Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
A friendly reminder to new questers to read the Informational threadmarks and FAQ specifically before asking a question. Links below:

Frequently Asked Questions
Here is the Detailed Rune List

On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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I like the Master Rune of Currents idea, if it is applicable to armor, but I think we should add a Rune of Impact to the armor. The Griffon's seem to prefer diving into an enemy or a group of enemies with blinding speed, and a rune of impact will just add that much more force and damage to the initial charge of the Griffon, transforming their blinding speed into a weapon into itself.
I'm pretty set on the Master Rune of Currents and Rune of Lightning, even more so after seeing the King of the Sky's heart pulsing with lightning.
Materials used aside, we still need a runic combo for the griffon armor.

As far as I can tell, there are two competing priorities when it comes to the armor: Enhancing his general combat potential, and Defending him from corruption.

I figure we ought to shoot for a combo that does both.

Master Rune of Currents, Rune of Cleaving, Rune of Spellbreaking
Currents for the speed boost and the Cutting Wind association.
Cleaving should harden the armor in preparation to make use of the cutting edges on it without breaking.
Spellbreaking for defence, as well as the potential synergy of the armor cutting through magic as much as more physical things.

Other ideas?
Uhh...he doesnt need cutting edges when flash stepping.

If you want to give the guy an edge in combat, then propose gifting him some gauntlets

Priority for the big fucking target should be to make him as untouchable as possible. WindSoveriegn would be unique in keying off the Sky King's own physiology to take the only realistic threat to him barring Greater Khornite Demons and hard countering it.
Omake Bounty Board and Policy

━<><><>< The Bounty Board ><><><>━

A board for potential omake ideas you may want to write about. Rewards for these bounties may or may not be higher than average, but I'll probably be more generous regardless. Moreover, the chance of them making it to canonicity is higher than otherwise at the very least, because It's stuff I don't have the time to cover in updates but want to anyway. Mostly to help people with generating ideas for omakes, and hopefully, get people participating. :^)

- Dolgiling sibling interaction
- Snerra interacting with her Beerguard
- Snerra or Fjolla interacting with their apprentices
- Dolgi interacting with the Brana or his family
- Former Apprentice interaction in general
- Brana and Dwarf interactions
- Life in the Far North and Kraka Drakk for the average Dwarf.
- Snorri working on Durazkul Recipes
- Life in the settlement around Snorri's workshop
- Hearthwarden interactions
- Negaverses
- Elven Adventurers/Settlers in the Far North
- The Adventures of Gimli and Laequalys.

Limited and/or One-offs:
- Special uses for any of the Odd Places items.
- Things other than a goat or pony a Dwarf would raise/grow as a hobby. (Better chances if it's something that's long-lived, can be worked on over successive generations. Plants and Crystals are on the table.)
- Miners, surveyors or rangers exploring the cave system beneath Kraka Drakk and finding odd/new places, species.

━<><><>< Omake Policy ><><><>━

You can make omakes, and here are how I categorize them:
You can write stories and snippets of the characters in the quest, either from your own mind or based off of the bounty list above, and I'll threadmark and then apply a Roll Bonus and Canonicity rating according. Now the bonuses themselves go from 5, 10 to 15 depending on canonicity and effort though more so the latter than the former. Note that effort is more important than canonicity, but in terms of equal effort, a canon omake would give a higher bonus as opposed to a non-canon one. Omakes bonuses will be applied once per item per turn, and be subject-based. So let's say someone makes an omake about the apprentices, specifically Fjolla. In that case, I'd add a bonus to Fjolla's roll that turn. If three people made Fjolla omakes, only one would get applied that turn, going by order of posting. If an omake has no applicable bonus, it'll get dumped to an RER roll.

