I'm getting pretty tired of people throwing around the phrase "min-maxing" like a slur. Why don't we instead call it what it is PRIORITIZING.
@Kiba's post is by no means the only case of this, but it is the latest so I'm going to use it as an example.
No, the Dam is not more important than dealing with the plague. We need to prioritize, even if it means you don't get what you want.
No, the Dam is not more important than restoring our stability. No matter how much you like the Dam, it is more important to take our stability from -2 to 2~4 than it would be to get half of the dam built. Low stability is an order of magnitude more likely to screw us then lack of (half of) a dam, so we have to prioritize stability.
No, getting a single Main worth of progress on the Dam (~20 progress) is not worth giving up 2 wealth per turn and the Bazaar Megaproject. The Dam is useful, but not THAT useful.
If you think a decision is overly focused on the mechanical over the narrative, fine; call it that and we can discuss. That is a reasonable objection to being against "min-maxing", at least. But when you use the term as a general counterargument against anything else you could be doing, you are literally arguing against our ability to prioritize, which is a poor stance to take.