Turn 56 Results Pt. 3:
- Location
- Edmonton
- Pronouns
- He/Him
Karstah Vote said:[X] [Rune:] Rune of Charcoal [Structural]: Removes mundane impurities from metal in forges inscribed with or within rooms incribed with this Rune
[X] [Rune:] Rune of Tin [Structural]: Structures and rooms bearing this Rune have metal being worked on within made more malleable
[X] [Lesson:] Armour: Improve specialty Armour Runes
Winning Vote said:[X] [Khazagar:] Allow the Guild to host their contest but do not work with them.
[X] [Livestock:] Bigger.
Winning Vote said:[X] Plan: Grant us eyes and a Roadtrip
Snorri & Karstah
-[X] [Difficult] Extra-sensory Pt. 1: 3 Snorri AP ✓
-[X] MARCH 1 Snorri AP ✓
-[X] [Simple] Chimaera Autopsy 1 Research AP ✓
-[X] Riddle Me This 1 Karstah + 1 Snorri AP ✓
-[X] [Difficult] Write In, Talisman, Flamedrinking Prototype pt 1: 1 Karstah AP ✓
-- You're a runelord who has opted to use flame copiously in your work and with the advent of better smelters the thought kicked you upside the head: Why not find a way to use that heat to enhance or even fuel your runes in some way? After sharing the thought with Karstah the two of you have decided that she will make a pair of Pure Gromril amulets to test the idea - on the first a set of runes provided by you, and on the second a set of runes that she will decide upon.
--[X] Combo: Rune of Furnace + Ancestor Rune of Thungni + Rune of Thungni's Presence
--[X] Theme: "Heat is energy. It is fluid and changeable. Through Thungni's ingenuity, change it into the light and energy of Runes."
-[X] [Difficult] Brynbar: The Glittering Gate, Pt 1: 1 Karstah AP ✓
-- A circular clasp whose seam depicts a shimmering and glowing gate to the glittering realm. On each half of the clasp the runes of Siphoning and Thungni glow, surrounded by 'runes' from the early days of runesmithing, inlaid with dronril in imitation of runelight. Rest in spoiler in my post.
--[X] Choose: Master Rune of Thungni's Presence (Adamant and Ancient Greedy Troll Heart), Ancestor Rune of Thungni (Adamant), Siphoning (Ancient Greedy Troll Heart)
-[X] [Difficult] Staffing Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Azrilzhufgotten, or The Silver River Marches. 1 Karstah AP ✓
-- The Hearthwardens have been stretched to their limits these past few centuries, taking on multiple new duties spread wide across the north, while bearing only the baseline equipment you give them on taking their oath. It's time to start fixing that. Rest in spoiler in my post.
--[X] Choose: Master Rune of Traversal (Radiant Pegasus' Heart [T4]), Rune of Impact (Stonehorn Leg Muscles [T3]), Rune of Amber (Barazgal [T4]).
-[X] Expedition, Aiding Ravnsvake 2 Retainer ✓
-[X] Expedition, Aiding Dorden 1 Retainer ✓
-[X] Training Regime Pt. 2: ✓
--[X] Drakk Expertise (15 Kraka Drakk favour)
--[X] Ornsmotek Expertise (45 Kraka Ornsmotek favour)
--[X] Krum Expertise (30 Kraka Drum favour)
--[X] Grom Expertise (15 Kraka Grom favour)
Orders ✓
-[X] Order: T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart
[X] [Social:] Snerra, navigating crowds of suitors. ✓
[X] [Social:] Bara, congratulating Karstah for her work with the Greater Smelter ✓
[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about Ulthuan's reaction to the Fimir War [Developing] ✓
[X] [Patreon] Snerra ✓
━<><><>< 471 A.P. ><><><>━
(Roll, Riddle 2: 82 = +20 [Snorri] +10[Karstah] +15[Omake] =127, Crit: 3 +27[Rollover] = 30)
(Total Progress: 57[Previous Progress] +127 +3 =187)
(Raw DC 80/90/105/130/150/180/210)
(DC -40[Yorri])
(Real DC 40/50/65/90/110/140/170)
Perhaps egged on by Master Yorri's incessant grumbling, you decide to take the time and apply yourself to the task of Thungni's riddle.
The Hammer of the Ancestor isn't just any prize after all.
And you have a notion that Thungni didn't keep the riddle between just you and Him. It certainly seemed in character for the Ancestor to hand off His prized tool to someone clever enough to solve His riddle after all.
You sincerely hope not, since that would mean you've spent countless decades squandering a potential lead, but you can't discount the possibility.
Where, oh where, would Thungni hide Karaz-Kazak-Rhun? There are an innumerable number of ways for a Dwarf to hide something in the World's Edge if they want. From the research she's already done your heir believes the likeliest answer is somewhere in the South and you are inclined to agree, but South is still a big area with equally many hidey-holes for the Clever One to choose from.
