Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Turn 54 Results Pt. 1:
Winning Vote said:
[X] Plan Father & Daughter Dragon Care
Snorri & Karstah
-[X] Drakk Rearing: 1 Snorri, 1 Karstah AP ✓
-[X] Prod for Prod: 1 Snorri AP ✓

-[X] [Difficult] Monolith Mastery Pt.1: 5 Yorri Prods
-[X] [Simple] An Even Better Smelter: 2 Karstah AP
--[X] Use 10 Bars of Adamant
-[X] [Simple] Commission, Coronation Gift Pt.1: 1 Snorri AP
--[X] Mizpal Zharr: This ring is a band of brightest white Adamant, and inserted into one half of the band is a wall of black flame carven from obsidian in such detail and cleverness that it appears to move. Hidden within the flames is the Master Rune of Expurgation, its glow making the obsidian fire seem to writhe with golden edges. Above this homage to Gazul's domain the other half of the band is inset with beaten gold that shimmers like Grungni's treasures, as if some bright land is hidden behind the wall of flames and shimmers through it. The Runes of Siphoning and Runic Amplification are hidden amidst this gold, empowering the runes with the might of the winds and the deeps. "All magic shall be fed into the Obsidian Flame."
--[X] Combo: Master Rune of Expurgation [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Runic Amplification [T4 Adamant], Rune of Siphoning [T4 Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart]
-[X] [Simple] Chimaera Autopsy: 1 Research AP ✓

-[X] [Difficult] Understand the Master Rune of Valaya: 0 AP ✓
-[X] [Difficult] Compress the Combo Hearthward: 0 AP ✓
-[X] [Difficult] Simplify the Master Rune of Runic Amplification: 2 Snorri AP ✓

-[X] Snorri's Challenge: Provide a rune or rune combo that has the possibility of true killing daemons, with said rune or combo being teachable to master runesmiths. Understanding that this rune or rune combo would be taught at Khazagar. 0 Snorri AP ✓

-[X] Way to the Stones 1 Karstah AP
--[X] Add Waywalking. 1 Retainer AP
-[X] Drakk Rearing 1 Retainer AP ✓
-[X] Expedition Aiding Dorden 1 Retainer AP

-[X] Order: T4 Radiant Pegasus Blood ✓
--[X] Order Expedite 15 Dorden Favor

[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about Caledor [Standard] ✓

[X] [Social:] Gloin
[X] [Social:] Fjolla
[X] [Patreon:] Siggrun Klorahsdottir

(Roll, Prods: 3 +2 =5)
━<><><>< 445 A.P. ><><><>━​

Deep beneath the rock and earth, hundreds of meters from the baleful gaze of sky and sun a party of Dwarf miners walked through the labyrinthine caverns of the underground.

Their paltry band was not a right and proper mining expedition, with dozens on dozens of Dawi and the great mass of material and equipment they brought to hew out the riches of the world, but rather they were prospectors. The ornery and rugged bunch who, out of curiosity, bravery or simple foolishness, struck out to search for the next great seam of ore or precious gems ripe for the taking. Their band was from Kraka Drakk, clothing bearing the mark of the Dragon Hold out of pride and the grim practicality of making their bodies identifiable if worse came to worst. Another trait that marked them out as Kraka Drakk Dawi was the comparative bevy of Runecraft they carried; each member of the band had a Rune-inscribed digging tool and a lamp that glowed without fuel, and half of them even possessed a rucksack that carried many times more in weight and volume than its size would suggest, with a few more trinkets unique to each party member.

They had been on the march for several ten-days now, about halfway through their expedition into as of yet uncharted parts of the tunnels beneath their home. Exhaustion and good sense mean they aren't singing with as much enthusiasm as they normally would be, the surveying has gone poorly and a run in with a giant spider nest meant they lost their good cheese in the escape.

"You hear that?" Dagrum mumbles, drawing confused looks from his fellows, "heard something to our right."

They pause their march and strain their ears, each member well aware that they were far from the safety and surety of properly Dwarf-held rock and all too cognizant of the tales and experiences of their colleagues and forebears to dismiss Dagrum's words.

Things lurked about down here, dangerous things. Hiding, resting, hunting, in places older than time and untouched by the light of the sun.

For minutes they hear not a peep out of place, but then Mulgrum raises his hand and points it westward.

Another two prospectors, Filli and Finn turn their ears in the direction Mulgrum points and listen for several moments before grimly confirming Dagrum and Mulgrum's words.

"Coming towards us." Filli says.

"Quickly." Finn tacks on.

"Chance we can move out of its way?" Bardin asks.

Another moment of silence, the other two mentally calculating in moments.

"Nai, too fast," they whisper, shaking their heads.

A round of cursing ensues.

"Lights out, picks ready." Old Grimbolg murmurs, right hand reaching for the handle of his weapon while the other fishes around in a sac hanging from his belt.

Each and every last member of the band moves into action, reaching for their belts and keeping their ears open in the direction that the four members had agreed the sound was coming from. Eventually Grimbolg and several others find what they're looking for, grunting as they pull out pyramids of inscribed stone that glow softly with magical light.


Apprentice work to be true, but were they not from Kraka Drakk even the scraps from an apprentice would be beyond their means or station to afford. Instead it is merely a notable expense, but one well worth the price.

As one the Dwarfs tossed their pyramids away from them in a massive circle, whispering the activation key as they did so, and as each stone sailed through the air they began to glow like miniature suns. Fourteen balls of light flew and stuck to whatever they landed on, illuminating the area in a sterile white light.

The miners raise their weapons, mattocks, picks and even a hammer and face the oncoming creature, its trundling close enough that the ceiling shook loose dust and pebbles with each step.

"Grimnir, Grungni and Valaya, Ancestors watch over me."

"Gazul put a Hearthstone out and warm my seat."

They clench their weapons as the trundling slows, a few gulp as they see the silhouette in the distance finally become visible, and some curse as it continues to grow with every step it takes.

"Hullo there!"

They blink.

A drak that speaks to them in the tongue of their mothers emerges from the dark.


Your traditional correspondence with Myrion continues as it ever has, and in recent years the contents of your letters have wandered into asking Myrion about the Kingdom of Caledor.

The first thing Myrion hammers into your head, both jokingly and not, is that Caledor is synonymous with two traits: pride and dragons respectively. While Myrion didn't quite describe it as such, her retelling of Caledor's founding leaves you with the impression that the Kingdom was a side effect, rather than the goal, of the Elf it was named after.

Myrion's description of life in Caledor paints a picture that altogether seems fantastical even for the Elves. Deep, rugged and towering volcanoes rich with the wealth of the earth darkened by the shadow of innumerable reptilian wings. Cities and citadels of granite and marble decorated in precious gems and metals where the nobility and their mighty steeds lived dotted the landscape, surrounded by the homes of the many servants that fed, equipped and fought for them. A society that to you, seemed built around supporting the individually most deadly warriors in Ulthuan. Among these myriad places, the two greatest sites in the Kingdom are its capital, Tor Caled, and the temple of Vaul's Anvil. The latter you already had some familiarity with, and to compensate Myrion spent most of her time writing about the city of Tor Caled, a fortress and monument of both the skill and power of the Elf that the Kingdom held with almost religious reverence, Caledor Dragontamer. Walls of volcanic rock, surrounded by a moat of molten stone and decorated with the greatest treasures dug from the Dragonspine, home to thousands of Elves and built on a scale so large that even a Dragon could walk down its avenues or enter several of its buildings easily.

It is, Myrion seems to admit with great difficulty, one of the grandest cities in Ulthuan, second only to the ones of her own home she assures.

Much as you found that knowledge fascinating, and could appreciate that there were yet more Elves understood the value of living near and in solid stone, you were far more interested in Caledor's relationship with the Dragons that inhabit the land they claim as their own, if only to compare and contrast with your own experiences.

Funny how fate turns out.

Centuries prior you thought it the height of madness for anyone to ride, let alone live alongside a drak of all things, and now here you are not only lodging three Shard Wyrms in the bowels of your home, but actively raising and providing opportunities for them to develop and grow.

Though admittedly most of the actual credit undoubtedly belongs to Karstah and your retainers in that regard.

Myrion is, unfortunately, not quite as knowledgeable in that area as you had hoped, but she can at least tell you that the Elves of Caledor hold their dragons in the highest regard. As both the source of their temporal power and out of healthy respect for creatures as dangerous as a drak, the Elves work hard to ensure their allies remain comfortable. Guarding both the physical location and knowledge of their lairs and nesting sites, feeding them, armoring them in enchanted equipment and providing gifts to grow their hoards and the like. For all that you could draw similarities between the Caledorians relationship with their draks to your own people's and the Branakroki, there were a few differences you find.

Maybe its just the nature of Myrion's sources, but from the looks of things the Elves revered their allies in a way yours didn't? Myrion mentioning how Caledorians are ever boastful of their mastery of the skies and their Dragons, and then mentioning how they toil to feed, arm, protect and supplicate their mounts made you wonder who exactly served who in that relationship.

Like how one of Jorri's friends spent far more than was necessary caring for his prized herd of ponies, except if the ponies could talk and breathed fire.

But then again who knows? Perhaps that was what was simply required to stay on a drak's good side, wouldn't surprise you.


Grimbolg can't help but wonder if they've all stepped into a cloud of mad-gas someway back and they're all in the throes of a shared hallucination, because this felt all too surreal.

"As you can see good Elders, I am not at all a threat," the drak replies pleasantly.

No more than a few moments prior Grimbolg was making peace with the fact that not everyone in his band, himself included, may not come home, and now?

Now he and his second were looking over not only a leaflet of gold that bore the insignia of The Gift Giver and the Guildmaster declaring that this "Izgrom," was operating with the permission of both the Miners Guild and the King, but an honest to goodness prospecting permit signed by the Guildmaster himself.

He turns to look at Alric, who looks back at him with as much confusion on his face as his own.

"It is authentic," Grimbolg ultimately mutters, noting with no small amount of disbelief that all of the hidden symbols and indentations that should be on the real Guildmaster's seal are there.

As one, they turn to look back at the drak, his claws steepled together and something they can only guess is an attempt at a smile gracing his maw.


Izgrom returns from his journey happy and covered in the dust and filth one would expect from an expedition into the world below.

From the looks of things, his time there has proven particularly fruitful to boot, even if you can't help but make an unflattering comparison to the saddlebags of a pony when you stare at the full to bursting sacks hanging from his frame.

Unaware of your thoughts, Karstah has something approaching a smile on her face as she watches Izgrom struggle to remove his gear alone before finally agreeing to the Hearth Guards' gruff offer of assistance.

It wasn't a particularly difficult to realize that, of the three Dragons in your care, Izgrom was by and large the most well-adjusted; curious, sometimes bothersome yes, but easily managing to absorb the cultural lessons and norms of your people at a speed and level of enthusiasm that neither of his siblings cared to manage. Zharrok saw what he found interesting and tended to discard the rest, while Grim seemed utterly unaware of anything until she decided to act, at which point she wielded her knowledge in a way that reminded you of a warrior wielding an axe more than anything. But Izgrom? Despite the image he presented with his tomfoolery and line stepping, you and Karstah did both notice that he certainly took the lessons to heart, practicing and remaining cognizant of the little details that would slip by someone who hadn't grown up a Dwarf.

It makes you wonder just how much Izgrom's decision to go on his journey was wanderlust and how much was him wanting to experience something similar to what young Dawi were taught upon their majority.

Regardless, you doubt sojourns like this will be a one time thing, Izgrom seems far too happy with his experience to be satisfied with only one trip down, and with his punctual and safe return you and likely Karstah don't see a reason to stop him.

As Izgrom proudly presents a particularly large node of iron ore to Karstah, complete with a very noticeable bite mark in one corner, you realize he nevertheless has his own little idiosyncrasies.

But who didn't?

Really, the only odd thing about the bite mark was its size, not the first time the Miners Guild turned a blind eye to the errant bite mark on some ore a Dwarf brought back. Old prospectors all had quirks and tricks they used when prospecting, and honestly taking an honest to goodness bite out of rock wasn't even breaking the top five oddest you've heard of.

Admittedly no Prospector you heard of ever took a bite quite as big or out of something quite as hard as Izgrom did.

━<><><>< 447 A.P. ><><><>━​

Like his brother, Zharrok's time exploring his interests has proven beneficial to his personal development; the borderline obsession with fire that he's carried for almost his whole life having turned to more towards what could be done with fire rather than creating flame for its own sake. Its something your quietly thankful for, if only because a pyromaniacal dragon wasn't something you cared to deal with.

Instead of bare rock and a hoard of gold in the center, his lair is now more reminiscent of a smith's workshop, complete with a full forge, dozens of specialized tools, and shelves full of odds and ends organized in a system only Zharrok himself knows.

The hoard is still there of course, it's just been moved slightly to the side.

His Brana tutors, a mated pair of Stonebound Brana recommended to you by Blizzardwing, tell you that the young dragon is absorbing the theoretical lessons at breakneck pace. The practical side of his training, however, hasn't been progressing quite as rapidly. The reason why lies in just how the Stonebound shape metal ya see, alongside appropriating a few Dwarfen techniques the griffons also used a mix of their own physical strength and manipulation through Chamon to deform and shape metal. Zharrok, by contrast, has only his strength and an affinity for Aqshy, so half the time he and his tutors are attempting to find a way for him to create an analogous workaround. Its a large roadblock, but if anything it has only inspired the dragon to not only work harder, but look for other teachers as well.

And by others, you almost exclusively mean Menlinwen and Karstah.

The former for lessons in manipulating Aqshy that neither your people or the Brana could provide, and the latter because Karstah was a smith that would actually be willing to teach him as well as a figure he and Izgrom viewed akin to a surrogate mother. When the two of them are preoccupied only then does the dragon even consider going to your retainers, and then you after every other option's been exhausted.

Not quite sure what to make of that.

You can appreciate Zharrok's diligence at least, even if his sense of aesthetics is utterly alien to you, a strange blend of Dwarf, Brana, and Elven design principles.

He'll figure it out.



On a more personal note, your research continues its new, steady pace without much fanfare. Be it the Rune research you were chipping away at, with an understandable degree of extra precaution might you add, in between working on less involved projects like exchanging knowledge with Master Yorri, the day to day running of Khazagar, and the Chimera guts you were in the middle of categorizing.

The only particular thing of note over this time was in wrangling out a simplified version of the Master Rune of Runic Amplification.

Keeping the Rune's main function had meant discarding its ability to break down enemy magic, relegating it to simply grabbing errant magic around the wielder and enhancing the casts of nearby Runes instead. A sacrifice you thought was more than acceptable since learning how to unmake sorcerous nonsense was one of the foundational aspects of being a Runesmith, and a task your colleagues and forebears had devised a truly staggering number of ways to achieve to boot.

As a side note, you discovered an unexpected benefit to your work with the Rune of Siphoning, using what you knew with that Rune to help guide the creation of an analogous method for the Rune of Runic Amplification.

Second side note, take a look at the name, you can probably do better than Runic Amplification.

What were you thinking when you decided to name it that anyway?

The remaining few hours you've allotted for personal projects today before going to meet Master Yorri for the afternoon are spent alternating between continuing your autopsy on the Chimera's corpse and trying to brainstorm a new name for the Rune of Runic Amplification.


When you leave your workshop to go meet Master Yorri, you are surprised to see the serpentine girth of Grimgal silently waiting before you. A brief glance to either side of you is returned only by the shrugs of your retainers makes you sigh.

"A surprise to see you out of your lair girl," you turn to tell her, "how long have you been waiting here?"

"Three hours," the Shard Wyrm says, "the caretaker's terms dictate excursion in exchange for the books we desire, thus we are here."

That…sounded about right actually, though you doubt Karstah meant for Grim to end her solitude just to end up somewhere only slightly more public.

"Well you can follow me to Master Yorri if you'd like, but the meeting between us is private," you offer.

The over twenty-meter long dragon takes a moment to think before nodding their head.

"This is acceptable."

With her decision made, the two of you depart, Grimgal having grown to the point that even while walking meters behind you her neck is long enough that her head casts a shadow down on you. The two of you walk in relative silence before you decide to break it with a question.

"You feel like doing anything like your brothers are?"

"The beast sees no reason to leave our lair, and my desire for books can be satiated from anywhere. Thus, we are content."

On one hand you appreciate that Grimgal's interest is in something that lets her remain rather sedentary. Ancestors know that you, Karstah and your retainers worked hard to coordinate and plan for both Izgrom and Zharrok's desires, but another part of you is well aware that not only is that sort of lifestyle risk Grimgals socialization wither on the vine, but Karstah would appreciate a bit of support given her efforts to get Grimgal to stop being a recluse.

"There's more to knowledge than reading a book," you counter, "Just as an axe is tempered, understanding is strengthened by experience."

Your largest charge does not reply, pondering over your words for half a minute before she speaks again.

"We heed the Elder's wisdom, considerations shall be made. When we are in agreement, we will speak on the topic with the caretaker."

Well, that's better than nothing, so you grunt in the affirmative and let the silence fall once more.

The sight of the doors that connect you to the rest of Khazagar opening to reveal you and a massive Shard Wyrm is enough to make more than a few people pause and blink, but neither you nor Grimgal take heed of their obvious confusion.

The two of you cleave through the crowds in the Karaz-Irkul like a wedge through wood; respect for your role and more likely the dragon's sheer size making people move aside as you both turn and head into the Trogg-Khaz.

A thought strikes you.

" 'gal," you begin, "where exactly will you go while I'm talking to Master Yorri?"

"We do not understand," they reply, "we would wait until you are finished, are we meant to go somewhere else?"

"People use the hallway."

"We are using the hallway, and we are people."

You grunt, unimpressed.

"We will abide," Grimgal concedes.

Karstah's efforts to socialize her either weren't as effective as either of you thought, or she decides to be smart with you. Both were troublesome, and with Grimgal you frankly couldn't tell.

"Just try not to clog the hallway or block any of the doors," you say, looking up and ahead at the parts of the ceiling not obscured by her head.

Sometimes deciding to build on such a large scale has benefits outside aesthetics you suppose.

━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━​

- +3 progress to Drakk Rearing, new totals: [12/?? actions]
-- Each sibling is effectively capable of acting in Dwarf society largely unsupervised, with any escort being there more to calm down anyone than any fear of them going on a rampage, yes even Grimgal.
-- Grimgal, length 22m by 454 A.P.
--- Will occasionally ask for copies of books.
--- Largely content so long as you and Barak Azamar stay within Khazagar
--- You asked if they had any requests on a level similar to their brothers, they'll get back to you on that.
-- Zharrok, length 18m by 454 A.P.
--- His training, while stymied by his unique circumstances, progresses. The challenge only excites him
--- Has begun adding some of his favourite creations to his hoard.
-- Izgrom, length 18m by 454 A.P.
--- Goes out on regular expeditions into the depths beneath Kraka Drakk, returns with whatever he finds interesting.
--- Occasionally gives Karstah precious gems and ore as repayment for raising him apparently.
--- Has begun growing his hoard with the wealth and material gained from his expeditions.

- Coronation Gift Pt. 1 complete! Coronation Gift Pt. 2 Unlocked!
-- in regards to the Rune choice for the commission, you basically have a pair of 2/3s, if that makes sense.

- +1 progress to Chimaera Autopsy, new totals: [Cost: (4 -2) =2 actions]
-- Master of the Odd [11/15] > [12/15]

- New Rune understood! Master Rune of Valaya
-- +2 Research drip banked.
-- Talent for Talismans [12/15] > [13/15]

- New Combo compressed! Hearthward
-- New Rune understood! Master Rune of Hearthward
-- +2 Research drip banked.
-- Talent for Talismans [13/15] > [14/15]

- New Rune simplified! Rune of Runic Amplification [Talismanic]
-- Talent for Talismans [14/15] > [16/15]

- New Runes/ Combos unlocked!
-- Master Rune of Hearthward, Complexity: 0, Necessary Ingredients: [T2] Hearthstone: The user has greatly improved resistance to both mundane and magically induced fatigue and disease, while their body temperature remains relatively constant and feel comfortable regardless of most weather conditions.
-- Rune of Runic Amplification [Talismanic]: Dispelled spells around the user are converted to improve the casting of Runes around the user.

- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, arriving Turn 56
-- Order Expedited -15 Favours with Kraka Dorden, new totals: (calculated below)

Favour and Standing
- -15 Favours with Kraka Dorden, new totals: Favours 35

Trait(s) Gained/Upgraded
Master of the Odd [11/15] > [12/15]
Talent for Talismans [16/15] > Talent for Talismans [1/18]: Every 2 research actions used for Talismanic Runes add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Understanding a [Talismanic] Rune has a 40% chance to produce extra research drip.

AN: Didn't wanna be more late than I already am. Hope you enjoy the sausage-centric nature of this part at least, rest of the socials later and junk. Anyway, insert obligatory patreon shill here and please don't forget to C&C! :^)

EDIT: Oh right, a gif to encapsulate the first part of that update with Izgrom and the miners.

Last edited:
Turn 54 Results Pt. 2: Mostly Social Stuff
Winning Vote said:
[X] Plan Father & Daughter Dragon Care
Snorri & Karstah
-[X] Drakk Rearing: 1 Snorri, 1 Karstah AP ✓
-[X] Prod for Prod: 1 Snorri AP ✓

-[X] [Difficult] Monolith Mastery Pt.1: 5 Yorri Prods ✓
-[X] [Simple] An Even Better Smelter: 2 Karstah AP ✓
--[X] Use 10 Bars of Adamant

-[X] [Simple] Commission, Coronation Gift Pt.1: 1 Snorri AP
--[X] Mizpal Zharr: This ring is a band of brightest white Adamant, and inserted into one half of the band is a wall of black flame carven from obsidian in such detail and cleverness that it appears to move. Hidden within the flames is the Master Rune of Expurgation, its glow making the obsidian fire seem to writhe with golden edges. Above this homage to Gazul's domain the other half of the band is inset with beaten gold that shimmers like Grungni's treasures, as if some bright land is hidden behind the wall of flames and shimmers through it. The Runes of Siphoning and Runic Amplification are hidden amidst this gold, empowering the runes with the might of the winds and the deeps. "All magic shall be fed into the Obsidian Flame."
--[X] Combo: Master Rune of Expurgation [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Runic Amplification [T4 Adamant], Rune of Siphoning [T4 Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart]
-[X] [Simple] Chimaera Autopsy: 1 Research AP ✓

-[X] [Difficult] Understand the Master Rune of Valaya: 0 AP ✓
-[X] [Difficult] Compress the Combo Hearthward: 0 AP ✓
-[X] [Difficult] Simplify the Master Rune of Runic Amplification: 2 Snorri AP ✓

-[X] Snorri's Challenge: Provide a rune or rune combo that has the possibility of true killing daemons, with said rune or combo being teachable to master runesmiths. Understanding that this rune or rune combo would be taught at Khazagar. 0 Snorri AP ✓

-[X] Way to the Stones 1 Karstah AP
--[X] Add Waywalking. 1 Retainer AP
-[X] Drakk Rearing 1 Retainer AP ✓
-[X] Expedition Aiding Dorden 1 Retainer AP

-[X] Order: T4 Radiant Pegasus Blood ✓
--[X] Order Expedite 15 Dorden Favor

[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about Caledor [Standard] ✓
[X] [Social:] Gloin
[X] [Social:] Fjolla ✓
[X] [Patreon:] Siggrun Klorahsdottir ✓

━<><><>< 447 A.P. ><><><>━​

When you tell Master Yorri the price for your knowledge he merely squints his eyes and deepens his frown.

It isn't a secret that Yorri holds a great deal of distaste for the path you're taking and you can understand full well why he would, but at the same time it's a path you were committed to. The power and possibilities afforded by tapping into the Monoliths was immense, and you didn't need to look far for supporting evidence either. Barak Azamar was the crux, without the energy your armour brought to bear the Ash Storm would be far less deadly, and your more potent Runes usable far less frequently.

There's an argument to be made about making the most use out of what magic was available instead, it's one that Vragni's levelled at you more than once in his rants, and to a degree you agree with it. There was certainly an artistry of working within limitations, of making something great from mundane work. By Valaya's braid you were willing to brawl with a colleague over his remarks against doing just that, and you've made it clear that there was a point that being overly picky was more detrimental than it was beneficial.

But just because you'll make the most out of the materials you have on hand does not mean you wouldn't stop looking for better.

Everything has a use, everything could be made great, but not in the exact same way.

You've lost track of the point you think.

Right, the Monoliths. Great benefit there, benefit that you believed was well worth the risk. Tapping into them wasn't something you were planning on doing haphazardly, Master Yorri wouldn't have been okay teaching you if you were, but there would likely always be a risk with having so much magic in place.

Ogra told you her Ancestor had done what he did out of greed and pride, without proper forethought or respect for the forces he was playing with. You were different.

On the other hand, a voice in the back of your mind asks if Ogra's Ancestor had thought the same, as did every other Dwarf who attempted the very same and subsequently died with nothing to show for their efforts.

And maybe, considering your teacher's reticence on but wealth of knowledge on the topic, you would turn out no better.

But you both knew that wouldn't dissuade you, and that more than anything is why Master Yorri ultimately concedes to your terms.

In a few years time you'd both be making the trip to the Monolith once more.


Khazagar's thoroughfares are filled full around lunch time, a small Throng's worth of Dwarfs making the journey from the various wings of the complex heading to the Trogg-Khaz colliding with the even larger number of visitors and passersby to create a real mess that Master Snorri's creation is just barely large enough to accommodate semi-comfortably.

Karstah barely notices the grunt from Dreng, but she does catch the target of the grunt in question, a gaggle of Runesmiths walking the opposite direction towards her, move aside to let her and the elder pass, standing by and nodding respectfully to her as she moves past them. She nods back out of habit, her mind busy with the duties she's been given and with one in particular taking up most of her musing.

As she's begun tackling the issue, Karstah realizes that improving upon the Dragonblood Smelter isn't a complex job but it is a meticulous one.

Before Master Snorri developed the new version of his namesake Master Rune her job would have been much harder and more open-ended, but now it "simply," required using the new Rune in lieu of the array on the older smelters. But just because most of the improvements to the smelter could be achieved by the new Rune did not mean she wasn't putting in the work to find further improvements where she could. Centuries of watching Master Snorri and now decades of hands-on experience with her own smelters had given Karstah both plenty of time to think, and data to examine on how to iterate on the design.

The most obvious improvement she could make was a matter of material; pure Gromril was honestly the most practical choice, but in the grand scheme making a smelter out of Adamant seemed the better option. Master Snorri had earmarked enough of the metal for her to actually build a current smelter out of it if she so wanted, and she definitely did. The cost would be prohibitive, using that much Adamant always would be, but it was a worthwhile investment in her opinion. Adamant's structural properties alone meant she could expand the overall volume and scale of the smelter for an equal amount of material while maintaining an equal level of safety than one made from Pure Gromril after all. Nevermind the obvious benefits that the metal's enhancing properties on Runes in general.

The second, more minor by comparison, avenue to tackle were changes to the physical layout of the new smelter. Introducing better ergonomics and design to reduce its final footprint, add more efficient methods of draining and replacing the dragon's blood for instance, and thanks to her teacher's newest insights into the forging process with his eye, removing parts that they now knew weren't necessary. Take their use of Elder Wyrms's blood for instance, while it was grandfathered in to the current smelter design because it provided a tangible and obvious impact on the final output was sensible even if her teacher and his colleagues never figured out why. Learning how the Master Rune actually used the stuff however, taught her and Master Snorri that the Brotherhood's original method was simply pinging off a very crude approximation of how the Master Rune of Purification itself functioned, siphoning energy from the blood to fuel the purification of the Gromril. So in reality it wasn't actually necessary to fully submerge the bar, but merely keep the stuff in proximity with the Rune, preferably touching the actual structure itself, and that in itself could let them be far more specific and hopefully efficient with how much of the extremely costly and increasingly rare blood they used.

The bulk of the effort would just be putting everything together into a coherent design.

At least the next few years wouldn't be boring.

━<><><>< 448 A.P. ><><><>━​

Going out isn't something you do very often, but at the request of your niece and the far less polite prodding of your family and friends, you've been making more of an effort these past few decades to actually go and meet with people for reasons outside of duty and business.

And moreover, prove you aren't a hermit who only leaves to begrudgingly do the above mentioned tasks.


So as part of your plan to prove that you are not a hermit, you've begun coming to your former students' monthly get-togethers. A little tradition they made that originally began when Snerra, Fjolla and Dolgi finished a hard day's training and unwound over dinner and a few drinks before bed, that's now grown into a dinner all of their immediate families, Nain and Karstah, and now every so often, you.

And maybe Yorri, you haven't seen him there but that means nothing when it concerns your teacher.

Truth be told, you aren't altogether unhappy about being forced to go out, because again you aren't a hermit, but there are always reservations in the back of your mind about attending these. You'd have to be blind to not realize that, as their teacher, your students may act differently with each other when you're around and they aren't. It's one that's died down now that they're older and Masters in their own right who don't quake in their boots everytime they disagree with you, Snerra especially, but it's never really gone for good. Still you tend to simply lurk about in the background, a quiet spectre that does his best to make your students forget you're there so that they can relax a bit easier.

Not exactly beating the hermit allegations with that tactic though.

Still, it's part of why you chose to get here early, already being there when the others arrived tended to help with the whole blending in business, and for this occasion specifically the other reason is because the pot of stew you brought along was large enough that you wanted a bit of a buffer of time just in case something went wrong on the way here and you got delayed.

You turn the corner to Snerra's home and stop when you see another figure handing a small wooden box to your niece. Before you can so much as blink, they both turn to look at you and the noise you made, giving you a better look at the stranger and causing you to blink.

Why If your eyes do not deceive you, that's Brynna.

Rather than stand there like an idiot, you walk over and offer the both of them a nod in greeting.

"Snerra, Brynna."

"Uncle!" your niece says, looking at the pot in your hands, "and you brought the stew! Lovely! Just a moment, let me bring this in and I can take that off your hands."

Both you and Brynna watch as Snerra disappears into her home, scurrying off with the box she'd received, leaving the two of you alone outside her open door.

"Lord Klausson," Brynna begins, making you turn away from the sound of your niece's footsteps to regard your colleague.

The first thing you notice when you get a closer look is the state of her hair; where there was once a uniform grey-white, your fellow Runelord's hairline is now dominated by a band of vibrant obsidian black that intermingles with the grey along the edge of both colors, long enough that she's braided then tied the offending locks behind her head.

The second thing you notice are her new prosthetics.

You stare into eyes made from spheres of veined marble, the bright white broken up by incredibly fine streaks of burgundy and salmon, with the irises made from alternating plates of gold and amber and a circular shard of Obsidian held in the center to act as their pupil. That they dimly glowed with a warm, yet ominous light, made it clear that Brynna had gone through the effort to inscribe the Runes inside each orb.

As for her hand, it's far more overt in its nature. A well articulated but sturdy construction of interlocking and shifting plates of thinly beaten Gromril overtop the intricate mechanisms given the way it clicked and clacked with each twitch of her fingers. Obvious in the way that the eyes at least attempt to appear like a facsimile from a distance.

The two of you look at each other silently, unsure of how to proceed.

"How was acclimation?" you broach, defaulting to what you usually ask newly limbed patrons.

Brynna, thankfully, obliges your attempt.

"Your craft does you credit Lord Klausson," she compliments, "they are far more robust than I imagined. I could imagine myself forgetting they weren't my own flesh and blood if…"

A grunt of understanding.

"Till you see, and then you remember."

"Aye," Brynna admits, looking at the results of your own brush with death intently, "I suppose I should have realized you would understand the dangers of our work more than most."

"For what it may be worth, you've bounced back well, compared to most others, me especially," you offer.

She chuckles.

"I suppose that's one way to look at things. Forgive my abruptness Lord Klausson but I must beg your leave. I planned on meeting with my nephew later and it wouldn't do for me to be tardy."

"Right, I'll not keep you then. Enjoy your dinner Lady Gildedeyes, and may the Ancestors watch over you."

"And you Lord Klausson," she returns before heading off.

For a moment longer you watch her walk away before the sound of footsteps draws your attention back around to see your niece coming back from wherever she disappeared off to.

"Has Lady Brynna gone then?"

"Aye, dinner with her nephew," you answer, making your own niece nod before looking at you pointedly.

"Indulge me, but you didn't just stand there awkwardly beside her waiting for me to come back did you?"

You give her an affronted look.


"And they'll be returning soon you reckon?" you ask Fjolla, just one of many conversations happening around Snerra's table.

"Been about as much time as it took me, and I've 'overheard' their kin hearing much the same in the letters they get too. So barring ill luck I'll be judging their creations soon. Hopefully they'll not disappoint, a terrible shame to be turned back for everyone involved." she confirms.

You hum in agreement

"Thinking about taking any more after?" you ask, eyes glancing over at the stiff figure of Nain's student as he is badgered by Dolgi's youngest.

Fjolla shakes her head calmly.

"I don't think so. Unlike Dolgi or Snerra, I'm not exactly happy to have as many beardlings in my life as possible, barring exceptional circumstances."

You grunt, tucking away that tidbit about Snerra looking for yet more students away in the corner of your mind for later. You have a few youngsters of note tossed your way that she may be interested in teaching.

"It isn't for everyone no."

"Have you seen any particularly noteworthy prospects Master?"

Now you let yourself scoff.

"Nine apprentices is more than enough," You tell her, "Maybe if a youngster with true promise rears their head and somehow goes unnoticed. Khazagar and the duties therein are more than enough on my plate. It's up to you lot to continue this particular lineage now Fjolla."

A job they've been doing more than ably at.

Nain, Fjolla and Snerra all had apprentices by this point, Dolgi more than made up for his lack of students with the size of his family, and Karstah had her hands full with the Dragons and duties as your heir.

As for the others…

…you recall Jargrim grumbling about not practicing pocket gravel on his future students when he thought you were out of earshot once.



You blink, then look over at a curious and slightly worried looking Fjolla.

"Fjolla? Ah, right. I was lost in my thoughts, what did you say again?"

"I said, speaking of teaching, how was yours and Karstah's project with the dragons going."


While you let yourself descend into regaling Fjolla with stories about the particulars of raising dragons, a part of your mind meanders down the path of memories that thinking about Jargrim brought to the surface. Not so much actively recalling snippets and points of pride, but merely going over whatever came up with a forlorn fondness.

One day.

One day you'll meet them all again.


"He was a handsome one I'll admit, but a poor eater. No finesse to his feasting," Solveig tells her sisters sorrowfully.

Siggrun sighs as Jolla nods along, letting Sol share her story while they help clean the dishes.

For all that she and her twin were alike, her sibling indulged the youngest member of their family whenever she talked about her romantic escapades far too often than Siggrun thought was smart. There were ears in the oddest places after all.

"Incorrigible Solveig, really only the fourth outing?" she finds herself asking in mock surprise, before adding on, "and if I recall properly, didn't you predict the very thing you're complaining about too? Why try if you knew?"

"Could have been wrong, and he was very handsome, with a beard like silk," Sol counters easily.

Before Siggrun can come up with a reply the sound of the door opening makes all three sisters shush up and turn their heads to see who's just entered the kitchen.

"Incoming!" Master Snerra announces, barging into the kitchen with an empty pot in need of refilling, "move aside please!"

The three sisters make way for Master Snerra as she walks over to the stove and switches the empty pot with another sitting atop it.

"I'd like to thank you for your help again girls, very kind of you to ease this old woman's burden," the twins' teacher comments, huffing out of habit as she hoists the fresh pot into her arms.

"Of course Master," she and Jolla say in unison.

"What they said Lady Snerra, it's only fitting to repay you for the meal."

"Hmm, and I'm sure being away from Dolgi before he starts singing is just a bonus."

"No that was part of it/Of course it was a coincidence/I actually enjoy papa's songs," the trio replied.

Master Snerra chuffs in amusement before exiting the kitchen, the sounds of their father's raucous celebration coming through the doorway for a second before its shut.

"Where was I? Right! You can't give me too much lip, you both couldn't have spent your Journeys entirely on learning could you?"

"I won't speak for Jolla, but I was too busy trying not to die, sister dearest," Siggrun says sardonically, causing Solveig to pout.

"No comment," Jolla says, making both of them turn to stare at her.

"A damning statement from your twin, Siggy," Solveig says.

She nods.

"Didn't think you had it in you," she tells her twin.

"No comment!" she repeats, scrubbing the plates harder out of embarrassment before admitting, "people look much prettier when you're drunk and the tavern's dark is all I'll say."

"Scandalous," she tuts sarcastically, "what would our mother think?"

Solveig laughs as Jolla's face turns the same shade of red as her hair.

The sound of the door opening once again makes them pause their discussion, perfectly timed as well considering Lord Gift Giver is the one who's come in this time.

"Lasses," he greets, his prosthetic eye giving them all a once over before his gaze moves to the barrels neatly stacked in the corner, "don't let me stop your discussion. Im just here to grab more ale. Your father spilled some and now your mother's helping him clean up his mess."

"We were just discussing our Journeys, Elder," Solveig comments, making both sisters look at her pointedly, "and how one should best spend their time during the experience. Would you have any wisdom or stories you would be willing to share?"

The Eldest Runelord of the Far North hums contemplatively, easily holding a barrel the size of his chest against his hip as he stood there, before coming to a decision.

"My Journeying was a great deal more fraught than most. Even your father's and his many many brushes with death would be hard pressed to compete I reckon. I was only fifty winters old, and of course not many want to pay for the services of one so young and inexperienced, Rhunki or otherwise. One night in particular I remember having naught more than a few gold pieces to my name at the time, having spent most of it procuring material for a client's commission ya see. Like the fool I was back then, I decided to spend that gold on one particularly good meal at the local tavern, having grown sick of gruel and some truly wretched beer I'd been subsisting off for months by that point. Aye and it was delicious, freshly roasted haunch seasoned to perfection, a hearty stew of lowland auroch, troll, and lamb with melted cheese overtop, and a keg of the smoothest drink that'd I ever had at the time. For a few hours that night I dined like a king. Course, I didn't eat much of anything except water and stonebread until the windfall from the finished commission was given to me afterwards. Were I back there with the knowledge I had now? I would have done it again I reckon."

They blink in surprise, expecting the exact opposite. The obvious set up for the age old parable of temperance most Dwarf children were told.

"Ha! Never get complacent plaitlings, it's been the death of many a talented and brave Dawi. As to why? Well, one reason is that when I sat there, eating that bread and drinking that water, I deluded myself into thinking I was eating that meal. The starvation probably helped sell the hallucination honestly, but the point was that the memory kept me going, and that was enough. Most Dawi are the same aye, and we like to think we're all alike, and in many ways we are, but in my life I've learned that no Dwarf is cut from the same stone in the end. The lesson ought to be that you should know yourself, temperance may have worked for many, but it may end up hampering a select few. And well the second reason? Hmph. I won't divulge, but the hours I spent eating my fill like a glutton let someone important have enough time to find me, and for that I'll be eternally thankful. Know yourself, and know the consequence of your actions young ones, that's far more generally applicable advice than most."

His tale complete, the Gift Giver readjusts the barrel under his arm and heads for the dining room. Before he leaves through the door however, he pauses, and without looking back, offers a final parting line.

"And be more quiet, or use better metaphors! Everyone else here is either too young, drunk or busy to have heard, but this Dwarf has working ears!"

They can only stand, silently mortified, and watch as the Gift Giver returns to the dining room, his cackles cutting off when the door shuts behind him.

━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━

- +3 progress to Drakk Rearing, new totals: [12/?? actions]
-- Each sibling is effectively capable of acting in Dwarf society largely unsupervised, with any escort being there more to calm down anyone than any fear of them going on a rampage, yes even Grimgal.
-- Grimgal, length 22m by 454 A.P.
--- Will occasionally ask for copies of books.
--- Largely content so long as you and Barak Azamar stay within Khazagar
--- You asked if they had any requests on a level similar to their brothers, they'll get back to you on that.
-- Zharrok, length 18m by 454 A.P.
--- His training, while stymied by his unique circumstances, progresses. The challenge only excites him
--- Has begun adding some of his favourite creations to his hoard.
-- Izgrom, length 18m by 454 A.P.
--- Goes out on regular expeditions into the depths beneath Kraka Drakk, returns with whatever he finds interesting.
--- Occasionally gives Karstah precious gems and ore as repayment for raising him apparently.
--- Has begun growing his hoard with the wealth and material gained from his expeditions.

- Coronation Gift Pt. 1 complete! Coronation Gift Pt. 2 Unlocked!

- +6 progress to Monolith Mastery, new totals: [Cost: (24 -10) =14 actions]
-- Master of the Odd [12/15] > [15/15]
-- ??? [0/6] > [3/6]

- +1 progress to Chimaera Autopsy, new totals: [Cost: (4 -2) =2 actions]
-- Master of the Odd [11/15] > [12/15]

- New Rune understood! Master Rune of Valaya
-- +2 Research drip banked.
-- Talent for Talismans [12/15] > [13/15]

- New Combo compressed! Hearthward
-- New Rune understood! Master Rune of Hearthward
-- +2 Research drip banked.
-- Talent for Talismans [13/15] > [14/15]

- New Rune simplified! Rune of Runic Amplification [Talismanic]
-- Talent for Talismans [14/15] > [16/15]

- New Runes/ Combos unlocked!
-- Master Rune of Hearthward, Complexity: 0, Necessary Ingredients: [T2] Hearthstone: The user has greatly improved resistance to both mundane and magically induced fatigue and disease, while their body temperature remains relatively constant and feel comfortable regardless of most weather conditions.
-- Rune of Runic Amplification [Talismanic]: Dispelled spells around the user are converted to improve the casting of Runes around the user.

