Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[Non Canon] The Silver Wind Comes, +5 to a Roll
The Silver Wind Comes

This was found scratched into the stone of the ruins of Nurgksy, one of the fallen Fimir fortresses within Norsca.

The Silver Wind Comes,
The screaming death awakens, forged by ancient seeing hands,
Gods' fury, gods' rage, elder and terrible,
Sings a song to break the darkness,
Knows a tune to kill the mist,
Masters music to shatter chain,
makes metal to murder Mearghs.
Despair, rage, hope, celebrate
For the end comes on white wings,
and lightning shall rake the world.
Twinkling doom,
and a glittering host readies itself in the shape of adamant will,
and these fools have not ear to hear
nor heart to comprehend.

A prophecy of doom, though whether it be doom to come or doom arrived is, as ever, unknown.
[Non Canon] Okrin Makaz, x3 +15 to a Roll
Okrin Makaz

The Tool of the Master Crafter

I need a better hammer.

I can do better than the Queen's Oathplate and Shield of Unyielding Stone at this point, of course. I could probably match the Shining Standard for that matter, though turn it to different end, and Grong a Grom too if I really wanted to, but I find myself most of all annoyed by how often my hammers keep failing.

Breaking apart as they slam into Fimir steel, shattering like so much fragile glass.

And not killing, either.

So I'll make a better hammer. One worthy of a Runelord of the Karaz Ankor, one worthy of Snorri Klausson's apprentice, one worthy of Jorri Klausson's daughter. A thing fit to kill and create in equal measure. Not that I particularly enjoy that first part either--but done righteously it's merely a duty, one like so many others I've taken on over the centuries.

Not half as rewarding as teaching apprentices, though.

It would have been convenient if Uncle had compressed Makerstrike and shared it with us yet; but I don't need that to make a weapon of worth. Certainly it's better for my creativity, that I can't simply go out and take one of his Runes for myself.

The combination I have planned is simple, and its simplicity is its strength. The Master Rune of Smiting, given suitably aged Stonehorn Horns. The Rune of Grungni, given Barazgal, not particularly special all told, simply favors called in from when I was a journeywoman and my plaits were still bristly little things. And the Rune of Thungni, given Adamant from my own Smelter.

Simple, straightforward to the extreme even. But for all Runesmiths ought to be capable of adapting to change, with minds both quick enough and broad enough to adapt to the world around us and willing to experiment, sometimes you just want a damn wall.

Or, in my case, a hammer. A very, very nice hammer. Energy, kinetic force, would surround it and each blow would destroy unworthy works, channeling the fury of Grungni and Thungni as lords of Runecraft, yoked around the force of the Master Rune of Smiting until every blow could either be so powerful that it could break a gate like so much glass or so precise as to carve the Runes in the minute detail so often required (or both as the case might be: more than a few Runes seem to draw in the force of the blow itself, for that matter). A tool, created so perfect as to kill as it was to create, a balanced thing much like a Runesmith, really. Whether called upon to arm kings and thanes, to craft legends for the Dawi to come after I enter the Underearth. Or called to combat, called to defy the darkest of magic and the worst of evils and the bleakest of curses, the hammer would make me more able, repudiation of the darkness that lurks in the musty, dank and hidden corners of the world we live in now to fear.

Physically, the hammer would be relatively simple in geometry, a relatively simple sledgehammer made ornate and sized such that I could bear both my shield and my hammer when it was done.

And with that all set, I put myself to the forge.
I carved Pure Gromril through the hot Adamant even as the many talismans of heat resistance burned gold and teal in the face of the furnace, defiant in the face of the overwhelming dragonfire heat needed to work the purified Gromril at any practical level..

Making the hammerhead's rough shape was easy enough and so now, I was chiseling in the decorations: at the top, and at the two flat horizontal sides, all beryls the teal blue of Rune lighting set in the hard metal I had blackened (for the aesthetic, you understand). On the slopes, carved in intricate details, stories of the discoveries of many Runes: First and foremost, of course, Thungni returning from the Ankor Bryn, but too Grungni carving Azamar into the Throne of Power, Thungni forging Kradskonti as a gift for His Mother, Grungni creating Foefeller, the legends of my craft and, therefore, the most worthy legends of them all. Eventually the carving was to be filigreed with bronze wire, the better to shine in the light of the Runes and to offset the darkness of the Adamant itself.

After I had done the haft, at least.

