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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Rune of Acceptance: Aqshy fire magic is broken more easily, the spells dismantled and broken, while the mortal servants of Chaos who wield it are especially spited by having the fiery hate and rage they feel slowly smothered, weakening their resolve and their ability to cast spells. Created by Hugrim Peacemaker as a tool in his war against Khorne, in this case Khorne of The Shattered Mirror, a proposed face of the Blood God that represents self-loathing and affirms magic, in particular Aqshy.

"I am not crazy, Lorna! You see any of those other freaks tossing around fire like that, no, and then there's these dipshits that have it? Pull the other one, it's got bells on it!"

#Constant, #Curse, #Flexible, #Magical, #Grudge, #Odd???

Master Rune of Stabilization (Weapon): Similar to the Talismanic form in that it opposes magic. Instead of passive protection, magical protection of the enemy is turned into an aura that destroys the enemy's magical protection, and further making blows themselves likelier to wound.

A Rune that gained considerable popularity during the Gor Wars, as Snorri Whitebeard strove to burn out the Black Mountains, at the time infested with Beastmen who considered themselves crafters in their own right.

#Trigger, #Enchantment, Offensive, #Magical, #Solo,

Master Rune of Skalla Honest Heart (Talismanic): Tzeentchian entities, whether Tzangor or Changer of Ways or a horrific Vortex Beast bound to him, are attacked with runic energy. A fully mortal follower would be less effected than the blessed would be less effected than a true daemon.

#Trigger, #Enchantment, #Flexible, #Physical, #Solo, #Magic, #Grudge

"I did tell you I would strangle you with my bare hands one day, didn't I, Paneth?"

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- [Early 481] Dolgi Bolgisson of Clan Scorriling and Begrund Algardsson of Clan Ironshield jointly announce the engagement of the former's eldest son, Master Runesmith Skarri Dolgisson, to the latter's daughter, Master Runesmith Bruna Galkrasdottir. The latter shall become a member of Clan Scorriling
I think it might've been buried but someone said this looked cutoff.
AN: This was originally going to be like 2 segments in Pt. 1 of Turn 58, but I decided to release that early given current world events. Even so, I couldn't get it out of my head so I kept writing and my muse led to it getting ballooned out into a sort of slideshow of key moments and build up in Skarri's scandalously short 1-year courtship. A funny contrast to Dolgi's. Sorry for people who wanted Pt. 2 instead, I'll go back to writing about Snorri doing Snorri things and making history defining discoveries now, just had to follow the muse get this out of the noggin. Hope you enjoy what's here, and don't forget to C&C! :^)

Being honest I was in that later group of wanting to see more Snori, but this was cool too and in the spirit of C&C:

Does anyone get a sense that the Skarr-kazhunki might end up as romantic in the collective dawi imagination, at least in the North? On the one hand you have Skari himself who is two rings removed from Snori 'I found the Hammer of Thungi' Klausson, his father was the Gift Giver's apprentice, this is already making them look prestigious, but they are also bold and full of elan in battle, by necessity taking on a superior foe because it's not like there are that many flying dwarfs. They are also all young right now, no elders getting in the way of the buzz. On top of all that you have a one year engagement. I don't think it is controversial to say that scandalous is just another word for exciting in certain demographics, those being the ones that decide when something is romantic in the broad sense.
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Rune of Spill Control
Prevents liquid and semifluid spills from spreading beyond a certain radius, containing them for easy cleanup and security,used in kitchens, storage rooms,public areas where liquid spills are common and in place where dangerous liquid/semifluid are used such as a forges and foundries to prevent spills of molten metal from becoming truly catastrophic. Trigger/Civilian/Phisycal/AOE
This is for sure in EVERY Brewery and Tavern that can afford it.
The Wooing of Skarri Dolgisson



Go forth and multiply beardlings, Valaya's latest and greatest Thungni Eugenics Program hasn't failed the Dolgi Line yet!

What can go wrong? He thinks mockingly, Thunder Wing's words ringing in his mind as he stares up at the ceiling of the room.

You have been Joll'ed BEARDLING!

Whelp, time to run to Fjolla's place to ask for advice.

When Skarri had first shared that story with the others over a few drinks on campaign they had all voiced their doubts. Not about the events, but over just how bad the stew actually was. Several of the Brana had even taken it as a challenge of their fortitude and convinced their partners to try it with them.

