Also, we /NEED/ to ask Jiraiya for intelligence on the competition. Now, before things start while we still have a small time to make preparations. If you really want to be boring and sensible at least add that much.

I don't think it's likely there will be much to know about our competitors.


[X] The Sensible Approach

Nobody cares for timeskipping except me.
I don't think it's likely there will be much to know about our competitors.


[X] The Sensible Approach

Nobody cares for timeskipping except me.
You want to just assume the Leaf spy operation doesn't know anything, instead of doing something that costs us nothing and might get us critically important forewarning of unusual powers we'll have to have a counter prepared for?

There is literally no downside, and potentially a big upside. I know you're unrelentingly pessimistic about everything, but there's no reason not to ask. We should have done it back at the beginning of the month when there was time to use the knowledge to guide our training, but now is better than nothing.
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We don't have a business project to generate revenue. I believe one of our proposal is to generate salt.

Also, I would like to see effort to expand the glassworking industry and telescopes. Every clan has one (apparently), but it's not cheap enough to bring down its cost. We probably want to help glassworkers and telescope makers migrate.
Yeah. In order of current feasability IMO:

1a)Generate salt (boiling seawater, desalination seal, evaporation, whatever)

The reasoning is self evident. Plus I expanded on this earlier

1b) Storage Scroll bank

We can probably get a storage scroll for almost every family in Leaf within a week of backbreaking labor. Less intense if Kagome helps, which he probably can be persuaded to. After that, increase the amount periodically.

We could even store multiple families stuff in one scroll. 100kg is a decent amount if we're just storing groceries.

1c) Seal selling

2) Permanent business ventures that require $$$

Uhhhh. We can probably just buy a bunch of land and rent it out to business owners for stuff. Sake brewery, book publisher, newspaper... other hundred assorted ideas

3) Throw money at problems that it can fix.

Research and development. Infrastructure. Whatever

This is boring. Projecting love and reassurance at Keiko would make for a much more interesting update, and is basically harmless. It's not going to backfire horribly, just be entertaining.
I dont find this compelling as an argument
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I dont find this compelling as an argument

Out of curiosity, why not? Are you not here to read interesting updates? Rejecting one premise ("this will make the update more interesting") or the other ("it won't backfire horribly") would be understandable but I'm not sure what fails to be compelling about a proposal to make the update more interesting in a harmless way.
There is literally no downside, and potentially a big upside. I know you're unrelentingly pessimistic about everything, but there's no reason not to ask. We should have done it back at the beginning of the month when there was time to use the knowledge to guide our training, but now is better than nothing.

It's not I am unrelentingly pessimistic. It's just that I don't think there's much to learn about girls who succeed pretty much on allying with us. That, and I don't have any particular stake in winning since we will face Keiko and we all know that Keiko will just plaster us with her pangolins.
That, and I don't have any particular stake in winning since we will face Keiko and we all know that Keiko will just plaster us with her pangolins.

"I'm not pessimistic I'm just convinced that we're guaranteed to lose horribly and therefore shouldn't bother trying"


Do you see where people are coming from here, at least?
In any event we /NEED/ to ask Jiraiya for intelligence on the competition. Now, before things start while we still have a small time to make any necessary special preparations for dealing with specific enemy powers. If you really want to be boring and sensible at least add that much.

I think we already did this in a previous update and got results.

PSA: Still at work. Plan updates to come in 2-3 hours.
Out of curiosity, why not? Are you not here to read interesting updates? Rejecting one premise ("this will make the update more interesting") or the other ("it won't backfire horribly") would be understandable but I'm not sure what fails to be compelling about a proposal to make the update more interesting in a harmless way.
Well, your mileage may vary that its harmless.

Likewise on interesting.

I dont really want to do some sort of power-of-love-wins-out thing versus Keiko, I'm really just in this for the Jiraiya interaction (and any plan details about Keiko written up by me was just a compromise to that end). That did get toned down, but in a way thats palatable for me since its in the name of reasonable and rational interaction. Now that we're adding some team bonding to the equation (that may or may not get this survey thing actually created, and oh boy wouldnt that be a funny joke), I'm pretty much sold on it.

Nah, we tried but stuff happened in those updates that resulted in us not getting to ask.
So the only non Leaf folks in this are

3 Hotsprings ninja
3 Sand nin
1 Doigama

The Hotsprings ninja are all people we already asked Jiraiya intelligence on. They were in the Oyabuns packet, so pre Event 5 we already asked him for everything he has on them.

