Handsome Gentleperson
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I'm not sure about this one. It strikes me as the kind of thing that PTSD-stricken people would object to.(I'm pretty sure muscle memory doesn't let you replicate involuntary movements)
I'm not sure about this one. It strikes me as the kind of thing that PTSD-stricken people would object to.(I'm pretty sure muscle memory doesn't let you replicate involuntary movements)
You deliberately flinching away isn't predicated on the size or shape of the enemy hand.Well, if someone attacks me and presses his hand against me, I'd definitely try to move, including deliberately flinching away. That voluntarily moves those muscles.
But if it's GM fiat, okay.
Extensions are at the discretion of the update writer (so in this case @eaglejarl), but I can answer numbers 4 and 5 now.@Velorien @eaglejarl Any chance we could get an extension here? I think that given the shortened amount of time for planning, and the fact that we're in a situation that the hivemind didn't expect at all, we might need a bit more time.
In particular I think there's gonna be a lot of questions about stuff that Hazo knows but we don't:
1. How many people were there in the end? We got a preliminary guess of ~150 contestants and ~100 civs before, but Hazo should have seen enough during the first hours of the event to have an approx count
2. How many non-disguised proctors in the area? I think the hivemind previously assumed that the entire mansion will be observed by proctors continuously; this doesn't seem to have been the case given the ambush on Hazo in a break room. Lucky that we didn't get disqualified for breaking a henge there.
3. Approx how many people were present in the maze at a time when we were observing it?
4. Was Yamazaka and Mirai the only people we've seen get disqualified? That seems like a low count given how agressive people seem to have been to us (the henge-breaking backpat, straight up assault in a break room, etc)
5. How good were people at using the break rooms covertly? I think purely by watching break rooms we should have gotten way more ninjas identified than just 10.
I don't think they can deliberately replicate involuntary or unconscious muscle movements.I'm not sure about this one. It strikes me as the kind of thing that PTSD-stricken people would object to.
Well if this event wasn't an unmitigated catastrofuck before Hazou decided he needed a distraction, it sure as hell will be now.
Don't be absurd, we aren't going to pull a Hot Springs Incident again, everyone'll know it was us.Clearly the correct course of action is to weaken the mansion's foundations via tunnelling, and then drop a MEW on it. This would let us positively id everyone, as all the ninja will run out, and civilians will be distracted by dying.
I'm not sure this would work. The MEW would collapse the floor under you and send you falling long before you made enough to endanger the mansion. You'd have to use skywalkers, and that seems like a terrible idea for this otherwise entirely rational plan.Clearly the correct course of action is to weaken the mansion's foundations via tunnelling, and then drop a MEW on it. This would let us positively id everyone, as all the ninja will run out, and civilians will be distracted by dying.
And I repeat: Explosives. Multiverse. Destroying. Explosives.I'm not sure this would work. The MEW would collapse the floor under you and send you falling long before you made enough to endanger the mansion. You'd have to use skywalkers, and that seems like a terrible idea for this otherwise entirely rational plan.
How do you guys wanna do the clique that we were "invited" to?
So unrelated to the more emergent situation: How do you guys wanna do the clique that we were "invited" to?
So unrelated to the more emergent situation: How do you guys wanna do the clique that we were "invited" to?
Parasitism + Busting. Give a fake id and play it off, then leak or trade the details (depending on size of the clique). Public knowledge is useless knowledge.
So unrelated to the more emergent situation: How do you guys wanna do the clique that we were "invited" to?
"Let me get back to you," Hazō said. "I think I want to mingle a bit more before I do anything else."
"You got it, old friend," Shiba chuckled. "Just remember—those who don't play can't win."
"We were just thinking of heading off to the garden to play a game of 'Guess the ninja'. Free booze for the winner. Fancy joining us?"
"Let me get back to you," Hazō said. "I think I want to mingle a bit more before I do anything else."
"You got it, old friend," Shiba chuckled. "Just remember—those who don't play can't win."
Join our clique or your identity goes on sale. Great.
If public knowledge is useless knowledge, why would you bust people? You turn your in-clique knowledge into public knowledge.
I would say not, since the plan explicitly forbade joining a clique during that update.@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail If we asked to spend a FP to say that we got back to the clique to join before we were KO'd, would that be allowed?
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail If we asked to spend a FP to say that we got back to the clique to join before we were KO'd, would that be allowed?