Some thoughts on the additions to the plan:
- Enhancing internal chakra reserves:
- Check with Chouza to see if he knows how it might interact with Noburi's bloodline
- If it needs additional tweaking talk to Tsunade for medical advice.
Do we need to go straight to the top/clan heads on this? Alternatives would include asking the Nara at the jutsu library or a non-clan head Akimachi, and trying to go through the hospital or even Tsunade's protege (Kon Aoi, I think?). Also, while you have a meeting with Noburi in there, perhaps we could ask him if he wants to take the time to do something for a chance at FOOM that might not work, or if he'd rather spend his time doing summon stuff or more conventional things like ninjutsu training.
Oneiros said:
- Toads
- Try to find additional contracts. We want him to have at least a close quarters combatant, a long range fighter, a scout/stealth expert, a diplomat/courier and, a support specialist
- Try to find out information about Orochimaru
- The toads interacted with him for many years so should have some insights
- He's to dangerous to not understand
I'd phrase this as asking Noburi what's been happening with the Toads, mentioning Orochimaru and looking at getting the 7P trade network set up as well (and maybe that we're looking at going scroll hunting). I want to communicate that we aren't trying to micromanage him, but more that we're doing our job as clan head and he's very relevant to a lot of that. See above - we should ask him what he wants and only correct him/suggest something if we think he's making a mistake.
Oneiros said:
- Begin looking through Jiariya's journals for information on Orochimaru
I made a post about this earlier, but we could just check with Kagome about what he's decrypted so far, so we can get a good idea of what we're dealing with. Again, only 30% done means there's likely to be some stuff, but who knows how much is the more philosophical stuff, and sealing and spymaster notes take priority, and this gives us the option to make a full scene about it later.
Also, I was rereading some old chapters and noticed several mentions of trying to solidify ourselves while the political state was still fluid. Do we feel we've accomplished that, or is there more we want to do to build bonds? It's been a couple months, so things are probably starting to approach normal, but there's still time to make more connections. This is probably something to be checked with Mari.