Oh, Farr's probably an unhappy camper. Though he will have the distinction of working with all three major factions over the course of the war.
That last bit isn't the Thing by they way, but it had to be done. Other systems that officially flipped to the CNS thanks to rolls:
...Well, I know what I'm going to be doing for the next hour or two. I also don't want to forget that we added Qiilura + Ord Mantell (from the 'Exploiting the Eclipse' action) and Onderon (from 'Onderon Flashpoint' action) in addition to the rest of these.
Map + Index are forthcoming...
I'm just impressed neither time has been you, considering the ridiculously in depth research you do.He's had no luck in generating long-term mystery for this quest.
Also, I hear there's a rebel base there.
Technically this one is suggested write-in, but still. The Invisible Hand is attached to the Oracle, so this would probably be classified as an Oracle base upgrade, to retrofit the Invisible Hand for maximum effectiveness. Considering it is a dreadnaught-class capital ship... that could be a major boost to our Martial efforts (such as striking the Zygerrian slavers, or attacking various pirate fleets, etc.)Currently none, though you do have Raith on hand to fix that if you want.
I don't think anyone answered this -- the Rush Clovis investigation results showed that he was funneling a lot of money to some unknown cause -- does anyone know that would be?...I actually have no idea what this means. Anyone familiar with Rush Clovis know what's going on here?
These are really good suggestions, and I don't think anyone responded to them:
This is definitely a given. I'm not sure whether I hope this will be a Learning action (have Cheriss work on him for a bit) or a Hero Action (HK-47 seeks out upgrades proactively & on his own time), since we have plenty of actions to occupy us in both categories. My only qualm is that, it might be better to wait until we've studied beskar or phrik and can outfit HK-47 with the best materials possible...-Complete overhaul : Poor guy's been stuck at the mercy of the elements on a freaking volcanic world for the last couple century and it still took shooting him with a starship grade ion cannon to take him down. Bring him back up to specks and I expect his Martial to jump into the low-to-mic 30s.
Mechu-deru is part of what I'm referring to. It's an awesome set of Force techniques that would be really useful for general tech knowledge as well as upgrading our two droid hero units.
It might be better to wait on upgrading HK-47 until Ciaran and/or Cheriss have learned mechu-daru and gained the intuitive Force-based understanding of engineering that Revan used to build HK-47 in the first place.I'm not sure if this would be a skill for Ciaran to learn, but I actually had the idea that this would be perfect as a Hero Action for Cheriss Sair. Chief researcher, Force sensitive, has an instinctive understanding of computers and mechanical systems -- mechu-daru would fit, especially since she'd be the one we assign to help upgrade HK-47.
This might be a supplemental reward for the retrofit, since taking HK-47 apart and putting him back together would naturally give us some insight into his construction. OTOH, studying his assassination protocols (and self-improvement routines) could be a separate task -- perhaps that would be a Hero Action for PR-1, since our protocol droid does love self improvement....-In-depth study : My understanding is that HK-47 is the metaphorical progenitor of just about every last contemporary Assassin Droids in the galaxy. Be it specific body architecture or fragments of his Assassination Protocols, the more of him they have within themselves, the more deadly they are. Since we do have some droid forces to act as fodder, this could be useful.
Again, this might be an inadvertent benefit if we ever send HK-47 up against a Force user or Force sect. Our other agents would witness his techniques and learn what to do & not to do. Alternately, we could just make it a Hero Action and have him write a training manual (or have him reconstruct some of his past battles & encounters to add to our Kalee Battleroom with the rest of the body-camera footage.-Anti-Force users training : Self evident. HK-47 has probably killed with his own hands more Force users then anyone else in the galaxy by now. He's literally made for it.
Again, probably a supplemental benefit if/when we recover the Foundry, as well as Revan's estate on Nar Shaddaa. Speaking of...-Info on Revan ? : Probably the closest thing to an actual Holocron of Revan we'll ever get and the most unbiased source of information pertaining to him.
...Pretty sure there's actually a fragment of the Infinite Engine in Revan's Nar Shaddaa estate. That could prove useful...So, potentially, we could actually make our own Star Forge if we could find the Infinite Engine..
If we don't recover Revan's holocron from Lehon/Rakata Prime (I'm not sure if Darth Bane destroyed the original), then this would definitely be an alternate. OTOH, I'm pretty sure Darth Sidious (Palpatine) also has himself copied into this holocron, so there might be some danger....Speaking of hidden academies: Telos. We really need to dig up Telos. Atris's holocron collection is still there, and people have been adding to it over the millennia. Including a goddamn index holocron containing the downloaded contents of a dozen different Sith Lord's personal holocrons. Ajunta Pall, Naga Sadow, Darth Bane, even Revan's holocron has been copied into that thing. It's basically The Complete Idiot's Guide to Mastering the Dark Side.
