Abysswalker Dossier: Lady Xenthe "Zee" Rixx (Currently Non-canon)
Lady Xenthe "Zee" Rixx

-Species: Falleen
-Gender: Female
-Closely Affiliated With: Lady Ciaran, Zam Wesell
-Recommended Roles: Espionage/Assassination/Negotiation

Xenthe when asked about how she joined the Abyss Watchers, fondly calls herself a 'rescue'. When the Black Sun criminal syndicate was systematically being dismantled by our organization, some of the highest profile targets were the nine beings that held the title of 'Vigo' for the organization. These Vigos each each oversaw a different region of the galaxy and reported directly to the organization's head, the Black Sun Underlord. One of these Vigos was Lord Xist, a Falleen that managed the Southern Outer Rim region from his fortress on Trigalis in the crime-run former trade post of New Coronet.

Xist was a skilled information broker and weapons dealer, who primarily worked with supply the Confederation of Independent Systems. Due to the defenses that he had in place, outright assault was not a viable method so infiltrators were dispatched to find a less overt way into his facility. instead, they found a conspiritor: Lord Xists' wife, a one Lady Xenthe Rixx. She was in fact responsible for his ascension to the rank Vigo. It wasn't simply due to her well known beauty and diplomatic acumen, but her family was old nobility and Xenthe was the beloved niece of Falleens' Senator to the Republic. Arranged marriages between noble families were practically expected, with no reason to speak against the unification as Xist went to lengths to keep his noble persona separate from his criminal one. in one fell swoop, Xist (and by extension the Black Sun) had leverage over both a moneyed noble family and a galactic senator. A short while later, Xist was inducted as a Vigo and given his holdings on Trigalis.

The facility was little more than a jail for Xenthe, with Xist taking advantage of her comprehensive education and extensive training as a courtier and entertainer to keep tabs on his rivals. Due to this, Xenthe typically sat in on discussions and was approached by the team as a possible way inside the fortress. Thinking that offering her freedom might get her assistance, Xenthe was found to be readily agreeable to the notion. The next meeting of Xist and his lieutenants was the time decided to strike. A few weeks later Xenthe informed the team that there was a meeting being called by her husband, and covertly provided the team with security codes and timetables. The team did not know that she then enacted her own plan: paralyzing her husband and his sycophants with a a vial of Quongoosh essence.

The Abyss Watcher team found her standing on the meeting table, holding a bloody vibowhip and a decapitated head. Both were Xists. She tossed the head at a very surprised Watcher before stating that the meeting was adjourned and that she was formally requesting asylum with the Abyss Watchers as Black Sun still existed as an organization and could still hurt her family. The young Falleen noble easily found a niche in the organization in assisting the public face of Lady Ciaran, or as woman herself put it "I figure if Padme has handmaiden, the obviously I need to have one as well."

Enjoying the her newfound job (in particular her boss and coworkers) and freedom, she decided to stay with the Watchers after the destruction of the Black Sun Sydicate. Xenthe assisted Lady Ciaran & in the various in and outs of her public face until a visiting Asaji Ventress noticed that the Falleen was Force sensitive and the pair hauled Xenthe off to be trained as an Abyss Walker. Due to her training being interrupted for various reasons (usually due to needing her expertise and acumen in negotiation and politicking) she has only recently graduated as a full Abyss Walker.

Personality & Traits
Xenthe is a reserved, aloof, and graceful woman whose noble upbringing is abundantly clear due to her refined demeanor and mannerisms. This however obscures a will of durasteel and cunning intellect that shows no hesitation in cutting down those that would stand in her and the Abyss Watchers' way. She is an expert at social combat in any arena from negotiations to interrogations, easily maneuvering through the labyrinthine domains of politics and bureaucracy. Xenthe is a die hard fashionista, delighting in looking as good as possible which also extends to her friends and co-workers. Her best friend is Zam Wesell due to the pair having a history of working together, supporting the masquerade of Lady Ciaran when Darth Traya is off gallivanting around the galaxy.

Powers & Abilities
Xenthe excels at the use of the mind-affecting, detection, and concealment force abilities (especially when used in conjuinction with her Falleen pheromones); unfortunately to the detriment of most physical applications of the force. She is an average markswoman and duelist compared to her Abyss Walker peers, but is a natural at utilizing Matukai Self-Reinforcement techniques. Xenthe has been additionally trained in assassination techniques from both Asaji and HK-47, making her personal combat style one of fluid grace and deadly intent focused entirely of seizing the initiative while disabling her opponent with the first strike if at all possible.

She eschews a lightsaber in exchange for a alchemically-hardened cortosis vibrosword, which she typically keeps hidden in various concealable sheaths. Along the same manner, she favors a silenced slugthrower with cortosis jacketed rounds, just in case she has to tangle with an enemy force user. Xenthe does not shy way from other weapons such as poison or explosives, but typically favors her using her blade first.

AN: "Why don't we have a O-Ren Ishii expy yet?!" :D
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Priam's...... Replacement? (Part 1)
Priam was finished with his final checks with the good Chief Engineer Sair and prepared the first ship towards Taris where Lady Ciaran is supposedly going to have high-level talks with Prime Minister Zinnerman for further improvements to the planet and the numerous trade deals being negotiated by his Lady. He should not be late as a protocol droid it would be embarrassing for his master that he had been deactivated for a long time without his assistance.

The ship made good time to his destination towards the Mercy MedCenter where he would resume his duties as Lady Ciaran's personal assistant. Looking out it was already dark in Taris but it was not the blanket of the void in what he first saw as a junkyard but a sea of stars being shone by the glittering towers of a rekindled and revitalized planet. Seeing it again, with the most realistic interpretation of eyes that Chief Engineer Sair could create with no expenses spared by the Lady Ciaran, Taris was truly beautiful without the filters of his protocol droid form to ruin it.

Landing his ship, he made his way to the Karada offices and cleared his security clearance to enter the inner offices where Lady Ciaran made it fit to do her work in her public persona such as the planning of the Games at its finishing touches which only needed the final approval of Prime Minister Zinnerman. Arranging the meeting is an easy job for this android and would be much quieter if he would start the preparations at night.

Heading towards the office meant for the personal assistant of Lady Ciaran, namely him of course, he saw a light still turned on. Opening the door, he saw Walker san Torgh busily typing away at a terminal completing in what is supposed to be his job. It irked him that he would feel useless when everyone else has their own assigned role and this Walker with her already obsessive exaltation of the Lady is now taking his official job. He must confront her about this but diplomatically he was originally a protocol droid after all. Taking off his visor and putting up a seemingly heartfelt smile, since he couldn't just stare blankly like some creep due to the custom programming given to him, he finally said.

"Greetings Walker san Torgh may I ask why you are here so late at night?" That startled the Walker and she fell from her chair. Priam ever the gentleman by his programming routines lent her a hand but inwardly he had a vindictive smile to the "accident" that happened. "I'm fine I'm fine and thank you for the assistance PR-1," his smile broke a little when she recognized him "or was it, Priam now since you were extremely excitable when you rebooted." That made him feel embarrassed again at how he woke up the first time running around full of energy like an organic boy. He found his voice again and asked, "How did you know?" Kygeetu responded "Simple, I was part of those who devised and monitored the tests to check if you are ready to serve our glorious lady," with all the nonchalance and sureness of her answer.

