Siege of Kraka Drakk Finale:
- Location
- Edmonton
- Pronouns
- He/Him
Winning Vote:
The King of the Skies lands without a sound, the ramparts cleared for his approach. You and Otrek approach the massive Griffon, and up close you can see the extent of the damage he's suffered. The wear and tear of a decade spent on hit and run tactics evident on him. His feathers are frayed in some places and his fur is matted, stained with old and dried blood and who knows what else.
Your examination is cut short by the thud of a very familiar dwarf dropping from his back.
"SNORRI, you Wazzock," Master Yorri yells, "I spend half a century waiting in the woods for you to figure out the clues I left in my journal and find me, and you know what happens? The damn world goes mad and I spend the next decade losing all ten of my Gronti along with all my research, then I end up riding on the back of a giant talking Griffon for three years! How are ya boy?"
"I'm fine Master," you reply calmly, "I've been busy."
"Clearly," Yorri says, whistling at your banner, "Now, that's something I haven't seen since my Master was out on campaign with the Valiant Himself! Good on you for figuring that one out lad."
"Thank you Master Yorri," you continue, gesturing for the Huskarls to carry Dragon's Spite towards the Retaliator.
"Mmm," Yorri hums, staring down King Otrek, or more specifically his Armour, "Greetings Otrek Ironarm, King of Kraka Drakk. My my, did my apprentice make that for you?"
"That he did honoured Runesmith," Otrek replies with a nod, equally unphased.
It is only then that Yorri pats you on the shoulder, staring at you with some indecipherable emotion.
"Well done lad. Well done indeed. I knew you had it in you from the day I sniffed ya out of that gaggle of Beardlings. Not a damn clue what that stuff is besides a few guesses but my sniffer tells me it was some mighty strong stuff. Gromril derivative?" Yorri whispers to you in one of the odd cyphers he made you learn as an apprentice.
The declaration stuns you silent.
Well done?
Ancestors below, this is a rush.
The thundering steps of the Suneater become enough to rattle the foundations of the earth, the Dragon Ogre pushing through the mire through sheer strength, his brass armour collecting errant thunderbolts and effortlessly blocking the Barrage of artillery that has been diverted towards him.
Then the Reckoner fires.
The siege weapon's steel bolt flies true, a burning streak in the sky as it slams into the Suneater's massive body, breaking through the armour plating and wounding the beast enough to make him scream in anger.
"I WILL END YOU!" he roars, picking up the pace and crushing his subordinates underfoot in his mad dash towards the wall. Even as he charges forward the artillery continues firing from all sides, bolt throwers launching entire forests of steel spikes at his form. Almost all fail to do little else save embedding themselves in the brass plate. Only the Reckoner seems to do some damage, and even then it is sporadic and seemingly does not affect him.
When the Shaggoth enters the range of the Golden Shield, its light causing his armour and hammer to smoke do you see him pause, if only for a fraction of a second, before roaring and rushing towards the wall regardless.
"Here it comes lads, watch out now. He's deadly with that hammer, and that armour is tough enough to survive a hit from me axe. Best to aim for the openings in his joints. Ol' King Griffon will try and distract him and let us get a hit in," Yorri mutters, hands flexing as they hold onto his massive two-handed Greataxe. The double-bladed Gromril head glowing with potent Runes of Fury, Parrying a variant of the Master Rune of Impact you've never managed to recreate.
"I understand Rhunki/ Yes master," both Otrek and you say.
It is a tense few seconds watching as the charging monstrosity comes closer and closer, shrugging of artillery fire that pasted entire groups of daemons and beastmen, with grim resolve.
"BRACE DAWI! THIS FAR AND NO FURTHER!" Otrek bellows, his cry returned tenfold.
Time slows.
You see the fel symbols and blasted chicken scratch that dares call themselves Runes etched onto his armour. The individual scales that make up his wretched bottom half and the horrifically ugly snarl that mars his equally hideous face.
Then, like a lever being flipped, it all happens at once.
The King of the Skies crashes into Kholek just before he hits the wall, talons wrestling with the giant for control over his hammer while Ice javelins pelt his body. The Dragon Ogre slams into the wall with a thundering boom, shaking the stone and the dwarfs atop it, you included. Otrek and Master Yorri take no time at all, beginning to hack away at the parts of the creature they can reach. Kholek roars in rage more than agony, bodily lifting the great Griffon and tossing him away.
Directly into you specifically.
"BE RENDERED TO DUST," the Shaggoth roars, the storm above him answering his call by casting down bolts of unnatural lightning. The strikes pass through the shimmering shield, though they lose much of their power, the rest you and Yorri deal with to the best of your ability. Turning blows that could seriously compromise the integrity of the Wall to simply ones that blacken stone. Other bolts, those you cannot reach, turn brave dwarfs into motes of ash and blackened soot.
You grit your teeth, push yourself up, ignoring the protest of your ribs, and charge headlong back towards Otrek and the others.
This far and no further.
The tunnels below Kraka Drakk too, face incredible pressure from the enemy. The numbers swell beyond any seen before. Gloin Ironarm, Prince of Kraka Drakk now oft called the Cavernlord, bellows the now universal warcry of his home, slaughtering any enemy that rears its head over the wall.
"THIS FAR, AND NO FURTHER!" he roars, beheading a bloodletter with a single strike.
"THIS FAR AND NO FURTHER!" the Throng roars back.
Rallying, the dwarfen defenders close the breach, ending the daemonic assault before it can even make more than a meter or two of headway.
Gloin roars into the dark, his warriors doing the exact same, before pausing and taking a deep breath. Shouldering his axe, the Prince walks over to his wife, her armour and axe drenched in ichor.
"Next wave, I think we've fooled them into believing we're not willing to 'give up' this wall," he says, taking a long swig from his flask of ale.
Kaggra hefts her axe, wrenching it out of the head of an already dissolving daemon, and turns to reply, "By your will husband. Still, a part of me doesn't want to."
"Aye, neither do I," Gloin agrees, "but we'll only relent long enough to encircle them once more. Won't even be gone five minutes."
Kaggra snorts.
Then suddenly, echoing through the tunnel, a horn blows out from a watchtower. Dwarf mouths set into grim lines, axes are hefted and shields are raised, Gloin bellowing for the Miner and the two Gronti from the smelter to be readied.
Greater Daemons come.
You are flung back another time, thankfully the armour is good for absorbing the shock of falling several stories at speeds no sane dwarf should be travelling at.
Your ribs hurt, your legs are like gravel stew, and you think you may have a concussion.
You tap your amulet, stopping the shower of lightning bolts from damaging the faltering wall. But not enough to stop yet more dwarfs from being killed by the monster's power.
Gritting your teeth, you force your limbs to move, hands to push yourself up and extend towards the equally downed form of your Master. The both of you staring at the King of the Skies wrestling with Kholek, King Otrek pinned beneath a piece of rubble that had fallen from a guard tower.
"Not a fun experience," your master mutters.
"Nai," is all you reply.
Spitting blood into the snow, you begin walking back towards the battle at the top of the wall.
