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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Looking at this, one pick that immediately stands out is Olgra: DEFENSE IN DEPTH-Again!!
Besides her, I really like the Engineer and the Gronti-Mistress. Especially since we started looking into prosthetics recently, and Yorri is a Gronti making badass too.
Plus the potential combos of mad engineer + spitfire gronti maker + Old Lady Ironside + The 1 Dawi Assembly Line = large amounts of very unique, powerful, and durable things to kill our enemies.
One thing that I've had stuck in my head is building Gronti Into defenses: having giant animated stone arms sweep across defenses, launch boulders,etc. Or having controllable mobile artillery that can shift across a defensive structure for new firing angles.
Or using more advanced prosthetics as a form of support/armor to boost physical ability to go full on ridiculous with personal weapons.
And lastly (mad gleam in eyes) I want Gronti pilots damnit!! We need Mecha-Dawi to truly ascend as a people!
Looking at this, one pick that immediately stands out is Olgra: DEFENSE IN DEPTH-Again!!
Besides her, I really like the Engineer and the Gronti-Mistress. Especially since we started looking into prosthetics recently, and Yorri is a Gronti making badass too.
Plus the potential combos of mad engineer + spitfire gronti maker + Old Lady Ironside + The 1 Dawi Assembly Line = large amounts of very unique, powerful, and durable things to kill our enemies.
One thing that I've had stuck in my head is building Gronti Into defenses: having giant animated stone arms sweep across defenses, launch boulders,etc. Or having controllable mobile artillery that can shift across a defensive structure for new firing angles.
Or using more advanced prosthetics as a form of support/armor to boost physical ability to go full on ridiculous with personal weapons.
And lastly (mad gleam in eyes) I want Gronti pilots damnit!! We need Mecha-Dawi to truly ascend as a people!
Its worth noting all of these seven got in. The three we pick are just the ones with the biggest narrative focus on them cause Snorri is most interested in them.
I'm not sure what my favorite part of the update was, but I think I can say that the most amusing part (other than the rolls and thus the Dwarf reactions to Snorri...) is the A.G.E. and Personality Quirks sections. :D Those are pretty neat.
Skarrenraz Ankor:


Drongkaraz/ The Stormpeak/ Aerie of Kraka Drakk: Standing 5
- King of the Sky, King of Griffons, Lord of Air: Standing 3, favours 0
- He who Thinks, Scion of the Sky: Standing 2, Favours 0
- He who Remembers, Scion of the Sky: Standing 2, Favours 0
- Ebonbeak, Princess Consort of He who Thinks: Standing 4, Favours 0

Er, did this get switched around in the edit? The individuals of the Skarrenraz Ankor got folded into the Places sub-section.
What I wanna know is what Yorri would think of us if he found out what our stance on the Conservative-Radical scale is like.
Laughter, a hearty thwack on the back, and a "Good luck dealing with those fools beardling, I'm going to be doing the smart thing and taking care of my own business somewhere out in the wilderness where politics can't find me."
What did the Radicals think of Snorri?

That part was unclear to me.
And to the radicals, their belief in a kindred soul and hopes for a stronghold in the North are put thoroughly into question.
Much like the Conservatives, a massive reconsideration of their opinions of him, for the positive.

Er, did this get switched around in the edit? The individuals of the Skarrenraz Ankor got folded into the Places sub-section.
Yes, Soul's organizing people by place they live in first to be consistent.
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Much like the Conservatives, a massive reconsideration of their opinions of him, for the positive.
I'd prefer to hear it from the QM.

It's just, you quoted one line. While the conservative viewpoint granted through Alrik was amazing. The radical viewpoint wasn't really effective in being transcribed. I can't see the radical viewpoint translation of this number...
(Roll, Radical Perception: 5 +10[This Far and No Further] +10[Standing] =25)
Worth, one line.
Sounds like Snorri came off as being completely apolitical, accepting and rejecting both Conservatism and Radicalism as needed in the name of Productivity. Maybe we can have him pioneer the Third Way faction.
[] Ogra Iggunsdottir

Ancestor Rune Research.

[] Vragni Svaltisson

Give him advice on how to reach our production rates.

[] Valma Hilldasdottir

Get advice on Gronti making.
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Sounds like Snorri came off as being completely apolitical, accepting and rejecting both Conservatism and Radicalism as needed in the name of Productivity. Maybe we can have him pioneer the Third Way faction.
I think Snorri came off deeply conservative. Only instead of being conservative in a vague way, he went deep conservative to a point where conservative values became quantified.
I think Snorri came off deeply conservative. Only instead of being conservative in a vague way, he went deep conservative to a point where conservative values became quantified.
That's not true though.
The boy did not care how you went about it, only that what you did was on the level of usefulness expected from a Runelord. Something all dwarfs understood and inherently agreed with, but seemingly hadn't taken to the extremes nor tried to quantify it as meticulously as he had.
Conservative methods care deeply about how something is done. This quotes shows that other runelords view Snorri as caring less about how something is done but in how useful that something was. Conservatives would care way more in how something was done than the usefulness of the thing.
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On the other tentacle, these Runelords, barring the three candidates who are from Kraka Drakk, are to be spread across the North on their own Holds, thus not actually helping Kraka Drakk directly, right?
So are there other official regions like central, east, south, along with our North, or is Snorri just most focused on the north for obvious reasons?
So are there other official regions like central, east, south, along with our North, or is Snorri just most focused on the north for obvious reasons?
The only other region of note is the Eastern dwarves, known in canon as the chaos dwarves, because they'd have fallen to chaos in canon. We've got evidence to the effect of that not happening this time, though, so they'll remain part of the broader dwarven nation. The reason the north is treated as a distinct entity at all is because in canon, the northern dwarf holds are also separated from the main body, however that's by losing contact due to lack of underway rather than due to chaos corruption. Otherwise, the dwarves mainly populate a north-south mountain range in a largely contiguous area, making it not really practical to call any other part distinct. I suppose you could call that main body in the World's Edge mountains "central," but that'd seem kind of weird when they're not really in the center, exactly.
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Wait, people realise that Orga isn't actually a great fit for Defense in Depth right?
Static runes work best when there is a defined space but the whole point of defense in depth is that we can retreat as needed.
Orga is classical dwarf defense not Snorri.
We can still probably learn something from her but she's not an incredible synergy.
The boy did not care how you went about it, only that what you did was on the level of usefulness expected from a Runelord. Something all dwarfs understood and inherently agreed with, but seemingly hadn't taken to the extremes nor tried to quantify it as meticulously as he had.
I used a mix of what I thought was IC for Snorri given the actions you've had him do, which so far have been maximizing the use of your time to do the most benefit for the hold in the long run.
I don't know if this is just my own opinion, but wow, I think this pretty much symbolizes this thread's values on munchikining pretty well. Both IC and OOC, this thread argues relentlessly about what is the most important usage of our time. Thus it's debate extends pretty far to the benefits of apprentices, best ingredient usages, and more. Snorri's values reflect all the debate that has gone in this thread, and his relentless push for Usefulness to the point of pushing his limit for maximum efficiency.