Canonicity Rankings are as follows:
Non Canon:
Not canon to the story.
Semi Canon: Parts of the story are canon, but other major parts are not. Like you got the characterization right, but what they did isn't canon, stuff like that.
Canon 'cept for a few bits: Literally canon except for a few niggling details that don't fit into the world. Arguably harder to get than Canon tbh.
Canon: Fits with the story nicely, characterization and actions within the omake fit with the world, and can be worked into the story in some way.
-???: For omakes set in the future or in the aftermath of a decision not yet made.
AU: Alternate Universes
Negaverse: Usually a faux quest written from the perspective of one of the characters from the quest.

Having a title for these omakes would also be appreciated.
Rune Submissions:
Aside from that, you can submit potential Rune ideas or even just names for Runes to me, and if I find them acceptable I will add them to the Public Rune List and categorize them accordingly. For Rune submissions that are close to being accepted but have a few parts that don't work I'll let the poster know, offer potential changes and if they accept them then I'll go ahead with adding the revised version to the list as well. Note that just because I accept a Rune does not necessarily mean Snorri will know it, sometimes it may exist and he just doesn't know it, or it may not exist yet and I may use it in a future Rune Trade. A few good rules of thumb when submitting a Rune are as follows:
- If its effect can't be explained in two lines or less it's probably not going to fly.
- Master Runes are generally more powerful and/or versatile than Regular Runes.
- For Master Runes, the stronger their effect the more likely I'll make it have a rarer ingredient.
- Battle Magic tier effects are generally the realm of Master Runes, and more mundane spells the realm of Regular Runes, but not always.
- I'm willing to add Regular Runes to both the future rewards or retroactively of your research trees if they fit with what's there, but they'll obviously be under far greater scrutiny.

Please format submissions as follows:
Rune Name: Rune Effect.
Retainer Recruitment Pool:
Another way you could benefit from an omake is by adding to the retainer pool, wherein you could maybe make a story or description of potential recruits for the Retinue, and depending on the quality, canonicity and possibility of such a recruit existing I can add a proxy or a quest canon-compliant version of that recruit added to the potential recruit pool or even outright put them in the retinue! So let's say you made an omake about a Longbeard Miner who wanted to be part of Snorri's retinue, depending on the factors I listed earlier that omake could add either a nameless unit with the same skills and abilities of that omake, an approximation of that character being added to the general recruit pool, all the way to that actual character being stuck into the recruit pool or retinue outright.

For omakes based on retainers, the possible bonuses can go from a unit of the same class/ best approximation of that unit or character being added to the potential recruit pool all the way to that character being outright added to the retainers or the recruit pool. In the case where the Retinue is full, I may wait to add those characters, or if they can take the place of the nameless characters, I would switch them in. Having a character being put in wholesale would be incredibly rare, and more likely it'll be the unit type, skillset and general backstory similar to the character in the omake.

I reserve the right to refuse to give a bonus if I feel like people are inundating the thread with omakes to pad out the rolls or if they're trying to spam out a bunch or put in a bunch of characters into the recruit pool that doesn't fit with the quest and that I cant make fit. So please make omakes in good faith. Also, just to make it clear if your omake isn't accepted or your retainers aren't canon-compliant and you want them to be, feel free to ask me or someone familiar with Warhammer lore and this quest for help. :^)

Change Log:
Apr. 24, 20: On discussion with others, I realize that an omake with a good amount of effort, even non-canon, shouldn't be just a +5 because it's non-canon, so I'll remove the canonicity scoring and instead leave it up to my discretion.
Jun. 11, 20: Updated a few Canonicity ratings.
Sep. 14, 20: Added Retainer bonus.
Nov. 21, 20: Added Bounty Board and changed some formatting.
Dec. 03, 20: Added "???" omake suffix's definition
Jan. 07, 21: Added "Negaverse" prefix and general definition.
Feb 01, 22: Added Rune Submissions and changed format.
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The Griffon's seem to prefer diving into an enemy or a group of enemies with blinding speed, and a rune of impact will just add that much more force and damage to the initial charge of the Griffon, transforming their blinding speed into a weapon into itself.
The beast screeches and lightning crackles along its body, making its fur and feathers bristle, then it dissapears.

