On Thread Etiquette:
I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.
So, it looks like we got some more voidstone, which is fantastic, and... a giant set of horns? Clearly not a dragon because we would have recognized them unless it is a peculiar dragon indeed.
Also, it looks like we met Brynna Gildedeyes, from Karak Zorn. The Runelord to the farthest north meets the Runelord from the farthest south. It appears she doesn't really hold us in great esteem, but that is probably to be expected.
A standing of -5 is the neutral relation for any person/faction. I believe that means we made an ok impression.
I still wonder how we received so many voidstones however.
So, it looks like we got some more voidstone, which is fantastic, and... a giant set of horns? Clearly not a dragon because we would have recognized them unless it is a peculiar dragon indeed.
Also, it looks like we met Brynna Gildedeyes, from Karak Zorn. The Runelord to the farthest north meets the Runelord from the farthest south. It appears she doesn't really hold us in great esteem, but that is probably to be expected.
Keep in mind that Reputation doesn't perfectly map between institutions, and -2 isn't actually that bad. -5 is just 'they haven't heard of you,' while 0 is 'Respected.' In context, -2 just means something like 'they've heard of us but think we're a bit young yet.'
Keep in mind that Reputation doesn't perfectly map between institutions, and -2 isn't actually that bad. -5 is just 'they haven't heard of you,' while 0 is 'Respected.' In context, -2 just means something like 'they've heard of us but think we're a bit young yet.'
It might also be something as simple as they disagree with us on the way to go about things a -2 seems about right for someone on the opposite of some issue especially if they've only just met us but don't think we're an idiot necessarily. Karak Zorn is the oldest Hold after all, it's population probably skews conservative, relatively speaking. For as much as that might mean in the current moment.
[X] Plan All the Griffon Stuff
-[X] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 3 actions
--[X] At QM discretion, use up to T3 materials freely on this project where appropriate. Small amounts of T4 Elder Frostwyrm Hide may also be used.
-[X] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
-[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
--[X] Optional Write-in: An Adamant bar and blueprint of an Adamant Furnace, and a shard of Voidstone.
-[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
--[X] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.
-[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
--[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
-[X] Dragon Ogre Autopsy: [Cost: 6 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
--[X] Destructive Research: [Cost: 3 Shaggoth Corpses, 9 Dragon Ogre Corpses] Gain 2 Progress, can be taken multiple times. Three Times.
Your caravan reaches the great Undergates of Karaz a Karak, only one of the many great throngs of dwarfs that stream in and out of the massive structure. Looking around, you spot the heraldry of dozens of different clans from all across the Everlasting Realms. But what stands out to you especially is the sheer number of Runesmith clans present in the vast mass of beards and bodies.
Clan Winterhearth, main and Kraka Drakk branches respectively, Clan Steelhand of Zhufbar, Clan Starbeard of Karak Brynduraz, Clan Gurreksson of Karak Izril,and many more. And of course, the progenitor of each and every last of these legendary clans, Clan Thungnisson.
It is a heady feeling seeing all of you here, and a stark reminder of what you have lost. In all your years the Grand Conclave has never attracted crowds this large. Then again, it's been a good few centuries since you've last been, and these aren't normal circumstances. You're certain that for many dwarfs here it is the only way to learn the fates of family and friends from across the realms, and to visit the survivors in the flesh. Not everyone received a list of their dead colleagues after all, and while dwarf record keeping is extensive travel is still so very slow.
It takes a while for your caravan to pass through the undergate, not so much due to the security checks most dwarfs and goods go through, but because of sheer volume of traffic. Jorri tells you it's usually not this bad, and you're inclined to agree based on just how many are coming here because of the Conclave.
Once your wagon is through, you bid Jorri well and head off towards your prearranged lodging for the duration of the event, promising to meet up with him later. It takes a bit of grumbling and a few pointed stares but eventually you find the Craggy Brow inn, run by one Kemmer Craggy Brow, and put away your things. You take the time to pay Kemmer to store your special goods in his guest vault, for a hefty but fair price, to keep them safe. You doubt thieves could get into the fortress-like construction Kemmer has turned his inn into, but it paid to be sure. The vault itself was inscribed with Runes by legendary Runelord Yammer Lodsson as Kemmer proudly swears on his incredibly prodigious beard.
