What else do you think is going to happen?
Canonically the tailed beast dies too, and takes a couple decades or so to resurrect itself.

No particular reason they would need to change that in MFD for logical consistency like other changes, so I'm assuming it holds until told otherwise.

Otherwise fighting a Jinchuriki would near always be dumb.
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[X] Action Plan: Chargin Muh Anti-Kaiju Lazorz With Chouza

Fuck it, let's see how a more minimalist plan works out.
This also has fuzzy Leaf nin interaction, which is always a plus
[X] Action Plan: Chargin Muh Anti-Kaiju Lazorz With Chouza

Fuck it, let's see how a more minimalist plan works out.
This also has fuzzy Leaf nin interaction, which is always a plus
I will also note that it has fuzzy Leaf nin interaction with the only remaining voting adult clan head as well as one of maybe 20-30 jounin left in Leaf.
I like the idea of small plans that don't deter voters like me from trying. Here I go.
Note: I will not be updating it, feel free to steal. Difference from other plans is that it sends those letters we wrote offscreen last update, and I tweaked the Mari bit so she doesn't creep us out singing about having carte blanche. :p

[X] Action Plan: Chargin Muh Anti-Kaiju Lazorz With The Powa Of Friendship

Clear this past Mari.

  • Talk to her about Iwa's appearance.
    • Strange that they would appear after the attack
    • Sent by "the Village Hidden in the Rocks", not the kage.
    • Verify story with lumber merchant.
  • Leaf needs to demonstrate unity/strength
    • Hazou offers immediate support for interim Kage Asuma, pushes other clanheads to do same?
      • If given go-ahead, move to meet on side of Leaf opposite the Iwa nin.
      • Try to get Chouza alone for a moment's talk. He could probably use a hug.
      • Hazō sends the letters he wrote to Hinata and Shino.
    • Mari reports to Asuma for whatever duties he needs her for.
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Canonically the tailed beast dies too, and takes a couple decades or so to resurrect itself.
How does that make any sense with the Kyuubi breaking free from Kushina's pregnancy? Or Gaara being setup to rease Shukaku?

If Jinchurki seals were that fail safe then those kinds of things wouldn't happen. Maybe some seals are designed so that if the Jinchurki is dying they pull and use up as much beast chakra as they can but that isn't something that can be relied upon. At the very least Jinchurki seals are still seals and will malfunction if damaged by an attack in the wrong place.
About Chouza...didn't we literally just have a conversation where we said that we wanted to not be doing political stuff, and/or needed a minder for basic functionality? I know we didn't say that we wouldn't outright, but the relevant chapters gave me the impression that we were gonna avoid anything of any importance, at least without having someone to hold our hand the whole way.
After more than two real-world years my suggestion finally makes it into a winning plan- and the GMs promptly decided to do a character-switch interlude.

People wonder why I don't vote. The closer I get to something the more likely it is to get exploited by a malevolently antagonistic universe in its ceaseless vendetta against me. Ha ha ha *sob*

You might be right. But if we're going to be an idea guy, maybe we should try harder on ideas?

One thing I think the thread could benefit from doing more often is brainstorming. Just throw out a lot of shit, even things you don't really think are a good idea but that are at least creative. Long shots, no shots, oblique approaches. Don't put them in a plan immediately; that requires people to take sides and argue against bad ideas. Just... vomit up ideas, you know?

It's kind of the "pan a lot of dirt to find the gold" approach. If everybody throws out ideas, probably someone will stumble on a really clever one.

Putting the challenge to everyone... post just three ideas that no one else has posted and that might somehow improve the situation. Build off someone else's idea if you want, but add new pieces. Don't worry about if it's practical or reasonable... just go wild. See what you come up with. This is the early voting period when there's time to do that.

...this isn't normal? It's kinda my jam.

Theory X being bloody obvious isn't evidence against theory X in most cases. If this was a Rock operation in its entirety, what reason do they have to make it unobvious it were them? And if there are none, how could "Rock did it" be less likely than "a third party did it, and made it look like Rock did it"? The second one is clearly more complex, and I don't see how it fits the evidence better.

Okay, now that we have time, let's poke at this intuition. Complexity is usually a debit in an explanation, but in this particular case we are dealing with a prodigy social-spec jounin who has been trained from birth in clandestine manipulation by a world-class genius and has terminal access to a supernatural optimization oracle and quite possibly infiltration/espionage-spec summons. Her entire shtick is getting so far inside everybody else's OODA loop that she can pretty much take their turns for them without their even noticing. If something can be made to happen, she can make it happen. Arranging this catastrophe and Rock's prompt arrival afterwards would be trivial for her.

