Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
A friendly reminder to new questers to read the Informational threadmarks and FAQ specifically before asking a question. Links below:

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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Winning vote said:
- [X] Write-In: Talisman, AetherAethyrbinder Pt. 1: [1 Karstah AP]
-- [X] Arm covering made of plates and metal loops linked together by adamant chains that fits over a dwarven arm, either armored and unarmored. Looks like a very sturdy dwarf jewelry and it is marked by knotwork pattern of a forge and the implication of a smith working at the anvil in the background. Rune inscribed near shoulder, below elbow, back of hand.
We can make adamant chains since when ?
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Keep in mind the nation did not get founded out of nothing, there are probably wheat and barley farmers in the Vitae Delta and Valley right now, with a vibrant tradition of divine magic which may or may not have had divine avatars walking around as little as a few centuries back.

Actually, they are right. Because according to tradition, the people who would become Nehekharans came from East around -3000 IC, or about 1000 years from now.
We can make adamant chains since when ?
They're meant to be pretty chunky links, which is feasible since we were able to make small Adamant scales for Skarren and Soul hasn't shot the design down. I gave it a shot hoping it wouldn't be shot down, so since it went through we've probably been able to do it since we made Chainforgers and Zharrgal, and now with KKR its easier.
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We can make adamant chains since when ?
Making adamant chains is not that hard, at least not harder than making any other detailed object out of adamant. It's the adamant chainmail that is the difficult bit, since it both requires much, much finer chainlinks, more complex iterlinking (each link is attached to four or more other links), and just much greater number of said links.
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[AU] Mission 11: Soothing the Grudge, +15 to a Roll
Mission 11: Soothing the Grudge

The camp was a flurry of activity, a mosaic of unfamiliar, often unfriendly people gathered today together in common cause to face this darkness down once and for all. Old enmities were pushed aside in so many cases, Kislevites and Bretonnians comparing lances, Spellsingers and Archmages comparing their lore, Dwarfs and Cathayans showing the others their thick armor, a melding together of common, valiant hearts and of the desire for victory. It would be the path forward, outnumbered by the darkness but brought together in a desire for something other than ashes.

"I call horseshit."

"You call everything horseshit, Manling."

Which made the brewing storm at the heart of leadership all the more disquieting.

Surprisingly it was neither Vardanis nor Silval starting a fight with the Dwarf who had summoned them, that ancient old Runelord who nearly everyone had aceded to.

Instead it was a human, an Estalian, a Gale Caller, one of their craft-wizards, her face covered by her wooden, draconic mask, the blue steel around the horns twinkling in the sunlight. Azyr crackled about her, weak sparks, more than most magic could bring about around the Runelord for there was a reason she had claimed that title. Her focuses, from mask to tabard to cloak to deck of playing cards, speak of her story: A street urchin, grown to wander the world and to learn all she could in the doing.

"Snorri Gift-Giver my left foot, how are you to be someone who doesn't exist? 'Ah yes, a mediocrity of a Runelord wandered into Norsca, killed an abomination of a troll, helped integrate casters as allies to the Karaz Ankor and then turned about everything that ever had existed in the Golden Age, culminating in claiming Thungni's hammer even though he's the wildest damn radical imaginable in spite of living in a sclerotically conservative society that only barely managed to hold on in the face of the damned Goblins! Oh, but we'll never ever show verifiable proof, and claim he's just lurking in Khazagar, can't come out and help though!'"

"Mediocrity!" The Dwarf bellows, his lungs straining at the insult to his name. "Long before I went to Norsca I was making wonders that make your shoddy little palmist of a guild leader and all the rest of you Zhufzaki look worse than they already do!"

The skies snarl with the Gale Caller as magic bucks and strains against the one who freezes it at her inner fury. "That's Domina to you, you fading relic! Insult her again at your own peril, particularly when it's basest slander! Why perhaps next you'd like to tell me that Zorn was real-"

--His face splits a little in a smile at the Plaitling making a fool of herself--

--"That Vragni Silverbrand really knew a thousand damned Runes"--

--"That braying ass knew more, in fact"--

--"Yorri the Wanderer was a real figure"--

--"He was my master, you"--

--"Or that Grunni Thungnisson didn't exist because he'd be too embarrassing!"

The smile that had been building fell off the dwarf's face, and his eyes seemed to burn with an inner, ancient light. "How do you know that name?"

It's her turn to smile at that, at knowledge gained and used if for spiteful (perhaps appropriately) ends. "You are not as subtle as you all think you are, and the Chaos Dwarfs tell such stories of that monster maker, the bull who wanders. I think what's more embarrassing is that you all didn't realize exactly what he was."

Snorri breathes, bellicose, furious, bullish breathes, making his nostrils flare even as his fingers clench in his armor and the power constrained within answers to his will. To her credit, whatever else one might say about Leandre Agua (And there has been plenty), she does not shrink away, even as the Runes of power upon his armor, his cloak, his talismans, seem to burn away the shadow as they respond to their maker's will, instead in fact her own power, her own spells, seem to glow with her power, from the playing cards at her waist which flicker and shimmer to her tabbard, the embroidering starting to animate, to come to life, the focuses that are the epicenter of a Windseeker's mysticism, weakness and strength in equal measure, stability and trap.

But Snorri does not swing. Snorri does not roar. Snorri does not boast or rage.

Instead he reaches into his cloak, his cloak that has become a thing of crimson leather and scales of adamant, his armor turned from glimmering gray to a pristine white, the hammer at his side burning now with a new golden fire as he whips another at her from the cloak in his own bit of sleight of hand. Her own instincts, sharpened by the training of a mage, kick in; and her muscles, gained in learning at the feet of ogres, strain but hold as she manages to grasp the weight.