Yorri is not far behind you.
A company of 42 dwarfs marches in the darkness, their forms are covered by long dark cloaks. At the head of the column, his hood down, Grimnir the Valiant marches with his bright orange crest waving defiantly in the air.
Behind them, the rotting carcasses of an army killed to the last litters the Underway.
"Kraka Drakk is coming up soon Lord," a dwarf says, pointing to the stylized Dragon marker that marks the beginning of the young hold's territory.
He grunts.
As they walk, all notice the signs of battle around them. The wyrm statues, whose mouths have dribbles of now cooled rock on their chins, to the statues of the Ancestors, at whose feet are the curiously bisected remains of all manner of monster and beast, and finally to the massive support pillars, fallen in such a manner that they extend the length of the Underway while tightening it to the point that only four dwarfs can walk abreast with each other comfortably.
They reach the site of a long-abandoned Under-inn. The massively fortified structure having had several of its walls collapsed, but from internal detonation rather than some foe barging their way in.
"Controlled retreat then," a dwarf mutters, kneeling to pick up a torn banner that bore the symbol of the hold they were heading to.
"Looks like it," another replies.
"Mmmph, Kadrin certainly didn't have this," a third joins in.
"They had walls fifteen meters thick funnelling the enemy into a kill zone ranged out for eighteen companies of artillery," the second voice counters.
Grimnir is silent, letting the beardlings talk as they wish.
Far behind them, the rumbling hulk of a treaded monstrosity can be heard, crushing the obstacles in its way underfoot. Morgrim is alone at the controls, needing no others to aid him.
You hack away at the offending claw that has you in its grasp with one arm, while the other taps your necklace, stopping the monster's magic once more. Snarling and screaming curses at the monster even as Kholek ignores you, stymied by the King of the Skies and Otrek working together to stop him from swinging down his hammer.
"WRETCHES," he roars, furious, "BEGONE!"
As he yells, his claw raises you high and slams you back down into the ramparts, forming a crater from the force of the blow. In the distance you can hear Master Yorri scream a litany of creative curses as he is flung away by a different arm.
Then Kholek screams in true pain.
Forcing your broken body up from the ground, you look over the wall and see a steel bolt embedded in one of the monster's back legs, right at the knee joint.
You grin vindictively.
Only to be blasted off the wall by a massive bolt of lightning.
Staring up at the sky, blinking stars out of your eyes and smelling nothing but Ozone, you cannot help but feel spent entirely. Your body refusing to heed you.
Then your ears stop ringing, and you hear the din of battle around you. The conflict as Kholek's army surges onto the walls and in the skies, hoping that with you four distracted they may crush the defenders and surge past you. The chants and screams of furious dawi and Griffons, not even budging in the face of such an onslaught, meet them in kind. They have put their faith in the four of you, paying dearly to hold back the oncoming tide to buy. You. Time.
You get up.
Urrek, Huskarl to the King of Kraka Drakk can only watch with his fists clenched as his liege fights the monster at the walls. His heart demands he go out, to fight, to die if need be, to safeguard his oath sworn charge. But his mind, his wisdom tell him he must stand here with his brothers in arms, guarding their only hope at slaying the beast.
"He will win Urrek, the Adamant Wyrm will not break so easily," Gorrik says, patting him on the shoulder before moving off to offer words of encouragement to the Runesmiths who stand with them.
"Aye," Urrek mutters back, latching on to that one idea with a fool's desperate hope as he stares at the circling form of Griffons overhead.
A horn bellows long and loud for all on the walls to hear.
Greater Daemons.
"THIS FAR AND NO FURTHER!" they roar back.
They brace, axes ready.
The sound of tearing air is heard all around them, already the Runesmiths begin to dispel the magic, but with so many portals present they cannot catch them all.
"FOR KRAKA DRAKK!" Urrek roars, his voice lost in the madness around him, slamming his axe down onto the head of a bloodletter in the middle of manifestation.
Around them more portals form, and soon dwarfs and Griffons swoop to their aid.
Soon their lonely tower top is the scene of a desperate battle, upon which the fate of their hold hangs.
You get up again. Numb to the pain, and march, with possibly broken legs, back towards the scene of the battle.
You have been thrown, chucked, and slammed about too many Grungni damn times.
But you do not relent.
You will never relent, not until your heart is mush and your body is a clump of mulched flesh on the ground. Not when thousands upon thousands of innocent and defenceless dwarfs stand behind you.
Not now.
Not ever.
You raise your axe, building to a charge of terrible power, bellowing incoherently as you run towards the enemy.
Only to be thrown back by a hand that wasn't even aiming to get you, swatting instead at Otrek.
You crash against the wall of a tower, followed shortly by your Master. Lightning crackling and fizzling out, your broken body acting entirely on autopilot by this point. Yorri looks at you, and grunts up at the half-broken and abandoned tower you're both resting against.
Understanding fills you.
Together, the two of you raise your hammers, and as one, bring down the weight of the mountains on the crumbling tower.
This far and no further, you mouth.
Urrek screams in rage, bisecting a daemonette, behind him the Longbeard artillery crew hold back bloodletters alongside his brothers and the Runesmiths. Above them, Griffons duel with flying screamers and dive down to save what dwarfs they can.
All hear the rumbling of falling stone.
All see the tower fall on Kholek Suneater, pinning him to the wall.
All know that it is now or never.
Urrek yells, killing three daemons in one blow, only to turn in shock at the sight of a daemonette killing a member of the artillery crew, crushing his head in its pincers. He swings, and the Slaaneshi's head flies off its body, around him everyone is preoccupied with duels of their own.
He decides then and there on his course of action.
With strength he did not know he had, he pushes the Bolt Thrower into position; aiming it at the monster pinned beneath tonnes of rubble.
A Bloodletter breaks through the thin cordon around him, piercing him through the back. Coughing blood, Urrek pulverizes its head with a Gromril clad fist and cocks Dragon's Spite into place. A daemonic fireball flies in from the air, he catches it with his own body, shielding the siege engine, then cranks back the cord to its farthest extent. A Nurglite leaps on his head and bites down, he screams as he tears it off with a part of his face and pushes on.
For his King.
For his Hold.
For his People.
He aims with his one good eye, and fires.
The last thing he hears is a scream of earth-shattering pain.
He falls with a smile on his bloodied lips.
(Roll 1d50 +70, Spite and Fury: 14 +70 =84. DC: 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140)
There is fire and fury. Anger and desire. To kill his foes, to eat the flesh of the Griffon, to grow mighty beyond compare.
As he begins to swing down he finally hears the bolt coming for him, some instinctual part of his mind screaming for him to flee. He turns his head, seeing the glimmering white glow of the bolt imbed itself in his flank, cutting through his armour and flesh like butter until it embeds itself deep into his flesh.
You drag Yorri out of the rubble with your less broken arm.
The two of you hear the scream, and grim satisfaction fills you.
"Grudge Runes, gotta love them," Yorri says, coughing up blood and dust.
"Aye," you reply, a grin showing bloody, but surprisingly unbroken, teeth.
