So how much fallout will there be for Hazou after Hidan goes around being Hidan and telling whoever survives him, that Jashin's chosen whom is also a clan head in Leaf sent him? Time will tell.
As much fallout as would be expected by an S-rank mass murderer (by ninja standards) claiming he serves the will of a Leaf Chunin whose international debut involved an idealistic speech on using ninja powers to help civilians.
[x] Action Plan: The Footsteps of Giants are Earthquakes to the Less Powerful
Current Wordcount: 273
  • Immediate aftermath
    • Hug Akane.
    • Goketsu Emergency Meeting
      • Explain what happened, might end up going to war (maintain ordered opsec)
      • Increase training, seal invention, and anything else we can think of.
      • List all potential clan enemies/problems
      • Discuss possible countermeasures/safety protocols (general and specific)
    • Information Gathering
      • How connected are we to Jiraiya's spy network?
      • Can we keep tabs on Rock through them?
      • Could the Leaf/Mist Yakuza be useful?
  • Restitution
    • Offer: organize burials for victims, full honors
      • Respect survivors' wishes regarding the funerals
      • Offer resources for their decision (even just digging the graves).
    • Set up free Till'n'Fills for three years. Discounted Till'n'Fills for an additional two, thereafter.
    • If they don't feel safe returning to their previous hamlet, buy up land (near our estate, for safety, if they'd like?), make it farmable and safe, fertilize it, then give it to them as a new home.
      • Tone: Our mistakes, our sins, our duty to right this wrong.
    • Put a MEW wall around their new/old home immediately.
      • Ensure they have enough people for harvest. Pay for additional help (if necessary).
      • Conceal actions with similar deeds.
        • MEW walls, discounted Till'n'Fills, provide funding, general troubleshooting
  • World keeps Turning
    • Tell Akane about Mizuki.
      • Prioritize her agency. Express your unconditional love and support for whatever plan of action she desires.
      • Offer to get further information - date of execution etc. - and do not pressure her to make a decision now.
    • Ami-Style Training: Social
      • Manipulate three people into befriending each other without it being traced back to you.
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SARUTOBI AIDE: Lord Hokage, sir?
ASUMA: ...mmmmyehh?
SARUTOBI AIDE: There's someone here to see you, sir.
ASUMA: ...mnntehhvemmgowaay...
SARUTOBI AIDE: I'm afraid they insist that it's urgent, sir.
ASUMA: ...sssvillagebrrnngdown?
SARUTOBI AIDE: No sir. But they do appear to be quite covered in blood.
ASUMA: ...whossit?
SARUTOBI AIDE: Lord Gouketsu, si--
ASUMA: What the fuck has the little shit done now?
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As much fallout as would be expected by an S-rank mass murderer (by ninja standards) claiming he serves the will of a Leaf Chunin whose international debut involved an idealistic speech on using ninja powers to help civilians.
This is actually a very valid point. What are the odds that Rock chalks this one up to insane S-ranker doing false flagging that makes sense in his own insane head?

...they'll still follow up, won't they.
This is actually a very valid point. What are the odds that Rock chalks this one up to insane S-ranker doing false flagging that makes sense in his own insane head?

...they'll still follow up, won't they.
Oh yeah, they'll totally follow-up after the insane S-ranker just slaughtered the mass majority of their Kage-hopefuls.

Edit: FUCK We should have specified that he should have filled his 'quota' with the warhawk faction's blood.
I have an alternate suggestion:

[X] Action Plan: By Our Powers Combined

  • Spend whatever number of days on Hazoupilot making the most recent terrible atrocity right as best as you can.
  • Take care of misc. responsibilities in Leaf such as any of the projects you are overseeing or the teaching stuff or anything that needs done on that front.
  • Afterwards, go gather Haru, the other recently adopted Gouketsu (those that can make the trip anyway) plus a couple genin living on the estate. You're going on a little jaunt. Spend a few days or so going town to town and village to village in Fire fixing as much of their problems as you can, killing as many chakra beasts as you can, and finding out if there's any problematic criminals or otherwise shitty individuals causing problems. Use your authority as a Leaf ninja to adjudicate what matters need adjudicating, and to order fixed what needs fixing.
  • When you get back, go have a drink. In fact, have several.
Oh yeah, they'll totally follow-up after the insane S-ranker just slaughtered the mass majority of their Kage-hopefuls.

Edit: FUCK We should have specified that he should have filled his 'quota' with the warhawk faction's blood.
Well the quality of their follow-up may not be much to write home about, but it'll be on their list, I imagine.
[X] Action Plan: By Our Powers Combined

Would you be willing to add a thing about Ami Training (I think @Shrooms has a suggestion-post somewhere) and thing about advancing whatever seal project we're currently on?