The bigger, of course, is that for all his fury, Snorri is not the kind to kill someone unarmed and without warning (The Gori and The Dumi, of course, aren't people).

But she puts that aside, puts all of that aside to stare at the hammer.


The Hammer.


She looks it over. One-handed handle made of dark Wutroth, exactly nineteen-point-two-nine-one-three inches as the dwarf had (disgusted by the inferior measurement system) told her. A head and end cap not of Adamant, nor glimril, but of merely Pure Gromril, as a Runesmith even in the Age of Reckoning could claim. Silver wire makes a diamond braided pattern that shines in the sunlight like the Silver Guildhall back home at high noon. The head a piece of Pure Gromril eight-point-two-seven inches (allowing for rounding in this case) from face to claw. The decoration, though simple, is beautiful too, inlaid lines of black Gromril and turquoise sapphires to make images of Valaya the Warder and Grungni the Smith, four spirals down the length of the claw.

Runes, of course. So many Runes. The Rune of Flamecraft, the Rune of Breaking, the Rune of Forgecraft, the Rune of Metalcraft, the Master Rune of Craftsmanship, the Master Rune of Precision, Thungni's Master Rune of Grounding, a thing made to destroy and create in equal measure, and spitefully breaking the rules of His own craft in the process, much as all Ancestor Craft did. What else could be said? Little, indeed, little at all, without risking much, without looking and in the looking losing.

She has seen better work only once before, and not less a divinity for that: Myrmidia's spear, Justus Unguis, the mark of Her Transition from Goddess of Beauty to Goddess of all Civilization, and of war.

"This is..."

"Proof? Irrefutable, unquestionable, proof, that I am no damn liar? Not less than Barak Azamar upon my body, nor Zharrgal at my waist, nor Zharr-A-Drakhazki upon my hand?" His armor is radiant, his armor burns.

A craftsman to another, a windswept peak.

"Never call me a liar ever again."

And with that he stomps off, leaving her alone and watched.

"...I need material."

Objective: Destroy Beastmen Forces for Reagents
-Bonus: Do not make use of Dwarf Units

Another thing in the little "AOM Alike" Rts I had proposed.
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"This is..."

"Proof? Irrefutable, unquestionable, proof, that I am no damn liar? Not less than Barak Azamar upon my body, nor Zharrgal at my waist, nor Zharr-A-Drakhazki upon my hand?" His armor is radiant, his armor burns.

A craftsman to another, a windswept peak.

"Never call me a liar ever again."

And with that he stomps off, leaving her alone and watched.

"...I need material."
... I took too much vindictive joy from this, also it annoys me greatly that I somewhat agree with Leandra's offense, yes she insulted him, his guild, his people, his colleges and his apprentices first, but Snorri should not have stooped to the same level and insulted her guild too.

That, and the dwarves really could just, y'know, give actual proof instead of claiming Snorri's real, but what do I expect from Warhammer at this point? A majority of the people there smart enough to actually make it better if they worked together are too prideful to actually talk without being assholes about it, and the rare few capable of putting their pride aside die.
A majority of the people there smart enough to actually make it better if they worked together are too prideful to actually talk without being assholes about it, and the rare few capable of putting their pride aside die.
Well, you could see it as an allegory about the real world - the ruthless grow old and prosper, while the good die young as paupers?
he has seen better work only once before, and not less a divinity for that: Myrmidia's spear, Justus Unguis, the mark of Her Transition from Goddess of Beauty to Goddess of all Civilization, and of war.
Not a fan of this omake, Snorri respond way too casually like your standard journeyman, honestly I was expecting Leandra to be more a academic, I mean if she is a traveler exploring the world with all its deadly secrets then she would be far more respectful considering all horror and power she faced in her journey.
It could be better if that street urchin to be another original character who grew up with a healthy respect for all dangerous artifacts and their history.
Leandre Agua: Yorri the Wanderer isn't rea- *suddenly troll tounge*

Yorri, from somewhere: I'm not real? Why didn't anyone tell me!?


Snorri: Ah... this brings me back- *troll tounge*

*In the distance*
Oh I would love to watch Klauson's Farm

"The high king's policy of importing food from umgis are killing our farmers! And the guild of engineers no longer allow you to fix your own tractor?"

"I am going to build my own runic tractors to brew beer."

Klaaaauuuusssooon is a bit reminiscent of Claaaaaarrrksoooon
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Mission 11: Soothing the Grudge

The camp was a flurry of activity, a mosaic of unfamiliar, often unfriendly people gathered today together in common cause to face this darkness down once and for all. Old enmities were pushed aside in so many cases, Kislevites and Bretonnians comparing lances, Spellsingers and Archmages comparing their lore, Dwarfs and Cathayans showing the others their thick armor, a melding together of common, valiant hearts and of the desire for victory. It would be the path forward, outnumbered by the darkness but brought together in a desire for something other than ashes.

"I call horseshit."

"You call everything horseshit, Manling."

Which made the brewing storm at the heart of leadership all the more disquieting.

Surprisingly it was neither Vardanis nor Silval starting a fight with the Dwarf who had summoned them, that ancient old Runelord who nearly everyone had aceded to.

Instead it was a human, an Estalian, a Gale Caller, one of their craft-wizards, her face covered by her wooden, draconic mask, the blue steel around the horns twinkling in the sunlight. Azyr crackled about her, weak sparks, more than most magic could bring about around the Runelord for there was a reason she had claimed that title. Her focuses, from mask to tabard to cloak to deck of playing cards, speak of her story: A street urchin, grown to wander the world and to learn all she could in the doing.

