I'm in favor of doing our punching and then the following update talking to Asuma about Ami and how he wants the Leaf village as a whole to address the issue that is Mori Ami. I agree that we need to work on our backlog too. Barring any emergencies I'm willing to precommit to voting for addressing all of our side projects within the next five updates. They've been on the back burner long enough.

I am absolutely against talking to Asuma about Ami. Our goal is to grow closer to Ami, not turn her against Mist as if she's just any Mist Jonin. Getting advice and orders from the Hokage and other Leaf nin would make this a political move, and I predict Ami would feel betrayed when she found out.

I argue that we should treat this as a family matter instead, based on what Hazou and Ami both have in common -- Keiko. Ami is already considering accepting us as family, we just need to give her time to come to terms with it.

Besides, it's not like there's any specialists on Ami psychology in Leaf. And what do we expect Asuma to say to us? He'll tell us to continue doing exactly what we've doing anyways, which is bond with her and sympathize with her I'm hopes of turning her against Mist, when Ami has literally no actual loyalty to Mist in the first place. Ami only cares about Keiko, herself, and maybe Hazou in that order.
i do think ami psych is important with potential catastrophic bad ends. i don't know how to get help from others without harming her psych more than it benefits
We need to put a training plan together for Noburi before we go to clear the mine. He currently has 416 xp to spend
[X] Action Plan: The soul of iron is found in the heart of violence
  • Keiko, Hazou Yuno and Noburi go to mine
    • Use Shadow Clones, summons, explosives and vampire dew as appropriate
    • stack buffs
    • punch hard
    • kill everything in our path
      • Until estate is cleared

***kill everything unless we find a chakra golem. Then we run.
[x] Action Plan: Canines and Caves Simplified
  • Off Screen
    • With Asuma's approval and input, arrange heavy escort mission for new Koi expert ASAP
    • Complete Chakdar seal before departing.
  • Candoru will scout everything first.
    • Until he gives up and realizes he needs help.
    • If he isn't challenged, attempt to direct beasts toward him using summons/shadow clones.
  • Throughout the mission and combat, Noburi employs mass chakra drain as necessary, so we can all keep using Summons/Shadow Clones
    • Summon remaining Combat Summons and Shadow Clones when we arrived.
      • Whenever possible, use Shadow Clones and Summons in combat
    • Clear the land before the mine first.
      • Reinforce to ensure no cave-in as we go along.
  • If we enter combat alongside summons
    • Avoid explosive seals due to possibility of cave-in/friendly fire.
  • Once inside, ensure that Purifier and Tunneler's Friend seals are always equipped, and a line of substitution targets all the way out.
  • After combat, move salvagable lumbers into the mines.
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I am absolutely against talking to Asuma about Ami.
He's our boss. He needs to be informed or we risk committing treason by omission again.

Our goal is to grow closer to Ami, not turn her against Mist as if she's just any Mist Jonin.
We have multiple goals. Our main goal is not dying. We do that by not getting thrown into a kill box. Ami is a Mist jonin: that's what matters to the politics here and we can't ignore that just because it might make her feel sad.

Getting advice and orders from the Hokage and other Leaf nin would make this a political move, and I predict Ami would feel betrayed when she found out.
Ami just had a rant about Ren not making a logical play to include a savvy ally in organizing Mist. As a jonin she also knows that circumstances like this aren't personal: this is just how ninja business works.

I argue that we should treat this as a family matter instead, based on what Hazou and Ami both have in common -- Keiko. Ami is already considering accepting us as family, we just need to give her time to come to terms with it.
It's inseparably a family matter and a political one. Unless Asuma says that we should not contact her again (which I highly doubt he would do as I said previously for Doylist reasons) we will most likely see Ami again with Asuma's approval.

Even Ami went through the legal channels to see Keiko in Leaf once Ami knew where Keiko was. Feelings should not sway us to commit treason again otherwise we will prove once and for all that we are untrustworthy and therefore a liability to Leaf. I'd rather not see all of the good we've done and could do go up in flames for the sake of keeping one foreign agent maybe happy. It's just not worth it.

Besides, it's not like there's any specialists on Ami psychology in Leaf.
What? No one specializes in psychology for one particular person. Leaf does have experience with abnormal personalities and the Yamanaka's data on primitive psychology which is probably more than anyone else we could find in a reasonable time frame.

