Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
The Enduring War Rune Pt. 10, Trial of Concealment:
━<><><>< 472 A.P. ><><><>━​

While your Hearth Guard are busy combing over the site where the forge once stood, you meanwhile, use this time to take stock of your situation and the events leading up to now.

The first question on your mind is how you were knocked out.

Bodily flung? Not a new experience, and the explosion certainly had the force to do it, but that's not the issue. The issue is that you were knocked out by that blast. Something that Barak Azamar should have prevented. Not to say you couldn't be, but you've experienced explosions of far greater magnitude and been perfectly lucid. The same went for the exhaustion you were currently feeling as well.

Moving to stroke your beard, you suddenly pause as you realize that your hand is the pale pink colour of flesh, rather than the usual grey tint that comes from activating your armour.

You look down at your chestplate, and come face to face with the image of the dull, utterly spent Master Rune of Unyielding staring back at you.

That answers that question you think dumbly, finding yourself startlingly unfazed by your armour's failure.

Shaking your head, you force yourself up onto your feet despite the protests of the Hearthwardens keeping an eye on you and begin walking over to Karstah and wait for her to wake up.


"Nothing?" you ask, fighting to keep your voice level.

The Hearthwarden shakes his head.

"Nai Lord, we even laid out all the rubble individually to make sure we weren't just missing something, but there's no sight of the ingot you described." Kemli confirms, apologetic.

You let out a sigh.

"Thank you Kemli, that will be all."

He nods at your dismissal and walks off towards the others.

"All that, our time spent, your blood used, and your armour sputtered to inactivity, temporary as that may be, for…this," Karstah mutters from beside you, gesturing her arms lamely towards the neatly organized rubble.

You turn to regard her, she had woken up only minutes prior and was still a bit out of sorts. Much as you wished she had sat down somewhere and rested, your heir refuses to entertain the idea.

"It would seem so."

What else could you say? From the privacy of your own mind you could admit that you didn't understand why either.

Was it an illusion? Some bit of mental trickery? You can't say it's out of the realm of possibility anymore after the things you've seen here.

No, you shake your head again, what you experienced was simply too real to be a lie. The ingot was there and you bled on it, you even have the bloodstained armour to prove it, but now both it and the Dragon construct were no longer in the chamber. The delusion of the desperate maybe, but you don't think it is.

Had the Dragon taken it, or had both disappeared now that their purpose was fulfilled as was the case for the other Trials? Prior experience pointed to the latter, but a millennium of living and something about this entire experience tells you the former shouldn't be tossed out of hand just yet.

But that sort of wondering will lead you nowhere. Best to just put this chamber in the back of your mind and focus on the next trial.

You dare not utter even the faintest hope that you won't be tossed around like gravel in a minecart.

That sort of thing only tempts the world ya see.


The journey to the next chamber is unremarkable, thankfully, just a five minute walk through the roughly hewn tunnels that you've grown used to over the course of this entire ordeal.

When you come onto the entrance of the next chamber, you find that unlike the other Trials before it, the Trial of Concealment had a door with the aforementioned Rune carved on it, rather than an open doorway. As the group stands by, waiting for your move, Karstah taps your shoulder.

"Tell me you aren't going to head in without telling us the plan," Karstah requests when you turn to look at her.

A part of you wants to scoff and dismiss the implications behind her words, but knowing you have no foot to stand on after the last trial you humour her concerns.

"I doubt it will happen again," you offer.

Karstah's stare goes flat.

Who exactly was the master here? you grouse mentally. but you let out an exasperated sigh eventually.

"Bah! Fine, fine, I'll say something if I decide to follow my intuition, but I promise nothing more," You grumble, turning to face the door.

You feel Karstah's stare drilling into you, but you refuse to bend any further.

"It's better than nothing," She eventually murmurs with a sullen sigh.

"All right then," you grumble, moving towards the door resolutely, "Keep your wits about you now!"


Ylva feels the frown on her face deepen even as her shoulders relax.

The source of the boots isn't an enemy.

But it doesn't mean they're friendly.

A strange thought to have about other Dawi, but the glow of Runes on the armour of the warriors marching behind the young, for their rank at least, Rhunrikki tells her all she needs to know.

"Seems we aren't alone you lot," Ylva grumbles back at the other Hearth Guard.

"What are our orders, Firekeeper?" Sigrun murmurs from beside her, eyeing the approaching Dawi calmly.

She huffs.

"We greet them as kin, we offer them a drink, we talk, and we delay if we can, but there's to be no violence. Lord Klausson wouldn't countenance such a thing, nor would I follow such an order if he gave it. Besides, we're too wounded to do anything more than slow them a smidge." she orders, voice carrying far enough for everyone to hear.

"By your will, Firekeeper," a chorus of voices answer back.

As the others begin moving to follow her commands Ylva stands and watches as this new contender, for what else could Kazador Ironwill and his merry little band be, comes toward them


The door to the Trial chamber swings open quietly, revealing a vision so lovely that you can hear several members of your Hearth Guard fall to their knees and mutter in stunned shock.


Behind the door was a vault full of so much wealth that you felt an immense, almost overwhelming, urge to grab everything in sight and take it for yourself. This was a horde worthy of only the High King, of Grungni! Who knew what lay within, you need only claim it! You need only—
Only to blink as a semblance of clarity purges the foreign emotion from you. Not completely, but enough that through a combination of sheer force of will and some incessant tugging in the back of your mind you manage to find the strength to resist its allure.

You immediately piece together what Thungni is playing at.

Then just as you're beginning to catch your breath and recover from the assault on your mind another wave of emotion overcomes you. This time the desire stems not from greed, but righteous fury. Your things are in there, taken, stolen by the owners of this vault! A Grudge! A curse upon the thieves! You must reclaim your property, you mus—
Clarity returns, and despite the wave of fatigue that follows, you barely feel it over the growing tide of anger.

How unbecoming of you.

Letting out a growl rife with anger and embarrassment, you straighten yourself out.

You are Snorri Klausson; a proud descendant of Thungni, son and Elder of Clan Winterhearth and a Runelord of the Karaz Ankor. Your will cannot be so easily overcome! Turning away from the enchanting sight of the treasure vault is an effort of supreme focus, but you manage. Instinctively you activate your eye and focus in on one of the Hearth Guard that looks to be especially affected and see a corona of Aqshy and Ulgu around their head. Every so often it sputters and fades a little, coinciding with the protective amulets your retainer wears trying and failing to ward off the foreign magic, before asserting itself and growing back as large as before.

"Steel your minds and avert your eyes if you must!" you order, "There is trickery afoot! Something that amplifies our desires and intrudes on our minds!"

The sound of your voice seems to stir Karstah and a few of your retainers from their reverie, letting them shake off the worst of it from the way their heads clear up more and more, but many more of your Hearth Guard remain transfixed.
Remind them.
"Remember your oaths!" you thunder even as you attempt to dispel the energy assaulting you all, "What are you? Elders or beardlings!"

More of your Hearth Guard begin shaking their heads, fighting the hold of whatever this magic was had on their minds. But seemingly in response to your efforts the spell redoubles its efforts on those it still has a hold over as they seem only to lose themselves further, beginning to mutter darkly and look around at those around them suspiciously. You eye them with equal parts suspicion and concern. Unsure of what they'll do, some of your other retainers who kept their faculties were slowly crowding around those still afflicted, arms raised peacefully but just wary.

"Hold Dawi," you say again more forcefully, attempting to dispel the magic again, "Grab a hold of yourselv—"

"—The treasure! The treasure will save my son!" one Hearthwarden roars, his head hidden by the glow of magic your eye shows you, headbutting the closest Hearth Guard next to him to the ground before he makes a mad dash for the chamber.

He doesn't get far.

Instead of treasure, he finds the head of your hammer there to meet him. He doesn't even realize what's happening before he's sent sprawling to the ground, unconscious to the world while the ringing sound of your hammer hitting his Gromril helmet continues to echo through the chamber. You watch and sigh in relief as the energy encompassing his head finally disappears.

Hopefully they stay that way when they wake up.

Again you turn to the rest of your retainers, and see that all of them are now staring at you.
Repeat it.
"I ask you again! Are you Hearth Guard or lackwit garazi with skruff on your chins!" you thunder, raising your hammer and pointing it at them in challenge.

"Hearth Guard, Lord Klausson!" one of them shouts from the back.

"What do you say to this zhuf trickery, sons and daughters of the Ancestors?!" you shout back, watching the magic waver as you and now Karstah continue to try and dispel the energy affecting all of you.

"This far and no further!" several Hearthwardens shout back, voices ringing through the room.
Repeat it.
"This far and no further!" you boom back in affirmation, repeating the phrase until every last Dwarf in the room is chanting the old battlecry of the North and the foreign magic fades to nothing.


With the Hearth Guard returned to their senses, you enter the chamber proper and take a proper look around.
Trust nothing here.
"No one touch anything," you caution loudly, "we don't need a repeat of what happened outside now!"

"Aye Lord!" they chorus.

"What are we-what are we looking for Master?" Karstah struggles to ask, mind split between thinking in general and fighting off the effects of whatever blasted Rune Thungni was using.

"I don't rightly know Karstah," you admit, trailing off as you look around at the mass of treasure.
"But I aim to find out." you finish.

You walk forward confidently, ignoring the haunting calls and desperate pleas that assail your mind, trusting your gut and walking a seemingly aimless path through the vaults numerous mounds of gold and shelves of heirlooms.
You know what you seek.
"Concealing the truth they seek by distracting them with everything they desire," your murmur contemplatively, "was that your aim my Ancestor?"

It was certainly one way of doing things.
You know the look of it.
As you continue walking, checking back periodically to make sure you haven't lost anyone, the feeling in your gut guiding you only grows stronger with every passing minute. Your group pass by piles of gold and gemstones, racks carrying dozens of times their size in weapons and armour, shelves so full of ancient lore that they bend from weight and dozens of chests brimming with amulets and general wealth to make the monarch of an Old Hold look little more than a pauper.
Tricks and failure.
All of it, from the mightiest axe to the smallest coin, sings to you; the items beckoning, demanding, and/or begging to be picked up and taken.

And each and every time you rebuke their call and trudge on.
There beardling.
Until you see something that finally grabs your attention.

Or more accurately, it is something that does not.

"There," you point out to the others, "This shelf. I'm sure of it."

Karstah looks between you and your target questioningly.

"I can't see what makes this one special Master."
"That's why it's this one. This shelf isn't screaming for your attention as strongly as the others. Not tucked away, but among the masses in plain sight. And if you aren't attentive, easily overlooked," you explain with a confidence that did not feel at all natural to you.

With a firm nod, you walk over and reach into the shelf, letting out a sound of surprise as you manage to easily bury your arm up to your shoulder and find that there's room to spare.

Ignoring Karstah and the others' worried stares, you rifle through it blindly, letting your arm brush over the multitude of objects in the shelf as you search. Each time you grab something you wait to feel and see if it tries to influence your mind. And when it inevitably does, you merely harumph and let it go before continuing your search. It isn't a quick or altogether simple task, but you nevertheless go at it with the same thoroughness you try to apply to anything else in your life; grabbing and discarding what feels like hundreds of items before finally you reach a small, rectangular, and altogether familiar shape.

You wait, expecting some voice or emotion to try and worm its way into your mind, but after half a minute you realize that this one is not enchanted like the others.

With a cry of effort and triumph, you pull out your arm, dragging countless other trinkets out of the shelf falling to the floor, and raise your prize for all to see.

You grin openly even as Karstah and the others blink.

"I found you," you murmur, staring at the ingot from before and raking your eyes over its blue-silver surface.


You're ashamed to admit just how transfixed you've become with the ingot, so much so that when Karstah had asked to see it you had to force yourself to let it go.

When you retrieved the ingot the chamber had transformed, the vault of treasure becoming a far more mundane, but very well-stocked, storeroom. Gems and gold replaced by raw ore and coal, weapons and armour worthy of legend became a wall of workman's tools and aprons and the like. What hadn't changed though was that the shelves, chests, and barrels that littered the room still held a far greater quantity of material than they should have been able to. No doubt it was some advanced form of the Rune of Stacking, though you couldn't find the Rune inscribed on any of the containers, at work you reckoned. Efforts by your Hearth Guard to move and shift them though, proved fruitless. Either the containers were still subject to the same constraints as the Rune of Stacking or Thungni didn't want you running off with His barrels and put contingencies in place.

Both were likely to be true if you were honest.

In the end you had to leave all but the bar behind, and while that had put a small damper on your retainer's spirits, in your opinion it was a more than fair trade.

Though admittedly you couldn't really do much with it right now.

Despite your hopes to the contrary, when you tried to examine it with your Windsight Eye, it appeared completely mundane to your vision. Appearance wise, the bar itself shined with a blue-tinted silver, and in the right angle you saw it shimmer with all the colours of tempered steel. The bar weighed more than an equal sized ingot of Adamant, by your best estimate it was right between Gromril and the white metal, and though you couldn't test it thoroughly, any and all attempts to deform it with Zharrgal yielded little more than a cold bar and the ringing sound of metal on metal.

It was, in all senses of the word, just a bar of unknown metal currently being passed around.

But it was more than that.

This was the treasure you sought, the culmination of centuries worth of trial and error. You were sure of it. That bar was the key to breaking the Rule of Three, and with it an entire revolution to the art of Runecraft second only to the end of Durin's Consternation.

Those are the thoughts that swirl through your mind when you reach the Trial of Spellbreaking and come face to face with another stone door that has the afforementioned Rune carved into it.

More than a few of your Hearthwardens grumble to hide the anxiety they no doubt feel, the experiences of the earlier Trial still fresh in their mind, but they do not voice their worries openly.

You turn your head to stare at Karstah, still transfixed on the bar. With a pointed grumble, you manage to snap her out of it, and after taking a moment to get her bearings she nods back at you.

Together, the both of you turn around to your retainers.

"Karstah and I shall enter this chamber alone. By name alone I reckon that only a Runesmith would be able to even attempt it in the first place. Take this time to rest, get your thoughts in order." you pause, taking a moment to scan around the room and see their reaction to your words.

There are grimaces, frowns of distaste aye, but far more nods of understanding than anything else.

"We'll be back soon enough," you finish

You both turn, open the door, and walk through.


Ignoring the puff of air as the doors slam shut behind you both, you activate your eye and warily examine your surroundings for any traps or tricks Thungni put down. The walls are richly decorated in murals and carvings of Thungni and His deeds, as is the floor. What makes your beard twinge with suspicion though is the curious lack of supporting pillars, and more importantly the cover they can provide, that has otherwise been a staple in every other Trial up to this point. Like all the other Trials the far end of the room is pitch black from a lack of lights. You observe everything critically, hoping your eye sees something, anything at all, but you find nothing. No odd concentration of a specific wind, no strange voids or anything else like that.

For all intents and purposes, this looks like an empty room.

And you hate that.

"Nothing?" Karstah asks quietly despite there being no sign of anyone else in the room.

You shake your head.

"Nothing I can see at the very least, but that doesn't mean we're safe," you answer back, just as quietly.

"Of course."

"Hands at the ready my apprentice, remember your lessons now," you order, fingers poised to activate Zharr-a-Drakhazi.

"Constant vigilance," she answers, nodding firmly.

With a final nod, you take a step forward.

The far end of the room lights up with a dull orange glow.

"Behind me!" you shout, immediately stepping in between your heir and whatever that is.

"You have arrived." a familiar voice notes, loud enough to carry across from the other end of the room.

Your eyes widen in recognition before narrowing again.

"That's the construct from the forge," Karstah says from behind you, surprised.

"Aye." you confirm grimly.

"Why are you here? Why did you leave the other chamber?" you shout back towards the dull orange glow, not moving.

This was new territory. Before the ingot, and blessing notwithstanding, every other Trials had all been self contained affairs. Was this Thungni's intent? Some escalation as you drew closer and closer to the prize at this ordeal's end? Has the construct perhaps gone rogue? You doubt that latter possibility greatly, but you'll operate with that chance in mind regardless.

"Prepare yourselves!" the Dragon commands, ignoring your questions, "There is only one way out!"

The room begins rumbling, and suddenly the walls and parts of the floor reveal the outline of dozens upon dozens of panels along their length. You watch as they recede and the distinctive shape of what you realize are Runestaves take their place, sticking out of the wall from specially made sockets.

"Wards, now!" you thunder at Karstah as the entire room lights up, the Runes on each and every staff beginning to glow as they are activated by some unseen signal.

Then they fire.

You manage to dispel maybe two dozen attacks before they hit you, the energy fizzling out as it is disrupted. Sadly, for every spell you manage to notice, focus and disrupt, another three hit home.

It is a barrage, one that strikes from all sides in a constant, unrelenting, torrent of energy, projectiles and strange effects all aimed at you and your heir.

Your ring roars to life the moment the first hit gets through your guard, sending back bolts of retaliatory energy that destroys the offending Runestaff that managed to strike you, but every time a staff is lost its mount merely recedes into the wall and a replacement pops out seconds later to continue the assault.

With a grunt, you slam Zharrgal into the ground and raise a barrier of stone to block the incoming attacks and to buy you time, but you have to constantly raise more and more stone as the room seems to respond by increasing the rate of fire. Meanwhile Mhorni runs around the room ripping staves off their mounts and destroying them, but like with your ring, the chamber merely replaces each one your shadow destroys.

"There has to be a way to stop them!" Karstah shouts over the din, "What do we do?"

You frown and think.

There are two ways forward that immediately jump out at you. Survive the barrage and get to the end of the chamber through a combination of your stone manipulation, dispelling the effects, and your own durability to get you there. Destroy the staves faster than they can be replaced, perhaps even try to destroy the mechanism replacing them, though you haven't had much luck there at this point.

Was that the only way though?
*Ding Ding* [Master of the Odd] + [Soul of the Earth] + [???]*Ding Ding*
You pull out the ingot and stare at it consideringly.

Grasping it firmly so that it won't get knocked out of your hands, you poke your hand out from behind the stone barrier and wait.

It doesn't take long for the bar to be struck by a spear of amber light, and both you and Karstah blink at what happens next.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━​

Garazi - young one/a young Dwarf.

AN: Didn't intend for this to blow up so much, or for Spellbreaking to be a gimme till I realized your trait levels. Anyhoo, enjoy. Please don't forget to C&C. :^)
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The Enduring War Rune Pt. 11, Trial of Spellbreaking:
━<><><>< 472 A.P. ><><><>━​

When you work with Gromril and Adamant as often as you do, you notice a few things. Take, for instance, the unique ways both metals react when they're struck by spells. Gromril is not special in that regard save for its toughness, enduring where steel and other metals would falter, and in conjunction with the right defensive Runes that toughness only grows stronger.

In comparison Adamant not only absorbs the blow but repels the energy slightly; flinging away some of the power that would have struck it akin to how it repels the ambient winds from impregnating it. An effect that, like with Gromril, grows more prominent when Runes are applied, but unlike Star Iron, Adamant just needs any Rune on it for that effect to materialize.

The ingot in your hand doesn't react like either of its precursor stages.

Instead you see it begin to faintly shine, shifting through a range of colors you'd see on tempered steel, almost sucking up the energy, when the spell strikes it. That glow doesn't grow or change as more and more spells slam home, but something else does happen. At a certain point you unconsciously straighten your back as you begin to feel something, the bar, take effect. Your thoughts run true and clear as distraction fades, and you can think with a clarity more in line after a long, restful sleep than after enduring the struggles of the past several hours. Pain becomes nothing more than this niggling thing in the back of your mind, anxiety is calmed, and doubts assauged like an Elder calming down the beardlings on the eve before battle.

This Trial can be beaten.

This burden is bearable.

The world could fall on your shoulders and you would not buckle.

All this, you know with an ironclad certainty.

You aren't sure what possesses you to do it, maybe it was this newfound well of strength, maybe it's the quiet indignance of a Runelord hiding behind some rocks, even the simple desire to complete the challenge before you, or maybe some mix of all three; but whatever it is, you find yourself moving out from behind the barrier to face the oncoming storm with head held high and courage beating in your heart.

Spells strike you the moment you expose yourself, and though they impart enough force to jerk you back and forth, to sear flesh and to crack the stony facade of your skin, you force your feet to march forward. Karstah calls after you, but you merely turn your head to lock eyes with your heir and nod at her, never once stopping your march.

You begin fighting back against the onslaught of spells.

Bolts of arcane energy fizzle and die, others are intercepted by walls of stone or deftly deflected so that they either miss entirely or bounce off helplessly as your body subconsciously moves so that they strike at poor angles.

Your walk speeds up.

With each step forward, or perhaps with each spell that strikes the bar held in your hand, things become easier almost. Your body moves with increasing fluidity, your reactions become that much sharper, and your Will swelling as its fed from some unseen source.

As if reacting to your increasing skill, the Trial only grows more ferocious in its assault; flinging more spells, stronger spells, more esoteric spells as you continue your march to the chamber's end.

But as the attacks keep coming, you only feel a growing sense of confusion. there's something off about them.

It feels like a trick of the light, but the attacks seem weaker. Paradoxical, considering your earlier thoughts and the very clear evidence to the contrary, but you cannot shake the feeling that it's true. Your eyes narrow, focusing on one of the myriad of fireballs coming for you. Ignoring the instinctive urge to dispel it, you instead activate your eye and direct most of your attention on it, even to the detriment of your forward progress.


Your eyes widen as you see the fireball's structure destabilize, not by much but enough for you to notice, and physically slow the moment it passes some unseen threshold.

"What was that?" Karstah asks, nearly making you jump.

"You noticed it too then? Well, at least that confirms I'm not going mad from all the blows to my head," you mutter, collecting yourself. "It's the ingot, it looks like it's capable of far more than we may have realized."

"I see. And your eye doesn't give you an inkling as to why?"

You duck under an errant lightning bolt as you reply, "Not a thing."

"That's a shame."

"It is, but even if I don't know why." you use the bar to block a lightning bolt. "We can still take advantage of what its doing."

Your eyes immediately move and stare hard at an incoming beam of luminous energy, watching it slightly disperse and lose coherency just like the fireball did.

If the ingot wanted magic, then you'd give it magic.


"Lord Ironwill," Ylva greets, nodding her head in the younger Dwarf's direction.

"My lady, you have me at a disadvantage," the Runelord answers, eyeing the iconography of their Lord on one of the wagons consideringly, "As does Lord Klausson it seems."

She inclines in head.

"Aye Rhunrikki. Ylva Hearth Hands, I'm the one in charge of this motley lot until our Lord returns."

The Runelord hums in thought.

"There was word of an old prospector's party heading into the depths back in Izril, you wouldn't happen to know who those Dwarfs were would you?" Kazador asks, though both of them know that it was a rhetorical question.

"I would," Ylva says, but offers nothing more.

Kazador makes a sound akin to a laugh before his gaze moves over to see one of the wounded Hearthwardens standing behind her and something akin to sympathy graces his otherwise stoic visage.

"Any words of advice my lady? You have things well in hand it seems, but In exchange, I'll offer aid from me and mine if it would sweeten the pot," he asks, gesturing at the banner that bears his personal sigil that one of his retainers is carrying, the glow of Rhunkul lighting their surroundings.

She glances at Kazador's party quietly. Each Dwarf with him was more heavily armed than any individual Hearthwarden, being covered head to toe in all-concealing suits of Gromril armour, that left all but the tips of their beards exposed. The only group of Dawi more defended were Lady Igna's own followers, but she didn't doubt that if this young man were so inclined he could at least match the quantity of Gromril the other Runelord used.

Perks of being from the Gromril mine of the Karaz Ankor.

"You can ask a question, and based on my answer I'll let you decide how much aid it's worth," she offers, watching the other Dwarf consider for a moment.

"Aye, I suppose that works."

"Ask away then Rhunrikki," she prompts.

You ought to hurry Lord Klausson.


By the time you reach the Chamber's end the number of spells striking you feels honestly endless. Your vision is dominated by a cascade of light, strange effects, and other magical phenomena while your ears are assaulted by such a constant cacophony of noise that it all blends together in a loud roar as the Trial attempts to stop you.

But it doesn't matter.

Not with the bar in your hand, still shimmering the pearlescent tones of heat tempered metal, aiding you. You have grown accustomed to using the ingot as a shield, and when you cannot you dodge. When you cannot dodge, instead you block the blow with Zharrgal's stone walls or Mhorni's body. And where even that fails, you simply take the blow. Finding that even as the spells have grown in power and ferocity they have only become more easy to endure, buoyed as you are by the powers of the ingot the torrent of magic breaks upon you like the tide.

Then, as has happened so many times before, you pass some invisible threshold and find your vision and hearing cleared as the ceaseless barrage unceremoniously empties out like a fully tapped keg.

"You have succeeded," The Dragon rumbles, looking down its snout at you and Karstah.

"Aye we did, what now Drakk?" you reply, looking up at the construct expectantly.

It turns its head towards the exit, as if pointing to it.

"The next chamber lies beyond, the time for idleness comes to a close. Follow the path, it will not take long."

"And you Construct? What's to become of you?" Karstah interjects, curiosity leaking into her voice.

It turns to look at her, gemstone eyes shining with cryptic intent.

"Many fates were prepared for," it eventually replies, voice unchanging, "This one recommends that you not delay further. Another Contender's presence looms just outside the entrance."

Both you and your heir blink.

That certainly came as a shock, but before you can inquire further the golem goes back to staring at the chamber's exit, seemingly ignoring your presence.

You look at Karstah, who only shrugs helplessly.

Turning around, you hold back a sigh as you stare at the distance you'll need to cover again.

At least the both of you weren't being pelted with deadly waves of magic this time.


Perhaps Thungni believed that long winding paths weren't needed this deep into the ordeal for a contender to prove his worthiness, perhaps he simply grew tired of making them.

But true to the Gronti's word, you find yourselves at the next chamber far faster than usual.

The Trial of Warding, from the looks of it, is a return to the earlier chambers; with no door and with its namesake Rune engraved above the entrance. When you enter though there is no sudden onslaught of attacks, no puzzle to solve, no Gronti or cryptic message to make sense of.

Instead it is a plinth with a suspiciously ingot-shaped divot.

You don't need some gut feeling or hard won wisdom to understand what is being asked of you of course, and you, understandably, hesitate a bit to put the bar there, but when push comes to shove you know that for all its wondrous properties and promises the ingot was not the prize of this labyrinth.

Even if it felt like it should be.

All of you watch as the plinth smoothly descends into the ground with the ingot, and you cannot help but feel a final, fleeting wave of sadness when it disappears from view completely.

"What now?" Karstah wonders aloud, causing a wave of agreeing grumbles to erupt from your retainers.

What indeed?

"Thungni's Will will make itself known in short order I imagine," you murmur, eyeing your surroundings cautiously.

True to your word the entire cavern begins to shudder lightly, and before you eyes three Plinths and a plaque rise up from the stone in place where the first once stood. Your eyes immediately hone in on the plaque, the Klinkarhun carved into it lit up by some unseen Rune no doubt.

To claim the Hammer is to claim the seat of one Lost.

To claim the seat of one Lost is to claim Understanding.

To claim Understanding is to understand the Stone and those born from it.

To understand the Stone and those born from it, is to know thus:




And, to your open shock, there on each of the plinths was an exact copy of the ingot. You instinctively move to pull the nearest one from its resting place, but stop yourself when you notice something strange about it.

There is a Rune on this ingot, and when you go to check on the others realize they too have a single Rune carved onto their surfaces.

At a glance they all appear to be the Rune of Warding, but experience and intuition tells you that it isn't so simple as that. So you remove your gauntlet, confusing Karstah, and run it down the surface of each Rune, then two at the same time, and if you could you would have done all three at once as well. Each time you examine them you focus on feeling each Rune's physical structure, the intimate and precise strike marks to help build the image already forming in your mind.

You even used your Eye, not to fruitlessly examine the Runes, but to see if it could reveal any poignant differences in how each one affected the surrounding Winds.

"Karstah!" you bark, eyes not leaving the ingots, "come here lass. Quickly now."

A few seconds and the thumping of boots on stone later, you feel Karstah's braid softly bump into you as she leans in close to what you're looking at.

"Run your hand along it Karstah, feel it and tell me what you think," you instruct quietly.

You feel her confused look, but merely point at the ingot again insistently.

"I need a second opinion Lass, now go!"

Confused as she is, your heir heeds your command and examines each ingot herself, all the while you are patiently watching and waiting to see if she also picks up on what you noticed, quietly placing your ability to believe in your own sanity on her answer.

It takes her a bit longer than you, but you notice the glint in her eye as comprehension dawns and nod when she turns away from the ingots to look at you pointedly.

"None of these are the Rune of Warding." Karstah murmurs quietly, confirming your suspicions.

You nod.


Each ingot is a variant, bearing an infinitesimally minute difference in their construction that even you, a Runelord, almost missed them the first time, and had to confirm after the second and subsequent examinations. One of the Runes had minor alterations done to the section that general consensus believed, based on empirical data and cross-examining the variants Thungni taught to His students, controlled the shape of the Ward's protective field. Another had small, but definitely purposeful, divots along the segment of the Rune that manipulated what it protected against. The final of the three Runes had the least amount of changes done, but what changes were present were all centered around the area where the Rune is first struck, and more importantly where most Runesmiths believed was what controlled how the Rune expended its energy.

That, however, did not explain anything beyond those facts.

To truly know what sort of alterations Thungni did, you would need to know the chant and ingredients that he used, or spend the decades painstakingly discovering that knowledge from reverse engineering the Rune. You do not know this Rune, nor do you have the time to reverse engineer it.

So you'll do the next best thing.

Activate the Runes and see it firsthand.

"Karstah," you say while reaching for your hammer, "step back."

"Can't you just pick them up?" she asks, immediately understanding your intent the minute she sees Zharrgal's head light up.

You pause and consider her point for a moment.


You bring Zharrgal down on the leftmost ingot.


To claim the Hammer is to claim the seat of one Lost.

To claim the seat of one Lost is to claim Understanding.

To claim Understanding is to understand the Stone and those born from it.

To understand the Stone and those born from it, is to know thus:




Create the:

Combo, Dawi: [This Choice, What comes after, What comes last]

Pick 1

[ ] [Warding:] Left.
[Blows against the wearer cause the struck area to become increasingly resistant against that type of damage]

[ ] [Warding:] Center.
[The wearer grows increasingly resistant until all but impervious to the first kind of attack they suffer for the duration of the battle]

[ ] [Warding:] Right.
[The wearer has greatly increased resistance to magical and physical damage as long as they are in contact with stone]

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━​

Rhunrikki - "Rune King/Lord"/ Runelord

I will open the vote in the morning (MST).

AN: Please give this some honest and hard thought! It was supposed to be a shorter update Sorry for the delay! I hope you enjoy, and don't forget to C&C. Also, questions, ask em! :^)
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The Enduring War Rune Pt. 12, Trial of Warding:
Winning Vote: said:
[X] [Warding:] Left.
[Blows against the wearer cause the struck area to become increasingly resistant against that type of damage]

━<><><>< 472 A.P. ><><><>━​

Testing had shown what each Rune had done, but now the question of which one was correct remained.

You read over the first few lines on the plaque quietly again, the words hanging heavily in your mind.

After all, how could they not?

Karaz-Kazak-Rhun on its own was already a prize for the ages, but from what you can infer it seems like Thungni intends whoever claims it to also be the frontrunner for the title of His heir. A title that has, officially at least, remained in contention ever since Durin's death. Mostly on account of Thungni's reticence to discuss the subject with anyone else. In lieu of an official declaration the Guild had defaulted to unofficially recognizing the next eldest of Thungni's line, transferring the title to their sibling upon their death rather than their own heir because of the ambiguity of the situation.

And now, here in front of you, was an answer to that question.

But much as it boggles your mind to simply push such Guild defining considerations aside, you must.

Because the Trial is not yet done, and there is no guarantee that you will claim the Hammer just yet.

So you return your attention to the rest of the plaque's contents.

Taking the Gronti's earlier words into consideration with the plaque, it isn't an outlandish notion to believe that the final two Trials are being mentioned here in some way as well. After all, everything before this moment has been a multifaceted and obtuse mix of separate different statements. The final three words, given their own lines, stand out in particular.

Resist. Overcome. Endure.

What Rune best embodied that? Was it even referring to just one Rune? Perhaps it was both and several other explanations before it.

It feels like an age before you come to a decision.

You tentatively reach for the leftmost ingot and pull it from its resting spot.

"Those born from Stone," could only mean the Dawi of course, and of the three Runes, you reckon that it was the most accurate. Your folk did not need the Stone to endure, for all that it did help, nor did you believe you were all so limited, metaphorically speaking, as the other Rune. Perhaps there was just a smidge of bias leaking through, but the Dawi only grew more mighty with age, wiser with every battle, and like the metal you shaped, hardened after every blow endured.

For a moment you simply hold the ingot there, some part of you wondering if there was going to be some great clarion horn to tell you if you chose correctly or not.

But there is only silence, and the lingering quiet of your own thoughts to accompany you.

Putting the ingot away into one your belt pouches, you nod at Karstah.

"Come along then, we've two Trials left. And I've found myself growing sick of riddles and games."


They spend almost an hour talking, sparring with half truths and carefully bargained aid but eventually Kazador and his company leave Lady Hearth Hands and her allies behind, walking into the Trial with sure, purposeful strides.

As they trek deeper into the cave, far enough that none outside can hear, Gorm speaks to him.

"Kaz' we both know she was stalling us on the Gift Giver's behalf. Why did you let her?"

"You sure he isn't just sweet on that woman?"

"That woman's married, and we all know who Kaz has his eye on Thungur," Gorm banters back.

"Better odds with a married woman than her! Ha!"

Kazador doesn't reply immediately, letting the others get their licks and comments in while he's looking at the tunnels with a critical eye for any sign of trouble. Eventually however he turns to look at his friends, the action making them stop to look at him expectantly.

"She was, and I did," Kazador admits, "But its better to be safe than sorry. She held back a great deal, but she's no Rhunki. A casual offhand comment or two is more than enough to start building a picture," he explains, returning to his staring.

"You risk losing out on that hammer," Gorm points out, garnering several other noises of agreement.

He nods.

"I may very well have, but taking the time to talk to the Kvinn won't tip the scales one way or the other. They departed two months ago Gorm, but Lady Ylva's testimony spoke only of a fraction of that time passing, no more than half a month. She's a former Valkyrie guard, and why even try lying about that besides? More damningly the state of their supplies suggested similarly, there was nowhere near the amount of build up and disturbance from more than a few days worth of roughing it out here too. I'll bet you my shiniest beard ring that there's more to it than them being fastidious about their campsite."

