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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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VOTES OPEN, I'll start counting from Bungie's post so dont worry about that.

@soulcake Just to clarify, is Kraka Dorden still a major Norse Hold in this timeline? I'm trying to figure out if incluiding Kraka Ravnsvake and Ornsmotek and not Dorden means anything, or if butterflies mean that Dorden just isn't as important.
Dorden is alive yes. Also not that many Runesmiths there surprisingly. More engineers per capita than Kraka Drakk tho.
I figure we need at least one Lodesteel. If the Master Rune of Steel is what we end up with for the armor, better to not have to wait.
[X] [Brynna]
- [X] Obviously the same things a Runelord needs anywhere else. Skill, wisdom, etc.
- [X] But her questions reminds you of what Grimnir said to you in parting.
- [X] of living well and dying for something better. That certainly sounds like something a Runelord needs too, especially in the North where the winds oft blow strong and cold.
You guys think we should have brought Grimnirs Tablet? I mean an Ancestors Master Rune carved by said Ancestor themself. Good enough to give us comprehension on both the Banner and Weapon version of it once received? Would have been a heck of a statement to display that. Probably not even Grumble worthy either if you coach it as showing an Ancestors final written word to all Dawi.
[X] [Brynna]
- [X] Obviously the same things a Runelord needs anywhere else. Skill, wisdom, etc.
- [X] But her questions reminds you of what Grimnir said to you in parting.
- [X] of living well and dying for something better. That certainly sounds like something a Runelord needs too, especially in the North where the winds oft blow strong and cold.

[X] [Market] Write-in: [T2] Material
-[X] [T2] Oathgold
-[X] [T2] Giant Spider's Venom
-[X] [T2] Invisible Diamonds
-[X] [T2] Lodesteel X2

This seems like the best bet to me and only plan created as far as I can tell!
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[X] [Brynna]
- [X] Obviously the same things a Runelord needs anywhere else. Skill, wisdom, etc.
- [X] But her questions reminds you of what Grimnir said to you in parting.
- [X] of living well and dying for something better. That certainly sounds like something a Runelord needs too, especially in the North where the winds oft blow strong and cold.

And, I suppose might as well vote on what to buy too. Though my feelings on the subject aren't nearly so strong, there's only one real proposal so far, so eh.
[X] [Market] Write-in: [T2] Material
- [X] [T2] Oathgold x2
- [X] [T2] Giant Spider's Venom
- [X] [T2] Invisible Diamonds
- [X] [T2] Lodesteel
You know, until I saw the rolls @soulcake , I thought it was part of a consequence from being the far north; that is, the ones who lived closer got all the best stuff. I figured it made sense, there are consequences and effects, even tiny ones like this, from where you choose to make your home.
Maybe that's what the Elves made Waystones out of. Would fit in a way for Waystones to be their Master Rune of Purification equivalent.

Considering the number of Waystones in existence that seems like a logistical nightmare to try and permakill that many (seemingly greater) daemons. The elves learned to construct Waystones by imitating the Ogham network the Old Ones had built, so they probably use an inferior version of whatever the Old Ones used. That could be Voidstone created by some other method though.

This talk about Waystones reminded me about some lore from a supplemental campaign from 6th, which I'm assuming doesn't apply to this quest but that said:

Shadows over Albion: Dark Shadows Summer Campaign (6th Edition) said:
In time, the Old Ones chose the island of Albion as one of the locations to build their homes. Little is known of their settlements for few have ever visited Albion, let alone returned from this mysterious place. They forged an island paradise where the sun shone bright and the crops flourished. Gathering together the wisest and bravest individuals of each race, they taught them magic and other skills. They demonstrated the secret of forging runes to the Dwarfs and to the Elves they taught the mastery of spellcasting.

