Yeah, I'd rather we come back to this after we collectively have more than a day to contemplate stuff about her Uplift plan tbh.
Let me know what you think.

[X] Action Plan: Abomination Crafting 101
Word Count: 298
  • Ask Keiko for a more-detailed Uplift plan for later analysis and discussion.
  • Chat with Ino.
    • Get Mari's advice; we want things to go well.
    • Genuinely thank her for sending Choki. It meant a lot to us.
      • Really, you're always there if we need help; you're too good for us.
      • Is there anything we can do to help you?
    • The 'concubine law':
      • Earnestly ask for her support.
      • Our opinion: It's really dumb someone like Keiko must hide her relationship and do all of thisjust to have some sort of legal recognition. Love is love, right?
        • We don't expect things to change quickly, but we do hope it's a step in the right direction.
      • That being said, we do want to hear any of Ino's concerns out. Listen nonjudgmentally and discuss solutions.
      • Also, Shikamaru would probably be in her debt for infinity plus a billion eons.
    • Spend some time catching up.
  • Meet with Noburi (medium OPSEC):
    • Have the Otters responded to us?
    • Seventh Path Chakra Farm: How is this going?
      • We'll be needing this for long-term missions like the scroll hunt, and should expend massive resources to set this up.
      • Has chakra rice been tested? What other options are worth investigating?
    • 'Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique': How does this interact with Noburi's bloodline?
      • Research the jutsu notes, see if we can speak with a knowledgeable Akimichi.
      • Double-check with Tsunade for medical advice.
    • Toads:
      • Make several contracts, ideally covering CQC, long-ranged combat, scouting/stealth, diplomat/courier, and support.
      • Ask what interactions the Toads have had with Orochimaru.
  • Misc.:
    • Search Jiraiya's notes for Orochimaru-related intel.
    • Finish Canoe's request, then spend time with the Clan.
      • Pay our respect to Kakashi with any dogs he contracted or otherwise liked.
      • Learn more about Dog culture.
    • Task Mari with acquiring the grape-producing land.
    • Continue seal research.

[X] Action Plan: Abomination Crafting 101
Word Count: 298
  • Ask Keiko for a more-detailed Uplift plan for later analysis and discussion.
  • Chat with Ino.
    • Get Mari's advice; we want things to go well.
    • Genuinely thank her for sending Choki. It meant a lot to us.
      • Really, you're always there if we need help; you're too good for us.
      • Is there anything we can do to help you?
    • The 'concubine law':
      • Earnestly ask for her support.
      • Our opinion: It's really dumb someone like Keiko must hide her relationship and do all of thisjust to have some sort of legal recognition. Love is love, right?
        • We don't expect things to change quickly, but we do hope it's a step in the right direction.
      • That being said, we do want to hear any of Ino's concerns out. Listen nonjudgmentally and discuss solutions.
      • Also, Shikamaru would probably be in her debt for infinity plus a billion eons.
    • Spend some time catching up.
  • Meet with Noburi (medium OPSEC):
    • Have the Otters responded to us?
    • Seventh Path Chakra Farm: How is this going?
      • We'll be needing this for long-term missions like the scroll hunt, and should expend massive resources to set this up.
      • Has chakra rice been tested? What other options are worth investigating?
    • 'Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique': How does this interact with Noburi's bloodline?
      • Research the jutsu notes, see if we can speak with a knowledgeable Akimichi.
      • Double-check with Tsunade for medical advice.
    • Toads:
      • Make several contracts, ideally covering CQC, long-ranged combat, scouting/stealth, diplomat/courier, and support.
      • Ask what interactions the Toads have had with Orochimaru.
  • Misc.:
    • Search Jiraiya's notes for Orochimaru-related intel.
    • Finish Canoe's request, then spend time with the Clan.
      • Pay our respect to Kakashi with any dogs he contracted or otherwise liked.
      • Learn more about Dog culture.
    • Task Mari with acquiring the grape-producing land.
    • Continue seal research.

A quick note: Did we decide that it's firmly better to just have Mari acquire the land as opposed to giving her a more open-ended mission to, say "utilize information about the grape-producing land?"

Also generally speaking I'd like to start transitioning from the blatant "ask Mari to make sure everything goes well." At some point Mari's going to die or otherwise be unavailable (say, on a scroll-hunt mission) and we're going to need to do something socially and not mess up. Let's move towards more laying out our plan and the reasoning behind it, and some things we considered, and have Mari correct us so it's more of a learning experience while still getting the same safety net advice. This should also be a step towards Hazou-autopilot because we're improving at reasoning out our social choices in-character.
EDIT: intended to reference Ino conversation

[X] Action Plan: Abomination Crafting 101

Also this conversation with Keiko makes me feel a lot more comfortable deciding to tell her about FOOM. She seems to have things with Snowflake in neutral at worst, and this just proves that we truly have mutual interests and we should be able to trust her. (Side note: after briefly thinking about it, learning SC seemed serious enough and only for chunin or jonin to the point that I doubt Ami would be able to gain access to it - and she would have just as much vested interest in not publicizing it as we do, and that's worst case scenario of telling Keiko).