A length of Troll Bone, ancient and durable, waited for me. Already roughly the right length, about half-again the length of my arm, but before I could use it I would need to see it stained, a dark cherry red of my own concoction that would help protect the bone from age or damage. So I grasped my iron tongs and slowly but carefully dipped it into the stain, a simple, straightforward process, even as the furnace still crackled keeping the Adamant head proper pliable.

And after thirty heartbeats it was ready.

I was ready.

I pulled it out and saw the wood was good and wasting no time I started to carve into the pliant material, humming a jaunty little tune as I went, preparing the structure with chisel and clove. There would a be a grip of Ancient Troll's Hide, worked pliable and yet enduring, and to set it off from the wood bands of yellow shining gold with raised forms of the shape of the Rune of Grungni, the Rune of Thungni, the Master Rune of Grungni, the Master Rune of Thungni and so on around rubies a dark, vibrant and fiery red, five each above and below. The counterweight at the end of the haft would be the fang of ancient Spawn set in a twinkling socket of brightest, purest gold, a trophy of my own echoing battle to my Ancestors, my own emulation of Thungni and Grungni alike who had slain monsters when my father's father's father's father was not yet more than happy news to his Grandfather.

A simple construction, yes, but a worthy one.
It was done, physically. The Adamant head still burned bright, and the haft still sizzled and smoked as it conformed to the hole in the metal.

All I needed to do now was carve the Runes.

I took the Pure Gromril chisel, the heavy hammer, and started to strike and chant, chant and strike.
And Thungni found a cavern, and within it a great, glittering realm
The Master Rune of Smiting. A thing fit to slay the worst of monsters, a thing fit to kill the headiest of beasts, a thing for hunters, a thing for slayers. Force, unrelenting force, fit to kill any and everything it strikes no matter how powerful. And yet, and yet in peace it would allow me to strike the mightiest of Runes on the greatest of gates, carve the tallest of temples to our Ancestors, make the best of shafts in the mines.

The Rune itself seemed to understand in any case, vibrating like some eager, goodhearted youth waiting to make their Ancestors proud, only just waiting the cue, my command. Slowly but surely it began to glow teal--I liked visiting my uncle to be sure, but better not to get too used to working at Khazagar for any number of reasons--and so I lifted the Ancient Stonehorn Horns, ground to a power and held in a bowl, and lifted them up. Forty-seven heartbeats, forty-eight, forty-nine, seven beats for each of the Ancestors. The instant I counted that I began to pour the powder out into the waiting, glimmering thing, felt it take in the power slowly but surely, saw the glimmering climb and climb and climb and climb in potency--until all at once, it was over, the shimmering Master Rune complete.
And plucked from it gleaming seeds of power, that he might give to the dwarves.
And so onto the Rune of Thungni. It was quick work in comparison, to strike the simple Rune, but I couldn't help but compare the strokes and strikes in it as I worked: how one was similar to the Rune of Spelleating, another to Spellturning, a third to Siphoning. It was, perhaps, only appropriate that the Rune of Thungni should, indeed, be so connected to the many Runes of Mysticism that seemed to fill the libraries of lore and the repertoire of Runesmiths young and old alike to spite Wizards of ill intent and to control the magic, make it reliable. The structure began to gleam, patiently asking for a reagent like an honorable Elder and to that honorable Elder I gave the bubbling thing of Adamant, the metal so entrenched and so connected to Thungni. A part of me still thought there was something to using Troll Stomach for it, but this was not an experimental hammer really.
This gift we carry, as servants of our Lord.​
Last but not least, the Rune of Grungni. Force, lightning, the storm, aye, and I desired as much; but all bound in that also craftsmanship, creation, the work of a builder, the work of a maker. The work of one who loves beautiful things. A work shared. And even if it should end up only the storm, I would survive with a hammer perfect for slaying to be sure.

But to load the dice, I poured out the molten Barazgal as the surly old Rune started to flicker and demand, and gave it sustenance, nourishment, for itself. A metal all bound up with Grungni as a miner, yes, but not the storm-caller, the thunder spitter, the destroyer. Something channeling Grungni as craftsman proper would be even better, of course, but I doubted those supposed shavings from the Throne of Power from street vendors would count, and if they did that would probably be worse.

And like that, it was done. No angelic choir, no great shifting in the world. Undoubtedly, if I had locked myself away for a decade instead of the handful of years I actually had kept myself bound up for I could have done better. Be harder to improve on the reagent front, at least, unless somebody somewhere, had a massive stockpile of primordial Dragon Ogres or Troll Progenitors to take a hammer to for bits and pieces.