Dolgi, no!

When he finishes explaining his situation his father doesn't reply immediately. He just keeps smiling at him, and while that's nice it doesnt really help him right now.

Ancestors, he's taken up Snerra's disposition too! He's grown too powerful now!

Svina Brunasdottir, firstborn child of Skarri Dolgisson and Bruna Galkrasdottir, is born and inducted into Clan Scorriling.

Given Khazagar's aptitude for BEARDLINGS multiplying, we can also put the blame on Snorri too.

Will Klausson finally pick up an apprentice once again? Or will that old goat finally crack out of his hermit phase and make one himself!?

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The oddness of Yorri's line...

Snorri => Is a wizard.
Dolgi =>Disgusting Stew Hobby
Joll => Is a ninja
Fjolla => ???
Snerra => Way too cheerful
Nain => ???
Karstah => Dragon mom

Were Fjolla and Nain spared? Or are they just better at hiding it?
Snorri Whitebeard and the kings reach Grimnir, who says something along the lines of "took you long enough".

Snorri up there holding Thungni's Letter so that Grimnir can call up Thungni to finally show up at Khazagar.

The oddness of Yorri's line...

Snorri => Is a wizard.
Dolgi =>Disgusting Stew Hobby
Joll => Is a ninja
Fjolla => ???
Snerra => Way too cheerful
Nain => ???
Karstah => Dragon mom

Were Fjolla and Nain spared? Or are they just better at hiding it?

Fjolla: Bling Queen (has a penchant for jewelcraft)
Nain: Hammerspam to Elevatorman (was known to make quality hammers before his current project with the new lifts for Kraka Drakk)
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Fjolla: Bling Queen
Nain: Hammerspam to Elevatorman
Nah, those are not odd.

All runesmiths go to battle pretty blinged out.
Hammer specialist is also perfectly conventional... the elevator Otoh, might be something, depending on what he ends up making. But it's still just collaboration with the engineers guild.

Completely unfounded theory: Nain will be the first runesmith to put runes on ships.
The oddness of Yorri's line...

Snorri => Is a wizard.
Dolgi =>Disgusting Stew Hobby
Joll => Is a ninja
Fjolla => ???
Snerra => Way too cheerful
Nain => ???
Karstah => Dragon mom

Were Fjolla and Nain spared? Or are they just better at hiding it?
*struck by an idea* If Fjolla makes more Horrible Servant Gribbly items then we know exactly what her flavor of odd is.

Spiteful Minions.
Hmm Fjolla's not really done anything too odd yet, I think we need to give her more time tbh.

Nain on the other hand is the odd one out by being the only apprentice to get through their apprenticeship and come out a bog standard dwarf. That being said, I like the idea of him being the boat guy. Someone needs to invent naval canon runes and runic torpedoes.
Hmm Fjolla's not really done anything too odd yet, I think we need to give her more time tbh.

Nain on the other hand is the odd one out by being the only apprentice to get through their apprenticeship and come out a bog standard dwarf. That being said, I like the idea of him being the boat guy. Someone needs to invent naval canon runes and runic torpedoes.
His picture does have the look of a sailor about him. Maybe he gets dragged to Ravnsvake by obligations to a brana or five.
I do want to just say, while I do also enjoy the adventures of Snorri Demonpuncher wizarding it up and pushing the boundaries of knowledge, something that I immensely appreciate about this quest is the sheer amount of depth (hah) it has that it can produce sidestories and scenes like that which are so detached from the supposed "main characters". I actually first noticed this during that one scene with the Brana kid learning about Chamon, but this whole entire quest has obviously had an immense amount of thought and care put into every aspect of its setting and structure, and that's what makes it so enjoyable to read and reread over and over.

Like, the main character is a dwarf arch-wizard who can cast storms of volcano ash and has the Hammer of God, and it's still interesting to read five thousand words about (relatively) mundane romantic endeavors, of the son, of one of his students. If that doesn't show how strong the foundation of this quest is, I can't think of what would!
Fjollas ping ponged between gems, light and other things but nothings stuck thanks to the rolls.

