Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Yeah, I enjoy the current "learn by doing" style of things where we figure out combos as we create things, so I'd also support no free combo testing.
For combo-testing type actions, maybe instead of testing actual combos have it be unlocked in a more general sense as an 'understand this rune' action? So, if you put in actions into more deeply understanding a specific rune one of the things you get from it is a description of the sort of runes it would be likely to form combos with (e.g. 'the rune of potatoes is likely to form combos with runes that have attributes of deliciousness, starch, and/or dirt')?
Honestly, being able to find a combo without actually making an item always felt a little off to me. I can see how it logically could work IC, but it still clashes a bit with how I envision runesmithing. Like if a runesmith was skilled enough and knew those specific runes enough to make each of them without the reagent then they could predict the interactions accurately enough to know the combo. Since that is only a theoretical skill level dwarves can't actually attain though it feels a bit janky to me to be able to get the combo ahead of time.

Honestly I'd be ok with going back to no combo testing. I just think if the option exists, it should be weighted such that its use might be worthwhile.

Right now, it's just better to spend two actions making a random piece of gear with the combo. It's only one more AP, and at the end of it, you have a nice piece of runecraft to hand out.
Yeah, I enjoy the current "learn by doing" style of things where we figure out combos as we create things, so I'd also support no free combo testing.
The issue with combo testing was already pointed out though. With Soulcake outright saying that combos make an artifact better it encourages people to want to combo anything important which can lead to situations where people insist on trying to combo say all the gear we want to give someone important or a super gronti. While people enjoy the learn by doing things imagine that people wouldn't enjoy the idea of say spending 5-10 turns on combo testing 5 pieces of equipment for each VIP or Super Gronti.

Thing is that combo testing doesn't really add anything other then letting us figure out combos without making it. Meanwhile any other research has it so that every single research action counts and adds to progression.
Honestly I'd be ok with going back to no combo testing. I just think if the option exists, it should be weighted such that its use might be worthwhile.

Right now, it's just better to spend two actions making a random piece of gear with the combo. It's only one more AP, and at the end of it, you have a nice piece of runecraft to hand out.
I'm kind of in agreement with the no combo testing if we don't have it reworked to have it become less tedious since questers feel like we need to make certain things the absolute best they can be and combos outright being stated to make an artifact more important encourages heavy amounts of combo testing to make something the best it can be in a lot of people opinions. Throw in that Soulcake outright stated that he was leery about adding it and had no intention of adding somethign like that with the original intent with us only finding stuff by actually creating them feels like it makes more sense that way.

So think that either the combo testing bit should be reworked mechanics wise or just outright removed.
Grand Conclave of 113 A.P. Pt. 4:
Winning Vote:
[X] Plan Consistent Wisdom
-[X] Looking to the future: a lot of elders are dead and it will take a long time for their children to grow into their beards and plaits, and so any Runelord who comes here must be willing and able to give guidance to many dwarfs and have particular skill in teaching.
-[X] Being adaptable: the north is wild and unpredictable and Runelords who come up this far must be willing to set precedent.
-[X] Any Runelords should be willing to collaborate and elevate the works of other guilds with Runeworks. A bit obvious, but Kraka Drakk and the North as a whole only stands because we stood together, every Guild and every Dwarf spitting in the eye of evil and fighting for a better tomorrow.
-[X] Proactive; goes out of their way to make the world better for dwarfs
-[X] 2 Candidates, Bara and Dwalin
--[X] Bara Steelplate
--[X] Dwalin Thunderlung


Rhunkalbrogg is usually not a long affair, as Runelords do not die often. But you have a feeling that the usual day-long event will not be as quick as the ones before it. The entire meeting is dedicated almost solely to selecting new Runelords, but there is still an order to things. Historically the separation lies along logical enough lines. Firstly the number of positions up for taking are deliberated upon. A simple enough task, but perhaps every few Rhunkalbroggs the growth of the Karaz Ankor is taken into account and new positions are thereby created and made available. The pool of spots is then split between the living and the dead according to proportion, after which the actual work of giving those positions to the worthy can begin. The first candidates brought forth are from those in attendance, followed by the testaments of the living, if not present, Runelords. Once that is done, only then does the House move on to the "Recanting of Wills," where all in attendance will review and some be asked to verify the final testimonies and considerations of the dead.

