So who else was blown away that Mari allowed herself to be vulnerable? The fact that she's willing to do this is astonishing and makes me so happy for her character! She's come a long way and I'm so glad to be along for the journey ^.^
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[X] Action plan: The wind howls it's defiance

Too tired to re-write my FOOM plan, I'll just do it another time unless a lot of people want it or something.
Check with Chouza to see if he knows how it might interact with Noburi's bloodline
Chouza isn't (AFAIK) knowledgeable about these things, isn't he? Personally I would skip this step and go straight to the med-nin, or rephrase this as asking after the scientific methodology behind the Stunt.

Irrelevant side note here solely so I can copy it if it comes up: We're looking to make sure the thing works for Noburi to later use SC. This means we should confirm:
  • The jutsu will NOT cause damage to Noburi's damaged internal chakra network, maiming and/or killing him.
  • The jutsu will improve his internal reserves (in his body) and not his external reserves (his barrel).
Try to find additional contracts. We want him to have at least a close quarters combatant, a long range fighter, a scout/stealth expert and, a support specialist
Don't forget courier/diplomat Pangolins, for embassies in allied Clans.
Chouza isn't (AFAIK) knowledgeable about these things, isn't he? Personally I would skip this step and go straight to the med-nin, or rephrase this as asking after the scientific methodology behind the Stunt.
He would be the most knowledgeable about the jutsu itself. So I think it's worth consulting with him at a first step to find out if there is an obvious answer instead of having to do medical research
Don't forget courier/diplomat Pangolins, for embassies in allied Clans.
He would be the most knowledgeable about the jutsu itself. So I think it's worth consulting with him at a first step to find out if there is an obvious answer instead of having to do medical research
Right, and I can agree with talking to Chouza with the intent of learning the mechanics of the jutsu, but the way that part is worded implies to me we're also asking him if it would work in the context of a Wakahisa, which...I don't feel quite as comfortable with.

Speaking of obvious answers, though: @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Does the library infomation on the Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique give more details on the process by which the jutsu works biologically?
[X] Action Plan: Bottom-up Building

The ground level of society:
  • Things are happening underneath without the core's knowledge, good and bad. Decide that every few months:
    • Get a feel on what's going on, either by touring different aspects of the society; e.g the clinic, house visit to a family, the cafeteria, etc.
    • Or through civilian proxies. People treat Hazo's family different. A civilian proxy provide different perspective.
  • Start a newspaper; both internal and outside.
innovation reward:
  • Set up an innovation reward system based loosely on Asuma's model.
    • Set up a committee of critical thinker who love to try new stuff to look at applicant's proposals.
    • What we're looking for: Teachable and replicable useful innovations and inventions.
    • Proven inventors can get long research grant for either uncertain R&D efforts or for the sake of knowledge.
Skyslider wind tunnel:
  • Recall Hazo's childhood jump. Smoke were carried away by the wind spirits. Ditto for camp fires. Maybe you could use smokes to visualize wind spirits' movement?
  • Hazo noticed it's windier up there on skytower and skywalking. Hazo wonders if he could catch winds by redirecting from the top to the bottom?
  • Maybe you could build a building where wind spirits carry smokes without annoying the city?
  • Task a team of glassworkers to try to reinvent the telescope.
  • Continue seal research.
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On the topic of summons, it occurs to me that the dogs care an awful lot about firewood. They keep mentioning it. Could we pay them in charcoal? It burns hotter and cleaner than wood, and I'm pretty sure its lighter for the amount of heat it has. Its super easy to set up if you have hands, which the dogs don't.

We might be able to pay them in regular coal if we can get a mine running.

We might be able to use the repulse seal and a a 5sb for precision cutting and mining. Fill a 5sb tank with slightly sandy water, have a small nozzle and a big heavy plate on the end of the tank. have repulse seals push against the plate, pressurizing the water and forcing it out the nozzle at high speeds. Ultra fast precision cuts.

This can be scaled up and used for fracking based mining. Or regular mining, if instead of nozzle we have a yards long, thin slit that can be rotated. We can't sell it on the human path, but the toads could make use of it.