But give me another round with those Fimir, and I'd show you it was more than enough. The air above wavered from heat, yes, but not only from heat: there was real power there, trapped and just waiting to be unleashed in the hammer.

In Okrin Makaz.

I smelled the scent of hot Stonebread and cool ale as my apprentices knocked on my door appreciably punctually, neither too early nor too late, and hummed.

Besides, I did have other things to do.
[AU] The Disappeared Ancestor-Spawn of the Karaz Ankor, x2 +15 to a Roll
The Disappeared Ancestor-Spawn of the Karaz Ankor

Leandre Agua

There are those--Elf, Man, Dwarf alike--who claim the senescent and senile lizardfolk of Lustria deserve all the credit for facing down in elder days the vast armies of darkness, the vast armies of Chaos, the vast armies of evil. I cannot speak to the contributions of the decrepit and decaying frogs or their slaves; but I may speak, and may Myrmidia guide my tongue well in the speaking, of the deed performed by the Dawi in repudiating the evils that came upon the world in those elder days.

The sacrifices made.

The losses incurred.

Durin did not disappear alone.

Barra Vanyasdottir: Barra was a middle daughter of Thungni, the Ancestor God of Runecraft. She was well-within the skill level expected of the direct child of that particular Ancestor. Politically, she was a Radical of the most innovative and inventive sort, with a particular focus on Runes exploring the natural world: Beasts, the Elements, so on and so forth. Most often this expressed itself with Structural Runes, strengthening the literal foundations of the Karaz Ankor for the future, even as she railed against the blind, obstinate, authoritarian and domineering conservatism of the Runesmith's Guild that she saw as a threat to their intellectual foundations in the future.

A future Barra would never get to see.

Decades-to-centuries before the Great Incursion proper, Barra disappeared. Sources from the time suggest she went east, the last records of her journey in Karak Azul (A mixture of shame and pride for the hold that she should trust, that she should disappear from the records in their watch). There are those who propose she went east to face the nascent Serpent Queens of Khuresh, others to face down a Chaotic army marching from Eastern Steppe, and most blatantly obvious those who believe she was seeking to fight the growing cult of Hashut and tear it out at the source. Whatever the case may be, the Karaz Ankor recorded no great armies marching at them from the east in those dark days.

Alius Smednirsson: Twice shame to the Karaz Ankor: a shame in life, and a shame in death.

He was a son of Smednir, not a great warrior nor blacksmith by any means; not to the public, at least, nor to the Guild. A public, and vocal, critic of the Blacksmith's Guild at that, for all they have ensured his criticism has not survived to the modern day in the public record, little loved by most of his family short of a scarce few cousins that he spoke with often and much. A shame to his ancestors, a shame to the Ancestors.

And then an army of Beastkin, half-daemonic, half-beast abominations, began marching towards Karak Zorn, towards the Karaz Ankor, towards his home. And it was Alius--not his kin, him--who marched south to meet them. Armed with his hammer Earthbreaker and wearing the talisman Brightbane, both runed by his cousin Grunni, he warded them away from the Karaz Ankor with hammer and talisman, blood and filth and destruction following the path he cleaved in to that enemy force like a knife through cooked beef.

Whatever happened to Earthbreaker or Brightbane is unknown. What is known is that the army of abominations was waylaid a month, an extra month's ammunition stored, an extra month's supplies stockpiled, an extra month for outlying settlements to journey to safety, an extra month for reinforcements to arrive.

An extra month for Karak Zorn to prepare.

An extra month's preparation that allowed them to endure the storm that was coming, particularly since so many of the wizards and leaders that would, otherwise, have strengthened the daemonblooded were dead at his hands.

The priests of Smednir and the metal-workers guilds alike do not like to speak of Alius, for there is a divide between those who believe he redeemed himself in death, by foreshadowing his uncle; or that he never needed to redeem himself in the first place, that his worth had been missed.

Dellingra Ydrasdottir: A daughter of Morgrim, a prodigy of siege engines, war-things, cunning contraptions to kill and slay, to break sieges and to bring sieges. The Stone Flinger, a miniature stone-thrower capable of tossing a flaming shot that explodes on impact, disrupting enemy lines; the Ravager, a multi-shot bolt thrower flinging multiple, javelin sized shots; and other such ingenious contraptions for to wage war, though all paled in comparison to the lost Fire Spitter, a cart that spat great bouts of fire that could blow open gates and smash apart walls. The pride of her father's eye, a dissenting voice to the traditionalists in the Engineering Guild.