Edit: I firmly believe that Leaf's about to enter a war with Rock (idk if anyone else will join in) and we need the weapons/xp for FOOM.
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[X] Action Plan: I'd Still Rather Watch Hidan Fight Hidden Rock
Word Count: 287
  • Uplift
    • Bring along all of Team Uplift to help right the atrocity that occurred. Money, manpower, funerals, medical attention, whatever they need and then some.
      • Draw support from your family
      • Hidan will come back, potentially after destabilizing the tenuous peace the EN has. What can we do? We're training as fast as we can and it's still not enough.
      • Afterward:
        • Gather Haru, the recently adopted Gouketsu that can make the trip, plus genin living on the estate. Spend a few days going town to town in Fire fixing as much of their problems as possible, killing as many chakra beasts as you can, and finding out if there's any problematic/shitty individuals causing problems. Use your authority as Leaf ninja to adjudicate what matters need adjudicating, and to order fixed what needs fixing.
  • Dogs
    • Attend next Taleswap, tell the story of your first meeting with Hidan, followed by your most recent encounter with him
      • Practice the Dog's version of "Truth" and embellish to complement the story
      • Give the encounters the emotional weight they deserve
    • After the Taleswap, mingle with the Wide River pack. Ask around, do any of them need anything? Are any of them interested in seeing the Human Path, or working with the Summoner?
      • Talk to Cannai, is there more work Hazou can do for the Dogs in the Human Path?
      • Talk to Cannai, are there more troublesome dogs like Candoru that Hazou could help with?
      • Seek out a technique hacker amongst Wide River, explain Atomu's situation and Cannai's comments on it. Will you help?
  • Misc
    • Seal Research: Heating Seal
    • Ami-Style training:
      • Stamina:
        • Wear a harness with a rope, have Candoru try to tug you in random directions while you go to the taleswap.
My rough opinion on the Hidan v. Rock interlude is that we should learn IC about the general outcome of it before it becomes valid as an interlude option, because to show it off now would give us major information that we don't have access to IC.

(For instance, we currently worry about whether Hidan will blab about us as he does it. Suppose that he does, and we see that in the interlude. We now OOC have clear information suggesting that we should bunker down and prepare for the backlash, and even if we pinky promise to not act based on that information it'll still be a specter over our decisions from then on)
[x] Action Plan: The Footsteps of Giants are Earthquakes to the Less Powerful

RandomOTP, would you be interested in adding a section to this effect:
  • Asuma: after full debrief
    • You said before that contact with people like this is something a ninja should only do with support from the Hokage/village
    • If Hidan survives, he'll probably be back
    • Please give us the orders and support necessary to act in Leaf's best interests if this comes true
[x] Action Plan: The Footsteps of Giants are Earthquakes to the Less Powerful
Word count: 389. This likely needs significant trimming. Also, first plan, feedback welcome.

[X] Action plan: Farsightedness
  • Debrief Asuma. Ask how to handle Hidan in the future.
    • Ask how classified this information is - what can you discuss with your clan?
    • Float idea of Mist yakuza intelligence network. Ask if Asuma has Leaf yakuza contacts - can peace be made between the two?
  • Meeting with Goketsu:
    • A previously-forgotten threat caught up with you.
      • What other past interactions have the potential to do the same?
      • Does anyone else have enemies the clan should be aware of?
    • Brainstorm countermeasures and safety protocols both generic and specific.
      • Use the as an opportunity for teambuilding and affirming your confidence in the clan as a whole.
  • Akane:
    • Exchange emotional support.
      • We had a harrowing experience. Voice concerns, frustrations, self-doubt.
      • Discuss Mizuki. Prioritize her agency. Express your unconditional love and support for whatever plan of action she desires.
      • Offer to get further information - date of execution etc. - and do not pressure her to make a decision now.
  • Uplift
    • Right the atrocity. Do so in a manner which will not cause undue attention depending on Asuma's orders.
      • Provide money, MEW, medical attention.
      • Ask what they need to recover. Were any individuals with particular skills killed? Do they need manpower? Consult them.
      • Ask what they need to thrive. Problematic individuals? Scarce resources? Political issues? Safety and security?
      • Voice respect and gratitude for their calm during a terrifying period and apologize deeply for having failed to save everyone.
    • Conceal this if necessary with other similar outreach missions.
  • Dogs
    • Attend next Taleswap, tell the story of your first meeting with Hidan and subsequent encounter.
      • Practice the Dog's version of "Truth" and embellish to complement the story
      • Give the encounters the emotional weight they deserve
    • After the Taleswap, mingle with the Wide River pack. Ask around, do any of them need anything? Are any of them interested in seeing the Human Path, or working with the Summoner?
      • Talk to Cannai:
        • Is there more work Hazou can do for the Dogs in the Human Path?
        • Are there more troublesome dogs like Candoru that Hazou could help with?
      • Seek out a technique hacker amongst Wide River, explain Atomu's situation and Cannai's comments on it. Will you help?
  • Misc
    • Seal Research: Heating Seal
    • Ami-Style training:
      • Stamina:
        • Wear a harness with a rope, have Candoru try to tug you in random directions while you go to the taleswap.
RandomOTP, would you be interested in adding a section to this effect:
I'm actually not quite sure Asuma would be willing to do that.