Gorm goes quiet at that revelation, but Thykk barrels on and asks the question everyone else no doubt wonders.

"Then why are we here Kazador, if not for that Hammer?"

"Losing out on the Hammer is a shame, but even if we do? Well, this is an entire complex built by Thungni himself, apparently using Runes of such potency as to injure dozens of the Gift Giver's Hearth Guard, Living Ancestors one and all. Just outside we've firsthand evidence that Thungni has somehow affected the speed of time within an enclosed space, imagine what's within."

He pauses, letting the others ruminate on that thought before he turns around fully to give them all a grim smile.

"So I'll console myself with picking this place apart and learning every scrap of knowledge that I can."


The tunnel connecting to the next Trial is, as the Dragon implied, much shorter than the others before it; the two of you only have to walk for half a minute before coming to the entrance of the next Trial.

You stare at the Rune above the entryway more out of habit at this point, meanwhile your mind is already considering the dozens of possible challenges that Thungni could put you through. The last chamber held no such trial, only a choice, but that may not mean anything at all.

Foolish to believe, but you've faced monsters innumerable, certain death, and failure without flinching over the course of your life. There aren't many things that can terrify you at this point you reckon, but that sort of statement only invites reprisal from the world so you keep it to yourself and keep your mouth shut.

With nothing you're willing to say, you nod at your heir and nod at the door.

The two of you walk in, and again, a plaque and three Runed ingots are there to greet you.

Another nod at your heir later, the two of you walk closer to read what Thungni has inscribed.

To claim the Hammer is to know Truth.

To know Truth is to spurn Falsehood.

To spurn Falsehood is to know Falsehood.

To know Falsehood is to understand the Self.




Create the:

Combo, Dawi: [Rune of Wordly Warding, This Choice, What comes last]

Pick 1

[ ] [Courage:] Left
[The wearer has increased bravery. They become generally aware of spells and items being used to negatively impact their mental state.]

[ ] [Courage:] Center
[The wearer's physical abilities rise in proportion to the level of natural and artificial fear they feel/are subjected to, up to double their natural peak]

[ ] [Courage:] Right
[The wearer has increased bravery. Casting the Rune renders the caster and nearby allies fearless for ten minutes but they are subjected to the fear they would have otherwise felt after the fact]

Previously Chosen:
Rune of Wordly Warding: [Blows against the wearer cause the struck area to become increasingly resistant against that type of damage]

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━​

Kvinn - Lady
Rhunki - Runesmith

There will be a three-hour long moratorium for discussion.

AN: There was a lot more to this update, but I decided to remove it. This entire thing fought me hard I must admit, I wrote and rewrote it maybe 4 times before I settled on this. Im not happy, but Im refusing to get stuck in a rut. Sometimes it just be how it be. Its very short, and I apologize for that. Please don't forget to C&C :^L
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The Enduring War Rune Pt. 13, Trial of Courage:
Winning Vote: said:
[X] [Courage:] Left.
[The wearer has increased bravery. They become generally aware of spells and items being used to negatively impact their mental state.]

━<><><>< 472 A.P. ><><><>━​
Like before, you look to the poem before you for some clue on how to proceed.

The thing that immediately draws your attention are the alterations to the poem. Not just the parts that have been changed, but the fact that so much of the original structure remains the same otherwise. It all but guarantees the theory that you also need to consider this Trial, the one before and likely the one after are all connected in your mind. The actual lines themselves are straightforward enough, or at least one of their many possible meanings was straightforward.

To understand the self was to remove all falsehood.

From where? Your environment, your perception, your own understanding? All had an element of truth to them, and like before you're sure Thungni means for all of them to be true on some level.

Beyond that, you had to wonder what else constituted "Falsehood," in Thungni's eyes. Doubt? This was, after all, the Trial of Courage. Even if Thungni had forgone any actual challenge for you to face beyond making the right choice, you doubt it no longer mattered either.

Even with that ambiguity clouding your judgement, when you look at the three choices one in particular stands out as the best match for the message you think the riddle is trying to convey.

So you choose it.

Because of the previous Trial, you didn't expect anything to happen to you when you pulled this ingot from its pedestal, and that laxness is what damns you. Almost the moment you peel it from its pedestal the Rune reacts, and begins to glow with brilliant and dazzling light.

Then your mind is forcefully dragged away elsewhere.


You watch two scenarios play out simultaneously; experiencing two entirely different perspectives both separately and at once, unable to do anything more than watch them play out from the prison of your own mind.

In both, you are at your desk writing letters to Jorri. In both you are interrupted by a knock on the door that makes you turn away and beckon them to come in.

In one vision, you see an unfamiliar young woman with painfully familiar blonde hair and your eyes, in the other you see your heir when she was in her thirties, her crimson braids still vibrant with youth.

The stranger is happy, but exasperated, in the other Karstah is pensive, cautious.

"Father!/Master Klausson," they say, "Ma says dinner's ready!/Dinner is ready."

You grumble, kindly in the former, dismissive in the other.

"Eat without me, I need to finish this letter to your uncle/my brother." you tell them.

"You know ma won't like that!" the blonde girl says, a frown gracing her face. Karstah's face doesn't so much fall, but her shoulders slump and she lingers at the entrance.

In one scene a vision of loveliness walks up behind the girl, older than she ever actually got to be in reality, with a soft frown maring her face. In that world, you are cajoled and prodded into finally doing what you knew you wanted to do the entire time. It plays out like a ritual that's been rehearsed plenty of times, one similar to the one you are sure so many other families no doubt practice.

It feels wrong to be witness to it.

In the other, the real memory, you turn away, putting the interaction out of your mind. The sound of thumping can be heard as Karstah walks off after closing the door quietly behind her while you continue writing to Jorri.


You blink in confusion as the scene fades abruptly, and you're dragged back into what you presume is reality.

What was-?

Shaking your head, you turn around to see what grabbed you, but only see a blurry pair of eyes looking back at you. Everything is shifting between the vision and reality, and it disorients you fiercely.

"What happened Master?" Karstah asks worriedly.

You try to tune out the environment and focus your gaze on your heir, only to blink in surprise when you see the other version of her stare back at you. Gone is the tapestry of Drakk imagery, in its place is a suit of Adamant much like your own, the Master Rune of Unyielding glowing proudly in the center of the chestplate while a familiar cape hangs from her shoulders. Her hammers morph into an axe and shield and back again with every blink you make. But most strangely of all, you realize that sometimes her hair was a painfully familiar gold, braided into two wide plaits draping down either side of her face, and her eyes shared the same shade as your own.

"I don't rightfully know daughter/child," you murmur, blinking away the after image and growing frustrated as Karstah's appearance continues to alternate between the two.

"Father/Master," Karstah asks, two different but similar voices layered over atop eachother in your mind, "What's wrong?"

You involuntarily step back from her, confused by what's happening and struggling to put your thoughts in order.

"I don't- what is going on…"

"What do you mean?" your heir/daughter asks, pale grey/blue eyes looking at you worriedly, "What do you see? What's the Rune done to you?"

"The Rune, yes. The Rune." you mutter to yourself with almost frantic desperation, "It must be why I'm seeing this."

Ignoring Karstah's concerned words you turn back and stare into the Rune, blinking away the tears as the light grows blinding once more.


You're back here again, trapped in your mind.

You watch two scenarios play out simultaneously.

In one, the young woman from before is older now, perhaps fifty. She labours beneath your stern gaze, the telltale signs of a Rune being forged. In the other, an equally young Karstah does the same.

You sniff critically as both Karstah and this figment of your imagination make the same mistake.

Both times you stop the girls and tell them what they did wrong, in one you are kinder about it than the other. You do not need to watch to know which was which.

The better version of you encourages your child, you do not do the same to Karstah. It shows you with the way you ought to have acted, could have acted, if you are a better man. If you weren't so willfully blind of implication and direction.

If she was alive.

If Karstah was her daughter.

You struggle to take control of the illusion, fighting against whatever has its hold on you with increasing ferocity until—.

—a mental pop, followed by the smell of burning boar, and the screech of shearing metal.

What's happening to him this time, Karstah wonders quietly.

Her master's body randomly twitches every so often, and occasionally droplets of molten blood leak from his nose, sizzling and singeing the stone when they hit the floor. The Runes on Barak Azamar flare out and dim constantly, making the droplets stop for a moment, but then Master Snorri twitches again and they begin dripping out again.

It's not a pretty sight, downright concerning if she had the luxury to panic. Its clear that subjecting himself to the Rune is causing some sort of damage to his mind and body, significant enough that his armour is struggling to heal him.

But she's already tried pulling him away once before, and look where that had gotten her! Master Snorri seemingly caught in a state of absolute delusion, muttering nonsense and acting as if he had lost his wits before saying something about the Rune and subjecting himself to its effects a second time.

Tearing her gaze away from her teacher, Karstah eyes the source of her frustration petulantly.

That damn hammer better be there, or so help her she'd tear this entire place down to its foundations.


The visions of the girl end after your attempt to wrest control, and you are now watching a different memory.

You're reading a letter this time, by a Runelord from Izril. In it, you go through the effort of systematically rebuffing his declarations that you have damned the Guild by announcing Khazagar's creation.

Somewhere in the depths of your mind you're beginning to piece things together.

That reply done, you put away the letter and move on to the next one. If memory serves correctly it should be a particularly colourful rant from a Zornish Runelord that does everything short of calling you an Unbaraki.

Your memory moves on to the next letter in the pile, but instead of a Zornish tirade, you see a different sigil.

It is the personal mark of Alric Thungnisson.

This false memory of yourself hesitates, but eventually opens the letter to read whatever the son of Thungni has to say.

It is no damning indictment, nor some mark of praise.

Instead this facsimile of Alric asks you questions. Ones that make your gut clench because they were the very questions you had no satisfying answer to.

Why teach these Masters instead of taking on more apprentices? They weren't mutually exclusive paths. What benefit did you gain limiting yourself to just one?

Why extend your reach so far, why create so grandiose a facility and then immediately turn around and scream to the world you aren't attempting to co-opt the Guild? Were considerations made for what it could spiral into? An arms race, the letter warns, was inevitable.

Why force this change upon tradition?

Alric does not accuse you of schism, nor does he even insinuate it.

Instead he writes his supposed thoughts plainly.

You lie to yourself, about the truth of what you desire and believe. You tell the world that these changes are needed to safeguard Dwarfkind, to preserve the knowledge of our Ancestors and the work of our Guild. And to your credit those words sing somewhat true.

But that wasn't all, was it? Our ways did what you claimed, but not to
your standards did they? Teaching apprentices is not enough, you must teach every Master. To spread your knowledge faster, farther, to teach them the right way. You smother and coddle those around you with gifts and trinkets, always intervening, always meddling because you do not trust them to do it properly. Defence in Depth, your overpreparation, your very title, Gift Giver, says all that need be said.

You do not trust them.

Not our traditions. Not our people. Not your colleagues. Not your family. Not even

Why should you? They all failed when you needed them most.

So you grasp, blindly, desperately, to ensure what befell you does not happen to anyone else.

You will smother them all to satisfy yourself.

It will damn the Guild, it will damn the Karaz Ankor, when the day comes that you push too far everything shatters in your hands. And I want to tell it to you plainly, because either you don't know, or more concerningly, you do and you do not

You know these are not the words of Alric Thungnisson, that the Rune uses him only as a mouthpiece for another's thoughts and fears. No, these are not his…

"But mine," you murmur, finally taking control of the illusion fully as you fold the letter up and put it to the side.

These are your thoughts. Your worries. Buried deep, so much so that you almost believed them conquered, but the Rune has dredged them up to show you, to pick at these scars until they bleed. An inelegant method of doing it, and nothing like what you expect from Thungni.

But perhaps that wasn't the point.

"Is this what you wish for me to learn, Lord Thungni? To remind me of my faults, to temper my pride?" you ask the empty room.

There is no thundering voice that sounds like it comes from all around you, no affirmation or denial of your words, nor did you expect any to begin with.

Only the crackle of the hearth and the beating of your heart.

Without any warning, you feel something forcefully drag you out of this simulacrum and back to reality.


A sudden gasping breath makes Karstah turn her gaze away from the plinth towards her Master.

He looks…tired.

"Master Snorri, are you alright?"

Her teacher doesn't immediately reply, instead taking deep, gasping breaths for another half minute before his breathing eventually evens out and he slowly turns to answer her. She can immediately tell something is off from the way he looks at her; for just a moment his eyes are guarded and cautious like he's expecting something else, but he relaxes when he doesn't find it.

"I don't know child," he admits, maybe more to himself than her, "I think that's still up in the air."


He blinks, as if finally realizing she was there, then shakes his head.

"Nevermind all tha—" he pauses again, eyeing her oddly. "—I can't honestly answer you right now. But at least I can see this through to the end."

She frowns lightly, unhappy at her teacher's feelings on the matter.

"Master, if you need to rest then we can wait here," Karstah offers, "Karaz-Kazak-Rhun isn't good to anyone if you crippled yourself getting it."

"You could carry it," he suggests with a shrug as if the idea wasn't abject insanity, "I am not the only one taking this Trial. Besides, I think I've done enough introspection for a little bit."

Karstah murmurs exasperated curses under her breath, before she gives him a pointed stare.

"Alright Master, but this isn't over."


The next chamber doesnt even bother with the already threadbare theatrics of the previous two Trials, instead the plinths are already standing in the center of the room waiting for you and Karstah to approach. You and Karstah oblige it despite your newfound reservations, cautiously walking close enough that the Klinka carved into the lead plinth is legible.

To claim the Hammer is to claim the seat of one Lost.

To claim the seat of one Lost is to embody Us.

To embody Us is to be Dawi

To be Dawi is to—




Combo, Dawi: [Rune of Wordly Warding, Rune of Inner Courage, This Choice]

Pick 1

[ ] [Stone:] Left
[Improves general toughness. Wearer's willpower and durability is added to nearby allies]

[ ] [Stone:] Center
[Improves general toughness. Wearer's mental resilliance cannot be negatively affected by any outside sources]

[ ] [Stone:] Right
[Improves general toughness. Wearer's endurance and durability increase proportionately to their willpower]

Previously Chosen:
Rune of Wordly Warding: [Blows against the wearer cause the struck area to become increasingly resistant against that type of damage]
Rune of Inner Courage: [The wearer has increased bravery. They become generally aware of spells and items being used to negatively impact their mental state.]

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━​

Klinka - Shorthand for Klinkarhun, the Dwarf Alphabet.

Unbaraki - Oathbreaker, there is nothing worse in Dwarf estimation
There will be a three-hour long moratorium for discussion.

AN: A day late. I sorta got some of the Snorri trauma I wanted to include last update in here so Im happier than with the other one. Anyway, hope you enjoy. We're so close! One update left if you got/get this combo right! Also, don't forget to C&C. :^)
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The Enduring War Rune Pt. 14, Trial of Stone:
Winning Vote: said:
[X] [Stone:] Right
[Improves general toughness. Wearer's endurance and durability increase proportionately to their willpower]

━<><><>< 472 A.P. ><><><>━​

Thungni was deliberate, you suppose, in choosing the Rune of Stone to be the last in this long, painful sequence. The first Rune discovered, the first Rune learned. The foundation of your life, your Clan, and your Guild. During this Trial, and this Trial alone your Ancestor asks you a simple question.

What is a Dwarf?
Ask a thousand Dwarfs and you will receive a thousand answers. Some aggrandizing, some cynical, most somewhere in between.

You shake your head and focus on the the Runes. The leftmost Rune, you rule it out. For all the message it sends, you know your people and the dark past they overcame. The need for community maybe it could be innate, but history has shown how fractured your people can be. The communal spirit that builds and binds the Karaz Ankor was and is fought for, cultivated and grown like Wutroth.

The center Rune, well it immediately feels like the wrong answer to this question. To not react to the world, to whats happening around you is the height of apathy or madness. What you do in the face of it, that is what matters.

That leaves the last Rune. Immediately it reads the truest "answer" of the three to you. It feels—

—using nothing but your Will to keep going—

—It feels right.

Once bitten and twice shy, you quickly pluck the Rune from the plinth and eye the room warily, waiting for the other boot to drop. Both you and Karstah cautiously step back once, then again, and again, never once relaxing as you make your way past the plinths to the other end of the room.

But nothing happens.

Instead, when you come to the path out of the chamber you see that it's blocked by an imposing wall of what looks like Pure Gromril. And there, smack dab in the center, even highlighted by a lovely golden trim around the edges, are three indentations that matched the exact shape of the ingots in your possession. The corresponding symbol of the Runes were, you realize as you examine it, even engraved in them as well. Giving you instructions that were about as clear as they could be without shouting in your ears.

Three spaces.

Three Runes.

Did you choose correctly?

You pass one of the Runes to Karstah with a nod, and the two of you move to put them in their corresponding spot.

Karstah goes first, lining up the ingot before pushing it in as deep as it can go. She steps away, and you see that the bar fits the space without any visible gaps, fully flush with the rest of the wall. Then, you see the Rune on the ingot flare briefly then do nothing at all. When you do the same with the second ingot, pushing in the ingot with a surprising lack of resistance, it does the same as the Rune of Warding, briefly flaring in intensity before returning to its usual level of brightness. The lack of response is worrisome, but you put the anxiety aside and quickly put the last ingot into place before you and Karstah step back and wait.
Observations from all nodes are collected.
Each Rune flashes in order from left to right. Warding, followed by Courage, and then Stone.
Examination of the data is made.
You watch it repeat the sequence several more times, the delay between the flash of one Rune and the next growing shorter and shower with each pass.
Deliberation of results occurs.
The delay between flashes eventually grows so small that it seems all three Runes are glowing in tandem. Their light remained steady for several minutes.
Calibrations are concluded.
Until the entire slab of Gromril, the ingots still inside, suddenly begins to glow brighter as well, casting a stark blind light that forces you to close your eyes.

Fearing the worst, you activate Barak Azamar and move to stand in front of Karstah, but before you can smack the adjacent wall with your hammer and put a barrier of stone between you and the door, the light subsides as suddenly as it appeared.

You open your eyes, and to your absolute astonishment, find the door gone with no hint of its existence remains. To be sure you even use Zharrgal and pull apart several meters worth of the surrounding stone like putty to see if the door had simply moved and been covered up, but you find absolutely nothing. The only thing stopping you from spending more time looking is Karstah, who points down the newly revealed hallway insistently.

"The ingots weren't the prize, and neither was the door. It's what's behind it, Master Snorri," she says plainly.

You want to argue, to keep looking, to grab those ingots, but you push such unbecoming thoughts aside and acknowledge your heir's point.

"Bah," you grouse before letting out a long, forlorn sigh. "Aye lass you're right. Come along then, let me just put this back the way it was and we'll be off."

So, as much as it stings to lose out on all that metal, you must continue on.

That doesn't stop you from turning back to glare at the space where the door once stood before you do so.

Thungni, it seemed, was a smidge stingy about those bars.


Tools are the way your folk shape this world, and a good craftsman uses the right tool for the right job. For most craftsmen that meant having a large array of tools to do the right job, and if they didn't then they either upgraded an existing tool, or made a new one for it. It's a universal enough experience that most Guilds had a joke about the topic that boiled down to "You can tell how skilled someone is by how many tools they have to do the same job."

Folk either embraced the idea whole cloth and grew their collection as surely as they grew the gold in their hoard or the length of their beard or plaits, while others did their best to make versatile pieces that could manage a variety of tasks. Regardless, it was fairly safe to say that the amount of tools you had almost always went up as you got older and the scope of your abilities grew. After all, a Dwarf's starting set of tools wasn't meant to last them their whole careers, and any Elder that told you he used the same hammer since he was an apprentice was probably forgetting to mention how many times he'd replaced the shaft or swapped out the head. Precious few things are eternal, even less are eternal and unchanging.

But now you're about to see one of those few things that are.

As you come to the next room, you find no door barring your way from seeing what was inside. A hexagonal chamber, walls bereft of any decoration, with a single shaft of light coming down directly on the center of the entire space.

And there under its gaze, resting innocently on a pedestal of virgin stone, is the reward for all of your troubles.


With it, Thungni made the weapons and armour of the most legendary heroes, built monuments and creations that bedeviled and confounded even the eldest of His children, and slew more monsters than there were stars in the sky.

You and Karstah unknowingly stop at the room's threshold, instinctively reverent of what you see, before the two of you realize what you're doing and move.

There are no words shared.

Only the quiet thud of leaden footsteps as you make your way towards the hammer.

Master Yorri always told you that a craftsman worried about three factors when creating something: if he had the right tools, if he had the right material, and if he had the skill. Shoddy tools meant he worried about all three, good tools meant he only worried about only material and skill, and the greatest tools could let a Dwarf make gold from pyrite. That, "if you had the right tools and the right maker," the only thing stopping you was your own imagination.

Of course he also followed that up by reminding your younger self that it was the quality of the wielder that really mattered in that equation. And that a great craftsman, like himself, could do more with rock and stone than a poor one, like you, could with Karaz-Kazak-Rhun.

You doubted that Master Yorri ever considered that you would probably ever be able to test that theory.

In front of you, less than an arm's length away, was Thungni's personal hammer, and you're close enough now to tell just how beyond you it actually is.

A one handed war hammer with a handle of dark-stained Wutroth exactly forty-nine centimeters long, and a head and end cap of pure Gromril. Lengths of Silver wire used all along the handle's surface to create the pattern of diamond braided leather, broken up by five equally spaced bands of Gromril inset with Turquoise Sapphires between head and end cap. The head is a piece of Gromril twenty-one centimeters long from face to claw. The head is decorated simply, with inlaid lines of blackened Gromril and inset Turquoise Sapphires to create images of Valaya the Warder and Grungni the Smith respectively on each cheek, and four crisscrossing spirals down the length of the claw. You've seen and interacted with the recreations used by the Runesmith Clans enough that you know the look of it by heart.

You know this hammer, were told stories of it and its wielder since you were a boy, beheld it countless times over the course of your millennium and change of life, and have examined its replica so much that you know every part of it short of the Runes inscribed on it.

It should not astound you at this point.

And yet when you stare at the original, with all Seven of its Runes, you are understandably awed.

Glittering golden, and only further contrasted by the diagonal border of blackened Gromril framing each one, the Runes are a thing of brilliant beauty.

None alive save Thungni know how they are made, nor what each one exactly does for certain, but every young Runesmith knows their names.

Where His Ancestor Rune would be on the replica, Thungni's Master Rune of Grounding dominates the hammer's face, while the Master Rune of Precision flanks the left side, followed by the Runes of Breaking and Flamecraft, and the Master Rune of Craftsmanship, Rune of Forgecraft and Rune of Metalcrafts does the same for the right.

Seven Runes, on Gromril when you cannot even manage four on Adamant.

It humbles as surely as it inspires.

And somehow, you and Karstah have reached it.

Speaking of, you turn your head to look at your heir and find her staring back at you expectantly.

With a final nod, you reach out with your hand and grasp the hammer's handle.

Some part of you expects there to be a great torrent of magic, some deep, rumbling voice proclaiming to the world of your deeds, or other such gestures of success.

But when you lift the hammer off its resting place, the Runes on it blazing briefly to life before settling down as you do so, there is…


And then the cavern begins to quake.

The Construct duly acknowledges the conclusion of the Trial, and with a final, restive sigh returns to lifeless stone that is soon shattered by a falling boulder as the animating fragment within leaves, returning to the whole it was cleaved from.

At the epicenter of the event, the Gift Giver, his heir, and the Hearth Guard that were waiting for them three chambers back are subjected to the ten most terrifying minutes of their lives as they stumble and run their way through a collapsing cavern as Trial chambers are shaken apart and the earth fills the gap behind them. Klausson is swinging Zharrgal hither dither as he runs, making stone pillars and braces jut out from the ground and walls to shore up the crumbling path. His heir, handed the Ancestor's hammer by her teacher for safekeeping, and the Hearthwardens trailing right behind him.

Kazador is quietly examining the Runes on currently pinned Gronti when he and the others are knocked over by the sudden onset of movement. Shaking his head clear, he looks over to the Gronti, and sees it has crumbled completely. With a word, he and his party briskly jog their way back to the exit, finding themselves immediately outside of the cavern despite having walked for hours.

Ylva nearly stumbles when the first tremor comes from the cavern. Catching herself on a wagon, she begins shouting for the wounded to be loaded up and the wagons to be driven away from whatever's happening. She turns to see Kazador Ironwill and his retinue jog out from a cloud of dust kicked up by the rumbling cavern.

Both reach a safe enough distance away where, for some strange reason, the shaking is barely felt, watching and feeling the earth make its displeasure known. Ylva lets out a sigh of relief when she sees the silhouettes

In Izril an almost imperceptible tremor is felt by the populace as the great array of stabilizing Runes disperses the tectonic energy that Thungni's Runes safely directed up from the collapsing cavern below. Causing nothing more than a few drunk Dawi to sway a bit harder than usual.


You didn't expect to see anyone besides the Hearth Guard out here.

Kazador Ironwill looks your way impassively, though you see his eyes flick over to Karstah, or more accurately the hammer in her hands, every so often.

"Lord Ironwill," you greet with a firm nod, accepting Karaz-Kazak-Rhun from Karstah, "You were also given a riddle then?"

"Aye," he says with a nod, "a few years before, I received a cryptic letter from an anonymous source that I can show you later. I imagine you received the same one."

A part of you thinks about telling him that you got yours nearly a century ago, but that doesn't seem necessary.

"I got this riddle from a book, but I reckon they come from the same source," you reply.

"I would agree with that conclusion, Lord Gift Giver. So that's it then?" he prompts, nodding at a still winded Karstah.

"Aye," you confirm.

"Then it's as I expected, we arrived just in time to see the winner claim his prize," Kazador says good naturedly before turning his gaze to the still dissipating cloud of dust behind you. "Shame I couldn't spend more time examining the Runes in those chambers."

You find yourself nodding in agreement.

"Thungni doesn't believe we need a leg up like that I suppose,"

Kazador hums in contemplation before turning back to look at you.

"What then Lord Klausson, are you going to do? Was that hammer the only prize you claimed from that place? Aside from your observations too, obviously."

You're about to say what you read on the plinth, to tell him that whosoever wields this hammer was the heir of Thungni, the Glitter-eyed, the Lord of all Runes, Wondermaker and many more titles besides.

But you hesitate.

Is that truly the fate you desire? To be the heir of Thungni is more than just a title. You would be Thungni, in all ways, to be forever in his shadow until you fit it like a hand does a glove. Because that is what you were taught and what you believe, and you could not accept anything less. Just as Snorri Whitebeard is Grungni's Heir. Just as Karstah is yours.

Snorri Klausson would be known forever for his relation to Thungni, of taking up His mantle.

Rather than forging his own.

What height of hubris this must sound like to an outside, to think you could ever achieve anything greater, or even as great as the Ancestors.

But some infinitely small part of you, that proud and egotistical spark that shames and drives you in equal measure, the part that influenced you to build Khazagar, to almost kill yourself on the Anvil balks at the idea of not even trying.


Yet, the rest of you knows what such a position could bring. With the title of heir, precious few could contest your will. It would make your life so much easier, help you improve the Karaz Ankor, if you took on this responsibility. What more could Khazagar do without threat of censure. What could be learned by pushing for a better, more standardized Runesmiths Guild?

And what would be lost?

Choose the Turn of Fate:

[ ] Claim the Title of Heir: [Cost: ???] Gain title: Heir of Thungni, ??? You claim a position that has remained in doubt since Durin died. By Thungni's word, the hammer you would now wield confirms that you are His Heir. Elevating your authority to that of the Ancestor's eldest children, living or dead. You would not, could not be a tyrant of course, but still.

[ ] Refuse the Title of Heir: [Cost: Nothing] Gain ???. You will take up this hammer, you will use it, but you are your own Dwarf with your own goals. The burden of carrying Thungni's Will, of being His Heir, is one you choose not to carry. Someone or no one can claim it for all you care, but it will not be you.

━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━

- Gain Ancestral Artefact, Karaz-Kazak-Rhun, new Research unlocked!
-- His hammer. With it in hand Thungni has crafted uncountable wonders and slain innumerable foes. Now it is in your possession.

- Ancestral Artefact, Karaz-Kazak-Rhun: [Rune of Flamecraft, Rune of Breaking, Master Rune of Precision,Thungni's Master Rune of Grounding, Master Rune of Craftsmanship, Rune of Forgecraft, Rune of Metalcraft]
-- The weapon has 2 Combos. The Runes are so entwined that you cannot determine which effects come from which Runes. Only revealed and unstruck mechanical effects are active.
--- The hammer absorbs the Winds of Magic around it, both passively from the environment and by striking something, including manifestations of magic or the magic within an object, bypassing the vessel if they so choose.
—— Can negate an equipment ability for one Round every Round.
—— All Enemy Spells will suffer -25 automatically
--- The hammer eventually converts any Winds it absorbs into Deep Magic that the wielder can use to either empower the hammer or channel into other objects, creatures or Runes with another strike.
—— Rune items made by this hammer can draw on Deep Magic.
—— Runes created by this hammer are almost entirely immune to passive wear and tear and are very resistant to mundane and magical sabotage.
--- The hammer gives its wielder near total control of the kinetic and thermal energy around the surface it strikes and the energy from the strike itself. Letting them manipulate the physical deformation of the blow and the nearby heat within the object.
—— deal 1 damage to equipment regardless, roll DC 20, 30, 35 to add 1 damage depending on item quality
--- The wielder gains more knowledge of their creations' physical construction and other mundane properties, including its flaws, as they continue to strike it. When striking the work of others the former effect is weaker, and the latter stronger.
—— deal 1 damage to equipment regardless, +1 damage to item damage roll.
—— -1 total cost to all [Simple] Research options, or -2 total cost for Metal [Simple] Research options under "Material Research."
--- The wielder receives faint visions of a work's final form and possible futures when striking with the hammer as they make it.
--- The wielder's strikes can never fumble. They can only be dodged, get blocked or hit exactly as they intend. Effects that change the wielder's accuracy are almost completely negated.
—— Snorri can negate one Loss every 2 rounds in combat.
—— Ties now count as Wins in combat.
--- The wielder has vastly increased speed, awareness and endurance when in an area they subconsciously claim as their Workshop or Forge.
—— +1 general action If the wielder does not personally go on an [Expedition] or campaign that turn
—— +3 Progress to any [Simple] Crafting option, or +2 Progress to Pt. 2 of any [Difficult] Request option, that the wielder puts atleast 1 general action towards.
-- Ancestor's Touch: Created by Thungni Grungnisson, Ancestor of all Runesmiths, this weapon was designed with His wisdom, built by His hand, and wielded longer than recorded history. It is as much a part of Him as any of His limbs. Metaphorically, of course.
-- Ancestral Artefact: Crafted by Thungni. This weapon is of immense material and cultural Value to both the Karaz Ankor and the Runesmiths Guild especially. Great is the honour to wield it, greater still is the responsibility that comes with it.
—— +2 Standing with the Runesmiths Guild [NULL]
—— -4 Standing with all Karaz Ankor and Dwarfs + other consequences if Karaz-Kazak-Rhun is ever lost.
-- Barak-Ungor: Built with the knowledge plucked from the Glittering Realm, despite His talent, Thungni has made few things as mighty as His personal hammer. The weapon leaks Deep Magic like spring water from an aquifer.
—— All Rune items near this item have increased recharge rate.
—— All Rune items near this item are vastly resistant to enemy magic or tampering.
-- Wondermaker: Either by expectation or fate, this hammer shall make only the finest works of craftsmanship. To do any less is to shame Thungni.
—— If the wielder works on [Difficult] Requests with this hammer, they can only be fulfilled with Legendary Creations.
-- Grudgeboon: The weapon seems to strike truer and harder against the enemies of Dwarfkind.
—— Double all active Combat Rolls bonuses gained from a Grudge.
-- Aethyrbane: Daemons, Apparitions, Elementals and beings like them feel a constant, physical pain from being in its presence. Through some unknown property, Karaz-Kazak-Rhun denies those not born of this realm.
—— +20 vs Daemons, Magical Entities and Elemetals.

- New Runes/ Combos Unlocked!
-- New Rune unlocked! Rune of Worldly Warding: [Blows against the wearer cause the struck area to become increasingly resistant against that type of damage]
-- New Rune unlocked! Rune of Inner Courage: [The wearer has increased bravery. They become generally aware of spells and items being used to negatively impact their mental state.]
-- New Rune unlocked! Rune of Defiant Stone: [Improves general toughness. Wearer's endurance and durability increase proportionately to their willpower]
-- New Combo unlocked! Combo, Dawi: [Rune of Worldly Warding, Rune of Inner Courage, Rune of Defiant Stone] All buffs to general toughness and endurace grow in proportion to the wearer's willpower and bravery. Repeated/Continued exposure to spells and items that negatively impact their mental state cause them to become increasingly resistant to those effects. The courage to stare at a world that wishes you dead, then scoff in its face and swear to take it down with you.

- Epiphanies!
-- +2 Progress to Akazit Pt. 2
-- +2 Progress to The Secrets of Storage Pt. 2
-- +1 Progress to The Secrets of Light Pt. 2
-- +6 Progress to The Mind of Things Pt. 6
-- +4 Progress to The Rune Metal Pt. 7
-- +3 Progress to The Movement of Things Pt. 6b, The Body
-- +3 Progress to The Movement of Things Pt. 6c, The Soul
-- +3 Progress to The Movement of Things Pt. 7:
━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Karaz-Kazak-Rhun - "Enduring War Rune"/ the Runehammer of Thungni

There will be a sixteen-hour long moratorium for discussion.

Sorry for the long, LONG, delay. A lot of moving and travelling this August. Like way more than expected! Anyways, I hope the hammer was worth the wait. I think its nice at least. As always, please don't forget to C&C. :^)
Last edited:
Turn 57:
You can't spell Warhammer without Ham.

Winning Vote: said:
[X] Refuse the Title of Heir: [Cost: Nothing] Gain ???. You will take up this hammer, you will use it, but you are your own Dwarf with your own goals. The burden of carrying Thungni's Will, of being His Heir, is one you choose not to carry. Someone or no one can claim it for all you care, but it will not be you.
[Improves general toughness. Wearer's endurance and durability increase proportionately to their willpower]
[X] [Adamant:] Offer each of them a shard of Voidstone and loan enough Adamant [x10] to make a Greater Smelter. The Adamant will be repaid once the smelter is built.
[X] [Karaz-Kazak-Rhun:] Go together: [Cost: 1 general, retainer and heir action next turn.]

━<><><>< 472 A.P. ><><><>━​

You stare at Kazador.

A thousand different arguments seem to swirl in your mind all at once, each one vying for dominance, each one shouting down the others and being shouted down in turn.