- +3 progress to An Even Better Smelter, new totals: [Cost: (6 -3) = 3 actions]
-- Productivity Like One Other [3/15] > [5/15]


- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, arriving Turn 56
-- Order Expedited -15 Favours with Kraka Dorden, new totals: (calculated below)

Favour and Standing
- -15 Favours with Kraka Dorden, new totals: Favours 35

Trait(s) Gained/Upgraded

Master of the Odd [12/15] > Master of the Odd [0/15]: Every 2 research actions used for [Odd] Runes and novel phenomena add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Understanding an [Odd] Rune has a 40% chance to produce extra research drip. Research gains from studying odd and novel materials improved.
Talent for Talismans [16/15] > Talent for Talismans [1/18]: Every 2 research actions used for Talismanic Runes add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Understanding a [Talismanic] Rune has a 40% chance to produce extra research drip.


Productivity Like One Other [3/15] > [5/15]

AN: I felt bad for not posting anything for 2 weeks. I think this stands on its own pretty well and has value, but people interested in seeing number go up may not be so intersted. If so, I apologize, hopefully the next part will be faster. Aaaaaaaaaa- Anyway, I hope you can find some enjoyment from this, and don't forge to C&C. :^)
Last edited:
Turn 54 Results Pt. 3
Winning Vote said:
[X] Plan Father & Daughter Dragon Care
Snorri & Karstah
-[X] Drakk Rearing: 1 Snorri, 1 Karstah AP ✓
-[X] Prod for Prod: 1 Snorri AP ✓
-[X] [Difficult] Monolith Mastery Pt.1: 5 Yorri Prods ✓
-[X] [Simple] An Even Better Smelter: 2 Karstah AP ✓
--[X] Use 10 Bars of Adamant

-[X] [Simple] Commission, Coronation Gift Pt.1: 1 Snorri AP ✓
--[X] Mizpal Zharr: This ring is a band of brightest white Adamant, and inserted into one half of the band is a wall of black flame carven from obsidian in such detail and cleverness that it appears to move. Hidden within the flames is the Master Rune of Expurgation, its glow making the obsidian fire seem to writhe with golden edges. Above this homage to Gazul's domain the other half of the band is inset with beaten gold that shimmers like Grungni's treasures, as if some bright land is hidden behind the wall of flames and shimmers through it. The Runes of Siphoning and Runic Amplification are hidden amidst this gold, empowering the runes with the might of the winds and the deeps. "All magic shall be fed into the Obsidian Flame."
--[X] Combo: Master Rune of Expurgation [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Runic Amplification [T4 Adamant], Rune of Siphoning [T4 Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart]
-[X] [Simple] Chimaera Autopsy: 1 Research AP ✓

-[X] [Difficult] Understand the Master Rune of Valaya: 0 AP ✓
-[X] [Difficult] Compress the Combo Hearthward: 0 AP ✓
-[X] [Difficult] Simplify the Master Rune of Runic Amplification: 2 Snorri AP ✓

-[X] Snorri's Challenge: Provide a rune or rune combo that has the possibility of true killing daemons, with said rune or combo being teachable to master runesmiths. Understanding that this rune or rune combo would be taught at Khazagar. 0 Snorri AP ✓

-[X] Way to the Stones 1 Karstah AP ✓
--[X] Add Waywalking. 1 Retainer AP ✓

-[X] Drakk Rearing 1 Retainer AP ✓
-[X] Expedition Aiding Dorden 1 Retainer AP ✓

Orders ✓
-[X] Order: T4 Radiant Pegasus Blood
--[X] Order Expedite 15 Dorden Favor

[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about Caledor [Standard] ✓
[X] [Social:] Gloin ✓
[X] [Social:] Fjolla ✓
[X] [Patreon:] Siggrun Klorahsdottir ✓

━<><><>< 449 A.P. ><><><>━​

A consequence of Khazagar's creation is that you're entertaining high ranking guests far more frequently than you're historically used to. Most of the time you foist ahem, delegate the job of meeting with the more bothersome Thanes and middling figures to Karstah or your retainers, but even with that filter in place you're still finding that you've roughly tripled the amount of time spent talking and negotiating, with a correlated increase in spending on Alcohol too. Were it for a good reason, you would bear the burden without, much, complaint, but these beardlings seemed to have missed the memo and came to you as if you had control over the Runesmiths who spent their time here. You provide a location, and a host of other services aye, but you are not a Guildmaster in the traditional sense. You knew full well that there would always be a dunderhead who either ignored, misunderstood or wilfully disregarded your words, but its still a bother to have to continuously say over and over again that you're closer to the owner of a tavern in how you "ran" things, and by Grimnir's mighty fist, that's the way it would always be.

Unlike those folk however, King Gloin has the good sense to not waste either of your time by only speaking to you when it's something significant enough to need your assistance, or if the opportunity presents itself during the events where both you are present. Because of that, you don't particularly mind when he strikes up a conversation with you during Khazagar's celebratory Keg End tournament.

"The events at Dron have derailed things, not considerably, but noticeably."

"I can't imagine a world where they haven't been Rikki," you reply bluntly.

And that's the truth, with the amount of damage Dorden has suffered many of the Hold's warriors, and more notably its Engineers have returned to the Hold to help with repairs, depriving the Drangthrong of both their technical expertise and a sizable number of the war machines they operated.

"We'll make do with what we have, and as soon as the those repairs are done Dorden will be all too eager to settle the Grudge and bring her arms to bear against the wazzoks."

"It may go faster than you expect," you tell Gloin, earning a knowing look from him.

"It's far too tangential than I'd like, but at least some part of Kraka Drakk is aiding Svarti's people."

"Politics?" you murmur, unsurprised but disappointed all the same.

"He'll take what aid he can get, but it wouldn't do to receive more from Kraka Drakk than the hold of his future in-laws," Gloin affirms.

The both of you pause to gruffly nod as this year's winner is announced, the young man's suit of armour beating his competition by a fair number of votes over the quality of the knotwork engraving that framed his Runes, before returning to your discussion.

"I suppose we'll pick up the slack then. Can't rightfully get mad if their own folk are helping them can they?"

Gloin looks at you with something only slightly related to incredulity.

"I said rightfully, Rikki," you counter.

The king can let out a puff of air at your technicality all he likes, but he cannot refute it.

"I'll hold you to that then Lord Klausson, the faster Dorden heals from this wound the faster those people can properly move on with their lives."

"And the faster her Throng can rejoin this war."

Your king sighs, but nods.

"Aye," Gloin says quietly, "Aye that too. More of my reign than I would like has been spent on waging this war, sending parents and elders off to die for a future where their children won't need to, and yet my greatest worry is that that hope shall be dashed against the rocks like spilt ale. It may not be the end of the Siege, but when the last Grudges are struck out and my people can lay down their weapons; the day this war ends Lord Klausson, it will be a sweet one."

You nod in agreement, watching the winner be held aloft by a singing crowd of his kinsmen.

"To peace."

Gloin grunts, and lifts the mug in his hands a smidge higher.

"To peace."

━<><><>< 450 A.P. ><><><>━​

True to your word, a quarter of the way through Adderhekes, you send out your Retainers off to do what they can for Dorden.

Seeing the Hearth Guard come and go isn't a rarity when you spend enough time in Khazagar, but to have so many marching out at once is still rare enough that a fairly sizable crowd of Dwarfs gathers to witness this particular departure and for good reason. Winterhearth guards grumble and growl to clear a path while a few enterprising Dawi walk around selling ale and skewers to the thirsty and hungry respectively. A relative buzz of activity and discussion fills the Karaz-Irkul as they wait for the appointed time.

You watch all of this from a hidden alcove tucked away from the crowd, quietly chewing on some troll jerky.

Then, just as the great gong rings to mark the passing of the hour, it is swiftly followed by the long and mighty bellow of a pair of horns that echo through the massive cavern like an avalanche. A pair of Runes of Amplification, which reminds you that you really ought to get on changing the Rune of Runic Amplification's name soon, manipulating the acoustics from their position behind the pair of Ancestor statues that flank the entrance to your personal section of Khazagar. As the call tapers off, the doors leading to your sanctum swing wide open to reveal your heir, her bodyguard and one hundred-Dwarfs and five Brana of the Hearth Guard behind her.

They file out into the Grand Gallery, marching in lockstep formation, several of them are stoically carrying banners that proudly bear the insignia of both Kraka Drakk and Kraka Dorden, and as they head straight for the entrance to Khazagar in a small but extravagant procession complete with wagon loads of supplies clearly destined for Dorden, the sight and realization makes the crowd snap out of their awed stares and begin cheering or gruffly nodding in respect. It's a little flair of ceremony you're not all too bothered to have played out this time, if only because the usefulness of the message it sends outstrips your desire to simply send them off without delay and get to assisting as soon as they could.

You did tell Gloin you'd be picking up the slack after all.

Course, they weren't the only Dwarfs leaving Khazagar that day, just the loudest and most noticeable.

You stay and watch the column for a bit longer, nodding when you see that Karstah's actually enjoying and not faltering under the adulation, before turning around and beginning to make the trek through the hidden paths to your next destination.

With everyone busy staring at and cheering for Karstah and the others as they went to meet with the Elves and aid Dorden respectively, it gives you you, Master Yorri and ten of your retainers more than enough cover to covertly slip out of Khazagar on a pair of pony driven wagons, headed towards the Monolith from when your Master first taught you how to manipulate them.


It's not every day that a party of fifty Living Ancestors, five Brana, and the heir of Snorri Gift Giver busy themselves prepping for a trip as they wait outside the gates of an Elven Colony while they wait for their charges.

It's not every day that Karstah leaves the confines of Khazagar to serve as her teacher's emissary, meeting and interacting with high ranking members of a foreign power for a prolonged period of time.

And it's not every day that she gets to wear her full panoply for an occasion that doesn't involve marching to war, even if she doesn't think their journey will remain peaceful.

Though she won't ever say it out loud, despite the honour of her Master finally considering her worthy of acting as his representative for this event, she'd much rather be tinkering away with the smelter problem right now, or even continuing to probe Thungni's riddle for Karaz-Kazak-Rhun's location rather than serving as a glorified escort. Though she knew that calling it that was uncharitable at best and a lie at worst.

It would still be a fitting setting for her new necklace's first public appearance Karstah supposes, glancing around at the Hearth Guard milling around the wagons.

The necklace was a segmented length of Gromril plates that dangled from her neck, the Centerpiece stopping just below her collarbone. Forged to have the appearance of a Shard Wyrm, complete with stylized spines, runic torc and gemstone eyes; the creature's body coiled around her neck to form the main body of the necklace, closing the loop by grasping its tail in its front two claws. Its "neck" continued for five centimeters, drooping down to end with the head which was holding a thumb-sized Hearthstone between its beak-like jaws.

Its design betrayed the origins behind its creation, owing its existence, in part, to one of the many stories Izgrom told her of his time beneath the earth

The little troublemaker had run into a cave-in caused by a falling stalactite along his journey. While normally capable of simply pulling away most rocks without too much effort, the largest intact piece of the stone blocking his way was several times his girth and size. So instead he came up with the idea to use the pointed tip of one of his claws like a pickaxe to create a small crack in a boulder before using a mixture of his species' preternaturally dexterous foreclaws and stone-melting venom to expand the fissure further and further until the boulder eventually cracked in two. She had given the dragon the gruff bit of praise he had no doubt been seeking by telling her that story before idly indulging in a small bout of intellectual curiosity.

Aside from imbuing someone with brute strength or enhancing their tools, what other ways could she let a Dwarf deal with the same problem that Izgrom encountered?

Those constraints had ironically sent her mind down a path that brought her back to the Rune of Impact of all things. Every Runesmith knew that it was originally designed to aid in mining before its properties were also co-opted for combat. From there, she had theorized if the Rune could not simply be altered again, but rather than going from a tool to a weapon, it could instead allow her to do as Izgrom did, and use her own body instead.

The answer to her question was the unique arrangement of Runes on the necklace now dangling from her neck.

While Karstah wasn't going to be able to shove her fingers into hairline fissures without discomfort or spit venom capable of melting granite, it did solve the problem she set for herself. So long as she maintained a dead sprint then any mundane stone, dirt or wood immediately in front of her would part away from her like a crowd moving aside for a cart down the road, letting her pass through before coming back together seconds afterwards. It was, admittedly, something she could only conceive a few niche uses for, but maximizing its usefulness wasn't really what she built it for.

"My Lady," one of Hearthwardens says, jogging up and drawing her out of her musing, "The Elgi guards say those mages and their guards are coming."

She nods at him in thanks before beginning to walk in the direction he had originally come from.

"Square everything away while I greet them you lot!" she barks, "We're representing more than just Master Snorri after all!"

A round of affirmations follows in her wake, but she pays them little mind.

"And we certainly don't want to cause a diplomatic incident either," she adds, quietly enough that only Dreng hears it.

The old Dwarf lets out a snort of amusement.

She and Dreng wait until they spot the other party exiting the city gates; a group of some fifty something Elgi follow after the three Archmages and their apprentices, their steps so light that they seemingly glide over the ground in perfect synchronicity. Each of the mages is dressed in a similar style to when Karstah first saw them, flowing robes that were predominantly the color of their home kingdom accented by swirling golden thread, gemstones and fragile looking jewelry, and other arcane baubles whose meaning was completely lost to her. By contrast the warriors wear equipment that while far less ostentatious, was no less well made and eclectic as their leaders'. Blades, spears, axes and bows are carried with practiced ease, alongside more exotic specimens like glaives and polearms. Despite having a similar aesthetic, each weapon, even those of the same type, was as different from the other as their wielders were with their own unique shapes and designs, as were magical enchantments.

In comparison to their arms, the Elves are not as heavily armoured or clothed as Karstah would think was sensible for how dangerous the peninsula could be. Barring a handful of exceptions in proper full plate, they seemed inclined to forgo metal in favour of leather or even cloth in places to maximize their mobility, while the metal they do wear, even the platemail, seems far too thin and or covers so little to be of much use even with enchantments.

Not that she'll air those thoughts in public of course.

They at least have the good sense to have cloaks to cover themselves with, and she knows from her discussions with Menlinwen that their clothes have almost certainly been enchanted to provide comfort despite the bitter chill that holds this land even in the waning days of winter.

"Fair tidings," Karstah greets in what she hopes is acceptable Eltharin as the Elves stop in front of her, "I'm Karstah Drakksdottir, heir of Lord Snorri Gift Giver and I have been tasked with fulfilling my Teacher's oath on his behalf. I and his retainers will escort you to the Monoliths we know of."

She catches the Caledorian apprentice's nostrils flare in what she hopes is bemusement, but makes no comment.

"Hail Runesmith," the one named Yerethir answers in Khazalid, intoning her head at her, "Your Master's contribution is greatly appreciated. Hopefully it will make this task a swift one."

She nods.

"Aye, we can only hope."

━<><><>< 451 A.P. ><><><>━​

Rudil and several senior members of the Hearth Guard are walking down Dorden's thoroughfare to meet with King Svarti for the day, moving briskly through the throngs of workers and civilians going about their lives with ease.

They've been here for almost two years now, and even still Rudil can't help but be silently impressed by what Dorden's citizens have done.

When he and the others first arrived much of the Hold was still only just beginning to repair the damage done to it. While almost all of the rubble had been cleared away at that point, many of Dorden's structures still suffered signs of damage from the Fimir's assault. Burnt out buildings, broken masonry and half standing structures dominated the area around the warehouses and engineering quarter of the Hold, and likely would be for years more, but it was a wound that was slowly scarring over with the rise of each new day.

A host of murmurs up ahead makes him end his musings to see what the ruckus is about, and he can't help but frown at what he sees.

It isn't the first of these Slayers that Rudil has seen, but he is the youngest by far.

The bright orange mohawk, the tattoos across his body, the state of his dress, they stand out certainly, but for the life of him Rudil is still drawn to the Dwarf's face first and foremost.

A great deal of sorrow, an even greater amount of shame and anger lay within those drooped eyes and their frown. A common look among these Doombound folk, especially for one that looks no older than forty winters.

Not even a fullbeard, Rudil thinks sadly, and his life's gone.

He offers the Doomed Dwarf a nod as he and the Hearth Guard pass by which only makes the young man cringe and look away shamefully and the watcher's murmuring to grow louder, as if Rudil's simple acknowledgement is another blow to his already stained honour.

"Do not insult him with pity, Hearthlord," Drong whispers from his left, making him turn to look at the priest of Grimnir in surprise.

Out of the corner of his eye he sees Grimgar stop the young Slayer to offer him a flask of ale, one the warrior takes only after a stern glare and whispered word into his ear.

"Mourn what could have been, but do not pity him. To take the Doomed mantle is his trial, and his honour restored the reward at its end," he continues.

Is he telling me that or himself, Rudil wonders.

"What sort of dishonour is enough to make anyone choose that path? Let alone one that young?" Rudil mutters, glancing back at the Slayer's retreating form, frowning slightly at how the crowds make way for him in a somber reflection of the respectful parting offered to him and his fellow Hearthwardens.

He sees the Slayer's back tattoo, a rune that represents penance that was written over the now incomprehensible markings of what must have been the symbol of the young warrior's Clan.

"Only those present at its happening, or at his testimony before one of my brother priests would know I imagine. Yet whether his decision is sound or otherwise, is not our place to say. If he believes that only by walking Grimnir's path are he and his blood freed from the shame he has brought, then who are we, mere observers, to say otherwise?" Drong answers, a touch of frustration tinting the ruefulness of his tone.

"I see. I'll be frank Drong, that sounds…dangerous. I don't mean to make light of the oath, but I've met too many young men and women who don't react to their first real failure properly at all," he says, mouth forming a thin pensive line as he thinks on it further.

Any Dwarf would have such stories, it was as much a rite of passage as Kumenought or Navnsdeg, if obviously not so celebrated. Everyone failed, some were lucky to fail less, some had the misfortune to fail more, but it was something that happened to anyone who wasn't an Ancestor. He can recall many times as a young man how he felt when he had done something that he thought caused some great dishonour to the Clan's standing, not realizing until he was a Longbeard in his own right that anyone with a lick of sense knew it was simply part of growing up and that his elders had covered for his mistake even as they tutted and grumbled at him.

Then there were the other stories.

Stories that weren't spoken of lightly or with the same fond ruefulness one feels thinking about their youthful idiocy, of the true mistakes and misfortune, and the aftermath of those events. Like how granduncle Snorri acted after his wife died. Drunken benders, terrible rages followed by moments of near catatonic sorrow. Had the Slayer's way been a practice done in those days, well he can easily imagine his granduncle shaving his head and marching off to never be seen or spoken of again over something he had no real control over.

"Which is exactly what anyone with a lick of sense among my fellow clergy thought as well," Grimgar intrudes, having caught up to him and Drong "To our shame the best we managed was securing the ability to advise, to help ensure that any Dwarf who thinks of taking this path isn't doing so half-cocked without properly thinking of the ramifications of their decision. Though we sadly aren't honorbound to even try even that. Feckless, and irresponsible in the extreme if you ask me."

"Cult's still not settled on it then," Rudil surmises, surprised at the admission.

"Ha! Were I not bound to keep our secrets Hearthlord, well, I can at least tell you that for a time half my bruises weren't from the beasties we were fighting at least."

Drong gives Grimgar a warning glance, but nods at Rudil all the same.

"That's one word for it, yes. Those like Grimgar and I do what we can, help make sure the younger ones don't go headlong into something they aren't prepared for, but they have to be in the mood to listen to us first, and the process of becoming a Slayer doesn't mandate it either really. Only a confession before a Cleric or higher at an altar or temple to Grimnir, something they do when they've already come to swear the oath. Standing there, before one of His priests, other adherents and amidst icons and imagery of His life and sacrifice you understand, is not the most conducive setting to be dissuaded…"

Rudil nods in understanding, feeling a new weight settle on his shoulders as that knowledge sinks in.

"Lets keep moving Hearthlord," Grimgar mutters, patting him on the shoulder, "this is a battle only folk like Drong and I can wage. Focus on what we can do now, the people we can help right now. Just as Lord Klausson wishes we do."

"Right," Rudil says, nodding again, but this time with a bit more conviction behind the movement.

As Drong and Grimgar nod and he turns away from the long gone Slayer to go continue to his meeting with King Svarti, Rudil swears to himself in the privacy of his mind that he won't let someone make that choice lightly if he can help it.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Adderhekes - "Did Hekes"/ After Hekesdeg/ The First month of the year, immediately following Hekesdeg, the first day of the New Year

Hekesdeg - the morning after Hekesdrazh

Hekesdrazh - Hexensnacht, new year's eve. One of the two times where both Gormlhune (Mannslieb) and Mornalhune (Morrslieb) are full

Gormlhune - "High Moon"

Mornalhune - "Shadow Moon"

Rikki - King (one of a few ways to say it)

━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━

- +3 progress to Drakk Rearing, new totals: [12/?? actions]
-- Each sibling is effectively capable of acting in Dwarf society largely unsupervised, with any escort being there more to calm down anyone than any fear of them going on a rampage, yes even Grimgal.
-- Grimgal, length 22m by 454 A.P.
--- Will occasionally ask for copies of books.
--- Largely content so long as you and Barak Azamar stay within Khazagar
--- You asked if they had any requests on a level similar to their brothers, they'll get back to you on that.
-- Zharrok, length 18m by 454 A.P.
--- His training, while stymied by his unique circumstances, progresses. The challenge only excites him
--- Has begun adding some of his favourite creations to his hoard.
-- Izgrom, length 18m by 454 A.P.
--- Goes out on regular expeditions into the depths beneath Kraka Drakk, returns with whatever he finds interesting.
--- Occasionally gives Karstah precious gems and ore as repayment for raising him apparently.
--- Has begun growing his hoard with the wealth and material gained from his expeditions.

- Coronation Gift Pt. 1 complete! Coronation Gift Pt. 2 Unlocked!

- +2 progress to Way to the Stones, new totals: [Cost: (1 -1) =0 any action and (2 -1) =1 retainer actions]

- +6 progress to Monolith Mastery, new totals: [Cost: (24 -10) =14 actions]
-- Master of the Odd [12/15] > [15/15]
-- ??? [0/6] > [3/6]

- +1 progress to Chimaera Autopsy, new totals: [Cost: (4 -2) =2 actions]
-- Master of the Odd [11/15] > [12/15]

- New Rune understood! Master Rune of Valaya
-- +2 Research drip banked.
-- Talent for Talismans [12/15] > [13/15]

- New Combo compressed! Hearthward
-- New Rune understood! Master Rune of Hearthward
-- +2 Research drip banked.
-- Talent for Talismans [13/15] > [14/15]

- New Rune simplified! Rune of Runic Amplification [Talismanic]
-- Talent for Talismans [14/15] > [16/15]

- New Runes/ Combos unlocked!
-- Master Rune of Hearthward, Complexity: 0, Necessary Ingredients: [T2] Hearthstone: The user has greatly improved resistance to both mundane and magically induced fatigue and disease, while their body temperature remains relatively constant and feel comfortable regardless of most weather conditions.
-- Rune of Runic Amplification [Talismanic]: Dispelled spells around the user are converted to improve the casting of Runes around the user.
-- [Combo, Tunneling Charge: Master Rune of Wandering, Rune of Cleaving, Rune of Impact] The user is largely unaffected by rough terrain and has enhanced speed. So long as the user maintains a dead sprint they can run through mundane stone and dirt like an oil bubble in water, parting material as they pass only for it to return to its original state behind them. Anything left in the space made will be crushed by the oncoming rush of mattervattempting to return to its previous position.

- +3 progress to An Even Better Smelter, new totals: [Cost: (6 -3) = 3 actions]
-- Productivity Like One Other [3/15] > [5/15]

- +1 progress to Mysterious Mystery Spindle, new totals: [Cost: (12 -6) =6 actions]

- Karstah's Epic Creation of Note: Stonestrider: The necklace is a segmented length of Pure Gromril plates that have been inscribed to appear like the spine covered body of a Shard Wyrm, with the necklace's embellishment, a shimmering ruby the size of a thumb, held in the jaws of the Dragon head centerpiece. The piece latches from the front, both ends connected by a mechanism that has been shaped to appear as if the Shard Dragon is holding its tail within its two front claws. When worn, the user can literally run through meters of rock and stone as easily as a Shard Wyrm.
-- [Combo, Tunneling Charge: Master Rune of Wandering, Rune of Cleaving, Rune of Impact] The user is largely unaffected by rough terrain and has enhanced speed. So long as the user maintains a dead sprint they can run through mundane stone and dirt like an oil bubble in water, parting material as they pass only for it to return to its original state behind them. Anything left in the space made will be crushed by the oncoming rush of mattervattempting to return to its previous position.
-- Mind for Metal
-- Beastbane
-- Master of the Odd
-- Soul of the Earth
-- Khazagar-made

-- Master of the Odd [1/15] > [6/15]


- +1 progress to Aiding Dorden, new total: [Cost: (3 -1) =2 retainer actions]


- x1 [T3] Items created during a competition.

- Bound to happen eventually, but there were a few potential scandals averted where more than a few Journeymen were caught in *ahem* rather intimate moments by one of your retainers. The aforementioned parties have been reprimanded and told that sort of thing can be done somewhere ale isn't stored. In front of Valaya and everything, the gall of the youth. In your day romantic dalliances were done properly, far away from the eyes of the Ancestors and where their poor elders couldn't walk in by accident on their way to sneak some of the good stuff the Clan usually keeps for special occasions inspect the ale stores for signs of mice or other pests! HARUMPH.

- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, arriving Turn 56
-- Order Expedited -15 Favours with Kraka Dorden, new totals: (calculated below)

Favour and Standing
- -15 Favours with Kraka Dorden, new totals: Favours 35

Trait(s) Gained/Upgraded

Master of the Odd [12/15] > Master of the Odd [0/15]: Every 2 research actions used for [Odd] Runes and novel phenomena add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Understanding an [Odd] Rune has a 40% chance to produce extra research drip. Research gains from studying odd and novel materials improved.
Talent for Talismans [16/15] > Talent for Talismans [1/18]: Every 2 research actions used for Talismanic Runes add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Understanding a [Talismanic] Rune has a 40% chance to produce extra research drip.


Productivity Like One Other [3/15] > [5/15]
Master of the Odd [1/15] > [6/15]

AN: this one was a fighter. Turn then patreon obligations. Hope you enjoy this very late Canadian Thanksgiving surprise. As always, don't forget to C&C. :^)
Last edited:
Turn 55:
@soulcake if we decide to try and redesign the High King's ring this turn, what actions do we need to spend?

━<><><>< 451 A.P. ><><><>━​

The past few years of escorting the Elves has both been an eye opening and confusing experience. The Elves take the task seriously at the very least, and she's thankful for that. Their warriors were blooded veterans one and all, easily capable of handling most of the peninsula's more mundane threats and she can respect the pace at which they persecute their orders, but she finds them just a smidge high maintenance. Not eating anything not prepared in Ulthuan if they could help it, keeping to themselves, the unwillingness to communicate beyond simple pleasantries. In the wrong light it could be considered incredibly insulting and if she hadn't spent so much time reviewing her knowledge of Elven culture with Menlinwen-

- well truthfully it was still insulting even with the proper context, but it was the difference between knowingly drinking the hardest drink a tavern stocked versus mistaking your tankard for another's and taking a long draw of the worst brew ever concocted. Still, she could at least thank her Ancestors that they were largely professional about the whole thing.

Nevermind the Caledorians.

She quickly learned to speak with either Archmage Sunglory or Starseer rather than subject herself to a conversation with Archmage Drakesfang; the Avelorn and Cothiquan Elves proving far more polite conversationalists compared to their colleague.

If she had to describe him in a word? A sod. Had she not been taught Eltharin, and had Menlinwen not seen it fit to cram what extra information she could about the ins and outs of Elven etiquette into Karstah's head before her trip she wouldn't have noticed half of the insults he and his gaggle of apprentices had tossed her way. Which, in a way, was more insulting than if he had simply walked up to her and told her what he thought of her to her face. She had spent a good few days wondering what had made him and his apprentices so subtly dismissive until she realized, and later confirmed, that the Caledorians apparently found her use of Drakksdottir as hubristically reaching above her supposed station. Nevermind that she didn't see that lanky bastard walking around with a Dragon of his own.

She had raised three, and rather well if she said so herself.

The clank of metal and heaving breaths to the right of her pulls Karstah out of her thoughts to see what the ruckus is about.

"My lady, the Brana spotted something important!" one of the Hearth Guard, Thargrim if she recalls, shouts at her, jogging over at a brisk pace.

His declaration causes several nearby Dwarfs and Elves to turn from what they're doing to regard him curiously.

"What's going on Thagrim," she asks calmly, mind already preparing for the worst by running through multiple scenarios one after another and ranking them by likelihood.

"It's the Drakks my lady." he explains, catching her by surprise, "Still Wing caught sight of them about three day's march to our north during his patrol."

"Why are they outside?" she mutters, more to herself than to an equally clueless Thagrim, "Nevermind that. What was their trajectory?"

"Still Wing reports they seemed to be meandering towards the next Monolith on our route my Lady."

She blinks as the pieces fall into place in her mind, the realization making her sigh at the possible complication.

"Grim is leading them then, has to be," she concludes, "Ask Still Wing to fly over and tell them to wait by the stone for us please Thagrim. I'll go inform the Elgi."

"On my honour my lady," he says, thumping his chest with a fist before turning around to follow her orders.

As she watches the Hearth Guard move off, she lets out an aggrieved sigh.

Nothing for it but to see what those three are up to I suppose.


"Sister would only go if we went to visit the Stones," Izgrom explains, "so we—"

"—you," Zharrok clarified—

"—agreed to let her lead!"

"Right." Karstah deadpans before turning to stare at Grimgal, "and you wanted to see them why?"

The largest sibling does not reply immediately, merely returning her stare with one of her own. The two of them silently stand there, molten gold staring at pale blue, before Grimgal concedes.

"We sought the familiar, the familiar spoke of visiting the Stones, thus we have come. The copper/miner and the fire/forge bend to our desire," she finally explains, voice splitting into two distinct tones, when she names both her siblings.

"Right, of course you're looking for Master Snorri. Well he's not here, but maybe we'll run into him while the Elgi go about their business. If you can get them to agree with you tagging along I have no issue with it," Karstah says gruffly, jabbing her thumb behind her to the group of Elves quietly watching their exchange.

As one all three Shard Wyrms crane their necks over her to stare at them.

"Hullo!/Greetings./We demand a spot among you."


"The familiar wasn't there." Grimgal says.

While her voice is largely devoid of emotion, from the way her claws dig into the ground and the manner that her spines lift and shift are telltale signs of her mild annoyance to Karstah.

"There are many Waystones sister, the elder shall doubtlessly be at one of them," Zharrok comments before his head snaps to the side, taking a bite out of a passing stone to chew and grind in his mouth before he spits the remnants back out onto the ground.

"Gummy and a hint of rust. Hrmm this is Iron, but low yield," he reports.

"Rock is poor for ore," Izgrom agrees, "There are a few Hematite deposits out west that would be better."

"How do you know that?" his brother queries, turning his head to stare at Izgrom.

"Offered some sapphires to a Prospector for some of his wisdom."

"Good trade," Grimgal replies while Zharrok nods.


Karstah watches as they descend into quiet chit chat bemusedly. Having the dragons tag along understandably changes things, but far less than she thought it might. Supply wise they were far less picky than anyone else here when it came to diet, could forage for their own food, and were more than capable of defending themselves. Really, the most pressing one in Karstah's mind at this point is the need to take into account the actions and personalities of three distinctly strange dragons affecting her and her people's impression on the Elves.

"They are remarkably social, I could almost believe they were harmless were they not the blood of Draugnir," a voice just behind her murmurs, "How ever did you manage that Lady Karstah?"

Like Master Snorri and his pocket gravel, she thinks.

She turns to look at Archmage Sunglory and huffs.

"Couldn't contain your curiosity any longer?" she asks not unkindly, hopefully at least, Eltharin is a linguistic mire to traverse.

"It would be impolite to ask immediately wouldn't it?" she replies easily, intoning her head towards the still squabbling dragons, "Studying the creatures of the world are something of a passion of mine, so individuals as unique as the three of them twinged my interest far too much to leave be for long. And though he'll never admit it, Calegir is perhaps just as interested, though maybe for slightly different reasons."

Karstah shakes her head. Course it took the dragons coming along to get the Elves to open up and speak with them.

Or her more accurately.

"What do you want to know?"

"I suppose whatever you wish to tell me, Drakksdottir."

She turns away from Yerethir to stare at the dragons, just in time to see Izgrom toss a rock into the air, then cheer as its arc has it fall into Zharrok's open maw without breaking stride.

"Good thing we're marching all day then I suppose," she relents, switching back to Khazalid, "It began with the Fimir…"

━<><><>< 452 A.P. ><><><>━​

"Alright turn it off," Yorri calls to you, Runes on his armour shining as they drink deeply of the energy being released into the environment.

You nod quietly, and go through the deactivation sequence under the watchful eye of your teacher while your retainers stand a safe distance away, protected from the magic by the glowing circle of Rune-engraved stones at work, the craft of Thungni holding steady as they burn through the ambient magic to power themselves.

These past two years Yorri's been having you spend your time by practicing several of the practical methods he knows, or is at least willing to share, for improving the safety of tapping into the Stones. Though if you ask your teacher the word "safe," was a misnomer at best, and base deception at worst.

"Do you make a landslide safe, or do you build better defenses to survive it, Snorri?" Yorri tells you over the fire one night, "That's the sort of hair splitting someone with more time than hair on their chin may speak most times, but it's an apt reminder of what you're poking. You can divert it, you can weather it, and maybe you can channel it for something approaching a useful purpose, but the best practice is to not cause a Grungni damned landslide in the first place."

"Array is…acceptable." Yorri grunts out, inspecting one of your creations critically, "Could do with a bit more creativity lad, but I suppose that isn't the point of it."

You sigh.

Because the ultimate hypothetical threat that a Monolith posed in your teacher's mind was becoming a means for the neverborn to exist in reality, whether that was actually the case, his knowledge focused on ensuring that the ambient magic in an area never broke that critical threshold. And the resulting strategies he developed were either, in his words, to "move it or use it."

The latter of the two was the path Yorri had the most experience with, mostly because it was by far the most straightforward. By "using" up the magic the Monolith released you delayed the inevitable for as long as the draw was maintained. The first and most straightforward way of doing that was just by taking that energy and using it in some fashion, a relatively simple example was either by casting spells or rituals as races like the Elves and Brana did, or absorbing and binding that energy in the form of Runes. You already have some experience with that, so Yorri saw no point in retreading old ground and moved on to the next step on that path. The issue with forging Runes was ultimately that it was a single "draw" on an otherwise continuous output. So unless you did something about the energy that you didn't use, the surrounding area would get increasingly magically dense until you did what Ogra's ancestor did and create a fertile bed for nasties and gribblies to shoot out of like the worst sort of weed. That state could be delayed with either multiple forgings, an energy intensive process like your Smelters, or, ideally, a union of both to minimize the total amount of excess magic. Course, it didn't take a Loremaster to realize the next logical step was burning up the Monolith's output in a continuous and sustained manner, which was why Yorri had you build the stones in the first place.

By selectively activating the Runes at the same time as the Monolith, you could rely on them reducing the total sum of magic being released for the long term, extending the point at which the Monolith could remain active for longer. Taking the concept further, a Runesmith could create several Arrays that, theoretically, could use as much magic as the Stone released.

The circle of Runes around you was, in simplest terms, a series of incredibly crude valves that controlled the Waystone's viable output. Several arrays, whose purpose was ultimately ephemeral as opposed to your "understanding" of how much magic they needed, to absorb the outpouring of magic as fast as the stone could spew it out. With a bit of finagling, you could selectively deactivate one or a specific set of those arrays to modulate the amount of magic being drawn up. And for the better part of two years Yorri has had you learn and begin mastering the painstaking and dangerous process of calibrating, mapping and controlling them in a live scenario.

"Congratulations lad," Yorri deadpans, walking over to hand you a slice of Troll jerky, "you've figured out the exact array of Runes needed for this singular Monolith."

You grunt, quietly acknowledging his point.

"I can see where this may lead." you tell your teacher, still looking thoughtfully at the array around you.


"Karag Dron," you explain simply.

Were you not his student, you doubt anyone would notice the almost imperceptible widening of his eyes.

"Aye, it would," Yorri agrees, trailing off before rebounding with a bit of forced energy in his voice, "And since you know the end state of this path, It means you have an idea about where to go. I've given you the beginning, and while it isn't the cutting edge of what's possible, it should stop you from killing yourself enough. You can only appreciate the effort it takes to do what those who built Karag Dron did by walking that path yourself, and I think that will do more to drive just what you're dealing with into that head of yours more than me teaching you something safer would."

Maybe it's the way he said it, maybe it's the badgering that led up to it, the mental toll of working so close to something your teacher has told you can and likely will kill you, most likely it's a mix of all three, but you feel a flare of irritation rise up from somewhere deep inside at his words.

"I'd prefer the latter," you grumble curtly, "Especially since you've constantly reminded me just how unsafe this path is. I see the purpose behind this method, but I don't see the value of learning firsthand outweighing the safety of just teaching me."

"I can't save you from yourself, Snorri," Yorri tells you, "I need you to understand just how bad this can get, and that involves danger. Involves seeing for yourself."

"We'll have to disagree on that matter then. If that's everything we can start packing."

Yorri looks at you, then after what feels like an age, shakes his head.

"Right. Let's get packing."

After months of busy work and time spent answering the numerous questions the Elves are fielding her, Karstah finally finds herself with some free time. No late night conversations with an archmage more interested in her Dragons than herself, no planning and reacting to the day's events, no letters to write or research to do. Just her, one of the few awake in the late night darkness of a northern fall. She walks past huddles of tents and the smoldering embers of dozens of fires towards her quarry, seemingly sleeping in front of one of the campfires near the edge of the camp. Off to Grimgal's side both Izgrom and Zharrok sleep, dead to the world, half separated and half entwined with each other in front of their own fire.

She sees the spines on Grimgal's back lift slightly, the Wyrm rousing herself at the sound of Karstah's boots crunching against the snow.

"Grim, I've a question for you," she begins, sitting herself down across the fire from the Dragon's dozing girth.

She knows she has her attention when an eyelid yawns open to reveal a golden regarding her passively.

"Why are you hellbent on finding Master Snorri so quickly? Rather than waiting for him to return."

The dragon releases a huff of steaming air from her nostril.

"I have a question to ask him, and melded circumstance and desire. The copper is foolish, but can survive. The fire is reasonable but untrained. I am their minder, If I did not go, they may have found something that would threaten them. Thus, we decided to lead, hopefully first to the familiar so that I may ask my question, but then where the copper wished to go."

Normally Grimgal making an admission of something close to approaching genuine care for her siblings would thrill Karstah to hear, but any elation she feels is overshadowed by the confusion she feels after she reflects on the exact words the dragoness used.

"Your speech pattern Grim, it changed. Why is that?" she asks, trying to decipher what may have caused the sudden switch in pronouns.

"The mind sleeps still. I awoke to answer the question," the Shard Wyrm explains, "Are there any more?

Confusion only growing, Karstah shakes her head silently.

"Slumber well then," Grimgal mutters, eye closing again.

Karstah sits there, the crackle of the fire and the quiet howl of the wind with the occasional draconic snore as her companions, contemplating the information she's inadvertently unearthed.

Grimgal's penchant for plural pronouns was something she and the others had simply let be. She'd wondered about that division, questioned if perhaps it was real or imagined on Grim's part, but ultimately decided there was no conclusive way to solve without severe and invasive testing and let it be. The split she had implied was an entirely new development, whereas until now Grimgal's physical actions had come with the implication that it was both parts acting if not in unison, then in agreement with each other. It left her wondering if this was metaphorical, an acknowledgement of instinct's dominance at that moment or perhaps her emotional state?

Or was it literally the beast acting independently of the mind?
━<><><>< 453 A.P. ><><><>━​

Having spent as much time as possible out in the field checking and fixing the Waystones as possible they reach the gates of Ravnsvake just as fall gives way to winter, when the ground is covered in a light, for the region, and growing layer of powdery white snow.

The sight of so many heavily armed Dawi and Elves arriving as a group would already be enough to draw a few stares, but with the siblings walking amongst them Karstah isn't surprised to see a small but growing crowd assemble as the gate guards look over their paperwork and grumble and growl about letting dragons into their Hold.

In the end their apprehension is trumped by the fact that those same dragons have been vouched for by a few dozen Hearth Guard and the heir of Snorri Gift Giver, nevertheless the Dwarf in charge makes it clear that any ruckus the siblings get up to will be on their, and by extension Master Snorri's, heads.

By the time they finally get to enter Kraka Ravnsvake proper a large crowd of Dawi stand around and watch them walk through the streets with a mix of curiosity and hesitance.