This order was chosen purposefully. For one thing, it was simply the easier task of reviewing the candidates of the living and present, where testimonies and further evidence could be provided far more readily. For another it was simply more polite and fair; if you made the effort to be here you had the privilege to have your candidates chosen from first. As for the dead, there was also a mix of symbolism involved as well. Both to represent the final destination of all Dawi and the respect the honoured dead should be afforded, the "Recanting of Wills" was both a celebration of a Runelord's life and deeds alongside the deliberation of their candidates. A stark reminder for all in attendance of the bond of kinship all Dawi, Runesmiths especially, share with one another. A solemn remembrance of their deeds, and should it be necessary, an unspoken oath to see their killer brought to justice.

Nope. Recanting the reasons and history of Rhunkalbrogg isn't helping you overcome your own nerves. Gazul preserve you, or at the very least prepare you a place in the Underearth.

You're going to have to go down there, convince a body of your peers, elders and Thungni Himself about why your candidates are best and pray that you've chosen correctly.

Kraggi pokes your side with his elbow, gesturing to the Runelord on the floor. Despite your anxiety, you have been paying attention to your colleague's speech.

"Ranulf Gormsson, Runelord of Karak Vorbarag has brought forth his candidates and we have questioned him fully. On the inclusion of one Vala Yammasdottir and one Kemlin Kermitsson, both of your hold to the body of this House, have you, Ranulf son of Gorm, any final remarks?" Thungni asks.

"Nai Lord Ancestor," the Dwarf replies.

"Have any within the House a final question to ask Ranulf, son of Gorm, Runelord of Karak Vorbarag?"

None reply.

"Then by the ancient rites of Rhunkalbrogg, and according to the amendments made in the case of my presence. All in attendance shall henceforth close their eyes. The vote will be tallied, and none may open them until every ballot is taken," Thungni rumbles.

As one, every Runelord heeds His words and closes their eyes, pulling out the stone token that denotes their decision. You and Kraggi are silent, listening to the footsteps of the Reckoners as they filter around the room, then silently deposit your tokens in place when asked.

The process is done in only a minute, and the herald announces that one Kemlin Kermitsson has joined the august House of Runelords and that the number of open slots has reduced by one.

Ranulf for his part looks relieved, happy that at least one of his candidates was approved, and no doubt hopeful that Thungni voted in favour of one of them.

You thank the Ancestors for small mercies such as this when your time to present inevitably comes.

And come it does, all too soon if you're honest.

.3 days.​

(Roll, Conservative Perception: 92 +10[This Far and No Further] =102)
(Roll, Radical Perception: 5 +10[This Far and No Further] +10[Standing] =25)

"I give Snorri, son of Klaus, Rhunrikki a Kraka Drakk, the opportunity to take the floor. Does he bring those he would call worthy of the rank of Runelord?" Thungni announces, staring at the lad with an inscrutable gaze.

"I do Lord," he replies simply, getting up and beginning to walk down.

Many curious, appraising and thoroughly perplexed eyes stare down at the Son of Klaus as he walks down to the podium.

Whatever the House expected from the enigmatic figure has been thoroughly thrown into chaos over the course of Rhunkalbrogg. To the Conservative members, the perception of him as a radical leaning but otherwise sensible dwarf is thrown right down the mineshaft. And to the radicals, their belief in a kindred soul and hopes for a stronghold in the North are put thoroughly into question.

Fitting given who the dwarf's master was, Alric thought, Yorri always was one to rabble rouse for the sake of it, whether he intended to or not.

Klausson was perhaps entirely unaware of the perception he gave off. The rare few times he spoke or participated only served, at first, to confuse either "side" further and further.

During the questioning of Gromin Yorgisson, Runelord of Karak Baragaz and consummate Conservative, Klausson did not take the standard radical approach when inquiring about the axe his candidate had made. Rather than poke holes in the candidates' personality or beliefs, the Gift Giver got down to the brass tacks of something none expected, but in hindsight fit him rather nicely. The boy had simply asked if the candidate's axe was worth more than the number of axes he could have made had he not made it a masterwork. Relentlessly pursuing Gromin's responses until at last the Runelord gave him a concrete number of eight axes that could have been made, only to then demand Gromin give his best reckoning as to the amount of work the boy's Axe had done.

When Gromin replied, rather proudly, that the axe did the work of twelve whole dwarfs the Gift Giver simply scoffed and bid the others to ask their own questions.

