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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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I find it hilarious that the Brotherhood is trying to be all mysterious and Snorri is like, but I made that already. Makes me remember stuff like starting a side quest and already having the quest item you need to complete it.

Anyway I say we send the bar just to see the looks on their faces. Probably break a record or something.
Yep. :)

Probably some multi-quote error cropped up, as the post you're quoting is talking solely about Otrek and his son's armors. (The other part of your post was quoting a Griffon quote, so, hence my thinking it's some multi-quote snarl.)

I've been thinking that Rune Metal Part 5 would be "Discover the Master Rune of Adamant" and so I was lamenting the fact that we couldn't rush out and finish Part 5 so King Otrek's and his son's armors would be made of Adamant and have the Master Rune of Adamant both; it would feel like a very cool thing, you know? Not only our first work of adamant, but also using its Master Rune too. It would be quite a legend.

Unfortunately, the only way I saw that working is if we went all-in on Rune Metal Part 4 with all 5 Actions. Followed by another 5-action all-in the next turn.

Except we can't be sure that there's a Rune Metal Part 5 (though it seemed a reasonable guess to me, once I remembered "Oh hey, the Master Rune of Adamant is a thing! Maybe that'll be further ahead in the chain?") or how exactly it would work out so...

But on the other hand, I really want to make our 2 special armors made of Adamant and with the rune of Adamant on them too...
Not even 100% sure we'll get the Master Rune of Adamant yet, considering this Rune creates Adamant, as opposing to being a Rune made with/from Adamant.
You know, it probably says more about Snorri than our progress or the quality of their hints that even having already done it, we don't understand their hints.

I mean, just because one knows how to do something doesn't mean one can write a poem full of prose about the process, for example.
Yeah, Snorri kind of cheated? He had the gleam from finding the Gromril seam that pushed him forward. He knew with certainty something was there, he just needed to find out how to do it.

In other terms Snorri is a prodigy. Probably most other members of the brotherhood got to where Snorri did with hard work.

Or, Snorri cheated. His certainty that something was above Gromril probably gave him a straight shot to adamant. If he didn't know something was there the rune metal path probably would of been a lot longer and the hints probably would of made more sense.
[X] Plan Tonight We Dine On Metal
-[X] Trial of the Brotherhood: [Cost: 1 Bar of Adamant for 1 turn]
-[X] The Rune Metal Pt. 4: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc. 5 Actions.
-[X] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order. Expedite the Dragonhide.
-[X] Dragon Hide [Cost: 2 Turns]
-[X] Obsidian [Cost: 1 Turn]

Pump 3 overflow into The Rune Metal Pt. 4.
That would be 2 overflow. This is research, not a request/construct. 3(5)+2
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Except we can't be sure that there's a Rune Metal Part 5 (though it seemed a reasonable guess to me, once I remembered "Oh hey, the Master Rune of Adamant is a thing! Maybe that'll be further ahead in the chain?") or how exactly it would work out so...

But on the other hand, I really want to make our 2 special armors made of Adamant and with the rune of Adamant on them too...
Nah that was me just misreading/not quoting the right part/being a derp lol.

Anyway as for this part we have good reasons to believe there will be some kind of continuation for Rune Metal because:

The Master Rune of Adamant might be something we can discover, if we're not making it right now.

When Snorri was naming Adamant he muses on how he wanted to call it True Gromril but felt that didn't fit because in his mind it didn't quite qualify and was pretentious.
And Adamant for your new form of Gromril, deciding that calling it True Gromril felt a bit pretentious, and something in your gut told you it wasn't accurate either.
Additionally the flashes of white that Snorri saw all the way back when first discovering the Mine. There should be another refinement we can reach, somehow.

The natural beauty amazes even your exacting standards, what's more, your stupefied and potentially concussed mind notes how the silvery tint of the Gromril glints even more brilliantly with the blue light, looking as if energy is suffusing its entire being. It may be a trick of the light, but sometimes, in the very corner of your eyes, you see the metal glow brilliant silver and other times mayhaps even purest white.
We don't know what the white Gromril is but it makes sense to connect that to True Gromril.

Then, the semi-related fields of figuring out what Runes could use Adamant as an ingredient. That's probably not quite Rune Metal but its in the same "Gromril related" field of Runecraft.

I figure it has way way more than five parts and even if we spent every turn on it until it was done, would still take centuries to finish.
Not even 100% sure we'll get the Master Rune of Adamant yet, considering this Rune creates Adamant, as opposing to being a Rune made with/from Adamant.
Perhaps that'll be the next clue the Brotherhood of Dron gives us.

Or maybe they'll assume we're that far along too, because hey he'd known about Adamant right? surely he has some idea of this too right, and it'll be a comedy of errors and sadness. :V

EDIT: Maybe the True Gromril was the friends we made along the way will turn out to be Adamant with a Master Rune of Adamant on it. ((Making it, what, Super Gromril Metal Super Gromril? Since Adamant was 'even further beyond', so the next stage is Super Saiyan God. But I find "Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan" way more funny to type so I'll type that out over just "Super Saiyan God" every time. The repetition somehow makes it hilarious.))
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Yeah, Snorri kind of cheated? He had the gleam from finding the Gromril seam that pushed him forward. He knew with certainty something was there, he just needed to find out how to do it.

In other terms Snorri is a prodigy. Probably most other members of the brotherhood got to where Snorri did with hard work.

Or, Snorri cheated. His certainty that something was above Gromril probably gave him a straight shot to adamant. If he didn't know something was there the rune metal path probably would of been a lot longer and the hints probably would of made more sense.