The trolls die in a blur of screams and feathers, the four of you staring as the beast concludes its grisly work it stops and stares at you. Its eyes roaming over the four of you, looking for any sign of threat or danger.
It literally already is.
I like the Master Rune of Currents idea, if it is applicable to armor, but I think we should add a Rune of Impact to the armor. The Griffon's seem to prefer diving into an enemy or a group of enemies with blinding speed, and a rune of impact will just add that much more force and damage to the initial charge of the Griffon, transforming their blinding speed into a weapon into itself.
Uhh...he doesnt need cutting edges when flash stepping.

If you want to give the guy an edge in combat, then propose gifting him some gauntlets

Priority for the big fucking target should be to make him as untouchable as possible. WindSoveriegn would be unique in keying off the Sky King's own physiology to take the only realistic threat to him barring Greater Khornite Demons and hard countering it.
I'm pretty set on the Master Rune of Currents and Rune of Lightning, even more so after seeing the King of the Sky's heart pulsing with lightning.
So let's test. We have 3 options then:
Master Rune of Currents, Rune of Lightning, Rune of Spellbreaking
Master Rune of Currents, Rune of Impact, Rune of Spellbreaking
Master Rune of Currents, Rune of Cleaving, Rune of Spellbreaking

Whichever one combos, we use.
If more than one does, we can decide with more information.
Pretty sure the reasoning was that people wanted to get another Smelter up and running as soon as possible and being able to finish both the Dowry and the Kings Adamant armor next turn due to shit about to hit the fan and having a long list of research and things we want to do before shit really hits the fan.
Finishing either Dowry or Armor with only 2 AP next turn would be a waste of an opportunity. Mostly because the mere +1 overflow would be split among all the component items.

Also, that doesn't explain the 1AP put into the Banner this turn, considering how strapped for AP we're going to be next turn.

And hey, I thought we were super safe inside the hold due to all our existing defenses and preparations, and the fact that it's a Hold, and claiming otherwise is fear mongering.

So why not put off the armor project until we have 6 Adamant to finish it with. No reason not to.
Hey folks,
So I've cooked up this so far, subject to further tweaking of course.

Omake Policy:

Omakes bonuses will be applied once per item per turn, and be subject-based.

So let's say someone makes an omake about the apprentices, specifically fjolla. In that case, I'd add a bonus to Fjolla's roll that turn. If three people made Fjolla omakes, only one would get applied that turn, going by order of posting. If an omake has no applicable bonus, it'll get dumped to an RER roll.

Now the bonuses themselves go from 5, 10 to 15 depending on canonicity and effort. Note that effort is more important than canonicity, but in terms of equal effort canon would give a higher bonus.

I reserve the right to refuse to give a bonus if I feel like people are inundating the thread with omakes to pad out the rolls. So please make omakes in good faith. :^)

EDIT: on discussion, I think that an omake with a good amount of effort, even non-canon, shouldn't be just a +5, so I'll leave it up to my discretion.
Let loose the hounds of fan creation. For now, the bounties of bonuses must be availed
I'm pretty set on the Master Rune of Currents and Rune of Lightning, even more so after seeing the King of the Sky's heart pulsing with lightning.
I can see a "Storm" theme, but shouldn't armor be more focused on defense?

Idk, Master Rune of Gromril and 2 runes of Warding. He's huge and can regenerate. Now give him Impenetrable armor and a Ward Save so he can laugh at enemies that might have had a chance to hurt his unarmored form, and go toe to to with other potential sources of T5 ingredients.

Mind you, if we want to go whole hog on "unusual", I have the following Combo idea
Master Rune of Disguise, Rune of Impact, Rune of Speed,
Combo name: A Bolt from the blue
Has the positive side effect of being useful outside of battle for hunting, due to speed boost, stealth boost and a mild attack boost.
I am just vehementaly opposed to the school of thought that we should eat the cost of the commision for some good will.