I'd like to leave that for a later plan - there's a lot to unpack now trying to approach both Keiko and Snowflake. How would Snowflake feel about have to primarily train instead of building memories? Does Snowflake want a relationship with us? Does Keiko want us to have a relationship with Snowflake - and would those memories be accessible or not? There's definitely room for a whole scene on that, and once we contemplate her Nara!Uplift plan we could pack both conversations into one scene.
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Also generally speaking I'd like to start transitioning from the blatant "ask Mari to make sure everything goes well." At some point Mari's going to die or otherwise be unavailable (say, on a scroll-hunt mission) and we're going to need to do something socially and not mess up. Let's move towards more laying out our plan and the reasoning behind it, and some things we considered, and have Mari correct us so it's more of a learning experience while still getting the same safety net advice. This should also be a step towards Hazou-autopilot because we're improving at reasoning out our social choices in-character.
My recollections are that we want to be doing something like this, but because of the #scenes the plan had making more detail for this plan would burden the QMs, and we don't wanna do that. I believe we were gonna just purchase the plan and then do later negotiations with the Amori in a more detailed plan, or something along those lines. @Oneiros Is this about right?
My recollections are that we want to be doing something like this, but because of the #scenes the plan had making more detail for this plan would burden the QMs, and we don't wanna do that. I believe we were gonna just purchase the plan and then do later negotiations with the Amori in a more detailed plan, or something along those lines. @Oneiros Is this about right?
I was talking less about the Amori and more about the Ino conversation. At some point as a clan head we need to be able to avoid pitfalls on our own in case it's needed. I view sending Mari to the Amori as more of a smart allocation of resources and delegation, especially if they're a minor clan.
the blatant "ask Mari to make sure everything goes well."
TBF, "Check relevant points in master plan with relevant expert advisors" is just something you should always do in all things, if you hold a leadership position that has large amounts of responsibility inherent to it and have the advisors to call upon.

If only people listened to their competent advisors IRL.........
TBF, "Check relevant points in master plan with relevant expert advisors" is just something you should always do in all things, if you hold a leadership position that has large amounts of responsibility inherent to it and have the advisors to call upon.

If only people listened to their competent advisors IRL.........
I don't disagree, but I haven't gotten the impression that we'd be okay without Mari. Keiko even referenced this - she only told us about ISC to stop us from blundering around ruining political relationships. That might be a bit of an exaggeration, and we're always going to be better with her (as you said, use advisors if you have them), but we're not always going to have her readily available.
I want more romcom but I don't want to burden birdduke with it. There's only one way to solve this issue.

[X] Interlude : Punching
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If someone wants to write up the bullets there and get it approved by everyone voting for my plan in a manner that aligns with the goals of a majority share of voters this voting period, then I'd be very happy to edit it in. :D
  • Preventative measures:
    • Hazou had a couple thoughts regarding both preventing similar things to what caused his last meeting, and... well, helping ninja with other issues
      • [Insert ideas on keeping vulnerable members of society safe]
      • Hazou's noticed that... a lot of ninja, himself included, have unaddressed... mental issues. He's not, of course, suggesting mind dives for all ninja or anything like that, but perhaps some sort of peer counselling program?
idk that's the best I got. Anyone got other suggestions?
[X] Action Plan: A Talk with Ino Yamanaka
Ino gains the Aspect "Literally the Best" which means +4 to all Gokestu-related social encounters. This stacks on top of her other social Aspects. (jk)

