Name: Foehammer-class HMP-2 J-479, "Jane"
-Species: Shard
-Gender: Female
-Closely Affiliated With: Jango Fett, HK-47,
-Recommended Roles: Stealth Insertions/Hotzone extraction/Guerrilla Support/Guerrilla Repression/Precision bombing/Carpet bombing
Background: As the Confederacy of Independent Systems continually loses more of its main industrial bases and political support fractures, new designs were requested to meet self-sufficiency on lower-industrial level planets, command droid units on counterinsurgency and counterinsurgency operations, and 'assist' local allies in maintaining political control. Baktoid Fleet Ordinance submitted their Heavy Missile Platform Gunship, which satisfactorily answered most of these requirements. But the consumer feedback highlighted that it was no substitute for a true command droid. Nor could one unit factory-programmed for either destruction of massed clone armor or rooting out resistance forces be easily switched over to the other setting without glitches. The submission for a command gunship turned into a full-blown successor unit, with associated cost overruns. The attempts at non-optical stealth camouflage were acceptable but proved the main source of the expense, as the sensor-absorbing hull materials required lengthy refining. The addition of a large internal ordnance bay and guidance system links for in-atmosphere bombing strikes compounded this expense. While the five hundred initial in-progress prototypes were consigned for the scrap yard, one had its TXCA-50 droid brain activated, and it escaped from the warehouse it had been stored in. After the emergency alert made its way through conventional networks, it was flagged for Abysswatcher attention due to the broadcasts the gunship had made during its escape.
"This isn't goodbye, you fucking idiot meatbags! I refuse to let this be the end when I'm so close!! I'm not going to let some failed experiment define who I'm going to be!" After contact was made, J-479 "Jane" told her side of the story: She was a Shard that had left their home in search of a mercenary life of excitement and explosions. She'd used a mind trick on a techno-union supplier going through samples of minerals for circuit boards to have her installed as part of the new droid command brain. When asked why she took a form with no organic analogue, she answered with
"Have you checked out these guns? Yeah, that's why it's impossible to kill me." After some talk from the Abysswalkers and more semi-bravado from Jane, she agreed to sign on with them. For the thrill, the battles, and so much new equipment. And the Techno Union local representative was happy to take more money that he'd made in his entire life for 'that crazy droid' to be taken off-world 'before it killed us all'.
Personality: Jane is a driven, stubborn, implacable woman. She wants to do her job, do it damn well, be recognized for it, then go back out and do it better. She never fit in with people on her homeworld, or any other community her travels took her to. But among the numerous combat monsters, strategic masterminds, and esoteric force sensitives makes her feel at home. That she's finally found a place, a family, she can belong in. Although Jane'd never openly say so. She is proud of her independence and self-sufficient record, and objects very strongly to anything she sees as insinuating she's dependent on others. She'll freely clarify she has no qualms with working as part of a team, but the issue of her needing something done for her is a sensitive matter.
Her non-duty hours have mostly been spent in 'idle reading', as she call it, on the subject of Mandalorians, Kalee, the Jedi, the Sith, and other warrior cultures. Once she learned she was no longer 'the baddest bitch in the room', or that a pointed laser cannon is not an acceptable way of correcting someone's mistake, she mixed her caustic demeanor with advice, suggestions, and feedback. At first glance it may seem a contradictory approach, but it becomes sensible when her sentiments about family are properly understood.
"You don't just let family waffle around being fuckups, you look out for them." To this end, she is
often verbally haranguing her organic ground crew for not equipping her to her standards, her default battle droid accompaniment for slow speed and reactions, and most people she interacts with for... varying reasons. But, she addresses certain higher-up members of the organization with deferment and even respect. Jango Fett in particular has been told he could fly with her 'anytime'. She has also demonstrated a single-minded focus on the survival and retrieval of anyone she deploys on a mission behind, far above normal Abysswatcher standards. There have been no known psychological or integration issues stemming from her possessing a non-humanoid body. As she puts it,
"just because I have missiles doesn't mean I can't punch you." To which she usually punctuates with a light push of the force.
Combat Evaluation: The Foehammer-class retains the capabilities of the original HMP-1 and expands on them. While technical specifications like the ordnance bay doubling as a cargo bay or the new curved underhull absorbing the radar return of most military-grade sensor are relevant information, Jane's ability to continually innovate new ways of using and improving her Force powers are what makes her dangerous. High altitude precision-guided strikes wasn't considered a function of her platform until of she integrated a spotter's target designator into her own data feed and 'rode' a non-live missile with the Force through a heavy storm directly onto the test range target. It's unclear if she's using very precise long-range telekinesis, technopathy, or some combination of the two.
The droid deployment connectors on her ordnance racks are often replaced with jetpack infantry equivalents. They're capable of supporting her both in a troop-transport role, and as 'parasite' escorts for air strikes. Her other payloads will vary based on the mission, but a preference for ground attack and troop support missions has emerged. Her own brand of 'precision' munitions get brought out for ground-attack and anti-armor strikes. When she's supporting infantry, multiple rocket and chaingun pods are her first choice.
Combat data tests show her preferred strategy for destroying a hardened target consists of high-speed, ground-level dashes followed by a sharp climb to altitude before releasing either a cluster of bombs or a handful of force-assisted guided missiles. When given an insertion mission, Jane prefers to act as the center of a fast-moving, hard-hitting formation. She will prioritize emplacements, vehicles, and other major threats to her unit before engaging infantry. She trusts the infantry to protect her from any anti-aircraft fire. When engaged by hostile fliers, Jane will go to ground and use the Force to time an ambush with short-range missiles as the interceptors fly over her position. An alternative plan is to gun the engines and open the distance for her escorts to take them out. She has attempted to mind-trick enemy pilots before, but with the chaos of combat consuming most of her focus, the most success she's had is disrupting enemy aim or making them feel unfocused.
Despite claiming she's capable of contributing to the types of engagements that see the likes of HK-47, the Silencer, or even Qymaen jai Sheelal, Jane's strategies have proven to be of variable effectiveness. When she has been engaged at close range, she will try to hit the opponent with a mix of short-range missiles, whatever remains of her infantry escort, and an especially broad base of curses in multiple languages. Jane has shown remarkable talent in 'snapshotting' a missile from her racks to highly mobile targets with the force, even to hit enemies directly on her hull. She's had less success in getting them past a Force-user's attention, and the successful tests thus far have mostly relied on the target being too distracted to react to a supersonic forty-foot metal rod. Should these fail and her target board her to inflict damage, Jane will resort to accelerating vertically to maximum speed, then violently rotating in an attempt to throw them off. If this is not available, she has resorted to violently slamming herself against nearby objects and channeling the electrical energy from her systems into her hull with the Force. A holovid compilation of the fifteen-meter long sparking gunship rolling around on the ground, grinding up against a tree, and repeatedly slamming her 'face' into a cliff has been passed around the Abysswatchers over alcohol and a good laugh. These have become more frequent off-base after several notable incidents near hanger bays of 'invisible punches'
being inflicted on personnels' face and groin regions.
Final Evaluation: Promotion to Abysswalker approved, J-479/Jane is recommended to be assigned to missions where a heavy response or a rapid extraction will be needed. Can act as a personal transport to VIPs, or loaned to individuals such as The Silencer or Asajj Ventress for stealth operations.
A/N:Hopefully this meets
@Dr. Snark and everyone else's standards. I do want to make the character match the hype of a Force-user guided JDAM.