[x] Action Plan: The Footsteps of Giants are Earthquakes to the Less Powerful

I agree whit @Sentient Tree but we should ask for a code of conduct for any powerful individuals.
You know in case we ever run into extra dimensional beings, resurrected kages or the sage of six paths.
[x] Action Plan: The Footsteps of Giants are Earthquakes to the Less Powerful

I agree whit @Sentient Tree but we should ask for a code of conduct for any powerful individuals.
You know in case we ever run into extra dimensional beings, resurrected kages or the sage of six paths.

Is there any chance that there are broad protocols everyone in Leaf knows about except us because they all learned those when they were 9 or whatever? I guess Jiriya probably would have put us through the 'you live in the Leaf now' crash course already...

[x] Action Plan: The Footsteps of Giants are Earthquakes to the Less Powerful
You are many things, Hazō, but you are not disloyal

YES! Thank you!, finally someone who says it. Even the gouketsu call Hazou a traitor to his face.

"And received your own holy symbol as proof of Jashin's extreme favour."

Is this the triangle inside a circle or is a new one? Also ask yuno what it means.

This wasn't your fault, Hazō," Asuma said firmly. "No one is going to blame you for only mostly stopping an out-of-control monster. Get some rest. That is an order from your Kage

If we were a little more powerful this will be easily accepted as our jonin quirk.
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I desperately want to cut it down but I don't know what to take out. Advice?

I would punt the Taleswap to a future plan, but I'd also like it to happen now.

I would push Uplift to a future plan beyond the next 24 hours to allow the villagers to grieve without outsiders intervening, but I'd also like that to happen now.

I would punt Akane, but emotional support is important and there might be a ticking clock on Mizuki's life.

I would punt the clan meeting, but a list of threats is really important. This could probably be offscreened.

Debriefing Asuma cannot be punted. It can and probably should be offscreened.

For the dogs...

[X] Action Plan: I'd Still Rather Watch Hidan Fight Hidden Rock
If @eaglejarl is willing, I would be prepared to write time-sensitive things that he doesn't get to (as opposed to doing a timeskip), unless we both feel they're best offscreened.

I note that Taleswap is spoon-intensive relative to its impact on other concerns, so there is a case for shunting it off into an interlude if we don't get round to it.
[X] Interlude: Taleswap

Edit: We still need to go way harder to get more summons, now more than ever. They're the fastest way to boost our power level and versatility, barred only by chakra cost
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Card counting is just another kind of list (+40)

I appreciated this line very much for many reasons.

[X] Action Plan: I'd Still Rather Watch Hidan Fight Hidden Rock
[X] Action plan: Farsightedness

Random, you might want to get rid of the farsight vote and make it another post, since it pre-dates the actual action plan, and as such I believe the link would go to your vote, not the plan itself.
Edit: We still need to go way harder to get more summons, now more than ever. They're the fastest way to boost our power level and versatility, barred only by chakra cost

[X] Interlude: Taleswap

Random, you might want to get rid of the farsight vote and make it another post, since it pre-dates the actual action plan, and as such I believe the link would go to your vote, not the plan itself.

Shit, sorry!
[X] Action plan: Farsightedness
[X] Action Plan: The Footsteps of Giants are Earthquakes to the Less Powerful
[X] Action Plan: I'd Still Rather Watch Hidan Fight Hidden Rock

i agree with what Inferno Vulpix said about the whole Hidan fight interlude so i'm gonna hold off voting it for now. lovely chapter though! praise jashin
Word count: 389. This likely needs significant trimming. Also, first plan, feedback welcome.

[X] Action plan: Farsightedness
  • Debrief Asuma. Ask how to handle Hidan in the future.
    • Ask how classified this information is - what can you discuss with your clan?
    • Float idea of Mist yakuza intelligence network. Ask if Asuma has Leaf yakuza contacts - can peace be made between the two?
  • Meeting with Goketsu:
    • A previously-forgotten threat caught up with you.
      • What other past interactions have the potential to do the same?
      • Does anyone else have enemies the clan should be aware of?
    • Brainstorm countermeasures and safety protocols both generic and specific.
      • Use the as an opportunity for teambuilding and affirming your confidence in the clan as a whole.
  • Akane:
    • Exchange emotional support.
      • We had a harrowing experience. Voice concerns, frustrations, self-doubt.
      • Discuss Mizuki. Prioritize her agency. Express your unconditional love and support for whatever plan of action she desires.
      • Offer to get further information - date of execution etc. - and do not pressure her to make a decision now.
  • Uplift
    • Right the atrocity. Do so in a manner which will not cause undue attention depending on Asuma's orders.
      • Provide money, MEW, medical attention.
      • Ask what they need to recover. Were any individuals with particular skills killed? Do they need manpower? Consult them.
      • Ask what they need to thrive. Problematic individuals? Scarce resources? Political issues? Safety and security?
      • Voice respect and gratitude for their calm during a terrifying period and apologize deeply for having failed to save everyone.
    • Conceal this if necessary with other similar outreach missions.
  • Dogs
    • Attend next Taleswap, tell the story of your first meeting with Hidan and subsequent encounter.
      • Practice the Dog's version of "Truth" and embellish to complement the story
      • Give the encounters the emotional weight they deserve
    • After the Taleswap, mingle with the Wide River pack. Ask around, do any of them need anything? Are any of them interested in seeing the Human Path, or working with the Summoner?
      • Talk to Cannai:
        • Is there more work Hazou can do for the Dogs in the Human Path?
        • Are there more troublesome dogs like Candoru that Hazou could help with?
      • Seek out a technique hacker amongst Wide River, explain Atomu's situation and Cannai's comments on it. Will you help?
  • Misc
    • Seal Research: Heating Seal
    • Ami-Style training:
      • Stamina:
        • Wear a harness with a rope, have Candoru try to tug you in random directions while you go to the taleswap.

