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Omake idea: Snorri, sometime in the future, meets his first human, a venerable elder of 63 (the eldest of his tribe). He assumes the human is at least somewhat older until he learns his actual age, upon which he promptly starts treating this elder human like the beardling he is.

Its cause of the beard, isn't it?
The weird thing about dwarfs is that unlike basically any other race ever, they consider old age to be the age when they are in their prime, not adulthood. Their biology even seems to reflect this, as a huge number of capable dwarfs is actually old af. Its like they were specifically made to be old.
The weird thing about dwarfs is that unlike basically any other race ever, they consider old age to be the age when they are in their prime, not adulthood. Their biology even seems to reflect this, as a huge number of capable dwarfs is actually old af. Its like they were specifically made to be old.
Elves don't really deteriorate either. And Slann and Lizardmen seem to behave similarly to the dwarves, although that may be that each new spawning is weaker than the previous one rather than each spawning has grown in strength by the time of the next generation.

This could possibly be a change in design philosophy by the Old Ones as they shifted away from quality and using the time they had available to allow their troops to grow into an "Oh shit, grinder needs meat asap. We can no longer afford for them to have centuries to mature before they really hit their stride." mode.
Elves don't really deteriorate either. And Slann and Lizardmen seem to behave similarly to the dwarves
Ya, but Elves are virtually ageless for most of their lifespan. Its just dwarfs that have what most (mortal)races consider to be twilight of their years actually be their noon. And Lizardmen. I admit i forgot those but yeah, with age, they grow progressively more and more powerful too.

Its not specifically age that i am talking about, but the state of being considered elderly for your race.
An interesting observation one could make about dwarfs is that they seem to behave like coal. With time, pressure, and heat they slowly transition into diamond, becoming better and better as they grow older. The fact that dwarfs can even die of old age? I personally ascribe it to how faults in a diamond can make it crack, in some cases like glass that has had internal stress built up in it from time and natural occurences.

So either a dwarf continues to "approach diamond" or they crack/burn out due to how they couldn't handle the challenges involved. Or, maybe, it is also because they stagnated and weren't presented with enough challenges to continue progressing?

Ya, but Elves are virtually ageless for most of their lifespan. Its just dwarfs that have what most (mortal)races consider to be twilight of their years actually be their noon. And Lizardmen. I admit i forgot those but yeah, with age, they grow progressively more and more powerful too.

Its not specifically age that i am talking about, but the state of being considered elderly for your race.
But a lot of Elvish power comes from their magicians and they only get more powerful the older and more experienced they become.
So what you're saying is they found a place where they could stagnate without other negative outcomes? :V

But huh, cool, didn't know that part. Interesting!
May be quest canon not warhammer canon, and its something we've sort of reasoned from a lot of different points rather than any single WoG statement.
Dwarves know when their death from age is coming a few years in advance. Soulcake has mentioned that sometimes dwarves will open an old Runelords and find no sign of them except their final masterpiece and I don't think its a coincidence that Snorri-mum died after she saw signs that her son had gotten over his wifes death and was getting better.
kinglugia says they die when content. I think they die when they think they can stand besides their ancestors without being ashamed of disappointing them.
But a lot of Elvish power comes from their magicians and they only get more powerful the older and more experienced they become.
I have no idea if i am just that bad at expressing myself that badly or if you just refuse to grasp what i am trying to say. I literally said its not about the age. So i will just like, do it with pictures.

Notice that one is elderly, while the other is virtually ageless. Both are in their prime. That is what i was trying to pinpoint.
I have no idea if i am just that bad at expressing myself that badly or if you just refuse to grasp what i am trying to say. I literally said its not about the age. So i will just like, do it with pictures.

Notice that one is elderly, while the other is virtually ageless. Both are in their prime. That is what i was trying to pinpoint.
Well, I got that, my problem was, its a boring nitpicky point. Like, okay... now that you've pinpointed it, where are you going with it?

The reason I was talking about trends over the course of their lifespan was that it allowed me to draw comparisons between the three oldest races the Old Ones made in contrast to the younger ones like Halflings, Humans and Ogres and from there I could suggest that it was a reflection of pressing time concerns and changing requirements at the time the different races where designed.
It just seems like a more interesting understanding of the worldbuilding and universe of Warhammer Fantasy.
I've been looking at some maps of the warhammer world, and most (or, pretty much all of them) have the Dwarfs only inhabiting the eastern half/third of the mountain chain that stretches across Norsca.

