I'd like to suggest someone go back and carefully read the rules about sealing research, as there are some misapprehensions going on. Among other things, it's possible to go negative on research successes.
I'm reasonably confident that most of the players have not read the research rules both carefully and recently, since they are new and long. It's also quite possible that we didn't write them as clearly as necessary, so, if there is anything that seems fuzzy, please say so that we may fix it.
Ah. It doesn't exactly make it clear that ResearchSuccessCount can dip into the negatives.
I've skimmed it this morning, but I decided that given the ~7 failures that it just plain wouldn't be fruitful to spend time on it (whether or not we can do the
Burnout or the incremental bonus from # days spent on it to exclusion of other stuff, capped at 2xAspect Bonus thing).
Here it is, for everyone that wants a look but can't be arsed to go into google docs:
Mechanics of Seal Research
At any time of their choosing so long as they have time and equipment, the researcher may create a prototype seal by making a Sealcrafting roll vs a Target Number based on the seal's complexity. The TN is not explicitly shown to the researcher, and must be inferred based on roll results.
- Success shifts are added to the research total. Failures are deducted (representing research setbacks, and how some seals are just unreachable at certain skill levels.) Sufficiently bad failures may, at QM discretion, result in sealing failures.
- When the research total equals the complexity, the seal is complete.
- The researcher may acquire bonuses by invoking Aspects acquired in-story, such as "Jiraiya Looked Over My Math", "Kagome-certified Lab", "Very Specific Warnings From Nara Shikaku", or "Detailed Research Notes".
- As always, spending FP and using Aspects are at the ultimate discretion of the QMs; the QM writing an update will take into consideration whether the character(s) involved did enough narratively in the lead-up to an attempt to allow them to spend a Fate Point on that roll. As normal, FP can also be spent on bonuses for half of what you would get from invoking an Aspect, or to reroll a bad roll.
- The researcher also gains a +2 point bonus for every consecutive day spent on nothing but research and rest, up to a maximum of 2x their Aspect bonus for Sealing. This bonus is reset after each research roll, representing preparations for that particular prototype being expended. You can in principle forego this bonus and research on the go, but only an idiot (and/or Jiraiya) will do this because you're seriously increasing your odds of failing rolls and setting yourself back.
This mechanic can, in principle, be applied to other forms of research and development, including ninjutsu, genjutsu, medicine, and, with some modification, taijutsu/weapons styles, replacing sealing failures with injuries or other consequences as appropriate.
If another sealmaster is helping you full-time then they may spend a Fate Point to invoke an Aspect and contribute their Aspect bonus to your research roll. You may not benefit from more than one such bonus -- the nature of sealing is such that the difficulties of coordination rapidly outweigh the advantages.
Note that Kagome spending his FP to help Hazou is mutually exclusive to Hazou spending his own FP to invoke Aspects directly related to Kagome's help ("Kagome Looking Over My Shoulder"), but not exclusive to Hazou spending his FP to invoke related but independent Aspects ("Kagome-Certified Sealing Lab").
A researcher who believes they are on the cusp of completion may fill up narratively appropriate
Consequence slots on the physical and/or mental tracks -- e.g. 'hasn't eaten' and 'groggy', respectively -- representing pushing themselves past their limits with all-nighters etc. They gain a one-time bonus for each Consequence they choose to take: +1 point for Mild, +3 points for Moderate, and +9 points for Severe.
This bonus applies only to the next roll, meaning that if the roll isn't enough to complete the seal, they have seriously screwed themselves over for the next one (as well as for non-sealing activities).
The maluses from these Consequences begin taking effect after the roll in question, and they recover over time according to their magnitude; see table under
Consequences and Injury.
Knowing related seals and/or more seals will reduce the complexity. The exact amount is up to the QMs judgement and will not be revealed.