Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Turn 58 Results Pt. 2: The Blind, See
Winning Vote: said:
[X] [Grimgal:] Accept. ✓

[X] Plan: Go all Out ✓
- [X] [Simple] Gronti-Bay: [Cost: any 2 actions] Peerless Production will proc.
-- [X] Hirelings: [Cost 5 Favour with Kraka Drakk] x7. [-35 Kraka Drakk Favor]
-- [X] [Location:] Overtop the Anvil of the Earth:
+3 actions to Gronti-Bay. Can use the Anvil of the Earth when crafting.
-- [X] [Scope:] Dedicated General Facility. +2 actions to Gronti-Bay. Every 3 request actions building Monumental Items add 1 extra progress.
-- [X] [Runes:] Do Both. +3 actions to Skaudardrengi. Double reagent cost for Skaudargrengi's Runes (not including equipment). Gain an improved variant of The Master Runes of Waking for monument-scale Gronti that would cost at minimum double the reagents.

[X] Plan: A Crack In The Consternation (Turn 58)
Snorri & Karstah
- [X] [Difficult] Starlight Pt. 1 [1 Karstah AP]
-- [X] Choose: Master Rune of Conduction [T4 Radiant Pegasus Blood + T2 Dragon Essence], Rune of Lightspite [T4 Radiant Pegasus Blood], Rune of Echoblow [T4 Elder Wyrm's Gas Sac]
- [X] [Difficult] Flamedrinking Pt. 2 [1 Karstah AP]
-- [X] Choose: Combo, Flamedrinking: [Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Forgeflame]
- [X] [Simple] Once more with Smelting [1 Karstah AP] [Note: This Smelter is being built near a Waystone near the Anvil]
- [X] Write-In: Talisman, AetherAethyrbinder Pt. 1: [1 Karstah AP]
-- [X] Arm covering made of plates and metal loops linked together by adamant chains that fits over a dwarven arm, either armored and unarmored. Looks like a very sturdy dwarf jewelry and it is marked by knotwork pattern of a forge and the implication of a smith working at the anvil in the background. Rune inscribed near shoulder, below elbow, back of hand.
-- [X] Choose: Master Rune of Purification [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Worldly Warding [T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood], Ancestor Rune of Thungni [T4 Adamant]
- [X] Aetherbinder Pt.2 [3 Snorri AP, with KKR/BA/Skarren, after ESP]
-- [X] Choose: Master Rune of Purification [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Worldly Warding [T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood], Ancestor Rune of Thungni [T4 Adamant]


-[X] Extra-Sensory Pt. 1 [3 Snorri AP, before Aetherbinder Pt.2] ✓

-[X] Expedition, Grungaldrin [2 Retainer + Industry of the North AP] ✓
-[X] Expedition, The Throng is Mustered [1 Retainer AP] ✓

-[X] Order: T4 Elder Storm Wyrm's Brain
-[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Cockatrice's Eye [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order: Slave Wyrm Corpse #1 [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order: Slave Wyrm Corpse #2 [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Elder Wyrm's Blood x2 [-30 Kraka Grom Favor]
--[X] Royal Expedite [-30 Karak Ungor Favor]
--[X] Royal Expedite x2 [-30 Karak Ungor Favor] VOIDED
-[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Lightning Oriented upgrade to Stonehorn Horns [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart [-15 Karak Ungor Favor]
--[X] Royal Expedite: T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart [-15 Karak Ungor Favor]
-[X] Princely Hunting: T4 Elder Greedy Troll [-15 Kraka Drakk Favor]

[X] [Social:] Nain talking to other Runesmiths about his work expanding the lift.
[X] [Social:] Dreng dueling the Hearth Guard in a friendly spar.
[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about Phoenix King Bel Shanaar [Standard]

Thungni's Brilliance, DC 80: 34, 13, 21
Peerless Production, DC 40: 82, 42, 67

━<><><>< 487 A.P. ><><><>━​

You look at the orb in your hand, now cool enough to touch, and quietly contemplate what it represents.

A hollow sphere of Gromril that, like your first Windsight eye, has an opening for light with the Rune of Windsight inscribed on the inside wall opposite it. Ten rhombus cut gems have been embedded around the hole of the iris like the petals of a flower and ground flush with the metal. The surface is covered in flowing knotwork, ten lines originating from the back of the sphere on the other side of where you inscribed the rune, going out in varied paths before they end up framing a jewel each.

How so small a thing could represent the defeat of such a fundamental obstacle to your craft would make you chuff in amusement were you not so intimately aware of the centuries of personal effort, let alone the millennia of institutional efforts, behind it.

You're apprehensive.

A thousand fears and a thousand dreams circle around in your head endlessly, threatening to send you down a long, long spiral of introspection if you entertained even one of them.

So you don't.

Without another moment to get lost in your worries again, you place the prosthetic into your waiting eye socket.


"With me Hearth Guard, to Grimgal!" Karstah roars, pulping the head of a bloodletter with a swing of one of her hammers. She watches the body fall, already falling apart into a puddle of evaporating gore before a flash of blinding light, followed by a terrific screech of pain, draws her focus.

Looking away from the corpse of her foe to glance at the Shard Wyrm, deep in the Fimir lines and wreaking terrible havoc from the sounds of it. Every so often a flash of lightning slams into the earth farther up ahead as the High King slaughters his way through the Fimir leadership, other times the swooping form of Prince Malekith's mount flies low, spitting flame and death among the Fimir lines before disappearing into the clouds above. Both moments only seem to incense Grim, and make the dragon push forward harder to keep up. But unlike the High King or the elf Prince, her charge didn't have a way to get out of there if things got hairy.

The sound of whistling air and her own instincts give Karstah just enough time to raise her other hammer up to block the swinging glaive of a Fimir warrior.

Grunting, she twists her weapon around so that the greathammer's head hooks in, and she can yank the weapon out of his hands.

More wroth than anything over being unarmed, the warrior pulls out a wickedly pointed warpick and rushes her, shield raised.

Training with Dreng to wield her hammers was a painful and often sad state of affairs. Even decades into it, she still finds herself flat on her arse every nine bouts out of ten whenever she duels the Living Ancestor.

But it is paying off.

The one lesson Dreng had drilled into her head over anything else was that her weapons were still greathammers. Even when both were balanced to be carried like a one-handed war hammer, they were still the size of weapons normally built for two hands. And that meant they had the appropriately long handles that gave her the variety in reach that she could put to good use at the right moment.

Like now.

With a yell she lets her hand slide down Drakkgrund mid-swing just as Dreng taught her, adjusting the distance so that the hammer's head swings past a Fimir's raised shield and slams into his shoulder, cooking flesh and cracking bone.

The whoosh of a bolt passes by her left, slamming into the agonized Fimir's eye and through the back of his head.

Dwarf portable Bolt Hurlers, like their siegeweapon sized counterparts, were slower to reload, but packed a far greater punch. Morgrim's gift, first given to the Engineers of the North as the Endrinkuli serving her master gleefully point out to the southerners in the Drangthrong, before heading to Everpeak.

"Right in the eye Daril! Just like I told you! That's drinks on you now Wazzok!" one of her retainers yells gleefully, Daril's grumble of displeasure intelligible despite the din of battle.

Before Karstah can say anything, a new groaning roar echoes over the battlefield.

Turning to its source, she sees a great cloud of fog bulge and deform as the looming shadow from within begins to tear its way through it, more of that same low roar rippling out like a horn over the battlefield.

"To me! We head towards that cloud Hearth Guard! I've a mind to put a stop to theFimir's scheme before it can begin," she orders, adjusting her grip on Drakkgrund before raising it high, "Forward! The Ancestors witness—!"


—you this day.

Because you have done it.

There's no grand revelation, no great chorus of voices proclaiming victory, or anything of the sort that happens when you put in the prosthetic of course.

In one moment you saw the world as you have for over one-thousand years.

Then in another, you do not.

A part of you expected a sense of wrongness, like the time you stuck on a prosthetic arm to give yourself an extra limb, but nothing of the sort manifests.

If anything, it's a bit anticlimactic, but then again reality could never hope to match the image in your mind.

You see the Winds of Magic in their totality now. You see them with a level of detail and clarity that is beyond the bright lights of your old eye. You can see them coil and suffuse everything in your workshop.

How they congregate around that which calls to their nature.

How the different strands come close, mingle and even entwine with each other without ever mixing.

How the stone resists and serves to mostly confine the currents to the space of the room, but not so much that the individual Winds can't permeate through at differing speeds.

How your Runes interact. From creating volumes of empty, clear space around themselves, deadening and stilling whatever is nearby and/or pulling the strands in to fuel themselves, the Winds seemingly losing color as they are consumed.

You begin to walk towards a nearby Rune—to go and use the Rune for the very reason you wanted to pursue this knowledge in the first place—when an idle thought runs through your mind that makes you pause mid-step.

Your old eye showed living beings as amorphous masses of light, colored by the most prominent Winds within their bodies. Most often a mostly equal mix of all eight with a slightly higher portion of Ghyran or Ghur, save for a few edge cases like Grim, Zharrok or a Wizard. All of your sources agreed however, that there was a distinction between the soul and the Winds. They were related as almost all believed that both ultimately came from the Aethyr, and the latter was a constituent part of the former, but they were emphatically not the same. From your research you also knew it was possible for a Zhufokri with sufficiently developed Windsight to read the emotions, intent, even the very souls of others with perfect clarity. Ignoring the part about how a soul appeared to a wizard was perhaps even more individually unique than the different manifestations of the seventh sense itself, you also strongly suspected that such a level of detail was most certainly in the realm of a Master Rune, and that many of the details they described were likely locked behind the same restrictions as thematic vision. At the very least you knew you couldn't even read the mood of others with your old eye like even the most middling of mages apparently could, let alone see into the depths of their soul.

But maybe your new eye could?

Even if it wasn't really what you made the Rune for, seeing any improvement would be a nice surprise.

So with that in mind, you look down at your hands, expecting little, only to blink in surprise.

You see the Winds of Magic; both from the environment and inside yourself. The energy outside moved as fast as molasses and only got slower the closer it got to you until most of it stopped good two meters away from where you stood. After that only a few stray whisps break past the invisible barrier and continue to sluggishly crawl towards you. In comparison, the Winds you see within yourself move much faster, but in a way that is slightly more orderly than the currents outside; bands of color rising from your skin temporarily before sinking back into you and disappearing from sight. Where both sources meet, you see the Winds make a brief connection before the outside is buffeted away by some invisible force.

That alone would have been more than enough to satisfy you.

But there was also something else.

Every so often there's a flash of something translucent that appears for a moment before it's obscured by your—well—you. An instinctive flex of your fingers gives you pause, and after a few more repetitions you wonder if you're hallucinating.

Was that—?

You move your hand closer to your face, and to your disquiet you see a ghostly reflection of your limb, covered in veins of gold like, move to where your mind wants it to go before it's obscured by your physical limb.

Curiosity and trepidation bloom into your mind, causing a wisp of dull grey Ulgu to flicker up from you like steam.

"What in the—"


"—name of the Ancestors was that?" a Hearthwarden mutters.

"A damn freak of nature is what," one answers bitterly, leaning on his crutch.

"Drakk," another says grimly.

Even rendered to nothing more than offal and ground meat the corpse is large, larger than Grimgal even. In life it had the bodily proportions of a Shard Wyrm, but beyond that little else was similar. Regular, if horribly maintained, scales covered the length of its body, with patchy matted clumps that looked like hair at some point randomly scattered along its spine that became tangled in a mass of uneven, disjointed and broken horns. The most defining feature of the drakk's head though, wasn't the halo of horns nor the maw of equally mishapen and mutated teeth that was eerily reminiscent of the Fimir.


It was the large, cyclopean eye.

An eye that was so full of dark magic that, even in death and after it had been destroyed, putrid black smoke wafted off the socket like the worst sort of steam and black while black, viscous blood dripped down and polluted the ground.

The Fimir had brought it out from the fog near the battle's end. Perhaps as a desperate final gambit to turn the tide, but from the way it killed its handlers as readily as it did Dawi and Elgi, was more likely a spiteful final act against them. It had crashed into their lines and tore open a ragged hole in the shield wall. An entire company of warriors, all Longbeards, had been subjected to the paralytic magic of its gaze, rendered unable to move out of the way of its flesh melting breath attack or scream as they were rendered into piles of viscera -covered armour in a puddle of caustic acid.

A further three companies of elves and dwarfs had died or been maimed from swipes of its claws and its fang-filled maw, sending bodies flying as it continued its rampage. The number of casualties was, in the grand scheme, a rather small amount of damage for something so large, but that was only because it had been challenged by something of comparable size.


The eldest Shard Wyrm triplet had immediately changed course and charged at the Fimir's creation the moment it appeared, delayed only by the mass of enemy bodies she had to cut down to reach it. When they had gotten close enough, she fired a beam of light magic that had grabbed both the monster's attention and ire.

Karstah had watched it turn to face then charge at Grim in turn. Saw the two behemoths barrel past whatever unfortunate thing was standing between them as they ran headlong into each other, heard the loud thudding crush and smack of flesh and metal as almost forty meters of armoured Shard Wyrm slammed into this unique and even larger specimen of a Slave Wyrm.

And she had watched Grimgal lose that ensuing battle.

Slowly and not without taking her own pound of flesh from her enemy, but losing all the same. Blows that tore through a fully armoured Fimir noble barely scratched its iron armour, lances of purifying light that could pierce centimeters of steel and deform Gromril were shrugged off and the wounds healed over by ugly weeping scabs.

They had rushed over to intervene, both to shore up the shield wall and aid her charge.

Together with the Heard Guard, Grimgal finally managed to hold the Fimir's monster in its place and turn the tide somewhat. Even managing to blind it, tearing out its eye with her maw before it sent her thudding to the ground with a strike of its tail. Victory though, was out of their grasp.

At least until the High King and Prince Malekith arrived and slew it for good.

The ultimate cost had been three dozen injured Hearthwardens, and only one death.

Thrimbold Gorsbane, Elder of Clan Bryggeroot and one of the first inductees into the Hearth Guard, had died distracting the beast from finishing off a dozen young warriors that had bravely and foolishly charged in to aid them. Continuing to fire his crossbow and shout obscenities even as the Drakk crushed his legs with its tail and grabbed his broken body in its claw. The Living Ancestor even had the spite to laugh mockingly when it failed to crush him, unable to deform the Runed Gromril armour he wore.

It was the beast's caustic breath that finally did him in; overpowering the already overtaxed Runes that were keeping him alive, and causing his flesh to melt and fall away to reveal bone that fared only slightly longer. It had happened quickly enough that he didn't have the time to suffer at least.

Gone in less than three heartbeats.

A cold comfort.

Where once was a living Ancestor six centuries old, a great grandfather of eight and pillar of his Clan and community—

— was now nothing more than a pile of Runed Gromril equipment in a puddle of unspeakable liquids.

She had watched it happen, the blows of her hammers doing little to distract the monster.

He had died saving others, just as Lord Truthteller and so many other elderly Dwarfs did she found. Short of simple time finally doing one in, dying in such a way was one of the worthier ways for a Dwarf to die.

But it felt like—no it was, nothing more than posthoc justification, like the one her people gave every other death. Pretending the bitter taste on their tongues was ale and not the hemlock it actually was.

"My Lady," a Hearthwarden, Daril she recalls, calls to her, "the High King wants to have a word if you have the time."

She lets herself linger on Thrimbold's remains for another second before she turns away, squaring her shoulders and nodding at the Hearth Guard in thanks.

"We'd best not keep him waiting then."


You aren't normally one to indulge in people watching when there are other things to do. It was as textbook an example of wool-gathering as you could find after all, and was solely the realm of open gossips and rumour mongers.

And like any good elder of your people, you were an inconspicuous gossip and rumour monger.

More than that, most people don't want you to look at them despite what they may otherwise think.

Getting your attention required they do something extraordinary after all.

And for most people, it was more likely than not extraordinary in the way they cocked up what should be simple and straightforward tasks.

But you'll make an exception this time.

Trying to look at your own soul is an exercise in frustration after all.

So instead you pop out of one of your many hidey-holes that criss-cross Khazagar—far away and well hidden from everyone on account of the fact that it's several meters in the air above a statue of Thungni— and settle in to look at the crowds that walk Khazagar's walls.

You believed that seeing souls with a great level of clarity was beyond your Rune, because every text you read made it clear that only wizards with the most sensitive and highly developed Windsight could manage it.

Which makes it a surprise for you to see the souls of these other Dawi with such, perhaps disappointingly mundane, clarity.

No amorphous blobs that were only vaguely the shape of a person or masses of emotions and memories. Instead you saw the souls of most of your fellow Dawi as nothing more than semi-transparent versions of themselves that walked in almost perfect lockstep with their physical bodies.

They weren't all a perfect match or equally clear of course. Several Dawis' souls looked like an older or younger version of themselves from what you could tell, those who lacked physical limbs were curious, their souls often varied between looking whole or mirroring their physical forms and lacking the same body parts, with clouds of Chamon over their prosthetics. The Runesmiths piqued your curiosity the most, though you couldn't see with enough clarity without getting caught, you noticed that they too had specks and veins of gold running through their bodies.

The memories of your discussions with Blizzardwing come unbidden.

She had described your people as stone, and Runesmiths as rocks that bore ore. And funnily enough, that lined up rather well with what you saw here.

It could be nothing more than coincidence, but when you dealt with magic that was rarely ever the case. The most workable theory you had was that the Rune conveyed the Winds of Magic through a distinctly Dwarfen lens, and that you hadn't so much as removed the individually unique nature of Windsight but moved it from the individual to the Rune itself. It was an idea that lined up well within the existing framework of Runecraft at the very least, and barring Windsight completely upheaving those theories, it was the most grounded by evidence.

If every different method of inscribing a Rune resulted in an entirely new Rune, then in reality every new variant of the Rune of Windsight would be individually unique. But at the very least these unique forms could actually be shared, unlike those of the elves or brana.

A variant of this theory was that the Rune of Windsight actually pulled from the collective metaphysical psyche of Dwarfkind to determine how it presented Magic to its user.

That though, brought up questions that quickly started to tackle with the nature of time and was best left for when you were either very bored or very drunk.

The second most likely possibility was that you simply were that good and managed to create a Rune that mimicked someone with highly developed Second Sight.


You relegated that sort of monumental hubris to the goals and expectations you set for yourself.

Snorri Klausson will prefer his ale warm and flat before he would ever be anything but brutally, critically, honest of his own work.


Rudil looks at the shrouds blankly. Some are whole, others are in pieces. They are the lucky ones, the ones who had left anything behind.

Sixty Hearth Guard and, at King Dorr's insistence, one hundred and twenty Ornsmotek warriors marched into the lower Deeps of the Hold to slay the thing that had been terrorizing the Hold's miners.

In a few short years they had lost forty of those warriors and ten Hearthwardens.

He knows each one, knows how they died.

How he failed them.

His first mistake was believing the enemy was a beast. The bodies found had been savaged, and the targets just outskirt operations or the occasional prospecting group never returning from an expedition.

Rudil had bid the Hearth Guard lead the search and scout the tunnels, taking a third of the Ornsmotek warriors with them while leaving the others to defend and patrol those tunnels they had vouchedsafed.

That had ended when three squads were found dead within a span of two days.

He recalled everyone, and spread out the Hearthwardens to lead groups of their younger allies.

Even now he can't tell if his foe was just adapting and finding a new opportunity or if the entire thing was intentional action.

Regardless, that was when his own men had started dying.

Daggi; dragged into the dark only to be found in pieces by the terrified Ornsmotek Dawi he was assigned to lead.

Ketil and a half dozen others, taking an axe between the shoulders despite standing back to back in a circular formation.

Dargo, killed by a granite boulder that came from a ceiling that showed no signs of structural failure and was made from Limestone.

Starki had given them the first clue as to this monster's identity at the cost of his life. Based on the arrangement of corpses, their best guess was that he had been the first target, cut in half with a single stroke, before the attacker went and picked off the others as they ran back to camp, not realizing the stubborn old goat was alive. He had likely crawled to the nearest wall and begun writing on it with his own blood before the killer came back and finished the job, cutting off his arm at the elbow and was in the middle of smudging out most of the word before backup arrived.

Had they been even a few seconds later, he was sure that there'd be nothing for him but a bloody wall and a dead friend.

Eleven Dawi had died, and all they got for it was a half smudged letter "M."

After that, Rudil had realized that keeping the Ornsmotek Dawi here would only lead to their early demise. So he had led the party back to the Hold, not foolish enough to break into two groups, and relayed his suspicions to the King before marching off with just the Hearth Guard in tow.

Many would argue that lessening their number wasn't the smart move to make. But he would argue that 80 untrained and underequipped bodies to defend would only spread out his warriors more thinly. Better that they remain tight and cohesive and better prepared against an enemy that seemed to only take opportunities to pick them off one by one. Quality over quantity.

And in hingsight, it meant he had less deaths on his conscience.

He had attempted to be more prepared, modified his plans according to his suspicions. Norgrim and the rangers were pulled back to tighter perimeters, fewer, and larger scouting parties, watch rotations randomized and the number of sentries doubled.

It only made their enemy more obvious, but no less deadly.

Storris Longnose and Blackbrows, found half a meter from each other by the sentries that were meant to relieve them, died from deep wounds to their chest that left their armour Runes drained but the plate physically untouched.

Cormak had managed to shout in alarm before a blade found itself in his gut, but his death was delayed when Rogni rushed to his aid.

The former was beheaded for the attempt, before the attacker went back and finished off Cormak..

Rudil was almost sure by that point.

But these last three had made him certain beyond doubt.

Zammin was found half embedded in the rock, his face a rictus of anger and despair, hands frozen clawing at the stone.

They had to crack open the boulder to find Thingol.

And Vikken.

They had joined the Huskarls under King Otrek together. Sworn into service in the same ceremony in fact.

Both had survived the Siege together, stuck as partners guarding the way to their Granduncle's workshop.