Ultimately Karstah and you tackle the problem from two directions. Given her familiarity with the actual Riddle at this point, you task her with combing over the words to see if she can't tease out some other third hidden meaning from them. Meanwhile you'll be doing something you've become something of an expert in out of necessity.
Going over extensive, far flung, and exceedingly obscure sources that Karstah's own search may have missed for scraps of useful knowledge and then compiling it all together. But this time it'll also be onto a map of the Worlds Edge as well as a book.
Hundreds, thousands of pages worth of writing flows in and out of Khazagar on a daily basis. From business and personal letters, ledgers, freshly made copies of existing books and newly bought tomes and scrolls for filling Khazagar's library with. So while you doubt any notices the order and subsequent arrival of dozens of sealed books, records and painstakingly made copies of truly ancient lore making their way to you, at least they aren't saying anything about it. Despite the near constant influx of material for you to sift through, there are moments when you have the time to read something else if by chance alone.
Like now for instance.
You finish going over a series of old Zornish construction records faster than expected, and are left with a few days of peace before a copy of several treatises written by Durin the Lost, commissioned at great expense from the understandably tired and drama-avoidant Runescribes Guild of Izril, are due to arrive.
Rather than rest and enjoy the quiet, you delve into reading a letter from Myrion that you've left to molder for a few months by that point.
You recall that the two of you had started discussing the state of the war in the lead up to your departure for the Underway, but hadn't really gotten into the weeds before both of you were called away by your respective duties.
Thinking about the lead up to the war makes you frown as your mind eventually dredges up what happened down there.
The memory of the Shadowy wazzok who escaped you is a fresh and bitter pill in the back of your mind, and you aren't much inclined to return to that headspace so soon after if you can help it.
You look at the letter again.
Bah, you're no child.
With a grunt you pop the seal and begin reading.
"Finally got him to actually look at it himself eh lass?" Master Yorri asks, nonchalantly appearing out from behind a random pillar.
"I don't know if I did anything," she answers, flipping to another page.
"Course you did!" he assures before looking over her shoulder curiously. "Now I reckon I know what you're looking for eh? Secret meanings upon secret meanings?"
"At Master Snorri's request," Karstah confirms.
"Bah. Not familiar enough with the material was his excuse I take it? S'what he gets for not actually doing the work himself. I'll offer you another hint, young lady. It won't make itself clear until much later."
She finally turns away from her book to look at Master Yorri, only to mumble in annoyance when she sees he's disappeared into seemingly thin air.
"Elders and their mysterious exits…"
Nevertheless she keeps his cryptic hint in mind as she goes back to reading.
You put down Myrion's letter with a contemplative look on your face.
Elves are a strange folk, but they aren't without their own odd logic you suppose.
Nevertheless, Myrion's writings have given you a bit more insight into their world, and what you see really is telling. While the Elgi aren't ambivalent to the war going on, especially now with the knowledge of what the Fimir are attempting being spread around, the other Kingdoms don't seem particularly motivated to lend their support either.
This was, in Myrion's opinion, Malekith's war, not one of the Elves as a whole, with all the political and social implications that would inevitably dredge up. While the intricacies and minutiae of courtly politics the archmage mentions is lost on you, you're a clever enough lad to put a few pieces together. From the looks of things there was a three way division in Elven thought. The first major splinter were those Elgi who saw no proverbial skin in the game. Much like the Old Holds saw you and your conflict as a strictly regional affair, they too saw the Fimir War as one of the many conflicts affecting them. Myrion paid them little mind, but you gathered that the individual opinions within that camp ranged from mildly ambivalent to hidden hostility. The former from a lack of interest and/or focus drawn elsewhere, and the latter were likely Malekith's political opponents who saw this as a weapon the Prince would wield in his ambitions.
That seems to fit what you've already learned about the Prince from both Myrion and Menliwen. Hell, it's not even alien to you; jostling Thanes trying to win prestige is an old story that's been played out many a time.
Neither are the other two divisions within Elven thought. While both under the larger umbrella of the Elves involved in the Fimir War, they were split, funnily enough, around Malekith again. Whichever side Myrion was on seemed like a secret she kept close to her chest. Nor could you tease out an answer, not that you were all that interested in knowing either really. Point was though, that much like what you imagined was the case for the ambivalent side, those who supported the War were either happy or unhappy about Malekith's involvement. The former were largely made up of Elven nobles who supported Malekith's legitimacy, largely from Nagarythe and the majority of the regular warriors in the armies of the three Kingdoms. Unified in the belief that the son of the First Phoenix King was the best man for the job, and saw him as continuing the legacy of Aenarion the Defender.