With that squared away you and your master decide to go about the town before Rhunkalbrogg begins.
The two of you walk the streets of Karaz a Karak, disguised as rangers and further hidden by your individual cloaks. You had time to do a bit of looking about, considering Ruhnkalbrogg was set to start two days from now.
You do not notice as a dwarf approaches you from behind, equally cloaked until he coughs to grab your attention. You turn, see and then realize that his form is blurred out of focus to you through the use of an equally obscured Rune. Your master keeps walking.
"Yorri," he grumbles out.
Yorri does not freeze, but he certainly stops to look. You note that his gaze is carefully schooled blank.
"Alric," Yorri replies.
You blink.
"Snorri, go on without me lad. It looks like I have business here. Buy me some stonebread would you?" Yorri mutters offhandedly but clearly meant to dismiss you.
By all rights, you were not beholden to Yorri's orders, not for a long time, but by Grungni decades of apprenticeship forced your legs to move away from the two dwarfs. Eventually finding yourself in the midst of Karaz a Karak's market district. Where, with your mind no longer occupied, you are bombarded with the scents, sounds and sights of a truly varied market of goods. Food, clothes, tools being sold in vast quantities.
You, however, are on the lookout for other things. The kind of goods only a Runelord would want.
Only to find the market picked bare.
Well, not bare, this was a vital trade hub and the place Grungni and Valaya hold court, the markets are bustling and the supplies are understandably plentiful. But not with the goods you, a Runesmith, wanted. Aye, you could find Oathgold, Brightstone, things like that, but the rare things? Gone. Picked clean like master Yorri with a lamb's leg. Not a hint of elder dragon blood, no Rumbler's Lung or Stonehorn's Eye in sight, not a single thing of any true rarity. In all likelihood, your earlier, and likely older, contemporaries swept up everything of value before you and the youngsters even arrived.
During your excursion, you did manage to do some shopping. Threadbare as your options were.
(Pick up to 5 [Tier 2] Materials: Write-in vote at bottom of update.)
No one to blame really, save for yourself.
You manage to find a few things worth your time, but it isn't much to write home about. Still, your beard's a tingling fiercely, there's definitely something of value left. You're sure of it, and it certainly isn't denial on your part either!
It's been a few hours now and the stalls and shops are beginning to close for the day, while others open up for dwarfs going about nighttime business. Not exactly all that different though, given that Dwarfs live underground and away from the light of either celestial body. Ingrained biology from those elder days before Grungni taught you to dig into the earth and make proper homes for yourselves.
Your eye catches a glint of something odd in the corner of your vision, and your nose sniffs something esoteric nearby. Turning to face it, you stare at a glass display filled with all manner of creature bits, but what draws your ever-widening eyes is a stack of glistening void-like shards nestled in the corner.
You most certainly do not run inside, you briskly walk towards Fingrod's Fantastic Finds like a respectable dwarf and take your time to peruse.
The dwarf at the counter, Fingrod most likely, is dutifully standing behind the register seemingly unphased by your presence.
"Anything I can do fer ye Elder? Anything ya see in me shop to yer liking?"
You grunt, look around then almost double back at the two massive horns on Fingrod's wall. It takes you a bit, but you eventually meander your way to the stack of what could be nothing less than Voidstone.
"How much fer the lot of this?" you ask Fingrod, pointing at the bundle.
You nod through the dwarf's reply, still inspecting the stack of onyx black shards.
"Beardling, mind telling me where you got this stuff?" you say conversationally.
"Ah those, me father Fingrod fought in the Great Throng of the Valiant. Said that when a terrible battle out westwards against a mighty force of greater daemons attacked, those odd folk Grimnir met joined the Throng in battle. A mighty Runelord cast several of the Greater Daemon's back into the abyss just as one of those tall mages of those elgi, I think they're called that at least, cast one of their spells at them. Daemons went kaput and a bunch of shards flew out everywhere. Those seven there got lodged in the ground near him, in his shield, his legs and one arm or so he tells me. No lasting damage, thank the ancestors," he explains.