Over and over, this same style of interrogation continued, seemingly without rhyme or reason. Kara Strongarm, the candidate from Karak Azul, made thirty hammers in a single month. Only for her patron to be asked, why not sixty? She clearly had the capability to do more had she worked better with the Blacksmiths guild in ordering supplies and hadn't gotten into a row with them.

Yami Rubypick, the candidate of Karak Drongmaz, released several Journeymen who successfully became masters in the span of a century. Why then had he not continued the practice, Gift Giver asked, could it be proved without a shadow of a doubt that the decades he spent afterwards researching in isolation were more useful to his hold than if he had taken more students?

Production rates, witness testimonies, Grandfather damned graphs if they were available; quantitative proof that the candidates' actions aided their hold in a significant way. Whatever could have constituted as significant in the mind of a Runelord who regularly went about and produced enough material to arm entire holds multiple times over Alric could not say, but they were likely well beyond what most thought logical.

But eventually, a pattern revealed itself if one looked close enough.

Usefulness, Alric realized while he watched the Gift Giver tear down a candidate who was known for their own productivity, seemingly abhorred by the seeming lack of care and quality put into their work.

Snorri Klausson, whether he wished it or not, came out of the question periods with a simple concept attached to him.

The boy did not care how you went about it, only that what you did was on the level of usefulness expected from a Runelord. Something all dwarfs understood and inherently agreed with, but seemingly hadn't taken to the extremes nor tried to quantify it as meticulously as he had.

Then again, he mused, perhaps it isn't too outlandish given his history.

While Alric may have been among the first to realize it, he was certainly not the last. And when the House got to grips with the boy's thoroughly odd, but not objectionable requirements, it likely forced many to rethink their opinions of him.

So when the beardling came down those steps, he wondered just what kind of dwarf he would bring forward.


You open your eyes and turn your head expectantly to the herald, who with several assistants, goes over the tokens at an astonishing speed and tallies them with exacting precision.

After what feels like an eternity confirming the tally, the elderly dwarf proclaims the verdict for all to hear.

(Roll, Bara: 57 +30[Last Lord of the North] =87, DC: 40)
(Roll, Dwalin: 95 +30[Last Lord of the North] =125, DC: 50)
(Roll, Lorna: 79, DC: 65)

You very nearly drop your mouth in surprise, as do several members of the House, when the herald bellows out that Bara Kormasdottir, Dwalin Bollisson and Lorna Dernasdottir are hereby added to the House of Runelords. Each and every one were now given all the honour, privilege, rights and responsibilities afforded to one of the pinnacles of Dwarfen society. Your mind reels even as you bow before Thungni and the assembly, examining and understanding the implications of four Runelords in a hold so young.

Whatever the case, you will not fail the expectations of the House, and mayhaps even Thungni's?

Even as you sit down you dare glance at your, no matter how distant, Ancestor. Trying, with what little skill you have, to guess how he may have voted.

(Roll, Thungni: ???? +50[Perception beyond Reckoning] +???[Eyes of The Glimmering King] +???[??? Mind] -4??[Gr?f?] -???[???] =He notices)

Only to stare back at the full gaze of the Ancestor, watching you with inscrutable intent.

(Roll, Perception: 93 +30[Runelord] +2[Sniffer] +???[???] -???[???] =93)

It feels like blasphemy in a way, for one such as you to dare assume you know what Thungni of all dwarfs is feeling or thinking. But the feeling deep in the roots of your beard hairs cannot be denied, you are certain about what he transmits through his gaze. So certain, that you'd swear on your Ancestors, your Honour, your Beard that it could only be that message.

Prove me right.

And if you were wrong and it's just some flight of fancy done by your mind, well at the very least it's damn good motivation.

.4 days.
The fourth day of Rhunkalbrogg begins. Not that any of you have left the chamber since entering over half a week ago, only knowing the passing of time through the announcements of the Herald and the clockwork efficiency of the caterers who flit about with mugs of ale and food.

There are no breaks, Runelords ate their meals even as their compatriots pushed for their candidates below. They were expected to be capable of such a simple bit of multi-tasking you see, and a Runelord's time was important. Better then, to not waste it on sleep. For even dwarfs as young as you were(relative to the room) didn't start feeling even the earliest traces of exhaustion for two weeks, longer with good food and ale to keep you going.