Each sibling responds to the attention in their own way; Grimgal utterly unfazed and seemingly disinterested, Zharrok looking around at everything calmly, and Izgrom curiously craning his neck every which way while occasionally waving at anyone he makes eye contact with.

As a first impression outside of Kraka Drakk proper, it could be so much worse, Karstah supposes.

The bellow of a horn cuts through the peaceful hustle and bustle like an axe parting flesh, causing a wave of murmurs and confusion to erupt before Longbeards begin haranguing and harrumphing a sense of order back into place.

"Lovely," Dreng mutters while reaching for his axe, "things were feeling too peaceful."

She shoots him an annoyed glance before craning her neck to see what could have made the guards call for alarm. Their group stopping their march and trying to give room for evacuation procedures.

"Lady Karstah," Yerethir says, appearing beside her, "what's happening?"

"Warning horn. Don't know Ravnsvake's specific calls, but from the looks of things folks are evacuating to the mountain or jogging to the wall. But I see nothing…" she answers, trailing off while trying to look for what could have made the guards blow that horn.

Figure it out later, prioritize, she thinks, turning around to the Hearth Guard standing at attention behind her.

"Ylva!" Karstah barks, "Take four of you and assist the guards with escorting the women and children to wherever their supposed to go, use the wagons. Dump what you have to if it means fitting more people on them. The rest of you lot form up a—"

"—look! Look! The lake!" a bystander shouts over Karstah, "fog on the lake!"

She turns to look, and true to the Dwarf's word a massive wall of fog pours over the gate that separates the lake from the canal and spills over the surface of the water. She, and no doubt many others, put two and two together.

Fog like that, it's only been reported to have happened in one other place.

"Archmage," Karstah begins, "I trust you and your colleagues can decide where you need to be, come with us or not. Doesn't look like we have time to plan anything more concrete!"

Not bothering to wait for her reply, she turns to the dragons who stare at her expectantly.

For a moment she hesitates, but steels herself.

"The same can be said for you three," she says, nodding briskly at each sibling, "I raised you well enough that you know where you'll be most useful I hope."

Then at last she turns to her teacher's retainers.

"Hearth Guard!" Karstah yells, pulling her hammers free, "To me! To the lakefront! We make them bleed! For the living, for the dead!"

Forty something throats roar and shriek back their assent.


This is not how you expected to see the dragons return to you.

As they were effectively adults, and the people in Khazagar well used to their presence by this point not to scream in terror or pull out an axe, you made the decision to leave the three unsupervised when you and Yorri went off to the Monolith. One part because you trusted them not to do anything too idiotic while you were gone, yes even Izgrom, and as a test of their responsibility because you were most certainly going to ask around and see what they did while you were away. You even told them as much before you left, and look! Look!

Should've known better really.

Gone for a year or two and they get themselves into a Grungni-damned battle against the Grimnir-damned Fimir!


At least Karstah and your retainers were there with them, better they were together when it went down than apart. While you don't think you can rightly punish them over this, you are going to grumble at them for deciding to leave Khazagar in such a sudden and ill thought manner.

Leaving a letter for you to find like one of those novels the beardling's read nowadays, honestly!

So here you are, grumbling over three wounded dragons to let Karstah rest some more.

"Elder," Grimgal says when you get to her, "we have a request."

You stare at her incredulously.

"What could it be that you think I would even consider asking after recent events?" you ask.

"Because you said to think about what we may want earlier. We have thought; thus we request."

Sighing, you wave for Grimgal to continue.

"The copper/miner delves and the fire/forge creates, we wish to learn."

"Learn what exactly?"


You blink.

"The Archmage," Grimgal continues, "she displayed strength despite her frail form. We wish to master the Winds that suffuse our soul, to rule rather than be ruled by this power in us. We ask this of you."

"Never make it easy for me, do you girl?" you mutter, unsure of what else to say, "I'll consider it, alright? You worry about recovering first and foremost before I even begin entertaining the idea of you going off and practicing Zhuf nonsense."

"Very well, we shall abide by this," Grimgal concedes, lowering her head and shutting her eyes, the fact that she didn't even attempt to argue hinting to how tired she was.


━<><><>< Grumblings and Goings ><><><>━

- [Mid 448] Runelord Gildedeyes is hell bent on making up for the time she spent recovering from her injuries it seems, for as soon as she reappeared in public to stock up on a bevy of supplies she has seemingly returned to the depths of her workshop once more. There are whispers and rumours passed about by Dwarfs who ought to know better that the Runelord is making something that can heal her sight, others say it is a creation for the Cult of Valaya or Lady Snerra for their aid. Whatever has the Zornish Runelord return to work will surely be of undeniable craftsmanship, and shall doubtlessly prove that the accident that claimed her eyes and hand have not dulled her skill in any way if her quick return hasn't already.

- [Early-Mid 451] Seeking to continue the crushing momentum of a few years prior and avenge the grave insult the Fimir dealt to his subjects in Kraka Dorden, it would appear as if High King Whitebeard has seemingly channeled the warrior's mind of his Doomed Uncle in recent times, or more so than usually at least. He continues to lead the Drangthrong from victory to victory, breaking the back of the foemen wherever they meet on the open field. Another city of the Fimir, levelled to the foundations and its walls turned to gravel for our roads and the floors of a shepherd's barn! From muck to the muck I say! Bah!

- [Mid 451] Lord Dwalin Thunderlung distinguishes himself and earns glory for his kin and Hold after saving the life of Lord Gunn's great-grandson, slaying the Fimir that would have killed the living Ancestor. Thunderlung, has been promised a reward of great renown by Lord Gunn himself. An oath of aid, should ever Thunderlung's folk have need of it, and for Dwalin specifically, a large and finely made warhorn, its body forged from the iron armour of the Fimir he slew, decorated with the wealth of the Dwarf Lord, and forged by the eldest smiths of Mount Silverspear shall be given unto him. A priceless relic that the Runelord shall no doubt make all the more potent, along with a princely sum in payment for saving the life of Gunn's folk.

- [Late 453] The Fimir have attacked Kraka Ravnsvake in an attempt to recreate the destruction they unleashed upon Kraka Dorden, just the former feared. The sorcerous fogbank the muckdwellers conjured swept up the Dumaraz and into the Varn Wyrren during a new moon, and would no doubt have caught the Hold entirely unaware were it not for the watchtowers Ravnsvake had constructed in the wake of the assault on Dorden. And though the Rangers manning said towers died, enveloped in the mist that surged upriver, they fulfilled their duty and passed the message to the Hold proper, ensuring that evacuations were well under way when the Fimir forces finally emerged from the fog on the lakeshore. The defense of the Hold was hard fought, with many of her warriors off with King Whitebeard, only Thulgrim Saltbeard's small fleet of ships and their crews, a skeleton garrison and the reserve of those too old or too young to yet fight were there to defend. Thankfully for all those involved, Lord Klausson's Hearth Guard had just arrived with a group of Elven warriors, three of their Archmages and three Dragons of all things! Why was the Gift Giver raising dragons one may ask? Ask the man yourself beardling, I'm not omniscient! Bah!

- [Late 453] For the heroic services personally rendered and by the barks that are his life's work, Master Engineer Thulgrim Saltbeard has been hailed as one of the key defenders in the battle for Ravnsvake. He and his small but energetic rabble of boats not only recapturing the lakeside docks, but coordinating with the defenders on land to sandwich the retreating Fimir between a shieldwall of vengeful defenders on the attack, and a full broadside of the Ravnsvake fleet. Consequently, Ravnsvake Hold sees all the more reason to press the boat issue to a, grudgingly, more accepting Engineers Guild. The latter's changing stance more likely caused by a pressing need for vengeance and the fine, fine sight of the Fimir's sorcerous contraptions sinking to the lake bottom after being bombarded by the deck mounted artillery of Bountiful Valaya and her sister ships.

- [Late 453] Karak Izril's Runesmiths at last begin laying down the first stones of their creation, the Brilliant Hall. Both a monument complex to the past and repository of the Hold's history, the Hall is meant to serve as a great display of Izril from its founding to the current day. The Runesmiths of Izril boast that any Dwarf who enters their creation once it is complete shall believe they have been sent back in time to see the most momentous occasions of the City of Jewel's history. More mundanely, it will also serve as a living record of the Hold's Clans, history and deeds on a level of comprehension and scope hitherto unseen. A feat that understandably has the Runesmiths of the Hold in deep talks with the Runescribes Guild and its King.

- [Early 454] It is complete! Vragni Silverbrand's Citadel of Creation, fully opens its doors to the true and proper Runesmiths of the Karaz Ankor. Great forge spaces open and spacious enough to hold the largest of Gronti with ease, bountiful amounts of reagents and material from the Far North all the way even to distant Zorn at one's fingertips, and halls and meeting rooms where a Runesmith may be inspired by the countless requests from Dawi in desperate need or want of Thungni's craft to ease the burden of their lives, or, if they so choose, find assistance with getting reagents and material on their behalf or alongside them. Within its walls a Dwarf works without worry of shortage or supply, plying the depths of their mind and bringing such creations to life at a speed and ease that some say defies common knowledge. Harumph! Shows what they know. Already the Dwarfs of Ornsmotek flock to the Citadel, request in one hand and gold to pay the commission taker in another. The institution's founding ethos, carved deep into the granite arch over its main entrance, blazes with ethereal fire for the world to see.

Your Mind is Your Obstacle

- [Burudin] A lot of damn youngsters going around starting nonsense the moment Thungni leaves. Reminds me of when I was a lad and tried to sup from me mother's stew before dinner time. Course she was right there the whole time and I was none the wiser—

- [Burudin] Blood Klausson and his bloody challenge. If we knew we'd be telling every apprentice north of Zorn, worthiness be damned! Sifting through stories and accounts tells you fifty different ways and forty nine of them contradict each other, and that last one ends up being a duplicate because the scribes have some bumbling oaf in charge of your order. Bah! BAH! Like he saw Durin's challenges and thought his has to be as nonsensical! I'd rather eat Coal-pallet's terrible cooking again than attempt that madness. A good ward, that's the practical approach to the problem. Weather the storm, as we always have. Doesn't matter how many times they come back, we'll just keep killing them if we have to.

- [Burudin] If there's a consistent way to remove those hellspawn from the face of this planet I'd do anything short of shaving my beard to learn it. Hell, I know a fella who may go the whole way and walk around with a naked chin like some Kvinn if he had to. Only folk who can do it reliably are the Ancestors, and well... they aren't here anymore. My advice? Kill em and make sure they can't find their way back here is about as consistent as you can get. Maybe I'm full of it, but history has been on my side for far too long for me to hold out the hope.

- [Burudin] Stop and consider why we can't. Time and effort aren't the issue. Our problem is reliability, no more, no less. Runelords aplenty have tried to do what you want and they either disappear into their workshops or go mad in the attempt. In some cases they end up doing worse. Everyone wants to kill em, so its not a question of will. Still, there are probably a few avenues I reckon. Killing em good can be done with plenty of Runes, so look there. If that doesn't help, I'll eat my hat. Like a few have said plenty of stories, but a lot of them contradict. Likely you'll need to look somewhere well outside conventional wisdom though. Still, would love a Rune like that. To look those bastards dead in the eye and know they'll be gone when I cleave their head from their necks? Oh that would be a sight. Reckon our hands would start to ache from all the Grudges we could strike out with such a Rune. If you do find a way, well at least you're the type to try and spread it around. Expectations are poor though I must admit. If it exists, its probably difficult, and if its easy, there's a catch. Sad to say really.

━<><><>< Gains/Stuff ><><><>━

- Minimum 6 Turns (Turn 60) before a chance of a Chaos portal opening arises.
-- 1 Fimir City Destroyed by the Drangthrong under Whitebeard

- Rune and Master Rune of Runic Amplification renamed to Rune and Master Rune of Thungni's Presence.

Khazagar Report: End of Turn 54/Start of Turn 55.
General Attendance: Rising Rapidly
Mood: Enthusiastic
Status: Bustling
- There are rumours of little dalliances occurring but to your mild surprise either the Beardlings aren't bouncing around like rabbits or they're being more discreet about it.
- The number of competitions have steadily been growing as the practice cements itself and something approaching a list of best practices forms.
Classes (of note):
- Prosthetic Runes, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Declining | Class Size: Small Classroom | Ubiquity: Well-Known (Global), Universal (Regional, Local) | Impact: Revolutionary
- Rune of Stacking, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Steady | Class Size: Full Classroom| Ubiquity: Known (Global), Well-Known (Regional), Universal (Local) | Impact: Moderate, Luxury
- Rune of Repair, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Steady | Class Size: Full Classroom | Ubiquity: Known (Global), Well-Known (Regional), Universal (Local) | Impact: Moderate, Luxury
- Rune of Forgeflame, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Rising Rapidly | Class Size: Small Seminar | Ubiquity: Select | Impact: Defining (as Smelter), Novel
- Rune of Annealing, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Rising | Class Size: Full Seminar | Ubiquity: Known (Global, Regional), Well-Known (Local)| Impact: Defining (as Smelter)
- Master Rune of Forgeflame, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Steady | Class Size: Full Seminar | Ubiquity: Known (Global), Well-Known (Regional), Well-Known(Local) | Impact: Revolutionary
- Rune of Plaguebane, Teacher: Karstah Snorrisdottir | Attendance: Rising | Class Size: Full Classroom | Ubiquity: Select | Impact: Moderate, Novel
- Rune of Piercing Sight, Teacher: Snerra Magnasdottir | Attendance: Rising | Class Size: Full Classroom | Ubiquity: Select | Impact: Minor, Luxury
- Master Rune of Wandering, Teacher: Lorna Dernasdottir| Attendance: Steady | Class Size: Intimate Gathering | Ubiquity: Select | Impact: Moderate

Radicals and Snorrists are the most consistent attendees, returning often and staying longest.
Conservative southerners are plentiful because of the Chainforger and a few other Runes of interest, but keep to themselves and usually stay only long enough to learn what they came for.
Two thirds of the attendees are Journeymen, the remainder split between Masters and Runelords.
Many Ornsmotek Dawi have left, heading to Silverbeard's Citadel, BAH, for entirely understandable desire to not be ostracized more than they already are. Hasn't affected attendance though Silverbeard! HA! Thungni below, you're talking to yourself.
Attendance: Declining Rapidly | Declining | Declining Slowly | Steady | Rising Slowly| Rising | Rising Rapidly
Class Size: Unattended | Intimate Gathering | Small Classroom | Full Classroom | Small Seminar | Full Seminar | More Seats Required
Ubiquity: Select | Little-Known | Known | Well-Known | Universal
Impact: Minor (A group no bigger than a Clan, or specialized Guild benefits, makes a task easier) | Moderate (multiple Clans, or a middling Guild benefit, makes a difficult task practical) | High (A hold, or major guild benefits, a difficult task becomes standard) | Revolutionary (The Karaz Ankor benefits, an impossible task is made possible) | Defining (an impossible task is made practical)
- Misc: Novel (new, untested) | Luxury (It's a luxury, makes life comfier, but not necessary ) | ???

Waystone Report: End of Turn 54/Start of Turn 55.
Waystone Rerolls: 1/2
Region Status, East: Being restored. 0.5/10 of Stones destroyed, 0/10 damaged, remainder pristine.
Region Status, Center: Unchanged. 0.5/10 of Stones destroyed, 1/10 damaged, remainder pristine.
Region Status, West: Contested. 2.5/10 of Stones destroyed, 3.5/10 of Stones corrupted, 3.5/10 damaged

Social: Choose 2 outside of Plan Vote.
[ ] [Social:] Skarri, preparing for a presentation to King Gloin
[ ] [Social:] Nain, leaving one of Khazagar's teaching halls
[ ] [Social:] Dreng, training Karstah to dual wield her hammers.
[ ] [Social:] Magna, coming with the yearly restock in lieu of Jorri
[ ] [Social:] Lorna, combing over Khazagar's library
[ ] [Social:] Dwalin, presiding over a competition in Khazagar

Rorek: Choose 1 outside of Plan Vote.
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Eastern Markets [Standard, Insightful]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Izril stance on Karaz-a-Karak [Limited]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about current Izril Politics [Extensive]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about how the Izril Clans are managing their creation[Standard]

Grimgal: Choose outside of Plan Vote.
[ ] [Drakk:] Allow Grimgal to begin learning magic
[ ] [Drakk:] Do not allow Grimgal to begin learning magic


You have 5 actions, 3 retainer actions, 1 research action, 4 heir actions, and [Special] 0 Yorri prods this turn,

[ ] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results.Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards!

[ ] Drakk Rearing [Cost: minimum 1 general, heir or retainer action, 12/?? actions] Locked until Turn 55 Results. Gain Dwarf acclimated Dragons. More actions improve speed, breadth and depth of their development. By the reckoning of the Dwarfs, and the magics of the Brana and Menlinwen, the Shard Wyrms shall be physically mature specimens when they reach 120 years Old, however the first 60 years of their life will be the most important, both in terms of amount of care and socialization required.

[ ] Kradskonti [Cost: 1 action] Gain a chance to observe Kradskonti. Kradskonti? Kradskonti! When the Valayans informed you of this opportunity, you had to force yourself from jumping out of your chair and rushing south. The first time is free, they say, but subsequent viewings will not be tolerated without a few concessions. The Cult know what they have, and if any Rhunki (IE you) wants to futz about and examine the weapon of their Patron they best be ready to do something in return.

[ ] March [Cost: 1 action] Gain possible loot, bonus to roll against Fimir. No actual interlude but combat rolls will still be made. The idiots decide they want to tear open a hole in reality do they? You razed three cities already, and you're not one to leave a job half finished.

[ ] Riddle me This: [Cost: 1 general or retainer action] Gain location of Karaz-Kazak-Rhun. Roll for success, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Karstah has come to the conclusion that Thungni's riddle is a map, and the treasure at the end is none other than His own hammer, Karaz-Kazak-Rhun. There still needs to be work done to find out where exactly the hammer lies though, but Karstah has already done some work there too. Somewhere south, but that isn't enough information for you to pick up everything and go looking.
- [ ] Ask Yorri: [Cost: 1 Yorri prod] Gain Bonus to Roll. Your teacher is still huffy at you for putting this off.

[ ] The Road to Anoqeyån Pt. 2: [Cost: 6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain exceptional- understanding of Anoqeyån. Now that Menlinwen has taught you the very fundamentals of the Elven arcane language, she feels comfortable enough to begin teaching you to the same level she has reached. Going any further beyond this point requires waiting for Menlinwen to become an Archmage or for you to find one yourself.

(*Updated*)[ ] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain 2 +1d2 Yorri prods. Master Yorri is most certainly more learned and experienced than you are, but mayhaps you have something worth his time as well? You've taught a good amount, Adamant included, but there are still a few things Yorri himself is interested in.

(*Updated*)[ ] Way to the Stones: [Cost: (1 -1) =0 any action and (2 -1) =1 retainer actions] Gain Progress to Monolith Mastery. The Elves intend to repair and if need be, restore the Monolith network across the peninsula. It won't happen for a while, with the trio needing to discuss and make agreements with individual Kings to go and do business on their land. However, you could benefit greatly regardless. While the Elves will no doubt be able to find the stones on their own, a complete map of the area's stone is always welcome, you should think.
- [X] Waywalking: [Cost: +2 retainer actions] Gain extra Progress to Monolith Mastery. For reasons unknown to you, the trio of Archmages have only a small group of Elven warriors to defend them. Providing them with Dwarfen guards and guides would not be remiss either.
Every option taken adds +2 to the Recruitment Dice (1d10 +5) unless otherwise stated. (*Updated*) Removed Bookhunting.
(*Updated*)[ ] Expedition, Aiding Dorden: [Cost: minimum (3 -1) =2 retainer actions] Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Dorden and +15 Favour per extra action spent. Dorden bleeds. Buildings in need of repair, wounded in need of tending, patrols in need of diversion. While the Hold is too proud to ask or accept aid without a bit of pomp and spinning, an organization where Dawi from Dorden are a part of is a smoother brew to drink than most.

(*New*)[ ] Expedition, Aiding Ravnsvake: [Cost: 2 retainer actions] Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Ravsnvake. While not as thoroughly savaged as Dorden was, a good chunk of Ravnsvake's lakeside infrastructure has been damaged by the Fimir's attack. A few experts on hand, to shore up weakened patrols, lend a wizened eye or simply lift material around would not be remiss.

[ ] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. Low to Moderate Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. You formed these Hearth Guard to combat all the ills that befall the dwarfen people. Send them out, render aid, earn goodwill and spread the word of your retainers and their stated mission beyond the borders of Kraka Drakk.

[-] Recruitment Drive: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Locked due to Full Roster. Can be taken multiple times. Gain 1d5 +5 bonus dice to Recruitment Dice (1d10 +5). You have retainers, dwarfs who understand what it takes to become part of your Hearthguard, send them out to see if they can lend their expertise more and skill to improve the growth of your retinue.

[ ] Retainer Reconfiguring: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken once every variable number of turns. Change some aspect of your retainers. The Hearth Guard are a fine force of Dawi, but much like the defences of a Karak, there is potentially more to be done. It will take some time for these steadfast retainers of yours to adjust to whatever changes you make, but the length of it definitely correlates to the number of changes you want done.
- [ ] Change Appearance: [Cost: +1 turn until change] Simple cosmetic alterations to their symbol, their colour scheme and/or even appearance of their armour, depending on the scale and nature of the change it could be seamless or it could take a bit of work. While there's something to be said about aesthetic continuity, improving or updating their look to fit with deeds done will draw no raised brows. Completely changing it, however, will draw quite a few looks. If for no other reason than the material cost involved in doing so.
- [ ] Change Numbers: [Cost: +1 turn until change] +1/-1 retainer action per every 60 retainers added/removed. Increasing or decreasing the number of Retainers you wish to take on permanently. It signals that you either require more or less of their services. While you will not remove retainers currently in service if you wish to downsize, it means you simply will not replace them in the event one of your loyal followers falls in the line of duty or simply to the vagaries of time.

[ ] Scouting: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Gain minor bonus to Waystone rolls. Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Send out your Retainers, scour the Far North to see if there's some of these stones that Master Yorri Missed.

[ ] The Throng is Mustered: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Gain Bonus to Throng Rolls against Fimir, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Minor Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. The King of Kraka Drakk calls the Throng to war, lend the might of your Retainers to his cause. Drive out the Fimir, end their presence on this peninsula.

[ ] Training Regime Pt. 2: [Cost: 2 retainer actions] Gain "Hearthwarden Warrior" Training Standard and Category, some existing classes will be absorbed into the new category. The last phase of Rudil's training program involves creating a unified set of skills that would be expected of a "Hearthwarden Warrior." Incorporating skills and traits in the same way that the Rangers had done.
- [ ] Drakk Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 15 Kraka Drakk Favour] Hearth Guard will retain High+ Attack, increase Attack if taken with Ornsmotek Expertise. Every Hearth Guard is a deadly fighter, but the talents and knowledge of Dawi chosen to be a Huskarl is another matter. Spreading that knowledge would invariably be of benefit.
- [ ] Ornsmotek Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 45 Kraka Ornsmotek Favour] Hearth Guard will retain High+ Attack, increase Attack if taken with Drakk Expertise. The second most powerful Throng, arguably the most embattled Hold in the Far North, their combat ability is a grudging peer of your Hold's.
- [ ] Krum Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 30 Kraka Krum Favour] Hearth Guard will retain Spelunking, will retain Spelunking ++ if taken with Grom Expertise. Few others delve deeper than the miners of Krum, fewer still survive as well as they do.
- [ ] Grom Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 15 Kraka Grom Favour] Hearth Guard will retain Spelunking, will retain Spelunking ++ if taken with Krum Expertise. Centuries of living in a Hold occupied by traitors, without outside resupply and limited food, knowledge earned in sorrow and passed down even still, too useful to forget out of grief.

[ ] Waywarding: [Cost: 1 action or retainer action] Gain bonus to Waystone rolls and update on status of Waystones. Can be taken multiple times. There is no set time in which you or your retainers are meant to check on these stone monoliths, but doing so more regularly will mean that you're more likely to keep them safe and know their status.
You may convert one general action into 2 Khazagar actions. You may convert 2 retainer or heir actions into 3 Khazagar actions. You are using 6/7 possible Classes you can teach.
[ ] Curriculum Change: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action] Add, Switch or Remove a Rune you are teaching. Cannot teach RESTRICTED, UNSHAREABLE, and/or INCOMPLETE Runes. Changing track isn't an easy task. It's not the hardest thing in your life, but for you it's more than simply saying you're not teaching this Rune anymore and being done with it. Announcements need to be made, the last few stragglers taught, and of course designing a new test to prove one's worthiness if you decide to replace or add a new Rune.
- [ ] Write-In [Rune Name]

[ ] Write-In, Host a Special Tournament: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action] Choose X number of T3 or Higher Reagent(s) as a reward. Gain boost to attendance and chance to gain Creation of Note. You have it so that Khazagar hosts regular tournaments of both artistic and martial skill where Runesmiths may compete against each other for a reward. But this time you want to dangle a particularly juicy prize, get the minds of the young flowing.

[ ] Write-In, Royal Patronage: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action and (25 - Standing Level) Favour with a Hold at 5 Standing or higher] Gain boost to attendance and interest from third parties. Cannot Choose Kraka Drakk. Favour Cost double for Hold with equivalent Institution. Khazagar speaks for itself, but getting the Monarch of a Hold and a prominent Thane or four to mosey up and publicly announce they're hosting tournaments at Khazagar certainly wouldn't hurt.
Denote which simple request will receive the apprentice action in your plan. Available Requests below.
[ ] [Simple] Apprentice work: [Cost: 1 apprentice or heir action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness. Your young charges are now of an age you feel it acceptable for them to do a bit of exploration. Send your apprentices out into the hold and pick up a few tasks from whoever offers it to them. Give them a bit of experience for their upcoming trial as journeymen and let them build a reputation in the hold. You'll of course critique their work and use it as a learning experience as any good master ought to.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] An Even Better Smelter: [Cost: (6 -3) = 3 actions or heir actions, 1 Voidstone] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Greater Dragonblood Smelter, and 70 Favour with the Brotherhood of Dron. Your knowledge of this new variant of the Master Rune of Purification to create an even better version of the Dragonblood Smelter, it would certainly be something the Brotherhood would care to know about. They wouldn't turn down the opportunity to get more Adamant per decade.

[ ] [Simple] Once more with Smelting: [Cost: 4 actions, 1 Voidstone] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Dragonblood Smelter. It has been around a century since you last made an Adamant Smelter. It's been enough time since that you feel safe about making another one without feeling like you're committing sacrilege.

[ ] [Simple] Re-warding Work: [Cost: 2 actions or heir actions] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Waystone reroll. There's work to be done, repairing damaged wards and adding new Runes around the monolith and otherwise. Your master most certainly did a bang up job, but there's nothing wrong with contingencies upon contingencies.

[ ] [Simple] The Brotherhood Calls: [Cost: minimum 1 action] Due whenever. Peerless Production will proc. Gain Variable Standing and Favour with The Brotherhood of Dron. The Brotherhood would be greatly interested in a collated and substantial set of notes about your experiences with the recent "Extreme Magical Turbulence and Concentration Event," as well as anything you'd be willing to give regarding your time crafting at the Anvil of the Earth. High energy environments of such a nature naturally attract the attention of your fellow members given the energy costs of generating Adamant.

[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Azrilzhufgotten, or The Silver River Marches.
-[ ] The Hearthwardens have been stretched to their limits these past few centuries, taking on multiple new duties spread wide across the north, while bearing only the baseline equipment you give them on taking their oath. It's time to start fixing that. Azrilzhufgotten will be a banner of your finest work, embroidered on Ancient Troll Hide [T4], mounted on an adamant staff, and topped with the skull of the Ornsmotek greedy troll. The tapestry depicts the Hearthwardens in the full glory of their power and age, sweeping down from a mountain pass to relieve a besieged Karak from a force of beastmen. Three adamant plates form the shields of the front rank of dwarves, each bearing a rune. Although the details do not match, any Hearthwarden who views it will instantly recognize the allusion to their defense of the free dwarves of Karag Dum, the moment when they stood as Pillars in the Dark. This banner calls to the Hearth Guard's first, deepest purpose: When Dawi are threatened, no matter the hold, no matter the distance, the Hearthwardens will be there, standing in the way.
--[ ] Choose: Master Rune of Traversal (Radiant Pegasus' Heart [T4]), Rune of Impact (Stonehorn Leg Muscles [T3]), Rune of Amber (Barazgal [T4]).

(*New*)[ ] [Difficult] Revise Coronation Gift Pt. 1: [Cost: 0 actions] Next Revision attempt will Cost 1 action. Due end of turn 55. Gain 1 Standing with Karaz-a-Karak. If a Rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional reagent materials here. You can alter the Runes that make up your potential creation in hopes of coming up with something better.

(*New*)[ ] [Difficult] Coronation Gift Pt. 2: [Cost: 1 action] Apply any optional structural materials and any aesthetic changes here. The idea is as good as you can make it, now is the time to bring it to life.
- [X] Item: Master Rune of Expurgation [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Runic Amplification [T4 Adamant], Rune of Siphoning [T4 Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart]

[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. You've had an idea! This is the template for write in item request! Please put down the name, description and type of equipment/item you want made. Pt 2 of the item will cost differently depending on the number of items and potentially the size of it as well. A base guideline for Pt. 2 costs will be at the bottom of the post.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
How to vote on Multi-Piece Difficult Requests.
[Y] Difficult Request Pt. 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 2
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 3

Write-in Equipment Action Costs:
1 Action - 1 standard piece of equipment.
2 Actions - Multiple pieces of equipment or Large individual items
3 Actions - Very Large individual items or a full/near full set of items.

Write-in Adamant Costs, General Guideline:
1 Piece of equipment or hypothetical Rune requiring Adamant - 1 bar
1 Suit of Armour for a Dwarf - 3 bars
1 Suit of Armour for a Human or Elf sized being - 4 bars
1 Piece of Ogre sized Gronti equipment - 2 bars
1 Suit of Ogre sized Gronti armour - 6 Bars
Anything larger just ask me, it will also appear in applicable actions or in the FAQ.

Crossbows use Weapon Runes. A Gronti sized Crossbow would use Engineering Runes. Weapons like Axes don't make this distinction. Shields use Armour Runes.
Available Requests:
[ ] [Difficult] Staffing Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Due whenever. If a Rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional reagent materials here. Your Hearthwardens have come to you with an odd request. They have been left with the skull of the Greedy Troll they slew for the sake of Ornsmotek. Several of them have been thinking, on account of your own personal history with their sire, that they could turn the foul thing's skull into a topper for a Banner. They have no real preference about what the Banner does though.
- [ ] Accept

[ ] [Difficult] Starlight Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Due end of turn 59. Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Dorden. If a Rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional reagent materials here. Snorri thinks Thane Morglum will seek another Runesmith by the end of turn 57. Thane Morglum Skarridum of Kraka Dorden has petitioned you with a request. A weapon to replace the now lost ancestral heirloom of his Clan after it was destroyed killing a Fimir in the defence of Kraka Dorden; he asks for a hammer, one who's blows could be akin to calling down the light of the stars themselves upon the enemies of his Hold. A bit uninspired, plenty of Starhammers out there after all, but still.
- [ ] Accept

So take, for instance, the "[Simple] Armoured Maidens:" request.

[Y] Plan Big Beard 2
- [Y] All other Plan stuff
- [Y] [Simple] Armoured Maidens:
-- [Y] Accept
Challenges of the Burudin
[ ] Write-in, Challenge Them: [Cost: 0 actions] Give a challenge + stipulations you wish to offer the Burudin. Only 2 Challenges can be active at a time and only 1 can be submitted a turn.

(*New*)Your Challenge
Provide a rune or rune combo that has the possibility of true killing daemons, with said rune or combo being teachable to master runesmiths. Understanding that this rune or rune combo would be taught at Khazagar.

Gottri's Challenge
Create a Rune or Combination of Runes capable of breaking Adamant. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with Gottri Hammerspite, gain Master Rune of Shattering Sound
After acquiring Adamant, a result of Kraggi's eternal quest to perfect Old Breaker, Gottri has changed his long standing challenge to his fellow Burudin members. Now, rather than find that which can withstand his Runes, he challenges any to create that which can sunder Adamant. He boasts, in his laconic and brusque way, that no one will manage before he can, and he's willing to bet one of his acceptable Runes over it to boot.

Angkra's Challenge
Devise a Means of Creating a Prosthetic that grows with the user. Reveal and gain 2 Standing with Angkra Twenty-loops.
Angkra Twenty-loops has taken an interest in a curious northern invention, Prosthetic Runes. She has come into contact with Snerra of all people, and has been inspired by the young woman's vigorous efforts to develop something that can be used for beardlings and the like. A topic which has captured the daughter of Thungni's personal attention.

Thormund's Challenge
Create something that can turn the mountains against our foes. Reveal Standing with Thormund Stalwart-shield and gain 3 Standing with Karak Kadrin
The wandering Runelord Thormund Stalwart-shield muses on the defensive properties of mountains and a subsequent idea that took his mind when he fought alongside the Throng of Karak Kadrin to defeat a wandering army of Khornates. He grumbles that such power is so poorly weaponized. Avalanches, rockfalls and the like are one thing, but entirely too uncontrollable for his taste and the realm of Rangers. No, if someone could literally make the living stone act against our foes, it would be a feat worthy of song and be of great interest to the Peak Pass Hold.

Alric's Challenge
Create a method of reliable, quick and secure communication as possible. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with Alric Thungnisson, Angkra Twenty-loops, and Karaz-a-Karak
As a consequence of his frequent discussions with his venerable uncle, the mighty and wise Snorri Whitebeard, Alric has offered a prompt for any that wish to take it up. A way for messages to be shared across the realms faster than any Runebearer, safer than any road and as reliable as a Master Crafted axe. Such is the sort of goal, the sort of problem a proper Runelord should set their sights upon he reckons, anything less is beneath them.

Algrim's Challenge
Allow the average Crossbow to fire without stopping at all for three years. Gain 2 of Argalast Giantdoom's Master Runes
Algrim Argalastson has brought up a relatively simple challenge in honour of his father, the legendary Argalast Giantdoom's single minded focus on improving the deadliness of projectile weaponry. He claims that while none can match Argalast's mind in the devising of newer, more terrible ways of increasing a Crossbow bolt's killing potential, they can maybe be better at finding a way to ensure those bolts never stop firing.

Durin's Challenges
Find the Ankor Bryn. Create a Weapon beyond Karaz-Kazak-Rhun. Create a Runestaff more powerful than Gormwand. Break the Rule of Three.
A relic, one kept out of respect for the founder of the order. Many have tried, all have failed. Since Durin's death none have made a serious go at the first, and only the Brotherhood makes longstanding attempts at the last. These are considered the final goals of Runecraft, ones that shall one day in the nebulous future.

Completing one of these Challenges will make it easier to enter dialogues with and deeper relationships with the corresponding Burudin Member.
Yorri Prod options added. Unless they say some variant of, "Can be taken without action input," you need to put an action into that option as well.
[ ] [Difficult] Akazit Pt. 2: [Cost: (14 -7) =7 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You've bumbled your way into finding a method of reducing an item to a pile of single Wind-infused ash. But the stuff gets muddied with the ambient Winds and is rendered useless within seconds of completion, so the next step is to find a way to actually capture and isolate this Wind infused ash before it decays. Easier said than done, but when you have your eye it'll be doable at the very least.

[ ] [Difficult] Mysterious Mystery Sword: [Cost: (12 -5) =7 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Gain ???, possibly progress to Mysterious Mystery Cauldron and Mysterious Mystery Barrel. A sword that cuts through Gromril with an unnerving amount of ease. Studying it will be more about trying to recreate what it does through a Rune, but a bit of material study isn't off the table either given that you have two broken ones to work with as well.

[ ] [Difficult] Mysterious Mystery Barrel and Horn: [Cost: 8 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain ???, progress to Mysterious Mystery Cauldron and possibly Mysterious Mystery Sword. Magical drinks, utter hogwash and a perversion of the fine art of brewing is what it is! Still, their creation isn't completely unheard of. You have the Rune of Hearty Soup, but these, you are forced to admit, have a wider variety and efficacy than what you possess.

[ ] [Difficult] Mysterious Mystery Cauldron: [Cost: (8 -2) =6 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Gain ???, progress to Mysterious Mystery Barrel and Horn and possibly Mysterious Mystery Sword. Magical soups, you've had a form of it before. From the Rune of Hearty Soup actually, but you must say that the taste of the broth from these fragments is a fine bit better than that Rune. If you could make a better Rune…well you won't complain!

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] Monolith Mastery Pt. 1: [Cost: (24 -10) =14 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You can use the stones now, but not safely. Yorri tells you they never will be a safe bet, but you can at least try to make it safer. Besides, you still dont know how they work, and your work requires that you know how they work. So by Grungni, you're going to figure it out.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost 1 prod] Gain 1d2 progress. Can be taken multiple times without action input. Your master has been safeguarding these stones for centuries, and is ancient himself. He must have picked up a thing or two, but now he feels willing to share it with you.

Material Research:
(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] Chimaera Autopsy: [Cost: (4 -2) =2 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Damn things are odd monstrosities, three heads, two hearts, four brains. Neither one is entirely alike. A part of you wonders how much of this is usable and how much more is tainted krut. You'll have to wear some protective gear when dealing with these bodies, that's for sure.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost 1 prod] Gain 1d2 progress. Your master had to fight these things in his mad dash to Kraka Drakk. He may very well have an insight or two.

[ ] [Simple] Kraken Autopsy: [Cost: 4 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The tentacled creature was slain by the Elven fleet as they cleared the waters for their trade vessels. You possess the body of a mature specimen and the very large eye of what you are told was an especially old one.

[ ] [Simple] Merwyrm Autopsy: [Cost: 4 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Large serpentine bodies, fins and general fishy scent aside, this is most certainly a Dragon, and Dragons are quite the bounty of reagents. Though from the tales told of Merwyrms, just what this creature's body parts could be reagents for you aren't too sure of.

Concept Research:
[ ] [Difficult] Diction Direction Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have a few ideas about where to take this Rune. A universal translator for one, rather than just Khazalid. Not entirely sure how such a thing could be done, but it's definitely possible. Master Yorri's Rune of Sound gives you a few ideas at the very least. Now that Yorri's given you a Rune that restores hearing, you wonder if examining it will provide further insights or hopefully ideas about where to go next.

[ ] [Difficult] Extra-sensory Pt. 1: [Cost: 16 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have the very, very rudimentary ability to perceive the Winds of Magic as the Brana and Elgi do. How exhilarating it is, how infuriating, to know that so much has opened up to you with so simple a change. Imagine then perfecting it? To see truly as they do, with the full breadth and detail of it all. How much could Runecraft progress with such knowledge? A path of great reward, and perhaps even greater danger. Who's to say what effects may come of it? Still, you must try.

[ ] [Difficult] The Fixing of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: 14 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Repair is as good as it'll get. You need to make an entirely new Rune if you want something better. It seems likely that the Rune of Repair's maker purposefully developed it in such a way that refinement became unwieldy, and given who gave you that Basket, it feels perfectly in character given the many, many, stories told of the Ancestor Queen. Well, you shant disappoint Valaya Herself! A better Rune of Repair, but one you made from the ground up? By Valaya it shall be done!

[ ] [Difficult] The Happening of Things: [Cost: (8 -2) =6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The vision gnaws at you, a flame to the parchment of your mind. There is a theory, a hypothesis you wish to test and the faintest inklings of a Rune in your mind's eye. But there's a good deal of preparatory work to be done. One doesn't futz about with what you think you saw in that vision after all!

[-] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 7: [Cost: (20 -1) = 19 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Locked until Anoqeyan Pt. 2, Extra-sensory Pt. ???, and Monolith Mastery Pt. ??? are complete. To go beyond the Rune of Siphoning, to create something that can dredge anything close to the amount of power the Central Array of Karag Dron can, you must improve your understanding of the Monoliths, and the flow of magic first. It will likely take a long, long time until that's the case.
- [-] Prod Yorri: [Cost 1 prod] Gain 1d2 +1 progress, can be taken multiple times. Yorri's face is grim.

[ ] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 6b, The Body: [Cost: (18 -6) =12 actions] Master of the Odd and Mind for Constructs will proc. Continuing your work on the Rune of Waking Elements, you want the Rune to be able to form a body from almost any surrounding material. Realistically you doubt you can do that, but getting as close as possible is still the goal. At the very least you want these Elemental Gronti to mimic Mhorni's ability as closely as possible.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost 1 prod] Gain 1d3+1 progress, can be taken multiple times without action input. Yorri doesn't say anything when you give him a questioning look.

[ ] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 6c, The Soul: [Cost: (15 -7) =8 actions] Master of the Odd and Mind for Constructs will proc. You "know," what Mhorni is, you think, but your investigations decades prior left you empty-handed. Now, armed with hopefully better tools and better understanding, you wish to tackle the questions you made all those years ago. Why did Mhorni bind itself, why was it not turned into energy, why do the Runes seem perfectly happy to assist it as they do you? Why, why and more whys. You won't get all the answers immediately you imagine, but the path is open.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 progress, can be taken multiple times without action input. Yorri looks a smidge nostalgic.