You grunt in acknowledgement.
Daemons. Magic. Death. Two of those you could at least confirm matched what happened to the Greedy One, and could stretch to the third as well depending.
You had something here.
"Those horns there then, what about them?" you ask, setting the onyx shards aside to look at the massive pair of what looked like horns before you. They were massive swirling things, three dwarf lengths long and as white as fresh snow.
"Ah. Me father bought em off an old ranger friend o' his. Said he found them in the plains of the far northeast. Took him weeks to get to the nearest Karak then months to get through the Underway.
"It'll do…" you trail off.
"Fingrod Fingrodsson, Elder," the dwarf supplies happily.
It's not Grim Grimsson but damn if you don't feel a swell of pity there.
"It'll do Fingrod, I'll take these shards and those two horns there, I'll have a dwarf by the name of Jorri Klausson pick them up if you don't mind," you reply, pointing at the massive curled horns on the wall.
"Ah! Me father does business with Master Jorri, we'll have these packed up in a day's time if that's fine by you Elder?" the dwarf asks.
You nod in acquiescence on your way out, the dwarf bidding you farewell as you leave the shop.
As you walk back towards Craggy's, you take a detour towards a local bakery to have a looksie at the kind of Stonebread they're selling. Both for yourself and because you remember Yorri asking you to get some when he sent you off. When you get to the door you squint and read the Khazalid on the door.
"Brangga's Bread and Baked Goods, ranked third in the Karaz a Karak!" you mutter quietly.
High praise indeed, the Baker's guild are a very judgemental bunch concerning bread, to get even third place is a mark of quality food indeed. You've been the guest of honour to several of Kraka Drakk's semi-annual bake-off for the past century, and if Karaz a Karak is anything similar you know how litigious the judges can get. You open the door and the wafting scent of fresh food that was evident before becomes a torrent that floods your senses with flavour and homeliness.
Ah, now this is a fine bakery indeed.
You walk in and a young dwarf lass, some 200 years old going by the silver streaks in her auburn hair, greets you from the counter.
"Welcome, welcome to my shop Elder! Take a look around, we've got fresh loaves out for sale that may be to your liking! Today's special stone-nut custard pies are freshly baked as well!" she says happily, reminding you a little of Snerra with the level of enthusiasm she has. You note that, despite her best efforts, she has thin streaks of flour and inconspicuous bits of dough on her clothes.
You chuff in something akin to approval at the young girl, her master must be very proud of her achievement. Ranking third so young is a sign of good things indeed, not as good as your beardlings but that's not her fault really. But now wasn't the time to compare how much better of a teacher you were, no it was time to see how your own palette matched the judges of Karaz a Karak's Bakers Guild.
You walk out of Brangga's bakery with a smile on your lips (once the beardling can't see your face of course), a full belly, and a rather large bag of fine pastries for the road. A loaf of bread grasped in your hand that you idly take a bite out of very awkwardly as you walk with the bag in your arms. The young lass waves at you as you leave, probably just as happy to have gained your approval as she did your business. Note to self, come by here more often.
"Woah there! To your left Honoured Elder!" a voice calls out, giving you enough time to swiftly stop and move out of the way.
You grunt out something close to a "thank you," and set down your bag of goods to see that another Runesmith stares back at you.
It doesn't take a genius to realize the woman before you is from Karak Zorn. Going by the distinct Zornish designs on her jewelry and clothes. The white anvil on bright teal and crimson red background make frequent appearances on her clothes. Her arms, bare for the world to see, are covered in the distinct tattoos that Zorn dwarfs practice. A cultural practice to mark the events and experiences of one's life, or so you've read. The signature silver colour reserved for Runesmiths and the steel grey of a smith clash and beautifully contrast with the glittering gold meant to denote noble blood.
"You're carrying a lot of bread there Honoured Elder," she says.
You grunt.
"Brynna Gildedeyes, honour to your ancestors Honoured Elder," she introduces herself with a bow.
