Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Runelords of the Karaz Ankor

━<><><>< Rhunrikki a Karaz Ankor ><><><>

Throughout the Realms, the Runelords create wondrous items of immense power, discover hitherto unknown secrets of Runecraft and otherwise act as one of the very foundational pillars of not just the Runesmiths Guild but of the entirety of the Karaz Ankor itself. Only the tiniest fraction of the dwarf population can claim to be part of their number, but their reach is wide indeed. Fitting then, that those few storied individuals that you've come into contact with be recorded in greater detail.

━<><><>< Kraka Drakk ><><><>━

Name: Bara Kormasdottir
Titles: Steelplate, Metalminded (By Clan Stoneplate)
Age: 908 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: Engineering Runes (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes, Armour Runes
Affiliation: Moderate - Radical

Name: Dwalin Hurgarsson
Titles: Thunderlung, Battlepoet, Saga Singer (By himself), Warrior Bard (By himself), Tale Teller (By himself), Storyholder (By himself), Darkness Breaker (By himself)
Age: 715 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: Banner Runes (Mastered), Banner Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes (Exceptional)
Affiliation: Radical

Name: Lorna Dernasdottir
Titles: Hammerfall, Dragonsmiter, Lorekeeper
Age: 660 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: Talismanic Rune Subset: Esoteric (Mastered), Engineering Rune Subset: Gronti (Exceptional), Weapon Runes, Banner Runes
Affiliation: Moderate - Radical

Name: Brynna Kargasdottir
Titles: Gildedeyes, Kvinn a Zorn, Strollen Garazi (By the Zornish)
Age: 888 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: Armour (Mastered), Talismanic Rune Subset: Gold and Oathgold (Exceptional), Banner Runes, Weapon Runes
Affiliation: Conservative (By your Standards), Radical - Moderate (By the Zornish)

Name: Snerra Magnasdottir
Titles: The Shining One, Banner-Maiden, The Smiling Smith, Thungni Chosen, (Hidden) The Last
Age: 368 Years Old by Dwarf reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: General Rune Subset: Casting (Mastered+), Talismanic Rune Subset: Fortitude and Healing (Exceptional), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Engineering Rune Subset: Gronti (Exceptional), Weapon Runes
Affiliation: A lot like you.

NameA.G.E (Affiliation, Gender, Experience)Personality, QuirksMastered SpecialtyExceptional SpecialtyRegular Specialty 1Regular Specialty 2
Bara Kormasdottir, SteelplateModerate, Woman, 689 Yrs. OldDedicated Matron, Made one of the Gronti for the Smelter, Good foundationEngineeringArmourTalismanicArmour
Dwalin Hurgarsson, ThunderlungRadical, Man, 505 Yrs. OldBanner, Writer, Poet. Good at banners, Goes on Campaign a lotBannerTalismanicBannerBanner
Lorna Dernasdottir, HammerfallModerate, Woman, 450 Yrs. OldCurious Researcher, knowledge and experience with Records and HistoryTalismanicEngineeringWeaponBanner
Brynna Kargasdottir, GildedeyesConservative, Woman, 678 Yrs. OldRunelord from Zorn, open minded (for the Zornish), boldArmourTalismanic Subset: Gold and OathgoldBannerWeapon
━<><><>< Region ><><><>━
Name: Ogra Iggunsdottir
Titles: The Stalwart, Wardmaker
Age: 838 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Generic Rune Subset: Buildings (Mastered), Talismanic Rune Subset: Ancestor (Exceptional), Engineering Runes, Banner Runes
Affiliation: Conservative
Hold: Karak/Kraka Krum

Name: Igna Margasdottir
Titles: Metalheart
Age: 640 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Armour Rune Subset: Toughness (Mastered), Armour Rune Subset: Durability (Exceptional), Armour Rune Subset: Esoteric, Armour Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karag Dum Kraka Grom

Name: Vragni Svaltisson
Titles: Silverbrand, Aldokri
Age: 748 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Banner Runes (Mastered), Weapon Runes (Exceptional), Engineering Runes, Armour Runes
Affiliation: Conservative
Hold: Kraka Ornsmotek

Name: Skjol Borsson
Titles: Shieldsmith
Age: 695 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Talismanic Runes (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Banner Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Kraka Ravnsvake