Then, when their Granduncle announced the formation of the Hearth Guard, the two of them had been the first to be accepted.

Only for Vikken to be slain by his own shadow.

"Rudil," Norgrim grunts out, smart enough not to pat him on the shoulder, "it's time."

He doesnt reply verbally, but Rudil does turn his head to nod at a patiently waiting Logain.

The priest of Gazul returns the gesture and steps forward, beginning the process of giving Vikken his last rites.

Normally their dead would be carried home, afforded the respect usually reserved for Nobles and Runesmiths of being entombed with their kith and kin leaving this world beneath the same stones they had entered it under.

But Rudil can't guarantee the safety of his subordinates even when they're at full battle readiness in these tunnels, let alone when several of them would be occupied carrying the dead.

Much as it galls him, dishonours him, Vikken, his cousins and friends must be buried here.

His vengeance was for the dead, but his duty was to the living.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Riluzkuldrakk - Lit. "Brilliantly shining skull Dragon/Monster"/ The Bright Death
Zhufokri - Lit. "Current/Torrent Craftsman"/Mage/Wizard

━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━

- Gronti-Bay complete! Skaudardrengi Pt. 2 unlocked!
-- A facility dedicated to Monumental scale construction, not quite building, but well beyond even a Gronti.
-- -35 Favours with Kraka Drakk, new totals: (calculated below)

- Extra-Sensory Pt.1 complete! Extra-Sensory Pt. 2 unlocked!
-- The ability to see the Winds of Magic is no longer outside the grasp of your people. Everything is different now. (Information hidden by Windsight will be revealed when appropriate/asked, otherwise I'd be stuck updating information for days)
— Souls appear as translucent versions of the mortal's body with a few minor visual differences that likely reflect their self-perception.
— The Winds of Magic appear as a layer of multi-colored trails and bands superimposed over reality.

-- Rune complete! Rune of Windsight: (see New Runes/Combos)
-- Gain Trait, Windsight (see below)
-- (Hidden) Mythical Deed, The Consternation Soothed: (see below)
-- +1 Progress to The Secrets of Light Pt. 3a Utility, new totals: [Cost: (4 -1) = 3 actions]
-- +1 Progress to The Happening of Things, new totals: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions]
-- The Movement of Things Pt. 7 unlock condition met!
-- The Rune Metal Pt. 7 unlock condition met!
-- Master of the Odd [7/15] > [9/15]


- +3 Progress to Drakk Rearing, new totals: [21/? actions]
-- Grimgal, length: 36.5m by 493 A.P.
— Her growth is still terrifying to behold. She'll break 40 meters sooner rather than later at the current rate of growth.
— By far the toughest of the three, and Zharrok's creation have allowed her to better use her magical talents.

-- Zharrok, length 31m by 493 A.P.
— Spines lengthening the most by proportion, and unevenly so.
— Greater dexterity than the others, likely from training.
—Has finally made his Master Work(s). Zharrok had intended to enchant it himself, but Grimgal persuaded (read bullied) him into letting her do it instead. The enchantments are not as good as Runes of course, however Menlinwen says they are well made for one who has only so recently begun their journey wielding the Aethyr.
Zharrok (and Grimgal)'s Epic Creation of Note, Wreath of Light
---- A wreath made to be worn around the head, with the main Gromril structure obscured by the forest of upward pointed spines that Grimgal donated. The spines all glow softly with Hysh, and the largest spines, placed close to the ends, have had their tips replaced by Diamonds.
---- It increases Grimgal's ability to wield Hysh, as well as naturally collecting it.
---- +10 Bonus to casting Light Magic, further +10 Bonus to casting Illumination Spells.

Zharrok's (and Grimgal)'s Epic Creation of Note, Mantle of Metal
---- A mantle made of gold forged into the shape of Shard Wyrm spines connected by links of Gromril chain, with the largest at the center over the wearer's chest and growing smaller the farther from the front they get.
---- +10 Bonus to Combat and casting Magic. When active, spines are hardened and take on a golden sheen while barely visible golden barrier covers the wearer's body

-- Izgrom length 31.5m by 493 A.P.
— Spines lengthening as well.
— Claws haven't grown as thickly as his siblings, thin and more ductile but still as durable.

-- The increasing dimorphism between them is notable but not a cause for concern right now.

New Runes/ Combos
- Rune of Windsight [Engineering, Prosthetic]: Must be inscribed on items with at least 10 different flawless gems. Items inscribed with this Rune always provide the user a form of visual based Windsight. Viewing the Winds of Magic as multihued threads of energy superimposed over everything in their field of vision and the souls of mortals most often as translucent versions of themselves with a few minor differences.

- +15 Former Valkyrie Guard recruited, new totals: x25
- +8 Masons of Grungni recruited, new totals: x13

- Grungaldrin complete! (conclusion in pt. 3)
-- The Shadow Hag reveals itself after decades in hiding. Slaying 40 Ornsmotek warriors and 10 Hearth Guard by 487 A.P.
-- (revealed in Turn 58 Results Pt. 3)
--10 Former Huskarls, new totals: x28

- Expedition, The Throng is Mustered complete!
-- The Drangthrong of the High King and Prince Malekith encountered a massive example of a Slave Wyrm, one unlike any seen before. A cyclopean monstrosity that could paralyze with its gaze and melted flesh with its breath. The Hearth Guard would have been badly depleted holding it back if Grimgal had not been there.
-- (revealed in Turn 58 Results Pt. 3)
-- -1 Hearthwarden Rangers, new totals: x47

169 +23 -11 =181/240 +1 retainer action


- [Mid 484] The sheer number of Runesmiths has apparently done the opposite of what you expected. Contests are clogged with contestants, and stores are running empty of reagents. Good problems to have, but problems are problems! Bah. Nothing's getting done with all these dunderheads about. Still, through sheer numbers alone more Runecraft is being made, if not to the same level of efficiency as expected.

- [Early 485] Skalla Honestheart's presence has drawn several other bird-hating Runesmiths to the Hold. These Dawi, united from across any and all spectrums have deemed themselves to be wronged by the Changer, and come to learn Runes that spite it in turn.

- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Storm Wyrm's Brain, arriving Turn 60
- +1 [Tier 4] Elder Dragon Ogre Shaggoth's Heart, arriving Turn 59
- +1 [Tier 4] Medusan Cockatrice Eye, arriving Turn 61
- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart, arriving Turn 59
- +2 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Blood, arriving Turn 59
-- Item Order Expedited x1 times

- [Tier 2] Slave Wrym Corpses x2 yields
-- +8 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Blood, new totals: x18

- [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll corpse x1 yields
-- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Troll's Heart, new totals: x5
-- +2 [Tier 4] Ancient Troll's Blood, new totals: x6

Favour and Standing

- -60 Favours with Karak Ungor, new totals: 120

- -50 Favours with Kraka Drakk, new totals: 40

- -90 Favours with Kraka Grom, new totals: 110

- +1 Standing, with Kraka Ornsmotek, new totals: Standing 10, Favours 75
-- Standing Bonus received! Standing 10, Here be Monsters: Reduce turn timer on native Far Northern Monster orders by 1. (minimum 1)
— Ex. Trolls, Frost Wyrms, Chimaera, etc. If unsure, ask.

- +1 Standing with [Region] The Far North, new totals: Standing 10
-- Standing Bonus received! Standing 10, Paragon of the Peninsula: All [Region] Far North favour is now interchangeable. All individual Far Northern Hold favour converted to "Far North" favours.
-- [Ancestor] In the event of Snorri Klausson's death, he will be honoured as a Minor Ancestor God in the Far North, a source of pride and wisdom that all Norscan Dwarfs will remember until the ending of the world.

Trait(s) Gained/Upgraded

- Master of the Odd [7/15] > [9/15]
- Windsight:
-- +2 to the total Specialty Modifier when researching Runes,
-- -2 total cost to all [Difficult] Research options, and
-- -1 total cost to all [Simple] Research options
- Mythical Deed, The Consternation Soothed:
-- Durin is lost but his soul, wherever it may be, shall rest easy knowing that one of the two great struggles that defined his life has been conquered.

- Title, Riluzkuldrakk (The Bright Death)


AN: Update, Its really late. I had Rudil suffering and Karstah suffering down pat for weeks, a come down from Skarri's whirlwind decade-long romance of sorts. Understandably I think, most of the delay stemmed from trying to convey how a Dwarf would react to being able to see the Winds. I asked a lot of other QM's for their thoughts and ideas. I want to give it justice, but not just default to shock and awe. Its an entirely new way to percieve the World, so all the little details and discoveries wont come crashing into Snorri at once.

I agonized a lot about how to portray souls especially, and solicited then received a lot of great ideas from people about how to do it. But the very literal and only slightly magical view of an intrinsically metaphysical concept definitely had the biggest Dwarf vibe to it, and serves as a nice core for me to add the most compelling bits and bobs of the other ideas to. After all, Dwarfs use the suffix for physical objects "-az" for abstract concepts if they're important/real enough.

Hope you like it! As always don't forget to C&C. I'm gonna post the Nov picture with Pt. 3 (which will be after the Dwarf Si chapter, sorry patrons I didn't forget you!). A long needed update I think. The Christmas picture is gonna be good too, hopefully I don't take that long to update though! :^)
Last edited:
Turn 58 Results Pt. 3: Updated Snorri Character Picture
Rushes into the room present in hand. Sees the clock.


Winning Vote: said:
[X] [Grimgal:] Accept. ✓

[X] Plan: Go all Out ✓
- [X] [Simple] Gronti-Bay: [Cost: any 2 actions] Peerless Production will proc.
-- [X] Hirelings: [Cost 5 Favour with Kraka Drakk] x7. [-35 Kraka Drakk Favor]
-- [X] [Location:] Overtop the Anvil of the Earth:
+3 actions to Gronti-Bay. Can use the Anvil of the Earth when crafting.
-- [X] [Scope:] Dedicated General Facility. +2 actions to Gronti-Bay. Every 3 request actions building Monumental Items add 1 extra progress.
-- [X] [Runes:] Do Both. +3 actions to Skaudardrengi. Double reagent cost for Skaudargrengi's Runes (not including equipment). Gain an improved variant of The Master Runes of Waking for monument-scale Gronti that would cost at minimum double the reagents.

[X] Plan: A Crack In The Consternation (Turn 58)
Snorri & Karstah
- [X] [Difficult] Starlight Pt. 1 [1 Karstah AP]
-- [X] Choose: Master Rune of Conduction [T4 Radiant Pegasus Blood + T2 Dragon Essence], Rune of Lightspite [T4 Radiant Pegasus Blood], Rune of Echoblow [T4 Elder Wyrm's Gas Sac]
- [X] [Difficult] Flamedrinking Pt. 2 [1 Karstah AP]
-- [X] Choose: Combo, Flamedrinking: [Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Forgeflame]
- [X] [Simple] Once more with Smelting [1 Karstah AP] [Note: This Smelter is being built near a Waystone near the Anvil]
- [X] Write-In: Talisman, AetherAethyrbinder Pt. 1: [1 Karstah AP] ✓
-- [X] Arm covering made of plates and metal loops linked together by adamant chains that fits over a dwarven arm, either armored and unarmored. Looks like a very sturdy dwarf jewelry and it is marked by knotwork pattern of a forge and the implication of a smith working at the anvil in the background. Rune inscribed near shoulder, below elbow, back of hand.
-- [X] Choose: Master Rune of Purification [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Worldly Warding [T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood], Ancestor Rune of Thungni [T4 Adamant]
- [X] Aetherbinder Pt.2 [3 Snorri AP, with KKR/BA/Skarren, after ESP] ✓
-- [X] Choose: Master Rune of Purification [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Worldly Warding [T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood], Ancestor Rune of Thungni [T4 Adamant]


-[X] Extra-Sensory Pt. 1 [3 Snorri AP, before Aetherbinder Pt.2] ✓ They pulled me back in.

-[X] Expedition, Grungaldrin [2 Retainer + Industry of the North AP] ✓
-[X] Expedition, The Throng is Mustered [1 Retainer AP] ✓

-[X] Order: T4 Elder Storm Wyrm's Brain
-[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Cockatrice's Eye [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order: Slave Wyrm Corpse #1 [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order: Slave Wyrm Corpse #2 [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Elder Wyrm's Blood x2 [-30 Kraka Grom Favor]
--[X] Royal Expedite [-30 Karak Ungor Favor]
--[X] Royal Expedite x2 [-30 Karak Ungor Favor] VOIDED
-[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Lightning Oriented upgrade to Stonehorn Horns [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart [-15 Karak Ungor Favor]
--[X] Royal Expedite: T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart [-15 Karak Ungor Favor]
-[X] Princely Hunting: T4 Elder Greedy Troll [-15 Kraka Drakk Favor]

[X] [Social:] Nain talking to other Runesmiths about his work expanding the lift. ✓
[X] [Social:] Dreng dueling the Hearth Guard in a friendly spar. ✓
[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about Phoenix King Bel Shanaar ✓ [Standard] ✓

Thungni's Brilliance, DC 80: 34, 13, 21
Peerless Production, DC 40: 82, 42, 67

━<><><>< 487 A.P. ><><><>━​

"High King," Karstah greets, kneeling in deference the second she steps fully into his tent, "what would you command of me?"

He acknowledges her with a gruff nod, "Stand up Snorrisdottir, there's business to discuss and you'll do little good staring at the rug."

Obeying, Karstah watches the High King's steely gaze drift down to the map on his table.

"This has been a protracted war. Longer than I or the boy thought it would take to see done." He begins, eyes not moving from the unrolled parchment.

"Don't go mincing my words though. My Father as my witness, defeating the Fimir is not a question of if, but when."

The High King's brow somehow furrows further, a sign of his annoyance.

"Unfortunately for us, the when is the sticking point. The Elgi mages tell me that the Fimir's ritual hinges upon their control of the waystones their Hag Queens have built their citadels around. Of which, the rangers say at most seven still remain. Despite our efforts and continued success there is no guarantee that we can see these stones toppled before the ritual comes to fruition. The monster you and yours stalled was proof enough that the Fimir are not a spent enemy. Not just yet anyway."

He looks away from the map back to her, gaze hard and mouth set into a grim line as he hands her a metal cylinder, covered in protective Runes.

"I'll go over the finer points when I call a general assembly later tonight, but suffice it to say that this plan is already in motion, and that I require something from your father."

She nods, taking the tube from the High King respectfully before stowing it away in a pouch on her belt.

"This will not leave my hands or sight until I reach Master Snorri, my King, I swear on it."

He sniffs critically.

"I'll hold you to that girl. This whole scheme has a few too many moving parts than I care for, but the boy made as sound an argument as one his age could. Now, with the business seen to let's get to the other reason for my summons."

Karstah watches High King Whitebeard turn his head slightly and nod to the two retainers that had, until now, stood silently in the shadows behind him. Taking their cue, the two Living Ancestors bend down to lift and carry forward a large chest towards her.

"Let it not be said that the High King of the Karaz Ankor does not recognize the great deeds of his subjects, nor fail to reward them."


Karstah and Grimgal return in triumph.

Tales of their deeds on that campaign precede them of course. The great battle against the largest Slave Wyrm yet seen passed along the supply trains to the Karak proper, their own contribution becoming a notable part of the grander narrative that was the War against the Fimir. It gets everyone in a tizzy, and makes Izgrom begin pestering you about their return and Zharrok puffing his chest out like a preening rockdove everytime he overhears anyone talk about Grimgal's equipment. Tension, the positive kind this time, builds with each day, and you see how Aqshy waxes in the wake of so much bottled emotion.

On the date of their appointed return, when the Aqshy is so thick it overpowers the Chamon that has historically been the dominant Wind of the trio that are so strangely drawn to your institution, you had the way for them made clear. The few Hearth Guard that remained with you in Khazagar keeping everything in order with the help of Winterhearth Clansdwarfs seconded for the occasion to hold back the crowds that ring either side of the path.

Even if the total is far less than the literal swarm of folk who came to welcome the main body of Throng back in the Hold proper, the fact that there are this many people here specifically still gives you a measure of satisfaction.

Though you aren't there to see it, you know exactly the path they are meant to take. Walking out of the Hold, Karstah and the others will follow the surface road, under, or over in the case of the Brana, three of Kraka Drakk's seven walls. They will follow the gentle bend that takes them east towards the slightly smaller, but still imposing walls of Khazid Okraz. They will pass through the settlement's main gatehouse then up the main thoroughfare towards the outer gates of Khazagar and the final few doors of their journey.

A pair of Hearthwardens will usher Karstah and company into the outer portion of the complex, where another pair will do the same through the outer doors of Grozurbaz, before they reach the final set of doors and guards that separate the market hall and outside world from the Karaz-Irkul. Were you, Zharrok, Izgrom and hundreds of Dawi and Brana are currently waiting for them.

Pomp and ceremony.

But a victory such as this deserves no less.

The recognition and faint praise of the High King deserves no less.

Your heir and your loyal retainers deserve no less.

So you stand there, your back to the circular hole in the Grand Gallery, eyes trained on the doors and ears patiently listening for their return.

It begins suddenly and quietly.

A dull, rolling roar of cheers so strong that it can bypass the sound dampening Runes to filter through the still closed doors. The Winds in the environment begin moving in response, not to the noise of course, but the growing excitement of those who were lucky enough to stand and wait here rather than be stuck watching along the path, the morass of Chamon shifting as Aqshy flows over the crowd and bouncing helplessly against the doors. The sound continues to build until it grows loud enough, and your heir and her company close enough, for your ears to pick up the rhythmic march of boots and claws amidst the jumbled hoops and hollers of celebrating Dawi and Brana. The noise grows to the point that even the doors, masterfully wrought pieces of Dwarfen craftsmanship that they were, begin to shake.

Then the thumping stops and the dull roar dies down.

Before it returns full force as the doorway that connects the Gallery to the Grozurbaz swings open. Your eyes squint from the sudden wall of sound and magic that the door's Runes had largely kept outside rush inwards.

Karstah is the first thing your eyes notice, leading the procession of Grimgal and the Hearth Guard as the crowd that have been waiting alongside you begins cheering in earnest. Ylva carries Azrilzhufgotten, raising it high and earning a roar of approval. The environmental magic moving erratically and chaotically from the sheer emotion that fills the air. The otherwise cacophonous symphony only slightly quieting when people see the one litter that is held in the center of the Hearth Guard's marching column, Thrimbold's armour sitting on a shroud that bears the sigil of Clan Bryggeroot.

The column moves to stand before you, waiting for your leave.

You don't bother with a speech, simply stepping forward to clap Karstah on the shoulder before nodding at them all.

"Welcome home."


Later that day representative Clan Bryggeroot receives Thrimbold's effects from you in the quiet privacy of your personal rooms, away from the festivities taking place. They are the perfect picture of stoic dignity one expects from such old Dawi, the lead Longbeard nodding in thanks to you as four of his slightly younger kinsmen take up Thrimbold's litter from your retainers.

You nod along to his words and speak little. Both because you are sure this lad doesn't want to be here any longer than he has to, and because you cannot trust yourself to say much more right now. Most of your focus is spent trying to ignore the disquieting differences between the faces of these Dwarfs' souls and their corporeal bodies. How these two contrasting views create a disquieting whole; with traces of the open and ragged sorrow of their aethyric selves poking out over their flesh's stoic placidity. The slight lag between body and soul means that even the slightest twitch makes the contrast all the more noticeable, heightening the wrongness and unnatural nature of what you see.

When they leave you let out a sigh of relief and exhaustion before turning to Karstah.

"The letter?" you ask expectantly.

Nodding, your heir unhooks the tube from her belt and passes it to you, patiently waiting as you unfurl and read through it.

Karstah had informed you of Whitebeard's request the moment she was able to, though true to her oath she could not offer much more than what Whitebeard himself told her and the assembled leadership of the Drangthrong.

As you read the letter you blink in surprise, then furrow your brow in thought.

What Karstah and the assembled leadership of the Drangthrong knew was that Prince Malekith and the High King were going to drive their combined forces towards the centermost of the Fimir's coastal cities in the coming year, to see it toppled and the Fimir's holdings sundered in twain while the fleets of both moved to do the same at sea.

The part they dont tell any save a scant handful of key parties is that this push is also part of a greater plan that the Elven prince concocted.

Years ago, when the war began to drag on and casualties mounted, Prince Malekith and his closest advisors had apparently consulted with the mages of both Saphery and Nagarythe to see if some other means of preventing the ritual could be devised. That alone had apparently been several years worth of work by the greatest surviving mages the elves had at their disposal, and the cost they gave the Prince to enact it, the specifics of which the Prince had kept close to his chest, was both ruinously expensive and scarce, but incredibly dangerous to gather.

Most notably, the heads of not only a specific Meargh, but the hearts and eyes of three other Hag Queens too.

Nevertheless, Malekith had not balked at the price, and had begun laying the groundwork for it almost immediately.

The next year's push was, in truth, securing the Waystone to be the site of the ritual, given that it was the only one that met the stringent criteria of Malekith's ritual.

It was, as the High King understands it, a massive counterspell centered around using one of the central Waystones the Fimir had corrupted as as a conduit to send a truly titanic amount of Qhaysh through their section of the network into the other controlled nexi to disrupt the ritual in a cataclysmic chain explosion. Ignoring the expense of the ritual itself, it would also destroy the Waystones and likely devastate the coast. A terrible cost, but compared to another portal to the Realm of Chaos, it was deemed the lesser of two evils.

It had taken years, decades, but now Malekith finally had all he needed.

Whitebeard was not asking you to aid in the war, or even defend the ritual site when the Fimir doubtlessly attacked it.


He asked that you serve as a distraction.

Agents from both Malekith and his own forces had informed the High King that it seems the Fimir pay special attention to you and your movements. Not only because you had played a part in dealing the single greatest strategic loss in the war the Fimir had suffered, but because your presence demanded a very specific response from them compared to something like a dragon and the like. It meant that the Fimir kept their most durable forces in reserve at the beginning of a campaign, only committing them after their mages confirmed your location through whatever means they had available to them. The Slave Wyrms, the Netherborn, the armoured monster riders, and other terrible things that they had been creating were, in fact, partly devised as a response to you and your storm.