The two of you begin hobbling towards the weakened form of the Dragon Ogre, the King and Otrek. Around you, dwarfs are cheering, rallying at the sight of the wounded monster. Then suddenly, a great pillar of lightning thunders down onto Kholek, and his body, empowered by the energy, begins to slowly move again.
"Never dies the way you want, do they?" Yorri grumbles, blood bubbling on his lips.
"Nai," you wheeze, picking your axe off the ground.
"Come on then, can't leave those two alone can we?"
Gloin screams in fury. Leaping from the wall and down onto the prone form of the greater daemon of Khorne, beheading the Bloodthirster in a single blow. Around him, the creature's minions stand frozen solid, their faces capturing the rage they felt in their final moments.
"How many did we lose?" Gloin asks, turning to see Kaggra limp towards him, armour battered, and an arm over a Thane's shoulder.
"One in thirty, to that thing alone. And there are maybe 7 more coming towards us according to the Rangers," she replies, spitting blood onto the crimson stones.
"So be it," Gloin mutters, hefting his axe, "we will slay them all. We have to."
A horn blows again, though its sound isn't one Gloin has heard in many years, not since the last of the Dwarf refugees arrived.
Arriving dwarfs.
"Sounds like arrivals from the south," Kaggra replies, voice grim.
Both sections of the Underway that lead into Kraka Drakk connect at a three way junction point. Purposefully done so that the defenders need only worry about defending a single avenue of attack should worst come to worst. But the southern connection has always been rather sparse in terms of attacks, relatively at least. To hear that dwarfs were arriving boded ill. After all, the southern holds were more established and better defended. If they chose or were forced to come here...
"We will meet them, as Prince of Kraka Drakk I must act as host in my father's stead," Gloin replies.
Kaggra and the Thane nod.
It takes them ten minutes to arrive, five seconds to take stock of the some 40 odd dwarfs standing outside the gate, two seconds to gawk at the massive orange crest one bears, and a further second to gape at the axes He carries.
Gloin bellows for the gate to open.
It isn't every day an Ancestor arrives, no matter how queer his attire may be.
Kholek stumbles back from the blow. His body battered and bruised and bleeding freely. He raises his finger to the skies, and a lightning bolt crashes down onto the offending artillery piece. Destroying it and the crew entirely.
The King of the Skies rams into the Suneater, driving him to the earth. Otrek leaps off the wall, and swings his axe downwards, removing one of the Dragon Ogre's legs at the knee.
You scream, voice hoarse, and leap off the wall as well. Yorri joining you soon after, both intent on killing the beast once and for all.
Only for the two of you to be swatted back into a fallen tower with contemptuous ease, sliding down in a cascade of dust and bricks.
"That has to stop happening," Yorri mutters weakly.
"ENOUGH!" Kholek bellows, swinging his hammer and catching the King of the Skies with it. Sending the mighty Griffon flying back meters away from your little impromptu arena. Any attempts by the enemy to swarm you are held at bay by prodigious artillery fire and the glowing golden shield that burns at them even now.
With a scream of rage and agony, Kholek rips the bolt out of his flank and chucks it into the sky with monstrous strength. The effect it has on him is instantaneous. Though his wounds do not heal, power flows through him more freely, electricity literally arcing off of his body in great arcs.
Only to scream in pain, as his leg is removed with an axe swing.
Your eyes catch sight of a blur of movement, and an eruption of flame that sears at Kholek's skin.
Otrek, who even now dances through Kholek's desperate swings and dodges his lightning with supernatural ability, cutting and swirling like a madman all the way. Each blow that connects rips a chunk of flesh free and brings about a new scream of pain and hate from the Shaggoth. It feels like an eternity as you watch your king deal ruinous damage to the Dragon Ogre, chanting an ancient battle hymn as he does so.
Eventually, Otrek cuts away the last leg, forcing the titan to fall to the earth in a thundering boom.
You can only watch, covered in rubble and all four limbs broken, as Otrek limps forward. He moves with sudden speed and swings his axe, cutting off the hand that attempted to crush him.
"I... don't think… you heard us.... properly, beast," Otrek mutters tiredly, staring the downed Dragon Ogre in the eye.
A screaming shriek, and soon the King of the Skies falls from the heavens, Dragon's Spite in his claws, slamming it through Kholek's lower spine. Making the titan gurgle in pain. Hate and anger fill its gaze as it stares back at Otrek.
"This. Far. And. NO. FURTHER!" Otrek screams, slamming his axe down on Kholek's neck.
For a second there is stillness.
Then a thunderous boom that engulfs the world in light.
A brick lands on your head, and you feel yourself fading. Your last thoughts are idly realizing that the wall behind you still stands, not noticing the golden barrier at last receding.
They are not awake to see the end of it. Not awake to see Prince Gloin charge out behind Grimnir the Valiant and sweep the valley clean with the Throng of Kraka Drakk at their back. Not awake to witness the feast held in their and the Ancestors honour. Not awake to hear Grimnir's tale and purpose.
But one does wake on the eve of the Ancestor's departure.
Your eyes flutter open, a groan escaping your lips.
You blink to clear your vision and see.
A shirtless dwarf with an orange mohawk staring down at a mass of bandages who, going by the beard peaking out, can only be King Otrek. Your throat is sore, and so cannot question this odd fellow about why he's in nothing but trousers and staring at your King.
But then you see the axes hanging off of his belt and strapped to his back. Their beauty is unmistakable, even in your concussed and exhausted mind.
The Ancestor seems to finish whatever it is he was doing to Otrek's unconscious form, patting him on his one unbroken shoulder before grunting and turning to stare at you. Seeing his face, any doubt fades and an odd sort of clarity fills you as you behold The Valiant, oddly dressed as he is.
(Roll, The Valiant, The Doomed: ???? +??? +15[Shadowkiller] +15[Rune Metal] +20[This Far and No Further] =????)
He walks towards your bed, pulls up a chair and sits down. It is all you can do to look stoic despite the confused state your mind is in.
"Hmmph," he says, drawing your attention.
You can only grunt back respectfully, bound as you are.
He stares at you, eyes searching for something before muttering so quietly that even you cannot hear him. Then Grimnir jabs a finger into your chest, right where your heart is.
"Remember this day lad. Not the saga, nor the glory that comes from it, but the feeling of flesh failing and armour breaking. Of spending every last piece of yourself and then spending beyond even that. Of using nothing but your Will to keep going, because the alternative means all you care about crumbles around you," he says, gaze inscrutable.
You can only nod despite your muscles' screams of protest.
"Feh," Grimnir says before pulling out his axe, and finding a stone tablet, inscribes something on its surface.
You stare, bug-eyed, as the tablet hums and flares with power before lowering to a more tolerable level of light.
"Fight and live well Snorri son of Klaus, and die for something even better than that," the Ancestor says, dusting off his pants as he gets up and walks out of the room.
- 2/3 Norscan Dwarfholds have fallen
- 2/5 Dwarfholds have fallen in total, mostly minor but a few middling ones (not named)
- 2/3 Griffons of the Skarrenraz Ankor have fallen.