Those more critical of Malekith's leadership were a far more eclectic group, united more out of their own self interest and stance than overarching belief about Malekith himself. In fact, supporters of both Malekith and Bel Shanaar made up their number if that made any lick of sense. They were largely the Nobility from Cothique and Chrace who had a vested interest in the colony of Tor Vernath and coasts of the peninsula. Their worry was that the prince would end up subordinating them for his ambition, using his deeds here as leverage against them. Or well, for more leverage than he already had. Calling for aid was already a blow to their control that they bore only after the significance of the threat was made abundantly clear, and they knew that every victory Malekith led their armies to here would be another bolt in his pouch to aim at either them or his political opponents.
Myrion makes pains to mention that most of that divide is merely intellectual, and that the Elves are united in purpose for the duration of the war.
That makes you snort.
Personally, you're happy someone is doing something, but you have no stake in how this whole Malekith business will shake out.
Ancestors know what could have happened if you had decided to march alongside the High King instead of with Valka. Even the chance of getting caught up in that mess, low as it was, made you reach for a tankard.
Foreign policy? Bugger that, you had enough on your plate and its name was Khazagar.
━<><><>< 472 A.P. ><><><>━
"You're still working on this?" Yorri asks, though you're both too preoccupied to make a comment on the suddenness of his appearance.
"All possibilities have to be examined," Karstah murmurs from her desk half heartedly.
You nod.
Yorri tuts.
"The young lady and I have already done most of the Work Snorri, what's the hold up. Head south!"
"Knowing its south can only take us so far, Master. Thungni's touch can be felt everywhere south of Drazh. By Valaya, there are a dozen by a dozen different places of significance around Izril alone! Nevermind the Hold proper."
"Like seeing a beardling climbing the very mountain he's searching for to get a better look around. You're going in circles and chasing dead-ends, failing to understand the order of this nonsense. Maybe I shouldn't have given the goat away so easily, clearly I've fuddled with the Ancestor's intent."
You give him a withering and half hearted glare.
"I don't see how. If you know where it is, which you continuously imply you do, why haven't you gone and gotten it?"
"The Riddle wasn't meant for me," Yorri answers easily, "it's meant for you and whoever else Thungni decided to give it to. That Hammer's rightful wielder is among that lot. Not me."
"That's ridiculous," you hear Karstah mutter.
"That's the truth young lady," Yorri responds primly, taking an empty seat for himself. "Only the worthy may wield Her, and I'm not worthy."
"I fail to see how, you're clearly more than skilled enough to be a Runelord," Karstah continues.
"The issue isn't one of skill. But of mentality. Only Durin could be considered worthy enough to outright, but Durin's gone. So Thungni is making do."
You know Karstah is about to ask the obvious question, but a pointed look from you stops her from voicing it.
"Bah. You'll figure it out young Karstah. This wazzok" Yorri states, jutting a thumb your way, "Is busy hunting for clues neither of you need, but your noggin's big enough to put two and two together I should think. I'm off to learn some more Anoqeyan. Toodaloo!"
The room descends into silence with your Master's departure, but his words linger like the stink of mouldy cheese.
You need to think.
"There are duties I must see too Karstah," you grumble out, standing up from your seat, "the rest of today and tomorrow is yours to do with as you wish."
You wander Khazagar for the next few hours, your mind unusually stifled by the amount of thoughts running through it.
Was Master Yorri right?
Phsh, what sort of question is that? Course he's right, you're angry, not stupid. There's few places you trust your Master's word more in than the realm of odd riddles and ancient, often esoteric knowledge. You're more upset with yourself than anything. The Riddle was meant to be something of a— well not wind down, but a change of pace from the frustration that's built up and remained over the past few years. A vain hope considering you made far greater progress with the Rune of Windsigh than this damn Riddle and still haven't felt better.
That usually isn't enough to frustrate you nowadays either, so what was different?
You grumble absentmindedly, causing a few nearby Dwarfs to straighten up instinctively, and stare up at the ceiling.
Out of the corner of your eye you see a proper beardling, barely out of his thirtieth winter you reckon, huffing and puffing as he carries a stack of books behind an elder Runescribe. His elder keeping ahead at a steady pace, feigning disinterest when in truth he's paying careful attention to make sure that his apprentice is keeping up with him. The sight of it is nostalgic.
The realities of your life have made the thought of teaching more apprentices something of a poor decision. Even you doubt that you'll find the time to properly teach a young lad or lass the proper way of things with everything you've piled onto your plate. Then again, who's to say if that's true?
Maybe that has something to do with it. Master Yorri's words, whether he meant them to or not, have made you wonder if you've not done enough for your own apprentices. You know that you've already bungled up more than enough of Karstah's life, but you had reckoned you had been doing better. The thought that you had foisted off more work onto her plate, while you were going off on a dead-end search and wasting both of your time? Hrm.
