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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Well, we've only got three actions this turn since one is needed to make the belt.

There are, various unique possibilities in my mind.

[ ] [Simple] Gate to the Sea: [Cost: 5 actions] Due end of Turn 38. Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Ravsnvake. Snorri thinks another patron might be found by the end of turn 37. Knowing of your predilection and obsessive meticulous mind for incredibly robust and powerful defensive structures, King Villi has asked if you would be willing to lend your expertise and Runic knowledge for when his Hold builds the great gates that will lie between the Varn Wyrren and the Canal from the Dumaraz.
We don't have much time left to do this, but this could be an ideal time to do so.
- The Branakroki's own Ancestor, the King of the Skies, has declared that his people shall expand their reach beyond the aerie above Kraka Drakk. After entering negotiations with Kraka Ravnsvake, no doubt helped by the growing ties between it and Kraka Drakk, the Brana have been given the right to settle the peak of the mountain closest to Ravnsvake proper with material aid from both the Raven's Roost and Dragon Hold, as the Hold's own summit is filled with infrastructure already. In exchange, the King of Ravnsvake has secured the aid of the Brana in several key industries and duties, from translation, scouting and even keeping an eye out for dangerous beasts both on land and in the sea! A pact of mutual defence, of course, goes without saying. Some may grumble, but it is more the usual grumbling of the Longbeards than any true discontent over the issue. A debt is held, as all can agree, and so it must be repaid! Of more potential concern to some is that it is another sign of King Villi's apparent openness to strangers into the confines of his Hold. Hmph! The folly of youth many of the more southerly elders grumble.
Who knows. Might be able to get some synchronization with a Retainer action from their Lord being nearby.
(*Updated*)[ ] Dreng Them: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Additional actions add bonus modifier. The Hearth Guard will go out and slay [Write-in] monster. Gain mats, reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. While your Hearth Guard were also meant to clear all the ills that assailed dwarfkind, you must admit there are many a mundane foe to slay. Send these brave dawi out on a quest to slay beasties on your behalf, earn glory and give you materials to make ever more wonders.
- [ ] Dumaraz: Gain Random Monster Mats, 10 Favour with Kraka Ravnsvake. In preparation for King Sindri's grand ambition, he has called for a great culling of the beasts that would lurk and prey on the work crews tasked with rendering the Dumaraz more easily navigable. The King has even offered any would-be hunters the chance to lay claim to the beasts killed in their work.

Alternatively, quantity may have a quality all of its own.

[ ] Dronril, Dronwut: [Cost (6 -5) =1 actions] Journeyman of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. The amber that you have come to call Dronril, and the wood, creatively named Dronwut, are intrinsically tied to each other, and learning more about one is sure to teach you something about the other.

[ ] Firebird's Feather [Cost: 2 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. You've got a feather! Its an odd little piece of deep red flaming plumage that emanates a faint heat and sometimes combusts into flames that do no lasting damage to it. Transported at great expense, barely a dent in your coffers though, and with a few notes and tales about the animal in question that it came from. A simple enough task to figure out what this thing will do. There's a large body of work regarding the firebirds of the north already, and you can use that as a good starting point in your own research.
The sheer variety of abilities and information we've gathered about the former could lend itself to providing research progress elsewhere, while the latter is just...well, it's pretty obvious. A mere feather is that much, not a full corpse, not an organ, a feather. The entire damn Lion is only one action more and it's thousands of times the feather's mass and weight.

Then there's this:
[ ] Suneater's Brain: [Cost: 4 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. What could you do with this cursed thing? While untainted, you can only shudder at the atrocities it has seen and ordered. Fitting then that it's ultimate will be aiding the very people he saw to destroy.
A T5 ingredient undoubtedly of a higher level than that of the Greedy One's Heart. Need I say more?

[ ] Eltharin?: [Cost: 5 actions, 20 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. Gain chance at an Elf teacher and proficient understanding of Eltharin. Eltharin, the tongue of the Elgi, is supposedly a language full of lilting double meanings, metaphor, symbology and almost anathema to Khazalid in terms of structure, intonation, usage and purpose. It is the raw language of the textbooks whose translation you still find yourself reviewing. If you want as undiluted or marred perception of the original text as possible you must learn this odd tongue. Either from a Dwarf who took the time to learn, or from an Elgi willing to brave the cold to reach you. Valma was asked, she said she wasn't going through explaining that hell again. It's as ominous a sign as any.
- Looking for a Native: [Cost: 30 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Gain Elf teacher and -fluent understanding of Eltharin. Find an elf willing to teach you, your work will require as best a possible understanding of the elven tongue.
We could get a head start on seeing the benefits from perusing our tomes with a full understanding of the language, and take the first step towards alchemy and entertaining Elgi interactions: we could meet our first Elf!
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Okay. I think I have a plan idea.