One memory in particular rises to the surface.

…We don't have the luxury of Grungni or Valaya to guide us, and the world certainly won't wait for them to make the trek up to do so…

Do you tell him? Yes, a part of you rumbles. This was what Thungni wished, was it not? To bear the hammer in your hand is to bear the burden of responsibility. A trade you have made for the Karaz Ankor, for your people over and over again without complaint or hesitation.

So it should feel natural to do so again.

…wish it or not, it appears the world has demanded I stand up to the challenge…

To tell him of the poems on those stones, now lost, and what you think they mean.

To tell him of the burden you feel you have been told to carry.

To become the heir of the Ancestor.

To face the struggles that will no doubt arise as the Runesmiths Guild reels from the idea.

To hold a position of such influence that even the High King, the heir and son of Grungni, must account for you.

To make uncountable arguments and decisions of such consequence that it will make the sleepless nights and anxiety around Khazagar feel so small in comparison.

To make true, lasting change for the betterment of the Karaz Ankor.

To face the resistance both within and without making those changes would no doubt bring.

To guide something that is both all at once a Guild, Cult and Clan and not any of them as Thungni would.

To do everything you can to hold it together as you do so.

But— and here your Will wavers

—Is that true?

Is the wielder of the hammer intended to be Thungni's heir? Is it truly what Thungni wishes?

A madman's thought, or a coward's if you were uncharitable, but you must ask it. In the absence of certainty, in the face of such a monumental choice nothing can be taken for granted.

Is your interpretation correct? You can see no other real answer from the poems yourself, but you know you're in a position to benefit greatly from your interpretation. You try and consider other ways to see it. The only other possibility that could come close to being worth considering was the idea of the wielder being just Durin's heir. But in the eyes of the Guild, Durin was Thungni's heir and so that meant little difference practically speaking. Did Thungni think differently? He never said, as was His way. But now more than ever you wish He had. Here and now, wielding His hammer in your hands you cannot help but feel frustrated at both yourself and your forefather for this situation. Atleast the ambiguity around something like the Rule of Pride was unlikely to sunder the Guild, despite the arguments and Grudges it caused.

But this?

But you?

Maybe if you didn't so flagrantly bend even your own lax interpretation of the Rule of Pride in the eyes of so many. Maybe if you hadn't given the Brana those Runes. Maybe if you hadn't put it upon yourself to organize the Runesmiths of the North during the Siege and plant those early suspicions. Maybe if you hadn't fueled those flames with your announcements and by building Khazagar. Maybe if you had been a more conventional Runesmith. Maybe if Thungni had actually been straightforward with his words so that no one could doubt you.

Maybe if you simply hadn't been Snorri Klausson then this choice would be easy.

But you are. You are Snorri Klausson.

And that is the true crux of it. Isn't it? The wellspring that this trickle of doubt spills from.

Because it is you.

Because it should be someone like Alric Thungnisson, a man who has won the universal respect of every Runesmith. The oldest living child of Thungni, who learned at His feet alongside Durin and unofficially carried the burden of heirhood since the latter's loss. Who worked alongside him, who was privy to the Ancestor's private thoughts, the one among those alive who knew Him best.

Because it should not be some half crippled radical, iconoclast if you wanted to be rude, who dwelt in the Far North. A veritable madman who acted without obvious rhyme or reason and seemed all too happy dancing between literal and political ruin with every act he commited himself to. That wasn't a man you expected, or even really wanted to be the heir of Thungni, and you and he were one in the same! The risk, the potential damage someone like that could cause the Guild simply by being the heir was frightening.

But did Thungni care about that though?

Even with your faith in the Ancestor stretched as it is, even you know such a question is just a formality. Of course He had, It was Thungni. Yet you must ask. At the very least He must have considered what you may do or cause. Even if Kazador's presence proves you weren't the only one He chose, thought capable of burden, the fact that you were in contention must mean something mustn't it?

After all, the Ancestor left His hammer in that cave knowing you could be the one to find it, gave you the book that led you to it even. Left them, left those damned poems, knowing you would read His words, and in all likelihood know what message you would take from them. It must mean He was comfortable with the idea. Surely?

So you can safely believe there is approval, if not wholeheartedly then at least in the attempt. But approval is not an order, approval is not a duty.

Thungni did not assuage your fears, nor prepare you, and a part of you rages at Him for it as much as it admonishes yourself for questioning His methods. This was not how you trained an apprentice, let alone an heir! It was downright Yorri-ish, but at least Master Yorri never intended for you to be his heir! It invited tarnishing all one built.

What does He want from me, your mind roars with anger, a furious and grim fog shrouding your thoughts.

Another memory floats upwards. Of you standing before the House, all too ready and shamefully eager to throw down with Thorek Stonefoot before a familiar voice cuts through the tension like a clarion peel of thunder.

Take it or dismiss it at your own discretion…

as has ever been your right.

It makes you want to scream.

Choice. Choice. Choice.

It was always choice, wasn't it? Rarely order, rarely demand, but whenever it could be given, always choice. That is Thungni's way. But giving a man you know would answer one way, was it ever really a choice?

How you hated it at that moment.

In the absence of direction, of certainty, you find yourself feeling like the sole arbiter of the fate of the entire Runesmiths Guild. Choice has been thrust upon you in all its ugly uncertainty, and you are ill-prepared to face it.

You want to know, to be prepared. To ask someone like Alric Thungnisson what he thinks of the situation. What Master Yorri would think. Anyone at all to guide and advise you of the consequences in better detail. But what would they say that would be of actual substance? Would knowing how the Guild would react truly affect your decision? Would preparing a better way of introducing the idea get rid of the challenges? Would their words have any real effect on your doubts? You've an ugly feeling that they would tell precious little you didn't already know or suspect about the role. They could tell you, assist you if you were so fortunate—

—Yet. Yet. Yet.

Yet it is still you that must choose.

If Thungni isn't here to tell you what He means, if He cannot provide you certainty then so be it. Forget whatever you think He would wish. Focus on only the truth you are all but certain of. The hammer is yours and, as you are now growing to suspect, with it the Ancestor has engineered circumstance so that you are given a choice. Wholly personal. Wholly private. Wholly your own to make with the only repercussion being your own mental anguish. You imagine that same old voice, the Dragon's voice, Thungni's voice, speaking to you.

Do you wish to stake your claim, face the challenges it will bring, with the only certainty and support I provide is that I accept you as my Heir?

Do you have the conviction to believe it in the face of overwhelming doubt? In the face of failure?

Do you think you have the talent, the skill to navigate the Guild with little more than your word and deed?

Do you have the Will to see decisions through, to make those decisions in the first place?

Do you have the wisdom to know when to intervene or to step away and let others stand or fall on their own merits?

Do you believe you are the right choice?

Above all.

Do you
wish to be my heir, Snorri son of Klaus, or do you not?

Maybe you're constructing some sort of greater logic from nothing; a mad attempt to preserve your mental image of Thungni and stave off growing a sense of contempt for the Ancestor, but those words put things in perspective for you.

Did you want to be heir? In the absence of knowledge, training, ability, everything else, an unwilling heir would always be an unworthy heir. One who could not commit themselves fully was not one who could have even a chance of doing the role justice. If you died here and now, no doubt from the coniption this choice is giving you, Karstah would not be ready to take up your place.

But you believe, with Gromrilclad certainty, that she would be. That her failures would be overshadowed by her greater success. If you didn't, you would not have accepted her request. This you know.

Is that then, what Thungni believed? That those He chose, even if they thought themselves unprepared, would succeed?

So you cast aside all notion of duty, all expectation self imposed or otherwise, and stare the choice in the face as images flash through your mind.

The Karaz Ankor. The Hold. The Clan. The Guild.

Khazagar. Your work. Your pride. Your desires.

To be a true heir is to match another's presence so perfectly that you could walk behind them and share one shadow.

It's to be trusted by someone so completely that they believe you can one day carry their own burdens.

It is to uphold a legacy into the future and proudly carry their ideals through turmoil and strife and prove them inviolate.

To put your destiny, your fate, in the hands of one you think greater.

Simply put.

To walk another's path.

And here, in the privacy of your thoughts, you come to a quiet realization.

If the choice is yours, free of duty or context to sway you—

—then you do not want to be someone's heir.

That burning pride, that selfish desire, demands you do not settle for such a fate. It demands glory, it demands greatness to such a degree that it invites ruin.

Your entire life you have spent climbing a storm wracked mountain, its peak enveloped by a curtain of dense thunderheads and slopes buffeted by ceaseless, howling gales. Every time you have passed through that looming wall of clouds, braved the bitter winds and killing cold to reach what you believe was peak, you have only ever found yourself staring up at yet more mountain: at even more treacherous slopes, imposing storms, and lethal winds.

But you also found other trails, other paths, going up those seemingly impossible slopes and showing the challenge can be overcome, can be beaten.

That greedy, selfish ember pushes you to keep walking, to go where there are less and less trails to guide you. Pushing on until you reach a point where only seven others have climbed beyond.

You want more, more than to be just Thungi's heir.

You want the Guild, the Karaz Ankor, the whole damn world, to know that you do not need to follow Their path. That you can forge your own.

That you can walk beside Them as they forge ahead.

Without any forewarning or thought, you feel the beginnings of an oath stir in your mind; building and building strength until it is forcing itself to the forefront of your thoughts with the fury and implacability of an avalanche.

A declaration of monumental and cataclysmic hubris. The kind that has folk, you included, believe wholeheartedly that the maker is undoubtedly, irrevocably Insane. The kind that can only end in complete and total failure in the eyes of all sane beings.

It is Ego unbound by propriety and good sense.

It is the confirmation of an impossibility.

It is a journey without end or respite.

It is the Oath of a Dwarf, sworn from the depths of his soul.

Heed these words,

Those beside me,

Those before,

And those to come,

To the Ancestors who lead the way so I swear,

On all that I am and will ever be.

I. Will. Reach. You.


"Lord Klausson?" Kazador asks again, making you blink and draw your mind back from the strange direction your thoughts had ended up following.

How long had they been standing there waiting for you? Glancing around you see several pairs of eyes staring at you expectantly.

Probably too long.

Fixing your grip on the hammer, you let out a sigh.

No matter.

"The only thing I have won the right to, Lord Ironwill," you say while lifting Thungni's hammer slightly for emphasis, "is Karaz-Kazak-Rhun."

Kazador gives you a thoughtful glance, eyes searching for something. Before he nods.

"Well then," he says, "would you mind our company on the way back to the Hold?"

Both of you know a large part of why he's asking is because he wants to look at the hammer.

You nod all the same.

━<><><>< Grumblings and Goings ><><><>━

- [Late 472] Mattok Copperbottom of Karak Drazh continues to see their fortunes rise. Another vein, another motherlode found by his hand. Envy and respect come from every direction, and a steady wave of thanes with daughters all too keen on building ties.

- [Early 473] A great tragedy in Karak Eight Peaks has occurred. Two dozen assorted taverns and breweries found their ale stores lost in a conflagration of terrible proportions when a warehouse caught fire from as of yet unknown cause. Already accusations fly and Grudges are sworn in the chaos of such senseless tragedy. Vintage brews, centuries old, all gone. Thankfully no lives were lost from the flame, though many no doubt feel like they have died. A dark day. The watchmen in charge of the Warehouse were supposedly a hair's breadth from shaving their heads and marching to their Dooms. Only by the counsel of Arnhold Balebrow, Karak Eight Peaks's High Priest of Grimnir, were they swayed away from such a course. Hold your brews and your kin close.

- [Early 473] Ships from Ravnsvake continue to wage war across the seas. Thulgrim Saltbeard is awake and alert, but remains yet incapable of taking to the open waves for now, and though he does his best to lead and advise from the Ravensport, it's clear the loss of his leadership affects the fleet's abilities despite his second's best efforts. When faced with uncertainty, dig in, fortify and weather the storm.

- [Early 473] Snorri Klausson returns to Kraka Drakk wielding Karaz-Kazak-Rhun. Declaring, with the backing of Kazador Ironwill and later the Runelords Gottri Hammerspite and Alric Thungnisson, that he has won the right to wield it by overcoming a series of Trials beneath Karak Izril built by Thungni Grungnisson.

- [Burudin] If any of my siblings tells you they know what Father thought after this, this is proof that they're as full of it as anything I've ever seen. Only one man would have a chance to know, and he isn't among us anymore.

- [Burudin] Klausson, for the sake of my sanity and yours stay away from the Ironpeak until otherwise stated. All correspondence will be done through my great-grandnephew, also until otherwise stated. - Gottri Hammerspite

- [Burudin] He'll probably be out in a few decades with a new hammer.

- [Burudin] Is this Grandfather's gambit then? I had thought Alric was waiting to show them off, but if He even hid away the hammer, well…

- [Burudin] It seems I shall have no peace until Gazul escorts me to the Halls of the Ancestors.

━<><><>< Gains/Stuff ><><><>━

- After offering to fund the creation of a Greater Adamant Smelter to each of your former students before you left, all but Fjolla, who was already gathering everything herself apperantly, has agreed.
-- -4 [Tier 4] Voidstone, new totals: 3
-- -40 [Tier 4] Adamant, new totals: 36
-- +40 [Tier 4] Adamant, arriving Turn 59

- +1 [Tier 4] Sidereal Sapphire, new totals: x1
- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart, new totals: x4

- Minimum 6 Turns (Turn 62) before a chance of a Chaos portal opening arises.

Trait(s) Gained/Upgraded:
- Master of the Odd [2/15] > [5/15]
- Mind for Constructs [5/15] > [8/15]
- Aldrhunki: +2 to Specialty Modifier when researching Runes. You are a Runelord, not some common smith!

Drakk Report: End of Turn 56/Start of Turn 57.
Grimgal: 33m long
Teaching continues Lord Klausson. Grimgal's circumstances and unique frame of reference continue to provide novel obstacles, but rest assured that she is in capable hands.

- Menlinwen Ebonsea

Zharrok: 27m long
Their Heat is strong, and Mind sharp. His progress at the craft is acceptable. He honours his name.

- Silverbearer Ironbeak

Izgrom: 27m long
Elders, please alert Caretaker Karstah that I have found a large Ruby vein. It is plentiful and I shall give a great share if she returns. This is my offer. I return to the depths.

- A note scrawled on a large slab of stone blocking the entrance to the Hearth Guard barracks. At its feet is an uncut Ruby the size of a fist.

Growth spurt finally seems to be tapering off. Coincides with existing beliefs about Shardwyrm development I've found. They never stop growing of course, and I wonder what an ideal diet would do compared to the wild though. But the budget certainly won't complain. Good to know.

- Karstah.

Khazagar Report: End of Turn 56/Start of Turn 57.
General Attendance: Steady
Mood: Calm before the Storm.
Status: Volatile
- Your fellow Runesmiths know you have the hammer. They are clamoring at even a chance to see the hammer. They aren't here yet, but they are coming. Ancestors help you.
- There are rumours of little dalliances occurring but to your mild surprise either the Beardlings aren't bouncing around like rabbits or they're being more discreet about it. Then again you aren't going around and snooping over it. They want to cause their Clans grief, that's on them.
- The number of competitions have steadily been growing as the practice cements itself and something approaching a list of best practices forms.
- The trickle of Ornsmotek Runesmiths on the outs with Vragni still continues. From what you can gather Vragni is aware, but what his response will be isn't something these Runesmiths know or care to find out.
-- That Ornsmotek Master willing to teach you the Master Rune of Thunderstorms for the right price is still here. Especially since he knows you have the Hammer. (see Khazagar)
- Still no contributions to the Libary besides your own and Karstah's sadly. Maybe they would if you dangled the Hammer. No, that's a bad idea.

Classes (of note):
- Prosthetic Runes, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Declining | Class Size: Small Classroom v | Ubiquity: Well-Known (Global), Universal (Regional, Local) | Impact: Revolutionary
- Rune of Stacking, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Steady | Class Size: Full Classroom| Ubiquity: Known (Global), Well-Known (Regional), Universal (Local) | Impact: Moderate, Luxury
- Rune of Repair, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Steady | Class Size: Full Classroom | Ubiquity: Known (Global), Well-Known (Regional), Universal (Local) | Impact: Moderate, Luxury
- Rune of Forgeflame, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Rising Rapidly | Class Size: Small Seminar ^| Ubiquity: Select ^ | Impact: Defining (as Smelter), Novel
- Rune of Annealing, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Rising | Class Size: Full Seminar | Ubiquity: Known (Global), Well-Known (Local, Regional)| Impact: Defining (as Smelter)
- Master Rune of Forgeflame, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Steady | Class Size: Full Seminar | Ubiquity: Known (Global), Well-Known (Regional), Well-Known (Local) | Impact: Revolutionary
- Rune of Plaguebane, Teacher: Karstah Snorrisdottir | Attendance: Rising | Class Size: Full Classroom | Ubiquity: Select | Impact: Moderate, Novel
- Rune of Piercing Sight, Teacher: Snerra Magnasdottir | Attendance: Rising | Class Size: Full Classroom | Ubiquity: Select | Impact: Minor, Luxury
- Master Rune of Wandering, Teacher: Lorna Dernasdottir| Attendance: Steady | Class Size: Intimate Gathering | Ubiquity: Select | Impact: Moderate

The Rune of Shifting Steel and Rune of Binding Form are making the rounds thanks to that one Drazh Runesmith. No one is actively teaching it however, it's a more dispersed and individual affair.
Radicals and Snorrists are the most consistent attendees, returning often and staying longest.
Conservative southerners are plentiful because of the Chainforger and a few other Runes of interest, but keep to themselves and usually stay only long enough to learn what they came for.
Two thirds of the attendees are Journeymen, the remainder split between Masters and Runelords.
Attendance: Declining Rapidly | Declining | Declining Slowly | Steady | Rising Slowly| Rising | Rising Rapidly
Class Size: Unattended | Intimate Gathering | Small Classroom | Full Classroom | Small Seminar | Full Seminar | More Seats Required
Ubiquity: Select | Little-Known | Known | Well-Known | Universal
Impact: Minor (A group no bigger than a Clan, or specialized Guild benefits, makes a task easier) | Moderate (multiple Clans, or a middling Guild benefit, makes a difficult task practical) | High (A hold, or major guild benefits, a difficult task becomes standard) | Revolutionary (The Karaz Ankor benefits, an impossible task is made possible) | Defining (an impossible task is made practical)
- Misc: Novel (new, untested) | Luxury (It's a luxury, makes life comfier, but not necessary ) | ???

Waystone Report: End of Turn 56/Start of Turn 57.
Waystone Rerolls: 1/2
Region Status, East: Fully Functional ^. 10/10 repaired or pristine.
Region Status, Center: Being restored 0.5/10 of Stones destroyed, 0.25 v/10 damaged, remainder pristine.
Region Status, West: Contested. 3.5 ^/10 of Stones destroyed, 3 v /10 of Stones corrupted, 3.5/10 damaged

Thought we saw someone snooping about one of the stones by Grungni's Falls. Tried to track. Got gravel in my sleeping bags. Lord, please tell your teacher he can just tell us not to bother him.

- Norgrim


- Anonymous note, stowed away inside Norgirm's letter.

Social: Choose 2 outside of Plan Vote.
[ ] [Social:] Dreng on the mend
[ ] [Social:] Brynna covertly attends a competition in Khazagar.
[ ] [Social:] Fjolla showing her new smelter.
[ ] [Social:] Dwalin, shopping for reagents in the Grozurbaz with his son.

Rorek: Choose 1 outside of Plan Vote.
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about reactions to you running off with Karaz-Kazak-Rhun [Extensive, Evolving]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Izril stance on Karaz-a-Karak [Limited]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about current Izril Politics [Extensive, Evolving]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about how the Izril Clans are managing their creation[Standard]

Lord Klausson you sly old goat. Should remind myself that loud folk can be quiet too I suppose.

- Rorek


You have (5 +1 -2) =4 actions, (3 -1) =2 retainer actions, (4 -1) = 3 heir actions, and [Special] 0 Yorri prods this turn.
[ ] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results.Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards!

[ ] Drakk Rearing [Cost: minimum 1 general, heir or retainer action, 15/?? actions] Locked until Turn 55 Results. Gain Dwarf acclimated Dragons. More actions improve speed, breadth and depth of their development. By the reckoning of the Dwarfs, and the magics of the Brana and Menlinwen, the Shard Wyrms shall be physically mature specimens when they reach 120 years Old, however the first 60 years of their life will be the most important, both in terms of amount of care and socialization required.

[ ] Kradskonti [Cost: 1 action] Gain a chance to observe Kradskonti. Kradskonti? Kradskonti! When the Valayans informed you of this opportunity, you had to force yourself from jumping out of your chair and rushing south. The first time is free, they say, but subsequent viewings will not be tolerated without a few concessions. The Cult know what they have, and if any Rhunki (IE you) wants to futz about and examine the weapon of their Patron they best be ready to do something in return.

[ ] March [Cost: 1 action] Gain possible loot, bonus to roll against Fimir. No actual interlude but combat rolls will still be made. The idiots decide they want to tear open a hole in reality do they? You razed three cities already, and you're not one to leave a job half finished.

[ ] The Road to Anoqeyån Pt. 2: [Cost: 6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain exceptional- understanding of Anoqeyån. Now that Menlinwen has taught you the very fundamentals of the Elven arcane language, she feels comfortable enough to begin teaching you to the same level she has reached. Going any further beyond this point requires waiting for Menlinwen to become an Archmage or for you to find one yourself.

You can only Order 1 new item a turn freely, but can have as many orders ongoing as you want.
- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, arriving Turn 59
Elf Market:
- x2 Firebird's Feather available: one feather equals 1 order, Cost 5 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.
- x1 Merwyrm Corpses available: one corpse equals 1 order, Cost 10 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.
- x2 Kraken Corpse available: one corpse equals 1 order, Cost 10 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.

[ ] ORDER: Write-in
- [ ] Royal Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition a monarch to flex their political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Royal Authority: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold depending on tier] +1 Order. You may petition an indebted monarch to flex their political muscle to order something for your use.
- [ ] Royal Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition them to flex a bit more political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Princely Hunting: [Cost: 10 Favour from Kraka Drakk] Prince Gimli will go out and slay [Write-in] monster. Gain mats. It would be ridiculous for you to ask your King to go gallivanting around the North to find something for you to make a Rune out of, but a Prince or Princess? Well, that's just you helping them build their legend through the slaying of monsters and aiding their elders. The rarer the monster the greater the reward, but it may take longer to find. Monsters slain by Gimli provide more material by virtue of being the entire beast rather than just ordering a singular organ.

[ ] Dreng Them: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Additional actions add bonus modifier. The Hearth Guard will go out and slay [Write-in] monster. Gain mats, reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. While your Hearth Guard were also meant to clear all the ills that assailed dwarfkind, you must admit there are many a mundane foe to slay. Send these brave dawi out on a quest to slay beasties on your behalf, earn glory and give you materials to make ever more wonders.

Every option taken adds +2 to the Recruitment Dice (1d10 +5) unless otherwise stated.
(*New*)[ ] Expedition, Aiding Kraka Drakk: [Cost: 1 retainer actions] Gain 20 Favours with Kraka Drakk, reputation and +2 bonus to Recruitment Dice. No to Minor Casualties/Fatalities. Otrek Gimlisson marches on his first campaign. Amidst a throng of Huskarls, Runesmiths and loyal retainers sworn to keep him safe. At the request of his father, having some of the most renowned elders in the Far North nearby, just in case, would be greatly appreciated.

[ ] Expedition, Aiding Grom: [Cost: 2 retainer actions] Gain 70 Favours with Kraka Grom, reputation and +6 bonus to Recruitment Dice. Minor to Moderate Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. Queen Valka's home lies terribly damaged, but repairing it is a secondary concern in the minds of many compared to securing their vengeance. Your Retainers may yet have a role to play there whenever Valka at last unleashes her people, but helping them get to that point faster would not go unappreciated.

[ ] Expedition, Aiding Krum: [Cost: 2 retainer actions] Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Krum, reputation and +4 bonus to Recruitment Dice. Minor Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. While Krum has been left largely intact thanks to the defences Ogra built, having so many injured means that many of the long term expeditions their miners undergo are either undermanned or no longer happening. Your Retainers can play a role in helping hold up the Karak's economy for a while until enough miners have recovered.

[ ] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. Low to Moderate Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. You formed these Hearth Guard to combat all the ills that befall the dwarfen people. Send them out, render aid, earn goodwill and spread the word of your retainers and their stated mission beyond the borders of Kraka Drakk.

[ ] Recruitment Drive: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Gain 1d5 +5 bonus dice to Recruitment Dice (1d10 +5). You have retainers, dwarfs who understand what it takes to become part of your Hearthguard, send them out to see if they can lend their expertise more and skill to improve the growth of your retinue.

[ ] Retainer Reconfiguring: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken once every variable number of turns. Change some aspect of your retainers. The Hearth Guard are a fine force of Dawi, but much like the defences of a Karak, there is potentially more to be done. It will take some time for these steadfast retainers of yours to adjust to whatever changes you make, but the length of it definitely correlates to the number of changes you want done.
- [ ] Change Appearance: [Cost: +1 turn until change] Simple cosmetic alterations to their symbol, their colour scheme and/or even appearance of their armour, depending on the scale and nature of the change it could be seamless or it could take a bit of work. While there's something to be said about aesthetic continuity, improving or updating their look to fit with deeds done will draw no raised brows. Completely changing it, however, will draw quite a few looks. If for no other reason than the material cost involved in doing so.
- [ ] Change Numbers: [Cost: +1 turn until change] +1/-1 retainer action per every 60 retainers added/removed. Increasing or decreasing the number of Retainers you wish to take on permanently. It signals that you either require more or less of their services. While you will not remove retainers currently in service if you wish to downsize, it means you simply will not replace them in the event one of your loyal followers falls in the line of duty or simply to the vagaries of time.

[ ] Scouting: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Gain minor bonus to Waystone rolls. Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Send out your Retainers, scour the Far North to see if there's some of these stones that Master Yorri Missed.

[ ] The Throng is Mustered: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Gain Bonus to Throng Rolls against Fimir, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Minor Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. The King of Kraka Drakk calls the Throng to war, lend the might of your Retainers to his cause. Drive out the Fimir, end their presence on this peninsula.

(*Updated*)[ ] Training Regime Pt. 2: [Cost: (2 +4) =6 retainer actions] Gain "Hearthwarden Warrior" Training Standard and Category, some existing classes will be absorbed into the new category. The last phase of Rudil's training program involves creating a unified set of skills that would be expected of a "Hearthwarden Warrior." Incorporating skills and traits in the same way that the Rangers had done.
- [X] Drakk Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 15 Kraka Drakk Favour] Hearth Guard will retain High+ Attack, increase Attack if taken with Ornsmotek Expertise. Every Hearth Guard is a deadly fighter, but the talents and knowledge of Dawi chosen to be a Huskarl is another matter. Spreading that knowledge would invariably be of benefit.
- [X] Ornsmotek Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 45 Kraka Ornsmotek Favour] Hearth Guard will retain High+ Attack, increase Attack if taken with Drakk Expertise. The second most powerful Throng, arguably the most embattled Hold in the Far North, their combat ability is a grudging peer of your Hold's.
- [X] Krum Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 30 Kraka Krum Favour] Hearth Guard will retain Spelunking, will retain Spelunking ++ if taken with Grom Expertise. Few others delve deeper than the miners of Krum, fewer still survive as well as they do.
- [X] Grom Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 15 Kraka Grom Favour] Hearth Guard will retain Spelunking, will retain Spelunking ++ if taken with Krum Expertise. Centuries of living in a Hold occupied by traitors, without outside resupply and limited food, knowledge earned in sorrow and passed down even still, too useful to forget out of grief.

[ ] Waywarding: [Cost: 1 action or retainer action] Gain bonus to Waystone rolls and update on status of Waystones. Can be taken multiple times. There is no set time in which you or your retainers are meant to check on these stone monoliths, but doing so more regularly will mean that you're more likely to keep them safe and know their status.

You may convert one general action into 2 Khazagar actions. You may convert 2 retainer or heir actions into 3 Khazagar actions. You are using 6/7 possible Classes you can teach.
[ ]Learning [Cost: 1 Khazagar action] Learn a Rune(s). Not everyone in Khazagar is telling the world they're willing to share their lore, preferring to share that opportunity to only those they think are worthy and there's nothing wrong with that. Similarly, there's nothing stopping you from using the facilities you designed to learn a few things yourself. The consequences of doing so aren't always obvious, and there may be other circumstances at play.
- [ ] Rune of Shifting Steel (Weapon) [Cost: +1 Khazagar action, and any [T2] Reagent] You can find a Runesmith who knows how to keep their mouth shut and just teach you for a fair enough price you reckon.
- [ ] Rune of Binding Form (Weapon) [Cost: +1 Khazagar action, and any [T2] Reagent]] You can find a Runesmith who knows how to keep their mouth shut and just teach you for a fair enough price you reckon.
- [ ] Master Rune of Thunderstorms (Weapon) [Cost: +2 Khazagar actions, and any 2x [T3] Reagent(s)] You've been made aware that an Ornsmotek Master who left the Hold in the wake of Vragni's actions has made a few insinuations to a few select parties that he'd be willing to share this Rune in exchange for a Master Rune and a few other things.

[ ] Curriculum Change: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action] Add, Switch or Remove a Rune you are teaching. Cannot teach RESTRICTED, UNSHAREABLE, and/or INCOMPLETE Runes. Changing track isn't an easy task. It's not the hardest thing in your life, but for you it's more than simply saying you're not teaching this Rune anymore and being done with it. Announcements need to be made, the last few stragglers taught, and of course designing a new test to prove one's worthiness if you decide to replace or add a new Rune.
- [ ] Write-In [Rune Name]

[ ] Write-In, Host a Special Tournament: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action] Choose any number of [T3] or Higher Reagent(s) as a reward. Gain boost to attendance and chance to gain Creation of Note. You have it so that Khazagar hosts regular tournaments of both artistic and martial skill where Runesmiths may compete against each other for a reward. But this time you want to dangle a particularly juicy prize, get the minds of the young flowing.

[ ] Write-In, Royal Patronage: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action and (25 -Standing Level) Favour with a Hold at 5 Standing or higher] Gain boost to attendance and interest from third parties. Cannot Choose Kraka Drakk. Favour Cost double for Hold with equivalent Institution. Khazagar speaks for itself, but getting the Monarch of a Hold and a prominent Thane or four to mosey up and publicly announce they're hosting tournaments at Khazagar certainly wouldn't hurt.
Denote which simple request will receive the apprentice action in your plan. Available Requests below.
[ ] [Simple] Once more with Smelting: [Cost: 4 actions, 1 Voidstone, x10 Adamant] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Greater Dragonblood Smelter. It has been around a century since you last made an Adamant Smelter. It's been enough time since that you feel safe about making another one without feeling like you're committing sacrilege.

[ ] [Simple] Re-warding Work: [Cost: 2 actions or heir actions] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Waystone reroll. There's work to be done, repairing damaged wards and adding new Runes around the monolith and otherwise. Your master most certainly did a bang up job, but there's nothing wrong with contingencies upon contingencies.

[ ] [Simple] The Brotherhood Calls: [Cost: minimum 1 action] Due whenever. Peerless Production will proc. Gain Variable Standing and Favour with The Brotherhood of Dron. The Brotherhood would be greatly interested in a collated and substantial set of notes about your experiences with the recent "Extreme Magical Turbulence and Concentration Event," as well as anything you'd be willing to give regarding your time crafting at the Anvil of the Earth. High energy environments of such a nature naturally attract the attention of your fellow members given the energy costs of generating Adamant.

(*New*)[ ] [Simple] Write In Pt. 2: [Cost: 1 action] Azrilzhufgotten, or The Silver River Marches.
The Hearthwardens have been stretched to their limits these past few centuries, taking on multiple new duties spread wide across the north, while bearing only the baseline equipment you give them on taking their oath. It's time to start fixing that. Azrilzhufgotten will be a banner of your finest work, embroidered on Ancient Troll Hide [T4], mounted on an adamant staff, and topped with the skull of the Ornsmotek greedy troll. The tapestry depicts the Hearthwardens in the full glory of their power and age, sweeping down from a mountain pass to relieve a besieged Karak from a force of beastmen. Three adamant plates form the shields of the front rank of dwarves, each bearing a rune. Although the details do not match, any Hearthwarden who views it will instantly recognize the allusion to their defense of the free dwarves of Karag Dum, the moment when they stood as Pillars in the Dark. This banner calls to the Hearth Guard's first, deepest purpose: When Dawi are threatened, no matter the hold, no matter the distance, the Hearthwardens will be there, standing in the way.
- [ ] Choose: Combo, Goruz-Kazak Rikkaz: Master Rune of Traversal [T4 Radiant Pegasus' Heart], Rune of Impact [T3 Stonehorn Leg Muscles], Rune of Amber [T4 Barazgal].
- [ ] Revise Runes: [Cost: -1 actions] Next Revision will cost +1 action. Back to the drawing board. Choose new Runes, Function or Theme.

(*New*)[ ] [Simple] Flamedrinking Talismans Pt. 2: [Cost: 2 actions] An as of yet nameless creation, more a proof of concept than anything else.
- [ ] Choose: Rune of Thungni, Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Furnace.
- [ ] Choose: Combo, Flamedrinking: [Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Forgeflame]
- [ ] Revise Runes: [Cost: -1 actions] Next Revision will cost +1 action. Back to the drawing board. Choose new Runes, Function or Theme.

(*New*)[ ] [Difficult] Brynbar Pt. 2: [Cost: 1 action] Apply any optional structural materials and any aesthetic changes here.
A circular clasp whose seam depicts a shimmering and glowing gate to the glittering realm. On each half of the clasp the runes of Siphoning and Thungni glow, surrounded by 'runes' from the early days of runesmithing, inlaid with dronril in imitation of runelight. Rest in spoiler in my post.
- [ ] Brynbar: Combo, Deep Gate+: [Master Rune of Thungni's Presence [T4 Adamant and T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart], Rune of Thungni [T4 Adamant], Rune of Siphoning [T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart]]
- [ ] Revise Runes: [Cost: -1 actions] Next Revision will cost +1 action. Back to the drawing board. Choose new Runes, Function or Theme.

[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. You've had an idea! This is the template for write in item request! Please put down the name, description and type of equipment/item you want made. Pt 2 of the item will cost differently depending on the number of items and potentially the size of it as well. A base guideline for Pt. 2 costs will be at the bottom of the post.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

Available Requests:
(*Updated*)[ ] Accept Starlight Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Due end of turn 59. Gain 60 Favour with Kraka Dorden. Snorri thinks Thane Morglum will seek another Runesmith by the end of turn 57. Thane Morglum Skarridum of Kraka Dorden has petitioned you with a request. A weapon to replace the now lost ancestral heirloom of his Clan after it was destroyed killing a Fimir in the defence of Kraka Dorden; he asks for a hammer, one who's blows could be akin to calling down the light of the stars themselves upon the enemies of his Hold. A bit uninspired, plenty of Starhammers out there after all, but still.