- 2/5 Dwarfs of Kraka Drakk have fallen
- [T4/5] Body of Kholek Suneater, one of the Eldest Spawn of Krakanrok the Black. Research Unlocked.
- [T4] Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Corpses x15 Research Unlocked.
- [T3] Dragon Ogre Corpses x45 Research Unlocked.
- Several other monster corpses (I'll list em tomorrow)
- Mythical Deed, This Far and No Further: Among the many Karaks of the Karaz Ankor there was always a chance that the young and minor holds would fall, or at best be forced to hunker down under the mountains, shielded from the predations of the surface. None expected a hold of such youth to maintain siege footing against an innumerable foe for near two decades. None expected a hold so untested to stall the enemy and even push out against them. But you did. You stood, shoulder to shoulder, with thousands of other dwarfs on the walls of Kraka Drakk and in one voice roared for all the world to hear, "This far, and no further!"
- Legendary Deed, Shadowkiller: You were not the killer of dread Kholek Suneater, Ruiner of the North, but none can gainsay your part in the act. Your weapon dealt the final blow, Your armour girded the Dwarf who slew him. Your banner weakened his fel magic and protected uncountable lives from his blows, and it was your bolt and bolt thrower that weakened the terrible foe enough to let him be slain. And to dwarfs, the smith who made the weapon is only slightly less famed than the warrior who used it to slay the monster.
- New Master Rune Unlocked! Master Rune of Grimnir, Weapon Rune: The Bearer will fight as if channelling the Ancestor's will, unhindered by Injury or Hurt until either they or their quarry are killed. Necessary Ingredients: [T2] Griffon Feathers
- New Master Rune Unlocked! Master Rune of Grimnir, Banner Rune: The Master Rune imbues Valiant Grimnir's endurance, will and martial prowess to all under its aegis, turning even Beardlings into warriors as skilled as a Longbeard. Necessary Ingredients: [T2] Griffon Feathers
Traits Gained/Upgraded:
- Chaosbane: Your deeds and your works, your banner especially, are the bane of the chaotic. Your works will burn the flesh of beastmen and daemon, driving fear and terror into the minds of the former as well.
- Unyielding Really Old Grumbler: +10 to [Really Old Grumbler] modifier, new Total: 30
- Winds Denied: All Enemy Spells will suffer -25 automatically if Snorri takes the field, -35 to roll if Snorri is actively trying to dispel it.
AN: Thanks for waiting and thanks for reading. For anyone wondering, yes, you going to the wall did mean that Kholek could not mathematically damage the walls with his lightning. GJ with that. Please don't forget to C&C and thanks for reading. I'm going to sleep now, and will update the information/front page sheets when I wake up and have breakfast. :^)
[X] [Thrower] The Retaliator: Use it, train it on Kholek, though it will mean it won't be firing at the other Dragon Ogres present, and must still hit Kholek. +70 to Hit on Kholek, you won't see these rolls but +35 killing Dragon Ogres.
[x] [Battle] Join Otrek: You entrust your weapon's safety to the Huskarls and Master Runesmiths guarding it. You are no prodigious fighter, but your Runes and if need be, your axe, will be useful regardless. Otrek and the King of the Skies will need all the help they can get.
The King of the Skies lands without a sound, the ramparts cleared for his approach. You and Otrek approach the massive Griffon, and up close you can see the extent of the damage he's suffered. The wear and tear of a decade spent on hit and run tactics evident on him. His feathers are frayed in some places and his fur is matted, stained with old and dried blood and who knows what else.
Your examination is cut short by the thud of a very familiar dwarf dropping from his back.
"SNORRI, you Wazzock," Master Yorri yells, "I spend half a century waiting in the woods for you to figure out the clues I left in my journal and find me, and you know what happens? The damn world goes mad and I spend the next decade losing all ten of my Gronti along with all my research, then I end up riding on the back of a giant talking Griffon for three years! How are ya boy?"
"I'm fine Master," you reply calmly, "I've been busy."
"Clearly," Yorri says, whistling at your banner, "Now, that's something I haven't seen since my Master was out on campaign with the Valiant Himself! Good on you for figuring that one out lad."
"Thank you Master Yorri," you continue, gesturing for the Huskarls to carry Dragon's Spite towards the Retaliator.
"Mmm," Yorri hums, staring down King Otrek, or more specifically his Armour, "Greetings Otrek Ironarm, King of Kraka Drakk. My my, did my apprentice make that for you?"
"That he did honoured Runesmith," Otrek replies with a nod, equally unphased.
It is only then that Yorri pats you on the shoulder, staring at you with some indecipherable emotion.
"Well done lad. Well done indeed. I knew you had it in you from the day I sniffed ya out of that gaggle of Beardlings. Not a damn clue what that stuff is besides a few guesses but my sniffer tells me it was some mighty strong stuff. Gromril derivative?" Yorri whispers to you in one of the odd cyphers he made you learn as an apprentice.
The declaration stuns you silent.
Well done?
Ancestors below, this is a rush.
The thundering steps of the Suneater become enough to rattle the foundations of the earth, the Dragon Ogre pushing through the mire through sheer strength, his brass armour collecting errant thunderbolts and effortlessly blocking the Barrage of artillery that has been diverted towards him.
Then the Reckoner fires.
The siege weapon's steel bolt flies true, a burning streak in the sky as it slams into the Suneater's massive body, breaking through the armour plating and wounding the beast enough to make him scream in anger.
"I WILL END YOU!" he roars, picking up the pace and crushing his subordinates underfoot in his mad dash towards the wall. Even as he charges forward the artillery continues firing from all sides, bolt throwers launching entire forests of steel spikes at his form. Almost all fail to do little else save embedding themselves in the brass plate. Only the Reckoner seems to do some damage, and even then it is sporadic and seemingly does not affect him.
When the Shaggoth enters the range of the Golden Shield, its light causing his armour and hammer to smoke do you see him pause, if only for a fraction of a second, before roaring and rushing towards the wall regardless.
"Here it comes lads, watch out now. He's deadly with that hammer, and that armour is tough enough to survive a hit from me axe. Best to aim for the openings in his joints. Ol' King Griffon will try and distract him and let us get a hit in," Yorri mutters, hands flexing as they hold onto his massive two-handed Greataxe. The double-bladed Gromril head glowing with potent Runes of Fury, Parrying a variant of the Master Rune of Impact you've never managed to recreate.
"I understand Rhunki/ Yes master," both Otrek and you say.
It is a tense few seconds watching as the charging monstrosity comes closer and closer, shrugging of artillery fire that pasted entire groups of daemons and beastmen, with grim resolve.
"BRACE DAWI! THIS FAR AND NO FURTHER!" Otrek bellows, his cry returned tenfold.
Time slows.
You see the fel symbols and blasted chicken scratch that dares call themselves Runes etched onto his armour. The individual scales that make up his wretched bottom half and the horrifically ugly snarl that mars his equally hideous face.
Then, like a lever being flipped, it all happens at once.
