Out of curiosity, why not? Are you not here to read interesting updates? Rejecting one premise ("this will make the update more interesting") or the other ("it won't backfire horribly") would be understandable but I'm not sure what fails to be compelling about a proposal to make the update more interesting in a harmless way.
Well, your mileage may vary that its harmless.
Likewise on interesting.
I dont really want to do some sort of power-of-love-wins-out thing versus Keiko, I'm really just in this for the Jiraiya interaction (and any plan details about Keiko written up by me was just a compromise to that end). That did get toned down, but in a way thats palatable for me since its in the name of reasonable and rational interaction. Now that we're adding some team bonding to the equation (that may or may not get this survey thing actually created, and oh boy wouldnt that be a funny joke), I'm pretty much sold on it.
Nah, we tried but stuff happened in those updates that resulted in us not getting to ask.
So the only non Leaf folks in this are
3 Hotsprings ninja
3 Sand nin
1 Doigama
The Hotsprings ninja are all people we already asked Jiraiya intelligence on. They were in the Oyabuns packet, so pre Event 5 we already asked him for everything he has on them.
This includes Hazous round one opponent, Kashiwagi Noriko.
We know Doigama's abilities quite well.
The three sand ninja seem to be combat spec according to their event scores. They were on Team ISC though, and if I'm reading the brackets right they would have to beat Shikamaru to face us in the semifinals (unlikely) or they would have to make it all the way to the finals (unlikelier).
In any case, by then we will have seen them fight 2-3 times, so we could probably suss out their rough capabilities (as much as anyone would be able to tell us) by then too.
Besides, we can always ask if we end up being matched with them.