Er, no. Lots of Econ can very well make a currency crisis worse, because it means you need more coins circulating to cover every transaction.
Ymaryn understanding of finance currently hard-caps most of the economy by the amount of precious metals available; trying to push past this cap without increasing either metal supply or financial understanding is what causes currency crises.
And having the supply of precious metal unexpectedly drop (say, because invasion) is a good way to set such a crisis off.
Ehh, I don't think Econ is a strong indicator of total population. It's only the portion of population that we can shift around.
Further, excess Econ means excess food, which means we have the ability to feed the people who can't get coins, thereby avoiding the worst consequence of a liquidity crisis. I mean, we've been operating with an isolated economy currently; a liquidity crisis won't be worse than that.
Erm, the liquidity crises had to do with Wealth, not Econ.
Basically we need more precious metal to represent currency... Or lots of financial inventions for a more permanent solution.
Yes, and in that situation, we can maneuver out of it more easily if we have extra Econ, because we then have a wider range of actions we can take.
Look at the actions we had for the last liquidity crisis event:
Liquidity crisis continues, what do do?
[] [LC] Blame rich hoarders (Patricians and Traders -1 Faction Power, fail current faction quests, ???)
[] [LC] Allow taxes be paid in food, settle more land to compensate (Sec Distribute Land + Second Expand Econ, ???)
[] [LC] Foreign competition for precious metals is to blame, restrict trade to avoid loss of specie (Alters trade power, ???)
[] [LC] Coin isn't as needed in urban centers, just distribute food there blindly (+1 Urban Poor power, ???)
[] [LC] Search for more precious metals (Main Survey Lands)
[] [LC] Increase use of lower quality metal to increase the supply of coins (???)
Two of these lean heavily on the availability of food, so Econ can have a direct impact on managing the crisis. Econ also overflows to Wealth, so if we have large surpluses of Econ then we can accept having lower trade power and just overflow via an extra Expand Economy action to generate Wealth. We also have Blame rich hoarders, which leans on our social values and stability. Not that many of our responses were actually about Wealth.
And... just take a look at our action list, and look at how many actions cost Econ. Almost anything you might want to do is made easier if Econ isn't a problem.