Priam stood still in what she said because he tried to repress the shudder in the twisted experiments that were done to him in his new frame. He still repressed those memories as his attempt to wipe those memories have gone to failure so far without losing all his memories. He voiced cracked and meekly said, "Oh, I didn't know that because Chief Engineer Sair left immediately after my final repairs and testing, but I did remember how traumatizing it was." It sounded more like a whisper of a child in fear. That slowed down Kygeetu's typing for a bit to be shocked at what he said. "I didn't know that, me and Walker Candidate Brik were testing your programming with suggestions from the council and Lady Ciaran with the Chief Engineer personally providing us two tests on your programming and all your parts were tested in another facility, and I know we ensured it to be 'muscle memory' rather than 'active memory' because Brik said it would be
all clutter to your programming," she said cautiously.

The explanation was getting to his nerves, an expression that would still be strange when he thought about it in the future even if he was for all intents and purposes masking as an organic, and hotly said "Well I guess he failed then! While I don't fully remember it there is always a feeling of dread that I have when I try to access my memories on the test." He managed to take a short breath from his outburst and finally said professionally "While you would like me to confess about my insecurities all night long, I would like to ask why you are in this office are late at night where any other sentient being would be resting by now?" Kygeetu replied "I am simply filling the personal assistant role you left behind while completing your upgrades besides you are technically not allowed to be working here before we could get you a new identity since that could take from what I believe coming from Lady Ciaran a month for the courts to consider you a legal person and a background if you're going to enter public life again to prevent reporters from digging the truth or making up outlandish stories about Lady Ciaran using child labor because of the perceived looser labor laws in the 'savage' Outer Rim."

Silence once again reigns as Priam processes everything Kygeetu just said. How could he spend the rest of the month doing nothing and languishing his abilities for a month before he could work again? Perhaps he could train his new abilities which could be a great idea since it will give him an edge against his opponents. Or maybe he can try to have a hobby to pass the time nut what could it be. He could try some sport since males are stereotypical sports fanatics and the Games would start soon. There were a lot of options he was processing to get the most optimal choice.

While Priam was thinking Kygeetu's constant typing came to an end. "Done!" She said happily as her work was done for the day. The expression caught Priam in surprise looking at the Kaleesh stretching her arms and finally standing saying "Time for me to go to sleep I've just finish sending messages and reports throughout the organization for the different dealings still in the process of finishing up here in Taris," she walked out and said before the door closed "Oh and don't forget to turn things off when you're done since it's supposed to be your office when I leave and I don't know if that changed so feel free to explore."

After Kygeetu left Priam looked around to truly observe his surroundings. His new office was bare, but it was large and filled with all the essentials for a workplace including the coffee machine if any organic needs to restore their energy. For the bare room, he knows he could just order the furniture he wanted from the HoloNet and could get the necessary contractors if he wants to remodel his office. Looking towards the computer he logged in his credentials and it was just bare, with files filled with instructions and the usual office programs. There is a holonet browser if he wants to begin shopping, but he would get back to that later. Lastly, he checked the coffee machine and it was well used by Walker san Torgh when her work typically left her finishing late at night. He turned on the machine and poured coffee to a mug when it was done. He tried a few sips and found it delicious and continued to drink what he would call the nectar of the gods.

That took a while so after edits I feel comfortable in finally posting this. So @Dr. Snark here's a shiny nice omake just for you.
Oh and can I send you a draft of the second part for consistency in your quest it would really be helpful if you can?
Changing my vote to this :

[x] Slow burn. Build up to it over the next few months, potentially setting the stage for it with other actions.
[x] Priam

[X] Regent Reginald 'Reggie' Rhubarb the Rancor, First of His Name, Keeper of Kalee, Irrefutable Evidence of the Profound Love Between Ciaran and Ventress (WE ARE NOT CALLING HIM THAT, CIARAN!), Former Deacon of Dathomir, Pinnacle of Evolution, He Who Arises In Might, The Black Foe of the World, Ambler of the Abyss, Alleged Tender Lover, Possessor of Many Titles, Yes You Do Have To Say The Whole Goddamn Thing Every Single Time, Purveyor of Cuddles, and Official Abyss Watcher Mascot, Long May He Reign, Abundantly May He Be Adored and Forever May He Be Remembered.
(Omake) Abysswalker Dossier: Foehammer-class HMP-2 J-479, "Jane" (Canon)
Name: Foehammer-class HMP-2 J-479, "Jane"
-Species: Shard
-Gender: Female
-Closely Affiliated With: Jango Fett, HK-47,
-Recommended Roles: Stealth Insertions/Hotzone extraction/Guerrilla Support/Guerrilla Repression/Precision bombing/Carpet bombing
Background: As the Confederacy of Independent Systems continually loses more of its main industrial bases and political support fractures, new designs were requested to meet self-sufficiency on lower-industrial level planets, command droid units on counterinsurgency and counterinsurgency operations, and 'assist' local allies in maintaining political control. Baktoid Fleet Ordinance submitted their Heavy Missile Platform Gunship, which satisfactorily answered most of these requirements. But the consumer feedback highlighted that it was no substitute for a true command droid. Nor could one unit factory-programmed for either destruction of massed clone armor or rooting out resistance forces be easily switched over to the other setting without glitches. The submission for a command gunship turned into a full-blown successor unit, with associated cost overruns. The attempts at non-optical stealth camouflage were acceptable but proved the main source of the expense, as the sensor-absorbing hull materials required lengthy refining. The addition of a large internal ordnance bay and guidance system links for in-atmosphere bombing strikes compounded this expense. While the five hundred initial in-progress prototypes were consigned for the scrap yard, one had its TXCA-50 droid brain activated, and it escaped from the warehouse it had been stored in. After the emergency alert made its way through conventional networks, it was flagged for Abysswatcher attention due to the broadcasts the gunship had made during its escape. "This isn't goodbye, you fucking idiot meatbags! I refuse to let this be the end when I'm so close!! I'm not going to let some failed experiment define who I'm going to be!" After contact was made, J-479 "Jane" told her side of the story: She was a Shard that had left their home in search of a mercenary life of excitement and explosions. She'd used a mind trick on a techno-union supplier going through samples of minerals for circuit boards to have her installed as part of the new droid command brain. When asked why she took a form with no organic analogue, she answered with "Have you checked out these guns? Yeah, that's why it's impossible to kill me." After some talk from the Abysswalkers and more semi-bravado from Jane, she agreed to sign on with them. For the thrill, the battles, and so much new equipment. And the Techno Union local representative was happy to take more money that he'd made in his entire life for 'that crazy droid' to be taken off-world 'before it killed us all'.

Personality: Jane is a driven, stubborn, implacable woman. She wants to do her job, do it damn well, be recognized for it, then go back out and do it better. She never fit in with people on her homeworld, or any other community her travels took her to. But among the numerous combat monsters, strategic masterminds, and esoteric force sensitives makes her feel at home. That she's finally found a place, a family, she can belong in. Although Jane'd never openly say so. She is proud of her independence and self-sufficient record, and objects very strongly to anything she sees as insinuating she's dependent on others. She'll freely clarify she has no qualms with working as part of a team, but the issue of her needing something done for her is a sensitive matter.