In most Warhammer lore I've seen (including this quest) the Old Ones didn't teach runelore to the Dwarfs, but GM is inconsistent at the best of times so eh, best to go with something internally consistent.
[X] [Brynna]
- [X] Obviously the same things a Runelord needs anywhere else. Skill, wisdom, etc.
- [X] But her questions reminds you of what Grimnir said to you in parting.
- [X] of living well and dying for something better. That certainly sounds like something a Runelord needs too, especially in the North where the winds oft blow strong and cold.

[X] [Market] Write-in: [T2] Material
-[X] [T2] Oathgold
-[X] [T2] Giant Spider's Venom
-[X] [T2] Invisible Diamonds
-[X] [T2] Lodesteel X2
Should we focus on the live well and die for something better part of Grimris speech or the When you are pushed forward by nothing else but your will when all else fails part? That's second bits sounds more Dawi like right?

Also now that we have it. A set of Master Rune combo banners for each of the three major Ancestors can be done. For Grimnir go a bit different with Master Rune of Grimnir, Rune of Grungni, Rune of Gazul. Thoughts? The warrior Ancestors will guide us in our war.

Maybe for Valaya Master Rune of Valaya, Rune of Grimnir, Rune of Fortitute. The Ancestors strength girds us against our foes.
[X] [Market] Write-in: [T2] Material
-[X] [T2] Oathgold
-[X] [T2] Giant Spider's Venom
-[X] [T2] Invisible Diamonds
-[X] [T2] Lodesteel X2
[] [Market] Write-in: [T2] Material
-[] [T2] Oathgold x2
-[] [T2] Giant Spider's Venom
-[] [T2] Invisible Diamonds
-[] [T2] Lodesteel

[] [Brynna] Write-in:
-[] Skill to actually know what their doing
-[] Willingness to put that skill to use (not spend all their time researching)
-[] Act to protect the lives of our folk and honoured friends through their actions
I like your talking points, but I'd like to make it a bit more 'Dwarf-y' if you don't mind.

-[] Ye gotta know what yer doin
-[] Ye gotta be willin' to do it
-[] And ye gotta do it when it needs doin'

Seems like the vague wisdom a Runelord would give to their Juniors.
You know, until I saw the rolls @soulcake , I thought it was part of a consequence from being the far north; that is, the ones who lived closer got all the best stuff. I figured it made sense, there are consequences and effects, even tiny ones like this, from where you choose to make your home.
haha I wish I thought that far ahead. Thank you for assuming I think of that sort of minutiae tho. :^)
[X] [Market] Write-in: [T2] Material
-[X] [T2] Oathgold
-[X] [T2] Giant Spider's Venom
-[X] [T2] Invisible Diamonds
-[X] [T2] Lodesteel X2

[X] [Brynna]
- [X] Obviously the same things a Runelord needs anywhere else. Skill, wisdom, etc.
- [X] But her questions reminds you of what Grimnir said to you in parting.
- [X] of living well and dying for something better. That certainly sounds like something a Runelord needs too, especially in the North where the winds oft blow strong and cold.
- [X] Be ready to endure hardship and don't expect to fight without risk because the North is getting dangerous. We are concerned more with surviving than pride due to our shared trauma.
Considering the number of Waystones in existence that seems like a logistical nightmare to try and permakill that many (seemingly greater) daemons.
Permakilling doesnt have to be the only method. Or atleast to permakilling anything substantial. Like just mulling any substantial clump of Chaos in a specific way could be it. Like in that battle Dawi Rune and Elgi Magic clashed against Chaos and shunted it from reality. Basically crushing a substantial amount of Warp against two forces diametrically opposed to it.

Probably not erasing all the Daemons banished completely but definetly reducing them greatly in strength for a time. Where did that strength go? Was it nulled out of existence? If so Voidstone could just be the null equivalent of warpstone. Null as in the whole Blank power thing. It is Warhammer and the Warp whatever name you use afterall.