We should also see if Noburi can find a trade expert and get them to spend a few weeks among the dogs, or vice versa. Getting our summon clans to like one another can only be good for us. The ship has sailed for the Pangolins, but it isn't too late for the others.
[X] Action Plan: Bottom-up Building

Let's put that GED Uplift to work! (And show the Leaf that Uplift is worth it!)
We should also see if Noburi can find a trade expert and get them to spend a few weeks among the dogs, or vice versa. Getting our summon clans to like one another can only be good for us. The ship has sailed for the Pangolins, but it isn't too late for the others.

Toads and Dogs are pretty far away (plus a large mountain range), I would expect both clans would want us to do this. It's not even that much work, Noburi can figure out what the Toads have in excess and what they need and Hazou does it for the Dogs.

And Keiko can also do it for the Pangolin, that way the Pangolin have less reason to start a war with the Dogs.
Also just to verify, has anyone verified with the QMs whether or not the grue would eat any method of enhancing Wakahisa core reserves, given that their entire bloodline is predicated on this flaw existing? It would definitely be great if there was a way to do so, but simultaneously, this is one of their clan's biggest weaknesses, which seems like it would imply that any attempts short of S-ranked meta-nin (jutsu hacker, med-nin, or sealing/biosealing) reality-altering-powers should likely be doomed to fail (because otherwise why wouldn't they have already done so?)

I'm not opposed to us trying if there's any chance of success, but it might be worth verifying whether than chance is literally any amount greater than 0%.
Also, while I have time to post, we really need to see how much chakra we can collect with a summon rampage. We might be able to wall every hamlet in Fire inside a month.

[X] Hubris and Greed:
  • Preparations:
    • Discuss with Gouketsu for approval and suggestions.
    • Ask for Keiko's cooperation, be willing to reimburse the Nara and her personally for it.
    • Ask summon clans to what extent they are comfortable working together on this operation
      • Separate teams?
    • Coordinate with the Tower to see where they want us to do this for maximum impact and political considerations.
    • Hire a skilled medic nin or two to acompany us on an A-Rank mission
    • Hire ninja(s) who know how to track, predict, manipulate, and harvest the beasts in the target area
  • The rampage
    • Goals
      • The idea is to capture chakra beasts, drain them to death, and use the chakra for a positive sum loop.
      • This is a trial run.
        • Work out kinks
        • Get an idea of how much chakra we can get, and how much land we can pacify.
        • This run is not expected to be profitable.
    • Methods
      • Noburi sweeps rivers and lakes
      • Non clone, non medic scout in teams
      • Summons and clones engage
        • Where possible, herd chakra beasts into places where Noburi can drain them without engaging.
      • Have large reservoirs of sealed water for flooding nests and burrows
  • The spoils:
    • Anything we kill gets harvested and doled between the participants (including summons)
    • If we start getting more chakra than we can hold, use it to build MEW walls for nearby settlements
      • If we start making so many walls that its suspicious, just cast expensive jutsu.
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[X] Hubris and Greed

Also: migraines suck, probably going to be afk for the rest of the day. If you want to know what kind of plans I'm likely to vote for, check my "goals" post that's linked in my sig.
(because otherwise why wouldn't they have already done so?)
I mean, improving core reserves doesn't seem all that useful without SC. Maybe for emergency preparedness if you lose your barrel. So dunno why they'd try that hard.

huh, at 1CP, feels like noburi would have a higher chance than most of surviving being put in a storage seal.
Hazō raised his head.

"But I do," he said heavily. "There is something I've started to understand over the past few months, clansman, and that is the reason a clan head has absolute power. It isn't a privilege that comes with the bloodline. It isn't a reward for doing the hardest job. It is the minimum requirement to make me able to carry out my duty.

"By adopting you into my clan, I've taken responsibility for you. I've promised that when you fall, it will be my hand that reaches out to help you up. When you make a mistake, I will be the one to deal with the consequences. And when you're attacked, I will be the one to defend you.

Hey, Hazou? Take this speech right here, and replace "clan head" with "hokage", and "clan" with "village". That is why Asuma was so pissed off at you for circumventing Hiashi.

Now, immediately after this whole mess, would be an excellent time to talk with Asuma, and tell him that his position is starting to make more sense to you. He'd understand that extreme events can put things in a new perspective, and might decide that you're approaching a point where he can trust you again.
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I notice plans with sealing research in them. But it doesn't specify what seal to research. Also, Visiting the sealing academy first could help with that. What do y'all think of the academy?
Hey, Hazou? Take this speech right here, and replace "clan head" with "hokage", and "clan" with "village". That is why Asuma was so pissed off at you for circumventing Hiashi.