Her non-duty hours have mostly been spent in 'idle reading', as she call it, on the subject of Mandalorians, Kalee, the Jedi, the Sith, and other warrior cultures. Once she learned she was no longer 'the baddest bitch in the room', or that a pointed laser cannon is not an acceptable way of correcting someone's mistake, she mixed her caustic demeanor with advice, suggestions, and feedback. At first glance it may seem a contradictory approach, but it becomes sensible when her sentiments about family are properly understood. "You don't just let family waffle around being fuckups, you look out for them." To this end, she is often verbally haranguing her organic ground crew for not equipping her to her standards, her default battle droid accompaniment for slow speed and reactions, and most people she interacts with for... varying reasons. But, she addresses certain higher-up members of the organization with deferment and even respect. Jango Fett in particular has been told he could fly with her 'anytime'. She has also demonstrated a single-minded focus on the survival and retrieval of anyone she deploys on a mission behind, far above normal Abysswatcher standards. There have been no known psychological or integration issues stemming from her possessing a non-humanoid body. As she puts it, "just because I have missiles doesn't mean I can't punch you." To which she usually punctuates with a light push of the force.

Combat Evaluation: The Foehammer-class retains the capabilities of the original HMP-1 and expands on them. While technical specifications like the ordnance bay doubling as a cargo bay or the new curved underhull absorbing the radar return of most military-grade sensor are relevant information, Jane's ability to continually innovate new ways of using and improving her Force powers are what makes her dangerous. High altitude precision-guided strikes wasn't considered a function of her platform until of she integrated a spotter's target designator into her own data feed and 'rode' a non-live missile with the Force through a heavy storm directly onto the test range target. It's unclear if she's using very precise long-range telekinesis, technopathy, or some combination of the two.

The droid deployment connectors on her ordnance racks are often replaced with jetpack infantry equivalents. They're capable of supporting her both in a troop-transport role, and as 'parasite' escorts for air strikes. Her other payloads will vary based on the mission, but a preference for ground attack and troop support missions has emerged. Her own brand of 'precision' munitions get brought out for ground-attack and anti-armor strikes. When she's supporting infantry, multiple rocket and chaingun pods are her first choice.

Combat data tests show her preferred strategy for destroying a hardened target consists of high-speed, ground-level dashes followed by a sharp climb to altitude before releasing either a cluster of bombs or a handful of force-assisted guided missiles. When given an insertion mission, Jane prefers to act as the center of a fast-moving, hard-hitting formation. She will prioritize emplacements, vehicles, and other major threats to her unit before engaging infantry. She trusts the infantry to protect her from any anti-aircraft fire. When engaged by hostile fliers, Jane will go to ground and use the Force to time an ambush with short-range missiles as the interceptors fly over her position. An alternative plan is to gun the engines and open the distance for her escorts to take them out. She has attempted to mind-trick enemy pilots before, but with the chaos of combat consuming most of her focus, the most success she's had is disrupting enemy aim or making them feel unfocused.

Despite claiming she's capable of contributing to the types of engagements that see the likes of HK-47, the Silencer, or even Qymaen jai Sheelal, Jane's strategies have proven to be of variable effectiveness. When she has been engaged at close range, she will try to hit the opponent with a mix of short-range missiles, whatever remains of her infantry escort, and an especially broad base of curses in multiple languages. Jane has shown remarkable talent in 'snapshotting' a missile from her racks to highly mobile targets with the force, even to hit enemies directly on her hull. She's had less success in getting them past a Force-user's attention, and the successful tests thus far have mostly relied on the target being too distracted to react to a supersonic forty-foot metal rod. Should these fail and her target board her to inflict damage, Jane will resort to accelerating vertically to maximum speed, then violently rotating in an attempt to throw them off. If this is not available, she has resorted to violently slamming herself against nearby objects and channeling the electrical energy from her systems into her hull with the Force. A holovid compilation of the fifteen-meter long sparking gunship rolling around on the ground, grinding up against a tree, and repeatedly slamming her 'face' into a cliff has been passed around the Abysswatchers over alcohol and a good laugh. These have become more frequent off-base after several notable incidents near hanger bays of 'invisible punches' being inflicted on personnels' face and groin regions.

Final Evaluation: Promotion to Abysswalker approved, J-479/Jane is recommended to be assigned to missions where a heavy response or a rapid extraction will be needed. Can act as a personal transport to VIPs, or loaned to individuals such as The Silencer or Asajj Ventress for stealth operations.

A/N:Hopefully this meets @Dr. Snark and everyone else's standards. I do want to make the character match the hype of a Force-user guided JDAM.
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The Galactic Peace Thing Was Just a Bonus (Canon)
The Galactic Peace Thing Was Always Just a Bonus​

"What do you think is required for peace?"

"You certainly aren't pulling any punches. I thought the most people asked lighter questions over tea." said Obi-wan, pausing to take a sip of his steaming beverage.

"Well I'm certainly not most people." Ciaran shot back with a smile. "But you're right. I should inquire as to one of your numerous hobbies. Tell me Obi-wan, have you learned any new types of meditation recently?"

"Actually, Master Kit Fisto recently returned from Mon Cala, where he picked up a rather peculiar form of meditation. It's difficult to replicate without fully submersing yourself in water, but apparently it's helped him become closer to the Force than ever before. I've been meaning to try it once I find the time and…" Obi-wan trailed off, his gaze turning to Ciaran and narrowing. "…and you're being sarcastic, aren't you?"

"I was." Ciaran readily admitted. "Honestly, the fact that you couldn't tell right away and actually had a story about a new type of meditation is a little sad. You need a pet or something. Surely the Jedi Council couldn't object to a Goldie."

"Many Jedi actually do keep Goldies. They add a tranquility to their surroundings that can only come from another living being."

"Fascinating, really, but you're not dodging my question that easily." said Ciaran, smirking a bit as Obi-wan's face fell. "What is required for peace?"

Obi-wan thought for a moment, stroking his beard. After a minute or so, the Jedi gave a heavy sigh. "There's a Mandolorian saying: If you desire peace, prepare for war. Perhaps the war has made a cynic out of me, but there is truth to that. Peace is a delicate balance, where each faction is strong enough to dissuade the others, but not so strong as to crush their rivals. And the larger the scale, the more delicate the balance."

"Wrong." said Ciaran through a mouth of pastry.

"I beg your pardon?"

Ciaran swallowed. "You're wrong. Peace is simple. The execution is difficult, but the requirements are as simple as they come."

"As someone who's been fighting a war, I humbly disagree." snarked Obi-wan.

"Au contraire." said Ciaran, wagging a finger. "Look at it from another perspective. What is needed for war?"

"Precious little, I'm afraid." mumbled Obi-wan before speaking up. "Two or more factions that cannot come to an agreement, if you want to generalize."

"I do." nodded Ciaran. "And the Jedi have been running around the Galaxy since time immemorial preventing wars by helping people reach agreement, correct?"

"Do my ears deceive me?" asked Obi-wan, voice filled with mock surprise. "It's rare to hear you of all people praising the Jedi Order."

"Don't get used to it." said Ciaran quickly before returning to her point. "Besides, my point was that the Jedi have been doing it wrong. You've been putting out fires, when you should be confiscating matches. Answer me this," Ciaran paused, leaning forward dramatically. "if there was only one group, who would it go to war with?"

"Need I remind you the galaxy is currently embroiled in a Civil War?" said Obi-wan, clearly not impressed by Ciaran's logic. "It's perfectly possible for a single entity to go to war with itself, even if the Republic were restored."