Nain was heading towards buildings and monumental infrastructure and the Lift has been solidifying that.
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I wonder if Dolgi's stew is bad enough that it can serve as ingredient to a rune based around.. Say, inflicting nausea.
I say this as proof of the author's talent, [edit] since had to stop reading at that point since my belly was full and did not agree completely with me. And, usually, my stomach give no a single shake for videos. (other RLs stuff it give far more).

Kudos to the OP :D

Edit: A question if someone had the list more update in their minds. while 'grooming beard' implies cut, do we have 'this rune brush you beard to acceptable degree' kind? I mean if the dwarf probably loose a ridiculous amount of time on the beard/hair , given their lifespan, so I would hope we have these kinds of runes in the list^^.

edit: I forgot internet/word can be tone deaf, I praising the OP for being capable of not only pass emotions for text, but also physical reaction^^.
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[Semi Canon] Abominations and Ancestors (2/3), +15 to a Roll, Fjolla has killed two of a trio of Eldritch monsters
Abominations and Ancestors (2/3)

As Fjolla wandered through the snowy forest, feeling the weight of dark magic press against like water, she had to give the abomination this:

The Heart was subtle.

To find the Stomach, beyond asking sobbing, terrified Garazi and interrogating infuriated Fullbeards she could have simply followed the stench of rotting meat and corpses, found a meat tentacle (that, of course, unfolded like a flower to reveal a single eye), started chopping and just not stopped until the thing was dead. Straightforward, if either tedious or difficult, depending on how much a threat such a creature would be to the one who'd slay it.

The Heart, though? That was proving a harder hunt. Perhaps the surest sign she was in the right area was the constant thrum in her ears as magic was pumped to power this creature from eons long since passed, rather in emulation of, well, a heart. Why was it they could never stumble on something friendly in these scenarios--

Fjolla took a second to put her ax through Joll, sending his body to the ground, splayed out. It bled for a moment.

Then it started to break down into shadow and mist and lies.

The other surest sign, that. Constant hallucinations that she was being assailed or attacked by the people nearest to her. It was partially why she was going it alone: Better not to run the risk that she actually end up putting her ax through somebody other than this freakish thing. Just asking for trouble, that.

Besides, she could kill it without any help.

"You keep this up and I swear I'm gonna use some part of you to make a gronti that cleans outhouses," she said. More to fish for a reaction, and to put up a brave front, than for anything else.

Two things were simultaneously true as she walked through the woods, hunting. She could keep it up for as long as necessary, to make sure this bad memory faded; and constantly hallucinating her loved ones attacking her was unpleasant, and seeing their dead bodies was worse.

Not enjoying the nightmares, old woman?

She barked a particularly cruel laugh at the thing as it wurbled out its first comprehensible words in the past hour, though even its communication had to be freakish, of course, talking in her brain (which is some nonsense when, as far as she knows, she's hunting the Heart and not the Brain, yet anyway). "You have no idea what my nightmares look like."

I've peered through them enough to know that's not true, Maggot. I know your heart, and so I'll break it.

"My heart's gromril, beast. You don't have the hammer hard enough."

And it was true.

Much as was true her nose had caught something.

Her uncle can sniff out metal, it's how he found his Gromril mine. Useful.

But her? She can sniff out a good gem. And she has to say there's one right, about--

She reached down and put her armored fingers through the snow and as expected, wrapped them around hard crystal. It's an odd thing alright: Most blood she's aware of comes out bright red then dries to a flaky, unappealing brown. The smell of blood certainly fills the air as she grabs the gem alright, but rather than that red or dried brown it's simultaneously a sludgy brown, chunky purple, pus green, eye-jelly white and not in some kind of slurry way, but rather like oil on water. Vessels connect it to something, covered under the snow. "Blood's never a particularly aesthetic substance, beast, but somehow yours is uglier than most."


"No. No, I don't think I will." She grabbed one of the vessels and yanked, pulling it up through the snow and following it. The magical heartbeat started to grow faster and more erratic as she squeezed and journeyed, following it and following it, and most importantly stopping the flow of magic.

And stopping the flow of magic meant the spell the thing was weaving would break.

