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Has Kagome successfully been teaching sealing to estate genin? I can't remember.

Or do you mean some other clanless sealmaster? Because those being up for grabs without courting them first seems unlikely, even if Noburi has added any to his expanded list.
He's been training several Clanless up as sealmasters, and begrudgingly admits they're making progress enough that they can now be trusted to make basic explosive tags (which, when you consider Kagome's standards, says a lot).

And any Sealmaster Kagome recommends will be inclined towards Uplift, and the background check and sanity-check with the rest of the Goketsu family should cover the rest (especially since Mari is our defacto spymistress and damned good at her job).

If, for whatever reason, the Sealmaster in question doesn't want to join up, then we have another adoption slip to adopt someone else.
How about the bell-genjutsu-person-from-Sand from canon? Was she unique or Does Mari just not know about her?


So if we adopt Atomu and company we are essentially promoting the household guard above Gaku right after telling him that he can command them?

The Household Guard are civilians who took it upon themselves to organize. They spend most of their time standing in front of the door to your manor and running errands. The ninja are separate.
Heh. Heh heh heh. How about this? Once a year an estate ninja with at least a year's good conduct gets adopted, but the people who make the choice are the clan civilians. You want in? You'd better really walk the Gouketsu walk.

Wasn't the technique hacker a jounin? If we can manage to convince her we wouldn't need to use an adoption slot.


In context it means "one of the ninja".

There's a list flying around of the books who live on the estate. I'm sure @faflec has it. As to the rest, TBD.


Well, they work hard and are present a lot in the story (working hard doing things we want them to do) and seem to generally believe in and want to further the cause, so isn't that enough? Can you point me to some more deserving individuals that have been mentioned in the text?

Drawing lots or something similar is just implementing a system that gives these people hope or placates them, it doesn't send a message.

These people are insecure about this for a reason, they are disabled superhumans in a world where being disabled superhumans means you more or less aren't superhuman, which in this world is as close as possible to "You have no value, you are nobody, a nothing." as they will ever get.

Spending adoption slots on them is as close to sending a message to everyone else as we're going to get.

I would rather wade through months of IC shenanigans and drudgery to get enough slots to adopt literally all of them than implement some sort of emotionless systemic solution that, all things considered, they will probably not even live long enough to see any benefits from.

I think you're overestimating how much of this is them wanting to actually be formally clan. They already have virtually all the benefits. Their issues is the anxiety of the precariousness of their position and that they can be dropped at a moment's notice. They don't need to be adopted, they need to be reassured of the security of their positions and that they will be treated as family regardless of formal status.

A steady, celebratory trickle which shows manifestation of that intent while making it clear that the only reason they aren't all being adopted is external limitations does that. However, if it's based on the decision of the clan ninja they're back to, "oh crap, they don't think I'm good enough and want to be able to retain the ability to drop me whenever it's convenient", instead of, "well, it wasn't my year, but that's no big deal because they're treating all of us the same and it's not their fault that they can't just adopt everybody."