Name: Skegg Borsson
Titles: Axesmith
Age: 695 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Talismanic Runes (Mastered), Weapon Runes (Exceptional), Banner Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Kraka Ravnsvake

Name: Sven Hoggrison
Titles: Baragmaker
Age: 820 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Engineering Runes (Mastered), Engineering Rune Subset: Siege Engines (Exceptional), Engineering Runes, Banner Runes
Affiliation: Really Radical my man
Hold: Kraka Dorden

Name: Valma Hilldasdottir
Titles: Stoneshaper, Firebrand
Age: 590 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Engineering Rune Subset: Gronti (Mastered), Engineering Runes (Exceptional), Engineering Runes, Engineering Runes, Elgi Texts
Affiliation: Totally Kick Flipping Radical my dude
Hold: Kraka Dorden
HoldNameA.G.E (Affiliation, Gender, Experience)Personality, QuirksMastered SpecialtyExceptional SpecialtyRegular Specialty 1Regular Specialty 2
Karak KrumOgra Iggunsdottir, the StalwartConservative, Woman, 698 Yrs. OldAncestor Rune Researcher, Old lady who can turn your home into a fortBanner Subset: BuildingsTalismanic Subset: AncestorEngineeringBanner
Karag DumIgna Margasdottir, MetalheartModerate, Woman, 500 Yrs. OldQuality over quantity, Determined to find out the fate of her home.Armour Subset: ToughnessArmour Subset: DurabilityArmour Subset: EsotericArmour
Kraka OrnsmotekVragni Svaltisson, SilverbrandConservative, Man, 608 Yrs. OldDinkleberg... I mean Klausson..., Driven and productive, no complex hereBannerWeaponEngineeringArmour
Kraka RavnsvakeSkjol Borsson, ShieldsmithRadical, Man, 555 Yrs. OldOne half of the Borsson Twins, he makes good armour. Not loud.TalismanicArmourBannerEngineering
Kraka RavnsvakeSkegg Borsson, AxesmithRadical, Man, 555 Yrs. OldOne half of the Borsson Twins, he makes good weapons. Quiet.TalismanicWeaponBannerEngineering
Kraka DordenSven Hoggrison, BaragmakerReally Radical my man, Man, 680 Yrs. OldA fan of large weapons and penchant for big explosions.EngineeringEngineering Subset: Siege EnginesEngineeringBanner
Kraka DordenValma Hilldasdottir, StoneshaperTotally Radical dude, Woman, 450 Yrs. OldYoung Firebrand Gronti specialist, a teen Runelord with attitude.Engineering Subset: GrontiEngineeringEngineeringEngineering
━<><><>< Brotherhood of Dron ><><><>━
Name: Kraggi Cragsson
Titles: Steelback
Age: 855 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Armour Runes (Mastered), Weapon Rune Subset: Fire (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Drazh

Name: Gorra Fallasdottir
Titles: Gromrileye
Age: 800 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Talismanic Rune Subset: Gromril (Mastered), Talismanic Runes (Exceptional), Banner Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Karak Varn

Name: Bogrin Hargrimsson
Titles: Azurehammer
Age: 837 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Weapon Rune Subset: Hammers (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Rune Subset: Silver and Gromril, Banner Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Eight Peaks/Vala-Azril-Ungol

Name: Magda Lenkasdottir
Titles: Copperlocks
Age: 789 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Talismanic Rune Subset: Gems and Crystals (Mastered), Banner Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Karak Izril

Name: Modi Yannisson
Titles: Copperlocks
Age: 789 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Talismanic Rune Subset: Gems and Crystals (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes, Weapon Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Izril

Name: Damin Sindrisson
Titles: The Stoic
Age: 1032 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Banner Runes (Mastered), Talismanic Runes (Exceptional), Weapon Runes, Armour Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karaz a Karak

Name: Bara Kormasdottir
Titles: Steelplate, Metalminded (By Clan Stoneplate)
Age: 908 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: Engineering Runes (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes, Armour Runes
Affiliation: Moderate - Radical
Hold: Kraka Drakk

━<><><>< The Wider Realm ><><><>━
Name: Gemlin Ragnisson
Titles: Steeleyes, Old Lord of the Desolate Peak
Age: 1033 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Weapon Rune Subset: Ironworks (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), ?
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Vlag

Name: Orri Okrisson
Titles: Silverbrow
Age: 958 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Banner Runes (Mastered), ?
Affiliation: Conservative - Moderate
Hold: Karak Ungor