"First of all, this Civil War was engineered by a Sith Lord to amass power. I hardly think it counts. Secondly, Civil War is a result of executive failure. I'd say I've done a good enough job satisfying everyone."

"Wait a second, you're talking about yourself? You plan to conquer the galaxy?" If Obi-wan weren't so used to Ciaran's ego, he might have been reaching for his lightsaber.

"Conquer has a lot of connotations I'm not a fan of, but in essence, yes. I've always wanted to own the galaxy." title dropped Ciaran. "The galactic peace thing has always just been a bonus."

AN: Ha! More support for your quest! That'll show you to… not canonize my omakes. Wait a second…
Attention Omake Writers:

We have one opening for an Abysswalker position. If there's anyone interested in writing one into existence, now is the time!

...Also, after considerable deliberation on my part I've decided to nix the idea of the Bilar Abysswalker. I'm sorry, @Panory, but I think I've hurt the galaxy enough with the fact that it's going to have to put up with Mandalorian Gungans. Having a Buff Hutt is a stretch as it is, but I have to draw the line at Basically Teddy Bears in a Trenchcoat.
Well, Alicia Olie remains an option. I don't think you ever said if she passed her test from here.
I don't have time to write this up as a profile or omake, but I would love to see an Abysswalker that isn't a combat or infiltration specialist. Considering that those two roles are comparable to Jedi Knights and Sentinels, that means we're looking for someone with the skills the Jedi Consulars. Consulars are a really broad category -- they can be prophets, philosophers, librarians, historians, archaeologists, mathematicians, biologists, diplomats, lawyers, healers, navigators, and pretty much anything else that doesn't require combat skills in day-to-day work.

My preference would be to find a diplomat specialist, someone who can help us negotiate treaties, deal with politicians, make contact with strangers and recruit allies.

If we're looking for a diplomat, I have two suggestions. I've been a big fan of the Lorrdians for a while, and I'd be delighted if we could introduce one as a named character. Basically, Lorrdians are experts at body language, able to silently converse through 'kinetic conversation' and read a target's emotions through the mannerisms. A Lorrdian who is able to use the Force, would be even more ridiculously good at reading body language (given Jedi precog, they might be able to sense a target's change in emotions before the target starts to feel them). Lorrdians are also strongly, almost obsessively anti-slavery, which is a bit of a weakness for a galactic diplomat when there are so many powerful groups (Hutts among them) who deal in the slave trade.

The other possibility would a Lyunesi -- inhabitants of a ash-ridden volcanic planet in the southern Outer Rim, who became communications experts out of necessity. (Basically, the five other native species on their homeworld tend to be hypermilitaristic, and constantly fight over territory and scarce resources. The Lyunesi became the diplomatic intermediaries for all five, responsible for keeping the peace and negotiating peace when inevitably war breaks out). They're also known for their intuitive grasp of language, which comes in handy for a galactic diplomat working with several billion sentient species. A Lyunesi who's able to use the Force, would be an even more capable diplomat with an even more refined intuition for languages. (Remember that scene in The Thirteen Warrior where Antonio Banderas learns the Norse language by listening to Vikings talk around a campfire at night? Imagine if he had perfectly learned the language a few hours after meeting them, rather than after many days/weeks on the road). Lyunesi are physically quite fragile, but that can be addressed with our Matukai self-reinforcement training. Lyunesi have one other notable weakness: they're so focused on communication, but they have little skill in reading body language, that they can develop all-consuming obsessions with another individual (like Edward Cullen, but played straight as 'yikes, creepy' rather than romantic. It helps that Lyunesi might find themselves obsessed with ugly and morally repugnant people). We could use this for any number of plot hooks; Kygeetu has already claimed the 'Abysswalker obsessed with Ciaran' role, but I can't help but think it'd be hilarious if our new Lyunesi recruit found herself obsessed with Priam, without realizing that Ciaran's young assistant is actually a droid.

Anyone willing to turn this info-dump into a new character?
Our initial recruitment pool probably tends to push our people towards less savory beginnings. We're still, at our heart, a criminal organization, with all the implications for recruitment and internal selection for advancement.

So an Abysswalker diplomat would suggest to me something closer to a con-man or hustler in origin. The type who can walk into a gang controlled bar, makes friends and gets access to the VIP section by invitation, and by the end of the night is telling stories to the boss and his inner circle, and oh, I have this friend who could use a favor...

Actually, didn't someone make someone like that? *checks* Yeah, Koyi Doroturo fits the mold of an agent who would develop along those lines. Like, if we needed abysswalker backup on a diplomatic mission, she's currently top of the list.

Alternatively to a diplomat, with all the salvage operations and grave robbing archaeology we have going on, a historian/archaeologist specialist might make a lot of sense for a new abysswalker. Hrm, maybe give them conflicting views with Ciaran, to provide a fun dynamic? I could see Ciaran liking a subordinate who would be willing to debate with her on the subject, particularly if they're easy to rile up for funzies.

Edit: I have a pretty strong idea, so I think I'll write up an omake in a few hours.
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All right, @Dr. Snark, here's the new info (specifically 'Planetary Assets' + recurring benefits + bonuses) for the front page. @Stealthy is still putting the final touches on the balance sheet, so that isn't included below.
  • I added HK-47's anti-Force simulations to the 'Planetary Assets' (under Kalee) but not to the 'Available Bonuses' list, since it would apply to combat rolls not regular action rolls.
  • I couldn't think of where else to put them, so I listed the 'Autonomous Hunter-Seeker Teams' (+1 intrigue action for options with guaranteed success) under our 'Oracle' assets.
  • I indicated that the 'industrial expansion' on Lordran/Kiln would double our factory outputs; however, I didn't change the numbers for each factory within the 'Planetary Assets' list, since I figured the 'Droid Units'/'Vehicles' lists would be a better place for that.
  • I set the Yavin probe droids as providing +10 to Yavin archaeology rolls, and Nekghoul guides as providing +10 to Taris salvage rolls.
  • I set the Blackguard Enclave bonus (from our Mustafar base upgrade) as providing +10 to Blackguard recruitment rolls.
  • I changed the formatting for the 'Available Bonuses' list, to distinguish between bonuses that apply to all rolls in a category, vs. bonuses for a subset of actions. The 'multiple strings of parentheses' was getting a bit too tough to read, especially for entries with three parentheses in a row.
Let me know if you'd like me to make any adjustments or changes to the above.