If Dhar can be solidified into Warpstone. Why could the Null be solidified into Voidstone?
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[X] [Brynna]
- [X] Obviously the same things a Runelord needs anywhere else. Skill, wisdom, etc.
- [X] But her questions reminds you of what Grimnir said to you in parting.
- [X] of living well and dying for something better. That certainly sounds like something a Runelord needs too, especially in the North where the winds oft blow strong and cold.

[X] [Market] Write-in: [T2] Material
-[X] [T2] Oathgold
-[X] [T2] Giant Spider's Venom
-[X] [T2] Invisible Diamonds
-[X] [T2] Lodesteel X2
[X] [Brynna]
- [X] Obviously the same things a Runelord needs anywhere else. Skill, wisdom, etc.
- [X] But her questions reminds you of what Grimnir said to you in parting.
- [X] of living well and dying for something better. That certainly sounds like something a Runelord needs too, especially in the North where the winds oft blow strong and cold.

[X] [Market] Write-in: [T2] Material
-[X] [T2] Oathgold
-[X] [T2] Giant Spider's Venom
-[X] [T2] Invisible Diamonds
-[X] [T2] Lodesteel X2

I do like the idea of having 2 lots of Lodesteel so we can fiddle around with Master Rune of Steel stuff, but it's not that big of a deal if we get more Oathgold instead or whatever so long as we get Lodesteel.
Also now that we have it. A set of Master Rune combo banners for each of the three major Ancestors can be done. For Grimnir go a bit different with Master Rune of Grimnir, Rune of Grungni, Rune of Gazul. Thoughts? The warrior Ancestors will guide us in our war.

Maybe for Valaya Master Rune of Valaya, Rune of Grimnir, Rune of Fortitute. The Ancestors strength girds us against our foes.
I'm a big fan of the pattern started with Ancestral Ageis, with a master ancestor rune, a related regular ancestor rune, and a rune defining the common theme between them.

So for the first, I'd go with-

Master Rune of Grimnir, Rune of Grungni, Rune of Battle

-in order to focus the banner towards Battle Rune type effects.

Between that and Ancestral Ageis, I think we're pretty set against the more direct bodily threats. I think this last combination would make a fantastic shield against the more esoteric ones, shielding dwarven souls, living and dead, more than their bodies:

Master Rune of Valaya, Rune of Gazul, Rune of Sanctuary
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[X] [Brynna]
- [X] Obviously the same things a Runelord needs anywhere else. Skill, wisdom, etc.
- [X] But her questions reminds you of what Grimnir said to you in parting.
- [X] of living well and dying for something better. That certainly sounds like something a Runelord needs too, especially in the North where the winds oft blow strong and cold.

[X] [Market] Write-in: [T2] Material
-[X] [T2] Oathgold
-[X] [T2] Giant Spider's Venom
-[X] [T2] Invisible Diamonds
-[X] [T2] Lodesteel X2
[X] [Brynna]
- [X] Obviously the same things a Runelord needs anywhere else. Skill, wisdom, etc.
- [X] But her questions reminds you of what Grimnir said to you in parting.
- [X] of living well and dying for something better. That certainly sounds like something a Runelord needs too, especially in the North where the winds oft blow strong and cold.
[X] [Market] Write-in: [T2] Material
-[X] [T2] Oathgold
-[X] [T2] Giant Spider's Venom
-[X] [T2] Invisible Diamonds
-[X] [T2] Lodesteel X2
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but: shouldn't Snorri, and the rest of his Journeymen too, be 10 years older now? Or does that get noted down later, after the end of the story-arc? (Or has it already incremented by 10, and I just missed out on it? I do not think I missed it though.)
Its been a few hours now
As you walk back towards Craggy's, you take a detour towards a local bakery to have a looksie at the kind of Stonebread they're selling. Both for yourself and because you remember Yorri asking you to get some when he sent you off. When you get to the door you squint and read the Khazalid on the door
Missing a period at the end of the paragraph.
"Ah, my deepest condolences Honoured Elder," she says, tone apologetic," I'm certain that this Rhunkalbrogg is especially important to you," she says.
Quote mark accidentally got applied to the end of the word apologetic. Also... I'm not sure quite how you get your quote marks to be slanted (mine all just come out looking like " " no matter what) but this one seems to be an 'end of sentence closer' quote mark. Probably as a result of being applied to the end of a word rather than the start of it.
Yorri hums in interest as he chews into the stonebread.

