Yeah, on that...I note that most updates seem to get 40-50 ratings, but 9-11 votes appears to be pretty standard. Can anyone think of a way to grow the voter base?

Move away from full blown narrative planning, full stop. Or if you don't want to do that, not use it as frequently.

Like, there's parts of the quest that needs only a few multiple choice questions to be answered.
Do we think the event can still be salvaged?

I don't think Hazou's score can recover, he is probably out of the tournament, if not the exam. They know our identity, and that is going to get broadcast.

Which have three options.
  1. Sacrificial lamb. The rest of team uplift can still get in.
  2. Force the perpetrators into silence. Very hard to do.
  3. Rig the game. Requires compromising the ballot. Very, very hard.

EDIT: or we could go the snow blind route again. Create dozens of announcements declaring the identity of various people.
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Yeah, on that...I note that most updates seem to get 40-50 ratings, but 9-11 votes appears to be pretty standard. Can anyone think of a way to grow the voter base?
Voting is higher investment than rating so we're always going to have that kind of ratio (sort of like the 90:9:1 view/contribute/create rule), but I can think of a way or two to increase the number of voters.

First idea is to keep an overview of current plans edited in at the end of the update (checking the vote tally is higher investment than reading the end of the update), allowing readers to more easily form opinions on the plans and take that to discussion and voting. The downside, of course, is that you'd have to keep track of the plans and keep editing them in.

A second idea is for us to go and find places where this story hasn't been mentioned and advertise it there, increasing the readerbase and thus the voterbase proportionately. The downside, of course, is that this requires people to actively bring up something unconnected to the site they're on in hopes of catching peoples' attention, and people often aren't comfortable doing things like that.
Move away from full blown narrative planning, full stop. Or if you don't want to do that, not use it as frequently.

Like, there's parts of the quest that needs only a few multiple choice questions to be answered.

100% disagree with this. What makes MFD great is that players have meaning full choices to make. My advice would be to ratchet up the tension even more.

Honestly one of the reasons I've stepped away from the quest is that there's very little meaningful choice in the chunnin exam. It's all super boring. It's like the courier mission all over
Do we think the event can still be salvaged?

I don't think Hazou's score can recover, he is probably out of the tournament, if not the exam. They know our identity, and that is going to get broadcast.

Which have three options.
  1. Sacrificial lamb. The rest of team uplift can still get in.
  2. Force the perpetrators into silence. Very hard to do.
  3. Rig the game. Requires compromising the ballot. Very, very hard.
Why do you think Hazou's score can't recover? Only 10 people know he's a ninja.

Voting is higher investment than rating so we're always going to have that kind of ratio (sort of like the 90:9:1 view/contribute/create rule), but I can think of a way or two to increase the number of voters.

First idea is to keep an overview of current plans edited in at the end of the update (checking the vote tally is higher investment than reading the end of the update), allowing readers to more easily form opinions on the plans and take that to discussion and voting. The downside, of course, is that you'd have to keep track of the plans and keep editing them in.

A second idea is for us to go and find places where this story hasn't been mentioned and advertise it there, increasing the readerbase and thus the voterbase proportionately. The downside, of course, is that this requires people to actively bring up something unconnected to the site they're on in hopes of catching peoples' attention, and people often aren't comfortable doing things like that.
I would suggest pinning a post that contains all the votes to the top of the thread. (I think that's a thing you can do now?)
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Yeah, on that...I note that most updates seem to get 40-50 ratings, but 9-11 votes appears to be pretty standard. Can anyone think of a way to grow the voter base?

So long as plans end up being long and complex, you're going to only have a few people who are comfortable voting on anything, and it's my observation that people tend to vote less when quests are run purely by write-in voting in general. Most people are not willing to invest their time in reading several long plans and trying to understand what is good or bad about them. IMO it would take changing how this quest runs in general to get significantly more voters. Whether that's worth it or not is entirely up to you guys.
".. we've decided to err on the side of lesser evil and move the beginning of the event to next Thursday instead." Sounded to me like a fixed decision, not a further option we had as players. It let me go "Oh, I can go to sleep, since I can take my time to write up my thoughts more coherently than usual." And then when I checked again after work the next day:

He's absolutely right about it being a definitive vote, but it was profoundly surprising that voting for an action plan was even an option we had.
I see. Okay, that makes sense. Sorry for snapping at you; I do understand why this bothers you, but I hope you agree that we handled it correctly.
I don't think Hazou's score can recover, he is probably out of the tournament, if not the exam. They know our identity, and that is going to get broadcast.
Stretching to their limits the boundaries of appropriate QM / player communications regarding not sharing OOC information, I will note that chapter 188 was filled with important information and brilliantly written by a very pro-punching QM who was irked by y'all's refusal to have a proper "punch ALL the things!" plan during the swamp event, and that said QM, whomsoever he may be, will not be fully satisfied by a measly tournament.

A second idea is for us to go and find places where this story hasn't been mentioned and advertise it there, increasing the readerbase and thus the voterbase proportionately. The downside, of course, is that this requires people to actively bring up something unconnected to the site they're on in hopes of catching peoples' attention, and people often aren't comfortable doing things like that.
Fair points both. Would it be workable for people to simply add the link to their signature here on SV?

Honestly one of the reasons I've stepped away from the quest is that there's very little meaningful choice in the chunnin exam. It's all super boring. It's like the courier mission all over
Huh. Sorry to hear this. What would more meaningful choice look like? When do you feel you've had the most meaningful choices, across the entire span of the quest?
Do we think the event can still be salvaged?

I don't think Hazou's score can recover, he is probably out of the tournament, if not the exam. They know our identity, and that is going to get broadcast.

Which have three options.
  1. Sacrificial lamb. The rest of team uplift can still get in.
  2. Force the perpetrators into silence. Very hard to do.
  3. Rig the game. Requires compromising the ballot. Very, very hard.

EDIT: or we could go the snow blind route again. Create dozens of announcements declaring the identity of various people.
Become Zabuza. Tell someone that you heard from So And So that X Person is Hazou Goketsu. Tell someone else that Y Person is Hazou. Etc.
The problem with this idea is that whoever drained us may have already told everyone who we are, in which case it's going to be very difficult to get anyone to believe us.
Ideally, we would get a lot of people, including information brokers, to spread the word.
All this talk about raising participation is really excellent, and we should get back to it after 9 am New York time tomorrow.

except for one thing: Has this been advertised on r/rational before? I think they would be into it.
Fair points both. Would it be workable for people to simply add the link to their signature here on SV?
If you wanted to incentivize that, you could offer a 1 XP (or .5, whichever might be more appropriate) bounty per person that does. This would also incentivize players to find other players to join.
@Velorien can answer for himself, but I'm confused. What he said, on Tuesday no less, was:

So, basically, y'all were given another 9 days to plan and instead y'all shoved it through in 16 hours. Where's your beef? (NB: I grant that before Velorien's message we had not explicitly stated that this would be back to canon. Still, the final decision belonged to the players.)
Including Team Downfall, who are 10/10 going to tell everyone who we are.
That's only bonus points for everyone who names us as leaf, not malus points for us. So like losing 5 points .

If we can get to the state where every ninja is guessed by everyone, we can recover with secret roles.
May I interest anyone in a nuclear apocalypse?

Don't even joke about that, Maddie, they'd go for it...​

Riiiight. Honestly, this is probably in the top ten worst situations we've been. But! We've beaten worse. So let's repeat performance, huh?

The easy part is escaping our inevitable demise. Tunnel out, misterator blast to obscure our sight line. Pangolin Pepper blast to disable everyone nearby. Noburi navigates us to safety through the mist. The next step is to steal chakra off someone and replenish Team Uplift's collective reserves. See if we can locate Team Letdown. Then we get a message off to Jiraiya, explaining the situation. Hopefully he can either give us explicit information for how we can salvage the situation or sic mind-games-Kakashi on the problem.

The hard part is winning the event. We need to somehow get the people who know our identity DQ'd. Which by now might be actually everyone because Fucking Shin. Starting a battle royale on purpose is starting to look inviting.
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May I interest anyone in a nuclear apocalypse?

Don't even joke about that, Maddie, they'd go for it...​

Riiiight. Honestly, this is probably in the top ten worst situations we've been. But! We've beaten worse. So let's repeat performance, huh?