Name: Jordis Smednasdottir
Titles: Tide Turner
Age: 842 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Banner Runes (Mastered), Banner Rune Subset: Morale (Exceptional), Weapon Runes (Exceptional)
Affiliation: Moderate - Radical
Hold: Karak Kadrin

Name: Gemma Skollasdottir
Titles: Diamond Eyes, Brightstone Lady
Age: 1508 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: General Rune Subset: Light (Mastered), Talismanic Rune Subset: Gems and Crystals (Exceptional), ?
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Brynduraz/ Canonically known as Gunbad

Name: Kazador Cromsson
Titles: Ironwill, the Beastslayer
Age: 542 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: Weapon Runes (Mastered), ?
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Karak Varn

Name: Thorgard Thagrimsson
Titles: Traitorbane, the Relentless
Age: 529 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: General Rune Subset: Wards (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), ?
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Uzkulak

Name: Rorek Jarnisson
Titles: Get-gold
Age: 512 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: General Rune Subset: Casting (Mastered) , Talismanic Runes (Mastered-), Engineering Runes (Exceptional +)
Affiliation: Conservative
Hold: Karak Izril

━<><><>< Figures of Legend ><><><>━
Name: Alric Thungnisson
Titles: Tidebreaker, Runesson, Eldest, Rik a Burudin, A lot, like so many names, it's not worth counting, less than Settra though.
Age: Oldest living son of Thungni.
Specialties: A lot.
Affiliation: ?
Hold: Karaz a Karak

Name: Angkra Vanyasdottir
Titles: Thungnissdottir, Twenty Loops, Vala a Kladi
Age: Youngest living daughter of Thungni, which is still very old.
Specialties: Armour, lots and lots of Armour, Banners too.
Affiliation: ?
Hold: Karaz a Karak

Name: Gottri Logansson
Titles: The Hammerspite, Kazmakazi a Azul
Age: Really Old.
Specialties: Hammers, Weapons, Instruments of Battle.
Affiliation: ?
Hold: Karak Azul

Name: Yorri
Titles: The Wanderer
Age: Probably Really Old.
Specialties: Odd (Savant), Esoteric (Mastered), Weird (Mastered), Wacky (Is Really High), ?
Affiliation: So Radical that he'd be the poster boy of an 80's skater commercial
Hold: None
━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━
Aldokri - Old Craftsman/ Quality Craftsman
Kazmakazi a Azul - Warsmith of Azul
Kvinn a Zorn - Lady of Zorn
Strollen Garazi - Wandering Lass
Rik a Burudin - Lord of the Burudin
Vala a Kladi - Queen of Armoursmiths
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Roster of the Hearth Guard, +10 to a Hearth Guard Roll [USED]