All noise dies at the sound of Thungni smacking his fist against the fine stone of His Throne. In an instant, the mood of the room dims from what it once was. An air of solemnity and reverence taking its place.

All know what is to come.

"The last of the living have been queried, the positions given and not taken are now passed to the hands of the dead. We who remain, swearing upon oaths of blood and honour, will see to it that their legacy will not falter after their loss, their deeds remembered forever in our minds as well as the ageless stone, and their vengeance carried out with vigour and grim resolve. So swear I, Thungni son of Grungni," the Ancestor leads.

"So we swear," the room repeats.

"Then let the Recanting of Wills begin," he says, leaning back into his chair, a great weight seeming to settle on him and everyone else in the room.

.7 days.​

You clamber up the steps and sit down on your seat with a quiet whump, your task verifying and corroborating the statements of the departed finally done. Soon enough a frothing tankard of ale is proffered to you, and you take the mug without much thought. The mug in your hands is lifted and finished in two gulps with mechanical efficiency. Kraggi does the same beside you.

No enjoyment can be gotten from even this fine ale in such circumstances.

There were many of you who went into the Far North all those centuries ago.

From the testimonies of the dead corroborated with your own words and testimony, only 7 candidates could be found worthy of the rank. Not through lack of effort mind you. Simply because oftentimes the records and testimonies of your friends did not survive the fall of their holds, and in the event they did it was just as likely the candidate had died with them.

Dozens of dwarfs and potential candidates…

... simply gone, or never to be discovered. Lost and buried in the rubble and grief.

The first found worthy and only discovered in the tattered journals of Kemma Starlocks, was one Ogra Iggunsdottir. And more noticeably, the only candidate that was, currently, housed in a minor hold. Only two years shy of 700, Ogra had a specialty in Static Runes and an extensive history of working on learning the secrets of the Ancestor Runes. The only reason her home of Karak Krum survived was due to a massive Runic array similar to the one on your banner that she had made. Trading its mobility to turn the Karaks surface defences into an unassailable fortification for enemy mages. Forcing a more traditional siege that Krum's defenders would more easily handle. Speaking of tradition, the woman was about as conservative as you got in the North. You frankly didn't expect Kemma to have picked her, but you suppose that she wasn't one to let a difference of ideals stop her choices.

The second Runelord from the minor holds was actually rather surprising. Igna Margasdottir of Karag Dum, a hold whose fate is still unknown to your people despite Igna's best efforts. During the siege, Igna distinguished herself in the defence of Karak Ornsmotek where she was shopping for supplies and reagents when the Incursion hit. Igna would participate greatly in the hold's defence, enough to impress old Grimbol to write in her favour only days before he fell slaying a Cygor. Igna specialized in armour, perhaps to a degree unmatched save the major holds of the south. Suits of Rune enhanced Gromril so tough that their bearers were more akin to living Gronti than a regular dwarf, something that King Korr used to great effect. Commissioning Igna to make him and his hearthguard into an unbreakable bulwark that helped strengthen the line and morale of Ornsmotek's defenders. Igna's contributions earned her the King's favour, alongside his sworn support to aid her in the discovery of her home's fate.

Also hailing from Ornsmotek was one Vragni Svaltissson. Like Dwalin, Vragni had an affinity for Banner Runes, but unlike the poet he had branched out more evenly. From Grimbol's writings, and your own research, Vragni had a knack for producing a high quantity of quality products, something he was rather proud of and famed for in his old home in the south alongside the personal silver sigil he used to mark every work he made. He had come north in the belief that his talents would be useful until he heard of you. Grimbol wrote positively of Vragni's productivity, and he believed that given enough time the youth would prove himself worthy. Time, it seemed, proved Grimbol true, as the boy spearheaded an effort to arm the world's greatest warriors with fine runic equipment. While king Korr had not commissioned Vragni, the lad had found patronage in many of Ornsmotek's most influential clans. For all of this, Grimbol made note that Vragni always got rather upset when he got compared to you. Taking it as a challenge, he swore to beat you, in his words, without breaking tradition so erroneously.

You wish him luck, always good to have a source of motivation!

