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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Hmm, a combo that might be able to translate into the heirs purpose of 'Guarding the hold and making it prosper'...

  • Master Rune of Valaya - The Rune of Valaya emits an aura that negates the power of magic, weakening spells and improving one's natural magic resistance.
  • Rune of Guarding - It is no easy task to carry a hold's banner into battle, for every enemy warrior dreams of the glory of capturing it. This rune defends the bearer of the standard.
  • Valiant Rune - Dwarf crews are famed for always defending their machines to the bitter end when attacked.

    Valaya in the sense of the Ancestor Goddess of the Hearth and Home. Rune of Guarding because that would be the Heirs job once the king has gone off to war and the Valiant rune to make damn sure that if it's needed the Heir will never abandon his job of defending the hold.

    That's probably a good runeset for 'Guarding the home' trying to figure out the runeset to make it so the hold prospers is kind of difficult because the Master Rune of Kingship isn't a thing yet.
  • Master Rune of Kingship - Gotrek Starbreaker was the first great Dwarf Lord to have his crown adorned with this rune. Such a crown is a priceless artefact and the loss of one is dearly mourned as it absorbs the wisdom of its former master and passes this on to the next crown bearer.
  • Rune of Luck - The Runesmith who first struck this rune, Magnus Hammerson, acquired a fortune in gold through his gambling.
  • Rune of Fortune - Discovered by Magnus Hammerson, who broke Runesmith tradition by selling it to the Engineers Guild.

    Because sometimes, you just need luck and fortune to prosper. If the luck and fortune can be applied to the hold, through the guidance of the next king who has been enlightened by the kings of the past? All the better.
  • Master Rune of Valaya - The Rune of Valaya emits an aura that negates the power of magic, weakening spells and improving one's natural magic resistance.
  • Rune of Guarding - It is no easy task to carry a hold's banner into battle, for every enemy warrior dreams of the glory of capturing it. This rune defends the bearer of the standard.
  • Valiant Rune - Dwarf crews are famed for always defending their machines to the bitter end when attacked.​
This is a decent option to, but like I told Garlak I'm like kind of making approximations here in order to get spell resistance and the effect of the Rune of Preservation. And the Rune of Valaya is put on hold gates like ours to ward away Chaos.
Does Snorri know if he can adapt the Master Rune of Currents to armor meant for a creature with natural weapons?
IC: It'd be a bit odd, but is arguably in the realm of the Rune knowing what to do.

OOC: Im not gonna make you suffer through 16 actions over such a technicality. So if you make a pair of like gauntlets itll do what you want it to.
Also for Gloin's armor, something that occurs to me as well is that Valaya is the mother of the dwarf race and cares for each of her children. An heir is a child in some ways, and it seems fitting to me that as his sister will get a reminder of home via the amulet we're giving her, he'll get one too via the Rune of the Ancestor of Hearth and Home.

Plus the Rune of Valaya will synergize with the Rune of Sanctuary in his cloak I think.
I feel like I should inform everyone, in case they have forgotten, that Rune Combos can themselves make Combos. Creating a set bonus essentially. I say this mostly because you're getting to a point where entire equipment sets are being made and considered so there. Ill add to FAQ if it isnt there already
That sounds like a suggestion to also look at what we got for the Cloaks too, and see how each cloak's runes can interact with the attendant armor's runes too...

Theme: The King's Cloak: "A relentless, unstoppable and valiant King." Make the cloak using Dragonhide.
Theme: The Heir's Cloak: "A redoubtable, vital and skilled Heir." Make the cloak using Dragonhide.

- New Rune Combo Unlocked! Combo, Pyrestrike: [Rune of Grimnir, Rune of Burning, Rune of Impact] [The bearer is engulfed in a bubble of fire and heated air, detonating on command or when hit with sufficient force. The explosion burns and knocks back enemies. A weaker version of the effect can be extended over a formation]. Lo Valiant Grimnir charged, and before the furious heat of his onslaught, nought was left but ash and dead foes.
- New Rune Combo Unlocked! Combo, Hailmantle: [Rune of Frost, Rune of Parrying, Rune of Sanctuary] [A shield of frost and bitter winds buffets away projectiles and slows down enemies attacking the bearer. A weaker version of the effect can be extended over a formation.]The North winds blow fast, fierce and relentless, their chilling bite the doom of many.

So the King has Grimnir, Burning, and Impact on his cloak.

The Heir has Frost, Parrying, Sanctuary on his cloak.