The Roster of the Hearth Guard
  • Hearth Lord Rudil Donnarsson, a former Huskarl
    • Your grandnephew, and a fixture outside your workshop door.
    • Commander of the Hearth Guard, second only to yourself.
  • Vikken, a former Huskarl
    • Frequently paired with Rudil on door guard. Called 'Vicegrip'.
  • Bottri, a former Huskarl
  • Sifna, a former Huskarl
  • Grunna, a former Huskarl
  • Bardin, a former Huskarl
  • Ulthuar, a former Huskarl
  • Thyk, a former Huskarl
  • Thori, a former Huskarl
  • Zammin, a former Huskarl
  • Sven, a former Huskarl
  • Storri Longnose, a former Huskarl
  • Storri Blackbrows, a former Huskarl
  • Young Storri, a former Huskarl
  • Starki, a former Huskarl
  • Daggi, a former Huskarl
  • Himurr, a former Huskarl
  • ???, a former Huskarl
  • ???, a former Huskarl
  • ???, a former Huskarl
  • Gunhild, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
    • Self-proclaimed 'Fiercest of the Valkyries"
  • Fire Keeper Ylva Hearth Hands, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
    • An extremely skilled healer and an active part of the Hold's medical community.
    • As Fire Keeper, she represents the pinnacle of what it is to be a Hearthwarden.
  • Skella, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • ???, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • ???, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • ???, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • ???, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • ???, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • ???, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • ???, a former Valkyrie Guard Shieldmaiden
  • Thargrim, a Longbeard Miner
    • A dwarf whose skill at defusing arguments is matched only by his fondness for bickering with Alrik.
  • Alrik, a Longbeard Miner
    • A dwarf whose skill at defusing arguments is matched only by his fondness for bickering with Thargrim.
  • Enlag Burloksson, a Longbeard Miner
    • Incapable of passing by a goldsmith in his spare time without challenging said smith to a sing-off of the Gold Song.
  • Morgrim Goldbeard, a Longbeard Miner
  • ???, a Longbeard Miner
  • ???, a Longbeard Miner
  • ???, a Longbeard Miner
  • ???, a Longbeard Miner
  • Mikken, a Kraka Krum Miner
  • Tullek, a Kraka Krum Miner
  • Nightfeather, a Griffon
    • A skilled scout and nighttime flyer. Trilingual - speaks Brana, Khazalid and Eltharin. Also, can shoot lightning from his eyeballs.
  • Amberclaw, a Griffon
    • One of the rare magically-talented Brana to focus on the Amber wind.
    • An enthusiast of dwarven culture, even among griffons.
  • Rimesong, a Griffon
    • She Who Sings Snow Into Creation, an Azyr user
  • Emberplume, a Griffon
    • He Who Has Burning Wings
    • Has painted his normally snow-white feathers bright red.
  • Still Wing, a Griffon
    • A skilled warrior and tracker
    • Known for his absurd patience and endurance, capable of standing guard for months if needed.
  • Hamur, a Priest of Gazul
    • A quick draw with a sword, and working on getting faster.
  • Logain, a Priest of Gazul
    • A devout follower of Gazul with the strange habit of chatting amiably with the corpses he is interring. A home-brewer of meads.
  • ???, a Priest of Grungni
  • Kazrik Straightbeard, a Priest of Grungni
    • Actually possesses a curly beard; his name refers to his invaluable skill as a mediator and counselor. Skilled in designing and repairing infrastructure.
  • Drong, a Priest of Grimnir
  • Grimgar, a Priest of Grimnir
  • Kemli Imraksson, a Longbeard Ranger
    • A notably devious fellow, currently pursuing experimental weapons research involving Troll Bile.
  • Norgrim Snowbeard, a Longbeard Ranger
    • Came effusively recommended by Brokk, Head Ranger of Kraka Drakk: "Quiet, half-decent with a bow and the nose of a Sabretusk, take him if you want."
    • Has proved himself the best tracker in the Hearth Guard. Ceaselessly dedicated to finding and returning the lost.
  • Thalben, a Longbeard Ranger
  • Drumin, a Longbeard Ranger
    • Competitive with Yngvar at marksmanship
  • Thorek, a Longbeard Ranger
  • Druin, a Longbeard Ranger
    • Founder and ex-head of one the largest merchant organizations in the North.
    • Encyclopedic knowledge of the settlements of the North, and of Useful People to Know
    • Armed with a heavy, cart-mounted crossbow.
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Longbeard Ranger
  • ???, a Raven-Cloaked
  • ???, a Raven-Cloaked
  • ???, a Raven-Cloaked
  • ???, a Raven-Cloaked
  • Skalgrim Mordinsson, a Master Engineer
  • Yngvar Ultharsson, a Master Engineer
    • Competitive with Drumin at marksmanship. Carries a 'miniature bolt thrower he calls a crossbow' named Menna.
  • Balik Khazadsson, a Master Engineer
    • A prodigy with a gift for pushing the boundaries of dwarfish technology.
    • Somehow manages to consistently resolve conflicts while simultaneously leaving more ruffled feathers than when he started.
    • Very hard of hearing, wears hearing aids made by Morgrim himself. Speaks with a lisp.
  • Bardin, a Master Engineer
  • Mundri, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a Master Engineer
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden
  • ???, a former Ornsmotek Monster Warden

The Honoured Dead
Throggi Ironheart
Who died striking down a Fimir sorcerer most foul.

Barruk Gildedbeard
Who protected his King with his dying breath.

A Longbeard Warrior
Who died making Kraka Dorden safe.

A Longbeard Ranger
Who died making Kraka Dorden safe.

A Longbeard Miner
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Longbeard Miner
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Longbeard Warrior
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Longbeard Warrior
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

Thrainn Strangeblade
Priest of Grimnir of Clan Threkkr
Beloved of his children and grandchildren
Bearer of the elf axe Sendvin (Loyalty's Blade),
a gift from the priest of Eldrazor Tharion.

