Huh. Runic Magic, Normal Magic, and Dead Demons huh? Well, we still have to finish the actual research, but that implies some interesting things for potential dwarf/elf relations. Hm. Could Griffons Magic work instead of 'normal' magic?
That seems eminently possible, considering the first Voidshards we saw were created by the death of the Greedy One and the only "normal" magic there was what the demon/troll was casting.
Considering where the Griffons got their magic it should work the same way.
I wouldn't be quite so sure. Obviously it won't be something we know for a while probably, but I suspect it has something to do with the intersection of the various winds intermingling, Rune Magic, and the raw chaotic ur-magic of the warp. Whatever magic the Griffins around Kraka Drakk have maybe be too... narrow for the purposes of creating Voidstone. The last two instance we have involved Elven High Magic, which is the intermingling of all the winds so that it doesn't curdle into dhar, and the Greedy One, who uhh probably wasn't exactly discerning in what winds it pulled on when trying to cast. Creating void stones may require High Magic to do. At least safely.
On the subject of the votes; I don't really have any strong feelings on what to buy, but I would like to bring up something in regards to what we say to Brynna and what we think of when we raise our voice more generally on the subject. Somehow I want us to incorporate Grimnir's parting message to us, and the one Morgrim gave to Otrek - of the notion of Living Well and Dying for Something Better.
Because that's I think a powerful thing, not necessarily a world shaking one, but a quietly meaningful bit of wisdom that could end up having a profound impact if we can figure out how to share it. I'm not saying we should shout it from the mountaintops or anything, because that just wouldn't be... it just doesn't feel appropriate or in character. But passing on that last bit of wisdom, given who ti came from and when it was given?
It seems important somehow. The notion of encouraging Dwarfs in general but Runesmiths and Runelords particularly to take joy and comfort and solace in the lives that improve and help along and only give their lives for something
more than that. Maybe something like...
[ ] [Brynna]
- [ ] Obviously the same things a Runelord needs anywhere else. Skill, wisdom, etc.
- [ ] But her questions reminds you of what Grimnir said to you in parting.
- [ ] of living well and dying for something better. That certainly sounds like something a Runelord needs too, especially in the North where the winds oft blow strong and cold.