The High King and prince want to use that to their advantage, by having you threaten a different citadel to force the Fimir to split off these particular forces or risk losing another citadel.

In any other circumstance, you would not even consider refusing.

But something about this feels.


A strange feeling in your beard.

You will need to think regardless, better to give it time to age in your mind.

"You'll be marching out again next year I take it?" you murmur, looking up from the letter to stare at Karstah.

"Aye, if you'll allow it. Grimgal most certainly is." She confirms.

You nod.


The second party arrives two days later and unlike Karstah and Grimgal, sets a grim tone from the get go. A train of fifty wounded Hearth Guard returns home through the underground connection between the Hold and Khazagar, taking side and service tunnels that were away from prying and judging eyes to reach the Warrior's Halls where you and Karstah awaited them.

A stonefaced Rudil kneels before you, the wounded having limped or been helped by their fellows deeper into the hall or Temple of Valaya, while ten empty litters lay behind him as testaments to what happened.

The shame and anger radiating off of him is almost palpable. While a heavy cloud of Shyish clings to his and the others souls like burrs to cloth, it nevertheless cannot fully smother the ruby glow of Aqshy bubbling beneath.

Fury at both his foe and at himself most likely.

"It is her." He reports, voice flat. "The Meargh whose horde attacked Grom a few decades ago."

You nod, grimly glancing at the empty boards behind him. Mind already moving schedules around to account for this development.

"I see. We'll need to prepare for an excursio—" you begin to say, but stop to stare at Rudil.

Not because he has interrupted you, he would never allow himself to lose control in such a way.

But he doesn't need to.

Even without your new eye showing the tumultuous blaze of Winds over his soul—the gloom of the Shyish over him folding beneath the ruby light of Aqshy—you don't need it to tell what he's thinking, what he's no doubt feeling.

"You disagree," you finish, looking at your grandnephew expectantly.

Imperceptibly, grindingly slow, he nods once.

"I swear upon my Ancestors, and my Honour that I shall serve faithfully and defend the person and Honour of my Lord. Even at the cost of my own life. For—" Rudil recites haltingly, eyes looking up to stare at you in expectation.

"—my Honour is my Lord's Honour, their Shame is my Shame, and their Grudges are my Grudges. I shall not dishonour my Lord, lest I dishonour my Ancestors, and myself," you finish solemnly, a damning sense of understanding filling your gut..

It is one of the oaths that he swore when he first entered your service. An understanding and affirmation that in serving you as a retainer, that he is not only your emissary, but an extension of you in the eyes of society at large. His failure is your failure by proxy. And as he reminded you, his shame is your shame.

But just as his shame was your shame, the reverse was also the same. It was, generally at least, a reminder to the liege of the burden and responsibility they held.

Though in this case it is your grandnephew's way of telling you what he wants.

Rudil wishes, perhaps needs, to see this task done by his own hand.

In most circumstances, you would deny him this. Excercising your right as his Elder and granduncle to stop him from committing to foolish acts in this moment of grief and shame. More personally, because it would gall you to leave a kinsman to such a task alone.

But not now. Not anymore.

Because you know two things.

If you allow him to do this, there was a high chance that Rudil may well die in his quest.

But If you refuse him—

Valiant Grimnir, bereft of armour, his hair molded to a crimson crest. Marching northward to Doom for the sake of His people's Salvation.

Grednir Grunsson, once-King Consort of Kraka Grom. Who it was quietly said, left his arms and armour to his wife and daughter before marching off into the untamed Deeps, stopping only to stare at the commemorative statue of his son.

you are more certain that you will all but guarantee his death.

So much as you would like not to, much as you want to walk alongside him as he faces this enemy.

You cannot.

Instead, you look back at Rudil and utter your choice.

"You will have the following year to prepare and to heal. After that, I will grant you leave to pursue this path. The others will hold her at bay until then. Ask no more of me lad."

Rudil nods again, shoulders sagging in relief, and you dismiss him soon after.

Both you and Karstah watch him go, back straightened in the face of this path forward.

For good and ill, Rudil's fate now rests solely in his hands.


That night Karstah asks for your leave to complete the helmet she's been working on, something you don't need to even think about before you nod and see her off.

You try and work, but your mind refuses to focus. So you get up and walk through your home, then when your feet remain stubbornly restless you don your red cloak and continue through Khazagar, walking until you exit the doors and stroll through the Khazid Okraz. Walking, walking and walking endlessly until you find yourself in a tavern, staring down at your reflection in a mug of ale.

You are a Living Ancestor. A survivor of the Great Catastrophe. A Dwarf who has seen what looked to be the end of the world and overcome it.

You are a Runelord, the one who has done what so many of your colleagues have failed to do and conquered Durin's Consternation.

These, and so many more deeds you conjure up in your mind.

And they, in the end, are meaningless to you at that moment.

All this power, all this experience, and you can do little to help your family lest they break from the shame of it. The pride and guilt of one Dawi doing what the Greedy One, two Greater Daemons, the prophet of a dark god, and so many other more terrible enemies have all failed to do...

Stop you.

You let yourself stew in the bitterness for a while, before at last you let out a long, tired sigh and gulp the tankard's contents down in two long swigs.

Wiping the froth from your beard, you get up and begin walking home.

That will be all the stewing and brooding over uselessness that you allow yourself.

A hand falls limp.

No more.

That's a path you've walked, you don't need or want to ever take it again.

━<><><>< 488 A.P. ><><><>━​

Grunting, Rudil raises the axe and bats aside Dreng's weapon before rushing forward.

With a simple exhale the older Dwarf steps to the side and punches Rudil's head as he rushes forward, staggering him long enough that he can sweep his feet out from under his legs.

Dreng steps back and stares dispassionately as Rudil scrambles up to his feet, raising a hand to signal a timeout.

"Go have a break lad. Have a yell, dunk your head in some cool water, get a drink and some food in your belly, whatever you need to calm down. You haven't shaved your head and got down to your breeches, so stop fighting like you already have. She'll not be as kind as I am about correcting you."

You see Rudil's arms flex, the visible skin red from both the flush of exhaustion and the touch of Aqshy and Ghur on him, before he wills himself to nod and stiffly walk off.

"He needs to reassert control." Dreng says to you, watching your grandnephew. "Fury is only helpful when it's directed."

You nod in agreement.

"What of Karstah?"

A smidge of Aqshy, a twinge of Ghyran.

"She's on her way. Tries her best to be secretive about her plans, but I can guess what she's building half the time just from the way she fights." he answers honestly.

You hum in interest.

"Aye? Any recent examples?"

He snorts.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" he shakes his head in amusement. "Nai. I'll keep her secrets, even if I don't have to."

You nod.

Rare as it is for the two of you to talk, Dreng is one of the few who has both the age and frankness to speak to you on a more casual level, doing away with even the subtle signs of respect that other Dawi afford.

"Trained many like them then?" you probe.

Ulgu, hidden in the corners, twitches.

"Cousins, siblings, their sprogs and then the grandsprogs after that," he admits, the Quicksilver Wind hanging off his moustache like leftover ale.

"An old hat at it, then. Purposeful?"

"Just something that I ended up doing. Can't trust anyone else to do it right, you understand," he answers.

Hiding, no, obfuscation.

"Aye, It's not uncommon. A life lived for another, then for what they leave behind."

The other Dwarf nods sagely. Shyish, mixed with Aqshy, and Azyr, Reminiscing.

"There're worse things to do with what you're given."

You hum at that, noting the slight tinge of melancholy in his voice.

"Dreng," you say suddenly, the change in your tone making your fellow Living Ancestor turn to give you his undivided attention.

For all that you want to ask, for all you wish to poke at the hints and bombard him with the guesses and theories in your head as to why—

You instead choose to keep your mouth shut and your eyes forward. He does not see ghosts, nor does he have any ill intent and even without your eye you know that he takes his oath to keep Karstah safe. So the least he deserves is the privacy of his own thoughts. This eye has, more than anything, reminded you of the value of that privacy, of the sort of things an honest and right thinking being is entitled to.

"You have my thanks." you tell him sincerely, not needing to explain beyond that.

He grunts.


The strange feeling you had about Prince Malekith's scheme, it turns out, has some basis in truth.

You had already guessed that there was more behind his reasoning than just the war. Elven nobility, as Menlinwen had once told you, were fond of such multifaceted schemes and the like, and not even Malekith would be immune to such a thing.

In the running correspondence you kept with Myrion, the Archmage had unintentionally, or perhaps very intentionally, mentioned to you that there were now those among Tor Vernath and its ruling houses that had appeared at Bel Shanaar's court. Why, she could not say, but you've gotten the hang of reading Elgi double speak and intent you think, and can at least connect the threads she leaves behind into something resembling a picture.

A great deal of politicking cut short, there were those who had gotten tired and upset with Malekith's pace, and the cost of this campaign. Thus, they sought out the only other elf with influence whom their pride could stomach seeking aid from.

The Phoenix king.

Such an opportunity, you reckon, would not be left to moulder. Even if Bel Shanaar truly had no ill intent against Malekith as Myrion seems to insist upon to you, he was nevertheless a canny enough operator to check the lad's rise and steal some of his thunder if the opportunity arose.

At least that's what your read of the man tells you is the case, separated as it is by distance and medium.

Hard to pick out the truth from the litany of praise for the fellow that is so common in Myrion's letters, though checking in occasionally with Menlinwen does help in that regard.

From what you already knew, Bel Shanaar's election was either compromise, honest belief in the need for a king with his skillset, a means of curbing the idea of a hereditary line of Phoenix Kings, and effort to elect a more pliable king by the other princes or some combination of any and/or all of those points. Though that last group found, to their surprise perhaps, that the sailor from Tiranoc was not some lackwit they could ignore. He took advantage of every connection he had to shore up his position beyond the support of Tiranoc and Avelorn by allying or defanging the other Kingdoms depending on the circumstance.

From what Myrion's writings show, the lad has a talent in making friends of his enemies, or otherwise disarming them so fully that he could afford to ignore them. Everyone was to be made a friend or defanged and left to irrelevance. Over and over, as the Archmage constantly seemed so keen to say, Bel Shanaar had cemented his authority and removed every possible contender and rival of his position from contention.

All save one.

A single rival that could not be curbed or made to look weak. One that was, while polite and publicly deferential, unwilling to become his friend. One that had by all appearances seemed to snatch Cothique and Chrace and put them under his influence.

One that, at this moment, was now waging war alongside the High King. One that had been seen speaking to eclectic and unpopular mages from Saphery that Bel Shanaar had otherwise left out to dry for disregarding him or were beaten out by his allies. One that was speaking with and courting a foreign power and no doubt cementing allies among them and wealth for his own allies.


This entire thought exercise was already getting into the very realm of politicking you do your best to stay away from, and until now had been all too happy to avoid after it first reared its ugly head when you and Myrion were writing to each other about Malekith.

But now your folk were involved in a way that was liable to get them stuck in a spat between power hungry dunderheads.

You ought to tell someone.

You ought to tell the High King.

You don't even know if it's true.


Sometimes you hate your gut feelings.


Rudil rarely calls her, "aunt," for a variety of entirely understandable reasons.

The few times he did it was almost always said with an air of humour. The unusual conflict between their respective ages and positions on the family tree made the word something of a running joke between the two of them.

He hasn't said it at all this year, nor even shown an ounce of humour and good cheer that hasn't quickly been smothered by the air of grim, fatalistic certainty that has smothered his personality. His mind and focus has been near-totally pointed towards his self-appointed duty.

Single-handedly killing the Meargh.

Master Snorri reckons, and she agrees, that if Rudil did not attempt it he'd almost assuredly walk into the Temple of Grimnir and take up the Slayer's Oath alongside the many he has sworn as a Hearth Guard.

He must do this alone.

But Karstah refuses to let him go unhelped.

"Here," she says, pushing the chest in her hands forward towards him.

Rudil looks at her curiously, but nevertheless opens the box and takes a look inside.

After a moment of intense staring he pulls the helmet out of its case, revealing it to the world.

A more ornate version of the already unique red helmet that Rudil wears to denote his position. The vast majority of its structure, from the cheekplates to the dragon shaped ridge running along the top was made entirely of red-dyed Adamant. The only pieces that weren't were the horns on either side of the head and the ruby inset in the center of its brow ridge. The former were a pair of long, curling things that were taken from the largest member of the silver goat herd and polished until they gleamed under the light. The latter was a thumb-sized rhombus sourced from mines nearest to the old Winterhearth Hold, gleaming and golden and bearing the only Rune she had inscribed on it.

Glimmering gently on the jewel's center, its appearance in stark contrast to the terrible power contained within, was the Master Rune of Zon-Dum.

Or a variant of it technically speaking, using Brightstone and the gas sac of an Elder Frost Wyrm to alter the nature of the energy it would release. Another nod to the thoughts and feelings that were part of its inception.

It was meant for the Hearth Guard; a piece of equipment that would serve as part of the panoply for the Hearth Lord.

In her mind, it would not be right for anyone but the founding holder of that title to wear it first.

"Its name is Zonbak." Drawing Rudil's attention away from her creation back to her. "To activate the Rune, you need only yell 'Nar' and aim your head at whatever your target may be."

Actually saying the word out loud makes her feel some measure of embarrassment for making such a simple and uninspired play on words, but nothing else fits in her mind.

Daybreak begins with sunrise after all.


The day after Rudil's departure for Ornsmotek, you walk through Khazagar's feast halls as part of the long road to properly acclimating to the eye. But to your surprise you find Nain of all people seated at one of the tables, surrounded by a small crowd of his younger contemporaries.

Partly because curiosity overcomes you and partly because Chamon hangs especially thick over that table, you decide to investigate. With a flick of your hands you flip up your hood and move to somewhere more inconspicuous to watch and listen in on your once-apprentice and this cartful of Dwarfs he has gathered around himself.

"—Rune of Load Bearing isn't necessary. The Lifts are replica's of Morgrim's work, and while they won't match up on their own, the safety tolerances aren't one of the metrics I worry about. Speed, smoothness and wear and tear are the real culprits. Especially for the cordage. Better for that variant of the Rune of No Entry on the bearing surfaces."


Talking shop so openly would normally be frowned upon, or at least worthy of critique. But here? Runesmiths need not be quite so reticent.

Though you suspect, eyes narrowing when you spot the various red pieces of fabric being worn by the Runesmiths with Nain, that these ones may not care quite as much if others overhear them.

You want to have very stern words with whoever it was among them that started this trend of aping the color of your cloak.

Reigning in your anger, you focus back on Nain's discussion, listening to them devolve into an argument and thought exercise about how to best direct foot traffic and how Runes can be incorporated into the solution. Thankfully for Nain, your opinion of him rises a notch as he correctly supports the efficiency and simplicity of a spoke and axle path. As things descend into the sort of inane chitter chatter of young Runesmiths nattering on about things they don't understand, as opposed to the inane nattering of Elders who know what they're talking about ya see, you find your attention drifting away from them and to the way the environmental Chamon drawn by their discussion harmlessly pushes against the invisible barrier of the nearly Wind-less volume of space around them.

That was the thing about a Runesmith's "Stilling Field", as you've begun to call it; they were unique to an individual Dwarf. The combination of the field's range, how effectively it repulsed the Winds, and the strength of its deadeninng effect on the few traces managed to pass through all differed from one Runesmith to another. It wasn't completely random of course, as the field's overall strength tended to have a positive correlation with a Dawi's age, but there was enough internal variance within similar age brackets that there was definitely something more at play. You just didn't know what it/they could be.

That in itself wasn't a worldshaking revelation though, a very similar idea was long theorized to be the case among many in the Guild given the mountain of evidence available. No, the actual surprise was their relationship with other Dawi and other fields.

Multiple Stilling Fields did not in fact interact with each other as you would have expected. Rather than coming together into a larger whole or something like that, they seemed to almost ignore eachother. Having no notable interaction beyond the stronger of the two taking precedence in the space where they intersected. Instead the fields seemed to most readily react to the souls of other Dawi, with the former imparting some measure of its repelling properties onto any Dwarf souls that were in its range while increasing numbers of the latter improved both the efficacy of the field itself.

Any further musing on the topic is waylaid when the other Dawi stand up from the table and begin shuffling off, offering farewells to those who remain until only Nain remains.

"I didn't seek them out if that's what you're wondering Master," your apprentice says, just loud enough for you to hear.

You incline your head and stand up from your hidey spot, walking over to sit down across from a placid looking Nain.

"Figured as much. I've bemoaned them enough that you ought to know better," you grumble goodnaturedly, "from the sounds of it things have been going well lad."

Nain nods in affirmation.

"Yes, they have. Though I have to say it doesn't seem like Elder Snerra's gotten that message."

You scoff, though not in disagreement.

"She's drinking from a different keg than the rest of us tis true, but that should only serve as a reminder that not even a Runelord is immune to foolishness."

"Aye Master, of course Master."


"Hmmph. How did Tholinn's first commission go?"

Nain's beard twitches, not thrown off by your sudden segue at all, if anything he relishes the chance to boast about his student.

"The work? More than acceptable for his age. The interaction? Well…better than he was before. So about as stiff as a board still, but he didn't insult someone by accident. Dolgi's family and the dinners are doing good work helping him socially. Keeping him busy enough to get away from his Clan at the least."

You nod in agreement.

Met those folk once and—


—well you can see why Nain hopes to instill some sense of wanderlust and independence in his student before he becomes a Journeyman and he can no longer stand between Tholinn and the overbearing weight of his Clan.

"Good to hear lad, that's good to hear. You're doing good work with him. Better than my time with Jargrim, that's for certain."

Nain doesnt say anything, but the slight turn of his head and the little flash of Chamon on his soul, highlighting the slightly off-color gold that you see in every Runesmith, tells you that he is curious. Good sense and experience are all that stop him and all your other students from asking about their predecessors.

That small pang of loss, the one that always comes when you think of Jargrim and others, rears its ugly head. And you think about saying more, saying anything at all…

…perhaps in the future. Perhaps when you are a stronger man you can speak of them more freely.

When you say nothing more, Nain takes the dismissal in good order and he steers the conversation towards his plans for the Lift.

You are thankful for it.

━<><><>< 489 A.P. ><><><>━​

She slew cousins and allies, his friends, and his kinsmen.

But she did not slay him, red-plated Donnarsson.

Forced him to retreat from the tunnels, back to the Hold that he lived in.

Who nursed within his breast a vengeful soul.

Rudil Red Plate returned a year later.

Knowing only one thing as he returned to the Eagle Deeps.

Entering alone, accompanied only by his hatred.

By the end either he or his quarry would know eternal sleep.


It is time.

You'd have preferred that a momentous a moment as this was happening under more happy and relaxed circumstances; with your heir at home and not on campaign, with your retainers not 11 members lesser, the foreign relations of your people and the elves not in the middle of a dispute between the latter's elite, and your grandnephew not embarked on a quest that ends in either his victory or death.

But the world has a way of ignoring your wishes.

You cannot delay any more than you already have though. Two years is the most you can afford, but any more and you're liable to fall behind or not give something its due attention.

Still, it wasn't all terrible.

After all, you've also spent these two years further acclimating to your new eye. Gaining a good enough grasp that you're confident to at last, try using it for its intended purpose.

Observing the creation of Runes.

Assuming that everything goes to plan and the eye does show you something—

Which you cannot guarantee without trying

—the truth of the matter is that observing just one forging is nowhere near enough data. No. Any Runesmith worthy of the name would require a certainty that only the observation of a sufficiently large, read staggeringly large, amount of forgings to accept.

Nevertheless, you have to start somewhere.

And start you shall.

With the first Rune Thungni taught, the first Rune that every Runesmith is taught.

The Rune of Stone.

Even if one of the driving forces behind the choice involved a healthy dose of narrative best fit there it is equally balanced by the practical considerations as well. After all, it is one of, if not the most inscribed Runes in existence. So much so that even several of its variants are well known to your Guild. There isn't one facet of this Rune that the Guild and its members do not know at least in passing, no change or alteration that a reasonably well learned Master cannot explain or intuit said reason behind.

Simply put, it's about as close to "understood" as a Rune can get without having Windsight.

So by using it as the basis for your experimentation into Windsight, it should be the easiest Rune to begin breaking down the mechanics of forging with.

In theory anyway.

You seal yourself in your sanctum, instructing your retainers to prevent anything short of an immediate and extreme threat to the Hold or news of equally significant personal or objective worth from interrupting you.

There is work to be done.


He came donning a helm made by the Runesmiths.

With a Rune that banished the darkness inscribed upon the crest.

Adamant form with an inset ruby, a work from out of myth.

Rudil did find his quarry, did find the hag queen's nest.

There they did meet in battle, and thus the Fimir felt fear.

But canny was the Matron, the shadows were her domain.

For though grim Rudil's helmet, her death was surely here—

—at the hour of his victory, she escaped and was not yet slain.


You have made the Rune of Stone countless times over your life. Why, If you were rendered blind, deaf and unable to feel at this very moment you're sure that you still had a fair shot of forging it properly.

Compared to the complexities of the Runes you now made and dealt with nowadays, it was— as Runes went —as simple as quarrying stone.

But now, as you let your body go through the motions of preparing the forge to begin inscribing the Rune of Stone, it feels both completely different and refreshingly familiar.

A different Dawi than the one you were stands before the forge. Wiser, older and with far greater experience behind him. A lord of Runes, a master of your craft, now able to see the very workings of your art that have until these past few years been denied to you.

Yet at the same time, you also step before the anvil with a hammer as plain as the very first your father gave you. The same chant in your mind as when you first learned it waits on your lips. You are, as you were then, as unaware of what's to come.

You raise the hammer, as you have done so many countless times before, and with the first syllable of the chant swing it down onto the waiting metal.

No peel of thunder greets you, no earth shattering light or vengeful magic strikes you.

Instead you forge the Rune, and bear witness as the magic both within and without reacts.