Planetary Assets (by system)
Coruscant, Core Worlds
'Diamond Deception' cantina
Droid Factory (+2 'basic droid' squads per turn)
Financial District businesses
Uscru Entertainment District businesses
All Planets Markets businesses
Coruscant History Museum
Senatorial Accounts Presidium Funding
IRIS Network
- Corusca Intelligencer
-- Intelligencer Expansion
- Coruscant Enquirer
Council of Neutral Systems Embassy (+1 Diplomacy action, CNS)
Surveillance Infrastructure
- Cantina surveillance
- Senate District surveillance
- Starport surveillance
- Large-scale Wiretaps (+5 Intrigue)
- Corporate Espionage Programs
Karada Corporation
- Research-complex & Headquarters
- Cybernetics division (moved to Taris)
- Versuch Labs (+1 Learning action, biotech)
- Karada Medical Programs division
- Karada Manufacturing division
- Karada Pharmaceuticals division
Silver Cross
- Humanitarian Headquarters (moved to Taris)
- Undercity Charities (120% income for planet)
- Undercity Healthcare
Lower-level Salvage Teams (+1 salvage roll)
Borvo the Hutt's Palace
Smuggler's Dens
Undercity Base
- Main Hangar (Capacity: two ships)
- Hidden Turrets
- Secret Lab (+5 Learning rolls, research)
- A9G-series Archive/Data Analysis Droid (moved to Lordran)
- A1-series Business/Accounting Droid (moved to Lordran)
Aegis Security
- Senatorial Security Systems
- Training Compound
- Underworld Expansion
Underworld Takeover (+1 Guardian/Seeker recruit per territory per turn)
- Rolling Takeovers (1-3 new territories occupied each turn)
- Regional Strongholds (controlled territory heavily fortified)
- Territories Acquired: 2

Cato Neimoidia, Colonies
Baktoid vehicle factory (combat vehicle production)
Clovis droid factory (OOM and B2 production)
Trade Federation businesses
Nemodia Mansion (Base)
- Defense Grid
- Large-Scale Wiretapping
Karada Medcenter

Naboo, Mid Rim
Naboo Mansion (Base)
- Defense Grid
- Luxus Resort
- Large-Scale Wiretapping
Mandalorian Guardian Corps Recruitment Center
Spinnaker and Theed businesses
- Asset Centralization
- Plasma Refinery Complex investments
- Moon Mining Guild investments
Naboo Development Programs (130% income for planet)
Gungan Economic Development
- Gungan Engineering facilities
- Industrial investments
- Amphibious Tradeport
- Hydrostatic Bubble Engineering
Borvo the Hutt's Black Market
- Naboo black market takeover
- Rori black market investments
Porso Hill Base reclamation
Silver Cross Distribution Center
Karada Medcenter
System Defenses
- Plasma-fueled Planetary Shield

Castell, Colonies
Commerce Guild businesses
- Asset Centralization
- Arcona Mineral Harvest Corporation investments
- Dorvalla Mining investments
- Mining Guild investments
- Offworld Mining Corporation investments
- Rim Commercial Mining investments
- Mining Guild Production investments (5% discount on bases/upgrades)
Gossam Development Programs (130% income for planet)
Abyss Watchers facility (Base)
- Defense Grid
- Large-scale Wiretaps
- Aegis Security Expansion
'Garnet Gimmick' Cantina franchise
Trade Port
- Expanded Trade Port
Smuggler's Den
Salvage/Recycling Teams
Gossam Militia investments
- Gossam Commando gear
Castell Academy

Dantooine, Outer Rim
Luxus Resort
Crystal Cave (supply of lightsaber crystals)
- Svivreni Crystal Mining
Abyss Watchers Facility (Base)
- Defense Grid
- Dedicated Archaeology Teams
AgriCorps Outpost

Kashyyyk, Mid Rim
Wookiee Trade Guild businesses
- Business Investments
- KashyCorps Investments
- Uurbahhahvoovv Joiners & Artisans Investments
Alaris Prime businesses
- Starshipwright investments
-- Republic Sienar Systems facilities
-- Incom facilities
-- Kuat Drive Yards facilities
-- Corellian Engineering facilities
- Trade Port
Abyss Watchers Facility (Base)
- Defense Grid
- Warrior Recruitment Program (+1-2 Wookiee warrior squads per turn)
- Engineer Recruitment Center (5% discount to bases/upgrades)
Wookiee Infrastructure Programs (130% income for planet)
Ecological Programs
Kashyyyk investments
- Ithorian Botanical Garden & Nursery
- Tarisian Ale Plant
- Serv-O-Droid facilities
- Exotic Creature Exports
Benelex House facilities
Mandalorian Guardian Corps Recruitment Center
Systemwide Defenses
- Planetary Shield

Kalee, Wild Space
Smuggler's Den
Blacksite (increased recruitment for all military squads)
Karada Facilities
Trade Port
Cantina Franchise
Kaleesh Security Agency
Benelex House facilities
Kalee Grav-Ball League
Megafauna Museum
- Lord Deathmittens III, Esq. (aka Mittens the Rancor)
- Monty the Taozin
Muun Modernization/Development Program (150% income for planet)
- Industrial Investments

-- Military Factories
-- Labor Droid Plants
- Agriculture Investments
Fortified Military Outpost
- Recruitment Bureau (+1-2 Kaleesh warrior squads per turn)
- Shield Generator
- Military Academy (+5 Martial rolls, CNS)
- Advanced Training Facilities
- Joint Mandalorian Training Centers
- Simulation Centers (+5 Martial)
-- HK-47 Anti-Force Simulations (significant bonus to combat vs. Force Users)
- Mercenary Recruitment Center
System Defenses

S-840 a.k.a. 'Kiln' a.k.a. 'Invalid System', Unknown Regions
System Defenses (Kiln protected against intrusion)
Faraam Orbital Shipyards
- Landing Craft Slipways (+1 C-9979 Landers per turn)
Lordran a.k.a. 'Error 404: Planet Not Found'
- Ciaran's Personal Retreat
- Firelink Farming Complex
-- Agriculture Expansion (food supply is self-sufficient)
- Anor Londo Industrial District
-- Darkroot Chemical Plant (20% discount on Karada Corporation upkeep)
-- Industrial Expansion (double all factory output)
-- Kalameet Decimator Factory (+1 Decimators per turn)
-- Vamos Labor Droid Plant (40% discount on Kiln system upkeep, decreased construction times)
-- Astora Military Production Facilities (40% discount on Military upkeep)
-- Kaathe BX Commando Droid Factory (+1 BX Commando droid squad per turn)
-- Domhall B1 Droid Factory (+2 basic droid squads per turn)
-- Rickert OOM Droid Factory (+2 OOM droid squads per turn)
-- Lautrec Single-Trooper Aerial Platform Factory (+2 STAP droid squads per turn)
-- Gough Vulture Droid Starfighter Factory (+1 vulture droid squadron per turn)
-- Smough Spider Droid Factory (+1 spider droid group per turn)
-- Frampt CB-3 Droid Factory (+1 CB-3 droid squad per turn)
-- Ornstein Droideka Factory (+1 droideka squad per turn)
-- Sif Hyena Bomber Factory (+1 Hyena bomber squadron per turn)
- Ariadnel Administrative Center
-- A9G-series Archive/Data Analysis Droid Fleet (+5 Intrigue)
-- A1-series Business/Accounting Droid Fleet (+5 Stewardship)

Mandalore, Outer Rim
Sundari Mansion (Base)
- Aegis Security Facility
- MandalMotors Investments
Mandalorian Guardian Corps
- Headquarters (recruitment & training facility)
-- Headquarters Expansion (galactic recruitment)
- Mandalorian History Initiative
- Corellia-Mandalore Pilot Training Initiative
Beskar Mine Lease
Karada Facility
Kyriemorut Investments
Agricultural Revitalization
Salvage Teams
System Defenses
- Planetary Shield