"Snorri Gift-Giver my left foot, how are you to be someone who doesn't exist? 'Ah yes, a mediocrity of a Runelord wandered into Norsca, killed an abomination of a troll, helped integrate casters as allies to the Karaz Ankor and then turned about everything that ever had existed in the Golden Age, culminating in claiming Thungni's hammer even though he's the wildest damn radical imaginable in spite of living in a sclerotically conservative society that only barely managed to hold on in the face of the damned Goblins! Oh, but we'll never ever show verifiable proof, and claim he's just lurking in Khazagar, can't come out and help though!'"

"Mediocrity!" The Dwarf bellows, his lungs straining at the insult to his name. "Long before I went to Norsca I was making wonders that make your shoddy little palmist of a guild leader and all the rest of you Zhufzaki look worse than they already do!"

The skies snarl with the Gale Caller as magic bucks and strains against the one who freezes it at her inner fury. "That's Domina to you, you fading relic! Insult her again at your own peril, particularly when it's basest slander! Why perhaps next you'd like to tell me that Zorn was real-"

--His face splits a little in a smile at the Plaitling making a fool of herself--

--"That Vragni Silverbeard really knew a thousand damned Runes"--

--"That braying ass knew more, in fact"--

--"Yorri the Wanderer was a real figure"--

--"He was my master, you"--

--"Or that Grunni Thungnisson didn't exist because he'd be too embarrassing!"

The smile that had been building fell off the dwarf's face, and his eyes seemed to burn with an inner, ancient light. "How do you know that name?"

It's her turn to smile at that, at knowledge gained and used if for spiteful (perhaps appropriately) ends. "You are not as subtle as you all think you are, and the Chaos Dwarfs tell such stories of that monster maker, the bull who wanders. I think what's more embarrassing is that you all didn't realize exactly what he was."

Snorri breathes, bellicose, furious, bullish breathes, making his nostrils flare even as his fingers clench in his armor and the power constrained within answers to his will. To her credit, whatever else one might say about Leandre Agua (And there has been plenty), she does not shrink away, even as the Runes of power upon his armor, his cloak, his talismans, seem to burn away the shadow as they respond to their maker's will, instead in fact her own power, her own spells, seem to glow with her power, from the playing cards at her waist which flicker and shimmer to her tabbard, the embroidering starting to animate, to come to life, the focuses that are the epicenter of a Windseeker's mysticism, weakness and strength in equal measure, stability and trap.

But Snorri does not swing. Snorri does not roar. Snorri does not boast or rage.

Instead he reaches into his cloak, his cloak that has become a thing of crimson leather and scales of adamant, his armor turned from glimmering gray to a pristine white, the hammer at his side burning now with a new golden fire as he whips another at her from the cloak in his own bit of sleight of hand. Her own instincts, sharpened by the training of a mage, kick in; and her muscles, gained in learning at the feet of ogres, strain but hold as she manages to grasp the weight.

The bigger, of course, is that for all his fury, Snorri is not the kind to kill someone unarmed and without warning (The Gori and The Dumi, of course, aren't people).

But she puts that aside, puts all of that aside to stare at the hammer.


The Hammer.


She looks it over. One-handed handle made of dark Wutroth, exactly nineteen-point-two-nine-one-three inches as the dwarf had (disgusted by the inferior measurement system) told her. A head and end cap not of Adamant, nor glimril, but of merely Pure Gromril, as a Runesmith even in the Age of Reckoning could claim. Silver wire makes a diamond braided pattern that shines in the sunlight like the Silver Guildhall back home at high noon. The head a piece of Pure Gromril eight-point-two-seven inches (allowing for rounding in this case) from face to claw. The decoration, though simple, is beautiful too, inlaid lines of black Gromril and turquoise sapphires to make images of Valaya the Warder and Grungni the Smith, four spirals down the length of the claw.

Runes, of course. So many Runes. The Rune of Flamecraft, the Rune of Breaking, the Rune of Forgecraft, the Rune of Metalcraft, the Master Rune of Craftsmanship, the Master Rune of Precision, Thungni's Master Rune of Grounding, a thing made to destroy and create in equal measure, and spitefully breaking the rules of His own craft in the process, much as all Ancestor Craft did. What else could be said? Little, indeed, little at all, without risking much, without looking and in the looking losing.

She has seen better work only once before, and not less a divinity for that: Myrmidia's spear, Justus Unguis, the mark of Her Transition from Goddess of Beauty to Goddess of all Civilization, and of war.

"This is..."

"Proof? Irrefutable, unquestionable, proof, that I am no damn liar? Not less than Barak Azamar upon my body, nor Zharrgal at my waist, nor Zharr-A-Drakhazki upon my hand?" His armor is radiant, his armor burns.

A craftsman to another, a windswept peak.

"Never call me a liar ever again."

And with that he stomps off, leaving her alone and watched.

"...I need material."

Objective: Destroy Beastmen Forces for Reagents
-Bonus: Do not make use of Dwarf Units

Another thing in the little "AOM Alike" Rts I had proposed.
Inb4 Leandre somehow convinces herself that it was all a dream, because there's no way a living legend she'd besmirched to such a degree would willingly show her a literal divine artefact of his god just to prove his identity. I mean, this is well written, but Leandre has sort of acquired a reputation in the thread at this point.

what happens if Fjolla points Guzazi Zhuf at a chunk of Warpstone?

First, the target has to be a living thing. Second, if Warpstone is nearby when the shadow is active, it gets used but the Rune isn't a perfect sink, so theres weird runoff and its the last thing the shadow consumes. #Mechanics #Runes

Would it be possible to make adamant wire-threads that could be woven between Skaudardrengi's wing spars to make its wing membranes? I'm using gromril threads in Alazilfin here since I wasn't sure we could make Adamant wire thin enough to work.

and if that's not possible, how flexible and life-like would a thin sheet of adamant stretched between the wing spars be, once Skaud is animated?