Thrice did she manage to evade him.

Within shadow and mist did she flee.

Unfaltering, Rudil marched ever deeper into the dark and into the dim.

With fury in his heart and the Rune on his brow a-gleam.

Again and again he followed, uncaring and unafraid.

The Matriarch sent monsters to best him, over and over again.

But vengeance would not be denied him, and Rudil was never long waylaid.

Every beast the Hag Queen sent against him, again and again were slain.


Your arm swings the hammer, repeating an action that you have done so often it's almost instinct. You chant the rite, so often repeaeted that you had long ago learned to not need it. You recreate a Rune so basic, so fundamental, that the wonder and sanctity of it has, understandably, dulled just that smidge more.

But here and now you feel that wonder return in full force, as strongly as the very first time you inscribed the very first Rune at all.

Because you see it.

You see it all.

When you first completed the Rune of Windsight you mused that whatever it showed could never match whatever expectation you built in your head. And, though it surprised you in some ways, that had largely held true.

This was not like that.

There can be no disappointment, because you are witness to impossibility. There could be no expectation, because there is no theory to work from. Suspicions and guesswork, at best. You enter blind, and are given vision for the first time.

There was an honest possibility in your mind that the moment you began forging the Rune the Winds would flood towards the Rune, or that some flash of aethyric power would erupt and render you blind and force you to put that claim about forging the Rune with half your senses gone to the test. But that, thankfully, does not come to pass. The Winds of Magic in your workshop do not react to the forging initially, or at least no more than they would to any other mundane smithing. Chamon twitches and moves towards you yes, bouncing off the repelling aura of the Stilling Field as expected.

But though you can only glimpse it for moments, you see that your soul and the magic within is alight with activity.

The veins of gold glow, multifaceted and multihued light rushing through them rhythmically like the energy that pulses from Barak Azamar.

Chamon gold, Ghyran emerald and Hyshian Diamond light pulsed to the beat of some unknown rhythm.

It is wondrous to behold.


Yet the souls of the fallen haunted him, the loss of his beloved kin.

Their ends and their graves did linger, the memory filling him with shame.

Thus the Haq Queen did seek to turn them against him, trap his mind in his own skin.

To shatter his will with memories of the hallowed dead, to turn them into Red-helm's bane.

But the Fimir did not know of honour, not know the sanctity of kin.

Did not know it only fueled Rudil's anger, only inflamed that burning rage.

And with a yell of purest fury, and strength borne from Will from within.

Rudil broke through the magic, axe swinging as he broke through her sorcerous cage.

Thus they met for a final battle, Gromril clashed 'gainst the living shadow.

The Witch Queen was certainly mighty, and the darkness was her domain.

She brought down the Dawi warrior, ready to deal mortal blow.

But Rudil screamed for sunrise, and in a realm that never knew it, Daybreak finally came.


As you continue the forging, transfixed upon what you see in your soul, you notice something else happening. The energy from your hands travels from you to the Rune. Along your hammer, through your hands, even the open air, as if the Rune is drawing from you. The mutlihued light, composed of all eight Winds though with Chamon, Ghyran and Hysh in the greatest quantity, enters the Rune and seemingly disappears from sight.

Dimly, as if you were recalling what you ate for dinner last night rather than making a connection that hinted to something more fundamental to your Craft, you realize that the chant and mindset you were taught to take when forging does indeed resonate with those Winds.

As the forging progresses, things finally begin changing around you as more and more of the Winds finally begin to move and react. Regardless of source or connection, and from farther and farther away, they are drawn towards your position. They jostle and push against eachother like you and your brothers jostled and fought to be first in line for your mother's stew—

the bitter herb she used always sank to the bottom if it got left alone ya see, and if you took a bowl from the topmost layers you wouldn't taste it as strongly. The idea of telling mother that had never crossed your minds, and if it did you'd no doubt be fighting over who had the unenviable task of criticizing her cooking.

—but the Stilling Field holds back the tide. forcing the Winds into neat and orderly trails that crawl their way towards you, or more accurately towards the Rune.

The energy crawls into you through your feet and you lose sight of the Winds at that point. But while you can't see the path they take, you know where it all ends up as the trails of energy that connect you to the Rune swell and grow in size.

The final and most drastic change happens near the end of the rite, at the point when the Rune comes to completion.

The Stilling Field that you project outwards, the barrier that held back the Winds that now swirl around you in an increasingly stronger and faster vortex begins to shrink and weaken. Milimeter by milimeter, until its barely thirty centimeters out and so weak that roughly half of the volume of magic gets through.

Then as you swing the hammer down the final time and the Rune glow as it activates for the first time you see the Rune draw in and absorb all of the Winds around you; leaving a volume of space utterly devoid of magic before nature takes its course and the vacuum is filled.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Riluzkuldrakk - Lit. "Brilliantly shining skull Dragon/Monster"/ The Bright Death
Zhufokri - Lit. "Current/Torrent Craftsman"/Mage/Wizard

━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━

- Extra-Sensory Pt.1 complete! Extra-Sensory Pt. 2 unlocked!
-- The ability to see the Winds of Magic is no longer outside the grasp of your people. Everything is different now. (Information hidden by Windsight will be revealed when appropriate/asked, otherwise I'd be stuck updating information for days)
— The Winds of Magic appear as a layer of multi-colored trails and bands superimposed over reality. Snorri has begun to note and observe the general trends and start making accurate enough "calculations" to know how the Winds move and react even if he does not have his eye.
— Souls appear as translucent versions of the mortal's body with a few minor visual differences that likely reflect their self-perception.
---- Dwarf souls behave similarly to stone, in that they naturally resist passive connection to ambient Sevir. However, they are not fully immune, and some Winds do get through. Lastly, this passive barrier can be overcome with enough exposure or deliberate action.
---- Runesmith souls have golden channels running through them. They project a Stilling Field around them that repels most Winds, and deadens the movement of what small amounts of the Winds gets through. The shape, strength and efficacy of a Field is unique to each Runesmith, and while they do not react to each other, they are strengthened by and in turn strengthen nearby Dwarf souls. Dwarf Souls gain cumulative benefits from being under multiple Stilling Fields.
— Runes begin by drawing magic from the Runesmith, as the forging progresses the Runesmith's natural anti-magic aura shrinks and allows more magic through and into them before entering the Rune. At the moment a Rune is created, it sucks up all the nearby magic to fill its internal reservoir.

- +1 [Tier ???] Whitebeard's Reward. (revealed pt. 4)

- +15 Former Valkyrie Guard recruited, new totals: x25
- +8 Masons of Grungni recruited, new totals: x13

- Grungaldrin complete!
-- The Shadow Hag reveals itself after decades in hiding. Slaying 40 Ornsmotek warriors and 10 Hearth Guard by 487 A.P. She is slain singlehandedly two years later by Hearth Lord, Rudil Donnarsson who returns to Kraka Drakk with her head in tow.
-- Grudge against the Hag Queen avenged on behalf of Snorri Klausson by Rudil Donnarsson
-- +1 [Tier 4] Fimir Hag Queen's Eye
--10 Former Huskarls, new totals: x28

- Expedition, The Throng is Mustered complete!
-- The Drangthrong of the High King and Prince Malekith encountered a massive example of a Slave Wyrm, one unlike any seen before. A cyclopean monstrosity that could paralyze with its gaze and melted flesh with its breath. The Hearth Guard would have been badly depleted holding it back if Grimgal had not been there.
-- High King Snorri Whitebeard has a message for you. At some point in the future he will request that you march out and serve as a distraction while Malekith's mages enact a ritual to counter the Fimir's. When this happens is entirely dependent on Malekith completing his objectives. But it's likely to be soon.
-- +2 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Blood, new totals: x12
-- -1 Hearthwarden Rangers, new totals: x47

169 +23 -11 =181/240 +1 retainer action


- [Mid 484] The sheer number of Runesmiths has apparently done the opposite of what you expected. Contests are clogged with contestants, and stores are running empty of reagents. Good problems to have, but problems are problems! Bah. Nothing's getting done with all these dunderheads about. Still, through sheer numbers alone more Runecraft is being made, if not to the same level of efficiency as expected.

- [Early 485] Skalla Honestheart's presence has drawn several other bird-hating Runesmiths to the Hold. These Dawi, united from across any and all spectrums have deemed themselves to be wronged by the Changer, and come to learn Runes that spite it in turn.

- [Mid 488] The Lift Expansion, a work that has increasingly become associated with Nain, touches Khazagar. Your student had somehow wrangled the aid of a few extra Runesmiths to aid him. Not speeding up the timeline, but used to increase the scope.

- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Storm Wyrm's Brain, arriving Turn 60
- +1 [Tier 4] Elder Dragon Ogre Shaggoth's Heart, arriving Turn 59
- +1 [Tier 4] Medusan Cockatrice Eye, arriving Turn 61
- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart, arriving Turn 59
- +2 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Blood, arriving Turn 59
-- Item Order Expedited x1 times

- [Tier 2] Slave Wrym Corpses x2 yields
-- +8 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Blood, new totals: x20

- [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll corpse x1 yields
-- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Troll's Heart, new totals: x5
-- +2 [Tier 4] Ancient Troll's Blood, new totals: x6

Favour and Standing

- -60 Favours with Karak Ungor, new totals: 120

- -50 Favours with Kraka Drakk, new totals: 40

- -90 Favours with Kraka Grom, new totals: 110

- +1 Standing, with Kraka Ornsmotek, new totals: Standing 10, Favours 75
-- Standing Bonus received! Standing 10, Here be Monsters: Reduce turn timer on native Far Northern Monster orders by 1. (minimum 1)
— Ex. Trolls, Frost Wyrms, Chimaera, etc. If unsure, ask.

- +1 Standing with [Region] The Far North, new totals: Standing 10
-- Standing Bonus received! Standing 10, Paragon of the Peninsula: All [Region] Far North favour is now interchangeable. All individual Far Northern Hold favour converted to "Far North" favours.
-- [Ancestor] In the event of Snorri Klausson's death, he will be honoured as a Minor Ancestor God in the Far North, a source of pride and wisdom that all Norscan Dwarfs will remember until the ending of the world.

Trait(s) Gained/Upgraded

- Master of the Odd [7/15] > [9/15]
- Windsight:
-- +2 to the total Specialty Modifier when researching Runes,
-- -2 total cost to all [Difficult] Research options, and
-- -1 total cost to all [Simple] Research options
- Mythical Deed, The Consternation Soothed:
-- Durin is lost but his soul, wherever it may be, shall rest easy knowing that one of the two great struggles that defined his life has been conquered.

- Title, Riluzkuldrakk (The Bright Death)

- Legendary Deed, Shadow's Bane.
-- I am the servant of Snorri Klausson. Bearer of the Rune helm Daybreak. The darkness will not avail you, Queen of the Fimir! Go back to the shadows!" - Rudil Rubybrow.
-- Then one foggy Keg End's eve, the Gift Giver did say. "Rudil with your helm so bright, won't you strike out this Grudge tonight..."
-- Title, Rubybrow


AN: I think there's something sorta poignant and cosmically funny that the Dwarf Quest update happens during Hanukkah and not on Christmas given the discourse about the supposedly unintended parallels between Dwarves and Jewish stereotypes in Lord of the Ri—Uh, would you believe me if I told you I wanted to actually get all the crafting options revealed in this update? Yeah well blame magic. I hate magic, its nonsense. Anyway I hope it was worth the wait. Don't forget to C&C. Sorry everyone. :^(

Anyway have art, updated Snorri art to be precise.
Update Hooded

Update Unhooded
Last edited:
Turn 58 Results Pt. 4: Aethyrbinder
Winning Vote: said:
[X] [Grimgal:] Accept. ✓

[X] Plan: Go all Out ✓
- [X] [Simple] Gronti-Bay: [Cost: any 2 actions] Peerless Production will proc.
-- [X] Hirelings: [Cost 5 Favour with Kraka Drakk] x7. [-35 Kraka Drakk Favor]
-- [X] [Location:] Overtop the Anvil of the Earth:
+3 actions to Gronti-Bay. Can use the Anvil of the Earth when crafting.
-- [X] [Scope:] Dedicated General Facility. +2 actions to Gronti-Bay. Every 3 request actions building Monumental Items add 1 extra progress.
-- [X] [Runes:] Do Both. +3 actions to Skaudardrengi. Double reagent cost for Skaudargrengi's Runes (not including equipment). Gain an improved variant of The Master Runes of Waking for monument-scale Gronti that would cost at minimum double the reagents.

[X] Plan: A Crack In The Consternation (Turn 58)
Snorri & Karstah
- [X] [Difficult] Starlight Pt. 1 [1 Karstah AP] ✓
-- [X] Choose: Master Rune of Conduction [T4 Radiant Pegasus Blood + T2 Dragon Essence], Rune of Lightspite [T4 Radiant Pegasus Blood], Rune of Echoblow [T4 Elder Wyrm's Gas Sac]
- [X] [Difficult] Flamedrinking Pt. 2 [1 Karstah AP] ✓
-- [X] Choose: Combo, Flamedrinking: [Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Forgeflame]
- [X] [Simple] Once more with Smelting [1 Karstah AP] [Note: This Smelter is being built near a Waystone near the Anvil]
- [X] Write-In: Talisman, AetherAethyrbinder Pt. 1: [1 Karstah AP] ✓
-- [X] Arm covering made of plates and metal loops linked together by adamant chains that fits over a dwarven arm, either armored and unarmored. Looks like a very sturdy dwarf jewelry and it is marked by knotwork pattern of a forge and the implication of a smith working at the anvil in the background. Rune inscribed near shoulder, below elbow, back of hand.
-- [X] Choose: Master Rune of Purification [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Worldly Warding [T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood], Ancestor Rune of Thungni [T4 Adamant]
- [X] Aetherbinder Pt.2 [3 Snorri AP, with KKR/BA/Skarren, after ESP] ✓
-- [X] Choose: Master Rune of Purification [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Worldly Warding [T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood], Ancestor Rune of Thungni [T4 Adamant]


-[X] Extra-Sensory Pt. 1 [3 Snorri AP, before Aetherbinder Pt.2] ✓ They pulled me back in.

-[X] Expedition, Grungaldrin [2 Retainer + Industry of the North AP] ✓
-[X] Expedition, The Throng is Mustered [1 Retainer AP] ✓

-[X] Order: T4 Elder Storm Wyrm's Brain
-[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Cockatrice's Eye [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order: Slave Wyrm Corpse #1 [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order: Slave Wyrm Corpse #2 [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Elder Wyrm's Blood x2 [-30 Kraka Grom Favor]
--[X] Royal Expedite [-30 Karak Ungor Favor]
--[X] Royal Expedite x2 [-30 Karak Ungor Favor] VOIDED
-[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Lightning Oriented upgrade to Stonehorn Horns [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart [-15 Karak Ungor Favor]
--[X] Royal Expedite: T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart [-15 Karak Ungor Favor]
-[X] Princely Hunting: T4 Elder Greedy Troll [-15 Kraka Drakk Favor]

[X] [Social:] Nain talking to other Runesmiths about his work expanding the lift. ✓
[X] [
Social:] Dreng dueling the Hearth Guard in a friendly spar. ✓
[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about Phoenix King Bel Shanaar ✓
[Standard] ✓

Thungni's Brilliance, DC 80: 34, 13, 21
Peerless Production, DC 40: 82, 42, 67

━<><><>< 489 A.P. ><><><>━​

If Master Yorri could see you now…

He'd smack you over the head.

Notes, notes, written on parchment too! Bah! Bah! A Dawi your age, still writing notes? Shameful!

And yet it cannot be helped.

You're pensive, frazzled even. Going even so far as to say, and may Valaya only tut lightly at your admission, overwhelmed.

The fact that you've been reduced to writing down your thoughts like a beardling, and not conceptualizing a well-ordered and workable mental construct like any proper Longbeard should is proof enough you think. Still, needs must and all that...

You look down at your, bah, notes thoughtfully. The plan you settled on was to create three columns. On the left, the long held fundamental beliefs of the Guild, the second would have your observations, and the third would have the results of your efforts to make both fit together. Easier said than done of course, ignoring the amount of work that would need to go into the second and third columns, the first column was a headache in and of itself.

To put a long story short, beyond the observable effects of the art of Runesmithing and Thungni's own testimony, every half wit and Scholarly Sven had their own pet theory about how or why Runes worked the way they did.

Centuries, millennia really, and a Guild culture that upheld secrecy as yours did only made the problem all the more widespread. There were trends of course, simply because of how knowledge was passed down from Master to apprentice, natural selection for the most successful, or the least fatal, schools of thought eventually did arise. But even within those commonalities it wasn't even guaranteed to be consistent within the Runesmiths of the same region, maybe not even in the same Hold, sometimes within the same Clan too.

You're losing focus again.

Suffice it to say that beyond the observable truths, what Thungni deigned to share with his students, and the beliefs of those earliest students, Runesmiths would find something to disagree on about how Runes worked. So the "general" consensus you've written down was both incredibly short and affixed with so many asterisks that you'd fill a few pages just to mark them.

1. Making a Rune only requires a striker with the Gift, and the correct striking, anything else is only to compensate for their inadequacies.
2. A Rune was inert until the moment of completion.
3. A Rune absorbs the ambient magic around it upon completion as an initial stockpile to power itself.
4. A Rune does not exceed nor deviate from its intended function without outside impetus.
5. A Rune can have unique interactions when inscribed with other specific Runes.
6. A Rune can only be successfully inscribed on a surface which meets a specific set of criteria.
7. Any alteration, intended or not, made when creating a Rune results in an entirely new Rune.

These were the bedrock beliefs that almost every Runesmith believed in one way or another. Every extant theory on how a Rune worked worked off of these seven principles in one way or another.

And that was the easy part.

If you were going to put anything down on the second column, let alone the third, you would need information.

A data set of one Rune was worth less than the dirt on a miner's shoe ya see. For you to be certain enough to put any observations down onto parchment (still not happy about that either!) you needed far, far more data—far more Runes being made—first. At minimum, you'd prefer to have observed hundreds of regular Runes, as well as dozens of Master and Lonely Runes too.

But as much as you would like to start mining away at that particular vein, you can't. There's a timetable to follow, unexpected surprises to deal with and work to be done that cannot wait for you to upend the foundations of the Runesmiths Guild. Now that you've confirmed that using your Windsight eye won't cock up making a Rune, you need to move on to see to your other commitments.

Thankfully said commitments involved making Runes, so really you're progressing two different projects.


Karstah grumbles into her drink.

Thane Skarridum's commission has, strangely enough, not come together as easily as she would have hoped.

Should be simple enough, there are dozens of examples of weapons with a similar purpose across the Karaz Ankor. After all, why deviate from what works?

And maybe that's the rub.

She's juggled so many Runes through her head in an effort to make something unique and so far nothing's really struck her. The array she's chosen is the best of the bunch she devised, the closest to what she wants, but there's something…missing.

The future hammer's efficacy was never in question, and if it was she wouldn't be here nursing a drink. No, she grumbles internally, none would ever think of this creation as lacking except for Karstah herself.

But, she would know.

And that truth settled things in her mind, even if she's only beginning to accept it.

Dibnin some may say, Dibna some would call her. Tinkering with something past the point of usefulness.

But it's not.

She was taught better—was capable of better—than this.

After the smelter and the gauntlet, she would do this hammer properly.


Its name shall be Zhufbarazen, the Aethyrbinder.

Well originally it was Aetherbinder with an "e", but then you recalled the Eltharin word for the Winds of Magic was Aethyr with a "y," so of course the opportunity had to be taken.

The opportunity to do a bit of wordplay was a rare indulgence, at least in a public capacity. And who knew? Maybe the name would alert those other Runesmiths who also knew of the Winds as well like. There have to be a few or you'd eat a candle, over two centuries of contact between the Dawi and the Elves wasn't that long but—

—and you've caught your mind wandering again. Boga.

Well it doesn't take long to find your way back.


The selection of Runes you were going to use for it should hopefully cause an interaction that would, at minimum, absorb excess magic and burn it off as a gout of flame. Your own Master Rune to do the actual heavy lifting of the process, with the Runes of Worldly Warding and Thungni to tip the scales towards the effect you wanted. That alone alone would clue anyone in on the two purposes you designed it around you should think. The first was to hopefully give you a way to better survive in highly magical environments like an activated Waystone or, in a treacherously stupid corner of your mind, an active Arcane Fulcrum like the Anvil of the earth. The second, saner hope, was that it would be the next part of the panoply you've built up with Skarrenbakraz and Barak Azamar.

It was the foundation stone for your future plans, because you were fairly certain that without something like it you'd probably end up dead.

Beyond that, Aethyrbinder was important for a wholly different, if far more personal, reason.

Making it would be the first time where you would wield Karaz-Kazak-Rhun for its intended—and greatest—purpose.

Is it strange you're more interested in what you will see with the eye than the result of your hands?


Makes perfect sense to you why that's the case, but you're not enough of a dunderhead to actually say it aloud.

You don your armour and cloak, and your eye allows you to see them in a new light. Barak Azamar emits the Winds of Magic like a fountain, before the metaphysical weight of your Stilling Field forces that energy to the ground and away from you. When you don Skarrenbakraz, you see how Aqshy and Azyr concentrate at the edge of the Field closest to the cloak itself, the few strands that get through climbing up the leather to gather around your shoulders like clouds around a mountain's peak.

Then there's Mhorni.

At first it was a nebulous blob of Chamon that you see emerge from your armour like a dew drop falling from a leaf, sinking into the ground before bulges up from below as it forms itself from virgin rock. Then as you donned your cape, a strand of itself grabbed and pulled away some of the Ruby and Sapphire Winds from your cloak to form its thunderhead hair and own cape.

Truth be told, you expected something strange to happen when you picked up Karaz-Kazak-Rhun, and were not disappointed. The elemental attempts to do the same thing to Karaz-Kazak-Rhun as it did your cloak, but the Hammer of Thungni plainly rebuffs it. After several seconds of failed effort, Mhorni seems to give up and changes tack. It releases a spurt of molten metal from its right hand that it rapidly shapes and cools into a rough approximation of Thungni's hammer.

