Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Siege of Kraka Drakk Finale:
Winning Vote:
[X] [Thrower] The Retaliator: Use it, train it on Kholek, though it will mean it won't be firing at the other Dragon Ogres present, and must still hit Kholek. +70 to Hit on Kholek, you won't see these rolls but +35 killing Dragon Ogres.
[x] [Battle] Join Otrek: You entrust your weapon's safety to the Huskarls and Master Runesmiths guarding it. You are no prodigious fighter, but your Runes and if need be, your axe, will be useful regardless. Otrek and the King of the Skies will need all the help they can get.


The King of the Skies lands without a sound, the ramparts cleared for his approach. You and Otrek approach the massive Griffon, and up close you can see the extent of the damage he's suffered. The wear and tear of a decade spent on hit and run tactics evident on him. His feathers are frayed in some places and his fur is matted, stained with old and dried blood and who knows what else.

Your examination is cut short by the thud of a very familiar dwarf dropping from his back.

"SNORRI, you Wazzock," Master Yorri yells, "I spend half a century waiting in the woods for you to figure out the clues I left in my journal and find me, and you know what happens? The damn world goes mad and I spend the next decade losing all ten of my Gronti along with all my research, then I end up riding on the back of a giant talking Griffon for three years! How are ya boy?"

"I'm fine Master," you reply calmly, "I've been busy."

"Clearly," Yorri says, whistling at your banner, "Now, that's something I haven't seen since my Master was out on campaign with the Valiant Himself! Good on you for figuring that one out lad."

"Thank you Master Yorri," you continue, gesturing for the Huskarls to carry Dragon's Spite towards the Retaliator.

"Mmm," Yorri hums, staring down King Otrek, or more specifically his Armour, "Greetings Otrek Ironarm, King of Kraka Drakk. My my, did my apprentice make that for you?"

"That he did honoured Runesmith," Otrek replies with a nod, equally unphased.

It is only then that Yorri pats you on the shoulder, staring at you with some indecipherable emotion.

"Well done lad. Well done indeed. I knew you had it in you from the day I sniffed ya out of that gaggle of Beardlings. Not a damn clue what that stuff is besides a few guesses but my sniffer tells me it was some mighty strong stuff. Gromril derivative?" Yorri whispers to you in one of the odd cyphers he made you learn as an apprentice.

The declaration stuns you silent.

Well done?

Ancestors below, this is a rush.


The thundering steps of the Suneater become enough to rattle the foundations of the earth, the Dragon Ogre pushing through the mire through sheer strength, his brass armour collecting errant thunderbolts and effortlessly blocking the Barrage of artillery that has been diverted towards him.

Then the Reckoner fires.

The siege weapon's steel bolt flies true, a burning streak in the sky as it slams into the Suneater's massive body, breaking through the armour plating and wounding the beast enough to make him scream in anger.

"I WILL END YOU!" he roars, picking up the pace and crushing his subordinates underfoot in his mad dash towards the wall. Even as he charges forward the artillery continues firing from all sides, bolt throwers launching entire forests of steel spikes at his form. Almost all fail to do little else save embedding themselves in the brass plate. Only the Reckoner seems to do some damage, and even then it is sporadic and seemingly does not affect him.

When the Shaggoth enters the range of the Golden Shield, its light causing his armour and hammer to smoke do you see him pause, if only for a fraction of a second, before roaring and rushing towards the wall regardless.

"Here it comes lads, watch out now. He's deadly with that hammer, and that armour is tough enough to survive a hit from me axe. Best to aim for the openings in his joints. Ol' King Griffon will try and distract him and let us get a hit in," Yorri mutters, hands flexing as they hold onto his massive two-handed Greataxe. The double-bladed Gromril head glowing with potent Runes of Fury, Parrying a variant of the Master Rune of Impact you've never managed to recreate.

"I understand Rhunki/ Yes master," both Otrek and you say.

It is a tense few seconds watching as the charging monstrosity comes closer and closer, shrugging of artillery fire that pasted entire groups of daemons and beastmen, with grim resolve.

"BRACE DAWI! THIS FAR AND NO FURTHER!" Otrek bellows, his cry returned tenfold.

Time slows.

You see the fel symbols and blasted chicken scratch that dares call themselves Runes etched onto his armour. The individual scales that make up his wretched bottom half and the horrifically ugly snarl that mars his equally hideous face.

Then, like a lever being flipped, it all happens at once.

The King of the Skies crashes into Kholek just before he hits the wall, talons wrestling with the giant for control over his hammer while Ice javelins pelt his body. The Dragon Ogre slams into the wall with a thundering boom, shaking the stone and the dwarfs atop it, you included. Otrek and Master Yorri take no time at all, beginning to hack away at the parts of the creature they can reach. Kholek roars in rage more than agony, bodily lifting the great Griffon and tossing him away.

Directly into you specifically.

"BE RENDERED TO DUST," the Shaggoth roars, the storm above him answering his call by casting down bolts of unnatural lightning. The strikes pass through the shimmering shield, though they lose much of their power, the rest you and Yorri deal with to the best of your ability. Turning blows that could seriously compromise the integrity of the Wall to simply ones that blacken stone. Other bolts, those you cannot reach, turn brave dwarfs into motes of ash and blackened soot.

You grit your teeth, push yourself up, ignoring the protest of your ribs, and charge headlong back towards Otrek and the others.

This far and no further.


The tunnels below Kraka Drakk too, face incredible pressure from the enemy. The numbers swell beyond any seen before. Gloin Ironarm, Prince of Kraka Drakk now oft called the Cavernlord, bellows the now universal warcry of his home, slaughtering any enemy that rears its head over the wall.

"THIS FAR, AND NO FURTHER!" he roars, beheading a bloodletter with a single strike.

"THIS FAR AND NO FURTHER!" the Throng roars back.

Rallying, the dwarfen defenders close the breach, ending the daemonic assault before it can even make more than a meter or two of headway.

Gloin roars into the dark, his warriors doing the exact same, before pausing and taking a deep breath. Shouldering his axe, the Prince walks over to his wife, her armour and axe drenched in ichor.

"Next wave, I think we've fooled them into believing we're not willing to 'give up' this wall," he says, taking a long swig from his flask of ale.

Kaggra hefts her axe, wrenching it out of the head of an already dissolving daemon, and turns to reply, "By your will husband. Still, a part of me doesn't want to."

"Aye, neither do I," Gloin agrees, "but we'll only relent long enough to encircle them once more. Won't even be gone five minutes."

Kaggra snorts.

Then suddenly, echoing through the tunnel, a horn blows out from a watchtower. Dwarf mouths set into grim lines, axes are hefted and shields are raised, Gloin bellowing for the Miner and the two Gronti from the smelter to be readied.

Greater Daemons come.


You are flung back another time, thankfully the armour is good for absorbing the shock of falling several stories at speeds no sane dwarf should be travelling at.

Your ribs hurt, your legs are like gravel stew, and you think you may have a concussion.

You tap your amulet, stopping the shower of lightning bolts from damaging the faltering wall. But not enough to stop yet more dwarfs from being killed by the monster's power.

Gritting your teeth, you force your limbs to move, hands to push yourself up and extend towards the equally downed form of your Master. The both of you staring at the King of the Skies wrestling with Kholek, King Otrek pinned beneath a piece of rubble that had fallen from a guard tower.

"Not a fun experience," your master mutters.

"Nai," is all you reply.

Spitting blood into the snow, you begin walking back towards the battle at the top of the wall.

Yorri is not far behind you.

Wall 4 is at 3/4


A company of 42 dwarfs marches in the darkness, their forms are covered by long dark cloaks. At the head of the column, his hood down, Grimnir the Valiant marches with his bright orange crest waving defiantly in the air.

Behind them, the rotting carcasses of an army killed to the last litters the Underway.

"Kraka Drakk is coming up soon Lord," a dwarf says, pointing to the stylized Dragon marker that marks the beginning of the young hold's territory.

He grunts.

As they walk, all notice the signs of battle around them. The wyrm statues, whose mouths have dribbles of now cooled rock on their chins, to the statues of the Ancestors, at whose feet are the curiously bisected remains of all manner of monster and beast, and finally to the massive support pillars, fallen in such a manner that they extend the length of the Underway while tightening it to the point that only four dwarfs can walk abreast with each other comfortably.

They reach the site of a long-abandoned Under-inn. The massively fortified structure having had several of its walls collapsed, but from internal detonation rather than some foe barging their way in.

"Controlled retreat then," a dwarf mutters, kneeling to pick up a torn banner that bore the symbol of the hold they were heading to.

"Looks like it," another replies.

"Mmmph, Kadrin certainly didn't have this," a third joins in.

"They had walls fifteen meters thick funnelling the enemy into a kill zone ranged out for eighteen companies of artillery," the second voice counters.

Grimnir is silent, letting the beardlings talk as they wish.

Far behind them, the rumbling hulk of a treaded monstrosity can be heard, crushing the obstacles in its way underfoot. Morgrim is alone at the controls, needing no others to aid him.


You hack away at the offending claw that has you in its grasp with one arm, while the other taps your necklace, stopping the monster's magic once more. Snarling and screaming curses at the monster even as Kholek ignores you, stymied by the King of the Skies and Otrek working together to stop him from swinging down his hammer.

"WRETCHES," he roars, furious, "BEGONE!"

As he yells, his claw raises you high and slams you back down into the ramparts, forming a crater from the force of the blow. In the distance you can hear Master Yorri scream a litany of creative curses as he is flung away by a different arm.

Then Kholek screams in true pain.

Forcing your broken body up from the ground, you look over the wall and see a steel bolt embedded in one of the monster's back legs, right at the knee joint.

You grin vindictively.

Only to be blasted off the wall by a massive bolt of lightning.

Staring up at the sky, blinking stars out of your eyes and smelling nothing but Ozone, you cannot help but feel spent entirely. Your body refusing to heed you.

Then your ears stop ringing, and you hear the din of battle around you. The conflict as Kholek's army surges onto the walls and in the skies, hoping that with you four distracted they may crush the defenders and surge past you. The chants and screams of furious dawi and Griffons, not even budging in the face of such an onslaught, meet them in kind. They have put their faith in the four of you, paying dearly to hold back the oncoming tide to buy. You. Time.

You get up.

Wall 4 is at 2/4


Urrek, Huskarl to the King of Kraka Drakk can only watch with his fists clenched as his liege fights the monster at the walls. His heart demands he go out, to fight, to die if need be, to safeguard his oath sworn charge. But his mind, his wisdom tell him he must stand here with his brothers in arms, guarding their only hope at slaying the beast.

"He will win Urrek, the Adamant Wyrm will not break so easily," Gorrik says, patting him on the shoulder before moving off to offer words of encouragement to the Runesmiths who stand with them.

"Aye," Urrek mutters back, latching on to that one idea with a fool's desperate hope as he stares at the circling form of Griffons overhead.

A horn bellows long and loud for all on the walls to hear.

Greater Daemons.


"THIS FAR AND NO FURTHER!" they roar back.

They brace, axes ready.

The sound of tearing air is heard all around them, already the Runesmiths begin to dispel the magic, but with so many portals present they cannot catch them all.

"FOR KRAKA DRAKK!" Urrek roars, his voice lost in the madness around him, slamming his axe down onto the head of a bloodletter in the middle of manifestation.

Around them more portals form, and soon dwarfs and Griffons swoop to their aid.

Soon their lonely tower top is the scene of a desperate battle, upon which the fate of their hold hangs.


You get up again. Numb to the pain, and march, with possibly broken legs, back towards the scene of the battle.

You have been thrown, chucked, and slammed about too many Grungni damn times.

But you do not relent.

You will never relent, not until your heart is mush and your body is a clump of mulched flesh on the ground. Not when thousands upon thousands of innocent and defenceless dwarfs stand behind you.

Not now.

Not ever.

You raise your axe, building to a charge of terrible power, bellowing incoherently as you run towards the enemy.

Only to be thrown back by a hand that wasn't even aiming to get you, swatting instead at Otrek.

You crash against the wall of a tower, followed shortly by your Master. Lightning crackling and fizzling out, your broken body acting entirely on autopilot by this point. Yorri looks at you, and grunts up at the half-broken and abandoned tower you're both resting against.

Understanding fills you.

Together, the two of you raise your hammers, and as one, bring down the weight of the mountains on the crumbling tower.

This far and no further, you mouth.


Urrek screams in rage, bisecting a daemonette, behind him the Longbeard artillery crew hold back bloodletters alongside his brothers and the Runesmiths. Above them, Griffons duel with flying screamers and dive down to save what dwarfs they can.

All hear the rumbling of falling stone.

All see the tower fall on Kholek Suneater, pinning him to the wall.

All know that it is now or never.

Urrek yells, killing three daemons in one blow, only to turn in shock at the sight of a daemonette killing a member of the artillery crew, crushing his head in its pincers. He swings, and the Slaaneshi's head flies off its body, around him everyone is preoccupied with duels of their own.

He decides then and there on his course of action.

With strength he did not know he had, he pushes the Bolt Thrower into position; aiming it at the monster pinned beneath tonnes of rubble.

A Bloodletter breaks through the thin cordon around him, piercing him through the back. Coughing blood, Urrek pulverizes its head with a Gromril clad fist and cocks Dragon's Spite into place. A daemonic fireball flies in from the air, he catches it with his own body, shielding the siege engine, then cranks back the cord to its farthest extent. A Nurglite leaps on his head and bites down, he screams as he tears it off with a part of his face and pushes on.

For his King.

For his Hold.

For his People.

He aims with his one good eye, and fires.

The last thing he hears is a scream of earth-shattering pain.

He falls with a smile on his bloodied lips.

(Roll 1d50 +70, Spite and Fury: 14 +70 =84. DC: 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140)
5 wounds inflicted! Kholek is now at 3/ 8 wounds, Combat bonus now +25


There is fire and fury. Anger and desire. To kill his foes, to eat the flesh of the Griffon, to grow mighty beyond compare.
The whistling scream of the bolt could be mistaken for the yell of the dead.
He smashes the dwarf king to the ground and raises his hammer high. He will slay this fool for his insolence.
The sound of the Adamant as it flies through the air resembles a dwarfen warcry.

As he begins to swing down he finally hears the bolt coming for him, some instinctual part of his mind screaming for him to flee. He turns his head, seeing the glimmering white glow of the bolt imbed itself in his flank, cutting through his armour and flesh like butter until it embeds itself deep into his flesh.
The vengeance comes.
Then comes the pain.
For every fallen hold.
It is cold.
For every sullied home.
It is dark.
For every dead dwarf
It is agony.
A Grudge for every wrong.​
His body functions, but refuses to heed him.
The only repayment.
He forces himself to move, lightning coming down again and again to power his body.
Is Death.
He will not die so easily.


You drag Yorri out of the rubble with your less broken arm.

The two of you hear the scream, and grim satisfaction fills you.

"Grudge Runes, gotta love them," Yorri says, coughing up blood and dust.

"Aye," you reply, a grin showing bloody, but surprisingly unbroken, teeth.

The two of you begin hobbling towards the weakened form of the Dragon Ogre, the King and Otrek. Around you, dwarfs are cheering, rallying at the sight of the wounded monster. Then suddenly, a great pillar of lightning thunders down onto Kholek, and his body, empowered by the energy, begins to slowly move again.

"Never dies the way you want, do they?" Yorri grumbles, blood bubbling on his lips.

"Nai," you wheeze, picking your axe off the ground.

"Come on then, can't leave those two alone can we?"



Gloin screams in fury. Leaping from the wall and down onto the prone form of the greater daemon of Khorne, beheading the Bloodthirster in a single blow. Around him, the creature's minions stand frozen solid, their faces capturing the rage they felt in their final moments.

"How many did we lose?" Gloin asks, turning to see Kaggra limp towards him, armour battered, and an arm over a Thane's shoulder.

"One in thirty, to that thing alone. And there are maybe 7 more coming towards us according to the Rangers," she replies, spitting blood onto the crimson stones.

"So be it," Gloin mutters, hefting his axe, "we will slay them all. We have to."

A horn blows again, though its sound isn't one Gloin has heard in many years, not since the last of the Dwarf refugees arrived.

Arriving dwarfs.
2/8 wounds.​
"Where are they coming from?"

"Sounds like arrivals from the south," Kaggra replies, voice grim.

Both sections of the Underway that lead into Kraka Drakk connect at a three way junction point. Purposefully done so that the defenders need only worry about defending a single avenue of attack should worst come to worst. But the southern connection has always been rather sparse in terms of attacks, relatively at least. To hear that dwarfs were arriving boded ill. After all, the southern holds were more established and better defended. If they chose or were forced to come here...

"We will meet them, as Prince of Kraka Drakk I must act as host in my father's stead," Gloin replies.
Kaggra and the Thane nod.

It takes them ten minutes to arrive, five seconds to take stock of the some 40 odd dwarfs standing outside the gate, two seconds to gawk at the massive orange crest one bears, and a further second to gape at the axes He carries.

Gloin bellows for the gate to open.

It isn't every day an Ancestor arrives, no matter how queer his attire may be.


Kholek stumbles back from the blow. His body battered and bruised and bleeding freely. He raises his finger to the skies, and a lightning bolt crashes down onto the offending artillery piece. Destroying it and the crew entirely.
1/8 wounds​
The act costs him.

The King of the Skies rams into the Suneater, driving him to the earth. Otrek leaps off the wall, and swings his axe downwards, removing one of the Dragon Ogre's legs at the knee.

You scream, voice hoarse, and leap off the wall as well. Yorri joining you soon after, both intent on killing the beast once and for all.

Only for the two of you to be swatted back into a fallen tower with contemptuous ease, sliding down in a cascade of dust and bricks.

"That has to stop happening," Yorri mutters weakly.

"ENOUGH!" Kholek bellows, swinging his hammer and catching the King of the Skies with it. Sending the mighty Griffon flying back meters away from your little impromptu arena. Any attempts by the enemy to swarm you are held at bay by prodigious artillery fire and the glowing golden shield that burns at them even now.


With a scream of rage and agony, Kholek rips the bolt out of his flank and chucks it into the sky with monstrous strength. The effect it has on him is instantaneous. Though his wounds do not heal, power flows through him more freely, electricity literally arcing off of his body in great arcs.

Only to scream in pain, as his leg is removed with an axe swing.

Your eyes catch sight of a blur of movement, and an eruption of flame that sears at Kholek's skin.


Otrek, who even now dances through Kholek's desperate swings and dodges his lightning with supernatural ability, cutting and swirling like a madman all the way. Each blow that connects rips a chunk of flesh free and brings about a new scream of pain and hate from the Shaggoth. It feels like an eternity as you watch your king deal ruinous damage to the Dragon Ogre, chanting an ancient battle hymn as he does so.

Eventually, Otrek cuts away the last leg, forcing the titan to fall to the earth in a thundering boom.

You can only watch, covered in rubble and all four limbs broken, as Otrek limps forward. He moves with sudden speed and swings his axe, cutting off the hand that attempted to crush him.

"I... don't think… you heard us.... properly, beast," Otrek mutters tiredly, staring the downed Dragon Ogre in the eye.

A screaming shriek, and soon the King of the Skies falls from the heavens, Dragon's Spite in his claws, slamming it through Kholek's lower spine. Making the titan gurgle in pain. Hate and anger fill its gaze as it stares back at Otrek.

"This. Far. And. NO. FURTHER!" Otrek screams, slamming his axe down on Kholek's neck.

For a second there is stillness.

Then a thunderous boom that engulfs the world in light.

A brick lands on your head, and you feel yourself fading. Your last thoughts are idly realizing that the wall behind you still stands, not noticing the golden barrier at last receding.


They are not awake to see the end of it. Not awake to see Prince Gloin charge out behind Grimnir the Valiant and sweep the valley clean with the Throng of Kraka Drakk at their back. Not awake to witness the feast held in their and the Ancestors honour. Not awake to hear Grimnir's tale and purpose.

But one does wake on the eve of the Ancestor's departure.

Your eyes flutter open, a groan escaping your lips.

You blink to clear your vision and see.

A shirtless dwarf with an orange mohawk staring down at a mass of bandages who, going by the beard peaking out, can only be King Otrek. Your throat is sore, and so cannot question this odd fellow about why he's in nothing but trousers and staring at your King.

But then you see the axes hanging off of his belt and strapped to his back. Their beauty is unmistakable, even in your concussed and exhausted mind.


The Ancestor seems to finish whatever it is he was doing to Otrek's unconscious form, patting him on his one unbroken shoulder before grunting and turning to stare at you. Seeing his face, any doubt fades and an odd sort of clarity fills you as you behold The Valiant, oddly dressed as he is.

(Roll, The Valiant, The Doomed: ???? +??? +15[Shadowkiller] +15[Rune Metal] +20[This Far and No Further] =????)

He walks towards your bed, pulls up a chair and sits down. It is all you can do to look stoic despite the confused state your mind is in.

"Hmmph," he says, drawing your attention.

You can only grunt back respectfully, bound as you are.

He stares at you, eyes searching for something before muttering so quietly that even you cannot hear him. Then Grimnir jabs a finger into your chest, right where your heart is.

"Remember this day lad. Not the saga, nor the glory that comes from it, but the feeling of flesh failing and armour breaking. Of spending every last piece of yourself and then spending beyond even that. Of using nothing but your Will to keep going, because the alternative means all you care about crumbles around you," he says, gaze inscrutable.

You can only nod despite your muscles' screams of protest.

"Feh," Grimnir says before pulling out his axe, and finding a stone tablet, inscribes something on its surface.

You stare, bug-eyed, as the tablet hums and flares with power before lowering to a more tolerable level of light.

"Fight and live well Snorri son of Klaus, and die for something even better than that," the Ancestor says, dusting off his pants as he gets up and walks out of the room.


Wall 4 is 4/4 wall 5 is 6/6, wall 6 is 8/8 and wall 7 is 10/10 and the Big Gate is 14/14
Kholek must win 3 Combat rolls total to hurt a wall/gate for 1 damage. And must roll over 60 for three of his magic dice per round to damage the wall/gate.
You must win 6 rolls to be in retaliator position

Kholek Combat +(80 -20 ) =60, Magic Bonus +(60 -20) =40 (lightning bolts and stuff)
KoTS Combat Bonus +60
Otrek Combat Bonus +50
Snorri Combat Bonus + 25, Rune Bonus +45, enemy magic -25 direct, -15 passive
Yorri Combat Bonus +35, Rune Bonus +50, enemy magic -20 direct, -5 passive
Artillery +15
Retaliator +70

Battle Rolls:
Artillery Barrage: DC 45

Kholek vs. Da Bois Combat
107 vs 99 L
78 vs 92 W
71 vs 77 W
98 vs 39 L

2/6 Rolls

Kholek vs Da Bois Magic.
57, 53, 17, 35

Kholek vs. Da Bois Combat 2
104 vs 108 W
103 vs 73 L
69 vs 59 L
74 vs 66 L

Wall 4 is 3 /4
3/6 Rolls

Artillery assault DC 45
64 Reckoner hits a knee, Kholek Combat is now +(80 -20 -5) =55
3/6 Rolls

Magic Round 2
39, 44, 10, 30

Kholek vs. Da Bois Combat 3
63 vs 110 Wx
66 vs 87 W
103 vs 81 L
73 vs 61 Ll

Wall 4 is 2/4
5 /6 Rolls

Magic Round 3
70, 23, 36, 19

Kholek vs. Da Bois Combat 4
79 vs 110 Wx
63 vs 86 W
94 vs 77 L
83 vs 38 L

6/6 Retaliator Time

Magic Round 4
47, 57, 40, 28


/r 1d50 +70 #DC 30,40,50,60,80,100,120,140
Kholek has 3 /8 wounds, bonus now +25

Combat Rounds with Kholek wounded:
Kholek must succeed a total of 4 rolls to remove the bolt from his body. When removed his Combat Bonus goes from +25 to +40, wounds remain.
To wound Kholek, the four of you must win 3 of the Combat Rolls in a round, no carry over.

KoTS: +60 Combat
Otrek +50 Combat
Yorri +35 Combat, Rune Magic +50, Enemy Magic -20, -5 Passive
Snorri +25 Combat, Rune Magic +40, Enemy Magic -25 Direct, -15 passive

Wounded Kholek vs Da Bois
33 vs 61 Wl
67 vs 70 W
68 vs 49 L
66 vs 27 L

2/4 Bolt progress

Magic Round 1
Since it's mathematically impossible for what I had planned, the magic rolls with wounded kholek will be his power going haywire. Rolls will be for damage, sub 25 to his allies above and including 25 his enemies.

5, kills daemons, hurts greater daemons.

Wounded Kholek vs Da Bois 2:
39 vs 74 W
37 vs 95 W
38 vs 64 W
44 vs 61 W

2/8 Wounds

Magic Round 2:
35, destroys some artillery

Wounded Kholek vs Da Bois 3:
72 vs. 81 W
58 vs. 97 W
47 vs. 77 W
60 vs. 28 L

1 /8 Wounds
3 /4 Progress
Magic Round 3:
26, spoofs some dwarfs.

Wounded Kholek vs Da Bois 4:
62 vs. 80 KoTS W
55 vs. 27 Snorri L

4/4 Bolt progress, Kholek Combat Bonus is now +40

54 vs. 71 Yorri W
89 vs. 98 Otrek W

0/8 wounds, So falls Kholek.

The Siege of Kraka Drakk has ended! You have done the impossible, holding Kholek Suneater back and slaying him before he even breaks down a single wall. (Eat your heart out Praag.)​
- 2/3 Norscan Dwarfholds have fallen
- 2/5 Dwarfholds have fallen in total, mostly minor but a few middling ones (not named)
- 2/3 Griffons of the Skarrenraz Ankor have fallen.
- 2/5 Dwarfs of Kraka Drakk have fallen

- [T4/5] Body of Kholek Suneater, one of the Eldest Spawn of Krakanrok the Black. Research Unlocked.
- [T4] Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Corpses x15 Research Unlocked.
- [T3] Dragon Ogre Corpses x45 Research Unlocked.
- Several other monster corpses (I'll list em tomorrow)
- Mythical Deed, This Far and No Further: Among the many Karaks of the Karaz Ankor there was always a chance that the young and minor holds would fall, or at best be forced to hunker down under the mountains, shielded from the predations of the surface. None expected a hold of such youth to maintain siege footing against an innumerable foe for near two decades. None expected a hold so untested to stall the enemy and even push out against them. But you did. You stood, shoulder to shoulder, with thousands of other dwarfs on the walls of Kraka Drakk and in one voice roared for all the world to hear, "This far, and no further!"
- Legendary Deed, Shadowkiller: You were not the killer of dread Kholek Suneater, Ruiner of the North, but none can gainsay your part in the act. Your weapon dealt the final blow, Your armour girded the Dwarf who slew him. Your banner weakened his fel magic and protected uncountable lives from his blows, and it was your bolt and bolt thrower that weakened the terrible foe enough to let him be slain. And to dwarfs, the smith who made the weapon is only slightly less famed than the warrior who used it to slay the monster.
- New Master Rune Unlocked! Master Rune of Grimnir, Weapon Rune: The Bearer will fight as if channelling the Ancestor's will, unhindered by Injury or Hurt until either they or their quarry are killed. Necessary Ingredients: [T2] Griffon Feathers
- New Master Rune Unlocked! Master Rune of Grimnir, Banner Rune: The Master Rune imbues Valiant Grimnir's endurance, will and martial prowess to all under its aegis, turning even Beardlings into warriors as skilled as a Longbeard. Necessary Ingredients: [T2] Griffon Feathers

Traits Gained/Upgraded:
- Chaosbane: Your deeds and your works, your banner especially, are the bane of the chaotic. Your works will burn the flesh of beastmen and daemon, driving fear and terror into the minds of the former as well.
- Unyielding Really Old Grumbler: +10 to [Really Old Grumbler] modifier, new Total: 30
- Winds Denied: All Enemy Spells will suffer -25 automatically if Snorri takes the field, -35 to roll if Snorri is actively trying to dispel it.

AN: Thanks for waiting and thanks for reading. For anyone wondering, yes, you going to the wall did mean that Kholek could not mathematically damage the walls with his lightning. GJ with that. Please don't forget to C&C and thanks for reading. I'm going to sleep now, and will update the information/front page sheets when I wake up and have breakfast. :^)
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Turn 20:
"Well, I suppose I'll have to stay for a little bit," Master Yorri grumbles from the bed next to you.

"Your legs are broken in six places and Elder Moira is on record for threatening us both if we even think of moving before we've healed Master," you reply.

"Aye, she did," Yorri replies.

A groan echoes from the corner of the room, drawing both sets of eyes towards the almost-mummified form of Otrek, covered as he is in bandages.

"Is this the Underearth?" he mutters through the cloth wrappings.

"Nai Rikki, just the Temple of Valaya," Yorri replies.

"The wall?" he asks.

"Held. Grimnir led the charge out of the gates with his companions and your son," you answer.

"Wait, the Ancestor is?-"

"-Gone, headed north days ago. Not rightly sure of the details meself but He and His group wasted no time. Course he left both you and young Snorri something before he did," Yorri replies.

You grunt in agreement, staring at the tablet glowing faintly by your bed before picking up on Yorri's phrase fully.

Seeing your confused look your Master snorts.