(Roll, Perception: 79 +30[Runelord] +2[Sniffer] -10[Not in the Know] =101)
The name pings something in the far recesses of your mind. The name has come up before, a Runelord from Karak Zorn who was named in the Rhunkalbrogg before your departure north.
"Honour to you Rhunrikki from Karak Zorn," you reply with the traditional response.
If Brynna is surprised by your recognition she does not show it, simply nodding.
"You have shown your wisdom then Honoured Elder, my youth denies me knowledge as to your occupation."
Ah, Zorn formality, you appreciate the sentiment, but you're not one for taking hours to say three things. Still, you're almost 800 years old, a bit of talking won't kill you.
"I am Snorri, son of Klaus, Rhunrikki of Kraka Drakk, your peer in profession and elder in age," you reply, managing to remember how to converse in the more formal speak Zorn dwarfs generally favour.
"Ah, my deepest condolences Honoured Elder," she says, tone apologetic," I'm certain that this Rhunkalbrogg is especially important to you," she says.
You grunt.
"Have you spoken to many of our colleagues yet Honoured Elder? Done some prospecting so to speak" she asks.
"Only arrived a few hours ago, I'm certain I'll get to it eventually," you reply, picking up your bag.
"I'd be happy to assist you Honoured Elder, what little I can provide given my youth," she offers.
You nod with another grunt, though internally you boggle. If you remember rightly she's well into her sixth century, but you suppose that wouldn't compare to your near eight centuries of age in her eyes.
Seeing your sign of approval she begins explaining what she knows about the current climate based on her observations and discussion with the other Runelords shes met. She can't offer much in terms of news you're interested in, something that she continuously but subtly apologizes for, much to your chagrin. Most of the knowledge she has concerns the candidates for the more southern holds, which made sense, but she did have something from the north.
"Lord Gemlin spoke with me about the region. He believed there would certainly be a push amongst the Honoured members of the House for fine and skilled dwarfs in Kraka Ravnsvake and Ornsmotek for certain, but are otherwise open to any Master worthy of the rank. Pickings are slimmer than they would like," she explains.
You aren't an idiot, what most Zorn dwarfs equate to good usually meant conservative. Well that and old, but that went without saying really, and the North wasn't exactly the most conventional place. For one thing the first Runesmiths who went weren't exactly the most traditional bunch to begin with. Not unwanted or in any form of conflict with the rest of the guild certainly, but there was a very clear moderate to radical bent among the group that first came here. Something that was partially rectified when Otrek started sending feelers out for more Runesmiths to emigrate northward. While many of those who heeded him were younger, more radical, masters looking to settle down and make a life, a good few conservative masters came as well. Gromril mines and a King who appreciated the power of Runes as much as an actual Runesmith did much to sway them away from their homes.
Course, then the incursion came and the North was decimated almost in its entirety over a few decades. Made the survivors all the more willing to deal with and dare you say work with each other if it meant keeping other dwarfs alive and their homes safe. Seeing your allied holds fall to rubble and ash then have your new home be flooded with the refugees… Well it did a lot to motivate the more conservative elements to quiet down on that front.
Course, that didn't even touch on your proximity to the Skarrenraz Ankor, and the sight and knowledge of non-dwarfs carrying Runic items. Though that was arguably less egregious to them at this point, given that the Ancestors themselves effectively gave it their blessing.
You're certain that many dwarfs here, while not willing to kill you over it anymore, do not forget you gave those torques before the Ancestors gave their approval.
"What do you have to say Honoured Elder? What do you believe makes one most worthy of our rank in the North?" Brynna asks, golden eyes staring at you inquisitively.
Write-in: Give a list of points or ideas you want to come across in your reply. THIS IS LIKE WHEN YOU REPLIED TO SNORRI WHITEBEARD. Vote in bottom of update.
Eventually you and Brynna part ways amicably enough. A bit uptight and unintentionally rude but you've met worse to be frank. When you get to Craggy's you meet Yorri at the pub on the ground floor. He's looking no worse for wear but has a small scowl on his lips. When he sees you, however, he simply schools his features and waves you over.