Much as you want to just…figure all of that out, you're on a schedule.

So you leave that mystery be, for now, and get to work. With Mhorni's silent assistance the forge is prepared, the flames stoked high and the Adamant left inside until it is glowing orange.

The Hammer of Thungni is raised high, its Runes shining brilliantly, happily if you're feeling whimsical, as they are finally being put to proper use once more.

You swing down onto the waiting metal.

━<><><>< 492 A.P. ><><><>━​

Aethyrbinder is complete.

It feels strange, to think of something this momentous so casually, but it's the truth of things.

Odd as it may appear, it was without a doubt one of your best works. Just shy of matching Barak Azamar and Skarrenbakraz in terms of both power and beauty, which isn't something you say lightly.

But with your eye, with what you saw as you made it? You were sure.

The ringing of Karaz-Kazak-Rhun sets the tempo of your mind, attention split between what you see with your eye and the creation taking shape before you.

How the reagents are crushed, poured in and fade into thin streams of rainbow-bright power as they are fed into lifeless, glowing-hot metal.

How Karaz-Kazak-Rhun, and Skarrenbakraz start to radiate power,
Magic, off of their surfaces like mist rolling in from the sea, joining Barak Azamar.

How Karaz-Kazak-Rhun
interacts with your Stilling Field with each clanging blow. Within, slowly strengthening its hold on the energy entering from outside and radiating from your equipment, flowing smoother, faster. How the golden lines of your soul seem to thrum with vigour and strength, for lack of a better word, looking realer than before. Without, radiating a pulse of indistinct power tht slowly, gently but implacably forces increasing order to energy which chaffs against it. Gathering like to like—until the concentration of the Winds grows thick enough to be visible to the naked eye—and directing those streams back to the Stilling Field.

Back to

How each Rune you complete consumes all the energy around it, and how Barak Azamar pulls power, all eight Winds with a propensity for Chamon, Aqshy and Hysh thanks to the unintended ritual your performed creating Khazagar, up and up from below
through the stone beneath your feet.

What did you miss though? What strange and possibly revelatory knowledge did you simply fail to notice amidst the torrent of experiences you tried to observe?

It's frustrating.

It's exhilarating.

You've never been happier, giddier, to be found lacking. The earnest joy and fulfillment of a curious mind given leave to finally indulge and discover.


—you need to write this down, put your observations on the page.

Putting away Aethyrbinder on a waiting pillow, you rush off to your notes.


The carts are done, just in time before she and the Throng return to the field.

Large enough to carry several Smelters and material they needed to function. They were masterworks one and all; using an axel system she commissioned from the Engineers Guild, wooden frames from the densest Wutroth the Carpenters Guild had, and Pure Gromril plating she had forged herself. Even without Runes, these things could take a hell of a beating, go over some incredibly rough terrain, all without jostling the cargo inside too much.

Not that anyone could tell that of course, she'd gone through the effort to conceal it all behind the appearance of the regular carts that the Hearth Guard used. The point was that it would be inconspicuous after all. That was also why she had inscribed the Runes of Forging, Fogginess and Dum-Denial on the Gromril plate behind the driver's seat, hidden by the cushions. Inconspicuous, like a Ranger. Not meant to hide it completely, but obfuscate its purpose.

There's only one real reason why Master Snorri specified the need for a Greater Smelter to be near the Waystone and Anvil of the Earth; and she made the educated guess that he was going to bring all of the Smelters there.

They don't inspire, or give her a sense of accomplishment, but she didn't expect them to. They were carts, whose value was more in the cargo they were destined to carry.

Nain was certainly proud to come up with the idea though, she muses, thinking back on their exchange.

She had finished the Greater Smelter, and decided to grab a meal, running into Nain was a surprise, but a welcome one.

Karstah saw no harm in poking his brain for ideas about what to do with the carts themselves, partly because she had nothing better to talk about and also because an unacceptably large part of her attention was still thinking about Thane Skarridum's hammer.

"From what you've described speed isn't a concern, and neither is its defence. At least not in a way that requires more than the Gromril you're going to use," he muses, meal forgotten as his mind works at the problem.

"Never enough armour," she reminded him.

"Master Snorri's wisdom is infallible yes," Nain concedes with a nod, "but you're going to have this cart being guarded at all times. I'd say maintenance, but it's a cart and not likely to be used all too often either aye?"

She nods.

Nain hums and haws, stroking his ludicrously style beard for a while. Karstah just eats her meal and lets him work away at it.

"Ah!" he finally says, clapping his hands together, "it
is defence."

She raises a brow and Nain grunts.

"Let me finish. It
is defence. The defence of stealth."

Her brow rises higher…

Karstah is drawn from her thoughts by the sound of a door opening.

Turning, she looks at Master Snorri, noting the glittering presence of what could only be Aethyrbinder on his right arm, and the fact that he's dressed in his armour and cloak.

"What's this?" he mutters, looking at the carts.

"You asked that the Smelter be near the Waystone, so I made a cart to carry them. The other two are for the rest of the arrays, considering there's only one reason why you would need them there.."

They give each other a knowing look.

Master Snorri hums, examining the carts and muttering something about the density of Adamant before looking back at her.

"And the Smelter's done?"

She nods.

"Did that first, aye. The carts honestly took longer."

"Grungni tug my beard and toss me out of the bar," he curses, "I was hoping I could watch."

She blinks.

"Whatever for?" she asks, genuinely curious.

Master Snorri regards her for a moment, then blinks in realization and scratches his chin.

"Swore I told you… Bah. Well, I have Windsight now," he says casually, tapping under his new eye.

"You what?"

Ignoring her, Master Snorri smacks a fist against his open palm.

"The gauntlet!" he says, before pointing a finger at her, "did you finish that?"

"Nai Master, but what did you say about Wi—"

"Nevermind that!" He interrupts with a wave of his hand before turning around and walking out of the room.

He continues to shout from the hallway, voice trailing off as he rapidly walks away.

"Quickly now lass, get your tools and head to the forge! You have Runes to create and I have observations to make!"

"I, wha—" Karstah sighs and begins jogging after him, "—Wait, Master Snorri, I have a campaign to go on!"


Damn Fimir getting in the way of your research.

Had to wait until the end of the campaign season for Karstah to come back. Months you spent forging more simple Runes, both with and without your panoply, and recording your observations.

When Karstah finally returns, just as confused as when she marched off, you finally explained that you had finished your eye and were making observations.

You still swear you told her at some point, then again things had gotten busy after you finished the eye. Whitebeard's letter, Rudil's training…perhaps it simply had slipped your mind.

Bah. She definitely just forgot.

Whatever the case, once your heir was caught up with your plans she was more than willing to do as you asked. Had to stop her from gouging out her own damn eye, but you can at least understand the reasoning behind while quietly tabling the issue of Runesmiths likely maiming themselves to use your Rune for the future.

But right now, you were making observations!

Watching your students forge a Rune is not a new experience, why you had to go and make sure Dolgi didn't fumble the Rune of Worldly Warding a little under a decade or so ago in fact, but this isn't like those other times.

You have always been here in the position of a teacher, the one providing guidance, not as a silent observer taking notes. Though to be fair there's a fair bit of crossover between the two; what with the scrutinizing, grumbling and staring and the like.

Much as you would have loved to give all of your attention to the process of a Master Rune being made, Karstah made the Greater Smelter while you were making Aethyrbinder. Still, even if this "Flamegrasp Gauntlet," wasn't your first choice, any chance is one you're going to take.

The gauntlet is structurally complete, the Gromril forged into traditional Dwarfen design, decorated with knotwork, stylized wyrms and a ruby on the back of the hand. It was securely held onto a mount, positioned to receive the Runes that would let it live up to its name.

You silently watch Karstah as she prepares, the methodical and almost subconscious steps she takes before beginning. Stoking the forge's fire to an orange heat, arranging her tools on a nearby surface, and setting up the reagents on the other side, the steps and the motions are as much a ceremony as the chant when making a Rune itself.

She sets her chisel against the Gromril and raises her hammer to strike, then with a final steadying breath, begins hammering.


The Rune of Thungni's Presence is first, the strikes and chant do nothing at first, but you knew that would happen.

Time almost falls away, its passing kept only by the ringing of a hammer on metal and the words that leave Karstah's mouth. You devote all of your attention to observing the striking, watching and waiting for that one moment, that threshold, in the striking that renders mundane matter into—
Power flows.

Between hammer blows, a tenth of the way through the striking, you see it happen out of the corner of your eye; the Winds in the room flicker, as if something has drawn their attention. The moment is different from the Runes you forged. Stone was perhaps a third of the way through the chant, while the Runes on Aethyrbinder ranged from the very beginning to just before halfway through.

It seems to follow no rhyme or reason, until you realize the Winds seem to react to Karstah's chanting—or the state of her mind than the ringing blow of her hammer.

But why? You think it unlikely to be the chant itself, history has proven you do not need it, and Karstah is only doing so because you had asked her to.

You watch for a moment longer, before it hits you like a fist in the face.

Karstah's hammer swings down just as she speaks, her body lagging behind her soul, the golden lines on her soul pulse and the Winds of Magic flicker and draw together a little more than before.
Will guides it
The chant is not the cause, but it is correlation.

The soul, of course it would be. How could you be so stupid to not realize earlier?

What other way could one control a metaphysical substance than with metaphysical tools?

With each pulse of the golden lines, coinciding with key moments in the chant you note pointedly, the Winds move more and more, coalescing and spinning like you saw with the Rune of Stone and Aethyrbinder.

The Aethyr pushes against her Stilling Field and yours, bouncing against the invisible barriers insistently. Lines of orderly magic trickle through, crawling along the ground in a strange pattern before entering Karstah's soul through her feet.

Your eye sees how the energy travels from Karstah to the Rune, bowing and twisting like a string caught in the breeze, before it enters the Rune.
Let song remind y—
You keep watching, waiting for that moment when Karstah's field will weaken and begin to shrink.

And you keep watching.

Karstah's blows are sure and true, the magic from her body enters the Rune.

You keep watching.
Let song rem—
Blow by blow the Rune physically takes shape while more energy feeds the Rune. The golden lines of Karstah's soul pulse.

Why hasn't your heir's field begun shrinking?

Looking up from the Rune, you realize Karstah's face displays open discomfort. Eyes squinted, sweat falling from her face, and a nearly imperceptible shudder in her limbs.

It's a testament to her skill and Will that she still continues the striking with textbook perfection, and you idly feel a small strand of pride mix with the worry coiling in your gut.
Let son—
Both of you well know that this Rune's been botched by now. You open your mouth to tell Karstah that it's enough, but you're silenced by the pointed glance she sends your way, the message as clear as diamond.

Continue observing, she seems to say. Her teeth gritting and arms flexing as she forces her body to comply.

You taught your students to learn from their failures, and Karstah believes there could be something to learn from examining the result of this.
Her trust in you overcomes whatever doubts she is currently experiencing, whatever pains and aches wrack her body.

The chant ends, the hammer falls for a final time, and Karstah steps away from the gauntlet. Her face is a picture of absolute confusion while her body trembles from exhaustion she should not be feeling.

You dash over to Karstah just before her legs give out, catching and then wrapping one of her arms over your shoulder. The sound of Karstah's exhausted breathing evens out as the both of you stare down at the failed Rune with varying levels of confusion.

"Well," you begin softly, turning to give your child a worried and apologetic glance.

"That was unexpected."

Karstah can only manage to nod.

Where was Master Yorri when you needed him.

━<><><>< Grumblings and Goings ><><><>━

The Realm
- [Mid 487] Grimgal, Riluzkuldrakk, the bright death as the High King once called the beast. A drakk marches with the High King's throng, one that wields Zhuf as surely as she wields tooth and claw, though it is not under the saddle of an elgi thane.

Many have questioned the sanity of Snorri Gift Giver.


Alright fine.

—But in the case of deciding to rear three Drakk, this time it seems some glimmer of sanity rears its head. Death and terror. Rage and fury, fighting under Dawi yoke.

- [Mid 489] Rudil Redplate—though more and more have begun using the name Rubybrow—the leader of Snorri Gift Giver's lifewards, marched alone into the depths below Kraka Ornsmotek with a Grudge burning in his breast. For a year he hunted the Fimir Hag Queen lurking below, relentlessly hunting down the fleeing witch. Overcoming the tricks, ambushes and monsters she sent his way until at last he could force proper confrontation. What happened then, he feels no need to describe save that the killing blow was done by the creation of Karstah Drakksdottir's creation, the Runehelm Zonbak. He returned to Ornsmotek injured yet victorious, staying long enough to heal and inform King Dorr before resuming his post.

- [Mid 484] The sheer number of Runesmiths has apparently done the opposite of what you expected. Contests are clogged with contestants, and stores are running empty of reagents. Good problems to have, but problems are problems! Bah. Nothing's getting done with all these dunderheads about. Still, through sheer numbers alone more Runecraft is being made, if not to the same level of efficiency as expected.

- [Early 485] Skalla Honestheart's presence has drawn several other bird-hating Runesmiths to the Hold. These Dawi, united from across any and all spectrums have deemed themselves to be wronged by the Changer, and come to learn Runes that spite it in turn.

- [Mid 488] The Lift Expansion, a work that has increasingly become associated with Nain, touches Khazagar. Your student had somehow wrangled the aid of a few extra Runesmiths to aid him. Not speeding up the timeline, but used to increase the scope.

- [Early 490] Runelord Snerra Brighgrin has announced that she will temporarily put a stopper on her classes for a little while. No more than two decades, most likely she'll be back within five years. Why, none can say. Snerra certainly hasn't told you. [Snerra's Classes removed.]

- [Mid 493] A competition hosted by Clan Grimseal draws the dozens of Runesmiths together to produce the fines weapons amongst them. The top five pieces are happily purchased by the clan and the overall winner, Master Runesmith Durgin Gromthisson from Kraka Drakk, will almost certainly earn the effective patronage of the Clan.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Dibna - A Dwarf who engages in dibnin
Dibnin - The act of tinkering with something that already works perfectly, out of the belief that it can still be improved
Zhufbarazen - Lit. "Torrent making an oath"/Aeythyrbinder.

━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━

- Gronti-Bay complete! Skaudardrengi Pt. 2 unlocked!
-- A facility dedicated to Monumental scale construction, not quite building, but well beyond even a Gronti.
-- -35 Favours with Kraka Drakk, new totals: (calculated below)

- Extra-Sensory Pt.1 complete! Extra-Sensory Pt. 2 unlocked!
-- Rune complete! Rune of Windsight (See New Runes/Combos)
-- Gain Windsight (see below)
-- (Hidden) Mythical Deed, The Consternation Soothed: Durin is lost, but may his soul rest easy knowing that one of his two great adversaries is defeated.
-- +1 Progress to The Secrets of Light Pt. 3a Utility, new totals: [Cost: (4 -1) = 3 actions]
-- +1 Progress to The Happening of Things, new totals: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions]
-- The ability to see the Winds of Magic is no longer outside the grasp of your people. Everything is different now. (Information hidden by Windsight will be revealed when appropriate/asked, otherwise I'd be stuck updating information for days)
— The Winds of Magic appear as a layer of multi-colored trails and bands superimposed over reality. Snorri has begun to note and observe the general trends and start making accurate enough "calculations" to know how the Winds move and react even if he does not have his eye.
— Souls appear as translucent versions of the mortal's body with a few minor visual differences that likely reflect their self-perception.
---- Dwarf souls behave similarly to stone, in that they naturally resist passive connection to ambient Sevir. However, they are not fully immune, and some Winds do get through. Lastly, this passive barrier can be overcome with enough exposure or deliberate action.
---- Runesmith souls have golden channels running through them. They project a Stilling Field around them that repels most Winds, and deadens the movement of what small amounts of the Winds gets through. The shape, strength and efficacy of a Field is unique to each Runesmith, and while they do not react to each other, they are strengthened by and in turn strengthen nearby Dwarf souls. Dwarf Souls gain cumulative benefits from being under multiple Stilling Fields.
— Runes begin by drawing magic from the Runesmith, as the forging progresses the Runesmith's natural anti-magic aura shrinks and allows more magic through and into them before entering the Rune. At the moment a Rune is created, it sucks up all the nearby magic to fill its internal reservoir.
-- Master of the Odd [7/15] > [9/15]

- Curious Crystals complete! [From free progress pool] (Revealed Turn 59)
-- [Windsight] The Crystals, as of yet unnamed, are both containers and attractors of Hysh. The diamond wind isn't contained, so much as it's magnetized. Like iron sand to a lodestone. In greater amounts, the greater the hysh
-- The closest, materially speaking, substance you can compare it to is Gypsum crystal. Experiments about growing the material seem to indicate that its strangely ordered properties require a steady presence of Hysh, but as the mass grows it becomes something of a feedback loop if conditions are conducive to further crystal growth. Curiouser and Curiouser…
-- +2 Progress to Akazit Pt. 2, new totals: [Cost: (14 -16) = -2 actions] (Revealed Turn 59)
-- +1 [Tier 2] Geometric Gypsum: a conductor and container of Hysh.
-- Master of the Odd [9/15] > [11/15]

- +1 Progress to Sparking Shrooms, new totals: [Cost: (3 -1) =2 actions]
-- Not too sure how your wandering thoughts went from complaining about ink to observing the efficacy of a dye made from a amagical mushroom, yet you're not one to let an idea go to waste. Besides, grinding mushrooms to powder was something for your hands to do while your mind worked away. Takes you back to your days as an apprentice.

- Aethyrbinder Pt. 2 complete!
-- Snorri's Legendary Creation of Note, Aethyrbinder: An articulated piece of jewelry/arm brace meant to go over a dwarf's bare or armoured arm without impeding movement. The three Adamant plates, connected by rods and links of Gromril chain, bear the Runes of Worldly Warding, Thungni and the Master Rune of Purification.
— New combo learned! Surge Protector [Master Rune of Purification [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Worldly Warding [T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood], Ancestor Rune of Thungni [T4 Adamant].]
By the Hammer of Thungni: Made with Karaz-Kazak- Rhun, the weapon can recharge with Deep Magic and its Runes are almost immune to passive wear and tear and are very resistant to mundane and magical sabotage..
Touched by the Storm: [With Skarrenbakraz] the wearer can concentrate and channel the volcanic ash storm through the Adamant plates, or convert ambient Aqshy and Chamon into yet more ash.
Touched by the Earth: [With Barak Azamar] the wearer can direct Deep Magic collected by the item into whatever Rune they physically touch, recharging it four times faster.
Echoes of the Anvil: Aqshy, Chamon and Hysh are more easily drawn to this item than what would be usual.
Soul of the Earth
-- [Power] Runes Trait [5/?] > [7/?]
-- Peerless Production [9/?] > [12/?]


- +1 [Tier 5] Lost Long's Heart: Nameless child, one who would have been lord and scion of a forgotten lineage; driven from your home only to be found by cruel things, let the tragedy of your story end. Let what remains be the beginning of a better tale. [Karstah's reward.]

- Once more with Smelting complete! +1 Greater Dragonblood Smelter.
-- +6 [Tier 4] Adamant per Turn, new totals: +16 Bars every Turn (starting turn 59)

- Aethyrbinder Pt. 1 complete!
-- Something that is, theoretically, meant to help you come out of using the Anvil of the Earth in a better state than the last time.
-- Talismanic Trait [5/6] > [1/6] (See below)

- Red Plate Pt. 2 complete!
-- Karstah's Legendary Creation of Note, Zonbak: A horned helmet made in the style of those worn by the Hearth Guard, but far more grandiose and ornate. Made entirely of Adamant, the main body of the helmet has been painted a deep metallic crimson, with only the horns and some of the decorative filigree retaining the Adamant's regular white coloring. Inset on the forehead is a glittering, thumb-sized ruby with the Master Rune of Zon-Dum. By saying the Khazalid word for Sunrise, "Nar" the Rune is activated, and after a few seconds a lance of burning, crimson light fires out with enough energy to puncture Gromril is unleashed at whatever stands in front of the wearer.
Master Rune of Zon-Dum [T3] Flawless Brynduraz, [T4] Elder Frost Wyrm's Gas Sac [The beam is now infused with Hysh, rather than Aqshy.]
Master of Metal
Master of the Odd
-- Talismanic Trait [1/6] > [3/6] (See below)

- Starlight Pt.1 complete! [Karstah has taken over this commission.]
-- Mediocrity, how it galls a perfectionist's mind, and you have raised a perfectionist in your own image. Karstah's no dibna, but she is a Runesmith and that's closer than most.
-- No Combo.
-- Wisdom with Weapons [0/6] > [1/6] (See below)

- Flamedrinking Pt. 2 failed!
-- For reasons that confound you, observing Karstah create this item led to its failure… the implications are confusing.
-- A Gromril gauntlet, covered in flowing golden knotwork with a gleaming ruby embedded on the back of the hand. The Runes are inscribed on every other knuckle plate. In the presence of Aqshy the Runes light up automatically, sucking up the Ruby Wind and converting it into the energy of Runecraft. An unintended side effect, it allows the wearer to also smack fireballs.
Combo, Flamedrinking: [Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Forgeflame] Magical and mundane flame fired against the user is absorbed and turned into Runic energy.
-- Talismanic Trait [3/6] > [5/6] (See below)

- +3 Progress to Drakk Rearing, new totals: [21/? actions]
-- Grimgal, length: 36.5m by 493 A.P.
— Her growth is still terrifying to behold. She'll break 40 meters sooner rather than later at current estimates.
— By far the toughest of the three, and with Zharrok's creation's, now undeniably the the deadliest.