@Dr. Snark, I don't think you ever responded to this one? Would 'personal upgrade' actions be reclassified as Hero Actions? Alternately, if/when we recover the Arkanian Legacy and retrofit it as our Karada flagship, would you be willing to treat some of these upgrades/medical checks as though they were base upgrades instead? You've indicated that our Heroes are able to get genemodded without taking time away from their other responsibilities, while the actual treatment is run by our Arkanian employees. Our biggest involving is covering the expense of it, so a 'base upgrade' or free hero action would make sense.Relatedly, would it be possible to reclassify some of the 'Personal Upgrade'-type actions, to be included as Hero Actions? I was originally thinking of 'Under the Knife':
However, with our new 'Force-Friendly Cybernetics' upgrades and even more with potential 'Nano-Droid Injections', I could easily see our 'Learning' category getting so swamped with upgrading our people that we wouldn't have time for actual research.
All that to say, it would make sense to move those 'individual upgrade' Actions to the category in which our Heroes get upgraded.
... Could medical ships be used to remove Clone's biochips? I mean, if you started making some, could they be set up such that you could also bring aboard clones and fix their fast-aging genes and biochips?
(Then again, maybe hospital ships would be a way to spread the hypothetical retroviruses when they're done, thus speeding things up. And meanwhile, they'll... just serve as hospital ships, because hospital ships is straightforward enough. Really, the only difference might be is that maybe because the troopers are all Clones, maybe hospitals could be specialized for them? i.e. Hospitals set up to more easily treat people who are genetically identical. If it works that way.)
Perhaps Ciaran could fund some hospital ships to act as a "red cross" type organization in battle zones. Free treatment for wounded organics of any side. (With biochip removal for the clones hidden among the various shots they're given.)
...I'd really like to find some way to collaborate with other medcenters and medical research organizations. Perhaps that will just have to wait until we get the Arkanian Legacy, though.The most useful thing they could contribute, would be a research partnership between Karada and the Aldera Universal Medcenter. Or let us use (recruit from?) their medical school. Or supply us with medical droids...
...I'm still curious if Dr. Snark plans to bring Maul back into the mix, though I suspect he's keeping things close to the vest for the moment.Huh. I wonder if Dr. Snark will let him stay 'out of commission' on Lotho Minor, or if Maul will make an appearance later in the quest.
This is another biggee --our Dantooine resort was originally a mansion belonging to our grandfather Silas, that we remodeled into a resort property. Even so, we own & operate it, and it was originally conceived of as a base. @Dr. Snark, what say you?@Dr. Snark, could we do base upgrades for our Dantooine property...?
This is one of a number of base upgrades I have ready to propose if we go for it.
This is more of a write-in suggestion for our Naboo base, but I did want to point out that we have access to Gungan tech if we wanted to reverse-engineer some, or produce it for sale to the Gungans (or for sale to the rest of the galaxy...)On the other hand, we did make records of Gungan equipment during our first scouting visit to the planet, so we have some idea of what they're capable of and potentially how they're constructed.
Seven years... means that the next Galactic Games will begin in 19 BBY. So: who wants to sponsor a team?
Hmm. Maybe Ciaran could fund an ongoing sports development program on the planet?
I'll throw my hat into the ring for the support of a Taris team.
Well the games should be hosted on Taris anyways. After all, with the galaxy divided, the message of unity and friendly competition at the heart of the games is more important than ever. But with the political reality, hosting the games in neutral space is the only sensible option.
I really don't want to forget about our plans for a Taris sports complex + sports development program + sponsor/invest in sports teams...So, who wants to invent the galactic sport of curling?
EDIT: of course, having written that, I'm now imagining a sport involving asteroids and tractor beams. Which sounds awesome.
Nor do I want to forget our plans for 'Space City' -- which is basically a less-urgent kind of 'super-loot' similar to the Chu'unthor, Arkanian Legacy and Foundry. This also becomes a lot more plausible now that we have contact with Kuat, and have options for working with Hoersch-Kessel that also specialize in capital ships.Turns out there's an abandoned museum/Jedi library right next door. Nespis VII is located in the Auril sector (same as Ossus, and Murkhana, and Bal'demnic). It is orbited by 'Space City' once regarded as one of the twenty 'Wonders of the Galaxy'
I want it. Specifically, I wonder if we could use it as a galactic museum: to celebrate Ciaran's accomplishments, celebrate the cultures and systems that belong to the CNS and/or the Outer Rim, to celebrate & showcase our own archaeological discoveries (at least the ones that are public record...)