[ ] [Difficult] The Mind of Things Pt. 6: [Cost: 20 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have managed to create a Rune that, on the whole, can transfer skills and experience from one Dwarf to another. An impressive feat, and yet one not without flaw. It is skill imparted without context, which must still be earned. You can do more, you can do better. True comprehension, transference of that which makes a skill, experience; or in other words, the wisdom to temper knowledge.

(*New*)[-] [Difficult] The Rune Metal Pt. 7: [Cost: (22 -10) =12 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Locked until Extra-sensory Pt. ???, and Akazit Pt. ??? are complete. The best theory you have when it comes to creating the metal in your mind, requires both the means to not only isolate and extract the essence of a Runesmith, but to then infuse that essence into Adamant. And hopefully, if you aren't off the mark completely, you will have a material that shall break the oldest hurdle of your profession. More personally you want nothing more than to reach that image, that shining silver you saw over five centuries ago.

[ ] [Difficult] The Secrets of Light Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Refraction has proven you can at the very least manipulate the power of light. Versatility is no longer an issue, but power, useability and overall purpose remain unclear to you. With a Rune to restore sight now in your repertoire, you can only think of simply increasing the amount of light generated, but maybe examining the Rune Yorri taught you will get the old muse running.

[ ] [Difficult] The Secrets of Storage Pt. 2: [Cost: (14 -4) =10 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Of course! Of course Valaya would do as she seems to have. The Rune of Storage is a proof, a showcase, an inspiration for curious minds. No, if you want to build something better it will be built from the ground up and not off Her back. Such is the implied order of the Ancestor, and so you shall abide!

[ ] [Difficult] The Weight of Things: [Cost: (10 -3) =7 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Dolgi's Rune has given you ideas, though there are questions as to whether any developments should be shared and threaten to overshadow your apprentice's work, you can at the very least try and figure out the intricacies of it.

Rune Research:
[ ] [Difficult] Understand the Master Rune of Thungni [Engineering]: [Cost: 24 actions] Mind for Constructs will proc. Snerra gave you an item bearing this Rune. It all that is good this is something you must understand before you die, when not if.

[ ] [Difficult] Compress a Combo: [Cost: 1 +(2 x Effective Complexity) actions] Unlock the Convert and Simplify Options for the Master Rune. Gain a Master Rune of the same Category as the chosen Combo.

[ ] [Difficult] Understand a Master Rune: [Cost: (4 +4 x Effective Complexity) - Similar Runes actions] Unlock the Convert and Simplify Options for that Master Rune. Gain progress to any associated Research. Risk rises with Complexity.

[ ] [Difficult] Convert a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 actions per Category] Gain a Master Rune of the chosen Category(ies).

[ ] [Difficult] Simplify a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 actions] Gain a Regular Rune for every known Category of the chosen Master Rune.

[ ] [Difficult] Convert a Regular Rune: [Cost: 1 action per Category] Gain a Regular Rune of the chosen Category(ies).

Understand Action Cost = [4 + (4 x (Complexity Rating - Relevant Specialties and Traits))] - (Related Master Runes/2) - (Alternate Variants of Same Master Rune)
Compress Action Cost = 1 + (2 x (Complexity Rating - Relevant Specialties and Traits))

Specialty Levels go from 1 (Base) to 4 (Savant)
An Understand option can autocomplete, but it has to be chosen first.
You can only Order 1 new item a turn freely, but can have as many orders ongoing as you want.
- +1 [Tier 4] Elder Magma Wyrm's Heart, arriving Turn 56
- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, arriving Turn 56
- +1 [Tier 4] Sidereal Sapphire, arriving Turn 57

Elf Market:
- x1 Firebird's Feather available: one feather equals 1 order, Cost 5 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.
- x1 Merwyrm Corpses available: one corpse equals 1 order, Cost 10 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.
- x2 Kraken Corpse available: one corpse equals 1 order, Cost 10 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.

[ ] ORDER: Write-in
- [ ] Royal Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition a monarch to flex their political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Royal Authority: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold depending on tier] +1 Order. You may petition an indebted monarch to flex their political muscle to order something for your use.
- [ ] Royal Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition them to flex a bit more political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Princely Hunting: [Cost: 10 Favour from Kraka Drakk] Prince Gimli will go out and slay [Write-in] monster. Gain mats. It would be ridiculous for you to ask your King to go gallivanting around the North to find something for you to make a Rune out of, but a Prince or Princess? Well, that's just you helping them build their legend through the slaying of monsters and aiding their elders. The rarer the monster the greater the reward, but it may take longer to find. Monsters slain by Gimli provide more material by virtue of being the entire beast rather than just ordering a singular organ.

[ ] Dreng Them: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Additional actions add bonus modifier. The Hearth Guard will go out and slay [Write-in] monster. Gain mats, reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. While your Hearth Guard were also meant to clear all the ills that assailed dwarfkind, you must admit there are many a mundane foe to slay. Send these brave dawi out on a quest to slay beasties on your behalf, earn glory and give you materials to make ever more wonders.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━
Boga - A candle which blows out unexpectedly plunging the tunnel into darkness

Remember to vote by plan. There will be a sixteen hour moratorium for discussion.

AN: Dooot for you! Sorry its late. I'll be working on the september and october snippets until they're done and released, so feel free to take the time and think about a vote or plan. Feeling really scatterbrained recently, and I can't help but feel like I forgot something important from previous turns. Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to C&C. (obligatory patreon shill) :^)
Last edited:
Turn 55 Results Pt. 1:
Winning Vote said:
[X] Plan The King's Ring and Three Dragons, Revision Attempt: The Black Sun
Snorri & Karstah
-[X] Prod for Prod 1 Snorri AP
-[X] [Difficult] Revise Coronation Gift Pt. 1: 0 AP ✓
-- New Combo: Master Rune of Expurgation [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Gazul, Rune of Gazul's Flame. This ring is a band of brightest white Adamant, and inserted into one half of the band is a wall of black flame carven from obsidian in such detail and cleverness that it appears to move. Hidden within the flames is the Master Rune of Expurgation, its glow making the obsidian fire seem to writhe with golden edges. Above this homage to Gazul's domain the other half of the band is inset with beaten gold that shimmers like Grungni's treasures, as if some bright land is hidden behind the wall of flames and shimmers through it. The Runes of Gazul and Gazul's Flame are hidden amidst this gold, empowering the Master Rune against Evil. A horrifying Black Sun summoned from the Underearth as punishment for a great evil.
-[X] [Simple] Coronation Gift pt 2, Build Mizpal Zharr. (Wear Skarren/BA/Zharrgal): 3 Snorri AP ?
-[X] Monolith Mastery Pt.1 2+1d2 Prods
-[X] Chimaera Autopsy 1 Research AP
-[X] Drakk Rearing: 1 Snorri + 2 Karstah AP ✓
-[X] An Even Better Smelter: 2 Karstah AP ?

-[X] Understand the Master Rune of the Eagle-Eyed: 0 AP
-[X] Compress the Brotherbound Combo. 0 AP

Retainers &
-[X] Way to the Stones 1 Retainer AP ✓
-[X] Expedition, Aiding Dorden 1 Retainer AP
-[X] Retainer Reconfiguring. 1 Retainer AP ✓
--[X] Change Numbers: Add 120 members, taking them to 240 total.

-[X] Order: T4 Radiant Pegasus Blood ✓

[X] [Drakk:] Allow Grimgal to begin learning magic
[X] [Social:] Skarri, preparing for a presentation to King Gloin
[X] [Social:] Lorna, combing over Khazagar's library ✓
[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about Eastern Markets [Standard, Insightful]
[X] [Patreon:] Thulgrim Saltbeard

(Voidstone Availability: 99 +15[Omake] =114, Overflow: 29 +14 =43)

━<><><>< 454 A.P. ><><><>━​

You knew that influencing your fellow Runesmiths to part with even the most thinly tied Rune related bit of knowledge they knew would move slower than the mountains themselves, the same clearly could not be said for their willingness to consume every morsel of lore you deigned to put on Khazagar's shelves.

"Do you require the assistance of a scribe there young Lorna?"

Your fellow Runelord is hidden behind a stack of books taller than her head, but you can feel the heat radiating from her words.

"Not at all Lord Klausson." She assures, adjusting the stack in her arms. "I'm more than able to handle this myself."

Deciding to spare her further indignity, you glance at the titles she's taken out instead.

Several volumes of notes dedicated to the odd materials you found from Yorri's map, no surprise there with how many copies you ended up having the scribes make, but also a few books on the Dragon Ogre, Thundertusk and Stonehorn as well.

"An eclectic collection."

"Oh yes, there are few other sources I've read that are quite so thorough Lord Klausson. The scribes certainly filled their coffers."

Given you've stumbled onto more than a few of your young relatives laid out unconscious, dead to the world after a long day of transcribing to your exacting specifications and standards, you're sure they're cursing you as much as they're celebrating the fullness of their pockets.

"That's one response they have aye. Here, allow me to assist."

"You really—" she begins to say, before the topmost book in the stack slides off and falls to the floor with a thud.

"Your help would be appreciated," she quietly lets out.


Karstah eyes the plans for the Smelter impassively.

This design had a footprint only a fifth larger than the current smelter, most of that comprising the modified liquid reservoir that relied on an intricate series of valves to deposit the minimum quantity of Elder Wyrm blood required to feed the reaction. The machining necessary would be…strenuous, but possible.

It meets Master Snorri's criteria more than adequately. The combination of the Master Rune of Purification, the modified construction and its full Adamant body allowing it to eclipse the current Smelter's rate of production.

And yet she feels nothing when looking at it.

Sighing, she steps away from the design and grabs for her hammers.

Maybe sparring with Dreng will help her pin down why.


"Troll still beats it out if you want regeneration," you explain in between sips of your beer, watching bemusedly as Lorna scribbles down what you say at a frantic pace.

While you were helping carry Lorna's large stack of books to one of the many private rooms littered in the library, your fellow Runelord had, after getting over her embarrassment, taken full advantage of her captive audience and spoke at length with you about all sorts of topics. Its a scatterbrained sort of interest that is fueled by well of endless energy and desire to learn.

"And as a power source?" she prods, not looking up from her writing.

"Dependent on the context, there are Runes that Thundertusk resonates with more."

"You know I had to dig through several different Holds' archives to find any information on this creature? The best I could discover before this was a summary of a section Bogdin's Beastiary, but the editions I found don't have it present at all."

"They wouldn't, its only in the first edition."

"And you have it! That must have been worth a king's ransom to acquire."

You carefully don't mention that Master Yorri almost flippantly handed you a copy signed by Bogdin himself.

"I suppose it would. It definitely cost a great deal to get Bogdin's Clan to allow Khazagar's scribes permission to copy that lore."

"That's a treasure. A tome that old… the Runescribes Guild are diligent, but no one that isn't an ancestor is that perfect. You'd have to be millennia old to have seen the first run, let alone own a copy. I know more than a few people who'd give their daughter away just to own such a book, and here you are—"

Lorna stops herself, and you watch as she mulls over the best way to express her thoughts.

"—letting any old Master Runesmith have access to that knowledge," she trails off.

You hum before finally admitting, "I suppose that's true enough."

Lorna finally stops writing to look at you expectantly.

Fine, you suppose you'll indulge her. Even if the debt over the Rune of Transcription was already settled, you like the cut of her jib.

"Its no Guild or Clan Secret first and foremost, and I've already done what I can to make sure someone lacking in sense won't go reading it before they're good and ready. Aside from that? Well, I've come around to the idea of letting useful things spread."

You take another sip of your drink, letting the words settle in your mind before you speak them.

"Sometimes there's no one worthy to pass something on to, and that's a shame, but other times? That worthy person just isn't there at the right time or right place to receive it. World's just like that, but I don't see why we ought to let it stay that way. No tradition around that after all, is there? If anything we do our best to spite the world, why not add another? And in the end, I don't see how that knowledge can hurt more than it would help. Does that square things up for you?"

Lorna doesn't nod immediately, but from the looks of things she isn't dismissing you out of hand either, and that's the best you're willing to ask for.

Grunting, you get up out of your seat and offer your fellow Runelord a final nod.

"I best be going then, I hope this knowledge helps you as much as it helped me Lady Hammerfall."


Karstah grunts out in pain as Dreng's swing knocks away the hammer in her hand.

"You're not focused," he observes.

"Aye." She redoubles her efforts, keeping Dreng away even as she drags the fight closer to where her hammer lays. "Suppose I am."

"Don't be."

Karstah grunts again, feeling a brief surge of satisfaction when her swing gets past the Living Ancestor's guard to smack him across the Gromril of his chestplate.

"Mind's always the last thing to figure out what's wrong half the time, so don't ask your mind," he lectures, unbothered by the blow she had just dealt. "trust your gut, trust your intuition."

"Strange thing to tell a Runesmith Dreng." she answers, picking her hammer back up while rolling under the swing of his axe.

"Rhunki need it the most. There's a place where taking your time is best, and times where it isn't."

Why am I not satisfied? She asks herself, indulging in Dreng's advice and ignoring the logic of her mind.

The Smelter design is fine, better than fine even.

But it isn't great, she imagines some imaginary mirror Karstah saying.

By every objective metric she has succeeded.

Not yours though.

Perfect is the enemy of good, she knows better than to go dabbling in dibnin

But this isn't even good is it? You can do better, you know you can do better, the mirror presses.

Of course I can do better, she instinctively tells the mental construct.

She feels the breath get knocked out of her lungs when Dreng's swing connects with her chest, the Gromril taking the worst of the blow but not enough that she doesn't feel it.

"Up, there's still training to be done," Dreng calls down to her nonchalantly.

Karstah shakes her head.

"Figured it out."

Dreng scoffs.

"That's great, but training's not done. You know the rule."

If you ask for training you finish the training.

She barely finds the strength to hold in her groan.

━<><><>< 456 A.P. ><><><>━​

Since Grimgal began her lessons the times where all three siblings are together has only grown more infrequent, making it something of a rarity that you all try not to waste.

Like now for instance, you, Karstah, and Master Yorri of all people, are taking the siblings on a trip through the breadth of both Khazagar and Kraka Drakk in the search for property to buy.

You had designated the space for each dragon's lair to accommodate for at least two centuries of excavation as they grew, but those calculations were done before the siblings showed even the slightest inkling of the personalities, and resulting interests and hobbies, they now possessed.

Simply put, you couldn't fit them in their current rooms for as long as you originally intended. So with a bit more foresight and context in mind, you're all trying to find a more permanent solution now rather than later. Course that's easier said than done when it comes to finding housing for twenty-something meter long Wyrms who weren't going to stop growing anytime soon. At the siblings' request, you were starting from the bottom up, closest to the lower Deeps of the Hold, where space was plentiful and neighbours were sparse.

Of course that also meant it was also the least developed part of the Hold, with caverns that could only just be called habitable by Dwarfen standards.

"This would be a good lair, with plenty of shelf space if I need it," Izgrom comments.

"Safe," Zharrok agrees, "but too cold."

Grim sniffs the air before hissing in agreement, "No Winds."

"Some would say that's a benefit," Yorri comments.

"Problems that fire and a Journeyman Runesmith can solve," Izgrom brushes aside, weaving his neck through the maze of natural pillars that filled this particular cavern.

You let the four of them continue to babble, turning your head to look at Karstah quizzically. She's been quiet for months now, prone to brooding and grumbling more so than usual for even a Dwarf. From what poking you engaged in, the Smelter project has been the main culprit, but exactly why that's the case has been something your heir has kept close to her chest so far.

A part of you hoped that taking the dragons out on this trip would give her some reprieve from whatever it is that's been clogging her mind, but it seems you're not that lucky.

Nothing for it then.

"Karstah," you say, grabbing her attention, "your thoughts?"

She blinks at you before turning her head to regard the cavern.

"Izgrom would demolish half of these pillars at some point, either by accident or deliberately. Reinforcing it would be possible, but it's probably better to just find somewhere a bit more roomy."

The Shard Wyrm in question grumbles, having turned his attention to the both of you at the sound of his name.

"Told you," Zharrok adds.

"Told you," his brother mimes in an exaggerated voice, only to squawk like a bird when his cheek earns a smack to the back of his head from Grimgal's tail.

"The Caretaker's words are agreeable, a better location for The Copper/The Prospector should be found."


Izgrom is eventually mollified, thank the Ancestors, when you find a spacious natural cavern to the south of Khazagar on the same level as the lowest Deep in the Hold. More than capable of holding him and his growing hoard.

With Izgrom satisfied, Zharrok and Grimgal waste no time and express a desire to find a lair somewhere higher in elevation than their brother, and more importantly, closer to the amenities they are reliant on to pursue their interests. Unlike Izgrom the other two triplets are much easier to please when it comes to finding their future homes, due in part to their tastes being more easy to accommodate compared to Izgrom's laundry list of criteria, and because they're frankly less picky than their brother is when it comes to this.

Zharrok for instance, ended up claiming a formerly sealed off mineshaft at the end of the Hold's industrial district, deciding to just hollow out and shape the space into a forge for himself. Grimgal, oddly enough, chose an above-ground location; finding a hole in the side of one of the valley walls near Khazagar for herself. It's the smallest of the individual lairs, but similarly to Zharrok, Grim plans on expanding the fissure to accommodate her needs.

While you're relieved that this was all squared away and done with, you're especially happy to see that Karstah grow more involved throughout the process and take her mind off the Smelter for a little while.

Sometimes the only solution was simply to keep trying, other times it was taking a step back and looking at the wider picture. Much as you would love nothing more than to read through the stacks of notes your retainers delivered to you from the Elven Archmages and poke at Yorri in your quest to go delve into the secrets behind the Monoliths— er Waystones, BAH, whatever people were calling them nowadays, there were obligations you had that prevented you from doing so.

Like with this damned ring.

The band of Adamant sits innocently before you, bereft of any decoration or even a hint of Runecraft, taunting you.

A creation borne out of the sombre knowledge that your Elders have disappeared to places out of the reach of their descendants. Perhaps dead, perhaps alive, but nevertheless gone all the same. Making peace with the likelihood that you could only be certain that the next time you would see the Ancestors again would be when you feasted in the Halls of your forefathers. Perhaps not quite the celebratory gift for High King Whitebeard that Gloin envisioned, but a message you thought bore keeping in mind.

You'll see everyone again eventually.

Few ways better to do so than with Gazul.

Which led you here, sitting across from this blasted ring, stiller than some rockhead who drank one tankard too many.

The original array you planned to inscribe wasn't bad, you'll be damned if you ever do anything less than great, but "gift for the High King," great it was not. A minor at best connection to what Gazul was the Ancestor of, an annoying incompleteness to the interactions between all three Runes that almost got there, and was all the more annoying because of it.

Much to your shame you didn't budge on changing anything out of stubborn pride for longer than you'd admit, but the nagging voice in the back of your head and, to an almost embarrassingly lesser degree, common sense eventually swayed you to go back to the drafting table and try again.

Maybe you were still just being stubborn, unwilling to completely rebuild the damn thing even now, but you honestly believe in the value of the original direction for the ring even now.

You just needed a better connection, a more solid connection to Gazul than a flimsy attachment. The story of the Monster Slayer, while oddly compelling in its own way, probably wasn't the way forward for this. A limited understanding of a niche epithet for an Ancestor you weren't at all familiar with, and a story to explain why said Ancestor used his sword wasn't enough of a framework to build from in the end.

So perhaps you ought to step back, stop tunnel visioning and see Gazul?


Ideally you would talk to a priest, and you're smacking yourself across the head for not going ahead and doing that when you had the time to, but that moment has passed.

Ancestors, you haven't felt this out of ideas since you were a Journeyman.

You release a groan that steadily climbs into a low yell of frustration.

Hopefully Karstah wasn't having the same issue with the Smelter.


Ylva puts down her mug and murmurs, "Doubling our number. Can't say I don't disagree but…"

"Aye, I know." Rudil says, rubbing his beard in contemplation.

Norgrim grunts.

"We can manage, but we're getting close to the limit of what's possible. Or at least what's possible without crippling half the Guilds and Clans in the region."

"I still think you ought to bring up the issue with him, Hearthlord. You've made your thoughts on the matter clear with the two of us already."

"If he weren't busy right now I probably would," Rudil agrees, "But until he or lady Karstah leave their workshops there's not much we can do besides do as we were asked. In that vein, have any of you found any volunteers?"

Ylva scoffs..

" 'Any volunteers,?' he asks. We worry about what filling the ranks will do for everyone else, but at least we're in no danger of actually running out of willing bodies. Dordenite applicants alone make up two out three Dwarfs this year." the former reports.

"The rest?"

"Ranvsvake," Norgrim finally deigns to speak, "thanks to our work there with the Elgi and the Drakk. Mostly Rangers, but a few engineers too mostly."

Rudil nods.

"Best get testing then I suppose. Not much time, not much time at all, but we'll do what we can. Run 'em hard the both of you, we still have our obligations."

His fellow hearthwardens nod.

Rudil watches them get up and head out, leaving him alone with his thoughts and plans.

━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━

- +3 Progress to Drakk Rearing, new totals: [Cost: 15/?? actions]
-- Since discovering their various interests, the point of teaching and interacting with the siblings has since shifted from letting them tolerate and survive in Dwarf society, to helping them enjoy and thrive within it.
-- They'll begin moving in to their new abodes when the need actually arises, which isn't for a few decades more if their current rate of growth holds out. Grimgal especially.
-- The siblings grew in length by 5 meters this decade, in addition to that they've been undergoing several other physiological changes. Lengthening and hardening spines, increased venom potency, and oddly their claws growing more flexible and dexterous as well. If they suffer from any pains from such rapid growth they don't share, even Izgrom.
-- Grimgal 27m by 464 A.P.
--- Alternates between pestering Menlinwen or the Brana for tutelage in Hysh and disappearing into the wilderness for days to train on her own. You trust her not to get herself in trouble, or atleast only get into an amount of mischief she can get out of on her own.
--- Shard Wyrms aren't known for their sexual dimorphism, but it does exist. Compared to her brothers Grimgal does have a smaller head relative to her size for instance. Its slight, and Grimgal's so much bigger than her siblings that it's impossible to notice without taking measurements, but it exists.
-- Zharrok 22m by 464 A.P.
--- Continues his smithing training without complaint, having just moved past the fundamentals into more advanced manipulation and techniques. More importantly he's finally figuring out ways to manipulate metal with Aqshy after poking one of the Caledorian Archmage's apprentices.
-- Izgrom 22m by 464 A.P.
--- Has begun preparing for a long term delve in a few years, specifically a year long delve into the western tunnels beyond the point that even the most experienced prospectors have gone. To your knowledge anyway— those old goats are a secretive lot.

- +1 Progress to Expedition, Aiding Dorden, new totals: [Cost: (3 -2) =1 retainer actions]

- Way to the Stones complete!
-- +4 Progress to Monolith Mastery Pt.1 (calculated later)

- +120 to Retinue cap, new total: 240

- +9 Master Engineers recruited, new totals: 30
- +6 Hearthwarden Rangers recruited, new totals: 40
- +2 Longbeard Miners recruited, new totals: 10

120 +17 = 137/240 as of 464 A.P.

- +1 [Tier 4] Voidstone, arriving Turn 56
- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, arriving Turn 59


AN: A day later than I promised. Sorry! Had to fight the urge to keep tinkering at this and delaying to add more. A lot of set up for stuff later that I hope makes up for this relative lack of number go up this time. Anyway feel free to ask any questions and don't forget to C&C. :^)
Last edited:
Turn 55 Results Pt. 2: Greater Dragonblood Smelter/Mizpal Zharr
Winning Vote said:
[X] Plan The King's Ring and Three Dragons, Revision Attempt: The Black Sun
Snorri & Karstah
-[X] Prod for Prod 1 Snorri AP
-[X] [Difficult] Revise Coronation Gift Pt. 1: 0 AP ✓
-- New Combo: Master Rune of Expurgation [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Gazul, Rune of Gazul's Flame. This ring is a band of brightest white Adamant, and inserted into one half of the band is a wall of black flame carven from obsidian in such detail and cleverness that it appears to move. Hidden within the flames is the Master Rune of Expurgation, its glow making the obsidian fire seem to writhe with golden edges. Above this homage to Gazul's domain the other half of the band is inset with beaten gold that shimmers like Grungni's treasures, as if some bright land is hidden behind the wall of flames and shimmers through it. The Runes of Gazul and Gazul's Flame are hidden amidst this gold, empowering the Master Rune against Evil. A horrifying Black Sun summoned from the Underearth as punishment for a great evil.
-[X] [Simple] Coronation Gift pt 2, Build Mizpal Zharr. (Wear Skarren/BA/Zharrgal): 3 Snorri AP ✓
-[X] Monolith Mastery Pt.1 2+1d2 Prods
-[X] Chimaera Autopsy 1 Research AP
-[X] Drakk Rearing: 1 Snorri + 2 Karstah AP ✓
-[X] An Even Better Smelter: 2 Karstah AP ✓

-[X] Understand the Master Rune of the Eagle-Eyed: 0 AP
-[X] Compress the Brotherbound Combo. 0 AP

Retainers &
-[X] Way to the Stones 1 Retainer AP ✓
-[X] Expedition, Aiding Dorden 1 Retainer AP ✓
-[X] Retainer Reconfiguring. 1 Retainer AP ✓

--[X] Change Numbers: Add 120 members, taking them to 240 total.

-[X] Order: T4 Radiant Pegasus Blood ✓

[X] [Drakk:] Allow Grimgal to begin learning magic
[X] [Social:] Skarri, preparing for a presentation to King Gloin
[X] [Social:] Lorna, combing over Khazagar's library ✓
[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about Eastern Markets [Standard, Insightful]
[X] [Patreon:] Thulgrim Saltbeard ✓

━<><><>< 457 A.P. ><><><>━​

She has a plan.

But like so many things in life, putting that plan into motion was easier said than done.

Her earlier drafts could still serve as a good jumping off point if for no other reason than the path to improving the Smelter did not require a complete overhaul of its basic structure. If she wanted to push her Smelter's rate of production even farther than what the Master Rune of Purification could achieve then there was only one place she could look towards, the one place she was all too thankful she wouldn't have to look into just a few years ago.


The array in question had to do more than just feed the Master Rune of Purification more energy as well. Khazagar, or more specifically the Runes of Siphoning that littered the complex, made power a non issue for anything short of a dozen of the most power hungry Runes she knew of. No, now the question was pulling as much value from the power the Smelter used as was practically possible. Thankfully she wasn't walking completely uncharted terrain here thanks to her prior research. Even if her work then was dedicated to finding structural improvements, it wasn't like she forgot or ignored the pages and paragraphs that danced around the topic of Runes either. There hadn't been much, not that she expected it, but it did point her down a promising path.

Heat, and managing it.

Adamant mainly required the removal of all magic from within it according to her Master and his colleagues, but they also came to the agreement, after several books worth of debate about why mind you, that the metal also required a tremendous amount of heat in its creation. Since the Master Rune of Purification could be relied upon to manage the former requirement, her theoretical array would focus on minimizing heat-loss and maximizing the amount of heat that the magic the Smelter drew on could generate. Despite the seeming enormity of that task, she did have a path forward, after all Master Snorri had done the same when creating his Chainforgers, she just had to find a way to do the same.

As she said, easier said than done.

Karstah moves the mug to her lips, and grunts in annoyance when she finds no ale forthcoming. She grabs the keg by her feet for a refill, and grunts again when that also proves itself empty.

As she pushes herself off the chair, her back and shoulders audibly groan and creak from the sudden motion after remaining in the same position for over half the day.

She ignores it with well practiced ease, knowing that the pain is a small and temporary price to pay to achieve her goals.


You have your plan.

It's rushed compared to your regular work, only a year of effort and research behind it compared to the usual two or more, but you have to make due with the time you have.

Of course no being alive will ever make you admit that though.

Despite how rushed everything was, the new array you have in mind is, you think, much more thematically in line with the more popular understanding of Gazul.

A voice in the back of your head wonders if it is appropriate, to make something bearing such a message when you knew comparatively little to Dawi who knew far more than you on the subject. But you swat aside those doubts. Though form is an integral part of any of your creations it's still ultimately a secondary concern to its function, and you can definitely be satisfied that the array you came up with does its job well. Expurgation to provide a way of singling out especially dangerous enemies, and Gazul's Flame to hurt the chaff. Truth be told, the Ancestor's namesake Rune was the outlier of the entire arrangement; added only because it felt both appropriate for the piece as a whole and because you had a sneaking, bordering on educated guess really, suspicion that the other two Runes were ones it would hold more sway over than most others.

Always a chance that treading new ground with Ancestor Runes would do something unexpected.

In any event, even if the Rune of Gazul didn't do as you wished, the other two Runes would do their job regardless. Acting to destabilize the corporeal forms of the Netherspawn with magical, Hysh infused flames. It echoes Zharrvengryn, and if its even a fraction as deadly as the weapon of Gazul you'd be thrilled.

Now all that's left to do is make it.

Thulgrim knew that success would invariably lead to new challenges for him to overcome. Finalize his design? Get it approved. Get the Guild to approve? Get it built then Beardling. It helped that he had a plan for every challenge he found. He took them as signs of progress, checkmarks on a list in the back of his mind that would culminate with his barks becoming an integral part of Kraka Ranvsvake's operation, and him receiving the recognition such importance would entail.

But this was a problem he had no answer for. At least not one that would satisfy all of his needs.

"No Thulgrim, I cannot allow it," Hakkon tells him, glowering beneath the shadow of his brows.

"The King wants barks, he paid for the barks, we swore to give him those barks, so he's going to get the barks. Laying down the hulls and completing them in ten years isn't the problem, it's going to be crewing them. We don't have the Engineers to man them all Guildmaster," Thulgrim repeats, growing frustrated.

They could have managed it, by Grungni it would have been an absolute disgrace but they could have managed it, but now they can't.

But then the Fimir attacked, and Thulgrim and the Engineers Guild lost half of his most experienced colleagues when it came to these ships defending their home from the muck dwellers.

"Another way has to be found then."

"There isn't one, we've got crew requirements down as far as we can go. Okri's Oar banks, Ungrim's Unified Sail and Rudder Manipulator, the Thondrik's Heavy Pump and a dozen other designs besides. Hells, we're even fielding apprentices. We're tapping an empty keg Guildmaster."

"Then squeeze the timbers and get a few more drops out of them Thulgrim because we don't have anywhere else to go" the Guildmaster thunders, smashing his fist onto the wutroth top of his desk. "We have already made far, far too many compromises on both safety and proper testing for my liking for these boats already. We don't let anyone but an Engineer touch our artillery normally, but as you've already said we're tapping into apprentices now. But so help me, I will never approve letting untrained Dawi have any hand touching something so unsafe and untested as your work!"

"We may not have a choice, dammit. It's either that or—"

He pauses, letting the phrase he was just about to say stew and roll over in his head.

They needed bodies to fill their ships, they couldn't get enough Engineers to do it. They needed another source of labour to crew their vessels, one they could trust weren't going to cock up something vital, understood and could follow an order an Engineer gave, ideally had some knowledge or exposure to Engineer's work already, and were in plentiful supply.

There were a few sources he could go to. Dawi who met those criteria in spades and had the motivation to overcome a Dwarf's natural distrust of the ocean to boot.

Though doing so felt ghoulish in the extreme.

"Well?" Hakkon pushes expectantly.

"It's madness, and not worth considering."

"A damned miracle that I found the line that your arse won't cross Saltbeard, but you've said it yourself we need a solution so out with it."

He grimaces but complies, knowing from the increasing height of Hakkon's brows that it won't end well.

━<><><>< 458 A.P. ><><><>━​

(Peerless Production: 95,47,96, DC 40)

Raise the hammer, chant the words.
Power Flows
Bring it low, deform the metal.


Strike with control; enough to turn a force and heat to be capable of pulping bone, pulverizing flesh, crumpling metal and melting rock into just enough power to carve a Rune onto such a small and delicate surface as a ring. Unnecessary with your hammer yes, but you carry on with the practice regardless. Preferring to maintain the skill necessary than let yourself fall onto the crutch your hammer could so easily become.
Will guides it
The ring of the hammer follows the rhythm of your heart, the Rune of Gazul slowly being etched onto the Adamant band clamped in front of you. Compared to the other Ancestor Runes, of Grungni and Valaya and Thungni, which you know well enough that you reckon that you could forge them with your eyes closed, you have rarely touched the Rune of Grave Gazul. And for good reason. The Rune was meant for the Burial Vaults, for the Wards and necklaces which protected the honoured and venerable dead from intrusion and malicious intent. Nevertheless, you refuse to strike anything but perfection into being, and your Hammer obliges you easily. Blow after blow, line after line, slowly making their way onto the bright orange surface of freshly heated Adamant.

You almost feel the familiar, but always welcome, descent into the trance-like focus of Runecraft overtake you. Time kept by the ringing of the hammer, the beat of your heart, and the words that spill from your lips, eyes filled with the bright, orange glow of near melting Adamant as it's shaped by blow after blow.
Let song remind you
Gazul. Lord of the Underearth, Slayer of Monsters, Protector of the Dead, and Warden of their Halls. You recall the first time seeing him, in the dark of Karag Dum. His eyes redder than rubies, his Greatsword a void whose fiery light paradoxically shone like a torch in the darkness.

You saw it properly for one smooth downwards swing, lasting no longer than a few heartbeats in length, and yet were changed utterly by it.
Let mind shape it
Though you never saw the work be done, you knew the outcome of it. That was a blade that shattered one that would call itself a god, that shattered a fragment whose hubris made it believe itself cleverer and keener than the blade's Wielder.

Foemen died, with burning flame and by severing cuts, their lives extinguished like candles in a stiff breeze.

You cannot match Zharrvengryn, not ever, but you will honour it with these Runes.

The pace of your hammer slows for a second, in the brief interlude when one chant ends and another begins between the completion of one Rune and the striking of the next,.
Sing the song of creation
Rouse the Flame Below, strike the Rune eighteen times at Gormlhune's waxing…

She had her answer.

It had been slow going, but she was vindicated when her solution had indeed come from the Chainforgers just as she suspected it would, with the Runes of Forgeflame and Vigorous Furnace. While the Master Rune of Purification was already more than capable of getting most of the heat where it needed to go, it wasn't perfect. Both Master Snorri's original Smelter and the Dragonblood Smelters still ended glowing dull orange after every use, not enough to cause any structural damage, but a clear sign that there was still residual heat that was being wasted.

With Forgeflame she could capture that heat and direct it to where it would be of most use, letting it be used to heat up more Gromril and easing the burden on the Master Rune of Purification. Thereby letting it focus more of its power on the actual purification process. It also had the added benefit of letting Furnace cycle more often than before, reducing the time it took for the structure to cool down from a forging.

Then there was the Rune of Vigorous Furnace.

It had been used for wholly mundane fuel sources, but Master Snorri's notes had heavily theorized that it theoretically could work on any fuel that a furnace required. Tests he conducted using more non-traditional fuel sources like pitch, wood and even troll fat proved it could make any mundane fuel run more efficiently at least. The hang up was wondering if it worked for magic as well. After all, the structures behind it were, according to her teacher, suspiciously more general than many of the other Runes he knew of that fulfilled a similar function. He had reckoned it was a result of incorporating some of the knowledge he'd gained from lady Ogra and the Gronti Duraz, but he couldn't properly test it. He had less than a handful of ways to do so given the Rule of Form constricted him to just furnaces. He had tried with the Rune of Calcination, but aside from how much of an enigma that Rune was to him, whatever possible changes that may have happened weren't visible to his Windsight eye.

And then there was the Master Rune of Purification, where he understandably hadn't wanted to use something so precious as a Master Rune, let alone one that used a reagent so rare that not even he could find it easily, for a simple test.

So it had remained a theory. A very thoroughly researched and agonized over theory perhaps, but a theory nonetheless.

And now she was going to see if it was true or not, as if that wasn't the height of madness.


Something tells her it would work, an intuition honed from centuries of working on Runes. Height of hubris maybe, but short of breaking Durin's Consternation fully and deciphering the Rune itself, she had no other way of finding out.

And if that was the case it felt grimly appropriate, and deeply unsound, to test her theory on one of the most ambitious projects she's attempted.

━<><><>< 460 A.P. ><><><>━​

Thulgrim watched quietly as one of the new apprentices was being led through the steps of repairing a hole in the hull.

Hakkon had argued, denied, and grumbled mightily for two years, but in the end he could not deny the solution Thulgrim offered was the best option out of the ones available. So they had gone before the King for his blessing, and though he had his reservations they had been allowed to follow through with their idea. And now the Clans of the fallen, Dawi who hadn't otherwise been inclined to become Engineers from either a lack of desire or skill and lost in Grudge and grief, had been given a choice. Serve aboard the vessels their family members had worked on for the duration of the war, avenge the dead or die in the attempt, and perhaps, if they were clever, skilled and willing, serve aboard these ships afterwards as well.

A decision that, for good and ill, his name would forever be bound to for all time.

The young lad no older than fifty, a son grieving his mother and father he reminds himself, runs through the drill he has been shown by Thulgrim's colleague with grim and meticulous focus. And here, in the privacy of his mind, as he digests the reality of his decision, Thulgrim cannot help but wonder if Hakkon should have stopped him.

This was righteous, he was helping these Dawi avenge the Grudge of their fallen.

This was heinous, to use the grief and desire of vengeance of innocent Dawi to raise his standing in this way.

Better this than to shave their heads and wander to their deaths in naught but a pair of trousers.

Many of them would die in their attempt aboard these ships, believing in their cause even as Thulgrim profits from their sacrifice.

He hadn't broken the tenets of the Ancestors or his guild, but he may have well broken their spirit.

What would his forefathers say, when he stood before them in the afterlife?

He shakes his head, the clearing of his thoughts coinciding with the conclusion of the young man's attempt.

"Again lad. We'll stay here until you can do it right, even if that takes the next ten days," Thulgrim orders, earning a nod from his fellow Engineer.


With a satisfied grunt, she lowers her hammer to examine the adjustment, then nods approvingly.


The new Smelter is noticeably distinct from the earlier iterations her teacher and the Brotherhood built, the consequence of using entirely different materials and revising the design philosophy. The most immediately obvious difference was the altered dimensions of the new model. It not only had the smallest overall footprint of the three designs, but It was also the tallest of the three designs as well. Despite its smaller size, using Adamant meant she didn't need walls quite as thick as the older Smelters, letting her design have a larger internal volume despite its smaller size.

Its increased height meanwhile was meant to accommodate the alterations she had made to how the Dragon Blood was stored; modifying the simple liquid reservoir into a three chamber system that she could more accurately control by way of spigots and valves so that no more blood would be used than was necessary. That should in theory mean the resulting Essence would stay separate from the Blood, diluting neither.

The final look of the whole ensemble wasn't particularly special, but that didn't mean she neglected it completely either. Draconic imagery was rampant alongside the usual hallmarks of Dwarfen aesthetics, with images of snarling wyrms alongside the knotwork and grim and dour faces of the Ancestors. She had incorporated images of specifically winged Dragons bleeding over the outward facing parts of the fuel storage, stopping just shy of showing Dwarfs killing them. For one thing, she had raised three Wyrms of her own, and her preferences had obviously shifted in response. There was a dissonance now, not that she would balk or grumble at someone making art on the topic, she just wouldn't do it for her own work anymore.

Or at least for Wyrms without wings.

Petty, but the Caledorians hadn't considered the siblings true dragons, compared to theirs anyhoo, so she felt just a smidge justified. Wings were for Brana anyway. So what if her charges couldn't fly or all breathe fire? Their breath melted stone and flesh, they laired in caves and they hoarded gold didn't they?


Bugger the Caledorians, they wouldn't sour this moment.

The Smelter was done, at least physically, and now needed only the Runes that would complete it.

Her stomach rumbles, and she decides that maybe a meal and drink are in order first.


The time to inscribe the final Rune has come at last.

You haven't inscribed this Rune too many times, not even a century old if you recall properly

And yet you know it almost as surely as you know the Rune of Stone.

How could you not?

It is your creation.

You raise the hammer, and begin the chant.

From the endless void, you were cleaved from the heavens...

You imagine the falling meteor again; that brilliant light in the sky hurtling at speeds beyond your comprehension, so fast that it ignites, so fast that in the blink of an eye it moves from sky to earth, heralded by a deafening crash.

The fallen rock is surrounded by a crater many times its size, a trail of flattened and charred trees, churned earth and half melted stone mark out its downward path from the heavens.

And just as quickly as such destruction is made, before your eyes it disappears even faster.

Rain falls, earth shifts, winds howl, and the terrible destruction is wiped away like marks on a clay tablet over an age. A million on million living things come and go as the burnt forest regrows and the fleeing animals return. Then on a day that feels no different from another the meteor, long buried, long forgotten, is exposed to air.
The work of eternity
You chip and carve away at the Adamant, hammer blows driving the edge of your chisel into the metal without faltering for even a moment. As you do, your mouth is speaking words you don't require to keep in rhythm, taking breaths Barak Azamar renders superfluous, looking for mistakes that Zharrgal makes all but impossible to create. Following the process, walking the path your past self charted out of the treacherous peaks of ambiguity and doubt. You could be blind, deaf and mute all at the same time, yet you can create this Rune all the same for one simple reason.

…Invoke seven of the titles of Thungni; Secret-Keeper, Wondermaker, Runelord, Brynrik, Master, Magic-Binder, and Ancestor…

(Master Rune of Thungin's Brilliance: 88 +15[Omake] =103, DC 80)
You simply know.