Nar Shaddaa, Outer Rim
'Orb of Phantasticora' Casino (Base)
- Nightclub Expansion
- Casino Franchising
- Local Wiretapping
- Defense Grid
- Aegis Security Facility
Surveillance Infrastructure
- Large-Scale Wiretapping
Smuggler's Den
- Expanded Smuggler's Den
'Rhinestone Ruse' Cantina franchise
Currency Exchange
Serv-O-Droid Expansion
Undercity Investment (130% income for planet)
- Karada Medcenters
- Versuch Labs
Sith Academy Reoccupation (increased recruitment rate for Apprentices)
Salvage Teams
Amateur Bounty Hunter Teams
Mandalorian Guardian Corps Recruitment Center

Muunilist, Outer Rim
Refugee Camps
Economic Recovery (130% income for planet)
- Kaleesh Police and Planetary Defense (+50% income for planet)
Banking Clan Investments
- Loan Programs
- Plain Family Investments
- Currency Exchange
Abyss Watchers facility (Base)
- Hidden Defenses
- Economic Planning Office
- Muun Banker Programs (105% income for organization)
- Large-Scale Wiretapping
- Muun Auditors
Mandalorian Guardian Corps Financial Offices
Polar Mine-Spire
Phlut Design Systems investments
Salvage/Recycling Teams
System Defenses
- Planetary Shield

Taris, Outer Rim
Refugee Resettlement (200% income for planet)
- Sustained Revitalization
- Beautification Program
Abyss Watchers property (Base)
- Defense Grid
- Economic Planning Office
- Large-Scale Wiretapping
- Aegis Security Expansion
- High-Society Matchmaking Programs
- Galactic Games deals
Mandalorian Guardian Corps Recruitment Center
Planetary Shield
- Systemwide Defenses
- Rapid-Response Fleet
- Reinforced Planetary Shield
- KDY Ion Batteries
Taris Orbital
- Incom Shipyards
- Karada Shipyards
- Space Curling "Arenas"
- Orbital Drydocks
Trade Port
- Expanded Trade Port
- Bureau of Ships and Services headquarters
- Baobab Merchant Fleet Terminal
Taris Upper City
- Jedi Tower Museum
- Eastgate District Reconstruction
- Silver Cross Headquarters
- CNS Assembly Hall
- Ciaran's Private Retreat
Taris Middle City
- Incom Corporation Facilities
- Republic Sienar Systems Facilities
- Kuat Drive Yards Facilities
- Wookiee Trade Guild Investments
- 'Emerald Enigma' Cantina Franchise
- IRIS Network
-- Ojoster Intelligencer
-- Ojoster Media Programs
- Benelex House Facilities
- Corellian Merchant Guildhouse
- Corellian Engineering Corporation Facilities
Mercy Hospital
- Mercy Medcenter Expansion
- Karada Labs
- Karada Academy
- Karada Genetics Center
- Karada Xenomedicine
- Karada Cybernetics (organic squads less likely to die/chance of recovery)
-- Force-Friendly Cybernetics Department
- Karada Museum
Taris Lower City
- SoroSuub Landing Investments
- Machineville Racing Course
- Lhosan Industries Swoop-Bike Factory
-- Expanded Product Lines
- Sports Development Programs
- Black Market Investments
Undercity Reclamation/Salvage Teams
Promised Land Skyway Lands
- Political Organization Programs
- Economic Development Programs
-- Nekghoul Guide Contracts (bonus to salvage rolls)
- Nekghoul Academies
- Nekghoul Recruitment Center (+2-3 nekghoul squads per turn)
-- Nekghoul Force Academy (increased ability of nekghoul squads)
- Karada Medical Campus
Taris Surface
- Tarisian Kelp Farms
- Ecological Renewal Program
- Aquaculture Investments
- Svivreni Mining Investments

Ord Mantell, Mid Rim
Abyss Watchers Compound (Base)
- Defense Grid
- Salvage Teams
- Gurlanin Recruitment Center
Smuggler's Den
- Conference Center
- Expanded Shadowports
Fort Garnik Depot
- CNS Arsenal
- CNS Drydock
- CNS Barracks
- CNS Command & Control Facilities
- Mandalorian Guardian Corps Barracks
Tansarii Point Station deals (+5 to Yularen subversion rolls)
Systemwide Defenses

Corellia, Core Worlds
Abyss Watchers Property (Base)
- Aegis Security Facility
- Salvage Teams
- Large-Scale Wiretapping
- Drall Recruiting Office (+5 Learning)
Karada Medcenter
CEC Nerfworks investments
Garm Bel Iblis Militia funding
Corellian Recruitment Center
Smuggler's Den
IRIS Network
- Corellia Intelligencer
Silver Cross Distribution Center
Kas'as Chen'ru Den Excavations (salvage)

Sullust, Outer Rim
Abyss Watchers Facility (Base)
- Aegis Security Facility
- Large-scale Wiretaps
- Sullustan Recruitment Center (+10% to smuggling income)
Fulluusub Development Program
Mandalorian Guardian Corps Recruitment Center

Arkania, Colonies
Abyss Watchers Facility (Base)
- Aegis Security Facility
- Salvage/Archaeology Teams
- Large-scale Wiretaps
Karada Corporation
- Arkanian Recruitment Center (+5 Learning)
- Cloning Facilities
- Research Complex
Mandalorian Guardian Corps Recruitment Center

Tibannopolis, Bespin, Outer Rim
Abyss Watcher Platform City (Base)
- Aegis Security Facility
- Salvage/Archaeology Teams
- Large-scale wiretaps
Benelex House Facilities
Tibanna Gas Refinery
- Tibanna Gas Weapons Factory
Jedi Enclave

Lorrd, Outer Rim
Abyss Watchers Property (Base)
- Aegis Security Facility
- Salvage/Archaeology Teams
Vianist Pilgrimages (chance of archaeological exploration per turn)
- Vianist Safehouses
Svivreni Gem Mines
Lorrd City University donations (+5 Lore)
Lorrdian Recruitment Center (+5 Diplomacy)
IRIS Network
- Kanz Intelligencer
Mandalorian Guardian Corps Recruitment Center

Yavin, Outer Rim
Abyss Watcher Outpost (Base)
- Archaeological Teams
-- Probe Droid Supply (bonus to archaeology rolls)
- Defense Grid
- Ecological Exports
Orbital Trade Post

Thyferra, Inner Rim
Trade Deals
Abyss Watcher Facility (Base)
- Aegis Security Facility
- Large-scale Wiretaps
Covert Karada Research Complex
Smuggler's Den

Mustafar, Outer Rim
Abyss Watcher Facility (Base)
- Aegis Security Facility
- Large-scale Wiretaps
- Salvage/Archaeology Teams
Svivreni Crystal Mines (source of lightsaber crystals)
Blackguard Enclave (bonus to Blackguard rolls)

Cormit, Chiss Ascendancy, Unknown Regions
Trade Deals
Abyss Watcher Facility (Base)

Cularin, Expansion Region
Abyss Watcher Facility (Base)

Manda, Mid Rim
Abyss Watcher Property (Base)

Pantora, Outer Rim
Abyss Watcher Facility (Base)

Procopia, Tapani Sector, Colonies
Abyss Watcher Property (Base)

Bothawui, Mid Rim
Abyss Watcher Facility (Base)

Non-Planetary Assets
- 'Star Courier'-model prototype stealth ship (insertion/extraction)
- Designed by Rugess Nome (Bith artisanal starship designer), manufactured by Sienar Design Systems
- Prototype Cloak Field Generator (hull lined with stygium crystals)

