He looked up at the proctor again, the not-smile getting wider. "Going into the woods cost me everything I had, you know? My 'whore' of a mother, my very few friends, my future...everything. But it also gave me a family, one that supports me and lets me support them. One that doesn't call me stupid or arrogant for asking questions, who welcomes it when I think of better answers than the ones in the book. You know what we've become since then, the three of us?" He gestured behind himself. "My brother, a medic-nin who is the demigod of war when he cuts loose. My sister, the Summoner of the Pangolin Clan, with a mind so bright the Nara bartered their full support for her hand in marriage. And then there's me." He chuckled, the sound dark and totally unrelated to humor. "Do you know what my special gift is, ma'am? The thing that makes me stand out? The thing that makes this 'traitor', this 'loser', something more than an average ninja?"
The proctor swallowed again. "What?" she whispered.
The not-smile had become a shark's grin. "When the Exams are over, I'll show you." He turned back to the team. "Let's go."