The King of the Skies crashes into Kholek just before he hits the wall, talons wrestling with the giant for control over his hammer while Ice javelins pelt his body. The Dragon Ogre slams into the wall with a thundering boom, shaking the stone and the dwarfs atop it, you included. Otrek and Master Yorri take no time at all, beginning to hack away at the parts of the creature they can reach. Kholek roars in rage more than agony, bodily lifting the great Griffon and tossing him away.
Directly into you specifically.
"BE RENDERED TO DUST," the Shaggoth roars, the storm above him answering his call by casting down bolts of unnatural lightning. The strikes pass through the shimmering shield, though they lose much of their power, the rest you and Yorri deal with to the best of your ability. Turning blows that could seriously compromise the integrity of the Wall to simply ones that blacken stone. Other bolts, those you cannot reach, turn brave dwarfs into motes of ash and blackened soot.
You grit your teeth, push yourself up, ignoring the protest of your ribs, and charge headlong back towards Otrek and the others.
This far and no further.
The tunnels below Kraka Drakk too, face incredible pressure from the enemy. The numbers swell beyond any seen before. Gloin Ironarm, Prince of Kraka Drakk now oft called the Cavernlord, bellows the now universal warcry of his home, slaughtering any enemy that rears its head over the wall.
"THIS FAR, AND NO FURTHER!" he roars, beheading a bloodletter with a single strike.
"THIS FAR AND NO FURTHER!" the Throng roars back.
Rallying, the dwarfen defenders close the breach, ending the daemonic assault before it can even make more than a meter or two of headway.
Gloin roars into the dark, his warriors doing the exact same, before pausing and taking a deep breath. Shouldering his axe, the Prince walks over to his wife, her armour and axe drenched in ichor.
"Next wave, I think we've fooled them into believing we're not willing to 'give up' this wall," he says, taking a long swig from his flask of ale.
Kaggra hefts her axe, wrenching it out of the head of an already dissolving daemon, and turns to reply, "By your will husband. Still, a part of me doesn't want to."
"Aye, neither do I," Gloin agrees, "but we'll only relent long enough to encircle them once more. Won't even be gone five minutes."
Kaggra snorts.
Then suddenly, echoing through the tunnel, a horn blows out from a watchtower. Dwarf mouths set into grim lines, axes are hefted and shields are raised, Gloin bellowing for the Miner and the two Gronti from the smelter to be readied.
Greater Daemons come.
You are flung back another time, thankfully the armour is good for absorbing the shock of falling several stories at speeds no sane dwarf should be travelling at.
Your ribs hurt, your legs are like gravel stew, and you think you may have a concussion.
You tap your amulet, stopping the shower of lightning bolts from damaging the faltering wall. But not enough to stop yet more dwarfs from being killed by the monster's power.
Gritting your teeth, you force your limbs to move, hands to push yourself up and extend towards the equally downed form of your Master. The both of you staring at the King of the Skies wrestling with Kholek, King Otrek pinned beneath a piece of rubble that had fallen from a guard tower.
"Not a fun experience," your master mutters.
"Nai," is all you reply.
Spitting blood into the snow, you begin walking back towards the battle at the top of the wall.
Yorri is not far behind you.
Wall 4 is at 3/4
A company of 42 dwarfs marches in the darkness, their forms are covered by long dark cloaks. At the head of the column, his hood down, Grimnir the Valiant marches with his bright orange crest waving defiantly in the air.
Behind them, the rotting carcasses of an army killed to the last litters the Underway.
"Kraka Drakk is coming up soon Lord," a dwarf says, pointing to the stylized Dragon marker that marks the beginning of the young hold's territory.
He grunts.
As they walk, all notice the signs of battle around them. The wyrm statues, whose mouths have dribbles of now cooled rock on their chins, to the statues of the Ancestors, at whose feet are the curiously bisected remains of all manner of monster and beast, and finally to the massive support pillars, fallen in such a manner that they extend the length of the Underway while tightening it to the point that only four dwarfs can walk abreast with each other comfortably.
They reach the site of a long-abandoned Under-inn. The massively fortified structure having had several of its walls collapsed, but from internal detonation rather than some foe barging their way in.
"Controlled retreat then," a dwarf mutters, kneeling to pick up a torn banner that bore the symbol of the hold they were heading to.
"Looks like it," another replies.
"Mmmph, Kadrin certainly didn't have this," a third joins in.
"They had walls fifteen meters thick funnelling the enemy into a kill zone ranged out for eighteen companies of artillery," the second voice counters.
Grimnir is silent, letting the beardlings talk as they wish.
Far behind them, the rumbling hulk of a treaded monstrosity can be heard, crushing the obstacles in its way underfoot. Morgrim is alone at the controls, needing no others to aid him.
You hack away at the offending claw that has you in its grasp with one arm, while the other taps your necklace, stopping the monster's magic once more. Snarling and screaming curses at the monster even as Kholek ignores you, stymied by the King of the Skies and Otrek working together to stop him from swinging down his hammer.
"WRETCHES," he roars, furious, "BEGONE!"
As he yells, his claw raises you high and slams you back down into the ramparts, forming a crater from the force of the blow. In the distance you can hear Master Yorri scream a litany of creative curses as he is flung away by a different arm.
Then Kholek screams in true pain.
Forcing your broken body up from the ground, you look over the wall and see a steel bolt embedded in one of the monster's back legs, right at the knee joint.
You grin vindictively.
Only to be blasted off the wall by a massive bolt of lightning.
Staring up at the sky, blinking stars out of your eyes and smelling nothing but Ozone, you cannot help but feel spent entirely. Your body refusing to heed you.
Then your ears stop ringing, and you hear the din of battle around you. The conflict as Kholek's army surges onto the walls and in the skies, hoping that with you four distracted they may crush the defenders and surge past you. The chants and screams of furious dawi and Griffons, not even budging in the face of such an onslaught, meet them in kind. They have put their faith in the four of you, paying dearly to hold back the oncoming tide to buy. You. Time.
You get up.
Wall 4 is at 2/4
Urrek, Huskarl to the King of Kraka Drakk can only watch with his fists clenched as his liege fights the monster at the walls. His heart demands he go out, to fight, to die if need be, to safeguard his oath sworn charge. But his mind, his wisdom tell him he must stand here with his brothers in arms, guarding their only hope at slaying the beast.
"He will win Urrek, the Adamant Wyrm will not break so easily," Gorrik says, patting him on the shoulder before moving off to offer words of encouragement to the Runesmiths who stand with them.
"Aye," Urrek mutters back, latching on to that one idea with a fool's desperate hope as he stares at the circling form of Griffons overhead.
A horn bellows long and loud for all on the walls to hear.
Greater Daemons.
"THIS FAR AND NO FURTHER!" they roar back.
They brace, axes ready.
The sound of tearing air is heard all around them, already the Runesmiths begin to dispel the magic, but with so many portals present they cannot catch them all.
"FOR KRAKA DRAKK!" Urrek roars, his voice lost in the madness around him, slamming his axe down onto the head of a bloodletter in the middle of manifestation.
Around them more portals form, and soon dwarfs and Griffons swoop to their aid.