- Highly customized 'Lucrehulk' class LH-3210 freighter (Mobile Base)
- Designed and manufactured by Hoersch-Kessel Driveworks Inc., further customized by Republic Sienar Systems
- Enhanced Hyperwave transceivers & communications array
- Fabritech ANq-51 sensor array, rectenna & computer
- High-grade Quadlasers and state-of-the-art weaponry
- Modified with side engines for rapid turns and additional exits from hangar bays
- Force training facility and Library (increased experience for all Force Users)
- Research & Development facilities (+5 Learning rolls)
- Training facilities (increased experience for all military squads, increased cap for recruitment)
- Hospitality suites and decorated interior (+5 Diplomacy rolls)
- Modernized and heavily customized support fleet and starfighter squadrons (+1 Martial action)
- Autonomous Hunter-Seeker Teams (+1 Intrigue action for options with 100% odds)
- Z-95 Headhunter squadrons
- Scavenger and salvage fleet

Invisible Hand (a.k.a. The Severance Package)
- Heavily modified 'Providence' class carrier/destroyer
- Designed by Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps, manufactured by Pammant Docks
- Wizard's Tower (command deck and observation platform, with advanced sensor/communications pod)
- Comprehensive refit by Republic Sienar Systems and Kuat Drive Yards

Arkanian Legacy
- 'Adasca' class hospital ship
- Designed and manufactured by The Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania
- Intact database of Old Republic tech, dating from Jedi Civil Wars era c. 3970 BBY
- Owned by Adascorp, with private Karada research facilities on board

- Heavily modified 'Corellian Colonizer' class praxeum ship (Mobile Base)
- Designed by Crix Sunburris, Fin-So-Rowan, and Ivixa Delbaeth (Jedi Exploration Corps)
- Manufactured by Abhean Shipyards (Republic Fleet Systems) c. 500 BBY
- Stygium stealth device installed to prevent detection
- Shield generators and turbolaser emplacements installed
- Internal renovations by Republic Sienar Systems, with Ithorian-designed 'living ecosystem'/biome
- Abyss Agent Barracks (+1 Lore action, 'integrate Force technique')
-- Abyss Archive (increased chance of success for 'integrate Force technique' actions)
- Force-based Research Labs (decreased time for related actions)
- Karada Clinic (increased chance of survival for Agents/Abysswalkers
- Archaeological Teams (+1 Lore action, 'archaeological expedition')
- Ciaran's Personal Quarters
- Starfighter complement

Advanced Courier Vessels
- Customized ships for Abyss Watchers High Council, personally designed by Raith Sienar and selectively manufactured by Republic Sienar Systems
- Current vessels in itinerary:
--The Emerald Dream (a.k.a. Obi-Wan's Love Nest) - Luxury Pleasure Cruiser, registered to Ciaran
--The Kell Dragon (a.k.a Padme and Anakin's Romantic Getaway) - Luxury Personal Courier, registered to Ciaran
--The Ship - Large Starfighter, registered to The Silencer
--Forefather's Charm - Corellian YT-1300 light freighter, registered to Silas Cata
--Galvin Thorn - Personal Courier and Mobile Research Outpost, registered to Cheriss Sair
--The Last Word - Mobile Command Center and Personal Courier, registered to Thrawn
--Karrabac - Light War Cruiser, registered to Grievous
--Vectivus - Personal Courier/Starfighter, registered to Asajj Ventress
--Designation: Starship - Large Starfighter, registered to HK-47

Tarkin's Folly
- One-of-a-kind customized 'Vornskr'-class interdictor
- Personally designed by Raith Sienar and built by Republic Sienar Systems
- Quad gravity well projectors powered by dedicated reactor
- Heavy anti-fighter and limited anti-capital weaponry

Sienar Custom Vessels
- Signatory-class "Diplomatic Cruiser" (+5 Diplomacy)
- Sarcophagus-class "Salvage Vessel) (+10 Salvage)
- Vornskr-class Interdictors

- Asteroid Base, space between Corporate and Wyl Sectors, Outer Rim
- Biotech Research facilities (+5 Learning rolls, biotech)

The Home
- Darth Vectivus' base/mansion, MZX32905 asteroid field, Bimmiel System, Outer Rim
- Vectivus' Phantom
- Agent Training Facility
-- Blackguard trainers (increased experience for all Force Users)
- Archaeological Facility
- Jedi Builder Programs
-- Prefab Field Hospitals

The Foundry
- Asteroid base/space station, Nanth'ri asteroid field, Lannik Space, Mid Rim
- Massive Rakatan manufacturing facility

Hyperlane Arrangements
- Abyss Watchers transports & freighters (+5 Intrigue rolls, +5 Stewardship rolls)
- Favorable trade pacts within Council of Neutral Systems ('Favored Nation Neutrals', 5% reduction in Clone Wars income penalty)
- Neutrality arrangements with Republic and CIS ('Restoring the Trade Lanes', 10% reduction in Clone Wars income penalty)
- Favored trading partner of Hutt Council ('Hunt for Rotta', 15% reduction in Clone Wars income penalty)
- Favored trading partner of Trade Federation ('Hey Trade Federation', 15% reduction in Clone Wars income penalty)
- Purchase agreement for Humanitarian supplies from CNS ('War-Ravaged Recovery', 5% reduction in Clone Wars income penalty)
- Trade deals with Baobab Merchant Fleet ('Contact the Baobab Merchant Fleet', 10% reduction in 'Neutrality Acts' income penalty)
- Expanded deals with Baobab Merchant Fleet ('Deepen the Baobab Partnership', 5% reduction in 'Neutrality Acts' income penalty)
- Controlling interest in Hoersch-Kessel Drive ('Mungo Baobab - Mergers & Acquisitions', unlocks CNS production of H-K ships)

Personal Assets
- Lady Ciaran's Lightfoil ('birthday present' from Silas Cata)

- Force Sect datachips (info on minor Force sects, sent by Hego Damask)
- Lava lightstaber crystal (harvested from Crystal Caves of Dantooine)
- Chiss data holocron (mysterious recon report of the Unknown Regions)
- Holocron of Darth Vectivus (recovered from Cata mansion, Alpheridies)
- Instructional Jedi holocrons (found in ruins of Dantooine Jedi Enclave)
- NovaSword Space Superiority Fighter (formerly in the possession of Durge)
- Advanced Codebreaker (developed by Talesan Fry, recovered from Azure)
- Dagger of [REDACTED] (recovered from [CLASSIFIED LOCATION])
- "Moonlight Blade" lightsaber (personally deigned by Ciaran)
- Covert Ops Armor (recovered during Operation 'Justice For All')
- Skirata's 'Backdoor' to Republic Treasury (received after Operation 'Fortune's End')
- Force Crystals (recovered from Tomb of Third Barsen'thor, Crystal Valley, Chandrila)
- Fury-class Imperial Interceptor (recovered from Scraplands, Ord Mantell)
- Blade of Naga Sadow (recovered from Great Massassi Temple, Yavin IV)