The easy part is escaping our inevitable demise. Tunnel out, misterator blast to obscure our sight line. Pangolin Pepper blast to disable everyone nearby. Noburi navigates us to safety through the mist. The next step is to steal chakra off someone and replenish Team Uplift's collective reserves. See if we can locate Team Letdown. Then we get a message off to Jiraiya, explaining the situation. Hopefully he can either give us explicit information for how we can salvage the situation or sic mind-games-Kakashi on the problem.

The hard part is winning the event. We need to somehow get the people who know our identity DQ'd. Which by know might be actually everyone because Fucking Shin. Starting a battle royale on purpose is starting to look inviting.
We can't contact Jiraiya, since the check-in is sunrise/sunset. It's 9AM so sunrise is shot, and sunset is when the Event ends.

You know what I vote for? Find Akane, set up Elemental Mastery. Mass DQ from sudden onset heat stroke into mass Henge popping.
Huh. Sorry to hear this. What would more meaningful choice look like? When do you feel you've had the most meaningful choices, across the entire span of the quest?

I am going to say this:

I am not excited by the Chunin exam and I want to go home. It is not something that I considered worthwhile. It is three or two months of in-game time that we could have spent on researching seals, developing the economy, cooperating to make sure that Leaf wins.

Really, the only worthwhile thing we did was meeting Hazō's mom, and Keiko's sister.

We are only spending time here, because that's what Jiraiya wanted and thought it was necessary.
Mass DQ actually sounds rather nice at the moment.

If everyone gets disqualified then the proctors will most likely disqualify no one and instead do another challenge to thin the herd.

No reason not to play dirty if we are going to keep being fucked with.
Huh. Sorry to hear this. What would more meaningful choice look like? When do you feel you've had the most meaningful choices, across the entire span of the quest?
As a counterpoint to the other players, I've found the chuunin exams quite enjoyable, though I'd rather there be more time for politicksing with Mist clans, etc.
We had way more than 16 hours to plan. We had over a week. I know because my plan that's getting shit-talked was mostly written days in advance, and I just posted it in the thread from my offline notes.

And you know what, I stand by that we had a week and still failed to come up with better ideas. Hell, if we had made rather that failed a couple of Alertness rolls... ah well. But really, if anyone had a brilliant idea other than One Fell Swoop (there to vote for if you wanted) I still haven't heard it.
I am going to say this:

I am not excited by the Chunin exam and I want to go home. It is not something that I considered worthwhile. It is three or two months of in-game time that we could have spent on researching seals, developing the economy, cooperating to make sure that Leaf wins.

Really, the only worthwhile thing we did was meeting Hazō's mom, and Keiko's sister.

We are only spending time here, because that's what Jiraiya wanted and thought it was necessary.
For the record, I do consider a potential alliance with Mist, the chance to gain more information about Naruto, opportunities to interact with genin from many other villages and spread the Good News of uplift to them, all while helping cement Jiraiya as Hokage, to be worth it.

Sorry if this comes off as combative. What I mean to say is that I think you are underestimating the amount of things we can only do here, and I think they do outweigh what we could do back home.
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I will point out that we don't need to win this event. We just need to do well enough not to be disqualified before the next one, presuming that the next round will have groups be disqualified, which is not a given. Of course, sabotaging everyone else is a viable strategy if we think that our identity is too compromised.

Also, eaglejarl has hinted that the next event might be combat related since he won't be satisfied with only punching, so we'll need to do well there.
For the record, I do consider a potential alliance with Mist, the chance to gain more information about Naruto, opportunities to interact with genin from many other villages and spread the Good News of uplift to them, all while helping cement Jiraiya as Hokage, to be worth it.

If we where actually involved in finding Naruto or securing the alliance sure. But we are just kinda here not doing anything
If we where actually involved in finding Naruto or securing the alliance sure. But we are just kinda here not doing anything
We helped via the team from Demon. I think we might be able to find something out from them ourselves if we survive this. We aren't directly forming the alliance, but we can give Jiraiya little boosts maybe, like with Lizardbreath.
I'd like to point out I'm really enjoying the Exam Arc for the most part.

There are some parts that I felt like the players got shortchanged in the third test. They came with a great plan that secured them the first place in that exam but got only half the points even though Keiko recognized the ploy beforehand.
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