Now, immediately after this whole mess, would be an excellent time to talk with Asuma, and tell him that his position is starting to make more sense to you. He'd understand that extreme events can put things in a new perspective, and might decide that you're approaching a point where he can trust you again.
[X] Wait A Minute
  • Hazou takes the speech he gave to Karen's family, and replaces "clan head" with "Hokage", and "clan" with "village".
  • ...oh.
  • So that's why Asuma was so pissed at us.
Some thoughts on the additions to the plan:

  • Enhancing internal chakra reserves:
    • Check with Chouza to see if he knows how it might interact with Noburi's bloodline
    • If it needs additional tweaking talk to Tsunade for medical advice.

Do we need to go straight to the top/clan heads on this? Alternatives would include asking the Nara at the jutsu library or a non-clan head Akimachi, and trying to go through the hospital or even Tsunade's protege (Kon Aoi, I think?). Also, while you have a meeting with Noburi in there, perhaps we could ask him if he wants to take the time to do something for a chance at FOOM that might not work, or if he'd rather spend his time doing summon stuff or more conventional things like ninjutsu training.

Oneiros said:
  • Toads
    • Try to find additional contracts. We want him to have at least a close quarters combatant, a long range fighter, a scout/stealth expert, a diplomat/courier and, a support specialist
    • Try to find out information about Orochimaru
      • The toads interacted with him for many years so should have some insights
      • He's to dangerous to not understand

I'd phrase this as asking Noburi what's been happening with the Toads, mentioning Orochimaru and looking at getting the 7P trade network set up as well (and maybe that we're looking at going scroll hunting). I want to communicate that we aren't trying to micromanage him, but more that we're doing our job as clan head and he's very relevant to a lot of that. See above - we should ask him what he wants and only correct him/suggest something if we think he's making a mistake.

Oneiros said:
  • Begin looking through Jiariya's journals for information on Orochimaru

I made a post about this earlier, but we could just check with Kagome about what he's decrypted so far, so we can get a good idea of what we're dealing with. Again, only 30% done means there's likely to be some stuff, but who knows how much is the more philosophical stuff, and sealing and spymaster notes take priority, and this gives us the option to make a full scene about it later.

Also, I was rereading some old chapters and noticed several mentions of trying to solidify ourselves while the political state was still fluid. Do we feel we've accomplished that, or is there more we want to do to build bonds? It's been a couple months, so things are probably starting to approach normal, but there's still time to make more connections. This is probably something to be checked with Mari.
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Ok but can you turn this into an actual plan plox :D
I mean...

@Oneiros People are interested in an introspective on the recent chapter's speech. I've looked at your plan and I think it would be alright if we added that as a major scene, with other things like the Noburi conversation more to-the-side. Would that be alright with you?

Edit: Sunday is an interlude, fuck. Shit.
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[X] Training Hazou: Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique
[X] Training Keiko: Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique
[X] Training Akane: Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique

Someone remind me: Do we pay the cost for the stunt upfront (as in, as soon as we say we buy the technique), xor do we pay the cost after the year has past (i.e., like how we pay for Summoning)? I swear I read a QM statement defining when XP was spent...
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A major reason to give Hazou this insight into Asuma's point-of-view is so that he can show Asuma that he's had it so Asuma might open up to the idea of trusting him again.

That conversation of "I acknowledge that you may have had a point about committing treason, and after having to execute a child molester I am emotionally drained and starting to really empathise with it (even though I still think trying to help protect Leaf isn't bad per se pleasestopglaringatme,I'mtryingokay?)" is likely to be a major scene. It may be hard to insert into a plan that already has multiple scenes.
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Also just to verify, has anyone verified with the QMs whether or not the grue would eat any method of enhancing Wakahisa core reserves, given that their entire bloodline is predicated on this flaw existing?
To the best of my knowledge, no one has asked and we have not answered.

[X] Training Hazou: Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique
[X] Training Keiko: Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique
[X] Training Akane: Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique

Someone remind me: Do we pay the cost for the stunt upfront (as in, as soon as we say we buy the technique), xor do we pay the cost after the year has past (i.e., like how we pay for Summoning)? I swear I read a QM statement defining when XP was spent...
I'm not sure that's ever been decided. After dealing with Summoning I personally would be more inclined to say that you pay up front but don't get the ability until the requisite amount of time has passed in game. That's not an official ruling.