A Former Valkyrie Guard
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Longbeard Warrior
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Longbeard Warrior
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Former Valkyrie Guard
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Former Valkyrie Guard
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Former Valkyrie Guard
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Former Valkyrie Guard
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Longbeard Warrior
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

Kandrek Woodwalker
Longbeard Ranger of Clan Goldenheart
A worker of strange woods,
possessed of utmost compassion
for all life and people.

Brog Dambuilder
Longbeard Ranger of Clan Hardpick
Not one for stone and dark, he walked
under the sun and found his honour in
shaping the woods and waters of the
Far North to aid Dawi.

A Longbeard Ranger
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Monster Warden
Whose deeds shall be recorded.

A Monster Warden
Whose deeds shall be recorded.
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Now Accepting User Generated Runes
A post made by one of the users got me thinking and I've come to a decision.

I will now be accepting User Generated Submissions for New Runes and Names for Runes that probably already exist and I haven't bothered to name.

PLEASE USE #Rune-Ideas somewhere in the post for searchability

Aside from that, you can submit potential Rune ideas or even just names for Runes to me, and if I find them acceptable I will add them to the Public Rune List and categorize them accordingly. For Rune submissions that are close to being accepted but have a few parts that don't work I'll let the poster know, offer potential changes and if they accept them then I'll go ahead with adding the revised version to the list as well. Note that just because I accept a Rune does not necessarily mean Snorri will know it, sometimes it may exist and he just doesn't know it, or it may not exist yet and I may use it in a future Rune Trade.

A few tips and rules of thumb when submitting a Rune are as follows:
- Names are the least scrutinized and generally follow the rule of cool/thematics. Basically, if it sounds Dwarfy then it's probably good.
- If its effect can't be explained in two lines or less it's probably not going to fly.
- Master Runes are generally more powerful and/or versatile than Regular Runes.
- For Master Runes, the stronger their effect the more likely I'll make it have a rarer ingredient.
- Battle Magic tier effects are generally the realm of Master Runes, and more mundane spells the realm of Regular Runes, but not always.
- I'm willing to add Regular Runes to both the future rewards or retroactively of your research trees if they fit with what's there, but they'll obviously be under far greater scrutiny.

Please format submissions as follows:
Rune Name: Rune Effect.
Brief description and backstory (optional)

That's all that's really important and you can stop reading here.

The next bit is just me airing out my thoughts and rationale really, because I think it helps to have a record as to why I do stuff because god only knows I forget half the time and I see no issue with it being public.

Basically, it boils down to me wondering if the way I have it set up with the public Rune List has been creatively limiting. I've stated that Snorri knows a lot of Runes, and I've just not listed them in their totality to the thread, but I haven't seen many people poke me to see if a Rune exists and I just haven't listed it and the people who go through the effort are using the Runes I have listed and nothing else. In Hindsight I'm now coming to see that creating a Write-in and or proposing an idea for a Difficult request is already creatively taxing enough, and its probably unfair of me to expect the few people who participate in that endeavour to ALSO go through the hassle of coming to me for Runes that may or may not exist, potentially get told no, and then go back to the Drawing board. So I think this may alleviate that weight. Most obviously I alleviate the workload off my back when it comes to backfilling the names of Runes you know but I haven't bothered to list. It creates a way for people who may find making an entire write-in daunting an easier way to contribute. It's a way to generate ideas for myself, and as the list grows gives people who make Write-ins more to actually work with.

Anyway that's all. I realize I didn't put an Author's note in the results for Turn 46, so this is something of a late addition to that if you wanna think of it that way. Anyhoo, if you read this far, I hope this all makes sense and that you found at least some of this useful. :^)
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Discord and Patreon
Otherwise known as me selling out to big business.

Hello! I wanted this to be part of the update itself, and I may very well add it. But you may have noticed that I have created a Discord and Patreon in my signature respectively. Why? Well besides the money, the circumstances of this thread and the background have changed things.

TLDR: My attempts to dissuade a Discord community have been bungled by my own actions and made the few people who ARE in it have a potential advantage and are already probably pretty cabal-like if you squint. So I decided to just make things as open as I could feasibly manage.
Fair warning, you're about to read like several hundred words of me trying to explain why I have started a Discord and Patreon.