Hello, and welcome to plan construction! I will... not be your guide, since I've had, maybe, 5 that I've ever made. Best advice I can give is to think of plans in the context of written updates. The dog stuff and busywork would probably be an entire written updates. The uplifting and recompense would also probably be it's own full update. Both are good, but trying to do them together leads to suboptimal effort into both, you know? Better to make two separate plans if you want to put in the effort, or just pick the aspect you like the most/is the most time sensitive.
Word count: 389. This likely needs significant trimming. Also, first plan, feedback welcome.
While there are no hard and fast rules, we try hard in general to keep the wordcount under 300 (it gives bonus XP), and to roughly correlate the outermost bulletpoints with scenes or (what we guess will be/aim to be) integral parts of scenes.

A good rule of thumb is to look at the plan and see if its got more than two or three full-length scenes. If its more than three, its probably too long and could use some trimming.
I have been thinking about how to obscure FOOM. As other have mentioned, I believe hiding the sudden rise in power would be almost impossible to conceal. That being said, I believe we can conceal the path to this rise in power.

There are a couple of secrets that we should obscure:

Sudden rise in power is related to shadow clones
Who knows: Gōketsu, Ami
How to obscure: minimize the visibility of shadow clones. We have already leaked some number of clones (4?). Restrict clones above this number to the Gōketsu compound or to the seventh path.

Sudden rise in power is related to chakra drain
Who knows Gōketsu, Ami
How to obscure: the chakra drain ability is quite visible in the leaf. We should neither increase nor decrease the emphasis on it. From the outside, it currently looks like it's main use is for topping off summoners. As long as we don't draw attention to it by trying to hide this ability, we should be ok. The main point in our favor here is that the Wakahisa clan has this ability and they are not all S ranked.

Gōketsu have and use an almost unlimited chakra:
Who knows: Gōketsu, Asuma (knows about the koi, doesn't know the magnitude), Wakahisa clan, others in the mist?, Ami?
How to obscure: slowly switch from buying chakra to selling a small fraction of the koi pond chakra as the fish mature. The goal is to make it look like our chakra pool is moderate, our chakra consumption has not increased, and that we are selling (giving?) the excess to the leaf.

The trick is to offer a plausible explanation as to how so many of the Gōketsu clan suddenly gained power. Normally, one would call it a bloodline ability (Naruto's approach), but the clan is not related by blood.

What is unique to the clan? They have a disproportionate number of summoners and sealmasters.

Sealmasters - because not everyone in Gōketsu is a sealmaster, we would have to make it look like the rise in power related to a seal rather than sealing ability. However, this would paint a huge target on the two sealmasters.

Summoners - Another explanation could be that the rise in power is due to training from a variety of summons. Some of the ground work for this has already been laid (the Pangolin techniques during the chunin exam). If secret techniques from one Summon helped win the chunin exam, it is plausible that secret techniques and training methods from several are responsible for this rise to power.

Training with shadow clones on the seventh path both hides the shadow clones aspect and ties power jumps to summon training.
I'm actually not quite sure Asuma would be willing to do that.

Like he said, this is a case where Hazou's own actions have come back to haunt him. Furthermore, Hazou already has access to all of the public domain jutsu (which Asuma created with the intent to bring Leaf's remaining ninja a boost). Not to mention the fact that Asuma's already taught Hazou the Shadow Clone Jutsu (thereby opening the door to FOOM), the fact that Hazou's a summoner, and a proficient sealmaster on top of it all. Hazou already has the tools to be dangerous, he just needs to put in the time and effort to bring those skills up to par.

Realistically, the only thing I could see Asuma doing to helping Hazou hash out a training schedule (but the Hivemind is pretty awesome at that already) or being more lenient with Harumitsu's schedule to make room for more training.
How about just asking for orders? The most important thing is that we have a set of guidelines about what we can and can't do next time we see him. After all, we weren't sure whether it would be a great idea or a terrible idea to tell Hidan to kill Grandmaster F. Some guidelines on that kind of thing would be helpful.

[X] Action plan: Farsightedness

This looks like a good plan, although it might be wise to cut down on the number of scenes.
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So I just read the chapter where it is 100% confirmed that Kogame is not crazy... Wow that would be horrifying to live in a world where it could randomly 'shift' at any time... I mean do you think that was part of his motivation to not interact with people because he was afraid they would be 'shifted' away.

Also Ami is scary.

I have a question for the QMs I am sure this got answered at some point but I want to know if the major akatsuki encounter between all those crazy high level ninja was rolled for? Because if you did that must have taken forever. I am assuming you didn't because that would have required a ton of work writing up all the character sheets for all the ninja without knowing if they would be used more than that one time.
I have a question for the QMs I am sure this got answered at some point but I want to know if the major akatsuki encounter between all those crazy high level ninja was rolled for? Because if you did that must have taken forever. I am assuming you didn't because that would have required a ton of work writing up all the character sheets for all the ninja without knowing if they would be used more than that one time.
They actually did roll for it! I think it strained the limits of their system (though I may be thinking of another event), but they still pulled through. The QMs are seriously dedicated to simulationism, and it shines through brightest with how they handle battles like these.

As a consequence of this, any deaths you see from battles like these were not planned ahead of time for narrative impact or anything. The dice fell where they wished, some died and others lived, and the world continues on.