Okay so Adamant is just flexible enough for chain, but thread, wire and leaf is not possible.

edit: yes Ill put this in the WoG info post asap. #Mechanics #Adamant

Are gronti normally made with inbuilt joints?

Like some kind of doll or automaton?

I mentioned this during the Trial,
Soulcake said:
For all that Gronti are stone given life, the vast majority are still subject to the physical realities of the material they are made from. Even you are not capable of fully overcoming those limits even with your newest work. While it can fudge around with the realities of stone and metal to give them a startling level of flexibility, the Master Rune of Waking could not work miracles. You bypassed most of those concerns by using the altered the Master Rune of Waking you learned and by creating what was effectively a doll by building the anatomy of the Gronti and fashioning to-scale equipment for them. A solution that you recognize is something that needs access to a Master Rune to mask and smooth out the basic animation, and the wealth of a King and the labour of a Clan to build.
So in terms of what's better, it would go like this.

Anatomically accurate elbow, working joint and all > Visually accurate elbow >> Ball and socket.

There's an efficiency increase when the animating magic doesn't have to work as hard to move a single mass of stone as opposed to a part that has the ability to move, but what Snorri has discovered is that it matters far more that the form is accurate to whatever real life thing you're using. Thats why Snorri made started making Gronti like the Maiden a structurally accurate (minus some stuff for the sake of propriety and lack of necessity) sculpture that's wearing their gear now as opposed to before where youd sculpt the whole figure from a stone block.

Edit: i should mention that whatever efficiency increase would do this is negligible for most Gronti and practically not worth striving for. The performance gap between visual accuracy and not is the main one you will care about.

Specifically for Skaudardrengi, because that was the context this came up in, the fact that you've specified a true working skeleton underneath the skin will qualify, even if the skin is just plates bolted together.
#Runes #Mechanics #Gronti


When I proposed the rune of torsion I said it spun slowly. Like really really slowly. As in it would need an enormous box of gears to get up to a useful speed. Spoiler alert its tied to the momentum of the world turning. However long a day is on warhammer world, thats one spin.

Rune of Inexorable Torsion

When applied to an axle said axle will spin in its housing very, very slowly. Significantly No dwarf has yet figured out a way short of destroying the rune to get it to STOP spinning. Hundreds of gears are required to bring the spinning up to a useful speed but it doesn't seem to measurably reduce the force with which it spins. That being said there is a clear upper limit on the amount of work this rune can be made to do at once so you can't, for example, make it run every drop hammer in Karaz-a-Karak. If the stresses exceed the tolerance of the materials the axle or any of the linkages are made of they will snap but the part with the rune still on it, if intact enough, will blithely spin on. It was created for a master potter who had lost his legs in an accident and commissioned a potter's wheel that would spin itself. Safely starting up the wheel requires 18 gear changes and the device is the size of a walk in closet due to all the cogs inside but the master potter was reportedly very satisfied.

Just to refer to this, I've finally updated the entry for the Rune of Torsion to the following:
Rune of Torsion (Engineering and Structural): Housed axles in items bearing this Rune will attempt to complete 1 rotation per day, if the inscribed item is taken off the ground the axle will continue to spin without slowing for ten days before stopping completely, needing to connect to the ground for a tenth of the time it spent away. Multiple copies increase the number of rotations per day.

Well some that i realy didn't expected to be rejected and some i didn't expected to be acepted,oh well,here the next list:

Rune of Alloying:This rune, when placed on a smelter, ensures even mixing and binding of two or more metals, reducing the chance of separation and enhancing material consistency. Alloyed metals gain minor resilience to extreme temperatures. activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Reinforced Framework:Increases the load-bearing capacity of materials by making them structurally dense. Used on beams, pillars, and frames, this rune makes construction materials resistant to compression and bending under heavy loads. constant/utility/physcial
Rune of Rustbinding:This rune, etched into metal or painted onto large surfaces, creates a protective layer that prevents rust and corrosion, particularly in high-moisture environments or areas exposed to corrosive substances. constant/utility/physcial
Rune of Ore Fission:Efficiently separates mixed ores by "detangling" mineral compositions. When applied to mining tools or machines, it automatically separates valuable minerals from stone, reducing the need for labor-intensive refining. activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Friction Control:Applied to conveyor belts, rollers, or other moving parts, this rune can either increase or decrease friction. Adjusting friction levels allows for smoother operation in various mechanical systems,this can alos be used to make slipery traps or super griping equipment and oyher friction related use activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Precision Cutting:Adds an aura to cutting tools, which, when activated, provides highly accurate and clean cuts in materials, even at minute levels, ensuring exact specifications in industrial or craftmanship settings. activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Automated Sorting:Recognizes and automatically sorts objects by material, density,size,color,etc. Applied to conveyor systems, this rune streamlines industrial sorting processes without manual input. activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Temperature Consistency Maintains uniform temperatures in industrial settings. Machines and materials stay at a set temperature within the rune's range, preventing thermal expansion issues in delicate equipment. activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Kinetic Absorption: Designed for heavy machinery, this rune captures excess kinetic energy from moving parts, converting it into stored energy or slowing down parts when overheating risks are detected. activation/utility/physcial/power
Rune of Material Purging: When engraved on refuse containers or channels, this rune neutralizes or purges chemical/organical/other waste, preventing contamination and ensuring safer disposal of industrial byproducts. activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Sequential Mechanism:Ensures that machinery components activate in the correct sequence. Particularly useful in assembly lines, where the rune coordinates the timing of parts, reducing mechanical jamming and increasing production speed. activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Density Adjustment:Used in forges or presses, this rune temporarily increases or decreases the density of metals, making them easier to shape or refine without compromising material integrity. activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Ambient Scent:Emits subtle, customizable scents to create a calming or luxurious atmosphere in a room. When adjusted, the scent intensity can match the environment, preventing overpowering fragrances and maintaining a pleasant background aroma. activation/utility/physcial/AOE
Rune of Harmonized Sound:Softens and balances sound within a room, making it ideal for spaces meant for relaxation or conversation. In music rooms, it enhances acoustics, amplifying harmonies and creating a soothing soundscape for any listener. activation/utility/physcial/AOE
Rune of Refreshment:Keeps food or beverages at an ideal temperature, whether warm or cool, and preserves freshness. Popular in luxury dining areas, this runeused abondendly on the full tableware set is a status symbol among the elite, guaranteeing each sip and bite is enjoyable,more reasonable people just use it on a pantry. constant/utility/physcial/AOE
Rune of Relaxing Weightlessness: Bestows a sensation of floating or near-weightlessness on an object or seat, creating an experience akin to sitting on a cloud. It's popular in luxury seating, baths, and bed for deep comfort.activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Restful Compression: This rune accelerates the body and mind's natural restorative processes, allowing the user to achieve a full, high-quality rest in a fraction of the usual time. It harmonizes with the body's natural rhythms, promoting deep sleep stages more efficiently and compressing restorative cycles,placed on bed frames, pillows, or in bedrooms, this rune is ideal for busy individuals, shift workers, or anyone in need of quick, effective rest without sacrificing rejuvenation,overuse over a long period can lead to reduced effectiveness.Breaks allow the rune to get back to full effectivness maximizing sleep quality when needed most. Activation/Utility/mental/Multi
Rune of Illuminated Cleanliness: Emits a gentle glow that highlights only dust, grime, or other imperfections, making it easier to spot and clean without harsh lighting. A favorite in luxury homes where cleanliness is paramount without glaring lights.activation/utility/physcial/AOE
Rune of Spa Warmth:Imbues water with a soothing warmth and slight mineral-enriched feel, perfect for bathhouses or private tubs. It enhances the natural texture of water and leaves skin feeling refreshed after bathing. activation/utility/physcial/AOE
Rune of Stonekeepe: Enables a small stone to track one's daily path, recording the route and distance traveled. It can replay the route back to the user like a "map," glowing faintly to show the way back,only records paths up to a single day, resetting when manually cleared. (maybe a master version that is less time limited ?) activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Water Draw: Attracts groundwater towards a central point, ensuring a steady water flow from an engraved surface, such as a well or cistern,requires regular maintenance to prevent overuse of the surrounding water table. It's calibrated to draw at a steady rate, unsuitable for sudden, high-demand use. constent/utility/physcial
Rune of Purification peeble: Carved on a rock that is placed in the thing to purrify (a room air or lisuid),the rock/peeble as a filter for air and water by drawing impurities away and binding them to itself. The gaz or liquid is then purified, The rune stone must be "cleansed" regularly, removing accumulated impurities to retain effectiveness. constent/utility/physcial
Rune of Spark: Generates a controlled spark that can ignite kindling or small fuel sources, making fire-starting safe and easy,often placed near forges or cooking areas to light fires efficiently. Dwarven cooks and smiths find it highly useful in their daily tasks,also liked by ranger when plced on a smal rod as a bonefire sarter. activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Metal Scribe: Allows the engraving or marking of metal surfaces without specialized tools, useful for quickly labeling tools, weapons, or storage containers Used by artisans, blacksmiths, and merchants to mark items for identification or decoration. activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Easy Draw: Reduces friction within a scabbard or tool holster, making it easier to withdraw items smoothly,practical for tool pouches or weapon holsters, allowing Dawi to quickly access equipment, whether on the job or in defense. constent/utility/physcial