You've taught and directed nine lives into the position of Master Runesmith. Of them, one is a Runelord like yourself, four are either at or well on their way to reaching that level of skill even if they never attain the rank, and the remaining four…
A sigh escapes you, the bone-deep weariness you keep locked up tight given one of the few opportunities for release before you regain control of faculties.
Have you done enough? You believe so, but now the thought is stuck in your mind and the only way to exercise it is to let it run its course. Of your students in Kraka Drakk, only Karstah has properly worked with Adamant from what you've seen. It isn't as if the others don't know how, they were quick enough to grab that bit of knowledge from you the moment they could, but yet none of them had actually made anything. Why? It's not your business really, but you doubt they'd turn you away?
Then again, you thought you had Karstah's situation well in hand, and look how that turned out.
Do they even want more of your help in that regard? Who's to say?
You reckon you can at least offer though?
Something to think about. You've already given Karstah today and tomorrow off, but that doesn't mean you can't get back to business.
The map in front of you is a Masterwork. Three by five meters of the finest Eight Peaks parchment, treated to maximize its durability and drawn with a wash of different colored inks across its surface is the most detailed depiction of the Karaz Ankor as Clan Winterhearth's Runescribes can manage. A massive feat spearheaded by a distant nephew of yours that involved a dozen other artisans, Runescribes and loremasters combing over records and maps and piecing together a singular cohesive whole.
And it is useless.
Funny how things go.
"We're going about this wrong Karstah." you say firmly, looking away from the map and turning to your heir.
"How so?"
"We've been modelling Thungni incorrectly. Or I suppose, more incorrectly than we'd like. Expecting subterfuge and double-backing despite everything being laid before us."
"Master, I don't mean to question your logic but isn't that the point of a Riddle?"
You snort.
"The complexity and mystery of the Riddle is not found in something so lowly as tricks and misdirection Karstah. No, we're fools for thinking so poorly of the Ancestor. He'll ply you with wordplay, multiple interpretations, and increasingly obtuse complexity aye, but that's the key. The complexity builds. The first reading is the most literal, the most obvious, but the test is seeing if the reader is clever enough to find every subsequent meaning. Each one, I reckon, shall build on the other, culminating into the path that leads us to Karaz-Kazak-Rhun."
"Alright," Karstah murmurs, still conflicted, "what does that mean for our search then?"
"It is Izril," you say, surer than anything, "The first reading is literal. It is a cavern, and allegorical of the Glittering Realm. No other Hold has as much history with Thungni as Izril."
Your heir takes a moment to consider your words.
"If you believe that's the case, then I'll believe you. But, if you'll indulge my curiosity Master, how'd you come to that conclusion?"
Because I spent an entire day brooding over my life and the way I taught my students you think.
"Because I came to a conclusion of my own. That Thungni is a teacher, and Karaz-Kazak-Rhun the reward for the brightest of His students. This riddle, like everything He shows His kin, is just another lesson to be picked apart and understood."
You half-expect Master Yorri to pop out of some corner and lambast or congratulate you, but it doesn't come to pass.
"What now?"
Here you grimace.
"If Master Yorri is right, and we aren't the only Dawi that Thungni gave this riddle to then we're on the clock."
"Should I begin packing?"
You pause and regard Karstah thoughtfully.
Someone should go, but does it have to be you? There are duties here you cannot simply waive away, at least not without a good bit of grumbling for your part. The movement of a Runelord is not an easily kept secret either, which is something to consider if you think the eyes of others may be on you. You could send Karstah, or even your Hearth Guard, though you reckon a Runesmith will need to be present. Then again you could throw caution to the wind and have both you and Karstah gone, much as that may throw Khazagar into disarray.
[ ] [Karaz-Kazak-Rhun:] Go alone.
Lock in 1 general and retainer action next turn. Start Interlude "The Enduring War Rune"
[ ] [Karaz-Kazak-Rhun:] Send Karstah
Lock in 1 heir and retainer action next turn. Have the option to follow Karstah instead of Snorri next turn.
[ ] [Karaz-Kazak-Rhun:] Go together.
Lock in 1 general, retainer and heir action next turn. Start Interlude "The Enduring War Rune"
What do you offer your students? They may or may not accept.
[ ] [Adamant:] Do not offer them Adamant.
[ ] [Adamant:] Offer each of them [Write-in] Bars of Adamant.
You have x76 Bars of Adamant.
[ ] [Adamant:] Offer each of them [Write-in] Bars of Adamant a turn.
You produce x10 Bars of Adamant a Turn
[ ] [Adamant:] Offer each of them [Write-in] Bars of Adamant a turn, staring when the next smelter is constructed.
You will produce x16 Bars of Adamant a Turn
[ ] [Adamant:] Offer each of them a shard of Voidstone.
You have x7 Shards of Voidstone
[ ] [Adamant:] Offer each of them a shard of Voidstone and enough Adamant [x10] to make a Greater Smelter
You have x7 Shards of Voidstone
You have x76 Bars of Adamant.