Perhaps that assessment of her capabilities is excessive, but all I can say is that it is the reason that I was the only one to call the "figure out how to smuggle Ami into the wedding" issue correctly.

Despite surface appearances, the current situation and everybody's decisions in it do not benefit Rock, Leaf, or likely even Orochimaru. They do greatly benefit Ami.

I hope we get to see good news, like Rock not being behind the attack.

It makes peace a lot harder to achieve when you're trying to work with someone who stabbed your parents in the back.

[Ominous music intensifies]

Another idea to run by Mari and Asuma:

I'm thinking we should covertly send half a dozen ninja equipped with Skywalkers and 12-SINs to Rock's border, ordered to bomb Rock unless Asuma calls them off in a few days/a week/a month. Getting symmetric leverage over Rock should do wonders for Leaf's chances to survive as a geopolitical entity if negotiations go poorly.

What you do is take five oil-filled misterators and five charged tunneler's friends and wrap them around an explosive tag. If you can't make do with twelve kilotons of FAE you're compensating for something.
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How does that make any sense with the Kyuubi breaking free from Kushina's pregnancy? Or Gaara being setup to rease Shukaku?

If Jinchurki seals were that fail safe then those kinds of things wouldn't happen. Maybe some seals are designed so that if the Jinchurki is dying they pull and use up as much beast chakra as they can but that isn't something that can be relied upon. At the very least Jinchurki seals are still seals and will malfunction if damaged by an attack in the wrong place.

Because the seal ties them to their host's lifeforce. If they can break the seal then, obviously, they are no longer tied to it. I really don't understand the problem you are having. Never once was a tailed beast breaking free because their host was dying.
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About Chouza...didn't we literally just have a conversation where we said that we wanted to not be doing political stuff, and/or needed a minder for basic functionality? I know we didn't say that we wouldn't outright, but the relevant chapters gave me the impression that we were gonna avoid anything of any importance, at least without having someone to hold our hand the whole way.
We need all hands on deck, and also are you going to deny OliWhail the fluffy scene he craves? :(
Can we please not get involved in Kage politics when we have no idea of the current political situation? 9/10 it's going to backfire on us in some way as we fuck up someone's plan or overstep our position.
That's why it's part of the "make Asuma kage" thing. He's gonna be there anyway.
That isn't made clear from the plan, and I would question why Mari would let Hazou attend, given his compromised condition. I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually need to be present if he's declared Mari to have the clan's voting power if he's not present.
Can we please not get involved in Kage politics when we have no idea of the current political situation? 9/10 it's going to backfire on us in some way as we fuck up someone's plan or overstep our position.
Do not exaggerate to get your point across, if you would. We are clearing that section by Mari, as we are clearing all of them, and the section in question includes a question mark, because, you know, I'm not that sure about it either, and it's a question we're posing to Mari.
Do not exaggerate to get your point across, if you would. We are clearing that section by Mari, as we are clearing all of them, and the section in question includes a question mark, because, you know, I'm not that sure about it either, and it's a question we're posing to Mari.
I'm not exaggerating. I worry that this is a very bad time to be bringing up a plan with such clear flaws in front of Mari. We're already half-grounded.
I'm not exaggerating. I worry that this is a very bad time to be bringing up a plan with such clear flaws in front of Mari. We're already half-grounded.
Please do not do motte and bailey nonsense. State your actual objection to the plan. I do not have the energy to burrow through the layers of "but pushing for Asuma-kage is bad", "but talking to Mari about our plan is bad because she might think we're more insane than usual", etc.

e: Also, for @Inferno Vulpix's objections, if I can direct you to this:
A lot of my problem with planmaking is both the initial investment and the upkeep. So instead, I'm going to make a fifty-ish word plan that covers what we want to do and lets the QMs have more freedom in exactly how we go about it. Also, I will not be editting this plan. If you see something you want changed, make the edit yourself (it's a small plan, so it's easy!) and post your own plan.
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On another note, I think we should ask Mari and the team (whoever's present) to come up with a test of some sort for Hazou's mental fitness. If Hazou is capable of doing [things], and isn't doing [things], then that's quite bad in the current circumstances.
After more than two real-world years my suggestion finally makes it into a winning plan- and the GMs promptly decided to do a character-switch interlude.

People wonder why I don't vote. The closer I get to something the more likely it is to get exploited by a malevolently antagonistic universe in its ceaseless vendetta against me. Ha ha ha *sob*
Can I perhaps interest you in:
[X] Continue Previous Plan
[X] Continue Previous Plan

Thinking on it there is little Hazou can do to help with this new info. Competent people are in charge and hopefully someone already suggested a scouting trip to Iwa to see if they got hit.