Like he said, this is a case where Hazou's own actions have come back to haunt him. Furthermore, Hazou already has access to all of the public domain jutsu (which Asuma created with the intent to bring Leaf's remaining ninja a boost). Not to mention the fact that Asuma's already taught Hazou the Shadow Clone Jutsu (thereby opening the door to FOOM), the fact that Hazou's a summoner, and a proficient sealmaster on top of it all. Hazou already has the tools to be dangerous, he just needs to put in the time and effort to bring those skills up to par.

Realistically, the only thing I could see Asuma doing to helping Hazou hash out a training schedule (but the Hivemind is pretty awesome at that already) or being more lenient with Harumitsu's schedule to make room for more training.
[X] Action plan: Farsightedness

I'll vote for you because I also want the dog stuff, but just for future reference the QMs prefer not including too many scenes in a plan (if I'm mistaken feel free to correct me)

2 is the standard, generally
Well, that was a thing. And given Hidan's involvement, a thing that went about as well as could be expected. The choice to send Hidan against Rock also earned points with the Hokage, which is also nice.
[X] Action plan: Farsightedness

I'll vote for you because I also want the dog stuff, but just for future reference the QMs prefer not including too many scenes in a plan (if I'm mistaken feel free to correct me)

2 is the standard, generally

I desperately want to cut it down but I don't know what to take out. Advice?

I would punt the Taleswap to a future plan, but I'd also like it to happen now.

I would push Uplift to a future plan beyond the next 24 hours to allow the villagers to grieve without outsiders intervening, but I'd also like that to happen now.

I would punt Akane, but emotional support is important and there might be a ticking clock on Mizuki's life.

I would punt the clan meeting, but a list of threats is really important. This could probably be offscreened.

Debriefing Asuma cannot be punted. It can and probably should be offscreened.

For the dogs...

[X] Action Plan: I'd Still Rather Watch Hidan Fight Hidden Rock
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Edited plan below

[x] Action Plan: The Footsteps of Giants are Earthquakes to the Less Powerful
Current Wordcount: 297
  • Immediate aftermath
    • Hug Akane.
    • Goketsu Emergency Meeting
      • Explain what happened, might end up going to war (maintain ordered opsec)
      • Increase training, seal invention, and anything else we can think of.
      • Anyone else have enemies who might become a problem?
      • Discuss possible countermeasures/safety protocols (general and specific)
    • Information Gathering
      • How connected are we ("officially") to Jiraiya's old spy network?
      • Can we keep tabs on Rock through them?
      • Could the Leaf/Mist Yakuza be of any help in this regard?
  • Restitution
    • Offer: organize burials for victims, with full honors
      • Respect survivors' wishes for the funerals of victims.
      • Offer resources for their decision (even just digging the graves).
    • Set up free Till'n'Fills for no less than three years. Discounted Till'n'Fills for an additional two thereafter.
    • If they don't feel safe returning to their previous hamlet, buy up land, make it farmable and safe, fertilize it, then give it to them as a new home.
      • Tone: Our mistakes, our sins, our duty to make right this wrong.
    • Put a MEW wall around their new/old home immediately.
      • Ensure they have enough people for harvest. Pay for additional help (if necessary).
      • Conceal actions with similar deeds.
    • Extend offer to join Goketsu
      • Impress that there are no strings attached.
  • World keeps Turning
    • Tell Akane about Mizuki.
      • Prioritize her agency. Express your unconditional love and support for whatever plan of action she desires.
      • Offer to get further information - date of execution etc. - and do not pressure her to make a decision now.
    • Ami-Style Training: Stamina
      • Wear a rope harnass, have Candoru try to tug you in random directions while you go about your day
    • Sealwork: Heating Seal
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