The next two candidates are a pair of twins, Skegg and Skjol Borsson from Kraka Ravnsvake. Both youths were trained under the steadfast gaze of Garagrim Axebite. Fighting at his side in the attempt to reclaim the Foundling ward, and avenging his death by slaying the daemon who brought him low. Both lads found a talent for talismanic Runes but working...not together...but in parallel, they found much more success than if they worked alone. Skegg made weapons and Skjol made armour, the two of them creating pieces that while individually made, worked well with the others. The mind of twins you suppose. Both boys had come north with their master and together armed their King with a fine set of equipment. Each on their own was worthy, but together they could be counted to make work on par with many Runelords. A point of contention among some, but Twins usually ended up working together or in completely separate if related fields from one another and these two were no exception.

If there was a bit of caution about Skegg and Skjol's cooperation, there were very vocal concerns, as well as the threat of a brawl breaking out, about these last two. Both from Kraka Dorden, a hold known for its rather radical bent alongside the number of Engineers, it was fitting, and altogether expected, then that the last two candidates had a gift for Engineering Runes. Both had won by the barest margins, many grumbling that this was perhaps a step too far even considering the lack of Runelords in the North. Regardless, none can gainsay the sanctity of the vote without concrete proof of tampering or collusion which was so indescribably difficult and suicidal to bring forward to a room full of Runelords that it was a moot point.

The eldest of the two was an elderly radical by the name of Sven Hoggrisson, a dwarf who specialized in adding Runes to siege engines specifically. The contention being his self admitted closeness to the Engineers Guild, given how often he commissioned War Machines on truly massive scales from them on the regular to apply his maddening Runes on. During the siege, Sven's massive barag's were instrumental in removing many titanic monsters from the field of battle. Boulders a meter in diameter and bolts long enough to gore a Mammoth from end to end filled the skies and pierced the enemies of Kraka Dorden. Their efficacy was likely the only reason Sven had won the privilege despite his concerning closeness to Mogrim's folk.

Still, it was nothing compared to the row over the final addition.

In a vote that nearly saw the (unofficial) traditional Rhunkalbrogg Brawl break out, a young firebrand by the name of Valma Hilldasdottir became a member of the House of Runelords. A young lass only halfway through her fourth century, Valma played a key role in the defense of Kraka Dorden. Where Sven blew his foes apart from afar, young Valma was a specialist, and self-proclaimed Master, at the art of Gronti making. Something that in the privacy of Rhunkalbrogg, many would agree with. Valma had made Gronti of such sophistication that they seemed the work of elders two to three centuries her senior. The titanic constructs she'd made served as the backbone of Dorden's defence. Anchor Points by which the defenders could rely on to clear chaff in their thousands, and thickets that held enemy monsters in place long enough for Sven's terrible weaponry to deal the killing blow.

None would know who voted for who, but many would hazard a guess.

Pick however many, top 3 will be chosen:
[ ] Ogra Iggunsdottir
[ ] Igna Margasdottir
[ ] Vragni Svaltisson
[ ] Skegg Borsson
[ ] Skjol Borsson

[ ]Skegg AND Skjol Borsson (They come in a pair ya see, but having two does not mean more mechanical value to be very clear, only narrative sauce.)
[ ] Sven Hoggrisson
[ ] Valma Hilldasdottir

All 7 are becoming Runelords, but these three are the ones Snorri is most interested in. They will have a higher chance of interaction happening than the others.

HoldNameA.G.E (Affiliation, Gender, Experience)Personality, QuirksMastered SpecialtyExceptional SpecialtyRegular Specialty 1Regular Specialty 2
Karak KrumOgra Iggunsdottir, the StalwartConservative, Woman, 698 Yrs. OldAncestor Rune Researcher, Old lady who can turn your home into a fortBuildingsTalismanicEngineeringBanner
Karag DumIgna Margasdottir, MetalheartModerate, Woman, 500 Yrs. OldQuality over quantity, Determined to find out the fate of her home.ArmourArmourArmourArmour
Kraka OrnsmotekVragni Svaltisson, SilverbrandConservative, Man, 608 Yrs. OldDinkleberg... I mean Klausson..., Driven and productive, no complex hereBannerWeaponEngineeringArmour
Kraka RavnsvakeSkjol Borsson, ShieldsmithRadical, Man, 555 Yrs. OldOne half of the Borsson Twins, he makes good armour. Not loud.TalismanicArmourBannerEngineering
Kraka RavnsvakeSkegg Borsson, AxesmithRadical, Man, 555 Yrs. OldOne half of the Borsson Twins, he makes good weapons. Quiet.TalismanicWeaponBannerEngineering
Kraka DordenSven Hoggrison, BaragmakerReally Radical my man, Man, 680 Yrs. OldA fan of large weapons and penchant for big explosions.EngineeringSiege EnginesEngineeringBanner
Kraka DordenValma Hilldasdottir, StoneshaperTotally Radical dude, Woman, 450 Yrs. OldYoung Firebrand Gronti specialist, a teen with attitude.GrontiEngineeringEngineeringEngineering