[ ] [Adamant:] Offer each of them a shard of Voidstone and loan enough Adamant [x10] to make a Greater Smelter. The Adamant will be repaid once the smelter is built.
You have x7 Shards of Voidstone
You have x76 Bars of Adamant.
[ ] [Adamant:] Offer each of them a test. Using [Write-in] Bars of Adamant from your stock, craft a masterpiece to prove they are worthy of using the metal.
Reward for success: [Write-in] Bars of Adamant a turn.
Reward for failure: your disappointemt. For shame, beardling!
You produce x10 Bars of Adamant a Turn
━<><><>< Grumblings and Goings ><><><>━
- [Early 465] Mattok Copperbottom of Karak Drazh has struck a seam of gold, nothing that would normally be noteworthy for a Hold so wealthy as Drazh, but this vein in particular has not only been deemed one of the largest, and the purest, example of Drazh's famous dark Gold as any have seen but Copperbottom has found a smaller seam of Oathgold within the greater vein as well. A great source of joy for the man, having come from a poor Miners Clan.
- [Mid 467] Karak Varn has hit a new Gromril seam in its mines along the rim of the Blackwater, early surveying reports by the prospectors roused to give their opinion on the matter say its "appreciable," and consequently the Hold is celebrating the discovery of one of the larger Gromril veins seen in living memory. While never really a contested position, this has driven Varn farther away from any prospective rivals for Gromril production like Eight Peaks or Kraka Drakk.
- [Mid 468] With the breaking of the Fimir army that has been plaguing the Underway, a sombre moment of mourning is held in Kraka Grom as King Consort Grednir Grunsson removes the mantle of Grungni to don Grimnir's and seek his Doom in the north. A sorrowful fate, one that neither his wife, closest friends nor the priesthood could convince him away from. Die well son of the Mountains, die and be redeemed before yourself and your Ancestors.
- [Mid 468] Nain's made a fine hammer for King Gloin, a gift to his nephew the King of Karak Ungor. The name itself isn't the most inspiring thing, [T4] Dalgrund, but Nain's taken to beauty in simplicity. In that vein the aesthetics focus more on accentuating a few key parts by remaining rather austere elsewhere. A strong Wutroth haft accented with silver at the butt and along the sides, most of the decoration has been reserved for the Hammer's head where the image of Grungni The hammer bears the Master Rune of Grungni, Rune of Speed and Rune of Echoblow.
- [Late 468] Queen Valka of Kraka Grom announces her pregnancy and, seemingly blessed by Valaya, with twins no less! A brilliant diamond in a shaft otherwise replete with sulfur and slotch. No replacement for what was lost, but the Hold celebrates the occasion, desperate for some measure of baggage-less positivity.
- [Mid 469] Kraka Dorden is physically repaired. The damage done by the Fimir has been undone, though the lives taken have not. The vigorous effort of the Karak and by several other parties such as the Cults of Valaya and Grungni, as well as Lord Klausson's Hearth Guard have seen that everything completed ahead of schedule. The only sign that anything has even happened to the Karak is the inclusion of a memorial onto the Hold's walls, the names of the defenders inscribed into Rune-reinforced stone.
- [Late 469] Mere months later the same can be said for Kraka Ravnsvake, with King Villi seeing to it that the docks are repaired and that barks once more fill their berths. Though we Dawi are not creatures of the sea in the way that the Elves are, we will not allow the Fimir to believe themselves our betters in any regard. Let them come again, let them break upon our walls, let them see their efforts were unmade in but years, and let them know as we drive them back to their hovels that the Dawi of Kraka Ravnsvake are coming from them." By land or by sea," swears King Villi, "the Grudge shall be avenged."
- [Early 470] the Runesmith Skarri Dolgisson has taken to the field of battle alongside his companion the Branakroki Thunder Wing as the first of Kraka Drakk's Skarr-kazhunki. Mounted warriors that eschew millennia of Dwarfen wisdom; to not only ride upon the back of a beast to war, but to take to the air doing it as well like he's some Elven Princeling. The Zaki is not alone in this endeavour either, somehow wrangling a group of six other madmen and women to join him in the air. Northern strangeness once more shows itself. At the very least he is well armed. Wielding a [T3] Runestaff that calls down lightning and ice, and a [T3] size-shifting Gromril Axe that he either hurls from above or swings in long, loping swings.
- [Mid 470] Hail to the twin daughters of Queen Valka of Kraka Grom, Grelda and Selda Valkasdottir. Truly Valaya has shown her favour by gifting the queen such a wonder as twin daughters. The Cult of Valaya proclaims them fitter than most babes their age, something the Hold is thankful to have. Already the Queen has proclaimed that Kraka Grom shall honour the Gromthi Rhinri with large scale improvements to the Hold's already respectable temple to Valaya, and long term material and monetary support to the Hold.