[ ] Plan: Journeyman of the Odd v1
-[ ] Odd Places 9/10: [Cost: 1 action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness. 1 action
-[ ] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. 1 retainer action
--[ ] Valayan Crisis: Gain 50 Favour +? with the Cult of Valaya.
-[ ] Eltharin?: [Cost: 5 actions, 20 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. Gain chance at an Elf teacher and proficient understanding of Eltharin. 1 Action
--[ ] Looking for a Native: [Cost: 30 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Gain Elf teacher and -fluent understanding of Eltharin.
-[ ] [Difficult] A Princely Wedding Gift Pt. 2: [Cost: 1 action] Due end of Turn 36. If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional structural materials and any aesthetic changes here. Gain 100 Favour with Kraka Ravnsvake. 2 actions
--[ ] Master Rune of Wandering, Rune of Impact (Stonehorn's Horn), Rune of Grimnir (Grimnirzan)

[ ] Plan: Journeyman of the Odd v2
-[ ] Odd Places 9/10: [Cost: 1 action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness. 1 action
-[ ] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. 1 retainer action
--[ ] Valayan Crisis: Gain 50 Favour +? with the Cult of Valaya.
-[ ] Eltharin?: [Cost: 5 actions, 20 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. Gain chance at an Elf teacher and proficient understanding of Eltharin. 1 Action
--[ ] Looking for a Native: [Cost: 30 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Gain Elf teacher and -fluent understanding of Eltharin.
-[ ] [Difficult] A Princely Wedding Gift Pt. 2: [Cost: 1 action] Due end of Turn 36. If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional structural materials and any aesthetic changes here. Gain 100 Favour with Kraka Ravnsvake. 1 action
--[ ] Master Rune of Wandering, Rune of Impact (Stonehorn's Horn), Rune of Grimnir (Grimnirzan)
-[ ] Dronril, Dronwut: [Cost (6 -5) =1 actions] Journeyman of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. 1 action
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I get the feeling the hearthguard will one day become something incredible.... Here is to hoping it spreads further south as an organization for stopping grudges before they are declared and helping out in general.... Maybe if it does we might end up as a god after we die....

As is we will probably be a revered ancestor for the north at the very least with the rate we are going.
Okay. I think I have a plan idea.

[ ] Plan: Journeyman of the Odd
-[ ] Odd Places 9/10: [Cost: 1 action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness.
-[ ] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice.
--[ ] Valayan Crisis: Gain 50 Favour +? with the Cult of Valaya.
-[ ] Eltharin?: [Cost: 5 actions, 20 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. Gain chance at an Elf teacher and proficient understanding of Eltharin. 1 Action
--[ ] Looking for a Native: [Cost: 30 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Gain Elf teacher and -fluent understanding of Eltharin.
-[ ] [Difficult] A Princely Wedding Gift Pt. 2: [Cost: 1 action] Due end of Turn 36. If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional structural materials and any aesthetic changes here. Gain 100 Favour with Kraka Ravnsvake. 2 actions
--[ ] Master Rune of Wandering, Rune of Impact (Stonehorn's Horn), Rune of Grimnir (Grimnirzan)
You're missing an action.
I don't want to get into a huge thing about this, but Snorri does plenty of "I made it in a short period of time" limbs as part of his general re-limbing policy for his hold. If those aren't shoddy work then a temporary set for Orra wouldn't have been shoddy work.

Sometimes the timescale of these decade turns gets to me. I know dwarves live longer than humans, but they don't live so long that a decade isn't still a long time to them. It's more like maybe 2 to 2 1/2 years would be for us. Not so long that you'd freak out over it, but still a significant portion of your life.
I think it is more that Dwarfs don't really do replacements. I don't think Snorri would have liked the idea of that, as much as it denied Orra mobility.
One thing I'm committed to is not putting more than one action on the belt.

Also, one other possibility is finishing the Odd Places with two actions, and finishing Dronril, Dronwut.
The news does not spread quickly at first, contained in the walls of the small community built around the Gift Giver's workshop but when the news reaches Kraka Drakk proper it spreads like wildfire. To the Dawi it is unprecedented, and for the eldest among them, it comes with an implicit understanding that, come what may, the Gift Giver's actions will define another aspect of Dawi and Brana relations.

