[X] Plan Wedding Gifts and Strange Feathers
-[X] Render Aid:
[Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. 1 Retainer Action.
--[X] Valayan Crisis:
Gain 50 Favour +? with the Cult of Valaya. There have been a string of issues passing through the rumour mills. The local Clergy of Valaya find themselves on the lookout for key medicinal herbs needed in the brewing of their healing ales. Parties are being sent out, but there are simply not enough guards to defend every caravan adequately in your opinion. Send your retainers, help the Valayans help others and let everyone benefit.
-[x] [Difficult] A Princely Wedding Gift Pt. 2:
[Cost: 1 action] Due end of Turn 36. If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional structural materials and any aesthetic changes here. Gain 100 Favour with Kraka Ravnsvake. Rik Hunken waits patiently within your mind's eye, ready to be wrought into existence.
2 Actions.
--[X] Master Rune of Wandering, Rune of Impact (Stonehorn's Horn), Rune of Grimnir (Grimnirzan).
-[X] Firebird's Feather
[Cost: 2 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. You've got a feather! Its an odd little piece of deep red flaming plumage that emanates a faint heat and sometimes combusts into flames that do no lasting damage to it. Transported at great expense, barely a dent in your coffers though, and with a few notes and tales about the animal in question that it came from. A simple enough task to figure out what this thing will do. There's a large body of work regarding the firebirds of the north already, and you can use that as a good starting point in your own research.
2 Actions.
So with this plan the idea is to crank out Gimli's super belt in two actions, both plans do that in fact, but
this plan goes out to clear the Firebird Feathers to see what stuff they do and if there's any useful regeneration-y bits. I like
@Jreengus's idea of grabbing the Almanacs now but I don't think we can unless we put an action into it so I'm leaving that off.
[X] Plan A Good Gift and Some Understanding
-[X] Render Aid:
[Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. 1 Retainer Action.
--[X] Valayan Crisis:
Gain 50 Favour +? with the Cult of Valaya. There have been a string of issues passing through the rumour mills. The local Clergy of Valaya find themselves on the lookout for key medicinal herbs needed in the brewing of their healing ales. Parties are being sent out, but there are simply not enough guards to defend every caravan adequately in your opinion. Send your retainers, help the Valayans help others and let everyone benefit.
-[X] [Difficult] A Princely Wedding Gift Pt. 2:
[Cost: 1 action] Due end of Turn 36. If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional structural materials and any aesthetic changes here. Gain 100 Favour with Kraka Ravnsvake. Rik Hunken waits patiently within your mind's eye, ready to be wrought into existence.
2 Actions.
--[x] Master Rune of Wandering, Rune of Impact (Stonehorn's Horn), Rune of Grimnir (Grimnirzan).
-[X] Dronril, Dronwut:
[Cost (6 -5) =1 actions] Journeyman of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. The amber that you have come to call Dronril, and the wood, creatively named Dronwut, are intrinsically tied to each other, and learning more about one is sure to teach you something about the other.
1 Action.
-[X] Understand The Master Rune of Purification
: Understand our own, personally invented rune. How far do we have to go?
1 Action.
This plan is different from the above in that it bonks Dronril over the head since we're using it decoratively in Rik Hunken
and it's also useful for Skundaz and other Grungni related stuffs. Then it grabs the Master Rune of Purification in order to get to grips with how long that thing is going to take, and to give us some neat and nifty weird esoteric stuff to read in the doot.
[X] Plan A Good Gift and Some Understanding
[X] Plan Wedding Gifts and Strange Feathers
I don't have to vote for a plan after the plan was posted right?
Nope! Only thing to keep in mind is that if you copy paste the whole plan, the tally will treat your vote as different from the original creator's if the creator ends up editing the plan.