"From Karak Zorn," you finish.

Only to wince in understanding and then you on the back.
Feels like it's missing a 'pat' in there? "and then pat you"
[] [Brynna] Write-in:
-[] Skill to actually know what their doing
-[] Willingness to put that skill to use (not spend all their time researching)
-[] Act to protect the lives of our folk and honoured friends through their actions
Personally speaking Lodesteel is probably useful for future experimentation with Armor, but frankly I don't care about the Market stuff too much otherwise, we have all the mats for the stuff I want to work on for now.

In terms of the write in that pretty much lines up with what I was thinking. The second is kind of tied into the third and the third is kind of obvious, but honestly is fine even so? A possible alteration would be something like: Superlative bravery to protect other Dwarves on the edge of the world.
Here's a possible idea or point, though not sure how to phrase it and to capture the essence of it, which might be kind of important too: the ability, and willingness, to tolerate and deal with weird shit.

Like with a race of intelligent Griffons, who later become an allied nation.

I think anybody who becomes a Runelord in the north, is going to have to be somebody who is tolerant -- or even outright receptive to -- the Skarrenraz Ankor. Yeah, this is a political aspect or point, but... politics is important, I guess? Also. Being able to get along with everybody else in your area is important.

On the other hand, she asked "What do you believe makes one most worthy of our rank in the North." As in, what makes one worthy of rank. Though on the other other hand, being willing to deal with the whole... thing of the environment... yeah.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but: shouldn't Snorri, and the rest of his Journeymen too, be 10 years older now? Or does that get noted down later, after the end of the story-arc? (Or has it already incremented by 10, and I just missed out on it? I do not think I missed it though.)


Missing a period at the end of the paragraph.

Quote mark accidentally got applied to the end of the word apologetic. Also... I'm not sure quite how you get your quote marks to be slanted (mine all just come out looking like " " no matter what) but this one seems to be an 'end of sentence closer' quote mark. Probably as a result of being applied to the end of a word rather than the start of it.

Feels like it's missing a 'pat' in there? "and then pat you"

Here's a possible idea or point, though not sure how to phrase it and to capture the essence of it, which might be kind of important too: the ability, and willingness, to tolerate and deal with weird shit.

Like with a race of intelligent Griffons, who later become an allied nation.

I think anybody who becomes a Runelord in the north, is going to have to be somebody who is tolerant -- or even outright receptive to -- the Skarrenraz Ankor. Yeah, this is a political aspect or point, but... politics is important, I guess? Also. Being able to get along with everybody else in your area is important.

On the other hand, she asked "What do you believe makes one most worthy of our rank in the North." As in, what makes one worthy of rank. Though on the other other hand, being willing to deal with the whole... thing of the environment... yeah.
A good point. A willingness to give odd, non-offensive stuff a try, basically.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but: shouldn't Snorri, and the rest of his Journeymen too, be 10 years older now? Or does that get noted down later, after the end of the story-arc? (Or has it already incremented by 10, and I just missed out on it? I do not think I missed it though.)
On actual turn results. So mini event first then Turn Results. :^) Also thank you for the corrections.
My expectation is that Alric was Yorri's Master and got asked to do something Yorri would consider onerous.
... Ah. Huh. Something onerous like becoming a Runelord perhaps? Or settling down in the north (or settling down in any given place), which needs help.

We did get told that some Dwarfs prefer to remain Masters rather than Runelords, because they don't want to deal with the whole... extra aspects and stuff, that some types of Runelords decide to engage with.