Rune of Giftbinding: Temporarily seals packages,box or gifts with a magical "lock" that only allows them to be opened by a specific person or on a specific day,popular for gifts or secret exchanges, ensuring that presents remain a surprise until the right moment,set for a one-time use and the "lock" dissolves after activation, allowing only one open-close cycle. trigger/utility/physcial
Rune of Snorri's Swiftness: Provides a temporary speed boost to sleds, carts, or carriages, perfect for delivering goods (or presents!) on time,often used for emergency delivery or by delivery services during peak holiday seasons to get shipments out faster or for joyrides through towns. activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Endless Snowfall: Creates a gentle, magical snowfall around a designated area, with snowflakes that never pile up or melt, creating a perpetual "winter wonderland." activation/utility/physcial
Rune of Gift-Wrapping: Instantly wraps any item placed on the rune in a preset wraper,wether a normal paper or a beautiful, shimmering holiday paper, complete with a bow,saving time while ensuring a perfect presentation.
Rune of Lingering Agony: Inflicts a drawn-out, burning pain on those in it's AOE when it trigger on hiting (wether the ground,a wall or an ennemy), causing non-lethal but debilitating agony that lingers for days,used as a non lethal deterrent in war, sowing fear and immobilizing enemy soldiers for extended periods,often engraved on a balista bolt or a catapult rock and setted to be activated on landing,can also be used to defend a place. Trigger/on hit/curse/offensive/AOE
Rune of Hollow Hunger: Causes an insatiable hunger in those affected, leaving them physically weakened and mentally distracted as they try to satisfy their craving,often engraved on a balista bolt or a catapult rock and setted to be activated on landing,can also be used to defend a place. Trigger/on hit/curse/offensive/AOE
Rune of Withering Pulse: Gradually drains life force from everything within a certain radius, causing intense fatigue and eventual wasting in living beings,often engraved on a balista bolt or a catapult rock and setted to be activated on landing,can also be used to defend a place. Trigger/on hit/curse/offensive/AOE
Rune of Eternal Restlessness: Prevents the affected from achieving restful sleep, leading to physical and mental collapse over time,used on enemy soldiers to break down their resolve and morale through exhaustion,can lead to hallucinations and erratic behavior in affected individuals, who may act unpredictably and violently. Activation/AOE/Curse/Offensive
Rune of the Vile Fog: Creates a thick, putrid-smelling fog that induces coughing, shortness of breath, and a sense of dread and difficulty to see more than a few feets away,prolonged exposure can cause respiratory irritation, temporary blindness, and intense nausea, making it hard for foes to concentrate or continue fighting,getting the runes near where they sleep is the difficulty. Activation/Defensive/curse/Physical/AOE/IFF
Rune of Sinister Illumination: Emits a pulsing, sickly green light that causes disorientation and mild hallucinations, making walls and shadows seem to twist and breathe,prolonged exposure causes nausea, vertigo, and even temporary blindness. Activation/Defensive/curse/Physical/Light/AOE/IFF
Rune of the Malevolent Whisper: Produces eerie, disembodied whispers that instill fear and paranoia in those who hear them, becoming more intense the longer they stay nearby,prolonged exposure can lead to auditory hallucinations, paranoia, and even a breakdown of rational thought.Activation/Defensive/curse/Mental/AOE/IFF
Rune of Haunting Phantasms: Projects ghostly apparitions that appear to lunge or scream at those who pass by, leaving them rattled and unable to tell illusion from reality,these phantasms induce fear so intense it may cause physical effects like chills, cold sweats, and heart palpitations, potentially incapacitating those with weak constitutions.Activation/Defensive/curse/Mental/AOE/IFF
Rune of Horrifying Transformation: Alters the appearance of walls, floors, or statues to look like faces frozen in terror,objects covered in blood and decay or whataver will be horiffic and destabilizing for the victims,prolonged exposure causes intense fear, hallucinations, and a weakening of the senses, making it harder to detect threats or navigate the area.Activation/Defensive/curse/Mental/AOE/IFF
Rune of Creeping Shadows: Causes shadows to appear sentient, reaching out or slithering along the walls to stalk those passing through, Prolonged exposure induces visual distortions, where shadows seem to grow claws or teeth, leaving victims frozen in terror or driven to lash out irrationally.Activation/Defensive/curse/Mental/AOE /IFF( maybe a master version where the shadow are solid and in fact can attack ?)
Rune of the Beastly Howl: Generates deep, animalistic growls,howls and other sound the fucke-up bestiary of malus can produce, instilling a primal fear of being hunted by something dangerous,the sound triggers adrenaline spikes and panic, with prolonged exposure causing intense heart palpitations, which can be fatal in vulnerable individuals.Activation/Defensive/curse/Mental/AOE/IFF
Rune of Phantom Pursuit: Produces the illusion of heavy, echoing footsteps that seem to follow anyone in range, growing closer the longer they remain,the persistent sense of being pursued leads to anxiety, paranoia, and an eventual breakdown of mental focus, increasing the likelihood of accidents or disorientation. Activation/Defensive/curse/Mental/AOE/IFF
Rune of the Grimacing Horror: Projects a twisted, shadowy face that looms in the periphery, its grin widening each time someone glances away,prolonged exposure can cause visual hallucinations and panic attacks, with the face appearing in victims' vision long after they leave.Activation/Defensive/curse/Mental/AOE/IFF
Rune of Molten Marrow: Causes the bone marrow of any victim within range to turne to molten lead, leading to excruciating internal painwound and death,engraved on dungeon walls, doors, or weapons to deter intruders or incapacitate foes. Activation/Defensive/physicall/AOE/IFF
Rune of Burning Blood: Make the blood boil, causing severe burns, death, and intense pain in the veins and arteries. Activation/Defensive/physicall/AOE/IFF
Rune of Heart Squeezing: Forces the heart to beat irregularly and then seize up painfully, causing a heart attack.Activation/Defensive/physicall/AOE/IFF
Rune of Searing Sinews: Causes the sinews and tendons in the body to snapp or sear, resulting in limited movment,weakness and sharp, stabbing pains throughout the limbs,placed in narrow hallways or thresholds to weaken or disarm intruders.
Rune of Resented Corrosive Breath: Makes each breath feel as though the lungs are filling with acid, causing a burning sensation in the chest and throat.Activation/Defensive/physicall/AOE/IFF
Rune of Biting Frostbite: Induces frostbite on exposed skin,flesh and eyes, making flesh (and other) froze and shatter.Activation/Defensive/physicall/AOE/IFF
Rune of Imploding Organs: Creates a horrific pressure on internal organs, making them being crushed from the inside out. Activation/Defensive/physicall/AOE/IFF
Rune of Brainfire:Cause intense, searing heat in the brain, causing migraines, impaired vision, and confusion.Activation/Defensive/physicall/AOE/IFF
Rune of Melting Eyes:Cause the eyes to melt or boil within their sockets until they pop, impairing vision and causing agony.