For reasons only she could tell, as the Great Incursion grew Dellingra took the Fire Spitter, many of her apprentices, and several dozen of the best warriors and journeyed to the west, claiming a great evil awoke in that place. What came of that remains unknown, for not a survivor nor letter ever did reach the Karaz Ankor from her party. As Dwarf explorers journeyed further into the Lustrian depths it became their supposition to believe that the Cave of Bearded Skulls was where her band made its final stand: if it were so, would there not be more proof, more treasures and artifacts there, rather than empty grotto and the constant drip-drip-drip of water into the stagnant pools? Whatever the case may be, hither to nothing is known.

With her disappearance, the most coherent voice arguing against the gerontocrats, conservatives, and hidebound traditionalists of the Guild disappeared as well, allowing them to claim more power and more control over the Guild and complete its transformation into the top-down, stagnant thing it is today. Reclaiming her mantle would be...useful, but by no means mandatory, to shatter that guild and rebuild it, as surely as my King broke the lands and rebuilt them in his image.
[Semi Canon] The Commissioner Conundrum, Candidates added to Character Recruitment Pool New
The Commissioner Conundrum​

"What?" Borgrin asks looking at his friends at seated around the table. Holdi had her face in here hands, while Medb seem enthralled with the ceiling of the tavern and Hegra stands to go order another round of drinks. Surely his idea wasn't that poor. "What is wrong with my request since you all seem to have some issue with them." He said with a frown

"Bogrin, the fact you can't see the problem makes the whole thing worse." Holdi says lifting her face to look at him. "You even made poor Medb speechless." Hodi continues gesturing over to Medb who was still looking at the roof.

"Medb is mute Holdi and I very much doubt I somehow made the situation worse." Borgrin replies.

"Oh, but you did Boggy boy! Isn't that right Medb?" Holdi asks the silent dwarf who gives her a thumbs up but does not stop inspecting the ceiling. Which causing Holdi to give him a shit eating grin. Before he can dignify the situation with a response Hegra arrives back with more drinks for everyone.

"Right, now that we all have a full drink in hand we try and deal with this mess." Says Hegra taking a sip from her drink. "Now let me recap what's going on, you invited us to celebrate the fact your clan and by poxy you have earned enough victories that they are allowing members to commission gear from runesmiths." Hegra explains.

He nods as confirmation.

"Good, so you decided to tell us what of commission you were going to give the runesmith and you said, 'A really good axe' and confirmed that you were not in fact joking. Which bring us to now." Hegra finishes while giving him a glare.

Returning the glare he responds "Yes, which for some reason has led to you three taking issue with my commission. A perfectly good commission at that, shame on the lot of you." He finishes while shaking his head.

"Good commission? Boggy I have seen beardlings come up with more creative requests. What you have is the starting point of figuring out what kind of runic item you want, not the end point! You don't even know what you're going to get with your commission." Disputes Holdi.

"Nai, I know what I am going to get." He begins with a slight grin. "A really good axe".

That statement said with such confidence seemed to break Holdi as she kept opening and closing her mouth but failing to produce a response. While Medb was doing her best to hide her silent laughter at the situation. Whereas Hegra decided it was her turn to dissuade him of his idea.

"Borgirn you can't actually know that. Your request is so vague that you could end up with any kind of runes on your axe." Hegra says and continuing before he could respond. "I don't doubt that runesmith will make a masterpiece but no matter how good it will be you might end up with an axe that's not for you."

"She has the right of it Boggy! You might end up with an axe that shoots lightning or one that's on fire." Interjects Holdi

"That makes no sense. I am not asking for a lightning shooting or flaming axe, so I won't get one. All I am asking for is a really good axe." He says.

That declaration seems to stun both Hegra and Holdi who look at him with baffled faces. While Medb seemed to be struggling get enough air with how hard she was laughing. A situation he decided to act upon by winking at her making her realises he was messing with them. This caused her to laugh even harder to the point she falls off her chair. She is completely ignored by both Hegra and Holdi who start arguing with him again. Holding back a chuckle he continues to argue back and forth with his good friends.

AN: Introducing my additions to the recruitment pool of the Hearthguard. Hopefully that's still a thing we do around here.

Borgrin Grimseal – A fearsome warrior with an axe and shield, while he doesn't have the most experience fighting all of the odd things in the far north, he does have many centuries of experience fighting in the throng of Drakk. Spends a lot teaching the others in his clan how to fight. He also has the quirk and love of getting its harmless arguments and has quite the talent to get people engaged arguing about the most trivial and harmless topics while never letting get too far that folk would still be mad after a night's sleep. Still doesn't stop them from arguing with him about it in a week's time.

