Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Well, I am functionally too late, but I finally figured out how to put my own preferred definition of the king into words.

[X] Character Moment: Authority and Responsibility
-[X] To be a King is to have authority
--[X] When the King speaks, others listen. When the King commands, others obey. When the King leads, others follow. This authority can spring from a variety of sources (blood, deeds, charisma), but it is a defining trait of a King.
-[X] To be a King is to have responsibility
--[X] The King's successes and failures are his people's successes and failures and vice-versa. It is the King's duty to see to his people first and foremost. For without them, he is King of nothing.
-[X] For example, Snorri has authority, but he abdicated responsibility at the Battle of the Dragon's Maw. The King, who also has and had authority, accepted that responsibility. His acceptance and his success resulted in him becoming King.
-[X] How one gains and uses their authority and how chooses to meet their responsibilities and how well they succeed at them tells what kind of King one will be.
--[X] Will you be a philosopher-king? A warrior-King? A good King? A bad King? A kind King? A cruel one? This you must decide as well. What do you want your legacy to be?
---[X] Take care not to seek your legacy at the cost of your responsibilities or authority.
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Right, well, my own vaguely articulated thoughts on kingship were going to be something like... "A king is somebody who tries to serve his hold and do right by it. He looks at the needs or issues of the hold, and tries to address them." Or to say it again... "A king is somebody who takes whatever his talents are and uses them to better and serve his hold."

So, like... If you're a good architect and good with money? You find a way to employ architecture and economics to serve your hold. If you're a great campaigner and people person? You do that. (A sort of 'be yourself' thing, but... Eh.) Of course, a king's position is more than that. The other half of kingship is that... you also try to address all the other issues of the hold -- and you do so by getting good advisors and good people working for you, which is crucial.

Finally, I would say that a king should also be honorable and a cultural icon. That is... provide implicit leadership, I think is the word? Not quite lead-by-example per se, but more like promote-virtues-by-being-virtuous.
[] Character Moment: A Leader of his Own
-[] A King's Honour is Bound to his Hold: It does not matter what glories you win, what monsters you slay, what weatlh you amass. Your people's prosperity is your honour, your people's suffering your shame. As King, the question you must ask of your every action is, "Is this what is best for the Hold?" The answer to that question will never be simple or come easily. But a true King strives to make certain the answer is always yes.

-[] Know Yourself: You will never be King Otrek. You will never be King Gloin. Because you are not Otrek, and you are not Gloin. You may, however, one day become King Gimli, and King Gimli's legacy may equal or surpass that of King Gloin or King Otrek. You say you know you're not a thinker, you have skill in battle, and you make friends easily. That's a start. Do better. Know yourself, know your strengths, your weaknesses, your blind spots. Because

-[] The Most Important Thing a King Must Do Well is Delegate: You will never be good at everything. You cannot be everywhere. You cannot do the work of a hold with your two hands. Above all else, you must become adept at recognizing skill in your subjects, and giving them responsibility to match. You say you're not a thinker? Then you'd damn well better learn to recognize good thinkers when you see them, and make the very best use of them.

-[] Sometimes, You'll Lose: It's inevitable. Much as you will spend every waking minute seeking to avoid it, some day you will fail, and your hold will pay the cost. In that circumstance, many will shy away from the shame, try to push it elsewhere. Others will shy away from the responsibility, believing themselves not equal to the task. A true King shuns both those lies. He faces the truth with courage, and shoulders the burden of shame. He sees failure for what it is: a mine of the most precious ore any dwarf can possess: Wisdom.
[X] Character Moment: Kingly Consequences
-[X] A king must be keenly aware of the consequences his actions will have on his people, like how your uncle diffused that argument. If he hadn't such an argument may have spiraled into much worse things.
-[X] A king must be able to ask 'Why?'. Why is he choosing to act in a certain way or make a certain decision? Why are other people making their choices? Why are his enemies acting the way they are.
-[X] A king must have a strong back to bear burdens.
I liked the wording on "a strong back to bear burdens."

Because, well, when it comes to us humans, phrases like "If at first you don't succeed, try again" or "Failure is a great teacher" or "Learn from your mistakes" is a thing that just gets a nod of agreement... I'll bet that with DWARFS, it's a much different thing culturally and emotionally/psychologically, no? To THEM, they'd place a LOT of emphasis on "getting it right in the first place." Mistakes and failures hit a LOT harder for Dwarfs, right? And yet, mistakes and failures still happen and you aren't perfect, and of course Dwarfs still understand that sort of thing... But for them, they're probably a lot more "measure twice, cut once" rather than "knocked down 7 times, get up 8".
However. That's why it's still all the more important to be able to bear and withstand failure.

