives in our last visit should tell them that we're the ones doing it.
- Throw around Misterators to obscure LOS.
- Run out of the estate towards our allies' yelling that we're under attack.
- Sneak out of the village just carefully enough to be barely detected.
- Snowflake leaves the cottage as well, but to a nearby location to stealthily view the cottage. Snowflake pops if enemies approach the cottage.
- Everyone in the cottage gets in a (Misterated) Air Dome, ideally not in contact with the ground.
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