This includes Hazous round one opponent, Kashiwagi Noriko.

We know Doigama's abilities quite well.

The three sand ninja seem to be combat spec according to their event scores. They were on Team ISC though, and if I'm reading the brackets right they would have to beat Shikamaru to face us in the semifinals (unlikely) or they would have to make it all the way to the finals (unlikelier).

In any case, by then we will have seen them fight 2-3 times, so we could probably suss out their rough capabilities (as much as anyone would be able to tell us) by then too.

Besides, we can always ask if we end up being matched with them.
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[x] Action Plan: The Power of Love to Go Even Further Beyond
[X] Action Plan: MadScientist's Unmitigated Original

The sensible approach is way too conservative a plan for me.

In particular we need to push Kei's boundaries to help her, and attempting to show our love and support as a direct response to her angst is valuable.

Also the touch of shonen flavour is valuable. We want Hazou to have the willpower/determination part of that archetype, and this is a good way to nudge his character in that direction.
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Well, your mileage may vary that its harmless.

Likewise on interesting.

I dont really want to do some sort of power-of-love-wins-out thing versus Keiko, I'm really just in this for the Jiraiya interaction (and any plan details about Keiko written up by me was just a compromise to that end). That did get toned down, but in a way thats palatable for me since its in the name of reasonable and rational interaction. Now that we're adding some team bonding to the equation (that may or may not get this survey thing actually created, and oh boy wouldnt that be a funny joke), I'm pretty much sold on it.

Ah, I just misunderstood then. I took your phrasing to mean "I don't find an option being harmless and interesting sufficient to justify its inclusion in a plan," rather than "I don't think this option is harmless and/or interesting." My bad.
Ah, I just misunderstood then. I took your phrasing to mean "I don't find an option being harmless and interesting sufficient to justify its inclusion in a plan," rather than "I don't think this option is harmless and/or interesting." My bad.
No harm, no foul
Hey, just dropping in with a random thought.

This meme vote really got me thinking.
How many things in history were caused by irl equivalent of what happened here. Or heck, what happened with the yothsuit incident.

Like, a way back in history, a group of young hunters decides to light a heavily wounded lion on fire.
"Awaken, Fire Mane!" they shout. It was really cool story the elder told, and having a sun during the night would be very useful.
Hours later, the tribe has to flee, since everything caught fire. Many die in ensuing confusion and chaos.
The fools who made this happen keep quiet. It's bad enough that two of them were heavily wounded by rampaging Fire Mane.
Regarding the whole "help Keiko" thing...why now? Like, the tournament is going to start almost as soon as we arrive, and we want to get as far into it as possible to secure Jiraiya's position. Wouldn't it be smarter for us to wait until after the tournament ends and we arrive back at Leaf for us to do this stuff to Keiko?
Regarding the whole "help Keiko" thing...why now? Like, the tournament is going to start almost as soon as we arrive, and we want to get as far into it as possible to secure Jiraiya's position. Wouldn't it be smarter for us to wait until after the tournament ends and we arrive back at Leaf for us to do this stuff to Keiko?
You think theres gonna be a Leaf to come back to?

Akatsuki is going to destroy everything we hold near and dear while us and all the clan heads are in Mist.
Well if that's the case there wouldn't be a point anyway since we'd die in Akatsuki's inevitable assault on Mist :p
Akatsuki wont assault Mist because fighting 3 Kages (Jiraiya makes up for Auntie's deficiencies) and about ~2 villages worth of Jonin is suicide.
I'd think that if Akatsuki actually did plan an assault on Leaf that Itachi would find a way to send a warning ahead of time.
That assumes that Itachi is still secretly Leaf-aligned in MfD, right?
True. I haven't really seen anything that would lead me to conclude that the QMs had mucked about with Itachi/Sasuke's plotline, and it'd be a pretty huge change with difficult to anticipate consequences from whatever else caused Itachi to murder his clan, but you never know.
True. I haven't really seen anything that would lead me to conclude that the QMs had mucked about with Itachi/Sasuke's plotline, and it'd be a pretty huge change with difficult to anticipate consequences from whatever else caused Itachi to murder his clan, but you never know.

I don't think Itachi is a secret agent, and I think the whole Sasuke/Itachi was plotted on the spot along with everything else.