Reading the table: If you have duplicate specialties of the same rank, treat it as one specialty at one rank higher. So if Banner Runes are in specialty 1 and 2 it would count as an Exceptional Specialty for Banner Runes. 2 Exceptionals = 1 Mastered, 2 Mastered = Savant. This is more for readability and ease of understanding than it is something I take note of mechanically. So don't base your vote of this all on its own, or do! Just don't expect a theoretically better table to play out better in the quest though. Yes, I named it A.G.E solely for the acronym. :^)

Moratorium until I wake up and unlock the vote.

AN: I dont think I left this on the last update? Anyway, yeah here are the other 7 Runelords of the North, I didn't expect all three of your choices to win TBH, but hey what're ya gonna do? As for your voting criteria seeming odd in the update, this is more how they appeared to the House than it may be what you actually were looking out for. I used a mix of what I thought was IC for Snorri given the actions you've had him do, which so far have been maximizing the use of your time to do the most benefit for the hold in the long run. Basically, Snorri's arguments make it seem like he doesn't care about how you get stuff done or what you do, only that what you've done is worth something to the Hold. The mark of "worth" being far higher and more specific than what most dwarfs have in mind. If ya'll want clarification about the fine points of what the House saw from Snorri I can certainly do my best to clear stuff up for the next few hours and when I wake up tomorrow. Anyway, this took way longer than I thought, and I wish that wasn't such a common occurrence some times. Ima go update the front pages now, wish me luck cuz there's a lot to put in. Thanks for waiting, reading and don't forget to C&C, the final part of Rhunkalbrogg and the turn results after this I think? :^)

EDIT: Thanks to torroar for letting me reference his character, I mean I just asked he didnt demand I did but you get my point. :^V
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Personal thoughts on fixes for combo testing:
-We have two resources here - Time and Reagents. The major reason for combo testing is reagents, we very much do not need a dud combo when using a T5 reagent.
-We want but not need a combo test for lesser works.
-We already spend several actions planning the project's construction and runes to begin with.
--Snorri is a perfectionist as most Runesmiths would be, he should have a good understanding of the technical component and a good intuition for the spiritual component.
-While Snorri knows what makes a good combo narrative, we don't see it, and are stuck guessing at what makes a good combo with no criteria.

Ergo, we don't need combo testing as an independent action. We have an action for it when we plan the project. Snorri could have a "Good Feeling" about a particular combination of runes when he's planning, we, as players don't actually know what each rune's definition encompasses, but he does.
The best example of this was the Purification combo, he didn't know exactly what would make it happen, but he had a feeling about what he was looking for.

TL:DR - Ditch combo testing, merge it into project design phase. By the time he's ready to build he should have an idea of whether the runes would make something or not. And if not, then he has the choice of whether to redo planning and scrap the current idea for a different set or proceed anyway because this project is more urgent than perfection.

This would be different from just blindly doing Combo Testing because Snorri has a purpose, reagents and runes in mind when he does the design, and it'd fulfill the Rule of Pride by not using the runes frivolously. Testing for a purpose rather than exploratory testing.

And as a side perk, this might also make the thread more willing to engage in Design By Theme, if they can reject a dud theme.
(Roll, Conservative Perception: 92 +10[This Far and No Further] =102)
(Roll, Radical Perception: 5 +10[This Far and No Further] +10[Standing] =25)
So, how much laughing did you do at this pair of rolls? :grin:

Also hailing from Ornsmotek was one Vragni Svaltissson. Like Dwalin, Vragni had an affinity for Banner Runes, but unlike the poet he had branched out more evenly. From Grimbol's writings, and your own research, Vragni had a knack for producing a high quantity of quality products, something he was rather proud of and famed for in his old home in the south alongside the personal silver sigil he used to mark every work he made. He had come north in the belief that his talents would be useful until he heard of you. Grimbol wrote positively of Vragni's productivity, and he believed that given enough time the youth would prove himself worthy. Time, it seemed, proved Grimbol true, as the boy spearheaded an effort to arm the world's greatest warriors with fine runic equipment. While king Korr had not commissioned Vragni, the lad had found patronage in many of Ornsmotek's most influential clans. For all of this, Grimbol made note that Vragni always got rather upset when he got compared to you. Taking it as a challenge, he swore to beat you, in his words, without breaking tradition so erroneously.