How to vote on Multi-Piece Difficult Requests.
[Y] Example Request Pt. 1
- [Y] Equipment category, Item 1 name: Rune 1[Optional Ingredient(s)], Rune 2 [Optional Ingredient(s)], Etc
- [Y] Equipment category, Item 2 name: Theme
- [Y] Equipment category, Item 3 name: Function

Write-in Equipment Action Costs:
1 Action - 1 standard piece of equipment.
2 Actions - Multiple pieces of equipment or Large individual items
3 Actions - Very Large individual items or a full/near full set of items.

Write-in Adamant Costs, General Guideline:
1 Piece of equipment or hypothetical Rune requiring Adamant - 1 bar
1 Suit of Armour for a Dwarf - 3 bars
1 Suit of Armour for a Human or Elf sized being - 4 bars
1 Piece of Ogre sized Gronti equipment - 2 bars
1 Suit of Ogre sized Gronti armour - 6 Bars
Anything larger just ask me, it will also appear in applicable actions or in the FAQ.

Crossbows use Weapon Runes.
A Gronti sized Crossbow would use Engineering Runes.
Weapons like Axes don't make this distinction.
Shields use Armour Runes.
Armour Runes must be on Gromril or improved
(*New*)Several research options have changed and I've edited some bits of the system. Bulletpoints:
- Almost all Research options now no longer go above 12 action cost.
-- Trees are being lengthened to compensate. You get the same rewards, but spread out more.
-- All current research costs have been edited. Proportion of research done should roughly be the same though.
-- I am/will be more liberal with applying gates and locks to research. Either prereq research, traits, specialty levels, and etc.
- You now make a total of 2 progress across your [Simple] Research a turn.
-- Every 2 actions you put towards [Difficult] Research will add 1 to the above pool
- Research action is gone.
- Edited the cost of the Rune Research formula again. Stuff should be cheaper, and Specialties more relevant.
(*New*)[ ] Examine Karaz-Kazak-Rhun: [Cost: minimum 1 action] Gain semi random research and trait progress. By the hammer of Thungni, you now hold the hammer of Thungni! It is folly to believe you can ever truly understand it at your current level of skill. But there is still inspiration to be found, and maybe you also just want to admire something so beautiful as this hammer. Who's to stop you? You're its owner.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] Akazit Pt. 2: [Cost: (14 -11) = 3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You've bumbled your way into finding a method of reducing an item to a pile of single Wind-infused ash. But the stuff gets muddied with the ambient Winds and is rendered useless within seconds of completion, so the next step is to find a way to actually capture and isolate this Wind infused ash before it decays. Easier said than done, but when you have your eye it'll be doable at the very least.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] Monolith Mastery Pt. 1: [Cost: (12 -9) = 3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You can use the stones now, but not safely. Yorri tells you they never will be a safe bet, but you can at least try to make it safer. Besides, you still dont know how they work, and your work requires that you know how they work. So by Grungni, you're going to figure it out.

Material Research:
(*New*)[ ] [Simple] Slave Wyrm Autopsy: [Cost: (3 -2) =1 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Creatures that were once Dragons. Now they are wingless, broken things. The result of Fimir artifice upon unhatched Drakk eggs. Terrible to behold, uglier than their flying kin but no less deadly.

[ ] [Simple] Kraken Autopsy: [Cost: 3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The tentacled creature was slain by the Elven fleet as they cleared the waters for their trade vessels. You possess the body of a mature specimen and the very large eye of what you are told was an especially old one.

[ ] [Simple] Merwyrm Autopsy: [Cost: 3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Large serpentine bodies, fins and general fishy scent aside, this is most certainly a Dragon, and Dragons are quite the bounty of reagents. Though from the tales told of Merwyrms, just what this creature's body parts could be reagents for you aren't too sure of.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] Mysterious Mystery Sword: [Cost: (10 -5) =5 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Gain ???, possibly progress to Mysterious Mystery Cauldron and Mysterious Mystery Barrel. A sword that cuts through Gromril with an unnerving amount of ease. Studying it will be more about trying to recreate what it does through a Rune, but a bit of material study isn't off the table either given that you have two broken ones to work with as well.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] Mysterious Mystery Barrel and Horn: [Cost: 6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain ???, progress to Mysterious Mystery Cauldron and possibly Mysterious Mystery Sword. Magical drinks, utter hogwash and a perversion of the fine art of brewing is what it is! Still, their creation isn't completely unheard of. You have the Rune of Hearty Soup, but these, you are forced to admit, have a wider variety and efficacy than what you possess.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] Mysterious Mystery Cauldron: [Cost: (6 -2) =4 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Gain ???, progress to Mysterious Mystery Barrel and Horn and possibly Mysterious Mystery Sword. Magical soups, you've had a form of it before. From the Rune of Hearty Soup actually, but you must say that the taste of the broth from these fragments is a fine bit better than that Rune. If you could make a better Rune…well you won't complain!

Concept Research:
[ ] [Simple] Diction Direction Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have a few ideas about where to take this Rune. A universal translator for one, rather than just Khazalid. Not entirely sure how such a thing could be done, but it's definitely possible. Master Yorri's Rune of Sound gives you a few ideas at the very least. Now that Yorri's given you a Rune that restores hearing, you wonder if examining it will provide further insights or hopefully ideas about where to go next.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] Extra-sensory Pt. 1: [Cost: (12 -4) =8 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have the very, very rudimentary ability to perceive the Winds of Magic as the Brana and Elgi do. How exhilarating it is, how infuriating, to know that so much has opened up to you with so simple a change. Imagine then perfecting it? To see truly as they do, with the full breadth and detail of it all. How much could Runecraft progress with such knowledge? A path of great reward, and perhaps even greater danger. Who's to say what effects may come of it? Still, you must try.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] The Fixing of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (10 -1) =9 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Repair is as good as it'll get. You need to make an entirely new Rune if you want something better. It seems likely that the Rune of Repair's maker purposefully developed it in such a way that refinement became unwieldy, and given who gave you that Basket, it feels perfectly in character given the many, many, stories told of the Ancestor Queen. Well, you shant disappoint Valaya Herself! A better Rune of Repair, but one you made from the ground up? By Valaya it shall be done!

[ ] [Simple] The Happening of Things: [Cost: (8 -2) =6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The vision gnaws at you, a flame to the parchment of your mind. There is a theory, a hypothesis you wish to test and the faintest inklings of a Rune in your mind's eye. But there's a good deal of preparatory work to be done. One doesn't futz about with what you think you saw in that vision after all!

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] The Mind of Things Pt. 6: [Cost: (10 -4) =6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have managed to create a Rune that, on the whole, can transfer skills and experience from one Dwarf to another. An impressive feat, and yet one not without flaw. It is skill imparted without context, which must still be earned. You can do more, you can do better. True comprehension, transference of that which makes a skill, experience; or in other words, the wisdom to temper knowledge.

(*Updated*)[-] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 7: [Cost: (12 -1) = 11 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Locked until Anoqeyan Pt. 2, Extra-sensory Pt. ???, and Monolith Mastery Pt. ??? are complete. To go beyond the Rune of Siphoning, to create something that can dredge anything close to the amount of power the Central Array of Karag Dron can, you must improve your understanding of the Monoliths, and the flow of magic first. It will likely take a long, long time until that's the case.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 6b, The Body: [Cost: (10 -4) =6 actions] Master of the Odd and Mind for Constructs will proc. Continuing your work on the Rune of Waking Elements, you want the Rune to be able to form a body from almost any surrounding material. Realistically you doubt you can do that, but getting as close as possible is still the goal. At the very least you want these Elemental Gronti to mimic Mhorni's ability as closely as possible.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 6c, The Soul: [Cost: (10 -6) =4 actions] Master of the Odd and Mind for Constructs will proc. You "know," what Mhorni is, you think, but your investigations decades prior left you empty-handed. Now, armed with hopefully better tools and better understanding, you wish to tackle the questions you made all those years ago. Why did Mhorni bind itself, why was it not turned into energy, why do the Runes seem perfectly happy to assist it as they do you? Why, why and more whys. You won't get all the answers immediately you imagine, but the path is open.

(*Updated*)[-] [Difficult] The Rune Metal Pt. 7: [Cost: (14 -9) =5 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Locked until Extra-sensory Pt. ???, and Akazit Pt. ??? are complete. The best theory you have when it comes to creating the metal in your mind, requires both the means to not only isolate and extract the essence of a Runesmith, but to then infuse that essence into Adamant. And hopefully, if you aren't off the mark completely, you will have a material that shall break the oldest hurdle of your profession. More personally you want nothing more than to reach that image, that shining silver you saw over five centuries ago.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] The Secrets of Light Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -6) =2 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Refraction has proven you can at the very least manipulate the power of light. Versatility is no longer an issue, but power, useability and overall purpose remain unclear to you. With a Rune to restore sight now in your repertoire, you can only think of simply increasing the amount of light generated, but maybe examining the Rune Yorri taught you will get the old muse running.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] The Secrets of Storage Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -5) = 3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Of course! Of course Valaya would do as she seems to have. The Rune of Storage is a proof, a showcase, an inspiration for curious minds. No, if you want to build something better it will be built from the ground up and not off Her back. Such is the implied order of the Ancestor, and so you shall abide!

[ ] [Simple] The Weight of Things: [Cost: (10 -3) =7 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Dolgi's Rune has given you ideas, though there are questions as to whether any developments should be shared and threaten to overshadow your apprentice's work, you can at the very least try and figure out the intricacies of it.

Rune Research:
[ ] [Difficult] Understand the Master Rune of Thungni [Engineering]: [Cost: 12 actions]. Snerra gave you an item bearing this Rune. It all that is good this is something you must understand before you die, when not if.

[ ] [Difficult] Compress a Combo: [Cost: 1 + (2 x (Complexity Rating - Specialties)), minimum 1 actions] Unlock the Convert and Simplify Options for the Master Rune. Gain a Master Rune of the same Category as the chosen Combo.

[ ] [Difficult] Understand a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 + (2 x (Complexity Rating - Specialties)), minimum 1 action ] Unlock the Convert and Simplify Options for that Master Rune. Gain progress to any associated Research. Risk rises with Complexity.

[ ] [Difficult] Convert a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 actions per Category] Gain a Master Rune of the chosen Category(ies).

[ ] [Difficult] Simplify a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 actions] Gain a Regular Rune for every known Category of the chosen Master Rune.

[ ] [Difficult] Convert a Regular Rune: [Cost: 1 action per Category] Gain a Regular Rune of the chosen Category(ies).

Specialty Levels go as follows:
0: [Not Listed]
1: [Listed-]
2: [Listed ]
3: [Listed+]
4: [Exceptional-]
5: [Exceptional]
6: [Exceptional+]
7: [Mastered-]
8: [Mastered]
9: [Mastered+]
10: [Savant]

Challenges of the Burudin:
[ ] Write-in, Challenge Them: [Cost: 0 actions] Give a challenge + stipulations you wish to offer the Burudin. Only 2 Challenges can be active at a time and only 1 can be submitted a turn.

Your Challenge
Provide a rune or rune combo that has the possibility of true killing daemons, with said rune or combo being teachable to master runesmiths. Understanding that this rune or rune combo would be taught at Khazagar.

Gottri's Challenge [Unavailable to you]
Create a Rune or Combination of Runes capable of breaking Adamant. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with Gottri Hammerspite, gain Master Rune of Shattering Sound
After acquiring Adamant, a result of Kraggi's eternal quest to perfect Old Breaker, Gottri has changed his long standing challenge to his fellow Burudin members. Now, rather than find that which can withstand his Runes, he challenges any to create that which can sunder Adamant. He boasts, in his laconic and brusque way, that no one will manage before he can, and he's willing to bet one of his acceptable Runes over it to boot. SNORRI KLAUSSON DO NOT TEST MY PATIENCE.

Angkra's Challenge
Devise a Means of Creating a Prosthetic that grows with the user. Reveal and gain 2 Standing with Angkra Twenty-loops.
Angkra Twenty-loops has taken an interest in a curious northern invention, Prosthetic Runes. She has come into contact with Snerra of all people, and has been inspired by the young woman's vigorous efforts to develop something that can be used for beardlings and the like. A topic which has captured the daughter of Thungni's personal attention.

Thormund's Challenge
Create something that can turn the mountains against our foes. Reveal Standing with Thormund Stalwart-shield and gain 3 Standing with Karak Kadrin
The wandering Runelord Thormund Stalwart-shield muses on the defensive properties of mountains and a subsequent idea that took his mind when he fought alongside the Throng of Karak Kadrin to defeat a wandering army of Khornates. He grumbles that such power is so poorly weaponized. Avalanches, rockfalls and the like are one thing, but entirely too uncontrollable for his taste and the realm of Rangers. No, if someone could literally make the living stone act against our foes, it would be a feat worthy of song and be of great interest to the Peak Pass Hold.

Alric's Challenge
Create a method of reliable, quick and secure communication as possible. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with Alric Thungnisson, Angkra Twenty-loops, and Karaz-a-Karak
As a consequence of his frequent discussions with his venerable uncle, the mighty and wise Snorri Whitebeard, Alric has offered a prompt for any that wish to take it up. A way for messages to be shared across the realms faster than any Runebearer, safer than any road and as reliable as a Master Crafted axe. Such is the sort of goal, the sort of problem a proper Runelord should set their sights upon he reckons, anything less is beneath them.

Algrim's Challenge
Allow the average Crossbow to fire without stopping at all for three years. Gain 2 of Argalast Giantdoom's Master Runes
Algrim Argalastson has brought up a relatively simple challenge in honour of his father, the legendary Argalast Giantdoom's single minded focus on improving the deadliness of projectile weaponry. He claims that while none can match Argalast's mind in the devising of newer, more terrible ways of increasing a Crossbow bolt's killing potential, they can maybe be better at finding a way to ensure those bolts never stop firing.

Durin's Challenges
Find the Ankor Bryn. Create a Weapon beyond Karaz-Kazak-Rhun. Create a Runestaff more powerful than Gormwand. Break the Rule of Three.
A relic, one kept out of respect for the founder of the order. Many have tried, all have failed. Since Durin's death none have made a serious go at the first, and only the Brotherhood makes longstanding attempts at the last. These are considered the final goals of Runecraft, ones that shall one day in the nebulous future.

Completing one of these Challenges will make it easier to enter dialogues with and deeper relationships with the corresponding Burudin Member.

Remember to vote by plan. There will be a twelve hour moratorium for discussion.

AN: Enjoy the turn. I also realize that in the face of adversity I find comfort editing turn formats. But, I worked through the worst of it I think, and hopefully what I wrote did some justice to the vote and the arguments around it. Anyway research is cheaper, so there's some balm for you. As always don't forget to C&C. More specifically let me know if you have any questions, what you think of the format changes, and if you spot any old fragments, things I said I would do but I missed. :^)
Last edited:
Turn 57 Results Pt. 1
Winning Vote said:
[X] Plan: The Dragon Kaiju Begins and Checking in on Draco Grandkids
Snorri & Karstah
-[X] The Enduring War Rune 1 Snorri + 1 Karstah + 1 Retainer. Already covered, this is for action tracking purposes. ✓
-[X] Drakk Rearing 1 Snorri + 1 Karstah AP ✓
-[X] [Difficult] Design Skaudardrengi, The Singing Slayer, Emperor Dragon Gronti: 1 Karstah AP ✓
An exemplary 45 meter Storm Wyrm forged from pure Adamant, with eyes of glowing Dronril shielded by metallic lids. Rest linked in this post.
--[X] Choose: Master Rune of Waking
[T4] Greedy Troll Heart, Rune of Empowerment [T4] Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Heart, Rune of Siphoning [T4] Greedy Troll Heart.
-[X] [Difficult] Build Azrilzhufgotten, The Silver River Banner: Design link 1 Karstah AP
-- [X] Choose: Combo, Goruz-Kazak Rikkaz: Master Rune of Traversal [T4] Radiant Pegasus' Heart, Rune of Impact [T3] Stonehorn Leg Muscles, Rune of Amber [T4] Barazgal.

-[X] [Difficult] Accept Starlight: Due end of Turn 59. ✓

-[X] [Difficult] Convert Siphoning to Engineering 1 Snorri AP ✓

-[X] [Difficult] Extra-sensory Pt. 1 2 Snorri AP
-[X] [Simple] Slave Wyrm Autopsy 1 Simple proc
-[X] [Simple] The Secrets of Light Pt. 2 Simple procs

-[X] Expedition, Aiding Krum (1 +1 [Industry of the North]) =2 Retainer AP ✓

-[X] Expedition, Aiding Kraka Drakk 1 Retainer AP

--[X] Princely Hunting: T4 Radiant Pegasus
--[X] Royal Authority, Additional Order: [T4] Barazgal 15 Kraka Grom Favor
--[X] Royal Authority, Additional Order: [T4] Voidstone 15 Kraka Krum Favor

[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about reactions to you running off with Karaz-Kazak-Rhun [Extensive, Evolving]
[X] [Social:] Brynna covertly attends a competition in Khazagar.
[X] [Social:] Fjolla showing her new smelter.

━<><><>< 473 A.P. ><><><>━​

Karaz-Kazak-Rhun has rarely left your hands since Karstah handed it to you.

You are not ashamed to admit that you have taken to carrying the hammer with you wherever you go since claiming it.

Even if the stares you get from doing so annoy you to no end. It is simply something you must come to accept. If you succeed, they will be nothing in comparison.

Because you have sworn, from deep in the core of your being, to the world and to the Ancestors that you would match their example or die trying. You are no longer content to walk in their shadow as a follower, but instead cast your own alongside them as a peer.

As an equal.

And you know several ideas that would be a fine place to begin fulfilling that promise. Proving the worth of Khazagar, solving Durin's Consternation, breaking the Rule of Three. All worthy goals, all crowning achievements.

The Snorri Gift Giver of before would be ecstatic to complete just one of these challenges in his lifetime.

But the Snorri Gift Giver who left that cave will not be satisfied unless he's done them all.

On all that I am and will ever be..

You entrust Karstah with the capstone of Khazagar, an idea proposed over a century ago and have waffled on ever since. You are not capable of spreading your attention in so many ways just yet, and moreover, because you know that Karstah is just as invested, if not moreso, in making Khazagar's crowning jewel the grandest in the Karaz Ankor.

The only thing you tell her, the only stipulation you give, is a simple one.

Spare no expense.

You feel certain that you've made the right choice when you see the look in her eye when she fully digests your words.

━<><><>< 474 A.P. ><><><>━​

Deep in the heart of Khazagar, in the lowest level of the Maker's Hall you have gathered your former apprentices together for a special occasion.

Before you had gone south, you made each of them an offer. A gift of Voidstone and a loan of enough Adamant to create their own Greater Dragonblood Smelter. Karstah had immediately accepted, as had Nain, Snerra and Dolgi.

But not Fjolla.

Though she had happily learned the Greater Smelter design from Karstah, her refusal of your offer was a surprise. At least until she revealed that she had already gathered everything necessary to build her own Smelter, Voidstone included.

Knowing that made her decision make a bit more sense. Even if the idea of turning down a second Voidstone felt like passing up on a good deal, Fjolla was a grown woman in the end and the choice was hers to make.

Though that didn't stop you from offering to let her and the others keep their Smelters in Khazagar so that they could benefit from the influence of the Runes of Siphoning you and Karstah placed all over the complex grounds

Which is why all of you are in this specially built chamber, cut off from the rest of the Ghungnaz-Khaz and warded to protect from any conceivable intrusion you could think of, helping Fjolla go through her smelter's inaugural run.

Speaking of, you could not help but notice the distinct differences between Fjolla's creation and Karstah's design. Your older student had chosen to incorporate her specialties into her smelter, and it showed. The most obvious examples were the aesthetic differences of course; using a multitude of precious gems and highly precise and intricate wire knotwork to create glittering images of a Dwarfen forge in use, compared to Karstah's penchant for engraved metal and draconic imagery. More substantially, Fjolla had altered the fluid system on her smelter, leveraging her skill in high precision, small scale metalwork to create a smoother, more aesthetically pleasing, fluid intake system that most other Dawi did not have the skill to recreate. The main chamber wasn't spared modification either, as Fjolla had gone through the effort of creating specific molds that let her process an equal volume Gromril, but in the form of smaller bars, rather than a single ingot you and Karstah preferred. Then there were the more subtle changes of course, the small, milimetre sized, differences in its footprint and dimensions compared to her fellow student's, but that was an inevitability of your kind of work. So while you could tell Karstah and Fjolla's Smelters were meant to be the same, each Runesmith's individual proclivities had nevertheless affected the final product. These weren't ingots or nails after all, but bespoke creations.

"Reservoir check's done!," Fjolla hollers from behind the Smelter, drawing you out of your musing, "Valve seals show no sign of leakage either, not that I expected them to. We're good to start filling. Nain, Dolgi, bring over the blood! Karstah, Snerra, can you begin loading the ingots?"

A chorus of affirmations later, the two men carefully push the cart holding the keg of precious liquid over to where Fjolla stood, while both Snerra and Karstah begin carefully stacking the pre-cut bar of Gromril into the main chamber according to Fjolla's instructions.

That five of them, despite the centuries they have spent working on their lonesome, apart from eachother, can still come and work together as if they were all still learning under your feet was a pleasant surprise. If you were feeling generous, they were working together better than they had as apprentices, compensating for their differences and diverging styles with the centuries of experience they'd accumulated since becoming Masters in their own right.

It did your heart good to see them working together, helping each other.

The only way it could be better if all nine had been here.


"Eye protection on now you lot. It'd be a shameful way to go blind," you order, giving four of your former students pointed stares.

You watch as they all nod and follow your order. Dolgi lowers a winged faceplate made of Gromril with a darkened strip of glass where his eyes would be over his face, Snerra flicks down two silver plates across the spectacles she was wearing, while Nain dons an anvil shaped helmet and Karstah pulls her goggles over her eyes. Each piece of equipment they put on glowing with the light of Runecraft. Only once all of them are done do you let out a satisfied huff and turn back to nod at a waiting Fjolla to begin.

Nodding back, your former apprentice lowers her own protective gear, Rune inscribed pieces of specially grown Quartz that fit perfectly over the upper half of her face, before she activates her Smelter.

All of you watch as the mass of Adamant begins glowing, greedily drinking the energy in its immediate vicinity and in the Wyrm's blood as it purges the Gromril within.

One by one, your students turn away as the light grows in intensity as the Greater Smelter does its job.

You stare straight ahead even as the others shield their faces, watching the Smelter's brightness continue to grow all the more blinding.

Then just as quickly as it began, the glow fades to reveal an inactive Smelter, the white color of Adamant visible to all thanks to the Quartz door Fjolla installed signalling its success.

While the others blink away the stars in their vision, you walk forward and pat Fjolla on the shoulder gruffly. She has done well.

"Well then," you begin, "What's the first thing you're doing with your Adamant lass?"

Your grandniece looks at you, then gives a strange look at Zharr-a-Drakhazi, before she answers.

"I have a few ideas," she says consideringly, "but I won't get to them for a while. I have a different project to finish first."

Well there isn't much you can say to that, and you doubt prying will do anything, so you settle on raising an eyebrow and nodding gruffly.

"If you say so."

Turning back to your other students, you bellow at them.

"Come along now you lot, let's store away this Adamant for Fjolla quickly! Dinner's almost ready and it's rude to be tardy!"


Long after your former students and their families have gone home for the night, their bellies full of food and arms laden with leftovers because that's what a proper host does ya see, you and Karstah sit in front of the fireplace reviewing the month's schedule together.

"Have you decided what to do with the Metalsmiths proposition?" your heir asks, looking at you expectantly from her chair with an unfurled roll of blank parchment in her hands.

You hum.

Gormak's successor had a runner deliver you a letter today. It has been decades since you recall receiving any communication from the Metalsmiths Guildmaster, and the first since Gormak's passing. As foolish as it sounds, seeing Thurgar Drominsson sign off as Guildmaster sent a small jolt of shock through you.

It has always been Gormak.

But it hasn't been Gormak for eighty-something years now you realize dumbly. Before your mind can send you down memory lane, you force yourself to stay on track, and ignore the feelings that bubble up from reading another Dwarf's name on the letter and focus on the contents within. They were asking, as the Engineers had, if they could officially host tournaments within Khazagar too. In fact Thurgar outright mentions the deal you had with the Endrinkuli as the impetus for him asking.


In the decades since the Engineers had begun hosting tournaments, you did not sit idly by. Even if you weren't officially involved, you were still observing from afar, quietly and diligently collecting data out of personal interest and in case you ever needed to defend yourself to the House. The results so far had been in line with what you expected. An uptick in the amount of work that used Engineering Runes coincided with the timing of their competitions, and a growing number of young Engineers seen speaking to Journeymen and young Master Runesmiths. Both were expected.

But there were a few surprises. Several shops both in Khazid Okraz and in the Grozurbaz had started selling precision tooling components as several Runesmiths began dabbling with mechanisms more advanced than the standard crossbow. The fact that it was happening was expected, but not to the degree therein. Nothing on the scale of Guild Secrets were being shared obviously, you and the Engineers would come down on the offending parties like Drongrundum, but you didn't expect the visiting Runesmiths to go quite so deep. Similarly there was a noticeable shift in the attending Journeymen's interests, based on the data you were collecting. From what you can interpolate, it seems like young Journeymen who may have never been exposed to Engineers, were now coming to discover they actually had either a knack or interest in working with Engineering contraptions.

While there are a few key contextual differences between the Engineers and Metalsmiths, you do not doubt that the latter's formal presence in Khazagar would do something largely similar. The question and the concerns however, were still the same. Maybe worse. Two Guilds coming to Khazagar could be seen as the beginning of a pattern by your detractors after all.


"Table that for later, I'll have an answer for you by tomorrow," you eventually reply.

She nods.

"Then there's the outstanding matter of Thane Morglum's request…"

You think for a moment. The Dwarf Lord's letter was something you will admit had been sidelined by the events of the past few decades. More pressing matters, more crises to address. It is the bitter truth of things, but a part of you balks at the thought of treating this Dwarf's earnest wish as something minor, to let his deeds and valour go unrewarded. Damned is the day that Snorri Gift Giver fails to settle a debt. Perhaps it is guilt, ego, whimsy or some mix of all three, but by the end of your ruminating you have come to an answer.

"Inform Thane Morglum that his Clan will have their hammer," you say firmly.

"Aye Master," she says with a nod, and you hear the crinkle of unfurling parchment followed swiftly after by the scratch of her stylus.

"What else was there in Karstah?" you murmur, "too many damned letters these days."

And that's the truth.

"Lord Rorek wrote to you," she answered promptly, "as did several other Masters. All about Karaz-Kazak-Rhun."

You hum again.

Ever since the hammer, you have been bombarded with a literal tide of words as every Runesmith and their uncle sees fit to write to you on a scale that even dwarfs the deluge that came after you announced Khazagar. It delayed how quickly you could respond to your more regular contacts, took up time you, Karstah and your retainers normally had to just sort through and prioritize them, and served as little more than a nuisance in general. Only the Messengers Guild, their pouches swollen to bursting from the traffic, seemed happy.

In short, nothing you want to deal with at this moment then. Well, maybe not Getgold, but even he would have to wait.

There wasn't any escape from it either.

Khazagar had grown full with people who were somehow more bothersome than the ones who had been content to simply write to you. No, they weren't the kind who would even use the building for its intended purpose, just gawkers and squawkers with nothing better to do than try and see the hammer or yell at you for having it.

"How have the triplets been?" you ask, still staring at the fire.

"It took some effort to move that slab Izgrom put infront of the barracks, we gave up on figuring out how he even got it there without anyone noticing, but its been cleared." Karstah dutifully begins, exasperated fondness tinting her voice, "I'm going to have a word with him in the morning, reminding him about cleaning up after his messes. Zharrok's been spending more time than usual at his forge, so it seems like he won't be showing off whatever he has planned for a while yet. Grim is giving Ebonsea no small amount of grief, even if she's putting on a brave face about it…."

As Karstah continues speaking, you settle into your seat and quietly begin adjusting your schedule in your mind.

Unbidden, your mind dredges up a memory from the Trial. Of an older face, one that lived far longer than this world allowed her. Still as beautiful to you as ever.

It is a lie, you remind yourself, cobbled together by a Rune from your memories and imagination. But you can't, maybe won't, get the image out of your head.

Instead you take that lie, and imagine something different, repurposing it. A familiar red-haired child, standing between a greying brunette and a pale, wheat-gold blonde.

Your hand reaches over to the empty chair and lays on the spot that, in a kinder world, another hand would have occupied.

━<><><>< 476 A.P. ><><><>━​

Straightbeard has come through better than I thought, Rudil thinks as he watches the Order of the Stonewall finish their work, I'll need to buy him a few rounds when we get home.

Over the span of a few days, this prospector's haunt had gone from a few securely stored supply caches into a fortified bunker. The labour of dozens of long suffering Clerics in training being aided or directed by an equal number of Longbeards and a handful of Living Ancestors making the job a quick and relatively painless effort

When the once Priest of Grungni, now sworn Brother of the Order, came to him about calling in a few favours the Hearth Lord saw no reason to stop him.

At most Rudil expected a handful of priests and young clerics to come with them as they escorted Krum's miners into the untamed Deeps beneath the Hold.

He did not expect half the Northern chapter's worth of Dawi to come marching to their aid, nor the same number of Kraka Grom's warriors joining them once word of what was happening spread around. He's certain the Cult of Grungni and Queen Valka have more reason to aid them than simply finding their cause worthy, but that is neither his job nor turn away their aid. With their combined presence, King Vikram has been able to not only protect the miners' expeditions, but fortify and expand the routes, keep beasts and other unsavoury types from preying on Dwarfs living near the edge of Krum's territory, and speed along what relatively few repairs the Hold required.

"Hearth Lord," a familiar voice hollers, grabbing Rudil's attention.

"Aye Himurr?" he responds, turning to look at his fellow Hearth Guard.

"Sifna came back from Krum with a letter from Lady Karstah," he explains, pulling out a sealed tube from his cloak for him, "Asked me to pass it along before they got called to join expedition three."

Nodding, Rudil takes the roll of parchment from his brother-in-arms' hands and after popping the seal, begins reading the letter within.

It begins normally enough, but as he keeps reading he can feel his brows furrowing in line with his growing sense of confusion.

"What in the…"


When Karstah had come to you asking if you knew a variant of the Rune of Siphoning that could be inscribed on a Gronti, you had answered honestly and told her you hadn't, but could probably find one easily enough.

It's rare for her to ask anything of you, so when she had insisted you find that variant as soon as possible, you saw no reason to refuse. Figuring it was likely related to the project you had assigned her.

A year later she delivers a stack of parchment taller than a Dwarf's chest was thick, and written on it in exacting Klinka and miniscule font, was her finalized report for a potential capstone project for Khazagar.

A year later, she proves that your faith was not misplaced.

A year later your heir delivers her plan for Skaudardrengi.

It takes another month to fully read and comprehend her proposal, and half a month more for you to really consider and comprehend what exactly Karstah has proposed.

Over a century ago you recall her mentioning how you could create a Dragon shaped Gronti for Khazagar. At the time you thought it nothing more than a viable, if aesthetically driven, flight of fancy.

But where you simply considered it one option of many, it is clear that it was the only option in the eyes of your heir.

A Gronti-Duraz made wholly of Adamant, meant to wield equipment made of the same metal. A body three times longer than a Bloodthirster was tall, and, if Dolgi's research fulfilled his lofty promises, actually capable of flight.

The cost wasn't just vault draining,but was edging on beggaring even for you. Multiple tonnes of Adamant so much that she had earmarked the creation of two more Greater Smelters, and the tapping of a Waystone to produce enough material sometime before the next century, nevermind the amount of Elder Wyrm Blood needed to make it all. A project that also required dedicated facilities to house the construct as it was being built, the development of entirely new methods to process Adamant at that scale, and of course entirely new Runes to research and apply for both Gronti and its equipment.

And— to your mild disbelief —you don't immediately dismiss it as a fanciful delusion.

Karstah heeded your words, and made something worthy of crowning Khazagar's final tower, something worthy of Karaz-Kazak-Rhun's use.

So instead of dismissal, instead of practicality—

sworn from the depths of his soul.

—you reach upwards, and give Karstah the go ahead.

The look of joy on her face is concerningly manic.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Endrinkuli - Engineer
Grozurbaz - The Grand Exchange/ Lit. "Big Market"
Khazid Okraz - Lit. "Workshop Town"
Skaudardrengi - Lit."Singing Slayer"/ Lit. "The Roaring Slayer"

━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━

Votes Collated:
[ ] [Khazagar:]
Collaborate with the Metalsmiths Guild.
Gain, New actions unlocked. You can do great things with a chapter of the Metalsmiths Guild. The Engineers simply hosting tournaments has been a boon to Khazagar's reputation, but working in tandem with the Metalsmiths would allow you to vastly increase the number of Runecraft Kraka Drakk produces. But of course, the axe over your head is the fact that the House will not look kindly upon such things.

[ ] [Khazagar:] Allow the Guild to host their contest but do not work with them.
Gain, ??? A second Guild will sponsor competitions inside Khazagar. You have a better idea about what may happen this time. The most obvious result would be an uptick in the kind of Runecraft that the Metalsmiths Guild would care most about, usually weapons and armour, with the occasional talisman or helmet. Much the same way that the Engineers Guild's competitions caused the amount of war machines to increase. But in the long term you'll expect to see more smiths form relationships with visiting Runesmiths and vice versa.

[ ] [Khazagar:] Ask them not to.
Gain, Nothing. A second Guild isn't going to be the hammerblow that splits this particular fissure, but you don't even want to smack this. The Engineers Guild's competitions have been a boon aye, but if you continue the trend, you can't rightly say how the House will react. You don't want to gamble on those odds though.

- New Variant unlocked! Rune of Siphoning [Engineering] (see below)

- (2 [Plan] +1 [Karstah]) = +3 Progress to Drakk Rearing, new totals: [18/?? Actions]
-- Grimgal, length 35m by 483 A.P.
— Training with Hysh continues. Menlinwen is committed to giving Grimgal as comprehensive an education as she can, but apparently it's become increasingly clear to the Elven mage that they are more proficient in Illumination than anything else. By the century's end Menlinwen will begin teaching her Chamon.
— Drakk
-- Zharrok, length 30m by 483 A.P.
— He will be introducing his Master Work soon, his teachers tell you. The details of which he keeps close to his chest.
-- Izgrom, length 30m by 483 A.P.
— Despite his desires to delve deeper and farther, Karstah has impressed upon him the need to actually begin mining the several claims he's found.

