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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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So, how much laughing did you do at this hilariously ironic pair of rolls? :grin:
To be honest I found it rather fitting.

Snorri is a radical yes, but he's radical in a way that is radical to the radicals.

He's a stickler for tradition, but he works in ways that buckle tradition while strictly adhering to it.

He sure as hell won't just pass the secrets of runes to just anyone, but anyone he teaches will become a master of the esoteric and strange, and not a little touched in the head when it comes to production values.

The Conservatives and Radicals expected Tony Stark, what they got was Dr. Light with a Red bull addiction and a drinking problem.
I would love to see Valga and Sven work together.

Gronti a great.
Siege Weapons are great.

But a Gronti wielding a ballista-sized crossbow that shoots explosive bolts? That would be awesome.
I'm so tempted to go for Valma in hopes we can work with her on our Super Gronti plans. Maybe we can even roll out Grontis by production models, like Mecha lines, with the Rule of Pride being focused on rolling out the next improved production model for the next Armaments program.

Also, I get the feeling that Snorri might just have a chance of reshaping the ideology of the Moderates - be productive , be useful to your Hold. Do not be conservative or radical for it's own sake - but for the sake of the Hold as your unique capabilities and experiences and needs of your hold sculpt you, like a sculptor sculpting stone.
Ok, rereading the update, All 7 are becoming runemaster, and those we vote for we have more chances to interact with. As such Igna takes top spot for my vote if only because we might be able to improve our own armour combinations, which we are a bit lacking on.

Ogra takes the second spot because talking with her probably gives us a good chance to brush up on our DEFENSE. IN. DEPTH. Rune to make Defenses mk 2 even more dangerous and Depthy. In addition, I feel like she Is someone Snorri would vote for, She may be specialized but her work was key in keeping her hold standing, which is something that Snorri would highly approve of.

Vrangni would be fun if only to taunt the youngling and get him to really put his nose to the grindstone to surpass snorri.
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(Roll, Thungni: ???? +50[Perception beyond Reckoning] +???[Eyes of The Glimmering King] +???[??? Mind] -4??[Gr?f?] -???[???] =He notices)
Ooh, daddy noticed us!~
From Grimbol's writings, and your own research, Vragni had a knack for producing a high quantity of quality products
Aww, a mini Snorri, how cute!
both lads found a talent for talismanic Runes but working...not together...but in parallel, they found much more success than if they worked alone.
Twins, Snorri! Twins!
I'm so tempted to go for Valma in hopes we can work with her on our Super Gronti plans. Maybe we can even roll out Grontis by production models, like Mecha lines, with the Rule of Pride being focused on rolling out the next improved production model for the next Armaments program.

Also, I get the feeling that Snorri might just have a chance of reshaping the ideology of the Moderates - be productive , be useful to your Hold. Do not be conservative or radical for it's own sake - but for the sake of the Hold as your unique capabilities and experiences and needs of your hold sculpt you, like a sculptor sculpting stone.
I do seriously wonder if the raising of and reexamination of assumptions about usefulness, the rabble rousing and tossing of expectations, and the fact that all of his candidates passed and that thus signalling that Kraka Drakk is Important for the Runesmithing Guild all put together might mean something more on the political scale.

I don't really expect Snorri to capitalize on any of that but I could see some kind of political movement being set off here that then takes a good three or four centuries to really percolate forward.
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Ogra Iggunsdottir - The ability to force enemies into a traditional siege fight is one that plays well to the dwarves.
Valma Hilldasdottir - Gronti is something we are interested in and seeing what she can do with engineering as well.
Igna Margasdottir - She is a savant in armor and that sort of quality is all sorts of interesting
I feel like we should go with a radical, conservative, moderate mix on who we vote for make it clear we don't pick any one side but do what's best for the greater good.
Conservative Runesmiths: Standing 7, Favours 0
Radical Runesmiths: Standing 7, Favours 0
Spoiler: Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 4, Favours 10
- Kraggi Steelback, Runelord of Karak Drazh, Senior Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 3, Favours 10
- Gorra Gromrileye, Runelord from Karak Varn, Senior Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 1
- Bogrin Azurehammer, Runelord from Karak Eight Peaks, Senior Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 0
- Magda Copperlocks, Runelord from Karak Izril, Senior Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 0
- Modi Copperlocks, Runelord from Karak Izril, Senior Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 0
- Damin the Stoic, Runelord from Karaz a Karak, Senior Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 0
Kraka Drakk: Standing 10, Favours 130
- Bara Steelplate, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 7, Favours 0
- Dwalin Thunderlung, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 7, Favours 0
- Lorna Hammerfall, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 8, Favours 0
- Otrek Ironarm, the Dragon Breaker, The Adamant Wyrm, King of Kraka Drakk: Standing 10, Favours 220
- Gloin Ironarm, The Silver Drake, Heir of Kraka Drakk: Standing 10, Favours 80
Snorri Whitebeard, Eldest Son of Grungni and Valaya: Standing ?, Favours ?
Alric Thungnisson, Eldest living Son of Thungni: Standing ?, Favours ?
Brynna Gildedeyes, Runelord from Karak Zorn: Standing -2, Favours 0
Looks like there were some serious updates to the favors as well.

Of particular note are our three new Runelords:
Kraka Drakk: Standing 10, Favours 130
- Bara Steelplate, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 7, Favours 0
- Dwalin Thunderlung, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 7, Favours 0
- Lorna Hammerfall, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 8, Favours 0
Lorna is higher than the other two, which is curious, but kind of makes sense given she was the youngest and had the hardest DC and thus hardest chance to get in and she probably knew it. Plus Snorri is pretty famous in the North so.

