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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Easiest derail to Malekith's (totally normal and necessary) plan is to hope the storm comes in a couple turns so we can give Whitebeard a hard timeline for an alternative plan. With Skaud we don't need to be a distraction, we can just ram it straight at the fimir.
Enjoying the magic discussion, but please remember the sticky!

Can't reveal much without spoilers, but I can talk about the testing. Turn 59 will get into detail about it, but you won't need to worry about the amount of Regular Runes Snorri needs to make at least, its gonna happen on its own.

#Rune-Ideas ! Rune Ideas at last!

#Rune-Ideas More rune for the pile.
Master Rune of Saga Seeker (weapon)
when in combat the wielder can speak lines out of song/saga and they will be empowered in ways relevant to the line. Needs to be in Khazalid. Examples if the dwarf says something like "the warrior's next blow sent the beast reeling" then the dwarf would be empowered when attempting the move in combat. Experts using this rune seem to dectate the entire fight as if it was a story already written.
#Trigger #Buff #Flexible #Multi #Odd #Fate?

Master Rune of The Skalds March (Banner)
Dwarfs under the effect of this banner have are tireless and are energised. if the dwarfs under the effect of the banner are singing it increases the range of the effect and this can be further increased if the expand range reaches more singing dwarfs.
#Constant #Trigger #Augment #Flexible #Physical #AOE #IFF #Loney

Rune of the endless voice (all)
People under the effect of this rune can not injure their throat not matter how much they use their voice, whether it be screaming or talking non-stop.
#Constant #Augment

If possible I would like it that all these runes were either invented or at least know by Dwalin
Saga Seeker. thats neat. Future RUne.
Skalds March. Future Rune.
Endless voice. added, unknown.
@soulcake Once more, with feeling.

Master Rune of Anders Iron-Shaper: This rune allows one to turn the entirety of their workshop into what is, for all intents and purposes, a massive furnace, making the shaping of metals within the area much easier because one does not need to constantly reheat the metal in order to continue to shape it. The rune also allows control of the intensity of the heat when activated, ensuring that the heat can be raised or lowered for different metals.

#Structural #Activation #Constant #AOE #Odd #Magical

An odd rune, originally made by the only runelord of Clan Andersson. This rune draws in ambient magic and converts it into heat, allowing one to maintain a constant level of heat in a large area. While Anders Iron-Shaper did not produce all of the weapons wielded by his clan, he produced a great majority of the more storied ones, and would often spend years locked away in his workshop working on whatever project had taken his mind.


So, this is essentially a rune that draws in magical energy similarly to the Rune of Purification, but it is entirely focused on producing a consistent level of heat over a large area to make the process of forging easier rather than being inscribed on a smelter and focused on removing impurities. If it's too similar to the Rune of Purification, that's understandable, but I think it's different enough to essentially be like a divergent path on the same research tree. As for Iron-Shaper, he's focused entirely on making the absolute best version of whatever thing he is making, and as such never bothered to make a normal variant of this rune.
Neato. Added.
Master Rune of The Ancestor's Chosen (Weapon): Seven oaths are sworn to the Ancestors, an oath for each Ancestor, and with each oath kept more power is released: One could destroy a building, while seven could drill through the walls of a Karak, released in a glimmer of teal light. Among the oaths, that it must be against a stronger foe, that it must be an honorable battle, the battle must save the Karaz Ankor, the battle must defy the darkness, the battle must not be against your fellow dwarf, the battle must be against the Clever, the weapon must be wielded by the one who forged it -or- use a reagent provided by the wielder.

The creation of Barra Vanyasdottir, daughter of Thungni, disappeared to the east. She was attempting to emulate the fay folk and certain features of their enchantments.

#Trigger, #Enchantment, #Offensive, #Magical, #AoE, #Odd, #Lonely

Master Rune of Grungni's Foresight (Structural): Grungni foresaw the coming of Chaos and so led his people under the mountains, where it was safe. This Rune allows one to emulate that foresight, though its strength is also its weakness: the foresight only allows one to see tragedies, threats, miseries, and even for a Dwarf a long line of loss and shame and degradation is a heavy burden to bear. Beyond that, of course, though the Rune is powerful the user can be deceived or sufficient will can hide it, and the "resolution" as it were is questionable.