- Skaudardrengi Pt. 1 complete! Pt. 2 unlocked!
-- New Combo learned! Combo, Empowered Waking: [Master Rune of Waking, Rune of Empowerment, Rune of Siphoning] (see below)
-- Karstah has compiled a complete report of the material and logistical cost of creating the capstone to Khazagar. It is…well expensive would be underselling the cost in all honesty. It may very well beggar you.
-- You will need x192 bars of [T4] Adamant
--- Which will require x32 units of [T4] Elder Wyrm Blood. Put another way, at your current level of efficiency 6 units of Adamant will require 1 unit of blood. A perfectly reasonable, if expensive, trade that you can manage passively. Producing more bars from activating something like tapping a Waystone or if another Storm of Magic were to appear will require having the extra blood on hand.
-- Dedicated facilities, either within Khazagar or another location of your choosing, will be needed to not only store, but process the Adamant into the necessary forms. See vote.
-- All in all, completing the body will take at least decades [3 turns] of work to complete. While the Rune bearing portions can be completed with relative ease, building something that immense with, at most, 2 people is a massive undertaking. Even for the Gift Giver and his heir.
-- The various pieces of Equipment Karstah mentioned will undoubtedly also take cumulative decades to complete.
-- ConstructsTrait: [0/6] > [3/6]


- Expedition, Aiding Krum complete!
-- +1 Standing with Kraka Krum, new totals: (calculated below)
Standing Bonus proc! [Nowhere too Deep] +2 to Recruit Roll
Standing Bonus proc! [Lord of Deeps and Crafts] +20 Favour with Kraka Krum, new totals: (calculated below)
— Standing Bonus received! (calculated below)

- +9 Huskarls recruited, new totals: x38

- +6 Engineers recruited, new totals: x36

154 +15 =169/240

- [Mid 474] The Metalsmiths Guild has always had a noticeable, but unofficial presence within Khazagar as no sensible Smith will turn away the chance to have good proper Runework inscribed on their goods, ever since the institution's completion. But now Gormak's successor, Thurgar Drominsson, has come to you to ask the same question the Engineers Guild had decades prior.

- [Early 475] It's only tangentially related to your institution but it's a literal and proverbial stone's throw away. It seems Dwalin's doing something in Khazid Okraz. Some strange combination of inn and stage from what you gathered. Well as long as he doesn't cause any noise complaints that's his business…

New Runes/ Combos
-- Rune of Siphoning [Engineering]: Constructs and War Machines inscribed with this Rune can draw on Deep Magic, roughly doubling the longevity or recharge rate of any other Runes inscribed onto them depending on function. When inscribed all Runes glow gold. Superseded by Structural effects.
-- Combo, Empowered Waking: [Master Rune of Waking, Rune of Empowerment, Rune of Siphoning]: ???. The effects of the Rune of Empowerment are improved, and recovery time is now a quarter of the time afterwards.

- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, arriving Turn 59
- +1 [Tier 4] Barazgal, arriving Turn 58
- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Corpse
-- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus' Heart, new totals: x2
-- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus' Brain, new totals: x1
-- +2 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus' Wing Tendons, new totals: x2
-- +2 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus' Blood, new totals: x3
- +10 [Tier 4] Adamant, new totals: x46
- +3 [Tier 2] Dragon Essence, new totals: x45

Favour and Standing
- -15 Favour with Kraka Grom, new totals: Favours 200
- (-15 +20) = +5 Favour, +1 Standing with Kraka Krum, new totals: Standing 10, Favours 25
-- Standing Bonus received! Standing 10, Deep Delving: Underground "Expedition" options gain a chance to produce mineral reagents when completed.

Trait(s) Gained/Upgraded

- ConstructsTrait: [0/6] > [3/6]


There will be an eleven-hour moratorium for discussion.

AN: Pt. 2 has me excited. Stay tuned. It's where stuff gets cooking. How about Empowered Waking though huh? Oh and @_The_Bomb yes I will update Understand the Master Rune of Thungni. As always, hope you enjoy and don't forget to C&C. :^)
Last edited:
Turn 57 Results Pt. 2: Azrilzhufgotten
Update update, or Dwarf Player Guide Update?
Well I was gonna post that day and say something dumb, but then I was hit by inspiration and then it took a whole ding-dang day.

Anyway here ya go
Winning Vote said:
[X] Plan: The Dragon Kaiju Begins and Checking in on Draco Grandkids
Snorri & Karstah
-[X] The Enduring War Rune 1 Snorri + 1 Karstah + 1 Retainer. Already covered, this is for action tracking purposes. ✓
-[X] Drakk Rearing 1 Snorri + 1 Karstah AP ✓
-[X] [Difficult] Design Skaudardrengi, The Singing Slayer, Emperor Dragon Gronti: 1 Karstah AP ✓
An exemplary 45 meter Storm Wyrm forged from pure Adamant, with eyes of glowing Dronril shielded by metallic lids. Rest linked in this post.
--[X] Choose: Master Rune of Waking [T4] Greedy Troll Heart, Rune of Empowerment [T4] Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Heart, Rune of Siphoning [T4] Greedy Troll Heart.
-[X] [Difficult] Build Azrilzhufgotten, The Silver River Banner: Design link 1 Karstah AP ✓
-- [X] Choose: Combo, Goruz-Kazak Rikkaz: Master Rune of Traversal [T4] Radiant Pegasus' Heart, Rune of Impact [T3] Stonehorn Leg Muscles, Rune of Amber [T4] Barazgal.

-[X] [Difficult] Accept Starlight: Due end of Turn 59. ✓

-[X] [Difficult] Convert Siphoning to Engineering 1 Snorri AP ✓
-[X] [Difficult] Extra-sensory Pt. 1 2 Snorri AP ✓
-[X] [Simple] Slave Wyrm Autopsy 1 Simple proc ✓
-[X] [Simple] The Secrets of Light Pt. 2 Simple procs ✓


-[X] Expedition, Aiding Krum (1 +1 [Industry of the North]) =2 Retainer AP ✓
-[X] Expedition, Aiding Kraka Drakk 1 Retainer AP ✓

--[X] Princely Hunting: T4 Radiant Pegasus
--[X] Royal Authority, Additional Order:
[T4] Barazgal 15 Kraka Grom Favor
--[X] Royal Authority, Additional Order:
[T4] Voidstone 15 Kraka Krum Favor

[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about reactions to you running off with Karaz-Kazak-Rhun [Extensive, Evolving] ✓
[X] [Social:] Brynna covertly attends a competition in Khazagar. ✓

[X] [Social:] Fjolla showing her new smelter.
Winning Vote Turn 57 Results Pt. 1 said:
[X] [Khazagar:] Allow the Guild to host their contest but do not work with them. ✓
Gain, ??? A second Guild will sponsor competitions inside Khazagar.
You have a better idea about what may happen this time. The most obvious result would be an uptick in the kind of Runecraft that the Metalsmiths Guild would care most about, usually weapons and armour, with the occasional talisman or helmet. Much the same way that the Engineers Guild's competitions caused the amount of war machines to increase. But in the long term you'll expect to see more smiths form relationships with visiting Runesmiths and vice versa.

━<><><>< 476 A.P. ><><><>━​

Your stylus leaves the page, and you stare down at what you've written with naked discomfort.

It had made sense at the time to complete your autopsy of the Slave beasts that Fimir had created as part of the prepwork for Karstah's planned creation. Yet another data point to pin to the board, another example to compare and contrast with. You had come into this project with the expectation that nothing you found could be as wretched as what was in the Chimaeras.

In the end you are half right.

What you found was, on paper, not worse. There were no masses of pulsating flesh that had no seeming purpose, no fang filled maws within the stomach, nor malformed sets of organs wedged where they ought not to be.

But what you find is no less horrible in your mind. The bodies of these degenerate drakk were crudely built, flooded with power for power's sake and done only as intricately as was needed to ensure they did not immediately mutate or expire. Well enough so that they took on the shape the Fimir intended…

…but not so well that these creatures did not suffer every moment of their tortured existence from the side effects.

And suffer they must have. For their organs are aged well beyond what the rest of their bodies and simple math would suggest. You have only seen similarly poor examples from truly sickly and weak drakk; enlarged hearts and fatty livers, failed kidneys, distended stomachs, and brains that are the right size but rife with malformity and growths to name a few.

That is the cost for the power they possess.

Because these sad wretches are indeed mighty. Where their organs are withered and broken, worn threadbare from corruption and the stress of keeping the rest of the body alive, their muscles and skin are tough and strong. Stronger than a dragon of their age could ever naturally be, more comparable to a freshly matured Wyrm for the younger specimens, and a true Wyrm for the eldest, than the newly weaned welps you have realized they truly are.

How? You cannot say exactly, nor do you think you really want to know.

But there are hints, or more accurately there is one hint.

The blood.

It is, well potent is one word for it, and horrific is another. The truth is that it's probably somewhere in the middle. It is, to your great surprise, effectively the blood of an Elder Wyrm when viewed with your Windsight eye. Such is the nature and amount of magic held within that you theorize it may be the only reason the organs and by extension the creatures did not die from their transformation.

When you make the ultimate test by trying to run one of the Smelters with it, you feel a mix of revulsion and awe to see that it works.

It is the sort of gnawing horror of seeing something beyond the pale and knowing just enough to comprehend the necessary skill needed to make such a thing happen.

You are no friend to the drakk, the siblings are Shard wyrms ya see and yes that makes it different, but even this incites pity within you. The Fimirs' sorcerers somehow managed to prematurely age these poor creatures with magic until they reached the size and strength of an Elder Wyrm without any concern for the consequences of such rapid development. That their bodies swelled with power a-plenty and that was enough.

And, a dark part of you whispers, maybe their suffering was perhaps just a pleasant surprise?

Some small part of you wonders how developed these Slave Wyrms truly were. The siblings had not truly begun to think beyond their instincts and engage in complex, abstract thought until they were decades old at the earliest, and these were of comparable age.

Had these dragons even lived long enough to be aware, to possess minds capable of complex thought and fully understand their suffering? Were they even capable of it after what was done to them?

Which fate would be the kinder?

Your mind can begin to piece everything together in all its terrible reality. The Fimir desired only a mighty beast, but circumstance made them release their creations early. In the face of defeat, they cared not for the quality of its life, only the minimum length and the value that could be extracted before its expiry. What would they have cared that their slave beast would live only a fraction of its full lifespan when that fraction was more than enough for their current needs? This flaw could be looked at when they were not at war, they required only that the weapon worked. Their perfection could wait.

It is that casual disregard, bereft of cruelty or malice, and that makes it all the worse.

Not since Karag Dum, since the Frurndar, have you felt such revulsion.

This is one of the rare times that the thought of doing a bit of wool gathering actually seemed sensible.

A part of you is thankful that you never ended up making Karstah do this.


A long, slow exhale leaves her lips.

The round piece of Adamant sits in the forge while she watches patiently, eyes scanning for the sign that it is ready for working.

Ready for the Rune it is to bear.

The rest of the banner was largely complete. The leering skull of Grundbak, from the tip of his sweeping horns to the teeth of his fang-filled maw coated in shining silver, carried aloft an Adamant banner pole and crossbar. The fabric of the banner was a well cut piece of a Troll's belly skin, made supple (for trollskin) and clean enough for writing and staining, but enough of its natural state visible that its source was still unmistakable. With Queen Valka's blessing, the rune sigil of lost Karag Dum was placed below the symbol of the Hearth Guard both branded onto the leather then gilded in gold so pale it was almost silver.

Around the two symbols are more images, brand marks that depict the carefully stylized image of Hearthwardens in battle. They are locked in combat against Beastmen, Dumi and even the Frurndar, though the latter designed to appear as nameless, formless shadows. Each of the scenes was posed then placed in such a way that it created the image of a Dwarfen shieldwall protecting the symbols of the Hold while the banner in miniature fluttered defiantly at the forefront. Bordering the banner were long, gilded lines of Aldrhunr, the oaths and promises of Valaya to protect and aid one's people wherever they may be found framing the image on the banner. While all along the crossbar were twenty one holes, for which twenty one bolts with their heads forged to appear as shields, would pin the troll's hide in place.

It was a purposeful juxtaposition on her part, a solemn oath of protection written on the consequences of forcing its fulfillment.

But it isn't done.

Only eighteen have been made and hammered into place.

Three more shields need to be made, and three Runes need to be forged.

She spots the subtle shift in the metal's hue and all thoughts flee her mind as instinct takes over.


With well-practiced ease, she uses her tongs to pull the orange round of Adamant out of the forge and onto her anvil.

Then she raises her hammer.
Power Flows
In her mind she can already see the final form of her work. The first Rune to be struck, the Rune of Amber, to hold those under the Banner's aegis together against whatever it is that would seek to separate them. The Rune is ready, eager to rise up from the depths of her mind to be wrought onto the wondrous metal beneath her gaze.

And she is the conduit.
Will guides it
Karstah begins the striking by bringing her hammer down against the orange Adamant, the first blow heavy and purposeful. The ring of metal on metal reverberates through her Workshop, lingering longer than expected. It is an oddity she pays no mind to, bringing all her focus onto the task in front of her.

A second strike follows, then a third, and so it goes. The steady sound of metal hitting metal like some Engineer's contraption beginning to run, or like a heart beginning to beat.
Let song remind you
The first words of the Rite leave her lips unbidden.

"Honour to Vanya, beloved of Thungni the Ancestor. In memory of her strike for each decade of her span…"


You decide that reading Rorek's letter is as good a way as any to get your mind off of the disconcerting discoveries you've made.

Only to hold back a grimace after getting only a few lines deep.

Rorek's first line was about sicc-ing his Dragon gronti on you, out of jest of course (you hope), but the mention of drakks immediately brings you back to the headspace you were trying to get away from.

Grumbling, you push through and continue reading the letter, willing yourself to focus on the writing and nothing else.

Well it's about as bad as you thought it could get.

You're lucky both young Kazador and Lord Hammerspite had vouched the veracity of your claims. Otherwise there would have been a strong chance that all of Izril's Runesmith Clans would have come for you and Karaz-Kazak-Rhun to kill and reclaim respectively.

As it is apperantly by Royal Decree, one no doubt vouched for by the Runesmiths, you're barred from entering Karak Izril without an escort, read minders and spies, to keep an eye on you. You don't need Rorek to tell you that most of Izril's Runesmiths are wroth at the thought of you claiming the hammer and terribly embarrassed to have been literally sitting ontop of it for centuries without realizing. Mostly because you aren't an idiot, and because Magda and Modi, your Brotherhood colleagues from the Hold, moved to Dron in the medium term to not deal with the social fallout of being known associates with you.

That part you do feel bad about.

As for the others though…

Almost immediately after your announcement hit the hold several expeditions were sent, both official and not, to try and find the cavern and reclaim something from it. Most had gone poking at Kazador or Gottri for their riddles for clues and answers first, but a number of folk, like the entirety of Clan Deepdelver for instance, had just started heading down in droves. Rorek himself had sponsored a handful of expeditions, using them more as political networking opportunities and to shore up his relationships with Izril's elite more than anything. He tells you he doesnt expect much to come from it, and that he won't lose sleep if they come back empty-handed.

Pull the other one.

Consequently, Izril's archives have become something of a tavern, much to their Loremasters' displeasure. Dozens of Runesmiths can be found there at all times of day, scrawling over the old records for hints or clues and needing to be forcefully removed from the premises by the angry librarians when maintenance of the archives needs to be done. No accusations of theft, but there are now guards who ask the Rhunki to empty out their proverbial pockets when they leave.

Then there are the four current great Clans.

Whatever the truth was before, the relationship between the Runelords of Clans Gemlinling and Aldbaraz had solidified over their mutual contempt for you. So much so that they had further sealed their newfound friendship by pushing for more matches between their Clans. Rorek would not be surprised to see a Gemlinling weapon Rune on Aldbaraz axes and Aldbaraz armour Runes on Gemlinling platemail in the near future, or for the Clans to end up learning some of the secrets of the other in time.

Good for them you guess.

And then there was the worst reaction of the four. Clan Grungagril were quiet, the sort of quiet that only happens when a Dwarf's a hairsbreadth from violence as Rorek puts it. Of them, your fellow Runelord can only say he's seen far, far more Grungagril Runesmiths dropping what they're doing and chipping in to The Brilliant Hall than before. They had something of an active rotation before this point, keeping one portion of their Runesmiths working on their joint work with the other Clans and letting the others rest and work on their own personal projects. But your act is an affront to their pride as Runesmiths and a crime against Thungni, and as can do little beyond declaring a punitive Grudge against you, they have also turned that offense into the sort of productive spite the Dawi know all too well.

Oddly enough Clan Deepdelver seemed to take it the best out of all the four Clans. Of course best was relative here, they cursed your name publicly but also let a few young journeymen north out of the same hope to see the hammer for themselves. They were a secretive lot, as Rorek sees fit to remind you, but they seem to take your discovery of Karaz-Kazak-Rhun as proof that their obsession with discovering the portalway to the Ankor Bryn is not in vain. Their faith has been buoyed, and their Dawi make up the vast bulk of the expeditions now heading down to find the place where the hammer once rested. Hoping that there is a clue to finding the Ankor Bryn in the rubble.

As for the rest of the south, well Rorek isn't as connected, but the sheer volume of activity your actions generated let him learn a great deal. That and because most of that activity seems to alternate between cursing your name and cackling at Izril's Runesmiths. You aren't surprised that more than one of Izril's rivals have taken the opportunity to tweak their noses over it. The Hold had a reputation for being as snooty over Runesmithing as Zorn was over…well everything actually ya see. Something you can corroborate from your letters with the Burudin and Brotherhood too at least. Brynduraz especially, seems all too happy at Izril's misfortune, leading the charge at mocking them, even as they grumble at you despite being the one who made it possible.

Some part of you expected to be, you know, happy about thumbing Izril in the face.

But you aren't. Or at least you aren't as happy as you expected to be.

It mostly leaves you with a sense of exhaustion and guilt, or something close enough to guilt to not quibble over.

The Runesmiths squabble, but in your heart you know it is not the usual sort of clucking and prancing of the past. This is the kind of conflict that arises in the wake of a power vacuum, in the wake of great and tragic loss.

In the wake of Thungni's disappearance.

Rorek's letter makes a part of you wonder if you ought to have taken the burden on. —

I will reach you.

but then you remember, and you find the resolve to ignore the whisper in your mind.

Besides, going by everything so far, you're fairly sure you would have killed multiple Dawi from rage-induced strokes if you had claimed the title of Thungni's Heir.

Ah, that doesn't actually make you feel better to think about.

Blinking, you realize you read through that far quicker than expected. Then with a sigh, you slide Rorek's letter to the side and reach for a fresh parchment.

You don't know when you'll get the chance to write a reply, so while the memory is fresh you might as well spend this unexpectedly free moment doing just that.

━<><><>< 477 A.P. ><><><>━​

As part of your ongoing efforts to be more, bah, social, and get the thought of your earlier research out of your head, you let yourself be wrangled into attending a tournament held in Khazagar. It was a martial contest sponsored by King Gloin. The rules, as you understood, was that a Runesmith would test their weapon Runes against each other, although they would be wielded by a warrior of that Runesmith's choosing. The winning warrior was to earn a place among the Huskarls, and the Runesmith the patronage of the Royal Clan. Understandably, every contestant submitted a greataxe of some sort, as the weapon had become the traditional choice among Kraka Drakk's royal retainers. A clever thing for Gloin to do, you reckon; to poke and prod and give reason for visiting Runesmiths to invest time in the Hold by finding a warrior they could trust to wield the weapon they made. A connection was the goal you reckon, if it blossomed into anything more all the better, but the King was heeding his father's wisdom and trying to entice as many of the visiting Journeymen and Masters to stay on a more permanent basis as possible.

The contest itself was alright enough. The contestants were all young, and therefore mediocre at best. Not quite sure why Gloin is settling, but you recognize that mediocre for you these days was a Longbeard who had the talent of someone twice his age. It was an expectation you had to keep in check, lest you drink yourself to an early grave out of sorrow for the state of the youth faster than usual. Speaking of which, you nod imperceptibly as one of the warriors in the ring does a half decent job at disarming his opponent with the beard of his weapon.

Only to tsk alongside several other Elders when the young man chooses to press the attack, failing to realize his opponent's weapon has a lesser derivative of the Master Rune of Flight inscribed upon it. The young cheer when the weapon comes flying back into his opponent's hands, smacking the warrior in the back of the head as it goes for good measure.

Shoddy, shoddy, shoddy. You shake your head and take a sip of your drink. The Huskarl's will have a tough time beating whoever ultimately wins this contest into proper shape.

You blink.

Was that—?

Doing your best to be as inconspicuous as possible, you turn your gaze away from the competing Dawi just a smidge so that you can get a better look at the crowd. Squinting, as if you're judging the two warriors below, you focus in on the figure huddled near the back.

Sure as steel it is.

Her appearance is in stark contrast to how she usually dresses herself, but that's unmistakably Brynna. She's donned a Ranger's cloak and pulled the hood over her head, obscuring her form beneath the teal and gold cloth, but you spot the metal plates of her prosthetic peek out from the edge of one of her gloves. Her hair, usually kept in long, tight plaits, has been left unbraided for once, the long silver strands carefully wrapped around her belt. You can't see her eyes from under the hood, but you imagine she's also forgone putting on the black liner around her eyes as well.

You feel a genuine sense of surprise at her presence, and immediately begin to wonder why she was here. Then your mind dredges up the list of names that were participating in this contest and everything falls into place.

One Buri Bryndazson was competing in this tournament, wielding an axe crafted by a Zornish Runesmith.


The Rune of Impact is an old hat.

So much so that the difficulty comes not from making it, but deviating from the methods and muscle memory ingrained into her mind by centuries of experience.
Let mind shape it
It's a bit like pulling a muscle or standing in an awkward position for just long enough that the muscles begin to protest. The sensation is on the cusp of pain, but not quite there. It is this dominating sense of pressure, wrongness, and discomfort that can only be stopped by correcting the body and relieving the unexpected weight.

Karstah ignores it, focusing on the chant even as she breaks from what it demands.
Sing the song of creation
She speaks of grinding down the tendons of boars, even as she sprinkles in the ground tendons of the stonehorn.

Recites lines demanding that the dust be added to spring melt even as she pours the powder into a bowl of blood.

Keeping in tune with the proper rites, even as she deviates so greatly, is an act of great skill in and of itself. Stanzas must be adhered to, the rhythm of her striking cannot change without consequence. To do any less will risk creating a subpar Rune, a waste of effort and a shame upon her kith and kin.

It cannot be rushed.
The work of eternity

You slip away from the competition easily enough, grumbling about business to be done and fools wasting time. An age old reason, one that few question the validity of. Donned a disguise of your own before skulking around the edge of the crowd to stand next to Brynna

"Last I checked, wasn't the lad using a shield?" you ask.

"A friend of his was the original partner, but ran afoul with sickness after eating a bowl of poorly made Drongnel. His honour demanded he take the boy's place." Brynna explains, unfazed.

Shaking her head at one particularly dumb headbutt, she turns slightly to look at you.

You blink.

"Gone all out then and gave yourself new eyes too eh?" you ask, staring at Brynna's new set of prosthetics

This pair of eyes used amethyst for the iris instead of the amber and gold you first saw her use decades prior, a trio of two obscured Runes in conjunction with the Rune of Forged Eye.

"One benefit of disfigurement," she explains calmly, "I can pick my gaze as freely as I can choose a necklace. Perhaps a set with Ruby and Hearthstone next honoured Elder?"

You're about to reply earnestly when Brynna's words catch up with you.

"Is that a joke I hear my Lady?" you say with faux astonishment.

"We in Zorn do know of it. Even if it is a rare luxury that, I must confess, must often be imported," she says nonchalantly.


"We learn something new everyday," you say with as much sincerity as you can muster, earning an upward quirk of your colleague's lips.

The two of you turn back to watch the contest. The bout ends with one warrior headbutting the other, knocking them out and making their Runesmith patron wail at the loss. As the loser is carried away on a stretcher, the young page in charge of updating the bracket crosses out the loser's name before announcing the next bout of the quarter finals.

"He'll be after this one won't he?" you ask, looking at the bracket to see that Brynna's grandnephew will be facing off against a Dawi from Clan Grimseal.

"Indeed. He's done well enough so far, but these will be men and women who have trained with the az-dreugi their whole lives now. A challenge if there ever was one."

"One worthy of reward should he overcome it?" you hedge, watching the competitors step into the ring.

Brynna inclines her head.

"If the Ancestors are so kind."

"I see," you murmur before blinking in realization.

"And you my Lady? I haven't asked how you've fared since we last spoke."

Brynna makes a sound of what you realize is amusement

"Despite the setback, I have continued my work. Unless misfortune strikes again I will be ready to unveil one particular project sooner rather than later." she states cryptcally.

"That's heartening to hear."

"And you my Lord? Surely your newest acquisition has changed your plans a great deal?" she asks in return.

You hum in thought. A number of images, from a great white wyrm, to strange half formed machines and other, less positive things, are conjured by your mind then dismissed in equally short order.

"Less than you'd think," you eventually respond.

"If memory serves, I recall you saying you were attempting to be more social, correct? Is this one such part of your plan?"

You grunt in confirmation.

"Standing and watching silently like an undi for most of the tournament before sneaking off with little warning or notice?" Brynna points out lightly, turning around to give you a slightly admonishing look.

"Seeing an honoured colleague and going to speak to them about matters unrelated to work," you correct, sniffing as you look down at her.

Your fellow Runelord blinks owlishly, and you feel a bit of indignation about that.

"I stand corrected then my Lord. That does indeed sound like a great burden for you," Brynna amends, recovering from her surprise and doubling down with blatant insincerity.

"One I bear without complaint," you state with overemphasized stoicism, going along with her joke.

A shout of effort draws the two of you to look back to the ring just in time to see one warrior use his axe to pull the other's boot from under them, sending his opponent to the ground. The other Dwarf tries to get up, but is stopped by an axe milimeters from his neck.

The downed combatant doesn't say anything for half a minute, simply staring at the weapon poised to kill him were this fight not a friendly bout. But thankfully he eventually does concede, moustache twitching fiercely with wounded pride as he grinds out the words.

You and Brynna clap politely, drowned out by the cheers and hollers of the crowd.


Brynna's grandnephew made a good showing in his match and the following two rounds after that. He beat Dawi decades his senior, overcoming the difference in skill out of sheer stubborn-mindedness, in fights that were far closer than most expected them to be. A consequence, you reckon, of his opponents underestimating both his youth and lack of experience with a greataxe, but his streak of good fortune could not last. Once he got to the quarter finals his opponents had stopped taking anything for granted and, wizened up to the threat he posed, fought him seriously from the get-go. He had done his best, but Buri would eventually end up losing to the same Grimseal warrior you saw earlier.

The young Zornishman pulled out all the stops in his final match, trying some strange snaking attack he clearly wasn't well versed in after spending most of the bout on the backfoot. To his credit he did enjoy some early success, getting more than a few good hits past his foe's guard, before eventually ending up on his back with his axe under his foe's boot once the other Dwarf figured out his tactics.

He had fought well, but there was a point where stubbornness could not overcome the skill gap. By this stage almost all those still in the running were Dawi who had been born into prominent warrior Clans, and looked like they had trained with the greataxe for as long as Buri had lived and then some. In the face of such opponents, it was a praiseworthy feat that he managed to get to the quarter finals alone.

"Farther than I reckoned he could go," you admit, watching the boy walk off the ring to respectful cheers and grunts.

"Do not underestimate my kin my Lord. Persistence can fill where skill lacks, and Bright Zorn's people are a stubborn lot," Brynna tells you, eyes also on her grandnephew.

Despite the seemingly frayed relationship with her home, you hear a hint of regional pride in her voice. It shouldn't, and doesn't, surprise you to hear, it would be difficult for any Dwarf to completely forsake the place of their birth.

"So it would seem," you concede, "That last move though, never seen anything like that. Is that a Clan secret?"

Brynna shakes her head, hair swaying and bulging out her cloak at the motion.

"Neither. It is, I believe, an approximation of something from a story all children of the South know," she corrects, faint exasperation coloring her voice.

"Oh? Now you've caught my interest. A good story is always worth listening to," you tilt your head forward a smidge.

"Perhaps some other time my Lord, it is a long story. Not one told in one sitting at the very least."

"Very well. What about the premise then?" you insist.

Brynna turns to look at you, a slight hum escaping her lips for a moment before she finally nods.

"Very well. It is the story of a King. The First King some say, from a time before the Ancestors, before even Zorn. Of his life, of the trials he overcame, the treasures he accumulated, and the wisdom he learned."

"Aye? It's rare to get any sort of recreational reading out of Zorn. Its usually all history or proclamations."

"Zorn does not see a reason to share her stories, not that many would like to hear them. Though given her— our — history, it is for good enough reason I suppose," Brynna admits with a small bit of pity in her voice, "Even so, I doubt this tale would have travelled far anyway. It is tradition that every copy is written entirely on clay tablets, which given its length, makes sharing incredibly difficult. There are a few who know have memorized it in its totality, and perhaps some debased retelling exists on paper in the Old Holds north of Zorn, but I cannot say for certain it ever travelled far. The lessons are not to the taste of the Dawi to my home's north, and it has long been supplanted by the Ancestors' own legends" she explains.

"But Zorn keeps it," you surmise, "because Zorn remembers."

"Because Zorn remembers," she agrees as a complicated look forms on her face, "both for good and ill. More than one wordsmith has juxtaposed the Sunlit Hold and her penchant for shadowed secrets and hidden treasures."

"Well, I look forward to whenever I get an opportunity to pry that story from you, my Lady. Now you'll have me wondering what else Zorn holds."

Brynna inclines her head

"Zorn has many treasures and secrets, my Lord. If one knows where and how to look, they can claim them for their own," Brynna says, staring at you cryptically, "If you'll excuse me though. I must speak with my dutifully foolish grandnephew."

"Good day to you then my Lady," you say, "Ancestors keep you."

"And you," she responds before walking off, cloak trailing behind her.

You watch her go for a moment before turning away to start heading home yourself when realization strikes.

Stopping in the middle of the street, you run that conversation through your head again.

Then shake your head ruefully.

You're letting Damin get to you Klausson…

━<><><>< 482 A.P. ><><><>━​

If Ylva felt kind, she would say that one could tell where the young man's skills lied.

If she felt cruel, then she'd say Otrek Gimlisson does not take after the man he was named after.

He was not a fighter.

The fact that his first campaigning season was at 125, not in a season of leadership which would be understandable, but on campaign at all, when Kraka Drakk has been at war with the Fimir since before he was born, well…

…It's folly to expect a Dwarf to be a fighter, if their talents lie elsewhere then so long as they can swing a weapon and join the shieldwall nothing more is required of them.

But that is not enough if you're a member of Clan Ironarm. Not for a Royal Clan, expected to lead from the van of the Hold's Throng, not for a bloodline of warriors descended from Valiant, Doomed Grimnir in the last Hold He ever set foot in before He walked off into legend.

The fact is, he's not cut out for the sort of high intensity conflict that his bloodline prides itself in. At one-hundred and twenty-five his forefathers were regularly dueling elder Trolls and his own father was waging an all out campaign alongside his grandfather. It paints a stark contrast when only now, as a Longbeard, is he deemed just acceptable enough to go out and not get himself killed leading an Ironarm charge into the enemy flanks.

Were that all he brought to the table, Otrek Gimlisson would be just an unremarkable, subpar Thane in a long line of Clan Ironarm's many Thanes. Not a death knell for any Royal Clan, but he'd be someone not spoken of quite so proudly as others were by his descendants.

Thankfully for him, what Otrek Gimlisson lacks in his family's iron arms, he makes up for with his gilded tongue.

He is the finest speaker and diplomat in five generations by the estimates of his Elders, and Clan Ironarm hasn't let such a talent lie unused. King Gloin has been sending Gimli's son out on diplomatic meetings in some capacity since he first showed signs of his aptitude as a boy of sixteen. A life of building connections, affirming old bonds, mediation and judgements have honed his mind to the point that the King trusts him enough that has granted his grandson with a great degree of independence to maintain the prestige and honour of Kraka Drakk. Moreover it was a good way to stave off rumours that the heir of Gimli Three-axe was a goodfornothing layabout by giving him the ever important, if not so awe inspiring, job of diplomat while Clan Ironarm kept training him so that he could at least fight well enough to not die.

But that could not hold forever. Eventually Otrek must lead a campaign and prove that he can bring out the potential proven in his blood.

And that time is now.

Clan Ironarm is refusing to leave anything to chance here. Gimli and Gloin are with the bulk of the Hold's forces in the High King's drangthrong, but Otrek has been charged with clearing out several minor Fimir presences spotted near the frontier fortresses that serve as the main supply link between the Karaz Ankor and the High King.

Ylva expects something to go wrong, it always does, and hopes that the princeling doesnt get too rattled by it.

Because he certainly isn't going to die, at least not before everyone else around him dies first.


Not quite sure how you got here.

You had meant to continue working on the Rune of Windsight, having begun the long work of testing your shortlist of solutions when you stumbled upon a curious discovery.

It isn't an earth-shattering secret that Runes who interacted with vision and eyesight had structures in them that your forefathers theorized interacted with light. It's an obvious intuition that even a child could make after all, not even a Dwarf could see in complete darkness.

But then, in your efforts to manipulate the vision of the Rune of Windsight to reflect the desired "kind" of aetheryc senses, you noticed that you could actually alter that same light interacting structure in the Rune, the one you pulled from the Rune of Forged Eye to be precise, and get startling results. This modified Rune allowed you to see everything, but it was all blurry, the lights strange, and far too intense.

Instinctively, you had tried to block the light with your hand, but when you did you noticed that everything became visible. Not in colour, and rather poorly done all told, but noticeably better.

So, in a fit of unbound curiosity, you dropped what you were doing and decided to pursue that avenue of research instead.

What you came to suspect is that the structure you manipulated actually controlled what the Rune decided to show the user. The change you made had not given you the thematic and symbol laden that usually came with Windsight that you hoped for, but it led you to two discoveries.

The Rune's sensitivity to light could be heightened or lowered, and that you can let yourself see heat.

Strangeness and strangeness. Your best guess is that manipulating that altered the Rune's sensitivities to Hysh, and Aqshy in such a way that the latter superseded the former.