To the Brana it is a development, one of note certainly, but small amidst the flurry of activity they work through. A new aerie, a new Roost is to be made, and the competitions between them for the right to be one of the first to settle it are still ongoing. To learn that two of the Stonebound, what the Brana call those among them who find the greatest affinity among the Mountainfolk, have begun to serve in one of their retinues is simply a natural continuation of the melding between their peoples. And even in the circles of the Stonebound this is a minor occurrence, for in a nest nearest the Mountainfolk's dwellings an odd egg has been noticed and shown to their Lord.

One that draws on the Golden Wind like a hungry chick consuming its first meal.

Huh. I wonder if this means a Brana with affinity for Chamon will be born? Either that or the Brana have found some other creature's egg?
I don't want to touch Eltharin until after the commissions we'll be taking are finished personally as I don't want to start learning the skill plus hire a tutor only to put it all on hold for literally half a century that just seems weird.

With regards to the sea gate, I still don't think that's overly worth it as we'll probably be getting at least +1 standing from completing 2B next turn anyway and we don't need the extra favor so I'd rather spend the actions we'd spend on that commission on research.

So for now I prefer doubling up on the prince's commission, and then either firebird feather or dronril plus odd places.
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I don't want to touch Eltharin or alchemy until after the commissions we'll be taking are finished personally as I don't want to start learning the skill plus hire a tutor only to put it all on hold for literally half a century that just seems weird.

With regards to the sea gate, I still don't think that's overly worth it as we'll probably be getting at least +1 standing from completing 2B next turn anyway and we don't need the extra favor so I'd rather spend the actions we'd spend on that commission on research.

So for now I prefer doubling up on the prince's commission, and then either firebird feather or dronril plus odd places.
If we learn Eltharin immediately we won't be idle. Our tomes on the Winds are still open to further study, after all.

I find it very wasteful to throw more actions than needed at this Belt in this case. It's also just not fun, for at best a bit of extra prose, compared to something new.
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You put down the collated reports and realize that for some reason your Hearth Guard have decided amongst themselves that it's their duty to go collecting gossip like old prospectors in between excursions. Shrugging, you simply keep reading and find that the news grows progressively more mundane and less important the farther down the list you go.

Okay, I laughed, I'll admit it.
If we learn Eltharin immediately we won't be idle. Our tomes on the Winds are still open to further study, after all.

I find it very wasteful to throw more actions than needed at this Belt in this case. It's also just not fun, for at best a bit of extra prose.
I wouldn't call it wasteful. This is something that is going to be used by Gimli until he dies and all of Kraka Drakk's Kings after that. I think it is absurd to only put one action into this.
If we learn Eltharin immediately we won't be idle. Our tomes on the Winds are still open to further study, after all.

I find it very wasteful to throw more actions than needed at this Belt in this case. It's also just not fun, for at best a bit of extra prose, compared to something new.
I'm not married to the idea of two actions on the belt. Any suggestions for my 4th action then?
(*New*)[ ] [Simple] Once more with Smelting: [Cost: 4 actions, 1 Voidstone] Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 1 Dragonblood Smelter. It has been around a century since you last made an Adamant Smelter. Its been enough time since that you feel safe about making another one without feeling like you're committing sacrilige.

Feels like we should probably do this really soon since it gives us more Adamant to work with over time.
Starting research on the Suneater's Brain would be tempting, though, I also definitely want to spend 2 Actions on the Wedding Gift, so... Kind of opposing mindsets and positions there. I want to make the Wedding Gift be pretty awesome.
[] Plan A Good Gift and Some Understanding
-[] Dronril, Dronwut: [Cost (6 -5) =1 actions] Journeyman of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. The amber that you have come to call Dronril, and the wood, creatively named Dronwut, are intrinsically tied to each other, and learning more about one is sure to teach you something about the other. 1 Action.
-[] Understand The Master Rune of Purification: Understand our own, personally invented rune. How far do we have to go? 1 Action.
Here's a thought -- and although I do want to finish off the Dronril stuff especially with it only having 1 action left -- if you're hoisting a plan for Understanding the Master Rune of Purification finally...

... Well, although it would not be the most action-efficient, what do you think of spending 2 actions on Understanding the Master Rune of Purification and 1 Action on studying the Adamant Maker Combo? (Effectively a Compress Combo action, targeted at the Adamant Maker combo.)

Since both lines of research deal with MPurification and Adamant, and since both relate to the Rune Metal research chain, it could be an interesting line of research to take, no?