Also of note we're at 7 for both sides of the Runelord political spectrum, even with our low Radical roll.

Brynna as well is at -2, meaning we're not that far off from being at rating 0 Respected. I'm not that worried about it since she doesn't have a bad opinion about Snorri per se, that's not what these precisely represent as has been mentioned consistently whenever standings come up.
I do seriously wonder if the raising of and reexamination of assumptions about usefulness, the rabble rousing and tossing of expectations, and the fact that all of his candidates passed and that thus signalling that Kraka Drakk is Important for the Runesmithing Guild all put together might mean something more on the political scale.

I don't really expect Snorri to capitalize on any of that but I could see some kind of political movement being set off here that then takes a good three or four centuries to really percolate forward.
I think the fact that our argument basically boils down to "how much can you do to aid Dawi-kind with the time you've got above the Underearth" is what's really going to twirl a few beards.

We don't care if you spend a decade crafting an ax but that better be the best fucking ax that's ever been swung in your hold to date and if it doesn't last until the mountain that made your hold has eroded into sand we're going to be looking at you disapprovingly for all the potential time you wasted.

If what you do doesn't benefit the Hold for millennia after you've died then what the hell are you doing beardling?
I think the fact that our argument basically boils down to "how much can you do to aid Dawi-kind with the time you've got above the Underearth" is what's really going to twirl a few beards.

We don't care if you spend a decade crafting an ax but that better be the best fucking ax that's ever been swung in your hold to date and if it doesn't last until the mountain that made your hold has eroded into sand we're going to be looking at you disapprovingly for all the potential time you wasted.

If what you do doesn't benefit the Hold for millennia after you've died then what the hell are you doing beardling?
Yep, which understandably threw everybody for a loop.

Except probably Thungni since he's been around and watching Snorri at points, so he knew this was coming.
I do seriously wonder if the raising of and reexamination of assumptions about usefulness, the rabble rousing and tossing of expectations, and the fact that all of his candidates passed and that thus signalling that Kraka Drakk is Important for the Runesmithing Guild all put together might mean something more on the political scale.

I don't really expect Snorri to capitalize on any of that but I could see some kind of political movement being set off here that then takes a good three or four centuries to really percolate forward.
A third party to break up the system would be freaking weird.

Though I doubt it'd go as far as that, more like... hm. A Overton Window shift?

Changing the normal, juuust a tad.
Conservative Runesmiths: Standing 7, Favours 0
Radical Runesmiths: Standing 7, Favours 0

Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 4, Favours 10
- Kraggi Steelback, Runelord of Karak Drazh, Senior Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 3, Favours 10
- Gorra Gromrileye, Runelord from Karak Varn, Senior Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 1
- Bogrin Azurehammer, Runelord from Karak Eight Peaks, Senior Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 0
- Magda Copperlocks, Runelord from Karak Izril, Senior Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 0
- Modi Copperlocks, Runelord from Karak Izril, Senior Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 0
- Damin the Stoic, Runelord from Karaz a Karak, Senior Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 0

The Far North: Standing 9
Kraka Drakk: Standing 10, Favours 130
- Bara Steelplate, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 7, Favours 0
- Dwalin Thunderlung, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 7, Favours 0
- Lorna Hammerfall, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 8, Favours 0
- Otrek Ironarm, the Dragon Breaker, The Adamant Wyrm, King of Kraka Drakk: Standing 10, Favours 220
- Gloin Ironarm, The Silver Drake, Heir of Kraka Drakk: Standing 10, Favours 80

Alric Thungnisson, Eldest living Son of Thungni: Standing ?, Favours ?

Our standing has improved and been expanded quite radically from this last post I'll say!
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A third party to break up the system would be freaking weird.

Though I doubt it'd go as far as that, more like... hm. A Overton Window shift?

Changing the normal, juuust a tad.
It would be so weird. I don't think he'd have anything to do with it either, it'd just like spring up in his wake or something. He's not the sort to get involved in that kind of politicking.

But yeah at minimum I think Snorri gave the Overton Window a good and hearty thwack, at least for this Rhunkalbrogg.
On the one hand you have the radicals, on the other hand the conservatives and finally supported by your dawi beard you have the Snorri side. Seems legit.
An interesting and cool look at things. :) Wish I had more words in me, but I'm... stumped for words.
Each on their own was worthy, but together they could be counted to make work on part with many Runelords.
No "t" on that. It's just "on par."
Still, it was nothing compared to row over the final addition.
I think it's missing a "the" in between that?
We didn't actually interestingly. It specifies it in the update but Snorri fundamentally doesn't care how you do it, but Conservatives do care about how you do things. Its just that his arguments made them reevaluate their opinions of him.

Snorri is in this weird orthogonal position to either side at this point when it comes to his tack on usefulness.
Or in other words... Snorri is very very odd, eh? Fitting I suppose. :V
Kind of tempted to pick the Radical Engineer here, as we know how powerful Engineering can be when used with runes, after all we did use it as our trump card against Kholek, plus Morgrim did just spend the last decade leading our Engineers so they're likely to have improved a lot from working under him, and thus learned something.
Sven+Alma+Orga: put barrier over base and then let loose the golem with mechanical weapon

pretty defensive and automate, less Dwarf life at risk, basically low grade drone combat