- [Mid 470] A Slayer returns to Kraka Grom with the head of a [T3] Dragon being dragged behind him in chains. Such portents remind Queen Valka that she too must honour Grimnir the Fearless, and soon after the same promise is made to improve the temple to Bold Grimnir's temple as well.
- [Late 470] Nain Kazzarsson, one of the apprentices of the Gift Giver, has been given leave by King Gloin to head a grand project beneath Kraka Drakk. While Lord Klausson is largely responsible for the Hold's large number of infrastructural Runes, his apprentice seeks to make his own mark. Expanding the lift network that connects the Aerie of Drongkaraz to the Dragon Hold by creating not one, but two sister lifts of equal scale to Morgrim's original creation while expanding the first to reach the natural caverns beneath Kraka Drakk's Underway terminal. Though none dare say the Runesmith can match His work, three lift complexes is still better than one.
- [Early 471] The town of Khazid Korr was assailed by a rowdy group of trolls wishing to storm and ransack the Brewery which was the town's pride, and slaughtered the Dwarfs defending their homes. The town's last living elder ordered the women and children to be evacuated while he and those who elected to remain would hold back the Trolls. The survivors who reached the next settlement spoke, however, of great bursts of light flaring up and the thundering of the earth from the town as they retreated. When a muster of warriors was finally dispatched to the town they found both what they expected and oddness in equal measure. Bodies of Trolls, crushed to paste or gored through were scattered all over the burnt ruins, while the bodies of the defenders had seemingly all been dragged to the center of town.
- [Early 472] Fjolla has made a [T4] set of jewelry for each Queen Valka's daughters at the Rinri's request. Each one meant to protect the wearer from grievous harm. Fjolla tells you it was a damn pain to get the individual parts to work in tandem, but she's properly satisfied with the quality of her craft.
- [Mid 472] Another Fimir citadel falls at the hands of the High King and Prince Malekith's combined armies. The roar of dragons locked in combat with their enslaved kindred mixed with the thunder of siege weapons and the clang of Gromril, Ithilmar, Steel and Iron were the backing chorus to the Meargh's death knell, her head cleaved from her body by the Axe of Grimnir. The Grudge inches ever closer to proper closure.
- [Mid 472] Skarrin Dolgisson and his mad bunch prove themselves not incapable at least. Whenever the Throng of the High King found itself fighting alone, they have proven themselves perfectly capable of fighting off both airborne and monstrous foes, even if they end up bearing more than a few scars for it. The efficacy of him and his fellow riders is not in question, merely the necessity. Surely, the charge of simple Dawi boots is enough, nay? Harumph!
- [Late 472] Dolgi let it slip during your monthly dinner that his work on deriving another variant of his Master Rune is coming close to completion. Similarly, Snerra has mentioned that she may be preoccupied for the next little while as she works on a secret commission for a new high-profile client. A mysterious Kvinn she met while walking through Khazagar to buy some supplies apparently.
- [Early 473] A fleet battle upon the open waves! The vengeful Seadwarfs of Ravnsvake and Dorden cut through the waves to crash upon the unsuspecting mass of Fimir. Having arrived perpendicular to the approaching Fimir, the ships used a combination of fair winds and Brana magic to close the distance and slice through dozens of Fimir ships and slave beasts. Though the battle was bloody, the Dawi fleet retains all of their ships while half of that particular FImir flotilla now feeds the beasts beneath the waves. It is not enough, not until their hulls are but flotsam and driftwood! Or drift-iron one reckons. Bah!
- [Early 473]
I'm off!
- Yorri.
- [Burudin] I did it you wazzoks. You thought me a fool, but you'll see! Come a few years and the mountains bow in the face of my talent!
- [Burudin] Pull the other one.
- [Burudin] You'll be eating stonebread soon enough!
━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━
- Riddle me this complete?
- March complete!
-- Fimir presence in the Underway rendered negligible.
-- The Fimir in the Underway no longer pose a significant threat to your people. Their strategy of dispersing to escape your wrath has rendered the individual fragments easy pickings for the vengeful Throngs of the Holds they have so butchered.
-- The truth of their actions remains conjecture only, as the Meargh left nothing to examine save the trail of ruin she led.
-- The Meargh herself has escaped, despite your best efforts, and remains at large.
--- Grudge: The Shadow Hag, for the personal slaughter of eighty-seven Dawi and orchestrating the deaths of 3,534 Dawi as well as a sum total of 324,982 Gold and 245 Brass pieces in damage both material and emotional to the towns of Khazid-Vran, Durak's Claim, Mingol Ril, Migdhal S...