Is it me or many defensive runes would work if they wher carved into a rock/balista bolt and sent into the ennemy army ?
Sorry, but I felt a bit bad about not giving more detailed response to each. So here goes.

Alloying to Density Adjustment: Most here have spoiler reasons for me not including. Admittedly some of the effects seem liable to breaking the narrative and aesthetics conceits of the universe so Im wary of that. I think a handful are redundant here as well.

Ambient Scent to Easy Draw: These are mostly redundant already, or meant to be used in a way that really doesnt make sense with the effort put into Runes vs finding a practical solution. A few standouts upon second reading like Metal Scribe, Illuminated Cleanliness and Stonekeepe give me a few ideas, but the effects are too minor or some part of how they work is a bit too cavalier and disposable to work. So they may get changed.

Giftbinding and Gift-Wrapping: On second read through, the idea is fun, but too niche. They might be used as inspiration for something else tho. I already did Gentle Snowfall and Snorri's Swiftness.

Lingering Agony to Grimacing Horror: As I said before these are really malicious and almost non lethal in a way that make em unlikely. If they get added, there'll probably be a lethal/more direct reason for their effects because a few of these read like you want them to stay near the Rune for a long time, which Dwarfs don't usually want for enemies if they can help it. Getting besieged being the exception. These would exist theoretically but in that way that a Rune of Treachery exists, not a lot of Dwarfs have this kind of mindset.

Molten Marrow to Melting Eyes: As before, too specifically macabre/gore focused if that makes sense. Don't wanna write about that.

I can help

Rune of Birds Eye View: Any rune that doesn't function right in a mine is of questionable value, however some Prospectors, Rangers and other sorts claim it can be of use mapping and orienting oneself on the surface... A claim somewhat similar that a mud tankard can be of use when you want your ale to taste of dirt. Not untrue, but a circumstance better avoided by those right in the head.
When activated this gives the user a view point directly above their head looking straight down, the altitude of the view can be altered however it always remains centered on the user and doesn't improve vision.
Talisman, Activation, Flexible, Mental, Solo, Light, Odd

Rune of Minds Eye: Allegedly invented for a deaf miner who kept breaking into caverns filled with hostile creatures, however its sometimes known as the Rune of Yorri-bane, which makes you wonder the truth of it.
When the user closes their eyes, they are able to reposition and reorient their view anywhere within 45ft to spot potential ambushes.
More than a few runesmiths with these have been spotted walking around with these in Khazagar since you reclaimed KKR, the cheek, as if you'd leave an artifict like that with less than 15 meters worth of defense.
Talisman, Trigger, Flexible, Mental, Solo, Light, Odd

Rune of the Meerkat: Named for a Zornish creature that has the good sense to live in burrows, the appropriate wariness to watch for predators and the misfortune to not know how to make pickaxes.
This Rune allows users in a formation to share the vision of each other, and whenever one becomes aware of a threat all others immediately learn it.
Banner, Constant, Augment, Defensive, Flexible, Mental, IFF, AOE, Mental, Odd

There now we have even more runes that don't help us see further.

Was this what prompted the far distance question?
Hmmm, couldn't the rune of Refraction have done this?
OOh. Neat. Might combine them/mix up but the idea is good. There might already be a rune for echolocation too. Thanks.
Rune Of Thungni's Flame: A prismatic fire surrounds the weapon, one that bears a hatred for magic and shoddy work in equal measure. Casters, when struck, have the knowledge of the last spell they cast burned out of their mind, while work not to par is damaged.

One of the Runes on Grunni Thungnisson's masterwork, Zharrgor, The Great Bull of Fire, more specifically its left horn.

#Offensive, #Elemental, #Constant, #Curse

Master Rune of Dark Power/Grunni Thungnisson: A variant on the Master Rune of Animation, as usual animating Gronti; however, they seem to draw on a different source of power, coming to a more potent life near sources of dark and particularly Chaotic magic, seeming empowered by them, a facet that raises a number of questions.

The Master Rune of Grunni Thungnisson, one of the children of Thungni. An expert in Chaos esoterica and a master of the construction of Gronti, though his creations always tended towards the macabre: The troll shaped Aldurki, the spidery Drengak, and the chimeric Dari, tasteless by some measures, always only half-a-step from being censured by the guild (ironically in spite of his own deeply conservative tendencies as a Runesmith). He "recently" disappeared into the East, and his siblings will not speak of his whereabouts or if he still lives, leaving only dark rumors.

#Constant, #Construct, #Solo, #Physical, #Magic, #Odd, ???

Rune of Dominance: A simple rune, magical energy is burned in creating a magical fire around the armor of the bearer, one that can destroy shoddy work even as it also breaks apart spells.

#Constant, #defensive, #magic, #elemental

A Rune emulating the protection laid on Grunni's Journeyman piece, a suit of armor that allowed him to walk through magic nearly unscathed.

Thungni's Flame, Dark Power and Dominance seem all really close or are a family of Runes. Breaking and Spellburning I think is the mix? They may become variants of each other/get mixed together but I like em.

Not sure if these technically would fall under the aegis of the Master Runes of Passage and/or Wandering, but they came to mind and got stuck there. Not sure whether they count as a Master Rune or not. I could see an argument for these being Odd as well, not sure on that. Better to get the dang ideas on paper than just let them swirl around taking up space though, right?

Rune Of Goat's Stride (Talismanic): The wearer's footing becomes as sure as the goat in high mountains, balancing and letting them grip as appropriate to keep their balance beneath them despite treacherous conditions. It also amplifies their jumping capability, much like goats when they it in their mind to escape captivity for the hundreth time this season.
Rune Of Goat's Stride (Banner): As the Talismanic variant, though somewhat more focused on the sureness of footing than the jumping aspect. The reducted effect seems to be the trade off for it affecting all of those beneath the banner's influence.
Rune Of Goat's Stride (Armor): Reduces damage taken from falling or being knocked off your feet, and aids to some extent with getting back up.