One of the creations of Grunni Thungnisson, perhaps what incited him to journey east in the first place. And of course, the creator has wreathed the Rune itself in controversy.

#Activation, #Cast, #Defensive, #Mental, #Solo, #Odd, #Lonely

Master Rune of Riverine Dynamism (Structural): There is great power trapped within the River, great power indeed. Barra Vanyasdottir invented this Rune to harvest that power: inscribed on a structure located on the banks of a river, a portion of the energy held within is transferred to creations made within the structure, not necessarily strengthening them but reducing their need for power and charge. Barra planned more, but disappeared before she could do as such.

Barra was inspired by an old fable of Wise Morgrim and his daughter Dellingra Ydrasdottir creating a clever machine that redirected the course of a river into the side of an army of Bestigors intent on assaulting Zhufbar, washing them all away.

#Constant, #Enchantment, #Civilian, #Meta, #AoE, #Odd, #Power

Ancestor's chosen: Neat idea. Gonna change some stuff but added.
Grungni's foresight: Like Ancestors Chosen. Future Rune.
Dynamism: ...not this effect I think. Im gonna think about this more.
Rune of Controlled Winds
Winds in the area are easier to manipulate and be used as spells.

#Odd #Magic #Flexible #Constant #AOE

Rune of Unwarding
Degrades the magic resistance of foes, as well as degrading magical protections. Making them more vulnerable to other magic effects.

#Odd #Magic #IFF #Curse

Rune of Softening
Materials on which this rune is inscribed upon are much more soft. Great for comfort.

#Odd #Civilian #Constant

Rune of Impetuous Impatience
Those affected by this rune have their patience sapped, their ability to remain calm and to control their emotions degraded. Essentially the opposite of the Master Rune of Calm and the regular Rune of Calm.

#Odd #Mental #Curse #IFF

Controlled Winds. Unwarding/Impetuous Impatience: Stuff is gonna come that is sorta like this I think/already exists.
Softening: added.
Is this too much? Its such a powerful effect that I felt I needed to shackle it with a pretty severe drawback to bring it down to Flameforge levels.

Master Rune of Magic Cutting
A rune that has had a hard time finding its place perhaps unintuitively as the effect is very attractive to dwarves.
It achieves a breaking effect by turning the magic of enchanted items and magical defences it strikes against themselves. Theoretically, only becoming more powerful and more effective the more the enemy relies on magic nonsense to patch over lacking talent.
In practice however there is a limit where sufficiently stable magic isn't easily manipulated and this rune ceases to have any effect and possibly even worse is that its known for producing mutual kills right on the threshold where the magic affected detonates.
More than anything else dwarves prize the reliability of their runes and a champion slayer that works right until the most powerful foe of your life is not just unreliable, its a rune engineered to fail a dwarf right when it is needed the most, and so it rarely sees use. However a great many runesmiths take on the challenge of trying to be the one to find a perfected versions at least once in their lives, in the hope they'll never have to deal with Zhuf nonsense again.
#On Hit #Curse #Offensive #Solo #Odd

Idea is good, effect probably needs a hard cap. Gonna think but in concept I like it. Need to check for similar Runes first though.

Master Rune of Wretched Taste:
Weapon Rune
Curse, On Hit, Offensive, Odd
The only weapon rune designed by Dwinbar Comfort Seeker. A Runesmith mostly known for the creation of a number of household utility runes. Based on his research in cookery and flavor enhancing runes, the Master Rune of Wretched Taste curses those that are stuck by it with a disgusting flavor on their tongue and wrongness of mouthfeel. The sudden onset of this offensive taste and texture (said to be like a combination of fire, gravel and poorly fermented sewage by those dwarfs unlucky enough have suffered it's affects) causes even the most enduring opponent to suffer nausea, confusion as well as uncontrollable vomiting. The rune also affects anything eaten or drank by it's victim giving them an entirely new flavor of awfulness each time they eat for the weeks the runes power is at work. Strangely creatures affiliated with Nurgle are also affected by this rune leading some scholars to believe the runes flavor changes based on the victims preferences.
Wretched Taste. I really like this, but also we have over 700 Runes. Added. Gotta do some cleaning maybe.
Rune Of Mockery: Enrages the enemy beyond sense, by making them hear endless mocking laughter.
Many of the enemies of the Dawi are proud, and the proud hate nothing more than to be not taken seriously. So when they pontificate, parade about, declare their glory - laugh. Laugh in their face, and let them know what the Dawi think of them!