As you may or may not know when I was asked about a Discord way back during the quest's early stages I had said that while I had no real issues with a Discord, I didn't want a cabal forming for Rhunrikki in the background. So I didn't have a Discord link publically available anywhere for that reason, and well also because I was using a different person's server to do stuff in and while I didn't think they'd have minded I still felt weird? Kinda like going to a party and bringing several dozen uninvited guests in my head. Weird I know. Anyway, flash forward a few years to now and here I am making a Discord and Patreon so what's changed?

Well, the Patreon is pretty obvious I think. I still have some reservations about it if I'm honest, but I figure at worst it becomes like 5 bucks I get a month that I can spend on ice cream or it can, in my wildest dreams, become a second source of income and man I'd like to commission more art without worrying about my tuition, bills and ice cream!

Now the Discord. Yeah, I fucked up here. Trying to be obtuse about it I think screwed me over because it meant only some people got in rather than everyone, which made an exclusive club sort of feeling. If I could do it again I should have probably never mentioned the Discord existing or been forthright with a link entirely rather than my half-and-half approach. So what, I had a small number of people in the Discord who saw the Duct Tape and popsicle sticks behind everything, no issue if I didn't spoil certain things right? Correct, but I did! A mix of overeagerness and I felt weird having a channel where I posted nothing at all, so over the course of these past few years I have posted a few odds and ends that on reflection could have easily led to cabal-like behaviour like posting voting sections to the Discord earlier than the thread. Not often mind you, but often enough that I don't like it. The people in the channel kept a tight leash on how they interacted with that knowledge, but In a few year's time I may have ended up forming the perfect breeding ground for a Cabal that was not only able to see updates and voting segments early, but you had to go through hoops to get access too. The funny thing is, talking to others and trying to think of fair Patreon rewards made me realize the extent of my error.

So now I've sort of opened the can of worms already, and I can't exactly seal it back up again without a fair amount of pain, I like hearing feedback and getting early impressions about parts I'm not sure about. So fuck it, I'm opening it wide and doing my best not to fragment my readers. At this point I had to decide if I wanted a Discord just for Rhunrikki, or for my writing in general. I decided on the latter because I do have a few ideas on the backburner.
The nitty-gritty of it.
Where I will post updates once fully complete, and finalized WoGs and announcements. Nothing changes on this end.

You can talk about stuff in there too, and arguably some discussions will probably benefit more from Discord's format than a forum's. The link is open and permanent and any announcements or WoGs I post there will be posted here in a more formal and finalized form to maintain informational parity and keep people who'd prefer to be thread only from feeling like they're at an informational disadvantage.

You get access to Behind the Scenes Channels and can view parts of the update early as I finish them, as well as vote on stuff like art commissions, snippets I write or POVS of that nature. All for 1 USD a month!

So yeah. If you like wanna toss a dollar my way I'd greatly appreciate it, but I will do everything I can to try and ensure it will never be necessary to participate in this quest.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to air them, god knows Im flying by the seat of my fuckin pants. I think this post is acceptable by SV rules but I could be wrong, please let me know as well.
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Update to the Understand, Compress, Convert, and Simplify a Rune System:
Thanks to @Xepheria for their initial write-up, @BungieONI , @LaggPlaguedDuke and several others who provided input into the development of this system.

The system of researching new Runes has been updated to something that's more fun to interact with I hope. So in short, to create variants of an existing Master Rune you'll have to first understand that Master Rune. The way you can do this is through the traditional Understand a Master Rune option, but now, if you develop a Master Rune from your research, or compress a combo into a Master Rune that will also count as doing the Understand option. After you understand a Master Rune, you can then begin to create variants of that Master Rune, and even a Regular Rune version at a much cheaper cost than before. Of course not all Master Runes are the same, so now we move on to the method I'll be calculating the action cost for these new actions.

Learned Master Runes will have a Complexity Rating attached to them that will appear on the Rune List post and in Rune trades in the future. They start from 0 for "base" Master Runes like the Master Rune of Gromril for instance, and can theoretically go up forever all the way until Azamar. Putting a Master Rune into a combo raises the Complexity Rating, however Compressing a Combo** into a Master Rune does not.

Spitestrike, the precursor combo for the Master Rune of Spite: Complexity 0
Compressing it into Master Rune of Spite: Complexity 0
A combo that involves the Master Rune of Spite: Complexity 1
Compressing that Combo into a new Master Rune: Complexity 1
And so on and so forth.