Soon their lonely tower top is the scene of a desperate battle, upon which the fate of their hold hangs.
You get up again. Numb to the pain, and march, with possibly broken legs, back towards the scene of the battle.
You have been thrown, chucked, and slammed about too many Grungni damn times.
But you do not relent.
You will never relent, not until your heart is mush and your body is a clump of mulched flesh on the ground. Not when thousands upon thousands of innocent and defenceless dwarfs stand behind you.
Not now.
Not ever.
You raise your axe, building to a charge of terrible power, bellowing incoherently as you run towards the enemy.
Only to be thrown back by a hand that wasn't even aiming to get you, swatting instead at Otrek.
You crash against the wall of a tower, followed shortly by your Master. Lightning crackling and fizzling out, your broken body acting entirely on autopilot by this point. Yorri looks at you, and grunts up at the half-broken and abandoned tower you're both resting against.
Understanding fills you.
Together, the two of you raise your hammers, and as one, bring down the weight of the mountains on the crumbling tower.
This far and no further, you mouth.
Urrek screams in rage, bisecting a daemonette, behind him the Longbeard artillery crew hold back bloodletters alongside his brothers and the Runesmiths. Above them, Griffons duel with flying screamers and dive down to save what dwarfs they can.
All hear the rumbling of falling stone.
All see the tower fall on Kholek Suneater, pinning him to the wall.
All know that it is now or never.
Urrek yells, killing three daemons in one blow, only to turn in shock at the sight of a daemonette killing a member of the artillery crew, crushing his head in its pincers. He swings, and the Slaaneshi's head flies off its body, around him everyone is preoccupied with duels of their own.
He decides then and there on his course of action.
With strength he did not know he had, he pushes the Bolt Thrower into position; aiming it at the monster pinned beneath tonnes of rubble.
A Bloodletter breaks through the thin cordon around him, piercing him through the back. Coughing blood, Urrek pulverizes its head with a Gromril clad fist and cocks Dragon's Spite into place. A daemonic fireball flies in from the air, he catches it with his own body, shielding the siege engine, then cranks back the cord to its farthest extent. A Nurglite leaps on his head and bites down, he screams as he tears it off with a part of his face and pushes on.
For his King.
For his Hold.
For his People.
He aims with his one good eye, and fires.
The last thing he hears is a scream of earth-shattering pain.
He falls with a smile on his bloodied lips.
(Roll 1d50 +70, Spite and Fury: 14 +70 =84. DC: 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140)
5 wounds inflicted! Kholek is now at 3/ 8 wounds, Combat bonus now +25
There is fire and fury. Anger and desire. To kill his foes, to eat the flesh of the Griffon, to grow mighty beyond compare.
The whistling scream of the bolt could be mistaken for the yell of the dead.
He smashes the dwarf king to the ground and raises his hammer high. He will slay this fool for his insolence.The sound of the Adamant as it flies through the air resembles a dwarfen warcry.
As he begins to swing down he finally hears the bolt coming for him, some instinctual part of his mind screaming for him to flee. He turns his head, seeing the glimmering white glow of the bolt imbed itself in his flank, cutting through his armour and flesh like butter until it embeds itself deep into his flesh.
The vengeance comes.
Then comes the pain.For every fallen hold.
It is cold.For every sullied home.
It is dark.For every dead dwarf
It is agony.A Grudge for every wrong.
His body functions, but refuses to heed him.The only repayment.
He forces himself to move, lightning coming down again and again to power his body.Is Death.
He will not die so easily.…
You drag Yorri out of the rubble with your less broken arm.
The two of you hear the scream, and grim satisfaction fills you.
"Grudge Runes, gotta love them," Yorri says, coughing up blood and dust.
"Aye," you reply, a grin showing bloody, but surprisingly unbroken, teeth.
The two of you begin hobbling towards the weakened form of the Dragon Ogre, the King and Otrek. Around you, dwarfs are cheering, rallying at the sight of the wounded monster. Then suddenly, a great pillar of lightning thunders down onto Kholek, and his body, empowered by the energy, begins to slowly move again.
"Never dies the way you want, do they?" Yorri grumbles, blood bubbling on his lips.
"Nai," you wheeze, picking your axe off the ground.
"Come on then, can't leave those two alone can we?"
Gloin screams in fury. Leaping from the wall and down onto the prone form of the greater daemon of Khorne, beheading the Bloodthirster in a single blow. Around him, the creature's minions stand frozen solid, their faces capturing the rage they felt in their final moments.
"How many did we lose?" Gloin asks, turning to see Kaggra limp towards him, armour battered, and an arm over a Thane's shoulder.
"One in thirty, to that thing alone. And there are maybe 7 more coming towards us according to the Rangers," she replies, spitting blood onto the crimson stones.
"So be it," Gloin mutters, hefting his axe, "we will slay them all. We have to."
A horn blows again, though its sound isn't one Gloin has heard in many years, not since the last of the Dwarf refugees arrived.
Arriving dwarfs.
2/8 wounds.
"Where are they coming from?""Sounds like arrivals from the south," Kaggra replies, voice grim.
Both sections of the Underway that lead into Kraka Drakk connect at a three way junction point. Purposefully done so that the defenders need only worry about defending a single avenue of attack should worst come to worst. But the southern connection has always been rather sparse in terms of attacks, relatively at least. To hear that dwarfs were arriving boded ill. After all, the southern holds were more established and better defended. If they chose or were forced to come here...
"We will meet them, as Prince of Kraka Drakk I must act as host in my father's stead," Gloin replies.
Kaggra and the Thane nod.
It takes them ten minutes to arrive, five seconds to take stock of the some 40 odd dwarfs standing outside the gate, two seconds to gawk at the massive orange crest one bears, and a further second to gape at the axes He carries.
Gloin bellows for the gate to open.
It isn't every day an Ancestor arrives, no matter how queer his attire may be.
Kholek stumbles back from the blow. His body battered and bruised and bleeding freely. He raises his finger to the skies, and a lightning bolt crashes down onto the offending artillery piece. Destroying it and the crew entirely.
1/8 wounds
The act costs him.The King of the Skies rams into the Suneater, driving him to the earth. Otrek leaps off the wall, and swings his axe downwards, removing one of the Dragon Ogre's legs at the knee.
You scream, voice hoarse, and leap off the wall as well. Yorri joining you soon after, both intent on killing the beast once and for all.
Only for the two of you to be swatted back into a fallen tower with contemptuous ease, sliding down in a cascade of dust and bricks.
"That has to stop happening," Yorri mutters weakly.
"ENOUGH!" Kholek bellows, swinging his hammer and catching the King of the Skies with it. Sending the mighty Griffon flying back meters away from your little impromptu arena. Any attempts by the enemy to swarm you are held at bay by prodigious artillery fire and the glowing golden shield that burns at them even now.
With a scream of rage and agony, Kholek rips the bolt out of his flank and chucks it into the sky with monstrous strength. The effect it has on him is instantaneous. Though his wounds do not heal, power flows through him more freely, electricity literally arcing off of his body in great arcs.