-- Zharrok, length 31m by 493 A.P.
— Spines lengthening the most by proportion, and unevenly so.
— Greater dexterity than the others, likely from training.
—Has finally made his Master Work(s). Zharrok had intended to enchant it himself, but Grimgal persuaded (read bullied) him into letting her do it instead. The enchantments are not as good as Runes of course, however Menlinwen says they are well made for one who has only so recently begun their journey wielding the Aethyr.
Zharrok (and Grimgal)'s Epic Creation of Note, Wreath of Light
---- A wreath made to be worn around the head, with the main Gromril structure obscured by the forest of upward pointed spines that Grimgal donated. The spines all glow softly with Hysh, and the largest spines, placed close to the ends, have had their tips replaced by Diamonds.
---- It increases Grimgal's ability to wield Hysh, as well as naturally collecting it.
---- +10 Bonus to casting Light Magic, further +10 Bonus to casting Illumination Spells.

Zharrok's (and Grimgal)'s Epic Creation of Note, Mantle of Metal
---- A mantle made of gold forged into the shape of Shard Wyrm spines connected by links of Gromril chain, with the largest at the center over the wearer's chest and growing smaller the farther from the front they get.
---- +10 Bonus to Combat and casting Magic. When active, spines are hardened and take on a golden sheen while barely visible golden barrier covers the wearer's body

-- Izgrom length 31.5m by 493 A.P.
— Spines lengthening as well.
— Claws haven't grown as thickly as his siblings, thin and more ductile but still as durable.

-- The increasing dimorphism between them is notable but not a cause for concern right now.

New Runes/ Combos
- Rune of Windsight [Engineering, Prosthetic]: Must be inscribed on items with at least 10 different flawless gems. Items inscribed with this Rune always provide one form of Windsight. Viewing the Winds of Magic as multihued threads of energy superimposed over everything in their field of vision.
- Combo, Surge Protector [Master Rune of Purification+ [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Worldly Warding+ [T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood], Ancestor Rune of Thungni+ [T4 Adamant].] Excess Winds that would have entered the user are instead absorbed by the item. The item can then either vent it away through a variety of methods: heating the surrounding area, releasing a concentrated gout of flame, or channeling the Winds back into the wearer. If the item is fully saturated, it will automatically begin venting the Winds. Wordly Warding now also ctivates against magical exposure. THIS COMBO ONLY WORKS WITH THE VARIANTS OF THE ABOVE RUNES USING THOSE REAGENTS.
- Set Combo upgraded, The World That Was +/The Primeval Past: [Makerstrike +, Mountainsouled +, Storm Mantle +, Surge Protector] The user is reminiscent of a volcanic eruption; lacerating winds filled with ash and volcanic glass stir up a pillar of dark storm clouds around them that can combust into flesh searing flames. Lightning bolts randomly and frequently strike out from the tempest that can be large and powerful enough to down a minotaur in a single blow while fissures erupt and spew jets of molten iron beneath the enemy's feet. The user can control the strength, direction and timing of both the lightning and magma as well as shape and manipulate the clouds at will. When their blows hit the earth they create either volcanic eruptions in miniature, churning up mounds that spew molten rock and creating miniature storms around the site of impact, or kick up waves of ash, magma and chokingly toxic gases. Striking the sky can now send out lightning and fire as a wave or in concentrated bolts of plasma. These effects are suffused with and can even release Deep Magic, increasing their potency and pushing away the Winds of Magic.

- +15 Former Valkyrie Guard recruited, new totals: x25
- +8 Masons of Grungni recruited, new totals: x13

- Grungaldrin complete!
-- The Shadow Hag reveals itself after decades in hiding. Slaying 40 Ornsmotek warriors and 10 Hearth Guard by 487 A.P. She is slain singlehandedly two years later by Hearth Lord, Rudil Donnarsson who returns to Kraka Drakk with her head in tow.
-- Grudge against the Hag Queen avenged on behalf of Snorri Klausson by Rudil Donnarsson
-- +1 [Tier 4] Fimir Hag Queen's Eye
--10 Former Huskarls, new totals: x28

- Expedition, The Throng is Mustered complete!
-- The Drangthrong of the High King and Prince Malekith encountered a massive example of a Slave Wyrm, one unlike any seen before. A cyclopean monstrosity that could paralyze with its gaze and melted flesh with its breath. The Hearth Guard would have been badly depleted holding it back if Grimgal had not been there.
-- High King Snorri Whitebeard has a message for you. At some point in the future he will request that you march out and serve as a distraction while Malekith's mages enact a ritual to counter the Fimir's. When this happens is entirely dependent on Malekith completing his objectives. But it's likely to be soon.
-- +2 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Blood, new totals: (calculated below)
-- -1 Hearthwarden Rangers, new totals: x47

169 +23 -11 =181/240 +1 retainer action

- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Storm Wyrm's Brain, arriving Turn 60
- +1 [Tier 4] Elder Dragon Ogre Shaggoth's Heart, arriving Turn 59
- +1 [Tier 4] Medusan Cockatrice Eye, arriving Turn 61
- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart, arriving Turn 59
- +2 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Blood, arriving Turn 59
-- Item Order Expedited x1 times

- [Tier 2] Slave Wrym Corpses x2 yields
-- +8 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Blood, new totals: x18

- [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll corpse x1 yields
-- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart, new totals: x6
-- +2 [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Blood, new totals: x6

- (-2 +10 +6) =+14 [Tier 4] Adamant, new totals: x60
-- +6 [Tier 4] Adamant per Turn, new totals: +16 Bars every Turn

- (+3 -1) = +2 [Tier 2] Dragon Essence, new totals: x47

- +1 [Tier 4] Fimir Hag Queen's Eye (changed from Meargh's eye), new totals: x3

- +(2 +8) =10 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Blood, new totals: x20

- +1 [Tier 2] Geometric Gypsum, new totals: x1

- -1 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Gas Sac, new totals: x0

- -2 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, new totals: x1

- -1 [Tier 4] Voidstone, new totals: 2

- -1 [Tier 4] Ancient Stone Troll Blood, new totals: x0

Favour and Standing
- -60 Favours with Karak Ungor, new totals: 120

- -50 Favours with Kraka Drakk, new totals: 40

- -90 Favours with Kraka Grom, new totals: 110

- +1 Standing, with Kraka Ornsmotek, new totals: Standing 10, Favours 75
-- Standing Bonus received! Standing 10, Here be Monsters: Reduce turn timer on native Far Northern Monster orders by 1. (minimum 1)
— Ex. Trolls, Frost Wyrms, Chimaera, etc. If unsure, ask.

- +1 Standing with [Region] The Far North, new totals: Standing 10, Favours 285
-- Standing Bonus received! Standing 10, Paragon of the Peninsula: All [Region] Far North favour is now interchangeable. All individual Far Northern Hold favour converted to "Far North" favours.
-- [Ancestor] In the event of Snorri Klausson's death, he will be honoured as a Minor Ancestor God in the Far North, a source of pride and wisdom that all Norscan Dwarfs will remember until the ending of the world.

Trait(s) Gained/Upgraded
- Master of the Odd [7/15] > [11/15]
- [Power] Runes Trait [5/?] > [7/?]
- Windsight:
-- +2 to the total Specialty Modifier when researching Runes,
-- -2 total cost to all [Difficult] Research options
-- -1 total cost to all [Simple] Research options
- Mythical Deed, The Consternation Soothed: According to all known laws of biology, there is no way that a Dwarf should be able to perceive the Winds of Magic, thus the Gift Giver sundered it.
-- Durin is lost, but may his soul rest easy knowing that one of his two great adversaries is defeated.

- Talismanic Trait [5/6] > Knack for Knick-knacks [3/6]: Every 3 research actions used for Talismanic Runes add 1 extra progress.
- Wisdom with Weaponts [0/6] > [1/6]


- Title, Riluzkuldrakk (The Bright Death)

- Legendary Deed, Shadow's Bane.
-- I am the servant of Snorri Klausson. Bearer of the Rune helm Daybreak. The darkness will not avail you, Queen of the Fimir! Go back to the shadows!" - Rudil Rubybrow.
-- Then one foggy Keg End's eve, the Gift Giver did say. "Rudil with your helm so bright, won't you strike out this Grudge tonight..."
-- Title, Rubybrow


AN: I haven't forgotten the letter, or that you actually overflowed Akazit, or the Crystals, and other stuff besides! But as you can see there's so much stuff, Ill show it on turn 59. I hope it's worth the wait. Gonna go read the Stilling Field names then write more R.A.N.G.E.R for a bit to get that chapter out of my head and onto paper. I'm VERY happy with revealing this stuff now, so happy. Coming up with it is something I've had on hand for years, and I think I cooked something good here from what I chose to use. Hopefully it isn't gonna turn out terrible! Can you believe it's almost been 5 years of Rhunrikki? A month and a bit away now! Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy and don't forget to C&C. :^)
Last edited:
Turn 59: New
━<><><>< 492 A.P. ><><><>━​

When you exit the Workshop you're snapping off orders to the now-alarmed Hearthwardens standing guard to get Ylva and prepare some fortifying ale.

Karstah grumbles tiredly, trying to stand, but you bop her on the head and keep her steady.

"None of that," you grunt out, "we'll figure out what happened later, more important that we figure out if there's been any side effects from that."

Ancestors, you'd never forgive yourself if that was the case.

As a frowning Ylva arrives and helps you bring Karstah to her bed, one question runs roughshod in your head as you help the Former Valkyrie guard.

What went wrong, and more importantly why?

The most obvious answer is that it has something to do with you, or more accurately your Stilling Field. You already knew from previous observations that the stronger of two or more overlapping Fields would take precedence in the area that they interacted in. The thought that your Stilling Field bungling up Karstah's made sense, save for one key fact.

You've stood closer to her than that when you taught her, and she's never gone through something like what just happened. Those symptoms, the shakes and exhaustion, were what you'd expect to see from an unprepared apprentice trying to forge a Rune; someone unconditioned to withstand the physical toil of Runecraft, not a Master Runesmith eight years shy of her fourth century.

What else is different?

Your new eye.

But you could craft a Rune perfectly fine, multiple even, with it in your socket. But what else could it be? It's clear something is missing, or more likely that there's a connection you simply aren't making.

There is time, rushing ahead like a beardling after he's made his first Rune will do you no favours and was liable to get someone hurt.

Karstah's shuddering breaths, the shaking of her muscles, and the tightness around her eyes—

A different memory, an earlier time, replaces it.

—Her hand falls limp.


No, you'll take your time here. There is time to do this right, to do this safely. And if there isn't—

Your eyes unconsciously drift to an icon of Valaya, one of several that Karstah had peppered across her room alongside images of Thungni.

—then you'd happily lose the chance of understanding Runecraft rather than your heir, your child.


Karstah opens her eyes with a weary groan.

She's tired.

It's a bone deep weariness that she can liken to little except to those days when she was a Journeyman holed up in Angazhar while it was put to siege by the beastmen.

Eight years shy of her fourth century, and a single botched Rune had brought her low.

A grunt of relief makes her eyes glance over to see Master Snorri watching her from a chair that wasn't in her room before.

Must have brought it over.

She doesn't have to be a genius to know he's concerned. Her gaze meets the pale blue of his natural eye and the glowing, silvery steel of Gromril and Runecraft.

I have Windsight now he had said, casually announcing he'd solved Durin's Consternation as if he was talking about making a fresh batch of Troll Jerky.

Her fingers twitch as the embarrassing memory resurfaces, how Master Snorri's eyes had widened in alarm at how quickly and easily she had decided to remove her own eye.

"How are you feeling lass?"

"Tired," She pulls herself up into a sitting position with more effort than she'd like. "How long was I out?"

She didn't even remember when she had passed out.

"Three days," he answers, getting out of his seat to walk to a barrel of Valayan ale. She watches him pour a tankard, taking it from him with a quiet nod and drinking deeply. She notices him stare at her hands, still quietly shaking despite her best efforts.

"Do you have any theories about why that happened?"

"Hmph. Nothing that I can confirm. We'll worry about it later," he assures, "focus on your recovery Karstah. Durin's Consternation has waited for millennia, it can wait a few years more."

She'd grunt if she wasn't busy drinking, sighing in relief as she felt the restorative brew work its metaphorical magic.

Karstah blinks, a random thought hitting her mind and refusing to let go.

"What's the brew look like with your new eye?" she asks, unable to deny her curiosity.

Master Snorri grunts in amusement.

"Color's a little clearer, but it's not a big enough difference from the old one. About as magical as the wood in this room. Does strange things to the soul though…" he trails off, squinting as he looks at her strangely.

"Like what?" she asks.

Master Snorri doesn't say anything, but then he huffs casually, "If it'll keep you from leaving that bed, very well"

As he gets into the details, Karstah listens.


That the Gift somehow involved a Runesmith's soul was something most of the Guild long believed, and once you confirm it whenever you reveal the Rune of Windsight, it's a fact almost all would accept.

The how and mechanics, however, remained a mystery.

But as Karstah recovered, a hint, a glimmer of the answer to that greater mystery was revealed to you, though not in a way you appreciate.

A Runesmiths soul, as your eye perceives them at least, is inundated with geometrically inclined veins of rich, glittering gold. In your haste to see to Karstah's health you didn't even notice it until she had that Valayan ale. Then, over the days she spent in recovery it became clear to you as you continued to catch glimpses of your heir's spirit.

The veins in Karstah's soul were…duller. Muted. Pale silverish gold, a light Bryn, rather than full, rich and glittering gold, Ril.

Your initial reaction upon realizing that had been muted horror, followed by an absolute avalanche of self loathing that made you stare northward on more than one occasion. The possibility that she'd been permanently injured in a way no healing you knew of could solve was enough to almost break you. But as the days continued to pass you, thankfully, saw those same veins slowly return to their previous lustre, coinciding with the time Karstah felt like she had recovered fully from the ordeal.

The realization just clicks into place then, forming from the nebulous tumult of your mind with surprising ease.

The state of the "veins" present within a Runesmith's soul seem to be a marker of some part of their metaphysical wellbeing.

you think very quietly, even the health of their very soul.


Despite her claims otherwise, you're still unwilling to have Karstah try again so soon, if at all, after recovering. Instead you keep her under observation for another month, making sure there are no subtle, long term adverse effects. Of course you didn't need to dedicate all of your time to that, and you reckon Karstah may very well go nutty if you did, so you're left with some time you can use on less intensive research.

So you began poking and prodding at those strangely Hysh aligned crystals that Nain passed to you in between your check ins and other duties. It was something that you could put down easily if necessary, and simple enough that it would let you keep an eye on Karstah and make sure she was actually alright.

That was the plan at least.

As a dwarf well acquainted with the quaint and curious, figuring just what the material would be good for was rather simple. With Karaz-Kazak-Rhun it was downright trivial. A middling container of Hysh, likely from the strangely perfect nature of its matrix, whose usefulness stemmed more from its ease of transport and because Hysh was apparently a notoriously fickle Wind that most Elven texts say was generally the most difficult to find compared to the likes of Ghur or Ghyran.

Then one day, when you started grinding the mineral down into a powder in one of your tests, you were surprised by the results. You expected the small steady release of Hysh as the crystal was ground down, but not for the Wind to just…hover over the powder for several minutes before slowly dissipating. Investigating further led you to realize that the crystals only held the Wind within their structure as a side effect of how it grew, trapping the energy drawn by thematic resonance inside of the crystal's matrix as it grew

By that point Karstah was well enough to travel with you, so then you made Nain take you and your heir to the original cave where his apprentice's clan had found the crystal in question—

"Only six Warding Arrays lad?" you grumble critically at the seven stone monoliths erected around the gorge entrance, the multihued sky above a foreboding backdrop. Six, as you mentioned, bear Rune arrays meant to keep things out and the magic from the cave, in. The seventh, meanwhile, stands at the entrance to the cavern, a message in Klinka demanding that any trespassers stay away carved deeply into the rockface.

"Strange magic, but not Dumi. Did my tests on a few samples, then left it be after I made sure no one would poke at it," he says with a shrug, "Should hold for a few centuries, certainly long enough until I could knock up a more permanent solution."

You grunt, he
did say he discovered it a few years before starting the Lift expansion. So fair enough.

Karstah glances at him then at you.

"What now Master?"

"We go in child," you answer easily, hand resting on the pommel of Karaz-Kazak-Rhun as you stare at the
Hysh emanating from the cavern bouncing against the aura of the wards Nain had erected, "and we learn."

—to investigate. You left that cave with a few questions, like what exactly was the source for all that Hysh, but ultimately with the answers you sought. For one, the crystal needed the Diamond Wind to grow at all, and that if the cave was anything to go by, then past a certain point of development a positive feedback loop would form; more Hysh made more Gypsum which in turn drew in more Hysh, and so on and so forth.

As you chronicle the information down into a tome bound for the Kron-Thingondrol—damn beardlings are going to submit something soon or Valaya help you—it strikes you like a pickaxe on ore.

The dust, the thematic resonance, the cave wards…


You move.

━<><><>< 493 A.P. ><><><>━​

You stare at the bottle.

Obsidian, rendered into a puddle then shaped into form by Zharrgal. Inside of it is a pile of ash that radiates Aqshy.

With your improved eye, you managed to trial and error your way into finding the "right"(?) way to use the Rune of Calcination. By shutting it off at just the right stage, you are left with enough of the main Wind that it will naturally push away any remainder that failed to be burned away, while also ensuring the ash retains enough thematic resonance to "keep" the Winds from floating away too quickly. This, in combination with some very clumsily arrayed Runes of Warding and Force, let you dump both Wind and ash into the bottle you made.

The ash retains only about half of the magic it had before you got it into the bottle, there's still the issue of the ash as a byproduct, you can't produce the storage medium at scale…and you aren't yet sure how to get to Runesmith Essence from something that only seems to spit out the 8 Winds, but that doesn't matter.

Because as a proof of concept it has done its job; because It works.

And that means you can improve it.

You already know essence can be made thanks to your Smelters, you know you can burn away the Winds of Magic from a substance with the Rune of Calcination, you know that magic can be moved and stored like a fluid. Its crude, and doubtlessly full of errors from both ignorance and misunderstandings, but the barebones of a system of getting Runesmith essence is there in your mind.

The task now is just fitting the pieces together.


Coming off the high of your unintentional progress of Akazit, you are struck in the face by a cackling Fate.

Now mind you, those cackles were in the form of a Royal Runebearer's boots thumping against the stones of Khazagar, but they were cackles.

You had intended to write to the High King and inform him of your insights about Malekith.

But in a strange turn of…fortune? You no longer have to worry about how or if you should meet the High King in person to relay what you know.

It has been some six decades since Snorri Whitebeard visited Khazagar in any official capacity, but for reasons beyond your knowing though certainly timed in your favour, he sends a runner ahead to inform you of his arrival come the turning of the century, seven years from now.

Officially he is coming to observe and see, with his own eyes, the state of Khazagar in the decades since its official opening. Something that, while you would normally say is a bit early given it will only have been seventy years when he will arrive, you concede that it's a wise move in the wake of Ornsmoteks, and now Izril and Brynduraz's responses to your creation.

Rather like looking to the source of why the beardlings are bickering.


Still, the knowledge of the High King's impending arrival gives you an opportunity to broach the topic of Malekith's plan.

That you will answer whenever the son of Grungni calls is not in question of course, but it is your duty and obligation to give the High King as much information as possible when making his decisions. Frankly you don't know how much he already knows, or if it will affect more than his estimation of the son of Aenerion, but you must say something for the chance of possibly saving Dawi lives, and the surety of your Honour.

[--] Write-in: [Less than 100 words, 3 main points about what you focus on when sharing your knowledge about Elven politics with Snorri Whitebeard.]

Now you can only wait.

But first!



Shining metal glints at you from the various containers used to hold them. True to their word, your apprentices return your loan exactly as you agreed upon, the forty units bringing you up to the highest you've ever held at once.

It is only a fraction of what you require to create Skaudardrengi.

But it will happen. The Adamant will come, and you have the blood to create far in excess of the amount you will need to build not only the Gronti's body, but its arms and armour as well. The true difficulty nowadays is simply finding the reagents you need. You already need to be careful of your supply of Voidstone, the rare material remains understandably elusive and what amount does appear is fought over, in friendly fashion of course, by the members of the Brotherhood of Dron. But now even some of the more "common," examples of the material you use. Troll Gazan will always produce the wretchedly dumb brutes, but how many truly ancient specimens remain? How many elder wyrms stalk the World's Edge? It won't happen all at once, few things rarely do, but when the demand outpaces the supply, eventually something must give.


━<><><>< Grumblings and Goings ><><><>━

- [Early 492] Nain Goldenbeard's efforts with the Lift expansion continue apace, in a decade or less, he claims, the work shall be done. Great lengths of cordage are sourced from the Engineers of several Holds, which in themselves have turned out to be the most difficult thing of this entire endeavour. Maybe he'll make a big rope maker and mimic his teacher. The Engineers Guild would certainly find something like that useful. HAH!

- [Late 492] Izril crows in triumph. For their Brilliant Hall is three fourths done, and now a great trophy shall be at its center. Found in the rubble of Thungni's Trial, a site now cordoned off and held sacrosanct on order of the Hold's King, at the urging of the Runesmiths no doubt, a relic was recovered. The fragments of a stone plinth, its Runes unpowered, but unmistakable in their construction. Though it confirms the veracity of Klausson's tale, much to Izril's ire, it consequently verifies its own authenticity. It is not the complete thing, and even now the Runesmith Clans meticulously comb through the rubble for the missing pieces, but even so it is a link, a piece of Thungni's work. And, in a hilarious twist, slowly becoming the Brilliant Hall's own motto.

~-to understand the Stone and those born from it, is to know thus:




- [Early 493] Menlinwen Informs you that she will need to leave by 550 A.P. to return to her teacher and prove herself worthy of being deemed an Archmage, and then begin the long process of mastering Qhaysh. Best get to it!

- [Mid 493] Brynkhaz a Langskaudi, the project of Dwalin Thunderlung is complete! Built within Khazid Okraz, it is a hall of Skalds, a Skald's Hall, or a riotous racket of wazzoks who think they can hold a tune depending on who you ask. Whatever the truth, it exists and Khazid Okraz vacillates between positive and negative feelings about the location depending on who's voice is loudest within its grandiose halls.