Mastery is not instinct, nor automatic reflex, though to the untrained it may appear so. It is knowing yourself and your work so intimately that no distraction could cause you to deviate, no error could make you falter, no obstacle could stand in the way between your vision and the hands that would make it a reality.
Wrought onto mortal plane

Aching limbs hammer away at the glowing chisel, parched lips continue to speak the words taught to her, sweat cannot form in this sweltering heat but the small part of her mind not dedicated to the task at hand is sure she would be drenched if she could. She ignores it all.

Like a mountaineer hanging onto the guide ropes in the face of a worsening blizzard, Karstah clings all the tighter to the ritual movements hammered into her mind as she feels her body shudder and fail. There is darkness at the edge of her vision growing with each blow of her hammer, ears deafened by the roar of flame and the clang of Adamant striking Adamant and she can only mouth out the words now.

But Karstah carries on.

She needs only to trust in what she has learned.
Legend and myth
seven more strikes of the hammer, then as the work grows parched, slake its thirst with nothingness…

As vision fades, muscle memory takes its place. As the sound of the flame and the buzz of the heat and the clang of the metal grow louder than her faltering words, thought carries on the rhythm and beat. As mind and speech fails, Will takes up the burden of these final few steps.

She discards her chisel gingerly, and her hand absentmindedly reaches out, acting on rote memory more than active thought towards a Gromril bowl to her left.

She grabs the Voidstone.
You leave the Voidstone.​
…Take the shard of the void, foulness caged by walls immune to its corruption, and sunder it hence…

And crushes it with her hammer.
You do not need it.​
Karstah pours the powdered glass into the grooves of the Rune in between individual strikes of her hammer, the volcanic glass half melting-half fusing to the metal before it disappears into nothingness after the next hammerblow. With each stone shattering blow the Rune nears completion, with each flick of the hand the Voidstone powder in her hand grows smaller and smaller. Though she cannot see it, the eyes of the various statues and icons around her Workshop light up, and the Rune of Siphoning hanging above her head whines and glows noticeably brighter.

-With this strike I cleanse you, with this power, I purify you.
The work of the smith.
Until at last the Rune blazes into existence.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Brynrik - "Glitter-King", Bright Lord
Mizpal Zharr - Obsidian Flame

━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━

- +3 Progress to Drakk Rearing, new totals: [Cost: 15/?? actions]
-- Since discovering their various interests, the point of teaching and interacting with the siblings has since shifted from letting them tolerate and survive in Dwarf society, to helping them enjoy and thrive within it.
-- They'll begin moving in to their new abodes when the need actually arises, which isn't for a few decades more if their current rate of growth holds out. Grimgal especially.
-- The siblings grew in length by 5 meters this decade, in addition to that they've been undergoing several other physiological changes. Lengthening and hardening spines, increased venom potency, and oddly their claws growing more flexible and dexterous as well. If they suffer from any pains from such rapid growth they don't share, even Izgrom.
-- Grimgal 27m by 464 A.P.
--- Alternates between pestering Menlinwen or the Brana for tutelage in Hysh and disappearing into the wilderness for days to train on her own. You trust her not to get herself in trouble, or atleast only get into an amount of mischief she can get out of on her own.
--- Shard Wyrms aren't known for their sexual dimorphism, but it does exist. Compared to her brothers Grimgal does have a smaller head relative to her size for instance. Its slight, and Grimgal's so much bigger than her siblings that it's impossible to notice without taking measurements, but it exists.
-- Zharrok 22m by 464 A.P.
--- Continues his smithing training without complaint, having just moved past the fundamentals into more advanced manipulation and techniques. More importantly he's finally figuring out ways to manipulate metal with Aqshy after poking one of the Caledorian Archmage's apprentices.
-- Izgrom 22m by 464 A.P.
--- Has begun preparing for a long term delve in a few years, specifically a year long delve into the western tunnels beyond the point that even the most experienced prospectors have gone. To your knowledge, those old goats are a secretive lot.

- New Rune/Combo unlocked!
-- Combo, Underworld Flame [Master Rune of Expurgation, Rune of Gazul, Rune of Gazul's Flame] Upon activation the user selects themselves, an ally or enemy as the target. If friendly they are protected by a shell of Hysh infused flames that absorb a set amount of magic. If an enemy they are immobilized by burning chains. In either case enemies in a radius around the target are caught alight by heatless flames that burn both their corporeal form and the magic that maintains them. The flames continue to burn even after the enemy has left the radius, and can only be snuffed out by dispelling them. Especially effective against the undead.
-- Combo, True Adamant Maker: [Master Rune of Purification, Rune of Vigorous Furnace, Rune of Forgeflame] Can transform Gromril into Adamant. Can only be inscribed on Adamant.

- Legendary Creation of Note, Mizpal Zharr: The ring's body is made of pure Adamant, half of the width is a field of black fire made from miniscule obsidian shards, contrasted by the gold background opposite to it. The gold's surface was carved into the image of a cavern with a cave opening in the distance that rays of light emerge from, illuminating the terrain. By speaking the word "Zharr," the ring activates, creating an area around the chosen target that will either protect or enchain them in a magical shell, while setting any magical entity or construct, especially the undead, around them alight with Hysh infused fire. Burning both their bodies and the magic that animates them.
-- Combo, Underworld Flame [Master Rune of Expurgation, Rune of Gazul, Rune of Gazul's Flame] Upon activation the user selects themselves, an ally or enemy as the target. If friendly they are protected by a shell of Hysh infused flames that absorb a set amount of magic. If an enemy they are immobilized by burning chains. In either case enemies, especially Undead, in a radius around the target are caught alight by heatless flames that burn both their corporeal form and/or the magic that maintains them. The flames continue to burn even after the enemy has left the radius, and can only be snuffed out by dispelling them. Especially effective against the undead.
-- Touched by the Earth
-- Touched by the Storm
-- Echoes of the Anvil: Aqshy, Chamon and Hysh especially are more easily drawn to this item than what would be usual.
-- Soul of the Earth
-- Trollbane: Trolls instinctively fear this work, the phantom sensation of flame and smell of cooked flesh hits those within melee range of the wearer.
-- Chaosbane: The Hysh around the ring is repugnant to entities of disorder.
-- Peerless Production [6/?] > [9/?]
-- Voidstone Retained

- An Even Better Smelter complete!
-- Gain Greater Dragonblood Smelter [Produces x6 bars of Adamant/Turn (Already Includes Adamant Bonus)]
--- Pushing the practical limits of just how efficient Karstah can make its design and array, the Greater Dragonblood Smelter is the absolute bleeding edge of Adamant production as understood by the Brotherhood of Dron.
--- Requires x10 [T4] Adamant, x1 [T4] Voidstone] to be built.
--- A Rune of Siphoning or equivalent magic rich environment is required to produce as often as the current Dragonblood Smelter, otherwise it can only make 6 bars every 2 turns or make 3 bars every turn.
--- Produces x1 [T2] Dragon Essence a turn.
--- Combo, True Adamant Maker: [Master Rune of Purification, Rune of Vigorous Furnace, Rune of Forgeflame] Can transform Gromril into Adamant. Can only be inscribed on Adamant.
-- +70 Favours with the Brotherhood of Dron, new totals: (calculated below)
-- Productivity Like One Other [5/15] > [8/15]
-- Mind for Metal [4/9] > [10/9]


- +1 Progress to Expedition, Aiding Dorden, new totals: [Cost: (3 -2) =1 retainer actions]

- Way to the Stones complete!
-- +4 Progress to Monolith Mastery Pt.1 (calculated above)

- +120 to Retinue cap, new total: 240

- +9 Master Engineers recruited, new totals: 30
- +6 Hearthwarden Rangers recruited, new totals: 40
- +2 Longbeard Miners recruited, new totals: 10

120 +17 = 137/240

- +1 [Tier 4] Voidstone, arriving Turn 56
- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, arriving Turn 59

Favour and Standing

- +70 Favours with the Brotherhood of Dron, new totals: Favours 70

Trait(s) Gained/Upgraded

Peerless Production [6/?] > [9/?]


Mind for Metal [10/9] > Master of Metal [1/12]: Every 2 research actions used for [Metal] Runes, and all geological material add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Work with all Gromril tiers will be improved.
Productivity Like One Other [5/15] > [8/15]

AN: Sorry for long delay. Dark Mariah has broken from her chains and the latter parts of this chapter were written under the spell of her Chart-Topping Single. Hope the content makes up for it. Not sure if the parallel structure I added at the end is a bit too cluttered or contrived, but I wasn't sure how else to show the difference between Snorri and Karstah's current abilities without making a whole new Snorri section. If it doesn't work let me know! Last bit is research and then I'm gonna work on snippets to recharge my brain. Anyhoo, hope you enjoy and don't forget to C&C. :^)
Last edited:
Turn 55 Results Pt. 3:
Winning Vote said:
[X] Plan The King's Ring and Three Dragons, Revision Attempt: The Black Sun
Snorri & Karstah
-[X] Prod for Prod 1 Snorri AP ✓
-[X] [Difficult] Revise Coronation Gift Pt. 1: 0 AP ✓
-- New Combo: Master Rune of Expurgation [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Gazul, Rune of Gazul's Flame. This ring is a band of brightest white Adamant, and inserted into one half of the band is a wall of black flame carven from obsidian in such detail and cleverness that it appears to move. Hidden within the flames is the Master Rune of Expurgation, its glow making the obsidian fire seem to writhe with golden edges. Above this homage to Gazul's domain the other half of the band is inset with beaten gold that shimmers like Grungni's treasures, as if some bright land is hidden behind the wall of flames and shimmers through it. The Runes of Gazul and Gazul's Flame are hidden amidst this gold, empowering the Master Rune against Evil. A horrifying Black Sun summoned from the Underearth as punishment for a great evil.
-[X] [Simple] Coronation Gift pt 2, Build Mizpal Zharr. (Wear Skarren/BA/Zharrgal): 3 Snorri AP ✓

-[X] Monolith Mastery Pt.1 2+1d2 Prods ✓
-[X] Chimaera Autopsy 1 Research AP ✓
-[X] Drakk Rearing: 1 Snorri + 2 Karstah AP ✓

-[X] An Even Better Smelter: 2 Karstah AP ✓

-[X] Understand the Master Rune of the Eagle-Eyed: 0 AP ✓
-[X] Compress the Brotherbound Combo. 0 AP ✓

Retainers &
-[X] Way to the Stones 1 Retainer AP ✓
-[X] Expedition, Aiding Dorden 1 Retainer AP ✓
-[X] Retainer Reconfiguring. 1 Retainer AP ✓
--[X] Change Numbers: Add 120 members, taking them to 240 total.

-[X] Order: T4 Radiant Pegasus Blood ✓

[X] [Drakk:] Allow Grimgal to begin learning magic ✓
[X] [Social:] Skarri, preparing for a presentation to King Gloin ✓
[X] [Social:] Lorna, combing over Khazagar's library ✓

[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about Eastern Markets [Standard, Insightful] ✓
[X] [Patreon:] Thulgrim Saltbeard ✓

(Peerless Production: 95,47,96, DC 40)
(Thungin's Brilliance: 88 +15[Omake] =103, DC 80)
(Voidstone Availability: 99 +15[Omake] =114, Overflow: 29 +14 =43)

━<><><>< 460 A.P. ><><><>━​

"Personal standards higher than Everpeak is tall, and a willingness to put herself at risk to meet it. Aye she's definitely taken it after you," Yorri comments from off to the side, eyes examining the Smelter quietly as he speaks.

"Aye," you whisper back, not taking your eyes off the Smelter either.

Karstah has exceeded your expectations.

Sextupling a single Smelter's total capacity, and effectively tripling the rate of production for Adamant while minimizing the number of reagents needed? It required Adamant to do it, an expensive amount, but one it could recoup in as short as twenty years under the right conditions.

It was as if Thungni Himself had seen it fit to grant her some measure of His own insight.

You do not stifle the upwelling of pride you feel as the enormity of your heir's accomplishment fully settles in your mind. You've more than half a mind to toast her success with some of the good stuff and boast about it to anyone unfortunate enough to be around you for the next year or more.


If only she could be awake for you to tell her that.

Karstah had pushed herself to near her breaking point, staying awake just long enough to let the Hearth Guard outside her workshop know she was done before slipping into unconsciousness. That had been a harrowing sprint to the temple, but the worst of your fears had been assuaged after the Valayans got their hands on her. The priestesses told you there were no immediate concerns for her health in the long term, and that she needed a few months, but preferably a year or two, of rest before committing to more strenuous activity. They did, however, do their their level best to impart the understanding that you really ought to stop Karstah from doing this to herself more than was necessary.

They aren't anywhere as good at the implication of violence as Moira was, but you didn't need fear to follow their advice.

You nod, and the Hearth Guard on either side of you move forward to begin hauling the Smelter to its future home, grabbing lengths of chain that had been attached to the straining wheeled platform it currently rested on.

"The Brotherhood will be thrilled by this," Yorri continues casually, watching Karstah's creation disappear down the corridor.

"They'll be sending her their best ale by the keg load," you agree.

You'd make sure of it, as well as point all due credit to her as you could.

"What now my student?" Your teacher asks.

A sigh escapes your lips.

"We prepare for my heir to wake up of course. She deserves quite the celebration after all."


Mizpal-zharr is delivered to King Gloin without fanfare, only a few grunts, and within an appropriately decorated container. You're not in the mood for a ceremony or anything like that right now, instead you simply drop it off in his office and depart with only a grunt to mark your passing when he wishes Karstah a speedy recovery. Walking out of Gloin's office, the sight of you makes the small line of petitioners waiting outside the King's door mumble and bow respectfully as you pass. All save the familiar face of one Skarri Dolgisson, too busy looking over a stack of papers and rubbing the main braid of his beard anxiously to be aware of his surroundings it seems.

"Young Dolgisson," you greet gruffly, "What brings you to the Royal Hall?"

The sound of your voice seems to snap him out of the trance he's put himself under. He blinks in surprise, looks up at you, and scrambles to bow without losing his grip on the papers in his hands.

"Elder! Ah, well we'll be presenting a report to his Highness in a few moments on the viability of Thunder Wing and I's project." he rises out of his bow just a bit flustered. "Well, it's supposed to be we, not sure where Thunder is to be honest."

Now that is a surprise.

"All the way to the King is it?" You cross your arms. "It's been no more than fifty-five years since I saw you scramble out of Menlinwen's abode with that Elgi book, and you think you're both ready to bring your idea forward to the King?"

To your silent approval Dolgi's eldest does not wilt under your glare, instead nodding firmly and staring back at you with a familiar steely resolve in his eyes. There's that same bullheadedness that let his father get through both his Journey alive and earn his wife's affections.

"Aye Lord, there's merit to the idea, mad as it sounds. Thunder Wing and I can prove it if we're given the opportunity."

You notice, but pay no mind to more than a few petitioners occasionally glancing over at the both of you, unable to help overhearing the exchange occurring scant centimeters away from them.


You have places to be, but at the same time you know this won't cause much of a delay.

So In that moment you decide to offer a small kindness and help Dolgi's boy out, and if that way satisfies your own curiosity that was simply good fortune.

"Oh? Do tell Beardling. Millennia of Dwarf tradition, and five centuries of Kraka Drakk's own preferences are not so easy to dislodge after all," you challenge, fixing him with a properly chastising stare.

Skarri rightfully reckons that King Gloin can find the use of a heavily armed mounted warrior easily enough, after all it isn't hard to think of something for several hundred pounds of heavily armoured Brana with an equally equipped Dwarf atop their back to do in a battle, but that alone would never be enough to sway your people. But Skarri knows that too, so he presses on the other avenues. A good amount of the reticence against riding, aside from a lack of tradition, stemmed from the fact that a Dwarf could not trust an animal as much as his own two feet. The same could not be said for the Brana, who bled and died alongside you in during the Siege, whose own Ancestor risked life and limb to buy Kraka Drakk precious time to prepare for Kholek, and whose kind were acknowledged and trusted by Grungni, Valaya and Whitebeard to be true and reliable. What's more, such a partnership would be beneficial to both mount and rider and not yet another burden your people would ask of them; the Dwarf was given greater mobility aye, but the Brana was given a companion to guard their back and provide greater options in battle.

But the point Skarri presses most of all, his words rife with honest and fervent belief in it even, is that having a group of partnered Brana and Dawi such as this was the penultimate symbol of each race's commitment to the other.

You gave them speech, they gave your people information.

Their Ancestor tore out His own heart, and yours gave Their Blessing.

King Otrek gave them sanctuary during the Catastrophe, and so they gave their lives in defense of your home.

His father and a few others crafted them armour, and they gave him protection in turn.

Morgrim gave them their aerie, and so they fought and bled and died in wars they had no reason to join.

With that much history together, the next logical step is a group that represents the fruits of that alliance more fully than even your own Hearth Guard. A group of paired Brana and Dawi to show that together the sum is greater than its individual parts. Because Skarri cannot envision, nor wish for anything less than absolute trust between the individuals who commit to this path. To train, fight and if need be, die together just as any proud Dwarf would alongside their most trusted companions.

He does not necessarily disappoint, but you aren't entirely sure you approve either. Many young men and women have strode forward, bright eyed and optimistic about the changes they propose, but most of them fail. You cannot say for certain if Skarri will sway Gloin, but you doubt that the King's approval would matter to him. If he didn't end up getting the King's blessing you quietly reckon that he's in too deep to step back, and more likely he and Thunder Wing would go out on their own to see that vision made reality.

S'what his father would do anyway, and if nothing else the boy's argument all but cements that he is indeed Dolgi's son.

You offer him a neutral grunt for the effort and continue on your way.

Time would tell if Skarri would sway Gloin to his point of view, and that decision was out of your hands.

Sides, you've dawdled long enough you reckon.


You read over the letter quietly as you sit beside Karstah's bed, a cup in your other hand.

Finding the time to read Rorek's nonsense, let alone reply to it, is something of a challenge these days. And while your letters aren't anywhere as bad as his, no doubt your correspondent suffers from a similar time crunch considering the massive undertaking the rest of Izril is committing itself to. While he wasn't an architect behind it, Rorek was quick to profit from it from what tavern talk and rumour managed to travel its way up here tells you.

The topic of the past few letters from your fellow Runelord were answers to some of your inquiries about the eastern market, and while he's nowhere near as comprehensive as he was with his previous letters, it's interesting reading nonetheless.

An emerging market compared to the established routes of the Old Holds, the Eastern Holds nonetheless boasted near equal amounts of trade as those same Holds. Largely because they seemingly sat on some of the greatest mineral wealth known to your people outside the World's Edge, having the potential to challenge the Old Holds given enough time, Rorek suspects. The only thing holding them back was their lack of population and the dearth of food that only exacerbated that problem. Much of the east's wealth was eaten (ha!) up paying for food brought in by caravans, usually from Eight Peaks, at rates that still seemed downright criminal to you.

A price they pay without a second glance though, at least according to Rorek. Trading food for eastern ore and gemstone was one of the biggest sources of wealth for several upcoming merchants and their Clans, one that Rorek obviously had allied himself with, your brother included. That information in itself wasn't wholly new to you though, you knew that Kraka Drakk and your Clan partly benefited from it already for one thing. Jorri had convinced a few cousins to run a secret route through Vlag to Uzkulak, trading Northern sheep and goats for goods not commonly found in the Peninsula, a route so profitable that not even you know the exact path he found.

It was also something that Rorek also seemed aware of given how he complains about your brother keeping that route hidden from him too.

Still, there were a few interesting tidbits you learned. Despite the great wealth pouring in from the east Rorek tells you most caravans don't make it past Uzkulak in the North or Barak Zharr, the chosen name of Thori Rorrison's domain, to the south. While traders apparently receive a good deal of genuine politeness and hospitality from the Eastdwarfs, its apparently draped in a layer of standoffish and cold interaction. From what the merchants tell Rorek it's something like a curious mix of reticence and silence about personal matters. It doesn't dissuade the merchants from trying to make inroads into what could conceivably become one of the largest markets in the coming centuries, one big enough to possibly disrupt the southern trade network even, but it slows them down a great amount.

The merchants think its out of a sense of overly cautious business acumen and understandable desire to keep the source and access to their wealth as secret as possible, but you and Rorek know better.

They treat betrayal as a disease out there, and many of them see themselves as afflicted with it, your fellow Runelord comments.

Before you can travel down that particularly sad path in your mind, a rustling to your right draws your attention.

Karstah's woken up.

You watch her face scrunch up in preparation before she blearily opens her eyes to the world, gaze already darting back and forth as your heir takes stock of her situation.

"Ten days," you tell her, answering the question likely on her mind and drawing her eyes to look at you.

She closes her eyes.

"Drink?' she croaks out.

"Can you raise your arms?"

Karstah scrunches her brows together in thought for a second before offering you a soft nod.

Returning the gesture with a nod of your own, you pass over a tankard and quietly watch as she chugs down its contents in a few thirsty gulps. Not wasting time to even wipe the foam off her lips, Karstah begins to speak.

"The Smelter—"

"Is in fine condition. Rest."

Another, more hesitant, nod.

The two of you sit in silence.

"You did good, better than good even." You begin, not looking at her, "I doubt any more than a single hand's worth of Dawi could achieve what you've done."

Karstah doesn't speak.

"I am proud of you," you continue, forcing what you have believed for centuries out of your mouth and into the open, "I could ask for no better heir."

You muster the courage to turn to look Karstah and find her blank eyed stare greeting you.

"Drink?" she finally stutters out.

You grunt in amusement and pass a second tankard her way.

━<><><>< 461 A.P. ><><><>━​

"The Under-inns eh?" you repeat back, letting the idea settle in your head, "Clever."

Magna nods, taking a sip of her drink while members of Clan Winterhearth hustle to move crates worth of supplies around the two of you.

It had been a surprise to see Magna taking Jorri's place for this delivery, but she had put your small worries to rest with her explanation. Much as Jorri enjoyed being here to hassle you for this and that whenever he came to deliver a fresh batch of supplies recent years have made taking those trips untenable. Now the king's share of his time was understandably spent fulfilling the charter of his new Guild, something that actually required Jorri to travel far more than he already was.

See Jorri's ingenious plan, as Magna tells it, was to co-opt the numerous individually and Hold run Under-inns and turn them towards a greater purpose. A massive interconnected series of both above and underground inns and waystations that would criss-cross the breadth of the Karaz Ankor. By having a reliable and predictable means of resupply individual Dawi would feel and be far safer should they choose to travel down the Underway, needing only to carry coin rather than a hefty amount of supplies, the same went for the merchant caravans that plied their trade through the underground highways, being able to carry more cargo than before, secure in the knowledge that they could resupply at the coming Under-inn.

Course that was the end point, and nowhere near feasible in any short amount of time. Jorri was well aware that vision was the work of generations, so he's focused in on the more foundational aspects of the Guild; its formal structure, leadership, the standards and expectations for what a proper Under-inn should, at minimum, be expected to have and the like. That, according to Magna, had taken the better part of two decades, and now he's moved on to capturing the existing market by personally going out and speaking with individual proprietors and even the Kings of various Holds about putting their Under-inns under the umbrella of his Caravaneers Guild.

"If they weren't already, his hair must've gone snow white from the stress of it all," you muse.

"The boys certainly got their first grey streaks earlier than expected," Magna tells you, "but it's worth it."

"Hah! Fame, fortune, and founding an entire Guild? I'm sure Jorri's tears are a fifty-fifty mix of regret and joy these days, no matter what he says to the contrary."

"Too busy to cry," Magna snarks with a shake of her head, "but you aren't entirely wrong. I certainly miss our monthly dinners. Now all my children are in some corner of the Karaz Ankor trying to lighten their father's burden while my husband is running himself ragged trying to pile more onto himself. A damn mess to manage it all, but someone has to."

"Let me know if you need anything Magna, and I'll see what I can do on my end, a poor brother I'd be if I left Jorri out to dry," you offer, turning your head a smidge to tut critically at a beardling trying to show off by carrying two crates of ore.

"Oh we know, its already enough of a struggle to get that blessed fool to share what little he's passing off as it is, but I'll be sure to remind Jorri a bit more forcefully later." Casually turning to stare at another young Dwarf to get him to help his struggling relative. "Now much as I'd like to chat over a few pints Snorri there's business with King Gloin I have to go over on my husband's behalf. So was there anything you wanted to say before I went about my way?"

You rub your beard thoughtfully before grunting as a thought comes to mind.

"You mind sharing what your folk know about the eastern markets Magna? I need to corroborate a few things I've learned recently," you tell her.

"Give me ten days and I'll have someone come over with it," your in-law replies, "Region's locked up tighter than a Greybeard's coin purse half the damn time, but people need to eat and they want to make gold same as anyone else in the end. Now if that'll be everything?"

"Aye that's it. Send Jorri our well wishes Magna," you confirm.

"And ours to Karstah."


You keep an eye on your heir, glancing back every so often to make sure she isn't falling behind.

If Karstah has anything to say about it she's keeping it to herself, quietly skulking behind you.

As per the priestesses orders she isn't to commit any strenuous activity until they give the go ahead, so you're carrying both bags this year as a compromise for allowing her to come along.

Truth be told you don't really need to sneak around, anyone who's lived in the Hold for more than a year is up on the take by this point but secrecy had long since stopped being the point.

T'was tradition to sneak, and so sneak you shall.

The silence of your journey is broken up by an innocuous question as you pass by a particularly rowdy street brawl.

"Has Grim spoken to you recently?" Karstah whispers, low enough that no one else would be able to hear it over the sounds of shouting Dawi.

You look back at her and shake your head.

"She wakes up, leaves for training, and comes back like clockwork. Why do you ask?"

"Caught her staring at a few things." She replies, falling back into silence as the two of you walk far enough past the street brawl.

Silence's reign is brief however.

"Like what?" you prompt, walking past a tavern whose occupants had entered into a round of the Gold Song loud enough to escape the thick oaken front doors.

"Ancestor Badges, your armour, even asked for medical tomes. She likes speaking to you, so I figured I ought to ask."

You nod in understanding.

"That is strange, but she hasn't brought it up to me at all, no. With the Brana and Menlinwen to watch, and what she's been taught, I doubt it's anything dangerous. Foolish, maybe, but not dangerous."

Grimgal has taken to her training with a level of focus that you can compare to some of your more hermit-like colleagues. You're understandably reliant on Menlinwen and the Brana tutors Grimgal learns under for reports on her progress, and they certainly say she's learning at an accelerated pace, but you have yet to see the fruits of that labour. Course you never expected to, obviously, learning wasn't done in a timespan as short as a decade, and you doubt Khazagar was the sort of place a mage could cast magic all that easily. You should know, you designed the array of Warding Runes yourself, and by design you really meant slapping them anywhere and everywhere.

"One can hope," Karstah mutters,not entirely convinced.

Neither of you say anything until you reach the Temple of Valaya, reaching the top of the steps where a priestess and a few attendants are waiting for you.

"Lord Klausson, Lady Snorrisdottir," she greets with a bow, "the Temple thanks you both for your donation."

You grunt while Karstah offers a silent nod, and hand off the bags to the waiting acolytes.

A small thrum of amusement fills you at the sight of their surprise as they are left with the full weight of the bags.

Runes of Stacking ya see.

Without another word the two of you turn back and disappear down the steps, the sound of grunting acolytes and quiet exasperation marking your departure.

━<><><>< 464 A.P. ><><><>━​

Taking after you more than you'd like, Karstah takes the effective ban from a forge as an excuse to busy herself with more simple research instead.

Not exactly breaking the rules the priestesses put under, but twisting them enough that they do give her very pointed words about making sure she actually rests.

Even with those restrictions however, it doesn't take her long to finish and then submit her findings on the mysterious needle and thread you passed to her all those decades ago.

The first discovery Karstah made was that the needle was itself a sort of gate. Poking and prodding with a demarkated length of stiffened string let her figure out that there was a large internal space that could accessed only through the needle's eye. That alone would be interesting enough, but was at the same time not entirely novel to you. After all the Elven book on Ulgu made passing mention of similar phenomena capable by wielding the Quicksilver Wind, but had made it clear that was the realm of mages far further along their training than its intended reader was.

No, what drew yours and Karstah's imminent attention was how it seemed to interact with thread run through the needle's eye. The best guess the two of you can come up with is that the thread is actually going in and out of that internal space as its used, and it was in that moment that the needle was adding onto its total overall length. Karstah thankfully went through the effort of testing the limits of this strange ability, and the results are surprising.

First off, structurally speaking the material is a near perfect match to the original fibre used, but unsurprisingly the more finely made the fibre the less the needle could stretch it out in the same time frame. Put another way, it needed more time to add the same length of fine, Master-made wool compared to some beardling's roughshod attempt at it.

Secondly, the thread itself could mimic the visual differences of the fibre as well, with the same issue of time arising the more ornate and alternately colored the fabric was. A length of all red was faster than a multi-coloured string, and a deeper, richer red longer than a light pink.

But it was in that testing that Karstah discovered something of far greater import.

Unspooling a length of particularly thick colored wool showed Karstah that the color did not run the whole way through for the added fabric, reaching just deep enough to match but not completely as if it were dyed properly. Instead the outer facing strings were colored, while internal layers remained clean. What that meant was that your heir had inadvertently also discovered just what the magic did to elongate the fabric. The wool, and likely every other string you put through that needle, was being lengthened at a set interval, elongating the constituent fibers rather than simply spinning in additional material. Which may be why that the effect didn't seem to work when too much thread was pulled through too quickly, there simply wasn't enough time for it to do its job. Lending credence to that theory was that the rate at which it added fabric lined up fairly well with the rate a half competent seamstress could do a basic stitch.

These facts taken together with the engravings along the needle itself leaves you with the impression that this wasn't so much a tool whose main purpose was meant to create infinite thread, but more to stretch out an existing spool as much as possible. You can't say for certain if this was a luxury or not, but regardless of its craftsmanship, especially the dexterity to carve such intricate art onto something so small as a sewing needle is to be commended.

To be left in the cold darkness of some Fimir Matriarch's personal chambers, or worse upon one of their worktables was a poor fate for both them and their wielders.


Of course Karstah wasn't the only one making discoveries.

The past few years have been a much needed calm after how hectic things have gotten recently. While life for the wider realms has been anything but, you focus what free time you have between furthering your understanding of the Monoliths by cross referencing what you already knew with whatever else you could poke out of Yorri and the lore the Elves gave as payment for your assistance with their project.

If you come away from this with anything, its that having proper Windsight would eliminate much of the guess work you're dealing with right now.

Still, no use whinging over spilled ale.

While the Elves don't give you a five step manual on how to build a Monolith of your own, they inadvertently provide something far more valuable.


Information not only about the nature of the existing Monolith network, from how the stones interacted with each other to the types of function they could be capable of, but also information on natural Leylines and how both they and the network interacted with each other. On its own that would be more than enough to make you happier than a prospector striking Gromril, but with what you know from Master Yorri you actually end up making more significant progress than you expected to.

You're nowhere near actually making a Monolith yourself, but everything you've been learning so far does has done its level best to impart a very important lesson to you.

Magic is far safer in motion than it is stagnant.

And you think you can use that.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Mizpal Zharr - Obsidian Flame

━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━

- +3 Progress to Drakk Rearing, new totals: [Cost: 15/?? actions]
-- Since discovering their various interests, the point of teaching and interacting with the siblings has since shifted from letting them tolerate and survive in Dwarf society, to helping them enjoy and thrive within it.
-- They'll begin moving in to their new abodes when the need actually arises, which isn't for a few decades more if their current rate of growth holds out. Grimgal especially.
-- The siblings grew in length by 5 meters this decade, in addition to that they've been undergoing several other physiological changes. Lengthening and hardening spines, increased venom potency, and oddly their claws growing more flexible and dexterous as well. If they suffer from any pains from such rapid growth they don't share, even Izgrom.
-- Grimgal 27m by 464 A.P.
--- Alternates between pestering Menlinwen or the Brana for tutelage in Hysh and disappearing into the wilderness for days to train on her own. You trust her not to get herself in trouble, or atleast only get into an amount of mischief she can get out of on her own.
--- Shard Wyrms aren't known for their sexual dimorphism, but it does exist. Compared to her brothers Grimgal does have a smaller head relative to her size for instance. Its slight, and Grimgal's so much bigger than her siblings that it's impossible to notice without taking measurements, but it exists.
-- Zharrok 22m by 464 A.P.
--- Continues his smithing training without complaint, having just moved past the fundamentals into more advanced manipulation and techniques. More importantly he's finally figuring out ways to manipulate metal with Aqshy after poking one of the Caledorian Archmage's apprentices.
-- Izgrom 22m by 464 A.P.
--- Has begun preparing for a long term delve in a few years, specifically a year long delve into the western tunnels beyond the point that even the most experienced prospectors have gone. To your knowledge, those old goats are a secretive lot.

- Prod for Prod complete!
-- +3 Yorri prods.

- +(4 {Prods] +4)[Way to the Stones] =8 Progress to Monolith Mastery Pt. 1, new totals: [Cost: (24 -18) =6 actions]

- +2 Progress to The Mind of Things Pt. 6, new totals: [Cost: (20 -2) =18 actions]

- +1 Progress to Extra-sensory Pt. 1, new totals: [Cost: (16 -1) =15 actions]

- +1 Progress to Chimaera Autopsy, new totals: [Cost: (4 -3) =1 action]

- New Combo compressed! Brotherbound
-- New Rune understood! Master Rune of Fraternity
-- +2 Progress to The Mind of Things Pt. 6, new totals: [Cost: (20 -2) =18 actions]
-- ???[0/???] > [1/???]

- New Rune understood! Master Rune of the Eagle-Eyed
-- Determining how Runes decided where the user or target ended and began isn't new to you, but in reviewing this Rune's particularities help you think of a few other ways of tackling the issue.
-- +1 Progress to Extra-sensory Pt. 1, new totals: [Cost: (16 -1) =15 actions]
-- Mind for Constructs [4/15] > [5/15]

- New Rune/Combo unlocked!
-- Master Rune of Fraternity, Complexity: 0, Necessary Ingredients: [T2] Grimnirzan: User and nearby allies have greatly increased martial skill and improved coordination, they are all innately aware of their comrade's abilities and status for the duration of the battle while in range.
-- Combo, Underworld Flame [Master Rune of Expurgation, Rune of Gazul, Rune of Gazul's Flame] Upon activation the user selects themselves, an ally or enemy as the target. If friendly they are protected by a shell of Hysh infused flames that absorb a set amount of magic. If an enemy they are immobilized by burning chains. In either case enemies in a radius around the target are caught alight by heatless flames that burn both their corporeal form and the magic that maintains them. The flames continue to burn even after the enemy has left the radius, and can only be snuffed out by dispelling them. Especially effective against the undead.
-- Combo, True Adamant Maker: [Master Rune of Purification, Rune of Vigorous Furnace, Rune of Forgeflame] Can transform Gromril into Adamant. Can only be inscribed on Adamant.

- Coronation Gift Pt.2 complete!
-- Legendary Creation of Note, Mizpal Zharr: The ring's body is made of pure Adamant, half of the width is a field of black fire made from miniscule obsidian shards, contrasted by the gold background opposite to it. The gold's surface was carved into the image of a cavern with a cave opening in the distance that rays of light emerge from, illuminating the terrain. By speaking the word "Zharr," the ring activates, creating an area around the chosen target that will either protect or enchain them in a magical shell, while setting any magical entity or construct, especially the undead, around them alight with Hysh infused fire. Burning both their bodies and the magic that animates them.
--- Combo, Underworld Flame [Master Rune of Expurgation, Rune of Gazul, Rune of Gazul's Flame] Upon activation the user selects themselves, an ally or enemy as the target. If friendly they are protected by a shell of Hysh infused flames that absorb a set amount of magic. If an enemy they are immobilized by burning chains. In either case enemies, especially Undead, in a radius around the target are caught alight by heatless flames that burn both their corporeal form and/or the magic that maintains them. The flames continue to burn even after the enemy has left the radius, and can only be snuffed out by dispelling them. Especially effective against the undead.
--- Touched by the Earth
--- Touched by the Storm
--- Echoes of the Anvil: Aqshy, Chamon and Hysh especially are more easily drawn to this item than what would be usual.
--- Soul of the Earth
--- Trollbane: Trolls instinctively fear this work, the phantom sensation of flame and smell of cooked flesh hits those within melee range of the wearer.
--- Chaosbane: The Hysh around the ring is repugnant to entities of disorder.
-- Peerless Production [6/?] > [9/?]
-- Voidstone retained!
-- +1 Standing with Karaz-a-Karak, new totals:

- An Even Better Smelter complete!
-- Gain Greater Dragonblood Smelter [Produces x6 bars of Adamant/Turn (Already Includes Adamant Bonus)]
--- Pushing the practical limits of just how efficient Karstah can make its design and array, the Greater Dragonblood Smelter is the absolute bleeding edge of Adamant production as understood by the Brotherhood of Dron.
--- Requires x10 [T4] Adamant, x1 [T4] Voidstone] to be built.
--- A Rune of Siphoning or equivalent magic rich environment is required to produce as rapidly as the current Dragonblood Smelter, otherwise it can only make 5 bars every 2 turns or make 3 bars every turn.
--- Produces x1 [T2] Dragon Essence a turn.
--- Combo, True Adamant Maker: [Master Rune of Purification, Rune of Vigorous Furnace, Rune of Forgeflame] Can transform Gromril into Adamant. Can only be inscribed on Adamant.
-- +70 Favours with the Brotherhood of Dron, new totals: (calculated below)
-- Productivity Like One Other [5/15] > [8/15]
-- Mind for Metal [4/9] > [10/9]

- Mysterious Mystery Spindle complete!
-- The needle is made of another mysterious alloy whose composition gives it an outsized level of strength and durability for its size and width compared to anything short of Gromril.
-- A bit of clever experimentation using a length of foreign twine has allowed Karstah to discover that the needle's eye is connected to a pocket of space where whatever mechanism that allows it to extend the length of thread is occurring. To the naked eye this additional thread is indistinguishable from the original, but more careful examination reveals a few peculiar differences.
-- +2 Progress to The Secrets of Storage Pt. 2, new totals: [Cost: (14 -6) =8 actions]
-- +1 Progress to The Fixing of Things Pt. 2, new totals: [Cost: (14 -1) =13 actions]
--- Mind for Metal [10/9] > [14/9]
--- Master of the Odd [6/15] > [9/15]

- +1 Progress to Expedition, Aiding Dorden, new totals: [Cost: (3 -2) =1 retainer actions]

- Way to the Stones complete!
-- +4 Progress to Monolith Mastery Pt.1 (calculated above)

- +120 to Retinue cap, new total: 240

- +9 Master Engineers recruited, new totals: 30
- +6 Hearthwarden Rangers recruited, new totals: 40
- +2 Longbeard Miners recruited, new totals: 10

120 +17 = 137/240

There was a bit of a stir when a southern Runesmith from Karak Drazh came by and went on what you could only call a shopping spree of sorts. Over the span of a few short years he wheeled and dealed his way through several Snorrist Runesmiths to trade knowledge of a few Runes he knew in exchange for their own Runelore. Nothing prohibits that of course, but the brazenness to which he did it, and the fact that he targeted those who claim to align themselves with you has a few tongues wagging. Not quite judging them like some would a maiden who danced with a suitor one time too many, but tutting and grumbling about this being the expected outcome. For their part, those involved seem happy as a clam, and have already begun spreading the Rune of Shifting Steel and Rune of Binding Form to others who meet their standards. You may want to look into that.

- Ornsmotek Runesmiths that brave coming here rather than to Vragni's institution have a habit of not returning to their home. Either staying here, or moving on to another Hold. You aren't surprised, but its still just a smidge upsetting. Man's the one escalating your disagreement into the very split he crows you are causing.

- In less sad news the contests being hosted in Khazagar are finding larger and larger crowds of potential patrons and participants. Several high ranking Dwarfs from the region, excluding Ornsmotek, have walked away with Runecraft while their makers have earned themselves more clients. Gloin is particularly happy, as three annual contest winners this past decade have made three potent [T3] weapons he has happily claimed, either to hand off as political gifts or use as fitting rewards for noteworthy youths as he saw fit.

- +1 [Tier 4] Voidstone, arriving Turn 56
- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, arriving Turn 59

Favour and Standing

- +70 Favours with the Brotherhood of Dron, new totals: Favours 70

- +1 Standing with Karaz-a-Karak, new totals: Standing 1

Trait(s) Gained/Upgraded

Peerless Production [6/?] > [9/?]


Master of the Odd [6/15] > [9/15]
Mind for Metal [14/9] > Master of Metal [5/12]: Every 2 research actions used for [Metal] Runes, and all geological material add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Work with all Gromril tiers will be improved.
Productivity Like One Other [5/15] > [8/15]

AN: Mer Chrimus. Its very late, but I hope you enjoy it. Oh and don't forget to C&C. :^)
Last edited:
Turn 56:
━<><><>< 465 A.P. ><><><>━​

At the end of the festivities from Karstah's personal success with the Smelter a few years ago you discovered a tragedy that had been unfolding beneath your nose.

There was now only half a cask of Trollbrew left.

Intellectually you understood that, all in all, she had a good run; lasting over a millennium and providing of leal and consistent service the entire time.

But nothing lasts forever.