…and harm to the Holds of Kraka Krum and Kraka Grom, the sentence shall be death. Actions toward setting this Grudge have a chance to gain +1 action worth of progress. +5 Bonus to rolls against the Fimir and +10 Bonus to Rolls against the Shadow Hag,
-- Loot:
--- +1 [Tier 3] Greater Slave Wyrm's Corpse. Research unlocked!
--- +1 [Tier 2] Slave Wyrm's Corpse. Research unlocked!
--- +1 [Tier 2] Artefact worth +15 Favour with Kraka Krum, new totals: (calculated below)
- +5 Progress to Extra-Sensory Pt. 1, new totals: [Cost: (16 -6) =10 actions]
-- Range and scope is the easier of the two problems you have with your current Rune. Having good enough Windsight to be able to tease out the details that will hopefully bypass Durin's consternation however, is a different and far more difficult matter.
- Standing Bonus proc!
-- +2 Progress to Slave Wyrm autopsy, new totals: [Cost: (4 -2) =2 actions]
- Chimaera Autopsy complete!
-- [Windsight] The corpse is bathed in a hideous mix of colors, but there are occasionally a few organs that are largely resonant with just a single wind or resemble those of other beasts.
-- Every Chimaera is almost entirely different, and the organs are no exception, there isn't a uniform answer. Only horror and melded flesh.
-- [Tier 3] Chimaera Corpse x5 yields
--- +2 [Tier 2] Griffon Brain, new totals: x12
--- +2 [Tier 3] Thundertusk's Heart, new totals: x3
--- +2 [Tier 2] Dragon's Gas Sac, new totals: x4
--- +1 [Tier 3] Pegasus' Heart, new totals: x3
--- +1 [Tier 3] Giant Cave Spider's Venom, new totals: x4
-- +2 progress to Akazit Pt. 2, new totals: [Cost: (14 -9) =5 actions]
-- +2 progress to The Movement of Things Pt. 6b, The Body: [Cost: (18 -8) =10 actions]
-- Master of the Odd [0/15] > [2/15]
- New Runes/ Combos unlocked!
-- Rune of Forgeflame [Talismanic]: Heat absorbed by the wearer is instead taken by the Rune and discharged into the air over time.
-- Rune of Ironskin [Talismanic]: User gains iron-hard skin.
-- Combo, Goruz-Kazak Rikkaz: [Master Rune of Traversal, Rune of Impact, Rune of Amber] Allies in range charge together in formation and deal increased damage upon contact with the enemy, the larger the formation the greater the speed and damage dealt. When charging they ignore most mundane obstacles.
-- Combo, Flamedrinking: [Master Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Forgeflame] Magical and mundane flame fired against the user is absorbed and turned into Runic energy. (Your Windsight eye reveals the truth of it, mundane fire itself isn't being use. but rather the Aqshy that is drawn to that fire which the Runes seem to eat while snuffing out the physical flame)
-- Combo, Deep Gate [Master Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Siphoning] Enemies suffer even greater casting debuff and spells that are not dispelled are weakened around the user. The user's equipped Master Runes have one aspect of their effect improved. (Your Windsight Eye shows that the Runes saturate an area in Deep Magic, and for some reason that energy is oddly resistant to being used by Wizards when it normally wouldn't be.)
- Flamedrinking Prototype Pt. 1 complete!
-- The piece with your Runes is a necklace similar to Karstah's, but using the appearance of a regular Dragon rather than a shard wyrm. Silver-scaled with blue sapphire eyes overlaid atop the Runes to provide them with a bright glow.
-- Rune of Thungni, Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Furnace.
-- New Combo unlocked! Combo, Flamedrinking: [Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Forgeflame]
-- ??? [0/6] > [1/6]
- Brynbar Pt. 1 complete!
-- New Combo unlocked! Combo, Deep Gate: [Master Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Siphoning]
-- ??? [1/6] > [2/6]
- Staffing Pt. 1 complete!
-- New Combo unlocked! Combo, Goruz-Kazak Rikkaz: [Master Rune of Traversal, Rune of Impact, Rune of Amber]
-- ??? [0/6] > [1/6]
- Helmet Investigation complete!
-- New Rune unlocked! Rune of Ironskin [Talismanic]
-- The helmet seems to be an experimental piece, stretching and playing with material design that clashed strongly with certain aspects of southern style for the period but remaining recognizably from that time.
-- Master of the Odd [9/15] > [11/15]
-- ??? [2/6] > [3/6]
- From doing ??? this turn.
-- ??-tasking [0/6] > [3/6]
- New Rune understood! Master Rune of Grimnir!
-- ??? [5/6] > Wisdom with Weapons [0/6] Every 3 research actions used for Weapon Runes add 1 extra progress.
- New Runes learned!
-- Rune of Charcoal [Structural]: Removes mundane impurities from metal in forges inscribed with or within rooms incribed with this Rune
-- Rune of Tin [Structural]: Structures and rooms bearing this Rune have metal being worked on within made more malleable
- Expedition, Aiding Ravnsvake complete!
