Runelords of the Karaz Ankor
- Location
- Edmonton
- Pronouns
- He/Him

━<><><>< Rhunrikki a Karaz Ankor ><><><>━
Throughout the Realms, the Runelords create wondrous items of immense power, discover hitherto unknown secrets of Runecraft and otherwise act as one of the very foundational pillars of not just the Runesmiths Guild but of the entirety of the Karaz Ankor itself. Only the tiniest fraction of the dwarf population can claim to be part of their number, but their reach is wide indeed. Fitting then, that those few storied individuals that you've come into contact with be recorded in greater detail.
━<><><>< Kraka Drakk ><><><>━
Name: Bara Kormasdottir
Titles: Steelplate, Metalminded (By Clan Stoneplate)
Age: 908 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: Engineering Runes (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes, Armour Runes
Affiliation: Moderate - Radical
Name: Dwalin Hurgarsson
Titles: Thunderlung, Battlepoet, Saga Singer (By himself), Warrior Bard (By himself), Tale Teller (By himself), Storyholder (By himself), Darkness Breaker (By himself)
Age: 715 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: Banner Runes (Mastered), Banner Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes (Exceptional)
Affiliation: Radical
Name: Lorna Dernasdottir
Titles: Hammerfall, Dragonsmiter, Lorekeeper
Age: 660 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: Talismanic Rune Subset: Esoteric (Mastered), Engineering Rune Subset: Gronti (Exceptional), Weapon Runes, Banner Runes
Affiliation: Moderate - Radical
Name: Brynna Kargasdottir
Titles: Gildedeyes, Kvinn a Zorn, Strollen Garazi (By the Zornish)
Age: 888 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: Armour (Mastered), Talismanic Rune Subset: Gold and Oathgold (Exceptional), Banner Runes, Weapon Runes
Affiliation: Conservative (By your Standards), Radical - Moderate (By the Zornish)
Name: Snerra Magnasdottir
Titles: The Shining One, Banner-Maiden, The Smiling Smith, Thungni Chosen, (Hidden) The Last
Age: 368 Years Old by Dwarf reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: General Rune Subset: Casting (Mastered+), Talismanic Rune Subset: Fortitude and Healing (Exceptional), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Engineering Rune Subset: Gronti (Exceptional), Weapon Runes
Affiliation: A lot like you.
Name | A.G.E (Affiliation, Gender, Experience) | Personality, Quirks | Mastered Specialty | Exceptional Specialty | Regular Specialty 1 | Regular Specialty 2 |
Bara Kormasdottir, Steelplate | Moderate, Woman, 689 Yrs. Old | Dedicated Matron, Made one of the Gronti for the Smelter, Good foundation | Engineering | Armour | Talismanic | Armour |
Dwalin Hurgarsson, Thunderlung | Radical, Man, 505 Yrs. Old | Banner, Writer, Poet. Good at banners, Goes on Campaign a lot | Banner | Talismanic | Banner | Banner |
Lorna Dernasdottir, Hammerfall | Moderate, Woman, 450 Yrs. Old | Curious Researcher, knowledge and experience with Records and History | Talismanic | Engineering | Weapon | Banner |
Brynna Kargasdottir, Gildedeyes | Conservative, Woman, 678 Yrs. Old | Runelord from Zorn, open minded (for the Zornish), bold | Armour | Talismanic Subset: Gold and Oathgold | Banner | Weapon |
━<><><>< Region ><><><>━
Name: Ogra Iggunsdottir
Titles: The Stalwart, Wardmaker
Age: 838 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Generic Rune Subset: Buildings (Mastered), Talismanic Rune Subset: Ancestor (Exceptional), Engineering Runes, Banner Runes
Affiliation: Conservative
Hold: Karak/Kraka Krum
Name: Igna Margasdottir
Titles: Metalheart
Age: 640 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Armour Rune Subset: Toughness (Mastered), Armour Rune Subset: Durability (Exceptional), Armour Rune Subset: Esoteric, Armour Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold:Karag Dum Kraka Grom
Name: Vragni Svaltisson
Titles: Silverbrand, Aldokri
Age: 748 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Banner Runes (Mastered), Weapon Runes (Exceptional), Engineering Runes, Armour Runes
Affiliation: Conservative
Hold: Kraka Ornsmotek
Name: Skjol Borsson
Titles: Shieldsmith
Age: 695 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Talismanic Runes (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Banner Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Kraka Ravnsvake
Name: Skegg Borsson
Titles: Axesmith
Age: 695 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Talismanic Runes (Mastered), Weapon Runes (Exceptional), Banner Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Kraka Ravnsvake
Name: Sven Hoggrison