[X] Action Plan: A Talk with Ino Yamanaka

[X] Action Plan: Abomination Crafting 101

I'm down for interacting with Ino more. She's nine kinds of awesome

[X] Action Plan: Abomination Crafting 101

(In a hotel room, exhausted. Move in day is tomorrow! Any Qs may or may not not receive their As for a few days, depending on how sleepy I get today and how busy I get tomorrow.)
[X] Action Plan: A Talk with Ino Yamanaka
[X] Action Plan: Abomination Crafting 101
Work with Mari to get more YES votes from allied Council Clans (Amori, Hagoromo, Uchiha...).
A part of me wants to add something like to my plan, since the amount of time the current plan is taking may result in us not having enough time to get more Council Clan votes and this is the sort of law I would want to pass. But on the other hand, the plan's bloated enough as it is and I don't know if my concerns are just me being paranoid. Thoughts?
A part of me wants to add something like to my plan, since the amount of time the current plan is taking may result in us not having enough time to get more Council Clan votes and this is the sort of law I would want to pass. But on the other hand, the plan's bloated enough as it is and I don't know if my concerns are just me being paranoid. Thoughts?
Maybe an "ask Mari for advice?" Or "do you have any blackmail we/you can leverage?" Though I'm not sure that blackmailing other clans is the right way to go about trying to spread tolerance xD
A quick note: Did we decide that it's firmly better to just have Mari acquire the land as opposed to giving her a more open-ended mission to, say "utilize information about the grape-producing land?"

Also generally speaking I'd like to start transitioning from the blatant "ask Mari to make sure everything goes well." At some point Mari's going to die or otherwise be unavailable (say, on a scroll-hunt mission) and we're going to need to do something socially and not mess up. Let's move towards more laying out our plan and the reasoning behind it, and some things we considered, and have Mari correct us so it's more of a learning experience while still getting the same safety net advice. This should also be a step towards Hazou-autopilot because we're improving at reasoning out our social choices in-character.
EDIT: intended to reference Ino conversation

[X] Action Plan: Abomination Crafting 101

Also this conversation with Keiko makes me feel a lot more comfortable deciding to tell her about FOOM. She seems to have things with Snowflake in neutral at worst, and this just proves that we truly have mutual interests and we should be able to trust her. (Side note: after briefly thinking about it, learning SC seemed serious enough and only for chunin or jonin to the point that I doubt Ami would be able to gain access to it - and she would have just as much vested interest in not publicizing it as we do, and that's worst case scenario of telling Keiko).

I'd like to leave that for a later plan - there's a lot to unpack now trying to approach both Keiko and Snowflake. How would Snowflake feel about have to primarily train instead of building memories? Does Snowflake want a relationship with us? Does Keiko want us to have a relationship with Snowflake - and would those memories be accessible or not? There's definitely room for a whole scene on that, and once we contemplate her Nara!Uplift plan we could pack both conversations into one scene.

You addressed something that helped me articulate how I think we should handle telling Kei about FOOM.

Before we even get to discussing FOOM with Kei, we should consider that she's just come to terms with Snowflake. Now, we and Hazo see it primarily as a training tool for personal power, but I understand SC for Kei is a booster for her emotional and mental well-being first and foremost.

Unfortunately for us, Snowflake sees herself as an alter with no agency. It seems like she nor Kei have not even brought up the fact that multiple clones might be a future possibility yet.

I'd rather we not tell Kei about FOOM and open a can of worms regarding their identity issues with Snowflake before they're ready to deal with it.

I think it might be better to see if having 2 SC for Kei or Snowflake is comfortable. She's competent enough to at least get that far on her own. If she would want to might be another problem.

Not saying Kei's a delicate flower, but we might want to wait and see a little longer.

[X] Action Plan: Abomination Crafting 101

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail

Just curious if any of you were drawing on DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) alters to model Kei's interaction with Snowflake?
Background: Shikamaru is on shaky ground with his traditionalist clan, the Akimichi are being traditionalist against the Kei influence, Ino likes us and the Yamanaka have proven to be positive to us.

Proposal: Do the citrus trade with the Akamichi to further use the Goketsu as a sort of cement/glue to help the ISC clan cohesion.

(Edits according to clarification)
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I just realized that we have failed at something very basic.

We have never just gone out and asked a random subsistence farmer what they want, and what an interested and wealthy ninja could do to help them. Not since we hid in that one village.
Could you add a point to your plan to the effect of 'look into organising a regional meeting of local village leaders (through leverage of ninja mobility) to ask them what they need'?
[X] Action Plan: Abomination Crafting 101

I'm a little amazing all that content fit into less than 300 words. It's a cool plan. Into, uplift, and water God Noburi are all cool.
[X] Action Plan: A Talk with Ino Yamanaka
Better to do this than an incredibly overstuffed version of the last plan
  • Preventative measures:
    • Hazou had a couple thoughts regarding both preventing similar things to what caused his last meeting, and... well, helping ninja with other issues
      • [Insert ideas on keeping vulnerable members of society safe]
      • Hazou's noticed that... a lot of ninja, himself included, have unaddressed... mental issues. He's not, of course, suggesting mind dives for all ninja or anything like that, but perhaps some sort of peer counselling program?
idk that's the best I got. Anyone got other suggestions?
I'm still looking for feedback on this.

[X] Action Plan: A Talk with Ino Yamanaka