That's just enough denial to make me suspect that there are secret cooking competitions at night. But how to get proof?...I know I'll break in to prove it!!!
Maybe if you were talented enough you wouldn't need to break in and would be invited. I mean there is no tournament but if there was here is an omake about how one would join.
The Non-existent Cooking Tournament
Norgrim has no idea how he got into this situation, well that's not exactly true. He knows how he got into this situation, he doesn't understand why he got into this situation. Norgrim is just a ranger for Karka Drakk and not a special one at that either. Everything was just as normal except that he was assigned to Elder Kazrik ranger's patrol. He had heard of the dwarf before but never worked with him. To start it was like any other patrol with the elders grumbling and the weather trying to kill them.
It all went wrong? Odd? when they set up camp and Norgrim was in charge of cooking. Now he likes to think that he isn't the worst at cooking and could make a decent stew but apparently the way he cooked caught Elder Kazrik's attention. After a round of pointed questions related to his cooking ability the elder went silent and didn't bring up the subject for the rest of the patrol.
Norgrim thought the moment was a tad odd but put it out of his mind, what he didn't expect was for Elder Kazrik to find him later. Which is why he is currently following the Elder around Khazagar at night. Nope. Still doesn't make any sense why he is here after mentally reviewing the situation for a 7
th time. None of the staff spared the two of them a second glance and some even nodded at Kazik in passing. Following his Elder through the halls until they reached a supply closet.
"Come on lad, we're almost there." Said Kazrik as he entered the supply closet. "Hurry lad." Kazrik continued while gesturing him to enter. Closing the door behind him he looked around at the supply closet and noticed that it was just a supply closet. Why was he here again? Maybe going over it an 8
th time would make it make sense. He squawked when wool gathering was interrupted when a bundle of fabric hit is face. Catching it and looking down he can see it's a cloak, looking back up he can see Elder Kazrik putting on a cloak himself while standing next to an open crate full of similar cloaks. Wait did he just squawked right before? He needs to stop hanging out with so many Brana.
"Put that on lad, no dawdling now." Chides Kazrik as he picks up an unassuming hammer from a rack and tapping the wall with it. Before Norgrim can ask what is going on the wall the Kazrik was Infront of opens up revealing a secret passageway. Kazrik enters into the secret path and gesturing for him to do the same. Why not? It's not like this night can get any more confusing.
"Elder, where are we going?" he asks. The last few times he asked he only got a grunt in response.
Kazrik stops for a moment, looking around before continuing. "We won't be overheard here lad so I can tell you. Where we are going is a secret and couldn't risk speaking about it in the open. The ears of those who falsely believe themselves worthy of the secret are everywhere." Explains Kazrik.
That can't be right, we are in one of the most secure places in the whole Far North.
"Even in Khazagar Elder?" He asks
"Especially Khazagar lad" Answers Kazrik.
"There have even been some attempted break-ins, but none have succeeded." Kazrik continues.
Khazagar has been infiltrated? Are some foes trying to steal runesmith secrets? How did they get so far in? Why is he hearing about this now? Why is he hearing about this? What could he even do about this?
"That's why I brought you here lad, you don't even know it, but you have talent. Talent that could help us." Kazrik explains.
But he isn't even best ranger of those his age. What could he do to help against a foe that has breached Khazagar?
"Aye lad, you don't know it, but you have serious talent. That stew you made on patrol was satisfactory even to someone like me. If you honed it, your cooking talent you could be one of the best in the whole Far North". Kazrik expounds.
"We are currently heading to Trogg-Khaz, the kitchens there host the gathering of the Drakk Secret Cooking Organisation. Invite only lad, so don't go spreading this around, we already have enough trouble with runesmiths trying to break in and sneaking around. The fools think their cooking is good enough when a troll wouldn't eat what they make." Kazrik explains.
Okay he was wrong this night did get more confusing.
"Where do I fit in, in all this Elder?" he asks.
"You see lad we aren't the only cooking organisation in the far north, each major hold has one and we all compete. That's right lad cooking tournaments, challenges and even timed cook offs. Each hold only sends the best of the best and recently our champion of stews passed away. We are going to be holding tournament to elect a new champion of stews. That's where you come in lad, I think you have what it takes to be our next champion of stews." Kazrik explains turning around to point at his chest.
"Elder, I am nothing special at cooking." Norgrim says tone so thoroughly confused.
"Bah! Lad, I know what I saw and more so I know what I tasted! I am sure the other will see the same. I'll tell you a bit about our other champions, so you won't make fool of yourself when i introduce you. Kazrik says.
"Our champion of roasts is a Brana called He Who Cooks Slowly And Well or just Slowcooker for short. Next is our Champion of baking, which is Lady Snerra, who is said to have learned Valaya's own baking recipes from Angkra Twenty Loops. I don't know identity our Champion of Jerky is but all I know is the living ancestor makes a troll jerky and smells of troll tongue. Next is ……." Kazrik says continuing to list all the cooking champions of The Drakk Secret Cooking Organisation. Leaving Norgrim so confused and baffled as high ranking members of the hold are listed.
So begins the humble tale of Norgrim The Stewmaster.
AN: Remember if anyone asks there is no cooking club after hours in Khazagar. Also I am so unbelievably dyslexic so if you see a spelling or grammar mistake please point it out Thanks!