You had the basis for two very practical Runes. One that allowed a Dwarf to see in very low light conditions, and another to let a Dwarf see heat sources. Both had applications, and a part of you wants to combine both into one Rune at some point, but for now you only managed to complete the—

[ ] [Light] Rune of Dark Sight

[ ] [Light] Rune of Heat Sight


"He'll need to stay off that arm for a while, but he'll bounce back like over-proofed dough soon enough," Ylva affirms, watching the Huskarls standing guard relax slightly.

"You hear that beardling?" she continues, looking down at the injured princeling. "You'll be right as rain. No more bellyaching eh?"

A groan is the only response she gets.

"Bah!" she mutters, waving her hand dismissively.

Otrek Gimlisson is not a fighter. He has spent most of his adult life in diplomatic talks, settling disputes and using his charisma to the benefit of his people.

But he is a good leader, proven so in peace, and now she sees here also with the potential to be the same in war.

Takes a special sort of foolish bravery, or perhaps desperation, to volunteer yourself to be the distraction for a dozen Slave Wyrm riding Fimir nobles. Especially when you're about as talented as an apprentice in his first year of study.

"—Is it dead?" a voice whispers, just loud enough to grab her attention.

She looks down and sees the lad seems to be getting his wits about him.

That's good.

"Aye lad, you proved a fine distraction for us," Ylva confirms.

He groans again, only to be abruptly silenced by a drinking horn shoved to his lips.

"Rest now my prince," she orders, tilting the horn back and forcing the drink down the boy's throat.


…Thrice is the Rune hammered, and on the fourth striking shall it be slaked in the beast's lifeblood.
Wrought onto mortal plane
The hiss of steam and burble of boiling blood join the roar of the forge. The Adamant quenched not for its own sake, but for the Rune inscribed upon it.

Karstah pulls out the small round of white metal and begins hammering once more, the next steps of the Rite coming to her mind with ease.

She imagines a company of Dawi, dressed in shining snow-white plates, their fluttering red cloaks blowing like the tail of a comet. Each is ancient beyond reckoning, dressed in armour worthy of a Lord and weapons that are the envy of Kings. They are not the Hearth Guard of today, but a vision of what they could be.

Thrice is the Rune hammered, and on the fourth striking shall the tendon be lain within it…

The formation begins marching, the thump of their boots heard and the songs of the ancient past accompanying them like camp followers. They march, through storms and blizzards, through day or night and through fire and ice, without complaint or notice. The light of the Runes, bright and mighty, shines through any that seek to snuff it out, a warm crimson light in the darkness.

Sparks fly off the metal with each blow, all of them different colours, and all brighter, hotter, than they should be.
Legend and myth
Thrice is the Rune hammered, and on the fourth striking, shall the powdered flesh of the heart be driven into the metal….

In her mind the company travels the distance of three days in one; their march carries them across rivers, overtop mountains and through bogs and forests. No obstacle stands between them and their oathsworn duty, no matter the distance, the difficulty. The thumping of their individual steps becomes one, like the beating heart of some great, implacable beast that was picking up speed, the beating of its heart going faster and faster and faster still.

They crest a hill, and behold the site of battle, the clang of Karstah's hammer melding with the imagined clash of metal on metal. Cries, of victory, and of loss, echo through the air alongside the smell of blood and offal.

The Hearth Guard, resplendent in Adamant, charge. Hundreds of feet running, sprinting in perfect unison as if led by one mind. Their crimson capes trail after them like a comet's tail, and she sees the Runes on the standard they carry burn, furious and angry.

One by one each warrior is engulfed in flames that do not burn, but instead shield them, the fire that turns arrows turn to ash, spells are deadened. At the apex of their charge, mere moments from contact with the foe, the world freezes. In her mind's eye she seems them all, formless, nameless but unforgettable; they are mightier than any foe before them, more terrifying than any nightmare a mind can conjure, as unbreakable as the Adamant they clad themselves in.

Then, as the final singing blow of her hammer lands home, Karstah's mind allows time to pass, to witness the moment of impact—
The work of the smith.
—and in both worlds, there is fire.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Drangthrong - A huge Dwarf army
Grongrungral - The Vaulted Forge
Kazad a Grungnaz - The Citadel of Creation
Khazagar - The Halls of Everlearning/Hall of The Endless Gift
Khazrilaz - The Brilliant Hall

━<><><>< Grumblings and Goings ><><><>━

- [Mid 474] The Metalsmiths Guild has always had a noticeable, but unofficial presence within Khazagar as no sensible Smith will turn away the chance to have good proper Runework inscribed on their goods, ever since the institution's completion. But now Gormak's successor, Thurgar Drominsson, has come to you to ask the same question the Engineers Guild had decades prior.
-- With your go ahead, the Metalsmiths went about their business without delay. A tournament was held at the turning of the year, a day of significance to the Cult of Smednir. Another Pure Gromril smelter was to be built, and the honour of this work alongside a portion of the Smelter's first decade of output was to be the prize. The nature of the reward made the list of contestants limited, but in return they were all Master Runesmiths who could be trusted with the task. The winner, one Ongki Dweisson of Kraka Drakk, won such an honour with a set of tongs that allowed the wielder to manipulate and carry massive, unwieldy pieces of metal with childish ease.

- [Early 475] It's only tangentially related to your institution but it's a literal and proverbial stone's throw away. It seems Dwalin's doing something in Khazid Okraz. Some strange combination of inn and stage from what you gathered. Well as long as he doesn't cause any noise complaints that's his business…

- [Early 476] The Vaulted Forge, the Grongrungral. A simple name compared to the grandeur of the other three other locations it is no doubt being built in response too. Unlike the Glittering Lords of Izril and their Khazrilaz, the Rhunrikkal Brynduraz make no great proclamation of honouring the past, nor veil themselves in some twisted proof of orthodoxy as Khazagar or The Kazad a Grungnaz do. No. Forthright with the truth, it is a place of similar purpose to SIlverbrand's Citadel, but its rule is a rotating council of the Hold's Runelords. Fifty Years, shall a Runelord serve as Master of the Forge then, barring extremis, they shall not serve again until all of their living colleagues have done the same. King Bryndurak has already agreed to the Runelords' petition to claim an ancient, long since exhausted mine junction in the lowest Deeps of the Hold.

- [Early 475] A wall of metal, a monument to craft. Azul, and Karaz-a-Karak have made common cause. The mighty industry of the Iron Peak shall be bent to the righting of wrongs and the growth of Karaz Ankor. By the order of High King Snorri Whitebeard, and rewarded in wealth and ties of kinship, the Dawi of Karak Azul have committed themselves to supplying and bolstering the mighty fortresses the High King raised in the west, and those of the Northern Peninsula. Tools, supplies, and equipment of the finest Azul steel shall make the trek west and northwards, being ferried by the Merchants and Caravaneers Guilds to their intended destination. Now, the first of these shipments is ready, and within a few months time they shall be put to work.

- [Late 478] Skalla Honestheart, a Master Runesmith known, perhaps infamously so, for her hatred of the Blue Trickster has come to Khazagar. Deeming the institution acceptable enough for her to share some of her repertoire of Runes, mostly those designed to counteract and exploit the weaknesses of the Changer's minions, with those worthy in Khazagar. That her son and grandson are here, has also certainly played a part you reckon.
-- She has begun teaching her eponymous Master Rune to those worthy as a start. Options unlocked!

- [Early 479] Jorri's first major project as Guildmaster of the Caravaneers Guild has been announced. After decades of work finagling, saving and negotiation, the first stage of his "Realm Route" name pending, will soon become a reality. A chartered path of Under-inns, rest stops and paths that will, starting at very reasonable rates, allow a Dwarf to travel the length of the Karaz Ankor from Zorn to Kraka Drakk, in a comfortable, predictable and most importantly safe manner. One of the greatest physical obstacles to travel has been struck a mortal blow. Oh aye, a King need not use this service, but the common Dwarf? Why, it opens a host of possibilities. Journeymen, Apprentices, young adventurous Dawi or kin who simply live a great distance away have had the world open up for them just a bit more. Subsidizing this relatively inexpensive form of travel, are several hard won contracts with various Guilds to give them access to the services that Jorri's Guild now maintains. It is a great gamble on Jorri's part, because he's betting on Dwarfs wanting to leave their Holds, and that enough Dawi buy in that they make lowering the individual cost feasible. But by his reckoning, if he builds it, they will come.

- [Early 480] Halfway done, the Brilliant Hall is already a sight to behold. A towering central keep with long, multi-story, hallways branching out from three of its seven sides and four massive chambers between them. Within that core, a council drawn from seven of Izril's greatest Runelords shall sit, and there shall they judge those who come before them. Great is the recrimation, or the reward, for those who test themselves against the judging gaze and implacable wisdom of these vaunted elders. Treasures without equal or Runes of great might shall be given to those who pass the tests of the Council, and burning shame or trial for those unworthy or not yet proven. It is a burden of great responsibility, and some say power, and is to be closely guarded against the unworthy. Beyond this, the Brilliant Hall is also a repository and font of wisdom; not of Runelore, or secrets of the Guilds, but history, in example and in word. In honour of Thungni, His Brother and Father, shall mighty treasures be held here in safekeeping until they are wielded in great times of need and put away once the work is done. In honour of Gazul, stories and sagas chronicling the great Dawi of Izril's past shall be open for all to see and learn from. In honour of Valaya, lessons in more mundane and universal wisdom, for foundlings and those willing to learn shall be taught. In honour of Grimnir and Morgrim, contests of arms and craft shall be held to show the Runelords that their wielders and makers are worthy of Thungni's Gift.

━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━

Votes Collated:

[ ] [Light] Rune of Dark Sight

[ ] [Light] Rune of Heat Sight

- Slave Dragon autopsy complete!
-- [Windsight] Terrible. Save for their blood, every part would make for poorer reagents than a usual drakk. A poor man's drakk in truth. A crude weapon, forged in desperation, or perhaps spite. The beasts are fed so much magic that they are as physically mighty as a Dragon centuries their elder, but little else. It burns out their bodies, irreprably damaging and mutating their organs, and would leave them little more than husks by the end of their lives. A testament to Fimir cruelty, and Draconic resilience.
-- [Tier 3] Greater Slave Wyrm's Corpse x1 yields
— +6 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm Blood, new totals: (calculated below)
— +2 [Tier 2] Dragon's Gas sac, new totals: (calculated below)
-- [Tier 2] Slave Wyrm's Corpse x1
— +4 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm Blood, new totals: (calculated below)
-- +1 Progress to Akazit Pt. 2, new totals: [Cost: (14 -12) =2 actions]
-- Master of the Odd [5/15] > [6/15]

- +3 Progress to Extra-sensory Pt. 1, new totals: [Cost: (12 -7) =5 actions]

- The Secrets of Light Pt. 2 complete! The Secrets of Light Pt. 3a Utility and The Secrets of Light Pt. 3b Power unlocked!
-- You've collected a small trove of light manipulating Runes in your time. Some destructive, some novel, all left largely to the wayside as you pursued other things. In your time you've tinkered with improving the power of these Runes, to…middling success. But as part of your efforts to improve the Rune of Windsight you stumbled upon a strange phenomenon that allows you to see better in the dark.
-- New Runes unlocked! (see vote and below)
-- Master of the Odd [6/15] > [7/15]

- New Variant unlocked! Rune of Siphoning [Engineering] (see below)

- (2 [Plan] +1 [Karstah]) = +3 Progress to Drakk Rearing, new totals: [18/?? Actions]
-- Grimgal, length 35m by 483 A.P.
— Training with Hysh continues. Menlinwen is committed to giving Grimgal as comprehensive an education as she can, but apparently it's become increasingly clear to the Elven mage that they are more proficient in Illumination than anything else. By the century's end Menlinwen will begin teaching her Chamon.
— Drakk
-- Zharrok, length 30m by 483 A.P.
— He will be introducing his Master Work soon, his teachers tell you. The details of which he keeps close to his chest.
-- Izgrom, length 30m by 483 A.P.
— Despite his desires to delve deeper and farther, Karstah has impressed upon him the need to actually begin mining the several claims he's found.

- Skaudardrengi Pt. 1 complete! Pt. 2 unlocked!
-- New Combo learned! Combo, Empowered Waking: [Master Rune of Waking, Rune of Empowerment, Rune of Siphoning] (see below)
-- Karstah has compiled a complete report of the material and logistical cost of creating the capstone to Khazagar. It is…well expensive would be underselling the cost in all honesty. It may very well beggar you.
-- You will need x192 bars of [T4] Adamant
--- Which will require x32 units of [T4] Elder Wyrm Blood. Put another way, at your current level of efficiency 6 units of Adamant will require 1 unit of blood. A perfectly reasonable, if expensive, trade that you can manage passively. Producing more bars from activating something like tapping a Waystone or if another Storm of Magic were to appear will require having the extra blood on hand.
-- Dedicated facilities, either within Khazagar or another location of your choosing, will be needed to not only store, but process the Adamant into the necessary forms. See vote.
-- All in all, completing the body will take at least decades [3 turns] of work to complete. While the Rune bearing portions can be completed with relative ease, building something that immense with, at most, 2 people is a massive undertaking. Even for the Gift Giver and his heir.
-- The various pieces of Equipment Karstah mentioned will undoubtedly also take cumulative decades to complete.
-- ConstructsTrait: [0/6] > [3/6]

- Azrilzhufgotten Pt. 2 complete!
-- Karstah's Legendary Creation of Note, Azrilzhufgotten: A large banner made from the belly hide of a Troll. On the skin the runic symbol for fallen Karag Dum has been given a place of prominence, and above it the symbol of the Hearth Guard, surrounded by art of the Hearthwardens waging war against monsters and daemons. Along the banner's edge, written in Aldrhunr, is an oath sworn to Valaya to defend the Dawi wherever they may be. A line of Adamant plates, shaped like shields, anchors the hide to the banner pole. Coated wholly in silver the leering skull of Grundbak, the terror of Ornsmotek, rests atop the banner as both trophy and dire warning to the foes of the Hearth Guard. When the Runes on the banner burn, those marching under the standard feel their muscles swell and find their path unimpeded, crashing into the enemy like a flame wreathed fist of an angry god.
Combo, Goruz-Kazak Rikkaz+: Master Rune of Traversal [T4] Radiant Pegasus' Heart, Rune of Impact [T3] Stonehorn Leg Muscles, Rune of Amber [T4] Barazgal: Allies in range that charge and march together in formation are individually wreathed in a protective shield of flames and deal greatly increased damage when charging an enemy, the larger the formation the greater the speed and damage dealt. When charging they ignore all mundane obstacles.
Master of Metal
Master of the Odd
— Banner trait: [1/6] > [4/6]

- New Rune understood! Master Rune of Zon-Dum (Karstah Specific)
-- Conversion unlocked! Master Rune of Zon-Dum
-- Standing Bonus proc! [Fraternity of Thought] +1 progress to Understand the Master Rune of Zon-Dum. As part of her efforts to plan the Capstone project you assigned her, Karstah has, in her personal time, gone through the effort of studying the Master Rune that you traded with Brynna for. Even going so far as to poke and prod members of the Brotherhood to some success.
-- The Rune is simple in terms of what it does. The complexity lies in the amount of effort that's been put in safely channeling all of that power. [Master of the Odd] And it also makes the Rune uniquely suited to having branching variants spawned from it. Karstah doubts the original creator designed it with such considerations in mind though. Zornish Runesmiths were a "one way is the best way," sort.
--- In practical terms, she theorizes that the nature of the Dragon's Gas Sac is what largely influences the Wind used to fuel the Rune, while the gem affects how that energy manifests. If your Windsight Rune were complete, and she had a collection of the Master Rune made with differing ingredients, she could confirm. But she doesn't.

- New Variant unlocked! Master Rune of Zon-Dum [Talismanic]: (see below)

- Red Plate Pt. 1 complete! A helmet for a champion. A proof of concept. A test to Karstah's theory about the Master Rune of Zon-Dum.
-- Talisman (Helmet), Zonbak a play on words for "Daybreak":
-- A fully adamant helmet, designed as a more extravagant version of those worn by the Hearth Guard, and dyed red to match Rudil's moniker.
-- On its forehead is a Ruby with the Master Rune of Zon-Dum. Activating the Rune requires the user to say the Khazalid word for Sunrise, "Nar."
-- Choose: Master Rune of Zon-Dum [T3] Flawless Brynduraz, [T4] Elder Frost Wyrm's Gas Sac
-- Talismanic Trait: [3/6] > [5/6]

New Runes/ Combos

-- Master Rune of Zon-Dum [Talismanic]: It must be inscribed on a Flawless Gemstone set into a structure wholly composed of Pure Gromril or better. After a brief charging period, the gemstone unleashes a beam of extreme heat powerful enough to melt Pure Gromril after a few seconds of exposure. The beam's duration is inversely related to its strength.
-- Rune of Siphoning [Engineering]: Constructs and War Machines inscribed with this Rune can draw on Deep Magic, roughly doubling the longevity or recharge rate of any other Runes inscribed onto them depending on function. When inscribed all Runes glow gold. Superseded by Structural effects.
-- Incomplete? Rune of Dark Sight [Talismanic]: Must be inscribed on lenses. Allows the user to see in incredibly low light conditions. (props to @Carcer , independently submitting these Runes like a year or three ago)
-- Incomplete? Rune of Heat Sight [Talismanic]: Must be inscribed on lenses. Allows the user to see differences in heat
-- Incomplete? Rune of Burning Light [Talismanic]: Must be inscribed on a gemstone. The user can cast a concentrated ball of Hysh. Based on what you know of the Rune of Fire, but harnessing Hysh rather than Aqshy. It is painful to the things of Chaos, but unlikely to kill. Its power is not yet terrible
-- Combo, Empowered Waking: [Master Rune of Waking, Rune of Empowerment, Rune of Siphoning]: ??? The effects of the Rune of Empowerment are improved, and recovery time is now a quarter of the time afterwards.

- Expedition, Aiding Krum complete!
-- +1 Standing with Kraka Krum, new totals: (calculated below)
Standing Bonus proc! [Nowhere too Deep] +2 to Recruit Roll
Standing Bonus proc! [Lord of Deeps and Crafts] +20 Favour with Kraka Krum, new totals: (calculated below)
— Standing Bonus received! (calculated below)

- Expedition, Aiding Kraka Drakk complete!
-- +20 Favour with Kraka Drakk, new totals: (calculated below)

- Azrilzhufgotten
-- + Movement, new total: Average+ Movement

- +9 Huskarls recruited, new totals: x38

- +6 Engineers recruited, new totals: x36

154 +13 =169/240

- [Mid 474] The Metalsmiths Guild has always had a noticeable, but unofficial presence within Khazagar as no sensible Smith will turn away the chance to have good proper Runework inscribed on their goods, ever since the institution's completion. But now Gormak's successor, Thurgar Drominsson, has come to you to ask the same question the Engineers Guild had decades prior.

- [Early 475] It's only tangentially related to your institution but it's a literal and proverbial stone's throw away. It seems Dwalin's doing something in Khazid Okraz. Some strange combination of inn and stage from what you gathered. Well as long as he doesn't cause any noise complaints that's his business…

- [Late 478] Skalla Honestheart, a Master Runesmith known, perhaps infamously so, for her hatred of the Blue Trickster has come to Khazagar. Deeming the institution acceptable enough for her to share some of her repertoire of Runes, mostly those designed to counteract and exploit the weaknesses of the Changer's minions, with those worthy in Khazagar. That her son and grandson are here, has also certainly played a part you reckon.
-- She has begun teaching her eponymous Master Rune to those worthy as a start. Options unlocked!

- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, arriving Turn 59
- +1 [Tier 4] Barazgal, arriving Turn 58
- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Corpse
-- +1 -1 =+1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus' Heart, new totals: x1
-- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus' Brain, new totals: x1
-- +2 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus' Wing Tendons, new totals: x2
-- +2 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus' Blood, new totals: x3
- +10 [Tier 4] Adamant, new totals: x46
- +10 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm Blood, new totals: 10

- +3 [Tier 2] Dragon Essence, new totals: x45
- +2 [Tier 2] Dragon's Gas sac, new totals: x5

Favour and Standing
- -15 Favour with Kraka Grom, new totals: Favours 200
- (-15 +20) = +5 Favour, +1 Standing with Kraka Krum, new totals: Standing 10, Favours 25
-- Standing Bonus received! Standing 10, Deep Delving: Underground "Expedition" options gain a chance to produce mineral reagents when completed.

Trait(s) Gained/Upgraded

- Master of the Odd [5/15] > [7/15]


- Armour Trait [3/6] > [5/6]
- Banner trait: [1/6] > [4/6]
- Talismanic Trait: [3/6] > [5/6]
- ConstructsTrait: [0/6] > [3/6]

There will be an two-hour moratorium for discussion.

AN: A day late, an oath broken. This blew up, by like...a lot. Anyway I am making my Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer dreams a reality through the power of author fiat Karstah Khazadsdottir. As always, hope you enjoy and don't forget to C&C. :^)
Last edited:
Turn 58:
Important announcement, I am re-opening user-generated Runes.*
*I do ask that you post with "#Rune-Ideas" in the body so I can search easily. And I will say you make my life easier if you try and tag each Rune as best as you can. People who have posted ideas inbetween me posting unofficially and now you don't gotta post again. Maybe edit to have the #Rune-Ideas in there, but that's about it. Anyway here ya go.

Winning Vote: said:
[X] [Light] Rune of Heat Sight:

━<><><>< 483 A.P. ><><><>━​

"That's our food expenses tripling then," you mutter, watching the young Winterhearth messenger scurry off with your letter to the Farmer and Herders Guildmaster.

Let none say Snorri Klausson shamed Valaya by being a poor host.

Even if it means he shuddered and cringed at the lightness of his purse.

A part of you preens at having so many inside Khazagar's walls, two other parts bemoan the fact that many of this particular surge in attendance is solely because of Thungni's hammer and not because they saw the benefit of your work.

"Still cheaper than feeding the siblings," Karstah mentions.

"A mark of pride and sorrow that it takes three Drakk to out-eat the number of Dawi within these walls." you mutter, "Was there anything else before I met with Fjolla?"

"Just Rudil reminding you about the training program."

You grumble consideringly.

There was definitely a point to be made there, it had been over two decades since you had gone through the trouble of actually getting the ball rolling only to leave it half done. It was the same with your lessons with Menlinwen if you had to be honest. Of course no one can say you weren't putting either off frivolously, nor was Rudil implying such. He and you both knew there were more than a few crisses and obligations that popped up that you had to address, too many to count to be honest.


There's a difference between leaving research undone for decades and leaving others stuck waiting for you were two entirely different things.

It has to be addressed soon though you think, if for the sake of propriety.

Snorri Klausson was not a poor host, nor should he be a poor lord and employer.


You have always been proud of your students' achievements.

Well, most of their achievements.

Not quite sure how Dolgi thinks that absolute abomination of a stew is worthy of praise, he even seems to revel in making it worse everytime now.

But where were you?


Their successes were yours, and it is your hope that they shall surpass you one day. Perhaps only in some ways, and if you are lucky, even completely so. But that was true for each and every last beardling you decided to teach. You believed that they had the capability to do more than you could, that the spark of potential was there like ore in stone. Actually bringing out that potential and proving yourself correct was your job. That was the mark of a good teacher and a proper master in your eyes, to have not only elevated the standards of their craft in life, but also after it.

All of your students have proven themselves to you.

Now Fjolla joins Snerra and Dolgi in proving that to the rest of Karaz Ankor.

It is a beautiful creation.

The ring's body was made from the bone of a Magma Wyrm, divided into four quarters with each bearing a depiction of Valaya in one of her most prominent aspects. The Ancestor's clothing and body were meticulously chiselled silver, while her visage was carved into Hearthstones.

A surprisingly hopeful and direct theme given what the ring did.

Because it lived up to its name, Guzazi zhuf, in the most terrifying way possible.

By simply pointing the center stone at a sorcerer and saying, "guzzen," Fjolla's creation revealed its terrifying purpose.

The sorcerer's shadow becomes animate, its "eyes" begin to glow a baleful red as it shapeshifts into a dwarf shaped mass of endless darkness. Once fully formed, it then goes about its work.

It grabs its former maker, scrabbling, clawing at the flesh of their face, while trying to bind them in place with whips of darkness.

During this struggle, when the mage is distracted and understandably terrified by the fact that their literal shadow has betrayed them, the entity begins to feed. The magic of the mage and their spells are its first meal of course, but not even the air and the enchanted items unlucky enough to be nearby are safe. And it will continue to do so, until either it is destroyed or its work is done.

"They'll sing sagas about this one," you murmur, holding the ring to the light for a final few seconds before returning it to your grandniece.

"They'd be right to," she replies, naked satisfaction radiating off of her as she puts it back on her finger..

"Reckon you'll be using her anytime soon then? It would be an insult to leave such work left to gather dust," you comment, looking at your once-student curiously.

"Course I will. They owe me a debt, and I intend to collect."

"What inspired this anyway? An interesting choice to depict Valaya for a ring that seems far better suited to Gazul."

"Many things. That ring of yours for one solidified the idea of course, but there was a strange, strange encounter with something in a dum-corrupted forest that gave me the premise, but truthfully those all came after the fact. The root of it is simple."

Your grandniece's voice grows cold, and hateful. Her gaze grows distant for a brief flash before they return to the present, more full of hate than you've seen since she was thirty.

"To remind them that there are consequences to harming my children."


A whirring whine fills the air as bolt of radiance is set loose from Grimgal's maw.

It strikes the stone target with the sound of shattering glass and stone, kicking up a small cloud of dust and stone shards that fails to conceal the aboslute destruction the spell unleashed.

Where once a three meter stone menhir, part of a reappropriated apprentice piece after the beardling somehow fumbled a strike and struck a fault that cracked the originally six meter tall column in half, there was now only a pile of rubble surrounding the remaining meter and a half of stone that their spell did not directly hit.

You and Karstah clap politely while their siblings nod and grunt in approval respectively.

When the normally reserved and most introverted sibling had requested your presence, it had sparked some curiosity.

What followed was several hours of demonstrations from Grimgal displaying her talent with Hysh and budding competence with Chamon.

"Menlinwen's mentioned your lessons are going well, but it's always good to see with my own eyes," you comment, looking up at her, "but you aren't Izgrom—"

"I am Izgrom!"

"—so what's the impetus behind this lasses?"

Grimgal turns her head away from the rubble pile to look at you.

"War comes. We wish to test our mettle against them."

You blink, and Karstah coughs.

Suspiciously, neither of her brothers seem to react.

"You want to march with the Throng?"

She nods.

"There is a debt Elder. Zharrok/the fire/forge pays with craft, Izgrom/the copper/miner pay with treasure—"

Grim opens her maw and light coalesces within, forming a scintillating ball of Hysh before letting it fade.

"—we shall pay with their blood."

You and Karstah look at eachother.

"We cannot grow without challenge, but we are not so foolish as to go as we are," Grimgal continues, "have prepared for this extensively."

"It's true," Izgrom adds, "Zharrok made my rocks into her armour."

" 'Forged,' Izgrom, the word is 'forged.' I forged sister armour from the ore you passed to me," he corrects

"Made, Forged, they work the same."

"They are not, and you know that. One is more specific."

"Why pick a word that works for only one thing? A word for everything would be best."

"You're doing this on purpose—"

As the brothers descend into quiet squabbling, Grimgal continues to stare at you both expectantly.


It's been an eventful few days, and you would like nothing more than to sit down and drink while you think everything over.

But there's still one glaring issue you must begin to address.


Building something of that size and complexity was a nightmare no matter how you looked at it. First, it would require a dedicated workspace and equipment to build. Compared to everything else, that wasn't the hard part truth be told.

Then there was deciding where to build it.

Much as you would like to just build the parts then assemble somewhere else, the logistical complications alone would make moving that much Adamant around more than was necessary a nightmare. More importantly, the realities of the Gronti's construction required a level of precision and sophistication that made storing the parts somewhere away from where they were being created untenable.

No, for Karstah's plan to be built to the best of your combined abilities, it had to be done and kept together all in one place.

You had understandably operated under the assumption that the Gronti would be built within Khazagar, expanding your Workshop with Zharrgal and good ol fashioned masonry to accommodate something of that size. It would be the safest possible option, and the fastest too. But Karstah had brought up two viable alternatives that were at least worth hearing out.

There was the closest "major" Waystone to the Hold. It would be a trek to get the material there, but in exchange you could build every part of the Gronti with the power of a tapped Waystone powering its Runes. There was the threat of something going wrong, as there always was when you touched those things, but it was certainly worth the cost. And with the Hearth Guard nearby you doubt any gribblies that spilled out would last long enough to stop you or Karstah from shutting off the tap.

Karstah had been hesitant to say it at first, but she had eventually brought up the Anvil of the Earth as the other location where you could build the Gronti. You're not so traumatized that the thought of that place would scare you of course, but to be fair mentioning it had given you pause.

You had understandably complex feelings about that place on account of it nearly killing you.

Then again that wasn't the Anvil's fault moreso than it was yours for the attempt.

Ignoring your feelings, the logistics of building around the Anvil were arguably worse than the Waystone. More distant, and across rougher terrain to reach. Nevertheless, the benefits could arguably outweigh the negatives. The final location of Master Yorri's journal was a supremely potent Arcane Fulcrum of what you've come to realize is Chamon and Aqshy for one thing. That power made Skarrenbakraz go beyond even your wildest expectations, and even the dregs that remained were enough to immediately hatch and irrevocably alter the triplet. Add in the fact that it was the likely cause for Mhorni's existence was another point in its favour to boot. But all of that power was unreliable, and barring some way of keeping it open permanently, you had no way of making it consistent yet or ever at all.

You also had to ask, well you didn't but for the sake of thoroughness you ought to, if the space would have some future purpose. Did you see yourself building more things if not to the same quality, then scale as Skaudardrengi? Would it be just Gronti, or would you branch out? Difficult to say, and honestly you don't evne know if its worth considering. At the very least specialized facilities and tools may make it easier for you, though that came at the cost of time and labour.

That was it for the mundane problems.

Then there were the more esoteric, Rune-based, ones.

Skaudardrengi was of a size that the Runes needed would be encroaching on the constraints and limits that Structural Runes solved. Beyond a certain point, a Rune needed either a more effective means of powering the entire "item", or they needed to be fed enough power to remain active. Both problems that Structural Runes accounted for by naturally remaining immobile and harnessing that particular quirk of Runecraft and by making specific alterations to their striking to better handle that energy. If you wanted something to move, there was a point where it became where power had to fall to the wayside. Historically Regular sized Gronti were the safe limit of what a Runesmith could expect the Master Rune of Waking to power long enough with the material you had available, any bigger and you had to trade uptime at an exponential rate. Adamant's discovery had pushed that boundary further, but not infinitely so.

Your creation would, being three times the size of most Gronti, be pushing the theoretical limits of what even Adamant could allow. You had no doubt it could move of course, but how long was still a work of estimate and theory. There simply hasn't been anyone stupid enough to attempt what you and Karstah are doing.

The Rune of Empowerment and Siphoning should alleviate that concern, but if you wanted to be sure there were other things you could do.

Firstly, was to add more of the reagent.

Expensive, and like changing the reagent, could have unexpected results though certainly not as likely. Most times it ended up either making the Rune stronger but not always enough to be worth the cost, making an irrelevant change, or rarely structural failure. It had been done for the Master Rune of Waking, but since you don't have those examples in front of you, and the Dawi that built those examples are either busy, long dead, or screaming at you in rage you can't ask them either. It was doable, and the most straightforward, but you can't guarantee anything. Karstah hadn't thought it was worth the effort, which considering everything else she did should say something, but you were scraping this particular bone dry anyway.

The second was safer and would certainly do something, but was more time consuming. It meant developing a variant of the Master Rune of Waking that you were more sure could manage something that large to a degree you'd be happy with, but that may ruin everything else. Altering Runes had a way of futzing with things that took time to account for and that took more time.

Or you could do both bring yourself closer to the floor when you sit on your gold pile just that teensy bit more. A variant of the Master Rune of Waking that cost twice as much but would be even better suited to the task.

If it was anything else, then seeing someone futzing enough to worry about these concerns would make any right thingking Dawi see them as a Dibna.

But this wasn't that, so you weren't.

Simple really.

If only everything else you've thought about could be.

━<><><>< Grumblings and Goings ><><><>━

- [Early 481] Vragni Silverbrand has temporarily left his workshop to declare to all Rhunki, that he has not, nor shall he ever, seek to oust those Runesmiths who disagree with his methodology from Kraka Ornsmotek. In his own words, "Unless you're Klausson himself and brazenly flaunting your rule breaking, I don't give enough of a damn what you think to go out of my way and make others harass you and yours, let alone going about it personally. So long as you shut up and use the Citadel for its intended purpose then come and go as you please. Can't stop you from being an idiot in your own damn head, or what others do about you, but know I am no hypocrite to shout at that idiot about fracturing the Guild and then going around and doing it myself."

- [Mid 481] The honoured Rhunrikki, Brynna Gildedeyes, has unveiled a new creation to aid her in the battle against the Fimir. A golden set of scalemail she has dubbed Zon-Klad, the Sun Scale. A suit whose looks are a blend of the aesthetics of both the Hold of ther birth and the Hold she has chosen as her home. A sleeveless scalemail tunic that reaches down to her just above her shins, cinched at the waist with a belt of golden girdle studded with Drakk sapphires. A similarly blended Zornish mantle and masked helm evoke imagery of the sun, with golden triangles and chains overtop a backdrop of blued Gromril plates and chainmail coif respectively. The facemask is the wrathful visage of Morga VIIIth; known to history as the Mad Morga, a Queen of Zorn from the time of the Clan Wars who was infamous because of how furiously and completely she personally shamed and harangued her own kin and the Hold after being forced to take up arms to defend herself from the warriors of an enemy Karak.

- [Early 482] The Elves come, fey and terrible upon wings of fire and death or some such nonsense. The princeling Malekith has convinced three Elven princes and a princess, two of Caledor and two of Saphery, to aid in the slaying of the Fimir for the threat they pose. What's more, there are words that more than just Elven armies shall visit in due time. Not just here, but to the lands south of the Northtern Holds, across the Sea of Claws or so some of the Elgi traders say. The more temperate climes along the coast are being eyed as a fine prize for the taking now that the Elves have claimed all the "easy" spots to the west of their island home. Well have at it one supposes, if they want beaches and plains instead of digging into a good solid mountain that's their folly.