Recurring Benefits
Salvage Teams (roll for credits and special events)
- Coruscant
- Nar Shaddaa
- Taris
- Oracle Fleet
- Ord Mantell
- Corellia (x2)
- Mandalore
- Muunilist
- Arkania
- Bespin
- Lorrd
- Mustafar
Dedicated Archaeology Teams (roll for artifacts)
- Dantooine (x2)
- Yavin (x3)
Vianist Pilgrimages, Lorrd (roll to explore archaeological site)
Blackguard Wilders, Mustafar (roll to research Force Sect)
Jerec's Expedition (roll to explore Unknown Regions)
Yularen's Recruitment (roll to subvert Republic military)
Tholme's Recruitment (roll to subvert Jedi knights)
Fulluusub Development, Sullust (roll for random benefits)
Rolling Takeovers, Coruscant (roll 1d3 to expand Undercity territory)
CNS Integration Bureau, Coruscant (multiple rolls to recruit neutral systems)

Available Bonuses:
+5 Learning (R&D)
+5 Learning (Secret Lab)
+5 Learning (Arkanian Legacy Database)
+5 Learning (Arkanian Recruitment Center)
+5 Learning (Drall Recruitment Center)
+5 Learning - Cybernetics (Cybernetics Division)
+5 Learning - Biotech (Asteroid Base Biotech Facilities)
+5 Learning - Engineering (Shard Engineers)
+5 Medical (Anatomical Database)
+5 vs. Mutant enemies
+5 Stewardship (Droid Fleet)
+5 Stewardship (Convenient transports)
+5 Intrigue (Convenient transports)
+5 Intrigue (Droid Fleet)
+5 Intrigue (Wiretaps)
+5 Intrigue (Jedi Sentinel Contacts)
+5 Lore (Dantooine Enclave Dig)
+5 Lore (Hall of Knowledge Records)
+5 Lore (Home Archaeological Facility)
+5 Lore (Lorrd City University Donations)
+5 Diplomacy (Oracle Interior)
+5 Diplomacy (Signatory-class Diplomatic Cruisers)
+5 Diplomacy (Lorrdian Recruitment Center)
+5 Diplomacy - CNS (Satine Kyrze)
+5 Martial (CNS Militia)
+5 Martial (Kalee Simulation Centers)
+5 Martial (Paramilitary Groups)
+5 Martial - CNS (Kalee Military Academy)
+5 Yularen Rolls (Tansarii Point Station Deals)
+10 Yularen Rolls (Obi-Wan and Tholme Assistance)
+15 Tholme Rolls (Obi-Wan and Yularen Assistance)
+10 Blackguard Rolls (Mustafar Blackguard Enclave)
+10 Salvage Rolls (Sarcophagus-class Salvage Vessels)
+10 Salvage Rolls - Taris (Nekghoul Guides)
+10 Archaeology Rolls - Yavin (Probe Droid Supply)
Improved Odds (Martial - Space) (Invisible Hand)
Improved Odds (Martial - Space) (Grand Fleet)
Improved Odds (Intrigue) (Fry's Codebreaker)
Improved Odds (Intrigue) (Gurlanin Agents)
Improved Odds (Lore - Technique Integration) (Abyss Archives)
Reroll (Conscious Fracture Manipulation)
Reroll (Reward for @Dragontrapper)
Reroll (Reward for @Soulful100)
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All right, @Dr. Snark, here's the balance sheet information for the front page. I did itemize income & upkeep 'by category', but you can leave that out if you prefer. All of the details are in the 'Balance Sheets' link.

Treasury: 514
- Balance Sheets maintained by @Stealthy

Income: 16629

Information: 806
Investment: 8838
Karada Corp.: 2039
Silver Cross: 728
Military: 1638
Smuggling: 1295
Salvage: 495
Other: 0
Organization Bonus: 790

Upkeep: -4549
Information: -85
Investment: -1435
Karada Corp.: -248
Silver Cross: -160
Military: -1901
Smuggling: -20
Salvage: -100
Other: -600
Far as walker diplomats, Riphath can do some charity doctoring for social capital. Head up some silver cross mercy mission to help the war torn such and such. Or go heal the diplomat's daughter from Awful Disease. He works decently as a carrot, an ambassador, a "polite and legal" spy with an official cover.

Hell, not having to conceal his identity from a bunch of precognitive telepaths would make it easy compared to his last job.
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Annnnnnd here are the flipped planets this round!
@Dr. Snark, I'm putting the final touches on the new map, and realized I'd forgotten something.

After we did the Metalorn miniturn, ousted Wat Tambor and replaced him with those prisoners we rescued from the Eternal City... did the Techno Union's new leadership decide to leave the CIS and join the CNS?

Alternately, would they be open to joining the CNS? If that's the case, would you be willing to add a roll for Skako to see if we recruit it this turn? I can pretty easily add the results to the map if you do -- Skako is just a single planet.
Need to comment on things.

I've got nothing against him, but would you mind fleshing him out a bit more? As he is, he's just kind of bland in relation to the other Walkers.

Lady Xenthe "Zee" Rixx

I'm just appreciative of the poetry of having a Falleen on staff. +10, viable candidate.

Priam's...... Replacement? (Part 1)

I'm still convinced that giving Priam increasingly human emotions Cannot Possibly Go Wrong given his faceclaim. +10, though it's not quite canon.

I'll just say this: Remember G0-T0? That should explain what I'm going for with him...

Name: Foehammer-class HMP-2 J-479, "Jane"

Yep, we're good now. I'll be nice and give you 2 +10s since you went our of your way to change things.

Anyway, with the oddity of the timing on those I decided to flip a coin to see which of the two would get in first, and it looks like Jane is getting in this round while Zee will be coming in with the next batch.

The Galactic Peace Thing Was Always Just a Bonus​

I complement you and you write omakes. I criticize you and you write omakes. I nix your ideas and you write omakes.

...The first step is a admitting you have a problem, Panory. :V Still have the +10, and this is definitely a conversation the two of them have had at some point.

Well, Alicia Olie remains an option. I don't think you ever said if she passed her test from here.

She did, but I'm saving her formal introduction for the epilogue because her role has...changed. Dramatically.

@Dr. Snark, I'm putting the final touches on the new map, and realized I'd forgotten something.

After we did the Metalorn miniturn, ousted Wat Tambor and replaced him with those prisoners we rescued from the Eternal City... did the Techno Union's new leadership decide to leave the CIS and join the CNS?

Alternately, would they be open to joining the CNS? If that's the case, would you be willing to add a roll for Skako to see if we recruit it this turn? I can pretty easily add the results to the map if you do -- Skako is just a single planet.

No on both counts. While the leadership has changed, Dooku has a very vested interest in keeping the TU in league with the Separatists, and the Eight know it.

Also finally getting around to closing the vote.

Paponoida/IRIS Network: Slow Burn
New Commerce Guild Leader: Priam
Rancor Name: Lord Deathmittens Esquire the Third (aka Mittens)

(I'll probably still do something with the lengthy list of titles for the runner up though, because that's hilarious and deserves to be remembered.)
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I'll just say this: Remember G0-T0? That should explain what I'm going for with him...

To pretend to be the man in front of the man. Or better yet, don't tell anyone Priam is a Droid and Dooku can impress/distract Sidious with the new 'infiltration model' that will keep an eye on the upper ranks of the CNS.
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Yep, we're good now. I'll be nice and give you 2 +10s since you went our of your way to change things.
Out of my way? You call having to fix basic info to match the prompt and setting going out of my way?

First the help over in Konami's Metal Gear quest, now this? Was I your best friend in a past life or something? Or am I just getting exposed to the inexhaustible saintly generosity of Dr. Snark?
Jane is getting in this round
Whelp. Time for a certain commando instructor to start complaining about more Mandalorian Jedi.:V