[X] Action Plan: A call for unity
  • Discuss everything with the clan before enacting
  • The toad scroll
    • Currently the toad scroll is sitting on a shelf helping no one
    • We don't even know if Noburi will be able to use it
    • With Noburi's permission Hazou would like to use it to empower leaf
      • Offer to loan the scroll to the most powerful Leaf Nin who can use a summon contract
        • If they are clanless try to convince them of adoption
        • the terms of the loan would be they would keep until 2 years after Noburi becomes a Jounin or upon their death

A couple of issues:

1. It takes months of training to learn to be a Summoner. There's no "powerful Leaf Nin" who can pick it up and use it right now.

2. A Summon Contract is not a sword you can pass around from person to person. It's an extended relationship with a clan of intelligence beings who are investing in their Summoner and will want to be able to trust them with secrets. There's no such thing as "loaning" a summoning scroll.

As for your other items... none of it is likely to pay off in time to matter for whatever is going to go down with Rock. Jutsu take time to learn. Deals take time to enact.

You basically have Hazou blowing all his family's advantages in a nebulous call for unity.
Telling people who may not end up joining that we have one of the holy grails of ninja combat... that has a lot of potential to go wrong. It's essentially telling people we don't know we can trust a clan secret, if not how to use it, without any guarantee that they'll keep their mouths shut about it if they don't join.

The entire point of the plan is to go all in at trying to secure Leaf as a dominant political entity. If you have suggestions to make that section more OPSEC friendly I'd gladly implement them

Do we even know if a contract can be transferred before the previous owner dies?

I'd be more comfortable if we add some words of making sure not to enable another pangolin genocide.
Yeah Sunmon contracts can be broken by the boss summon or the summoner.

Anti Genocide precautions will be added
If we really want to go for unity above all, consider the following:

- Quickly arrange a political marriage between Hazou and Hinata.
It takes months of training to learn to be a Summoner. There's no "powerful Leaf Nin" who can pick it up and use it right now.
There's probably ninja who have already been training. Considering war was on the horizon and dog scroll had no owner. Sure, Hiashi was using it as a carrot. But he'd make sure there were good candidates since he wasn't an idiot.
I'm going to throw off some wild ideas for the purposes of brainstorming. I'm not saying any of them should make it into a plan, but maybe it'll inspire some discussion.

1. Make Leaf look stronger than we are.
2. Find out who was really behind the attack.
3. Determine Rock's true intentions.

Does anyone disagree that these are priority objectives? Do you have other objectives to offer?

Make Leaf Look Stronger than We Are

1. Fake a military alliance with Mist by having Ami show up and imply that more Mist troops are on the way to reinforce Leaf. Other means...

2. Somehow parade Orochimaru past the Rock contingent and talk about how great it is to have "another of the Sannin back in action". (How to get Orochimaru to play along?)

3. Mass flight of skywalkers overhead.

Find Out What Was Really Behind the Attack

1. Get somebody down into the site of the collapses to investigate if that hasn't already been done.

2. Get Kagome to brainstorm... has he any idea what kind of seals could have done something like this and if there's any way to test for them after the fact?

3. Other ideas???? (no matter how wild, just throw it on the table)

Determine Rock's True Intentions

1. Immediate mission with Skywalkers and Noburi for fuel to go to Rock and perform a high altitude visual inspection. (If buildings have collapsed, it will be obvious!) Carry a Summon along with the team, then have it dismiss itself so that the results of the observation can quickly be communicated back.

2. Investigate surrounding area looking for hidden Rock teams. (Given that they're likely stashed underground I don't know how effective this will be.)

3. Run some kind of bluff/con job on the Rock team to get them to tip their hand. (Anyone have any ideas?)
Can we please not panic run head first into a series of stupid decisions trying to handle political matters that hazou should stay the fuck away from?
[X] Action Plan: Rocks Fell, Everyone Died
Word count: 298