I consider that very OOC and metagame-y, as well as setting a bad example for griffon-dwarf relations, as it is very alien to dwarf psyche to behave like that, and it would create burdensome expectations on the side of griffons.

On this, I simply disagree with the notion that giving gifts is alien to the dwarf psyche. I think it's bizarre, as some of the most famous interactions of dwarves with other races is them giving gifts to their hero-deity to cement an alliance

Also, dwarf culture is in its formation phase. They haven't encountered enough sapient species to come to a settled conclusion here.

I also think that the King of the Skies giving his literal heart as surety for his word is such a grand gesture that we need to respond. He's already given the dwarves something that's of T5 grade. I think the scales are already very unbalanced, and by not getting greedy and instead using the second T5 ingredient we're giving him for his benefit rather than our own we're making an appropriate response.

As Snorri has noted before, his responsibilities are much more than just a simply crafted. A Runelord's duties include that of a high priest and some of those of a king. In this, he has a great opportunity, as good relations with a demigod could lead to all sorts of things for a runelord.
Finishing either Dowry or Armor with only 2 AP next turn would be a waste of an opportunity. Mostly because the mere +1 overflow would be split among all the component items.

Also, that doesn't explain the 1AP put into the Banner this turn, considering how strapped for AP we're going to be next turn.

And hey, I thought we were super safe inside the hold due to all our existing defenses and preparations, and the fact that it's a Hold, and claiming otherwise is fear mongering.

So why not put off the armor project until we have 6 Adamant to finish it with. No reason not to.
Knock it off with that. You know damn well that I said that I mean that the Hold being made for defense meant that we had time until it became a serious issue. In fact it being the very start of the Invasions is why I wanted to get something like the Smelter set up since at the moment we are the safest but it will be a problem in the future once the daemons have had enough time to actually be able to start overwhelming holds.
I also think that the King of the Skies giving his literal heart as surety for his word is such a grand gesture that we need to respond. He's already given the dwarves something that's of T5 grade. I think the scales are already very unbalanced, and by not getting greedy and instead using the second T5 ingredient we're giving him for his benefit rather than our own we're making an appropriate response.
Wait... stop that.
He hasn't given us a T5 because he's expecting that nobody is going to use that as an ingredient.
Thats a sign of trust as using that would kill him so he doesn't think they will.

And he didn't give us that. Nor are we the representative of all dwarves. He gave that to secure a treaty and possibly and alliance with the Dwarves. If that's not a T5 I don't know what is.

Urgh the stupid thing about this whole argument is that I'm generally in favour of making something great. I just don't trust the people who are advocating it to not invest a stupid amount.
The Ancestors Protect

Combo, Ancestral Aegis: [Master Rune of Grungni, Rune of Valaya, Rune of Spellbreaking] [Magic cast at the formation bearing this banner will be diffused, broken down and used to power a swirling field of Runic energy and wind that can withstand even the most ruinous of blows from sources mundane and magical, and burns the daemonic.] Valaya and Grungni, hearth and armour maker, protectors of Dwarfkind now and forever, gird us now and bring your fury upon the foe!
[Tier 4] Bar of Adamant x3, +1 Bar every Turn

We can make armor for ourselves now, as a living billboard.
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The Ancestors Protect

Combo, Ancestral Aegis: [Master Rune of Grungni, Rune of Valaya, Rune of Spellbreaking] [Magic cast at the formation bearing this banner will be diffused, broken down and used to power a swirling field of Runic energy and wind that can withstand even the most ruinous of blows from sources mundane and magical, and burns the daemonic.] Valaya and Grungni, hearth and armour maker, protectors of Dwarfkind now and forever, gird us now and bring your fury upon the foe!
[Tier 4] Bar of Adamant x3, +1 Bar every Turn

We can make armor for ourselves now, as a living billboard.
Well that is a very nice combo. We can use a bar to up the power of the Banner even more when making it right? I'd vote to use one for that. Plus for the Dowry too. Might as make them all Epic atleast.