Nah, Snerra is the actual prodigy. I wouldn't bet against her becoming a runelord within a century, or 10 turns. You have to remember that the average runesmith resembles Dolgi,or someone even less talented than him. A runelord is an outlier, it's like comparing LeBron James to Thaddeus Young. To get into the NBA, you need the right genetics and talent (much like runesmithing) , but then there's the freaks among the freaks.
Nah, Snerra is the actual prodigy. I wouldn't bet against her becoming a runelord within a century, or 10 turns. You have to remember that the average runesmith resembles Dolgi,or someone even less talented than him. A runelord is an outlier, it's like comparing LeBron James to Thaddeus Young. To get into the NBA, you need the right genetics and talent (much like runesmithing) , but then there's the freaks among the freaks.
The prodigy/hard work thing was more in comparison to how Snorri and the Brotherhood hit adamant. Snorri went the prodigy way about it, lucking his way into advantages really early that snowballed into getting him to adamant super fast.

The hard work part is the brotherhood probably spent centuries figuring out how to refine adamant and streamlining the process.

Compare that to Snorri. 13 turns against maybe 20-30 turns? Prodigy vs hard work.
Don't feel good about replicating the armor twice in a row. It just doesn't seem like there's enough of them to get a proper variety, however.

Someone did mention that the prince lacks a proper rune weapon. We should probably spend a minute on that, though not go overboard; the prince's weapon shouldn't be competing with the king's. To roll with the fire & ice theme we seem to have going on, I want to bring back up my proposal for an axe with the Master Rune of Currents, Rune of Speed, and Rune of Fury. Where Trollcleaver delivers single, devastating blows, Stormreaper (or whatever) will unleash a hurricane of many blows before the enemy can react.
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Given the size of the KofS, it'll be probably be three actions to armor him (so 2 for us)

If we don't want to risk him getting impatient, we'd have to do the armor right after he completes our request. So probably better to wait until we have the current royal commissions done first.
Don't feel good about replicating the armor twice in a row. It just doesn't seem like there's enough of them to get a proper variety, however.
That's definitely the problem as it stands yeah, there's not enough straight up Armor Runes to really play straight with that category. Which is more the fault of GW than anything else.

I do want to make a shield with Rune of Iron x3 at some point and pair that with a single handed axe with Rune of Fire x3 and give those to one of Otrek's relatives. Maybe Orra! That'd be good.
Don't feel good about replicating the armor twice in a row. It just doesn't seem like there's enough of them to get a proper variety, however.
Oh, right, dang that's a point... On the other hand, it is a set of armors...
That's definitely the problem as it stands yeah, there's not enough straight up Armor Runes to really play straight with that category. Which is more the fault of GW than anything else.
Yeah but on the other hand, they're not just the same 3 runes, but the same Master Rune too. =/

On the other other hand; again, twin armors (well, father and son, but) and also what you'd just said about armor runes looking a little scarce.

I feel like the Rune List is kind of... feeling empty, or not as informative, by only listing really rare runes and just going 'Yeah you probably know any given common rune' because somebody looking at the list for inspiration will only see what's on that list... So as a reference guide, it feels like it'd be more inspirational and creativity-boosting if it had more runes. =/
[X] Plan Metal and Secret Brotherhoods.
-[X] Odd Places 4/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness. 1 action
-[X] Trial of the Brotherhood: [Cost: 1 Bar of Adamant for 1 turn]
-[X] [Difficult] A Royal Panoply Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. 1 Action.
-[X] Choose: Both Armors have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Sanctuary. Forge the Armors from Adamant.
-[X] The Rune Metal Pt. 4: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc. 3 Actions.
-[X] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order. Expedite the Dragonhide.
-[X] Dragon Hide [Cost: 2 Turns]
-[X] Obsidian [Cost: 1 Turn]
Oh, right, dang that's a point... On the other hand, it is a set of armors...

Yeah but on the other hand, they're not just the same 3 runes, but the same Master Rune too. =/

On the other other hand; again, twin armors (well, father and son, but) and also what you'd just said about armor runes looking a little scarce.

I feel like the Rune List is kind of... feeling empty, or not as informative, by only listing really rare runes and just going 'Yeah you probably know any given common rune' because somebody looking at the list for inspiration will only see what's on that list... So as a reference guide, it feels like it'd be more inspirational and creativity-boosting if it had more runes. =/
This is a good reason to do Themes, get more combos onto the list so we know what is and isn't possible.

And also just asking @soulcake if a rune idea exists, like my questions back when about Runes to reduce weight of a thing they're put on or on like a wagon to make its cargo lighter.
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I know that the rule of pride shouldn't interfere with these two armours, but I still somewhat worry that doing a double suit of armour on a high visibility two armour commission will result in some negative; like, all the hip and with it millennia year old runelords will laugh at us for lacking creativity, or something.
Same 3 runes for 2 items is one thing. Not that great, but...

But having one of those be a Master Rune too... argh.

What are some alternatives, if we aren't going for exact 2 copies of the same rune combo?

Fortitude + Steel + Stone?

Fortitude + Steel + Preservation?

Fortitude + Preservation + Sanctuary?
I know that the rule of pride shouldn't interfere with these two armours, but I still somewhat worry that doing a double suit of armour on a high visibility two armour commission will result in some negative; like, all the hip and with it millennia year old runelords will laugh at us for lacking creativity, or something.

I don't know. On most commissions I'd be against it. On a paired request like this though I feel like it kind of fits.