"Maybe you can't see from your position over there, but I can see the glint of gold on the Rikki's bedside there. Wasn't there til only after Grimnir came by," he explains.

"You were awake?" you ask.

"COURSE I WAS! You think a concussion, four broken limbs and who knows what else can keep me down?" Yorri rumbles.

Otrek doesn't seem to listen to your banter, his one uninjured hand is desperately grasping blindly for whatever it is Grimnir left him. Yorri notices first and helps direct Otrek's hand towards the item on his bedside counter.

"What is it?" Otrek says, raising the object in his hand for the both of you to see.

"A ring/ring," you both reply, eyes wide.

It is no Runic masterpiece, no great ward or weapon of woe, but a band of simple, if finely engraved with beautifully stylized mountains, Oathgold inset with a small ruby.



With Otrek conscious, if bedbound, he can return to his duties at least somewhat. Moira dares any dwarf with business for the King to go through her, which makes the situation of Otrek a tad bit bearable. Those duties that Otrek can't take up, either due to his injuries or because of Moira's terrible glare, are handed off to Gloin. Who, while still injured, is capable enough to go through the grim task of cleaning up the enemies, leading sallies out, and tallying the dead alongside his father.

The total losses are enough to make you grind your teeth in anger.

Two in five Kraka Drakk Dwarfs dead, the number only so low because your hold housed far more refugees at this point than it did natives. Speaking of, the rate of attrition among the refugees made yours seem palatable. One in two refugees will be buried never seeing their homes again. By the reckoning of the Loremasters, only a third of every hold in the far north has survived going by various sources of information.

As for the south, none have yet heard news from even Vlag or Ungor.

It will take centuries for your people to recover, but at the very least, they will.


(Roll, Dolgi: 4 +5[Omake] =9)
(Roll, Griffon Friend Reroll: =55)
(Roll, Snerra: 20)

When you ask after your fool apprentices, you were told both were injured in the final struggle to kill Kholek. Snerra having been blasted off the wall by the bolt of a Shaggoth when she pushed an unsuspecting dwarf out of the way. As for the beast responsible, it was immediately slain by furious members of clan Bryggeroot and Winterhearth in retaliation.

Dolgi survived the tunnels well enough given how much of a hellhole you've been told they were, but got his fool self nearly killed again when he charged out with the dwarfs following Grimnir. Getting saved by a Griffon before he was crushed underfoot by a falling Dragon Ogre. Seems like his work armouring them was paying off from what you could tell given that they seem to always be there to stop him from getting his fool self killed.

You wish Klorah well.

"Snorri!" Yorri calls from the bed next to you.

"Yes Master?" you reply.

"What's this about not using Troll Tongue on your apprentices?!" he rumbles.

You sigh, having dreaded this day.

The things you do for them.


As you spend the year in bed, you rely on the Huskarls and dwarfs that come and go into your room to have an idea about the outside world. From the looks of things, the final year of the siege is looking to be a quiet one. Well, quiet compared to the last two some decades of conflict. Only sporadic attacks by lesser armies of daemons and monsters. Nothing that could truly instill fear into the hearts of your people, not after what you'd just endured. Halfway through the year, you are told 30 of Grimnir's companions return, holding 10 of their fallen brothers atop their shields. Those not seriously injured hole themselves up in the Temple of Grimnir while their living allies recuperate in the Temple of Valaya and the dead are prepared for travel back to their homes for proper burial.

When a few dare ask for information, you are told that Grimnir's companions will not utter a word of what occurred beyond the bare minimum. Grimnir went north, they followed but were bid to return. Only Lord Morgrim followed his father onward, the rest of them unable to continue. From how the Huskarls tell it, these dwarfs feel shame on a level none could begin to comprehend for their failure.

Beyond that, they only leave the Temple of Grimnir to bring battle and wage war on the few daemonic hordes that dare assault Kraka Drakk. Venting their anger and rage at any that fall within the reach of their weapons.


Two-thirds of the way through the year, a Huskarl comes into the room where the three of you are still forced to stay in with messages for both you and Otrek specifically.

For Otrek, it is a request for material aid in fortifying their nests and coming to an arrangement for armouring his surviving flock, the gut-punch of knowing your odd allies were reduced by two thirds to defend your home is a debt that none here can deny. A near-century of cooperation, with your young spending two decades beneath the mountain in preparation for the worst has bound your hold and theirs together. Time will tell if such bonds will extend beyond to the rest of your folk, but the Dwarfs of Kraka Drakk remember her allies as surely as she does her foes. Otrek ordering one of his runners to see the groundwork laid down to begin assisting your feathered companions.

As for you, the King simply asks one question.

Do you want the Suneater's heart? The King has kept the monster's corpse fresh using a type of magic He and his people use to stockpile food. Not exactly Runes, but after everything your people have been through you'll give them a pass for resorting to such a fickle thing like untamed magic.

But back to the topic at hand. The King of The Skies recognizes the kind of works that could be made using the heart of the Suneater as a reagent for a truly powerful Rune array and offers you the chance to use his boon to claim it. If not, he will consume the heart, as he and his kind seem wont to do, and grow in ways straightforward and not. When you ask the Huskarl for clarification he simply apologizes, saying that the King could not explain it beyond that. The best the massive Griffon could do was use allegory and metaphor because he lacked the terminology to properly articulate the phenomenon.

My flock are bound to me as Aspen to the mother root, what I become is passed in some way to them and they to me. Time has seen the ease of such change fall lower and lower. Where once a heart gave me speech and thought, direction for the power I possess, the tides of fate freeze like the sea in deepest winter. Only mighty things can now do what the mundane did before, and mayhaps even that will fail in time.

The Huskarl admits much of what was said is beyond his understanding and the King looks no different, but you and probably Yorri can parse out enough to make sense.

If your interpretation is correct, then whatever twist of magic or biology that made these Griffons so different from the others is fading, or perhaps it's more accurate to say setting, into a final shape. The heart would provide perhaps one more change, though you aren't sure how many more the Griffons would go through, but he'd allow you to claim it as per the spirit of his boon.

You've been toying with the idea of making the King's armour with the very material of his boon, and the Heart of Kholek Suneater would surely make a mighty suit of armour. But the question on your mind is whether that armour would outweigh the benefits of such a change.

The King of the Skies simply asks that you give him an answer by the decade's end.


In the final days of the year, near the anniversary of Grimnir and Morgrim's departure the skies clear, and the shadow is pushed back as daemons disapparate and scream in hate. Coinciding with this phenomenon, Kraka Drakk is again greeted by the sight of Drengi at the gates. Morgrim's terrifying war machine is a ruin, battle damage and scarring evident across its surface. Whatever could have damaged the Pure Gromril plating of the mighty machine left great rents in its armour and melted sections off it entirely. As for Morgrim himself, His armour is half broken and in disrepair, though He is unharmed physically. It is a testament to His skill and technical prowess that He manages to drive Drengi's hulk into the most secure section of the Engineers Guildhall for Him to repair before it broke down entirely. Or so you are told, still being bed-bound when this all occurs.

None can say what Morgrim's mental state is in, especially not after seeing Him carry His father's axe and tell His tale. Of the final stages of the trek north to seal the Chaos Gate, of the duel with the great wyrm Glammendrin that barred Grimnir's way, its defeat, the ancestors subsequent ritual scarring. Then to the three day battle against Kragen'ome'nanthal, the great spawn of Khorne. And finally to Him handing off of one of his axes, with an order for Morgrim to return home and spread the news of what happened.

Over the coming days, Dwarfs throughout the hold take a moment to pay silent respects and honour Grimnir The Valiant for His final and greatest act. For there is no other reason, at least in their minds, as to why the shadows have been pushed back so thoroughly and why some sense of normalcy has returned to the land.

In your mind, His final message repeats itself over and over.

Fight and live well ... die for something even better than that.

Leave it to Grimnir to set the greatest example of His own philosophy.

In a bit of lighter news, Morgrim leaves the workshop He'd commandeered to announce that, at least for a while, he will stay in the north and see about aiding in its reconstruction. His logic being that, as the closest to the only known entrance of Chaos into the world He will do what He can to prepare you before He must head south and spread the news of Grimnir's fate.


- Morgrim Grimnirsson, eldest scion of the Valiant has decided to spend some time in the north to aid in the reconstruction of the region while he enacts repairs on Drengi. Intent on doing what He can with His limited time to prepare the dwarfs here to face the brunt of Chaos' only known avenue of attack before heading back south.
- One out of Three Dwarf Holds in the North has survived the onslaught. The same can be said for the Griffons who nobly defended the skies of Kraka Drakk at the cost of their own lives.
- In that same vein, Otrek has declared a debt is owed to the Griffons of the Skarrenraz Ankor and already has the council making plans to see it paid in full.
- News from the south has not yet arrived, but given Morgrim's tale, its safe to assume they are beginning the long road to recovery.


[ ] Request the Heart: You may use the boon to claim the heart of Kholek Suneater for whatever purpose you deem it used for. Gain: [T5] Suneater's Heart: The heart of the creature who sundered so many of your homes. It lies inert but twitches frequently as arcs of lightning course through it still. Activates Boon from the Sky.
[ ] Refuse the Heart: Allow the King of the Skies to consume it. Gain standing with the Skarrenraz Ankor and KoTS. ???

You have 5 actions this turn and [Special] Yorri prods x4 which can be used in some actions. YOU NEED TO TAKE THE ACTION AND INVEST ONE ACTION TO USE THE PROD, UNLESS STATED ASSUME YOU CAN ONLY PROD ONCE.

[ ] Odd Places 5/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness.
- Prod Yorri: Master Yorri probably knows a few things and secrets. Given he found these parts in the first place. [Cost: 1 prod] Gain +15 to Odd Places Roll

[ ] Apprentice Hunt: Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards! [Cost: 1 Action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results.

[ ] Boon from the Sky: Write-in what you want from the King of the Skies. He can do a lot but be reasonable. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour. [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:]

[ ] Prod for Prod: Master Yorri is most certainly more learned and experienced than you are, but mayhaps you have something worth his time as well? The secrets of the Rune Metal Adamant, your discovery of flaming comets? [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods

Requests: Denote which simple request will receive the Apprentice Action in your plan.

[-] [Simple] Apprentice work: your not that young, but still young, charges are now of an age you feel it acceptable for them to do a bit of exploration. Send your apprentices out into the hold and pick up a few tasks from whoever offers it to them. Give them a bit of experience for their upcoming task as journeymen and let them build a reputation in the hold. You'll, of course, critique their work and use it as a learning experience as any good master ought to. [Cost: variable apprentice actions] Roll for usefulness. 1 Roll per apprentice action. Locked due to no apprentices.

[ ] [Simple] Warded Aeries: The Griffons of the Skarrenraz Ankor suffered terribly defending the skies of your hold. The decade-long siege has seen many an oath of friendship sworn between your folk and theirs. An entire generation of "Clutchlings" as they are called, has been raised alongside your own youth safely within the halls of the Karak. Their nests are high above the world, but they are ill-suited to protecting them from that which can fly as well. Rectify this, at least for the roost in Kraka Drakk, and aid in Otrek's work to repay these odd but dependable allies. [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.

[ ] [Simple] Weaponized Wings: You can't arm the Griffons of the Skarrenraz Ankor with Gromril, while lesser in population than the hold they make up for it in sheer bulk that needs to be protected. What you can do, however, is take part in King Otrek's efforts to arm them with Runic weaponry and good solid steel armour. It will mostly consist of you spending time fitting a few select Griffons, likely the eldest and most powerful given your position, with Rune weapons and maybe a suit of Gromril armour if they're important enough. [Cost: 1 action] Productivity Like No Other will proc.

[ ] [Difficult] A Princely Panoply Pt. 1: Otrek has come to you with a minor request, seeking your expertise in armouring the scions of the King of the Skies in fine Gromril armour capable of keeping the Griffon's legacy alive as a gift to be given. He who Thinks and He who Remembers have different philosophies over the kind of armour they want. The former wants to retain his speed and dexterity while the latter wishes to improve his already formidable endurance and toughness. a multi-work project. [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Choose 2.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write in, A Miner's Brother Pt. 1: Since returning from the campaign you've been reflecting on Grimnir and how he fought, twin axes flashing. Sometimes you found yourself looking at the Miner while these thoughts tumbled through your mind, and now they've all fallen together. You could make it a Brother, a Warrior. A twelve-meter tall Gronti forged from steel polished to a wondrous shine with twin axes of Gromril, mighty and doughty to set before the Inner Gate of Kraka Drakk, whose king is descended from the Valiant One. [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1:You've had an idea! This is the template for write in item request! Please put down the name, description and type of equipment/item you want made. Pt 2 of the item will cost differently depending on the number of items and potentially the size of it as well. A base guideline for Pt. 2 costs will be at the bottom of the post. [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] Dragon Ogre Autopsy: You've found yourself with a bevy of corpses to study. Dragon Ogres aren't an unknown foe, but you've never been privy to the results of the few limited autopsies done in the long history of your people. [Cost: 6 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
- [ ] Destructive Research: You have very many corpses. Being a bit more invasive in your understanding will mean more work gets done, but will cost you. [Cost: 3 Shaggoth Corpses, 9 Dragon Ogre Corpses] Gain 2 Progress, can be taken multiple times.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: See if your master has something in his noggin, he spent a decade fighting these things. [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d3 of progress.

[ ] Chimaera Autopsy: Damn things are odd monstrosities, three heads, two hearts, four brains. Neither one is entirely alike. A part of you wonders how much of this is useable and how much more is tainted krut. You'll have to wear some protective gear when dealing with these bodies. [Cost 4 actions]
- [ ] Prod Yorri: Your master had to fight these things in his mad dash to Kraka Drakk. He may very well have an insight or two. [Cost 1 prod] Gain 1 progress.

[ ] Silverwood: An entire forest odd silvery Wutroth is now under your ownership. While a large profit driver as you are well aware, there's an odd feeling in your belly when you look at the stuff. Beautiful like nothing else, and stronger than regular Wutroth as well. You know a few runes that require Wutroth to make, but maybe this has something special to it as well?[Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: Your master never managed to see these trees up close the first time, but in his time spent waiting for you to find him he did manage to do some digging. [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d2 Progress

[ ] Hearthstones: This deep orange gem glows with never ending heat, never enough to boil water, but enough to sleep comfortably at night and keep a bowl of stew warm long after it's left the stove. You have a few theories about how useful the material will be, but you can't ever be sure. At least it's likely to be a profitable resource when you can get some actual production going though.[Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: Your master worked well with these at least somewhat. See what he knows. [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 2 Progress

[ ] Voidstones: You have four shards of the material left. You aren't sure what it is, or if there's even more of it out there in the world, getting gobbled up by other Runelords inconspicuously. You'll have to do a bit of investigation as well as your more normal battery of tests. [Cost: 5 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.

[ ] Diction Direction: Master Yorri's Rune of Translation is serviceable, but it's in a position that you can very clearly see areas for improvement. This would certainly be easier if you knew Master Yorri was right now, but you have the Rune and seven centuries under your belt, so it's not an insurmountable challenge for a Runelord. [Cost: (6 -4) =2 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: He discovered the damn thing, maybe he has more insights?[Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1 Progress

[ ] The Secrets of Light?: That moment with the shield and sunray, the light of your torch glinting off the crystal, both sparked something in your mind. An ember that refused to be burned out. You've done permutations to the standard Rune of Light and a few on Master Yorri's Rune of Reflection, but maybe there could be more? [Cost: (8 -2) =6 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: Master Yorri may have some knowledge he'd be willing to share.[Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d3 +1 Progress

[ ] The Movement of things: The Rune of Waking or Animation as some would call it is a rare rune. How Master Yorri knows both the regular and Master Rune could be explained by either a harrowing adventure full of terror, beasties and treasure or by something as mundane as asking a friend, you could never be sure with the man. Still, this was a rune that, to your frustration, you haven't had much chance to tinker with. Maybe just a peak? [Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: Master Yorri, by his own account, has a good idea about how gronti and their ilk function.[Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 Progress, can be taken multiple times.

[ ] The Rune Metal Pt. 5: You've done it. Adamant is now, slowly, being made from your forge! It is an achievement of your lifetime by the reckoning of most dwarfs, but yet the glittering white stays in your mind. There is more still. [Cost: 12 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc.

[ ] Understand a Master Rune: The same idea as studying any rune in theory, in practice it takes a lot longer and there's often a large chance of explosions. [Cost: 16 actions] Depending on the choice, Student of the Odd and/or Mind of Metal may proc.

[ ] C-c-combo Tester!: Write-in format for a Rune Combo you want Snorri to test. Format is as follows: [Placeholder Combo Name] Equipment type: [Rune 1, Rune 2, Rune 3] [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you.

Order: You can Order 1 new item a turn, but can have as many orders ongoing as you want. Don't hoard mats.

[ ] ORDER: Write-in
- [ ] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order.
[ ] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to order something for your use. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, or Buradarr depending on tier] +1 Order.
[ ] Princely Hunting: It would be ridiculous for you to ask your King to go gallivanting around the North to find something for you to make a Rune out of, but a Prince or Princess? Well that's just you helping them build their legend through the slaying of monsters and aiding their elders. [Cost: 5, 10 Favour from Prince Gloin depending on tier] +1 Order of T2 or T3 monster mats only.

Write in Equipment Action Costs:

1 Action - 1 standard piece of equipment.
2 Actions - Multiple pieces of equipment or Large individual items
3 Actions - Very Large individual items or a full/near full set of items.

How to vote on Multi-Piece Difficult Requests.
[Y] Dowry Pt. 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM: For Item 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM: For Item 2
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM: For Item 3

Adamant Costs, General Guideline:
1 Piece of equipment or hypothetical Rune requiring Adamant - 1 bar
1 Suit of Armour for a Dwarf - 3 bars
1 Suit of Armour for a Human or Elf sized being - 4 bars
1 Piece of Ogre sized Gronti equipment - 2 bars
1 Suit of Ogre sized Gronti armour - 6 Bars
Anything larger just ask me, it will also appear in applicable actions.

Remember to vote by plan. There will be a two-hour moratorium for discussion.

AN: So, this took longer than I thought. Sorry for the delay, but seeing as I start work tomorrow this one update every 2 days thing may become the new normal. Always knew I couldn't keep up the pace forever, but at least I got through the Great Incursion! Anywho, any questions relating to Morgrim's stay and your ability to speak with him will be met by radio silence. I roll for that stuff, seeing as Morgrim will be busy and despite your affinity for engineering runes, you won't be his first choice to speak with. As for Yorri, I can at least say I will roll for whether Wanderlust overtakes him, and then he'll run off again. It might be 2 turns or 3 or may even just be this turn! So thanks for reading, and dont forget to C&C :^)
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Turn 20 Results:
Winning Vote:
[X] Plan Research Friends With Master Yorri
-[X] Refuse the Heart: Allow the King of the Skies to consume it. Gain standing with the Skarrenraz Ankor and KoTS. ???
-[X] Odd Places 5/10: [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness. Spend 1 action.
--[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain +15 to Odd Places Roll
-[X] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods Spend 1 action.
-[X] The Secrets of Light?: [Cost: (8 -2) =6 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. Spend 1 Action.
--[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d3 +1 Progress. 2 +1 =3
-[X] Diction Direction: [Cost: (6 -4) =2 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. Spend 1 action
--[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1 Progress
-[X] The Movement of things: [Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. Spend 1 action
--[X] Prod Yorri: Master [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 Progress, can be taken multiple times. Spend 4 prods. 10 +1 =11


You crack your back, stretching for the first time in an entire year since you've been put into a bed.

Freedom, at last!

Elder Moira stares at the three of you with a look that promises swift doom if she catches you straining yourselves. She still was not at all happy with your "damn beardling foolishness," even after a year to berate all of you for hours on end.

Otrek begins walking out of the temple, surrounded by his ever more protective Huskarls, both you and Yorri following behind him.

Your time inside wasn't all monotonous wall staring however, you managed to wrangle a few concessions from Master Yorri in exchange for things you'd learned since leaving his care. Mostly in terms of aid with your own research but you distinctly remember one particular topic of conversation during those long hours with little to do but gather wool.


"We're going on a trip Snorri!" Yorri whispers to you none too quietly in the middle of the night.

"Alright where exactly will that be Master?" You ask, blinking yourself to wakefulness and glancing to make sure Yorri hadn't woken King Otrek.

"When we get out of here, I'm taking you to a place that'll be useful with all this business being stuck in bed all injured and whatnot," Yorri explains.

"Alright," you agree, "but I want something in exchange."

Yorri gives you an unimpressed look, you simply stare back undaunted.

"I'm showing you marvels of nature and you want me to give you things in return? That's not how a transaction works, former-apprentice," he chides.

"Research opportunities Master," you reply evenly, not entirely sure if you had him, but given how much you knew…

"Bah! Fine! I will take you on marvellous adventure and in exchange, I suppose I'd be open to seeing if there's anything in that noggin' of yours worth any of the sagely wisdom in mine. Now, I hope you haven't forgotten the rite of agreement I had you learn to seal this pact of ours," Yorri grunts, staring at you expectantly.

"I don't have the mulberry on me Master, nor do I have the blood of a goat," you reply back calmly.

Yorri shakes his head in disbelief, "And here I thought you were a sensible dwarf… No student of mine would be caught dead without a bundle of Mulberry and at least a litre of goat blood. Maybe two decades was too short," he mutters.

"By all metrics it was!" you whisper back heatedly.



"If neither of you go to sleep right now I swear you won't like how I'll make sure you do," Moira's voice echoes out of the now open door, the light of the lamp casting a terrifying shadow on her ominously blank face.

You both fall asleep.


Letting the memory fall back into the back of your mind, you glance at Master Yorri who glances back just as knowingly. He silently mouths the time and location to you while his eyes are on constant lookout for some non-existent spy or eavesdropper looking to get the scoop on the old dwarf's treasured secrets.

You sigh in exasperation, if anyone wanted Yorri's secrets they clearly would be on high from the ceiling you reply through the seventh of the twelve secret hand sign languages he taught you.

Your master takes a moment to consider before nodding in agreement, his eyes now taking this new avenue of attack into consideration.

Did you believe that there was some spy? Not really. But then again you didn't think a Troll could give you much trouble or that there was anything beyond Pure Gromril, so what was some simple caution.

It's good to have the old dwarf back in your life, at least for a little while before he went off wanderin-

-you feel the slimy touch of troll tongue slap against your cheek.

Damn it all, you've gone soft. You huff in anger and glare at Yorri, the old dwarf simply chortles through hand sign language nine.

(Roll, Morgrim: 93, DC 80)

You both note that Otrek and his Huskarls have stopped in their tracks and are bowing. Looking in the direction they were towards, both you and Yorri swiftly do the same.


Behind him are several of Grimnir's companions, seemingly healed of their injuries, in their glimmering armour. Morgrim however is unphased by the respect he is receiving, and is instead staring intently at Otrek's neck where Grimnir's ring dangles in the light.

Stopping some thirty centimetres from Otrek, Morgrim finally speaks, his calm voice paradoxically bringing vivid images of grinding gears and roaring flame to the forefront of your mind.

"He gave you that ring I imagine," the Ancestor says.

"Aye Lord," Otrek rumbles back, still bowing, "I will prove myself worthy of it or die trying,"

"If Grimnir the Valiant gave you that ring beardling you've already proven yourself. Save your death Adamant Wyrm," he replies, glancing at you for a moment before returning to stare at Otrek and continuing, "save it for something better."

"As you say lord," Otrek replies, voice carefully still.

Morgrim grunts, nodding at Otrek before walking off, His father's companions in toe.

You can't imagine it frankly. The kind of elation that your Ancestor found you worthy. Just the thought of Thungni doing the same was… was unthinkable.


(Roll, Odd Places #5: 25 +15[Yorri] +10[Seclusion] =50)

"Hurry it up Snorri!" Yorri calls from ahead of you, somehow staying ahead of you despite the heavier load on his back.

This took you back.

Simpler, if arguably more tedious, days of simply absorbing the amount of information being thrown your way. The shortest apprenticeship you've heard of, even when discussing with your contemporaries, two decades was…

... mad.

You remember well the struggle, spending so much time building up your meagre repertoire of Runes over the sixty or so years of your Journeyman's trial on a foundation that compared to other Runesmiths was downright anemic. Travelling the land, desperate for work and inspiration.

It was the first time you met her.

You'd found yourself a part of a travelling merchant's caravan, hoping to find some work in minor holds as well as hunt around for clues about Master Yorri's whereabouts. Because the old krut couldn't be simple about his Journeyman's trial either.


You trudge harder, acknowledging him verbally, but otherwise silent in the face of your master's well intentioned jabs.

It takes you thirty seconds to reach master Yorri, the older dwarf having stopped at the crest of the hill where he grumbles down at whatever it is that has irked him so.

As you draw closer you begin to make out what he's saying.

"Damn daemons and their damn destruction. There was a perfectly good hill here and now look at it! Rubble! Rubble and mud Snorri!" Yorri finishes with a bellow, kicking a stray rock at his feet off the hill and towards the massive pile of earth that was, at one point, a hill.

You sniff.

"Come along then Snorri! We're heading over there, see if there's anything worth saving," Yorri says glumly, marching down the hill.

You nod.


"BAH!" Yorri yells, lifting some unidentifiable mass out of the rock before tossing it aside.

You pay little attention, digging through your own pile of muck for anything of value. Your gloves touch a stone, and with a sigh you pull out the pick on your back. Getting off your knees you take the proper stance and bring the pick down onto the rock.

Only for a burst of hot, and rather pleasant, water to spray you in the face. You spend a second or two to luxuriate in the wonderful feeling before moving off to the side, letting the water spray into the air before weakening to a small bubbling trickle.

You are nearly pushed into the mud by Yorri's enthusiastic slap on the back, only saved by a hasty movement of the hands.

"HA HA! THERE SHE IS! Behold my once apprentice, a boon to your home's ills! Valaya's Curative Vents!"

You stare at Yorri.

"I'll not fight you on the land claim if you use that name." he replies, staring back.

You turn your head and nod, staring at the spurting fountain of hot water that fizzles down to trickles in the mud.

"Course we have to bring in a crew to clear all this land," Yorri mutters.


"Just means we can make proper places for this stuff I suppose. Come now lad, let's bottle some samples and do some preliminary research!" Yorri finishes with a yell, running off back to the wagon.


The two of you return to the hold covered head to toe, save your beards of course, in mud and muck. As the sight of Kraka Drakk comes into view both you and Yorri note how reconstruction has already begun, as work crews composed of Dwarfs and Griffons have begun clearing away rubble and disposing of bodies into the lava moats.

What catches most of your attention however is the sight of Lord Morgrim, surrounded by a gaggle of attentive Longbeard engineers, overlooking the whole process. You're too far out to hear what exactly is said, but Morgrim is seemingly grumbling wisdom to the dwarfs around him before handing off a stack of papers to the eldest among them. The Dwarf takes them reverently and bows, Morgrim nods back before marching off back into the hold, His Father's companions trailing behind Him.

"Wonder what that's all about," Yorri mutters, readjusting the jug of supposed healing water on his back.

"Don't rightly know, Master. Again, the cart is open for you to put that down on," you reply, staring at the massive Runic keg on his back.

"Nai! Good to keep yourself fit at my age Snorri, not the spryest spring anymore. If me younger self could see me now he'd shave his beard!" Yorri explains.

You nod, carefully stepping around the fact that you saw Master Yorri do things you can't ever fathom your body managing throughout your apprenticeship let alone the past few weeks of travel.

The two of you catch sight of a beardling, only three hundred years old by the look of things, bearing a bundle of letters jogging towards you. You glance at Yorri who only shrugs back in return, must have had this bumbling lad waiting for you the entire time who knows where.

"Lords! Letters for you Lord Snorri, from the Brotherhood of Dron and a missive from Alric Thungnisson himself for the both of you!" The beardling announces officially, stopping just forty five centimetres from the both of you as tradition dictates, letters in hand waiting to be taken.

You share another look with your Master, who only raises his brow at you. Deciding to not keep the poor fellow waiting you both take your letters and send him off on his way.

You open your letter from the Brotherhood first. The page is dominated by a giant image of Thungni's face, below it a long laborious letter congratulating you on your discovery and a desire to continue working with them should you wish. Your eyes however ignore all of that, honing in on the faint runic script marked on Thungni's face, cleverly disguised as simple decoration or stylized stone. It takes you a second, but it reveals a hidden cypher, that when applied to the letter, reads out a message.

The Conclave. ???XAdsa//?

You stare confused for a second before realizing that yes, there was another cypher in the letter. As you read through, you find that the letter actually contains a total of seven different cyphers, that when applied to the message in sequence of discovery reveal the whole message.

The Conclave shall be where we gather.

You have stumbled upon a discovery of majesty.

If you wish to discuss more, and perhaps facilitate an exchange, meet us there.

Thungni safeguard you,

The Brotherhood of Karag Dron.

Well if isn't that cryptic as all hell. Rolling the scroll back up you look back at your master and see him scowling down at the letter from Alric Thungnisson.

(Roll, Perception: 65 +2[Sniffer] +30[Runelord] +20[Student of the Odd] -50[Eldest Writings] -22[Supreme Sniffer] =45) DC ????