Relevant Specialty levels, and Traits*, reduce the Effective Complexity, which in turn makes the Understand option easier to do. This basically means a Talismanic (Savant) specialty Runesmith with a lot of traits around researching Talismanic Runes would have a far easier time than an apprentice with no specialty at all.

Specialty levels can reduce effective complexity by 1 (Base) to 4 (Savant)

* A trait description will need to specify that it improves a type of Rune Research, like Master of the Odd, for it to factor in though.
** A combo will have the tags of its constituent Runes in terms of research and trait procs, but the new Master Rune from its compression isn't guaranteed to have those tags however.

Here will be the new actions you'll see in the coming turn as well, probably under their own section by this point.

[ ] [Difficult] Compress a Combo: [Cost: 1 +(2 x Effective Complexity) actions] Unlock the Convert and Simplify Options for the Master Rune. Gain a Master Rune of the same Category as the chosen Combo.

[ ] [Difficult] Understand a Master Rune: [Cost: (4 +4 x Effective Complexity) - Similar Runes actions] Unlock the Convert and Simplify Options for that Master Rune. Gain progress to any associated Research. Risk rises with Complexity.

[ ] [Difficult] Convert a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 actions per Category] Gain a Master Rune of the chosen Category(ies).

[ ] [Difficult] Simplify a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 actions] Gain a Regular Rune for every known Category of the chosen Master Rune.

[ ] [Difficult] Convert a Regular Rune: [Cost: 1 action per Category] Gain a Regular Rune of the chosen Category(ies).

Understand Action Cost = [4 + (4 x (Complexity Rating - Relevant Specialties and Traits)] - (Related Master Runes/2) - (Alternate Variants of Same Master Rune x2)
Compress Action Cost = [1 +2 x (Complexity Rating - Relevant Specialties and Traits)]

Specialty Levels go from 1 (Base) to 4 (Savant)

This formula was edited as of Turn 57 it is now as follows:
Understand Action Cost = 2 + (2 x (Complexity Rating - Specialties)), minimum 1 action
Compress Action Cost = 1 + (2 x (Complexity Rating - Specialties)), minimum 1 actions

Specialty Levels go as follows:
0: [Not Listed]
1: [Listed-]
2: [Listed ]
3: [Listed+]
4: [Exceptional-]
5: [Exceptional]
6: [Exceptional+]
7: [Mastered-]
8: [Mastered]
9: [Mastered+]
10: [Savant]

Similarly, I've reworded several traits to work with this system and the new Rune list:
Master of the Odd:
Every 2 research actions used for Talismanic, Engineering runes or [Bizarre] Runes, add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Research gains from studying odd materials improved.
Soul of the Earth: Every 2 research actions used on all minerals, metals or other earthborn things add 1 free action's worth of progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 free actions. Work with all metals will be greatly improved.
Mind for Constructs: Every 3 research actions used on all constructs add 1 free action's worth of progress. A deep understanding of Gronti and the mechanics of the Dwarfen form.
Peerless Production: Every 2 request actions add 1 free action's worth of progress. If 3 request actions, instead add 3 free actions. Every input request action has a 50% chance to proc another action, does not proc on free actions.

Master of the Odd [4/15]:
Every 2 research actions used for [Bizarre] Runes and novel phenomena add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Research gains from studying odd and novel materials improved.
Mind for Constructs [10/12]: Every 2 research actions used for Engineering and [Construct] Runes add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Every 3 request and research actions used on construct related options add 1 extra progress. Possesses a deep understanding of Gronti and the mechanics of the Dwarfen form.
Talent for Talismans [4/15]: Every 2 research actions used for Talismanic Runes add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress.
Soul of the Earth [0/18] : Every 2 research actions used for [Metal] Runes, and all geological material add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Metalworking greatly improved.
Peerless Production [9/?]: Every 2 request actions add 1 extra progress. If 3 request actions, instead add 3 extra progress. Every request action has a 50% chance to proc extra progress.

TLDR; spread out the Talismanic and Engineer benefit from Master of the Odd to two other traits. Mind for Constructs now also procs on when you're working on making constructs as well as researching them. Also rewording stuff so that its snappier and less confusing/wordy. That's about it.
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