Rune Of Grinding: Grinds and crushes anything placed against it
Originally created to better prepare ingredients, found some use as a weapon Rune, as even a minor touch can cause serious damage.

Rune Of Hound's Nose: A specialised upgrade to the Rune of Forge Nose, allowing for a better scent identifying and tracking.

Mockery: already got taunting.
Grinding: Eh....maybe as a thing to make Grinding easier? But that feels a bit too shallow at this point.
Hound's Nose: Future Rune? Changing name to Longbeard's Nose or something to be a bit less demeaning.
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Mockery: already got taunting
It's similar to Taunting, which I hadn't realised, but it isn't directly cause targets to attack the bearer. It just laughs at them.

Grinding: Eh....maybe as a thing to make Grinding easier? But that feels a bit too shallow at this point.
Imagine an industrial mining drill, the ones with three rotating bits. Apply that to face for a couple seconds.

Ew. And also ouch.
[Semi Canon] The Commissioner Conundrum, Candidates added to Character Recruitment Pool
The Commissioner Conundrum​

"What?" Borgrin asks looking at his friends at seated around the table. Holdi had her face in here hands, while Medb seem enthralled with the ceiling of the tavern and Hegra stands to go order another round of drinks. Surely his idea wasn't that poor. "What is wrong with my request since you all seem to have some issue with them." He said with a frown

"Bogrin, the fact you can't see the problem makes the whole thing worse." Holdi says lifting her face to look at him. "You even made poor Medb speechless." Hodi continues gesturing over to Medb who was still looking at the roof.

"Medb is mute Holdi and I very much doubt I somehow made the situation worse." Borgrin replies.

"Oh, but you did Boggy boy! Isn't that right Medb?" Holdi asks the silent dwarf who gives her a thumbs up but does not stop inspecting the ceiling. Which causing Holdi to give him a shit eating grin. Before he can dignify the situation with a response Hegra arrives back with more drinks for everyone.

"Right, now that we all have a full drink in hand we try and deal with this mess." Says Hegra taking a sip from her drink. "Now let me recap what's going on, you invited us to celebrate the fact your clan and by poxy you have earned enough victories that they are allowing members to commission gear from runesmiths." Hegra explains.

He nods as confirmation.

"Good, so you decided to tell us what of commission you were going to give the runesmith and you said, 'A really good axe' and confirmed that you were not in fact joking. Which bring us to now." Hegra finishes while giving him a glare.

Returning the glare he responds "Yes, which for some reason has led to you three taking issue with my commission. A perfectly good commission at that, shame on the lot of you." He finishes while shaking his head.

"Good commission? Boggy I have seen beardlings come up with more creative requests. What you have is the starting point of figuring out what kind of runic item you want, not the end point! You don't even know what you're going to get with your commission." Disputes Holdi.

"Nai, I know what I am going to get." He begins with a slight grin. "A really good axe".

That statement said with such confidence seemed to break Holdi as she kept opening and closing her mouth but failing to produce a response. While Medb was doing her best to hide her silent laughter at the situation. Whereas Hegra decided it was her turn to dissuade him of his idea.

"Borgirn you can't actually know that. Your request is so vague that you could end up with any kind of runes on your axe." Hegra says and continuing before he could respond. "I don't doubt that runesmith will make a masterpiece but no matter how good it will be you might end up with an axe that's not for you."

"She has the right of it Boggy! You might end up with an axe that shoots lightning or one that's on fire." Interjects Holdi

"That makes no sense. I am not asking for a lightning shooting or flaming axe, so I won't get one. All I am asking for is a really good axe." He says.