You wish him luck, always good to have a source of motivation!
I'm tempted to vote for Vragni on the virtue of his hating being compared to us alone. It seems hilariously ironic.

More seriously, I'm feeling Ogra, Sven, and the Twins at first glance.
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I like Ogra, Her Specialty in static runes in impressive since she was able to run her Holds defenses, and ensured that it was a regular siege and not magic cheats.
Rhunkalbrogg is usually not a long affair, as Runelords do not die often. But you have a feeling that the usual day-long event will not be as quick as the ones before it. The entire meeting is dedicated almost solely to selecting new Runelords, but there is still an order to things. Historically the separation lies along logical enough lines. Firstly the number of positions up for taking are deliberated upon. A simple enough task, but perhaps every few Rhunkalbroggs the growth of the Karaz Ankor is taken into account and new positions are thereby created and made available. The pool of spots is then split between the living and the dead according to proportion, after which the actual work of giving those positions to the worthy can begin. The first candidates brought forth are from those in attendance, followed by the testaments of the living, if not present, Runelords. Once that is done, only then does the House move on to the "Recanting of Wills," where all in attendance will review and some be asked to verify the final testimonies and considerations of the dead.

This order was chosen purposefully. For one thing, it was simply the easier task of reviewing the candidates of the living and present, where testimonies and further evidence could be provided far more readily. For another it was simply more polite and fair; if you made the effort to be here you had the privilege to have your candidates chosen from first. As for the dead, there was also a mix of symbolism involved as well. Both to represent the final destination of all Dawi and the respect the honoured dead should be afforded, the "Recanting of Wills" was both a celebration of a Runelord's life and deeds alongside the deliberation of their candidates. A stark reminder for all in attendance of the bond of kinship all Dawi, Runesmiths especially, share with one another. A solemn remembrance of their deeds, and should it be necessary, an unspoken oath to see their killer brought to justice.

Nope. Recanting the reasons and history of Rhunkalbrogg isn't helping you overcome your own nerves. Gazul preserve you, or at the very least prepare you a place in the Underearth.
Ahhhh *inhales* breathe in that sweet Dwarf culture.
Wonderful stuff.

None reply.

"Then by the ancient rites of Rhunkalbrogg, and according to the amendments made in the case of my presence. All in attendance shall henceforth close their eyes. The vote will be tallied, and none may open them until every ballot is taken," Thungni rumbles.
Hahahaha! Nice way to go about that!

As one, every Runelord heeds His words and closes their eyes, pulling out the stone token that denotes their decision. You and Kraggi are silent, listening to the footsteps of the Reckoners as they filter around the room, then silently deposit your tokens in place when asked.

The process is done in only a minute, and the herald announces that one Kemlin Kermitsson has joined the august House of Runelords and that the number of open slots has reduced by one.
o_O. A minute. God damn dwarves are efficient yo.

Production rates, witness testimonies, Grandfather damned graphs if they were available; quantitative proof that the candidates' actions aided their hold in a significant way. Whatever could have constituted as significant in the mind of a Runelord who regularly went about and produced enough material to arm entire holds multiple times over Alric could not say, but they were likely well beyond what most thought logical.

But eventually, a pattern revealed itself if one looked close enough.

Usefulness, Alric realized while he watched the Gift Giver tear down a candidate who was known for their own productivity, seemingly abhorred by the seeming lack of care and quality put into their work.

Snorri Klausson, whether he wished it or not, came out of the question periods with a simple concept attached to him.

The boy did not care how you went about it, only that what you did was on the level of usefulness expected from a Runelord. Something all dwarfs understood and inherently agreed with, but seemingly hadn't taken to the extremes nor tried to quantify it as meticulously as he had.

Then again, he mused, perhaps it isn't too outlandish given his history.

While Alric may have been among the first to realize it, he was certainly not the last. And when the House got to grips with the boy's thoroughly odd, but not objectionable requirements, it likely forced many to rethink their opinions of him.