Only to scream in pain, as his leg is removed with an axe swing.
Your eyes catch sight of a blur of movement, and an eruption of flame that sears at Kholek's skin.
Otrek, who even now dances through Kholek's desperate swings and dodges his lightning with supernatural ability, cutting and swirling like a madman all the way. Each blow that connects rips a chunk of flesh free and brings about a new scream of pain and hate from the Shaggoth. It feels like an eternity as you watch your king deal ruinous damage to the Dragon Ogre, chanting an ancient battle hymn as he does so.
Eventually, Otrek cuts away the last leg, forcing the titan to fall to the earth in a thundering boom.
You can only watch, covered in rubble and all four limbs broken, as Otrek limps forward. He moves with sudden speed and swings his axe, cutting off the hand that attempted to crush him.
"I... don't think… you heard us.... properly, beast," Otrek mutters tiredly, staring the downed Dragon Ogre in the eye.
A screaming shriek, and soon the King of the Skies falls from the heavens, Dragon's Spite in his claws, slamming it through Kholek's lower spine. Making the titan gurgle in pain. Hate and anger fill its gaze as it stares back at Otrek.
"This. Far. And. NO. FURTHER!" Otrek screams, slamming his axe down on Kholek's neck.
For a second there is stillness.
Then a thunderous boom that engulfs the world in light.
A brick lands on your head, and you feel yourself fading. Your last thoughts are idly realizing that the wall behind you still stands, not noticing the golden barrier at last receding.
They are not awake to see the end of it. Not awake to see Prince Gloin charge out behind Grimnir the Valiant and sweep the valley clean with the Throng of Kraka Drakk at their back. Not awake to witness the feast held in their and the Ancestors honour. Not awake to hear Grimnir's tale and purpose.
But one does wake on the eve of the Ancestor's departure.
Your eyes flutter open, a groan escaping your lips.
You blink to clear your vision and see.
A shirtless dwarf with an orange mohawk staring down at a mass of bandages who, going by the beard peaking out, can only be King Otrek. Your throat is sore, and so cannot question this odd fellow about why he's in nothing but trousers and staring at your King.
But then you see the axes hanging off of his belt and strapped to his back. Their beauty is unmistakable, even in your concussed and exhausted mind.
The Ancestor seems to finish whatever it is he was doing to Otrek's unconscious form, patting him on his one unbroken shoulder before grunting and turning to stare at you. Seeing his face, any doubt fades and an odd sort of clarity fills you as you behold The Valiant, oddly dressed as he is.
(Roll, The Valiant, The Doomed: ???? +??? +15[Shadowkiller] +15[Rune Metal] +20[This Far and No Further] =????)
He walks towards your bed, pulls up a chair and sits down. It is all you can do to look stoic despite the confused state your mind is in.
"Hmmph," he says, drawing your attention.
You can only grunt back respectfully, bound as you are.
He stares at you, eyes searching for something before muttering so quietly that even you cannot hear him. Then Grimnir jabs a finger into your chest, right where your heart is.
"Remember this day lad. Not the saga, nor the glory that comes from it, but the feeling of flesh failing and armour breaking. Of spending every last piece of yourself and then spending beyond even that. Of using nothing but your Will to keep going, because the alternative means all you care about crumbles around you," he says, gaze inscrutable.
You can only nod despite your muscles' screams of protest.
"Feh," Grimnir says before pulling out his axe, and finding a stone tablet, inscribes something on its surface.
You stare, bug-eyed, as the tablet hums and flares with power before lowering to a more tolerable level of light.
"Fight and live well Snorri son of Klaus, and die for something even better than that," the Ancestor says, dusting off his pants as he gets up and walks out of the room.
Wall 4 is 4/4 wall 5 is 6/6, wall 6 is 8/8 and wall 7 is 10/10 and the Big Gate is 14/14
Kholek must win 3 Combat rolls total to hurt a wall/gate for 1 damage. And must roll over 60 for three of his magic dice per round to damage the wall/gate.
You must win 6 rolls to be in retaliator position
Kholek Combat +(80 -20 ) =60, Magic Bonus +(60 -20) =40 (lightning bolts and stuff)
KoTS Combat Bonus +60
Otrek Combat Bonus +50
Snorri Combat Bonus + 25, Rune Bonus +45, enemy magic -25 direct, -15 passive
Yorri Combat Bonus +35, Rune Bonus +50, enemy magic -20 direct, -5 passive
Artillery +15
Retaliator +70
Battle Rolls:
Artillery Barrage: DC 45
Kholek vs. Da Bois Combat
107 vs 99 L
78 vs 92 W
71 vs 77 W
98 vs 39 L
2/6 Rolls
Kholek vs Da Bois Magic.
57, 53, 17, 35
Kholek vs. Da Bois Combat 2
104 vs 108 W
103 vs 73 L
69 vs 59 L
74 vs 66 L
Wall 4 is 3 /4
3/6 Rolls
Artillery assault DC 45
64 Reckoner hits a knee, Kholek Combat is now +(80 -20 -5) =55
3/6 Rolls
Magic Round 2
39, 44, 10, 30
Kholek vs. Da Bois Combat 3
63 vs 110 Wx
66 vs 87 W
103 vs 81 L
73 vs 61 Ll
Wall 4 is 2/4
5 /6 Rolls
Magic Round 3
70, 23, 36, 19
Kholek vs. Da Bois Combat 4
79 vs 110 Wx
63 vs 86 W
94 vs 77 L
83 vs 38 L
6/6 Retaliator Time
Magic Round 4
47, 57, 40, 28
/r 1d50 +70 #DC 30,40,50,60,80,100,120,140
Kholek has 3 /8 wounds, bonus now +25
Combat Rounds with Kholek wounded:
Kholek must succeed a total of 4 rolls to remove the bolt from his body. When removed his Combat Bonus goes from +25 to +40, wounds remain.
To wound Kholek, the four of you must win 3 of the Combat Rolls in a round, no carry over.
KoTS: +60 Combat
Otrek +50 Combat
Yorri +35 Combat, Rune Magic +50, Enemy Magic -20, -5 Passive
Snorri +25 Combat, Rune Magic +40, Enemy Magic -25 Direct, -15 passive
Wounded Kholek vs Da Bois
33 vs 61 Wl
67 vs 70 W
68 vs 49 L
66 vs 27 L
2/4 Bolt progress
Magic Round 1
Since it's mathematically impossible for what I had planned, the magic rolls with wounded kholek will be his power going haywire. Rolls will be for damage, sub 25 to his allies above and including 25 his enemies.
5, kills daemons, hurts greater daemons.
Wounded Kholek vs Da Bois 2:
39 vs 74 W
37 vs 95 W
38 vs 64 W
44 vs 61 W
2/8 Wounds
Magic Round 2:
35, destroys some artillery
Wounded Kholek vs Da Bois 3:
72 vs. 81 W
58 vs. 97 W
47 vs. 77 W
60 vs. 28 L
1 /8 Wounds
3 /4 Progress
Magic Round 3:
26, spoofs some dwarfs.
