What would people like to see in a plan before we go?

I want to do some wrapping up and last minute prep before we head to Mist.

I think we should follow Akane's advice and talk to Keiko:
If you want to help with that, I think you should respect her boundaries, but give her opportunities to reduce them, like little pockets of safety."

"What do you mean?"

Akane was thinking on her feet here, as she often had to. She'd sell her soul for the kind of training Mari-sensei had. The Spirit of Youth could only get you so far where detail-oriented thinking was concerned.

"Like conversations about personal topics where you bring them up but let her take the lead. Or activities on the edge of her comfort zone where you're there to support her. Or maybe you could talk to her about some of the things that have been bothering you—give her a chance to feel like the helper rather than the helped. Just don't go in with expectations for her, because I suspect that's half of why she's so defensive to begin with."

Other than that, heist training sounds good.
Remind me what those words were.

Sure. Let me channel my inner @faflec.

Hazou said:
He looked up at the proctor again, the not-smile getting wider. "Going into the woods cost me everything I had, you know? My 'whore' of a mother, my very few friends, my future...everything. But it also gave me a family, one that supports me and lets me support them. One that doesn't call me stupid or arrogant for asking questions, who welcomes it when I think of better answers than the ones in the book. You know what we've become since then, the three of us?" He gestured behind himself. "My brother, a medic-nin who is the demigod of war when he cuts loose. My sister, the Summoner of the Pangolin Clan, with a mind so bright the Nara bartered their full support for her hand in marriage. And then there's me." He chuckled, the sound dark and totally unrelated to humor. "Do you know what my special gift is, ma'am? The thing that makes me stand out? The thing that makes this 'traitor', this 'loser', something more than an average ninja?"

The proctor swallowed again. "What?" she whispered.

The not-smile had become a shark's grin. "When the Exams are over, I'll show you." He turned back to the team. "Let's go."

We have to back it up, somehow.
I feel like in the distant future, where Hazou heads a rag-tag resistance movement against Dread Empress Keiko, we'll look back at this point, and wish we'd done something about this.

"But I'm a Hyuuga, so this doesn't actually do anything."

"Would you like me to demonstrate my patented Gaze of Mild Annoyance again to you?"

"On the other hand, you make a good point. In fact, I won't just close my eyes but also tape them shut. Anything for you, please don't look at me again like that."
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[X] Action Plan: Wrapping Things Up

  • Make sure to wrap yourself up in a CHAOS suit Hazou, it's cold out there.
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[X] Action Plan: Wrapping Things Up

  • Hanging out with Keiko (done in a way that's respectful of her boundaries and personal quirks on socializing).
    • Ask her if she still wants help with that escapology stuff she was reading earlier. Maybe later today?
    • Apologize for the absolute insanity that has gone on over the course of the last month.
      • Are we protagonists in one of Jiraiya's novels?
      • On the subject of books, we'd like to acquire a bunch to start the clan library. How much can we put you in for?
        • Intent: Partly serious, partly joking.
    • Do you mind helping us train something, or giving us your input on how to approach it?
      • We want to try to train up our resistance to killing intent, or other such bullshit projection techniques as may exist.
      • And or, try to figure out how to do it ourselves.
      • Can you do that thing you do to terrify us for a bit? How do you do that, by the way?
      • We figured it would be good practice for the both of us.
      • If not, that's okay.
  • "Heist" training
    • Spend some time brainstorming the gambling thing with Keiko and Noburi.
      • Combining Hazou's prior gambling experience and anecdotal data and Keiko's unparalleled logistical abilities, the two try to work out a rough estimate of potential earnings. What if we are solo? One of a handful ninja doing this?
      • Noburi and Hazou brainstorm the best way to suggest this idea to the Oyabun.
    • Consult Mari on whether or not this is feasible. Use binary questions so that she doesn't have to verbalize responses.
      • Would Mist be mad about it?
      • Are we likely to get caught?
      • Would other ninja do this? With the Yakuza?

Needs more CHAOS. (Specifically minor improvements to address the "cons" from the update.)

E: Also, just spend the FP so we can get the research done.
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Needs more CHAOS. (Specifically minor improvements to address the "cons" from the update.)

E: Also, just spend the FP so we can get the research done.
Yeah I can do that. We're wordcount neutral then though.

Hey guys, how badly do we want this research finished?

Give me a number between 1 and 10. To calibrate

1 is "Well, I don't want to devote more than two words for 'Sealing research' into the plan."