Alric Thungnisson. Eldest living son of Thungni, the unofficial head of the Burudin, the third most knowledgeable Dwarf in terms of Runecraft. Alric Thungnisson knew more of the Runes than you think you'll ever know in your entire lifetime. A living legend amongst your people.

You unseal the scroll and find what exactly Master Yorri was scowling about.

To Snorri Son of Klaus, Ordained Runelord of the Karaz Ankor,

I write to you a summons to Rhunkalbrogg as to replace the fallen Runelords, so tallied diligently and with honest and fair eyes by my fellows, lost in the defense of kin and hold the Karaz Ankor over.

The rest of the letter is a long, long list of Runelords. All legends in their own right, masters of the art who, while not as storied as Alric Thungnisson, were famed across the realms.

And they are all dead.

Kremma Fieryheart, slain in the defence of her hold, the two greater daemons responsible killed and Grudge avenged
Yorag Stonecutter, buried under the bodies of four cygors, bled out even as his Gromril armour withstood the weight above him.
Grimmi Coalhand, last stand at the Undergates of Karak Gorrakul, dying to buy the survivors of his hold time.
Yargrim Yorreksson, died defending his son, Yorrek Yargrimson from a Daemon Prince, who slew his killer in turn.
Galrim Goldeneye, flooded a section of the Underway with a torrent of Molten gold, holding the horde in place as he was consumed by the metal….

Names upon names, stories upon stories. Each condensing heroic deeds down to but simple sentences. But what grows the awful pit in your stomach is the awful realization, that of the Runelords who came north with you-

-Only one dwarf remains alive.

Gimlet Stareyes, slain in the defence of Kraka Kodragun
Yarra Beetlebrow, died throwing herself and two Greater daemons into a magma pit.
Garagrim Axebite, dead in the reclamation of the Foundling Ward of Kraka Ravnsvake

On and on… faces to names, stories and memories. Of all the wise and noble dawi you were blessed to journey north alongside those centuries ago...

only you, alone, remain.

Your numb mind calculates that one in ten of every Runelords within the realms was now dead.

It fills you with dread to think about the regular Runesmiths who died defending their homes, of the journeymen that were perhaps out there in the wilderness when it all came crashing down.

Gazul safeguard them.


"You swear it beardling?" Moira says, eyeing the bubbling liquid in Yorri's keg, preserved and heated with well-made Runes of Preservation and Heating.

"Swear it on me beard," Yorri rumbles, staring Elder Moira in the eye.

You glance between the two of them. The other clergy of Valaya also taking quick peaks at the two staring elders as they go about their work.

"We'll have to test it, you have any records and evidence to support it?" Moira asks.

"Course I do," Yorri replies, opening the flap on his bag and pulling out a neat stack of papers, bound with twine.

Moira huffs, swiping the stack of papers from his hand then marching off.

"I'll get back to ya whenever," she turns back to say to you both before disappearing around a corner.

You can't help but feel like she's getting back at you somehow.


The rest of the decade is spent in your workshop for periods of intensive study followed by mandatory breaks Master Yorri chose to impose seemingly at random. Forcing you out of your workshop and into the greater populace every few months.

On one hand it keeps you out and about, in tune with the comings and going of the Hold and news from the south.

On the other, you're quietly screaming to keep learning.

At least it's a good excuse for good stonebread you think as you chew into your loaf. Glaring at Yorri as he stares at random dwarfs inconspicuously.

"Look there Snorri, whaddaya see?" Yorri says, jutting his chin out at the sight of dwarfs going about their day, hauling goods and walking about the hold.

"Dwarfs going about their business. An occasional Griffon as well," you reply, gaze flat.

"Bah, too much of a busy body you are lad. Always going about making this thing and that, never taking the time to really look at the foundations of it all. Movement, Snorri, it's their movements I'm pointing out. The tensing of muscle, the fall of boots. Knowing how everything falls together into one synchronous whole of what looks to be so many individual chaotic parts. That's the key lad," Yorri says, chewing his stonebread.

You aren't getting it, and from the looks of things Master Yorri realizes it as well.

"Bah! Boy has a brain for engineering Runes but he doesn't see the mechanics of everything around him," your master grumbles before inconspicuously pointing out a dwarf longbeard walking about without an arm. The dwarfs around him nod with respect, honouring the Veteran's sacrifice.

You frown internally as you glance at the dwarf before looking at Yorri.

"Solved that," he whispers.

Your eyes widen.

.5 Years.​

Your eyes never leave the Rune that Master Yorri is striking into existence, his hammer blows quick and precise. The curmudgeonly old master finally deigning to actually show you his Runes as opposed to simply filling your head with, admittedly riveting, theory.

Who knew the locomotion of the common goat was so multifaceted? Admittedly he did also provide a few pointers in how to carve the regular and Master Rune of Waking, alterations that, in his opinion, provided smoother and more fluid movement.

He sniffs down at the Silver Wutroth appendage, made in a facsimile of good Dwarfen biology, and sets it down before you. His eyes twinkle and his hands are on his hips as he watches you pick up the arm and examine it for yourself.

"Now Snorri," your master says, clearly too happy for his own good, "let's see what you've learned eh? Standard environment procedures, level ten difficulty let's say because it's clear you've gotten rusty. Now, make that Rune in!"

You barely dodge out of the way of the Troll tongue aimed at your face, only to be smacked by a second tongue coming from the other direction.

"TOO SLOW!" Yorri cackles.

Close your eyes Snorri, close your eyes and think of the Runes.

.6 Years.​

You take a good long gulp of ale. Practically inhaling the mug in your hand while Yorri takes his time to observe the occupants of the bar.

"That your apprentice there?" Yorri whispers, eyes directed at Snerra quietly, but happily, drinking a keg amid a crowd of rowdy brewers from Clan Bryggeroot.

You don't stop chugging as you nod once, trying very hard to hide your apprehension as your Master appraises your young niece.

"Hmmph, seems like you got something from my teaching then. Me sniffer's got a good feeling about that one."

You put down the mug, hiding your sigh of relief with a massive burp.

Yorri cackles, "a solid five at best lad, come now I'll show you a real chug! Barkeep, the biggest damn keg you got!" he shouts politely.

The old bartender, a dwarf over a thousand years, grunts once and a massive frothing mug comes sliding over.

Yorri has a twinkle in his eye when he points at the mug.

"This thing is as big as the one you used trying to impress your wife all those centuries ago! HA!"

"I was halfway through my mug when you came out of nowhere with a troll tongue," you grouse back goodnaturedly, memory rising to the forefront of your mind.

Master Yorri cackling his lungs out. Her eyes dance in good humour even as she pulls out a napkin to dab away the foam on your eyebrows.

"Better days those were," you mutter.

"Aye, suppose they were in some ways," Yorri agrees, smile sombre, "but we both know she'd not be too pleased with us brooding over such things now would she?"

You take a long time to reply.

"I suppose not," you say eventually.

Your master pats you on the back.

Both you and Yorri stare at the almost complete walls. The sixth layer of the newly remade defensive perimeter was set to be done by the day's end. You've heard talk across the hold that another round of celebrations was in order for the occasion, the greatest, of course, being saved for the full completion of the walls themselves. You spy young Griffons lifting massive stone blocks to the top of the wall using masterfully designed harnesses while Dwarf crews holler and direct them from the ground. Repayment for the work your people were having done for their new home, the structure personally designed by Morgrim Himself alongside rejigging parts of the holds defensive network to be even more devious.

You had little to do with that business, but you are told the Guildmaster nearly wept at the blueprints and notes Morgrim handed him.

"Morgrim did a doozy on your work," Yorri says, sipping on his ale.

"Aye," you say, leaning back into the stone you've made your makeshift chair.

"Made a book too," Yorri continues conversationally.

You nod.

And what a book it was. The Ancestor simply called it the Defensive Almanac, but already some are calling it the Khazadak Kron. The Book of Defence.

While Morgrim himself wasn't in the Karak, having been moving across the breadth of the north to oversee the defences and reclamation of several minor holds, He did not leave your hold empty-handed. Knowing that He, despite all His prowess, could not be everywhere at once, the Ancestor instead chose this time to publish a work He'd seemingly been working on for who knew how long. A great book of philosophy, axioms, lectures and critical thought exercises meant to help Dwarfs, engineers especially, consider the art of defending themselves, a position or even a Hold. Broken up into several sections, Morgrim, in His great wisdom, did not give exact examples of what defences were best for every occasion. Such an undertaking considered foolhardy by the Ancestor Himself, but rather to aid a Dwarf in understanding and considering their environment and circumstances when concocting a way of making the enemy bleed a gallon for every centimetre they crossed to get to said dwarf. That isn't to say He offered no tips or nuggets of wisdom because there are sections on trap layout that leave you awed in their sheer cleverness and potential for devastation, but He leaves the minutiae to the common dwarf to decide or at the very least consult their closest available engineer. You have no concrete proof, but with a bit of ear straining and a few well-placed looks, you've caught wind that the Ancestor made a tome specifically for the Engineers Guild, a copy of which He has been disseminating to every Master Engineer He can find. You believe the original first copy is destined for the halls of Zhufbar, His favourite haunt, and the great Guildhall there.

You aren't too sure what Morgrim put in there, but you note that the Engineers have begun to alter the classic Bolt Thrower, and have taken to calling this new variant the Bolt Hurler. There may be more, but you aren't privy to that sort of information.

Ah, Guild secrets.

.7 Years.​

"Translation? What in Thungni's name are you talking about lad?" Yorri asks, staring at you quizzically.

"That one Rune you used to speak to those goats with," you reply, waving an example in his face.

"Ah, the one I used to speak to that eagle, Gwanhir If I recall correctly," he mutters, grabbing the torque out of your hand and scratching his beard.

"Aye that one," you confirm walking over to your desk where your, heavily cyphered, notes lie.

"AH! For those Griffon folk your King made cause with. I see, I see…hmmm" Yorri mumbles, rattling his head for information.

You watch patiently as he ponders before the old dwarf finally smacks a fist against his open palm, seemingly having found his answer.

"Aye, I did do a bit more work on that Rune. Mayhaps not as much you'd like though," he says.

"I managed to see a Rune related to it on the torque for the King of the Skies, seemed powerful, more complete than what I had at least. Inspired me a good deal. As for the maker, can't rightly discern if it was either Thungni or Grungni, but my bets on the former," you reply.

"HA! Glimpsing at the work of the Ancestors is always a trip isn't it?" Yorri chortles, walking over to the desk where you are currently hunched over.

"Humbling too," you mutter back, eyes looking over your notes.

"Aye, that too," Yorri mutters quietly, shoving you over and looking at what you have so far.

You grunt.

"Hmmph, you don't get a mine if you don't dig I suppose. Let's see if we can rustle up something eh?"

.9 Years.​

Ebonbeak stares down at the new torque you and Yorri have made, the Pure Gromril accentuated by dark stained iron and the glow of the new Rune of Speech as Yorri has dubbed it. Bouncing from your idea of translation and running with it.

There's more to speech than just translation after all Snorri!

"This will facilitate better communication between our peoples?" she asks.

"Aye it shall, I swear it true," Yorri replies.

The griffon tilts her head then acquiesces to having her torque replaced with your new creation. You swiftly and gently switch the torques and watch as the Runes flare when the new torque is firmly put into position.

"How does it sound ?" Ebonbeak replies, now in perfectly understandable and fluent Khazalid.

"HA! Perfect!" Yorri shouts, clapping once in satisfaction.

It is at that moment that Ebonbeak looks to the mountain's peak and the slowly rising structure that was the Griffon's new home, the Aerie of Kraka Drakk as it was being called right now.

Shortly after, the mountain rumbles and the air grows electric. What follows is a massive wave of force that pushes back the encroaching clouds for a few kilometres all around. The clear skies do not last long however, the wave is soon followed by the creation of a swirling nimbus of thick, dark storm clouds overhead. Followed by a massive number of titanic lightning bolts that rise from the mountain's peak, illuminating the swirling darkness in a great display of light.

"Ah, The King has finished his work," she says nonchalantly, not noticing or perhaps not caring that small arcs of electricity begin appearing all over her body unprompted, that the skin of her front claws grows thick and stone-like, nor the lengthening of the fur of her rear half.


You still think you could've done something better if ya had the inkling to do it!


- Valaya's Mystical Vents! These healing springs are reputed by Master Yorri to have doubled the speed of his recuperation. Something he swore on his beard in front of both you and the assembled priesthood of Valaya and was proven correct. Right now the springs are buried under earth and rubble but that's fixable. Actions Unlocked
- The Grand Conclave and more importantly to you, The Runelord Moot or Rhunkalbrogg, begin next year to replace the fallen Runelords in the aftermath of the Great Incursion of Chaos. Action Locked next turn.
- The Movement of Things Pt. 1 complete! Pt. 2 unlocked! Variant Research unlocked: The Mind of Things
-- New Rune Unlocked! Rune of Prosthesis: Items inscribed with this rune can act as simple prosthetics. It cannot match natural Dwarf strength, offers no tactile feedback but can be mentally controlled. Better a nugget of gold than no gold at all.
-- Improved Master Rune and Rune of Waking! More fluid movement and improved strength.
- Diction Direction Pt. 1 complete! Pt. 2 unlocked!
-- New Rune Unlocked! Rune of Speech: Bearers of this Rune have their speech converted into fluid Khazalid, though it does not aid them in translating Khazalid back into their language.
-- Rune of Translation rendered redundant.
- +3 The Movement of Things Pt. 2, New Totals: [Cost 8 -3 =5 actions]
- +3 Progress to The Secrets of Light? [Cost: 6 -3 =3 actions]
- +2 Standing with The King of the Skies, New Totals: 3 Standing, 0 favours
- +1 Standing with all Griffons

AN: Morgrim will take up His Father's meme mantle. This one got away from me. I vastly overestimated my energy and time after work, apologies for that. As always thanks for reading and don't forget to C&C. :^)
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Turn 21:
(Roll, Does Yorri stay?: 80, DC 75)

You watch as Gotri goes about packing your belongings onto the wagon, Gotrek off somewhere helping Snerra and Dolgi pack their things. In the decades since, Jorri's gone and expanded his caravans into a transport service for dwarfs as well as goods now. He tells you there'll be an uptick in jobs once everyone's gotten sorted out from the Incursion. What're a few centuries really?

You glare at Jorri, the idiot dares to beam right back at you, his stump of an arm doing nothing to hinder his joy. An arm or a son, a simple choice so he told you.

Hard to disagree really.

"You know the rules, this comes dangerously close to bungling them," you snipe.

"Not my fault all three of your charges got invited to the Conclave, something that only Masters can go to freely and very exceptional journeymen get invited to. Drowning in success and he's complaining Master Yorri, can you believe him?" Jorri says, snorting in faux offence.

"Aye lad, absolutely shameful," Yorri says, nodding in agreement.

"You're both terrible, absolutely terrible. If my hairs weren't already snow white I'd say you're giving them to me early," you grouse, purposefully keeping away from both apprentices.

But for all that you grumble and grunt about it, there is a part of you that is happy to see the rest of the Runesmiths guild is taking notice of the talent you saw in them.

(Roll, Snerra: 58)

Snerra has continued her work in building her name and repertoire of Runes. She'll be heading out and aiding in the cleansing of the North soon from what you've gathered, you wish her luck. Not that she'll need it, given that she's gathered quite the retinue of allies and protective Bryggeroot bodyguards almost entirely by accident. Like Dolgi, she ends up befriending many dwarfs unintentionally, her sunny demeanour doing wonders in the dark days of the siege just like her banners

Speaking of your other apprentice.

(Roll, Dolgi: 93 +5[Omake] =98)

You cannot help but puff up with quiet pride.

In a feat quite similar to one of your own, young Dolgi saw fit to repay the Griffons of the newly christened "Drongkaraz," translated to Stormpeak, for saving him on multiple occasions by gifting them armour and weapons. Of course, Dolgi's been saved many a time, more than even you have realized, and consequently made very many suits of armour and Runic weapons for his rescuers. Enough that he personally made over a third of the total amount of equipment delivered to the Griffons of Drongkaraz.

Good lad.

"By the by, I'll have your replacement arm done soon enough," you tell Jorri.

"Take yer time! Gives me time to hang about the grandchildren, regale them with stories about my valorous exploits!" Jorri replies with a chuckle.

"For their sake, I'll make it a rush job," you reply.


The caravan travels quietly in the Underway, the crackle of torches and the quiet noises of the ponies and goats pulling you along are the only source of sound, for no craftsman would dare make a squeaky wagon wheel. Some folk may think that, as creatures of the surface, the humble pony and the ornery goat would fare poorly down in the depths. And as always, your people have come up with a solution. Breeding the best specimens possible for calmness and other traits that make them excellent for use traveling under the earth as they are above ground. Diligently working to curb any unwanted mutations that occur from prolonged subterranean existence, save their silky albino pelts.

Your folk may not appreciate the sky all too much, but they damn sure hate looking at most of the creatures that are native down here.

Horrible really. It says a lot when giant naked mole rats are the nicest looking things that tunnel through the rock your folk have made a home in.

Not even a proper mole, with fur!


"You done contemplating the inherent ugliness of underground critters?" Yorri asks from the back of the wagon.

"Aye," you reply, suppressing the shudder.

No hair on them! Unnatural is what it is.

"Well if ya are, mind passing that salt over there?" Yorri says, gesturing to the bag you'd been using to season your jerky.

You toss it back to him with a grunt, hearing the wuff of air as the sack slaps against his chest.

"BAH!" Yorri grumbles at you.

Ignoring your master's whining, and thoroughly unwilling to continue contemplating mole rats, you use your free time to take stock of the rebuilt defences. From the stories you've heard in the years since, the battle for the Underway turned the entire approach into a mass of rubble and dead bodies as your people made the enemy bleed reservoirs for every centimetre of stone. Using the tight quarters and your own traps towards erasing the daemons' ability to outnumber your people, which Prince Gloin abused to stupendous effect. Tales of clever ruses and merciless encirclement tactics employed by the prince have become legend throughout the hold. From the crushing of a bloodthirster under a statue of Grimnir, the encirclement of Khabadaz the Blood Drinker, to the constant push and pull that centered around the first of the five defensive layers.

Signs of the conflict are still evident, though not in the way you imagined.

The road beneath you is repaved and re-tiled, the tally of the dead slain on that piece of ground etched onto each piece of stone. The walls of the tunnels are restored in fine bricks, the names of the fallen etched on each. Fallen pillars are righted, remade to depict one of the many battles fought underneath the stone ceiling, every loss and victory remembered in stark clarity.

You pass a statue, the very one used to crush a bloodthirster underfoot with its fall actually. The stone boots remain, though the destroyed sections are replaced with a fine steel replica of Grimnir, the head of that very same daemon clutched in His hand, and the arm stretched out so that the head is like a great chandelier in the tunnel.

Your keen eye notes the telltale signs of machinery in the massive arm. Likely to make the giant steel daemon's head into an impromptu trap should anything dare attack the dwarfs through the Underway once more.


As you continue down southwards Jorri's caravan grows larger as other caravans, some he owns others he doesn't, join up with yours to form a large wagon train. The unofficial tradition in less dangerous times now canonized as safe and sound tactics during the horrors of the siege your peoples all endured. Harder to prey upon caravans traveling the depths when they get large enough to count as a throng in their own right ya see.

Many carry goods and products, but a solid amount also carry Runesmiths of all ranks, each and every one headed in the same destination as you, Karaz a Karak and the Grand Conclave. Over the days of travel you notice Gemlin Steeleyes and Orri Silverbrow join your wagon train as you pass Vlag and Ungor. Both elders nod gruffly, but not unkindly at you from their own wagons. Gemlin especially considering that, in his words, you put up stiffer competition than expected with your armour. Though the elder makes sure to poke at the differences in your beards in good fun to show no hard feelings about it, simply good old fashioned competitive spirit.

In your opinion you beat the dwarf, his, admittedly better, beard notwithstanding.

You also see many a young Master Runesmith and a few other Journeymen on the trek south, all of you headed to the same place and for the same reason.

Well technically, you're going to Rhunkalbrogg, which is different from the Conclave but also not.

A bit of head wracking, but not that difficult to understand.

The Grand Conclave and Rhunkalbrogg are the two official events specific to your profession. The Former usually happens every generation or so, during times of lesser conflict, while the latter is less punctual. The Grand Conclave happens whenever it can, but Rhunkalbrogg only happens when the Grand Conclave does, but not all the time. The reason lies in its purpose, the Grand Conclave is meant for Master Runesmiths to connect and network while Rhunkalbrogg is reserved solely for Runelords to elect new members on the rare occasion one of your number dies or on the even rarer occasion that the realm grows to such an extent that a new Runelord needs to be elected. You imagine this year's Rhunkalbrogg will be exceptionally large and paradoxically smaller compared to before. Given that so many of you have died, in the North especially. You are the last Runelord of the North, as you overhear your youngers whisper in the bars, but you won't stay that way. The House of Runelords don't like leaving single Runelords in " charge" of entire regions, which can potentially lead to a lot of radicalization and echo chambering.

A truth about the position of Runelord, there was far more to consider when selecting a new member, at least unofficially. Skill was obviously the largest and only official factor, but there are many Masters on the same level of skill that simply do not become Runelords for many reasons. Mostly because the house of Runelords is full, but there are also those like Master Yorri who want nothing to do with the unofficial and official responsibilities a Runelord is tasked with. Back to the point of the election though, those other factors were and could be varied, but usually boiled down to location, personality, wealth, and things like that. Because for good or ill, time has shown that Runelords find themselves as pillars of dwarf society with a bevy of responsibilities thrust upon them. The house of Runelords then has simply responded in kind by ensuring their representatives are the best of the best among them. A Runelord was no king, no Loremaster, and certainly not a General in an official capacity or understanding, but could find themselves placed in such positions should worst come to worst or simply through happenstance. All alongside their official duties with making sure the local Runesmiths of their hold, and maybe even region, weren't getting too foolish. Of course, that doesn't hold true for all of you, seeing as a number of you hole yourselves up to do nothing but research, but the House of Runelords tries to make sure to keep that in check. If an ornery bugger with no sense of tact is a Runelord you can bet your beard or plaits it's because they're simply too skilled to be ignored, or have gotten so old that their natural prickliness has become an impenetrable wall of thorns. Metaphorically speaking of course.

Minor note, all of that is another point of contention between the so-called radical and conservative factions. Whether skill alone should decide worthiness just as Thungni dictated, or if other factors should also be taken into account. You had no stake in it frankly, you weren't going to ignore those other factors, but a dwarf of high enough skill ought to have no real reason to be denied entry into the House of Runelords. Besides Master Yorri, but the man has shown no interest in the position himself. Didn't stop him from taking you out on a night of celebration once you became a Runelord of course, he, like any sane dwarf, would never turn down the chance to drink.

There's also the unofficial apprentice meetup but that's just the Grand Conclave for the beardlings that get dragged along by their masters, but aren't allowed entry into the Conclave proper. Same idea, but usually ends up with a lot more fool hijinks and pub crawling.

Ah, good times.

"You better keep all of that in mind apprentice, I'll be testing you o-," you mutter, before blinking and realizing that you are in fact...apprentice-less. Technically at least.

You've been lecturing nothing but thin air for who knows how long now, haven't you.


You hear Yorri snort behind you.

"Do go on lad. I want to see if half the things I taught actually stuck in that fool head of yours. What did ya say once to your wife all those centuries ago? Ironclad memory?" your master finishes with a good long chortle.

"It was Gromrilclad for your information!" you reply hotly in well-hidden embarrassment.



- [Simple] Weaponized Wings completed! Dolgi Embermane and the Runesmiths of Kraka Drakk have, in a fevered rush, completed the armament of the Aerie of Kraka Drakk. Your young apprentice personally made a good third of the total amount of armours and Runic weapons himself.
- The jubilation of victory bears fruit. Young beard and plaitlings, barely out of their first decade, can be seen leaving the safety of the clan home and into the wider hold for the first time. Under heavy watch and guard of course, and definitely not outside! The same can be said for the Griffons of Drongkaraz, whose numbers replenish a bit faster than your folk do, but nowhere near fast enough to recoup losing two-thirds of their total number.


You have (5 -1) =4 actions this turn and [Special] Yorri prods x0 which can be used in some actions.

[ ] Odd Places 6/10: [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness. Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen.
- Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain +15 to Odd Places Roll. Master Yorri probably knows a few things and secrets. Given he found these parts in the first place.

[ ] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 Action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results.Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards!

[ ] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] Write-in what you want from the King of the Skies. He can do a lot but be reasonable. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.

[ ] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods. Master Yorri is most certainly more learned and experienced than you are, but mayhaps you have something worth his time as well? You've taught a good amount, Adamant included, but there are still a few things Yorri himself is interested in.

[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] Once a generation the Master Runesmiths, and a few select journeymen, gather together in a grand meeting from across the holds to meet old friends, network, argue and generally talk as much shop as one could expect a Runesmith to. While the location has changed from hold to hold, this year it will be held in Karaz A Karak. You haven't been in a good long time. Not since you became a Runelord actually, but this year's conclave forces your hand. You've been summoned to participate in the naming of the replacement Runelords in the aftermath of the Great Incursion as it is now being called.
- [ ] Optional Write-in: Anything you want to take with you?

Requests: Denote which simple request will receive the Apprentice Action in your plan.
[-] [Simple] Apprentice work: [Cost: variable apprentice actions] Roll for usefulness. 1 Roll per apprentice action. Locked due to no apprentices. Your not that young, but still young, charges are now of an age you feel it acceptable for them to do a bit of exploration. Send your apprentices out into the hold and pick up a few tasks from whoever offers it to them. Give them a bit of experience for their upcoming task as journeymen and let them build a reputation in the hold. You'll of course critique their work and use it as a learning experience as any good master ought to.

[ ] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. The Griffons of the Skarrenraz Ankor suffered terribly defending the skies of your hold. The decade-long siege has seen many an oath of friendship sworn between your folk and theirs. An entire generation of "Clutchlings'' as they are called, has been raised alongside your own youth safely within the halls of the Karak. Their nests are high above the world, but they are ill-suited to protecting them from that which can fly as well. Rectify this, at least for the roost in Kraka Drakk, and aid in Otrek's work to repay these odd but dependable allies. Morgrim Himself has given the blueprints for the final structure, and His followers have completed the structure in its entirety. But the Runes to be used, you are told, were left purposefully blank by Morgrim. His words something akin to, "Let Thungni's scions decide if it's worth their time," you are told.

[ ] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. Well the clergy have cleared the usefulness of the water that comes from...Valaya's Mystical Vents, but the site itself is rubble and covered in tonnes of material. You could certainly hire a crew to clear the area and get everything going. The Temple is willing to pay you for the right to use the land.
- [ ] Petition the Hold: [Cost: 10 favours] Gain 1 progress. keep control over the land for whatever you want to do with it. You can also use that same offer in your own way. Petition the Hold to aid you in constructing this place and in return offer fair compensation in fee reductions and the like. It gives you control over the site itself, and whatever it is you want done with it.
- [ ] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.. Any dwarf may offer a libation to the Ancestors as is their right. You could, therefore, offer the land to the Priesthood then potentially work for the Priesthood in the construction of whatever it is they'd like built here and in exchange they do almost all of the heavy lifting. In reality it's a much more complex process, given Dwarf property law is obviously very extensive, but that is neither here nor there! You'll lose the ability to do what you want with this place, but you doubt you'll ever lose access to getting some of the water whenever you want.

[ ] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions] The cave system you've discovered has been left untouched in the decades since. Now that most of the reconstruction is done, you're actually able to find work crews to hire and help you fix this place up for something useful! It'll be a lot of work and the caves themselves are extensive, and who knows what other opportunities await?
- [ ] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. You can also hire out a few work crews for the hold, certain that at least several of these caves can be put to use as winter grazing land. Something the herdsdwarfs would be keen to exploit as you've been told many a time.

[ ] [Difficult] A Princely Panoply Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Choose 2. Otrek has come to you with a minor request, seeking your expertise in armouring the scions of the King of the Skies in fine Gromril armour capable of keeping the Griffon's legacy alive as a gift to be given. He who Thinks and He who Remembers have different philosophies over the kind of armour they want. The former wants to retain his speed and dexterity while the latter wishes to improve his already formidable endurance and toughness. a multi-work project.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write in, A Miner's Brother Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Since returning from the campaign you've been reflecting on Grimnir and how he fought, twin axes flashing. Sometimes you found yourself looking at the Miner while these thoughts tumbled through your mind, and now they've all fallen together. You could make it a Brother, a Warrior. A twelve-meter tall Gronti forged from steel polished to a wondrous shine with twin axes of Gromril, mighty and doughty to set before the Inner Gate of Kraka Drakk, whose king is descended from the Valiant One.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. You've had an idea! This is the template for write in item request! Please put down the name, description and type of equipment/item you want made. Pt 2 of the item will cost differently depending on the number of items and potentially the size of it as well. A base guideline for Pt. 2 costs will be at the bottom of the post.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] Dragon Ogre Autopsy: [Cost: 6 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. You've found yourself with a bevy of corpses to study. Dragon Ogres aren't an unknown foe, but you've never been privy to the results of the few limited autopsies done in the long history of your people.
- [ ] Destructive Research: [Cost: 3 Shaggoth Corpses, 9 Dragon Ogre Corpses] Gain 2 Progress, can be taken multiple times. You have very many corpses. Being a bit more invasive in your understanding will mean more work gets done, but will cost you.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d3 of progress. See if your master has something in his noggin, he spent a decade fighting these things.