So when the beardling came down those steps, he wondered just what kind of dwarf he would bring forward.
Heheheheehehehehehhe! Snorri stumped Alric for a bit! Hah! Yay! And then he figured out what Snorri was about. I'm super happy that people got to rethink their opinions of Snorri.

And with bringing these sort of inherent assumptions that his fellow Dwarves were making and challenging them I wonder if anything will come of it. Maybe people start cleaving more to Snorri's ideals in this regard.

(Roll, Thungni: ???? +50[Perception beyond Reckoning] +???[Eyes of The Glimmering King] +???[??? Mind] -4??[Gr?f?] -???[???] =He notices)

Only to stare back at the full gaze of the Ancestor, watching you with inscrutable intent.

(Roll, Perception: 93 +30[Runelord] +2[Sniffer] +???[???] -???[???] =93)

It feels like blasphemy in a way, for one such as you to dare assume you know what Thungni of all dwarfs is feeling or thinking. But the feeling deep in the roots of your beard hairs cannot be denied, you are certain about what he transmits through his gaze. So certain, that you'd swear on your Ancestors, your Honour, your Beard that it could only be that message.

Prove me right.

And if you were wrong and it's just some flight of fancy done by your mind, well at the very least it's damn good motivation.


You clamber up the steps and sit down on your seat with a quiet whump, your task verifying and corroborating the statements of the departed finally done. Soon enough a frothing tankard of ale is proffered to you, and you take the mug without much thought. The mug in your hands is lifted and finished in two gulps with mechanical efficiency. Kraggi does the same beside you.

No enjoyment can be gotten from even this fine ale in such circumstances.

There were many of you who went into the Far North all those centuries ago.

From the testimonies of the dead corroborated with your own words and testimony, only 7 candidates could be found worthy of the rank. Not through lack of effort mind you. Simply because oftentimes the records and testimonies of your friends did not survive the fall of their holds, and in the event they did it was just as likely the candidate had died with them.

Dozens of dwarfs and potential candidates…

... simply gone, or never to be discovered. Lost and buried in the rubble and grief.

That hurts to read.
I find it hilarious that we came off as ultra conservative.
We didn't actually interestingly. It specifies it in the update but Snorri fundamentally doesn't care how you do it, but Conservatives do care about how you do things. Its just that his arguments made them reevaluate their opinions of him.

Snorri is in this weird orthogonal position to either side at this point when it comes to his tack on usefulness.
Wow all three of our candidates become runelords! Man that will be a boost to prestige for Kraka Drakk.

And don't worry Grandpa Thungni we won't let you down!!
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holy shit are Valma and Igna heavily specialized. Mastered, Exceptional, and both Regular Specialties all stacking together for the both of them to have a Savant rating in their specialties. They may not be the greatest runelords in general but damn will they do impressive things where they're focused.
Always interesting when Snorri meets or looks deeply at an Ancestor, makes me think if we progress well and pass enough Ancestor checks we might have a cool quest chain.
has anyone asked if we could rank up our productivity or is mastered the highest ranking we can achieve?
We already did. The mastered thing is basically a clarification of mechanics Soulcake was using, our productivity has always been our Mastered specialty.

Presumably since we've upgraded it before we can do it again, at least in theory.
Ogra - Defense In Depth. Exactly what it says on the tin.

Igna - Amazing personal armor, but limited throughput. Good for keeping heroes alive.

Vragni - Productivity Like No Other. I want Vragni partly because a rivalry in productivity does everyone good. Two Runelords competing like this would have other Runesmiths put their nose to the grindstone as well.

Twins - Complementary works. More cooperative project pushes maybe, with two Runelords working together on projects the lead would be followed.

Sven - Cooperation with Engineers to achieve things neither engineering or runecraft could alone.

Valma - Super Gronti Master. Might be more limited elsewhere but in the North they should be able to be powered, and Gronti are an excellent way to fight ultra deadly combatants without losing dwarves.

Got a couple of interesting combinations there:
-Twins + Sven -> Spirit of cooperation.
-Valma + Ogra -> Sheltered by stone. Let static defenses and Gronti take the damage so that dwarves don't.

Personal interest is Twins + Sven + Vragni. High productivity, Runelord cooperation and inter-Guild cooperation are very interesting ways to take things.