Holdi Goldenplaits – A master goldsmith and earned the title Goldenplaits not because of the colour her hair because it's all white beardling! But in an act of skill and wealth she has thin strands of gold that is braided into her plaits. You would have to search hard to find someone as knowledgeable on how to smith with gold. Extremely passionate in every action she feels is worth doing, whether it be smithing, cooking or arguing. Always seems to realise too late into an argument with Borgrin that he is messing with her.

Hegra Fleetfoot – A dwarf messenger and a really fast one at that but she isn't delivering any old mail, she is delivering battlefield orders. When the throng marches and magic is exploding all over the place and beasts are only held at bay by dwarven steel and brana in the sky. Hegra has served in the throng delivering order in the most dangerous of situations while keeping calm. Off the battlefield she has a love for cooking only matched by her skill at it. Very relaxed person but always seems to get baited by both Holdi and Borgrin to discuss the inanest shit.

Medb Silentpick – The Mute Miner. Medb has not being able to speak since birth, but she has never let that bother her. Still, she is able to communicate in the Miners guild sign language and morse code which are both sadly guild secrets. She is scarily silent, and rumours say that even when mining her pick makes no noise and she has been the cause of many accusations of haunted sections of the mine. While it can be explained by having a runed pickaxe which makes no noise she is extremely stealthy on the level on a certain runesmith. In person she is extremely expressive and is always happy to be there when her friends end up doing something stupid.
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[Non Canon] Khazagar Notice boards, +10 to a Roll New
Khazagar Notice boards

The following is a collection of messages that can be found throughout the entirety of Kazagar​

  • Please do not harass the staff about the location of Lord Gift Giver or the location of the Karaz-Kazak-Rhun. Most of the staff do not know.
  • The above message stating that most of the staff do not know the whereabouts of Lord Gift Giver was not an invitation for individuals to keep hounding staff members until they find the right one.
  • Please cease the attempts of having visiting non-runesmith dawi ask our staff about the location of Lord Gift Giver and Karaz-Kazak-Rhun by offering them commission at a favourable rate for doing you a 'Little favour'. The staff would like to inform you that we are not stupid.
  • Any runesmith asking for the location of either will now be directed to Fire Keeper Ylva.

The following can be found on notice boards located in and around Ror-khaz​

  • Please ensure that all topic of discussion remain related to runesmithing.
  • The Drak sized Goat versus Drak sized Crab debate is still banned
  • Food and Drinks are not permitted in Ror-khaz.
  • If you show up completely inebriated, you will not be allowed entery into Ror-khaz.
  • No, we do not care if you argue 'better' while intoxicated.
  • Please do not smuggle in fresh reagents into Ror-khaz as a demonstration to "prove your point".

The Following can be found on notice board around Trogg-Khaz​

  • Please Contact the staff if you have any dietary requirements that needs to be met.
  • Please do not ask for any of the recipes.
  • Please do not try and buy the recipes off of the staff. They are not selling.
  • Trogg-Khaz closes at night and meals will be unavailable, if you are hungry or thirsty Khazid Okraz have plenty of taverns open at night.
  • Please do not stay in Trogg-Khaz overnight.
  • Please do not spread rumours about there being a secret cooking tournament that the best dawi cooks participate in at night.
  • Please do not attempt to break into previously mentioned non-existent tournament.
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[Semi Canon] The Non-existent Cooking Tournament, x2 +15 to a Roll. There is rumbling, rumbling in the kitchen. New
That's just enough denial to make me suspect that there are secret cooking competitions at night. But how to get proof?...I know I'll break in to prove it!!!
Maybe if you were talented enough you wouldn't need to break in and would be invited. I mean there is no tournament but if there was here is an omake about how one would join.

The Non-existent Cooking Tournament​

Norgrim has no idea how he got into this situation, well that's not exactly true. He knows how he got into this situation, he doesn't understand why he got into this situation. Norgrim is just a ranger for Karka Drakk and not a special one at that either. Everything was just as normal except that he was assigned to Elder Kazrik ranger's patrol. He had heard of the dwarf before but never worked with him. To start it was like any other patrol with the elders grumbling and the weather trying to kill them.