[ ] Chimaera Autopsy: [Cost 4 actions] Damn things are odd monstrosities, three heads, two hearts, four brains. Neither one is entirely alike. A part of you wonders how much of this is usable and how much more is tainted krut. You'll have to wear some protective gear when dealing with these bodies.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost 1 prod] Gain 1 progress. Your master had to fight these things in his mad dash to Kraka Drakk. He may very well have an insight or two.

[ ] Silverwood: [Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. An entire forest odd silvery Wutroth is now under your ownership. While a large profit driver as you are well aware, there's an odd feeling in your belly when you look at the stuff. Beautiful like nothing else, and stronger than regular Wutroth as well. You know a few runes that require Wutroth to make, but maybe this has something special to it as well?
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d2 progress. Your master never managed to see these trees up close the first time, but in his time spent waiting for you to find him he did manage to do some digging.

[ ] Hearthstones: [Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. This deep orange gem glows with never ending heat, never enough to boil water, but enough to sleep comfortably at night and keep a bowl of stew warm long after it's left the stove. You have a few theories about how useful the material will be, but you can't ever be sure. At least it's likely to be a profitable resource when you can get some actual production going though.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 2 progress. Your master worked well with these at least somewhat. See what he knows.

[ ] Voidstones: [Cost: 5 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. You have three shards of the material left. You aren't sure what it is, or if there's even more of it out there in the world, getting gobbled up by other Runelords inconspicuously. You'll have to do a bit of investigation as well as your more normal battery of tests.

[ ] The Secrets of Light?: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. That moment with the shield and sunray, the light of your torch glinting off the crystal, both sparked something in your mind. An ember that refused to be burned out. You've done permutations to the standard Rune of Light and a few on Master Yorri's Rune of Reflection, but maybe there could be more?
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d3 +1 progress. Master Yorri may have some knowledge he'd be willing to share.

[ ] The Movement of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Waking or Animation as some would call it is a rare rune. How Master Yorri knows both the regular and Master Rune could be explained by either a harrowing adventure full of terror, beasties and treasure or by something as mundane as asking a friend, you could never be sure with the man. Yorri's given you a few pointers but something he said nags at you. Why is it that only bipedal golems work for the Master Rune of Waking?
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 progress, can be taken multiple times. Master Yorri, by his own account, has a good idea about how gronti and their ilk function.

[ ] The Mind of Things Pt. 1: [Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. Master Yorri's Rune of Prosthesis allowed the bearer to mentally control the appendage with startling precision. Something that you aren't quite too sure how he managed. You can feel the dwarf chortling somewhere at your confusion.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 progress, can be taken multiple times. Master Yorri simply chuckles mysteriously at you.

[ ] The Rune Metal Pt. 5: [Cost: 12 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc. You've done it. Adamant is now, slowly, being made from your forge! It is an achievement of your lifetime by the reckoning of most dwarfs, but yet the glittering white stays in your mind. There is more still.

[ ] Understand a Master Rune: [Cost: 16 actions] Depending on the choice, Student of the Odd and/or Mind of Metal may proc. The same idea as studying any rune in theory, in practice it takes a lot longer and there's often a large chance of explosions.

[ ] C-c-combo Tester!: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Write-in format for a Rune Combo you want Snorri to test. Format is as follows: [Placeholder Combo Name] Equipment type: [Rune 1, Rune 2, Rune 3]

Order: You can Order 1 new item a turn freely, but can have as many orders ongoing as you want. Don't hoard mats.
[ ] ORDER: Write-in
- [ ] Kingly Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process.
[ ] Kingly Authority: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, or Buradarr depending on tier] +1 Order. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to order something for your use.
- [ ] Kingly Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process.
[ ] Princely Hunting: [Cost: 5, 10 Favour from Prince Gloin depending on tier] +1 Order of T2 or T3 monster mats only. It would be ridiculous for you to ask your King to go gallivanting around the North to find something for you to make a Rune out of, but a Prince or Princess? Well, that's just you helping them build their legend through the slaying of monsters and aiding their elders.

Write in Equipment Action Costs:
1 Action - 1 standard piece of equipment.
2 Actions - Multiple pieces of equipment or Large individual items
3 Actions - Very Large individual items or a full/near full set of items.

How to vote on Multi-Piece Difficult Requests.
[Y] Dowry Pt. 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM: For Item 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM: For Item 2
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM: For Item 3

Adamant Costs, General Guideline:
1 Piece of equipment or hypothetical Rune requiring Adamant - 1 bar
1 Suit of Armour for a Dwarf - 3 bars
1 Suit of Armour for a Human or Elf sized being - 4 bars
1 Piece of Ogre sized Gronti equipment - 2 bars
1 Suit of Ogre sized Gronti armour - 6 Bars
Anything larger just ask me, it will also appear in applicable actions.

Remember to vote by plan. There will be a two-hour moratorium for discussion.

AN: I've reformatted stuff to make it easier for you guys to make slimmer plan votes. Tell me whatcha think. Thanks for reading and don't forget to C&C. :^)
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Grand Conclave of 113 A.P. Pt. 1:
Winning Vote:
[X] Plan All the Griffon Stuff
-[X] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 3 actions
--[X] At QM discretion, use up to T3 materials freely on this project where appropriate. Small amounts of T4 Elder Frostwyrm Hide may also be used.
-[X] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
-[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
--[X] Optional Write-in: An Adamant bar and blueprint of an Adamant Furnace, and a shard of Voidstone.
-[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
--[X] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.
-[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
--[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
-[X] Dragon Ogre Autopsy: [Cost: 6 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
--[X] Destructive Research: [Cost: 3 Shaggoth Corpses, 9 Dragon Ogre Corpses] Gain 2 Progress, can be taken multiple times. Three Times.

Your caravan reaches the great Undergates of Karaz a Karak, only one of the many great throngs of dwarfs that stream in and out of the massive structure. Looking around, you spot the heraldry of dozens of different clans from all across the Everlasting Realms. But what stands out to you especially is the sheer number of Runesmith clans present in the vast mass of beards and bodies.

Clan Winterhearth, main and Kraka Drakk branches respectively, Clan Steelhand of Zhufbar, Clan Starbeard of Karak Brynduraz, Clan Gurreksson of Karak Izril,and many more. And of course, the progenitor of each and every last of these legendary clans, Clan Thungnisson.

It is a heady feeling seeing all of you here, and a stark reminder of what you have lost. In all your years the Grand Conclave has never attracted crowds this large. Then again, it's been a good few centuries since you've last been, and these aren't normal circumstances. You're certain that for many dwarfs here it is the only way to learn the fates of family and friends from across the realms, and to visit the survivors in the flesh. Not everyone received a list of their dead colleagues after all, and while dwarf record keeping is extensive travel is still so very slow.

It takes a while for your caravan to pass through the undergate, not so much due to the security checks most dwarfs and goods go through, but because of sheer volume of traffic. Jorri tells you it's usually not this bad, and you're inclined to agree based on just how many are coming here because of the Conclave.

Once your wagon is through, you bid Jorri well and head off towards your prearranged lodging for the duration of the event, promising to meet up with him later. It takes a bit of grumbling and a few pointed stares but eventually you find the Craggy Brow inn, run by one Kemmer Craggy Brow, and put away your things. You take the time to pay Kemmer to store your special goods in his guest vault, for a hefty but fair price, to keep them safe. You doubt thieves could get into the fortress-like construction Kemmer has turned his inn into, but it paid to be sure. The vault itself was inscribed with Runes by legendary Runelord Yammer Lodsson as Kemmer proudly swears on his incredibly prodigious beard.

With that squared away you and your master decide to go about the town before Rhunkalbrogg begins.

The two of you walk the streets of Karaz a Karak, disguised as rangers and further hidden by your individual cloaks. You had time to do a bit of looking about, considering Ruhnkalbrogg was set to start two days from now.

You do not notice as a dwarf approaches you from behind, equally cloaked until he coughs to grab your attention. You turn, see and then realize that his form is blurred out of focus to you through the use of an equally obscured Rune. Your master keeps walking.

"Yorri," he grumbles out.

Yorri does not freeze, but he certainly stops to look. You note that his gaze is carefully schooled blank.

"Alric," Yorri replies.

You blink.

"Snorri, go on without me lad. It looks like I have business here. Buy me some stonebread would you?" Yorri mutters offhandedly but clearly meant to dismiss you.

By all rights, you were not beholden to Yorri's orders, not for a long time, but by Grungni decades of apprenticeship forced your legs to move away from the two dwarfs. Eventually finding yourself in the midst of Karaz a Karak's market district. Where, with your mind no longer occupied, you are bombarded with the scents, sounds and sights of a truly varied market of goods. Food, clothes, tools being sold in vast quantities.

You, however, are on the lookout for other things. The kind of goods only a Runelord would want.

Only to find the market picked bare.

Well, not bare, this was a vital trade hub and the place Grungni and Valaya hold court, the markets are bustling and the supplies are understandably plentiful. But not with the goods you, a Runesmith, wanted. Aye, you could find Oathgold, Brightstone, things like that, but the rare things? Gone. Picked clean like master Yorri with a lamb's leg. Not a hint of elder dragon blood, no Rumbler's Lung or Stonehorn's Eye in sight, not a single thing of any true rarity. In all likelihood, your earlier, and likely older, contemporaries swept up everything of value before you and the youngsters even arrived.


During your excursion, you did manage to do some shopping. Threadbare as your options were.

(Pick up to 5 [Tier 2] Materials: Write-in vote at bottom of update.)

No one to blame really, save for yourself.

You manage to find a few things worth your time, but it isn't much to write home about. Still, your beard's a tingling fiercely, there's definitely something of value left. You're sure of it, and it certainly isn't denial on your part either!


It's been a few hours now and the stalls and shops are beginning to close for the day, while others open up for dwarfs going about nighttime business. Not exactly all that different though, given that Dwarfs live underground and away from the light of either celestial body. Ingrained biology from those elder days before Grungni taught you to dig into the earth and make proper homes for yourselves.

Your eye catches a glint of something odd in the corner of your vision, and your nose sniffs something esoteric nearby. Turning to face it, you stare at a glass display filled with all manner of creature bits, but what draws your ever-widening eyes is a stack of glistening void-like shards nestled in the corner.

You most certainly do not run inside, you briskly walk towards Fingrod's Fantastic Finds like a respectable dwarf and take your time to peruse.

The dwarf at the counter, Fingrod most likely, is dutifully standing behind the register seemingly unphased by your presence.

"Anything I can do fer ye Elder? Anything ya see in me shop to yer liking?"

You grunt, look around then almost double back at the two massive horns on Fingrod's wall. It takes you a bit, but you eventually meander your way to the stack of what could be nothing less than Voidstone.

"How much fer the lot of this?" you ask Fingrod, pointing at the bundle.

You nod through the dwarf's reply, still inspecting the stack of onyx black shards.

"Beardling, mind telling me where you got this stuff?" you say conversationally.

"Ah those, me father Fingrod fought in the Great Throng of the Valiant. Said that when a terrible battle out westwards against a mighty force of greater daemons attacked, those odd folk Grimnir met joined the Throng in battle. A mighty Runelord cast several of the Greater Daemon's back into the abyss just as one of those tall mages of those elgi, I think they're called that at least, cast one of their spells at them. Daemons went kaput and a bunch of shards flew out everywhere. Those seven there got lodged in the ground near him, in his shield, his legs and one arm or so he tells me. No lasting damage, thank the ancestors," he explains.

You grunt in acknowledgement.

Daemons. Magic. Death. Two of those you could at least confirm matched what happened to the Greedy One, and could stretch to the third as well depending.

You had something here.

"Those horns there then, what about them?" you ask, setting the onyx shards aside to look at the massive pair of what looked like horns before you. They were massive swirling things, three dwarf lengths long and as white as fresh snow.

"Ah. Me father bought em off an old ranger friend o' his. Said he found them in the plains of the far northeast. Took him weeks to get to the nearest Karak then months to get through the Underway.

"It'll do…" you trail off.

"Fingrod Fingrodsson, Elder," the dwarf supplies happily.

It's not Grim Grimsson but damn if you don't feel a swell of pity there.

"It'll do Fingrod, I'll take these shards and those two horns there, I'll have a dwarf by the name of Jorri Klausson pick them up if you don't mind," you reply, pointing at the massive curled horns on the wall.

"Ah! Me father does business with Master Jorri, we'll have these packed up in a day's time if that's fine by you Elder?" the dwarf asks.

You nod in acquiescence on your way out, the dwarf bidding you farewell as you leave the shop.


As you walk back towards Craggy's, you take a detour towards a local bakery to have a looksie at the kind of Stonebread they're selling. Both for yourself and because you remember Yorri asking you to get some when he sent you off. When you get to the door you squint and read the Khazalid on the door.

"Brangga's Bread and Baked Goods, ranked third in the Karaz a Karak!" you mutter quietly.

High praise indeed, the Baker's guild are a very judgemental bunch concerning bread, to get even third place is a mark of quality food indeed. You've been the guest of honour to several of Kraka Drakk's semi-annual bake-off for the past century, and if Karaz a Karak is anything similar you know how litigious the judges can get. You open the door and the wafting scent of fresh food that was evident before becomes a torrent that floods your senses with flavour and homeliness.

Ah, now this is a fine bakery indeed.

You walk in and a young dwarf lass, some 200 years old going by the silver streaks in her auburn hair, greets you from the counter.

"Welcome, welcome to my shop Elder! Take a look around, we've got fresh loaves out for sale that may be to your liking! Today's special stone-nut custard pies are freshly baked as well!" she says happily, reminding you a little of Snerra with the level of enthusiasm she has. You note that, despite her best efforts, she has thin streaks of flour and inconspicuous bits of dough on her clothes.

You chuff in something akin to approval at the young girl, her master must be very proud of her achievement. Ranking third so young is a sign of good things indeed, not as good as your beardlings but that's not her fault really. But now wasn't the time to compare how much better of a teacher you were, no it was time to see how your own palette matched the judges of Karaz a Karak's Bakers Guild.


You walk out of Brangga's bakery with a smile on your lips (once the beardling can't see your face of course), a full belly, and a rather large bag of fine pastries for the road. A loaf of bread grasped in your hand that you idly take a bite out of very awkwardly as you walk with the bag in your arms. The young lass waves at you as you leave, probably just as happy to have gained your approval as she did your business. Note to self, come by here more often.

"Woah there! To your left Honoured Elder!" a voice calls out, giving you enough time to swiftly stop and move out of the way.

You grunt out something close to a "thank you," and set down your bag of goods to see that another Runesmith stares back at you.

It doesn't take a genius to realize the woman before you is from Karak Zorn. Going by the distinct Zornish designs on her jewelry and clothes. The white anvil on bright teal and crimson red background make frequent appearances on her clothes. Her arms, bare for the world to see, are covered in the distinct tattoos that Zorn dwarfs practice. A cultural practice to mark the events and experiences of one's life, or so you've read. The signature silver colour reserved for Runesmiths and the steel grey of a smith clash and beautifully contrast with the glittering gold meant to denote noble blood.

"You're carrying a lot of bread there Honoured Elder," she says.

You grunt.

"Brynna Gildedeyes, honour to your ancestors Honoured Elder," she introduces herself with a bow.

(Roll, Perception: 79 +30[Runelord] +2[Sniffer] -10[Not in the Know] =101)

The name pings something in the far recesses of your mind. The name has come up before, a Runelord from Karak Zorn who was named in the Rhunkalbrogg before your departure north.

"Honour to you Rhunrikki from Karak Zorn," you reply with the traditional response.

If Brynna is surprised by your recognition she does not show it, simply nodding.

"You have shown your wisdom then Honoured Elder, my youth denies me knowledge as to your occupation."

Ah, Zorn formality, you appreciate the sentiment, but you're not one for taking hours to say three things. Still, you're almost 800 years old, a bit of talking won't kill you.

"I am Snorri, son of Klaus, Rhunrikki of Kraka Drakk, your peer in profession and elder in age," you reply, managing to remember how to converse in the more formal speak Zorn dwarfs generally favour.

"Ah, my deepest condolences Honoured Elder," she says, tone apologetic," I'm certain that this Rhunkalbrogg is especially important to you," she says.

You grunt.

"Have you spoken to many of our colleagues yet Honoured Elder? Done some prospecting so to speak" she asks.

"Only arrived a few hours ago, I'm certain I'll get to it eventually," you reply, picking up your bag.

"I'd be happy to assist you Honoured Elder, what little I can provide given my youth," she offers.

You nod with another grunt, though internally you boggle. If you remember rightly she's well into her sixth century, but you suppose that wouldn't compare to your near eight centuries of age in her eyes.

Seeing your sign of approval she begins explaining what she knows about the current climate based on her observations and discussion with the other Runelords shes met. She can't offer much in terms of news you're interested in, something that she continuously but subtly apologizes for, much to your chagrin. Most of the knowledge she has concerns the candidates for the more southern holds, which made sense, but she did have something from the north.

"Lord Gemlin spoke with me about the region. He believed there would certainly be a push amongst the Honoured members of the House for fine and skilled dwarfs in Kraka Ravnsvake and Ornsmotek for certain, but are otherwise open to any Master worthy of the rank. Pickings are slimmer than they would like," she explains.

You aren't an idiot, what most Zorn dwarfs equate to good usually meant conservative. Well that and old, but that went without saying really, and the North wasn't exactly the most conventional place. For one thing the first Runesmiths who went weren't exactly the most traditional bunch to begin with. Not unwanted or in any form of conflict with the rest of the guild certainly, but there was a very clear moderate to radical bent among the group that first came here. Something that was partially rectified when Otrek started sending feelers out for more Runesmiths to emigrate northward. While many of those who heeded him were younger, more radical, masters looking to settle down and make a life, a good few conservative masters came as well. Gromril mines and a King who appreciated the power of Runes as much as an actual Runesmith did much to sway them away from their homes.

Course, then the incursion came and the North was decimated almost in its entirety over a few decades. Made the survivors all the more willing to deal with and dare you say work with each other if it meant keeping other dwarfs alive and their homes safe. Seeing your allied holds fall to rubble and ash then have your new home be flooded with the refugees… Well it did a lot to motivate the more conservative elements to quiet down on that front.

Course, that didn't even touch on your proximity to the Skarrenraz Ankor, and the sight and knowledge of non-dwarfs carrying Runic items. Though that was arguably less egregious to them at this point, given that the Ancestors themselves effectively gave it their blessing.

You're certain that many dwarfs here, while not willing to kill you over it anymore, do not forget you gave those torques before the Ancestors gave their approval.


"What do you have to say Honoured Elder? What do you believe makes one most worthy of our rank in the North?" Brynna asks, golden eyes staring at you inquisitively.

Write-in: Give a list of points or ideas you want to come across in your reply. THIS IS LIKE WHEN YOU REPLIED TO SNORRI WHITEBEARD. Vote in bottom of update.


Eventually you and Brynna part ways amicably enough. A bit uptight and unintentionally rude but you've met worse to be frank. When you get to Craggy's you meet Yorri at the pub on the ground floor. He's looking no worse for wear but has a small scowl on his lips. When he sees you, however, he simply schools his features and waves you over.

You stare at him questioningly as you take a seat, but he simply grunts at you. Decades of tutelage and experience under him aren't needed to know that your master won't speak of what occurred, and you aren't willing to prod him over it either. All you can do is shrug and slide over a mug of ale and loaf of stonebread.

"Tough day?" Yorri asks after downing his drink in a single gulp.

"Market was picked bare, and I ran into another Runelord, Brynna Gildedeyes," you begin.

Yorri hums in interest as he chews into the stonebread.

"From Karak Zorn," you finish.

Only to wince in understanding and then pat you on the back.

"To terrible conversations," he says, raising his mug towards you.

You smack your tankard against his, careful not to let a single drop spill out, then take a long stiff drink.

- Epiphany! Death, magic and daemons. There's something there. 1d3+ 1 =2 Progress to Voidstones, New Totals: [Cost: 5 -2 =3 actions]
- +7 Voidstone
- +2 Giant ??? horns
- New contact, Brynna Gildedeyes, Runelord from Karak Zorn: (2 +1[Recognition]) = +3 standing, new totals: -2 Standing, 0 Favours.


Collated Votes:
[ ] [Market] Write-in: [T2] Material Choose up to 5 total
[ ] [Brynna] Write-in: Give a list of points or ideas you want to come across in your reply. THIS IS LIKE WHEN YOU REPLIED TO SNORRI WHITEBEARD.


Remember to vote by plan. There will be a two-hour moratorium for discussion.

AN: the rolls were hella weird here. Just to give you an example I have a few down below this. This update is shorter than usual but still longer than I intended. Not that I think ya'll are complaining lol. Anywho, thanks for reading and don't forget to C&C.
(Roll, Goodies: 5, 8, 7, 19, 6 These were d100 btw)
(Roll, Odd Goodies: 64, 9, 100 +15[Student of the Odd] +2[Sniffer] =81, 26, 117)
(Roll, Exploding: 75)
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Grand Conclave of 113 A.P. Pt. 2:
Winning Vote:
[X] [Market] Write-in: [T2] Material
-[X] [T2] Oathgold
-[X] [T2] Giant Spider's Venom
-[X] [T2] Invisible Diamonds
-[X] [T2] Lodesteel X2
[X] [Brynna]
-[X] Looking to the future: a lot of elders died, and there are a lot of barely Fullbeard refugees that need guidance.
-[X] Being adaptable: the north is wild and unpredictable. Situations will come up where there is no precedent and you have to make your own judgement calls (such as Griffon alliance)
-[X] Willing to collaborate and elevate the works of other guilds with Runeworks. Collaboration and Brotherhood is why we managed to hold against Kholek, despite being less than two centuries old.

"The north is the frontier. A crucible both new and familiar to our people. Many of the problems we face are the same as our Ancestors in the earliest days after the departure from Zorn, but there are also novel difficulties as well," you begin explaining.

"You speak of the Griffons," Brynna says cautiously.

"Not just them, but yes. There are the Greedy Trolls, shadows of a right bastard of a beast the Throng slew a century or two ago."

"I've heard a few tales, many say you slew it personally," she replies.

You blink in surprise, the story had spread that far south? Surprising, but also pleasant to hear if you're honest.

"Mmm, then the Skalds have gotten a bit too enthusiastic. I may have pushed it off that cliff, but I would not have survived if the Throng had not held back his horde. More than ever the dwarfs of the North will need to be able to rely on and work with each other. Perhaps more than we have ever had to before. A Runelord especially will need to be a great teacher, a guide for many more dwarfs than usual," you continue.

"Not an unwise or incorrect sentiment, but you risk much won't you? Secrets that aren't yours to share or students that don't deserve to know can be given away in such environments despite our best efforts. Besides that, great deeds have been done by a single dwarf before," she counters.

"For every bit of silver in the mine there's far more lead that gets dug up. We can't expect a Gottri Hammerspite or Angkra Twentyloops to pop up every generation to solve all our problems. Better to work the lead and do something with it instead of leaving it to waste." You say, carefully ignoring the reality that your niece could actually be a dwarf of that level easily, and maybe even beyond that.

"It can be argued that it would be far more profitable to spend your time on that Silver than spend it working Lead."

"It's also wasteful to leave that Lead to the waste rock. I can't transmute it into Silver, but It's no excuse to ignore it. The Ancestors did it with our people and in the North its safe to say that with the way things have been going we'll be called to start the traditions that our successors will follow in the eons after us."

"Better then to leave it to our betters then no? Lest we damn the beardlings and lead them down a dark and improper course of action. Lest you believe yourself above the Ancestors," she replies, not with hostility, but with a questioning lilt.

You very nearly spit out your bread. A part of you is ready to berate her for believing you had such hubris before you realize the miscommunication and stop yourself. The specific context that she was using "Ancestors" for wasn't reserved solely for the seven dwarfs most folk think of. In Zorn, that term literally encompassed every Ancestor, from personal, to the famous figures of a Clan's history, as well as the Seven Ancestors.

"I have no issue with such a decision. Though given the state of the north, need I remind you that I don't have any betters close enough to offer their wisdom?" you ask after collecting yourself.

You are alone.

Brynna blinks before her eyes go wide in realization.

" I- I apologize Honoured Elder. I have misstepped greatly, I humbly a-"

You wave her off with a snort.

"There are days when I can scarcely believe it myself, but I will not break at the mere mention of it. It'd be shameful and I can't afford to regardless. But regardless of the North's lack of viable elders, we don't have the luxury of Grungni or Valaya to guide us, and the world certainly won't wait for them to make the trek up to do so. There will come times when we can afford to wait, and others we can't, and I won't make the beardlings suffer the weight of decision before they're ready. Whether we wish it or not, it appears the world has demanded I stand up to the challenge. Perhaps before we are ready for it."

Brynna has nothing to say to that.


You spend the few hours of the day you have before your to meet with the Brotherhood pub crawling in your normal disguise. Master Yorri wanted to come with you and, in his words, "see how good the pubs have gotten since he was last here," but was forced to leave for other commitments forced upon him by "old codgers without a lick of sense and can't understand that no means no."

Again, his words.

Nothing for it you suppose, you'll just have to go testing the ale yourself. Right now you've found yourself in a rather new establishment, only five decades old or so you've been told. The Bartender is a young dwarf of some three hundred years, only just getting the last vestiges of colour out of his beard, by the name of Grindo. Due to its relative youth, it and a few other bars are where many of the apprentices, dragged to the Conclave by their masters but unable to attend, spend their time. You don't plan to spend a long time here, simply get a drink or three then be on your way, entirely aware of the odds your apprentices could end up filing in here. Perhaps as a cosmic joke, the bell on the bar door rings and you pass a glance to see who's come in this time.

Only to see three familiar, if older, faces walk into the bar as they talked amongst themselves.

You casually move the hood to cover you more completely, hiding your face behind your mug as well. Of all the rotten luck why now?

(Roll, Apprentices at the Conclave: 90, 60, 97)

"-easy for you to say Ms. 'Gained the Honour Debt of an Entire Clan', but the rest of us have to work a bit harder to get the attention and business of some clients," Dolgi chortles.

"I didn't mean to, you know I didnt! I just tr-"

"-ried to be thankful. I know, which makes it even more hilarious," Dolgi says with a chortle.

"You're both equally daft, here I thought my time in Karak Brynduraz was exciting and I learn you two have gone and pulled a Master Snorri," Fjolla grumbles while Snerra orders drinks for the lot of them.

A Master Snorri-

"What's that supposed to mean?" Snerra asks the question running through your head, no longer occupied with fetching food.

"You know exactly what it means," Fjolla grumbles.

"Being incredibly productive?" Dolgi offers innocently.

"Do something no one expected a single dwarf to do?" Snerra adds after a moment.

"Done what most dwarfs consider impossible?" Dolgi continues, a grin on his lips.

Oh. Well.

You begin to sip from your mug a bit more happily.

"All of the above and more importantly, somehow find a way to get on Elder Moira's bad side. What is it? Two dozen broken limbs between the both of you?" Fjolla finishes.

Only to nearly spit out your ale in indignatio-

-well actually she's got a point, but you'll remember this!

"Three dozen actually," Snerra provides helpfully, even as Dolgi shoots her with a look of betrayal.

"By the Ancestors, you're both worse than I thought," Fjolla mutters.

"I see your point, but don't think you're off the hook either Fjol, what with you managing to wriggle yourself into the good graces of Brynduraz's Runelord of all people. Never imagined I'd get the attention of someone like Gemma Diamond Eyes, at least not till I was a Master for a century or five. It's paid off handsomely too, since it looks like her Association has a few hooks everywhere, here during the Conclave especially," Dolgi says, clinking his mug against Fjolla's.

"Thanks. I didn't think my work would be such a hit in Brynduraz. Still, I'll do my best to capitalize on the opportunity Gemma's given me. Can't go disappointing everyone now can I, eh 'Griffonfriend?'" she replies with a chuckle of her own.

"I don't think it's done much for me, at least among dwarfs outside of Kraka Drakk, as 'Banner-maiden' and 'Jewel-eyed' have for the both of you. Not that I'm complaining overmuch. Having giant flying friends you can trade reagents for quality craftsmanship with is a good deal to me," Dolgi says with a laugh.

"I'm sure it'll change in time, they don't rightly know what to make of the Griffons yet I s'pose," Snerra says as she chews on a loaf of stonebread while patting him on the shoulder.

"For their sakes, I'd hope so. Not because I want any recognition obviously, but the Griffons deserve to be seen as allies. They did right by us, bled and died alongside us on those walls, and it'd be shameful if we failed to pay them back or recognize their sacrifice," Dolgi grumbles.

"You sound like Master Snorri when you talk like that," Snerra says, taking out another bite from her loaf.

"R-really?" he stutters, and whatever ounce of maturity he seems to have had disappears like Ale into a dwarf's gullet.

"Just take the compliment and don't question it Dolgi," Fjolla mutters into her mug.

"Funny coming from you, considering you literally knocked out a man for giving you compliments," Dolgi snarks.