- [Early 483] As Azul goes west and north, Karag Vlag goes east and south. An expansion of the great road connecting the Desolate Peak and the eastern hold of Uzkulak shall take place, funded by the coffers of both realms. Though the Desolate Hold is known for their iron, if there is one thing the east doesn't lack for, it is mineral wealth. Nai, it is food that entices the eastern Dawi to parlay. A fine thing, to build bonds with the usually recalcitrant and standoffish kin who call Gazul's Haunt their home. Strange as the eastern folk may be, by Valaya's stoutest keg they are still Dawi, and moreover they are a fabulously wealthy bunch!

- [Early 483] Karak Kadrin has declared their newest endeavour. Dubbed the Baduruk-a-Karak, The MIghty Fist of the Mountains shall supposedly be one of the greatest feats of individual Runecraft yet seen. The work of Thormund Stalwart-shield, Runelord of Karak Kadrin and honourable lord of the Burudin. He has dedicated centuries to fine-tuning the Rune that, in his words, "Shall cement Kadrin's Dominion of the Peak Pass."

- [Late 483] Fjolla has created something worthy of acclaim. Well she always does, as have all your students, but this is one that even the hoariest, most curmudgeonly and antagonistic Karugromthi can sniff at in approval, Guzazi Zhuf. "Magic Eater," joins the expansive collection of work meant to counter the ill intent of magic and their users against the Dawi, as one of the pre-eminent examples of the ingenuity and spite of the Runesmiths Guild. Inspired by Zharr-a-Drakhazi, or more accurately annoyed by it, Fjolla has created a tool of terrible vengeance. Where your ring burns from within, your niece's creation instead consumes from without. The chosen target's shadow shifts and morphs into a red-eyed, vaguely Dwarf shaped, thing of nightmares that claws and tries to bind its former creator in place, feasting on their magic to maintain its existence until either it is destroyed or the wizard is emptier than the alehouse after Brodag.

- [Burudin] Alright you lot, who solved that mountain-mad loony Thormund's challenge and what did it cost him? Weaponize a mountain my arse, I'll consider whatever concoction he's brewed up worthwhile when I see Peak Pass rip itself out of the bedrock and dance to a jig!

- [Burudin] Alric, brother, was it you?

- [Burudin] Leave me be Angkra, don't put that nonsense in anyone's heads. Still sour after he rejected your solution aren't you? Going through a communal channel to do so as well, the nerve. Whoever answered Thormund's challenge either wishes to remain anonymous or is not part of this body.

- [Burudin] Zamnil! By my father's beard, this nonsense about a Vaulted Something-or-other in Brynduraz should have died the moment you heard of it! We don't need a fourth damned one of these things springing up! Klausson is probably cackling like one of those horrid little green nutters I encountered when I headed east with Lord Gazul.

- [Burudin] I am no Guildmaster to demand anything of them Dern. I advised against it, but they'd do it without me. Better I stop it from getting out of hand from within than not.

- [Burudin] That isn't good enough! You may not be their Guildmaster but you are their Elder, and our duty is to help them stay true to the Ancestors! The next time we go out for drinks I'm wringing your neck—

- [Burudin] My words prove prophetic. Not one good night's sleep.

- [Burudin] Your prediction's about as prophetic as me claiming the sun will rise tomorrow. Ale flows, beards grow, and Dawi argue. Take some sleepdraught you ufdi.

━<><><>< Gains/Stuff ><><><>━

- +1 [Tier 4] Barazgal, new totals: x2

- Minimum 5 Turns (Turn 62) before a chance of a Chaos portal opening arises.
-- The Fimir grow desperate. Now their armies come together, multiple cities in tandem. The armies of the High King and Prince Malekith march forward, undaunted by the opposition they face.
-- Dragon riders, from Caledor. Proper ones apparently, riding Star Dragons of terrible size and might.

Drakk Report: End of Turn 57/Start of Turn 58 (Before the part above).
Grimgal: 35m long
- The kinds of books she has been asking for have increased. Mostly the published journals of Longbeards and Kings from your people, and the lives of Archmages and philosophy from the Elves. Now you have an inkling as to why.

Lord Klausson, My entreaties to colleagues in Saphery have at last borne fruit, and the results speak for themselves. I believe we are finally hitting our stride with Grimgal's instruction. A rewarding experience, if one rife with tribulation. Nevertheless, expect to see greater leaps in her development.

- Menlinwen Ebonsea

Zharrok: 30m long
- By his request, Karstah has begun speaking with the Metalsmith's Guild to see if they can spare a master to judge the worthiness of his impending creation.
Ironbeak reports that Zharrok has been poking around and bothering Izgrom for something. Probably his Master's piece.

- Karstah

Izgrom: 30m long
- Has begun managing his estates and entreated with the Miners Guild to find Miners, or preferably a Clan to actually mine the claims he's found.
- His hoard continues to grow with raw gems, trinkets and other things that find his fleeting fancy.


This work bores me. Further I can do more good discovering riches beneath than this, and more importantly it is much more exciting. Do you know of any who would be amenable to managing my estates? I wish to return to the depths.

- A note, scrawled onto a smaller slab of stone blocking Karstah's door.

Responsibility is the cost of freedom and respect is the reward of duty, but I will see what can be done. Please check and make sure someone isn't
in the room before you block it with a boulder next time.

- Karstah.

Khazagar Report: End of Turn 57/Start of Turn 58.
General Attendance: Steady
Mood: Overflowing
Status: Chaotic
- They are here. Every Room is taken, every hall filled. So much so that later arrivals have had to find accommodation in Khazid Okraz. Youre sure Gloin is overjoyed, but you're the one footing the food bills here.
- It is something of an open secret that young Dawi, shall do as the young tend to do when in confined spaces and among those of shared interests. Notions of romance best saved for the books you keep on the topmost shelves. Harumph! Its not your business, nor do you want it to be.
- The number of competitions have steadily been growing as the practice cements itself and something approaching a list of best practices forms. Many new patrons have come, not for the Hammer, but to scout out the Runesmiths who have and see if they can build connections.
- The trickle of Ornsmotek Runesmiths on the outs with Vragni has lessened. Vragni's response has had a few come back, if not to stay then at least visit. At least the fool's shown he actually cares about the unity of the Guild.
-- That Ornsmotek Master willing to teach you the Master Rune of Thunderstorms for the right price is still here. Especially since he knows you have the Hammer.
- A lot of reading, not a lot of writing being done in your library. If they aren't skulking about looking for the Hammer, they're looking at your books! Bah. At least they're being used.

Classes (of note):
- Prosthetic Runes, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Declining | Class Size: Full Classroom ^^| Ubiquity: Universal (Global,Regional, Local) | Impact: Revolutionary
- Rune of Stacking, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Steady | Class Size: Small Seminar^ | Ubiquity: Known (Global), Well-Known (Regional), Universal (Local) | Impact: Moderate, Luxury
- Rune of Repair, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Steady | Class Size: Full Classroom | Ubiquity: Known (Global), Well-Known (Regional), Universal (Local) | Impact: Moderate, Luxury
- Rune of Forgeflame, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Rising Rapidly | Class Size: Full Seminar ^| Ubiquity: Known ^^ | Impact: Defining (as Smelter), Novel
- Rune of Annealing, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Rising Rapidly | Class Size: Full Seminar | Ubiquity: Well-Known (Global, Regional, Local)| Impact: Defining (as Smelter)
- Master Rune of Forgeflame, Teacher: Snorri Klausson | Attendance: Rising^ | Class Size: Full Seminar | Ubiquity: Known (Global), Well-Known (Regional), Universal (Local) | Impact: Revolutionary
- Rune of Plaguebane, Teacher: Karstah Snorrisdottir | Attendance: Rising | Class Size: Full Classroom | Ubiquity: Select+^ | Impact: Moderate, Novel
- Rune of Piercing Sight, Teacher: Snerra Magnasdottir | Attendance: Rising | Class Size: Full Classroom | Ubiquity: Select+^ | Impact: Minor, Luxury
- Master Rune of Wandering, Teacher: Lorna Dernasdottir| Attendance: Rising^ | Class Size: Intimate Gathering | Ubiquity: Select | Impact: Moderate
- (*New*) Master Rune of Skalla Honestheart, Teacher: Skalla Honestheart| Attendance: Rising^ | Class Size: Intimate Gathering | Ubiquity: Select | Impact: Moderate
- (*New*) Rune of Spellburning, Teacher: Skalla Honestheart| Attendance: Rising^ | Class Size: Intimate Gathering | Ubiquity: Well-Known | Impact: Moderate

The Rune of Shifting Steel and Rune of Binding Form are making the rounds thanks to that one Drazh Runesmith. No one is actively teaching it however, it's a more dispersed and individual affair.
The averages have changed. While Radical and, bah, Snorrist Runesmiths still hold a majority, the influx of Conservative Rhunki coming for the Hammer have evened it out a smidge. It shall likely not last, especially when Brynduraz and Izril complete their works, but until then…
Normally Journeymen make up the bulk of the attending Runesmiths, but now enough Masters have come that it's a bare two to three percent difference between them now.
Attendance: Declining Rapidly | Declining | Declining Slowly | Steady | Rising Slowly| Rising | Rising Rapidly
Class Size: Unattended | Intimate Gathering | Small Classroom | Full Classroom | Small Seminar | Full Seminar | More Seats Required
Ubiquity: Select | Little-Known | Known | Well-Known | Universal
Impact: Minor (A group no bigger than a Clan, or specialized Guild benefits, makes a task easier) | Moderate (multiple Clans, or a middling Guild benefit, makes a difficult task practical) | High (A hold, or major guild benefits, a difficult task becomes standard) | Revolutionary (The Karaz Ankor benefits, an impossible task is made possible) | Defining (an impossible task is made practical)
- Misc: Novel (new, untested) | Luxury (It's a luxury, makes life comfier, but not necessary ) | ???

Waystone Report: End of Turn 57/Start of Turn 58.
Waystone Rerolls: 1/2
Region Status, East: Fully Functional 10/10 repaired or pristine.
Region Status, Center: Being restored 0.25 v/10 of Stones destroyed, 0.5 ^/10 damaged, remainder pristine.
Region Status, West: Contested. 4 ^/10 of Stones destroyed, 2 v /10 of Stones corrupted, 3.5/10 damaged

The ol' listeners' have picked up something. Wind's howling fierce.
- Norgrim

Social: Choose 2 outside of Plan Vote.
[ ] [Social:] Dreng dueling the Hearth Guard in a friendly spar.
[ ] [Social:] Dolgi the Younger contemplating his future prospects.
[ ] [Social:] Tholinn being forced to endure social interaction with others.
[ ] [Social:] Dolgi gifting Ironwing and his mate new sets of armour on their anniversary.
[ ] [Social:] Nain talking to other Runesmiths about his work expanding the lift.

Myrion: Choose 1 outside of Plan Vote.
(*Updated*) [ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Prince Laequalys of House Wilderwood [Extensive]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Avelorn [Extensive]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Cothique [Extensive]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Phoenix King Bel Shanaar [Standard]
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Nagarythe [Insightful]

Grimgal wishes to join the Throng of Kraka Drakk when they march with the High King and Prince Malekith
[ ] [Grimgal:] Accept.
[ ] [Grimgal:] Refuse.

For reference, this is the base cost of Skaudardrengi and its facilities.
[ ] [Simple] Gronti-Bay: [Cost: any 2 actions] Peerless Production will proc. Something to house and build Skaudardrengi
- [ ] Hirelings: [Cost 5 Favour with Kraka Drakk] Gain 1 progress. Can be taken without action input. Call in a favour or two, they've owed you for centuries at this point.

[-] [Difficult] Skaudardrengi, The Singing Slayer, Emperor Dragon Gronti Pt. 2: [Cost: 3 actions] Minimum completion date 3 Turns. Due whenever. Peerless Production and Mind for Constructs will proc. Locked due to lack of facilities.
An exemplary 45 meter Storm Wyrm forged from pure Adamant, with eyes of glowing Dronril shielded by metallic lids. Rest linked in this post.
Notable Structural Material cost:
bars of [T4] Adamant
pieces of [T2] Dronril
- [-] Choose: Combo, Empowered Awakening+: [Master Rune of Waking [T4 Greedy Troll Heart], Rune of Empowerment [T4 Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Heart], Rune of Siphoning [T4 Greedy Troll Heart].]
- [-] Revise Runes: [Cost: -1 actions] Next Revision will cost +1 action. Back to the drawing board. Choose new Runes, Function or Theme.

Where do you build it and what sort or workshop do you want?
[ ] [Location:] Within Khazagar. -1 total actions. Benefits from the Rune of Siphoning. Skaudardrengi will be built within Khazagar, expanding your workshop to accomodate.
[ ] [Location:] Around a Waystone. +2 actions. Can tap a Waystone when crafting. Skaudardrengi will be built near a Waystone. Being near such a massive source of power will surely improve Skaudadrengi's potency.
[ ] [Location:] Overtop the Anvil of the Earth: +3 actions. Can use the Anvil of the Earth when crafting. Skaudardrengi will be built near a Chamon and Aqshy alligned Arcane Fulcrum. It means the location's use, barring some future enhancement, will be limited to when the Anvil itself is active.

[ ] [Scope:] Just enough for Skaudargrengi.
[ ] [Scope:] Dedicated Facility. +1 action to Gronti-Bay. Every 3 request actions building Monumental Gronti add 1 extra progress. A workshop space dedicated to the construction of Gronti the size of Skaudardrengi.
[ ] [Scope:] Dedicated General Facility. +2 actions to Gronti-Bay. Every 3 request actions building Monumental Items add 1 extra progress. A workshop space dedicated to the construction of anything the size of Skaudardrengi.

Do you do more to Skaudardrengi?
[ ] [Runes:] Do neither.
[ ] [Runes:] More Reagent. Double reagent cost for Skaudardrengi's Runes (not including equipment). Unreliable, but should be safe. It would just be expensive.
[ ] [Runes:] Improve the Master Rune of Waking. +2 actions to Skaudardrengi. Gain improved functionality for future Master Runes of Waking. Safe, but time consuming. It would do more to make sure the Gronti would function for as long as you hope it would before needing maintenance or recharge.
[ ] [Runes:] Do Both. +3 actionst o Skaudardrengi. Double reagent cost for Skaudargrengi's Runes (not including equipment). Gain an improved variant of The Master Runes of Waking for monument-scale Gronti that would cost at minimum double the reagents. Oh sure Klausson, go whole hog, you idiot.


You have (5 +1) =6 actions, 3 retainer actions, 4 heir actions, and [Special] 0 Yorri prods this turn.
[ ] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results.Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards!

[ ] Drakk Rearing [Cost: minimum 1 general, heir or retainer action, 18/?? actions] Locked until Turn 55 Results. Gain Dwarf acclimated Dragons. More actions improve speed, breadth and depth of their development. By the reckoning of the Dwarfs, and the magics of the Brana and Menlinwen, the Shard Wyrms shall be physically mature specimens when they reach 120 years Old, however the first 60 years of their life will be the most important, both in terms of amount of care and socialization required.

[ ] Kradskonti [Cost: 1 action] Gain a chance to observe Kradskonti. Kradskonti? Kradskonti! When the Valayans informed you of this opportunity, you had to force yourself from jumping out of your chair and rushing south. The first time is free, they say, but subsequent viewings will not be tolerated without a few concessions. The Cult know what they have, and if any Rhunki (IE you) wants to futz about and examine the weapon of their Patron they best be ready to do something in return.

[ ] March [Cost: 1 action] Gain possible loot, bonus to roll against Fimir. No actual interlude but combat rolls will still be made. The idiots decide they want to tear open a hole in reality do they? You razed three cities already, and you're not one to leave a job half finished.

[ ] The Road to Anoqeyån Pt. 2: [Cost: 6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain exceptional- understanding of Anoqeyån. Now that Menlinwen has taught you the very fundamentals of the Elven arcane language, she feels comfortable enough to begin teaching you to the same level she has reached. Going any further beyond this point requires waiting for Menlinwen to become an Archmage or for you to find one yourself.

You can only Order 1 new item a turn freely, but can have as many orders ongoing as you want.
- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, arriving Turn 59
- +40 [Tier 4] Adamant, arriving Turn 59
- +1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus Blood, arriving Turn 59

(*Updated*)Elf Market:
- x2 Slave Wyrm Corpse available: one corpse equals 1 order, Cost 15 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.
- x2 Firebird's Feather available: one feather equals 1 order, Cost 5 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.
- x1 Merwyrm Corpses available: one corpse equals 1 order, Cost 10 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.
- x2 Kraken Corpse available: one corpse equals 1 order, Cost 10 Favour for Royal Expedite and Authority purposes.

[ ] ORDER: Write-in
- [ ] Royal Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition a monarch to flex their political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Royal Authority: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold depending on tier] +1 Order. You may petition an indebted monarch to flex their political muscle to order something for your use.
- [ ] Royal Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition them to flex a bit more political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Princely Hunting: [Cost: 10 Favour from Kraka Drakk] Prince Gimli will go out and slay [Write-in] monster. Gain mats. It would be ridiculous for you to ask your King to go gallivanting around the North to find something for you to make a Rune out of, but a Prince or Princess? Well, that's just you helping them build their legend through the slaying of monsters and aiding their elders. The rarer the monster the greater the reward, but it may take longer to find. Monsters slain by Gimli provide more material by virtue of being the entire beast rather than just ordering a singular organ.

[ ] Dreng Them: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Additional actions add bonus modifier. The Hearth Guard will go out and slay [Write-in] monster. Gain mats, reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. While your Hearth Guard were also meant to clear all the ills that assailed dwarfkind, you must admit there are many a mundane foe to slay. Send these brave dawi out on a quest to slay beasties on your behalf, earn glory and give you materials to make ever more wonders.

Every option taken adds +2 to the Recruitment Dice (1d10 +5) unless otherwise stated.
[ ] Expedition, Aiding Grom: [Cost: 2 retainer actions] Gain 70 Favours with Kraka Grom, reputation and +6 bonus to Recruitment Dice. Minor to Moderate Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. Queen Valka's home lies terribly damaged, but repairing it is a secondary concern in the minds of many compared to securing their vengeance. Your Retainers may yet have a role to play there whenever Valka at last unleashes her people, but helping them get to that point faster would not go unappreciated.

[ ] Expedition, The Throng is Mustered: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Gain Bonus to Throng Rolls against Fimir, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Minor Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. The King of Kraka Drakk calls the Throng to war, lend the might of your Retainers to his cause. Drive out the Fimir, end their presence on this peninsula.

(*New*)[ ] Expedition, Grungaldrin: [Cost: 3 retainer actions] Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Ornsmotek, Ornsmotek will not pull out of the war, reputation and +6 bonus to Recruitment Dice. Moderate to High Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. Will be done Turn 59. It is no secret that Ornsmotek is not so much hesitant to ask for your aid, but understandably doesn't want to yuck their resident Runelord's yums without good cause. But this? This is cause enough that not even Vragni shall complain (too much). The mines of the Hold, the lifeblood of its industry and economy, are under threat. A mysterious creature from below has risen up and began attacking innocent miners as they work, leaving naught save the dead and the dying. Fast, and terrible, and oh so brutal. It must be found, it must be slain.

[ ] Expedition, Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +3 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. Low to Moderate Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. You formed these Hearth Guard to combat all the ills that befall the dwarfen people. Send them out, render aid, earn goodwill and spread the word of your retainers and their stated mission beyond the borders of Kraka Drakk.

[ ] Recruitment Drive: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Gain 1d5 +5 bonus dice to Recruitment Dice (1d10 +5). You have retainers, dwarfs who understand what it takes to become part of your Hearthguard, send them out to see if they can lend their expertise more and skill to improve the growth of your retinue.

[ ] Retainer Reconfiguring: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken once every variable number of turns. Change some aspect of your retainers. The Hearth Guard are a fine force of Dawi, but much like the defences of a Karak, there is potentially more to be done. It will take some time for these steadfast retainers of yours to adjust to whatever changes you make, but the length of it definitely correlates to the number of changes you want done.
- [ ] Change Appearance: [Cost: +1 turn until change] Simple cosmetic alterations to their symbol, their colour scheme and/or even appearance of their armour, depending on the scale and nature of the change it could be seamless or it could take a bit of work. While there's something to be said about aesthetic continuity, improving or updating their look to fit with deeds done will draw no raised brows. Completely changing it, however, will draw quite a few looks. If for no other reason than the material cost involved in doing so.
- [ ] Change Numbers: [Cost: +1 turn until change] +1/-1 retainer action per every 60 retainers added/removed. Increasing or decreasing the number of Retainers you wish to take on permanently. It signals that you either require more or less of their services. While you will not remove retainers currently in service if you wish to downsize, it means you simply will not replace them in the event one of your loyal followers falls in the line of duty or simply to the vagaries of time.

[ ] Training Regime Pt. 2: [Cost: (2 +4) =6 retainer actions] Gain "Hearthwarden Warrior" Training Standard and Category, some existing classes will be absorbed into the new category. The last phase of Rudil's training program involves creating a unified set of skills that would be expected of a "Hearthwarden Warrior." Incorporating skills and traits in the same way that the Rangers had done.
- [X] Drakk Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 15 Kraka Drakk Favour] Hearth Guard will retain High+ Attack, increase Attack if taken with Ornsmotek Expertise. Every Hearth Guard is a deadly fighter, but the talents and knowledge of Dawi chosen to be a Huskarl is another matter. Spreading that knowledge would invariably be of benefit.
- [X] Ornsmotek Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 45 Kraka Ornsmotek Favour] Hearth Guard will retain High+ Attack, increase Attack if taken with Drakk Expertise. The second most powerful Throng, arguably the most embattled Hold in the Far North, their combat ability is a grudging peer of your Hold's.
- [X] Krum Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 30 Kraka Krum Favour] Hearth Guard will retain Spelunking, will retain Spelunking ++ if taken with Grom Expertise. Few others delve deeper than the miners of Krum, fewer still survive as well as they do.
- [X] Grom Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer action and 15 Kraka Grom Favour] Hearth Guard will retain Spelunking, will retain Spelunking ++ if taken with Krum Expertise. Centuries of living in a Hold occupied by traitors, without outside resupply and limited food, knowledge earned in sorrow and passed down even still, too useful to forget out of grief.

[ ] Waystones, Scouting: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Gain minor bonus to Waystone rolls. Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Send out your Retainers, scour the Far North to see if there's some of these stones that Master Yorri Missed.

[ ] Waystones, Warding: [Cost: 1 action or retainer action] Gain bonus to Waystone rolls and update on status of Waystones. Can be taken multiple times. There is no set time in which you or your retainers are meant to check on these stone monoliths, but doing so more regularly will mean that you're more likely to keep them safe and know their status.

You may convert one general action into 2 Khazagar actions. You may convert 2 retainer or heir actions into 3 Khazagar actions. You are using 6/7 possible Classes you can teach.
[ ]Learning [Cost: 1 Khazagar action] Learn a Rune(s). Not everyone in Khazagar is telling the world they're willing to share their lore, preferring to share that opportunity to only those they think are worthy and there's nothing wrong with that. Similarly, there's nothing stopping you from using the facilities you designed to learn a few things yourself. The consequences of doing so aren't always obvious, and there may be other circumstances at play.
- [ ] Rune of Shifting Steel (Weapon) [Cost: +1 Khazagar action, and any [T2] Reagent] You can find a Runesmith who knows how to keep their mouth shut and just teach you for a fair enough price you reckon.
- [ ] Rune of Binding Form (Weapon) [Cost: +1 Khazagar action, and any [T2] Reagent]] You can find a Runesmith who knows how to keep their mouth shut and just teach you for a fair enough price you reckon.
- [ ] Rune of Spellburning [Cost: +1 Khazagar action, and any [T2] Reagent]] Lady Skalla is teaching a unique variant of the many antimagic Runes your people have developed. Never managed to pick it up over your life, to your surprise.
- [ ] Master Rune of Thunderstorms (Weapon) [Cost: +2 Khazagar actions, and any 2x [T3] Reagent(s)] You've been made aware that an Ornsmotek Master who left the Hold in the wake of Vragni's actions has made a few insinuations to a few select parties that he'd be willing to share this Rune in exchange for a Master Rune and a few other things.
- [ ] Master Rune of Skalla Honestheart (Armour) [Cost: +2 Khazagar actions, and any 1x [T4] Reagent(s)] If Skalla Honestheart is known for one thing, it is her hatred of Tzeentch, and by Grungni she has a knack for spitting venom in their manifold eyes.

[ ] Curriculum Change: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action] Add, Switch or Remove a Rune you are teaching. Cannot teach RESTRICTED, UNSHAREABLE, and/or INCOMPLETE Runes. Changing track isn't an easy task. It's not the hardest thing in your life, but for you it's more than simply saying you're not teaching this Rune anymore and being done with it. Announcements need to be made, the last few stragglers taught, and of course designing a new test to prove one's worthiness if you decide to replace or add a new Rune.
- [ ] Write-In [Rune Name]

[ ] Write-In, Host a Special Tournament: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action] Choose any number of [T3] or Higher Reagent(s) as a reward. Gain boost to attendance and chance to gain Creation of Note. You have it so that Khazagar hosts regular tournaments of both artistic and martial skill where Runesmiths may compete against each other for a reward. But this time you want to dangle a particularly juicy prize, get the minds of the young flowing.

[ ] Write-In, Royal Patronage: [Cost: 1 Khazagar action and (25 -Standing Level) Favour with a Hold at 5 Standing or higher] Gain boost to attendance and interest from third parties. Cannot Choose Kraka Drakk. Favour Cost double for Hold with equivalent Institution. Khazagar speaks for itself, but getting the Monarch of a Hold and a prominent Thane or four to mosey up and publicly announce they're hosting tournaments at Khazagar certainly wouldn't hurt.
Denote which simple request will receive the apprentice action in your plan. Available Requests below.
[ ] [Simple] Once more with Smelting: [Cost: 4 actions, 1 Voidstone, x10 Adamant] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Greater Dragonblood Smelter. It has been around a century since you last made an Adamant Smelter. It's been enough time since that you feel safe about making another one without feeling like you're committing sacrilege.

[ ] [Simple] Re-warding Work: [Cost: 2 actions or heir actions] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Waystone reroll. There's work to be done, repairing damaged wards and adding new Runes around the monolith and otherwise. Your master most certainly did a bang up job, but there's nothing wrong with contingencies upon contingencies.

[ ] [Simple] The Brotherhood Calls: [Cost: minimum 1 action] Due whenever. Peerless Production will proc. Gain Variable Standing and Favour with The Brotherhood of Dron. The Brotherhood would be greatly interested in a collated and substantial set of notes about your experiences with the recent "Extreme Magical Turbulence and Concentration Event," as well as anything you'd be willing to give regarding your time crafting at the Anvil of the Earth. High energy environments of such a nature naturally attract the attention of your fellow members given the energy costs of generating Adamant.

(*New*)[-] [Simple] Gronti-Bay: [Cost: any 2 actions] Peerless Production will proc. Something to house and build Skaudardrengi
- [ ] Hirelings: [Cost 5 Favour with Kraka Drakk] Gain 1 progress. Can be taken without action input. Call in a favour or two, they've owed you for centuries at this point.

(*New*)[-] [Difficult] Skaudardrengi, The Singing Slayer, Emperor Dragon Gronti Pt. 2: [Cost: 3 actions] Minimum completion date 3 Turns. Due whenever. Peerless Production and Mind for Constructs will proc. Locked due to lack of facilities.
An exemplary 45 meter Storm Wyrm forged from pure Adamant, with eyes of glowing Dronril shielded by metallic lids. Rest linked in this post.
Notable Structural Material cost:
bars of [T4] Adamant
pieces of [T2] Dronril
- [-] Choose: Combo, Empowered Awakening+: [Master Rune of Waking [T4 Greedy Troll Heart], Rune of Empowerment [T4 Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Heart], Rune of Siphoning [T4 Greedy Troll Heart].]
- [-] Revise Runes: [Cost: -1 actions] Next Revision will cost +1 action. Back to the drawing board. Choose new Runes, Function or Theme.

(*New*)[ ] [Difficult] Starlight Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Due end of turn 59. Gain 60 Favour with Kraka Dorden. Thane Morglum Skarridum of Kraka Dorden has petitioned you with a request. A weapon to replace the now lost ancestral heirloom of his Clan after it was destroyed killing a Fimir in the defence of Kraka Dorden; he asks for a hammer, one who's blows could be akin to calling down the light of the stars themselves upon the enemies of his Hold. A bit uninspired, plenty of Starhammers out there after all, but still.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Simple] Flamedrinking Talismans Pt. 2: [Cost: 2 actions] An as of yet nameless creation, more a proof of concept than anything else.
- [ ] Choose: Rune of Thungni, Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Furnace.
- [ ] Choose: Combo, Flamedrinking: [Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Forgeflame]
- [ ] Revise Runes: [Cost: -1 actions] Next Revision will cost +1 action. Back to the drawing board. Choose new Runes, Function or Theme.

[ ] [Difficult] Brynbar Pt. 2: [Cost: 1 action] Apply any optional structural materials and any aesthetic changes here.
A circular clasp whose seam depicts a shimmering and glowing gate to the glittering realm. On each half of the clasp the runes of Siphoning and Thungni glow, surrounded by 'runes' from the early days of runesmithing, inlaid with dronril in imitation of runelight. Rest in spoiler in my post.
- [ ] Brynbar: Combo, Deep Gate+: [Master Rune of Thungni's Presence [T4 Adamant and T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart], Rune of Thungni [T4 Adamant], Rune of Siphoning [T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart]]
- [ ] Revise Runes: [Cost: -1 actions] Next Revision will cost +1 action. Back to the drawing board. Choose new Runes, Function or Theme.

[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. You've had an idea! This is the template for write in item request! Please put down the name, description and type of equipment/item you want made. Pt 2 of the item will cost differently depending on the number of items and potentially the size of it as well. A base guideline for Pt. 2 costs will be at the bottom of the post.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

Available Requests:

How to vote on Multi-Piece Difficult Requests.
[Y] Example Request Pt. 1
- [Y] Equipment category, Item 1 name: Rune 1[Optional Ingredient(s)], Rune 2 [Optional Ingredient(s)], Etc
- [Y] Equipment category, Item 2 name: Theme
- [Y] Equipment category, Item 3 name: Function

Write-in Equipment Action Costs:
1 Action - 1 standard piece of equipment.
2 Actions - Multiple pieces of equipment or Large individual items
3 Actions - Very Large individual items or a full/near full set of items.

Write-in Adamant Costs, General Guideline:
1 Piece of equipment or hypothetical Rune requiring Adamant - 1 bar
1 Suit of Armour for a Dwarf - 3 bars
1 Suit of Armour for a Human or Elf sized being - 4 bars
1 Piece of Ogre sized Gronti equipment - 2 bars
1 Suit of Ogre sized Gronti armour - 6 Bars
Anything larger just ask me, it will also appear in applicable actions or in the FAQ.

Crossbows use Weapon Runes.
A Gronti sized Crossbow would use Engineering Runes.
Weapons like Axes don't make this distinction.
Shields use Armour Runes.
Armour Runes must be on Gromril or improved
There is a pool of 2 progress that is independently added to [Simple] Research a turn. Every 2 actions you put towards [Difficult] Research will add 1 to the pool.
[ ] Examine Karaz-Kazak-Rhun: [Cost: minimum 1 action] Gain semi random research and trait progress. By the hammer of Thungni, you now hold the hammer of Thungni! It is folly to believe you can ever truly understand it at your current level of skill. But there is still inspiration to be found, and maybe you also just want to admire something so beautiful as this hammer. Who's to stop you? You're its owner.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] Akazit Pt. 2: [Cost: (14 -12) = 2 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You've bumbled your way into finding a method of reducing an item to a pile of single Wind-infused ash. But the stuff gets muddied with the ambient Winds and is rendered useless within seconds of completion, so the next step is to find a way to actually capture and isolate this Wind infused ash before it decays. Easier said than done, but when you have your eye it'll be doable at the very least.

[ ] [Difficult] Monolith Mastery Pt. 1: [Cost: (12 -9) = 3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You can use the stones now, but not safely. Yorri tells you they never will be a safe bet, but you can at least try to make it safer. Besides, you still dont know how they work, and your work requires that you know how they work. So by Grungni, you're going to figure it out.

Material Research:
(*New*)[ ] [Simple] Sparking Shrooms: [Cost: 3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Dolgi's traded a hefty amount of these in exchange for teaching the Rune of Worldly Warding to his children. Strange little fungi that are semi reminiscent of Dronril. Flush with Azyr to your eye, and supposedly useful as a dye? Could be of some use to you, there's only really one way to find out.

(*New*)[ ] [Simple] Curious Crystals: [Cost: 2 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. A strange, strange, crystal that Nain has brought to your attention in return for a few lessons. Hysh, radiates off them. Always useful, yessir. That's an auspicious thing to learn about considering your plans and research.

(*New*)[ ] [Simple] Foggy Flowers [Cost: 2 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Fjolla had mentioned this in passing when you were discussing Guzazi zhuf and it piqued your interest. She was a bit recalcitrant to share, but a bit of poking and the price of a few extra lessons got her to finally divulge more information and a few cuttings.

[ ] [Simple] Kraken Autopsy: [Cost: 3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The tentacled creature was slain by the Elven fleet as they cleared the waters for their trade vessels. You possess the body of a mature specimen and the very large eye of what you are told was an especially old one.

[ ] [Simple] Merwyrm Autopsy: [Cost: 3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Large serpentine bodies, fins and general fishy scent aside, this is most certainly a Dragon, and Dragons are quite the bounty of reagents. Though from the tales told of Merwyrms, just what this creature's body parts could be reagents for you aren't too sure of.

[ ] [Simple] Mysterious Mystery Sword: [Cost: (10 -5) =5 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Gain ???, possibly progress to Mysterious Mystery Cauldron and Mysterious Mystery Barrel. A sword that cuts through Gromril with an unnerving amount of ease. Studying it will be more about trying to recreate what it does through a Rune, but a bit of material study isn't off the table either given that you have two broken ones to work with as well.

[ ] [Simple] Mysterious Mystery Barrel and Horn: [Cost: 6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain ???, progress to Mysterious Mystery Cauldron and possibly Mysterious Mystery Sword. Magical drinks, utter hogwash and a perversion of the fine art of brewing is what it is! Still, their creation isn't completely unheard of. You have the Rune of Hearty Soup, but these, you are forced to admit, have a wider variety and efficacy than what you possess.

[ ] [Simple] Mysterious Mystery Cauldron: [Cost: (6 -2) =4 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Gain ???, progress to Mysterious Mystery Barrel and Horn and possibly Mysterious Mystery Sword. Magical soups, you've had a form of it before. From the Rune of Hearty Soup actually, but you must say that the taste of the broth from these fragments is a fine bit better than that Rune. If you could make a better Rune…well you won't complain!