That declaration seems to stun both Hegra and Holdi who look at him with baffled faces. While Medb seemed to be struggling get enough air with how hard she was laughing. A situation he decided to act upon by winking at her making her realises he was messing with them. This caused her to laugh even harder to the point she falls off her chair. She is completely ignored by both Hegra and Holdi who start arguing with him again. Holding back a chuckle he continues to argue back and forth with his good friends.

AN: Introducing my additions to the recruitment pool of the Hearthguard. Hopefully that's still a thing we do around here.

Borgrin Grimseal – A fearsome warrior with an axe and shield, while he doesn't have the most experience fighting all of the odd things in the far north, he does have many centuries of experience fighting in the throng of Drakk. Spends a lot teaching the others in his clan how to fight. He also has the quirk and love of getting its harmless arguments and has quite the talent to get people engaged arguing about the most trivial and harmless topics while never letting get too far that folk would still be mad after a night's sleep. Still doesn't stop them from arguing with him about it in a week's time.

Holdi Goldenplaits – A master goldsmith and earned the title Goldenplaits not because of the colour her hair because it's all white beardling! But in an act of skill and wealth she has thin strands of gold that is braided into her plaits. You would have to search hard to find someone as knowledgeable on how to smith with gold. Extremely passionate in every action she feels is worth doing, whether it be smithing, cooking or arguing. Always seems to realise too late into an argument with Borgrin that he is messing with her.

Hegra Fleetfoot – A dwarf messenger and a really fast one at that but she isn't delivering any old mail, she is delivering battlefield orders. When the throng marches and magic is exploding all over the place and beasts are only held at bay by dwarven steel and brana in the sky. Hegra has served in the throng delivering order in the most dangerous of situations while keeping calm. Off the battlefield she has a love for cooking only matched by her skill at it. Very relaxed person but always seems to get baited by both Holdi and Borgrin to discuss the inanest shit.

Medb Silentpick – The Mute Miner. Medb has not being able to speak since birth, but she has never let that bother her. Still, she is able to communicate in the Miners guild sign language and morse code which are both sadly guild secrets. She is scarily silent, and rumours say that even when mining her pick makes no noise and she has been the cause of many accusations of haunted sections of the mine. While it can be explained by having a runed pickaxe which makes no noise she is extremely stealthy on the level on a certain runesmith. In person she is extremely expressive and is always happy to be there when her friends end up doing something stupid.
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"That makes no sense. I am not asking for a lightning shooting or flaming axe, so I won't get one. All I am asking for is a really good axe." He says.
Ironically enough, I can understand what the dude want.
"A really good axe". The main purpose of an axe is to chop stuff, and the longer that you can chop stuff with it, the better.
So, a "really good axe" would have a Rune of Sharpness, a Rune of Durability, and most likely a third rune to double-down on either the sharpness or durability.
Shaving the neckbeard.
... What do you mean by this, exactly?
Like, do you mean shave the beard? Because that's seen as a very bad thing in Dawi Culture, so I don't think that would be seen as needed.

Do you mean kill off the Neckbeard Dawi-equivalent who are dickbags who makes things worse? That would need a really good Axe I reckon.

Or is there another meaning I don't know because I'm not as knowledgeable of memes?
... What do you mean by this, exactly?
Like, do you mean shave the beard? Because that's seen as a very bad thing in Dawi Culture, so I don't think that would be seen as needed.

Do you mean kill off the Neckbeard Dawi-equivalent who are dickbags who makes things worse? That would need a really good Axe I reckon.

Or is there another meaning I don't know because I'm not as knowledgeable of memes?
Is joke, I'm saying they need to shave and implying all Dwarfs have neckbeards (because all Dwarfs are neckbeards).

It's A Bit.
...If you put that into a Axe would it make the enemy drunk upon hitting them? That could be very useful tbh, or maybe it would just spill beer after a hit which would be hilarious
Ork: WAAAGH-(Gets hit by the Beer Axe, Turns into Green Bugman Beer)
Dwarf (Picks up the beer, and drinks it):
Now that's good drinkin'!
Buy new Bugman Beer Flavor: Git Guzzling! At your closet Dwarven Tavern in celebration of Joesf Bugmans return to Brewery!