"He had it coming. Wazzock kept trying to woo me with bad poetry and terrible music and using that damn compliment over and over. I heard it so many times that I had to challenge him to stop Dolgi! I have better things to do than settle down right now," Fjolla says beginning to rant.

"Then you knocked him out so bad he started seeing Jewels in his eyes," Snerra says with a giggle.

"Aye, and now it's stuck to me!" Fjolla almost shouts in exasperation.

"Better it was for something you did though, right? Instead of it being something he put on you?" Dolgi offers.

"I s'pose so..."

"At least you got to punch him in the face, and in honourable combat as well! They can't even come back to haunt you with a Grudge over it," Snerra also adds in.

"Bah," Fjolla mutters in defeat before taking a long swig of her ale.

"...course. Some dwarfs may see that as even more reason to court you," Dolgi says with a dark chuckle.

"I'll strangle you here and now Dolgi Embermane. Don't you dare put that evil in my mind," Fjolla threatens.

"Alright alright I'll stop!" he says in surrender, "though did you see how those Journeymen from Zo-" he tries to slyly add-in before being cut off by a loaf of Stonebread to the face.

"Brawls only after midnight!" the barkeep warns them.


You manage to get out of the bar inconspicuously enough, leaving your apprentices to catch up with each other none the wiser to your earlier observation.

Walking through the orderly streets of Karaz a Karak, you do your best, which is pretty good, to look inconspicuous as you walk towards an empty smith's shop. Once you're through the front door, a second locked door greets you. Knocking on it in the specified pattern, you wait for the eye slit to peel back wherein you show the slate grey orbs staring at you the Gromril coin you received all those decades ago.

"How many times was the metal remade?" a muffled voice asks from behind the door.

"Seven whole, no more no less. Unmade and reforged to pass the smith's test."

You feel a bit silly saying that, to be honest, never were one for theatrics.

The door opens, and you walk inside to see a group of four hooded dwarfs, two men and two women, and Kraggi sitting at a table. You and the dwarf who was at the door both sit down and one of the hooded individuals, one of the women, speaks up.

"Figured it out eh? Gorra Gromrileye, Runelord from Karak Varn and Senior member of the Brotherhood of Dron," she says, offering a hand that you shake in a bit of confusion.

"Fer Grungni's sake Gorra…" one of the other hooded dwarfs says, pinching the bridge of their nose.

"What? I still don't agree with this secrecy. I wore the hood, be happy you got that much, but I won't play all mysterious with him, we aren't the Burudin after all. I mean look at Kraggi over there, didn't even bother with the hood," Gorra replies, pointing to the dwarf in question.

"Too dramatic for my tastes," the grim dwarf says.

"Bah! Well it's ruined. You two can take off the hoods if you want. Me name's Bogrin Azurehammer of Karak Eight Peaks and these two are Magda and Modi Copperlocks of Karak Izril, and the dwarf who let you in is Dammin the Stoic, Runelord from Karaz A Karak, one of whose shops we're currently using right now," the exasperated dwarf says.

Both Magda and Modi grunt out a friendly enough greeting.

"As Gorra so eloquently put it, you've cracked the code then it seems. Made yerself True Gromril..."

"Call it 'Adamant' personally, but if you're talking about this," you say, pulling out the glowing silver bar from your satchel for all to see, "then yes. I have."

"Good, good then it means we don't have to go through this whole thing with you. Tell me, did you have that bar ready for a while? Threw a lot of us for a loop when you sent it so soon," Gorra cuts in.

"Aye, that was the first bar I made that I sent you, a few decades before the campaign to be precise," you confirm.

Kraggi extends his arm hand and Modi chortles as he drops two gold coins into the dwarf's waiting hand.

"I'm sure the others will love you," Gorra chuckles.

"Regardless," Bogrin cuts in, "we noticed that you made armour for your King, impressive stuff. I imagine you're running low on your batch?"

"Beg your pardon?"

"Your batch, the yield of 'Adamant' per Kilo of Pure Gromril to be precise. Same as us, just as a point of reference what sort of yield are you looking at so we know how far along you are. Purely professional I assure you."Gorra asks innocently.

"I believe...we're both talking past each other," you begin cautiously, arm ruffling around in your satchel before it finds what you're looking for.

The assembled group stares as you pull out the warded parchment and unroll it just enough for a diagram of your Rune to flash before their eyes for a moment.

"Hmmph, clearly our research has led us down separate paths. You willing to share? Not the process, but your output of material, and we'll do the same" Dammin says to the nods of the other Brotherhood members.

"About a bar every two decades per smelter, though I have enough smelters now to get up to a bar per decade. Total conversion of the bar though. Only thing stopping me from making more is the Rule of Pride."

"Master Rune then, considering the stories about you Gift Giver," Magda says.

"Aye, and going by your reactions it's something I found out on my own. Cracking open the Trollbrew when I get home I suppose," you mutter.

"Well, our process produces a far higher yield of about 60 bars of material every five decades, so about a dozen or so bars averaged out per decade. Though the conversion is not total. Dependent entirely on how fast we can process the billet," Bogrin explains.

"Expensive as all hell, Ancestors help us if we didn't pool our resources…" Gorra's mutters trail off into grumbling.

You grunt questioningly.

"Well we were going to show you, as it is custom for prospective members to know exactly what they're getting into in terms of financial cost. Considering Brotherhood members have to contribute to the smelting if they want any amount of True Gromril to work with. Kraggi?"

The Runelord slides over a page to you. Squinting your eyes, you lift the sheet to your eyes and begin reading the seemingly innocuous standardized accounting form.

Thank the Ancestors you don't have ale in your mouth.

"That's a lot of Elder Dragon's blood," You mumble, more than you could reasonably accumulate in a good few centuries.

"Aye, only thing that can even begin to handle the heat of our process," Modi says.

"Even then we're left with a lot of impure Gromril, as odd as it sounds saying it, and no Dragon's blood left either," Magda adds.

"Well I can tell you right now I don't need any other reagent to make mine after the initial array and the Bar of Gromril I'm converting, I swear it on my beard."

That declaration gets you many interested stares.

"Well, as the Ranking member of the Brotherhood here," Bogrin says leaning forward, "I've been given provisional authority to offer you some incentives to join us. Though this situation has certainly escalated beyond what we expected, we have prepared contingencies. So, by the rights granted to me as outlined in Subsection Z of the tenth amendment to The Rights and Responsibilities of Senior Brotherhood Members as applied in meeting 345, I am within rights to offer you incentives and items of sufficient value from the Brotherhood's communal accounts and libraries for the process of your divergent Tru- Er Adamant forging process as well as any and all supplemental material or knowledge you may be willing to provide."

Dammin pulls out a keg from under the table, taps it then passes mugs of fresh ale to everyone at the table.

"Well then," you say, taking a swig then setting down the mug with a quiet clink, "let's begin."


You have 4 Points.
Sell List:
Take on [Simple] Request: A Better Smelter: Designing and making a larger smelter with the Brotherhood. It will cost x1 Voidstone. = 6 Points
Adamant Smelter Blueprint = 6 Points
The Master Rune of Snorri Gift Giver/Purification = 4 Points
First Priority in Gromril Exports = 2 Points
x1 Voidstone, you have x10 = 3 points
x1 Adamant Bar, you have x3 = 4 points

Buy List:
Master Rune of Infernos [Armour](More potent, but unshareable Pyrestrike), Cost 4 points
Master Rune of Blizzards [Armour](More potent, but unshareable Hailmantle), Cost 4 points
Master Rune of the Tireless [Armour](Bearer is Tireless and Minor Regen), Cost: 4 points
Master Rune of Unyielding [Armour](Bearer has Regeneration, Tireless and Steelskin), Cost: 6 points
Rune of the Tireless/ Strollaz's Rune (Increases endurance of formation), Cost: 2 points
Research Help, Cost 2 points per 1 progress

Every Point not spent = 10 Favours, materials you don't have on you will be promised so don't worry about not having it with you right here and now. Future trades with the Brotherhood will be in terms of favour using the above conversion as standard.
Vote Format:
[Y] Plan X
- [Y] Sell:
-- thing to sell
- [Y] Buy:
-- thing to buy

or just in a way that makes it easy for me to read thanks. :^)


VOTE BY PLAN. Moratorium until I wake up and unlock the vote. I'll stay a bit to answer some questions while I play terraria though. :^)

AN: Anywho it begins. The Tech Trade that I have so dearly dreaded. As for the meme I posted earlier, well you'll see. A lot of local crits is all I'll say though. After this, RHUNKALBROGG proper begins. Thanks for reading and don't forget to C&C.
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Grand Conclave of 113 A.P. Pt. 3:
[X] Plan Void and Adamant Research
- [X] Sell: Total 29+4 Base = 33
-- [X] Take on [Simple] Request: A Better Smelter = 6 Points
-- [X] Adamant Smelter Blueprint = 6 Points
-- [X] The Master Rune of Snorri Gift Giver/Purification = 4 Points
-- [X] 3 Voidstone = 9 points
-- [X] 1 Adamant = 4 points
- [X] Buy: Total 32
-- [X] Master Rune of Infernos [Armour](More potent, but unshareable Pyrestrike), Cost 4 points
-- [X] Master Rune of Blizzards [Armour](More potent, but unshareable Hailmantle), Cost 4 points
-- [X] Master Rune of the Tireless [Armour](Bearer is Tireless and Minor Regen), Cost: 4 points
-- [X] Master Rune of Unyielding [Armour](Bearer has Regeneration, Tireless and Steelskin), Cost: 6 points
-- [X] Rune of the Tireless/ Strollaz's Rune (Increases endurance of formation), Cost: 2 points
-- [X] 3 progress in Voidstone Research, Cost: 6 points
-- [X] 3 Progress in The Secrets of Light, Cost: 6 points


You sign your name on the dotted line with a satisfied grunt. You feel like you got a fair trade for what you've given, as Master Runes are always a welcome addition to one's repertoire. Armour Runes especially, considering how comparatively anemic your collection of Master Runes in that department seemed to be. At least you can begin the process of rectifying that now, and in good timing as well, given that you'll be arming the King of the Skies soon.

Thungni it seems, has grumbled loud enough that fortune feels compelled to favour you.

Bogrin blows the contract dry for good measure then rolls up the parchment before putting it in a water-tight case that he then seals in a small chest.

"Well that's done, you mind sharing a few tidbits about that there Rune for us early worms?" Gorra says impatiently, pointedly staring at the roll of paper in your hand.

You grunt in acquiescence, and unroll it for all to see, just as the contract demanded.

"Rune of Spelleating Derivative. Strokes 15 to 78 have been altered for one thing, half of the strikes have been converted and of course the entire order has been jumbled. Spelleating and something that looks like it relates to a transformation that I've never seen before," you explain with a shrug.

"What in Thungni's name do you mean? You don't know?" Modi asks.

"I do, but the path I took to get here was odd. Very odd. Equal parts regular experimentation as it was an oddly specific hallucination or intuition. I've obviously tested the results with all the due rigour expected, more so given the circumstances," you reply.

You tell the lot of them about that day in the cave, the odd visions in your mind as you researched. The Epiphanies you had.

Kraggi is the first to say something after you've finished your tale.

"That's far different from how we came about it. Though I can't say there's anything particularly bad or concerning about being inspired, common enough occurrence and how a lot of Runes get done, more than we'd like to admit really, but..."

"It's the frequency of it, aye I know. I'm none too pleased, but I make do with recording and memorizing everything then testing far in excess of what's usual to try and make sure I'm not lost in my own head, but I haven't been lead astray yet," you finish for him, garnering nods of agreement from everyone present.

It's eaten at you more than you'd like to admit. Part of it, you chalk up towards your own past as Yorri's apprentice. Your short and odd term as an apprentice, what you saw as normal you've long since learned was anything but, forcing you to think differently. But for all the work that you've put into being a Runelord, the dedication, and the sacrifice, you know full well how many lucky scrapes you've survived, moments you got it just right without needing to try. A part of you feels like it's a higher power pushing and prodding at you, the rest calmly tells you its selection bias and placebo. You're more inclined to believe the latter, but by Grungni's beard you'll admit that some days the former feels more likely and it's a rush to think you've been chosen, selected for something better.

But you're just one dwarf. No one special in the end, you're no Alric Thungnisson, no Durin the Lost, not even Yorri. Just a simple, if incredibly productive, dwarf in the far north who's lost far too much to ever think of himself as blessed or watched over.


After spending hours of the day with the Brotherhood in a preliminary discussion about your Rune, the realization of which is still giving you a heady mix of pride and joy to think about, you bid the members a good night. Leaving the shop, you make your way back through the less crowded, but still undeniably busy, streets of Karaz a Karak towards the stout edifice that is Craggy's.

As you pass through the door you see Master Yor-

-by Grungni's Glorious Grey Beard is that Alric Thungnisson?

By the Ancestors it's Him! Alric Thungnisson! Oldest living son of Thungni! Thundercaller, Runemaker, Foebreaker, Magic-killer and a whole host of other equally impressive titles and epithets he's gone by in his millennia of life?!

You hastily check over your beard to wipe off even the smallest speck gathered over the day.

Before you can even begin to formulate a proper way to greet Alric Thungnisson, Master Yorri catches sight of you and waves you over, drawing the attention of Al-

-Get a grip of your beard Grungni damnit!

"Alric, you've seen young Snorri before no doubt," Yorri says, very clearly trying to move on from whatever the two of them were discussing beforehand.

Alric Thungnisson simply gives Yorri a sidelong glance before turning his ancient gaze to you.

"Hello there beardling," the living legend greets you.

"Lord Thungnisson," you respond respectfully, hopefully hiding just how giddy you are.

Yorri grunts.

"As you can see Alric, I have other engagements while I'm here. Now for the last time I'm telling you It won't happen, I refuse outright and will do so until the mountains themselves break," your master says, finally revealing a hint of how frustrated he actually is.

"The Realms need Runelords now more than they ever have lad," Alric says, voice firm and eyes strangely sad.

"And as I have been telling you for the better part of a millennium, choose from the young, the talented, the worthy. Not tired old failures like me," Yorri grumbles, staring down at his mug.

"You're no failure lad, your mas-" Alric says.

"Nai!" Yorri cuts in, gaze furious, "I worked for years to scrub the records clear Alric, not even a word from you when we're in public."

Alric Thungnisson simply scoffs, shakes his head then gets up to leave. He stops for a second to give you an inscrutable look, then back at Yorri, before muttering something under his breath and leaving the bar, cloak wrapped about him.

You simply stand there, feeling like an intruder into something intensely private. Staring at Yorri, he looks like a completely different dwarf from the odd but jolly old Master you'd grown up under.

"Sit down Snorri, have a drink and help me forget this nonsense," he grumbles, pulling up a stool for you.

Wordlessly, you sit down next to him and order a mug. The next few minutes are spent silently drinking before Yorri finally says something about what just happened.

"Old regrets, old shames Snorri. One's I've run from, to my even greater regret, and no there's nothing to be done. Least, not anymore," he tells you, never speaking again for the rest of the night.


The morning after you are greeted by a happier, but still a tad gloomy, Yorri and are helpfully informed that "You'd best get yer arse off to the hall before you embarrass your master any more than your gawking last night did,"

Gawk he says! You weren't gawking, you were awestruck which was far more appropriate for a dwarf than gawking.

"Where are you headed off to then Master?" you ask as you get your fine clothing out of your trunk and begin putting it on.

"Off, wandering the Karak a bit more, actually get what I wanted done now that Alric'll be too busy handling you lot of beardlings to bother me!" he chortles.

You simply nod, well used to the old dwarf's cryptic replies.


The imposing doors of the Rhunkalbrogg Meeting Hall loom over you, a massive depiction of Thungni etched in masterful detail stares disapprovingly down at every dwarf that passes through the smaller door.

As the assembled Runelords file in through the smaller entrance, you take a moment to stare up at the massive edifice of your shared Ancestor.

"Snorri," a familiar grumbling voice calls out behind you, and you turn to see Kraggi walking towards you.

"Kraggi," you greet him with a firm handshake when he gets close enough.

"Ready to get your words picked apart like a ham during Brodag? Maybe worse actually, considering...everything," he asks, tone sympathetic.

"How could I forget?" you reply glumly, "might as well get on with it though," you finish, beginning to walk inside with Kraggi beside you.

"Well I at least know some of the candidates in my area, I imagine you have a good idea about all the northern shoe-ins. But what about your candidate?"

That was the rub wasn't it?

A Runelord did not necessarily get to choose who replaced them, skill alone decided that. But when your best set of eyes in an area was said Runelord, well their words usually had a lot of weight in the decision, even after they'd died. And for better or worse, the Runelords figured out a long time ago that it was best to have a shortlist on hand for the survivors to pick through and make the process as efficient as possible.

Of course the House didn't take the opinions of the now-deceased Runelord alone. A Runelord's word was good as Gorl, but your folk were an ornery and opinionated bunch. So the House often relied on the input of Runelords from the same region or hold to get a more complete view of the situation.

Which given the state of the North, meant you had an inordinate amount of sway towards the selection of successors. A double-bladed axe to be sure, as the pull you had now meant you were under an equal amount of scrutiny. Who you vouched for would say much about you to the other members. For good and ill.

You also had a list of possible candidates that you kept updated whenever you had a chance. Usually about once a year you'd take the time to rewrite the small tome of information on Kraka Drakk's Runesmiths. Putting the older versions of your list in a sealed archive for record-keeping or in the event the House asked for aid in selecting a new Runelord in the uncommon event that the august body of the House was expanded to accommodate the growing Karaz Ankor.

To be frank you hadn't thought there'd be a need for new additions to the House until a few centuries after Snerra came of age, but well…

...the Incursion happened, and you were left alone.

Not to say you didn't have a list handy, because you were a diligent and very paranoid dwarf after all.

"Snorri Klausson, Rhunrikki a Kraka Drakk! Kraggi Krollsson, Rhunrikki a Karak Drazh!" the herald calls in Khazalid as you both enter.

You explain to Kraggi while you walk to your seat while the Herald keeps calling out incoming Runelords, climbing up the stairs and taking one of the many seats in the grand semicircular chamber. Right now, you've cut down Kraka Drakk's list of potential candidates down to three individuals that you've deemed worthy of the rank of Runelord.

The eldest, Bara Steelplate of Clan Stoneplate, a Master Runesmith who emigrated from Karak Baragar with her husband Mikrum when news of Otrek's desire for Runecraft reached their hold. The two of them went north first, tasking themselves with preparing things for the rest of their clan and children willing to come in the years after. Both she and Mikrum were the Runesmiths who made the Gronti for the Gromril Smelter all those decades ago, and saw great success because of it, earning great honour for Clan Stoneplate. In fact, the two of them were on your list, but Mikrum died in the Incursion. The Daemon who slew him and the Grudge for his death struck out by a grief-stricken Bara only seconds after. While a dark shadow of grief hovers over her some days, her clan and grandchildren have anchored her better than anything else in the world. A moderate, Bara's expertise with golems is in the upper echelons of anything you've seen, though she's made efforts to have a good foundation in most sorts of Runecraft. More than that, you can tell she's not one to break in the face of tragedy, and her commitment to the hold is Gromril-clad, with her grandchildren finally beginning to raise families of their own here.

There was also Dwalin Thunderlung, a lad of some 5 centuries and self-proclaimed "Battlepoet." Thankfully he isn't going off and actually reciting actual Sagas when he's fighting, lad doesn't have the voice for it, but rather he's gone and combined his love of writing with his skill in Runes. Creating grand sagas and reciting the deeds of his clients on the fine fabric of the Banner's he's made a name for himself off of. Dwalin, it seems, was greatly inspired by your work with the Ancestral Aegis on the Silver Wyrm Banner, seeing as the work he's been producing since the Siege has involved effects that are visually similar to your own, though obviously nowhere near as potent. He's got a ways to go, but he's clearly got the ethic and drive to hone his craft to a fine but unbreakable edge. A bit of a radical, having moved north a few decades after his own Master, one Strommi Silveraxe, came with the initial expedition. Dwalin was not there when Strommi died killing a dozen bloodletters, but in recompense, he made a great banner for his Master's Clan. The creation retelling the old Dwarf's epic deeds with such skill that the stories came alive in one's mind. Or so you've been told. Solid work, good ethic, a hobby for writing, and willing to fight.

The youngest candidate was a bit of a departure from that. A bookish thing, about as thin as dwarf women tended to get, which was still rather athletic truth be told, and utterly dedicated to understanding the secrets of Runes and exploring their limits. Lorna Hammerfall was a Runesmith from Karak Kronaz, a minor hold famed for their high-quality tomes. Fitting considering the Lass is a well-known fixture of Kraka Drakk's literary community, but equally surprising given that Runesmiths as a whole tended to be rather Oral with their knowledge keeping. It hasn't stopped Lorna and her library-like mind from memorizing it all with an accuracy far beyond what you'd expect a dwarf of four and a half centuries. For all her curiosity, Lorna is rather moderate in her thinking, likely from her own shy nature and Kronaz's very traditional outlook. Girl's got a gift for Talismanic Runes though, likely from the varied assortment of things she works on to make a living in between her bouts of research.

Kraggi grunts when you finish, taking out a fine pipe and lighting it, "a good enough assortment, how many do you think you'll bring forward?"

"Don't rightly know yet, leaning towards all of them," you reply.

Kraggi raises one of his prodigiously bushy brows, before his eyes light up and nods in sombre understanding.

The North needed Runelords, and you had three candidates of equal worthiness and skill. Still, it was a gamble.

Push for one and it's a sure-fire thing, push for all three? Well, having four Runelords in one hold was usually the kind of thing that happened to places of significance. Karaz a Karak, Dron, Izril and Brynduraz were the only places that had more than two or three Runelords in them. The first for obvious reasons, the other two for their resources and religious significance as places most close to the Glittering Realm by Dwarf reckoning, not that Thungni ever confirmed such a thing, and the latter because of the Brotherhood that Durin the Lost founded after he started the Burudin and before his disappearance. You doubt the other Runelords will see it as you trying to consolidate the North's Runework to just Kraka Drakk in some elaborate political scheme because you would rather die than do something like that, but it'd send a message about what you thought Kraka Drakk was worth in the eyes of the House. There would also be arguments about better spreading out the candidates that could be raised against you.

Though many would argue it'd be concentrated regardless given that, outside of a few outliers, the surviving holds of the North ended up being geographically close to Kraka Drakk. Being connected earliest and having your hold draw in far more daemonic attention to the point that theirs were left relatively alone. It was still a horrible grinding conflict, but the Daemons realized that if your hold fell and cut off the Underway, it'd have been far easier to take theirs.

Bah you hate the politics and optics of it. You'd rather be baking Stonebread than dealing with this nonsense! Not your fault your hold had so many worthy candidates, and they asked for your input in the first place!


"Alric Thungnisson, Rhunrikki a Karaz a Karak!" the herald calls, and soon after the Living Legend walks through the small door and makes his way to his customary seat right next to the empty Throne reserved for Thungni on the opposite side from the ever-vcant seat of Durin the Lost.

As Alric takes his seat, a quiet murmuration fills the room. Tradition dictates that he calls Rhunkalbrogg into session, as he has done since long before you were born, but the Thundercaller is silent. He sits in his chair with the grace and wisdom of all his years, seemingly nonplussed by the confusion around him.

(Roll, Rune Lord, 3d100 +50[??????]: 88 +82 +99, DC: 450 -100[A Great Loss] -50[Children in Attendance] -50[???] = 250)

Then the herald speaks.

"Thungni Grungnisson, Rhunrikki a Karaz Ankor!"


The grand doors, which usually remain shut as they are too impractical to open for even a Runelord's entrance, are opened wide as one of the few dwarfs worthy such an effort walks into the Meeting Hall. Thungni is not resplendent in His war plate nor holding His legendary hammer. Instead He's dressed in fine, if plain, grey robes that belie just how important He is to the Karaz Ankor and to every dwarf in the room especially. All are silent as the Ancestor walks the steps and eventually takes a seat on the Throne made for Him. Thungni takes a moment to stare at the seats beside Him, one empty and one filled, before raking His gaze across the chamber and over each and every last one of you. For a split second the incredible, if familiar, weight of a mountain piles itself onto your very soul.

"We have lost many kin," He says, tone inscrutable, "and so must refill our ranks. I, Thungni Grungnisson, would call this Rhunkalbrogg into session. Does the House accede?"

None say no.


You'll be bringing all three candidates for consideration but who do you argue hardest for? Remember, there are also narrative implications for this choice too! I will roll 1d100 with a DC check per candidate to see if they get chosen and your vote will add a modifier to it! I'll roll for all of them regardless.
[ ] [Candidate] Write-in: Number of Candidates, 1 Candidate = auto success, 2 Candidates = +30, 3 Candidates = +20
- [ ] Bara Steelplate, DC 40
- [ ] Dwalin Thunderlung DC 50
- [ ] Lorna Hammerfall DC 65

SUMMARY TABLE (Still recommend you read the actual writing, but that's just me.)

NameA.G.E (Affiliation, Gender, Experience)Personality, QuirksMastered SpecialtyExceptional SpecialtyRegular Specialty 1Regular Specialty 2
Bara SteelplateModerate, Woman, 689 Yrs. OldDedicated Matron, Made one of the Gronti for the Smelter, Good foundationEngineeringArmourTalismanicArmour
Dwalin ThunderlungRadical, Man, 505 Yrs. OldBanner, Writer, Poet. Good at banners, Goes on Campaign a lotBannerTalismanicBannerBanner
Lorna HammerfallModerate, Woman, 450 Yrs. OldCurious Researcher, knowledge and experience with Records and HistoryTalismanicEngineeringWeaponBanner

Reading the table: If you have duplicate specialties of the same rank, treat it as one specialty at one rank higher. So if Banner Runes are in specialty 1 and 2 it would count as an Exceptional Specialty for Banner Runes. 2 Exceptionals = 1 Mastered, 2 Mastered = Savant. This is more for readability and ease of understanding than it is something I take note of mechanically. So don't base your vote of this all on its own, or do! Just don't expect a theoretically better table to play out better in the quest though. Yes I named it A.G.E solely for the acronym. :^)

There are other Runelords bringing forth candidates, how do you vote on those dwarfs?
[ ] [Reason] Write-in: List around 4 things you're looking for in a Runelord Candidate. The implications of this vote are just like the Vote with Snorri Whitebeard and Brynna. From this point I'm labelling these votes [Character Moment] Votes.

Remember to vote by plan. There will be a moratorium for discussion until I wake up (I'll stay for an hour or two though.)

AN: Now you may think 3 characters may not seem like much, well hold on to your hats, because theres still one more part of character voting to go after this before the actual turn results + the finale. Thank you for reading, your patience and don't forget to C&C :^)

As a word of advice have you considered offering omake rewards to have questers do things like make characters or even character sheets to speed things up? Seems like it could help take a lot of stuff off your plate for these kinds of things.
MMM that's something to consider as well. They'd have to be canon and I would have to do a bit more fleshing out of the concept, but its a neat idea. Thanks! :^)
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Grand Conclave of 113 A.P. Pt. 4:
Winning Vote:
[X] Plan Consistent Wisdom
-[X] Looking to the future: a lot of elders are dead and it will take a long time for their children to grow into their beards and plaits, and so any Runelord who comes here must be willing and able to give guidance to many dwarfs and have particular skill in teaching.
-[X] Being adaptable: the north is wild and unpredictable and Runelords who come up this far must be willing to set precedent.
-[X] Any Runelords should be willing to collaborate and elevate the works of other guilds with Runeworks. A bit obvious, but Kraka Drakk and the North as a whole only stands because we stood together, every Guild and every Dwarf spitting in the eye of evil and fighting for a better tomorrow.
-[X] Proactive; goes out of their way to make the world better for dwarfs
-[X] 2 Candidates, Bara and Dwalin
--[X] Bara Steelplate
--[X] Dwalin Thunderlung


Rhunkalbrogg is usually not a long affair, as Runelords do not die often. But you have a feeling that the usual day-long event will not be as quick as the ones before it. The entire meeting is dedicated almost solely to selecting new Runelords, but there is still an order to things. Historically the separation lies along logical enough lines. Firstly the number of positions up for taking are deliberated upon. A simple enough task, but perhaps every few Rhunkalbroggs the growth of the Karaz Ankor is taken into account and new positions are thereby created and made available. The pool of spots is then split between the living and the dead according to proportion, after which the actual work of giving those positions to the worthy can begin. The first candidates brought forth are from those in attendance, followed by the testaments of the living, if not present, Runelords. Once that is done, only then does the House move on to the "Recanting of Wills," where all in attendance will review and some be asked to verify the final testimonies and considerations of the dead.

This order was chosen purposefully. For one thing, it was simply the easier task of reviewing the candidates of the living and present, where testimonies and further evidence could be provided far more readily. For another it was simply more polite and fair; if you made the effort to be here you had the privilege to have your candidates chosen from first. As for the dead, there was also a mix of symbolism involved as well. Both to represent the final destination of all Dawi and the respect the honoured dead should be afforded, the "Recanting of Wills" was both a celebration of a Runelord's life and deeds alongside the deliberation of their candidates. A stark reminder for all in attendance of the bond of kinship all Dawi, Runesmiths especially, share with one another. A solemn remembrance of their deeds, and should it be necessary, an unspoken oath to see their killer brought to justice.