You'd already been saving it just for special occasions and yet, in a bitter twist of fate, you were still burning through it far too fast for your liking. It should be a good thing, to have had so many achievements worth having toasted with it, and it was! Yet you can't help but feel some small sadness at the impending loss of such a fine vintage, and at risk of dragging out the metaphor, a bitter aftertaste to an otherwise excellent drink. You could buy more of course, but there was simply no more from that run for sale anymore and, though you'd never say it to the Brewmaster's face, nothing they've made since has matched up with the original cask you were given all those centuries ago.

So you need a replacement, something to drink on good occasions, but aren't worth bringing out the Trollbrew for.

Took a bit of scheduling fiddling but you found a way to dedicate an entire day to visiting every Alehouse and brewery in the Karak to find a fitting successor for your Trollbrew.

And when that day at last arrives you bid Karstah and Rudil farewell and walk out of Khazagar in your second finest cloak and a small skip in your step.

There's ale to taste!


With Master Snorri gone to find his replacement for the Trollbrew she was left to manage Khazagar for the day. The schedule had been arranged months ago so that nothing serious enough to be brought to her Master's attention was on the docket for today, but the volume was still equally high and arguably just as important.

Like receiving these orders.

The Voidstone glistened quietly, a shard of near emptiness that seemed to dim the room with its mere presence. A finer example of the ones she knew of, and twice as expensive to boot.

"Master Snorri will be happy with these Gotrek," Karstah says, looking up from the shard to nod appreciatively at him.

"Da'll be glad to hear it. Took a damn long time to find this one, and caused no small amount of grief for him," her cousin says from across her desk, taking a sip from a mug one of the Hearth Guard had brought in earlier.

"How is uncle Jorri?" she asks, closing the chest and sliding it to the side of her desk.

Gotrek grins ruefully.

"Swamped with work, even with most of us prying as much of the load as we can pull out of his hands."

She nods in understanding.

"Master Snorri's the exact same. What about you cousin, heard you were looking for a bride for Gottri."

Gotrek's smile takes on a more positive flavour at the mention of his son.

"Hard work, but important. Gottri's prospects are good, so we'll probably be an immediate frontrunner for whatever Clan he decides to pursue a bride with."

"That's kind of you to involve him." she comments.

"It is." he acknowledges, "Huldra and I aren't nobles, but we can't let the lad choose freely either. Course we trust him, but the Guild'll benefit from building ties with a related Clan of course."

"True enough, true enough."

"And you cousin? Any Clans approach uncle Snorri?"

"If they have, he hasn't told me." She mutters.

Gotrek runs his hand through his beard, "Strange to me. Figure suitors would be coming in droves."

"Ha…no. Not really." Karstah says, recalling a younger version of herself threatening one particularly pushy idiot with a detailed description of the many applications her hammer could be used for.

Gotrek blinks.

"You ah… well… you career-oriented?" he whispers awkwardly.

She blinks, more surprised by the insinuation.

"I— No, Gotrek I'm—"

"—because it's fine, you know. Elamina told me a few horror stories she'd heard of during that time when Gottri thought his daughter was the same. Course Clan Winterhearth isn't like that as you may know. Had a great grand-aunt that was the same, and my cousin Okri too, and Valaya's priesthood doesn't have an—"

She grabs his shoulder, snapping him out of his self-imposed spiral.

"Gotrek. I am career-oriented, but I'm not career-oriented."

I don't think. Too busy to figure it out.

He blinks at her, and nods in embarrassment before switching track.

"Ah. Well uh, Elamina wanted me to ask if you and uncle Snorri would be inclined to join us for dinner later while we're still here."

She enthusiastically jumps on the chance to change topics.


The first stop on your tour was of course Clan Bryggeroot.

Their brewery was a sprawling complex of artificial fields, homes, warehouses and workshops all devoted to the art of making the finest beverage your people know.

Your arrival was suitably formal, being greeted by the Clan's Thane and provided an entourage of two incredibly old Bryggeroot brewmasters who led you down the winding halls and paths of the brewing complex to a secluded chamber where an even older Brewmaster waited. When you began making inquiries they had been all too happy to oblige you, so much so that they apparently dragged out a living Ancestor to proffer you some of his best work. When you sit down across from him the Elder grunts once, signalling several younger Clansmen to begin carting out their best barrels in a long, and heavily guarded procession. Each keg is ancient, but based on the numbers chiselled onto the side of each one none of them are older than you sadly.

"Lord Klausson." the Elder greets, his withered old voice somehow echoing through the room. "Elmador Bittertongue, Master Brewmaster of Clan Bryggeroot and oldest Dwarf in the Clan."

You nod, easily recalling that the Elder before you is literally one of the few Dwarfs left in the Hold to actually be older than you.

"Master Elmador," you return, tone respectful for once in a long while.

"These," He nods at several of the casks. "Are the finest samples of several of our oldest extant batches. None younger than seven hundred, with the oldest among them having passed nine-hundred and seven winters as of this year."

"Nothing older?"

He shakes his head ruefully.

"Some of the older brews were sold to finance the Clan's move I'm afraid."

"Some, but not all eh?" you mutter.

You get a wry grin in return.

"Not even the High King could pry the rest from us Rhurikki."

Figures. "Worth a shot. Tell me what I'm looking at then."

"All Trollbrews, as you requested, each made by the least terrible brewers of the Clan, myself included," he explains before pointing to one of the kegs, "Let's start with that one, seven-hundred winters, a hint of honey."

One of the beardlings walks over and turns the tap, pouring out a small amount of the beverage into a small cup that he hands to you.

"Fair enough," you mutter, eyeing the beverage thoughtfully, "right then. Let's get tasting."

Definitely one of the better ways to spend your day.

━<><><>< Grumblings and Goings ><><><>━

- [Early 461] Thulgrim Saltbeard has instituted a somewhat controversial strategy in the wake of mounting losses he and his Sea Engineers have taken in our war with the Fimir. He has begun filling out the crews of his ships with the Kinsmen of those slain Engineers, promising those who pass his tests the chance at vengeance if they join him across the open waves. While the act in and of itself is rooted in sound tradition, many wonder if this was Thulgrim's intent from the very beginning. Others are more concerned about the ramifications of spreading the lore of the Engineers Guild, even if Thulgrim swears up and down he chooses only those worthy, and that those chosen only learn what is necessary to maintain the vessels themselves.

- [Late 462] Lord Dwalin Thunderlung proudly presents the birth of his third child, and a daughter no less, to the Hold. There are few surer signs of Valaya's favour as that one supposes. Many among his kin hope that this one shall at last bear the Gift as their father does that is for certain.

- [Mid 464] King Gloin announces to the joy of his Hold the betrothal of his deceased son's only child, Thrain Thoreksson, to a daughter of Clan Grimseal, Fenna Firelockes, in a decade's time. Many in the Karak see this as a sign of consolidation and that the King still remembers his oath to his subjects. While none can argue against his focus on maintaining the great alliance and comradery built by Otrek the Uniter and the noble kings of that generation, a marriage within the Hold is nevertheless an appreciated gesture.

- [Late 464] The combined army of the High King and Prince Malekith came together to destroy the southernmost of the Fimir's surviving coastal cities, delaying their ultimate goal and bringing it one step closer to failure. The battle was hard fought, but in the opinion of both rulers, not as hard as was expected. Strangely bereft of defenses given its size, the walls fell to the combined might of Elgi and Dawi assault with light casualties, and the city within even less so. There was resistance of course, but mostly in the form of the Fimir's lesser forces. An ominous mystery, and one that sets any with a lick of sense ill at ease. If not in their homes, where have they gone?

- [Early 465] The answer to that question reveals itself in terrible, terrible fashion. The Underway has been breached, dug into by the Slave Wyrms, the missing Fimir armies assailed several Western holds in a terrible wave of destruction. Four minor Khazids have been razed to rubble, another two left empty of all inhabitants and a further three forced to evacuate to Kraka Krum, being chased the entire way by the Fimir army. There the battle was fierce, and the Runelord Ogra Wardmaker was gravely injured repelling the Fimir's sorcery from her home. Krum, though mauled and bleeding far worse than Dorden, stands all the same thanks to the Runelord's terrifying Runecraft.

- [Mid 465] The Fimir horde, injured but unbroken, did not retreat as expected, instead they continued eastward, laying waste to several more settlements before slamming into the walls of Kraka Grom. There again the Fimir attempted to destroy the Hold, and again they were repulsed at great cost. Queen Valka's husband has lost a leg, and more terribly, the Hold's young prince, Snorri Grednirsson, was slain atop the walls of his home by a Fimir Nobleman who would have surely slain his father had the noble prince not interposed himself between the two at the last moment. That act, and the subsequent tossing of the prince's corpse off the wall so enraged the defenders that they drove the wretches off the walls and back into the depths of the Underway to lick their wounds. The Queen, a renowned warrior, has sworn terrible and bloody vengeance on those who have defiled her home, and called to any who have been wronged by the Lizards to join them in wiping this filth from the domain of the Dawi.

- [Late 465] Tragedy upon tragedy seems to strike the region recently. On their way to meet with the naval elements of Prince Malekith's army, several Dawi war ships were caught in a Fimir Ambush. Two vessels sunk, one with all hands, and the fleet rendered incapable of participating in campaigns for the time being was the cost of survival. A grim price, but, as one with no sense of tact said, not a death blow. No, the greatest threat to the longterm success of Dawi enterprise into the oceas was the fact that Thulgrim Saltbeard was maimed in that battle. The wazzok behind the entire endeavour left an eye and arm lesser after being burned by the caustic breathe of an enthralled sea beast. The wounds were so numerous and ruinous that he has yet to awaken, but the priestesses of Valaya are all-but certain he will wake up, tis only a question of when. In the meantime the burgeoning Dwarf navy based in Ravnsvake must rely on Thulgrim's second in command, Morgrim Skeggsson to see them through this time of tribulation. May the Ancestors favour him more than his Elder it seems.

- [Rudil] Granduncle I realize there are significantly more pressing issues at hand, especially in the wake of what's happened at Krum and Grom but I strongly urge you to consider implementing the rest my proposed reforms when the opportunity presents itself.

- [Yorri] Grumbling about you leaving things half-done.

- [Karstah] Spends more of her time looking over maps of the southern Holds.

- [Wyrm] The siblings continue as they ever have; growing, learning, eating. Izgrom has been instructed to point his expeditions east, and to remain alert just in case. Zharrok and Grim continue their respective studies. Almost journeymen. Maybe. Don't tell them that.

- [Burudin] I reckon I shant have a good night's rest for the next decade thanks to the racket being made. When I settled this shop as a lad I was a day's walk from the Hold and now here I am, a paltry fifteen minute walk from the nearest alehouse. Not even good ale either mind you, can't have a modicum of benefit from change can we? Bah! It's one of the great tragedies of my life that the brewmaster who made my favourite drink had to die four centuries back and none of his heirs can taste the difference between good vintage from a Gor's piss.

- [Burudin] Balgrim was right, some people don't grow up. I have half a mind to cuff the heads of some of these so-called "Living Ancestors," for egging on this nonsense towards an outright rivalry, and don't think being part of this group means you aren't included. Klausson aside I can name five others among us who ought to know better! Bah!

- [Burudin] Dramatic little beardlings aside there is a kernel of truth to their bellyaching, interpersonal conflict is a given of our Guild but this factionalization spreading from the north worries me.

- [Burudin] Klausson's actions are naught but a spark in a cavern full of gas. These tensions were always there, and they will always remain so long as disagreement about Father's lessons exist as well. Grumble and growl as is your right, but the question is deciding what we should do about it, or if we should even do anything about it. For my part I'll tell you all now that I'll not live through a schism in the Guild and not do my best to prevent it.

- [Burudin] Wouldn't be a damn Schism if we followed tradition now would we? But Lady Angkra has the right of it, the fault lines were always there, just our misfortune that the earthquake happened now. If it wasn't Klausson it'd be some other damn fool who would have done it most likely. A Runesmith's business is their business, and I'm not going to build some icon to my vanity to change their minds like every other fool seems to be doing recently. Already have enough of a hassle getting this damn back of mine to cooperate most days even without this nonsense, and I won't hear a word from anyone offering yet another quack cure they learned from their uncle's best friend's brother!

━<><><>< Gains/Stuff ><><><>━

- +1 [Tier 4] Elder Magma Wyrm's Heart, new totals: x1
- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, new totals: x1
- +1 [Tier 4] Voidstone, new totals: x7

- Minimum 7 Turns (Turn 61) before a chance of a Chaos portal opening arises.
-- 1 Fimir City Destroyed
-- Waystone Region restored.

Khazagar Report: End of Turn 55/Start of Turn 56.
General Attendance: Rising
Mood: Enthusiastic
Status: Bustling
- There are rumours of little dalliances occurring but to your mild surprise either the Beardlings aren't bouncing around like rabbits or they're being more discreet about it.
- The number of competitions have steadily been growing as the practice cements itself and something approaching a list of best practices forms.
- Ornsmotek Runesmiths not predisposed to Vragni, mostly Radical, have been coming here to learn with increasing frequency rather than at Vragni's institution
-- An Ornsmotek Master has mentioned he's willing to teach you the Master Rune of Thunderstorms for the right price. (see Khazagar)
- Still no contributions to the Libary besides your own and Karstah's sadly.

Classes (of note):
- Prosthetic Runes, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Declining | Class Size: Small Classroom v | Ubiquity: Well-Known (Global), Universal (Regional, Local) | Impact: Revolutionary
- Rune of Stacking, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Steady | Class Size: Full Classroom| Ubiquity: Known (Global), Well-Known (Regional), Universal (Local) | Impact: Moderate, Luxury
- Rune of Repair, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Steady | Class Size: Full Classroom | Ubiquity: Known (Global), Well-Known (Regional), Universal (Local) | Impact: Moderate, Luxury
- Rune of Forgeflame, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Rising Rapidly | Class Size: Small Seminar ^| Ubiquity: Select ^ | Impact: Defining (as Smelter), Novel
- Rune of Annealing, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Rising | Class Size: Full Seminar | Ubiquity: Known (Global), Well-Known (Local, Regional)| Impact: Defining (as Smelter)
- Master Rune of Forgeflame, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Steady | Class Size: Full Seminar | Ubiquity: Known (Global), Well-Known (Regional), Well-Known (Local) | Impact: Revolutionary
- Rune of Plaguebane, Teacher: Karstah Snorrisdottir | Attendance: Rising | Class Size: Full Classroom | Ubiquity: Select | Impact: Moderate, Novel
- Rune of Piercing Sight, Teacher: Snerra Magnasdottir | Attendance: Rising | Class Size: Full Classroom | Ubiquity: Select | Impact: Minor, Luxury
- Master Rune of Wandering, Teacher: Lorna Dernasdottir| Attendance: Steady | Class Size: Intimate Gathering | Ubiquity: Select | Impact: Moderate

The Rune of Shifting Steel and Rune of Binding Form are making the rounds thanks to that one Drazh Runesmith. No one is actively teaching it however, it's a more dispersed and individual affair.
Radicals and Snorrists are the most consistent attendees, returning often and staying longest.
Conservative southerners are plentiful because of the Chainforger and a few other Runes of interest, but keep to themselves and usually stay only long enough to learn what they came for.
Two thirds of the attendees are Journeymen, the remainder split between Masters and Runelords.
Attendance: Declining Rapidly | Declining | Declining Slowly | Steady | Rising Slowly| Rising | Rising Rapidly
Class Size: Unattended | Intimate Gathering | Small Classroom | Full Classroom | Small Seminar | Full Seminar | More Seats Required
Ubiquity: Select | Little-Known | Known | Well-Known | Universal
Impact: Minor (A group no bigger than a Clan, or specialized Guild benefits, makes a task easier) | Moderate (multiple Clans, or a middling Guild benefit, makes a difficult task practical) | High (A hold, or major guild benefits, a difficult task becomes standard) | Revolutionary (The Karaz Ankor benefits, an impossible task is made possible) | Defining (an impossible task is made practical)
- Misc: Novel (new, untested) | Luxury (It's a luxury, makes life comfier, but not necessary ) | ???

Waystone Report: End of Turn 55/Start of Turn 56.
Waystone Rerolls: 1/2
Region Status, East: Being restored. 0/10 of Stones destroyed, 0/10 damaged, remainder pristine.
Region Status, Center: Being restored 0.5/10 of Stones destroyed, 0.5 v/10 damaged, remainder pristine.
Region Status, West: Contested. 3.5 ^/10 of Stones destroyed, 3 v /10 of Stones corrupted, 3.5/10 damaged

Social: Choose 2 outside of Plan Vote.
[ ] [Social:] Snerra, navigating crowds of suitors.
[ ] [Social:] Nain, chatting among a group of Snorrist Runesmiths
[ ] [Social:] Dreng, watching Karstah spar against the Hearthguard
[ ] [Social:] Bara, congratulating Karstah for her work with the Greater Smelter
[ ] [Social:] Dolgi, helping Skarri find like-minded people for his proposed project.
[ ] [Social:] Dwalin, shopping for reagents in the Grozurbaz with his son.

Myrion: Choose 1 outside of Plan Vote.
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Prince Laequalys of House Wilderwood [Developing]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Avelorn [Extensive]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Cothique [Extensive]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Ulthuan's reaction to the Fimir War [Developing]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Phoenix King Bel Shanaar [Standard]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Nagarythe [Insightful]


You have 5 actions, 3 retainer actions, 1 research action, 4 heir actions, and [Special] 0 Yorri prods this turn,

[ ] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results.Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards!

[ ] Drakk Rearing [Cost: minimum 1 general, heir or retainer action, 15/?? actions] Locked until Turn 55 Results. Gain Dwarf acclimated Dragons. More actions improve speed, breadth and depth of their development. By the reckoning of the Dwarfs, and the magics of the Brana and Menlinwen, the Shard Wyrms shall be physically mature specimens when they reach 120 years Old, however the first 60 years of their life will be the most important, both in terms of amount of care and socialization required.

[ ] Kradskonti [Cost: 1 action] Gain a chance to observe Kradskonti. Kradskonti? Kradskonti! When the Valayans informed you of this opportunity, you had to force yourself from jumping out of your chair and rushing south. The first time is free, they say, but subsequent viewings will not be tolerated without a few concessions. The Cult know what they have, and if any Rhunki (IE you) wants to futz about and examine the weapon of their Patron they best be ready to do something in return.

[ ] March [Cost: 1 action] Gain possible loot, bonus to roll against Fimir. No actual interlude but combat rolls will still be made. The idiots decide they want to tear open a hole in reality do they? You razed three cities already, and you're not one to leave a job half finished.

[ ] Riddle me This: [Cost: 1 general or retainer action] Gain location of Karaz-Kazak-Rhun. Roll for success, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Karstah has come to the conclusion that Thungni's riddle is a map, and the treasure at the end is none other than His own hammer, Karaz-Kazak-Rhun. There still needs to be work done to find out where exactly the hammer lies though, but Karstah has already done some work there too. Somewhere south, but that isn't enough information for you to pick up everything and go looking.
- [ ] Ask Yorri: [Cost: 1 Yorri prod] Gain Bonus to Roll. Your teacher is still huffy at you for putting this off.

[ ] The Road to Anoqeyån Pt. 2: [Cost: 6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain exceptional- understanding of Anoqeyån. Now that Menlinwen has taught you the very fundamentals of the Elven arcane language, she feels comfortable enough to begin teaching you to the same level she has reached. Going any further beyond this point requires waiting for Menlinwen to become an Archmage or for you to find one yourself.

[ ] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain 2 +1d3 Yorri prods. Master Yorri is most certainly more learned and experienced than you are, but mayhaps you have something worth his time as well? You've taught a good amount, Adamant included, but there are still a few things Yorri himself is interested in.
Every option taken adds +2 to the Recruitment Dice (1d10 +5) unless otherwise stated.
(*Updated*)[ ] Expedition, Aiding Dorden: [Cost: minimum (3 -2) =1 retainer actions] Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Dorden, +15 Favour per extra action spent, reputation and +4 bonus to Recruitment Dice. No to Minor Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. Dorden bleeds. Buildings in need of repair, wounded in need of tending, patrols in need of diversion. While the Hold is too proud to ask or accept aid without a bit of pomp and spinning, an organization where Dawi from Dorden are a part of is a smoother brew to drink than most.

(*New*)[ ] Expedition, Aiding Grom: [Cost: 2 retainer actions] Gain 70 Favours with Kraka Grom, reputation and +6 bonus to Recruitment Dice. Minor to Moderate Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. Queen Valka's home lies terribly damaged, but repairing it is a secondary concern in the minds of many compared to securing their vengeance. Your Retainers may yet have a role to play there whenever Valka at last unleashes her people, but helping them get to that point faster would not go unappreciated.

(*New*)[ ] Expedition, Aiding Krum: [Cost: 2 retainer actions] Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Krum, reputation and +4 bonus to Recruitment Dice. Minor Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. While Krum has been left largely intact thanks to the defences Ogra built, having so many injured means that many of the long term expeditions their miners undergo are either undermanned or no longer happening. Your Retainers can play a role in helping hold up the Karak's economy for a while until enough miners have recovered.

[ ] Expedition, Aiding Ravnsvake: [Cost: 2 retainer actions] Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Ravsnvake, reputation and +4 bonus to Recruitment Dice. No to Minor Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. While not as thoroughly savaged as Dorden was, a good chunk of Ravnsvake's lakeside infrastructure has been damaged by the Fimir's attack. A few experts on hand, to shore up weakened patrols, lend a wizened eye or simply lift material around would not be remiss.

[ ] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. Low to Moderate Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. You formed these Hearth Guard to combat all the ills that befall the dwarfen people. Send them out, render aid, earn goodwill and spread the word of your retainers and their stated mission beyond the borders of Kraka Drakk.

(*Updated*)[ ] Recruitment Drive: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Gain 1d5 +5 bonus dice to Recruitment Dice (1d10 +5). You have retainers, dwarfs who understand what it takes to become part of your Hearthguard, send them out to see if they can lend their expertise more and skill to improve the growth of your retinue.

[ ] Retainer Reconfiguring: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken once every variable number of turns. Change some aspect of your retainers. The Hearth Guard are a fine force of Dawi, but much like the defences of a Karak, there is potentially more to be done. It will take some time for these steadfast retainers of yours to adjust to whatever changes you make, but the length of it definitely correlates to the number of changes you want done.
- [ ] Change Appearance: [Cost: +1 turn until change] Simple cosmetic alterations to their symbol, their colour scheme and/or even appearance of their armour, depending on the scale and nature of the change it could be seamless or it could take a bit of work. While there's something to be said about aesthetic continuity, improving or updating their look to fit with deeds done will draw no raised brows. Completely changing it, however, will draw quite a few looks. If for no other reason than the material cost involved in doing so.
- [ ] Change Numbers: [Cost: +1 turn until change] +1/-1 retainer action per every 60 retainers added/removed. Increasing or decreasing the number of Retainers you wish to take on permanently. It signals that you either require more or less of their services. While you will not remove retainers currently in service if you wish to downsize, it means you simply will not replace them in the event one of your loyal followers falls in the line of duty or simply to the vagaries of time.

[ ] Scouting: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Gain minor bonus to Waystone rolls. Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Send out your Retainers, scour the Far North to see if there's some of these stones that Master Yorri Missed.

[ ] The Throng is Mustered: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Gain Bonus to Throng Rolls against Fimir, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Minor Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. The King of Kraka Drakk calls the Throng to war, lend the might of your Retainers to his cause. Drive out the Fimir, end their presence on this peninsula.

[ ] Training Regime Pt. 2: [Cost: 2 retainer actions] Gain "Hearthwarden Warrior" Training Standard and Category, some existing classes will be absorbed into the new category. The last phase of Rudil's training program involves creating a unified set of skills that would be expected of a "Hearthwarden Warrior." Incorporating skills and traits in the same way that the Rangers had done.
- [ ] Drakk Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 15 Kraka Drakk Favour] Hearth Guard will retain High+ Attack, increase Attack if taken with Ornsmotek Expertise. Every Hearth Guard is a deadly fighter, but the talents and knowledge of Dawi chosen to be a Huskarl is another matter. Spreading that knowledge would invariably be of benefit.
- [ ] Ornsmotek Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 45 Kraka Ornsmotek Favour] Hearth Guard will retain High+ Attack, increase Attack if taken with Drakk Expertise. The second most powerful Throng, arguably the most embattled Hold in the Far North, their combat ability is a grudging peer of your Hold's.
- [ ] Krum Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 30 Kraka Krum Favour] Hearth Guard will retain Spelunking, will retain Spelunking ++ if taken with Grom Expertise. Few others delve deeper than the miners of Krum, fewer still survive as well as they do.
- [ ] Grom Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 15 Kraka Grom Favour] Hearth Guard will retain Spelunking, will retain Spelunking ++ if taken with Krum Expertise. Centuries of living in a Hold occupied by traitors, without outside resupply and limited food, knowledge earned in sorrow and passed down even still, too useful to forget out of grief.

[ ] Waywarding: [Cost: 1 action or retainer action] Gain bonus to Waystone rolls and update on status of Waystones. Can be taken multiple times. There is no set time in which you or your retainers are meant to check on these stone monoliths, but doing so more regularly will mean that you're more likely to keep them safe and know their status.
You may convert one general action into 2 Khazagar actions. You may convert 2 retainer or heir actions into 3 Khazagar actions. You are using 6/7 possible Classes you can teach.
(*New*)[ ]Learning [Cost: 1 Khazagar action] Learn a Rune(s). Not everyone in Khazagar is telling the world they're willing to share their lore, preferring to share that opportunity to only those they think are worthy and there's nothing wrong with that. Similarly, there's nothing is stopping you from using the facilities you designed to learn a few things yourself. The consequences of doing so aren't always obvious, and there may be other circumstances at play.
- [ ] Rune of Shifting Steel (Weapon) [Cost: +1 Khazagar action, and any [T2] Reagent] You can find a Runesmith who knows how to keep their mouth shut and just teach you for a fair enough price you reckon.
- [ ] Rune of Binding Form (Weapon) [Cost: +1 Khazagar action, and any [T2] Reagent]] You can find a Runesmith who knows how to keep their mouth shut and just teach you for a fair enough price you reckon.
- [ ] Master Rune of Thunderstorms (Weapon) [Cost: +2 Khazagar actions, and any 2x [T3] Reagent(s)] You've been made aware that an Ornsmotek Master who left the Hold in the wake of Vragni's actions has made a few insinuations to a few select parties that he'd be willing to share this Rune in exchange for a Master Rune and a few other things.

[ ] Curriculum Change: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action] Add, Switch or Remove a Rune you are teaching. Cannot teach RESTRICTED, UNSHAREABLE, and/or INCOMPLETE Runes. Changing track isn't an easy task. It's not the hardest thing in your life, but for you it's more than simply saying you're not teaching this Rune anymore and being done with it. Announcements need to be made, the last few stragglers taught, and of course designing a new test to prove one's worthiness if you decide to replace or add a new Rune.
- [ ] Write-In [Rune Name]

[ ] Write-In, Host a Special Tournament: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action] Choose any number of [T3] or Higher Reagent(s) as a reward. Gain boost to attendance and chance to gain Creation of Note. You have it so that Khazagar hosts regular tournaments of both artistic and martial skill where Runesmiths may compete against each other for a reward. But this time you want to dangle a particularly juicy prize, get the minds of the young flowing.

[ ] Write-In, Royal Patronage: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action and (25 - Standing Level) Favour with a Hold at 5 Standing or higher] Gain boost to attendance and interest from third parties. Cannot Choose Kraka Drakk. Favour Cost double for Hold with equivalent Institution. Khazagar speaks for itself, but getting the Monarch of a Hold and a prominent Thane or four to mosey up and publicly announce they're hosting tournaments at Khazagar certainly wouldn't hurt.
Denote which simple request will receive the apprentice action in your plan. Available Requests below.
[ ] [Simple] Apprentice work: [Cost: 1 apprentice or heir action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness. Your young charges are now of an age you feel it acceptable for them to do a bit of exploration. Send your apprentices out into the hold and pick up a few tasks from whoever offers it to them. Give them a bit of experience for their upcoming trial as journeymen and let them build a reputation in the hold. You'll of course critique their work and use it as a learning experience as any good master ought to.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] Once more with Smelting: [Cost: 4 actions, 1 Voidstone, x10 Adamant] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Greater Dragonblood Smelter. It has been around a century since you last made an Adamant Smelter. It's been enough time since that you feel safe about making another one without feeling like you're committing sacrilege.

[ ] [Simple] Re-warding Work: [Cost: 2 actions or heir actions] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Waystone reroll. There's work to be done, repairing damaged wards and adding new Runes around the monolith and otherwise. Your master most certainly did a bang up job, but there's nothing wrong with contingencies upon contingencies.

[ ] [Simple] The Brotherhood Calls: [Cost: minimum 1 action] Due whenever. Peerless Production will proc. Gain Variable Standing and Favour with The Brotherhood of Dron. The Brotherhood would be greatly interested in a collated and substantial set of notes about your experiences with the recent "Extreme Magical Turbulence and Concentration Event," as well as anything you'd be willing to give regarding your time crafting at the Anvil of the Earth. High energy environments of such a nature naturally attract the attention of your fellow members given the energy costs of generating Adamant.

[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Azrilzhufgotten, or The Silver River Marches.
-[ ] The Hearthwardens have been stretched to their limits these past few centuries, taking on multiple new duties spread wide across the north, while bearing only the baseline equipment you give them on taking their oath. It's time to start fixing that. Azrilzhufgotten will be a banner of your finest work, embroidered on Ancient Troll Hide [T4], mounted on an adamant staff, and topped with the skull of the Ornsmotek greedy troll. The tapestry depicts the Hearthwardens in the full glory of their power and age, sweeping down from a mountain pass to relieve a besieged Karak from a force of beastmen. Three adamant plates form the shields of the front rank of dwarves, each bearing a rune. Although the details do not match, any Hearthwarden who views it will instantly recognize the allusion to their defense of the free dwarves of Karag Dum, the moment when they stood as Pillars in the Dark. This banner calls to the Hearth Guard's first, deepest purpose: When Dawi are threatened, no matter the hold, no matter the distance, the Hearthwardens will be there, standing in the way.
--[ ] Choose: Master Rune of Traversal (Radiant Pegasus' Heart [T4]), Rune of Impact (Stonehorn Leg Muscles [T3]), Rune of Amber (Barazgal [T4]).

[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. You've had an idea! This is the template for write in item request! Please put down the name, description and type of equipment/item you want made. Pt 2 of the item will cost differently depending on the number of items and potentially the size of it as well. A base guideline for Pt. 2 costs will be at the bottom of the post.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
How to vote on Multi-Piece Difficult Requests.
[Y] Difficult Request Pt. 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 2
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 3

Write-in Equipment Action Costs:
1 Action - 1 standard piece of equipment.
2 Actions - Multiple pieces of equipment or Large individual items
3 Actions - Very Large individual items or a full/near full set of items.

Write-in Adamant Costs, General Guideline:
1 Piece of equipment or hypothetical Rune requiring Adamant - 1 bar
1 Suit of Armour for a Dwarf - 3 bars
1 Suit of Armour for a Human or Elf sized being - 4 bars
1 Piece of Ogre sized Gronti equipment - 2 bars
1 Suit of Ogre sized Gronti armour - 6 Bars
Anything larger just ask me, it will also appear in applicable actions or in the FAQ.

Crossbows use Weapon Runes. A Gronti sized Crossbow would use Engineering Runes. Weapons like Axes don't make this distinction. Shields use Armour Runes.
Available Requests:
[ ] [Difficult] Staffing Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Due whenever. If a Rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional reagent materials here. Your Hearthwardens have come to you with an odd request. They have been left with the skull of the Greedy Troll they slew for the sake of Ornsmotek. Several of them have been thinking, on account of your own personal history with their sire, that they could turn the foul thing's skull into a topper for a Banner. They have no real preference about what the Banner does though.
- [ ] Accept

[ ] [Difficult] Starlight Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Due end of turn 59. Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Dorden. If a Rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional reagent materials here. Snorri thinks Thane Morglum will seek another Runesmith by the end of turn 57. Thane Morglum Skarridum of Kraka Dorden has petitioned you with a request. A weapon to replace the now lost ancestral heirloom of his Clan after it was destroyed killing a Fimir in the defence of Kraka Dorden; he asks for a hammer, one who's blows could be akin to calling down the light of the stars themselves upon the enemies of his Hold. A bit uninspired, plenty of Starhammers out there after all, but still.
- [ ] Accept

So take, for instance, the "[Simple] Armoured Maidens:" request.

[Y] Plan Big Beard 2
- [Y] All other Plan stuff
- [Y] [Simple] Armoured Maidens:
-- [Y] Accept
Challenges of the Burudin
[ ] Write-in, Challenge Them: [Cost: 0 actions] Give a challenge + stipulations you wish to offer the Burudin. Only 2 Challenges can be active at a time and only 1 can be submitted a turn.

Your Challenge
Provide a rune or rune combo that has the possibility of true killing daemons, with said rune or combo being teachable to master runesmiths. Understanding that this rune or rune combo would be taught at Khazagar.

Gottri's Challenge
Create a Rune or Combination of Runes capable of breaking Adamant. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with Gottri Hammerspite, gain Master Rune of Shattering Sound
After acquiring Adamant, a result of Kraggi's eternal quest to perfect Old Breaker, Gottri has changed his long standing challenge to his fellow Burudin members. Now, rather than find that which can withstand his Runes, he challenges any to create that which can sunder Adamant. He boasts, in his laconic and brusque way, that no one will manage before he can, and he's willing to bet one of his acceptable Runes over it to boot.

Angkra's Challenge
Devise a Means of Creating a Prosthetic that grows with the user. Reveal and gain 2 Standing with Angkra Twenty-loops.
Angkra Twenty-loops has taken an interest in a curious northern invention, Prosthetic Runes. She has come into contact with Snerra of all people, and has been inspired by the young woman's vigorous efforts to develop something that can be used for beardlings and the like. A topic which has captured the daughter of Thungni's personal attention.

Thormund's Challenge
Create something that can turn the mountains against our foes. Reveal Standing with Thormund Stalwart-shield and gain 3 Standing with Karak Kadrin
The wandering Runelord Thormund Stalwart-shield muses on the defensive properties of mountains and a subsequent idea that took his mind when he fought alongside the Throng of Karak Kadrin to defeat a wandering army of Khornates. He grumbles that such power is so poorly weaponized. Avalanches, rockfalls and the like are one thing, but entirely too uncontrollable for his taste and the realm of Rangers. No, if someone could literally make the living stone act against our foes, it would be a feat worthy of song and be of great interest to the Peak Pass Hold.

Alric's Challenge
Create a method of reliable, quick and secure communication as possible. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with Alric Thungnisson, Angkra Twenty-loops, and Karaz-a-Karak
As a consequence of his frequent discussions with his venerable uncle, the mighty and wise Snorri Whitebeard, Alric has offered a prompt for any that wish to take it up. A way for messages to be shared across the realms faster than any Runebearer, safer than any road and as reliable as a Master Crafted axe. Such is the sort of goal, the sort of problem a proper Runelord should set their sights upon he reckons, anything less is beneath them.

Algrim's Challenge
Allow the average Crossbow to fire without stopping at all for three years. Gain 2 of Argalast Giantdoom's Master Runes
Algrim Argalastson has brought up a relatively simple challenge in honour of his father, the legendary Argalast Giantdoom's single minded focus on improving the deadliness of projectile weaponry. He claims that while none can match Argalast's mind in the devising of newer, more terrible ways of increasing a Crossbow bolt's killing potential, they can maybe be better at finding a way to ensure those bolts never stop firing.

Durin's Challenges
Find the Ankor Bryn. Create a Weapon beyond Karaz-Kazak-Rhun. Create a Runestaff more powerful than Gormwand. Break the Rule of Three.
A relic, one kept out of respect for the founder of the order. Many have tried, all have failed. Since Durin's death none have made a serious go at the first, and only the Brotherhood makes longstanding attempts at the last. These are considered the final goals of Runecraft, ones that shall one day in the nebulous future.

Completing one of these Challenges will make it easier to enter dialogues with and deeper relationships with the corresponding Burudin Member.
[ ] [Difficult] Akazit Pt. 2: [Cost: (14 -7) =7 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You've bumbled your way into finding a method of reducing an item to a pile of single Wind-infused ash. But the stuff gets muddied with the ambient Winds and is rendered useless within seconds of completion, so the next step is to find a way to actually capture and isolate this Wind infused ash before it decays. Easier said than done, but when you have your eye it'll be doable at the very least.

[ ] [Difficult] Mysterious Mystery Sword: [Cost: (12 -5) =7 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Gain ???, possibly progress to Mysterious Mystery Cauldron and Mysterious Mystery Barrel. A sword that cuts through Gromril with an unnerving amount of ease. Studying it will be more about trying to recreate what it does through a Rune, but a bit of material study isn't off the table either given that you have two broken ones to work with as well.

[ ] [Difficult] Mysterious Mystery Barrel and Horn: [Cost: 8 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain ???, progress to Mysterious Mystery Cauldron and possibly Mysterious Mystery Sword. Magical drinks, utter hogwash and a perversion of the fine art of brewing is what it is! Still, their creation isn't completely unheard of. You have the Rune of Hearty Soup, but these, you are forced to admit, have a wider variety and efficacy than what you possess.

[ ] [Difficult] Mysterious Mystery Cauldron: [Cost: (8 -2) =6 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Gain ???, progress to Mysterious Mystery Barrel and Horn and possibly Mysterious Mystery Sword. Magical soups, you've had a form of it before. From the Rune of Hearty Soup actually, but you must say that the taste of the broth from these fragments is a fine bit better than that Rune. If you could make a better Rune…well you won't complain!

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] Monolith Mastery Pt. 1: [Cost: (24 -18) =6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You can use the stones now, but not safely. Yorri tells you they never will be a safe bet, but you can at least try to make it safer. Besides, you still dont know how they work, and your work requires that you know how they work. So by Grungni, you're going to figure it out.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost 1 prod] Gain 1d2 progress. Can be taken multiple times without action input. Your master has been safeguarding these stones for centuries, and is ancient himself. He must have picked up a thing or two, but now he feels willing to share it with you.

Material Research:
(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] Chimaera Autopsy: [Cost: (4 -3) =1 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Damn things are odd monstrosities, three heads, two hearts, four brains. Neither one is entirely alike. A part of you wonders how much of this is usable and how much more is tainted krut. You'll have to wear some protective gear when dealing with these bodies, that's for sure.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost 1 prod] Gain 1d2 progress. Your master had to fight these things in his mad dash to Kraka Drakk. He may very well have an insight or two.

[ ] [Simple] Kraken Autopsy: [Cost: 4 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The tentacled creature was slain by the Elven fleet as they cleared the waters for their trade vessels. You possess the body of a mature specimen and the very large eye of what you are told was an especially old one.

[ ] [Simple] Merwyrm Autopsy: [Cost: 4 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Large serpentine bodies, fins and general fishy scent aside, this is most certainly a Dragon, and Dragons are quite the bounty of reagents. Though from the tales told of Merwyrms, just what this creature's body parts could be reagents for you aren't too sure of.

Concept Research:
[ ] [Difficult] Diction Direction Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have a few ideas about where to take this Rune. A universal translator for one, rather than just Khazalid. Not entirely sure how such a thing could be done, but it's definitely possible. Master Yorri's Rune of Sound gives you a few ideas at the very least. Now that Yorri's given you a Rune that restores hearing, you wonder if examining it will provide further insights or hopefully ideas about where to go next.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] Extra-sensory Pt. 1: [Cost: (16 -1) =15 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have the very, very rudimentary ability to perceive the Winds of Magic as the Brana and Elgi do. How exhilarating it is, how infuriating, to know that so much has opened up to you with so simple a change. Imagine then perfecting it? To see truly as they do, with the full breadth and detail of it all. How much could Runecraft progress with such knowledge? A path of great reward, and perhaps even greater danger. Who's to say what effects may come of it? Still, you must try.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] The Fixing of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (14 -1) =13 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Repair is as good as it'll get. You need to make an entirely new Rune if you want something better. It seems likely that the Rune of Repair's maker purposefully developed it in such a way that refinement became unwieldy, and given who gave you that Basket, it feels perfectly in character given the many, many, stories told of the Ancestor Queen. Well, you shant disappoint Valaya Herself! A better Rune of Repair, but one you made from the ground up? By Valaya it shall be done!

[ ] [Difficult] The Happening of Things: [Cost: (8 -2) =6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The vision gnaws at you, a flame to the parchment of your mind. There is a theory, a hypothesis you wish to test and the faintest inklings of a Rune in your mind's eye. But there's a good deal of preparatory work to be done. One doesn't futz about with what you think you saw in that vision after all!

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] The Mind of Things Pt. 6: [Cost: (20 -2) =18 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have managed to create a Rune that, on the whole, can transfer skills and experience from one Dwarf to another. An impressive feat, and yet one not without flaw. It is skill imparted without context, which must still be earned. You can do more, you can do better. True comprehension, transference of that which makes a skill, experience; or in other words, the wisdom to temper knowledge.