Titles: Baragmaker
Age: 820 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Engineering Runes (Mastered), Engineering Rune Subset: Siege Engines (Exceptional), Engineering Runes, Banner Runes
Affiliation: Really Radical my man
Hold: Kraka Dorden
Name: Valma Hilldasdottir
Titles: Stoneshaper, Firebrand
Age: 590 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Engineering Rune Subset: Gronti (Mastered), Engineering Runes (Exceptional), Engineering Runes, Engineering Runes, Elgi Texts
Affiliation: Totally Kick Flipping Radical my dude
Hold: Kraka Dorden
Titles: The Stalwart, Wardmaker
Age: 838 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Generic Rune Subset: Buildings (Mastered), Talismanic Rune Subset: Ancestor (Exceptional), Engineering Runes, Banner Runes
Affiliation: Conservative
Hold: Karak/Kraka Krum
Name: Igna Margasdottir
Titles: Metalheart
Age: 640 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Armour Rune Subset: Toughness (Mastered), Armour Rune Subset: Durability (Exceptional), Armour Rune Subset: Esoteric, Armour Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Name: Vragni Svaltisson
Titles: Silverbrand, Aldokri
Age: 748 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Banner Runes (Mastered), Weapon Runes (Exceptional), Engineering Runes, Armour Runes
Affiliation: Conservative
Hold: Kraka Ornsmotek
Name: Skjol Borsson
Titles: Shieldsmith
Age: 695 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Talismanic Runes (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Banner Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Kraka Ravnsvake
Name: Skegg Borsson
Titles: Axesmith
Age: 695 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Talismanic Runes (Mastered), Weapon Runes (Exceptional), Banner Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Kraka Ravnsvake
Name: Sven Hoggrison
Titles: Baragmaker
Age: 820 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Engineering Runes (Mastered), Engineering Rune Subset: Siege Engines (Exceptional), Engineering Runes, Banner Runes
Affiliation: Really Radical my man
Hold: Kraka Dorden
Name: Valma Hilldasdottir
Titles: Stoneshaper, Firebrand
Age: 590 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 35)
Specialties: Engineering Rune Subset: Gronti (Mastered), Engineering Runes (Exceptional), Engineering Runes, Engineering Runes, Elgi Texts
Affiliation: Totally Kick Flipping Radical my dude
Hold: Kraka Dorden
Hold | Name | A.G.E (Affiliation, Gender, Experience) | Personality, Quirks | Mastered Specialty | Exceptional Specialty | Regular Specialty 1 | Regular Specialty 2 |
Karak Krum | Ogra Iggunsdottir, the Stalwart | Conservative, Woman, 698 Yrs. Old | Ancestor Rune Researcher, Old lady who can turn your home into a fort | Banner Subset: Buildings | Talismanic Subset: Ancestor | Engineering | Banner |
Karag Dum | Igna Margasdottir, Metalheart | Moderate, Woman, 500 Yrs. Old | Quality over quantity, Determined to find out the fate of her home. | Armour Subset: Toughness | Armour Subset: Durability | Armour Subset: Esoteric | Armour |
Kraka Ornsmotek | Vragni Svaltisson, Silverbrand | Conservative, Man, 608 Yrs. Old | Banner | Weapon | Engineering | Armour | |
Kraka Ravnsvake | Skjol Borsson, Shieldsmith | Radical, Man, 555 Yrs. Old | One half of the Borsson Twins, he makes good armour. Not loud. | Talismanic | Armour | Banner | Engineering |
Kraka Ravnsvake | Skegg Borsson, Axesmith | Radical, Man, 555 Yrs. Old | One half of the Borsson Twins, he makes good weapons. Quiet. | Talismanic | Weapon | Banner | Engineering |
Kraka Dorden | Sven Hoggrison, Baragmaker | Really Radical my man, Man, 680 Yrs. Old | A fan of large weapons and penchant for big explosions. | Engineering | Engineering Subset: Siege Engines | Engineering | Banner |
Kraka Dorden | Valma Hilldasdottir, Stoneshaper | Totally Radical dude, Woman, 450 Yrs. Old | Young Firebrand Gronti specialist, a | Engineering Subset: Gronti | Engineering | Engineering | Engineering |
━<><><>< Brotherhood of Dron ><><><>━
Name: Kraggi Cragsson
Titles: Steelback
Age: 855 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Armour Runes (Mastered), Weapon Rune Subset: Fire (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Drazh
Name: Gorra Fallasdottir
Titles: Gromrileye
Age: 800 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Talismanic Rune Subset: Gromril (Mastered), Talismanic Runes (Exceptional), Banner Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Karak Varn
Name: Bogrin Hargrimsson
Titles: Azurehammer