Burudin said:
- [Burudin] Send a message to my grandfather's ghost and tell him to dance a jig because the world's gone mad. Bothersome nonsense. Four different institutions, Ancestors below the Conclave's of the next few centuries shall devolve into brawls all the faster.

- [Burudin] I'll deliver it to him on your behalf Cronnag, you wretched old goat. My bones grow weary. By decade's end I reckon, expect no more of these faffing letters from me. I'd rather be spoiling my thrice-great-grandchildren than deal with you lot of beardlings stuck in an elder's body.

- [Burudin] Hail the soon to be honoured dead.

- [Burudin] Hail.

- [Burudin] Hail.

- [Burudin] Bah, the walk to that lout's workshop is a beardache and a half. No consideration for the schedules of others, bah! You know how difficult it is to find good ale to share before the end? Damned hard is what it is. Valaya weeps!

- [Burudin] That's why you prepare a few kegs beforehand you spendthrift. Why, I have a barrel of old Oakenbrow's Dragongut, the good stuff from before that WAZZOK, Thalgar Oakenbrow took over the brewery from his father, for such an occasion.

- [Burudin] Aye, Thuringar's got the right of it. Spat in my own mouth just carving that out too, mind you, so know I'm being sincere. I've some fine Yinlinsson stout that was barreled on the same day I became a Master in the eyes of Lord Thungni for when my strength begins to falter.

- [Burudin] Trollbrew, brewed -500 -892 A.P. if I'm using this damn calendar the beardlings started using. My first Greater Daemon killed, avenging my brother's Grudge. A good day.

- [Burudin] Gazan Burner '987, for the death of King Tharkaz Barrelbrow of Karak Zorn. Rotten son of an even rottener son of Lout, I hope he's still stuck serving ale to his betters down there. I shall make sure he remains doing so!

- [Burudin] Hazkal from Khazad Kor, twas her favourite, and when the day comes I shall meet her and our children proudly.

━<><><>< Gains/Stuff ><><><>━

- Windsight Discoveries.
-- A Stilling Field that fails to retract during the striking of a Rune causes the striker to suffer from extreme, seemingly soul-based, fatigue.
-- There is a connection between the state of a Runesmith's soul and the effort behind making a Rune.
-- The state of the "veins" present within a Runesmith's soul seem to be a marker of some part of their metaphysical wellbeing.

- Akazit Pt. 2 complete! Akazit Pt. 3 unlocked!
-- The Rune of Calcination cannot necessarily be modulated, but you can pull whatever it is burning away at the right time to be able to actually capture the essence. It needs a borked up array of Warding Runes and a handcrafted bottle of Obsidian, but you can. And that is enough.
-- +2 Progress (rollover) to Akazit Pt. 3, new totals: [Cost: (5 -2) = 3 actions] Making the process easier, more efficient and reliable is key. After that, you can start worrying about making Runesmith Essence.
-- [Alchemy trait] 0/? > 2/?


- +40 [Tier 4] Adamant, new totals: x100
- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, new totals: x2
- +1 [Tier 4] Dragon Ogre Shaggoth's Heart, new totals: x7
- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart, new totals: x6
- +2 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Blood, new totals: x22

- Minimum 4 Turns (Turn 62) before a chance of a Chaos portal opening arises.
-- A cornered beast is a lethal one. Now their armies not only come together, multiple cities in tandem but the Hag Queens begin using the darkest magics and cruelest sorceries. Once unseen and likely too risky before, are deemed acceptable when in the face of complete collapse. The armies of the High King and Prince Malekith march forward on, undaunted by the opposition they face.
-- Dragons wage war 'gainst dragons. Flying Slave Wyrms, with or without wings, take to the air against the Star Dragons and their riders. It is a mockery the Drakki and their riders cannot bear, and they fight brutally to kill each one they find.

Reports: As of 493 AP
(*New*)Understand Runecraft: [3/??? actions] +2 automatic progress per turn. Gain general theory and knowledge of the magical mechanics behind Runecraft. Every piece of Runecraft Snorri personally makes will add progress.
This is something you can't just put a block of time to. It is a process, one of constant development and theorizing. Hundreds of Runes, hundreds of observations.
On Runesmiths:
- Runesmith souls have golden, geometric veins running through them.
- Runesmiths project a "Stilling Field," around them that repels most magic, and deadens the movement of what small amounts of that get through.
-- The shape, strength and efficacy of the Field is unique to each Runesmith.
-- When two or more Stilling Fields overlap, the stronger of the two will take precedence in the area of overlap.
-- These Fields are strengthened by and in turn strengthen nearby Dwarf souls. Dwarf Souls gain cumulative benefits from being under multiple Stilling Fields.
On Forging Runes:
- Runes begin by drawing magic from the Runesmith.
- Any outside magic entering a Rune during the striking first passes through the Runesmith.
- As the forging progresses the Runesmith's Stilling Field shrinks and weakens, allowing more magic to enter.
- At the moment a Rune is created, it sucks up all the nearby magic to fill its internal reservoir.

They're reaching physical maturity, the inflection point where their constant growth begins to slow down to a glacial pace.
Grimgal: 36.5m long
- Grimgal has a fascination with the Geometric Gypsum that Nain found and brought to your attention. She has taken to quietly feeding Hysh to a piece of the magically resonant stone she keeps inside of a barrel filled with mineral water. They claim it is a measure to learn control and finesse, but there's definitely more to it than that. Growing crystals, not the strangest pastime you've seen.
- As with Hysh, Grimgal seeks to do something similar with Chamon. Though she hasn't had luck finding something to obsess over quite yet.


While there is some time yet before I shall return to Ulthuan and prove myself an Archmage in the eyes of my people, it does draw nearer. In that vein, I've begun reaching out to some of my contacts to find someone who can develop Grimgal's talents for Hysh and Chamon further, with considerations as to their own proclivities, and how well the prospective tutors would work and live among you. I would however, seek your input before bringing a short list to your lord father,

- Menlinwen Ebonsea

Lord Klausson,

I have gone through the effort of proactively seeking further means of developing Grimgal's penchant for Hysh and Chamon, here are a list of Elves I believe amenable and of a temperament Grimgal would find interesting and you would find tolerable.

- Menlinwen Ebonsea

Zharrok: 31m long
- While now deemed Master Smith, or possessing the equivalent level of skill as one in the eyes of the Silverbearers and Metalsmiths Guild (much to the latter's grudging chagrin) respectively, Zharrok is not satisfied. While he will continue to strive to prove his superiority by one day matching the greatest masters of both your people and the Branakroki, his ambition now grows to include proving his talents against the elves of Ulthuan.

I have half a mind to stop him from challenging every Master Smith he meets to a contest of craftsmanship, but I can't deny the improvements he's been making as a result. Still sulks like a babe everytime he loses though.

- Karstah

Izgrom: 31.5m long
- Has foisted off managing and mining of his various finds and claims to a trusted member of Clan Winterhearth and the Miners Guild.
- His hoard continues to grow with raw gems, trinkets and other things that attract his fleeting fancy. Organizing rocks according to some curious catalogue that seems to change every time anyone bothers to ask about it.


another rock.

- from a note, scrawled onto a smaller, roughly hewn slab of stone next to Karstah's door.

Well he didn't block my door with it this time. I'd have never believed anyone who told me Izgrom would become the least troublesome of his siblings, and yet here the world proves me the fool.

- Karstah.

General Attendance: Tankard Runneth Over
Mood: Stabilizing at Glacial Pace
Status: Tankard Runneth Over
Demographics: 5 (3 teaching, 2 present) Runelords | 2/5 Masters | 3/5 Journeymen
- Visiting Journeymen isn't something new. But there's a growing trickle of young Dawi who say their own Masters spent time here and recommended they do the same. They are the first crop, raised by those Masters who spent the last few years of their Journey here and viewed your work favourably. Not enough to shift the current pseudo equilibrium of Masters and Journeymen, but their numbers will only grow you reckon.
Competitions: Coming Together
- They've been running long enough that folk are starting to come up with traditions. The barest bones of a proper tradition mind you, but such things take time, at least three generations. Nevertheless, there have been a few unspoken rules that are slowly becoming just a tad more concrete.
- The patron announces a competition at minimum a year before judging is to be done.
- The winner or winners are to be determined by a panel made up of the patron, the other competitors and if deemed necessary, third party peers or elders.
Kron-Thingondrol: Empty
Write something you wazzoks! Write damn you!

Classes of Note:
SubjectTeacherClass SizeUbiquity G(lobal), R(egional), L(ocal)ImpactNotes
Chainmaker Runes (counts as 3)Snorri KlaussonFull Seminar
G: Known+
R: Well-Known+
L: Universal
Defining, LuxuryThese Runes and the Combo would survive in the Far North, and in some Major Holds after Time of Woes. Cult of Smednir would mourn its loss.
Prosthetic RunesSnorri KlaussonFull Classroom
G,R,L: UniversalRevolutionaryThese Runes would survive the Time of Woes, Cult of Valaya practically honourbound to ensure it.
Rune of RepairSnorri KlaussonFull Classroom
G: Known
R: Well-Known
L: Universal
Moderate, Luxury
Rune of StackingSnorri KlaussonSmall Seminar
G: Known
R: Well-Known
L: Universal
Moderate, Luxury
Rune of Piercing SightSnerra MagnasdottirFull Classroom
G,R,L: Select+Minor, Luxury[ON HIATUS minimum 1 Turn]
Master Rune of Skalla HonestheartSkalla HonestheartInt. Gathering
G,R,L: SelectModerate
Rune of SpellburningSkalla HonestheartInt. Gathering
G,R,L: Well-KnownModerate
Master Rune of WanderingLorna DernasdottirInt. Gathering
G,R: Select
L: Select+
Rune of PlaguebaneKarstah SnorrisdottirFull Classroom
G: Known
R: Well-Known
L: Universal
Moderate, Novel
Attendance: Declining Rapidly | Declining | Declining Slowly | Steady | Rising Slowly| Rising | Rising Rapidly
Class Size: Unattended | Intimate Gathering | Small Classroom | Full Classroom | Small Seminar | Full Seminar | More Seats Required
Ubiquity: Select | Little-Known | Known | Well-Known | Universal
- Minor (A group no bigger than a Clan, or specialized Guild benefits, makes a task easier)
- Moderate (multiple Clans, or a middling Guild benefit, makes a difficult task practical)
- High (A hold, or major guild benefits, a difficult task becomes standard)
- Revolutionary (The Karaz Ankor benefits, an impossible task is made possible)
- Defining (an impossible task is made practical)
- Novel (new, untested)
- Luxury (It's a luxury, makes life comfier, but not necessary )

Rerolls: 1/2
EastFully Functional0/100/1010/10
CenterBeing Restored0.25 > 0.1/100.5 > 0.4/109.5 > 9.75/10
WestContested4 > 4.5/102 > 1.5/104/10
Elgi say strange things are in the sky, and I don't think they mean the harpies. Ain't right for the sky to be that colourful outside of rainbows.
- Norgrim

Whitebeards Letter: Vote outside of Plan.
[ ] Write-in: [Less than 100 words, 3 main points about what you focus on when sharing your knowledge about Elven politics with Snorri Whitebeard.]

Social: Choose 2 outside of Plan.
[ ] [Social:] Dolgi Skarrisson and Kemma Brunasdottir's Nauvsdeg.
[ ] [Social:] Dolgi Dolgisson's feathered friends.
[ ] [Social:] Tholinn being forced to endure social interaction with others.
[ ] [Social:] Izgrom, putting another rock by Karstah's door.
[ ] [Social:] Joll brings his apprentice, Snorri Jollsson, to Khazagar.

Rorek: Choose 1 outside of Plan.
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about the other Thungni-Chosen [Limited]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Izril stance on Karaz-a-Karak [Limited]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about current Izril Politics [Extensive, Evolving]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about how the Izril Clans are managing their creation[Standard, Evolving]


You have (5 +1) =6 actions, 4 retainer actions, 4 heir actions, and [Special] 0 Yorri prods this turn.
(*New*)[ ] Understand Runecraft, The Stilling Field: [Cost: (4 -1) = 3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. +1 automatic progress per turn. Gain +4 progress and +1 automatic progress per turn for Understand Runecraft. Snorri's observations will add progress to Understand Runecraft again. If you want to safely observe Runes being made by another Runesmith appreciable distance, you will need to know how the Stilling Field works first. Anything else will only cause a failure like what happened with Karstah.

[ ] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results.Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards!

(*Updated*)[ ] Drakk Rearing [Cost: minimum 1 of any action, 21/?? actions] Gain Dwarf acclimated Dragons. More actions improve speed, breadth and depth of their development. The dragons are nearing the final stages of physical maturity if the Elven texts and Karstah's observations are to be believed. After that, their growth will slow. Longbeards by the estimation of your folk, though only Zharrok really seems to have anything resembling such.

[ ] Kradskonti [Cost: 1 action] Gain a chance to observe Kradskonti. Kradskonti? Kradskonti! When the Valayans informed you of this opportunity, you had to force yourself from jumping out of your chair and rushing south. The first time is free, they say, but subsequent viewings will not be tolerated without a few concessions. The Cult know what they have, and if any Rhunki (IE you) wants to futz about and examine the weapon of their Patron they best be ready to do something in return.

[ ] March [Cost: 1 action] Gain possible loot, bonus to roll against Fimir. No actual interlude but combat rolls will still be made. The idiots decide they want to tear open a hole in reality do they? You razed three cities already, and you're not one to leave a job half finished.

(*Updated*)[ ] The Road to Anoqeyån Pt. 2: [Cost: 6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain exceptional- understanding of Anoqeyån. Menlinwen is leaving to undertake the final stages of becoming an Archmage turn 65. Now that Menlinwen has taught you the very fundamentals of the Elven arcane language, she feels comfortable enough to begin teaching you to the same level she has reached. Going any further beyond this point requires waiting for Menlinwen to become an Archmage or for you to find one yourself.
You can only Order 1 reagent a turn freely, but can have as many orders ongoing as you want.
In Progress:
- +1 [Tier 4] Medusan Cockatrice Eye, arriving Turn 61
- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Storm Wyrm's Brain, arriving Turn 60
Elf Market:
- x2 Firebird's Feather available: one feather equals 1 order, Cost 5 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.
- x1 Merwyrm Corpses available: one corpse equals 1 order, Cost 10 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.
- x2 Kraken Corpse available: one corpse equals 1 order, Cost 10 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.

[ ] ORDER: Write-in
- [ ] Royal Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition a monarch to flex their political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Royal Authority: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold depending on tier] +1 Order. You may petition an indebted monarch to flex their political muscle to order something for your use.
- [ ] Royal Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition them to flex a bit more political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Princely Hunting: [Cost: 10 Favour from Kraka Drakk] Prince Gimli will go out and slay [Write-in] monster. Gain mats. It would be ridiculous for you to ask your King to go gallivanting around the North to find something for you to make a Rune out of, but a Prince or Princess? Well, that's just you helping them build their legend through the slaying of monsters and aiding their elders. The rarer the monster the greater the reward, but it may take longer to find. Monsters slain by Gimli provide more material by virtue of being the entire beast rather than just ordering a singular organ.

[ ] Dreng Them: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Additional actions add bonus modifier. The Hearth Guard will go out and slay [Write-in] monster. Gain mats, reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. While your Hearth Guard were also meant to clear all the ills that assailed dwarfkind, you must admit there are many a mundane foe to slay. Send these brave dawi out on a quest to slay beasties on your behalf, earn glory and give you materials to make ever more wonders.
Every option taken adds +2 to the Recruitment Dice (1d10 +5) unless otherwise stated.
[ ] Expedition, Aiding Grom: [Cost: 2 retainer actions] Gain 70 Favours with Kraka Grom, reputation and +6 bonus to Recruitment Dice. Minor to Moderate Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. Queen Valka's home lies terribly damaged, but repairing it is a secondary concern in the minds of many compared to securing their vengeance. Your Retainers may yet have a role to play there whenever Valka at last unleashes her people, but helping them get to that point faster would not go unappreciated.

[ ] Expedition, The Throng is Mustered: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Gain Bonus to Throng Rolls against Fimir, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Minor Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. The King of Kraka Drakk calls the Throng to war, lend the might of your Retainers to his cause. Drive out the Fimir, end their presence on this peninsula.

[ ] Expedition, Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +3 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. Low to Moderate Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. You formed these Hearth Guard to combat all the ills that befall the dwarfen people. Send them out, render aid, earn goodwill and spread the word of your retainers and their stated mission beyond the borders of Kraka Drakk.

[ ] Recruitment Drive: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Gain 1d5 +5 bonus dice to Recruitment Dice (1d10 +5). You have retainers, dwarfs who understand what it takes to become part of your Hearthguard, send them out to see if they can lend their expertise more and skill to improve the growth of your retinue.

[ ] Retainer Reconfiguring: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken once every variable number of turns. Change some aspect of your retainers. The Hearth Guard are a fine force of Dawi, but much like the defences of a Karak, there is potentially more to be done. It will take some time for these steadfast retainers of yours to adjust to whatever changes you make, but the length of it definitely correlates to the number of changes you want done.
- [ ] Change Appearance: [Cost: +1 turn until change] Simple cosmetic alterations to their symbol, their colour scheme and/or even appearance of their armour, depending on the scale and nature of the change it could be seamless or it could take a bit of work. While there's something to be said about aesthetic continuity, improving or updating their look to fit with deeds done will draw no raised brows. Completely changing it, however, will draw quite a few looks. If for no other reason than the material cost involved in doing so.
- [ ] Change Numbers: [Cost: +1 turn until change] +1/-1 retainer action per every 60 retainers added/removed. Increasing or decreasing the number of Retainers you wish to take on permanently. It signals that you either require more or less of their services. While you will not remove retainers currently in service if you wish to downsize, it means you simply will not replace them in the event one of your loyal followers falls in the line of duty or simply to the vagaries of time.

[ ] Training Regime Pt. 2: [Cost: (2 +4) =6 retainer actions] Gain "Hearthwarden Warrior" Training Standard and Category, some existing classes will be absorbed into the new category. The last phase of Rudil's training program involves creating a unified set of skills that would be expected of a "Hearthwarden Warrior." Incorporating skills and traits in the same way that the Rangers had done.
- [X] Drakk Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 15 Kraka Drakk Favour] Hearth Guard will retain High+ Attack, increase Attack if taken with Ornsmotek Expertise. Every Hearth Guard is a deadly fighter, but the talents and knowledge of Dawi chosen to be a Huskarl is another matter. Spreading that knowledge would invariably be of benefit.
- [X] Ornsmotek Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 45 Kraka Ornsmotek Favour] Hearth Guard will retain High+ Attack, increase Attack if taken with Drakk Expertise. The second most powerful Throng, arguably the most embattled Hold in the Far North, their combat ability is a grudging peer of your Hold's.
- [X] Krum Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 30 Kraka Krum Favour] Hearth Guard will retain Spelunking, will retain Spelunking ++ if taken with Grom Expertise. Few others delve deeper than the miners of Krum, fewer still survive as well as they do.
- [X] Grom Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 15 Kraka Grom Favour] Hearth Guard will retain Spelunking, will retain Spelunking ++ if taken with Krum Expertise. Centuries of living in a Hold occupied by traitors, without outside resupply and limited food, knowledge earned in sorrow and passed down even still, too useful to forget out of grief.

[ ] Waystones, Scouting: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Gain minor bonus to Waystone rolls. Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Send out your Retainers, scour the Far North to see if there's some of these stones that Master Yorri Missed.

[ ] Waystones, Warding: [Cost: 1 action or retainer action] Gain bonus to Waystone rolls and update on status of Waystones. Can be taken multiple times. There is no set time in which you or your retainers are meant to check on these stone monoliths, but doing so more regularly will mean that you're more likely to keep them safe and know their status.
You may convert 1 general action into 2 Khazagar actions, or 2 retainer or heir actions into 3 Khazagar actions. You are using 6/7 possible Classes you can teach.
[ ]Learning [Cost: 1 Khazagar action] Learn a Rune(s). Not everyone in Khazagar is telling the world they're willing to share their lore, preferring to share that opportunity to only those they think are worthy and there's nothing wrong with that. Similarly, there's nothing stopping you from using the facilities you designed to learn a few things yourself. The consequences of doing so aren't always obvious, and there may be other circumstances at play.
- [ ] Rune of Shifting Steel (Weapon) [Cost: +1 Khazagar action, and any [T2] Reagent] You can find a Runesmith who knows how to keep their mouth shut and just teach you for a fair enough price you reckon.
- [ ] Rune of Binding Form (Weapon) [Cost: +1 Khazagar action, and any [T2] Reagent]] You can find a Runesmith who knows how to keep their mouth shut and just teach you for a fair enough price you reckon.
- [ ] Rune of Spellburning [Cost: +1 Khazagar action, and any [T2] Reagent]] Lady Skalla is teaching a unique variant of the many antimagic Runes your people have developed. Never managed to pick it up over your life, to your surprise.
- [ ] Master Rune of Thunderstorms (Weapon) [Cost: +2 Khazagar actions, and any [T3] Reagent] You've been made aware that an Ornsmotek Master who left the Hold in the wake of Vragni's actions has made a few insinuations to a few select parties that he'd be willing to share this Rune in exchange for a Master Rune and a few other things.
- [ ] Master Rune of Skalla Honestheart (Armour) [Cost: +2 Khazagar actions, and any [T4] Reagent] If Skalla Honestheart is known for one thing, it is her hatred of Tzeentch, and by Grungni she has a knack for spitting venom in their manifold eyes.

[ ] Curriculum Change: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action] Add, Switch or Remove a Rune you are teaching. Cannot teach RESTRICTED, UNSHAREABLE, and/or INCOMPLETE Runes. Changing track isn't an easy task. It's not the hardest thing in your life, but for you it's more than simply saying you're not teaching this Rune anymore and being done with it. Announcements need to be made, the last few stragglers taught, and of course designing a new test to prove one's worthiness if you decide to replace or add a new Rune.
- [ ] Write-In [Rune Name]

[ ] Write-In, Host a Special Tournament: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action] Choose any number of [T3] or Higher Reagent(s) as a reward. Gain boost to attendance and chance to gain Creation of Note. You have it so that Khazagar hosts regular tournaments of both artistic and martial skill where Runesmiths may compete against each other for a reward. But this time you want to dangle a particularly juicy prize, get the minds of the young flowing.