[-] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 7: [Cost: (20 -1) = 19 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Locked until Anoqeyan Pt. 2, Extra-sensory Pt. ???, and Monolith Mastery Pt. ??? are complete. To go beyond the Rune of Siphoning, to create something that can dredge anything close to the amount of power the Central Array of Karag Dron can, you must improve your understanding of the Monoliths, and the flow of magic first. It will likely take a long, long time until that's the case.
- [-] Prod Yorri: [Cost 1 prod] Gain 1d2 +1 progress, can be taken multiple times. Yorri's face is grim.

[ ] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 6b, The Body: [Cost: (18 -6) =12 actions] Master of the Odd and Mind for Constructs will proc. Continuing your work on the Rune of Waking Elements, you want the Rune to be able to form a body from almost any surrounding material. Realistically you doubt you can do that, but getting as close as possible is still the goal. At the very least you want these Elemental Gronti to mimic Mhorni's ability as closely as possible.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost 1 prod] Gain 1d3+1 progress, can be taken multiple times without action input. Yorri doesn't say anything when you give him a questioning look.

[ ] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 6c, The Soul: [Cost: (15 -7) =8 actions] Master of the Odd and Mind for Constructs will proc. You "know," what Mhorni is, you think, but your investigations decades prior left you empty-handed. Now, armed with hopefully better tools and better understanding, you wish to tackle the questions you made all those years ago. Why did Mhorni bind itself, why was it not turned into energy, why do the Runes seem perfectly happy to assist it as they do you? Why, why and more whys. You won't get all the answers immediately you imagine, but the path is open.
- [ ] Prod Yorri: [Cost 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 progress, can be taken multiple times without action input. Yorri looks a smidge nostalgic.

[-] [Difficult] The Rune Metal Pt. 7: [Cost: (22 -10) =12 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Locked until Extra-sensory Pt. ???, and Akazit Pt. ??? are complete. The best theory you have when it comes to creating the metal in your mind, requires both the means to not only isolate and extract the essence of a Runesmith, but to then infuse that essence into Adamant. And hopefully, if you aren't off the mark completely, you will have a material that shall break the oldest hurdle of your profession. More personally you want nothing more than to reach that image, that shining silver you saw over five centuries ago.

[ ] [Difficult] The Secrets of Light Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Refraction has proven you can at the very least manipulate the power of light. Versatility is no longer an issue, but power, useability and overall purpose remain unclear to you. With a Rune to restore sight now in your repertoire, you can only think of simply increasing the amount of light generated, but maybe examining the Rune Yorri taught you will get the old muse running.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] The Secrets of Storage Pt. 2: [Cost: (14 -6) =8 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Of course! Of course Valaya would do as she seems to have. The Rune of Storage is a proof, a showcase, an inspiration for curious minds. No, if you want to build something better it will be built from the ground up and not off Her back. Such is the implied order of the Ancestor, and so you shall abide!

[ ] [Difficult] The Weight of Things: [Cost: (10 -3) =7 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Dolgi's Rune has given you ideas, though there are questions as to whether any developments should be shared and threaten to overshadow your apprentice's work, you can at the very least try and figure out the intricacies of it.

Rune Research:
[ ] [Difficult] Understand the Master Rune of Thungni [Engineering]: [Cost: 24 actions] Mind for Constructs will proc. Snerra gave you an item bearing this Rune. It all that is good this is something you must understand before you die, when not if.

[ ] [Difficult] Compress a Combo: [Cost: Minimum 2 +(2 x Effective Complexity) actions] Unlock the Convert and Simplify Options for the Master Rune. Gain a Master Rune of the same Category as the chosen Combo.

[ ] [Difficult] Understand a Master Rune: [Cost: Mininum 4 + (4 x Effective Complexity) - Similar Runes actions] Unlock the Convert and Simplify Options for that Master Rune. Gain progress to any associated Research. Risk rises with Complexity.

[ ] [Difficult] Convert a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 actions per Category] Gain a Master Rune of the chosen Category(ies).

[ ] [Difficult] Simplify a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 actions] Gain a Regular Rune for every known Category of the chosen Master Rune.

[ ] [Difficult] Convert a Regular Rune: [Cost: 1 action per Category] Gain a Regular Rune of the chosen Category(ies).

Understand Action Cost = [4 + (4 x (Complexity Rating - Relevant Specialties and Traits))] - (Related Master Runes/2) - (Alternate Variants of Same Master Rune)
Compress Action Cost = 1 + (2 x (Complexity Rating - Relevant Specialties and Traits))

Specialty Levels go from 1 (Base) to 4 (Savant)
An Understand option can autocomplete, but it has to be chosen first.
You can only Order 1 new item a turn freely, but can have as many orders ongoing as you want.
- +1 [Tier 4] Sidereal Sapphire, arriving Turn 57
- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, arriving Turn 59

Elf Market:
- x2 Firebird's Feather available: one feather equals 1 order, Cost 5 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.
- x1 Merwyrm Corpses available: one corpse equals 1 order, Cost 10 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.
- x2 Kraken Corpse available: one corpse equals 1 order, Cost 10 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.

[ ] ORDER: Write-in
- [ ] Royal Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition a monarch to flex their political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Royal Authority: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold depending on tier] +1 Order. You may petition an indebted monarch to flex their political muscle to order something for your use.
- [ ] Royal Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition them to flex a bit more political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Princely Hunting: [Cost: 10 Favour from Kraka Drakk] Prince Gimli will go out and slay [Write-in] monster. Gain mats. It would be ridiculous for you to ask your King to go gallivanting around the North to find something for you to make a Rune out of, but a Prince or Princess? Well, that's just you helping them build their legend through the slaying of monsters and aiding their elders. The rarer the monster the greater the reward, but it may take longer to find. Monsters slain by Gimli provide more material by virtue of being the entire beast rather than just ordering a singular organ.

[ ] Dreng Them: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Additional actions add bonus modifier. The Hearth Guard will go out and slay [Write-in] monster. Gain mats, reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. While your Hearth Guard were also meant to clear all the ills that assailed dwarfkind, you must admit there are many a mundane foe to slay. Send these brave dawi out on a quest to slay beasties on your behalf, earn glory and give you materials to make ever more wonders.

Remember to vote by plan. There will be a twelve hour moratorium for discussion.

AN: Back in the saddle. Hope this was worth the wait. Thanks regardless, as always I hope you enjoy and don't forget to C&C. :^)

Just a mechanical update.

Understand and Compress now have a minimum action cost of 4 and 2 respectively. You can't just instant do them. Your traits can mean the effective action cost less, but you actually have to put in an action now. Im cutting you off, bar's closed, no more free samples.
Last edited:
Turn 56 Results Pt. 1:
Winning Vote said:
[X] Plan: Grant us eyes and a Roadtrip
Snorri & Karstah
-[X] [Difficult] Extra-sensory Pt. 1: 3 Snorri AP
-[X] MARCH 1 Snorri AP ✓
-[X] [Simple] Chimaera Autopsy 1 Research AP
-[X] Riddle Me This 1 Karstah + 1 Snorri AP

-[X] [Difficult] Write In, Talisman, Flamedrinking Prototype pt 1: 1 Karstah AP ✓
-- You're a runelord who has opted to use flame copiously in your work and with the advent of better smelters the thought kicked you upside the head: Why not find a way to use that heat to enhance or even fuel your runes in some way? After sharing the thought with Karstah the two of you have decided that she will make a pair of Pure Gromril amulets to test the idea - on the first a set of runes provided by you, and on the second a set of runes that she will decide upon.
--[X] Combo: Rune of Furnace + Ancestor Rune of Thungni + Rune of Thungni's Presence
--[X] Theme: "Heat is energy. It is fluid and changeable. Through Thungni's ingenuity, change it into the light and energy of Runes."

-[X] [Difficult] Brynbar: The Glittering Gate, Pt 1: 1 Karstah AP ✓
-- A circular clasp whose seam depicts a shimmering and glowing gate to the glittering realm. On each half of the clasp the runes of Siphoning and Thungni glow, surrounded by 'runes' from the early days of runesmithing, inlaid with dronril in imitation of runelight. Rest in spoiler in my post.
--[X] Choose: Master Rune of Thungni's Presence (Adamant and Ancient Greedy Troll Heart), Ancestor Rune of Thungni (Adamant), Siphoning (Ancient Greedy Troll Heart)

-[X] [Difficult] Staffing Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Azrilzhufgotten, or The Silver River Marches. 1 Karstah AP ✓
-- The Hearthwardens have been stretched to their limits these past few centuries, taking on multiple new duties spread wide across the north, while bearing only the baseline equipment you give them on taking their oath. It's time to start fixing that. Rest in spoiler in my post.
--[X] Choose: Master Rune of Traversal (Radiant Pegasus' Heart [T4]), Rune of Impact (Stonehorn Leg Muscles [T3]), Rune of Amber (Barazgal [T4]).

-[X] Expedition, Aiding Ravnsvake 2 Retainer
-[X] Expedition, Aiding Dorden 1 Retainer
-[X] Training Regime Pt. 2: ✓
--[X] Drakk Expertise (15 Kraka Drakk favour)
--[X] Ornsmotek Expertise (45 Kraka Ornsmotek favour)
--[X] Krum Expertise (30 Kraka Drum favour)
--[X] Grom Expertise (15 Kraka Grom favour)

Orders ✓
-[X] Order: T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart

[X] [Social:] Snerra, navigating crowds of suitors.
[X] [Social:] Bara, congratulating Karstah for her work with the Greater Smelter
[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about Ulthuan's reaction to the Fimir War [Developing]
[X] [Patreon] Snerra

━<><><>< 466 A.P. ><><><>━​

The Underway is in peril. Thousands are dead. Holds lie broken and bleeding and Towns reduced to nothing more than marks on a map. Thousands are dead. Vaults lie plundered of treasures held for future.

Thousands. Are. Dead.

Joining Valka's campaign to clear the Underway was a simple decision.

That had been the only simple decision.

The Fimir are learning, you'll give them that.

After your first appearance in battle the enemy had reacted in a frustratingly sensible fashion because that was the last time Valka's Throng faced the Fimir as a single cohesive force. Lacking any way of actually stopping you they simply ignored you and sought to minimize the damage you could deal by breaking away into several autonomous segments that continued to raid with impunity.

The problem with that strategy was that this was not the surface, but the Underway, and that severely impeded where exactly the Fimir could go. While they could tunnel through the rock and soil with their slaves, that could only be maintained so long as the Fimir actually had the necessary supplies. With that in mind, and being prodded by the wisdom Valka provided, the Throng's leadership had responded by committing to three courses of action. Firstly, by sealing off the Underway once more, trapping the Fimir in with them and putting the lizards on a timer. Second by reinforcing key junctions in the Underway with sizable garrisons to rapidly, for Dwarfs, respond in the case of incursion while ensuring the defenders could hold long enough for allies to arrive.

And lastly, by actively seeking out the Fimir with advanced scouting parties composed of either Igna and her Gromrilclad retinue, you, or your Hearth Guard, the only groups that could reliably survive encountering the Fimir and live to tell the tale should things go awry.

It means stretching the Throng thin, it means prolonging the length of the campaign, but it does ensure as complete a victory as is possible.

In one particularly dark moment Valka quietly mocks the reversal of her situation.

"I know their position well, and how couldn't I? They were mine once after all, the only difference is that the Lizards aren't invested the same way. We need only hold, eventually they'll attempt a break out and then we'll have them."


Karstah looks over the design thoughtfully.

Master Snorri had left her with an unexpected challenge while she was overseeing Khazagar; to try and create a combination of Runes on a talisman that manipulated and converted heat into Runic energy. It was an interesting idea in theory, but she had no practical proof of its viability. Not that it would stop her from trying of course, Master Snorri's challenge aside it was an idea that held an incredible amount of potential. The thought of entire arrays powered by magma beneath their feet. While Kraka Drakk and Khazagar would have little to no use for such a system, barring the discovery of a magma chamber beneath the Hold, the same couldn't be said for the numerous volcanoes that dotted the World's Edge.

Karag Dron may not need it, but the other two great Volcanoes of the south, Karag Haraz and Karag Orrud, could benefit Karak Azul and finally be worth more permanent settlement beyond Miners camps respectively. Not for anyone who wasn't a Runesmith probably, but three Karag Drons would certainly not be remiss surely?

She doubted it would be so easy though.

Any further thoughts are interrupted by a knock on her door.

"Come in," she calls from her desk, watching as a Hearth Guard marches in respectfully.

"Izgrom has respectfully requested your attention my Lady," he says.

"Whining till I speak with him?"

"Aye he's threatening to block a hallway if he doesn't get his way."

She sighs, clearly able to imagine Izgrom stuffing himself to block the way and the hours it would take to get him out after he found himself stuck.

"Just a moment longer, let me put these away."

She indulged him too much as a wyrmling.


There is nothing behind the creature's eyes.

Dead now, but even when they were alive their gazes had been empty of all but the basest instinct.

This was what the Fimir wanted for the siblings.

Grotesque, monsters bloated beyond what was naturally possible by darkest magic and who knew what else. The half charred specimens that lie before you seem like an unholy mish mash of Shard Wyrm and the so-called "True" Dragons. Ones that were butchered, mutated and brutalized yes, but unmistakably the Drakks which your people have long fought and the Elgi seem infatuated with. They were wingless, the eldest possessing telling scar marks along their backs, while the younger, smaller ones look as if they never grew them at all. Their scales were scratched and dull, several broken or chaffed off from the iron manacles and bolts struck into the flesh beneath. Their coloring was similarly sad, lacking the shine or vibrancy of their progenitors, replaced with an inconsistent and random assortment of various dark greens or greys.

There isn't a way to describe it beyond calling it a broken Dragon.

For the better part of a year now you've been walking the depths almost entirely on your lonesome, dedicated to finding and eliminating those Fimir bands that had been spotted with the Dragons among their number to minimize friendly casualties while everyone else has been slowly triangulating the Meargh's position.

But despite this success you cannot help but be troubled.

The Meargh had hoped you would do as Valka suggested, because she was somehow capable of getting past the Rangers that scoured the Underways to marshal her strength and attempt a breakout from the encirclement. It was only by the grace of the Ancestors and the efforts of the Rangers that every time she attempted it you were nearby to blunt the assault and give your allies time to reinforce and beat them back. You were winning, slowly, crushingly slowly even by Dwarf standards, and that's to be celebrated, but you were also under no illusions. Everything was hanging on the axe's edge, the Fimir needed only one successful breakout attempt, and they would surely disappear back to the surface and away from the debt they yet owed those they had wronged.

You walk away from the corpse angry, Zharrgal illuminating the darkened cavern as you stomped off to find more foes.

They will die, by Grimnir you swear it so.

━<><><>< 467 A.P. ><><><>━​

"A project from the King's a great honour Nain." she pats him on the shoulder. "I'm sure you'll succeed."

Her fellow once-apprentice rubs the back of his head abashedly, the pipe in his lips lowering a tad.

"Truth be told, I'm more invested in what this opportunity can lead to than anything else. Can finally get to grips with the work I want to do instead of more hammers. Regardless, it'll be good for Tholinn to see more traditional Runecraft I think."

"The boy's been doing well hasn't he?" she wonders even as she turns her head to stare down a pair of beardlings that had looked a bit too angry to keep their spat to just words.

They notice her glare quickly enough and shuffle off, properly chastised, to hold their argument within the Rorkhaz.

Honestly, some people.

"Aye he has, but I can tell my lessons aren't really getting to him. Breaking him out of his shell is… I'll do my best, set things in place so they fall the right way, but I reckon it won't come together unless he figures it out on his own." Nain grumbles, stroking the central braid of his beard.

"You've got decades left to do it," she reassures with well-practiced ease.

Nain had come far but the worrier of his youth was always there, waiting for its chance to grab her friend's mind and make him doubt himself.

"I know, I know. Bah. Nerves is all. Gave Master Snorri my best face when he pressed me about it, but there isn't a day where I don't fret over the lad. There's a good man under there, Karstah I just have to dig him out from all…of that," He finishes with a confused gesture.

"I believe you Nain," she repeats, "I believe you."

Her oldest friend sighs.

"Come along the bar's just up ahead, I'm sure Greta'll be happy to see you and your fancy new do." she says, trying to move the conversation along to something else.

Nain scoffs, more out of embarrassment than dismissal.

"No clue what you're talking about."

She eyes the way he's arrayed his beard, single large braid down the center with the rest brushed wide and voluminous over the chest, quietly notes how it matches Greta's unique tastes almost to a tee and nods innocently.

"Course, of course."


King Grednir is a walking corpse.

He breathes, he speaks, he fights, by the Ancestors he fights like a man who wasn't bed bound for half a year after losing one of his legs even, but there is no life in him. It's obvious to anyone who knows that face and the underlying feelings behind it.

You wore it once yourself, in the wake of her death and the intervening decades after it.

Grednir's features alternate between grief and utter emptiness, no doubt powered only by his Will and the physical need to have his vengeance sated. He lives in a different world to those around him, a simpler one defined by the loss he has suffered. You know because that was your reality. He defers all decisions to his lady wife, one of the few people who can make him act like he is alive, for all things; trusting her to guide the Throng, to guide him to the revenge they all seek.

For her part Valka puts up a strong face; sheer force of personality and the quiet understanding among the assembled leadership that she has the greatest claim for vengeance among them, allowing her a degree of control that you know more than one Elder would have balked at.

It also helps that she leads you all to victory after victory.

Costly victories, but victories nonetheless.

But that's neither here nor there.

What matters is the corpse that Grednir has unceremoniously tossed at everyone's feet, leaking blood onto the tent floor.

There are grunts of surprise and looks of careful reproach, but Grednir pays them no mind. Instead he shares a look with Valka, who begrudgingly walks over to examine the body. Something about it makes her squint her eyes in thought before they widen with what could only be recognition.

"It's her," Valka realizes, kneeling down to stare closer at the dead Fimir, "Been decades since we saw them, but these are Shadeskulkers of that I'm certain. Those Fimir assassins that struck at the Grand Throng six decades ago. When the attacks tapered off we had thought the Fimir had simply run out of whatever they used to make them, but it seems we were only half right."

"What does this mean for the campaign?" Grednir mutters, eyes not leaving Valka's.

She sighs.

"It means any and all high priority targets—" she stops to look at you and Mhorni consideringly, "—barring lord Klausson, aren't to stray far from the main body of the column or the camp. Double the guards watching our supplies, randomize rotations and sleep with a light nearby. We'll need to brush up on the procedures but most should remember them if they don't have rocks for brains."

Grednir grunts.

"So long as they don't get in the way." Walking off without another word.

You all pretend to not notice the sadness that flickers across Valka's face as she watches her husband's retreating form.


One of the oft unmentioned tasks that Master Snorri occupies himself with is the management of his several properties and estates that he'd collected over his long life. She's well acquainted with the various mines and Wutroth plantations, those being one of the first things he had offloaded onto her to learn when she became his Heir, but it was the other more esoteric and non conventional operations he technically owned that could still stump her.

Like the goats.

As a gift from King Whitebeard her Mater couldn't rightly simply sell them off to a more knowledgeable Goatherd and claim royalties, not that she thought he would ever do that even if he could, so instead he had invested in hiring the best of the best to maintain and eventually grow the animals into something worthwhile.

"My most sincere pardons for taking up your time my Lady, but this is a decision we have no right to make on the Rhunrikki's behalf."

"I understand," she answers mechanically, still looking down at the papers handed her way.

From what she could gather the Farmers had finally been satisfied with the health of the herds they'd been tasked to take care of and were at something of an inflection point. Dwarfen tradition had always preferred smaller livestock for obvious enough reasons. Of course the goats and sheep Master Snorri had been given were altogether huge even compared to wild examples that the Dawi had domesticated their livestock from. The question the herders had for Master Snorri was what he wanted to do about it. He could either keep them as they were or give them the go ahead to breed them to be more in line with regular livestock. The herders had been reticent about the idea of growing them larger, citing concerns about the animal's health, cost to feed and general utility beyond a certain size but he was paying them enough that they would do it if asked.

"Would a change in size impact anything else Master Hunkin?"

The Goatherd strokes his beard before beginning what Karstah will later realize is a lengthy and detailed breakdown of a single part of animal husbandry.


The Meargh has been found.

You've pruned away at her followers until she was left with nothing but dregs and those few she kept close at hand, and now proper vengeance was at hand.

Even so you did not get to this point unscathed.

Though Queen Valka's suggestions did reduce the number of fatalities and kept your supplies safe from tampering, several Thanes, Runesmiths, similarly high value targets or their bodyguards, lie either dead or injured from wounds inflicted by weapons that seem to easily ignore all but the most Rune-hardened Gromril. Though in the latter's case it only made the odds of success less certain for the assassins. It's gotten to the point that several people, rather darkly, saw the number of times that Shadeskulkers have struck at the Throng's leadership as a sure sign of how close you were to success.

Cornered animals and all that nonsense.

Metaphors be damned, all that matters is that this'll all be over soon. You just need to keep up the pressure and keep her on the defensive.

Any further thoughts on the matter are put aside when you notice Rudil walking up next to you, a letter in his hands.

"From Lady Karstah, Granduncle."

You offer him a nod as you take it from him, breaking the seal and beginning to read its contents.

A small smile graces your face as you read through her report. She's got everything well in hand from the looks of it, aside from the question she passed along from the Herders there hasn't been any significant issues she couldn't handle. Even her progress with your little mental exercises are apparently bearing fruit. Not that you blame her for not knowing how to navigate the Herders queries of course, there's a great many factors at play with animal husbandry that she hasn't properly experienced and that you didn't test to the degree that Yorri had with you.

Shows what you knew.

When Master Yorri finds out, because he always seems to when it comes to these sorts of things, he'll undoubtedly be staring at you with the smuggest grin this side of the World's Edge.

━<><><>< 468 A.P. ><><><>━​

There wasn't much to say about this next piece, of the three she'd been challenged to complete it was by far the most straightforward to fulfill.

A banner for the Hearth Guard, their only real desire was to top it off with the skull of a Greedy Troll which has sat mouldering in the vaults for the better part of a century. A reminder of both the deed that made their liege a legend and the for aid they rendered Ornsmotek by slaying Grundbak for the Monster Wardens who joined them.

Though if anyone heard the Monster Wardens tell it, the skull Karstah was staring at was a poor imitation of Grundbak's, the actual skull of that ancient monster was bronzed before being proudly held aloft in the rafters of the Royal Hall of Ornsmotek.

She couldn't give the Hearth Guard a way to survive being near Master Snorri, but she could help them in other ways.

A banner that made them as unstoppable as a pack of charging Greedy Trolls, slamming into the foe with the force of a hundred bodies, each weighing hundreds of kilograms and moving at speeds that shouldn't be physically possible.

Aye, that would be worth something.


All around you the sounds of conflict can be heard dimly in the distance; the Throng coming to grips with the remnants of the Fimir's forces after successfully corralling your enemy into the ruins of Grung Thalbin, one of Krum's former satellite mining settlements.

"You cannot run forever!" you roar, legs pumping as you sprint after the mass of dark fog fleeing from you down a ruined hallway.

Every so often a shadowy limb or tentacle reaches out, attempting to grab at you only to be denied when Mhorni bats them away automatically. The chase continues until the hallways spills out into a ruined feasting hall, the burnt tables and shattered masonry blocking all but one exit.

With a wordless yell you slam Zharrgal into the nearby wall, causing Meargh to stop as her final means of escape is blocked off by a large chunk of stone slamming out from the left wall.

Seeing her escape cut off the shadowy mass coalesces into the wretchedly familiar shape of the Hag Queen at last. Her eye stares at you impassively from beneath the towering mass of iron and bronze she called a Crown. The tattered robes that conceal her body parts as she reveals a gnarled, iron capped staff in one hand and a mass of light-sucking blackness in the shape of a sword in the other. Before anything else can happen the room darkens to an unnatural degree, and out of the corner of your eye you see more shapes seemingly slide out of the shadows, brandishing staffs or fetishes that glow menacingly despite the gloom that suffuses the ruined chamber.

More Fimir sorcerers then.


Pointing her staff at you she utters a single incomprehensible word of dark tongue, launching blades of corporeal shadow as long as your arm at you from the shadows all around you.

Trickery and nonsense, the wind of Ulgu was nothing more than faffing about made manifest.

You spring forward with a yell, manifesting the Ash storm and dispelling half the projectiles before they ever make contact, your hammer and armour beginning to burn with the light of a wrathful star.

The shadows close in around you.


"We'll be back in short order my Lady, better than ever," Kazrik assures with a firm nod.

She gives the priest a nod of her own.

"I'll hold you to that Elder. As does Master Snorri."

Receiving word from the Cult of Grungni, it appeared that both Kazrik and Heldour had finally been deemed capable of being trained as Masons of the Order of the Stonewall. A great honour, usually only afforded to the strongest and most resilient warriors of the many hundreds who try their luck during the trials held at the end of Fornhekes. She had passed along the message to Master Snorri, who had given her the authority to decide on the matter and because so much of his time was taken up with the Campaign.

She watches the two of them leave the room, only relaxing in her seat when the door slides shut.

Sighing, she pours herself a drink and does her best to enjoy the quiet before the next meeting begins.

Karstah isn't sure why the Engineer's Guild is asking to speak with her, but she does have a few suspicions.

Last year there had been a competition hosted by Belegar Cogbreaker, a Master Engineer said to be one of the finest Engineers in the Hold under 400, during the Summer Solstice. Belegar had sought out a Runesmith to collaborate with for the creation of his next great Warmachine. Being greatly impressed when one of the contestants had the bold idea of coming in with their own Grudge Thrower to show the quality of their work. Now that Grudge Thrower was held by the Hold, and both the winner, Okri Halfbrow, and Belegar had announced a joint project to create a Grudge Thrower to match even the grandeur of Sven Baragmaker's own creations.

Karstah had her doubts about that last part, but held her tongue and hadn't thought much of the exchange since then.

Perhaps she should have.

A knock on her door reminded her that the time to relax was over, and with a final stretch to relieve the tension in her back she calls for the next group to enter. When the door opens the Guildmaster of Kraka Drakk's Engineers Guild and two other elderly Master Engineers enter the room, offering her polite greetings and thanking her for her time.

As the three elderly Engineers take their seats, she steels her resolve and prepares for the worst.


Your hammer impacts the staff with a burst of flesh cooking fire, the sudden brightness illuminating the Meargh's features in stark detail before she jumps back, already casting a spell at you.

Mhorni pulls you out of the way of a spectral scythe, the blade phasing through the stone where you were standing mere moments earlier, before your construct is forced to grapple with a half dozen shadowy tentacles.

A rumble in your gut tells you there's something off, but you can't pay much attention to it given the number of projectiles being flung and limbs striking at you.

You dodge out of the way of a spectral spear launched from somewhere to your left before swinging your arm to shatter a shadowy sword swinging down at your neck. The Eye of the Ancestors glares balefully at the Meargh's staff, finding fault and shining brightly as the Runes hammer away at its structure. All the while you continue to doggedly chase after the backpedalling Fimir.

Another set of five swords swing at you, three dissipate into nothing with the word, while the remaining two strike true and phase through the Adamant plate, attempting to reach the flesh beneath, before they are pushed back by some invisible force and break apart into wisps of darkness.

The ash storm, normally the great filter that clears away the chaff and weakens your foes, hinders as much as it helps here. The vision blurring particles and general lack of light creates plenty of shadows from which the Meargh can strike at you. More annoyingly you don't notice any real harm coming to the Meargh despite her prolonged exposure, the skin and flesh remaining whole despite everything. Even her clothes are largely unharmed, smoulder aye, but any light that catches is smothered by the fog and shadows that billow off her form.

Just as you reach the Meargh a shadow tentacle grabs you by the leg and pulls it out from under you. Even as you fall you let out a wordless roar and strike out with Zharrgal, striking the staff and unleashing another burst of light-bringing flame.

Mhorni melts into the earth, escaping its enemy, before reforming next to you to grab the offending limb and tearing it away from you.

You narrow your eyes even as you begin chasing after the Meargh.

Now, you can grudgingly admit that the Fimir can create things that can withstand several blows from your hammer, but this was ridiculous. You've brought your eye and Zharrgal to bear against that damn piece of wood more than enough times to shatter it at least five times over. The flaws your eye finds, the ring of your hammer tell you plainly of the quality of its construction.

What is going on? What are you missing?

Growling you push the thought aside as a tide of inky blackness smothers your face, covering for the shadowy limbs that attempt to pull you away from your target.

You're getting sick of tentacles!

Master Snorri had called this piece Brynbar, and he had entrusted her with the minutiae of both its final design and sourcing the material needed for it. The Runes had already been chosen, as was the general direction for the piece's aesthetics, but beyond that he had left everything to Karstah's discretion.

She isn't quite sure why he wanted a clasp for his cloak considering Skarrenbakraz was secured to his back by a piece of Adamant, something like a belt felt more appropriate than anything else, but she'd made odder things as a Journeywoman.

The clasp would be "secured" to the cloak by lengths of Adamant plate to match the aesthetic of Skarrenbakraz's backplate, mirroring the position of the Master Rune of Grungni. It was ironic considering that the clasp would likely need clasps to secure it to the cloak itself, but that was neither here nor there. As for the actual piece itself, she intended to use a sliding design to fulfill Master Snorri's aesthetic vision of two halves parting to reveal the Thungni and the Ankor Bryn, seeing as the actual piece wouldn't actually need to hold the cloak in place she didn't have to lose sleep over the logistics of keeping both parts of the clasp together as one item let alone the existential dread of splitting a Rune down the middle and making it work.

Strangeness aside she'd give it her best shot and let him decide.

Another hammer blow, another burst of flame, and the staff remains unbroken.

Another set of tentacles bursts forth as the Meargh nimbly dodges backwards, putting more distance between you as she follows the chamber wall.

Why? Why aren't your weapons doing anything?!

A memory strikes you, all the more powerful in its simplicity.

the wind of Ulgu was nothing more than faffing about made manifest.

The realization almost makes you skip a step in surprise.

What a fool you are, Klausson.

You reach the Meargh again, hammer raised high telegraphing a downward blow for her head and she moves her staff to block. There's a vicious thrum of satisfaction at the surprised look on her face when you redirect your blow, bringing it down farther right than expected, the flaming hammer head meeting her hastily raised sword. A flash of fire and light, but this time you notice the immediate difference.

The shadows lessen.

A savage grin graces your face while a frown mars the Meargh's.

You have her now.


A Grudge!

A Grudge upon that Meargh and a Grudge upon perfidious Ulgu!

The Wazzok got away! She had gotten away!

And she'd done it after tricking you one more time to rub some salt into that wound.

Not only was the staff a fake, but the other sorcerers were as well! Nothing but the clothes on her back and that blasted mass of gobbledy-gook she called a sword was actually real! And! Just as you had broken that damned sword into nothing but shards of fading shadow along with that hag's arm, the Meargh's infuriating plan came to its conclusion. You found yourself grabbed from all directions by several dozen shadowy limbs and appendages, overwhelming Mhorni and the rate at which you could dispel them. Having been immobilized, you could only roar in anger when, what you could only describe as a yawning maw of fog, appeared to swallow her whole.


You slam Zharrgal into the ground in anger, causing a series of fissures to spread out from the point of impact in a spider web like pattern.

A damn fool is what you were, too complacent, too sure. Master Yorri would be ashamed at your lack of paranoia, by the Ancestors you most certainly were!

Grabbing a hold of your temper you turn around and head back towards the fading sounds of battle.

From the looks of things the fighting was winding down, and in your favour.

What a bitter draught you've found yourself drinking.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Fornhekes - The last month of the year, "Before Hekesdag"/ Dwarf equivalent to the Imperial month of Vorhexen

Goruz-Kazak Rikkaz - "War Beast Crushing"/ Crushing Charge/ a way to say Stampede

Grundbak - Hammerhand/Hammerfist

Grung Thalbin - "Thalbin's Mine"

━<><><>< Grumblings and Goings ><><><>━

- [Early 465] Mattok Copperbottom of Karak Drazh has struck a seam of gold, nothing that would normally be noteworthy for a Hold so wealthy as Drazh, but this vein in particular has not only been deemed one of the largest, and the purest, example of Drazh's famous dark Gold as any have seen but Copperbottom has found a smaller seam of Oathgold within the greater vein as well. A great source of joy for the man, having come from a poor Miners Clan.

- [Mid 467] Karak Varn has hit a new Gromril seam in its mines along the rim of the Blackwater, early surveying reports by the prospectors roused to give their opinion on the matter say its "appreciable," and consequently the Hold is celebrating the discovery of one of the larger Gromril veins seen in living memory. While never really a contested position, this has driven Varn farther away from any prospective rivals for Gromril production like Eight Peaks or Kraka Drakk.

- [Mid 468] With the breaking of the Fimir army that has been plaguing the Underway, a sombre moment of mourning is held in Kraka Grom as King Consort Grednir Grunsson removes the mantle of Grungni to don Grimnir's and seek his Doom in the north. A sorrowful fate, one that neither his wife, closest friends nor the priesthood could convince him away from. Die well son of the Mountains, die and be redeemed before yourself and your Ancestors.

- [Mid 468] Nain's made a fine hammer for King Gloin, a gift to his nephew the King of Karak Ungor. The name itself isn't the most inspiring thing, [T4] Dalgrund, but Nain's taken to beauty in simplicity. In that vein the aesthetics focus more on accentuating a few key parts by remaining rather austere elsewhere. A strong Wutroth haft accented with silver at the butt and along the sides, most of the decoration has been reserved for the Hammer's head where the image of Grungni The hammer bears the Master Rune of Grungni, Rune of Speed and Rune of Echoblow.

- [Late 468] Queen Valka of Kraka Grom announces her pregnancy and, seemingly blessed by Valaya, with twins no less! A brilliant diamond in a shaft otherwise replete with sulfur and slotch. No replacement for what was lost, but the Hold celebrates the occasion, desperate for some measure of baggage-less positivity.

━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━

Votes Collated:
[ ] [Livestock:] Bigger.
You want the Herders to breed the goats and sheep to be bigger, they're already twice as big as the biggest Dwarf varieties on average, but you want them bigger. For some reason. Will take X number of turns. Bigger animals.

[ ] [Livestock:] As is.
You want the Herders to breed the goats and sheep to be the same size.

[ ] [Livestock:] Smaller.
You want the Herders to breed the goats and sheep to be smaller. Will take X number of turns. Smaller animals

[ ] [Khazagar:] Collaborate with the Engineers Guild.
New actions unlocked. Gain, ??? Work with the Engineers Guild to host this competition in honour of Morgrim. This would open the door for other Guilds to collaborate with you rather than individuals within them acting out of their own accord, for good or ill.

[ ] [Khazagar:] Allow the Guild to host their contest but do not work with them.
Gain, ??? The Guild can act as it pleases, but you will not move to help or hinder them. You aren't touching this, but neither are you going to ban it. It could be of great benefit to have such a relationship, but you don't think its smart to actively promote it.

[ ] [Khazagar:] Ask them not to.
Gain, Nothing. The Guild is not a King or a Thane coming as a private individual. This could be seen as them acting in an official capacity as an entity entreating with the entity of Khazagar in the eyes of many. As Guilds do with each other. It is not worth the risk.

- March complete!
-- Fimir presence in the Underway rendered negligible.
-- The Fimir in the Underway no longer pose a significant threat to your people. Their strategy of dispersing to escape your wrath has rendered the individual fragments easy pickings for the vengeful Throngs of the Holds they have so butchered.
-- The truth of their actions remains conjecture only, as the Meargh left nothing to examine save the trail of ruin she led.
-- The Meargh herself has escaped, despite your best efforts, and remains at large.
--- Grudge: The Shadow Hag, for the personal slaughter of eighty-seven Dawi and orchestrating the deaths of 3,534 Dawi as well as a sum total of 324,982 Gold and 245 Brass pieces in damage both material and emotional to the towns of Khazid-Vran, Durak's Claim, Mingol Ril, Migdhal S...
…and harm to the Holds of Kraka Krum and Kraka Grom, the sentence shall be death.
Actions toward setting this Grudge have a chance to gain +1 action worth of progress. +5 Bonus to rolls against the Fimir and +10 Bonus to Rolls against the Shadow Hag,
-- Loot:
--- +1 [Tier 3] Greater Slave Wyrm's Corpse. Research unlocked!
--- +1 [Tier 2] Slave Wyrm's Corpse. Research unlocked!
--- +1 [Tier 2] Artefact worth +15 Favour with Kraka Krum, new totals: (calculated below)

- Standing Bonus proc!
-- +2 Progress to Slave Wyrm autopsy, new totals: [Cost: (4 -2) =2 actions]

- New Runes/ Combos unlocked!
-- Rune of Forgeflame [Talismanic]: Heat absorbed by the wearer is instead taken by the Rune and discharged into the air over time.
-- Combo, Goruz-Kazak Rikkaz: [Master Rune of Traversal, Rune of Impact, Rune of Amber] Allies in range charge together in formation and deal increased damage upon contact with the enemy, the larger the formation the greater the speed and damage dealt. When charging they ignore most mundane obstacles.
-- Combo, Flamedrinking: [Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Forgeflame] Magical and mundane flame fired against the user is absorbed and turned into Runic energy. (Your Windsight Eye reveals the truth of it, mundane fire itself isn't so much eaten but rather the Aqshy that is drawn to that fire which the Runes seem to eat while snuffing out the physical flame)
-- Combo, Deep Gate [Master Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Siphoning] Enemies suffer even greater casting debuff and spells that are not dispelled are weakened around the user. The user's equipped Master Runes have one aspect of their effect improved. (Your Windsight Eye shows that the Runes saturate an area in Deep Magic, and for some reason that energy is oddly resistant to being used by Wizards when it normally wouldn't be.)

- Flamedrinking Prototype Pt. 1 complete!
-- The piece with your Runes is a necklace similar to Karstah's, but using the appearance of a regular Dragon rather than a shard wyrm. Silver-scaled with blue sapphire eyes overlaid atop the Runes to provide them with a bright glow.
-- Rune of Thungni, Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Furnace.
-- New Combo unlocked! Combo, Flamedrinking: [Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Forgeflame]
-- New Rune unlocked! Rune of Forgeflame [Talismanic]
-- ??? [0/6] > [1/6]

- Brynbar Pt. 1 complete!
-- New Combo unlocked! Combo, Deep Gate: [Master Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Siphoning]
-- ??? [1/6] > [2/6]

- Staffing Pt. 1 complete!
-- New Combo unlocked! Combo, Goruz-Kazak Rikkaz: [Master Rune of Traversal, Rune of Impact, Rune of Amber]
-- ??? [0/6] > [1/6]

- From doing ??? this turn.
-- ??-tasking [0/6] > [3/6]


- Training Regime Pt. 2, new totals: [Cost: 0/(2 +1 +1 +1 +1) =6 retainer actions]
-- The price has been paid, and Rudil has been given the go-ahead with the full extent of his plans.
-- -15 Favour with Kraka Drakk, new totals: (calculated below)
-- -45 Favour with Kraka Ornsmotek, new totals: (calculated below)
-- -30 Favour with Kraka Krum, new totals: (calculated below)
-- -15 Favour with Kraka Grom, new totals: (calculated below)

- x2 Priests of Grungni upgraded into x2 Masons of Grungni:
-- The Warrior Brotherhood of the Order of the Stone Wall prides itself in embodying the unyielding will of Grungni in all things. Masters of defensive combat in all its forms, and training their will and endurance to the point that it seems near endless to the average Dwarf. They put these skills, and their hammers, to the task of protecting the temples of the Ancestor and the people He leads.

- Master Runesmith Okri Halfbrow was deemed the champion of the Summer Solstice tournament for his Runecraft on the [T3] Grudge Thrower, "Bale Eye." A fitting tribute to Morgrim and Thungni both, which, you are told, was part of the impetus for the Engineer's request.

- The Engineers Guild, sensing opportunity, have poked their head about in a more official capacity. They're wondering if they can hold a competition that both you and Guild itself will sponsor. They wish to know if such a thing would be deemed inflammatory or permissible given what they know about the ruckus this is causing.

- x1 [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart, arriving Turn 57
- +10 [Tier 4] Adamant, new totals: x76
- +3 [T2] Dragon's Essence, new totals: x42

Favour and Standing
- -15 Favour with Kraka Drakk, new totals: Favours 90

- -45 Favour with Kraka Ornsmotek, new totals: Favours 75

- (-30 +15) = -15 Favour with Kraka Krum, new totals: Favours 40

- -15 Favour with Kraka Grom, new totals: Favours 215

Underground chasing the Fimir below
Whitebeard is aboveground with Malekith.
+40 Equipment, +20 Kings, +20 Runelords, +15 Grudge +5 Ash Storm +10 City Breaker
-40 Fimir Equipment -20 Meargh -10 Dirachs -10 Slaves -20 Monsters
this is to a d100
effectively = +10

Roll 1: 52
Roll 2: 24
Roll 3: 100
Roll 4: 113
Roll 5: 82
Is the Meargh fight easy? DC 50: 42


Modifiers, Snorri

Snorri Base: 20 + 15 Karugromthi + 15 with BA Zharrgal + 20 Barak Azamar + 15 The Earth Shadow + 25 with BA Skarrenbakraz + 15 Set bonus +10 Eye of the Ancestors +15 with BA Zharr-a-Drakhazi = +150, Tireless, Regenerating, Unbreakable, Breaking+
Conditional: +10 Hearth and Home, +10 vs Dragon Ogres, +15 vs Trolls, + 10 vs Chaos (Beastmen and Daemons), +10 Grudge
Runes/Magic: +45, +5 to Throng Runesmiths including other Runelords
Other: -35 to Enemy Casting -10 Zharr-a-Drakhazi = -45

Snorri has 5 +1 (Mhorni keeping you safe) =6 wounds
Snorri regens 1 wound every 2 rounds, every round deal 1 damage to equipment regardless, roll DC 30,40,45 to add 1 damage depending on item quality.
Skarren deals 1 wound every 2 Rounds to any enemies without regen.
Zharr-a-Drakhazi deals 2 wounds for every wound Snorri recieves, can only happen once every 2 turns.
Mhorni DC 30 every 2 rounds. If you pass, procs double and damage doubles (not including Skarren or Zharr-a-Drakhazi).