Nope. Recanting the reasons and history of Rhunkalbrogg isn't helping you overcome your own nerves. Gazul preserve you, or at the very least prepare you a place in the Underearth.

You're going to have to go down there, convince a body of your peers, elders and Thungni Himself about why your candidates are best and pray that you've chosen correctly.

Kraggi pokes your side with his elbow, gesturing to the Runelord on the floor. Despite your anxiety, you have been paying attention to your colleague's speech.

"Ranulf Gormsson, Runelord of Karak Vorbarag has brought forth his candidates and we have questioned him fully. On the inclusion of one Vala Yammasdottir and one Kemlin Kermitsson, both of your hold to the body of this House, have you, Ranulf son of Gorm, any final remarks?" Thungni asks.

"Nai Lord Ancestor," the Dwarf replies.

"Have any within the House a final question to ask Ranulf, son of Gorm, Runelord of Karak Vorbarag?"

None reply.

"Then by the ancient rites of Rhunkalbrogg, and according to the amendments made in the case of my presence. All in attendance shall henceforth close their eyes. The vote will be tallied, and none may open them until every ballot is taken," Thungni rumbles.

As one, every Runelord heeds His words and closes their eyes, pulling out the stone token that denotes their decision. You and Kraggi are silent, listening to the footsteps of the Reckoners as they filter around the room, then silently deposit your tokens in place when asked.

The process is done in only a minute, and the herald announces that one Kemlin Kermitsson has joined the august House of Runelords and that the number of open slots has reduced by one.

Ranulf for his part looks relieved, happy that at least one of his candidates was approved, and no doubt hopeful that Thungni voted in favour of one of them.

You thank the Ancestors for small mercies such as this when your time to present inevitably comes.

And come it does, all too soon if you're honest.

.3 days.​

(Roll, Conservative Perception: 92 +10[This Far and No Further] =102)
(Roll, Radical Perception: 5 +10[This Far and No Further] +10[Standing] =25)

"I give Snorri, son of Klaus, Rhunrikki a Kraka Drakk, the opportunity to take the floor. Does he bring those he would call worthy of the rank of Runelord?" Thungni announces, staring at the lad with an inscrutable gaze.

"I do Lord," he replies simply, getting up and beginning to walk down.

Many curious, appraising and thoroughly perplexed eyes stare down at the Son of Klaus as he walks down to the podium.

Whatever the House expected from the enigmatic figure has been thoroughly thrown into chaos over the course of Rhunkalbrogg. To the Conservative members, the perception of him as a radical leaning but otherwise sensible dwarf is thrown right down the mineshaft. And to the radicals, their belief in a kindred soul and hopes for a stronghold in the North are put thoroughly into question.

Fitting given who the dwarf's master was, Alric thought, Yorri always was one to rabble rouse for the sake of it, whether he intended to or not.

Klausson was perhaps entirely unaware of the perception he gave off. The rare few times he spoke or participated only served, at first, to confuse either "side" further and further.

During the questioning of Gromin Yorgisson, Runelord of Karak Baragaz and consummate Conservative, Klausson did not take the standard radical approach when inquiring about the axe his candidate had made. Rather than poke holes in the candidates' personality or beliefs, the Gift Giver got down to the brass tacks of something none expected, but in hindsight fit him rather nicely. The boy had simply asked if the candidate's axe was worth more than the number of axes he could have made had he not made it a masterwork. Relentlessly pursuing Gromin's responses until at last the Runelord gave him a concrete number of eight axes that could have been made, only to then demand Gromin give his best reckoning as to the amount of work the boy's Axe had done.

When Gromin replied, rather proudly, that the axe did the work of twelve whole dwarfs the Gift Giver simply scoffed and bid the others to ask their own questions.

Over and over, this same style of interrogation continued, seemingly without rhyme or reason. Kara Strongarm, the candidate from Karak Azul, made thirty hammers in a single month. Only for her patron to be asked, why not sixty? She clearly had the capability to do more had she worked better with the Blacksmiths guild in ordering supplies and hadn't gotten into a row with them.

Yami Rubypick, the candidate of Karak Drongmaz, released several Journeymen who successfully became masters in the span of a century. Why then had he not continued the practice, Gift Giver asked, could it be proved without a shadow of a doubt that the decades he spent afterwards researching in isolation were more useful to his hold than if he had taken more students?

Production rates, witness testimonies, Grandfather damned graphs if they were available; quantitative proof that the candidates' actions aided their hold in a significant way. Whatever could have constituted as significant in the mind of a Runelord who regularly went about and produced enough material to arm entire holds multiple times over Alric could not say, but they were likely well beyond what most thought logical.

But eventually, a pattern revealed itself if one looked close enough.

Usefulness, Alric realized while he watched the Gift Giver tear down a candidate who was known for their own productivity, seemingly abhorred by the seeming lack of care and quality put into their work.

Snorri Klausson, whether he wished it or not, came out of the question periods with a simple concept attached to him.

The boy did not care how you went about it, only that what you did was on the level of usefulness expected from a Runelord. Something all dwarfs understood and inherently agreed with, but seemingly hadn't taken to the extremes nor tried to quantify it as meticulously as he had.

Then again, he mused, perhaps it isn't too outlandish given his history.

While Alric may have been among the first to realize it, he was certainly not the last. And when the House got to grips with the boy's thoroughly odd, but not objectionable requirements, it likely forced many to rethink their opinions of him.

So when the beardling came down those steps, he wondered just what kind of dwarf he would bring forward.


You open your eyes and turn your head expectantly to the herald, who with several assistants, goes over the tokens at an astonishing speed and tallies them with exacting precision.

After what feels like an eternity confirming the tally, the elderly dwarf proclaims the verdict for all to hear.

(Roll, Bara: 57 +30[Last Lord of the North] =87, DC: 40)
(Roll, Dwalin: 95 +30[Last Lord of the North] =125, DC: 50)
(Roll, Lorna: 79, DC: 65)

You very nearly drop your mouth in surprise, as do several members of the House, when the herald bellows out that Bara Kormasdottir, Dwalin Bollisson and Lorna Dernasdottir are hereby added to the House of Runelords. Each and every one were now given all the honour, privilege, rights and responsibilities afforded to one of the pinnacles of Dwarfen society. Your mind reels even as you bow before Thungni and the assembly, examining and understanding the implications of four Runelords in a hold so young.

Whatever the case, you will not fail the expectations of the House, and mayhaps even Thungni's?

Even as you sit down you dare glance at your, no matter how distant, Ancestor. Trying, with what little skill you have, to guess how he may have voted.

(Roll, Thungni: ???? +50[Perception beyond Reckoning] +???[Eyes of The Glimmering King] +???[??? Mind] -4??[Gr?f?] -???[???] =He notices)

Only to stare back at the full gaze of the Ancestor, watching you with inscrutable intent.

(Roll, Perception: 93 +30[Runelord] +2[Sniffer] +???[???] -???[???] =93)

It feels like blasphemy in a way, for one such as you to dare assume you know what Thungni of all dwarfs is feeling or thinking. But the feeling deep in the roots of your beard hairs cannot be denied, you are certain about what he transmits through his gaze. So certain, that you'd swear on your Ancestors, your Honour, your Beard that it could only be that message.

Prove me right.

And if you were wrong and it's just some flight of fancy done by your mind, well at the very least it's damn good motivation.

.4 days.
The fourth day of Rhunkalbrogg begins. Not that any of you have left the chamber since entering over half a week ago, only knowing the passing of time through the announcements of the Herald and the clockwork efficiency of the caterers who flit about with mugs of ale and food.

There are no breaks, Runelords ate their meals even as their compatriots pushed for their candidates below. They were expected to be capable of such a simple bit of multi-tasking you see, and a Runelord's time was important. Better then, to not waste it on sleep. For even dwarfs as young as you were(relative to the room) didn't start feeling even the earliest traces of exhaustion for two weeks, longer with good food and ale to keep you going.

All noise dies at the sound of Thungni smacking his fist against the fine stone of His Throne. In an instant, the mood of the room dims from what it once was. An air of solemnity and reverence taking its place.

All know what is to come.

"The last of the living have been queried, the positions given and not taken are now passed to the hands of the dead. We who remain, swearing upon oaths of blood and honour, will see to it that their legacy will not falter after their loss, their deeds remembered forever in our minds as well as the ageless stone, and their vengeance carried out with vigour and grim resolve. So swear I, Thungni son of Grungni," the Ancestor leads.

"So we swear," the room repeats.

"Then let the Recanting of Wills begin," he says, leaning back into his chair, a great weight seeming to settle on him and everyone else in the room.

.7 days.​

You clamber up the steps and sit down on your seat with a quiet whump, your task verifying and corroborating the statements of the departed finally done. Soon enough a frothing tankard of ale is proffered to you, and you take the mug without much thought. The mug in your hands is lifted and finished in two gulps with mechanical efficiency. Kraggi does the same beside you.

No enjoyment can be gotten from even this fine ale in such circumstances.

There were many of you who went into the Far North all those centuries ago.

From the testimonies of the dead corroborated with your own words and testimony, only 7 candidates could be found worthy of the rank. Not through lack of effort mind you. Simply because oftentimes the records and testimonies of your friends did not survive the fall of their holds, and in the event they did it was just as likely the candidate had died with them.

Dozens of dwarfs and potential candidates…

... simply gone, or never to be discovered. Lost and buried in the rubble and grief.

The first found worthy and only discovered in the tattered journals of Kemma Starlocks, was one Ogra Iggunsdottir. And more noticeably, the only candidate that was, currently, housed in a minor hold. Only two years shy of 700, Ogra had a specialty in Static Runes and an extensive history of working on learning the secrets of the Ancestor Runes. The only reason her home of Karak Krum survived was due to a massive Runic array similar to the one on your banner that she had made. Trading its mobility to turn the Karaks surface defences into an unassailable fortification for enemy mages. Forcing a more traditional siege that Krum's defenders would more easily handle. Speaking of tradition, the woman was about as conservative as you got in the North. You frankly didn't expect Kemma to have picked her, but you suppose that she wasn't one to let a difference of ideals stop her choices.

The second Runelord from the minor holds was actually rather surprising. Igna Margasdottir of Karag Dum, a hold whose fate is still unknown to your people despite Igna's best efforts. During the siege, Igna distinguished herself in the defence of Karak Ornsmotek where she was shopping for supplies and reagents when the Incursion hit. Igna would participate greatly in the hold's defence, enough to impress old Grimbol to write in her favour only days before he fell slaying a Cygor. Igna specialized in armour, perhaps to a degree unmatched save the major holds of the south. Suits of Rune enhanced Gromril so tough that their bearers were more akin to living Gronti than a regular dwarf, something that King Korr used to great effect. Commissioning Igna to make him and his hearthguard into an unbreakable bulwark that helped strengthen the line and morale of Ornsmotek's defenders. Igna's contributions earned her the King's favour, alongside his sworn support to aid her in the discovery of her home's fate.

Also hailing from Ornsmotek was one Vragni Svaltissson. Like Dwalin, Vragni had an affinity for Banner Runes, but unlike the poet he had branched out more evenly. From Grimbol's writings, and your own research, Vragni had a knack for producing a high quantity of quality products, something he was rather proud of and famed for in his old home in the south alongside the personal silver sigil he used to mark every work he made. He had come north in the belief that his talents would be useful until he heard of you. Grimbol wrote positively of Vragni's productivity, and he believed that given enough time the youth would prove himself worthy. Time, it seemed, proved Grimbol true, as the boy spearheaded an effort to arm the world's greatest warriors with fine runic equipment. While king Korr had not commissioned Vragni, the lad had found patronage in many of Ornsmotek's most influential clans. For all of this, Grimbol made note that Vragni always got rather upset when he got compared to you. Taking it as a challenge, he swore to beat you, in his words, without breaking tradition so erroneously.

You wish him luck, always good to have a source of motivation!

The next two candidates are a pair of twins, Skegg and Skjol Borsson from Kraka Ravnsvake. Both youths were trained under the steadfast gaze of Garagrim Axebite. Fighting at his side in the attempt to reclaim the Foundling ward, and avenging his death by slaying the daemon who brought him low. Both lads found a talent for talismanic Runes but working...not together...but in parallel, they found much more success than if they worked alone. Skegg made weapons and Skjol made armour, the two of them creating pieces that while individually made, worked well with the others. The mind of twins you suppose. Both boys had come north with their master and together armed their King with a fine set of equipment. Each on their own was worthy, but together they could be counted to make work on par with many Runelords. A point of contention among some, but Twins usually ended up working together or in completely separate if related fields from one another and these two were no exception.

If there was a bit of caution about Skegg and Skjol's cooperation, there were very vocal concerns, as well as the threat of a brawl breaking out, about these last two. Both from Kraka Dorden, a hold known for its rather radical bent alongside the number of Engineers, it was fitting, and altogether expected, then that the last two candidates had a gift for Engineering Runes. Both had won by the barest margins, many grumbling that this was perhaps a step too far even considering the lack of Runelords in the North. Regardless, none can gainsay the sanctity of the vote without concrete proof of tampering or collusion which was so indescribably difficult and suicidal to bring forward to a room full of Runelords that it was a moot point.

The eldest of the two was an elderly radical by the name of Sven Hoggrisson, a dwarf who specialized in adding Runes to siege engines specifically. The contention being his self admitted closeness to the Engineers Guild, given how often he commissioned War Machines on truly massive scales from them on the regular to apply his maddening Runes on. During the siege, Sven's massive barag's were instrumental in removing many titanic monsters from the field of battle. Boulders a meter in diameter and bolts long enough to gore a Mammoth from end to end filled the skies and pierced the enemies of Kraka Dorden. Their efficacy was likely the only reason Sven had won the privilege despite his concerning closeness to Mogrim's folk.

Still, it was nothing compared to the row over the final addition.

In a vote that nearly saw the (unofficial) traditional Rhunkalbrogg Brawl break out, a young firebrand by the name of Valma Hilldasdottir became a member of the House of Runelords. A young lass only halfway through her fourth century, Valma played a key role in the defense of Kraka Dorden. Where Sven blew his foes apart from afar, young Valma was a specialist, and self-proclaimed Master, at the art of Gronti making. Something that in the privacy of Rhunkalbrogg, many would agree with. Valma had made Gronti of such sophistication that they seemed the work of elders two to three centuries her senior. The titanic constructs she'd made served as the backbone of Dorden's defence. Anchor Points by which the defenders could rely on to clear chaff in their thousands, and thickets that held enemy monsters in place long enough for Sven's terrible weaponry to deal the killing blow.

None would know who voted for who, but many would hazard a guess.

Pick however many, top 3 will be chosen:
[ ] Ogra Iggunsdottir
[ ] Igna Margasdottir
[ ] Vragni Svaltisson
[ ] Skegg Borsson
[ ] Skjol Borsson

[ ]Skegg AND Skjol Borsson (They come in a pair ya see, but having two does not mean more mechanical value to be very clear, only narrative sauce.)
[ ] Sven Hoggrisson
[ ] Valma Hilldasdottir

All 7 are becoming Runelords, but these three are the ones Snorri is most interested in. They will have a higher chance of interaction happening than the others.

HoldNameA.G.E (Affiliation, Gender, Experience)Personality, QuirksMastered SpecialtyExceptional SpecialtyRegular Specialty 1Regular Specialty 2
Karak KrumOgra Iggunsdottir, the StalwartConservative, Woman, 698 Yrs. OldAncestor Rune Researcher, Old lady who can turn your home into a fortBuildingsTalismanicEngineeringBanner
Karag DumIgna Margasdottir, MetalheartModerate, Woman, 500 Yrs. OldQuality over quantity, Determined to find out the fate of her home.ArmourArmourArmourArmour
Kraka OrnsmotekVragni Svaltisson, SilverbrandConservative, Man, 608 Yrs. OldDinkleberg... I mean Klausson..., Driven and productive, no complex hereBannerWeaponEngineeringArmour
Kraka RavnsvakeSkjol Borsson, ShieldsmithRadical, Man, 555 Yrs. OldOne half of the Borsson Twins, he makes good armour. Not loud.TalismanicArmourBannerEngineering
Kraka RavnsvakeSkegg Borsson, AxesmithRadical, Man, 555 Yrs. OldOne half of the Borsson Twins, he makes good weapons. Quiet.TalismanicWeaponBannerEngineering
Kraka DordenSven Hoggrison, BaragmakerReally Radical my man, Man, 680 Yrs. OldA fan of large weapons and penchant for big explosions.EngineeringSiege EnginesEngineeringBanner
Kraka DordenValma Hilldasdottir, StoneshaperTotally Radical dude, Woman, 450 Yrs. OldYoung Firebrand Gronti specialist, a teen with attitude.GrontiEngineeringEngineeringEngineering

Reading the table: If you have duplicate specialties of the same rank, treat it as one specialty at one rank higher. So if Banner Runes are in specialty 1 and 2 it would count as an Exceptional Specialty for Banner Runes. 2 Exceptionals = 1 Mastered, 2 Mastered = Savant. This is more for readability and ease of understanding than it is something I take note of mechanically. So don't base your vote of this all on its own, or do! Just don't expect a theoretically better table to play out better in the quest though. Yes, I named it A.G.E solely for the acronym. :^)

Moratorium until I wake up and unlock the vote.

AN: I dont think I left this on the last update? Anyway, yeah here are the other 7 Runelords of the North, I didn't expect all three of your choices to win TBH, but hey what're ya gonna do? As for your voting criteria seeming odd in the update, this is more how they appeared to the House than it may be what you actually were looking out for. I used a mix of what I thought was IC for Snorri given the actions you've had him do, which so far have been maximizing the use of your time to do the most benefit for the hold in the long run. Basically, Snorri's arguments make it seem like he doesn't care about how you get stuff done or what you do, only that what you've done is worth something to the Hold. The mark of "worth" being far higher and more specific than what most dwarfs have in mind. If ya'll want clarification about the fine points of what the House saw from Snorri I can certainly do my best to clear stuff up for the next few hours and when I wake up tomorrow. Anyway, this took way longer than I thought, and I wish that wasn't such a common occurrence some times. Ima go update the front pages now, wish me luck cuz there's a lot to put in. Thanks for waiting, reading and don't forget to C&C, the final part of Rhunkalbrogg and the turn results after this I think? :^)

EDIT: Thanks to torroar for letting me reference his character, I mean I just asked he didnt demand I did but you get my point. :^V
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Grand Conclave of 113 A.P. Pt. 5 Finale/ Turn 21 Results:
can we get to 10k not that im demanding it :p
you magical prophetic bastard, cease your magics this instant! I didn't want or ask for this!
Winning Vote(s):
From Turn 21:
[X] Plan All the Griffon Stuff
-[X] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 3 actions
--[X] At QM discretion, use up to T3 materials freely on this project where appropriate. Small amounts of T4 Elder Frostwyrm Hide may also be used.
-[X] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
-[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
--[X] Optional Write-in: An Adamant bar and blueprint of an Adamant Furnace, and a shard of Voidstone.
-[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
--[X] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.
-[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
--[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
-[X] Dragon Ogre Autopsy: [Cost: 6 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
--[X] Destructive Research: [Cost: 3 Shaggoth Corpses, 9 Dragon Ogre Corpses] Gain 2 Progress, can be taken multiple times. Three Times.
From the Botherhood:
-- [X] 3 progress in Voidstone Research, Cost: 6 points
-- [X] 3 Progress in The Secrets of Light, Cost: 6 points

113 A.P. (After Pillars)​

At the end of Rhunkalbrogg, the great meeting hall doors are opened wide and a procession of legends exits the chamber. Thungni at their head, the column of Runelords behind him represents the apex of the Guild's skill and the majority of its higher knowledge base. A Runelord is an immense figure both politically and metaphorically as all dwarfs know. One worthy of respect and awe, for their skill and contribution to their hold and the greater realms.

But to Runesmiths they are so much more.

Figures of legend, masters, teachers, everything that a Runesmith is meant to be all bundled into one dwarf. The goal of most Runesmiths since the earliest days of their apprenticeship, though few ever realize it. But even ignoring all of that, a Runelord is still an incalculable treasure. For they are living libraries of Runic knowledge, the eldest know and hold more information in their minds than even the Hall of Records of the greatest Karaks Combined.

And with Rhunkalbrogg's conclusion, that vast collection will now grow with the inclusion of new faces to begin the laborious process of rebuilding from the loss of the Incursion. When the last of the Runelords leaves, a group of robed messengers stream out after them and into the wider realms, each carrying a letter that will change the lives of those intended to receive them. Some are not destined for the new Runelords. Instead, they are Heralds for the Realms all over, whose duties are to proclaim the selection of new Runelords and ensure the records of every hold the realms over are informed and updated.


Lorna is drinking with friends in one of the quiet bars of Karaz a Karak when the messenger finds her. A dwarf in deep grey robes, the Rune of Thungni over his breast.

He walks up to her, much to the awe of the Runesmiths present in the bar and Lorna's own growing disbelief.

"Lorna, Daughter of Derna, Master Runesmith of Kraka Drak, and candidate of Snorri, son of Klaus. It is with great pleasure and expectation that the honoured House of Runelords has found you worthy to join their ranks. Thungni grant you wisdom and glory, bear your rank with honour and distinction for the sake of your ancestors and those who believed you worthy," the herald announces, loud enough for all present to hear. Not all of them are Runesmiths, but all know how momentous the occasion is, and cheer for her good fortune.

She says nothing for a moment, shocked beyond disbelief that her hero would bring her name forward, let alone that she be accepted.

Eventually, she closes her mouth, takes a deep breath, then hollers loud enough for every patron to hear.

"BARKEEP! THE NEXT FIVE ROUNDS FOR EVERY DWARF IN HERE ARE ON ME!" she shouts, immense joy on her usually shy features.

The bar erupts in a cacophony of joyous celebration.


All throughout Karaz A Karak, Runesmiths are told of their change in status, and the cheers and celebration that abound are heard wherever you walk. One of the benefits of hosting Rhunkalbrogg simultaneously with the Grand Conclave was making the lives of the messengers a bit easier, you suppose. Not always, but for this Conclave at least, you doubt there were that many Master Runesmiths who hadn't attended.

It does good to your soul, you must admit within the privacy of your own thoughts, to be reminded that for all the loss that has occurred there are just as many new beginnings.

"Stuck reminiscing?" Jorri says, looking up from his meal.

You look at your brother, then to the stump of his arm, before nodding.

Had to get that seen to.

"Aye, of my own election," you reply.

"A good celebration If I recall, the whole Clan came out to celebrate. First Runelord in our bloodline in centuries, remember the look on Da's face?"

A beaming grin blooms into the forefront of your mind. Pearly white teeth and eyes crinkled in mirth and pride. The face you like to remember compared to the quiet peacefulness on the deathbed. Klaus Drausson wasn't a dwarf of idleness, and the look of stillness did not suit him.

You were happy he got to see you fulfill your dream, that you proved him right.

"Aye," you say, taking a long swig.

"I've got something. Just today actually, s'about Korri," Jorri continues.

You blink in surprise, before turning to him expectantly. Jorri wouldn't be this nonchalant if it was anything woeful, so that was one concern crossed off your list. Four more to go.

"He's fine, the hold unsealed itself a year ago and news has been slow going. But we found out he was out on a business venture all the way by Barak Varr when stuff kicked off. Found him there getting ready to head back and let him know. He sends his well wishes, sad he can't visit you physically, but he had to go make sure his family was alright ya see," Jorri explains.

"That's fine by me, I'm just happy the tosser came out of it unscathed. Thank you Jorri," you say with a relieved sigh.

"S'no problem brother."

Minutes pass.

"Snorri," Jorri says casually.


"I want that prosthetic arm yer' making me able to transform into a weapon," Jorri says.

"...I can do an axe, more a hatchet really, a hammer would have space issues," you reply, taking a sip.

"Jorri Axe-hand. Has a nice ring to it don't you think? Or should I say, has a nice swi-"

"-Finish that pun and I'm making the arm out of copper," you warn, cutting him off without looking away from your drink.

Jorri wisely doesn't finish, and the two of you drink in companionable silence the rest of the night.


It is on the last day of your time here in Karaz a Karak that you make one final trip. Not even Yorri's fear of running into Alric Thungnisson can dissuade his burning curiosity. A work so mighty that Grungni Himself found it satisfactory, and more importantly to the very many Runesmiths who have come over the decades since its creation, a Rune said to be so majestic it can bring a Runesmith to tears.

The Throne of Power on whose surface, inscribed with all the skill the greatest crafter your people will ever know, burns Azamar, The Rune of Eternity. Mayhaps you'll find some inspiration?

As the two of you get ever closer to the massive halls of the Throneroom, the number of dwarfs grows thicker than the hair of Grungni's beard. Eventually, you pass through the gates and enter an absolutely massive chamber that could only be where the Royal Clan of Karaz a Karak held court. You are among the massive crowd of dwarfen courtiers and petitioners eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Whitebeard and his Throne to enter and hold court.

It is perhaps half an hour in that Yorri excuses himself, off to "find a latrine worth the name in this place."

(Roll, Presence: 89 + 20[???] =109, DC 80)
(Crit Roll, Presence 2: 93 +20[???] =113, DC 80)
"You here for the Throne Rhunrikki?" a dwarf behind you asks.

You turn to see a pair of dwarfs, one man and one woman. Both are elders, that despite their looks, are certainly far older than they appear. The first thing you notice is the husband's glorious white beard, ending in a four-pronged fork so immaculate and symmetrical that it doubtlessly brings envy to the eye of many a dwarf. As you shake his hand, you notice the light, almost invisible, specks of dust underneath his fingers, the calluses on his hands from years of work.

"Aye, I do. What brings you out of the depths Elder?" you ask with a grin.

"Ah, this old Boki's wife demanded he pays his respects ya see," the dwarf chuckles even as the woman to his left smacks his arm.

"Hush now you old storyteller, he's here," the old miner's wife says chidingly.

Just as the matron said, the crowd begins to stir with excitement. The great time telling device, a gift from Morgrim, ringing loudly to mark the beginning of court. Like a well-oiled machine, the Herald announces an exact second after the ringing of the gong subsides, in time with the opening of the gallery doors.

In first is the Whitebeard, dressed in the royal robes of Karaz a Karak, but notably bereft of the Dragon Crown, which still remains solely his father's right to wear. In that most ancient treasure's stead, the crown prince wears a crown of Gromril and Oathgold, each tip on the crown's prongs was capped with the finest gems and metals from the Karaz Ankor. The Turquoise Emeralds of Izril, the Steel of Azul, the Sapphires of Eight Peaks, Brightstone from Brynduraz, and the Oathgold of Ekrund and many other holds besides. A show of unity and wealth.

But all of that fades away from your sight as four stout dwarfs march in bearing the most beautiful thing you've seen and perhaps ever will see in your life.

The Throne of Power, and burning brightly at its apex is Azamar, the Rune of Eternity.


A bold band crossing the treacherous slopes, three lead and a fourth guards the rear. Outposts become fortified, turning from trading posts and simple camps into villages and towns. Decades pass in seconds, the towns are emptied and the peaks are burrowed into with gusto and great foresight. Caves are made sound, galleries and halls carved from the ageless stone. Riches beyond measure are dug up from the earth. Yet always at the very tip, the four marched on.

Time passes.

Four becomes five, then six and then seven. Each contributes something for the benefit of all, each a pillar on whose back rests the weight of a people.

When they stop and turn back to look upon their work, their eyes see beyond what lays immediately before them, all the way to the beginning of their journey so long ago. From the rocky peaks that soared over the untamed jungle to the frozen poles of the farthest northern reaches, they have come to claim as their own. In the face of tragedy and loss, victory and hardship, they stare at what they, and those who followed them, have all helped build

An enduring people, born from stone.

A great many kingdoms, families and clans.

All united in a realm everlasting, seen and experienced from its earliest beginnings and likely until the end of the world inscribed on Gromril. A legacy so enduring, so strong, that even mountains are nought but piles of sand in the wind in comparison.

So long as a dwarf walks the mountains, Azamar the Eternal shall never go out.


"What a fool I was to believe I could ever come close…" you mutter, the vision and knowledge fading and falling through your mind like sand in a sieve.

This. This was the pinnacle of your profession's work, the windswept peak all of you would spend your lives trying to reach and always find yourselves just a touch away. Nothing, you could do would ever come close to the magnificence before you. The Hubris of thinking you had even an inkling of a chance to glean anything from this Rune was galling in hindsight.

You have not the knowledge, perhaps no one but Grungni and his son does either, to even begin to decipher Azamar's construction.

"Twelfth time I've heard that," the longbeard chortles, "Alric Thungnisson didn't even bother. I heard he simply said he wasn't capable and wouldn't be for a few thousand years more."

What could you say to that? When even the greatest living Runelord after Grungni and Thungni said it couldn't be done, what hope did you have?

"Bah!" the matronly dwarf replies, "a bit of adversity is good for the young. Gives them something to look to, toughens 'em up. Course the tricky part is finding something tough enough for them to struggle with, but ultimately overcome. Have to get them to dig through some rock before they find the vein after all."

"A dwarf doesn't keep digging a shaft in the hope for gold," the miner replies.

"That's why we go prospecting in the first place. Besides, I could go digging for emeralds, but I won't complain if I find rubies instead no?"

All the miner can do is grumble.

"And what about you lad? It seems a bit daft to do the impossible don't you think?" the miner says.