...And that's a fourth megapost I ought to work on. @Stealthy, if you want to keep reminding me until I actually make an omake out of it, feel free.If Publicola wants to convert this into a PR-1 briefing for omake points, go for it.
Given that Stenness just joined the CNS, it's a fair bet that Borvo did bring it up to Jabba and was given control over the region. Awesome!I suggest you bring it up to Borvo. After the incident with Ziro, Borvo has quite a bit of access with the Council, and they might be willing to hand over control of BolBol's operations to a more trusted associate.
@Dr. Snark, it's not really a write-in, but will we be interacting with Quinlan Vos at some point in the future? If Sev'rance Tann is getting sidelined, he might be the next minor antagonist...First, by all accounts, Quinlan Vos has wrestled with the dark side all his life -- presumably thanks to the emotions he experienced through psychometry."
"Perhaps we might recruit him? Gray Force Users unsuited for the strictures of the Jedi Order are our specialty, after all."
Also, @Dr. Snark, since we're sending a security team with the scientists, are you going to handwave the 'Corellian scientist kidnapped and forced to produce biowapon' plotline? I'm fine if you did -- I just want to make sure it's taken care of.There's apparently a species of coral -- 'Niriktavi' coral, I believe -- that seems to interact oddly with bacta cultures. There's a number of researchers planning a joint expedition there
Also a Hero Action write-in, this one for Grievous. The Ailon Nova Guard are a pretty major player in the mercenary world -- in terms of numbers, we're definitely small potatoes, so I'd like to get on their good side.Hmm... they do resemble the Kaleesh. Given some of his exploits, I imagine Grievous might be a popular figure there. Perhaps we can send him to train or fight alongside them, try to build bridges. Perhaps we could contract with them to assist some of our operations -- help free Antar IV, or even join our strike against the Zygerrian Slave Empire?
I don't think @Dr. Snark ever responded to this either. Could we send Asajj as our envoy to some of the more obscure/isolated Force sects? (Specifically, the ones that wouldn't identify her as Asajj Ventress or as a former Sith). She's quite a bit better about Diplomacy, she's exceptionally good at Lore, and this would be a great way to give her some autonomy and let her 'broaden her horizons' with new Force techniques.Another possibility would be to send Asajj to some of the Force sects we know about, either the ones listed under 'Lore' or under 'Diplomacy' -- to make contact and learn their philosophies and techniques. That'd certainly help advance that part of the plot, and get past the bottleneck we've found ourselves in.
@Timewarriors: I'm not sure if anyone responded to you, but Hego Damask (and his company, Damask Holdings) was mentioned quite a bit during the early turns of the quest, and @Teron later confirmed (non-threadmarked post, sadly) that Damask intended to use Ciaran as a tool, before his death.Oh wow which turn was this, can anyone give me a link to that.
@Dr. Snark, I'm curious if you have any other thoughts regarding this idea for Taris base upgrades?My thinking was, there are a number of 'minor' planets -- Lorrd, Nimban, etc. -- and minor corporations -- House Benelex, Iyranis Gravitics -- that we could benefit from, but wouldn't be worth spending 100-200 credits or spending an entire Action just to gain access to them.
Another way I had considered, was simply turning them into base upgrades for Taris. I believe I'd already proposed inviting Sullustan investment in Taris via the 'SoroSuub Landing' location. We could carve out other 'districts' and do the same thing for other systems or species -- build a Nimbanel Quarter to let us hire those bureaucrats, or a Lellish District to bring their advertising expertise to bear. It'd still be 'option bloat' by virtue of just how many 'specialist species' exist in the galaxy, but you'd still have veto power, and at least it'd be limited to a single planet.
Also, I don't think we got an answer for this. @Dr. Snark: is a Corellia base available, or do we still need to reach out to them proactively?Given that Garm Bel Iblis is going to be at that anti-Palpatine meeting, will we be able to buy a base in Corellia next turn?
I'm really curious to see how this would work. Would that be something like an Oracle base upgrade, to outfit our flagship with a 'scavenger' fleet (tractor beams, etc.) to send in the aftermath of major battles? Or would we need to design it as a Sienar Custom Vessel?Similar to our salvage operations on Coruscant, Taris, and Nar Shaddaa, can we put together salvager teams and fleets to pick through the battlefields of the Clone Wars?