It all went wrong? Odd? when they set up camp and Norgrim was in charge of cooking. Now he likes to think that he isn't the worst at cooking and could make a decent stew but apparently the way he cooked caught Elder Kazrik's attention. After a round of pointed questions related to his cooking ability the elder went silent and didn't bring up the subject for the rest of the patrol.

Norgrim thought the moment was a tad odd but put it out of his mind, what he didn't expect was for Elder Kazrik to find him later. Which is why he is currently following the Elder around Khazagar at night. Nope. Still doesn't make any sense why he is here after mentally reviewing the situation for a 7th​ time. None of the staff spared the two of them a second glance and some even nodded at Kazik in passing. Following his Elder through the halls until they reached a supply closet.

"Come on lad, we're almost there." Said Kazrik as he entered the supply closet. "Hurry lad." Kazrik continued while gesturing him to enter. Closing the door behind him he looked around at the supply closet and noticed that it was just a supply closet. Why was he here again? Maybe going over it an 8th​ time would make it make sense. He squawked when wool gathering was interrupted when a bundle of fabric hit is face. Catching it and looking down he can see it's a cloak, looking back up he can see Elder Kazrik putting on a cloak himself while standing next to an open crate full of similar cloaks. Wait did he just squawked right before? He needs to stop hanging out with so many Brana.

"Put that on lad, no dawdling now." Chides Kazrik as he picks up an unassuming hammer from a rack and tapping the wall with it. Before Norgrim can ask what is going on the wall the Kazrik was Infront of opens up revealing a secret passageway. Kazrik enters into the secret path and gesturing for him to do the same. Why not? It's not like this night can get any more confusing.

"Elder, where are we going?" he asks. The last few times he asked he only got a grunt in response.

Kazrik stops for a moment, looking around before continuing. "We won't be overheard here lad so I can tell you. Where we are going is a secret and couldn't risk speaking about it in the open. The ears of those who falsely believe themselves worthy of the secret are everywhere." Explains Kazrik.

That can't be right, we are in one of the most secure places in the whole Far North.

"Even in Khazagar Elder?" He asks

"Especially Khazagar lad" Answers Kazrik.


"There have even been some attempted break-ins, but none have succeeded." Kazrik continues.


Khazagar has been infiltrated? Are some foes trying to steal runesmith secrets? How did they get so far in? Why is he hearing about this now? Why is he hearing about this? What could he even do about this?

"That's why I brought you here lad, you don't even know it, but you have talent. Talent that could help us." Kazrik explains.

But he isn't even best ranger of those his age. What could he do to help against a foe that has breached Khazagar?

"Aye lad, you don't know it, but you have serious talent. That stew you made on patrol was satisfactory even to someone like me. If you honed it, your cooking talent you could be one of the best in the whole Far North". Kazrik expounds.


"We are currently heading to Trogg-Khaz, the kitchens there host the gathering of the Drakk Secret Cooking Organisation. Invite only lad, so don't go spreading this around, we already have enough trouble with runesmiths trying to break in and sneaking around. The fools think their cooking is good enough when a troll wouldn't eat what they make." Kazrik explains.

Okay he was wrong this night did get more confusing.

"Where do I fit in, in all this Elder?" he asks.

"You see lad we aren't the only cooking organisation in the far north, each major hold has one and we all compete. That's right lad cooking tournaments, challenges and even timed cook offs. Each hold only sends the best of the best and recently our champion of stews passed away. We are going to be holding tournament to elect a new champion of stews. That's where you come in lad, I think you have what it takes to be our next champion of stews." Kazrik explains turning around to point at his chest.

"Elder, I am nothing special at cooking." Norgrim says tone so thoroughly confused.

"Bah! Lad, I know what I saw and more so I know what I tasted! I am sure the other will see the same. I'll tell you a bit about our other champions, so you won't make fool of yourself when i introduce you. Kazrik says.

"Our champion of roasts is a Brana called He Who Cooks Slowly And Well or just Slowcooker for short. Next is our Champion of baking, which is Lady Snerra, who is said to have learned Valaya's own baking recipes from Angkra Twenty Loops. I don't know identity our Champion of Jerky is but all I know is the living ancestor makes a troll jerky and smells of troll tongue. Next is ……." Kazrik says continuing to list all the cooking champions of The Drakk Secret Cooking Organisation. Leaving Norgrim so confused and baffled as high ranking members of the hold are listed.

So begins the humble tale of Norgrim The Stewmaster.

AN: Remember if anyone asks there is no cooking club after hours in Khazagar. Also I am so unbelievably dyslexic so if you see a spelling or grammar mistake please point it out Thanks!

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