Tags: Constant, Augment, Utility, Physical, AoE, Solo
Yay variants, thank you! A few minor changes maybe but will be added.
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Soulcake if i can are you looking for a kind/type of rune ?,so i can try to find idea in that firection,also if i understand right we are back at three rune idea at a time ?,(and we wait untile you reply saying if they are good or no before posting the next three ?)
Soulcake if i can are you looking for a kind/type of rune ?,so i can try to find idea in that firection,also if i understand right we are back at three rune idea at a time ?,(and we wait untile you reply saying if they are good or no before posting the next three ?)
Hmmm dont have anything in mind as of right now no. If I do Ill say it come next #Rune-ideas though.

Also yes please wait for me to reply to your post before posting more Runes, were probably gonna limit it to four per person based on current levels of interaction. If it lessens in the future Ill increase the amount a person can submit.
Okay so its a neat battery now. And I guess the adamant bonus could be it'll spin for 15 days before you have to rub in on the ground like Antaeus? Doesn't make sense to me to give it 50 percent more torque. The angular momentum of a planet is YES. and 150 percent of YES is still YES.

What does contact with the ground mean. Does that mean it never stops in stationary applications but if used in a train or auto-cart you'd need to swap out the assembly for a fresh one every ten days?
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Okay so Adamant is just flexible enough for chain, but thread, wire and leaf is not possible. #Mechanics #Adamant
How do we make chain without wire?
If its just in situ transformation the flexibility wouldn't matter.
Anatomically accurate elbow, working joint and all > Visually accurate elbow >> Ball and socket.
So, anatomically accurate joints? Does anyone have a smart way of doing this apart from making it in seperate pieces or is this another rune of forging nightmare ?
OOh. Neat. Might combine them/mix up but the idea is good. There might already be a rune for echolocation too. Thanks.
Oh I see how it is you'll recognise shit post runes about sight but won't allow one teeny tiny Skyrim reference.
Rune of Unrelenting Force: A rune that allows the user to shout with enough force to knock over ranks of an opposing shield wall. Lost during the time of woes, in the modern era this was reverse engineered from a single horned helmet.
Activation, Offensive, AoE, Stacking.
Not a fan of this omake, Snorri respond way too casually like your standard journeyman, honestly I was expecting Leandra to be more a academic, I mean if she is a traveler exploring the world with all its deadly secrets then she would be far more respectful considering all horror and power she faced in her journey.
It could be better if that street urchin to be another original character who grew up with a healthy respect for all dangerous artifacts and their history.
Eh. Wizards are wind addled. She's Azyr so she's going to be more than a bit full of air.
How do we make chain without wire?
If its just in situ transformation the flexibility wouldn't matter.
In context I mean wire thin enough to work as a proxy for thread to weave fabric or use for average sized chain links. Aethyrbinder's chains arent gonna be delicate looking like on jewelry.
So, anatomically accurate joints? Does anyone have a smart way of doing this apart from making it in seperate pieces or is this another rune of forging nightmare ?

Oh I see how it is you'll recognise shit post runes about sight but won't allow one teeny tiny Skyrim reference.
Yes exactly. :^V
In actuality the concussive blast strong enough to break bone and pulp flesh part is fine but its more a presentation issue. As a reader overt references that may become dated arent fun to read, its different if theyre flavoured/subtle enough to possibly miss.

Also I am not perfect and depending on when you catch me Im probably more lenient to it than not and vice versa.
In context I mean wire thin enough to work as a proxy for thread to weave fabric or use for average sized chain links. Aethyrbinder's chains arent gonna be delicate looking like on jewelry.


Yes exactly. :^V
In actuality the concussive blast strong enough to break bone and pulp flesh part is fine but its more a presentation issue. As a reader overt references that may become dated arent fun to read, its different if theyre flavoured/subtle enough to possibly miss.

Also I am not perfect and depending on when you catch me Im probably more lenient to it than not and vice versa.
Okay, got it.
Fair, Rune of Forging is often best not thought too hard about.
Its been 13 years, if Skyrims not dated now, how long until it becomes a timeless classic?
So here 4 runes:
Rune of Sharpening
: Allow a full and perfect sharpenig simply by rubbing the blade to be sharpened (once per side of the blade) on the whetstone on which the rune is engraved, and this while also greatly limiting the usual loss of metal/bone/stone/other material the blade is made of caused by sharpening, saving time and energy on frequent sharpening and improving productivity. Constant/Civilian/Metal/physical
Rune of Damp Resistance
: Keeps moisture and dampness at bay, preventing mold, rot, and water damage,Used in storage rooms, underground shelters,living areas to maintain dry, comfortable spaces,on clothing and rot sensitive equipment. Constant/civilian/Physical/AOE/solo
Rune of Emergency Call
: Activated by touch or certain signals, this rune sends a subtle but noticeable signal or alert to a set location, indicating someone needs help or is in distress. activation/trigger/flexible
Rune of Minor Levitation
: Allows small objects to levitate a few inches off the ground, making it easy to move heavy or awkward items,useful in markets, warehouses, and construction sites, aiding in loading or moving goods without needing extra lifting,to move things in difficult terain for a transport company or an army. activation/physical/flexible

Rune of Copywrite Protection (engineering rune) : If this rune is put on a contraption at least as complicated as a pen no one studying the contraption will be able to figure out how it works, what it is made of or successfully copy it no matter now much intensive study the contraption is put under. Any attempt to destroy the rune itself will cause the contraption it is attached to disintegrate beyond the possibly of studying. If this rune is combined with other runes they will also be unidentifiable.
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Rune of Runing: Placing this rune on an object makes applying other runes to that object easier. This rune is (in)famous for allowing for the placing of four or even five runes on an object but only if all of them are also the Rune of Runing, thereby making it completely useless. Typically only used by Journeymen when experimenting with complex runes. No master would ever be caught dead using this rune, even in a lab setting, and the rune proliferates almost exclusively through Radical journeymen teaching it to less experienced peers.

I did a funny. Don't take it seriously.