Just as importantly, the clan is going to need the ability to strategically adopt. The fact is that there are some candidates who are more valuable than others for various reasons and the neophyte clan has to be able to play that game. Burning one slot to make a gesture towards inclusiveness and reassurance might be a good investment, but creating the expectation that estate ninja should always have priority will leave the clan hobbled with the bottom of the barrel instead of getting the benefits of both.
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Usually it actually stands for Hazō doesn't know, which is more useful. Everything the QMs haven't told us yet is stuff the hivemind doesn't know. And yet if it's stuff that Hazō knows and is relevant to the problem at hand (and doesn't cost too many spoons to answer) then the QMs will gladly inform us. But when we ask something IC relevant and the answer would not be known to Hazō then HDK is a go to answer.
Heh. Heh heh heh. How about this? Once a year an estate ninja with at least a year's good conduct gets adopted, but the people who make the choice are the clan civilians. You want in? You'd better really walk the Gouketsu walk.
Bad idea. For multiple reasons.
  • Ninja aren't used to respecting civilians so a ninja that "says and does all the right things" but gets passed over for what could be subjective reasons might take it out on the civilians. Be it just before leaving our estate in anger or through subtle ninja ways we won't notice all the while continuing to smile.
  • Civilians aren't used to have power like this over ninja. If we do it this generation the civvies will shit themselves in fear over making the wrong choice.
  • There are ninja social skills that are so unfair and skew the dice so much they honestly look like mind control from the outside. It's what makes me feel the heebie jeebies when Inoue "seduces" a Merchant Council member.
  • Even disregarding ninja bullshit it doesn't sit well with me for this to be a popularity contest.
  • Clan Gokētsu isn't a democracy and neither has Hazō ever been pro democracy in character, not has the hivemind decided to move towards such a direction. So introducing democratic institutions that have power over ninja and over the clan head's decision making might cause issues in the mid-term. Right now we don't even really ask Team Uplift for their adoption opinions, let alone allow them to overrule us without discussion.
  • Edit: And to add an OOC reason, I don't see why we should override our own vote and replace it with a simulated "election" that will most probably be decided at least in part through QM dice rolls.
I agree with the last three paragraphs of your comment though.
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@faflec hows this
[x] Authority Doesn't Come from a Rank, It Comes From The People Who Give It To You
  • Spend three adoption slots to adopt Atomu, Reo, and Mai from amongst the ninja working on the estate.
    • Apologize for taking so long, the adoption slots thing is a nightmare, and acquiring them is nontrivial.
    • Precautions
      • Doublecheck with Mari to make sure these specific individuals aren't spies or infiltration specs or something?
  • Have a big celebratory feast-party thing in their honor, as well as for all of the other ninja working on the estate.
    • Make it known that you're working on getting adoption slots for everyone else. You understand that the lack of a clan name is a bit of a stressful situation for some of them, but rest assured that you are working on it.
      • You are valued. You are important. Every one of you.
    • Expectation management: it might take a couple of years, but hopefully only a handful in a worst-case scenario.
    • Tangent: We'll have to have more weekly communal dinners like this, though. It's nice seeing everyone.
  • Chat with Keiko and Shikamaru about some politics.
    • New law idea: increase adoption slots afforded to clans, but decrease the corresponding amounts of stipend money paid to the clan from the Tower for any ninja adopted henceforth , in a manner proportional to the amount of new slots.
      • Same money paid by the Tower, more ninja for the clan.
      • More clan ninja=more awesome clan training,techniques, and resources for them=more awesome ninja
      • Angle 1:Rah rah, strengthen Leaf, rah rah.
      • Angle 2: Helps clans rebuild from this past year of horrible events and bloody battles.
    • We can clear with Asuma first and go around and privately get some support from all the clan heads we can. Surely most everyone will be in favor of this? Sasuke, Hinata, the rest of ISC, the newer clans,etc. Its in pretty much all of their interests.
    • We can call it... the "Clan Restoration Act"!
Has Kagome successfully been teaching sealing to estate genin? I can't remember.

No. They are all clanless ninja who don't live on the estate.

I know that this is a lot of info to write up spoon-wise, but can we get some info blurps? Or maybe single sentence descriptions?

Hell, even a number for how many people Noburi added to the list plus a number for how many ninja currently live on our estate would be useful.

@eaglejarl @Velorien if you find time to write up some info on adoption candidates, but not all of the info, may I ask you to prioritize dossiers/one sentence blurbs for Atomu and whichever two other estate ninja A) live with us longest and b) have general seniority by Leaf standards?

39 ninja:

  • 2 Academy students, ages seven and nine
  • 31 genin, ages 12-17 (was previously 12-16 but some have had birthdays)
  • 1 medically-retired chūnin with palsy and the beginnings of dementia
  • 3 semi-crippled chūnin (missing leg; missing arm; horrific burns down her entire right side)
  • 2 mature and competent chūnin: Atomu and Reo. They are both in their early thirties, charismatic and organized enough that you can delegate some leadership tasks to them. Reo is missing his right leg above the knee and is therefore not fully combat capable, although as a ninjutsu-spec he has more ability than he would if he were taijutsu-spec

These people have all been on the estate the same amount of time.

Noburi's top two picks for non-estate ninja:

Noburi looked up at the ceiling of the tent as he riffled through his mental files. "Moving on to the next option: Kayano Aya. Sixteen. Pretty much the exact opposite of Yamamoto; shy, retiring, doesn't have a problem with anyone. Sweet kid, apparently. Her grades at the Academy weren't that good but, based on some of the notations in her file, I'm pretty sure it was because she wasn't putting herself forward enough to get the instruction she needed. She trains hard on her own; if she was bold enough to ask for help she'd do better.

"They tried to set her up as a support spec. She learned one or two genjutsu—I couldn't get details—but she prefers CQC. She fights with a pair of bladed chain whips." He shook his head admiringly. "A pair of the damn things. Not like my Water Whip, which is mostly a physical object but also somewhat influenced by my chakra control. Hers are purely physical and she moves them like crazy. I watched her do a multiple-attacker spar, three on one. The attackers were younger, but it was still three on one. She absolutely destroyed them, and she had safed the blades on her whips. If she'd been using live steel those kids would have been cut to ribbons on the first pass.

