Cannai needs to balance the CP cost with the reliability of his communications link. Yes, Cantily is a bit older (and therefore more expensive) than the other dogs. We are handwaving the exact variability and cost of the dogs' summoning to get our 160 CP / day number and the current numbers seemed reasonable.
Can we ask Cannai to redistribute the puppies now that we know their summoning cost (or pay FP to have done this when we made contracts with them) so that the cheapest puppies are in Cannai's most important locations? Would this either discount the chakra cost we pay or allow us to fit relatively more puppies per day (PPD)? Or this is something you don't want to think about?
I still wonder what happened to our Fish guy.

@eaglejarl , Did you fogot he exists or is he unwilling to give us any chakra in exchange for money?
Can we ask Cannai to redistribute the puppies now that we know their summoning cost (or pay FP to have done this when we made contracts with them) so that the cheapest puppies are in Cannai's most important locations? Would this either discount the chakra cost we pay or allow us to fit relatively more puppies per day (PPD)? Or this is something you don't want to think about?
Assume Cannai is smart and has already done this.
[X] DO NOT arrange 4 hours off in the evening after the dogs are safely in a skytower. You, Ino, and Akane can have dinner and discuss your future relationship.
[x] DO NOT ask Asuma for permission to ask River about the Kangaroo scroll
[x] DO NOT send a team to the iron mine to start clearing the land
[X] DO NOT arrange 4 hours off in the evening after the dogs are safely in a skytower. You, Ino, and Akane can have dinner and discuss your future relationship.
[x] DO NOT ask Asuma for permission to ask River about the Kangaroo scroll
[x] Steady as she goes. Listen to Canabisu, trust in your subordinates, wait for further developments.
[x] Bring Akane flowers from the 7th path
[x] Collect Weird/Cool/Pretty flowers from the 7th Path for Ino
[x] Bring Ino flowers from the 7th path
[X] Discuss tactics and abilities with your companions
[x] Write Akane love letters

We have too many plates spinning already without adding scroll-based issues or time away from our protectees.
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Day 134. Encountered our first Arachnids. It seems we were too late to save the clan--they have been turned into horrific chittering creatures that fling foul things at us before fleeing into the foliage. Peaceful communication may not be possible.

Day 135. Proceeding deeper into Arachnid lands. Natives periodically appear to pelt us with rotting fruit, then disappear before we can retaliate. I am starting to feel like I can sense meaning in their chaotic chatter. Could my exposure to the Out have given me the ability to comprehend the minds of eldritch abominations? I almost wish it hadn't. I think they're... laughing at us.

Day 136. We've found a settlement with a large, colourful building that seems like it might be the Arachnid boss's lair. We debated for a while before deciding to infiltrate. If the creature still retains any fragment of its former self, perhaps it can help us save the clan. If not... we can at least offer it mercy. We sneak in after dark.

Day 137. My eyes. I would claw them out if I could. After my experiences with the Out, I thought I was prepared for anything. I was wrong. The garish, clashing colours that seared our vision. The cruel cacophony, like music being filtered through a completely alien mind. The haze in the air that smothered our alertness and seemed to amplify the call of our primal instincts. And at the heart of the building, in what must have once have been a luxurious sleeping chamber, we witnessed... no, I cannot speak of it. I will take the image to my grave.

Day 138. Spent the whole day apologising to Enma and his harem. They don't know how we ended up here either.
Do I hear more TYS points? :D
[X] DO NOT arrange 4 hours off in the evening after the dogs are safely in a skytower. You, Ino, and Akane can have dinner and discuss your future relationship.
[x] DO NOT ask Asuma for permission to ask River about the Kangaroo scroll
[x] Steady as she goes. Listen to Canabisu, trust in your subordinates, wait for further developments.
Can we ask Cannai to redistribute the puppies now that we know their summoning cost (or pay FP to have done this when we made contracts with them) so that the cheapest puppies are in Cannai's most important locations? Would this either discount the chakra cost we pay or allow us to fit relatively more puppies per day (PPD)? Or this is something you don't want to think about?
Is Cantily sufficiently expensive that Cannai finding a puppy to keep with him (and having us contact that puppy) would allow us to contact more puppies in a day?
Things are already as efficient as they can get.
[X] (Let slip) The Dogs Explore
  • While resting
    • Engage with our pack. Trade stories, encourage bonding, integrate ourselves into the group. Play the flute.
    • Write reports to Cannai.
    • Respond to briefings from Isan, clan.
    • Time permitting, write letters to Akane, clan, Hana, Ino. Not every letter needs to be sent immediately - or ever.
    • Write notes to clan members (civilian and ninja) praising accomplishments - brief, encouraging. Split between traditional and nontraditional (academic etc.) values and pursuits. Also support for individuals experiencing difficulty.

Given that there are no decision points (and therefore no room to vote in a plan?) how many of these activities can we be assumed to be doing until the next update?
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[x] Send a team to the iron mine to start clearing the land
[X] DO NOT arrange 4 hours off in the evening after the dogs are safely in a skytower. You, Ino, and Akane can have dinner and discuss your future relationship.
[x] DO NOT ask Asuma for permission to ask River about the Kangaroo scroll
"My apologies, Alpha," said the gray-muzzled beagle who had trotted up several seconds after the puppies swarmed Hazō. She was out of breath and clearly on the edge of exhaustion. "They got ahead of me."

"It's fine, Canephore.
Canephore, like Kanephoros? As in ancient Greek maidens who led processions to a sacrificial ritual? I suppose in this case the puppies are both the sacrifice and the procession though. Dang that's dark.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Will there be opportunities for Hazou to do training during the mission? What about the Isan team?
Unlikely as things stand. If you have time and energy to train, you should be using it to march, scout, check the perimeter, etc. Perhaps if you reach the Arachnids and they do not devour you, you may be able to get some downtime under their protection. Perhaps not. The Isan team, meanwhile, must consider themselves in hostile terrain until the High Priest is dealt with (one way or another) and should not let their guard down.
[x] Bring Akane flowers from the 7th path
[x] Collect Weird/Cool/Pretty flowers from the 7th Path for Ino
[x] Bring Ino flowers from the 7th path
[x] Send out survey missions to find areas that would be optimal for chakra beast clearing (mainly species that do not require extensive effort/resources to fully eradicate, land that would be most valuable once cleared, etc).

I think that making a profit on land clearing will be most effective if we know which areas will yield the most profit. Go for the low hanging fruit first, so we can show results faster and prove to everyone that this is really profitable.
[X] DO NOT arrange 4 hours off in the evening after the dogs are safely in a skytower. You, Ino, and Akane can have dinner and discuss your future relationship.
Given that there are no decision points (and therefore no room to vote in a plan?) how many of these activities can we be assumed to be doing until the next update?
While votes this cycle are non-exclusive, so in theory you could vote for a large number of activities, only the top few will be accepted because both IC time and QM spoons are finite. The next update will focus on Isan.
[X] Steady as she goes. Listen to Canabisu, trust in your subordinates, wait for further developments.
[X] Bring Akane flowers from the 7th path
[X] DO NOT ask Asuma for permission to ask River about the Kangaroo scroll
[X] DO NOT arrange 4 hours off in the evening after the dogs are safely in a skytower. You, Ino, and Akane can have dinner and discuss your future relationship.
[X] DO NOT send a team to the iron mine to start clearing the land

What part of 'secret hideout' says to give a bunch of people specific directions on how to go there? Heck, we aren't even talking civilians, because the mess at that location is the kind that needs ninja firepower to fix. I'd be okay with sending Goketsu ninja there, but the whole point of this location is that the rest of Leaf doesn't know about it.