He did. Or rather; he used it until it broke down on its own. Fortunately he had enough foresight to make a copy before that happened.If we don't recover Revan's holocron from Lehon/Rakata Prime (I'm not sure if Darth Bane destroyed the original)
No, that was one of his clones and years after he died for the first time. We've got plenty of time to go get it for ourselves. And even then the Gatekeeper personality he left it with was pretty chill. He based it on himself when he was younger because he decided that wizened old men make for pretentious assholes when they're teaching and left it unlocked with only the proviso that you use what you learn from it only to benefit yourself.OTOH, I'm pretty sure Darth Sidious (Palpatine) also has himself copied into this holocron
Upgrade to Quad turbolasers and advanced weaponry.
You called it.
Knight.So compared to the Jedi how strong is tier 3? Knight? Master? Somewhere in between?
Knight, but with a lot of non-Force skills that let them work as remarkably capable commandos & special-ops troops. I'd say they're the mirror image of Jedi Sentinels -- instead of Jedi trained to be commandos, they're commandos trained to use the Force. In a straight one-on-one fight, our guys would probably lose. Their trick (and the reason this one is now Tier 3) is that they don't fight one-on-one, and never take a straight fight.So compared to the Jedi how strong is tier 3? Knight? Master? Somewhere in between?
We've managed to accidentally stumble across lesson one of HK-47's "How to kill Jedi" lecture series.Their trick (and the reason this one is now Tier 3) is that they don't fight one-on-one, and never take a straight fight.
We're already going to get a +5 Martial with the 'battleroom' upgrade (on Kalee) -- that's the one that lets us apply the +5 'bodycameras' default bonus we were supposed to get from Turn 2.An armoury with top-of-the-line wargear for our Guardians, giving us +5 to our Martial rolls.
I suspect Intrigue bonuses at this point will rely not on upgraded tech, but on expanded information network. Plus, we already have the +5 from the Jedi Sentinels that (we hope?) we'll recover in the near future.A storeroom with top-of-the-line gadgets and equipment for our Seekers, giving us +5 to our Intrigue rolls.
Perhaps if we retrofit & upgrade it, we can use it to act independently -- perhaps at the head of an anti-piracy/anti-slavery strike force? Given just how much good that would do for us -- reputation, loot, CNS recruitment, loot, politics, loot -- that'd be a great way to give us "+1 Martial Action" without 'breaking the bank' as far as action overload. It'd probably require minimal extra effort-- each turn we'd specify a target, and Dr. Snark would treat it as just another auto-roll (as he does with salvage, for instance).What does the Invisible Hand do? Does it give a Martial action like the support fleet/starfighter squadrons do, does it give a bonus to Martial/Diplomacy rolls, or something else?
I'm pretty sure he was added as an 'advisor' because we thought it'd be funny. As far as expanding our Lore actions, if we recover the Chu'unthor next turn and turn it into a Force research center, that could easily be one of the rewards...What does Vectivus' phantom do? Our income hasn't increased, the rate of promotion of our Agents remains the same, we've had no new Lore options, and his status as an advisor has not given us an additional Lore action.
First, we'd have to learn about it in-character. Second, we'd have to care enough about it to spend an action on that, instead of one of the much more immediate priorities we're faced with. Third... meh? With the exception of Mungo Baobab, I've mostly managed to avoid content from the early Star Wars cartoons in my galaxy briefing, especially since I've noticed they tend to treat Star Wars as 'magical fantasy' rather than science fiction. 'Sunstar' seems like it's the same, so I'd be inclined to say it just doesn't exist in this setting.Is it possible for our Discovery Corps to go to Endor and steal the Shadowstone and Sunstar for ourselves?
The idea of a group of force adept commandos using HK-47 approved tactics is rather terrifying.We've managed to accidentally stumble across lesson one of HK-47's "How to kill Jedi" lecture series.
Statement: Stop trying to fight fair you idiotic meatbag! Your objective is to kill your target, not win an honor duel.
Yeah, there's a reason that Traya managed to be the only Sith Lord to ever successfully destroy the Jedi order until Palpatine showed up. HK-47 wasn't the only anti-force user assassin Revan had made, he just trained people for the rest of them instead of building droids. And Traya was more than happy to keep that tradition going when she took over.The idea of a group of force adept commandos using HK-47 approved tactics is rather terrifying.
I don't see why we would want to get anti-Force anything. The only Force user we want to kill is Sidious and their anti-Force tactics will not do anything against him. Anti-Force/lightsaber training and equipment will not be useful unless we decided we're going to start killing Jedi.
Pretty much us.
Don't we have some ability with the force making said comparison invalid?
A chessmaster.