Grab Mari and talk to her.
  • Iwa: This makes no sense. Why didn't they strike earlier, while we were reeling and disorganized? Why give us the opportunity to fortify and reorganize? It's been 3 days!!!
    • Did Akatsuki attack all the nations? Iwa might've recognized Deidara's work, and deduced that they attacked us as well. Leaf's got fertile land Iwa needs, so they might be bluffing by claiming responsibility and trying to force us into capitulating.
    • OTOH, if Iwa was responsible, or aren't hurt badly by Akatsuki's attack, they might have the strength to attack if we call their bluff.
      • Upon consideration, Orochimaru's return may have precipitated a premature attack.
  • Regardless, Leaf needs to demonstrate their strength quickly, and negotiate like hell.
    • Stall. Longer negotiations means more prep time and information.
    • Scout the Iwa border. Checking the "relief party"'s strength lets us know how much threat we're under; though they'd have to move quickly.
    • Contact Suna. We're allies, and them being hit provides evidence in favor of an Akatsuki attack.
    • Keep tabs on the Iwa-nin, and see what other saboteurs are nearby (check underground). Should mass sensor-types, on Skywalkers if needed.
    • We should also verify their story. Where's the lumber merchant they were escorting?
    • Iwa knows Leaf invented Skywalkers, maybe demonstrate their use en masse as a show of strength?
    • Ami's presence could be leveraged, either by demonstrating Mist's already helping or by present a strong Leaf-Mist alliance to deter an attack.
      • ....what's Ami's theory on who attacked? Maybe she knows something we don't...
    • Should we instate Asuma as Hokage? It'd show Leaf's still unified and capable of fighting back.
    • Orochimaru's still alive; his mere presence could make Iwa think twice.
  • Mari, as a social-spec, how should we proceed?
  • Lower priority: Check these letters? We'll send if approved.
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Ok we learned the pangolin training jutsu between Chapter 154 and 155, which spans 7 days. All while doing a lot of other things too. So we might be able to get Leaf to learn it before a potential war.
I laid out some objectives above, but I'm not saying that Hazou should pursue all of them or is even in a position to pursue all of them. What I think should happen is:

1. We should figure out one thing that Hazou can do that has a materially large chance of improving the situation.

2. We should make a plan that concentrates on doing that one thing with as many ideas as possible to make it a success.

Don't flail around with a thousand ideas to try and quick fix everything. Instead figure out what Hazou can do to help in a concrete, immediate, manner and then do it. If he has any ideas to pass along to Keiko, then by all means pass those along as suggestions.
I laid out some objectives above, but I'm not saying that Hazou should pursue all of them or is even in a position to pursue all of them. What I think should happen is:

1. We should figure out one thing that Hazou can do that has a materially large chance of improving the situation.

2. We should make a plan that concentrates on doing that one thing with as many ideas as possible to make it a success.

Don't flail around with a thousand ideas to try and quick fix everything. Instead figure out what Hazou can do to help in a concrete, immediate, manner and then do it. If he has any ideas to pass along to Keiko, then by all means pass those along as suggestions.
Get all the clan heads to fuckin' make Asuma kage, or interim Kage at least.
I laid out some objectives above, but I'm not saying that Hazou should pursue all of them or is even in a position to pursue all of them. What I think should happen is:

1. We should figure out one thing that Hazou can do that has a materially large chance of improving the situation.

2. We should make a plan that concentrates on doing that one thing with as many ideas as possible to make it a success.

Don't flail around with a thousand ideas to try and quick fix everything. Instead figure out what Hazou can do to help in a concrete, immediate, manner and then do it. If he has any ideas to pass along to Keiko, then by all means pass those along as suggestions.
Unfortunately Hazou's best use is as an idea guy, or a seal scribe for Kagome*. He's not skilled at Living Roots, so his ability to track any Iwa-nin is low. He's not a skilled negotiator, so his ability to materially manipulate the Iwa-nin is low.

Personally, our best bet would be for <Mari> to convince Kagome to give Hazou permission to scribe seals (Skywalkers), either for a scouting mission or at home. Or alternatively as the literal idea guy: have him throw a bunch of ideas at the Mari-filter and have her cherry-pick the best ones to use going forward, or put him with Shikamaru and have them bounce problems off each other to figure things out.
Unfortunately Hazou's best use is as an idea guy, or a seal scribe for Kagome*. He's not skilled at Living Roots, so his ability to track any Iwa-nin is low. He's not a skilled negotiator, so his ability to materially manipulate the Iwa-nin is low.

Personally, our best bet would be for <Mari> to convince Kagome to give Hazou permission to scribe seals (Skywalkers), either for a scouting mission or at home. Or alternatively as the literal idea guy: have him throw a bunch of ideas at the Mari-filter and have her cherry-pick the best ones to use going forward, or put him with Shikamaru and have them bounce problems off each other to figure things out.
I think that Hazou could meaningfully make things better by moving to make sure Asuma is made at least interim kage within the day.
Perhaps we could have KEI ninja use disguise kits to imitate clan ninja and civilians? Wed need consent from the other heads and we'd have to persuade KEI.