Wounded Kholek vs Da Bois 4:
62 vs. 80 KoTS W
55 vs. 27 Snorri L
4/4 Bolt progress, Kholek Combat Bonus is now +40
54 vs. 71 Yorri W
89 vs. 98 Otrek W
0/8 wounds, So falls Kholek.
Kholek must win 3 Combat rolls total to hurt a wall/gate for 1 damage. And must roll over 60 for three of his magic dice per round to damage the wall/gate.
You must win 6 rolls to be in retaliator position
Kholek Combat +(80 -20 ) =60, Magic Bonus +(60 -20) =40 (lightning bolts and stuff)
KoTS Combat Bonus +60
Otrek Combat Bonus +50
Snorri Combat Bonus + 25, Rune Bonus +45, enemy magic -25 direct, -15 passive
Yorri Combat Bonus +35, Rune Bonus +50, enemy magic -20 direct, -5 passive
Artillery +15
Retaliator +70
Battle Rolls:
Artillery Barrage: DC 45
Kholek vs. Da Bois Combat
107 vs 99 L
78 vs 92 W
71 vs 77 W
98 vs 39 L
2/6 Rolls
Kholek vs Da Bois Magic.
57, 53, 17, 35
Kholek vs. Da Bois Combat 2
104 vs 108 W
103 vs 73 L
69 vs 59 L
74 vs 66 L
Wall 4 is 3 /4
3/6 Rolls
Artillery assault DC 45
64 Reckoner hits a knee, Kholek Combat is now +(80 -20 -5) =55
3/6 Rolls
Magic Round 2
39, 44, 10, 30
Kholek vs. Da Bois Combat 3
63 vs 110 Wx
66 vs 87 W
103 vs 81 L
73 vs 61 Ll
Wall 4 is 2/4
5 /6 Rolls
Magic Round 3
70, 23, 36, 19
Kholek vs. Da Bois Combat 4
79 vs 110 Wx
63 vs 86 W
94 vs 77 L
83 vs 38 L
6/6 Retaliator Time
Magic Round 4
47, 57, 40, 28
/r 1d50 +70 #DC 30,40,50,60,80,100,120,140
Kholek has 3 /8 wounds, bonus now +25
Combat Rounds with Kholek wounded:
Kholek must succeed a total of 4 rolls to remove the bolt from his body. When removed his Combat Bonus goes from +25 to +40, wounds remain.
To wound Kholek, the four of you must win 3 of the Combat Rolls in a round, no carry over.
KoTS: +60 Combat
Otrek +50 Combat
Yorri +35 Combat, Rune Magic +50, Enemy Magic -20, -5 Passive
Snorri +25 Combat, Rune Magic +40, Enemy Magic -25 Direct, -15 passive
Wounded Kholek vs Da Bois
33 vs 61 Wl
67 vs 70 W
68 vs 49 L
66 vs 27 L
2/4 Bolt progress
Magic Round 1
Since it's mathematically impossible for what I had planned, the magic rolls with wounded kholek will be his power going haywire. Rolls will be for damage, sub 25 to his allies above and including 25 his enemies.
5, kills daemons, hurts greater daemons.
Wounded Kholek vs Da Bois 2:
39 vs 74 W
37 vs 95 W
38 vs 64 W
44 vs 61 W
2/8 Wounds
Magic Round 2:
35, destroys some artillery
Wounded Kholek vs Da Bois 3:
72 vs. 81 W
58 vs. 97 W
47 vs. 77 W
60 vs. 28 L
1 /8 Wounds
3 /4 Progress
Magic Round 3:
26, spoofs some dwarfs.
Wounded Kholek vs Da Bois 4:
62 vs. 80 KoTS W
55 vs. 27 Snorri L
4/4 Bolt progress, Kholek Combat Bonus is now +40
54 vs. 71 Yorri W
89 vs. 98 Otrek W
0/8 wounds, So falls Kholek.
The Siege of Kraka Drakk has ended! You have done the impossible, holding Kholek Suneater back and slaying him before he even breaks down a single wall. (Eat your heart out Praag.)
Casualties:The Siege of Kraka Drakk has ended! You have done the impossible, holding Kholek Suneater back and slaying him before he even breaks down a single wall. (Eat your heart out Praag.)
- 2/3 Norscan Dwarfholds have fallen
- 2/5 Dwarfholds have fallen in total, mostly minor but a few middling ones (not named)
- 2/3 Griffons of the Skarrenraz Ankor have fallen.
- 2/5 Dwarfs of Kraka Drakk have fallen
- [T4/5] Body of Kholek Suneater, one of the Eldest Spawn of Krakanrok the Black. Research Unlocked.
- [T4] Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Corpses x15 Research Unlocked.
- [T3] Dragon Ogre Corpses x45 Research Unlocked.
- Several other monster corpses (I'll list em tomorrow)
- Mythical Deed, This Far and No Further: Among the many Karaks of the Karaz Ankor there was always a chance that the young and minor holds would fall, or at best be forced to hunker down under the mountains, shielded from the predations of the surface. None expected a hold of such youth to maintain siege footing against an innumerable foe for near two decades. None expected a hold so untested to stall the enemy and even push out against them. But you did. You stood, shoulder to shoulder, with thousands of other dwarfs on the walls of Kraka Drakk and in one voice roared for all the world to hear, "This far, and no further!"
- Legendary Deed, Shadowkiller: You were not the killer of dread Kholek Suneater, Ruiner of the North, but none can gainsay your part in the act. Your weapon dealt the final blow, Your armour girded the Dwarf who slew him. Your banner weakened his fel magic and protected uncountable lives from his blows, and it was your bolt and bolt thrower that weakened the terrible foe enough to let him be slain. And to dwarfs, the smith who made the weapon is only slightly less famed than the warrior who used it to slay the monster.
- New Master Rune Unlocked! Master Rune of Grimnir, Weapon Rune: The Bearer will fight as if channelling the Ancestor's will, unhindered by Injury or Hurt until either they or their quarry are killed. Necessary Ingredients: [T2] Griffon Feathers
- New Master Rune Unlocked! Master Rune of Grimnir, Banner Rune: The Master Rune imbues Valiant Grimnir's endurance, will and martial prowess to all under its aegis, turning even Beardlings into warriors as skilled as a Longbeard. Necessary Ingredients: [T2] Griffon Feathers
Traits Gained/Upgraded:
- Chaosbane: Your deeds and your works, your banner especially, are the bane of the chaotic. Your works will burn the flesh of beastmen and daemon, driving fear and terror into the minds of the former as well.
- Unyielding Really Old Grumbler: +10 to [Really Old Grumbler] modifier, new Total: 30
- Winds Denied: All Enemy Spells will suffer -25 automatically if Snorri takes the field, -35 to roll if Snorri is actively trying to dispel it.
AN: Thanks for waiting and thanks for reading. For anyone wondering, yes, you going to the wall did mean that Kholek could not mathematically damage the walls with his lightning. GJ with that. Please don't forget to C&C and thanks for reading. I'm going to sleep now, and will update the information/front page sheets when I wake up and have breakfast. :^)
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