"That's rich coming from you," his wife snarks.

"I just have lofty expectations. I don't see how it's a problem if it was one of my most fetching qualities or so you've said," he sniffs back.

"It is when you apply it to your grandchildren," she counters.

"They're my grandchildren! I should expect more frankly, now that they know I could do it. The problem with the youth these days," he says with a shake of the head.

"The problem is you not giving them the right sort of challenge," she says, seemingly retreading old ground from the way he huffs in response, "but I'm sure the youngster here doesn't want to hear this old row between us for the first time."

"Aye, I suppose so," he admits, before eyeing you appraisingly.

You are a Runelord, but by Grungni that look is enough to make you feel like you're barely past your second decade.

"Hmmm, well I suppose I'll offer you this bit of wisdom then youngster. No peak is unclimbable, after all, we've gone from Zorn all the way up to that young place up north, whatsit called?"

"Kraka Drakk dear, the hold with those wonderful stones, and where this young lad is from. If you bothered to use those keen eyes on something other than your creations."

"That was it! Kraka Drakk, hmmph, well it's appropriate I suppose. And what's this about me using my eyes? I'll have you know I use them for more than my creations! Why I'm using them to behold your beauty once more my dear, for it only ever grows more striking I should have you know."

"Not in front of the children," she says with a roll of her eyes, "and you're going off on a tangent again. Honestly, if it wasn't for your brother we'd have gotten nowhere…" she says humorously, but tinted with grief.

It doesn't take a genius to understand the implication.

"My condolences Elder," you reply sincerely.

"Thank ye lad, but it's as fine as it can be. He went about it the way he would've wanted, axe in hand with a song on his lips."

"I'm certain he honoured the Ancestors," you say.

The old miner chuckles.

"Aye, I suppose that's true." he says with a hint of sadness before looking back at you," as I was saying. That bit of wisdom, I suppose I've taken enough of your time to give you a token too. Well then let me think…"

His wife gives you an apologetic stare, before pulling out a basket of stonebread from some nebulous space behind her. A mystery that all dwarf matrons will never divulge, despite your best efforts.

"Here you go beardling, I'm sure your mother would want you to be eating better than you are right now. Look at you, all skin and bones. Best to pad yourself out don't you think?" she says admonishingly, waiting for you to take the, far heavier than it looks, basket before smacking her husband on the arm and giving him a withering look.

"Fine fine. I wanted something special to give the boy, but here you are pushing me along! Hmmph, well sorry to say lad it's not the most unique gift, but maybe you can do something with it hmm? Or maybe not, and one of the other young folk I've handed a nugget or two figures it out, a dwarf should always have many investments after all. A wide portfolio is a stable portfolio!" he chortles as he hands you a fine silver necklace, five bright emblems dangling from it.

Taking it with your free hand, you lift the necklace to get a better look. The central charm is a stylized mountain, overlaid by the image of a hearth that bears the mundane Rune of Valaya. On its left, a finely made replica of miner's pick crossed with a smiths hammer over top of which Grungni's rune resides. The charm to its left is a hammer, a minuscule but masterfully etched Rune of Thungni on its face. On the other side of the central charm three crossed axes are covered by a mundane version of Grimnir's Rune, and the last charm is predictably a Cog hammer and wrench that bears Mogrim's Rune.


You squint and look more closely at the chain, running your finger over the links before giving it an experimental sniff.

"What in Grungni's name…" you mutter, much to the amusement of the two dwarfs.

This isn't silver…

But, b- but its chain! And you only know of one dwarf in recorded history that has the skill to make Gromril into a chain.

"That banner wasn't terrible Gift Giver, so I suppose you're doing about as well as I could expect after I lowered my expectations three dozen times more than I usually do. An almost tolerable foci, enough to channel all the other young ones' works through at least," the old miner says.

"Mmm, more a fan of the amulet myself, but I suppose I can see the appeal. Grand gestures were more your taste though," the matron chuckles.

You look up from the necklace in your hand with a question on your lips, but see that both dwarfs have disappeared. In their place, you see a confused Yorri making his way over to you.

"How in Grungni's name do you have a basket of Stonebread?"

You can only stare at him in befuddlement before replying, equally confused.

"I'm not too sure either, to be honest."


You and Yorri do not stay long, using your experience at inconspicuous movement to leave the throne room with more things than you had come in with.

During this time you hand Yorri the necklace, which he takes respectfully and examines for himself. Running his fingers over the chains and giving them a sniff before nodding.

"Well you're not daft," he said, "that's Gromril. Which means…"

"Aye," you say.

"That's three now lad! All you need is a souvenir from the others and you'll have a full set! Only know about….four dozen dwarfs who can say the same? Give or take, not everyone's willing to share that sort of knowledge. That's the kind of thing Clan's make heirlooms out of and put in their strongest vaults ya see," Yorri says nonchalantly.

You can only nod.

"Well well, what's this?" Yorri says, thumbing the back of Grungni's emblem, "is this….hmm well maybe? Nai, it can't be….but possibly..."

You stare at Yorri.

"Mmm, take this back, then smack the amulet with your hammer. Just like when you use that Wrath and Ruin you love so much." he lectures.

You take the amulet back with a small glare, "It's a useful ability, damnit. 'Sides, I still haven't found a way to throw around thunderbolts anyhow," you mutter as you pull out your hammer.

Following Yorri's advice, you tap the amulet with your hammer, and just as the metal connects, the Rune of Grungni begins glowing fiercely. A small whirlwind begins to form around you before you hastily shut off the Rune.

"By Grungni…" you mutter.

"It could very well be!" Yorri says happily slapping you on the back.

You can only glare at him.


You watch Jorri mull over the gifts for a minute before he hands them back to you, features resolute.

"You're too damn lucky Snorri, and this only confirms it. Now help me put your luggage onto the cart," he says with a strong and gruff nod before clambering up into the carriage.

You blink.

"Is that all you have to say? It's a literal Gift from the Ancestors! The implications, the presti-"

"Snorri," Jorri cuts in, head popping out of the wagon "to me, the fact that our clan, you, our grandniece, and my daughter survived that mess is a Gift from the Ancestors. One I'm thankful for, and will always continue to be. That's a fine Basket and wonderful necklace, ones worthy of Winterhearth's most secure vaults aye, but as far as I'm concerned these two things are just the jam on my stonebread. Can't properly respect those gifts if there was no Clan Winterhearth now could we?"

"That's surprisingly insightful of you."

"Oh it is, but it's also the only thing keeping me from throttling you over all your damn luck then storing those two artifacts in the most hidden and well-secured vault I can get my mitts on. Now, pick up the damn luggage and help me oh Brother of mine!" Jorri hollers from within the carriage.

"Alright, alright keep your pants on I'm coming!"


The journey back to Kraka Drakk is peaceful. The grand caravan that leaves Karaz a Karak grows smaller and smaller as dwarfs branch off to their own holds. Each time you pass the fork or junction in the Underway, more and more wagons head off on their own way until eventually the baggage train is almost entirely composed of wagons Jorri owns.

Your group makes a stop at one of the Under-inns, the last before you reach Kraka Drakk proper, to rest and give the animals more feed.

While your brother dealt with that, he sent you off to get a table and order some drinks for the two of you at the bar. It doesn't take long to get a seat despite the crowding, considering how close you are to Kraka Drakk at this point. The bartender proudly displayed an axe you had made on the wall behind his counter you see.

Runelord privileges.

For all your, rightful, criticism, you must admit that Jorri has made a name for himself. One of the larger businesses in the Karaz Ankor, he had a not-insignificant amount of pull in the Caravan subset of the greater Merchants Guild. You've been told, rather angrily, in the past that Jorri was currently in a very drawn-out legal battle over the remit of the Merchants Guild as opposed to the Messengers Guild. Most of it was of little consequence to you, but it boiled down to whether a dwarf passenger fell under the Merchants Guild's remit of transport or whether a Dwarf was considered "non-monetary trade goods," which fell under the purview of Messenger's guild.

You recall telling Jorri that this sounded like something that required a new guild altogether, but the withering glare he sent your way was enough to shut down that avenue of discussion.

The current legal troubles were stonefruit seeds compared to the legal hellscape that came with the founding of a new guild.

You are drawn out of your idle musing by a quiet knock on the table's surface. You look up expecting to see Jorri only to be thoroughly surprised by the respectfully bowed form of Brynna Gildedeyes. For a moment you simply boggle at the sight of the southern Runelord somehow being here before collecting yourself.

"Honoured Elder," she says, noticing that she has your attention, golden orbs looking up from the floor to stare at you.

"Brynna, this is surprising. Why are you here this far north?" You ask, already having a good idea why, but wanting to confirm regardless.

"When news reached Zorn about the call for Runesmiths in the north I jumped at the opportunity after certain circumstances changed in my home. I came to pay the proper respects before the others doubtlessly follow suit. To be frank, I did not expect the House to allow for so many of your candidates to be accepted and had I not already confirmed my situation through correspondence with His Highness, King Otrek of the Royal Clan Ironarm, I would have changed my choice in longterm lodgings," she explains.

"Sensible, though you couldn't have foreseen it happening," you agree, privately connecting a few dots and gaining a better understanding of her question from your first meeting.

"Five Runelords in one hold will be an interesting experience I suppose. Just as you said before, there will be new and novel opportunities here alongside the challenges. Your foresight is exceptional, Honoured Elder," she responds, dipping her head.

"Didn't expect it to play out like this frankly, but I suppose nothing ever really does in most cases. Well, I'm sure Otrek will be excited about having five Runelords living in his hold. It's a thing of great prestige to be sure."

"Hmm, talk of the Adamant Wyrm says much, but perhaps you have something more concrete for me?" she asks politely.

You glance around, looking for any sign of Jorri, before nodding.

"Well, I suppose I have some time. Jorri isn't here yet anyway," you grumble out.

(Local RER Crit revealed! Brynna Kargasdottir, the "Gilded-eyes", Runelord from Karak Zorn has joined Kraka Drakk. I rolled for this before you got all 3 candidates in. :^I)


Brynna leaves your table with a bow when she sees Jorri heading over, and you nod in farewell.

Jorri watches her leave as he sits himself down across from you before turning to stare at you with a raised brow.

"Brynna Gildedeyes, a Runelord from Zorn. She's moving to Kraka Drakk, shes already made arrangements with Otrek about it. Wanted my opinion on the local politics," you explain, seemingly to his satisfaction.

"Bet she didn't expect to have four colleagues there," is all he says before grabbing his still cold tankard and taking a long swig.

"Nai, but neither did I frankly," you say.

"How old was she?"

"About a century and a bit younger than me, I'm still the eldest Runelord in the north somehow," you reply.

Jorri only nods.


"She's from Zorn Jorri. They don't really have radicals, more like Conservatives and the really Conservative frankly. Not that it matters if she's got the skill," you reply.

"How do you think she'll handle your home's feathered friends?"

"Fifty-Fifty, Zornish don't tend to leave the plateau without good reason. So either she's an exception or she's capable of getting used to it."

"Young, bold, skilled…" Jorri mutters quietly.

You stare at him questioningly, but Jorri won't speak on it for the rest of the night.


When the Caravan finally arrives at Kraka Drakk's Underway station, the crowd that greets them cheers with raucous applause.

News travels fast, especially when it gives your people an excuse to drink.

Perhaps fittingly, whenever one of the new Runelords appears the crowd roars with approval. Among the most vocal cheers are the dwarfs of Clan Stoneplate who hoop and holler especially loud when Bara gets off her wagon, the matron choosing to let them enjoy the moment as much as she likely was.

You spot the approaching form of King Otrek and a cadre of reckoners, no doubt heading over to congratulate the new arrivals on their success. He spots you and raises an inquisitive brow, but you simply snort and nod towards the four dwarfs currently being handed mugs of fine ale. Figuring out your intent Otrek simply nods before continuing on to his destination.

You'll give these three their time in the spotlight, and Brynna a chance to see Otrek for herself, while stealthily sneaking off to head back to your workshop. Yorri in tow for no other reason than to critique your "piss poor ability sneak about," .

You had work to do.


You are elbow-deep in the guts of a dragon ogre when the slimy touch of a troll tongue smacks itself against your cheek. Nearly making you drop the shaggoth heart you were trying to pry out.

You glare at Yorri.

"CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" he chortles, "now that I have your attention. Mayhaps you'd like to do a bit of eating, hmm? You've been in here a while now."

"It's only been," you look at the newly installed time teller, recently approved by the Engineers Guild after an enterprising youth attempted to recreate Morgrim's own invention. Took him about four centuries if you remember rightly, "seven months!"

Honestly, this was embarrassing forthe both of you. What was your Master, some beardling who couldn't handle a year of unimpeded research?

"I know, I know it's rather short, but unlike you, I need something more than stonebread to go with my ale you know! Roughing it is all well and good and every dwarf should be able to do it, but I'm in the mood for some fine Troll and gravel stew."

You sigh, "let me put this heart in its container and then we can go," knowing full well how annoying Yorri can get should he put his mind to it.


"Lightning, thunder. About what I expected really. Bones and skin are about on par with actual Drakk parts, a bit less in some respects though," you reply in Secret Yorri Cypher 12, as your master scarfs down his fifth bowl of Troll stew.

"Figured. Anything esoteric?" he says in between bites.

"Suneater's hide is constantly emitting static," you hiss to receive a grimace of understanding in return.

The bane of fine beard maintenance, damn that scaly centaur. Even from beyond the grave, he proves irksome to your people.

"Brain though," you continue, piquing Yorri's interest, "got a feeling in the roots of my beard its something special."

He snorts.

"You gonna hem and haw like you've been doing with that heart lad?" he says with a chuckle.

You don't have much to say about that.

.114 A.P.​

Over the next few years, in between your numerous autopsies, you host members of the Brotherhood. During their visits, the exchange of information is done where Runes and theories are shared just as the Contract specified. The Runelords who come are those whose expertise best matches your requests, and they do their part to aid you.

On your end, you spend the majority of your time teaching them how to create your Master Rune of Purification and in return, they aid you with your own research and teaching you the agreed-upon Runes.

It isn't always a calm experience.


"You're dallying again!" Gorra barks from behind you, the footfalls of her pacing done at such a tempo as to try and throw you off your rhythm.

"Aye!" you shout back, using your well-honed experience to imperceptibly increase your hammer speed again until Gorra stops calling you a bumbling fool. The Rune will come out below your expectations, but your pride demands it be at least done to completion.

Gorra says nothing until the final hammer blow is struck, not even giving you a chance to look over your poor (for a Runelord) attempt at the Master Rune of Pyres, before chucking the hunk of Gromril you were writing on back into a forge, swiftly replacing it with another clean slate.

"Again!" she bellows, "are you a Runelord or a beardling who just grew his first white whisker?! COME ON KLAUSSON!"

You raise the hammer skyward and strike down.

This took you back.

.115 A.P.​

"We in Izril have long studied crystals, gems and their formation, " Magda says as she eats the stew you'd made for lunch.

"In a similar vein we have some experience in the use and manipulation of light. A good way to test a gem's purity as any dwarf knows," Modi continues when Magda pauses to take a bite out of a soft yet chewy piece of marinated troll she's pulled out of her soup then stuffed inside a slice of stonebread.

You nod.

"With that in mind, many a beardling of Izril has always spent at least a decade or two tinkering with the use of light. My brother and I are no exception. You should start a pub and sell this by the by," Magda says.

"Magda's right on both accounts. We spent a good three-"

"-four-" Magda corrects in between bites.

"-four decades tinkering with a Rune we could use to manipulate light. Didn't lead anywhere really, too many issues with the interface," Modi finishes.

[Student of the Odd]

You rub your beard.

"I think I may have something for that," you say.

"Hmm, well let's sort out this Voidstone business first and then we'll see what we can do with the Lights eh?"

You lift the goggles off your face, and blink out the stars in your vision. Peeling off the beard protector you are especially thankful when you see the black residue that would have ruined your beard is instead covering everywhere but.

Right, the others. Beardcare later in this rare instance...

"Ho-hows the shard?" you manage to slur out.

"S'alright! Structural integrity is untouched. Modi you Wazzock, get up and write this down!" Magda shouts.

She's met only by a groan.

Scoffing she hobbles over to a stray piece of stone and starts chiseling.

"Test 532, all signs corroborate S.K. theory of 'Higher Daemonic Post Mortem Terminal Structural Collapse Encapsulation Phenomena,' otherwise known as the energy of the True Death of Greater Daemonic entities being captured in the resulting formation of Obsidian from the accompanying exothermic explosion."

"I told you! My beard's never led me astray before!" you shout from your position, pinned under a table, "Now help me up Magda!"

Silence from both twins.


You are finally met by the sound of very light snoring.

"Grungni damnit, Moira's gonna tan my hide for this..." you mutter before falling unconscious.


The three of you spend the year recuperating by going over the sibling's knowledge of Runes of Lighting. While no practical experimentation can be done, Moira's thunderous glare killing the idea outright, you're confident enough in the theory that by the time Magda and Modi are well enough to leave you're able to make an altogether better version of your previous Rune of Reflection.

The Rune of Refraction as you've come to call it, allowed for far greater manipulation of incoming light. Combining or separating beams with a simple command, even the ability to alter the color of the light itself. Of course it was limited in other ways, the light emitted was not stronger than the light received, and trying to emit too much light in a concentrated beam did start compromising the Rune's ability.

As is, it's a neat way to make rather clever lighting setups and for making glowing toys and not much else. A solid proof of concept, and it does make you wonder just how much you could do with such a simple concept as light.

Hmmph. Thoughts better left for another time.

You have commissions and meetings to get through after all!


Hiring out the services of the Miners, Masons and Engineers Guilds is a simple affair. Though it takes a bit to plan out what exactly you want to be done with the area in question. You eventually settle on having a system to regulate the temperature of the caves. It meant you could keep the caves habitable in summer and maintain year-round habitation for the herds of the Herdsmans Guild as agreed upon. The area was large enough to feed most of the animals, but there was still far more cave system left to be used.

The Structure itself will require the evening out of the cave's natural formations, but as the walls are all that stop vents of superheated gas from blasting the meat off your bones, the crews and planners are confined to staying within the overall shape of the caves themselves. Which is fine by you, seeing as you still aren't too sure what you want to be done with the parts you can't turn into year-round grazing land At the very least you can get the area mapped out, the temperature issues dealt with, and the areas you have no idea what to do with sealed off just in case.

Still better than the grilling Moira gave you during your meeting with the Clergy of Valaya.

You're sure those springs you donated are the only reason she didn't throttle you this time.

Normally you're not one to leave things for others to do for you, but in this case the Guilds and Clergy can hire out the services of four different Runelords if they require the aid of Runes for the springs. In your case, you have other obligations to see fulfilled.

It's not every day you can apply Runes to the work of the Ancestors after all.

.117 A.P.​

You walk through the halls of Kraka Drakk, around the foundry, past the merchant's and temple district until you reach your destination deep in the heart of the residential district.

A large hollow pillar of Brick and metal that leads all the way up to the very peak of Kraka Drakk and the Underway Terminal below.

A lift, powered by sets of massive water wheels, windmills and old fashioned Dwarfen muscle, whose purpose was meant to ferry dwarfs and griffons through the hold's three most distinct layers. The Lift is large enough to fit a decently sized group of dwarfs, and split into four separate sections that could move independently of each other. Even as you approach, you see dwarfs and Griffons entering and leaving the ornate entrances.

Every so often you see a clutching following after their parents wave a wing at a passing beardling. Their adult counterparts speaking with each other while their children played.

Here in the heart of the hold, the level of care and protectiveness both your peoples usually maintained fell away. In the safety of the mountain's core and among those who both spilled blood and bled for the other, there is a very clear lack of fear.

A pity it took so much death to bring it about, but you doubt the living would spit in the face of their sacrifice.

Shouldering the rope attached to your wagon, you walked into the lift, pressed the corresponding Gromril button, and waited patiently as the stone platform smoothly lifted you upwards.


As you ascend your mind wanders onto matters it doesn't usually trod.

But considering your destination it is perhaps appropriate to consider Griffons.

You look at the reliefs that line the inside of the lift, each image is a saga, a story writ into being. Individually, they tell of cooperation and glory. But as a whole, the artistry of it becomes more clear. Dawi imagery dominates the Underway terminal and the lower half of the elevator and is typical of the kind of imagery your people find appealing. Stories of the past and epic sagas regaling all who would look about the Ancestors. But as one ascends, the reliefs begin telling the greater story of Dwarf and Griffon interaction from the earliest beginnings. From the hidden troll hunting to Brokk's long and dangerous investigation and clue hunting. Culminating in their first meeting, where a stylized depiction of you and Brokk stand facing a rather oversized rendition of Ebonbeak to be honest. The pattern continues, showing the meeting between The Whitebeard and the King of the Skies, to the very graphic depiction of the Griffon ripping out his own heart, and to a copy of Grungni and Valaya's letter, prominently displayed for all to read. As the platform climbs higher and higher reliefs of cooperation and unity become more prevalent until at the very center of the journey the Lift stops before a massive Mural depicting the siege that dominates a hollowed-out chamber lit with Runes. The length of the journey is such that the Lift actually pausesfor a solid ten seconds at this juncture before moving upwards. Perhaps It could be smoothed out into a single continuous journey, and you don't doubt it was well within the Ancestor's capability to do so...

But Morgrim saw it fitting that whoever rode this creation would have the time to behold this piece of art, to know and truly see the bonds made in that crucible. A monument, and reminder in equal measure.

Your eyes do not turn away from the image, even as the platform begins smoothly ascending once more.

As below, so above.

Griffon iconography and imagery grows more and more everpresent as you climb higher and higher.

Where below it spoke of the Ancestors and the journey from Zorn, culminating into the siege, the reverse is shown from that point forward. Carvings of Griffons being armed and interacting with dwarfs fade away into the symbolic, yet jagged art they are rather fond of. Compared to the exacting precision and persistence of Dwarf artisanry, the claw marks are bestial and passionate. Yet still, you can see commonalities more than you do differences, at least in their purpose.

The imagery, you are told, exalts the pinnacles of their race. They have no written word in a manner your folk understand, using strong lines and powerful strikes to convey meaning and movement as a way to tell their stories. Thankfully, literal and interpreted Khazalid translations are helpfully provided on a thin line below each distinct image.

"She who Rides on Blizzard Winds, storm rider, lightning bearer, sundered thrice her kin's number in foes on the Darkest Day."

"He who Flies with Iron Wing, render of foes, warden of the peaks, girder of clutch of and kin, who saved the life of He who Girds the Many for the fifteenth time."

You snort at the translation of the latter name, written in fine print on the bottom corner of the mural.

Figures Dolgi would find himself here somehow.

All over the walls are so many more stories, each of individual griffons, living and dead, told in the marks and scratches on the stones.

But there, as you near the top of the mountain, the carvings shift from exultations and memories of individuals into the greatest stories and history of their people. Tales that tell of the Prince's grand hunts, of great beasts slain, and the first meeting of your two peoples. But carved in the largest space, and given the most prominence is the story of the King of the Skies, Lord of Air, the Living Thunder and his host of other titles.

The aptest description you can make, perhaps unsurprisingly, is that the King of the Skies is akin to an Ancestor in the myths and history of His people.

The stories tell of his deeds, the beasts he slew and the might he gained not only for himself but for his people in their consumption.

"From the Rolling Thunder, mastery of the lightning and storms," a scene of the King's silhouette falling, bolt in claw, down onto the crippled mass of Kholek.

"From the Burning Frost, dominion of wind and hail," written under a mural depicting a scene of the Griffon fighting Skozulladrakk alongside a series of marks that looked more like a meteor than Otrek frankly.

And as you reach your destination, a mural, carved with his own massive talons, depicts the King's first and perhaps most influential prey. The downed corpse of a massive troll dwarfed only by its progenitor, and standing atop its broken body, equally wounded, the depiction of the lightning-quick and passionate marks of a Griffon, the silhouette of something overtop its skull.

"From the Firstborn Scion of Greed, thought and reason."

You pull your wagon out of the lift and into the Aerie proper.


The construction is purely of Dwarfen make, but made with Griffons in mind, and marked by their habitation. Statues of titanic avians instead of the Ancestors, and pathways far wider than usual. "Homes" are more open than you're used to. Lacking doors, you can stare into the lit halls that lead into the greater system of caves and rooms that house entire lineages of Griffons. If you deigned to enter such a place, you'd find that more often than not the rooms were used to simply store a Griffon's accumulated treasures and trinkets near their nest. Pairs mate for life, and will not take another in the event of one's death. Sharing their treasures as a symbolic act of their union. The clutchings live within their parents' nest until they are of age, wherein they are given a portion of their parent's treasure and move out. Usually they simply hire the services of a Dwarf mason to tunnel into the earth and carve them out a cave of their own near to where their parents live. Unless invited, they will never enter that cave again.

For all of the Griffon's independence, they still are a community. Clutchlings are protected by any nearby adult, and order is maintained by the unwritten accord of the rest of the group bearing down on the offender.

The signs of the siege though, have perhaps dulled that territorial aggression. For the Griffon lineages, so you are told by Ebonbeak, have been congregating and acting together more communally. Closer to a Clan than they were a rough assemblage of individuals who shared an ancestor and tolerated the other's presences more than others.

Not your area of expertise though, for all that you kept making torques for them on the side.

You're certain that when Dolgi got his act together and became a Master he'd probably take over this task after you taught him the improved Rune of Speech.

But until then, you were the only source of continued communication between your people and theirs.



You are given a wide berth as you walk, a sign of respect amongst the Griffons. Territorial tendencies made them fiercely protective of their personal space near strangers and unwilling to give it up without good reason. That usually being deference or after a bit of posturing to cow one into place.

You glance around the massive cavern, spotting Morgrim's work on the innards of the peak. Not in any overt sense, but in the culmination of all the little parts and pieces your eyes spot. Pillars and walls that serve to keep the flow of bodies and traffic unimpeded, yet also make for spaces that would prove easy to defend by stout dwarfs or angry griffons should the need arise. The walls do not reach to the ceiling and in fact, a large amount of the space is simply air. Morgrim having taken into account your feathered allies ability to fly, all while opening space for more homes and future expansion. Leading out of the cavern, past a curtain wall that acts as another layer of defence, is the absolutely titanic opening out onto a sprawling complex of open-air platforms that even now the Griffons land on and launch from.

Griffon magic keeps the air breathable even this high up, more for your people's sake than theirs really, and stops any bad weather from assaulting the community within. Yet for all of that, Morgrim has made contingencies regardless. With the flick of a switch, a great portcullis can restrict access into the Aerie and turn the myriad of landing platforms into spike pits for any would-be invaders. In the cavern itself, several decorative pillars are collapsible and the structures laid out so that it was simple for the residents to get to the lift and into safety below while making it exceedingly difficult for attackers to do the same.

There were also traps of course.

Flame spewers, Quarreller positions, and hidden staircases that led to hidden bolt thrower emplacements all along the roof and upper half of the cavern. Made explicitly for drawfen allies to aid in the defence of this place.

The unspoken message is not hard to pick up on.


You finish your exploration of the Aerie and to no one's surprise find a perfect spot for your Rune Array.

Morgrim was no fool after all.

Situated just behind the portcullis and placed such that the entire outer area is perfectly within a potential Rune's area of effect, is a large central watchtower on the curtain wall.

Fitting that it was made to look like a Griffon, faced so that it was staring out the opening and at the open sky.

You stare at the bare grey stone, ready and waiting for the touch of a Runesmith to take it beyond its mundane nature into something more. Already in your mind's eye you can see the finished array.

Disappointing Morgrim is not on the table today.

.118 A.P.​

You tarp over the area, having gotten blessings from the King of the Sky the Griffons give you a wide berth as you work.

For days, then weeks, then months and finally years the sound of your chiselling becomes a constant for the denizens of The Stormpeak. You do not notice the changing of seasons, the passing of days nor the comings and goings of dwarf and Griffon. Only the Huskarls who have been assigned to come check on you every so often and deliver you food see you, and even then it is only during the short periods to take to rest and recuperate. It would not do for you to exhaust yourself and potentially ruin the array, no matter how infinitely small the chance of that happening is.

Here there can be no room for doubt, nor chance of failure.

The Rune takes shape.


The hammer rises, and falls swiftly after.

The chip of stone, the clink of Gromril hammerhead meeting the chisel and the repetition thereafter.

Over and over you strike the rockface.

You are a Runelord, a master of your craft and a figure of mighty deeds and legendary sagas.

But here?

Here you are a supplicant, working at the pleasure of the Ancestors. Perhaps not the Ancestor you imagined, but an Ancestor nonetheless. Morgrim the Clever, the Inventor, the Architect, the Eldest Son of Grimnir, Founder and Lord of Engineers and often overlooked for all that an Ancestor could be overlooked.

For all that he is associated with the intricacies of clever and sturdy engineering, Morgrim is still His Father's son. Drengi aside, it is perhaps His book that proves the ultimate testament that for all of Morgrim's genius in the profession He built from nothing, the Ancestor was one of the most knowledgeable individuals in the world in the art of not just killing His enemies, but not getting hurt doing so.

Whether by the intricate mechanisms of a finely tuned trap or the simplistic beauty of the Grudge Thrower, Morgrim is personally responsible for just as many terrible machines of war as He was cornerstones of dwarfen civilization.