Wait hold on let me check, who's getting the Rune of Sanctuary...
-[X] Choose 1: The King's Armor will have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Sanctuary. Forge the Armor from Adamant.
-[X] Choose 2: The Heir's Armor will have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Valaya. Forge the Armor from Adamant.
Hm, the King is. So the King will have a Rune of Sanctuary (on his cloak), and the Heir will have a Rune of Sanctuary on his armor. Dunno which way you'd want it to try to get a set going...


Anyway. While checking the Cloak and Amulet commission and checking back to when we first got the letter about it, I stumbled upon something again. Namely that, uhh...
I speak now of the encroaching union between Princess Orra, daughter of Otrek and Girda of Clan Ironarm and the means of Dowry. It has come to my attention that King Otrek has plans to commission both he and his heir, Gloin Otreksson, a magnificent set of Gromril Armour from yourself-

You blink. Didn't know that actually, good to know at least.

Further, I am also putting forward another commission for your perusal, that of an amulet for Orra, daughter of Otrek and Girda, as a reminder of her home to be done at any time.
The grammar actually makes it sound like Orra's marrying Girda. =/ It looks like the sentence intended to mention the Prince of Ungor that Orra would be marrying but left it out; like it was supposed to be "union between Princess Orra, daughter of Otrek and Girda of Clan Ironarm, and Prince so-and-so-of-Ungor and the means of Dowry" (or "union between Prince Stonehammer and Princess Orra") but it neglected to mention the part of who she'll be marrying, so instead it just looks a bit weird.

I remember this throwing me off back when I first saw it, as I got confused as to who Orra was supposed to be and so on. ><
Is there a regular Rune of Flight, and I'm assuming we'd have to study the feathers of the King of the Sky to determine what they could be used for in a hypothetical case of getting said feathers @soulcake ?
Theme: The King's Cloak: "A relentless, unstoppable and valiant King." Make the cloak using Dragonhide.
Theme: The Heir's Cloak: "A redoubtable, vital and skilled Heir." Make the cloak using Dragonhide.

- New Rune Combo Unlocked! Combo, Pyrestrike: [Rune of Grimnir, Rune of Burning, Rune of Impact] [The bearer is engulfed in a bubble of fire and heated air, detonating on command or when hit with sufficient force. The explosion burns and knocks back enemies. A weaker version of the effect can be extended over a formation]. Lo Valiant Grimnir charged, and before the furious heat of his onslaught, nought was left but ash and dead foes.
- New Rune Combo Unlocked! Combo, Hailmantle: [Rune of Frost, Rune of Parrying, Rune of Sanctuary] [A shield of frost and bitter winds buffets away projectiles and slows down enemies attacking the bearer. A weaker version of the effect can be extended over a formation.]The North winds blow fast, fierce and relentless, their chilling bite the doom of many.

So the King has Grimnir, Burning, and Impact on his cloak.

The Heir has Frost, Parrying, Sanctuary on his cloak.

Wait hold on let me check, who's getting the Rune of Sanctuary...
Yeah basically, if I can have both of them at least having Rune of Sanctuary and Rune of Preservation somewhere on their persons I'm happy and the Rune of Valaya is a neat little substitution because the rune of Valaya should improve the rune of Sanctuary on Gloin.

Otrek is more round about in that his durability provided by the armor fits into being relentless and unstoppable, but not in a straight path.
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I feel like I should inform everyone, in case they have forgotten, that Rune Combos can themselves make Combos. Creating a set bonus essentially. I say this mostly because you're getting to a point where entire equipment sets are being made and considered so there. Ill add to FAQ if it isnt there already
Hrm. Otrek's cloak and Trollslayer already have some synergy between them. Maybe we can add something simlar to his armor?

Possibly with the Rune of Impact again. Master Rune of Gromril: withstand all but the mightiest of blows. Rune of Impact: turn a Dwarf's charge into one of thunderous momentum.
Here's an idea:

Master Rune of Currents, Rune of Lightning, Rune of Lightening

The Wind is my ally, the Lightning my voice. I am one with my domain.
Incidentally this might prove extra synergistic because of who he is (the King of the Sky) what he is (a Griffin) and what he can do (produce lightning). The wind (Currents) and Lightning (Lightning) are big symbols of the sky. I'd have chosen flight as well if I thought there was a regular version, which there might well be but I'm not sure what it would do, and barring that Lightening comes closest to the theme. And really, the biggest thing about living in the sky is throwing off the shackles of gravity, hence, lightening. Plus, it would probably be extremely important to reduce weight.

no silly, Im not satan. :^)
Well, it would certainly provide a worthy bonus, something that requires multiple Runesmiths/Lords collaborating or a very productive one. I wouldn't blame you for such.