btw we definitely got our asses handed to us by Downfall. Continuing to ignore them in our planning would be unwise.
I assume skywalkers have a smaller minimum than 2m.
Off the top of my head the minimum innermost diameter is technically something like 10-20 cm if the seals are touching? Which would make the minimum outermost diameter ~70-80cm, unless it was stated that the walls of skywalkers are thinner than the usual ~30cm, which I don't recall.
btw we definitely got our asses handed to us by Downfall. Continuing to ignore them in our planning would be unwise.

Sure, but what can we do to plan for them? We don't know their identities, and what we'd planned to do was try to see what other people were scheming and then figure out how to deal with that. Without more information, it's hard to plan how to deal with them beyond dealing with anyone else.
I'm still a couple pages back, but wanted to say: I have no problem doing a Lore Update for Sunday if that's what you guys vote for.
[X] Interlude: Ren's Thoughts on Team Uplift
[X] Interlude: Yagura vs Hiruzen Sarutobi
[X] Interlude: Jiraiya vs Kenichi
If you wanted to incentivize that, you could offer a 1 XP (or .5, whichever might be more appropriate) bounty per person that does. This would also incentivize players to find other players to join.
Not a bad idea. It feels a little...not sure what word I'm looking for -- dirty? needy? be metagaming like that, but personally I'm not completely adverse. Let me talk to @OliWhail and @Velorien about it..

Yup, the qm's actions were fine. I just wanted understanding on your part, and hopefully some consideration of similar concerns in future situations.
Oh, good. Yes, I understand. We'll keep it in mind for next time, and (in the immortal words of Han Solo), sorry about the mess.

*screaming in Wakahisa clan*

Edit: Real talk @Oneiros If we drain in mist the drain victims all know where Noburi is.
As far as I'm aware, the drainee doesn't know where the drainer I forgetting something?

But I think that the entire exam arc is one giant minefield of potential setbacks. If we do well we mostly go back to the great status quo we enjoyed before the exam - we're in a good position in Leaf, Jiraya is Hokage, etc. For extra credit we can effect some improvements to the situation - improve Jiraya's negotiating position with Mist, ally with the Yakuza... Minor positives. (There's also some personal/family stuff at stake for the kids, but I feel like that's gone on the back-burner.)
There are some other options, too. Y'all have been talking about a merchant empire for a long time; here you are in Mist, a place with lots of merchants. You've got contacts with the Yakuza that you could try to leverage into the start of an intelligence network. You can (try to) interact directly with the Mizukage, although Jiraiya may be nervous about that. Lots of options.

Is Keiko not disqualified?

@Velorien @eaglejarl Any chance we could get an extension here? I think that given the shortened amount of time for planning, and the fact that we're in a situation that the hivemind didn't expect at all, we might need a bit more time.
I'm going to an Incredibles 2 matinee tomorrow at 11:45am and won't be home until...2? Maybe 3? I'm fine to extend voting until 3pm Eastern time tomorrow.

In particular I think there's gonna be a lot of questions about stuff that Hazo knows but we don't:

1. How many people were there in the end? We got a preliminary guess of ~150 contestants and ~100 civs before, but Hazo should have seen enough during the first hours of the event to have an approx count
2. How many non-disguised proctors in the area? I think the hivemind previously assumed that the entire mansion will be observed by proctors continuously; this doesn't seem to have been the case given the ambush on Hazo in a break room. Lucky that we didn't get disqualified for breaking a henge there.
3. Approx how many people were present in the maze at a time when we were observing it?
1. It's hard to get an exact count when people are milling around through a relatively large mansion + grounds, but 150/100 seems reasonable based on what you've seen so far.

2. You've seen a couple dozen at least.

3. You don't know. Sightlines are ridiculously short and there's multiple ways in and out.
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You probably shouldn't vote for this plan. Just talk about it.

Explosive Exit

  • Put up an air purifier (It is not lack of oxygen that kill you first, its CO2 poisoning)
  • Thank Noburi for getting us. He made decent choices under tight restrains and immense pressure, and it seems like he could use some reassurance that he did well.
  • Explain the plan, listen for any objections.
  • Drop the air dome.
  • Use 5SB on some sort of material (Ninja wire is suggested, but whatever Hazou thinks will work) to create a partial ceiling over a portion of the tunnel. Make sure the seals are protected somehow.
  • Deliberately cave in the unroofed portion using training explosives, while we are underneath a second air dome.
I hope this makes sense. The forum kept eating my formatting.

Before the explosion:

| Block of earth above us|


After explosion

__________ Surface
██Dirt \█████/███████
| ................|████

After seals:

__________ Surface
|....Dirt......\ .........../
|Tunnel.......| Dirt
  • Drop the second air dome
  • Quickly place lots of directional explosives and a silence mine at the weak point (*)
  • Huddle as close as we can under two or three layers of air domes (I don't trust "indestructible")
  • Hurry to get out after the explosions detonate.
  • Put on henges, and meet up with Keiko.
Not gonna lie, there's a large part of me that wants to just explode upwards and then go try to hide. Alas, our stealth is bad. We should be able to hide fairly well if we want to though. At this point, I'm willing to consider mass DQ plans if I think they'll work. I think a mass poisoning attempt might be good (if there's still time for it), otherwise, massive property damage would be good but if and only if we can do it without pinning it on us, which will require some effort.

I also kinda like the idea of faking our deaths, but I suspect that we'd need a dead body double to do that. Do we still have any dead bodies in our storage scrolls? If so, we could just dump one of those on the event, which should shake things up nicely.
Not gonna lie, there's a large part of me that wants to just explode upwards and then go try to hide. Alas, our stealth is bad. We should be able to hide fairly well if we want to though. At this point, I'm willing to consider mass DQ plans if I think they'll work. I think a mass poisoning attempt might be good (if there's still time for it), otherwise, massive property damage would be good but if and only if we can do it without pinning it on us, which will require some effort.

I also kinda like the idea of faking our deaths, but I suspect that we'd need a dead body double to do that. Do we still have any dead bodies in our storage scrolls? If so, we could just dump one of those on the event, which should shake things up nicely.
What's your opinion of using Akane's Elemental Mastery, do you think sudden increase in temperature by 50°C would be enough?