[ ] Write-In, Royal Patronage: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action and (25 -Standing Level) Favour with a Hold at 5 Standing or higher] Gain boost to attendance and interest from third parties. Cannot Choose Kraka Drakk. Favour Cost double for Hold with equivalent Institution. Khazagar speaks for itself, but getting the Monarch of a Hold and a prominent Thane or four to mosey up and publicly announce they're hosting tournaments at Khazagar certainly wouldn't hurt.
Denote which simple request will receive the apprentice action in your plan. Available Requests below.
[ ] [Simple] Once more with Smelting: [Cost: 4 actions, 1 Voidstone, x10 Adamant] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Greater Dragonblood Smelter. It has been around a century since you last made an Adamant Smelter. It's been enough time since that you feel safe about making another one without feeling like you're committing sacrilege.

[ ] [Simple] Re-warding Work: [Cost: 2 actions or heir actions] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Waystone reroll. There's work to be done, repairing damaged wards and adding new Runes around the monolith and otherwise. Your master most certainly did a bang up job, but there's nothing wrong with contingencies upon contingencies.

[ ] [Simple] The Brotherhood Calls: [Cost: minimum 1 action] Due whenever. Peerless Production will proc. Gain Variable Standing and Favour with The Brotherhood of Dron. The Brotherhood would be greatly interested in a collated and substantial set of notes about your experiences with the recent "Extreme Magical Turbulence and Concentration Event," as well as anything you'd be willing to give regarding your time crafting at the Anvil of the Earth. High energy environments of such a nature naturally attract the attention of your fellow members given the energy costs of generating Adamant.

(*Updated*)[-] [Difficult] Starlight Pt. 2: [Cost: 1 action] Locked due to Karstah claiming this commission. Gain 60 50 Favour with Kraka Dorden. Thane Morglum Skarridum of Kraka Dorden has petitioned you with a request. A weapon to replace the now lost ancestral heirloom of his Clan after it was destroyed killing a Fimir in the defence of Kraka Dorden; he asks for a hammer, one who's blows could be akin to calling down the light of the stars themselves upon the enemies of his Hold. A bit uninspired, plenty of Starhammers out there after all, but still.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] Skaudardrengi, The Singing Slayer, Emperor Dragon Gronti Pt. 2: [Cost: 6 actions] Minimum completion date 3 Turns. Due whenever. Peerless Production will proc. Must be built in Gronti-bay (Name Pending) An exemplary 45 meter Storm Wyrm forged from pure Adamant, with eyes of glowing Dronril shielded by metallic lids. Rest linked in this post.
- [ ] Choose: Combo, Empowered Awakening+: [Master Rune of Waking [T4 Greedy Troll Heart], Rune of Empowerment [T4 Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Heart], Rune of Siphoning [T4 Greedy Troll Heart].]
- [ ] Revise Runes: [Cost: -1 actions] Next Revision will cost +1 action. Back to the drawing board. Choose new Runes, Function or Theme.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] Flamedrinking Talismans Pt. 2: [Cost: 2 actions] An as of yet nameless creation, more a proof of concept than anything else. Karstah failed, for reasons you don't yet know, but hopefully she can try again.
- [ ] Choose: Rune of Thungni, Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Furnace.
- [ ] Choose: Combo, Flamedrinking: [Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Forgeflame]
- [ ] Revise Runes: [Cost: -1 actions] Next Revision will cost +1 action. Back to the drawing board. Choose new Runes, Function or Theme.

[ ] [Difficult] Brynbar Pt. 2: [Cost: 1 action] Apply any optional structural materials and any aesthetic changes here.
A circular clasp whose seam depicts a shimmering and glowing gate to the glittering realm. On each half of the clasp the runes of Siphoning and Thungni glow, surrounded by 'runes' from the early days of runesmithing, inlaid with dronril in imitation of runelight. Rest in spoiler in my post.
- [ ] Brynbar: Combo, Deep Gate+: [Master Rune of Thungni's Presence [T4 Adamant and T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart], Rune of Thungni [T4 Adamant], Rune of Siphoning [T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart].]
- [ ] Revise Runes: [Cost: -1 actions] Next Revision will cost +1 action. Back to the drawing board. Choose new Runes, Function or Theme.

[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. You've had an idea! This is the template for write in item request! Please put down the name, description and type of equipment/item you want made. Pt 2 of the item will cost differently depending on the number of items and potentially the size of it as well. A base guideline for Pt. 2 costs will be at the bottom of the post.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
Available Requests:
[ ] [Difficult] Accept Deep Guardian Pt. 1: Due end of turn 63. Gain 1 Standing with Karak Ungor. Snorri thinks another person might be found by the end of turn 62.
The tale of your earthen shadow has sparked a desire in the mind of Orra Stonehammer. The queen mother of Karak Ungor has requested that a Gronti-Duraz be commissioned, no larger than a Dwarf. Made to protect her grandson Dwinbarr Buradarrsson. Its arms and armour shall be handled by the Runelords of Ungor, but the Gronti itself, she reasons, ought to be made by the one who inspired it.
How to vote on Multi-Piece Difficult Requests.
[Y] Example Request Pt. 1
- [Y] Equipment category, Item 1 name: Rune 1[Optional Ingredient(s)], Rune 2 [Optional Ingredient(s)], Etc
- [Y] Equipment category, Item 2 name: Theme
- [Y] Equipment category, Item 3 name: Function

Write-in Equipment Action Costs:
1 Action - 1 standard piece of equipment.
2 Actions - Multiple pieces of equipment or Large individual items
3 Actions - Very Large individual items or a full/near full set of items.

Write-in Adamant Costs, General Guideline:
1 Piece of equipment or hypothetical Rune requiring Adamant - 1 bar
1 Suit of Armour for a Dwarf - 3 bars
1 Suit of Armour for a Human or Elf sized being - 4 bars
1 Piece of Ogre sized Gronti equipment - 2 bars
1 Suit of Ogre sized Gronti armour - 6 Bars
Anything larger just ask me, it will also appear in applicable actions or in the FAQ.

Crossbows use Weapon Runes.
A Gronti sized Crossbow would use Engineering Runes.
Weapons like Axes don't make this distinction.
Shields use Armour Runes.
Armour Runes must be on Gromril or improved
There is a pool of 2 progress that is independently added to [Simple] Research a turn. Every 2 actions you put towards [Difficult] Research will add 1 to the pool.
[ ] Examine Karaz-Kazak-Rhun: [Cost: minimum 1 action] Gain semi random research and trait progress. By the hammer of Thungni, you now hold the hammer of Thungni! It is folly to believe you can ever truly understand it at your current level of skill. But there is still inspiration to be found, and maybe you also just want to admire something so beautiful as this hammer. Who's to stop you? You're its owner.

(*New*)[ ] [Difficult] Akazit Pt. 3: [Cost: (5 -2) = 3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You can make a bottle of magic. Well more like a tube of ash infused with Wind, but technically you're right! Inefficient, hard to do, and jury-rigged to Gazul's hall and back, but its proof you're not a nutter! Making the process easier, more efficient and reliable is key. After that, you can start worrying about making Runesmith Essence.

[ ] [Difficult] Monolith Mastery Pt. 1: [Cost: (10 -9) =1 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You can use the stones now, but not safely. Yorri tells you they never will be a safe bet, but you can at least try to make it safer. Besides, you still dont know how they work, and your work requires that you know how they work. So by Grungni, you're going to figure it out.

Material Research:
(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] Sparking Shrooms: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Dolgi's traded a hefty amount of these in exchange for teaching the Rune of Worldly Warding to his children. Strange little fungi that are semi reminiscent of Dronril. Flush with Azyr to your eye, and supposedly useful as a dye? Could be of some use to you, there's only really one way to find out.

[ ] [Simple] Foggy Flowers [Cost: 1 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Fjolla had mentioned this in passing and it piqued your interest, but a bit of poking got her to finally divulge more information and a few cuttings at the price of a few extra lessons.

[ ] [Simple] Kraken Autopsy: [Cost: 2 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The tentacled creature was slain by the Elven fleet as they cleared the waters for their trade vessels. You possess the body of a mature specimen and the very large eye of what you are told was an especially old one.

[ ] [Simple] Merwyrm Autopsy: [Cost: 2 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Large serpentine bodies, fins and general fishy scent aside, this is most certainly a Dragon, and Dragons are quite the bounty of reagents. Though from the tales told of Merwyrms, just what this creature's body parts could be reagents for you aren't too sure of.

[ ] [Simple] Mysterious Mystery Sword: [Cost: (9 -5) =4 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Gain ???, possibly progress to Mysterious Mystery Cauldron and Mysterious Mystery Barrel. A sword that cuts through Gromril with an unnerving amount of ease. Studying it will be more about trying to recreate what it does through a Rune, but a bit of material study isn't off the table either given that you have two broken ones to work with as well.

[ ] [Simple] Mysterious Mystery Barrel and Horn: [Cost: 5 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain ???, progress to Mysterious Mystery Cauldron and possibly Mysterious Mystery Sword. Magical drinks, utter hogwash and a perversion of the fine art of brewing is what it is! Still, their creation isn't completely unheard of. You have the Rune of Hearty Soup, but these, you are forced to admit, have a wider variety and efficacy than what you possess.

[ ] [Simple] Mysterious Mystery Cauldron: [Cost: (5 -2) = 3 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Gain ???, progress to Mysterious Mystery Barrel and Horn and possibly Mysterious Mystery Sword. Magical soups, you've had a form of it before. From the Rune of Hearty Soup actually, but you must say that the taste of the broth from these fragments is a fine bit better than that Rune. If you could make a better Rune…well you won't complain!

Concept Research:
[ ] [Simple] Diction Direction Pt. 2: [Cost: (7 -5) =2 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have a few ideas about where to take this Rune. A universal translator for one, rather than just Khazalid. Not entirely sure how such a thing could be done, but it's definitely possible. Master Yorri's Rune of Sound gives you a few ideas at the very least. Now that Yorri's given you a Rune that restores hearing, you wonder if examining it will provide further insights or hopefully ideas about where to go next.

(*New*)[ ] [Difficult] Extra-sensory Pt. 2: [Cost: 8 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain progress towards Understanding Runecraft. Karstah's creations will now add progress to Understand Runecraft. Improving the Rune of Windsight, or finding a way to provide an equivalent level of detail without needing the user to maim themselves is the goal. Otherwise you're limited to people missing eyes, assuming that you don't want the Cult of Valaya turning around and sending you to meet with the Ancestor Queen Herself. Which is a safe assumption to make.

[ ] [Simple] The Fixing of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (9 -1) =8 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Repair is as good as it'll get. You need to make an entirely new Rune if you want something better. It seems likely that the Rune of Repair's maker purposefully developed it in such a way that refinement became unwieldy, and given who gave you that Basket, it feels perfectly in character given the many, many, stories told of the Ancestor Queen. Well, you shant disappoint Valaya Herself! A better Rune of Repair, but one you made from the ground up? By Valaya it shall be done!

(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] The Happening of Things: [Cost: (7 -3) =4 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The vision gnaws at you, a flame to the parchment of your mind. There is a theory, a hypothesis you wish to test and the faintest inklings of a Rune in your mind's eye. But there's a good deal of preparatory work to be done. One doesn't futz about with what you think you saw in that vision after all!

[ ] [Difficult] The Mind of Things Pt. 6: [Cost: (8 -4) =4 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have managed to create a Rune that, on the whole, can transfer skills and experience from one Dwarf to another. An impressive feat, and yet one not without flaw. It is skill imparted without context, which must still be earned. You can do more, you can do better. True comprehension, transference of that which makes a skill, experience; or in other words, the wisdom to temper knowledge.

[-] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 7: [Cost: (10 -1) =9 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Locked until Anoqeyan Pt. 2, and Monolith Mastery Pt. ??? are complete. To go beyond the Rune of Siphoning, to create something that can dredge anything close to the amount of power the Central Array of Karag Dron can, you must improve your understanding of the Monoliths, and the flow of magic first. It will likely take a long, long time until that's the case.

[ ] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 6b, The Body: [Cost: (8 -4) =4 actions] Master of the Odd and Mind for Constructs will proc. Continuing your work on the Rune of Waking Elements, you want the Rune to be able to form a body from almost any surrounding material. Realistically you doubt you can do that, but getting as close as possible is still the goal. At the very least you want these Elemental Gronti to mimic Mhorni's ability as closely as possible.

[ ] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 6c, The Soul: [Cost: (8 -6) =2 actions] Master of the Odd and Mind for Constructs will proc. You "know," what Mhorni is, you think, but your investigations decades prior left you empty-handed. Now, armed with hopefully better tools and better understanding, you wish to tackle the questions you made all those years ago. Why did Mhorni bind itself, why was it not turned into energy, why do the Runes seem perfectly happy to assist it as they do you? Why, why and more whys. You won't get all the answers immediately you imagine, but the path is open.

[-] [Difficult] The Rune Metal Pt. 7: [Cost: (12 -9) = 3 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Locked until Akazit Pt. ??? is complete. The best theory you have when it comes to creating the metal in your mind, requires both the means to not only isolate and extract the essence of a Runesmith, but to then infuse that essence into Adamant. And hopefully, if you aren't off the mark completely, you will have a material that shall break the oldest hurdle of your profession. More personally you want nothing more than to reach that image, that shining silver you saw over five centuries ago.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] The Secrets of Light Pt. 3a Utility: [Cost: (3 -1) =2 actions] Master of the Odd and Talent for Talismans will proc. The Rune of Dark Vision needs to be completed. You stumbled upon two important functions behind common structures that impact vision and light related Runes. Just what sort of opportunities can arise here are ambiguous, but you're sure others have discovered this secret before. Snerra's Rune of Piercing Sight, and Fjolla's tutelage under Lady Gemma prove it.

[ ] [Simple] The Secrets of Light Pt. 3b Power: [Cost: 2 actions] Talent for Talismans will proc. You can improve the power of the Rune of Burning Light and properly complete the thing. It's easier than the other path, with all that you've learned about the Winds. Moreover, you think there's more here than just recreating the Master Rune of Zon-Dum, but doing that would also be nice too of course.

[ ] [Simple] The Secrets of Storage Pt. 2: [Cost: (7 -5) = 2 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Of course! Of course Valaya would do as she seems to have. The Rune of Storage is a proof, a showcase, an inspiration for curious minds. No, if you want to build something better it will be built from the ground up and not off Her back. Such is the implied order of the Ancestor, and so you shall abide!

[ ] [Simple] The Weight of Things: [Cost: (9 -3) =6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Dolgi's Rune has given you ideas, though there are questions as to whether any developments should be shared and threaten to overshadow your apprentice's work, you can at the very least try and figure out the intricacies of it.

Rune Research:
[ ] [Difficult] Understand the Master Rune of Thungni [Engineering]: [Cost: 10 actions]. Mind for Constructs will proc. Snerra gave you an item bearing this Rune. It all that is good this is something you must understand before you die, when not if.

[ ] [Difficult] Compress a Combo: [Cost: 1 + (2 x (Complexity Rating - Specialties)), minimum 1 actions] Unlock the Convert and Simplify Options for the Master Rune. Gain a Master Rune of the same Category as the chosen Combo.

[ ] [Difficult] Understand a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 + (2 x (Complexity Rating - Specialties)), minimum 1 action ] Unlock the Convert and Simplify Options for that Master Rune. Gain progress to any associated Research. Risk rises with Complexity.

[ ] [Difficult] Convert a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 actions per Category] Gain a Master Rune of the chosen Category(ies).

[ ] [Difficult] Simplify a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 actions] Gain a Regular Rune for every known Category of the chosen Master Rune.

[ ] [Difficult] Convert a Regular Rune: [Cost: 1 action per Category] Gain a Regular Rune of the chosen Category(ies).

Specialty Levels go as follows:
0: [Not Listed]
1: [Listed-]
2: [Listed ]
3: [Listed+]
4: [Exceptional-]
5: [Exceptional]
6: [Exceptional+]
7: [Mastered-]
8: [Mastered]
9: [Mastered+]
10: [Savant]
(*Updated*)Challenges of the Burudin:
[ ] Write-in, Challenge Them: [Cost: 0 actions] Give a challenge + stipulations you wish to offer the Burudin. Only 2 Challenges can be active at a time and only 1 can be submitted a turn.

Your Challenge
Provide a rune or rune combo that has the possibility of true killing daemons, with said rune or combo being teachable to master runesmiths. Understanding that this rune or rune combo would be taught at Khazagar.

Gottri's Challenge [Unavailable to you]
Create a Rune or Combination of Runes capable of breaking Adamant. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with Gottri Hammerspite, gain Master Rune of Shattering Sound
After acquiring Adamant, a result of Kraggi's eternal quest to perfect Old Breaker, Gottri has changed his long standing challenge to his fellow Burudin members. Now, rather than find that which can withstand his Runes, he challenges any to create that which can sunder Adamant. He boasts, in his laconic and brusque way, that no one will manage before he can, and he's willing to bet one of his acceptable Runes over it to boot. SNORRI KLAUSSON DO NOT TEST MY PATIENCE.

Alric's Challenge
Create a method of reliable, quick and secure communication as possible. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with Alric Thungnisson, Angkra Twenty-loops, and Karaz-a-Karak
As a consequence of his frequent discussions with his venerable uncle, the mighty and wise Snorri Whitebeard, Alric has offered a prompt for any that wish to take it up. A way for messages to be shared across the realms faster than any Runebearer, safer than any road and as reliable as a Master Crafted axe. Such is the sort of goal, the sort of problem a proper Runelord should set their sights upon he reckons, anything less is beneath them.

Algrim's Challenge
Allow the average Crossbow to fire without stopping at all for three years. Gain 2 of Argalast Giantdoom's Master Runes
Algrim Argalastson has brought up a relatively simple challenge in honour of his father, the legendary Argalast Giantdoom's single minded focus on improving the deadliness of projectile weaponry. He claims that while none can match Argalast's mind in the devising of newer, more terrible ways of increasing a Crossbow bolt's killing potential, they can maybe be better at finding a way to ensure those bolts never stop firing.

Durin's Challenges
Find the Ankor Bryn. Create a Weapon beyond Karaz-Kazak-Rhun. Create a Runestaff more powerful than Gormwand. Break the Rule of Three.
A relic, one kept out of respect for the founder of the order. Many have tried, all have failed. Since Durin's death none have made a serious go at the first, and only the Brotherhood makes longstanding attempts at the last. These are considered the final goals of Runecraft, ones that shall one day be reached in the nebulous future.

Completing one of these Challenges will make it easier to enter dialogues with and deeper relationships with the corresponding Burudin Member.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Dum Ankor - Lit. "Doom/Darkness/Chaos Realm"/ The Realm of Chaos
Troll Gazan - Lit. "Troll Plains/Wasteland"/ Troll Wastes/ name for Troll Country

Remember to vote by plan. There will be a 12-hour long moratorium for discussion.
AN: Here's the update! Menlinwen is leaving soon, still no sign of yorri, and the dice mock you! Let me know if you like the readability of the reports. Also, stuff changed! I didn't forget about the vote for the new Rune Names for Surge Protector, just decided its less weird if I start THAT vote after the main one is closed and I'm writing the first part of the results. Anyhoo, don't forget to C&C. :^)
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Turn 59.1: TEMPORARY THREADMARK, Rune Name Vote. New
While I write the turn results, behold the two variant Runes you made.

These Runes ARENT the Rune of Worldly Warding or Thungni anymore. They are, in the eyes of Snorri and the Guild, entirely new Runes like every variant of a Rune technically is, but they're variants worthy of a unique name beyond "bungled Rune #xxxxxx". The bolded part is the new/altered effect of the Rune that Snorri believes the reagent caused. If they're WORTH the effect as individual Runes is up to you to decide, but its THESE variants that are needed to create the Surge Protector Combo with the Master Rune of Purification.

Worldly Warding Variant:
Rune of Worldly Warding [T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood]: Magical blows against the wearer cause the struck area to moderately become increasingly resistant against that type of damage. (Windsight: Emphasizes and alters the Rune's resistance effect; reinforcing energy the Rune directs to afflicted areas is faster and attuned to repelling magic.)
[ ] [Wordly Warding:] Rune of Aethyric Warding
[ ] [Wordly Warding:] Rune of Wind Warding
[ ] [Wordly Warding:] Write-in: Soft limit of 3, and hard limit of 4 words NOT including "Rune of"

Thungni Variant
Rune of Thungni [T4 Adamant], (Talismanic): Items and Runes inscribed on the same item as this Rune have increased durability and energy efficiency. Moderately lowers the duration and potency of curses and magic targeting the wearer. (Windsight: Emphasizes the Rune's Wind ordering effect; better breaking apart hostile magic at the cost of weaker smoothing and waste reduction.)

[ ] [Thungni:] Rune of Thungni's Endurance
[ ] [Thungni:] Rune of Thungni's Resistance
[ ] [Thungni:] Write-in: Must include "Thungni(s)" in the name.

And because I never ACTUALLY had a Rune of Thungni definition for you guys.
Rune of Thungni:
(All: Items and Runes inscribed on the same item as this Rune have increased durability and energy efficiency. (Windsight: Nearby Winds of Magic are ordered and directed into the Rune and any Runes on the item it is inscribed on, effects and magic released by other Runes are modulated better, smoothing and reducing wasted power.))
(Talismanic: Lowers the duration and potency of curses and magic targeting the wearer. (Windsight: Emphasizes the Rune's Wind ordering effect; unlike on Banners, the Rune directs this to just the wearer.))

Specific Variants will have unique quirks but the relevant one is the Talismanic.

Anyway I'ma open this vote in 1 hour.
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