Age: 837 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Weapon Rune Subset: Hammers (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Rune Subset: Silver and Gromril, Banner Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Eight Peaks/Vala-Azril-Ungol
Name: Magda Lenkasdottir
Titles: Copperlocks
Age: 789 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Talismanic Rune Subset: Gems and Crystals (Mastered), Banner Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Karak Izril
Name: Modi Yannisson
Titles: Copperlocks
Age: 789 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Talismanic Rune Subset: Gems and Crystals (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes, Weapon Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Izril
Name: Damin Sindrisson
Titles: The Stoic
Age: 1032 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Banner Runes (Mastered), Talismanic Runes (Exceptional), Weapon Runes, Armour Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karaz a Karak
Name: Bara Kormasdottir
Titles: Steelplate, Metalminded (By Clan Stoneplate)
Age: 908 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: Engineering Runes (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes, Armour Runes
Affiliation: Moderate - Radical
Hold: Kraka Drakk
Titles: Steelback
Age: 855 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Armour Runes (Mastered), Weapon Rune Subset: Fire (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Drazh
Name: Gorra Fallasdottir
Titles: Gromrileye
Age: 800 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Talismanic Rune Subset: Gromril (Mastered), Talismanic Runes (Exceptional), Banner Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Karak Varn
Name: Bogrin Hargrimsson
Titles: Azurehammer
Age: 837 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Weapon Rune Subset: Hammers (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Rune Subset: Silver and Gromril, Banner Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Eight Peaks/Vala-Azril-Ungol
Name: Magda Lenkasdottir
Titles: Copperlocks
Age: 789 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Talismanic Rune Subset: Gems and Crystals (Mastered), Banner Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes, Engineering Runes
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Karak Izril
Name: Modi Yannisson
Titles: Copperlocks
Age: 789 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Talismanic Rune Subset: Gems and Crystals (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes, Weapon Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Izril
Name: Damin Sindrisson
Titles: The Stoic
Age: 1032 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Banner Runes (Mastered), Talismanic Runes (Exceptional), Weapon Runes, Armour Runes
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karaz a Karak
Name: Bara Kormasdottir
Titles: Steelplate, Metalminded (By Clan Stoneplate)
Age: 908 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: Engineering Runes (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Talismanic Runes, Armour Runes
Affiliation: Moderate - Radical
Hold: Kraka Drakk
━<><><>< The Wider Realm ><><><>━
Name: Gemlin Ragnisson
Titles: Steeleyes, Old Lord of the Desolate Peak
Age: 1033 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Weapon Rune Subset: Ironworks (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), ?
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Vlag
Name: Orri Okrisson
Titles: Silverbrow
Age: 958 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Banner Runes (Mastered), ?
Affiliation: Conservative - Moderate
Hold: Karak Ungor
Name: Jordis Smednasdottir
Titles: Tide Turner
Age: 842 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Banner Runes (Mastered), Banner Rune Subset: Morale (Exceptional), Weapon Runes (Exceptional)
Affiliation: Moderate - Radical
Hold: Karak Kadrin
Name: Gemma Skollasdottir
Titles: Diamond Eyes, Brightstone Lady
Age: 1508 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: General Rune Subset: Light (Mastered), Talismanic Rune Subset: Gems and Crystals (Exceptional), ?
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Brynduraz/ Canonically known as Gunbad
Name: Kazador Cromsson
Titles: Ironwill, the Beastslayer
Age: 542 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: Weapon Runes (Mastered), ?
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Karak Varn
Name: Thorgard Thagrimsson
Titles: Traitorbane, the Relentless
Age: 529 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: General Rune Subset: Wards (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), ?