It's just... What I'm saying is, I hope that when this gets communicated, I hope it gets transmitted in a Dwarf way rather than a human-cultural way. Which is what the "must have a strong back to bear burdens" sounded neat to me. It's punchy wording.

Hopefully it's actually as good and culturally-appropriate, as it sounded like to me when reading it. :)
I'll bet that with DWARFS, it's a much different thing culturally and emotionally/psychologically, no? To THEM, they'd place a LOT of emphasis on "getting it right in the first place." Mistakes and failures hit a LOT harder for Dwarfs, right? And yet, mistakes and failures still happen and you aren't perfect, and of course Dwarfs still understand that sort of thing... But for them, they're probably a lot more "measure twice, cut once" rather than "knocked down 7 times, get up 8".

Yep, this is actually why I included this in the advice topics. Because for a dwarf, this is actually an extremely hard lesson to absorb - facing failure is hard for humans, let alone a race without the concept of forgiveness. But a King doesn't have the luxury of ignoring the lessons they can learn from failure -too much rests on them.
The beardling couldn't have been expected to know better.
And the beardling is expected to fail again until they learn. A proper fullbeard, on the other hand, is expected to never make that mistake again, having learned the lessons required. Applying this to a dwarf in the position of King? I'd personally say it comes down to not getting caught up in arrogance, just look at what happened in Karak Zorn; something so heinous (at least by their standards) that seven clans, not one, seven entire clans of Zornish dwarfs journeyed to practically the opposite end of the Karaz Ankor to no longer have to deal with the bullshit. And given what was said about Zornish traditions and ideas about clan responsibilities and freedom, this is an example of a fucking spectacular failure on the part of the King of Karak Zorn.
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Adhoc vote count started by soulcake on Sep 29, 2020 at 6:45 PM, finished with 109 posts and 47 votes.