10 is "Hazou will spend the next 48 hours in a fugue state, doing nothing but looking over his notes, Kagome's notes, and bugging Jiraiya to look over his math. Afterwards, he makes a final attempt at getting this done before they leave."
We just have to train Inoki (Joutarou's nephew), then we can be very sith like, because he will kill us once he is strong enough!

e: Also I am sad that Hanabi was stolen by Keiko. :(
Why, what were you planning to do with her?

I feel like in the distant future, where Hazou heads a rag-tag resistance movement against Dread Empress Keiko, we'll look back at this point, and wish we'd done something about this.
He's already had a vision of an alternate timeline in which she was the Omnikage.

"But I'm a Hyuuga, so this doesn't actually do anything."

"Would you like me to demonstrate my patented Gaze of Mild Annoyance again to you?"

"On the other hand, you make a good point. In fact, I won't just close my eyes but also tape them shut. Anything for you, please don't look at me again like that."
When historians looked back to identify the point when Dread Empress Keiko stepped onto the path of absolute domination, many of them pointed to this moment, when she first got the idea for the Reverse Byakugan.
When historians looked back to identify the point when Dread Empress Keiko stepped onto the path of absolute domination, many of them pointed to this moment, when she first got the idea for the Reverse Byakugan.

Move aside Byakugan and Sharingan, it's time for the Keikogan to shine.
Yeah I can do that. We're wordcount neutral then though.

Hey guys, how badly do we want this research finished?

Give me a number between 1 and 10. To calibrate

1 is "Well, I don't want to devote more than two words for 'Sealing research' into the plan."

10 is "Hazou will spend the next 48 hours in a fugue state, doing nothing but looking over his notes, Kagome's notes, and bugging Jiraiya to look over his math. Afterwards, he makes a final attempt at getting this done before they leave."


Also, use ratings for polls
Looking back at seven days of sealing research and seven failed infusion attempts, the whole thing has been an unmitigated disaster. Twice, you came within a hair's breadth of a catastrophic sealing failure and Kagome-sensei only just spotted your error in time. You're frazzled, confused and with a horrible suspicion that you've gone off in completely the wrong direction. You might not be able to power through this one with natural ability alone.

Okay, TN too high. We can't reach it without burning some FP or spending significantly longer time for the research bonus.

So close to getting an Insightful. *shakes head regretfully*

If only you hadn't been so verbose...a very slightly terser phrasing and I would have clicked that button
. Ah well. Such is life.

TN is too high. We've also just done about ~7 failed research rolls which:

1)Keeps us at the 0% completion mark by my reckoning.
2) It's likely that one of those seven was a decently high roll. So the TN is beyond even our skills + the dice gods' merciful bonus.

Let's take a step back and regroup before we blow all our FP and give Hazou some consequences and whatnot and not actually get the seal. I don't think we can actually complete it in two days....
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  • Practice blindfighting with the suit.
  • Train a few dozen combo's into the IN for better integrating the suit into your taijutsu.
  • Observe strictest safety protocols while using the suit. No more accidents! No testing new stuff on yourself!
  • Refill expended seals.

One thing that stood out was Macerators were unwieldy to activate. I propose adding a (very) slight delay timer to those on the suit to avoid this, but there might be better options.

At some point today I'll go back over it and make a comprehensive list
TN is too high. We've also just done about ~7 failed research rolls which:

1)Keeps us at the 0% completion mark by my reckoning.
2) It's likely that one of those seven wasn't a decently high roll. So the TN is beyond even our skills + the dice gods' merciful bonus.

Let's take a step back and regroup before we blow all our FP and give Hazou some consequences and whatnot and not actually get the seal. I don't think we can actually complete it in two days....

What all were the additions Keiko suggested?
What all were the additions Keiko suggested?
Keiko has suggested that you could partially compensate for these secondary effects by improving the seal to respond differently to different intensities of detected chakra emission. This would allow you to make educated guesses as to what abilities your enemies were using (as well as recognise and filter out familiar reactions to your own), and avoid distraction from low-level effects like tree walking without missing them altogether.

Essentially modify the seals detection-response mechanism to work on a gradient.
Don't we need to improve our sealing before going forward with the research?

We can do a bunch of stuff that would increase our odds of finishing it, but I am wary of doing it with only ~2 days left before we head into fr-enemy territory.

I think maybe scaling the scope of the project back a bit would be a better idea. Instead of just going with Keiko's suggestions, we should have tried to modify the detection area or something. Might have been easier.
Can we maybe manipulate Akane into spilling the beans about her showdown with Tsunade? Maybe just have Hazou remark it's good to have her around, because helping Mari get better really needs to be an effort by the whole family together?