Now that the Northern reclaimation is complete, It's not impossible that exploration and expansion westwards will continue.

Imagine if we could get the entirey of Norsca settled. While the moutains arn't as big as the World Edge chain, they cover pretty much the entire landmass. That's a massive area to cover, and it's all open for expansion.
I've been looking at some maps of the warhammer world, and most (or, pretty much all of them) have the Dwarfs only inhabiting the eastern half/third of the mountain chain that stretches across Norsca.

Now that the Northern reclaimation is complete, It's not impossible that exploration and expansion westwards will continue.

Imagine if we could get the entirey of Norsca settled. While the moutains arn't as big as the World Edge chain, they cover pretty much the entire landmass. That's a massive area to cover, and it's all open for expansion.

To be fair, that's after a Chaos Incursion that went a lot worse, and a long period of pressure from the human worshippers of Chaos, so even in canon there may have been multiple smaller holds in the west of Norsca that were later lost.

Here though, we've started to expand even before the high elves send their expeditionary forces to purge Chaotic remnants, and we also have the Griffons as allies, who will hopefully help the dwarves expand and vice versa.

If we're lucky, the elves will also inspire the Norscan dwarves to take to the seas, as that should significantly improve trade and communication links. In many places the mountains go right down to the sea, so founding holds in sea cliffs like Barak Varr should be very viable, and hopefully those sea cliffs should provide good nesting locations for our avian friends, and the monsters of the seas should help feed them.
If we're lucky, the elves will also inspire the Norscan dwarves to take to the seas, as that should significantly improve trade and communication links. In many places the mountains go right down to the sea, so founding holds in sea cliffs like Barak Varr should be very viable, and hopefully those sea cliffs should provide good nesting locations for our avian friends, and the monsters of the seas should help feed them.

I hope like fuck this isn't the case. When the war of Vengeance kicks off, this puts us as target No.1, due to the ability to deny their supply lines to the colonies and the ability to contest them along the coast.
I've been looking at some maps of the warhammer world, and most (or, pretty much all of them) have the Dwarfs only inhabiting the eastern half/third of the mountain chain that stretches across Norsca.

Now that the Northern reclaimation is complete, It's not impossible that exploration and expansion westwards will continue.

Imagine if we could get the entirey of Norsca settled. While the moutains arn't as big as the World Edge chain, they cover pretty much the entire landmass. That's a massive area to cover, and it's all open for expansion.
That's a good point, there might be a big valley in the center middle but there mountains are the main point in Norsca, so more holds would shift things along
I hope like fuck this isn't the case. When the war of Vengeance kicks off, this puts us as target No.1, due to the ability to deny their supply lines to the colonies and the ability to contest them along the coast.
Frankly Kraka Drakk is already going to be a high priority target as it connects the north to the main dwarven kingdoms entirely, we also are the home of a supremely powerful air threat who could actually severely nerf their dragons down due to "Lol storms" which would affect the dragons while empowering them. On top of us being the economic heart of roughly one third of the dwarven lands, and the second best military of the same. Then we get into this place being the equivalent of a magic college for the dwarves in the north as well and.... yeah.
Frankly Kraka Drakk is already going to be a high priority target as it connects the north to the main dwarven kingdoms entirely, we also are the home of a supremely powerful air threat who could actually severely nerf their dragons down due to "Lol storms" which would affect the dragons while empowering them. On top of us being the economic heart of roughly one third of the dwarven lands, and the second best military of the same. Then we get into this place being the equivalent of a magic college for the dwarves in the north as well and.... yeah.
I all I am hearing is a need for an adamant bloodthirster sized gronti with an ancestral aegis banner going 'Squish the squishies hahaha! :V'
On top of us being the economic heart of roughly one third of the dwarven lands,

The economic heart of the north maybe, but we are still practically paupers compared to most of the established holds.

Frankly Kraka Drakk is already going to be a high priority target

Not evenly slightly.

First, most of the Elven colonies will be down south, outside of Norsca. The closer Dwarf holds that actually pose a threat will be the priority.

First will probably be any Dwarf power that can exert influence into the water- the ability to raid the supply lines between Ulthuan and their colonies is something that would need to be immediately suppressed as the first step of the war.

Second would be the the closest extant dwarf fortresses in close proximity to their established settlements, which would serve as rallying point for the Throngs.

And so on and so on.

Frankly as we are, we are an almost irrelevent factor regarding the opening moves of such a war.
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