  • [X] Social: She who Calls the Furious Cold/ Blizzardwing
    [X] Character Moment: A Leader of his Own
    [X] Social: Lady Valma Stoneshaper
    [X] Social: Logazor Bonestrider, Head Ranger of Karak Vlag
    [X] Social: A Ranger from Uzkulak
    [X] Character Moment: Kingly Consequences
    [X] Social: Lord Dwalin Thunderlung
    [X]-Ramblings of a an Elder
    [X] Character Moment: Kingly Consequences
    -[X] A king must be keenly aware of the consequences his actions will have on his people, like how your uncle diffused that argument. If he hadn't such an argument may have spiraled into much worse things.
    -[X] A king must be able to ask 'Why?'. Why is he choosing to act in a certain way or make a certain decision? Why are other people making their choices? Why are his enemies acting the way they are.
    -[X] A king must have a strong back to bear burdens.
    [X] Social: Prince Gimli of Kraka Drakk
    [X] Character Moment: A Leader of his Own
    -[X] A King's Honour is Bound to his Hold: It does not matter what glories you win, what monsters you slay, what weatlh you amass. Your people's prosperity is your honour, your people's suffering your shame. As King, the question you must ask of your every action is, "Is this what is best for the Hold?" The answer to that question will never be simple or come easily. But a true King strives to make certain the answer is always yes.
    -[X] Know Yourself: You will never be King Otrek. You will never be King Gloin. Because you are not Otrek, and you are not Gloin. You may, however, one day become King Gimli, and King Gimli's legacy may equal or surpass that of King Gloin or King Otrek. You say you know you're not a thinker, you have skill in battle, and you make friends easily. That's a start. Do better. Know yourself, know your strengths, your weaknesses, your blind spots. Because...
    -[X] The Most Important Thing a King Must Do Well is Delegate: You will never be good at everything. You cannot be everywhere. You cannot do the work of a hold with your two hands. Above all else, you must become adept at recognizing skill in your subjects, and giving them responsibility to match. You say you're not a thinker? Then you'd damn well better learn to recognize good thinkers when you see them, and make the very best use of them.
    -[X] Sometimes, You'll Lose: It's inevitable. Much as you will spend every waking minute seeking to avoid it, some day you will fail, and your hold will pay the cost. In that circumstance, many will shy away from the shame, try to push it elsewhere. Others will shy away from the responsibility, believing themselves not equal to the task. A true King shuns both those lies. He faces the truth with courage, and shoulders the burden of shame. He sees failure for what it is: a mine of the most precious ore any dwarf can possess: Wisdom.
    [X] Character Moment: Choice and Responsibility
    -[X] Remember that I alone did not make the choice of King. I merely accepted a commission to create a commemorative axe, which I fulfilled to the best of my skill at the time. That axe, Trollslayer, simply reminded the rest of the Elders of the Karak of Otrek's leadership in the fight against the Greedy One - the celebration at which I delivered Otrek's order was only a celebration of that victory, at first. It is they together, not I alone, who chose him to be our King. That choice gets conflated with my presentation of Trollslayer because it makes for a memorable story and because the quantities of good ale running through all the dwarves there led to memories of the event likewise running together a bit.
    -[X] A king is one who bears the highest responsibility. A good king accepts the support of his subjects and his fellow kings, and must support them in turn, but unlike his subjects, a king does not have a superior to support him as he supports them. It may technically be true that a king is subordinate to the high king, but in practice any issue important enough to require support on that level will either already have it or will demand such total focus that none can be spared to seek aid. And so, a king must serve as the final authority, beyond which problems cannot be passed up the chain of command for he is at the terminus of that chain.
    [X] Character Moment: A Kingdom is a house
    -[x] If you think of a kingdom as a house, stout and solid stone, holding against the harshness of the world, then the King is the cornerstone of that house. He caries the burdens of the rest, knowing none take them from him, true, but also sets an example for them doing so. But, a cornerstone is more. A cornerstone sets the location of the house, so all other stones are set in their proper place, and can orient to be just so. It's construction sets an example for all of the other stones used to build the house. And still, with all of that, it is also part of the wall defending the house from whatever seeks to break the walls.
    [X] Character Moment: What is a King?
    -[X] Vision, he must see farther into the future and deeper into the hearts than any other.
    -[X] His people, no man can do all, find those of heart and skill to act in your name.
    -[X] Decisiveness, when push comes to shove, a king orders chaos.
    -[X] Enduring, there is no master to cushion a failure and no one grows without falling on ones nose. A king must live with successes and failures greater than any other.
    [X] Character Moment: Authority and Responsibility
    -[X] To be a King is to have authority
    --[X] When the King speaks, others listen. When the King commands, others obey. When the King leads, others follow. This authority can spring from a variety of sources (blood, deeds, charisma), but it is a defining trait of a King.
    -[X] To be a King is to have responsibility
    --[X] The King's successes and failures are his people's successes and failures and vice-versa. It is the King's duty to see to his people first and foremost. For without them, he is King of nothing.
    -[X] For example, Snorri has authority, but he abdicated responsibility at the Battle of the Dragon's Maw. The King, who also has and had authority, accepted that responsibility. His acceptance and his success resulted in him becoming King.
    -[X] How one gains and uses their authority and how chooses to meet their responsibilities and how well they succeed at them tells what kind of King one will be.
    --[X] Will you be a philosopher-king? A warrior-King? A good King? A bad King? A kind King? A cruel one? This you must decide as well. What do you want your legacy to be?
    ---[X] Take care not to seek your legacy at the cost of your responsibilities or authority.

Midterm making me cry over here. :^)
Wonder how Valma's going to take adamant and Barak Azamar. Fellow Runelords are always INTERESTING.
Wonder how Valma's going to take adamant and Barak Azamar. Fellow Runelords are always INTERESTING.
On one hand, she's younger than us. So more likely a greater reaction in general.

On the other hand, armor isn't her forte at all.

Of course, I'm hoping we can get some epiphanies from her on Gronti and the relevant research lines so I don't mind a lack of awe over the least, not before we show why every Runelord is wondering just what is hiding beneath the surface.
So i saw some people wanting to push for sky and/or wind theming for the last piece to try and create a set. A couple of ideas where thrown around so i wanted to throw mine in as well.

See we have fire and earth but lack something that is a big part of the planet, namely the seas and winds. Both such things have something in common, that they have currents that drive movement quickly and rapidly, fed by the earth and it's inner fire. Funnily enough the Winds of magic also have ebbs and flows of currents, even if they are not quite driven by the same phenomena as the winds and seas of the real world. So my aim is to capitalize on that, to make an axe that cuts, whether it is the physical bits of whatever gear or flesh the enemy has, or their metaphysical bits that is all too common amongst the thralls of Chaos, the demons and just about any mid tier threat or higher on Mallus.