Concept Research:
[ ] [Simple] Diction Direction Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have a few ideas about where to take this Rune. A universal translator for one, rather than just Khazalid. Not entirely sure how such a thing could be done, but it's definitely possible. Master Yorri's Rune of Sound gives you a few ideas at the very least. Now that Yorri's given you a Rune that restores hearing, you wonder if examining it will provide further insights or hopefully ideas about where to go next.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] Extra-sensory Pt. 1: [Cost: (12 -7) =5 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have the very, very rudimentary ability to perceive the Winds of Magic as the Brana and Elgi do. How exhilarating it is, how infuriating, to know that so much has opened up to you with so simple a change. Imagine then perfecting it? To see truly as they do, with the full breadth and detail of it all. How much could Runecraft progress with such knowledge? A path of great reward, and perhaps even greater danger. Who's to say what effects may come of it? Still, you must try.

[ ] [Simple] The Fixing of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (10 -1) =9 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Repair is as good as it'll get. You need to make an entirely new Rune if you want something better. It seems likely that the Rune of Repair's maker purposefully developed it in such a way that refinement became unwieldy, and given who gave you that Basket, it feels perfectly in character given the many, many, stories told of the Ancestor Queen. Well, you shant disappoint Valaya Herself! A better Rune of Repair, but one you made from the ground up? By Valaya it shall be done!

[ ] [Simple] The Happening of Things: [Cost: (8 -2) =6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The vision gnaws at you, a flame to the parchment of your mind. There is a theory, a hypothesis you wish to test and the faintest inklings of a Rune in your mind's eye. But there's a good deal of preparatory work to be done. One doesn't futz about with what you think you saw in that vision after all!

[ ] [Difficult] The Mind of Things Pt. 6: [Cost: (10 -4) =6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have managed to create a Rune that, on the whole, can transfer skills and experience from one Dwarf to another. An impressive feat, and yet one not without flaw. It is skill imparted without context, which must still be earned. You can do more, you can do better. True comprehension, transference of that which makes a skill, experience; or in other words, the wisdom to temper knowledge.

[-] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 7: [Cost: (12 -1) = 11 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Locked until Anoqeyan Pt. 2, Extra-sensory Pt. ???, and Monolith Mastery Pt. ??? are complete. To go beyond the Rune of Siphoning, to create something that can dredge anything close to the amount of power the Central Array of Karag Dron can, you must improve your understanding of the Monoliths, and the flow of magic first. It will likely take a long, long time until that's the case.

[ ] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 6b, The Body: [Cost: (10 -4) =6 actions] Master of the Odd and Mind for Constructs will proc. Continuing your work on the Rune of Waking Elements, you want the Rune to be able to form a body from almost any surrounding material. Realistically you doubt you can do that, but getting as close as possible is still the goal. At the very least you want these Elemental Gronti to mimic Mhorni's ability as closely as possible.

[ ] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 6c, The Soul: [Cost: (10 -6) =4 actions] Master of the Odd and Mind for Constructs will proc. You "know," what Mhorni is, you think, but your investigations decades prior left you empty-handed. Now, armed with hopefully better tools and better understanding, you wish to tackle the questions you made all those years ago. Why did Mhorni bind itself, why was it not turned into energy, why do the Runes seem perfectly happy to assist it as they do you? Why, why and more whys. You won't get all the answers immediately you imagine, but the path is open.

[-] [Difficult] The Rune Metal Pt. 7: [Cost: (14 -9) =5 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Locked until Extra-sensory Pt. ???, and Akazit Pt. ??? are complete. The best theory you have when it comes to creating the metal in your mind, requires both the means to not only isolate and extract the essence of a Runesmith, but to then infuse that essence into Adamant. And hopefully, if you aren't off the mark completely, you will have a material that shall break the oldest hurdle of your profession. More personally you want nothing more than to reach that image, that shining silver you saw over five centuries ago.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] The Secrets of Light Pt. 3a Utility: [Cost: 4 actions] Master of the Odd and Talent for Talismans will proc. The Rune of Dark Vision needs to be completed. You stumbled upon two important functions behind common structures that impact vision and light related Runes. Just what sort of opportunities can arise here are ambiguous, but you're sure others have discovered this secret before. Snerra's Rune of Piercing Sight, and Fjolla's tutelage under Lady Gemma prove it.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] The Secrets of Light Pt. 3b Power: [Cost: 3 actions] Talent for Talismans will proc. You can improve the power of the Rune of Burning Light and properly complete the thing. It's easier than the other path, with all that you've learned about the Winds. Moreover, you think there's more here than just recreating the Master Rune of Zon-Dum, but doing that would also be nice too of course.

(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] The Secrets of Storage Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -5) = 3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Of course! Of course Valaya would do as she seems to have. The Rune of Storage is a proof, a showcase, an inspiration for curious minds. No, if you want to build something better it will be built from the ground up and not off Her back. Such is the implied order of the Ancestor, and so you shall abide!

[ ] [Simple] The Weight of Things: [Cost: (10 -3) =7 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Dolgi's Rune has given you ideas, though there are questions as to whether any developments should be shared and threaten to overshadow your apprentice's work, you can at the very least try and figure out the intricacies of it.

Rune Research:
[ ] [Difficult] Understand the Master Rune of Thungni [Engineering]: [Cost: 12 actions]. Snerra gave you an item bearing this Rune. It all that is good this is something you must understand before you die, when not if.

[ ] [Difficult] Compress a Combo: [Cost: 1 + (2 x (Complexity Rating - Specialties)), minimum 1 actions] Unlock the Convert and Simplify Options for the Master Rune. Gain a Master Rune of the same Category as the chosen Combo.

[ ] [Difficult] Understand a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 + (2 x (Complexity Rating - Specialties)), minimum 1 action ] Unlock the Convert and Simplify Options for that Master Rune. Gain progress to any associated Research. Risk rises with Complexity.

[ ] [Difficult] Convert a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 actions per Category] Gain a Master Rune of the chosen Category(ies).

[ ] [Difficult] Simplify a Master Rune: [Cost: 2 actions] Gain a Regular Rune for every known Category of the chosen Master Rune.

[ ] [Difficult] Convert a Regular Rune: [Cost: 1 action per Category] Gain a Regular Rune of the chosen Category(ies).

Specialty Levels go as follows:
0: [Not Listed]
1: [Listed-]
2: [Listed ]
3: [Listed+]
4: [Exceptional-]
5: [Exceptional]
6: [Exceptional+]
7: [Mastered-]
8: [Mastered]
9: [Mastered+]
10: [Savant]

Challenges of the Burudin:
[ ] Write-in, Challenge Them: [Cost: 0 actions] Give a challenge + stipulations you wish to offer the Burudin. Only 2 Challenges can be active at a time and only 1 can be submitted a turn.

Your Challenge
Provide a rune or rune combo that has the possibility of true killing daemons, with said rune or combo being teachable to master runesmiths. Understanding that this rune or rune combo would be taught at Khazagar.

Gottri's Challenge [Unavailable to you]
Create a Rune or Combination of Runes capable of breaking Adamant. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with Gottri Hammerspite, gain Master Rune of Shattering Sound
After acquiring Adamant, a result of Kraggi's eternal quest to perfect Old Breaker, Gottri has changed his long standing challenge to his fellow Burudin members. Now, rather than find that which can withstand his Runes, he challenges any to create that which can sunder Adamant. He boasts, in his laconic and brusque way, that no one will manage before he can, and he's willing to bet one of his acceptable Runes over it to boot. SNORRI KLAUSSON DO NOT TEST MY PATIENCE.

Angkra's Challenge
Devise a Means of Creating a Prosthetic that grows with the user. Reveal and gain 2 Standing with Angkra Twenty-loops.
Angkra Twenty-loops has taken an interest in a curious northern invention, Prosthetic Runes. She has come into contact with Snerra of all people, and has been inspired by the young woman's vigorous efforts to develop something that can be used for beardlings and the like. A topic which has captured the daughter of Thungni's personal attention.

Alric's Challenge
Create a method of reliable, quick and secure communication as possible. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with Alric Thungnisson, Angkra Twenty-loops, and Karaz-a-Karak
As a consequence of his frequent discussions with his venerable uncle, the mighty and wise Snorri Whitebeard, Alric has offered a prompt for any that wish to take it up. A way for messages to be shared across the realms faster than any Runebearer, safer than any road and as reliable as a Master Crafted axe. Such is the sort of goal, the sort of problem a proper Runelord should set their sights upon he reckons, anything less is beneath them.

Algrim's Challenge
Allow the average Crossbow to fire without stopping at all for three years. Gain 2 of Argalast Giantdoom's Master Runes
Algrim Argalastson has brought up a relatively simple challenge in honour of his father, the legendary Argalast Giantdoom's single minded focus on improving the deadliness of projectile weaponry. He claims that while none can match Argalast's mind in the devising of newer, more terrible ways of increasing a Crossbow bolt's killing potential, they can maybe be better at finding a way to ensure those bolts never stop firing.

Durin's Challenges
Find the Ankor Bryn. Create a Weapon beyond Karaz-Kazak-Rhun. Create a Runestaff more powerful than Gormwand. Break the Rule of Three.
A relic, one kept out of respect for the founder of the order. Many have tried, all have failed. Since Durin's death none have made a serious go at the first, and only the Brotherhood makes longstanding attempts at the last. These are considered the final goals of Runecraft, ones that shall one day in the nebulous future.

Completing one of these Challenges will make it easier to enter dialogues with and deeper relationships with the corresponding Burudin Member.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Guzazi zhuf - Magic eater
Guzzen - Feed
Ufdi - A vain Dwarf; a Dwarf who excessively preens his beard, implies that he cannot be trusted to fight.

Remember to vote by plan. There will be an eight-hour long moratorium for discussion.

AN: Posting from work, wanted this out because the votes are correct and Im late. Please let me know if I missed something, Im bad at editing but this one is particularly bad. I hope you enjoy it anyway, again don't forget to C&C. :^)
Last edited:
Turn 58 Results Pt. 1:
Winning Vote: said:
[X] [Grimgal:] Accept. ✓

[X] Plan: Go all Out ✓
- [X] [Simple] Gronti-Bay: [Cost: any 2 actions] Peerless Production will proc.
-- [X] Hirelings: [Cost 5 Favour with Kraka Drakk] x7. [-35 Kraka Drakk Favor]
-- [X] [Location:] Overtop the Anvil of the Earth: +3 actions to Gronti-Bay. Can use the Anvil of the Earth when crafting.
-- [X] [Scope:] Dedicated General Facility. +2 actions to Gronti-Bay. Every 3 request actions building Monumental Items add 1 extra progress.
-- [X] [Runes:] Do Both. +3 actions to Skaudardrengi. Double reagent cost for Skaudargrengi's Runes (not including equipment). Gain an improved variant of The Master Runes of Waking for monument-scale Gronti that would cost at minimum double the reagents.

[X] Plan: A Crack In The Consternation (Turn 58)
Snorri & Karstah
- [X] [Difficult] Starlight Pt. 1 [1 Karstah AP]
-- [X] Choose: Master Rune of Conduction (Radiant Pegasus Blood + Dragon Essence), Rune of Lightspite (Radiant Pegasus Blood), Rune of Echoblow (Elder Wyrm's Gas Sac)
- [X] [Difficult] Flamedrinking Pt. 2 [1 Karstah AP]
-- [X] Choose: Combo, Flamedrinking: [Rune of Thungni's Presence, Rune of Thungni, Rune of Forgeflame]
- [X] [Simple] Once more with Smelting [1 Karstah AP] [Note: This Smelter is being built near a Waystone near the Anvil]
- [X] Write-In: Talisman, AetherAethyrbinder Pt. 1: [1 Karstah AP]
-- [X] Arm covering made of plates and metal loops linked together by adamant chains that fits over a dwarven arm, either armored and unarmored. Looks like a very sturdy dwarf jewelry and it is marked by knotwork pattern of a forge and the implication of a smith working at the anvil in the background. Rune inscribed near shoulder, below elbow, back of hand.
-- [X] Choose: Master Rune of Purification [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Worldly Warding [T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood], Ancestor Rune of Thungni [T4 Adamant]
- [X] Aetherbinder Pt.2 [3 Snorri AP, with KKR/BA/Skarren, after ESP]
-- [X] Choose: Combo, Master Rune of Purification (T4 Voidstone) + Rune of Worldly Warding (T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood) + Ancestor Rune of Thungni (T4 Adamant)

-[X] Extra-Sensory Pt. 1 [3 Snorri AP, before Aetherbinder Pt.2] ✓

-[X] Expedition, Grungaldrin [2 Retainer + Industry of the North AP]
-[X] Expedition, The Throng is Mustered [1 Retainer AP] ~✓

-[X] Order: T4 Elder Storm Wyrm's Brain
-[X] Royal Authority Order 1: T4 Cockatrice's Eye [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order 2: Slave Wyrm Corpse #1 [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order 3: Slave Wyrm Corpse #2 [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order 4: T4 Elder Wyrm's Blood x2 [-30 Kraka Grom Favor]
--[X] Royal Expedite [-30 Karak Ungor Favor]
--[X] Royal Expedite x2 [-30 Karak Ungor Favor] VOIDED
-[X] Royal Authority Order 5: T4 Lightning Oriented upgrade to Stonehorn Horns [-15 Kraka Grom Favor]
-[X] Royal Authority Order 6: T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart [-15 Karak Ungor Favor]
--[X] Royal Expedite: T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart [-15 Karak Ungor Favor]
-[X] Princely Hunting: T4 Ancient Greedy Troll [-15 Kraka Drakk Favor]

[X] [Social:] Nain talking to other Runesmiths about his work expanding the lift.
[X] [Social:] Dreng dueling the Hearth Guard in a friendly spar.
[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about Phoenix King Bel Shanaar [Standard]

━<><><>< 484 A.P. ><><><>━​

It spoke to the esteem that Grimgal and the siblings held yours, and probably moreso Karstah's, opinion that they asked for your permission at all.

After all, when a thirty-five and change meter long Shard Wyrm wants to leave—

—Well actually you could stop it, but you're probably one of the few things that could.

But that's besides the point!

After not that much deliberation, Grimgal has been given leave by King Gloin to volunteer their services in the war against the Fimir.

Which is why you're here, just a ways off from the cheering crowd, to see her and the Throng of Kraka off for yet another season of campaigning with the High King.

Behind Clan Winterhearth's clan companies, surrounded by a coterie of Hearth Dawi, the largest triplet shows no sign of discomfort at the myriad stares and whispers at her presence.

Beside her is Karstah, looking serene and no doubt entirely happy to let the Drakk soak up the attention that she would normally be getting.

A condition of your heir's acceptance was that she come along and keep an eye on Grim for one or two campaigning seasons, to soothe over any friction that may arise from Grimgal being… well herself really.

Still, for all that Grimgal's social etiquette may still need some tutoring, the same cannot be said for her lethality in battle.

There's a baseline level of threat that a Drakk of her size brings to any battle of course, but Grimgal isn't just a thirty-five plus meter long Shard Wyrm. She's also a wizard with two pieces of enchanted gear to boot.

They were Zharrok's Master Works, presented to his Brana teacher as proof of his talent. He had intended to enchant them himself, but Grimgal had ahem persuaded him to let her take charge on that end. Despite his obvious annoyance, he had let the nominally eldest sibling get her way on the condition that he take part in whatever it is she was planning.

If anything that only made Grimgal happier, now that she managed to rope an unknowing fifth participant in her plans.

She had, under your noses, devised and prepared two rituals to enchant Zharrok's work, and had not only convinced Zharrok, but Menlinwen and the two Silverbearers that taught the siblings into helping.

Quite the queer thing, and the set up for a particularly strange joke you think, to watch two Drakk, two Brana and an elf all chanting and standing in a circle.

Neither you or Karstah were able to see it up close; given it was her first ritual, as unlikely as it was, the chance that your presence could deaden the Winds at an inopportune moment wasn't a possibility that any of you even wanted to entertain. Though that didn't mean you couldn't watch at all of course, it just meant you had to do it with a multi-lense contraption that the Engineers Guild made on your behalf from a safe distance.

But even if you weren't able to see the process as well as you'd like, the results could not be denied.

Atop Grimgal's head, radiating literal light as well as Hysh, was a wreath of her upturned spines set into a frame of Gromril wires, accented with silver inscriptions while the largest spines near the ends had had their tips replaced by diamonds. A focus and tool meant to make the casting of spells easier than it already was for her.

Its partner was a mantle of golden spines and Gromril chain that not only did the same for Chamon, but could be activated to harden her already near-Gromril tough body and create a barely visible protective barrrier around her.

Fine works according to Menlinwen and the siblings' tutors.

Wasn't Runecraft of course, but for Zhufokri work it would maybe survive one or two strikes from Zharrgal.

You watch until the Throng is a pinprick in the distance, and Grimgal's light becomes invisible amidst the warm darkness of the Underway.

But you can't stay forever.

There is work to be done.

━<><><>< 486 A.P. ><><><>━​

Lord Klausson requests many things, from his King, from his retainers, from his students, and from the Dawi in general.

But not nearly as much as he provides.

The Gift Giver is beloved and quietly despaired over in equal measure for the very reason he has earned his moniker. For Snorri Klausson does not give the uncountable Dawi whose lives he has changed through his generosity the opportunity to repay their debts easily.

They try of course, oh they try and try, and they largely fail.

Because for every mason and carpenter who agreed to participate and build such a volatile idea as Khazagar because their grandfather was given a Rune-weapon, for every business and merchant that came to and supported Jorri Klausson's ventures because his brother gave their own a new arm, for every Runesmith that shares what he knows because he has learned the secrets of Gromril chain from his teachings…

…for every Dwarf that has tried in some way to repay the Runelord, there are far more who become or are still indebted to him.

Because for every small debt repaid, there are far more that have been incurred at the same time. Because there are more Dawi whose forefathers were given Runecraft by the Gift Giver than there are his projects to participate in. More Dawi who receive life changing prosthetics through the direct and indirect efforts of the Runelord than can work with his brother. More Dawi who have ultimately benefitted from his efforts than can repay whatever he could think to ask of them.

It is safe to say that for every debt Kraka Drakk has repaid, they suffer the misfortune of Klausson's generosity several times over.

So when the Runelord does occasionally provide them that chance, and offers a request that the average Kraka Drakk Dawi can fulfill they quietly and stoically scramble at the opportunity.

After all, its the chance to repay uncounted centuries of owed debts, passed down from parent to child, and more than likely grown since, in an unbroken chain since the Hold's founding. Their holders are all too happy to relieve the weight of such a burden upon their psyches.

They don't quite weep, nor do they cheer, but several hundred Dwarfs will certainly walk with lighter steps in the coming years even as they scramble, negotiate, toil and work to meet the Legendary Gift Giver's demands.

They say nothing when they pass off cartloads of material to the silent and stoic Hearth Guard, nor do they wonder, aloud at least, about what exactly the Runelord could be doing with so much Drakk's blood. Because they remember the times the Runelord has called before; when the walls of Kraka Drakk were raised, when the Foundry Hall received its Pure Gromril Smelters, when the Underway was connected, when Khazagar was built, and so many other smaller occasions, and all that came from them.

These Dawi heed the wisdom of the past, and they trust that the Runelord will take the fruits of their labours and make something beyond their wildest reckoning from them.


It should feel momentous.

And it is.

But you have already cackled at your success, already shed tears of joy, and basked in the warmth of vindication.

You have known for nigh on a century now that Durin's Consternation was solvable.

What you do now is simply finishing what you started.

The Rune of Windsight you have been using is good, magnificent even, compared to what was possible before.

But it isn't done.

It is not the Second Sight, the so-called Seventh Sense, or whatever other name that the Elgi and Brana use to describe it. Not yet, and you have quietly worked for decades to, if not match the breadth that those two races can perceive, compare to them in the one way you care about.

To sense the Winds, as you have learned over the long decades of research, was not a singular experience. Just as insane and varied as Magic often was, so too are the ways to see it. Examples of individuals who perceive the Winds through any, several, and all five regular senses, plus even some more strange and unique mediums are rampant in your research. And as ever, each and every new account you come across has then been collected, examined and catalogued until you could fill a bookshelf with just the footnotes. More importantly It is a sense that can be trained, honed and refined in the same way a warrior learns to wield an axe, or a miner their pick.

You knew early on that you could not recreate true Windsight with your Rune, but as you learned more you better contextualized the enormity of the work that had to be done. No Rune you know of was capable of growing more refined like that on its own, nor do you think it is even possible when Runes, by their nature, are meant to be static and unchanging. You could empower a Rune, raise the ceiling so to speak, give it more power, but there was a point of no further improvement, and that improvement was always consistent with what the Rune could do. Not the Runes on Barak Azamar, not on Skarrenbakraz, not even the Hammer of Thungni could do it.

Runes did not change over time, they did not grow independently. It was against their very nature.

New synergies and interactions as new Runes were added, new tactics as the user learned and grew, yes, but a Rune that made fire could not grow over a few centuries and make Lava on its own. A Rune could be made to create Lava under the right conditions, yes, but those had to be built in from the beginning even if you didn't know it was there to begin with. There is a limit to be reached, but not surpassed. While you no longer believe it is impossible to do so, given again, your own experiences with Mhorni and the Anvil, those exceptions were all outside forces acting on Runes.

There was simply a point that you had to make a better Rune if you wanted more.

The cost of reliability and consistency was the ability for change and growth.

So that already precludes you from recreating true Windsight, but you could make a kind of Windsight. One that would suit the purposes of the Runesmiths, where what it would lack in scope compared to the more holistic experiences of the other races, it would make up for in universality and consistency. One that was, also, safe.

You hope.

The issue of fidelity and scope had been solved, albeit unexpectedly, from insights you gained from completing the Rune of Heat Sight. Unfortunately that solution had closed off several hopeful, but ultimately unnecessary, features you wanted. For one thing, you could not make a Rune that delivered the same thematic and imagery-based vision of the Winds you knew was possible. You had hoped that you could make a method of alternating between the coloured vision you currently had and the thematic vision you hoped for, but efforts there proved you had to pick between one and the other if you wanted to keep this limited to a Regular Rune. Not even Snerra's Rune of Piercing Sight was this complex, and if that Rune was on the cusp of being a Master Rune then you're dancing on a wire thinner than a beardling's first chin hair.

Though your other discovery made that a bit of a moot point.

For one thing you couldn't create anything that worked with Azyr, and you heavily suspected that this was due to the whole fortune telling nonsense ahem, atemporal nature, that the Sapphire Wind possessed.

Damn sky-watching wazzoks.

And then, if that wasn't enough, the visions you saw in the Winds that you could get it to work for were static and unchanging. Flame for Aqshy, water and plants for Ghyran, animals for Ghur, and so on and so forth, it was always the same kind of vision, the same imagery. You could change the kind of things you saw by tinkering with the Rune, switching to emotions and even strange and horrible little faces that silently screamed at you, but it did not change on its own. Which was, understandably, not that useful.

Seeing an Aqshy suffused rock as a rock with a layer of semi-transparent angry faces superimposed atop it was of no use to you.

You're also unsure if that unchanging nature is because of you being a Dwarf, or the Rune, but until you fixed it, if you even could mind you, it made incorporating such a feature undesirable for the time being.

So that was a wash.

And If that wasn't enough, as you continued to work and improve the Rune, you discovered another limitation.

Like true Windsight this Rune could not be turned off, not without physically removing the prosthetic it was inscribed on from the eye-socket. It wasn't an issue of complexity, per se, or at least it shouldn't be, but every attempt to incorporate such functionality failed. Figuring out why was impossible, but your best guess involved getting too close to the actual nature of Windsight than not, because everytime you added it, the fidelity and accuracy of the Rune took a nosedive that made it little better than your current eye.

So you decided to pick and choose your battles.

But in limitation, you often find creativity.

Without the weight of incorporating anything more than colour vision pressing down on you, you had the metaphorical room to make sure that you had damn good colour vision.

What resulted from those efforts is perhaps one of the most specific and singular applications of the Rule of Form that you've encountered in your life.

There are a few more specific cases, but those were often from failed Runes. Like that one time you made a Rune of Fortitude that could only be inscribed on a very specifically shaped shield as an apprentice.

Your Rune of Windsight had to be inscribed on a Gromril sphere that contained at least 10 different and specifically hued precious stones embedded within it. The first eight were understandable enough, one for each of the individual Winds, but the latter two were their own mystery. You're fairly sure that they'd there for Dhar and Qyash respectively, but that made no sense. You shouldn't need entire new gems to see what, in Elven theory at least, is simply the failed and successful way of mixing multiple Winds of Magic together, and yet the Rune demands it.

But those inconsistencies aside, those limitations aside, those challenges aside, you have done it.


Durin's Consternaton, and the spectre that has hung over your Guild since its inception, is ended.

You need only make it.
━<><><>< 487 A.P. ><><><>━​

The Runelord pulls the ingot out of the forge, orange hot, and onto his anvil. His furrowed gaze is solemn and contemplative, examining the work to be in his mind.

He looks down at the two hammers to his side. One is the Hammer of his Ancestor, the other is his hammer, a tool that has proven its worth.

Fingers hover over the Hammer of Thungni, tentative, before they move and grasp the hilt of the second hammer.

Much as it may make sense to use the former, sentimentality drives him to wield the latter.

The work began with Zharrgal, it shall come to an end with it.

He raises it high, the head coming alight with Aethyric fire, energetic and eager, then slams it back down onto the ingot.

It takes three blows to form the half sphere from the Star Iron. Perhaps the Ancestor's work would be faster, but he is in no rush.

He looks down at the sphere, eyes squinting critically as his mind examines everything in detail.

Then he nods once, satisfied by what he has seen.

Zharrgal swings downward once more onto unyielding metal and forces it to obey.
Power Flows
He is honouring his craft by making a piece of art. And make no mistake art is his craft, for all that its medium is so often wonder and metalwork. And here is no finer example of it, for it represents more than his individual labours, more than his beliefs and thoughts.

It is a story.

One who's first pages were written by a great man long before his birth that was sadly left unfinished, but by fate and chance was carried past his loss, hurtling forward through time and the hands of countless others...

Until it came to him, the one that circumstance had left situated to do what others that were equally and more talented could not.

The artist tasked with finishing the work of another.

To make a memorial and tribute worthy of the First.

The end of this story, his story.

And the beginning of another.
Will guides it
Again and again, he hammers ceaselessly and unerringly, centuries of experience and talent brought to bear to bring the creation in his mind into reality.

It is the answer to an obstacle encounterd by thousands.

It is the dream of hundreds, once doomed to remain unfulfilled.

It is the death of one, and the sorrow of two.

It is a Consternation.

At last soothed.

It deserves to be done justice.

Joining the clang of metal and the roar of flame, the words of a chant of his own devising escape his lips in a low, sonorous, timbre.
Let song remind you
"In honour of Lost Durin, Ancestor and Firstborn of Lord Thungni. Strike the Gromril thus..."


Around them the sounds of battle ring like the caretaker's dinnerbell. The stench of blood, the cries of her foes/challengers, rouses the beast like little else has, but they wrestle it back into submission. Her crown flares with Diamond light, banishing darkness and making the neverborn cringe and shriek. By happenstance, she, Caretaker/Mother and the Hearth Guard/Wardens have found themselves beside the High King. Out of the corner of her eye she sees Azamar/Eternity shines brilliantly, unceasingly, entirely unconcerned with the world around it.

"Storm the walls my kin! Khazuk-Khazuk-ha!" The High King/Eldest roars from atop his Throne. "I have wagered a fine tankard that it will be Dawi boots that stand atop those walls first, and I shall not be denied my drink!"

The throng roars back in affirmation, the weight of the Ancestors' gaze pushing them onwards.

She pays none of it any mind.

Another roar, different and wretched, counters the shout of the Dawi and draws her attention. A pair of crippled things, what they were once destined to be/the fate they denied, were prodded and ordered to stand in her way.

It is an affront/abomination/prey and it angers their pride that any would think it would pose Grimgal any challenge at all.

A trio of minds come together, and unity is found in anger.

A lance of burning light spears the first Slave Wyrm through the heart, killing it instantly. A second, smaller lance, decapitates the Fianna rider that was crushed under its falling bulk.

Grimgal roars in victory, her roar joining the cacophony of noise.

Girded in the gifts of her littermates/brothers and wielding the fruits of their talent, they will show them death.

"Snorrisdottir!" The High King/Eldest shouts down at Caretaker/Mother, "A fine showing from your drakk! But It won't do for the Son of Grungni to get shown up by my subjects so easily though! Thronebearers, keep my seat warm for me now!"

He stands up from his seat, hammer and Axe/Doom/Death in each hand.

"Keep up if you can!"

Azyr coils around the Dwarf like a cloak, and with a shout he raises his weapon skyward, disppearing in a bolt of thunder.

Within them, the beast snarls.

"Grim…" Caretaker/Mother warns.

Above her the cry of dragons, the winged annoyances who look down upon her, ring out, adding insult to injury and flaring her temper. Insults, so many insults and challenges that must be answered with proof of her superiority.

She chooses to release her frustrations in a productive way, opening her mouth and allowing the Hysh to coalesce.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Zhufokri - "Current/Torrent Craftsman"/Mage
Zharrgal - Golden Fire
━<><><>< Gain ><><><>━

- Gronti-Bay complete! Skaudardrengi Pt. 2 unlocked!
-- A facility dedicated to Monumental scale construction, not quite building, but well beyond even a Gronti.
-- -35 Favours with Kraka Drakk, new totals: (calculated below)

- Extra-Sensory Pt.1 complete! Extra-Sensory Pt. 2 unlocked!
-- Rune complete! Rune of Windsight: (see below)
-- Revealed in Turn 58 Results Pt. 2
-- +1 Progress to The Secrets of Light Pt. 3a Utility, new totals: [Cost: (4 -1) = 3 actions]
-- +1 Progress to The Happening of Things, new totals: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions]
-- Master of the Odd [7/15] > [9/15]


- +3 Progress to Drakk Rearing, new totals: [21/? actions]
-- Grimgal, length: 36.5m by 493 A.P.
— Her growth is still terrifying to behold. She'll break 40 meters sooner rather than later at the current rate of growth.
— By far the toughest of the three, and Zharrok's creation have allowed her to better use her magical talents.

-- Zharrok, length 31m by 493 A.P.
— Spines lengthening the most by proportion, and unevenly so.
— Greater dexterity than the others, likely from training.
—Has finally made his Master Work(s). Zharrok had intended to enchant it himself, but Grimgal persuaded (read bullied) him into letting her do it instead. The enchantments are not as good as Runes of course, however Menlinwen says they are well made for one who has only so recently begun their journey wielding the Aethyr.
Zharrok (and Grimgal)'s Epic Creation of Note, Wreath of Light
---- A wreath made to be worn around the head, with the main Gromril structure obscured by the forest of upward pointed spines that Grimgal donated. The spines all glow softly with Hysh, and the largest spines, placed close to the ends, have had their tips replaced by Diamonds.
---- It increases Grimgal's ability to wield Hysh, as well as naturally collecting it.
---- +10 Bonus to casting Light Magic, further +10 Bonus to casting Illumination Spells.

Zharrok's (and Grimgal)'s Epic Creation of Note, Mantle of Metal
---- A mantle made of gold forged into the shape of Shard Wyrm spines connected by links of Gromril chain, with the largest at the center over the wearer's chest and growing smaller the farther from the front they get.
---- +10 Bonus to Combat and casting Magic. When active, spines are hardened and take on a golden sheen while barely visible golden barrier covers the wearer's body

-- Izgrom length 31.5m by 493 A.P.
— Spines lengthening as well.
— Claws haven't grown as thickly as his siblings, thin and more ductile but still as durable.

-- The increasing dimorphism between them is notable but not a cause for concern right now.

New Runes/ Combos
- Rune of Windsight [Engineering, Prosthetic]: Must be inscribed on items with at least 10 different flawless gems. Items inscribed with this Rune always provide one form of Windsight. Viewing the Winds of Magic as multihued threads of energy superimposed over everything in their field of vision.

- +15 Former Valkyrie Guard recruited, new totals: x25
- +8 Masons of Grungni recruited, new totals: x13

23+ 169 =192/240 +1 retainer action

Losses to be calculated.

- [Mid 484] The sheer number of Runesmiths has apparently done the opposite of what you expected. Contests are clogged with contestants, and stores are running empty of reagents. Good problems to have, but problems are problems! Bah. Nothing's getting done with all these dunderheads about. Still, through sheer numbers alone more Runecraft is being made, if not to the same level of efficiency as expected.

- [Early 485] Skalla Honestheart's presence has drawn several other bird-hating Runesmiths to the Hold. These Dawi, united from across any and all spectrums have deemed themselves to be wronged by the Changer, and come to learn Runes that spite it in turn.

- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Storm Wyrm's Brain, arriving Turn 60
- +1 [Tier 4] Elder Dragon Ogre Shaggoth's Heart, arriving Turn 59
- +1 [Tier 4] Medusan Cockatrice Eye, arriving Turn 61
- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart, arriving Turn 59
- +2 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Blood, arriving Turn 59
-- Item Order Expedited x1 times

- [Tier 2] Slave Wrym Corpses x2 yields
-- +8 [Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Blood, new totals: x18

- [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll corpse x1 yields
-- +1 [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart, new totals: x5
-- +2 [Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Blood, new totals: x6

Favour and Standing
- -60 Favours with Karak Ungor, new totals: 120

- -50 Favours with Kraka Drakk, new totals: 40

- -90 Favours with Kraka Grom, new totals: 110

- +1 Standing, with Kraka Ornsmotek, new totals: Standing 10, Favours 75
-- Standing Bonus received! Standing 10, Here be Monsters: Reduce turn timer on native Far Northern Monster orders by 1. (minimum 1)
— Ex. Trolls, Frost Wyrms, Chimaera, etc. If unsure, ask.

- +1 Standing with [Region] The Far North, new totals: Standing 10
-- Standing Bonus received! Standing 10, Paragon of the Peninsula: All [Region] Far North favour is now interchangeable. All individual Far Northern Hold favour converted to "Far North" favours.
-- [Ancestor] In the event of Snorri Klausson's death, he will be honoured as a Minor Ancestor God in the Far North, a source of pride and wisdom that all Norscan Dwarfs will remember until the ending of the world.

Trait(s) Gained/Upgraded

-- Master of the Odd [7/15] > [9/15]


AN: Hey gang, have a doot. Earlier than I thought, but I think several of us need a bit of fun today. Hope you enjoy, as always don't forget to C&C. :^)
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