I think that's low hanging fruit for bluffing strength.
I think that Hazou could meaningfully make things better by moving to make sure Asuma is made at least interim kage within the day.
Doing this has its own good and bad parts, but regardless I don't think it'll be very difficult given how many alternatives are dead and how Asuma was explicitly stated to be Hiashi's planned heir.

I mean, yes. We can do that, but it's not...it's not something Hazou should really expect to spend a lot of time on.
Unfortunately Hazou's best use is as an idea guy, or a seal scribe for Kagome*. He's not skilled at Living Roots, so his ability to track any Iwa-nin is low. He's not a skilled negotiator, so his ability to materially manipulate the Iwa-nin is low.

Personally, our best bet would be for <Mari> to convince Kagome to give Hazou permission to scribe seals (Skywalkers), either for a scouting mission or at home. Or alternatively as the literal idea guy: have him throw a bunch of ideas at the Mari-filter and have her cherry-pick the best ones to use going forward, or put him with Shikamaru and have them bounce problems off each other to figure things out.

You might be right. But if we're going to be an idea guy, maybe we should try harder on ideas?

One thing I think the thread could benefit from doing more often is brainstorming. Just throw out a lot of shit, even things you don't really think are a good idea but that are at least creative. Long shots, no shots, oblique approaches. Don't put them in a plan immediately; that requires people to take sides and argue against bad ideas. Just... vomit up ideas, you know?

It's kind of the "pan a lot of dirt to find the gold" approach. If everybody throws out ideas, probably someone will stumble on a really clever one.

Putting the challenge to everyone... post just three ideas that no one else has posted and that might somehow improve the situation. Build off someone else's idea if you want, but add new pieces. Don't worry about if it's practical or reasonable... just go wild. See what you come up with. This is the early voting period when there's time to do that.
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Nope. Don't buy it.

Here's what I think happened:

1) Theres been a Rock force sitting at our border scheduled to atfack Leaf at "Any second now" O' clock.

2) They simultaneously get reports of "Leaf is fucked, and is now a smoking crater." and "Rock is fucked, and is now a smoking crater." approximately a day ago.

3) This guy is sent to attempt to turn us into a vassal state or (in the likely event Leaf's response is "Fuck off." ) to assess the city for the near-future viability of "Alpha strike on the city."

If this was Rock, then they've either just been casually able to yeet villages into the dust and no ones been the wiser about this through 3 world wars or this is a newly invented thing and they're hoping they'd live through the coming dogpile a la Whirlpool. I'm thinking thats not the case.

Regardless, I think our plan should be the same. Stall this guy somehow and then try to figure out whats been going on elsewhere. The question is how we go about doing that...
Putting the challenge to everyone... post just three ideas that no one else has posted and that might somehow improve the situation. Build off someone else's idea if you want, but add a new pieces. Don't worry about if it's practical or reasonable... just go wild. See what you come up with. This is the early voting period when there's time to do that.
Also, please ping me. I still have a lot of space in my plan, and if they're at all reasonable I'll add them in.

Speaking of ideas, here's one: Send a scouting/diplomatic mission to Sand. They're our allies (enough that we were able to go there and get intel quickly after Jiraiya became Hokage) and, poorest nation or not, they're still 'major' enough to be possible Akatsuki targets. It'd provide evidence on whether or not the !Akatsuki did it! theory is true.

I'm going to add that to my plan now.
Nope. Don't buy it.

Here's what I think happened:

1) Theres been a Rock force sitting at our border scheduled to atfack Leaf at "Any second now" O' clock.

2) They simultaneously get reports of "Leaf is fucked, and is now a smoking crater." and "Rock is fucked, and is now a smoking crater." approximately a day ago.

3) This guy is sent to attempt to turn us into a vassal state or (in the likely event Leaf's response is "Fuck off." ) to assess the city for the near-future viability of "Alpha strike on the city."

If this was Rock, then they've either just been casually able to yeet villages into the dust and no ones been the wiser about this through 3 world wars or this is a newly invented thing and they're hoping they'd live through the coming dogpile a la Whirlpool. I'm thinking thats not the case.

Regardless, I think our plan should be the same. Stall this guy somehow and then try to figure out whats been going on elsewhere. The question is how we go about doing that...
Giving Asuma the authority to intercede would certainly help.
post just three ideas that no one else has posted and that might somehow improve the situation
1. suggest that Leaf become a vassal state to Rock
2. kill the Rock nin before they can report back our weakness/reinforcements arrive.
3. all the nin find another spot in fire and settle down there as the new hidden village.
4. make orochimaru hokage
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