You might be right. But if we're going to be an idea guy, maybe we should try harder on ideas?
One thing I think the thread could benefit from doing more often is brainstorming. Just throw out a lot of shit, even things you don't really think are a good idea but that are at least creative. Long shots, no shots, oblique approaches. Don't put them in a plan immediately; that requires people to take sides and argue against bad ideas. Just... vomit up ideas, you know?
It's kind of the "pan a lot of dirt to find the gold" approach. If everybody throws out ideas, probably someone will stumble on a really clever one.
Putting the challenge to everyone... post just three ideas that no one else has posted and that might somehow improve the situation. Build off someone else's idea if you want, but add new pieces. Don't worry about if it's practical or reasonable... just go wild. See what you come up with. This is the early voting period when there's time to do that.