You stare at him questioningly as you take a seat, but he simply grunts at you. Decades of tutelage and experience under him aren't needed to know that your master won't speak of what occurred, and you aren't willing to prod him over it either. All you can do is shrug and slide over a mug of ale and loaf of stonebread.
"Tough day?" Yorri asks after downing his drink in a single gulp.
"Market was picked bare, and I ran into another Runelord, Brynna Gildedeyes," you begin.
Yorri hums in interest as he chews into the stonebread.
"From Karak Zorn," you finish.
Only to wince in understanding and then pat you on the back.
"To terrible conversations," he says, raising his mug towards you.
You smack your tankard against his, careful not to let a single drop spill out, then take a long stiff drink.
- Epiphany! Death, magic and daemons. There's something there. 1d3+ 1 =2 Progress to Voidstones, New Totals: [Cost: 5 -2 =3 actions]
- +7 Voidstone
- +2 Giant ??? horns
- New contact, Brynna Gildedeyes, Runelord from Karak Zorn: (2 +1[Recognition]) = +3 standing, new totals: -2 Standing, 0 Favours.
Collated Votes:
[ ] [Market] Write-in: [T2] Material Choose up to 5 total
[ ] [Brynna] Write-in: Give a list of points or ideas you want to come across in your reply. THIS IS LIKE WHEN YOU REPLIED TO SNORRI WHITEBEARD.
Remember to vote by plan. There will be a two-hour moratorium for discussion.
AN: the rolls were hella weird here. Just to give you an example I have a few down below this. This update is shorter than usual but still longer than I intended. Not that I think ya'll are complaining lol. Anywho, thanks for reading and don't forget to C&C.
(Roll, Goodies: 5, 8, 7, 19, 6 These were d100 btw)
(Roll, Odd Goodies: 64, 9, 100 +15[Student of the Odd] +2[Sniffer] =81, 26, 117)
(Roll, Exploding: 75)
Huh. Runic Magic, Normal Magic, and Dead Demons huh? Well, we still have to finish the actual research, but that implies some interesting things for potential dwarf/elf relations. Hm. Could Griffons Magic work instead of 'normal' magic?
That seems eminently possible, considering the first Voidshards we saw were created by the death of the Greedy One and the only "normal" magic there was what the demon/troll was casting.
Considering where the Griffons got their magic it should work the same way.
[] [Brynna] Write-in:
-[] Skill to actually know what their doing
-[] Willingness to put that skill to use (not spend all their time researching)
-[] Act to protect the lives of our folk and honoured friends through their actions
"Lord Gemlin spoke with me about the region. He believed there would certainly be a push amongst the Honoured members of the House for fine and skilled dwarfs in Kraka Ravnsvake and Ornsmotek for certain, but are otherwise open to any Master worthy of the rank. Pickings are slimmer than they would like," she explains.
This here is interesting, mainly for what she doesn't say. Specifically, she doesn't mention Kraka Dorden, which is the 4th of the 4 canon Norse Dwarf holds, and the second most populous in canon after Kraka Drak. I've honestly got no idea what that means though.
This here is interesting, mainly for what she doesn't say. Specifically, she doesn't mention Kraka Dorden, which is the 4th of the three canon Norse Dwarf holds, and the second most populous in canon after Kraka Drak. I've honestly got no idea what that means though.
We're starting to run into the divide between the two larger factions of the Runelords, but thankfully Snorri has already hit Rank 5 standing with both sides of the argument.
He'll hold sway regardless as the Last Runelord of the North regardless as well as his personal standing, but he won't be dismissed as some upjumped Beardling by the larger Karaz Ankor at the very least
You're certain that many dwarfs here, while not willing to kill you over it anymore, do not forget you gave those torques before the Ancestors gave their approval.
Huh, yeah, that could be a problem in establishing relations with more conservative dwarfs. But, at the very least, they are not willing to kill us over it.