"Surprisingly for someone with that personality, she seems to have pretty big chakra reserves. During that sparring session I watched her Substitute at least six times and she was still boosting at the end.

"She's an orphan, so there's no family to act as either a pro or a con. Grew up in an orphanage but hasn't been back since she joined the Academy, so no ties there. No close relationships that I could find, so no one to hold her back from joining. No boyfriends, certainly. Poor, since she's clanless and isn't pushy enough to grab opportunities she could have had. Still, she's resourceful; her clothes are always perfectly turned out and cared for, but not showy. No traces of vanity that I could see, just self-respect. She's highly literate; she reads a lot, in a variety of subjects including poetry, tactics, shogi, children's stories, and three different schools of painting."

Hazō raised an eyebrow. "You seem to know a lot about her. Have you been following her?"

Noburi blushed. "I was my job. I needed to do a thorough evaluation, right?"

Hazō grinned. "And just how...thorough was your evaluation? Did you touch...on all relevant subjects?"

Noburi's blush got deeper. "Cut it out, you perv. Anyway, I think she'd be a good choice. Socially, she'd be easy to integrate. The real problem would be getting her out of her shell. She would contribute meaningfully to our combat power. She has at least one genjutsu, which is something that our generation of Gōketsu lacks."

"Plus, she's pretty." Hazō was guessing, but Noburi's steadily-crimsoning face suggested a hit.

Noburi grumbled. "Fine, yes. She's pretty. Mari could probably work with her to take advantage of that, help her beat the shyness, and give us someone who could work in both the infiltration and front-line role."


"Her name is Noda Kaiyo; she's twenty. Her Academy record basically reads like a piece of pro-Yagura propaganda. She made chūnin in only three years. The parts of her service record that I was able to see are full of words like 'exemplary' and 'above and beyond', and she did a lot of missions. Four years ago, she got apprenticed to Morita Makaira and started learning—tada!—jutsu creation."

Hazō sat up straight. He'd been wanting access to a jutsu creator for years.

"Not just technique hacking, either," Noburi added. "Full-on creation from scratch. She's got at least one original jutsu to her name, although I couldn't get details aside from the fact that it's Water nature."

"Jutsu creation, but she's a drunk?"

Noburi shrugged. "The 'drunk' part is fairly new. About two years ago she had a glitch in something she was working on. It ate Morita and severely injured Noda. Her mom was a druggie, died of a dreampowder overdose when Noda was a second-year. She hates drugs with a passion and refused to let the medics give her any, even during surgery. She started drinking during recovery—probably to manage the pain and the grief—and went into a bit of a tailspin. Physically she's good as new, but she hasn't taken a mission since the accident and she's eating through her savings. I'm pretty sure she's running on loans at this point and she's going to have a real problem soon. If we promised to clear her debts and help her get off the booze, she'd probably join in a heartbeat."

Noburi's third, fourth, and fifth picks in summary, although he says that the ordering is pretty fluid. Further details available if necessary:

Gonokami Michiyaka: 17yro chūnin, Wind element. Combat ninjutsu specialist. Three known jutsu: reflex enhancement, melee defense, mid-range ranged attack. Personally, he is relaxed and easy to work with but doesn't seek leadership positions.

Hamaya Ran: 15yro genin Fire element. Combat specialist. Has a smoke jutsu that obscures sight and a mid-range thrown fireball jutsu. Driven, highly respected by her Academy instructors, take-charge personality who is on the short list for squad leader in a few years.

Egami Osamu: 16yro genin Wind element. Combat/Espionage focused. Has a jutsu that can create simple sounds at moderate range, plus one that creates a gust of wind that can be used to propel yourself, slow an enemy, move objects, etc. Ranged fighter.
I was thinking more along the lines of "they are secretly assholes in some regard, like they go around beating up civilians secretly or some other shit we would find reprehensible". What about:
  • Doublecheck with Mari to make sure these specific individuals aren't doing anything reprehensible behind our backs?
I was thinking more along the lines of "they are secretly assholes in some regard, like they go around beating up civilians secretly or some other shit we would find reprehensible". What about:
  • Doublecheck with Mari to make sure these specific individuals aren't doing anything reprehensible behind our backs?
How about "detrimental or problematic" instead of reprehensible?

Reprehensible is a bit of a strong word, I don't think anyone is likely to be torturing civilians behind our back or something like that
How about "detrimental or problematic" instead of reprehensible?