To accomplish this we'd need to obviously alloy MCurrents with two runes. The first is rather obvious spell breaking, this rune while normally not use on weapons, would most certainly allow our axe to affect the winds of magic, those metaphysical building blocks of spells, which normally cannot be touched by dwarven craft, with the exception of runes themselves.

The other rune? Cleaving. Yes I know currents is likely made up of cleaving, speed and striking. However the rune has a specific place, in that it's to allow with the spell breaking rune, to give the axe a weight to cut the winds, and amplify snorri's anti-magic even more. To cut and cleave both things physicals and wind borne, to cut anything in snorri's way regardless of fell power or physical hardness. Something that can cause damage to the enchantments made by the dark gods on their champion's armor, to break apart the fell enchantments of those foolish dawi zhar, to make even daemon weapon crack and fail.AS zhargal wears away at the armor of the foe with extreme heat, so does the Axe cleave through any weaknesses, in craft, in enchantment, or simply brute forced into being via bloody minded Snorri stubborness.

I'm not the best at Khazalid translation but the clsoest thing i can get to the name Windcutter is Zilfinzank.
Roster of the Hearth Guard, +10 to a Hearth Guard Roll [USED]

The Roster of the Hearth Guard
  • Hearth Lord Rudil Donnarsson, a former Huskarl
    • Your grandnephew, and a fixture outside your workshop door.
    • Commander of the Hearth Guard, second only to yourself.
  • Vikken, a former Huskarl
    • Frequently paired with Rudil on door guard. Called 'Vicegrip'.
  • Bottri, a former Huskarl
  • Sifna, a former Huskarl
  • Grunna, a former Huskarl
  • Bardin, a former Huskarl
  • Ulthuar, a former Huskarl
  • Thyk, a former Huskarl
  • Thori, a former Huskarl
  • Zammin, a former Huskarl
  • Sven, a former Huskarl
  • Storri Longnose, a former Huskarl
  • Storri Blackbrows, a former Huskarl
  • Young Storri, a former Huskarl
  • Starki, a former Huskarl
  • Daggi, a former Huskarl
  • Himurr, a former Huskarl
  • ???, a former Huskarl
  • ???, a former Huskarl
  • ???, a former Huskarl
  • Gunhild, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
    • Self-proclaimed 'Fiercest of the Valkyries"
  • Fire Keeper Ylva Hearth Hands, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
    • An extremely skilled healer and an active part of the Hold's medical community.
    • As Fire Keeper, she represents the pinnacle of what it is to be a Hearthwarden.
  • Skella, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • ???, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • ???, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • ???, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • ???, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • ???, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • ???, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • ???, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • Thargrim, a Longbeard Miner
    • A dwarf whose skill at defusing arguments is matched only by his fondness for bickering with Alrik.
  • Alrik, a Longbeard Miner
    • A dwarf whose skill at defusing arguments is matched only by his fondness for bickering with Thargrim.
  • Enlag Burloksson, a Longbeard Miner
    • Incapable of passing by a goldsmith in his spare time without challenging said smith to a sing-off of the Gold Song.
  • Morgrim Goldbeard, a Longbeard Miner
  • ???, a Longbeard Miner
  • ???, a Longbeard Miner
  • ???, a Longbeard Miner
  • ???, a Longbeard Miner
  • Mikken, a Kraka Krum Miner
  • Tullek, a Kraka Krum Miner
  • Nightfeather, a Griffon
    • A skilled scout and nighttime flyer. Trilingual - speaks Brana, Khazalid and Eltharin. Also, can shoot lightning from his eyeballs.
  • Amberclaw, a Griffon
    • One of the rare magically-talented Brana to focus on the Amber wind.
    • An enthusiast of dwarven culture, even among griffons.
  • Rimesong, a Griffon
    • She Who Sings Snow Into Creation, an Azyr user
  • Emberplume, a Griffon
    • He Who Has Burning Wings
    • Has painted his normally snow-white feathers bright red.
  • Still Wing, a Griffon
    • A skilled warrior and tracker
    • Known for his absurd patience and endurance, capable of standing guard for months if needed.
  • Hamur, a Priest of Gazul
    • A quick draw with a sword, and working on getting faster.
  • Logain, a Priest of Gazul
    • A devout follower of Gazul with the strange habit of chatting amiably with the corpses he is interring. A home-brewer of meads.
  • ???, a Priest of Grungni
  • Kazrik Straightbeard, a Priest of Grungni
    • Actually possesses a curly beard; his name refers to his invaluable skill as a mediator and counselor. Skilled in designing and repairing infrastructure.
  • Drong, a Priest of Grimnir
  • Grimgar, a Priest of Grimnir
  • Kemli Imraksson, a Longbeard Ranger
    • A notably devious fellow, currently pursuing experimental weapons research involving Troll Bile.
  • Norgrim Snowbeard, a Longbeard Ranger
    • Came effusively recommended by Brokk, Head Ranger of Kraka Drakk: "Quiet, half-decent with a bow and the nose of a Sabretusk, take him if you want."
    • Has proved himself the best tracker in the Hearth Guard. Ceaselessly dedicated to finding and returning the lost.
  • Thalben, a Longbeard Ranger
  • Drumin, a Longbeard Ranger
    • Competitive with Yngvar at marksmanship
  • Thorek, a Longbeard Ranger
  • Druin, a Longbeard Ranger
    • Founder and ex-head of one the largest merchant organizations in the North.
    • Encyclopedic knowledge of the settlements of the North, and of Useful People to Know
    • Armed with a heavy, cart-mounted crossbow.
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Raven-Cloaked
  • ???, a Raven-Cloaked
  • ???, a Raven-Cloaked
  • ???, a Raven-Cloaked
  • Skalgrim Mordinsson, a Master Engineer
  • Yngvar Ultharsson, a Master Engineer
    • Competitive with Drumin at marksmanship. Carries a 'miniature bolt thrower he calls a crossbow' named Menna.
  • Balik Khazadsson, a Master Engineer
    • A prodigy with a gift for pushing the boundaries of dwarfish technology.
    • Somehow manages to consistently resolve conflicts while simultaneously leaving more ruffled feathers than when he started.
    • Very hard of hearing, wears hearing aids made by Morgrim himself. Speaks with a lisp.
  • Bardin, a Master Engineer
  • Mundri, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden

