ALRIGHT! Let's get to it.
@Vecht I'm not sure how many words you have, but could you ask Jiraiya about our competitors in the tournament? I can help with word count if needed.
I will add stuff and then go back and optimize for wordcount / trim as necessary.
Adding this.
How about this mostly rewording:?
I don't like it. Too terse and doesn't convey the same ideas.
We really should not even suggest full KI of a kage could be used on us. At best it gives J a laugh. Also more conceretly ask for his help by exposure. And shorter!
Added some details clarifying this.
Also do we skip to tournament after this?
Cool, I'm very interested in your proposed alternative.
I have none at present. Obviously it would be a prudent and necessary first step to get Hazou to meet Ami, although I'm unsure how to do that without metagaming.
I can see why you'd want to approach Keiko as an avenue to do that, but (1) we have very limited privacy in the current situation, and (2) I just don't see her responding well to us approaching her with intent to meddle. If we're going to meddle, I'd say just go for it. Easier to ask forgiveness than permission and all that. Realistically the extent of damage Hazou could do here is pretty minor anyway -- at worst we get Keiko upset at us again.
Just FYI, the fuzzy feelgood stuff I wrote wasn't really for the purpose of actually resisting Jiraiya's presence. It was a way for Hazou to better understand his own beliefs. I know you think epiphanies count for little, and consistent action wins the game, but Hazou has the opposite problem. He already spends a lot of time daily working towards his goals; but his understanding of said goals is fairly shallow and consists of a bunch of platitudes about civilians and peace. I was hoping to focus and drill down to the core of what keeps Hazou going, and continue building on that later.
My point is, the fuzzy feelgood stuff should be an opportunity for character development first and foremost if you do include it.
Yeah, that's pretty reasonable. You've convinced me; let's do this.
Maybe sneak in a probing question to Jiraiya about whether it's a good idea to push for closer bonds between us and our ex-clans via clan dinners (to help the Leaf-Mist Alliance along)? Gotta make sure we ask him in private though, out of earshot of Nobby, Keiko and the other clan heads.
I don't think now is the right time for this. We'll have the chance later.
Maybe include something like 'If Jiraiya approves, give it a try now? Be strong, Hazou.' I think the QMs would enjoy writing that scene, and I would enjoy reading it, and even without going full memetic shounen it would still be productive towards our goals on that front.
[X] Velorien
A vote of full confidence.
Don't have to convince me.
[X] Velorien
While I like the added detail in asking Jiraiya questions, this is boring. Projecting love and reassurance at Keiko would make for a much more interesting update, and is basically harmless. It's not going to backfire horribly, just be entertaining.
We can try this at a later point. I won't oppose it once we know what the heck we're even trying to do.
In any event we /NEED/ to ask Jiraiya for intelligence on the competition. Now, before things start while we still have a small time to make any necessary special preparations for dealing with specific enemy powers. If you really want to be boring and sensible at least add that much.
As above, added a line to this effect.
The sensible approach is way too conservative a plan for me.
Check again?
...Or a meow for no.
@faflec @MMKII @Cariyaga @MadScientist @Tua @Anderkent @Origami Clock @Inferno Vulpix @Kiba @PurposefulZephyr
[] The Sensible Approach
- Ask Jiraiya specifically about the Jounin aura.
- In his experience, under what conditions do people develop this?
- Is it something that can be intentionally cultivated?
- It'd be neat if Hazou could project something that's almost exactly opposite of Killing Intent. A desire to protect, defend, support, and keep safe.
- Don't laugh! This is serious. Remind him of how we felt when we first met Sarutobi Hiruzen. He was the Spirit of Fire personified.
- Would he be willing to help us train resistance to killing intent via exposure? Would this even help?
- If we could manage to resist the full force of a Kage on this front, some random jounin would not threaten us, and we'd have absolutely nothing to fear from
Keiko our peers.
- Not that we could right now, but it's a target to aim for.
- Jiraiya proceeds? Hazou steels himself.
- This is embarrassing. Jiraiya is just one man. If you cannot stand against Jiraiya's will now, how will you stand against the world itself?
- The world is a ravenous, unfeeling abyss. A darkness slowly devouring humanity. We are all its victims - civilian and ninja, the weak and the powerful alike. Everything you have ever loved and everything you hold dear will be destroyed by that darkness. ...Unless you do something about it.
- But if you cannot stand against Jiraiya, you cannot stand against the world. And you must stand.
- For Hana. For Mari, and Kagome. For Keiko, and Noburi. For all the people of Leaf and Mist -- for all the people of the world, you must stand!
- Dammit! Your nerves are iron, and your body moves by your will. By darkness unmoved; you will hold the line!
- Now. Get. Up. Raise your head high, and look Jiraiya in the eye.
- Bond with Keiko and Noburi:
- It is painfully apparent that Hazou has less skill with relationships than a fish.
- To rectify this, we would like to create a post-interaction survey to have individuals fill out, so that we might get feedback on the quality of said social interaction.
- (Deceit) Hazou does this as seriously as he can to push the joke as far as it will go.
- Misc:
- Ask Jiraiya for more information about competitors in the tournament. It seems that Leaf would probably have dossiers on them.
- Prioritize the teams' first round-competitors.
- With any downtime, scribe more seals.
- Go to Mist.
Word count: 396