Well...given the size of the horns I first thought a mammoth, but Snorri knows what mammoths are, so given the location, the northeast plains and yet being white, i assume they are of a Lammasu
My first instinct is to say productivity, which may come off as a little self congratulatory since it is our most famous specialty, but I do have an argument for it. Even now, by simple dint of time the northern holds and the clans that live in them just won't have as much runic stuff as those of more established holds. Making up for that is a big thing that we did a lot of for Kraka Drakk. And the holds that got wrecked and need to be reclaimed and rebuilt are going to need a lot done. Something else that is particular to the north are things that haven't been researched by Runelords yet because we just haven't been around there to do the research for that long, which is something else we happen to be good at but still particularly important.
In any case, we want specifics for the situation in the north here. Of course any and all Runelords, no matter where they go, need to do things like "be skilled" or "do pay attention so the freaking hold doesn't fall while you're in the lab".
Once your wagon is through, you bid Jorri well and head off towards your prearranged lodging for the duration of the event, promising to meet up with him later. It takes a bit of grumbling and a few pointed stares but eventually you find the Craggy Brow inn, run by one Kemmer Craggy Brow, and put away your things. You take the time to pay Kemmer to store your special goods in his guest vault, for a hefty but fair price, to keep them safe. You doubt thieves could get into the fortress like construction Kemmer has turned his inn into, but it paid to be sure. The vault itself was inscribed with Runes by legendary Runelord Yammer Lodsson as Kemmer proudly swears on his incredibly prodigious beard.
With that squared away you and your master decide to go about the town before Rhunkalbrogg begins.
Well, not bare, this was a vital trade hub and the place Grungni and Valaya hold court, the markets are bustling and the supplies are understandably plentiful. But not with the goods you, a Runesmith, wanted. Aye you could find oathgold, brightstone, things like that, but the rare things? Gone. Picked clean like master Yorri with a lamb's leg. Not a hint of elder dragon blood, no Rumbler's Lung or Stonehorn's Eye in sight, not a single thing of any true rarity. In all likelihood, your earlier, and likely older, contemporaries swept up everything of value before you and the youngsters even arrived.
During your excursion, you did manage to do some shopping. Threadbare as your options were.
(Pick up to 5 [Tier 2] Materials: Write-in vote at bottom of update.)
"Ah. Me father bought em off an old ranger friend o' his. Said he found them in the plains of the far northeast. Took him weeks to get to the nearest Karak then months to get through the Underway.
"It'll do…" you trail off.
"Fingrod Fingrodsson, Elder," the dwarf supplies happily.
It's not Grim Grimsson but damn if you don't feel a swell of pity there.
It doesn't take a genius to realize the woman before you is from Karak Zorn. Going by the distinct Zornish designs on her jewelry and clothes. The white anvil on bright teal and crimson red background make frequent appearances on her clothes. Her arms, bare for the world to see, are covered in the distinct tattoos that Zorn dwarfs practice. A cultural practice to mark the events and experiences of one's life, or so you've read. The signature silver colour reserved for Runesmiths and the steel grey of a smith clash and beautifully contrast with the glittering gold meant to denote noble blood.
"You're carrying a lot of bread there Honoured Elder," she says.
"What do you have to say Honoured Elder? What do you believe makes one most worthy of our rank in the North?" Brynna asks, golden eyes staring at you inquisitively.
Write-in: Give a list of points or ideas you want to come across in your reply. THIS IS LIKE WHEN YOU REPLIED TO SNORRI WHITEBEARD. Vote in bottom of update.
Well all of this and the starting bit makes me very interested in Brynna. She seems nice, if a bit uptight but meh. Meh. That doesn't really matter lol.
[] [Brynna] Write-in:
-[] Skill to actually know what their doing
-[] Willingness to put that skill to use (not spend all their time researching)
-[] Act to protect the lives of our folk and honoured friends through their actions
Personally speaking Lodesteel is probably useful for future experimentation with Armor, but frankly I don't care about the Market stuff too much otherwise, we have all the mats for the stuff I want to work on for now.
In terms of the write in that pretty much lines up with what I was thinking. The second is kind of tied into the third and the third is kind of obvious, but honestly is fine even so? A possible alteration would be something like: Superlative bravery to protect other Dwarves on the edge of the world.