A quick note: Did we decide that it's firmly better to just have Mari acquire the land as opposed to giving her a more open-ended mission to, say "utilize information about the grape-producing land?"
Also generally speaking I'd like to start transitioning from the blatant "ask Mari to make sure everything goes well." At some point Mari's going to die or otherwise be unavailable (say, on a scroll-hunt mission) and we're going to need to do something socially and not mess up. Let's move towards more laying out our plan and the reasoning behind it, and some things we considered, and have Mari correct us so it's more of a learning experience while still getting the same safety net advice. This should also be a step towards Hazou-autopilot because we're improving at reasoning out our social choices in-character.
EDIT: intended to reference Ino conversation
[X] Action Plan: Abomination Crafting 101
Also this conversation with Keiko makes me feel a lot more comfortable deciding to tell her about FOOM. She seems to have things with Snowflake in neutral at worst, and this just proves that we truly have mutual interests and we should be able to trust her. (Side note: after briefly thinking about it, learning SC seemed serious enough and only for chunin or jonin to the point that I doubt Ami would be able to gain access to it - and she would have just as much vested interest in not publicizing it as we do, and that's worst case scenario of telling Keiko).
I'd like to leave that for a later plan - there's a lot to unpack now trying to approach both Keiko and Snowflake. How would Snowflake feel about have to primarily train instead of building memories? Does Snowflake want a relationship with us? Does Keiko want us to have a relationship with Snowflake - and would those memories be accessible or not? There's definitely room for a whole scene on that, and once we contemplate her Nara!Uplift plan we could pack both conversations into one scene.