Though, admittedly, it's much more tempting to put 2 Actions into either MPurification or Adamant Maker. Since Soul of the Earth would then proc on it. On the other hand, putting in an action into both of those would mean finally, finally, revealing exactly how long it would take to finish it.
[X] Hold Founding: [Cost: 1 action, 1 retainer action] Locked in until end of turn 40. The political and technical finagling required to get an expedition equipped to form a Hold is one that requires a good deal of attention to make sure things get done properly. For the survivors of Dum this is an even greater necessity, as they quite literally suffered a near-total collapse of their Guild and Clerical system after the betrayal. Apprentices will need proper Masters and the Dawi of Dum caught up to speed, and finding the right Dwarf for such a task is one of great effort indeed.
@soulcake does this action remain locked in until end of turn 40, or until end of turn 39?
[] Plan A Good Gift and Some Understanding

I'm a fan of this plan. Makes way more sense to me to research the thing we have an infinite supply of than the t2 material we have to source from Ulthuan.
If we learn Eltharin immediately we won't be idle. Our tomes on the Winds are still open to further study, after all.

I find it very wasteful to throw more actions than needed at this Belt in this case. It's also just not fun, for at best a bit of extra prose, compared to something new.
We'd be idle with regards to Eltharin under the context of the plan I was talking about as even if we dedicated all our research actions towards it we wouldn't be able to finish it until after the Grave Warden commission is finished on like turn 40.

That changes if you skimp on the belt but as I've made a regular habit of mentioning at this point I heavily dislike the idea of skimping on the prince's commission. I don't want to put another epic level piece of wargear on the future king's regalia if I can help it after all.
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There is the possibility that finishing Dronril will boost another research.

I personally want to dedicate just one action to the belt and chip away at everyhting we have to finally finish some research.
... Well, although it would not be the most action-efficient, what do you think of spending 2 actions on Understanding the Master Rune of Purification and 1 Action on studying the Adamant Maker Combo? (Effectively a Compress Combo action, targeted at the Adamant Maker combo.)
I'd rather get Dronril done, though I wouldn't object to more progress on Understanding MPurification. I think it would be best to compress Adamant Maker after we have finished Understanding MPurification. Admittingly if we do it now, we'll have a better idea of how long a normal compression would take.

Feels like we should probably do this really soon since it gives us more Adamant to work with over time.
I am absolutely not voting to make a smelter before we have Understood MPurification. We have let our Master Rune go unpoked at for far to long.
If we learn Eltharin immediately we won't be idle. Our tomes on the Winds are still open to further study, after all.

I find it very wasteful to throw more actions than needed at this Belt in this case. It's also just not fun, for at best a bit of extra prose, compared to something new.
So something I'm going to point out.

Consistency. We have consistently put in more than the minimum required effort to do the deed on the royal stuff, which is why it consistently comes out as good quality. The fact that its a bit of extra prose is not all there is as there are mechanical and narrative benefits for doing so. You know this, and its frustrating to see it painted as such.

This is something that Gimli will use until he dies, and every King after him, and is the piece that will complete our first Set and it will be a Set that carries on for thousands of years.

We don't have untranslated tomes on the Winds with which to use Eltharin and we won't be able to get the Almanacs until after turn 40 more than likely. So we would be mostly idle in terms of actually using Eltharin beyond communicating with our tutor for however long they remain.
Plan: Finishing and Gating.

[ ] Render Aid:
- [ ] Valayan Crisis: Gain 50 Favour +? with the Cult of Valaya.

[X] Hold Founding: [Cost: 1 action, 1 retainer action] Locked in until end of turn 40.

[ ] [Difficult] A Princely Wedding Gift Pt. 2: [Cost: 1 action]
- [X] Master Rune of Wandering, Rune of Impact (Stonehorn's Horn), Rune of Grimnir (Grimnirzan)

[ ] [Simple] Gate to the Sea: [Cost: 5 actions] Due end of Turn 38. Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Ravsnvake. Snorri thinks another patron might be found by the end of turn 37.

[ ] ORDER: White Lion

We obviously need to Finish the commision, and I really want to get this Gate done. It's going to be Seen by nearly all the Elves vising the Karaz Ankor for a long while, and will be the first Impression on many of them- we should make it the best we possibly can.
When their Ancestor ripped out his literal, and you now begin to suspect much more abstract and metaphysical, heart as collateral?

Snorri is learning! At last! Soon enough he will learn the only constant when it comes to magic: The Rule Of Symbolism.

for in a nest nearest the Mountainfolk's dwellings an odd egg has been noticed and shown to their Lord.

One that draws on the Golden Wind like a hungry chick consuming its first meal.

Hoh Hoh Hoh, looks like a new strain of Brana is developing. Or maybe it's something akin to a lesser King Of The Skies?