And what do we expect Asuma to say to us?
"I'm glad you brought this to my attention since anything pertaining to Ami automatically makes the situation internationally relevant. Continue, but be careful and if circumstances change let me know. It would be a boon to Leaf if we could sway Ami to our side but she's such a loose cannon in the first place she would probably make you guys look as reliable as the sun rising each day. She was trained by Mari so she knows all of the tricks to make a mark but if there is anything else you might need or if you feel in over your head I'll have some people you can talk to for advice, unwinding, and debriefing in whatever combination works for you. Don't run yourself ragged over this issue by trying to tackle this by yourself and I'll expect those check-ups to verify if she is getting to you. You are not in this alone and hopefully together we can convince Ami she isn't either, not if she does not want to be."

He'll tell us to continue doing exactly what we've doing anyways, which is bond with her and sympathize with her I'm hopes of turning her against Mist, when Ami has literally no actual loyalty to Mist in the first place.
The act of talking to your leader about what you are doing is necessary in any military organization because there is always a chance that the unexpected actions of a subordinate could ruin the larger plans of said leader. This is such a crucial organizational concept that there is a word describing the actions you seem to want to take: insubordinate. Insubordination, not following the chain of command, is very very bad. Unchecked insubordination leads to these types of conversations:

"That's not your decision to make," Asuma said with forced calm. "It's the Hokage's. Or do you think every clan head should have the right to go over the Hokage's head when they think they know better?"

"But Hyūga—"

"The Hokage might not be the wisest or most experienced leader in the village," Asuma said. "Recent times are proof of that. But you know what I have, and Hiashi had, that you don't? A village of experts ready to assemble on command. There would have been a Clan Council meeting. There would have been a discussion, determining the village's official policy on Akatsuki, and our finest diplomats and negotiators would have written Leaf's letter. That is how you're supposed to do this. You don't just write whatever sounds right. First contact is precious, and you've poisoned that well for us."

"It wouldn't have mattered," Hazō said. "I took action exactly because there wouldn't have been any of those things—because Hyūga would have dismissed the idea."

"As would have been his right. The Hokage, and only the Hokage, gets to make choices that could put the village in danger.

"I'm not claiming Hiashi was a good Hokage for that sliver of time he was in charge. I'm not claiming I liked him or his policies. But do you know the word for when you ignore a Hokage's authority because you don't like him or his policies?"

Then we get thrown into kill boxes. Since we have already had this conversation with Asuma he will probably send us to trial before pulling the trigger.

Ami only cares about Keiko, herself, and maybe Hazou in that order.
Great. This is one factor in the political ramifications but it does not justify committing treason to protect her feelings.
[x] Action Plan: Canines and Caves Simplified

[x] Let eaglejarl write what he wants for the iron mine, we trust him.

Edit: Any ideas on how we should spend Noburi's xp, or should we wait until a later update where we have more time to discuss it?
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[x] Action Plan: Canines and Caves Simplified

[x] Let eaglejarl write what he wants for the iron mine, we trust him.

Edit: Any ideas on how we should spend Noburi's xp, or should we wait until a later update where we have more time to discuss it?
Previous Discord discussion from a long time ago mentioned the Akimichi training jutsu, Water Dragon Bullet, Alertness, and Athletics. Personally, I think Noburi is strong enough to not need to spend the XP for the mine, and w have only a few hours left so any discussion now is...probably not gonna get the optimal result. Should just leave it be for now.
[X] Action Plan: The Iron Mine, Simplified

I'm in favor of just informing Asuma offhandedly that it seems likely we're going to be interacting with Ami more in the future due to personal developments, and asking if there's anything we should avoid, watch out for, or inform him of. Not trying to hide our interactions with Ami is good, but it's not necessary to delve into the details, especially since a) they're clan business (technically - a good excuse at least) and b) Asuma has no reason to particularly care about the emotional struggles of a Mist jonin.
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Ok, which plan should I vote for and why?

[X] Action Plan: The soul of iron is found in the heart of violence
[X] Action Plan: The Iron Mine, Simplified

Yeah stack buffs punch hard
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Voting is closed.
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Aug 29, 2020 at 1:21 PM, finished with 96 posts and 16 votes.
Since we are going to be able to buy SC 20 in 4ish days for Hazō we need to start having prime do seal research all day while we send a clone to do social stuff. That way we can get fancy new seals and move forward on all of our plots