One second there was nothing, the next it was a crystal larger than three dwards standing atop each other and shaped like a tear drop, split into four chambers, filled with the same vile substance, beating and beating and beating as it swallowed magic. She hefted her ax, but even as she did and as the thing screamed, the false copies of her children and husband and parents and uncle and apprentices and friends--everyone, really, or at least everyone whose opinions she cared about--appeared from nowhere, eschewing the subtle summoning the thing had started with at first for forcing them out. For all they were weak, shoddy copies at best there were more of them than there were her, and for all they were shadows as the new scar on her forehead could attest they were real enough to cut, to slice, to hurt.


In response she hefted her ax and advanced on the one that resembled Snorri first. The thing's copies were acceptable fighters, all told, but she was more than acceptable, as she moved on her heel into range and put her ax through the paper copy of Barak Azamar, but even as she did she was still pressing forward and putting her hammer into Joll's knee, sending the facsimile into his ribs, shifting her armor to catch the blows she couldn't dodge or dispatch in time, she had all of two hands after all.

She was advancing, of course. Slowed, but not stopped, she advanced her way towards the thing's heart, inexorable, fire and contempt filling her alike, because for all she was not yet Snorri City Breaker this thing was no Fimir, no Gori, no Daemon.

Just a monster.

And the Dawi have gotten very good at killing monsters.


"Not if I put my ax through it first."

She kept cutting, kept killing, kept chopping, trying very hard not to internalize certain images, until all at once she stood before the crystalline heart. With no fanfare for a beast that merits none she slammed her hammer into it once, twice, thrice, and it shattered as Conduction forced heat and power through it, making it fall apart like glass.

And all at once, the thing was two-thirds dead.

Now to find the Brain.
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...I could easily see Dolgi's stew becoming a Thing a few thousand years down the line. Everything about the stew is forgotten except that an ancient Runesmith made it and his children and students drank it.

Queue apprentice Runesmiths having to gulp down the Stew because 'it's tradition', 'it builds character' 'it is the way things are done', and Dolgi... probably laughing in the Underearth.
You know, not mentioned yet but from the side story, Skarri is going to be fighting alongside the High King around the same time Grimgal and company do the same. Whitebeard's really off in bizzaro land being on the offensive side of a siege with a shardwyrm mage and magic griffon cavalry backing him up. Just a completely different vibe from beating up on beastmen waves in the south.
Lol, I was checking some background staff when I re-encountered this absolute gem

Name: Yorri
Titles: The Wanderer
Age: Probably Really Old.
Specialties: Odd (Savant), Esoteric (Mastered), Weird (Mastered), Wacky (Is Really High), ?
Affiliation: So Radical that he'd be the poster boy of an 80's skater commercial
Hold: None

Really puts things into perspective, does it not?
For all the radicalism the tread pushed Snorri into, for all his oddities and eccentricities, compared to his master, why he is as average a Dawi as there ever was :D

Rune of enduring tracks
Even the best Rangers can sometime get lost. They might grumble audibly at their younger counterparts that they know exactly where they are, and that it is everything else that is in the wrong spot, but that does not reduce the actual problems when that happens.
This rune is an answer to that, created by the mysterious and baffling ancient runesmith known only as Yorri, this rune allows one to instinctively know exactly where they have throdded and how long ago.
This rune has been originally intended to be inscribed upon armor, and while having been successfully developed, it has been deemed a failure due to the simple fact that trying to incorporate a way to turn the effect on and off significantly weakens the rune to the point of near-uselessness, and having a piece of armor that drives a Dawi barmy with input overload when worn in areas one moves along often is decidedly less than helpfull for anyone.
Much more practical to adapt it for a talismanic use.
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You know, not mentioned yet but from the side story, Skarri is going to be fighting alongside the High King around the same time Grimgal and company do the same. Whitebeard's really off in bizzaro land being on the offensive side of a siege with a shardwyrm mage and magic griffon cavalry backing him up. Just a completely different vibe from beating up on beastmen waves in the south.
Also with these weird people call elves who are new to the area, the far north campaign must be very strange for everyone from the south.
...I could easily see Dolgi's stew becoming a Thing a few thousand years down the line. Everything about the stew is forgotten except that an ancient Runesmith made it and his children and students drank it.

Queue apprentice Runesmiths having to gulp down the Stew because 'it's tradition', 'it builds character' 'it is the way things are done', and Dolgi... probably laughing in the Underearth.