-- Ravnsvake recovery speed improved, damage repaired and patrols restored.
-- +4 Bonus to recruitment Dice
-- +1 Standing with Kraka Ravsnvake, new totals: (calculated below)
- Expedition, Aiding Dorden complete!
-- Dorden recovery speed improved, damage repaired and patrols restored.
-- +4 Bonus to recruitment Dice
-- +1 Standing with Kraka Dorden, new totals: (calculated below)
- Training Regime Pt. 2, new totals: [Cost: 0/(2 +1 +1 +1 +1) =6 retainer actions]
-- The price has been paid, and Rudil has been given the go-ahead with the full extent of his plans.
-- -15 Favour with Kraka Drakk, new totals: (calculated below)
-- -45 Favour with Kraka Ornsmotek, new totals: (calculated below)
-- -30 Favour with Kraka Krum, new totals: (calculated below)
-- -15 Favour with Kraka Grom, new totals: (calculated below)
- x2 Priests of Grungni upgraded into x2 Masons of Grungni:
-- The Warrior Brotherhood of the Order of the Stone Wall prides itself in embodying the unyielding will of Grungni in all things. Masters of defensive combat in all its forms, and training their will and endurance to the point that it seems near endless to the average Dwarf. They put these skills, and their hammers, to the task of protecting the temples of the Ancestor and the people He leads.
- x2 Priests of Gazul upgraded into x2 Watchers of Gazul:
-- Watchers of Gazul are a militant arm of the greater Cult, born from the secret war waged in the east against the Frurndar and their Broken God, they are the ever open eye and flaming blade in the dark against those who threaten the souls of innocent Dawi. Each one carries a Runed flaming longsword given to them by the Cult of Gazul.
- +3 Masons of Grungni recruited, new totals: 5
- +3 Priests of Grimnir recruited, new totals: 5
- +3 Watchers of Gazul recruited, new totals: 5
- +8 Hearthwarden Rangers recruited, new totals: 48
- 137 +17 =154/240
- Master Runesmith Okri Halfbrow was deemed the champion of the Summer Solstice tournament for his Runecraft on the [T3] Grudge Thrower, "Bale Eye." A fitting tribute to Morgrim and Thungni both, which, you are told, was part of the impetus for the Engineer's request.
- The Engineers Guild, sensing opportunity, have poked their head about in a more official capacity. They're wondering if they can hold a competition that the Guild itself will sponsor. They wish to know if such a thing would be deemed inflammatory or permissible given what they know about the ruckus this is causing.
-- With your approval the Engineers Guild have announced a Guild Sponsored tournament to decide which Runesmith shall have the honour of inscribing Runes onto the Grudge Thrower that the Guild's greatest members have built the coming summer solstice celebrations held in Morgrim's honour.
- The winner of the Engineering contest, one Katla Furlasdottir, won over the grumbling and critical opinions of the judges with a masterful [T4] Crossbow, "Dragon's Breath", who's firing mechanism and aesthetic craftsmanship were grudgingly considered "above average" by those in attendance. A fine piece of work for her age in your opinion. Smoothest reloading action you've seen and heard in a good while, and all without a speck of oil to lubricate it as well.
- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart, arriving Turn 57
- +10 [Tier 4] Adamant, new totals: x76
- +3 [Tier 2] Dragon's Essence, new totals: x42
Favour and Standing
- +1 Standing with Kraka Dorden, new totals: Standing 10
-- Standing Bonus received! Industry of the North: Once per turn, 1 retainer action adds 1 extra progress to "Expedition" options.
- +1 Standing with Kraka Ravsnvake, new totals: Standing 10
-- Standing Bonus received! Bar a Varaz Ankor II: -1 turn timer to on all Ulthuani orders (minimum 1), Chance for esoteric item orders to appear increases, cost of orders reduced.
- You're getting rather close to becoming a figure of near-unparalleled renown in the Far North.
- -15 Favour with Kraka Drakk, new totals: Favours 90
- -45 Favour with Kraka Ornsmotek, new totals: Favours 75
- (-30 +15) = -15 Favour with Kraka Krum, new totals: Favours 40
- -15 Favour with Kraka Grom, new totals: Favours 215
Trait(s) Gained/Upgraded
- Master of the Odd [0/15] > [2/15]
- Master of the Odd [9/15] > [11/15]
- Master of Metal [5/12] > [7/12]
- ??? [5/6] > Wisdom with Weapons [0/6] Every 3 research actions used for Weapon Runes add 1 extra progress.
- Specialty, Armour Runes.
The vote will open 12pm MST tomorrow.
AN: Wanted this out Monday, but this will do I guess. Had a bit of a false start but I got in the groove. Hope you like, and don't forget to C&C. :^)
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