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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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I think Center is the way to go here. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to overcome it. This gives no special ability to resist mental abilities--but we already have a Rune that's about making us better at adapting to attacks, and I don't think a mental one is any exception. The ability to rise to the occasion in spite of fear feels the way to go here. Ignoring Fear or artificially inflating your Courage seems like a bad habit to get into.

Nah you're wrong on this one.

Look at the gold text.

Left is the right choice it helps you know what is affecting you and overcoming it. Center just makes you stronger, nothing there to help you know your self.

To claim the Hammer is to know Truth.

To know Truth is to spurn Falsehood.

To spurn Falsehood is to know Falsehood.

To know Falsehood is to understand the Self.
Center makes the most sense to me, fear can be crippling but if you're able to face it and overcome, you'll feel invincible.
I think center, because courage is not really the absence of fear. it is rising to the challenge and overcoming it. Which also fits with the Resist. Overcome. Endure. theme we have going, where overcome is where we are on that list.
Choice sounds clear.

Question is: which rune is best for knowing falsehoods (especially falsehoods of the self)?
Only left choice is the answer.

Center does not tell anything new to the bearer.
Right outright hides the truth of their fear, storing it for later.
It's Left that straight up goes "you are being messed with". Showing falsehoods of the self.

Man, the only thing difficult about this choice is that it's left again.
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Mechanically I like centre the most, but left definitely is better for understanding.
I dislike the artificial boost to bravery though, much prefer the overcoming aspect of centre.
Nah you're wrong on this one.

Look at the gold text.

Left is the right choice it helps you know what is affecting you and overcoming it. Center just makes you stronger, nothing there to help you know your self.

To claim the Hammer is to know Truth.

To know Truth is to spurn Falsehood.

To spurn Falsehood is to know Falsehood.

To know Falsehood is to understand the Self.
The goal of the rune is not to help you know yourself. The goal is that one that knows themselves can use it to it's true potential. Which does not require being given knowledge, but rather to be aware of how afraid you are, and how to turn that to your advantage. The left rune does not provide knowledge of the self, not truly.
[ ] [Courage:] Center
Makes the most sense for me when I think of "Overcome".

[ ] [Courage:] Left
This however seems like the one most tied to understanding.
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The rune quoted does one thing: Makes you aware. That is it, it doesn't compensate you for what's happening to you, it doesn't shield you for a time so you don't have to deal with it. You become aware of that which might be hidden and altering your mind and how.
Are you reading the same thing I am? Because uh...
[ ] [Courage:] Left
[The wearer has increased bravery. They become generally aware of spells and items being used to negatively impact their mental state.]
Emphasis mine. It very explicitly increases the bearer's bravery.
Also being made aware of what is affecting you is *not* the same thing as being aware of yourself. They are related, but separate categories.
…Is…It that There is no right answer so much as YOUR answer?
Trials to prove we can get here, but then that smelter, and the Dragon commenting on our choice to use blood. But other things could have been used.
And these Runes…It's as much about what you think is right then what actually is because none of these feel truly 'right', more like a half-answer that could suffice.
…Bah, like I understand what's going on here.
Left seems like the most likely option as it's the only one that actually informs the bearer of anything involving them and knowledge of the self seems like an important part of the provided riddle.
I don't like the one on the right. Total fearlessness can lead to stupid decisions not to mention getting all that fear back at once 10 minutes later can be a death sentence on the battlefield.
You know, Left rune has nice combo effect with previous rune.

You become resistant to repeated attacks of a given type on yourself + You become aware of mental tamperings of yourself = You become increasingly resistant to repeated negative mental effects on yourself.

So there is some monster with fear inducing aura? The longer you face it, the less bothered you are by it.
Ulgu-filled mists make you too confused to navigate? Stick around and you'll just tough it out.
Someone's pumping Aqshy and Khorne juice into your veins to drive you to unreasonable bloodlust? Not for long they won't.
I agree that left is the correct choice here, the only thing to fear is Fear itself. To Know Fear is to name it as something that you can be overcome.

I am afraid, but what am I afraid of? To say "Failure" is to be foolish, because Failure isn't a thing to fear but learn from. What is the consequence of that Failure that you fear is the question that matters and knowing and understanding both NATURAL and UNNATURAL sources of fear gives one all the tools they need to know what they must do to overcome their fear.

Strength cannot defeat all fears, but understanding what the source of those fears are can allow you to defeat any of them.

Left reveals, it illuminates, it provides understanding.

I say left is the correct choice, and I'm not worried that we're choosing left twice because I doubt Thugni put something so obvious as placement into his ordering of things save to make beardlings doubt themselves.
An update comes out right when I'm about to have dinner with my girlfriend's parents. What misfortune in timing for me!

Well, what are you waiting for!? Tell them! What guarantee do you have that all three of them aren't reading Soulcake's work as well!?

Also, yeah, left.

If we pick left again for the last bit, then we've essentially been going around in circles. :V

Or, you know, squares. 🤔
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With this and the last one, there doesn't seem to be a right answer. Just the answer we choose.

Left reveals other falsehoods, but creates false bravery. Center gives you the strength to face what you fear, but cares not whether your fear is true or false. Right gives the time to do what must be done, but denies the truth until later.

Frankly, these are far more interesting as a potential banner rune than for Snorri himself. He's got the tools to already deal with stuff, but an army of young dwarfs? They could benefit from all of these a lot more. They're the ones that need courage, strength and knowledge urgently, not Snorri.

Center suits Snorri best, Left suits other dwarves best (courage to face their foes, and knowing when the things they feel are not their own), and Right is too niche.
But it doesn't provide any knowledge of self? It just tells you if you are being influenced in specific ways.

Knowledge of the self includes Knowledge of what isn't you. Anyone affected by a spell that affects their emotions is incapable of telling that the altered state of mind isn't their natural state. This makes it so that Snorri may.
This is a tricky one, I have to look to the original text of what we are defining, the dawi as a race. As they are now, the peak right after the loss of the Ancestors where everyone looks around and asks what do we do now? The first steps of a child are those in the footsteps of their parents, soon they must leave and the child left without the sure path they were once on. Dawi are meant to Resist, Overcome, Endure. No more or less, we need to understand the Dawi mindset. It is not the dawi way to artificially inflate their own people, no artificial peaks, if it can't be replicated then it is of no use to them. The Dawi soul is that of a craftsperson. Fear doesn't leave a craftsperson when they are named master, they are forever pushing for the next, how does it compare to the ancient masterpieces? Can I make it better, do I trust it in the hands of a novice? Will it save a life, make one easier? Much like was said earlier if any sum up the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. It's the Dawi.

I don't love the idea of just being aware of it, but we aren't making a az, but summing up a race. Nothing says dawi quite like the left. "Oh sure you got some fancy horns, a flaming sword, slain thousands, burnt worlds to a crisp in the service of your god..." *Snort, hawk loogey* "You think I care, why? I'll still break you over my knee you wazzock!"
It's definitely the left.

To claim the Hammer is to know Truth.
To know Truth is to spurn Falsehood.
To spurn Falsehood is to know Falsehood.
To know Falsehood is to understand the Self.

The root is "to understand the Self" which then allows for one to "know truth". The Rune helps to Understand the Self which allows the User to spot Falsehood thereby granting them the ability to Spurn it and Know Truth and, as a result, Overcome the Falsehood.

The other two seem much more inline with Enduring or Resisting, not truly and properly overcoming something.