Modifiers, Underground Meargh
Meargh Base: 40 +20 Master of Dhar +20 Master of ??? +15 Dirach Choir +20 ??? Matron +20 Coish Saile +40 Gearrain Sear =+155, Regenerating, Tireless?
Conditional: +5 a Round till +?? due to ???, +10 when ???
Magic: 40 Base +15 Choir +20 Sluagain Gowth +20 Coish Saile =+95

Meargh has 10? Wounds
Meargh heals ? wounds every 2 Rounds
Sluagain Gowth has ?/? Durability.
Gearrain Sear has 4/4 Durability

Winning a Magic Round prevents ???

Combat Round 1
(FYI, 3 tiers so its +10 and +5 for Snorri and Meargh in regards to rolling respectively)
36; 45; 3; 35 vs 21; 20; 41; 38
3 Wins 1 Loss

Eye, DC 40

Mhorni, DC 30

Magic Round 1
(-5 vs 0 after raising tiers)
30; 12; 14; 8 vs 32; 28; 26; 13
4 Losses

-2 Durability to Sluagain, X-2/? Durability
Meargh 8/10? Wounds

Combat Round 2
59; 23; 16; 46 vs 28; 22; 35; 25
3 Wins 1 Loss

Eye, DC 40

Magic Round 2
35; -4; 43; 42 vs 19; 44; 46; 37
2 Wins, 3 Losses

-2 Durability to Sluagain, X-4/? Durability
Meargh 7/10? Wounds

Combat Round 3
21; 19; 48; 48 vs 44; 54; 19; 17

Eye, DC 40

Mhorni, DC 30

Magic Round 3
27; 36; 44; 35 vs 12; 12; 38; 43
3 Wins, 1 Loss

??? prevented.

-1 Durability to Sluagain, X-5/?Durability
Meargh 7/10? Wounds

Combat Round 4
54; 30; 35; 56 vs 18; 55; 8; 9
3 Wins, 2 Losses

Eye, DC 40

Magic Round 4
34; 22; 8; -1 vs 35; 27; 29; 26
4 Losses

-1 Durability to Sluagain, X-6/?Durability
Meargh 9/10? Wounds

Do you notice? DC 25

Combat Round 5
Meargh +5 from ???
15; 47; 30; 21 vs 30; 46; 29; 51

Eye, DC 40

Mhorni, DC 30

Magic Round 5
16; 41; 2; 1 vs 19; 12; 47; 10

-4 Durability to Sluagain, X-10/?Durability
Meargh 7/10? Wounds
Do you notice?, DC 25 (-5 from the amount of damage) =20

There is no Sluagain.
You've been aiming for a distraction item.
The Meargh only has Gearrain Sear
Magic: 40 Base +15 Choir +20 Sluagain Gowth Gearrain Sear +20 Coish Saile =+95

Combat Round 6
33; 37; 43; 21 vs. 22; 13; 15; 11
5 Wins

Eye, Dc 40

Magic Round 6
45; 22; 9; 42 vs 23; 28; 9; 44
2 Wins, 2 Losses, 1 Tie.

-3 Durability to Gearrain,1/4 Durability
Meargh 5/10? Wounds

Do you notice? DC 25 -10 (You're catching on)
Magic: 40 Base +15 Choir Gearrain Sear +20 Sluagain Gowth Gearrain Sear +20 Coish Saile =+95
There is no choir.
Only Gearrain Sear

Combat Round 7
19; 28; 58; 59 vs. 68; 41; 45; 24

Eye, DC 40

Mhorni, DC 30

Magic Round 7
The +10 from no longer keeping the illusion up counts to her magic
23; 24; 24; 44 vs 69; 33; 35; 52
4 Losses

5/5 Counter

Stop her escape, DC 45

The Meargh Disappears into a hole of shadow and mist, Gearrain Sear shattered, but the fragments seem to be burning away into smoky nothingness.

There will be a 4 long moratorium for discussion.
AN: Hope you enjoy this one. Sorry it took so long. Give those votes a thought, one's fun the other's serious. Let me know what you think of my decision to add Grumblings and Goings to the results too, oh and don't forget to C&C! :^)
Last edited:
Turn 56 Results Pt. 2:
Happy 4th Anniversary everyone. :^)

Winning Vote said:
[X] [Livestock:] Bigger.
[X] [Khazagar:] Allow the Guild to host their contest but do not work with them.
Winning Vote said:
[X] Plan: Grant us eyes and a Roadtrip
Snorri & Karstah
-[X] [Difficult] Extra-sensory Pt. 1: 3 Snorri AP ✓
-[X] MARCH 1 Snorri AP ✓
-[X] [Simple] Chimaera Autopsy 1 Research AP ✓
-[X] Riddle Me This 1 Karstah + 1 Snorri AP

-[X] [Difficult] Write In, Talisman, Flamedrinking Prototype pt 1: 1 Karstah AP ✓
-- You're a runelord who has opted to use flame copiously in your work and with the advent of better smelters the thought kicked you upside the head: Why not find a way to use that heat to enhance or even fuel your runes in some way? After sharing the thought with Karstah the two of you have decided that she will make a pair of Pure Gromril amulets to test the idea - on the first a set of runes provided by you, and on the second a set of runes that she will decide upon.
--[X] Combo: Rune of Furnace + Ancestor Rune of Thungni + Rune of Thungni's Presence
--[X] Theme: "Heat is energy. It is fluid and changeable. Through Thungni's ingenuity, change it into the light and energy of Runes."

-[X] [Difficult] Brynbar: The Glittering Gate, Pt 1: 1 Karstah AP ✓
-- A circular clasp whose seam depicts a shimmering and glowing gate to the glittering realm. On each half of the clasp the runes of Siphoning and Thungni glow, surrounded by 'runes' from the early days of runesmithing, inlaid with dronril in imitation of runelight. Rest in spoiler in my post.
--[X] Choose: Master Rune of Thungni's Presence (Adamant and Ancient Greedy Troll Heart), Ancestor Rune of Thungni (Adamant), Siphoning (Ancient Greedy Troll Heart)

-[X] [Difficult] Staffing Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Azrilzhufgotten, or The Silver River Marches. 1 Karstah AP ✓
-- The Hearthwardens have been stretched to their limits these past few centuries, taking on multiple new duties spread wide across the north, while bearing only the baseline equipment you give them on taking their oath. It's time to start fixing that. Rest in spoiler in my post.
--[X] Choose: Master Rune of Traversal (Radiant Pegasus' Heart [T4]), Rune of Impact (Stonehorn Leg Muscles [T3]), Rune of Amber (Barazgal [T4]).

-[X] Expedition, Aiding Ravnsvake 2 Retainer ✓
-[X] Expedition, Aiding Dorden 1 Retainer

-[X] Training Regime Pt. 2: ✓
--[X] Drakk Expertise (15 Kraka Drakk favour)
--[X] Ornsmotek Expertise (45 Kraka Ornsmotek favour)
--[X] Krum Expertise (30 Kraka Drum favour)
--[X] Grom Expertise (15 Kraka Grom favour)

Orders ✓
-[X] Order: T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart

[X] [Social:] Snerra, navigating crowds of suitors. ✓
[X] [Social:] Bara, congratulating Karstah for her work with the Greater Smelter ✓
[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about Ulthuan's reaction to the Fimir War [Developing]
[X] [Patreon] Snerra ✓

━<><><>< 468 A.P. ><><><>━​

Returning home was a quiet affair compared to the raucous celebration prepared for the Throng, many of Khazagar's occupants having left to celebrate with the rest of the Hold. You weren't particularly inclined to join in on the festivities however, and after dismissing your Hearth Guard to do what they wished, began the quiet trek home with only your thoughts and Mhorni to accompany you.

The happiness you feel getting home is ruined by the bitter aftertaste of the many near-successes you've been dealt.

The Underway cleared and secured once more, and the Fimir who invaded it broke to nothing a doughty band of Warriors cannot handle on their own.

But their mistress, the mind behind the dark deeds and evil schemes that has harmed so many, escaped vengeance because of your inattentiveness.

Snorri Grednirsson's death was properly avenged, the emotional pain suffered at last paid in kind while Valka and her husband are blessed in the coming birth of their twins.

But Valka has to celebrate that wonderful news alone because her husband now walks Grimnir's path; leaving his wife and donning the Slayer's crest to seek his Doom.

Leaves you tired frankly.

The moment you pass through the nebulous threshold that delineates Khazagar from the rest of the world, an ambiguity that adds to the many things you find wrong with that entire series of events, was followed by a slight hum emanating from Barak Azamar. The accidental connection between the armour and Khazagar reigniting without a word or input from you.

Not even your own home is safe from Zhuf nonsense.

Taking in the largely empty hallways without a word, you decide that with most of the busybodies and fools you allow into your home now gone it was the perfect time to do a quick once over of everything. So you begin walking the grounds, examining everything for the slightest sign of poor stewardship, only paying enough mind to grumble and growl at the handful of bowing beardlings with the work ethic and discipline to stay in Khazagar instead of going off to party and drink as you pass them. As you make the rounds, you notice a second set of footsteps fall in behind you, the thump of their boots following yours so closely that you can barely notice their presence. You don't even need to look back to know who it is either.

You grunt at Karstah with some satisfaction.

Khazagar has been well cared for in the time you were gone, short as that span was in the grand scheme of things.

"Master, about the Engineers Guild," Karstah broaches, "have you come to a decision yet?"


You suppress the grunt of annoyance forming in your throat.

"They can sponsor their tournament, but I cannot do anything else."

To deny them was folly, and would do nothing to dissuade or change the minds of those who believed you a would-be Guildmaster anyway. But on the opposite end of the spectrum you couldn't outright throw in your lot with them either without causing actual accusations of power consolidation you considered valid. No, you would stick to your original intent. Khazagar was a barn for the herd of ornery and independent goats that you called the Runesmiths Guild. You made a nice barn, furnished and stocked well enough to satisfy and yes, encourage several of those goats to stick around as well as bring in several other goats from further afield, but most of them had been bothering you well beforehand. So long as you extended your authority only to the sanctity of the barn and didn't try to actually herd the goats inside you broke no laws nor invited censure.

Ancestors below, you stretched that metaphor till it was threadbare didn't you?

"Not so fun is it lad," Yorri grumbles, stepping out from behind the base of a statue to look at you knowingly.

"Never imagined it would be," you grumble back.

"He knew and he went ahead, can't tell what's worse," Yorri mumbles, purposefully loud enough for you to hear, "Well now that you're back you can actually focus on that riddle!"

"Later," you reply, "I still have things to do."

"Talk like that and the mountains will have been worn away to nothing by the time you get to it my young Apprentice!" Yorri warns, now walking beside you.

"That's nonsense."

"Is it? There's always something that comes up, a fact of life thats almost as sure as death. Prioritize and trust that the others can get the job done, as I do."

"Is that what you've been doing?" you reply sarcastically.

Yorri sniffs faux-imperiously.

"Why of course! I've been badgering young Menlinwen to learn Anoqeyan while you've been off poking your nose into other business. Can't spend all my life making sure you know what to do can I? Whens the last time you even went to the lessons you literally paid to have?"

You grumble audibly.


To celebrate your return and the campaign's success Snerra has, without your input, decided to invite you and her fellow apprentices to a dinner in her home.

You appreciate the gesture, but you're pretty sure that Snerra was looking for any excuse to organize a get-together.

Not that you'll ever say that of course, don't need your niece pouting at you.


You and Karstah arrive with a pot of properly made Troll Stew shortly before the rest arrive. Your niece claps her hand at the sight of your stew, a perfectly understandable reaction of course, and sends you off to the kitchen to put it on the stove while she brings Karstah with her to help set up the table.

Now, you're not one to meddle in how a person arranges their kitchen utensils, but as Snerra's Uncle and teacher you are slightly irked by the mess she's left. Plenty of pots and plates that by all rights could have been cleaned up while several of the dishes here were cooking. The fact that Snerra doesn't seem at all nonplussed by the mound of dishes to be done causes you no small amount of consternation when you bring it up to her before she tells you that she made a Rune to clean her dishes for her.

Of course she would.

You understandably ask why she developed an entirely new Rune instead of using something like the Rune of Sanitization, and Snerra explains that it was honestly a fun distraction to break down the original Rune and develop a variant that suited her needs perfectly. 'An exercise in Lord Silverbrand's school of thought,' she half jokingly explained, the interpretation of which seemed a bit too forgiving of Vragni's overly literal reading of the Rule of Pride and his subsequently merciless exploitation of a loophole that understanding created.

Cut out the middle-man at that point, at least the other Conservatives were honest about working under those constraints.

Of course it was not the Rune's fault and being a curious and thorough Dwarf you nevertheless politely requested to see this Rune in action. Snerra gives you a knowing look before she explains how to activate it as she and Karstah are busy setting up the table.

Armed with this newfound knowledge you shamelessly return to the kitchen and get to work examining how exactly Snerra's creation does its work.


"He'll be busy for the next hour no doubt. Plenty of time for the others to arrive," Snerra says, watching Master Snorri scurry off into the kitchen like a beardling being handed a new toy.

She turns to look at her cousin with a grin.

"So how have things been?"

Karstah grunts, and offers a shrug.

"Khazagar runs as smoothly as anyone can hope, the siblings are doing well in their studies and not causing trouble, and my personal work has been the same. All in all I can't complain."

"Really? No trouble? That's a surprise."

"No more than usual anyway," Karstah explains, "certainly nothing worthy of complaint."

"But cousin, we're both Longplaits now, and its expected that we complain!" she counters with a grin, "so complain away."

Karstah looks at her with a raised brow.

"You of all people should not be telling me that my Lady."

That was fair enough, she supposed.

"Maybe so, but you aren't me and I am not you, so?" she trails off, staring at Karstah pleadingly.

"When did you become such a gossip? Fine. If I have to complain about anything it's probably the suitors, but it's such a minor thing even the pettiest Grumbaki will think it's nothing out of the ordinary."

"You and I must be meeting different Grumbaki," Snerra jokes, "What's so bad about them in particular, besides the obvious of course."

She and Karstahs share a sardonic look at that part.

Tradition dictates that Dwarf suitors oughtn't actually attempt anything overt without the approval of both the woman and her Clan. So while Snerra or Karstah weren't being chased by men offering rings or spouting poems and songs extolling their virtues like some romance novel, not everyone observed those traditions quite so closely. There were subtler ways of expressing interest, some used it as a way to test the waters rather than risk a public and potentially embarrassing rejection, the other reason was to not involve each other's Clans. Elder Dolgi had been very traditional for instance, but Elder Joll wasn't at all when he courted Lady Fjolla from what she cound glean.

A marriage so quickly announced after the public acceptance was telling after all.

Then there were folk who shirked tradition entirely and partook in activities usually reserved for the marriage bed right on the get-go. Course no one said anything, but it happened enough and was happening for so long that more than one way of referring to it.

As for herself, the vast majority of Dawi who didn't heed tradition needed only a gentle rebuffing from her experience, but there were always a handful who mistook her kindness for interest. And as Karstah said, they were usually the ones who hadn't lived in Kraka Drakk or really understood her reputation. It was a notion she had to dispel more than once. Karstah had also told her more than once that a good kicking should never be discounted in those sorts of scenarios, but Snerra really couldn't muster anything more than a passing distaste and an uncharitable thought for many of them. Definitely not the sort of anger that compelled her to rudeness, let alone violence.

Not that she couldn't obviously, nor did she think she couldn't hold that level of contempt for another Dawi at all, but she lived her life such that the only times she was driven to that point was when she fought the Dark Powers.

"These southern ones haven't been frightened off like the local lads have been. Not particularly inclined to entertain them though. Too busy with work," Karstah explains.

"I can see that being the case. They haven't been any more bold with me than usual, but the ones that have are definitely a special kind," She admits.

"Heir to the Gift Giver doesn't really match up with a Thungni-chosen," Karstah muses, and Snerra supposes she has a point there, "but you have my sympathy and envy in equal measure."

"Envy? Oh cousin, why would I have your envy?" she says, her smile growing a tad.

She thought Karstah would make a good parent, Snerra only had to look at how she raised literal Dragons, though she was smart enough to know Karstah wouldn't be in the mood to hear it.

"Takes a certain kind as you said. So either they're arrogant enough that I can ignore them and their Clan without needing to be polite or they're actually talented enough that they'd be an interesting conversation even if I have no intent to go beyond a working relationship with them."

Snerra can't help but recall a few of the letters she's received from her fellow Thungni Chosen and agree with the latter assessment. Those conversations had been fun, and more than one of the Runes she's made and ideas she was pursuing had been born from those exchanges, but at the same time she could have done without having her father talk to her about how to handle the letters sent by each one's Clans about prospective marriage alliances with him.

"Sometimes they can be both," she says with a slightly smaller grin.

"Oh, that's the worst sort," Karstah concludes with a knowing nod, "A mouth with a brain to back it up. I don't think I could go a day without punching that kind of man."

"They aren't all that bad," she protests halfheartedly.

"Compared to some of the stories Menlinwen has shared maybe," Karstah says with a chuckle.

"Oh? Do tell," Snerra asks, now genuinely intrigued.

"Those are stories not fit for polite company. Remind me to tell you when Master Snorri isn't anywhere within ten kilometers."

━<><><>< 469 A.P. ><><><>━​

The following year, much to Master Yorri's annoyance, was spent on research.

Even if you could understand your teacher's thoughts on the matter he could go chew on some gravel, you had more than a passing feeling that you would end up leaving the Hold to fully pursue that riddle and you had only just gotten home.

So instead of risking that, you dived right into doing some house-keeping on the side. Sending your Hearth Guard off to help Dorden and Ravnsvake while you finally got around to digging through some Chimera guts whenever you had the chance.

You had come into possession of these five Chimaera corpses largely from the grand campaign that Grimnir persecuted in the Peninsula, centuries before the Great Catastrophe. The preservation Runes inscribed on their containers had done their job with aplomb, keeping these bodies viable as potential reagents despite literal centuries passing between their death and now, but not even they were perfect. There were definitely signs of aging present on the bodies, nothing too terrible mind you, and certainly not to the point of rot, but give it a few more centuries, even less without proper maintenance and not even Runecraft could save them. Or at least not without becoming inefficient to the point that it wasn't practical.

What you ultimately find is both surprising and not.

All things touched by sufficient amounts of the Winds of Magic can find themselves changed. Most times it is for the worse, and of the negative outcomes the Chimaera are some of the most extreme results. No two specimens were exactly alike, and it was the case for their organs as well. Each Chimera largely had the same general organ system as a regular animal, but the kind of organ and the number therein was as mutable as wet clay. In one body you found lungs closer in function and appearance to a Dragon, in another a Rhinox, and so it went. Of course there was the possibility that it was simply an aesthetic and structural similarity, but testing that had given you very confusing results.

Taking a sample of blood in one of the more Draconic organs then putting it into your Smelter yielded Dragon's Essence which in itself was fairly solid proof of its properties, but what truly confused you was that taking a blood sample from a different organ did not create Dragon's essence despite being from the same body.

Your Windsight eye gave a few hints as to what was going on you think. The organs themselves looked the same as their closest counterpart to your eye as well, but it was in the spaces and connections between the individual organs that made you pause. All the Winds were present in a Chimera in some capacity, as was the noticeable absence to your proto-windsight that was likely Dhar, but even with that foulness there the most prevalent by far was Ghur. Moreover, even your rudimentary vision was enough to notice that it congregated more strongly along the blood vessels, guts and other similar connections throughout the body. Knowing what you knew of Ghur and the way it was used by the Elgi helped you develop a rudimentary theory of what was going on. Without seeing it in action, your best guess was that a Chimera's individual organs relied on a natural abundance of Ghur to transform blood and other bodily fluids into the appropriate version for their use. Dragon's blood for a Dragon's lung, but as it left the organ it would be transmuted into blood for a Rhinox's heart, and so on and so on.

The transformative properties of the Amber Wind make you wonder how exactly the relationship between it and Chimaera worked. Did the beast come from an abundance of Ghur flooding and mutating the original creature (or creatures you concede), or were Chimaeras, as insane as the thought is, actually the most stable form of an altogether different sort of monster. Their bodies stumbling upon the right meld of Winds to keep them from devolving into a mass of unnatural and incompatible flesh.

That's a line of inquiry for another day though.


As the creator of the Greater Smelter Karstah had been the obvious choice to teach the rest of the Brotherhood how to create their own copies. For many it had been little more than a letter alongside the plans couriered to their Hold by a Clansmen, for the more physically inclined and especially those who were closer by they had the option of scheduling in-person sessions with her at Khazagar to have a more hands on experience and access to more immediate feedback.

She doesn't mind doing it, partly because the Brotherhood members often bring gifts, and more so because she doesn't have to worry about tip-toeing around the existence of Adamant with them, a luxury that she usually only experienced when talking to her fellow apprentices or Master Snorri.

"This is good work young lady," Lady Bara says, eyeing the Smelter's liquid controls. "Been a good deal of time since I've seen solid work from the youth. Does the heart good to see."

That catches her flat-footed, something she's sure the Runelord notices despite having her back turned.

"My deepest thanks Lady Stoneplate, it is one of my proudest accomplishments," she replies, composing herself.

"As it should be!" she agrees, kneeling down to get a closer look at the Smelter's valve array now, "Ancestors know how many projects have been moved along because of it. Hmmm, yes…this is a debt that cannot be repaid with mere ale or Gold," Bara decides with a firm nod to herself.

"My lady?"

"I have a proposal for you young lady," the Runelord says, turning to face her fully, "should you accept it of course."

"I'll hear it out at least Lady Stoneplate, I can't promise anything else."

"Sensible of you. Right then, I won't waste either of our time by waffling around with doublespeak. Two Runes and a lesson, the former from my personal collection and the latter at any time you have the time to call in."

Karstah can't help but blink.

"That's rather generous Lady Stoneplate."

"Bah. You don't know how much you've sped up my own work girl, this is a debt that can't be repaid any other way short of offering one of my nephews or grandnephews as your husband. Though from the look on your face that option isn't one you're particularly inclined to choose anyway. But, there is one caveat."

Lady Bara looks at her seriously.

"I am willing to share these Runes with you, not your father."

"I see," Karstah murmurs, scratching her cheek as she mulls over the offer, "can Master Snorri know anything?"

"That I gave you two Runes, and that I taught you some of what I know, but nothing else. I'll tell him, but he isn't the one who I'm indebted to."

"And I suppose I can't know what I'm learning till I decide to take this offer then?"

"Aye," Lady Bara confirms with a grin.

Would Master Snorri mind? She doubted it. Or at least, he wouldn't mind enough to stop her from learning whatever Lady Bara ended up offering her.

"Can I sleep on it my Lady?"

"Course ya can, bring it up with Gift Giver if you want even, and let me know when you decide."

She nods, putting the thought aside and focusing back on the job in front of her.

"Alright. Where were we again?"

━<><><>< 470 A.P. ><><><>━​

You chew on a loaf of Stonebread

Honestly that woman.

Putting your heir in that sort of position.

Claiming you would pout as well.

The nerve!

After having a proper grumble about Bara's spurious claims, you of course give Karstah the go ahead to decide for herself. After all, what sort of Dwarf would you be if you denied your heir such an opportunity?

A quiet hum tells you that the material is ready, and you push the thought aside and focus on the orange hot sphere currently sitting in your forge.

Improving the Rune of Windsight likely wasn't going to come from using some fancy bugger's eye as a reagent. Or well, not just slapping some sorcerous bugger's eye as a reagent. You needed something more than that, but knowing and rectifying were entirely two different things. Your current level of Windsight lacked both the fidelity and breadth of a natural born wizard, because of course it was. You were no wizard, and Dwarfs did not take well to magic that wasn't a Rune. To see as a Wizard, even a poor one, you needed to improve your Rune.

Of the two problems you were more confident about improving the breadth of the Rune, if through sheer brute force you reckoned you can get it to a level where you're happy. But that other part, the fidelity, that was trickier.

You had ended up sticking with a form of Windsight that relied on visual input rather than trying to incorporate the other senses you'd learned it could manifest as, but that still left you with the decision on how it all shook out. Obviously you wanted to see, and hopefully understand why, Deep Magic and Dhar with the Rune, and you definitely wanted a more detailed expression of each Wind to better understand exactly what made things like the Dragon Essence you possessed different from the myriad Winds it looked to have been made up from, if at all. But visual Windsight could go father still. Portents of past, present and future, images and thoughts laid bare.

It was easy to say all of it, but then you ran into the question of whether such a Rune would be safe. Because you didn't know the full consequences of what fully realized Windsight may do to the user, by Valaya's bosom you still weren't sure whether your use of the eye was doing something to you. A Runesmith did not play with uncertainties if they could help it, and here you were frolicking in it like a goat in spring.

Should you be worried that your realization isn't dissuading you?


━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Grumbaki - A Dwarf who whines, complains or grumbles a lot.

━<><><>< Grumblings and Goings ><><><>━

- [Early 465] Mattok Copperbottom of Karak Drazh has struck a seam of gold, nothing that would normally be noteworthy for a Hold so wealthy as Drazh, but this vein in particular has not only been deemed one of the largest, and the purest, example of Drazh's famous dark Gold as any have seen but Copperbottom has found a smaller seam of Oathgold within the greater vein as well. A great source of joy for the man, having come from a poor Miners Clan.

- [Mid 467] Karak Varn has hit a new Gromril seam in its mines along the rim of the Blackwater, early surveying reports by the prospectors roused to give their opinion on the matter say its "appreciable," and consequently the Hold is celebrating the discovery of one of the larger Gromril veins seen in living memory. While never really a contested position, this has driven Varn farther away from any prospective rivals for Gromril production like Eight Peaks or Kraka Drakk.

- [Mid 468] With the breaking of the Fimir army that has been plaguing the Underway, a sombre moment of mourning is held in Kraka Grom as King Consort Grednir Grunsson removes the mantle of Grungni to don Grimnir's and seek his Doom in the north. A sorrowful fate, one that neither his wife, closest friends nor the priesthood could convince him away from. Die well son of the Mountains, die and be redeemed before yourself and your Ancestors.

- [Mid 468] Nain's made a fine hammer for King Gloin, a gift to his nephew the King of Karak Ungor. The name itself isn't the most inspiring thing, [T4] Dalgrund, but Nain's taken to beauty in simplicity. In that vein the aesthetics focus more on accentuating a few key parts by remaining rather austere elsewhere. A strong Wutroth haft accented with silver at the butt and along the sides, most of the decoration has been reserved for the Hammer's head where the image of Grungni The hammer bears the Master Rune of Grungni, Rune of Speed and Rune of Echoblow.

- [Late 468] Queen Valka of Kraka Grom announces her pregnancy and, seemingly blessed by Valaya, with twins no less! A brilliant diamond in a shaft otherwise replete with sulfur and slotch. No replacement for what was lost, but the Hold celebrates the occasion, desperate for some measure of baggage-less positivity.

- [Mid 469] Kraka Dorden is physically repaired. The damage done by the Fimir has been undone, though the lives taken have not. The vigorous effort of the Karak and by several other parties such as the Cults of Valaya and Grungni, as well as Lord Klausson's Hearth Guard have seen that everything completed ahead of schedule. The only sign that anything has even happened to the Karak is the inclusion of a memorial onto the Hold's walls, the names of the defenders inscribed into Rune-reinforced stone.

- [Late 469] Mere months later the same can be said for Kraka Ravnsvake, with King Villi seeing to it that the docks are repaired and that barks once more fill their berths. Though we Dawi are not creatures of the sea in the way that the Elves are, we will not allow the Fimir to believe themselves our betters in any regard. Let them come again, let them break upon our walls, let them see their efforts were unmade in but years, and let them know as we drive them back to their hovels that the Dawi of Kraka Ravnsvake are coming from them." By land or by sea," swears King Villi, "the Grudge shall be avenged."

- [Early 470] the Runesmith Skarri Dolgisson has taken to the field of battle alongside his companion the Branakroki Thunder Wing as the first of Kraka Drakk's Skarr-kazhunki. Mounted warriors that eschew millennia of Dwarfen wisdom; to not only ride upon the back of a beast to war, but to take to the air doing it as well like he's some Elven Princeling. The Zaki is not alone in this endeavour either, somehow wrangling a group of six other madmen and women to join him in the air. Northern strangeness once more shows itself. At the very least he is well armed. Wielding a Runestaff that calls down lightning and ice, and a size-shifting Gromril Axe that he either hurls from above or swings in long, loping swings.


- [Mid 470] Hail to the twin daughters of Queen Valka of Kraka Grom, Grelda and Selda Valkasdottir. Truly Valaya has shown her favour by gifting the queen such a wonder as twin daughters. The Cult of Valaya proclaims them fitter than most babes their age, something the Hold is thankful to have. Already the Queen has proclaimed that Kraka Grom shall honour the Gromthi Rhinri with large scale improvements to the Hold's already respectable temple to Valaya, and long term material and monetary support to the Hold.

- [Mid 470] A Slayer returns to Kraka Grom with the head of a Dragon being dragged behind him in chains. Such portents remind Queen Valka that she too must honour Grimnir the Fearless, and soon after the same promise is made to improve the temple to Bold Grimnir's temple as well.

- [Late 470] Nain Kazzarsson, one of the apprentices of the Gift Giver, has been given leave by King Gloin to head a grand project beneath Kraka Drakk. While Lord Klausson is largely responsible for the Hold's large number of infrastructural Runes, his apprentice seeks to make his own mark. Expanding the lift network that connects the Aerie of Drongkaraz to the Dragon Hold by creating not one, but two sister lifts of equal scale to Morgrim's original creation while expanding the first to reach the natural caverns beneath Kraka Drakk's Underway terminal. Though none dare say the Runesmith can match His work, three lift complexes is still better than one.

━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━

Pick 2 Runes and 1 Lesson for Karstah to Learn. Snorri will not learn them.

[ ] [Rune:] Rune of Charcoal [Structural]: Removes mundane impurities from metal in forges inscribed with or within rooms incribed with this Rune
[ ] [Rune:] Rune of Tin [Structural]: Structures and rooms bearing this Rune have metal being worked on within made more malleable
[ ] [Rune:] Rune of Stonemass [Weapon]: Inscribed upon item is heavier for anyone that isn't owner
[ ] [Rune:] Rune of Sluggish Strikes [Armour (Shields)]: Shield Only, slows the speed of almost all incoming attacks by a set proportion, multiple copies increase effect of slow down to around 66%
[ ] [Rune:] Rune of Shifting Steel [Weapon]: Allows weapon to transform into another tool/weapon of similar size and mass
[ ] [Rune:] Rune of Gilded Fools [Weapon]: Strikes against armour cause it to become more and more pliable, multiple copies increase effect potency, three copies colour the metal like fool's gold

[ ] [Lesson:] Metallurgy. Progress to Master of Metal
[ ] [Lesson:] Gronti: Give trait Talent for Constructs: Every 3 research actions used for researching Engineering and [Construct] Runes add 1 extra progress
[ ] [Lesson:] Armour: Improve specialty Armour Runes

- March complete!
-- Fimir presence in the Underway rendered negligible.
-- The Fimir in the Underway no longer pose a significant threat to your people. Their strategy of dispersing to escape your wrath has rendered the individual fragments easy pickings for the vengeful Throngs of the Holds they have so butchered.
-- The truth of their actions remains conjecture only, as the Meargh left nothing to examine save the trail of ruin she led.
-- The Meargh herself has escaped, despite your best efforts, and remains at large.
--- Grudge: The Shadow Hag, for the personal slaughter of eighty-seven Dawi and orchestrating the deaths of 3,534 Dawi as well as a sum total of 324,982 Gold and 245 Brass pieces in damage both material and emotional to the towns of Khazid-Vran, Durak's Claim, Mingol Ril, Migdhal S...
…and harm to the Holds of Kraka Krum and Kraka Grom, the sentence shall be death.
Actions toward setting this Grudge have a chance to gain +1 action worth of progress. +5 Bonus to rolls against the Fimir and +10 Bonus to Rolls against the Shadow Hag,
-- Loot:
--- +1 [Tier 3] Greater Slave Wyrm's Corpse. Research unlocked!
--- +1 [Tier 2] Slave Wyrm's Corpse. Research unlocked!
--- +1 [Tier 2] Artefact worth +15 Favour with Kraka Krum, new totals: (calculated below)

- +5 Progress to Extra-Sensory Pt. 1, new totals: [Cost: (16 -6) =10 actions]
-- Range and scope is the easier of the two problems you have with your current Rune. Having good enough Windsight to be able to tease out the details that will hopefully bypass Durin's consternation however, is a different and far more difficult matter.

- Standing Bonus proc!
-- +2 Progress to Slave Wyrm autopsy, new totals: [Cost: (4 -2) =2 actions]

- Chimaera Autopsy complete!
-- [Windsight] The corpse is bathed in a hideous mix of colors, but it is predominantly Ghur. There are occasionally a few organs that are largely resonant with just a single wind or resemble those of other beasts, while the blood vessels, guts and similar connections within the body are especially Ghur concentrated.
-- Every Chimaera is almost entirely different, and the organs are no exception, there isn't a uniform answer. Only horror and melded flesh.
-- [Tier 3] Chimaera Corpse x5 yields
--- +2 [Tier 2] Griffon Brain, new totals: x12
--- +2 [Tier 3] Thundertusk's Heart, new totals: x3
--- +2 [Tier 2] Dragon's Gas Sac, new totals: x4
--- +1 [Tier 3] Pegasus' Heart, new totals: x3
--- +1 [Tier 3] Giant Cave Spider's Venom, new totals: x4
-- +2 progress to Akazit Pt. 2, new totals: [Cost: (14 -9) =5 actions]
-- +2 progress to The Movement of Things Pt. 6b, The Body: [Cost: (18 -8) =10 actions]
-- Master of the Odd [0/15] > [2/15]

- New Runes/ Combos unlocked!
-- Rune of Forgeflame [Talismanic]: Heat absorbed by the wearer is instead taken by the Rune and discharged into the air over time.
-- Rune of Ironskin [Talismanic]: User gains iron-hard skin.
-- Combo, Goruz-Kazak Rikkaz: [Master Rune of Traversal, Rune of Impact, Rune of Amber] Allies in range charge together in formation and deal increased damage upon contact with the enemy, the larger the formation the greater the speed and damage dealt. When charging they ignore most mundane obstacles.
-- Combo, Flamedrinking: [Master Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Forgeflame] Magical and mundane flame fired against the user is absorbed and turned into Runic energy. (Your Windsight eye reveals the truth of it, mundane fire itself isn't being use. but rather the Aqshy that is drawn to that fire which the Runes seem to eat while snuffing out the physical flame)
-- Combo, Deep Gate [Master Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Siphoning] Enemies suffer even greater casting debuff and spells that are not dispelled are weakened around the user. The user's equipped Master Runes have one aspect of their effect improved. (Your Windsight Eye shows that the Runes saturate an area in Deep Magic, and for some reason that energy is oddly resistant to being used by Wizards when it normally wouldn't be.)

- Flamedrinking Prototype Pt. 1 complete!
-- The piece with your Runes is a necklace similar to Karstah's, but using the appearance of a regular Dragon rather than a shard wyrm. Silver-scaled with blue sapphire eyes overlaid atop the Runes to provide them with a bright glow.
-- Rune of Thungni, Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Furnace.
-- New Combo unlocked! Combo, Flamedrinking: [Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Forgeflame]
-- ??? [0/6] > [1/6]

- Brynbar Pt. 1 complete!
-- New Combo unlocked! Combo, Deep Gate: [Master Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Siphoning]
-- ??? [1/6] > [2/6]

- Staffing Pt. 1 complete!
-- New Combo unlocked! Combo, Goruz-Kazak Rikkaz: [Master Rune of Traversal, Rune of Impact, Rune of Amber]
-- ??? [0/6] > [1/6]

- Helmet Investigation complete!
-- New Rune unlocked! Rune of Ironskin [Talismanic]
-- The helmet seems to be an experimental piece, stretching and playing with material design that clashed strongly with certain aspects of southern style for the period but remaining recognizably from that time.
-- Master of the Odd [9/15] > [11/15]
-- ??? [2/6] > [3/6]

- From doing ??? this turn.
-- ??-tasking [0/6] > [3/6]

- New Rune understood! Master Rune of Grimnir!
-- ??? [5/6] > Wisdom with Weapons [0/6] Every 3 research actions used for Weapon Runes add 1 extra progress.

- Expedition, Aiding Ravnsvake complete!
-- Ravnsvake recovery speed improved, damage repaired and patrols restored.
-- +4 Bonus to recruitment Dice
-- +1 Standing with Kraka Ravsnvake, new totals: (calculated below)

- Expedition, Aiding Dorden complete!
-- Dorden recovery speed improved, damage repaired and patrols restored.
-- +4 Bonus to recruitment Dice
-- +1 Standing with Kraka Dorden, new totals: (calculated below)

- Training Regime Pt. 2, new totals: [Cost: 0/(2 +1 +1 +1 +1) =6 retainer actions]
-- The price has been paid, and Rudil has been given the go-ahead with the full extent of his plans.
-- -15 Favour with Kraka Drakk, new totals: (calculated below)
-- -45 Favour with Kraka Ornsmotek, new totals: (calculated below)
-- -30 Favour with Kraka Krum, new totals: (calculated below)
-- -15 Favour with Kraka Grom, new totals: (calculated below)

- x2 Priests of Grungni upgraded into x2 Masons of Grungni:
-- The Warrior Brotherhood of the Order of the Stone Wall prides itself in embodying the unyielding will of Grungni in all things. Masters of defensive combat in all its forms, and training their will and endurance to the point that it seems near endless to the average Dwarf. They put these skills, and their hammers, to the task of protecting the temples of the Ancestor and the people He leads.

- x2 Priests of Gazul upgraded into x2 Watchers of Gazul:
-- Watchers of Gazul are a militant arm of the greater Cult, born from the secret war waged in the east against the Frurndar and their Broken God, they are the ever open eye and flaming blade in the dark against those who threaten the souls of innocent Dawi. Each one carries a Runed flaming longsword given to them by the Cult of Gazul.

- +3 Masons of Grungni recruited, new totals: 5
- +3 Priests of Grimnir recruited, new totals: 5
- +3 Watchers of Gazul recruited, new totals: 5
- +8 Hearthwarden Rangers recruited, new totals: 48

- 137 +17 =154/240

- Master Runesmith Okri Halfbrow was deemed the champion of the Summer Solstice tournament for his Runecraft on the [T3] Grudge Thrower, "Bale Eye." A fitting tribute to Morgrim and Thungni both, which, you are told, was part of the impetus for the Engineer's request.

- The Engineers Guild, sensing opportunity, have poked their head about in a more official capacity. They're wondering if they can hold a competition that the Guild itself will sponsor. They wish to know if such a thing would be deemed inflammatory or permissible given what they know about the ruckus this is causing.
-- With your approval the Engineers Guild have announced a Guild Sponsored tournament to decide which Runesmith shall have the honour of inscribing Runes onto the Grudge Thrower that the Guild's greatest members have built the coming summer solstice celebrations held in Morgrim's honour.

- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart, arriving Turn 57
- +10 [Tier 4] Adamant, new totals: x76
- +3 [Tier 2] Dragon's Essence, new totals: x42

Favour and Standing
- +1 Standing with Kraka Dorden, new totals: Standing 10
-- Standing Bonus received! Industry of the North: Once per turn, 1 retainer action adds 1 extra progress to "Expedition" options.

- +1 Standing with Kraka Ravsnvake, new totals: Standing 10
-- Standing Bonus received! Bar a Varaz Ankor II: -1 turn timer to on all Ulthuani orders (minimum 1), Chance for esoteric item orders to appear increases, cost of orders reduced.

- You're getting rather close to becoming a figure of near-unparalleled renown in the Far North.

- -15 Favour with Kraka Drakk, new totals: Favours 90

- -45 Favour with Kraka Ornsmotek, new totals: Favours 75

- (-30 +15) = -15 Favour with Kraka Krum, new totals: Favours 40

- -15 Favour with Kraka Grom, new totals: Favours 215

Trait(s) Gained/Upgraded

- Master of the Odd [0/15] > [2/15]


- Master of the Odd [9/15] > [11/15]
- Master of Metal [5/12] > [7/12]
- ??? [5/6] > Wisdom with Weapons [0/6] Every 3 research actions used for Weapon Runes add 1 extra progress.

There will be a four hour long moratorium for discussion.
AN: Happy anniversary everyone, hope you guys like this update. Expect something neat besides an update coming in the next few days-week. My only hint is that I'm rectifying a long-ignored state of the quest. :^V As always, I hope you enjoy and don't forget to C&C. :^)
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