Huh, neat. How do you guys post without any unspoilered text anyway? I cant.
Well that is a very nice combo. We can use a bar to up the power of the Banner even more when making it right? I'd vote to use one for that. Plus for the Dowry too. Might as make them all Epic atleast.

Huh, neat. How do you guys post without any unspoilered text anyway? I cant.
I doubt even Adamant is light enough to be integrated into the fabric or textile where the Runes will go
Didn't you just do that with your own Spoiler?
I doubt even Adamant is light enough to be integrated into the fabric or textile where the Runes will go
Didn't you just do that with your own Spoiler?
Its Dragonhide isnt it? Just etch the Runes in inlaid metal or something maybe even just clasps. But Adamant does boost Runes so I'd like to try. If not the capes atleast for the Amulet
Basically we are making the Dowry stuff anyway so why not go all out?

I mean without needing a message underneath. Cant for some reason.
So why not put off the armor project until we have 6 Adamant to finish it with. No reason not to.
Yep. Among other things trying to only finish the King's Armor is like, mechanically incredibly bizzare because it's playing funny buggers by trying to split the set into two separate commissions. If soulcake allows that, that sets precedent for splitting any multi-item in the future and allowing for some pretty serious shenanigans.

One action to Underway to finish it next turn seems wise.
It will finish this turn.

Well that is a very nice combo. We can use a bar to up the power of the Banner even more when making it right? I'd vote to use one for that. Plus for the Dowry too. Might as make them all Epic atleast.
We already specified the materials, so I'm adverse to changing it. It probably wouldn't be that big of a deal, but it delays the armor by a turn, at minimum.

I get a warning that there is no content in my post if I dont write something else outside the spoiler too. Dont know why. Not that big a deal.
You might have a little check box you can click on the warning and that will clear it and let you post just spoilers.
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I get a warning that there is no content in my post if I dont write something else outside the spoiler too. Dont know why. Not that big a deal.
Ignore it. Click the check box in the bottom left corner of the white/yellow box that appears, you won't be infracted for this.
Yep. Among other things trying to only finish the King's Armor is like, mechanically incredibly bizzare because it's playing funny buggers by trying to split the set into two separate commissions. If soulcake allows that, that sets precedent for splitting any multi-item in the future and allowing for some pretty serious shenanigans.
We already specified the materials, so I'm adverse to changing it. It probably wouldn't be that big of a deal, but it delays the armor by a turn.
Little confused, do you want to forge the King's from Adamant (which we can do now) and the Prince's from Pure Gromril, as the spoiler text suggests, or both from Adamant, as the unspoilered text suggests?

I kind of like the idea ofthe former, let's us get all three requests out at the same time for the Wedding, and hopefully before/in time for the Daemons to hit Kraka Drakk
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Little confused, do you want to forge the King's from Adamant (which we can do now) and the Prince's from Pure Gromril, as the spoiler text suggests, or both from Adamant, as the unspoilered text suggests?
You've misread. I do not like the idea of playing funny buggers with multi item requests trying to split them. It makes no sense whatsoever except vaguely narratively and even then I'm dubious.

The spoilered text was talking about the Dowry and Banner, not the Armors. In my mind it wouldn't be that big of a cultural deal to replace the Pure Gromril with Adamant, because it's Better, but it has issues with delaying the Armor which I don't like.
I think that people really need to stop obsessing over Adamant since it leads to people forgetting that we can get other tier 4 materials using favors. Which I think people should really remember since it would mean that people wouldn't constantly be reliant on the Adamant supply and have people try to be more creative with materials.

Personally think that while Adamant is fine for the King that we should probably just settle for Pure Gromril for the prince since pure Gromril is still insanely good and we would be having a runelord put in a a lot of effort into it. Suggest this since we are about to get invaded by daemons would like to get the armor commission out to focus on other things before things get really bad.

Also don't think that it's a good idea to use only bits of Adamant on the Sky Kings armor since don't really think that would be a vast improvement since it would only use a bit and the Adamant would in my opinion be better spent in projects that would benefit more directly from Adamant.