The Honoured Dead
Throggi Ironheart
Who died striking down a Fimir sorcerer most foul.

Barruk Gildedbeard
Who protected his King with his dying breath.

A Longbeard Warrior
Who died making Kraka Dorden safe.

A Longbeard Ranger
Who died making Kraka Dorden safe.

A Longbeard Miner
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Longbeard Miner
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Longbeard Warrior
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Longbeard Warrior
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

Thrainn Strangeblade
Priest of Grimnir of Clan Threkkr
Beloved of his children and grandchildren
Bearer of the elf axe Sendvin (Loyalty's Blade),
a gift from the priest of Eldrazor Tharion.

A Former Valkyrie Guard
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Longbeard Warrior
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Longbeard Warrior
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Former Valkyrie Guard
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Former Valkyrie Guard
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Former Valkyrie Guard
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Former Valkyrie Guard
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Longbeard Warrior
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

Kandrek Woodwalker
Longbeard Ranger of Clan Goldenheart
A worker of strange woods,
possessed of utmost compassion
for all life and people.

Brog Dambuilder
Longbeard Ranger of Clan Hardpick
Not one for stone and dark, he walked
under the sun and found his honour in
shaping the woods and waters of the
Far North to aid Dawi.

A Longbeard Ranger
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Monster Warden
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Monster Warden
Whose deeds shall be recorded.
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I'd rather we replace our current low-tier axe with something suitably impressive and thematic. A focus on splitting the earth and the shifting of continents.

Keep in mind though, sets aren't capped 3 from what I understand, so we can always add to the set later on.
The latest update, plus a line I saw rereading got me thinking about adding a sword as piece 3. it was the line:
"From the earth do we come, from stone are we born and in stone we return!"
Right now Barak Azamar could represent the earth. Zharrgal is a tool of creation that draws power from Barak Azamar fitting into the second part. A sword with a runic array designed to absorb power those it strikes and channel it into the other two pieces would fit the final part neatly. It also creates a duality with a tool of creation in one hand and a tool of destruction in the other. I kinda want to have an excuse to make a sword with Grungi, Grimnir and Gazul runes on it after that discussion about how ancestor runes are underused and the story of the first sword but for the purpose of drawing and channeling power something like a modified version of the master rune of purification and the rune of spell eating would probably work better (maybe Gazul for the final rune).
Voting is open