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Uzkulak
Name: Rorek Jarnisson
Titles: Get-gold
Age: 512 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: General Rune Subset: Casting (Mastered) , Talismanic Runes (Mastered-), Engineering Runes (Exceptional +)
Affiliation: Conservative
Hold: Karak Izril
Titles: Steeleyes, Old Lord of the Desolate Peak
Age: 1033 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Weapon Rune Subset: Ironworks (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), ?
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Vlag
Name: Orri Okrisson
Titles: Silverbrow
Age: 958 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Banner Runes (Mastered), ?
Affiliation: Conservative - Moderate
Hold: Karak Ungor
Name: Jordis Smednasdottir
Titles: Tide Turner
Age: 842 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: Banner Runes (Mastered), Banner Rune Subset: Morale (Exceptional), Weapon Runes (Exceptional)
Affiliation: Moderate - Radical
Hold: Karak Kadrin
Name: Gemma Skollasdottir
Titles: Diamond Eyes, Brightstone Lady
Age: 1508 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: General Rune Subset: Light (Mastered), Talismanic Rune Subset: Gems and Crystals (Exceptional), ?
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Karak Brynduraz/ Canonically known as Gunbad
Name: Kazador Cromsson
Titles: Ironwill, the Beastslayer
Age: 542 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: Weapon Runes (Mastered), ?
Affiliation: Radical
Hold: Karak Varn
Name: Thorgard Thagrimsson
Titles: Traitorbane, the Relentless
Age: 529 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 42)
Specialties: General Rune Subset: Wards (Mastered), Armour Runes (Exceptional), ?
Affiliation: Moderate
Hold: Uzkulak
Name: Rorek Jarnisson
Titles: Get-gold
Age: 512 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 30)
Specialties: General Rune Subset: Casting (Mastered) , Talismanic Runes (Mastered-), Engineering Runes (Exceptional +)
Affiliation: Conservative
Hold: Karak Izril
━<><><>< Figures of Legend ><><><>━
Name: Alric Thungnisson
Titles: Tidebreaker, Runesson, Eldest, Rik a Burudin, A lot, like so many names, it's not worth counting, less than Settra though.
Age: Oldest living son of Thungni.
Specialties: A lot.
Affiliation: ?
Hold: Karaz a Karak
Name: Angkra Vanyasdottir
Titles: Thungnissdottir, Twenty Loops, Vala a Kladi
Age: Youngest living daughter of Thungni, which is still very old.
Specialties: Armour, lots and lots of Armour, Banners too.
Affiliation: ?
Hold: Karaz a Karak
Name: Gottri Logansson
Titles: The Hammerspite, Kazmakazi a Azul
Age: Really Old.
Specialties: Hammers, Weapons, Instruments of Battle.
Affiliation: ?
Hold: Karak Azul
Name: Yorri
Titles: The Wanderer
Age: Probably Really Old.
Specialties: Odd (Savant), Esoteric (Mastered), Weird (Mastered), Wacky (Is Really High), ?
Affiliation: So Radical that he'd be the poster boy of an 80's skater commercial
Hold: None
Titles: Tidebreaker, Runesson, Eldest, Rik a Burudin, A lot, like so many names, it's not worth counting, less than Settra though.
Age: Oldest living son of Thungni.
Specialties: A lot.
Affiliation: ?
Hold: Karaz a Karak
Name: Angkra Vanyasdottir
Titles: Thungnissdottir, Twenty Loops, Vala a Kladi
Age: Youngest living daughter of Thungni, which is still very old.
Specialties: Armour, lots and lots of Armour, Banners too.
Affiliation: ?
Hold: Karaz a Karak
Name: Gottri Logansson
Titles: The Hammerspite, Kazmakazi a Azul
Age: Really Old.
Specialties: Hammers, Weapons, Instruments of Battle.
Affiliation: ?
Hold: Karak Azul
Name: Yorri
Titles: The Wanderer
Age: Probably Really Old.
Specialties: Odd (Savant), Esoteric (Mastered), Weird (Mastered), Wacky (Is Really High), ?
Affiliation: So Radical that he'd be the poster boy of an 80's skater commercial
Hold: None
━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━
Aldokri - Old Craftsman/ Quality CraftsmanKazmakazi a Azul - Warsmith of Azul
Kvinn a Zorn - Lady of Zorn
Strollen Garazi - Wandering Lass
Rik a Burudin - Lord of the Burudin
Vala a Kladi - Queen of Armoursmiths
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