Reprehensible is a bit of a strong word, I don't think anyone is likely to be torturing civilians behind our back or something like that
Well I don't really mind too much if they're doing drugs or are gamblers (so long as they aren't completely uncontrolled), even though that would probably fall under "detrimental or problematic"...

Maybe instead of reprehensible say "morally problematic"?
Well I don't really mind too much if they're doing drugs or are gamblers (so long as they aren't completely uncontrolled), even though that would probably fall under "detrimental or problematic"...

Maybe instead of reprehensible say "morally problematic"?
[x] Authority Doesn't Come from a Rank, It Comes From The People Who Give It To You
  • Spend three adoption slots to adopt Atomu, Reo, and Mai from amongst the ninja working on the estate.
    • Apologize for taking so long, the adoption slots thing is a nightmare, and acquiring them is nontrivial.
    • Precautions
      • Doublecheck with Mari to make sure these specific individuals aren't doing anything ...morally problematic behind our backs?
  • Have a big celebratory feast-party thing in their honor, as well as for all of the other ninja working on the estate.
    • Make it known that you're working on getting adoption slots for everyone else. You understand that the lack of a clan name is a bit of a stressful situation for some of them, but rest assured that you are working on it.
      • You are valued. You are important. Every one of you.
    • Expectation management: it might take a couple of years, but hopefully only a handful in a worst-case scenario.
    • Tangent: We'll have to have more weekly communal dinners like this, though. It's nice seeing everyone.
  • Chat with Keiko and Shikamaru about some politics.
    • New law idea: increase adoption slots afforded to clans, but decrease the corresponding amounts of stipend money paid to the clan from the Tower for any ninja adopted henceforth , in a manner proportional to the amount of new slots.
      • Same money paid by the Tower, more ninja for the clan.
      • More clan ninja=more awesome clan training,techniques, and resources for them=more awesome ninja
      • Angle 1:Rah rah, strengthen Leaf, rah rah.
      • Angle 2: Helps clans rebuild from this past year of horrible events and bloody battles.
    • We can clear with Asuma first and go around and privately get some support from all the clan heads we can. Surely most everyone will be in favor of this? Sasuke, Hinata, the rest of ISC, the newer clans,etc. Its in pretty much all of their interests.
    • We can call it... the "Clan Restoration Act"!
@Velorien How do the two other crippled ninja compare to Mai? Is Mai's on screen named appearance at all indicative of her being more ambitious, driven, skilled, helpful or otherwise deserving compared to the two unnamed ones? Or was it purely luck of the draw on the sides of the QMs when it came to being featured on screen?

I really don't want to adopt her over the other two just because, I don't know, Hazō had an easier time remembering her name when he made his mental plan of action.
[x] Authority Doesn't Come from a Rank, It Comes From The People Who Give It To You
@Velorien How do the two other crippled ninja compare to Mai? Is Mai's on screen named appearance at all indicative of her being more ambitious, driven, skilled, helpful or otherwise deserving compared to the two unnamed ones? Or was it purely luck of the draw on the sides of the QMs when it came to being featured on screen?
Luck of the draw. There is never enough screen time to showcase everyone's personalities.
Gonokami Michiyaka: 17yro chūnin, Wind element. Combat ninjutsu specialist. Three known jutsu: reflex enhancement, melee defense, mid-range ranged attack. Personally, he is relaxed and easy to work with but doesn't seek leadership positions.

Hamaya Ran: 15yro genin Fire element. Combat specialist. Has a smoke jutsu that obscures sight and a mid-range thrown fireball jutsu. Driven, highly respected by her Academy instructors, take-charge personality who is on the short list for squad leader in a few years.

Egami Osamu: 16yro genin Wind element. Combat/Espionage focused. Has a jutsu that can create simple sounds at moderate range, plus one that creates a gust of wind that can be used to propel yourself, slow an enemy, move objects, etc. Ranged fighter.
Also pinging @eaglejarl @OliWhail Are these ninjas involved with the KEI? Are they living in our compound?
@MMKII This is why I don't want to just adopt Mai. Not when there's pretty much no IC reason to do so before the other two and it comes over as merely the whim of clan head Hazō.
Im fine with replacing Mai with "The next most distinguished member of the estate ninja in terms of services rendered to the Gōketsu.", and adding in some more clarifying language ("These adoptions were selected based on the particularly exemplary service of these individuals. We will be working to get more slots so that no one is left waiting too long." or somesuch) while addressing the rest, if no one has any objections?
Voting is open for the next 14 hours, 51 minutes