So what could you possibly do that Morgrim already hasn't? Your traps pale in comparison, your ideas are but the babbling of a babe, and your experience practically non-existent compared to the Savant's mind that was applied in the construction of this place.

So you do none of that, and resolve to simply do what you can to its utmost limits.


Very many Runes.

You could not improve on the work of Morgrim, but you swear on His Father's name that you will do all in your power that it will last long after you enter the Underearth.

Starting with the most potent defensive array you are aware of.

.122 A.P.
When the tarp falls, the Griffons of Stormpeak are greeted by the sight of fine Dwarfen Runes inscribed on the fine stone statue that overlooks their home.

The Ancestral Aegis hums, ever ready to shield those who gave so much in defence of their home, who had bled and struggled alongside them.

...let it be known to Him and His children that we recognize them as a people, different from us, but no less deserving of good intent and honourable treatment.

But the Gift Giver is not done. Throughout the Stormpeak he flits about like a summer breeze, following some unseen force that guides him from place to place wherein he inscribes the Dwarf Runes that have come to dominate the life of the denizens of Kraka Drakk.

In two years, every home is warded. In two years every vault is secured. In two years, the Gift Giver secures Stormpeak to the level it took him decades to raise Kraka Drakk to. Given that the Griffon's home is so much smaller and their population even more so, in comparison the feat is perhaps not as monstrously prodigious as it could be. But in other ways, it is far more important, for it sends a message to the Dwarfs of Kraka Drakk and perhaps the rest of the North of where Snorri the Gift Giver stands with Gromrilclad certainty.

These are our allies, and their home will be afforded all the protection I can offer.

Which in its own, minuscule way, says much about the sacrifice of the Branakroki* as it does the Runelord himself.

He would wake up to find four feathers on his bedside. Only having a moment to get a look before he is rightly smacked across the head by a pan and knocked back into unconsciousness by an irate High Priestess of Valaya whose younger colleagues watch in mute horror.

"What he gets for his damn tomfoolery. By Valaya he's actually trying to see if I'm going to kill him at this rate. Damn him if he wasn't responsible for my Grandson** becoming king, I actually would too…" she mutters before walking off, bumping into a thoroughly cowed Yorri who she simply glares at until she turns the corner.


Misc. Stuff:
- A length of Gromril Chain, a likely gift from Grungni Himself for no other Dwarf is capable of such skill and might. Yet for all it seems impossible, you feel like you must try. Rune Metal Side-branch Unlocked.
- A basket of woven metal, likely a gift from Valaya Herself, for it is so well made it boggles the mind. Two Runes burn on it whose purpose you know not… Research Unlocked.
- Aeries Warded! You have gone above and beyond the call of duty to turn the Stormpeak into a redoubt as well defended as the Karak it rests upon. Time will tell about the consequence of such an act, if any.
- +4 Standing, +10 Favour with the Brotherhood of Dron, new totals: Standing 3, Favours 10
- +3 Standing with Kraggi, new totals: Standing 3
- +2 Standing with Conservative Runesmiths, new totals: Standing 7
- +1 Standing with Radical Runesmiths, new totals: Standing 7
- Several New Contacts:
-- Runelords in Kraka Drakk
--- +12 Standing with Bara Steelplate, new totals: Standing 7
--- +12 Standing with Dwalin Thunderlung, new totals: Standing 7
--- +13 Standing with Lorna Hammerfall, new totals Standing 8
-- Runelords of the Far North
-- Senior Members of the Brotherhood
--- +6 Standing with Gorra Gromrileye, Runelord from Karak Varn, new total: Standing 1
--- +5 Standing with Bogrin Azurehammer, Runelord from Karak Eight Peaks, new totals: Standing 0
--- +6 Standing with Magda Copperlocks, Runelord from Karak Izril, new totals: Standing 1
--- +6 Standing with Modi Copperlocks, Runelord from Karak Izril, new totals: Standing 1
--- +5 Standing with Damin the Stoic, Runelord from Karaz a Karak, new totals: Standing 0
- Existing Standing and Favour Changes:
-- +1 Standing across Skarrenraz Ankor
-- + Standing with Brynna Gildedeyes, new totals: Standing 0, Favours 0
- Secrets of the Light Pt. 1 complete! Light, so small a thing, such a simple thing, yet perhaps there is more to this ephemeral thing which makes gems gleam and gold glitter?
-- New Rune Unlocked! Rune of Refractions: Allows for very rudimentary manipulation of light that hits the Rune. Changing the direction, the colour, even splitting it into multiple weaker beams. A nice trinket, fine perhaps for a toy, but it lacks the finesse or power to do much else.
-- Rune of Reflections rendered redundant.
- Dragon Ogre Autopsy complete! Lightning and fury, ageless and hateful. Much of the corruption looks to be more spiritual than physical.
-- Rune Ingredients:
--- [T5] Suneater's Brain x1: The dead mind of one who saw the pact of the foulest kind be struck between primordial beast and dread thing beyond the veil of reality. The conscious and the evil has left, but the brain matter is potent regardless.
--- [T4] Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Heart x6
--- [T4] Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Brain x6
--- [T3] Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Blood x8
--- [T2] Dragon Ogre's Heart x15
--- [T2] Dragon Ogre's Blood x15
-- Structural Materials:
--- Dragon Ogre Skin, Bones and bits
--- Hide of the Suneater x1
- Voidstones complete! The true death of a Greater Daemon, and the titanic explosion that comes from such an event held forever in stasis by that which is anathema to it.
-- Tier Revealed! [T4] Voidstone x7

* Branakroki - literal Khazalid for "Clever dark birds" if I'm not bungling my language?
** Reference to turn 3 Results for the keen-eyed. :^)


AN: Never again. Never again you hear me?! >:^I Interesting tidbits for those that would like to know. I imagine Griffon art to be very silhouette based in terms of imagery. Large jagged or swirling lines that accentuate features and convey movement, and would usperimpose silhouettes on top of each other to convey multiple meanings. What with lacking a written language and all that. Anyway enjoy the update and thanks for being so patient. As always C&C, but I won't see any till I wake up. I'm going to bed now. Nighty Night! :^)
Last edited:
Turn 22:
123 A.P.
(Roll, Yorri: 25, DC: 80)

You find a note on your desk alongside a sack of troll jerky.


Me beard's itching, I'd say Grungni bless you but it seems redundant considering everything. At the very least don't die before I maybe come back.


Rolling up the parchment, you walk back to your room and find a place in your personal safe to keep it locked away nice and secure. Huffing in amusement, you take your Master's departure in stride.

You wish him well.


Over the decades since the incursion the Karaz Ankor, nai the world, heals from the terrible wounds of Chaos. The number of births shows little of stopping, families introducing their third or perhaps even fourth child is a common occurrence. It will be a long while before your people can fill the holds to the levels they were before, the north especially, but it will get done eventually.

After all, what use was grand towering galleries if there weren't enough dwarfs to fill them?

So it is to no surprise, but great joy regardless, that on the first day of the year 123 A.P., Clan Ironarm announces that the future queen of the hold, Kaggra Ironarm Neé Redaxe, has given birth to a fine and healthy young boy. Already the elders of the Clan speak of the strength of his arm and the vigour he displays, only days after tasting his first spoonful of Stonesoup in Valay's temple.

All hail the son of the Crown Prince Gloin Otreksson, all hail Gimli Gloinsson.

Your people choose to take the sight of Gloin's broken finger as a sign of only good things to come. It only shows that Grimnir's blood and favour flows strong in the veins of Clan Ironarm after all!


Otrek radiates an air of satisfaction during this meeting, only overshadowed by the almost tangible glee Moira does.

Always a sign of good fortune for a fine heir to be born, so you suppose it warrants it.

Despite the cause for celebration, Otrek is entirely focused on the task ahead of him. That being the coordination of the series of reclamation campaigns the many refugee clans were beginning to undertake. Most were in the planning phases, but the King has at the very least secured the aid of two of the four other Runelords who were now sitting in on this meeting alongside you.

"Things are progressing apace, we should be ready to start assisting the Clans by year's end with the Throng. Until then Brokk I need you to keep them alive and informed of the situation below and above ground. Lord Dwalin, Lady Bara, I thank you again for your willingness to lend your might.

"They won't die easily on my watch, your Highness," she replies.

"Think nothing of it my King! A great many saga will be written of the deeds done over these coming years, and it is only fitting that I be there firsthand to witness them! HA HA!" Dwalin proclaims.

Well, at least the morale of the dwarfs fighting alongside him wouldn't be in question.

"Yes, well I've prepared for Gloin to take charge of the underground campaign, while I secure the surface with the Branakroki. I'd like to temper my son's skill in other fields of battle, but it would be a poor sight to practice with something this important," Otrek continues.

(Roll, Dolgi: 93)

"A good thing that apprentice of yours has been hammering out equipment for them," Gormak says, "Smiths Guild's hired him for some jobs already, and he's been doing what he can to show the youngsters how it's done."

You can only grunt faintly in approval.

Good lad.

Throughout it all, you cannot help but notice that young Lorna quietly converses and comes to a deal with the Loremasters of the Karak.


(Roll, Snerra: 23)

"You and your apprentices test my patience more and more Gift Giver," Moira grumbles.

You remember the pan, and choose to stay silent as you discreetly observe Snerra eat her soup from the bed.

"Damn bleeding heart of a girl at least tried to keep herself safe. Can't fault her for getting hurt saving the life of some bumbling beardlings who snuck out into the woods on some damn fool adventure. I'm sure the Bryggeroots are despairing in their failure as much as they're celebrating their good fortune in hitching themselves to such a promising young Kvinn," she continues.

"Aye," you dare say, quiet pride evident in your voice, "she'll go far."

"I'm sure you mean metaphorically," Moira says, grunting in the direction of her leg casts.

"By the by elder, is there anything you want me to see about tho-"

"Nai, I won't be having you exhaust yerself again on my account. We've procured the services of Lady Brynna, who very respectfully, took on the commission for the work we want to be done with the springs a few weeks ago for that. I'd be hypocritical of me to ask you on behalf of the Clergy given how I've got good odds on you exhausting yourself again," Moira interrupts.

You open your mouth to deny her before the memory of your actions a few years ago and the sight of the pan that has miraculously found itself in her hand stops you.

Sighing, you bid her good day and walk off back to the workshop.


(Roll, Final Journeyman Check: 60 +30[Experience] =90, DC: 90)

Fjolla hops off the wagon, bidding the coach dwarf a good day.

She walks through Kraka Drakk's underway terminal, once more entering the hold she'd spent so many decades living in.

It's good to be home.

The bundle of cloth on her back feels heavier than it did before.

Steeling herself and hardening her resolve, she begins walking. Perhaps feeling her intent, dwarfs make way for her as she slowly makes her way up to the surface. She takes the time to nod curtly at those who bid her a good day and welcome her back to the hold with knowing looks.

She's ready.


(Roll, Final Journeyman Check: 52 +30[Experience] +15[Omake] =97, DC: 90)

He shines the Pure Gromril surface a final time, inspecting the metal for even the barest dull speck using the light of Rune Torch and the glow of the Runes that gleam on breastplate's surface.

It has to be perfect.

Maybe if he takes another ye-

-A hand falls on his shoulder, he does not move outwardly but he mentally startles at the contact.

Dolgi turns to look at Klorah, a small smile on her lips.

"Stop second-guessing yourself and just go about it would you?"

He lets out a shuddering breath.

She's right.

"Help me pack all this up then if you have the time?" he asks sheepishly.

Klorah rolls her eyes and gets down to helping him unclasp the buckle on one of the straps of the massive chest plate.


The door to your workshop thumps three times in perfect order.

Getting up for your workbench and putting away the toy you were making you begin making your way over to the door and open it.

There in front of you stands one of the Huskarl's Otrek has assigned to guard your workshop and seemingly kept where they were.

You note that the Dwarf is a member of your clan actually, squinting to look past the concealing face mask and beard plate to see a pair of familiar eyes.

"Rudil, is that you?"

"Aye granduncle," your clansmen replies, raising his plate to reveal his face to you.

"...How many of our clan have been assigned to guard my workshop?" you ask wearily.

"All Twelve Huskarls now assigned here are from Clan Winterhearth granduncle. His Highness thought it was most appropriate seeing as we're the most used to protocol when working with Runelords," he replies.

Well, that was a bit embarrassing to not realize, but then again you suppose the Huskarl's armour was designed to keep them alive, not so much make them recognizable to their individual family members. Not to say they didn't carry small trinkets or mementos to show their Clan, as you could now more clearly tell from the small talisman bearing Clan Winterhearth's emblem hanging from Rudil's neck.

Your grandnephew coughs into his fist once before announcing, "Back to the original reason I came here, I've come to report that your two apprentices were sighted heading here."

You do not outwardly react for a few seconds

Already eh?

Well then.

You nod once at Rudil, "let them pass then I suppose, you know the drill well enough by this point."

"Aye granduncle, I'll let the others know."


Neither of them expects to see the other when they were making their way to their Master's workshop, but they are happy to see each other regardless.

They make the imposing trek down the familiar path, and towards the narrow valley approach that leads to the workshop door.

"Feels different though doesn't it?" Dolgi says, breaking the silence.

"Aye," Fjolla says.

They walk past the Huskarls that man the watchtowers, feeling the gaze of their elders on their backs as they pass. The wind whistles through the narrow pass, the faces of the Ancestors stare at them, their mouths open in wordless yells of fury.

The two of them reach the workshop door, the imposing gates barring their way.

Both walk up to the door, and in unison, thump on the surface three times.

The door opens wide, and their master steps out to behold the two of them, eyes squinted and brow furrowed.

"You have returned," he begins, voice unchanged despite the decades both have spent away.

"We left as apprentices, plaits/beards short and coloured," they reply, having long since memorized the ceremony.

"You have journeyed?" he replies.

"Long and far in the South/ Close yet wide in the north."

"Speak then your deeds, and story" he grumbles at Fjolla.

"I walked the glimmering halls of Gunbad, worked amidst the jewellers and great artisans of the south and plied my trade. I have earned my Clan's weight in gold and riches one hundred and seven times over, and earned great glory for myself and my Clan. I made cause and gained favour with the Masters of that place, and earned the notice of Gemma Skollasdottir, Runelord of the hold. I stood on the walls of Gunbad when fel beast and daemon assaulted her defences, and cast low three hundred daemons over the course of two decades. I have learned much in the way of Runes and proven my valour in battle," she announces, voice clear and loud.

He turns to Dolgi and asks the same question.

"I journeyed across the North, taking part in the grand campaigns of Otrek, King of Kraka Drakk, and slew two-hundred and thirty-seven foes. I swore oaths of friendship and camaraderie with the Branakroki and earned their approval. I stood atop the walls of Kraka Drakk and with the aid of the ones called Iron Wing and Steelbeak, laid low a Dragon Ogre and three hundred and seventy daemons. When called by my King, I partook in the making of four hundred and ninety-seven suits of armour, five hundred and thirty-two Rune weapons and equal that number in Talismans and banners," he proclaims.

"Your deeds are worthy. Show me then the final test, the piece that proves your Mastery and worthiness of the higher secrets of Guild,"

Fjolla goes first, having taken seconds to gently unwrap her item while Dolgi pulls his armour out of the cart he brought with him in silence.


You stare down at the necklace, lifting it off the pillow it rested on and bringing it close to your face.

Maiden's Rebuke: An amulet made from silver and a large, and supremely fine cut piece of Shining Stone at the center. The design was made to look like a dragon wrapping around the gem that was its treasure, the drake itself is incredibly detailed to a degree even you could call meticulous and certainly required an incredibly precise hand and keen eye. The Gem glittered with the light of silver in the firelight, water in the sun, snow under stars and rain in the moon. Surrounding it were three equally fine, but incredibly small gems, a ruby, a sapphire and a diamond, whose shone brightly from the incredibly small but finely wrought Runes inscribed upon them. [Combo, Spitestrike: Rune of Might, Rune of Parrying, Rune of Fury]: When the bearer is struck, an equal amount of damage is flung back at the attacker.

Setting down the amulet, you leave Fjolla alone for a moment to see that Dolgi has finished setting up his Master Piece for your inspection.

Skyguard Plate: A massive, but finely made suit of Pure Gromril armour built for a Griffon. The metal is thick and requires that the bearer be strong of body even for a Griffon, but so well fitted that whoever was capable of wearing it could move with no loss of mobility. The Gromril is polished to a sheen, the only decorations being simple, but precisely made, silver inlay that gives the plate mail the appearance of feathers or fur depending on where it is on the body. Across the chest plate, the Runes glow fiercely. The helm encloses the Griffon's face save only for their beak, and its forehead is adorned with a Gromril spike a third of a meter long. A suit of armour meant to evoke the grumbling appearance of a Longbeard or Huskarl. [Combo, Gromril-like: Rune of Steel, Rune of Spelleating, Rune of Fortitude] The armour is far tougher than its construction suggests, withstanding blows with little to no damage that would have ruined it otherwise.

You finish walking around the armour stand, and turning to both of them you simply grunt and say.

"Took you both long enough."

Good enough work, you could pull off the effect they were going for with a Master Rune of Spite and Gromril respectively, but seeing as they didn't have access to those Runes they had to make do. It served as a way for many a Master to see if their bumbling apprentices managed to get it into their heads and figure out how to replicate, heh, even a shadow of what a Master Rune could do.


- Nothing amiss occurs in the Karaz Ankor and things continue apace. Better to hit nothing but rock rather than have the entire tunnel collapse on your head some would argue.
- The Campaign to reclaim the north is entering the final phases of planning. Early sorties are doubtlessly going to begin in the next few years. With the long term support of Otrek and both Dwalin and Bara devoting themselves, at least in the short term, to the reclamation of lost holds the dispossessed clans have high hopes.
- The clearing of Valaya's Springs has begun, set to be done by the decade's end.
- Lorna has been speaking with the Loremasters of the hold.
- Both of your apprentices have returned, earlier than expected, but still later than you'd like! Typical really.
Updated Apprentice Specialties
HoldNameA.G.EPersonality, QuirksExceptionalSpecialtyRegular SpecialtyRegular SpecialtyRegular Specialty
DrakkFjolla IgunsdottirRadical, Woman, 235 Yrs. OldDriven, Perfectionist, annoyed by suitorsTalismanicTalismanicCrystals and GemsBanner
DrakkDolgi BolgissonRadical, Man, 240 Yrs. OldHardworking, Honourable, Sappy RomanticGriffonsArmourWeaponEngineering

You have (5 -2) = 3 actions this turn.

[ ] Odd Places 6/10: [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness. Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen.

[ ] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 Action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results.Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards!

Requests: Denote which simple request will receive the Apprentice Action in your plan.
[-] [Simple] Apprentice work: [Cost: variable apprentice actions] Roll for usefulness. 1 Roll per apprentice action. Locked due to no apprentices. Your not that young, but still young, charges are now of an age you feel it acceptable for them to do a bit of exploration. Send your apprentices out into the hold and pick up a few tasks from whoever offers it to them. Give them a bit of experience for their upcoming task as journeymen and let them build a reputation in the hold. You'll of course critique their work and use it as a learning experience as any good master ought to.

[X] [Simple] A Better Smelter: [Cost: 6 actions, x1 Voidstone] Productivity Like no Other will proc. Due in 4 Turns. 1 action locked in, more can be added. You and the Brotherhood have agreed to share information and knowledge in the creation of a new, larger Furnace array. The completed smelter will be for your use, seeing as you're using your own voidstone for the job, and the Brotherhood will disseminate this new design to their members. Many eagerly await the chance to use the Voidstone they've managed to find.

[ ] [Simple] The Unsung Heroes: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like no Other will proc. Brynna will take this action if you do not. Otrek, now with the expertise of five Runelords close at hand, has finally found the time to commission equipment for the best Rangers in the hold. With the coming campaigns below and on the surface, these dwarfs deserve and will need fine equipment specifically suited for their role as opposed to the general Runic gear they've received from your earlier actions.

[X] [Difficult] Armoured Skies Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] By the compact agreed upon by both parties, you will create a suit of armour for the King of the Skies. He is in no rush, but asks that the armour be a thing that exalts his people just as much as it will be an enhancement of his already terrifying abilities. Even with your skill, you doubt you could have created something that could honestly compare to the King's natural durability. Better then to make something that can support or enhance his more esoteric abilities or defend him in other ways.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] A Princely Panoply Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] a multi-work project. If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Choose 2. Otrek has come to you with a minor request, seeking your expertise in armouring the scions of the King of the Skies in fine Gromril armour capable of keeping the Griffon's legacy alive as a gift to be given. He who Thinks and He who Remembers have different philosophies over the kind of armour they want. The former wants to retain his speed and dexterity while the latter wishes to improve his already formidable endurance and toughness.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write in, A Miner's Brother Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Since returning from the campaign you've been reflecting on Grimnir and how he fought, twin axes flashing. Sometimes you found yourself looking at the Miner while these thoughts tumbled through your mind, and now they've all fallen together. You could make it a Brother, a Warrior. A twelve-meter tall Gronti forged from steel polished to a wondrous shine with twin axes of Gromril, mighty and doughty to set before the Inner Gate of Kraka Drakk, whose king is descended from the Valiant One.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write in, A Matron's Banner Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. While recuperating from your latest visit to Moira the depth of how much trouble you've caused the elderly matron hit you, much like her pan did. But dammit your work is necessary! If you could make a powerful banner to aid ones healing and stamina which could be displayed in the Temple of Valaya or carried out with the army to bolster their healing and vitality you'd save a great many lives and ease her burdens. - [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write in, The Eternal Bastion Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. You've had two close calls in the past two centuries and you know you're very likely to see more in the coming times. This world is harsh and your aid is useful on the battlefield when you must defend your home! While you may not fight as well as Otrek you can hold the line and make them fight for every inch, and an armour of great power is something you can use to make yourself an eternal warden when you must defend Kraka Drakk against the darkness.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[] [Difficult] Write in, Ymir, Pt 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. You built the Miner decades ago and it stands strong, carving away at the Underway and standing guard when not digging. You saw Gronti of all kinds during the campaign with Grimnir, and you've spoken with Yorri about them at length. Sometimes you've dreamed about them, made from silvery metal. You have the Gromril, you can make one with it, the largest work you've done with the metal to date. Design and build a Gronti that is four meters tall (OOC: Ogre sized) out of Pure Gromril, and clothe it in a skin of Adamant.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. You've had an idea! This is the template for write in item request! Please put down the name, description and type of equipment/item you want made. Pt 2 of the item will cost differently depending on the number of items and potentially the size of it as well. A base guideline for Pt. 2 costs will be at the bottom of the post.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] Suneater's Brain: [Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. What could you do with this cursed thing? While untainted, you can only shudder at the atrocities it has seen and ordered. Fitting then that it's ultimate will be aiding the very people he saw to destroy.

[ ] Chimaera Autopsy: [Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. Damn things are odd monstrosities, three heads, two hearts, four brains. Neither one is entirely alike. A part of you wonders how much of this is usable and how much more is tainted krut. You'll have to wear some protective gear when dealing with these bodies that's for sure.

[ ] Silverwood: [Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. An entire forest odd silvery Wutroth is now under your ownership. While a large profit driver as you are well aware, there's an odd feeling in your belly when you look at the stuff. Beautiful like nothing else, and stronger than regular Wutroth as well. You know a few runes that require Wutroth to make, but maybe this has something special to it as well?

[ ] Hearthstones: [Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. This deep orange gem glows with never-ending heat, never enough to boil water, but enough to sleep comfortably at night and keep a bowl of stew warm long after it's left the stove. You have a few theories about how useful the material will be, but you can't ever be sure. At least it's likely to be a profitable resource when you can get some actual production going though.

[ ] Odd Horns: [Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. You bought these two titanic horns from Fingrod's shop during your trip to Karaz a Karak. They are massive and look nothing like the horns of a dragon nor the tusks of a mammoth or stonehorn. Whatever they are, mayhaps they'll be useful or perhaps something more mundane. Who's to say?

[ ] Spring Water: [Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. The Springs of Valaya, which can be taken less offensively than calling them her "vents", is a source of rejuvenating water useful for the the recuperation of injured dwarfs. While the Clergy has tasked Brynna with aiding them in building the shrine and temple complex, they're fine with you taking samples to study to see if they're good for a potential Rune.
- [ ] Church Commission: [Cost: +3 actions to cost] Student of the Odd will proc. The Clergy of Valaya is very interested in understanding how useful the water is on its own. They've confirmed the basics, that it's safe for dwarfs to use, it works etc, but they're far too busy with other tasks and duties in the wake of reconstruction and preparing for the coming campaign to devote time towards it. They're willing to reimburse you for the time to figure it out yourself.

[ ] The Secrets of Light Pt. 2: [Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Refraction has proven you can at the very least manipulate the power of light. Versatility is no longer an issue, but power, useability and overall purpose remain unclear to you. It will come in time of that you have no doubt, but perhaps you'd best start

[ ] The Movement of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Waking or Animation as some would call it is a rare rune. How Master Yorri knows both the regular and Master Rune could be explained by either a harrowing adventure full of terror, beasties and treasure or by something as mundane as asking a friend, you could never be sure with the man. Yorri's given you a few pointers but something he said nags at you. Why is it that only bipedal golems work for the Master Rune of Waking?

[ ] The Mind of Things Pt. 1: [Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. Master Yorri's Rune of Prosthesis allowed the bearer to mentally control the appendage with startling precision. Something that you aren't quite too sure how he managed. You can feel the dwarf chortling somewhere at your confusion.

[ ] The Rune Metal Pt. 5: [Cost: 12 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc. You've done it. Adamant is now, slowly, being made from your forge! It is an achievement of your lifetime by the reckoning of most dwarfs, but yet the glittering white stays in your mind. There is more still.
- [ ] Brotherhood Expertise: [Cost 10 favour] Gain 1d2 progress. Call upon the expertise of the Brotherhood to aid in your research.

[ ] The Rune Metal Pt. 1b: [Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc. Grungni is the only dwarf in recorded history to have the skill and talent to make Gromril into a fine chain. While lesser than plate, Gromril Chainmaille can at the very least, make a dwarf even more difficult to kill for comparatively less cost, and there are of course other uses for chains. Of course there is also the prestige in such an achievement.
- [ ] Brotherhood Expertise: [Cost 10 favour] Gain 1 progress. Call upon the expertise of the Brotherhood to aid in your research.

[ ] Understand Valaya's Runes: [Cost: 12 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. On the basket that bears her Master Rune, Valaya or perhaps some other Runesmith put down two other Runes. You can make a guess as to their purpose, but aren't too sure. One bears a similarity to the Rune of Load-bearing, the other the Rune of Healing.

[ ] Understand a Master Rune: [Cost: 16 actions] Depending on the choice, Student of the Odd and/or Mind of Metal may proc. The same idea as studying any rune in theory, in practice it takes a lot longer and there's often a large chance of explosions.

Order: You can only Order 1 new item a turn freely, but can have as many orders ongoing as you want. Don't hoard mats. [T4] Voidstone is subject to incredibly high demand, orders will need to pass a DC to see if any is available, +1 to turn time.
[X] Oath Gold: [Cost: 1 Turn]

[ ] ORDER: Write-in
- [ ] Kingly Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Kingly Authority: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, or Buradarr depending on tier] +1 Order. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to order something for your use.
- [ ] Kingly Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Princely Hunting: [Cost: 5, 10 Favour from Prince Gloin depending on tier] +1 Order of T2 or T3 monster mats only. It would be ridiculous for you to ask your King to go gallivanting around the North to find something for you to make a Rune out of, but a Prince or Princess? Well, that's just you helping them build their legend through the slaying of monsters and aiding their elders.

Write in Equipment Action Costs:
1 Action - 1 standard piece of equipment.
2 Actions - Multiple pieces of equipment or Large individual items
3 Actions - Very Large individual items or a full/near full set of items.

How to vote on Multi-Piece Difficult Requests.
[Y] Difficult Request Pt. 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM: For Item 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM: For Item 2
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM: For Item 3

Adamant Costs, General Guideline:
1 Piece of equipment or hypothetical Rune requiring Adamant - 1 bar
1 Suit of Armour for a Dwarf - 3 bars
1 Suit of Armour for a Human or Elf sized being - 4 bars
1 Piece of Ogre sized Gronti equipment - 2 bars
1 Suit of Ogre sized Gronti armour - 6 Bars
Anything larger just ask me, it will also appear in applicable actions.

Remember to vote by plan. There will be a two-hour moratorium for discussion.

AN: I realize Jorri's arm isn't on there and neither is the caves, that's for a few reasons. For the former it's because it's something Snorri is making time for regardless, so making you vote on it feels like a forgone conclusion and would go against his characterization. As for the caves, after speaking with a few people I realized the system around it was gonna be incredibly convoluted and unfun to play, so I'm going back to the drawing board for that (though I have a few ideas already). Of course there's also the apprentices, but much like the actual apprenticeship, I figure the least amount of drama and best overall experience in regards to Fjolla and Dolgi's learning is gonna be a more Snorri dominated experience as opposed to the players. Also yes, I used a lot of lines from the description of the Arkenstone for the necklace. Thank you for reading, and don't forget to C&C. :^)

EDIT: Actions clarified
EDIT 2: Added Kholek Brain action
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